
新概念精讲第九课公共英语口语学习Lesson 9 l Further notes on one text1.airthe room 给房间通通风:air 有空气的意思,但这里做动词。
常用名词做的动词的词有:aim air act answer back bag bank bike brush buckle bundle bump button cart cream cry cash climb channel cough catch crash crush crank craft count drink dive dish dent deck duck drool dump dunk drive dream email end equal finish figure face fence file finger fetch flank flick flow fish fire gamble glow goof grade gun gulp gap grind group hand hold hit ham hint heel hunt hem help hack ink itch ice inch iron jump joke jam jab jinx jerk kill kick kiss keep knock key knit knife lace line light lick laugh lust long lounge love moan mince master must mope map move mind nag nick neck name nod orbit offer play paint point part party plot plan picture push perm pump prance quiz quest read rack ram reach run roll record round rest rescue rope set sle shock sail shot shout shove sip sack strike stand slump stop st slapsleep turn tag tin tie tan time try throw track trace treat wire whine wall walk whip wrap yawn yell yarn2.makethe bed铺床3.Timis =Tim is climbing the tree.l Expressions: 1.情态动词:情态动词(Model Verbs),又称情态助动词(Model Auxiliaries),表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。

9.The Best Salesman In The World Harry saw an ad in a window. It said: "Wanted. TheBest Salesman in the World. Top Pay.""I'm a great salesman," Harry told himself. "I can sellanything. I'll go in and ask for that job."He went into the building and spoke to the manager."I'm the best salesman in the world," he said. "Give me the job.""You must prove you're the best," the managersaid."I'll pass every test you give me," Harry told him. "Good."The manager took a box of candy out of his desk."Last week, I bought a thousand boxes of this candy. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job." "That's easy," Harry said.He took the box of candy and left the office. Every day and all day, he went from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the candy.He couldn't sell one.The candy was so bad he couldn't even give it away. At the end ofthe week he went back to the manager. "I'm sorry, sir,' he said. "I was wrong about myself. I'm not the best salesman in theworld, but I know who is.""Oh," said the manager. "Who?""The person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy," Harry said.New Words and Expressionsad (advertisement) 广告top pay 优厚报酬job工作manager经理prove证明candy糖果thousand 一千sell卖person 人EXERCISE I1. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d, to the following questions about the story.在a,b,c,d中选出一个最适合本故事的答案。

Writing Travel
advertisemen ts Films
1. Do you…? 2.Do people in your country do…? 3.What type of …do you like? 4.What type of …do you dislike? 5.What do you like about…? 6.What do you dislike about…? 7.What do you like to do +时间? 8.What do you dislike to do +时间? 9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do…? 10.When did you first do …? 11.Did you do…when you were a child? 12.When did you last do …? / Tell me about your last …experience? 13.When and where do you…? 14.Do you like do…alone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think it’s necessary/important for children/schools to
Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?

外套 身材 种类
适合 样式
保守 设计
袖子 时髦
上市 打折 服装
开(票) 收款台 交款
发票 质量
凭 退换 套
茶具 讨价还价 生词
砍(价) 摊主 一模一样
• 1,你常到小摊上买东西吗?为什么? • 2,在什么地方买东西可以讨价还价?你有经 验吗? • 3,在你们国家买东西能不能讨价还价?
• (V)写出(多指内容分项的单据等) • (1)您给我开张发票吧。 • ()你先请大夫开个药房,然后再来拿药。
• (adj)比一般的便宜 • 类似的说法:大减价、打折、半价、大出血、挥泪大 甩卖、跳楼价、买一送一、以旧换新、满一百送五十 (1)给你一张买眼镜的优惠券。 (2)我们可以优惠二十元。 (3)本店优惠三天。
• 再……不过(了) • 表示程度到了极点。是一种特殊形式的比较句。 • (了,肯定已经出现的情况,不表示变化) • 甲:我帮你买火车票。 • 乙:那再好不过了。
• • • • • • (1)这家饭馆的菜贵吗?(便宜) (2)我帮你找个辅导好吗?(好) (3)我给你买的那件衣服怎么样?(合适) (4)那个孩子怎么样?(讨厌、可爱 、聪明) (5)这次考试你觉得容易吗?(容易) (6)你卖的鱼新鲜吗?(新鲜)
选三个学生到教师前面, 向大家推销不同的……, 看谁最成功。
乐学英语演讲教学课件Unit 9

Unit 9 Proverbs
Task 1 Directions: Please read the following quotes and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation!Work out the correspondent Chinese of each in pairs!
Unit 9 Proverbs
Task 3 Directions: Try to write out the equivalent English according to its Chinese meaning.
6. 条条大路通罗马 —A—ll—ro—ad— s le—ad—to—R—om—e.————————————————— 7. 会发光的不都是金子 —A—ll—th— at — glit—te— rs — is n—ot—go—ld—. ——————————————— 8. 人小志大
( A ) 2. A bold attempt is half success.

>>>> PART1(一)基本信息类1. What’s your full name?2. HometownWhere are you from?Can you tell me something about your hometown?Is your hometown suitable for young people to live?Where do you want to live, in big cities or small cities?Do you want to move to other cities when you get old?3. Work or studyAre you studying or working?Why did you choose this major?What are the courses you like and dislike most in the high school? When is the best time for you to study during a day?What do you want to do after graduation?Are there any possible changes could affect your job?Do you miss being a student? (新题)Are you looking forward to working? (新题)4. Study EfficiencyDo you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning? What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?5. AccommodationAre you living in a flat or a house?What kind of place do you live in?What do you like about the rooms in your flat?What are there on the walls of your flat?What scenery can you see from your house? (新题)Would you invite people to your place? (新题)What would you do after you invite people to your place? (新题) 6. CountryWhich city do you come from in your country?(新题)Do you like your country?Do you think if there should be any changes?Where have you been to in your country?(二)人物关系类7. Teachers(旧题回归)Who is your favorite teacher?Do you want to be a teacher?Do you think teacher is a decisive factor of your score? What do you think good teachers should be like?Do you think teacher is important in education?Which teacher do you like in your secondary school?8. Family (新题)How often do you meet with your family?Do you want to live with your family in the future?Are you close to all of your family members?How has your family influenced you?9. Celebrity(新题)Who is your favorite celebrity in China?Do you like any foreign celebrities?Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy? How do celebrities their fans in China?(三)衣食住行类10. Bag (新题)Do you like bags?What styles of bags do you often take?What do you consider when you want to buy a bag? What do you put in your bag?Have you ever lost bag?11. Chocolate (新题)How often do you eat chocolate?What’s your favorite flavor?Is chocolate expensive in China?When was the first time you ate chocolate?Is chocolate popular in China?12. Park or gardenDo you normally go to the park?Who do you often go with?What do people often do in the park?What are the functions of parks and public gardens?13. HatsDo you like to wear hats?What kinds of hats do you have?Where do you buy hats?Is wearing hats popular in your country?14. WeatherDo you like sunny days?What would you like to do in sunny days?How do you feel about the sunny days?What’s the season do you like most?How does the weather influence you life?15. WalkingDo you like walking?Do you think walking is important?Do you prefer to walk in the countryside or in the city?Have you encountered something interesting while you are walking? (新题)16. AdvertisementsWhat advertisements do you like most?Do advertisements influence you about what brand you buy?Will advertisements trigger shopping desires? (新题)What do you think of TV advertisements? (新题)What do you think of online advertisements? (新题)Are there many advertisements in your country? (新题)How do you feel about advertisements? (新题)17. NoiseDo you mind noise?What type of noise do you come across in you daily life?Where can you hear loud noise?Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?18. TransportationWhat’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How often of you takes buses?Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?Would you ride bikes to work in the future?Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?(四)娱乐休闲类19. MusicDo you love listening to music?What kind of music do you love listening to?Where and when do you usually listen to music?Do you play any instrument?20. SingingDo you like to sing?When do you like to sing?Is it difficult to sing well?Do you want to be a singer?21. DancingDo you love dancing?What kind of dance do you like?What kind of dance is popular in China?Who spend more time in dancing? (新题)22. FilmDo you like watching films?What kinds of film do you like watching?How often do you usually go to a movie?Where do you usually watch films, at home or in the cinema?Who is the actor or actress you like most?23. BirthdaysHow do Chinese normally celebrate birthdays?What are the important birthdays for Chinese?What kind of presents will you send to people for their birthdays? Have you ever received any birthday gifts you dislike?Are birthdays more important for young people or elderly people? (新题)24. WeekendsHow do you spend your weekends?Do you work or study at weekends?In a week, which day do you love the most?What did you do last weekends?Do you prefer to stay at home or to go outside? (新题)Why do you prefer to do so? (新题)25. Activity near water(新题)What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?Why do people like water sports?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling on the ocean?Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?26. Outdoor activitiesDo you like outdoor activities?What kinds of outdoor activities do you like?Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities?Do you like extreme sports? (新题)What’s your idea about extreme sports? (新题)27. ColorsWhat's your favorite color?Do you think color is very important?Do you prefer bright colors or dark colors?What's your least favorite color at home?28. FlowersDo you love flowers?What kinds of flowers do you love?Do you like planting flowers?When do Chinese often send flowers?When was the last time you sent flowers?29. GiftsWhat kinds of gifts do you like to receive?Is it important for friends to give each other gifts?Is it easy to choose a gift nowadays?30. PaintingDo you like painting(油画) or drawing?How often do you visit art galleries?Is it easy to learn how to draw?Do you think a person can teach himself or herself how to draw?Do you think young children should learn to paint at school?Why do you think some people buy wall paintings?31. Mobile phonesHow often do you use your mobile phone?Can you describe your mobile phone?Would you buy a new one in the future?Under what occasions should not a person play a mobile phone? (新题) What was your first mobile phone? (新题)32. NewspapersDo you often read newspapers?What kinds of newspaper do you usually read?Do you prefer to read about domestic news or international news?Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?Do you think magazines and newspaper will exist in 50 years?What kind of people would read newspapers more? (新题)33. PhotographyDo you like to take photographs?Do you like to take a selfie?In what situations do you take photographs?Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?34. ComputerHow often do you use the computer?What do you usually use computer for?Who taught you how to use a computer?Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?35. HandicraftHave you participated in some handicraft making?Are handicrafts popular in China?Do you think children should learn more about handicraft?36. Reading booksDo you like reading?What did you read when you were a child?Do you like to read in the morning or in the evening? >>>> PART2(一)People人物类1.Describe a family member who spent the most time with you. You should say:who this person iswhat do you like to do togetherwhen do you normally spend time togetherand why you spend so much time together.2.Describe a creative person, such as an artist or musician, who has influenced you.You should say:who this person is,how you got to know this personwhy you think he or she is creativeand explain how this person has influenced you.3. Describe s omeone you admire who is much older than you.You should say:Who this person isHow you got to know this personWhat kind of person he or she isAnd explain why you admire this person.4. Describe a leader who you admire (in sport, business or politics). You should say:Who this person is,What this person did (has done) that you admireHow you got to know this personAnd explain how this leader’s qualities impressed you.5. Describe a person who moved in with you.You should say:Who the person isWhen he or she moved,Why he or she moved in with youAnd explain how you feel about living with this person.6. Describe a good part of your personality or character.You should say:What it isWhat this part of your personality or character is likeHow it affects your life or workAnd explain why you think it is good.7.S omeone you met recently and would like to know more about. (新题) You should say:Who this person isWhen and where you metWhat you did and talk aboutAnd explain why you would like to know more about this person.8. Describe an animal that you think is interesting有趣的动物(旧题回库)You should say:what it waswhen and where you saw itwhat it was doing when you saw itand explain how you felt about it.9. Describe a wild animal(新题)You should say:What it looks likeWhere you can see itWhat it likes to eat or doAnd explain why you like it.(二)Items 物品类10. Describe a piece of equipment in your home(新题)You should say:What it isHow often you use itWho you usually use it withAnd explain why this item is important to you.11. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others.(新题)You should say:When it happenedWho you gave it toWhat gift you gave to the personAnd explain why you gave this gift to others.12. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)(新题)You should say:What it isWhen you started to become interested in itWhat you have learned from itAnd explain why you have interest in it.13. Describe an interesting photo(新题)You should sayWho took itWho was in the photoWhen the photo was takenAnd explain why it was interesting.14. Describe an item that you received and made you happy. (新题) You should say:When you received itWhat the item wasWho gave you itAnd explain why you felt happy.15.Describe an important object that your family has kept for a long time.You should say:What the object isWhere it came fromHow long it has been in your familyAnd explain why your family has kept it for a long time.16. Describe something you ate for the first time.You should say:What it wasWhen you ate itWhy you ate itAnd explain how you felt about it.(三) Places 地点建筑类17. Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike(新题)You should say:Where it isWhat it is used forWhat it looks likeAnd explain why you like or dislike it.18. Describe a garden you have visited.You should say:Where it wasWhat it looked likeWhat you did thereAnd explain why you liked it.19.Describe a foreign country you would like to work in for a short period of time. (新题)You should say:Where it would be;How you got to know about it;What you would like to do there;And explain why you would like to work in this country.20. Describe a place where you go to relax. (新题)You should say:Where it is;What you usually do there;How often you go there;And explain why it relaxes you.21. Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city. (新题) You should say:Where it is;How often you go there;What people do there;And explain why you think it is important.22. Describe your favorite part in your city. (新题)You should say:What it is calledWhere it isWhen you like to visitAnd explain why it is your favorite.(四) Experiences & Activities 事件经历类23. Describe a time that something made you laugh. (新题)You should say:What made you laughWhere you were when it happenedWho you were withAnd explain why it made you laugh.24. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive(新题)You should say:What it isHow much it usually costsWho you usually do it withAnd explain why you like to do this activity.25. Describe a small business you want to have in the future. (新题) You should say:What it would beWhat you need to prepare for itWhere you would have his business.And explain why you would like to do this business.26. Describe a large company that you are interested in.You should say:What this company iswhat this company doeshow you got to know about itand explain why you are interested in this company.27. Describe a course you would learn if you had time.You should say:What it would beWhat you know about itHow you would learn itAnd explain why you would learn this particular course.28. Describe a time you needed to use imagination. (新题)You should say:What the situation wasWhy you needed to use imaginationWhat the difficulties wereAnd explain how you felt about it.29. Describe a time you were very busy(新题)You should sayWhen it happenedWhere you wereWhat you didAnd explain why you were so busy.30. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time). (新题)You should say:What you didWhen and where you did itWho you did it withAnd explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.31. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something. (新题)You should sayWhen and where it happenedWhat the appointment was forWhat happened when you missed itAnd explain how you felt about the appointment.32. Describe a special meal you had (新题)You should say:where you would like to have it;who you would like to have it with;what you would like to eat;and explain how you would feel about the meal.33. Describe something you did with a group of people. (新题)You should say:what the activity was;when and where you did it;who you were with;and explain how you felt about being part of this group.34. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do (新题)You should sayWhat it isWhere you like to do itHow you do itAnd explain why you like to do it.35. Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike. (新题)You should say:where you would like to go;how you would like to go there;who you would like to go with;and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.36. Describe a difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end. (新题)You should say:When you made the decisionWhat the decision wasWho was with youAnd explain why you had a deep impression on this decision.37. Describe an interesting tradition in China.You should say:What it isWhat people often doWhy people do thatAnd explain why you this it is interesting.38. Describe a method that helps you save money.You should say:What it isWhen you started to use itHow often you do itAnd explain why it is helpful.39. Describe a positive change in your family.You should say:What the change wasWhen and where this change happenedWhat caused this changeAnd explain how you have benefited from this change.40. Describe a mistake you once made.You should say:When and where it happenedWhy you made the mistakeHow it affected youAnd explain what you learnt from the mistake.41. Describe an activity you do to keep fit.You should sayWhat the activity isWhen and where you usually do itHow you do itAnd explain why it can keep you fit.42. Describe a time you got up extremely early.You should say:When it wasWhat time you got upWhy you got up earlyAnd explain how you felt when you got up.43. Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child. You should say:What the skill wasWho you learn it fromHow you learnt itAnd explain why you think it was useful.44. Describe a piece of good news you received.You should say:What the news was about.When you got this newsWhere you got this news fromAnd explain why you think it was a good piece of news.45. Describe a short trip you dislike.You should say:Where you wentHow you got thereWhen and why you went thereAnd explain why you disliked this trip.46. Describe a wedding you attended.You should say:When it wasWho got married,What happened at the weddingAnd explain how you felt about it.47. Describe a situation that made you a little angry.You should say:What it wasWhen this happenedWhy you were angryAnd explain how you handle this situation.48. Describe a time you shared something with others, such as public transport, accommodation, and food.You should say:What it wasWho you shared it withWhy you shared it with othersAnd explain how you felt about sharing.49. Describe an extracurricular activity you did in school.You should say:What the activity wasWho you did withWhen and where you did itAnd explain how you felt about it.(五) Media & Others媒体娱乐类50. Describe your favorite movie(新题)You should say:when and where you saw itWhat type of film it wasWhat the film was aboutAnd explain why it is your favorite film.51. Describe an interesting song. (新题)You should say:What kind of song it isHow you found itWhat it is aboutAnd explain why it is interesting to you.52. Describe an advertisement you have seen recently. (新题) You should say:When and where you saw itWhat was advertisedWhat the contents of the advertisements wereAnd explain how you felt about it.53. Describe an APP that you think is very useful.You should say:What the APP isHow long you’ve used itWhat it is used forAnd explain why you think it is useful.54. Describe a website you like to visit(新题)You should say:When you found itWhat it is aboutHow often you visit itAnd explain why you like this website.。

雅思强化口语精讲班第10讲讲义A person in history历史人物A person in history谈论这个卡片的时候要注意中外文化的差距。
Part twoDescribe a person in history in your country.Who this person wasWhat he/she didHow he/she influenced Chinese history.I’d like to talk about the first female emperor in Chinese history. She was Wu Zetian. She was born of a royal family during the Tang Dynasty. She entered Emperor Taizong's harem when she was 13 and that of the successive emperor Gaozong after. She was a master of manipulation and she persuaded the emperor to declare her one rank below the empress consort. Eventually, the Emperor married Wu. When Gaozong suffered a stroke five years later, Wu governed behind the scenes. She created a secret police force to spy on her opposition, jailing or killing those who stood in her way. After Gaozong’s death she reigned through puppet emperors, her sons Zhongzong and Ruizong. She finally proclaimed herself Emperor, the first woman to do so. She died shortly after. Despite her ruthless climb to power, her rule was benign. Wu reduced the size of the standing army, and replaced aristocrats in the government with scholars. She was fair to the peasantry, lowering taxes, raising agricultural production, and strengthening public works. Wu also campaigned to elevate the status of women and had scholars write biographies of famous women. She was considered to be the first one in Chinese history to try to improve the social status of women.Part threeIs it important to learn history?Absolutely. History is essential to us as we will learn some lessons from the events in the past and avoid making the same mistakes again in the future.Do you think children should learn the history of their own country or that of other countries?I guess children should learn both national and international history. Once they have learned the history of their country, they are going to be proud of the long tradition.What’s the importance of knowing the family history?I really don’t know much about my family history. I just heard from my grandfather that his grandfather came from another province, and they moved to the present place about a hundred years ago.Where did you get information about your family history?Most of time, I heard the stories from my grandparents. They told me about their past events.What do you think about forgetting history?I think it’s unforgivable. Everyone should remember their history. It is the root of a nation. Without it, people have got no roots.What do you think of recording history with computer photos and other things?Well, it’s a good way as well, but the only problem is that photos are going to be lost if there issomething wrong with the computer system. Printed photos are better choices.A leader you admire你所崇拜的领导人A leader you admire在谈论这张卡片的时候一定要注意。

QQ:雅思强化口语精讲班第5讲讲义TransportExercise 9: WeekendInterviewer: Is weekend important to people?Candidate: Definitely. Weekend is the time for people to have relaxation and enjoy their free time with their friends or family.Interviewer: Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?Candidate: I believe so. If people work on weekends, they can’t stay with their family. They deserve higher pay.Interviewer: Which day do you like more, Saturdays or Sundays?Candidate: Like most people, I prefer Saturdays because on that day, I don’t have to get up early. I also stay up late Saturday night and I have another day free.Interviewer: What do you often do on that day?Candidate: I surf the internet for some news and then I will go to gym to do weight training.Sometimes, I have meals with my friends.Interviewer: Do you think that people will spend more money on weekends?Candidate: I guess so. People spend money shopping on weekends, buying daily necessities.Young people visit their parents and they spend money buying fruit or some nutritional products for their elders.Exercise 12: TransportWhat transports are there in your city?Which is your favorite?What do you think of your city's transportation system?Do you think your city's transportation system is being developed?参考答案Interviewer: What transports are there in your city?Candidate: People in my city go to work or travel by bus, taxi or city train. The most popular one is motorcycles. People cannot ride bikes as my city is hilly and the roads are bumpy.Interviewer: Which is your favorite?Candidate: I prefer to take the city train as it is clean and you don’t worry about traffic jams.Interviewer: What do you think of your city's transportation system?Candidate: Well, it has improved a lot in the past years, and the city council has invested money on the road construction. The road conditions are much better.ApartmentExercise 17: ApartmentCandidate: What kind of place do you live in? Which room is your favorite? Interviewer: I live in a large flat, and my home is on the top floor. There are 4 bedrooms, a living room, 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. Candidate: My favorite room is my bedroom. I like the decoration in it. I chose the curtains by myself. Do you like your living environment? Sure. There is a garden for people to do exercises or take a walk. There are some bamboos in the garden. Besides, we also have sports facilities in the community, where people do exercises in the morning or afternoon. Is it good or bad for children? It’s good for children. They are a lot of teenagers in our community. It’s easy for them to find peers to play with. Is there anything for improvement? Well, the only thing for improvement is the parking lot. It’s really difficult to find a parking place in mycommunity. The roads are narrow.Interviewer: What kind of place do you want to have in the future?Candidate: I’d like to own a garden and plant some trees and flowers in it. I like to be near the lake.Interviewer: What kind of living place is popular in China?Candidate: Most Chinese people live in flats, and they have 2 or 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen.FriendExercise 18: FriendDo you like to be with yourself or your friends?Do you have many friends?What do your friends think of you?Do you think that your friends are important to you?What do you do with your friends?What kind of people do you like?How can you keep in touch with your friends if you don’t see them regularly?When do you make friends?参考答案Candidate: Do you like to be with yourself or your friends?Interviewer: I always go out with my friends. I am afraid of loneliness. I need company.Candidate: Do you have many friends?Interviewer: I have many friends and we often chat and sing karaoke on weekends.Candidate: What do your friends think of you?QQ:ÓÉ Foxit Reader ±à¼-°æȨËùÓÐ (C) Foxit Software Company,2005-2006½öÓÃÓÚÆÀ¹À¡£Interviewer: They say that I am frank, and they like me because I am not selfish.Candidate: Do you think that your friends are important to you?Interviewer: I share my happiness and sadness with them. When I am in trouble, they always help me.Candidate: What do you do with your friends?Interviewer: I go out with my friends nearly every week. We go to restaurants or go fishing in thecountryside.Candidate: What kind of people do you like?Interviewer: I want my friends to be energetic and active. We can enjoy hobbies together. I also like friendswho are generous and humorous.Candidate: How can you keep in touch with your friends if you don’t see them regularly?Interviewer: I will send emails or short messages to them. When they celebrate birthdays, I will give themgifts.Candidate: When do you make friends?Interviewer: It takes a long time to get to know a true friend. We must experience something and then ouriendship will be stronger. I make friends with my classmates. frQQ:ÓÉ Foxit Reader ±à¼-°æȨËùÓÐ (C) Foxit Software Company,2005-2006½öÓÃÓÚÆÀ¹À¡£。

Part 1 Games1.What games are popular in your country?•I've seen kids playing marbles. Tug of war is also popular, which is a game that directly puts two teams against each other in a test ofstrength. Back to my childhood, Hopscotch, was my favorite game.2.Do you play any games in your country?•I like playing competitive games. Real life is a competitive experience & it’s not right to pull the wool over children’s eyes and make themthink that they’ll never have to compete with anyone. The idea that‘everyone’s a winner’ is rather naive.3.How do people learn to play games in your country?•Games were quite simple decades ago. One huge difference in modern times is that we now have thousands of complicated computer gamesto choose from. It’s pretty easy to find breakthroughs on the internet.4.Do you think it’s important for people to play games?•Games and sports are very important. We can relieve the stress and exercise the body. We learn about good sportsmanship and improvehand-eye coordination through physical sports.地理位置• A £2 bus ride from the city center hotel will drop you to this street market. It is so tucked away and so well hidden that despite its verycentral location I sometimes even forget it exists.商品种类•If you are looking for clothes or accessories, then this might be your place.•Don't take your wallet unless you are prepared to buy something, as you will surely get tempted!•It would be criminal not to give this place 5 stars. All the different little stalls specializing in everything you can think of.•This place is much bigger than it seems from the front.•It might be good to wander around a bit and look at the choices before you settle on what you want to buy.•The massive range of snack bars, cafes and stalls will keep you occupied for hours.喜爱缘由•When I first ventured into this market, I wandered around with myjaw hanging open.•It’s a shopper’s heaven. I go there every Wednesday. That's when they have their 10% discount. I can get some very famous designersuits, shirts, sweaters, and pants.•This place has such a charm - less crowded, it’s a gem in the centre of London.•There is a very good range of shops to suit most budgets.•It’s a lovely shopping mall with a wide range of selection, from high end to bargain. Everything you could ever need under one roof!•I'm not a shopaholic like some, but if I were, New Oriental Market is what I would consider to be a shopping nirvana.• I have never been so impressed with the staff in my life. They are not snooty and even encouraged me to try things on.Part 31.Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets thatsell things like food or clothes or old objects?•People like to wander around side-street stalls and open-air flea markets. Clothes are competitively priced and fashionable. It catersfor the needs of people, they can bargain at ease.2.What do you think are the advantages of buying things fromshops rather than markets?•customer service in shops was better•shops offer the convenience of shopping hours, which extend far into the evening•children can be left in a play area whilst the parents do their shopping3.Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live haveaffected general shopping habits?•there’s a growing trend towards shopping online (physically goi ng into a store)•Besides, the supermarkets and convenience stores stayed open for longer and longer hours to meet the needs of white-collar.三、剑9 test 2口语话题Part 1 Gifts1.When do people give gifts or presents in your country?•Chinese people give gifts on many festivals and there are some hard-and-fast rules to gift giving in China. For example, under nocircumstances give a clock or a watch as a gift because it symbolizesthe end of your life, and you may cause offence.2.Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home?•It’s not necessary, but it’s always thoughtful to do so. People think it’s a nice gesture if you bring a small gift when visiting someone’shousehold. It shows you appreciate being invited and that you want torepay the favour.3.When did you last receive a gift?•My girlfriend gave me a watch a few weeks ago because she thought I’d like it. It’s not pricey, but the thought counts even more. I wasvery touched by her thoughtfulness.4.Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?•No. It can be pretty tricky trying to find the perfect gift, especially if the recipient is already well-off. I don’t have enough time to get cluesby guessing what they’d like based on their hobbies. Also, I’m rathertight-fisted when it comes to money.事件缘由•My father gave me an early birthday gift---tickets of the concert of ___________.•I like ____ very much and this was a once in a blue moon chance for me.事件过程•…………..were all along with … on that tour and performed on the stage.•The stadium was totally full, left no one seat empty. 20,000 people at the very best were on the pitch, 70,000 in total more likely.•As soon as …came out, all the girls started rushing up towards the stage. I was almost trampled.•He played a song with his heart which was written by himself. I was blown away by this song, and it was the highlight of the night for me.•He played over his time limit, had lots of contact with the audience, and played 3 curtain call songs.•It was amazing!Part 31.Why do you think some people like doing new things?•Trying new things would involve high risk.•like to face new challenges rather than following a routine.•They are, by nature, adventurous people.2.Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with otherpeople?•I’m scared of trying new things on my own•Having friends tag along with me… sense of security.•When I do new things without any company, I may make a complete fool out of myself.3.Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in thesame way?•Young children are natural learners and are naturally motivated to learn about new things.•Adults learn new things from relevant experiences already in place.They fit the new thing into their existing skills.。

BEC高级精讲班第9讲讲义Home work reviewHomework 1A proposal on improvement of company’s websiteIntroductionWith E-business expanding rapidly, company websites become more and more important. However, our company’s website does not show us to the best advantage. We need to improve it.Situations of our current websiteGenerally speaking, most aspects of our current website are successful as follows:n Our current website is designed beautifully and eye-catching.n All products of our company have been listed on the website and can be dealt with through our website.n The introduction of our company is written perfectly, which can make our customers well realize our corporate history and culture.However, there are also some weaknesses involved in our website.n The specifications and functions of our products are not elaborated sufficiently.n The layout of our website is something messed, which inconveniences our customers finding their intended products.n There is no room for our customers to discuss our products and give feedback to us.New services and informationSome new services and information should be provided so as to strengthen our website. For example,n A search engine will be added to the website.n All products will be given detailed and attractive descriptions.n A new unit, a forum, will be created to facilitate our customers to give comments on our products and contact us.BenefitsWith the above improvements, the customers can find needed products conveniently and quickly. Moreover, they can acquire details of all products and place orders duly. In addition, we can realize the customers’ requirements and improve our products timely and efficiently to maintain and develop our market shares.ConclusionsA perfect website can help us obtain unexpected success, such as reducing our cost and attracting more customers. More importantly, we can get the support from our customers. Therefore, improvements are necessary.RecommendationsWe had better cooperate with experts in website to improve ours. At the same time, each department should participate and collaborate actively. Furthermore, the language used on thewebsite should be concise and exact.Li QingrongManagement DepartmentHomework 2Proposal on Improvement of the websiteIntroductionThis proposal aims to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current website and recommend an improvement plan and elaborate the benefits it will bring.Existing websiteAs a renowned multinational, our company has a beautiful website with a great deal of graphs and pictures. The framework of the website is reasonably designed and it includes almost all necessary aspects.By contrast, the content of the site is not that satisfactory at all. There is only a brief introduction of our company on it without any updated information. Besides, the security of the website also deserves improvement.Improvements to be madeIt has been proved that websites with abundant information and services get more page hits than those which are appearance-oriented. Consequently, the content of the website should be enriched via adding latest news or stories of our company.The security system of the website also needs optimizing so that it can operate normally when suffering virus attack.BenefitsAfter increasing the content of our website, our customers can know more about the company and keep abreast with the latest events. That will definitely enhance their loyalty to our company and will enlarge our customer base at the same time.A more secure system can ensure the safety of the database of the server and also prevent hostile hacking efficiently.ConclusionOur existing website has some defects and need improvement urgently. Appropriate improvements will bring considerable benefits to our company.RecommendationIt is strongly recommended that the content of the website be increased and the security system be optimized.Homework 3Report on improving our websiteThe proposal aims to raise some issues about our website and provide some recommendations to improve it.SituationsThe website of our company was set up in 2000. It has been running for five years. The website showed how our company runs, our mission statement and our structure, to name but a few. It also has a BBS and manager box which improve communications between staff and top leaders effectively. But the homepage of the website needs updating and cannot reflect our company’s status quo and the development we are making.More informationIn response to the expansion of our company, adding some new information is necessary, such as adding updated news, setting up new database centre, renewal of the web into a more customer-friendly way. A self-service system for customers is also a good idea to improve our customer relationships. The new website should be a centre of company information, and every employee can hear the voice from top leaders through the web. It must be a learning centre from which staff can download the newest technologies and skills to learn. Since our products enter Spain and Japan markets and sales rose dramatically, the Spanish and Japanese versions are also needed.ConclusionsThe improvement of our website will give both company and staff stronger backup, and raise the productivity. The multi-language versions website will be more effective for our imagination and provide stronger after-sales service for our foreign markets.RecommendationsIt is suggested that the website should be rebuilt as soon as possible. We should hire a professional team to achieve the end.其他观点online service, mailbox for complaintsu 请听一段报纸介绍德国汽车厂商如何通过建立儿童网站获取客户源的报道2.Report On Changes in the sales of product in Japan, Indonesia and France during the period June 1994 to January 1997In June 1994, Japanese sales were $20,000. They fell sharply for twelve months to no sales at all in June 1995, when a new marketing strategy was introduced. Sales rocketed to $90,000 by late 1996.Indonesian sales, in June 1994, were $50,000, and rose steadily to $70,000 in June 1995. Sales dropped slightly to $60,000 in early 1996, but rose again almost to $70,000 by June 1995. Sales dropped slightly to $60,000 in early 1996, but rose once more to $70,000 in January 1997.In June 1994, sales in France were $50,000, but they plunged to $10,000 in January 1996, and varied slightly around $10,000 to January 1997.The new marketing strategy introduced in June 1995 apparently worked well only in Japan.V ocabularystudyII. V ocabulary Study(1) learning words --- 缺少lack noun [singular, uncountable] when there is not enough of something, or none of itᅳsynonym shortagelack ofnew parents suffering from lack of sleepToo many teachers are treated with a lack of respect.comments based on a total lack of informationDoes their apparent lack of progress mean they are not doing their job properly?tours that are cancelled for lack of bookingsThere was no lack of willing helpers.lack verb1 [transitive] to not have something that you need, or not have enough of itAlex's real problem is that he lacks confidence.lacking adjective [not before noun]1 not having enough of something or any of itlacking inHe was lacking in confidence.She seems to be entirely lacking in intelligence.The new designs have all been found lacking in some important way.2 if something that you need or want is lacking, it does not existFinancial backing for the project is still lacking.These qualities are sadly lacking today.Whatmotivesstaff?III. What motivates staff?motivate verb [transitive]1 to be the reason why someone does something促使, 驱使ᅳ同义词driveWould you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power? 你的意思是说他完全只被追逐权利的愿望驱使着吗?motivate somebody to do somethingWe may never know what motivated him to kill his wife. 是什么驱使他杀了他的妻子, 我们对此不得而知.2 to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do this 激励A good teacher has to be able to motivate her students. 一个好教师应该是有能力激励她的学生. motivate somebody to do somethingThe profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.这个利润分享计划就是要激励员工勤奋地工作。

Holiday VocabularyPart 1-style questionsExaminer: What kind of holiday do you like?Miguel: I try to avoid tourist traps… I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track… last year I had the holiday of a lifetime… a two week wildlife safari in Kenya.Examiner: What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?Anna: I enjoy visiting the local places of interest… I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photographs … one of my hobbies.Examiner: Do you have many tourists in your country?Amy: Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with tourists … most people c ome on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self-catering apartments.Part 2-style taskDescribe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say:•when you went to this place•where it was•who you went withand say why you liked it so much.Sally: A few years ago I went on a long weekend to the Lake District in the UK … it’s a very popular holiday destination in the north of England … I went on my own and had a wonderful time … I stayed in a youth hostel and met some really nice people … but the most memorable thing about the holiday were the breathtaking views… and lovely picturesque villages… it can get very busy with hordes of tourists so I decided to go out of season in the autumn … the weather was fantastic and the shops were full of local crafts… a really great holiday … it’s certainly not thekind of short break for someone looking for a busy nightlife but if you want to relax in the middle of stunning landscape I would certainly recommend a holiday to the Lake District.Part 3-style questionsExaminer: What do you think has led to the growth in the tourist industry? Miguel: It’s much easier and affordable to travel now … nowadays you can get cheap charter-flights or all-in packages… to somewhere near or to a far-off destination.Examiner: How do people tend to choose a destination?Anna: The Internet is a great source of information and high street travel agents are still very popular … that’s where I like to go to get holiday brochures for the place I’m interested in.Examiner: People sometimes say flying is the most glamorous form of travel. Do you agree?Amy: I’m not so sure really … flying can be quite boring … queuing up atthe check-in desk… going through passport control… sitting for ages inthe departure lounge… then the flight itself can be quite uncomfortable … no … I’m not sure I agree.Definitions•all-in package/package holiday: a holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation together•breathtaking view: an extremely beautiful view•charter-flight: a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight•check-in desk: the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage•departure lounge: where you wait for your flight to be called•far-off destination: somewhere a long way away•to get away from it all: to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle•guided tour: an organised group shown around a place of interest by an expert•holiday brochure: a glossy publication with details of holiday packages•holiday destination: where you go for a holiday•holiday of a lifetime: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat•holiday resort: a place where lots of people go for a holiday•hordes of tourists: crowds of tourists•local crafts: objects produced locally•long weekend: an extended weekend holiday including Friday or Monday•out of season: outside of the main holiday period•picturesque village: very pretty village•passport control: the place where your passport is checked•places of interest: sites of interest to tourists•wildlife safari: a holiday, often in Africa, to observe wild animals•self-catering: a holiday where you supply your own food•short break: a short holiday•to go sightseeing: to look around the tourist sites•stunning landscape: extremely beautiful countryside•travel agent: a shop that specialises in booking holidays•tourist trap: somewhere where too many tourists go•youth hostel: a cheap form of accommodationRelationships VocabularyPart 1-style questionsExaminer: Do you see your friends very often?Louisa: Yes … we meet up most weekends … we all get on really well and have a lot in common so we’re always happy doing the same things and going to the same places.Examiner: What do you like about your close friends?Anna: I think we enjoy each ot her’s company… we see eye-to-eye on most things so we rarely fall out with each other.Examiner: Have you known each other long?Amy: Most of them yes … although my closest friend Carrie … we struck up arelationship at college and got on like a house on fire… but yes … my other friendships go back years to when we were at school.Part 2-style taskDescribe a person you are very close to. You should say:•who this person is•when you met them•where you met themand say what it is about them you like so much.Reiko: I’d like to talk about my boyfriend … Jose … we got to know each other at University almost 4 years ago … we were in the same department … initially we were just good friends and used to go out in a group with our other friends … when Jose went back to Spain for the holidays we would keep in touch with each other … then one year he invited me to come to Spain with him … and that’s when we fell for each other I think … so you couldn’t really say it was love at first sight as it had been over a ye ar since we’d met … but we really hit it off and by the time we got back to university in September we were able to tell all our friends that we were in a relationship… what do I like about Jose … well he’s very kind … very funny … and very supportive … and we’re really well matched in our interests … hehasn’t popped the question yet though … we’ve talked about getting married and I think we’re both ready to settle down and have children … we’ll just have to wait and see …Part 3-style questionsExaminer: Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?Cristine: Yes … it certainly is in my country … I think the problem for some people is a lack of commitment … all relationships have their ups and downs…. but some people prefer to break up rather than working at the relationship.Examiner: What do you think is the ideal time to get married?Terry: Personally … I think you should wait until you’ve found yourself first …decided if you want a career … perhaps do some travelling … you should do this before tying the knot… although if you fall head over heels in love plans like these can easily be forgotten.Examiner: Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?Maria: Absolutely … it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love… but I think both partners should try not to lose touch with their friends … that’s the best way to have a healthy relationship with your partner.Definitions•to break up: to end a romantic relationship•to drift apart: to become less close to someone•to enjoy someone’s company: to like spending time with someone•to fall for: to fall in love•to fall head over heels in love: to start to love someone a lot•to fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friends•to get on like a house on fire: to like someone’s company very much indeed•to get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar interests•to get to know: to begin to know someone•to go back years: to have known someone for a long time•to have a lot in common: to share similar interests•to have ups and downs: to have good and bad times• a healthy relationship: a good, positive relationship•to hit it off: to quickly become good friends with•to be in a relationship: to be romantically involved with someone•to be just good friends: to not be romantically involved•to keep in touch with: to keep in contact with•to lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone any longer•love at first sight: to fall in love immediately you meet someone•to pop the question: to ask someone to marry you•to see eye to eye: to agree on a subject•to settle down: to give up the single life and start a family•to strike up a relationship: to begin a friendship•to tie the knot: to get married•to be well matched: to be similar to•to work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone Technology VocabularyPart 1-style questionsExaminer: Do you enjoy using technology?Stephan: Well … I wouldn’t call myself a techie or a computer buff but I enjoy using computers … I’d like to find out more about how they work … whenmy computer crashes I never know what to do.Examiner: Do you use the Internet for your studies?Sophie: Yes … I’d be lost without it … I do lots of video conferencing to practise speaking and social media like Facebook is a good way to meet up with other students … and I download podcasts that teach English vocabulary and grammar.Examiner: Do you have your own computer?Tania: Yes … I have a Macbook Pro … I use it all the time … for word processing…browsing websites and catching up with TV programmes I’ve missed.Part 2-style taskDescribe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:•what the technology is•when you got it•how often you use itand say how different your daily life would be without it.Mattie: I don’t have many gadgets... just a computer ... a laptop and my mobile phone ... but I’ll talk about my computer as it’s so useful ... it’s funny really (2)years ago I was still learning to use computers … how to use email …send attachments how to access websites… then I decided to do a digital editing course for video and photography … and so I bought the laptop when I started thecourse … my husband had a desktop PC but it was very slow so I decided to upgrade to a powerfu l one because we do a lot of video editing on the course … it’s a high-spec laptop … very fast … the latest operating system… it boots up really quickly and it’s fun to use so it makes working a pleasure … I’ve become a competent computer user now … if I didn’t have it I daresay I’d have to spend more time at college using their computers … but on the positive side I suppose I’d read a lot more if I didn’t have it … I probably waste a lot of time surfing the web… but hopefully I won’t have to be without it …Part 3-style questionsExaminer: What do you think are the important things people need to learn when they start using computers?Alejandro: Well … there are things like how to use the Internet … how to enter a web address… how to navigate websites… that kind of thing but it’s also important to know how to back up your files in case your computer crashes … and all about Internet security.Examiner: What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?Faydene: In my lifetime it has to be the Internet of course but I also think wifi has made a huge difference to how we interact with the Internet …wireless networks at home and public wifi hotspots mean we can go online easily …access our mail… log into our work intranet and basically be connected wherever we are.Examiner: Do computers make it much easier to study?Jane: Definitely yes … researching information is much easier with the Internet .. you can bookmark webpages for future reference and writing essays is much easier … being able to cut and paste sections of text means you can experiment with organisation … so yes … compared to years ago when you had a pile of books on your desk and a pen and paper … it’s now much easier.Definitions•to access websites/email: to locate•to back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem•to boot up: to start a computer•t o bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future reference•to browse websites: to look at websites• a computer buff: an expert computer user•to crash: to suddenly stop working•to cut and paste: to move text or images from one place in a document to another place • a desktop PC: a computer that isn’t portable and remains in situ on a desk•digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or video files•download (podcasts): to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device•to enter a web address: to type the address of a website into the address bar of your browser• a gadget: a technological tool like a mobile phone or camera•to go online: to start using the Internet•high-spec (laptop): powerful computer with top quality components•Internet security: Internet safety•intranet: a network of connected computers within an organisation that is not accessible by unauthorised visitors•to navigate a website: to find your way around a website•operating system: the software that tells the computer how to work•send an attachment: send an email with an accompanying file•social media: media used to interact with other people such as Facebook or Twitter •to surf the web: to look at a series of websites one after the other• a techie: somebody who has an interest in technology•to upgrade: to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich computer or piece of software •video conferencing: to see and hear people from different locations using the Internet •wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access the Internet•wireless network: a network where users can access the Internet without the use of fixed cables•word processing; producing written texts on a computer。

高教版公共英语3级精讲班讲义9公共英语3级精讲班第9讲讲义MonologueMonologue 1:Language points:1.2004 TUC launched “Work Your Proper Hours Day” where workers were encouraged to take thelunch breaks they usually work through and leave for home at their contracted time.2004年英国劳工联合会提出“合理工作时间”这一号召。
1)TUC: Trades Union Congress 英国劳工联合会2)Work Your Proper Hours Day:英国劳工联合会提倡的“合理工作时间”3)Contracted time:合同约定的时间2. Friday February 25 is the day in 2005 when the TUC estimates that people who do unpaid overtime will stop working for free and start to get paid.2005年2月25日是英国劳工联合会估计没有报酬加班的人们应该停止加班并开始得到报酬的日子。
unpaid overtime 没有报酬的加班工作3. The TUC is urging people who do unpaid overtime to “work your proper hours” on that day, takinga proper lunch-break , and arriving and leaving wok on time.英国劳工联合会激励没报酬加班的人们在那天“合理工作”,进行合理的午休,按时上下班。

www.zhan.co雅思考试口语讲义口语三部分1.introduction2.individual long turn3.two-way discussionspeaking interviewexaminer / interviewercandidate考前身份确认阶段问题Good morning.Come in and take a seat.Can you tell me your full name, please?What shall I call you?Can I see your identification please?Can you tell me where you are from?口语评分标准IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors 评分标准Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammaticalrange andaccuracyPronunciation9 ●speaks fluently withonly rare repetition orself-correction; anyhesitation iscontent-related ratherthan to find words orgrammar●speaks coherentlywith fully appropriatecohesive features●develops topics fullyand appropriately ●usesvocabulary withfull flexibility andprecision in alltopics●uses idiomaticlanguagenaturally andaccurately●uses a fullrange ofstructuresnaturally andappropriately●producesconsistentlyaccuratestructures apartfrom ‘slips’characteristic ofnative speakerspeech8 ●speaks fluently withonly occasionalrepetition orself-correction;hesitation is usuallycontent-related and ●uses a widevocabularyresource readilyand flexibly toconvey precisemeaning●uses a widerange ofstructures flexibly●produces amajority oferror-free●is easy tounderstandthroughout,with L1 accenthavingminimal effectonly rarely to search for language●develops topics coherently and appropriately ●uses lesscommon andidiomaticvocabularyskillfully withoccasionalinaccuracies●usesparaphraseeffectively asrequiredsentences withonly veryoccasionalinappropriacies orbasic/non-systematic errorsonintelligibility●uses a widerange ofphonologicalfeatures toconveymeaningeffectively7 ●speaks at lengthwithout noticeableeffort or loss ofcoherence●uses a range ofconnectives anddiscourse markers withsome flexibility●may demonstratelanguage-relatedhesitation at times, orsome repetition and/orself-correction ●usesvocabularyresource flexiblyto discuss avariety of topics●uses some lesscommon andidiomaticvocabulary andshows someawareness ofstyle andcollocation withsomeinappropriatechoices●usesparaphraseeffectively●uses a range ofcomplexstructures withsome flexibility●frequentlyproduceserror-freesentences,though somegrammaticalmistakes persist6 ●is willing to speak atlength, though maylose coherence attimes due to occasionalrepetition,self-correction orhesitation●uses a range ofconnectives anddiscourse markers butnot alwaysappropriately ●has a wideenoughvocabulary todiscuss topics atlength and makemeaning clear inspite ofinappropriacies●generallyparaphrasessuccessfully●uses a mix ofsimple andcomplexstructures, butwith limitedflexibility●may makefrequent mistakeswith complexstructures,though theserarely causecomprehensionproblems●can beunderstoodthroughout,thoughmispronunciation mayoccasionallycausemomentarystrain for thelistener5 ●usually maintainsflow of speech but usesrepetition,self-correction and/orslow speech to keepgoing●may over-use certainconnectives anddiscourse markers●produces simplespeech fluently, butmore complexcommunication causesfluency problems ●manages totalk aboutfamiliar andunfamiliar topicsbut usesvocabulary withlimited flexibility●attempts touse paraphrasebut with mixedsuccess●produces basicsentence formswith reasonableaccuracy●uses a limitedrange of morecomplexstructures, butthese usuallycontain errorsand may causesomecomprehensionproblems4 ●cannot respondwithout noticeablepauses and may speakslowly, with frequentrepetition andself-correction●links basic sentencesbut with repetitioususe of simpleconnectives and somebreakdowns incoherence ●is able to talkabout familiartopics but canonly convey basicmeaning onunfamiliar topicsand makesfrequent errors inword choice●rarelyattemptsparaphrase●produces basicsentence formsand some correctsimple sentencesbut subordinatestructures arerare●errors arefrequent and maylead tomisunderstanding●producessomeacceptablefeatures ofEnglishpronunciationbut overallcontrol islimited andthere can besevere strainfor thelistener3 ●speaks with longpauses●has limited ability tolink simple sentences●gives only simpleresponses and isfrequently unable toconvey basic message ●uses simplevocabulary toconvey personalinformation●has insufficientvocabulary forless familiartopics●attempts basicsentence formsbut with limitedsuccess, or relieson apparentlymemorizedutterances●makesnumerous errorsexcept inmemorizedexpressions2 ●pauses lengthilybefore most words●little communicationpossible ●only producesisolated words ormemorizedutterances●cannot producebasic sentenceforms●speech isoftenunintelligible1 no communication possible; no rateable language第一部分样题考官的评语录像中5、6、7分标准的描述如“less common”、“awareness”都可以去前面的评分标准中对应的格中找到。

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相信自己有能力通过考试,遇到困难时积极寻求解决方法,不轻易 放弃。
01 个人信息类
包括家庭、工作、学习和日常生 活等话题。
02 社会话题类
涉及环境、科技、教育、文化、 全球化等社会热点问题。
03 抽象话题类
如成功、幸福、领导力、团队合 作等抽象概念或品质。
针对以上话题范围,考生可以提 前准备相关词汇和表达,通过模 拟练习提高应对能力。同时,注 意培养自己的思维深度和广度, 以便在考试中能够更深入地探讨 问题。
2024届高考英语复习:广东省高考英语口语听说测试全方位训练Unit 9课件(18张ppt+18音频

2024届高考英语复习:广东省高考英语口语听说测试全方位训练Unit 9课件(18张ppt+18音频)(共26张PPT)Unit 9Sports MeetingWhat’s your favorite sport你最喜欢的运动是什么?Who will race against him in the next round下一轮谁和他比赛?Which city is going to hold the next Olympic Games哪个城市将举办下一届奥运会?What was the most successful thing in the Olympic Games奥运会最成功的一点是什么?Did you go to the stadium to watch the game last night昨天晚上你去体育场看比赛了吗?Useful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsLet’s cheer for them.让我们为他们加油吧!Congratulations! You got first prize!祝贺你得了第一名!Maybe that is why I like basketball so much.也许那就是我这么喜欢篮球的原因。
He quickly fell behind in the race.很快他就在比赛中落后了。
Basketball was added as an event for the first time at the Berlin Olympics.篮球在柏林奥运会上首次被列入比赛项目。
Scene Simulation(一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。
1. 为什么你这么喜欢运动会呢?2. 你认为谁会赢这场比赛?3. 今年的运动会什么时候举行?Scene Simulation4. 他在去年的长跑比赛中受伤了,是吗?5. 你哥哥喜欢打篮球还是踢足球?6. 今年你姐姐参加运动会了吗?(一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。

杭州北雅雅思口语课知识细点综合讲义●Chapter1 词汇知识点1. 高频词汇重复替换 22. 动词搭配使用 43. 形容词解释和理解124. 副词的使用155. 连接词的使用176. Less common vocabularies (不常用词汇)19●Chapter 2 语法知识点1. 高频时态准确使用312. 时态变化和综合使用333. 逻辑关系判断和提升344. 复合句之定语从句37●Chapter 3 语音知识点1. 英美音差异和易错音382. 爆破音和连读40●Chapter4 话题内容补充讲义1.Part1高频话题库422.Part1课堂必掌握题库493.Part1经典题目回答示例524.Part2 经典话题库及范例595. Part2 口语7分学员素材分享736.2014.12月高频话题总题库797.2015.3-8月最高频题库(最新统计)818. Part3 分类话题库及逻辑回答模式909. Part3 Brain-storming练习及核心素材93Chapter 1词汇知识点:1.1高频重复词汇替换(5.5-6)1.1. 减少语言停顿和加强自然度,需增加语言填充词(language fillers)e.g. actually/ in fact/as a matter of fact/truth be told /to tell the truthto be frank/honest with you = honestly/frankly speakingpersonally speaking/from my own perspectives/from my point of view as far as I know/concerned减少最常用词汇重复Yes-definitely/undoubtedly/without a doubt indeedprecisely sure/certainly I do suppose/think soNo -I don't think/suppose so/I suppose not Not reallyNot at all/ a bit I'm not sure really/I'm not exactly that sure negativethink - suppose assume I’d hazard a guess that … reckonsuggest maintain/insist hold the point that believe arguelike -be fond of be into be keen on (5.5)be fascinated by be fanatical about be obsessed with (6-6.5)appeal to I cannot imagine stopping doing sth reallyI was brought up with sth in blood (7)don’t likedislike hate cannot stand sth.be not (the least bit )interested in sth.loathe doing sth disapprove of sth. sth. is not kind of my thing.but - however whereas instead while yetbecausedue to because of since/ as/ for owing toone of the reasons is that one illustration of this case is that../this case can be illustrated by.... ..... is responsible for the case ....leads to/results in....beautifulfantastic awesome fabulous fascinating gorgeousstunning breath-taking eye-catching appealing glamorous dedicatefeel bad: gutted /terrified/panic/ awful/ downcast/depressed/upset /devastatedbad traffic: heavy/dreadful/congested/chaotic/gridlockedSth is bad: detrimental/ pernicious/harmful/hazardous/negative side...interesting &exiting&happyenjoyable entertaining be a great fun enchantingthrilling exhilarating sth put(s) sb in a good mood sth. lift(s) your mood知识点作业:回答以下问题时请使用以上单词,不重复问题中的词汇.1)Do you like your city/living place?2)Is there anything you don’t like in your c ity?3)Do you think taking trips/photos is interesting ?4) Do you think listening to the music is important?2.动词搭配使用(5.5-6)2.1. 动宾搭配使用,减少错误搭配动词和宾语是5.5-6分口语基础;比如: 做家务,做头发,做礼物,做蛋糕,做菜都是同一个中文动词,可英文中选择正确的搭配,分别是:do housework, do one’s hair, make a handm ade gift, make a cake, cook a meal,下面提供更多搭配使用例子(特别注意动词部分):Collocations ListsThe following is the page where you can find a few short lists of collocations to give you more of an idea about them.Some common verbshave do makehave a drink have a good time have a haircut have a holiday have a problem have a relationship have a resthave sympathy do businessdo someone a favourdo the cookingdo the shoppingdo the washing updo your bestdo your hairdo your homeworkmake a differencemake a messmake a mistakemake a noisemake an effortmake furnituremake moneymake progressmake troubletake break catchtake a breaktake a chancetake a looktake a resttake a seattake an examtake notestake someone's placetake someone's temperature break a habitbreak a legbreak a promisebreak a recordbreak someone's heartbreak the icebreak the lawbreak the news to someonebreak the rulescatch a buscatch a chillcatch a coldcatch a thiefcatch firecatch sight ofcatch someone's attentioncatch someone's eyecatch the flupay save keeppay a finepay attentionpay by credit cardpay interestpay someone a compliment pay someone a visitpay the billpay the price save electricitysave energysave moneysave one's strengthsave someone a seatsave someone's lifesave something to a disksave spacekeep a diarykeep a promisekeep a secretkeep an appointmentkeep calmkeep controlkeep in touchkeep someone's placeCome go getcome closecome complete with come directcome early/late/on time come first/second/last come into viewcome preparedcome to a compromise come to a decision come to an agreement come to an endcome to a standstill come to terms with come to a total of go abroad/overseasgo astraygo badgo baldgo bankruptgo blindgo crazy/madgo darkgo deafgo fishinggo missinggo out of businessgo quietgo sailinggo to wargo yellowget a jobget a shockget angryget divorcedget drunkget frightenedget homeget lostget marriedget nowhereget permissionget pregnantget startedget the impressionget the sackget upset/worriedget wetSome less common verbsmake time forrun out of time save timespare time spend some time take your time time goes bygo bankruptgo into partnership make a loss make a profit bear in mindbreak off negotiations cease tradingchair a meetingclose a deal/ a meeting come to the point dismiss an offerdraw a conclusion draw your attention to launch a new product take on/lay off staff2.2 动词+介词+宾语搭配使用很多动词是非及物动词,要有固定的介词搭配名词;以下为最常用动词和介词搭配使用,需熟练掌握;Verbs with ‘for’∙He apologised for being late. You can also ‘apologise to someone’∙I applied for the job but I didn’t get it.∙She spent many years caring for her aged parents.∙I can’t go out t onight because I have to prepare for my interviewtomorrow.With ‘from’∙This spray should protect you from mosquitoes.∙Has he recovered from his illness yet?∙He won an award because he saved someone from drowning.∙I am suffering from hay fever.With ‘in’∙She believes in ghosts.∙Our company specialises in computer software.∙You have to work hard if you want to succeed in life.With ‘of’∙I don’t approve of your language, young man.∙Our dog died of old age.∙This shampoo smells of bananas.With ‘on’∙The film is based on the novel by Boris Pasternak.∙If you make so much noise I can’t concentrate on my work.∙Come on! We’re relying on you!∙We don’t agree on anything but we’re good friends.With ‘to’∙Can I introduce you to my wife?∙Please refer to the notes at the end for more information.∙Nobody responded to my complaint.With ‘with’∙I agree with everything you’ve said.∙My secretary will provide you with more information if you need it.∙I have just come up with an new idea that might interest you.知识点2作业练习:熟悉并会使用更多雅思口语高频动词介词固定搭配表达,下划线部分为更高分表达。

雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第9讲讲义Questions 26-32PracticeYou are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 26-38 which are based on Reading Passage 3.Wild Foods of AustraliaOver 120 years ago, the English botanist J. D. Hooker, writing of Australian edible plants, suggested that many of them were 'eatable but not worth eating'. Nevertheless, the Australian flora, together with the fauna, supported the Aboriginal people well before the arrival of Europeans. The Aborigines were not farmers and were wholly dependent for life on the wild products around them. They learned to eat, often after treatment, a wide variety of plants.The conquering Europeans displaced the Aborigines, killing many, driving others from their traditional tribal lands, and eventually settling many of the tribal remnants on government reserves, where flour and beef replaced nardoo and wallaby as staple foods. And so, gradually, the vast store of knowledge, accumulated over thousands of years, fell into disuse. Much was lost.However, a few European men took an intelligent and even respectful interest in the people who were being displaced. Explorers. missionaries, botanists, naturalists and government officials observed, recorded and. fortunately in some cases, published. Today we can draw on these publications to form the main basis of our knowledge of the edible, natural products of Australia. The picture is no doubt mostly incomplete. We can only speculate on the number of edible plants on which no observation was recorded.Not all our information on the subject comes from the Aborigines. Times were hard in the early days of European settlement, and traditional foods were often in short supply orimpossibly expensive for a pioneer trying to establish a farm in the bush. And so necessity led to experimentation just as it must have done for the Aborigines and experimentation led to some lucky results. So far as is known, the Aborigines made no use of Leptospermum or Dodonaea as food plants, yet the early settlers found that one could be used as a substitute for tea and the other for hops. These plants are not closely related to the species they replaced, so their use was not based on botanical observation. Probably some experiments had less happy endings; L. J. Webb has used the expression eat, die and learn in connection with the Aboriginal experimentation, but it was the successful attempts that became widely known. It is possible the edibility of some native plants used by the Aborigines was discovered independently by the European settlers or their descendants.Explorers making long expeditions found it impossible to carry sufficient food for the whole journey and were forced to rely, in part, on food that they could find on the way. Still another source of information comes from the practice in other countries. There are many species from northern Australia which occur also in southeast Asia, where they are used for food.In general, those Aborigines living in the dry inland areas were largely dependent for their vegetable foods on seed such as those of grasses, acacias and eucalypts. They ground these seeds between flat stones to make a coarse flour. Tribes on the coast, and particularly those in the vicinity of coastal rainforests, had a more varied vegetable diet with a higher proportion of fruits and tubers. Some of the coastal plants, even if they had grown inland, probably would have been unavailable as food since they required prolonged washing or soaking to render them non-poisonous; many of the inland tribes could not obtain water in the quantities necessary for such treatment. There was also considerable variation in the edible plants available to Aborigines in different latitudes. In general, the people who lived in the moist tropical areas enjoyed a much greater variety, than those in the southern part of Australia.With all the hundreds of plant species used for food by the Australian Aborigines, it is perhaps surprising that only one, the Queensland nut. has entered into commercial cultivation as a food plant. The reason for this probably does not lie with an intrinsic lack of potential in Australian flora, but rather with the lack of exploitation of this potential. In Europe and Asia, for example, the main food plants have had the benefit of many centuries of selection and hybridisation, which has led to the production of forms vastly superior to those in the wild. Before the Europeans came, the Aborigines practised no agriculture and so there was no opportunity for such improvement; either deliberate or unconscious, in the quality of the edible plants.Since 1788, there has, of course, been opportunity for selection of Australian food plants which might have led to the production of varieties that were worth cultivating. But Australian plants have probably 'missed the bus'. Food plants from other regions were already so far in advance after a long tradition of cultivation that it seemed hardly worth starting work on Australian species. Undoubtedly, the native raspberry, for example, could, with suitable selection and breeding programs, be made to yield a high-class fruit; but Australians already enjoy good raspberries from other areas of the world and unless some dedicated amateur plant breeder takes up the task, the Australian raspberries are likely to remain unimproved.And so, today, as the choice of which food plants to cultivate in Australia has been largely decided, and as there is little chance of being lost for long periods in the bush. our interest in the subject of Australian food plants tends to relate to natural history rather than to practical necessity.Questions 26-32Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3 ? In boxes 26-32 write:YES if the statement reflects the writer’s claimsNO if the statement contradicts the writerNOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage26. Most of the pre-European Aboriginal knowledge of wild foods has been recovered.27. There were few food plants unknown to pre-European Aborigines.28. Europeans learned all of what they knew of edible wild plants from Aborigines.29. Dodonaea is an example of a plant used for food by both pre-European Aborigines and European settlers.30. Some Australian food plants are botanically related to plants outside Australia.31. Pre-European Aboriginal tribes closer to the coast had access to a greater variety of food plants than tribes further inland.32. Some species of coastal food plants were also found inland.Questions 33-35Choose the appropriate letters (A-D) and write them in boxes 33-35 on your answer sheet.33. Wallaby meat...A was regularly eaten by Aborigines before European settlement.B was given by Aborigines in exchange for foods such as flour.C was a staple food on government reserves.D was produced on farms before European settlement.34. Experimentation with wild plants ...A depended largely on botanical observation.B was unavoidable for early settlers in all parts of Australia.C led Aborigines to adopt Leptospermum as a food plant.D sometimes had unfortunate results for Aborigines.35. Wild plant use by Aborigines …A was limited to dry regions.B was restricted to seed.C sometimes required the use of tools.D was more prevalent in the southern part of Australia.Questions 36-38Complete the partial summary below. Choose ONE or TWO words from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 36-38 on your answer sheet.Despite the large numbers of wild plants that could be used for food. only one, the ... (36) .... is being grown as a cash crop. Other edible plants in Australia, however, much potential they have for cultivation, had not gone through the lengthy process of ... (37) ... that would allow their exploitation, because Aborigines were not farmers. Thus species such as the ...(38) ..., which would be an agricultural success had it not bad to compete with established European varieties at the time of European settlement, are of no commercia。

EF Level 09Unit 1SALLY: So, what did you think of the movie, Jen?We can also say, "Did you enjoy the movie?"JEN: I thought it was all right. I'm not a big fan of war movies, but this one seemed realistic and interesting. How about you? What'd you think?This means that the person doesn't really like war movies.SALLY: I thought it was brilliant. To me it was more than just a war movie, it was complex and profound.The opposite of complex is simple.JEN: Really? I agree that it was interesting, but profound? I don't know about that. I mean, it was OK, but still it's a war movie. I'd rather see a movie that has more of a story.I’d rather: We could also say, "I'd prefer to see..."SALLY: But I think this movie did have a very good story, about human nature, not just about war.JEN: Really? Human nature?Really: We can use this kind of question to express surprise, doubt or disagreement.SALLY: So many of the characters in the movie thought that the war was terrible and they kept trying to avoid fighting. I thought the way that they talked about it was so poetic. It was brilliant, and moving.JEN: Huh. I guess so, but there were so many sad scenes, where so many people died. I think I was in the mood for (more of ) an exciting movie today.I'm in the mood for is another way of saying I feel like... OR I want to...SALLY: I see what you mean. I thought the movie was outstanding, but it was heavy. Let's go.heavy: This means that the movie was very emotional and serious.Unit 2KIRSTEN: Hey, Jen. What's up?JEN: Nothing much. How about you?KIRSTEN: Well, I'm pretty nervous.We can also say, "I'm a little anxious," OR "I'm a little worried about..."JEN: Nervous? What about?KIRSTEN: I have to give a presentation tomorrow in front of fifty people.您以前做过口头报告吗?您是一个很好的公众演说家吗?JEN: Oh, at your company?KIRSTEN: Uh huh.This is a common way to agree with someone.JEN: Cool. You must be excited.KIRSTEN: No way! I'm not good at public speaking.No way means not at all.JEN: Really? Why? There's nothing to be afraid of. Actually, I like speaking in front of people, I think it's exciting.Are you more like Jen or Kirsten?KIRSTEN: Are you kidding? You're not scared of speaking in front of a big group?What's the largest group you've spoken in front of?JEN: No, I think it's a piece of cake, as long as I have something interesting to talk about.If something is a piece of cake, it is very easy to do.KIRSTEN: Well, I don't think the topic is boring, I just get nervous about being in the spotlight like that.This is an expression used to describe a situation when everyone is paying attention to you.JEN: Hmm. Well, when I'm scared of something I just try to relax and take it easy. Just remember that your colleagues are interested in what you have to say.通常您采用什么方法来自我放松和使自己精神集中?/自我调节/?/呼吸/?KIRSTEN: Maybe you're right. I don't think I'm good at it, but I guess giving a presentation is nothing to be scared of.JEN: Exactly. Just try to relax and I'm sure you'll be fine.Unit 3RUSSELL: I see you've bought yourself a new fancy gadget there.A gadget is a small electronic deviceDENNIS: Hey, I'm an early adopter of new technology. It's the latest PDA.This is used to describe someone who quickly begins using and appreciating new technologies. RUSSELL: Personal digital assistant, right? What does yours do?Do you have a PDA? How do you keep organized?DENNIS: Well, on the one hand it's a wireless, multi-platform, web-enabled browser...RUSSELL: My handheld does that ...DENNIS: On the other hand, it's a solar-powered, voice-activated, memory-expandable mobile phone.Many calculators are solar-powered.RUSSELL: My phone's rechargeable but not solar-powered.After you recharge your phone, how long does the power last?DENNIS: Listen, I have all my work and personal appointments dealt with using the calendar function alone. How do you deal with all of your appointments? How do you deal with stress?RUSSELL: Well, I have a secretary for that.Who do you resemble? Russel or Dennis?DENNIS: I have my bills paid, my music collection catalogued, and all my photos stored on its built-in memory. The opposite of built-in is add-on.RUSSELL: So, what happens if you lose it?DENNIS: Well, in case of loss or theft, I have all the password-protected data it’s automatically backed up to a web account once a day.When we back something up, we save a copy of it somewhere.RUSSELL: I'm actually quite impressed. Don't tell me it has other functions too.DENNIS: It's also a digital sound and picture recorder, with full-frame but limited-quality video capabilities. RUSSELL: Hey, it's ringing -- you better pick it up.DENNIS: Hello. What's that? I'm 20 minutes late again. Sorry, I'll be right over!Do you think Dennis's PDA is useful? Does it make him more efficient?Unit 4ERICA: So what was the most interesting thing you saw on your trip to Asia?What's the most interesting or most boring vacation you've been on?JESSICA: Well, in Thailand I saw a Buddhist temple where thousands of monks actually live.Which religion are you?ERICA: Fascinating, did you get to talk to any of them?We can also say, "That's very interesting."JESSICA: No, they didn't speak English, but I did try sitting and meditating with them.ERICA:I don't know that much about Eastern philosophy or religion. I was brought up Christian. What about yourself?I was brought up: We can also say, "I was raised..."JESSICA: Actually, I'm Jewish. But, my parents always taught me to try and respect and understand other religions.ERICA: I went to Church as a kid, but my parents thought I should choose on my own what religion to followwhen I became a teenager.Who should decide a child's religion?JESSICA: That's cool. Sounds like both our parents are pretty liberal about religious beliefs.Liberal has the same meaning as open-minded.ERICA: So did you celebrate holidays like Christmas?JESSICA: No, Not in a spiritual way. But, I do exchange gifts with my friends.Are you a spiritual person? Do you often think about religion and the soul?ERICA:I guess for a lot of people Christmas isn't much of a religious holiday anymore, is it?JESSICA: Well, the world is changing. A lot of traditional customs and practices are altering or disappearing. What traditional customs do you practice? What customs are not important to you?ERICA: Do you think religion will cease to be important?cease: This means stop.JESSICA: Maybe, but regligion plays a big part in so many peoples lives. Just ask the monks!Could you be a nun or a monk?Unit 5CORINNA: Thanks for coming in to talk about the volunteer position. You're an accountant right?What is a volunteer?BEN: Yes, that's right. I ran an accountancy firm for five years, but then I sold the business and now I'm looking for a job to keep me busy during the week.CORINNA: OK, let's start by looking at your CV. Can you tell me what you were responsible for in your previous job?We can also use the term 'resume' instead of 'CV'.BEN: In the accountancy firm, I managed a small staff and I kept the business running successfully. CORINNA: Right. So you obviously have good leadership ability. What would you say are your main strengths?What is the difference between an ability and a strength?BEN: Well I'm pretty strong-minded. I'm very hard-working, but I'm also easygoing and I get along with most people.Remember that some compound adjectives do not need a hyphen.CORINNA: Good. It's important to be warm and friendly if you work with the public. Do you have any special skills?What's the difference between a skill and a talent?BEN: I'm very computer literate and obviously I have plenty of financial and administrative skills. CORINNA: Excellent. Those would be useful. Now I'd like to ask you what you feel you can bring to our organization.BEN: Well, it's been my goal to contribute more to the community. I'd like to think I could be a useful resource for members of the public and also a friendly face to be around.A resource is something that you can use to help you.CORINNA: Perfect. The last thing I need to ask about is your availability. Are there any times you won't be able to work?'Availability' is the noun form of 'available'.BEN: Well, my daughter comes to visit on Thursday afternoons, but apart from that, I'm available all week. CORINNA: Thanks very much for coming in, Mr Oakes. We'll be in touch early next week.'Be in touch' means to keep in contact with a person.Unit 6KRISTEN: Jane, I want to find the weather forecast for tomorrow. What do I need to do?What is a weather forecast?JANE: First, you need to be connected to the Internet.KRISTEN: Right. So I use the mouse to click on this icon here on the desktop, right?Is a mouse an item of hardware or software?JANE: Yes, and then wait while the computer dials up.The part of a computer which dials up the Internet is called a modem.KRISTEN: Why is it taking so long?JANE: Because our modem only works at 64k. If you want a faster connection we'll have to upgrade. Upgrade means to make better.KRISTEN: OK. Now I'm connected, what do I do next?When we describe a sequence of events, we use words like: first, then, next and after that.JANE: Choose a search engine from your list of favorites and type in some key words.A search engine helps us to find useful Internet sites. The sites we visit most often can be stored in a list called favorites.KRISTEN: How about "weather forecast Chicago"?How about...? is used to make a suggestion. We can also use What about...?JANE: That should do. Now click on 'search'.KRISTEN: Right. Now I have a menu of different sites.We can also use a menu in a restaurant. What is the difference?JANE: Good. Click on the link that seems most helpful.A link is a quick way of accessing other websites or pages. It is a kind of reference.KRISTEN: Oh, this one's good. It has a satellite map. Looks like it's going to rain though.A satellite map shows an image of the earth taken from outer space.Unit 7Unit 8ANNA: Excuse me, I have to leave early.来获得别人注意的礼貌用语。
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Adventurous person
从事冒险活动的人Adventurous person
Part two
I got to know about this adventurous person from a TV program. There was a Japanese man, who is about 60 years old. He decided to do something he had always wanted to do after his retirement. He wanted to conquer all the mountains in his country. He started the journey in June, and then he climbed over 100 mountains in Japan within one year. When he was interviewed in the program, he quoted a famous mountaineer. He said, “The mountain is there.” When I was watching the program, I was quite impressed. Everyone has a dream, and not many people have the courage to fulfill their dream, but he did it. I admire him, and I really want to be like him some day in the future.
Part three。