


Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: 早上好,亲爱的老师、教授:

I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is chenischeng. 33 years old, born in 1983. I graduated from the University in Northeastern University. I began to work in XXXX. I had been a teacher for XX years, in the meantime,I served XX years primary school principals. in 2007, I entered the Chinese Communist Party lianshan district Party committee work, become a public servant.

很高兴来参加这次面试,首先,做个自我介绍。我的名字是XXX,今年XX岁,出生于XXX。我XXXX年大学毕业,XXXX 年开始工作。我从教XX年,其中,有XX年时间担任小学校长。XXXX年,我进入中共XX区委工作,成为一名公务员。There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Agric ultural University Of Nanjing.

我决定报考南京农业大学MPA 有以下原因:

The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public man agement , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system ma nagement knowledge, so I choose MPA.


The second , Shenyan Normal University is one of the best domestic university. There are excellent teachers, a strong academic atmosphere, I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.


If luckily I get the chance to learn MPA , I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time. I hope I can get your a pproval.


Ok, that is it.Thank you for your time! 好的,就这样了。谢谢您!Good morning,my dear teachers. I am very glad to be here for your interview.Fi rst of all,I'd like to introduce myself briefly to you.My name is , born in . My hometown is ,which is a really beautiful city. I graduated from University in 200 . Four years' university education give s me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of p

ractices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical abi lity. When I graduated,I passed ,and then I worked as a nearl y for three years. In 200 ,I participated in civil service exam and passed it.Then,I became a civil servant in till now. In the burea u ,I am engaged in work .

Generally speaking ,I am a hard working person especially do th e things I am interested in. Furthermore,I am a person with gre at perserverence, I will try my best to finish it no matter how dif ficult it is. In my spare time,I often read books and listen to the music.Besides,I like playing badminton,which is an effective way I think to improve my health.

After have worked in government for four years, I feel that I nee d to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in Publ ic administration.Although I have practiced my professional exp ertise, demonstrated my organizing abilities and perfected

my communication skills, I think at present, I can merely do ma ny things in a superficial level, cannot be competent to do thing s professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps o n learning .So I think further study is still urgent for me. Adminis trative science is playing a more and more important role in our

modern society. And the Public Administration Department of Fudan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong acad emic environment, is the place I have long admired. I think my c areer will benefit from a good public administration education i n this university. If I am given a chance,I will spare no effort to master a good command of this discipline.

Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.

公共管理硕士(MPA)考研复试必看20问一、请作一下自我介绍思路: 1、这是面试的必考题目。 2、介绍内容要和个人简历相一致。 3、表述方式上尽量口语化。 4、要切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容。 5、条理要清晰,层次要分明。6、事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟。二、“你为什么选择我们学校?”思路: 1、面试官试图从中了解你读MBA的动机、愿望以及对读MBA的态度。 2、建议从学校、企业和职业发展目标这三个角度来回答。三、你为什么要读mpa(你认为读mpa能给你带来什么)四、“谈谈你的家庭情况”思路:1、家庭情况对于了解考生的性格、观念、心态等有一定的作用,这是面试单位问该问题的主要原因。 2、简单地罗列家庭人口。 3、宜强调温馨和睦的家庭氛围。 4、宜强调父母对自己教育的重视。 5、宜强调各位家庭成员的良好状况。 6、宜强调家庭成员对自己工作的支持。 7、宜强调自己对家庭的责任感。五、“你有什么业

余爱好?”思路: 1、业余爱好能在一定程度上反映考生的性格、观念、心态,这是面试单位问该问题的主要原因。 2、最好不要说自己没有业余爱好。 3、不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的爱好。 4、最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网,否则可能令面试官怀疑考生性格孤僻。 5、最好能有一些户外的业余爱好来“点缀”你的形象。六:“你最崇拜谁?”思路: 1、最崇拜的人能在一定程度上反映考生的性格、观念、心态,这是面试官问该问题的主要原因。 2、不宜说自己谁都不崇拜。 3、不宜说崇拜自己。 4、不宜说崇拜一个虚幻的、或是不知名的人。 5、不宜说崇拜一个明显具有负面形象的人。 6、所崇拜的人人最好和自己所应聘的工作能“搭”上关系。 7、最好说出自己所崇拜的人的哪些品质、哪些思想感染着自己、鼓舞着自己。

七:“你的座右铭是什么?”思路: 1、座右铭能在一定程度上反映考生的性格、观念、心态,这是面试官问这个问题的主要原因。 2、不宜说那些易引起不好联想的座右铭。 3、不宜说那些太抽象的座右铭。 4、不宜说太长的座右铭。 5、座右铭最好能反映出自己某种优秀品质。 6、参考答案--“只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口”八:你的主要优点主要体现在哪些方面思路:1、最好突出自己通过实际工作获得的领导能力和组织能力。2、突出说明自己有很强的团队精


思路: 1、不宜说自己没缺点。 2、不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点。 3、不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的缺点。 4、不宜说出令人不放心、不舒服的缺点。 5、可以说出一些对于所应聘工作“无关紧要”的缺点,甚至是一些表面上看是缺点,从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点。 6、绝对不可以说自己没有经验。十:谈一谈你做的最满意的一两件事十一、“谈一谈你的一次失败经历”

思路: 1、不宜说自己没有失败的经历。 2、不宜把那些明显的成功说成是失败。 3、不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的失败经历, 4、所谈经历的结果应是失败的。 5、宜说明失败之前自己曾信心白倍、尽心尽力。 6、说明仅仅是由于外在客观原因导致失败。 7、失败后自己很快振作起来,以更加饱满的热情面对以后的工作。


思路: 1、不宜直接说出具体的困难,否则可能令对方怀疑考生不行。 2、可以尝试迂回战术,说出考生对困难所持有的态度--“学习过程中出现一些困难是正常的,也是难免的,


十三:“在工作中和上级意见不一是的时候,你是如何处理的?”思路: 1、一般可以这样回答“我会给上级以必要的解释和提醒,在这种情况下,我会服从上级的意见。” 2、如果你的职位处于中高层,可以这样回答:“对于非原则性问题,我会服从上级的意见,对于涉及公司利益的重大问题,我希望能向更高层领导反映。”


思路: 1、这往往是一种压力面试,关键一点是要冷静应答。

2、学校一般会录用这样的考生:基本符合条件、对参加MBA 项目的学习有强烈需要、有足够的经验和信心。


思路: 1、通过考生对上级的“希望”可以判断出考生对自我要求的意识,这既上一个陷阱,又上一次机会。 2、最好回避对上级具体的希望,多谈对自己的要求。 3、如“做为刚步入社会新人,我应该多要求自己尽快熟悉环境、适应环境,而不应该对环境提出什么要求,只要能发挥我的专长就可以了。十六、你的近期和远期目标(职业规划)是什么?十七、谈谈你最不满意自己工作中的一件事?十八、你可以为你的MPA同学带来什么?




英语口语面试基本话题(小升初入学考试必备) 话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。


mpa面试英语自我介绍(共9篇) mpa面试英语自我介绍(共9篇) 篇一:MPA复试英语自我介绍and orked as a civil servant in 2016.中国社会科学院 china academy of social sciences对外经济贸易大学 university of international business and economicsSelf-introduction: Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers and professors: First I am so glad to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Wu jinhua, 29 years old, born in Jiangsu province. In 2000, I entered China Youth University for Political Sciences for my undergraduate period. My major is social ork. After graduating in 2004, I passed the national civil service examinations and became a civil servant of the central mittee of the revolutionary mittee of the Chinese Kuomintang. I have orked in the Investigation and Research Department almost 7 years, here I am mainly responsible for riting speech and research articles. There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in china academy of social sciences in our country, CASS/UIBE provides people ith enough chances/room to get further improvement. The second one is I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management because I think that I should and I also could do something for my career, my country and for the people in the future. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Furthermore, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize my self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this petitive modern orld. In a ord, if luckily I get the chance to learn MPA in CASS/UIBE, I ill do my best on the study and research in my graduate time. I hope I can form a systematic vie of public management and make a solid foundation for my profession after about 3 years study here. Ok, that is it. Thank you. 篇七:


A;what is your strength and weakness?优缺点 B:My greatest weakness is that I value leisure time spent with my family and therefore I treasure my weekends and free time in the evenings.My greatest strength is my commitment to work.I strive for excellence and always try to do my best.我最大的缺点是我珍惜和家人在 一起的闲暇时光,因此我珍惜周末和晚上的空闲时间。我最大的优点是我对工作的承诺。我努力追求卓越,努力做到最好。 A:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?) B:I have finished three new projects,and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.我已经完成了三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验运用到这个职位上。我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。 A:What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?) B:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job.I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。) A:Do you have any questions for our company?你对我公司有什么问题需要咨询吗? B:When is the second interview?复试是什么时候 A:I will send you an email in advance to inform you of the location and time我会提前给你发电子邮箱通知你复试的地点和时间 B:What materials should be taken in the second interview?复试的时候需要带哪些材料


面试英语自我介绍范文5篇 面试的第一步就是自我介绍。看似简单的一分钟,却蕴藏玄机。下面是WTT 收集整理的面试英语自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 Sample1: From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. “Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. ?I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment. Sample2: I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time,


面试英语口语大全:你工作的职责是什么 My top three responsibilities were to account for all cash, checks and credit card receipts at the end of my shift and balance those with that our management information system calculated. I was responsible for auditing the cycle counts of all merchandise in my area, and I also trained newcomers to the company. 我最主要的三个工作职责是在换班时,说明现金、支票和信用卡 收入,并且要与管理信息系统的计算结果相符合。我负责审计所有我 区域内商品的周期盘点,我还负责培训公司的新人。 Working as a secretary, I make professional phone calls to clients and customers, answer the phone and transfer calls. Providing information about the business to clients and customers is also one of my responsibilities. I’m able to use the computer, copy machine and other office equipment. I also need to write letters and schedule meetings for my boss. 作为一名秘书,我打电话给客户和顾客、接听电话及转接电话。 为客户和顾客提供业务信息也是我的职责之一。我会使用电脑、复印 件等各种办公设备。我也想要为我的老板写信,以及安排会议。 I am a public relations coordinator with five years of experience in this field. I am responsible for managing effectively the communications of our clients, including press releases, presentations and speeches. I also coordinate events, conduct market research, and create marketing or extroverted, a team player, and a leader at the same time have made me successful at what I do.


MPA复试英语自我介绍(中英文对照) Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: 早上好,亲爱的老师、教授: I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is chenischeng. 33 years old, born in 1983. I graduated from the University in Northeastern University. I began to work in XXXX. I had been a teacher for XX years, in the meantime,I served XX years primary school principals. in 2007, I entered the Chinese Communist Party lianshan district Party committee work, become a public servant. 很高兴来参加这次面试,首先,做个自我介绍。我的名字是XXX,今年XX岁,出生于XXX。我XXXX年大学毕业,XXXX 年开始工作。我从教XX年,其中,有XX年时间担任小学校长。XXXX年,我进入中共XX区委工作,成为一名公务员。There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Agric ultural University Of Nanjing. 我决定报考南京农业大学MPA 有以下原因: The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public man agement , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system ma nagement knowledge, so I choose MPA.


英语口语:教育背景 1.I graduated from Nanjing University. 我毕业于南京大学。 2.I majored in English. 我的专业是英语。 3.Which school are you in? 你在哪里学校上学? 4.When will you graduate from that university? 你什么时候毕业? 5.What is your major? 你是学什么专业的? 6.Tell me about the courses of your major in university.说说你在大学时都主修了什么课程。 7.I take more than 50 courses in university. 大学期间我修了50多门课程。 8.In2005IreceivedmyBachelorofSciencedegreefromBeijingUniversity. 2005年我在北大获得了理学学士学位。 9.Did you get any honors and awards at college? 你大学时获得过xx和奖励吗? 10.I was awarded a scholarship from the university every year,每年我都获得学校奖学金。 11.In2000IparticipatedintheNationalContestofMathsModelsandI won the prize.

在2000年我参加了国家数学建模考试,并得了奖。 12.In 2008 I received my MBA degree from Qinghua University.2008年在清华大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。 英语口语:能力 1.What are your key skills? 你的重要技能是什么? 2.How good is your writing ability? 你的写作能力xx? 3.What skills do you think are the most critical to this job?对于这项工作你认为什么技能是最重要的? 4.How do you think of your proficiency in spoken English?你认为你的口语能力如何呢? 5.My spoken English is good enough to express myself fluently.我能用英语口语把自己的想法流利地表达出来。 6.Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications orlicense? 你获得过技术资格证书或者执照吗? 7.What special skills do you have, can you tell me? 那你能告诉我你有什么特殊技能吗? 8.I have experience in computer operation. 我有电脑操作经验。 英语口语:工作经验 1.Do you have any working experience?


2017面试英文自我介绍范 文

出色的面试自我介绍表现,如同锦上添花。下面是收集整理的面试英文自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。 面试英文自我介绍范文1: I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade. I like music and reaing books,especially economical books. It is my honor to apply this job. I hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much it is my great pleasure to introduce myself.i was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade. I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics. i am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream. please give my a chance. Thank you. 很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。 很荣幸应聘贵公司,希望能在贵公司实现我的梦想,希望能给我一次机会,谢谢。


M P A复试英文自我介 绍 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

(一) 各位下午好,我叫XXX,今年29岁了,来自北京。 Good afternoon everyone, my name is XXX, I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Beijing. 我想从以下几方面介绍我自己: I'd like to introduce myself through the next points: 1、工作方面:我在学校的主要工作内容有三点: About working: There are three main aspects of my daily work: 第一,教课内容是法律基础类、政治类课程,我觉得作为一名人民教师责任重大,不仅要教书,更好育人。 The first, I teach courses such as basic laws and politics. I can feel the strong responsibilities on a teacher, because I have to not only teach knowledge well, but also let students know how to be a good person. 第二、我负责招生、就业等行政性工作。我院招生专业主要有城市轨道类、汽车维修类、交通运输管理类、物流类等等。 The second, I'm responsible for some administrative work, such as students recruiting and employment. The main majors in our college are urban metro, car repairing, transportation management, logistics and so on. 我认为招生、就业工作是关系到学校,学生及家长的大事,必须有认真的工作态度和良好的服务意识。 I think the students recruiting and employment are very important to our college as well as to students and their parents, the serious working attitude and consciousness are highly required. 第三、兼任班主任工作,我一直尊崇一个观点:没有不好的学生,只有不好的老师。如果说家庭是社会的组成部分、那么班集体就是学校的组成部分。 The third part of my daily work is to be a head teacher, there is an idea I respect very much: there is no bad students, but only bad teachers. If a family is a component of our society, then the class is a component of the school. 一个班的好坏,关键在于班主任有很强的组织管理能力,有好的工作态度及教育方法。班主任是学生成长的引路人,作为一名青年教师,我会努力争做一名优秀的班主任 When we judge a class good or bad, the key ruler is the organization and management ability of a head teacher, as well


小升初英语口语面试12个基本话题话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。


研究生面试的英语自我介 绍范文

自我介绍作为现代社会交际的必要手段,是展示自己的重要平台,但自我介绍不仅是个人化的表达,同时更具有明确的社会功能。以下整理了研究生面试英语自我介绍范文,供你参考。 研究生面试英语自我介绍范文1 professors: It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is **** , graduated from ****Department of **** University.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals. Whats more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Masters degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion. All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!


面试大全之--英语口语--面试英语面试 事先3项准备 1对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。 2. 面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。 3. 准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。谈吐3P原则 自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Positive(自信),Personal(个性),Pertinent(中肯)。谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试人充分了解你的优点与潜能。突出个性,就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。语气中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。 自我介绍应简洁明了,给面试人留下思路清晰、反应快捷、逻辑性强的印象。自我介绍时间不宜太长,话不宜太多,最好控制在五分钟之内。不要一谈起自己就口若悬河,滔滔不绝,以免言多语失。另外,在自我介绍时应避免过多地使用“I”(我),不要每个句子一开头就冒出一个“I”字,给人留下自我标榜、以自我为中心的印象。

灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:Would you please say something about yourself,(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗,)应聘者则说:Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job,(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题,)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。围绕3方面表现回答问题时口齿要清晰、语调适中。内容要有条理、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序,从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职务、实际成绩、业绩等,以及自己的工作对原来公司的影响。凡和此次应征不相关的内容,尽量避免提及。话题紧扣以下3方面来展现自己的优势。 1. 能力。当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够, 然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I’m qualified for the job because……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。 2. 业绩。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去 的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored Shanghai market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售 出去5万套。) 3. 诚意。某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I?d like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊


Good afternoon! Sir and Madam, Nice to meet you! It is my honor to have this opportunity of being interviewed . My name is , years old. I come from Kuerle, a city of Xinjiang province. I graduated from Lanzhou Business University. My major is information management. I have worked for CHINA MACHANRT SECURITITES for 4 years. As a financial consultant of the company, I like my job and I want to a great promotion in my company. This is a reason for me to choose Xiamen university MBA program. In my spare time, I like traveling with my family and my friends. Because there are some chances for me to make new friends in different places. 2 years ago, I had a chance to visit Xiamen with my family. It is a very beautiful place and it attracted me so much. I love it and have a dream to study in Xiamen University. And I have a happy family; there are 4 members in my family, my mother, my husband, my 2-year-old son and me. I will do my best to make my family happy. Thank you for all your attention. Thank you! 中文自我介绍范文: 各位考官好,我叫,现年岁,现在担任;我于年毕业于大学专业,毕业后曾在工作年,然后进入工作,负责方面工作。 在领导和同事的眼中我是一个工作踏实认真,勤奋上进的人,在 工作的年里,从一名普通的技术人员,依次担任过班长、车间主任,一直到现在的,技术能力得到了全面的发展,也使我的个人价值得到了体现。 自从走上管理岗位后,我发现企业管理方面的很多问题仅凭技术是解决不了的,迫切需要加强管理知识的系统学习,所以我选择报读MBA。在选择MBA高校时,我认识到大学管理学院学院拥有一支深谙世界先进管理理念、熟悉中国企业发展经验的优秀师资队伍,我希望能够考上并通过几年的mba 课程学习,提高自己的理论创新和实际管理能力,把自己培养成为具有一定战略眼光、思路宽广、善于经营、具有一定争力的创新型管理人才,为我们公司的发展与壮大做出更大的贡献。 谢谢!


7. 工作经验 CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: Do you have any work experience in this field? A: Yes. After my graduation from university, I worked as a Customer Service Coordinator in a foreign representative office, and then I transferred to a joint venture as a Market Deve1opment Manager. So I am familiar with the market in China. I: What have you learned from the jobs you have had? A: I learned to be patient when dealing with customers complaints and try my best to solve them. In addition, I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues. I: Does your current employer know you are looking for another job? A: No, I haven抰discussed my leaving plans with my current employer, but I am sure he will release me. I: What is your impression of your present company? A: Very good. I: What would your current colleague say about you? A: They would say I抦a dependable and hard worker. I: 你有这个行业的工作经验吗? A: 有,在我大学毕业后,我就到一家外企代理处做了一名顾客服务协调员,之后我转到一家合资企业做市场发展部经理,所以我对中国市场非常熟悉。 I: 那你从以前的工作中学到了些什么? A: 我学会了在处理客户的抱怨时要有耐心而且要尽力为他们解决困难。而且,我还学会了如何与同事共同合作。 I: 你现在的老板知道你在找另一份工作吗? A: 不知道,我还没有和他讨论我要离职的计划,但我坚信他会让我走的。 I: 你对你现在这个公司印象如何? A: 非常好。 I: 你现在的同事会如何评价你呢? A: 他们会说我是一个值得信赖并且工作刻苦的人。 Dialogue 2 I: What kind of jobs have you had? A: I have been a Production Manager. I: How many years have you worked as a Production Manager? A: 3 years. I: Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements? A: I had introduced an advanced product line, which increased the output and lessened the cost. I: Wonderful. Then how many employers have you worked for? A: Frankly speaking, three. If your company employs me, it will be my fourth. I: Then have you received any award at your present company? A: Yes. I was awarded the title of 揂dvanced Worker last year.
