NO_Drugs_公开课课件 PPT
Read the passage , and correct the mistakes:
Adam used to be a drug addeadliecrt. He first began using drugs when he was 165. A man in the street ofsfeorlded him some crack cocaine. As the days passed, he wanted
increase 增长
powerful 有力的
Listen to the opening paragraphs of two different articles and decide what the topic of each article is. Choose the topic from this list.
mleosres crack cocaine. Though he knew the drug did great hahremlp to his health, he continued using it. If he didn’t
have any drugs, he was in terrible copmafionrt. But Adam
didn’t have enough motinmeey. In order to get the drug, Adam wbraelkaekd into a house and stole a television and a
morphቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱne
Using cocaine increases the user’s heart rate.
Smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behaviour.
Smoking crack cocaine also causes anti-social behaviour.
He broke into a house and stole things to get money. What happened to him one day?
He was taken to the police station by the police.
Where does he work now? He works in a centre for drug addicts.
Read the passage , and correct the mistakes:
Adam used to be a drug addeadliecrt. He first began using drugs when he was 165. A man in the street ofsfeorlded him some crack cocaine. As the days passed, he wanted
reduce 减少
immediately 立刻,马上
increase 增长
powerful 有力的
Listen to the opening paragraphs of two different articles and decide what the topic of each article is. Choose the topic from this list.
Smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behaviour.
Smoking crack cocaine also causes anti-social behaviour.
He broke into a house and stole things to get money. What happened to him one day?
He was taken to the police station by the police.
Where does he work now? He works in a centre for drug addicts.
Read the passage , and correct the mistakes:
Adam used to be a drug addeadliecrt. He first began using drugs when he was 165. A man in the street ofsfeorlded him some crack cocaine. As the days passed, he wanted
reduce 减少
immediately 立刻,马上
increase 增长
powerful 有力的
Listen to the opening paragraphs of two different articles and decide what the topic of each article is. Choose the topic from this list.
no drugsPPT教学课件
1.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物→share in 分享/担
2.follow/take one’s advice接受某人的建议 →as follows如下→follow one’s example以 某人为榜样
3.set a date确定一个日子→up to date迄今, 到目前为止→date from/back to 追溯到…… 年代
4.The man is a criminal(罪犯).How could people elect him as a government official?
5.Because of driving after drinking wine, Tom was banned (禁止) from driving for two months.
sb. be banned from doing sth.。
4.affect v.影响;侵袭;感动
观察思考 This year,the amount of rain greatly affected the growth of crops. 今年的降水量极大地影响了庄稼的生长。 Will consumer spending be affected by a cooler housing market? 降温的房市是否会影响消费? Inflation has a disastrous effect on the economy. 通货膨胀给经济带来灾难性的影响。
The drug did not C his health;in fact,it
seemed to have no
at all.
Word study: 1. addict: n.入迷者 ,有瘾的人
He is a drug addict. vt. 使沉迷于…,热衷于…
be/become/get addicted to sth. 沉迷于…, 热衷于…
He was addicted to cocaine. ---addictive adj.使人上瘾的 ,使人入迷的
4. illegal adj. 不合法的,非法的 In our country it’s illegal to carry guns.
---legal adj. 合法的,法定的
5.treatment. n.治疗
The best treatment for a cold is to drink water
Is it possible for us to get from Beijing to Tianjin in half an hour?
It is possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn’t seem probable.
She treated what we said as a joke. 3)招待,款待:treat sb to sth请某人吃什么
The boss treated his stuff to dinner.
6. likely adj. 有可能的;预料的;有希望的 He is likely to come to see me. That they may break up is the most likely result.
He is a drug addict. vt. 使沉迷于…,热衷于…
be/become/get addicted to sth. 沉迷于…, 热衷于…
He was addicted to cocaine. ---addictive adj.使人上瘾的 ,使人入迷的
4. illegal adj. 不合法的,非法的 In our country it’s illegal to carry guns.
---legal adj. 合法的,法定的
5.treatment. n.治疗
The best treatment for a cold is to drink water
Is it possible for us to get from Beijing to Tianjin in half an hour?
It is possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn’t seem probable.
She treated what we said as a joke. 3)招待,款待:treat sb to sth请某人吃什么
The boss treated his stuff to dinner.
6. likely adj. 有可能的;预料的;有希望的 He is likely to come to see me. That they may break up is the most likely result.
高中英语Module 2 No Drugs 优秀课件4
15 Steal
Begin to buy Be caught
Buy again Doctor
Have no money / painful
Help others
Drugs are definitely harmful!
Please remember:
First wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富。
Make a vow(起誓)
I swear:〞 I will keep off smoking and drugs to value my life!〞
• Dangerous Activities of Teenagers
• The Danger of Using Cocaine Article 2
Skimming 略读 task 1 Skim Parts 1-6 and decide which of these parts belong to Article 1 or article 2 and what the right order is.
1. Cocaine can be smoked and also injected.
2. People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.
3. Cocaine makes your heart go moreqsuliocwkllyy.
源于鸦片,多种色 泽,呈粉末或颗粒
Opium 状,成瘾最快,毒
性最烈,在传统毒 品中称王,极kə]
crack cocine 高纯度可卡因
cocaine 可卡因
• 原本为南美洲植物古柯的叶片,俗称“滚石〞,无味、白色结晶体, 70毫克纯可卡因可让人当场毙命
No_drugs 课件
Language points
• 1. recognize vt. 认识,认出 (1)recognize sb/sth (by sth) eg:I recognized her by her red hat. (2)recognize ... as sth/to do 认为...是... eg:They recognized him to be a great leader/as a great leader. Tom is recognized as/ to be the best football player in the school. (Tom被认为是学校最好的足球运动员。)
Careful reading
Listen and Answer:
1、What are the four Ds when people want a cigarette? 2 、What are the four ideas to help the people to give up smoking?
4. Develop _______new interests: Exercise— walking, biking, jogging, swimming, or _______a gymnastic class—helps you to taking _______about cigarettes. forget
2. do something else else 与不定代词、疑问代词、否定代词或副词连 用,并放于其后。 eg:如果他不能来,请找别人代替。
If he can’t come, find somebody else instead.
Careful reading (para.3)
l。A.商标B.注册的商标C.文字和图案D.商标的图像 [问答题,案例分析题]根据分析,当自动喷水灭火系统失效,机械排烟系统均有效时,当音乐厅发生火灾,建筑内的人员不能够在危险来临之前通过疏散楼梯或相邻防火分区疏散到安全区域。而音乐厅的消防安全既是相对的,又是一个完整的系统总体性能的反映。为此,请对本工程的消防安全设 [单选]我国《合同法》规定,当事人可以通过和解或者调解解决合同争议。当事人不愿和解、调解或者和解、调解不成的,可以根据()向仲裁机构申请仲裁。A.仲裁协议B.提交给人民法院的起诉书C.调解书D.和解结论书 [单选]在NH3、HNO3、H2SO4的工业生产中,具有的共同点是()。A、使用吸收塔设备B、使用尾气吸收装置C、使用H2作原料D、使用催化剂 [单选,A1型题]β射线要用原子序数小的材料,如塑料等进行防护,这是因为()A.β射线在原子序数小的材料中射程短B.β射线对原子序数小的物质电离作用小C.β射线在原子序数小的材料中韧致辐射作用弱D.原子序数小的材料对β射线吸收作用强E.β射线在原子序数小的材料中能量损失大 [单选]不能提示羊膜腔感染的检查项目是()A.羊水涂片计数白细胞>100个/mlB.羊水中发现胎粪污染C.羊水测定白介素6>17μg/LD.C-反应蛋白>8mg/LE.羊水涂片查见细菌 [单选]流体在流动时产生内摩擦力的性质叫做粘性,衡量粘性大小的物理量称为()。A、摩擦系数;B、粘度系数;C、粘度;D、运动粘度。 [单选]()是注册消防工程师职业道德的基础和核心,是其职业道德建设所倡导的首要规范。A.团结互助B.遵纪守法C.文明礼貌D.爱岗敬业 [问答题,简答题]使用维护过程中遇到难于解决的问题或出现异常情况如何和厂家取得联系? [单选,A1型题]营养性缺铁性贫血的主要病因是()A.母乳摄入量少B.生长发育迟缓C.未及时添加含铁辅食D.过期产儿E.未及时添加钙剂 [单选]纵骨架式是()船体骨架型式。A.纵向骨材较稀、尺寸较小,横向骨材较密、尺寸较大B.纵向骨材较密、尺寸较小,横向骨材较稀、尺寸较大C.纵向骨材较密、尺寸较大,横向骨材较稀、尺寸较小D.纵向骨材较稀、尺寸较大,横向骨材较密、尺寸较小 [单选]对于长期处于潮湿环境的重要混凝土结构用砂,应采用砂浆棒(快速法)或砂浆长度法进行骨料的碱活性检验。经上述检验判断为有潜在危害时,应控制混凝土中的碱含量不超过()。A.1kg/m3B.2kg/m3C.3kg/m3 [名词解释]动校正 [单选]除下列哪项外,均为妇科癥瘕的治疗原则()A.理气行滞B.破瘀消癥C.理气调经D.攻逐水饮E.消癥散结 [判断题]出口玩具必须逐批实施检验,检验不合格的,不准出口。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列疾病与水痘为同一病因的是()A.Kaposi水痘样疹B.传染性软疣C.手足口病D.带状疱疹E.花斑癣 [单选]正常成人妇女的乳房(不包括胸壁和肌肉)在超声断面图上,主要分为几部分()。A.3部分B.4部分C.5部分D.6部分E.7部分 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]骨折的定义为()A.骨的完整性或连续性遭到破坏,即称骨折。临床上对骨折的描述,常根据创伤的原因、创伤的解剖部位、骨折线的特点、皮肤或黏膜破裂来命名B.骨受到外力作用产生损害,即称骨折C.骨积劳断裂即称骨折D.骨受到外力作用产生损害,即称骨折。临 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于咽喉肿痛的治疗,以下哪项是错误的()A.属风热者,取手太阴、阳明经穴为主B.属虚热者,取手太阴、足少阴经穴为主C.属实热者,主取少商、尺泽、合谷、曲池D.属虚热者,主取太溪、照海、鱼际E.不宜用灸法 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导管结石好发于()A.腮腺B.颌下腺C.舌下腺D.黏液腺E.浆液腺 [单选]支气管扩张常见痰液性状为()A.白色泡沫痰B.黄色脓痰,久置分层C.铁锈色痰D.粉红色泡沫痰E.砖红色胶冻状痰 [名词解释]中生动物 [问答题,简答题]为什么不能用清水冲洗电器设备及开关? [问答题,简答题]调度自动化系统分类。 [单选]以下关于“生存率”的叙述,正确的是()。A.是指观察对象活过某时刻的概率B.是指观察对象在某时段内存活的概率C.等于1-死亡概率D.若资料存在截尾值,则无法计算生存率E.复发率和缓解率不可能是生存率 [单选]猝死抢救时,最先进行的基础心肺复苏包括()A.气管插管B.胸外按压C.除颤复律D.心脏起搏E.肾上腺素 [判断题]相差动高频保护的基本原理是比较被保护线路两侧的短路功率方向。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列有关国务院行政机构的说法哪一项是错误的?()A.国务院办事机构协助国务院总理办理专门事项B.国务院直属机构主管国务院的某项专门业务C.在特殊情况下,国务院议事协调机构有权自行规定采取临时性行政管理措施D.国务院组成部门管理的国家行政机构主管特定业务 [单选]2014年年初甲公司对乙公司进行收购,根据预测分析,得到并购重组后,乙公司2014~2016年间的增量自由现金流量,依次为-100万元、100万元和200万元。2016年及其以后各年的增量自由现金流量为150万元。乙公司的账面债务为500万元。假设折现率为10%。则乙公司的整体价值为() [单选]关于行政处罚的设定权与规定权,下列说法正确的是()。A.江苏省人大制定的《江苏省旅游业营业管理条例》无权设定吊销个体旅馆营业执照的处罚B.南京市政府颁发的规章只能对上位法设定的处罚作出具体规定C.江苏省地方性法规就某一违法行为设定给予1~5万元罚款,南京市政府的 [名词解释]人格结构 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项是燥邪犯肺证与肺阴虚证的鉴别要点()A.有无发热恶寒B.有无胸痛咳血C.有无口干咽燥D.痰量的多少E.咯痰的难易 [单选]堤岸基础及护脚工程的破损主要表现为淘刷坍塌、坡面沉陷、()等。A.流速大B.石块小C.被水流挟带走失D.水大 [单选]下列哪一项不是胎儿十二指肠闭锁的超声表现A.双泡征B.双泡征中大的无回声区是胃泡C.双泡征中小的无回声区是十二指肠D.羊水过多E.结肠扩张 [单选]建筑物的定位轴线是用()绘制的。A.粗实线(b)B.中实线(b/2)C.细实线(b/4)D.细点画线(b/4) [多选]下列()合同是按照合同表现形式来划分的。A.书面合同B.口头合同C.默示合同D.双务合同E.单务合同 [单选]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列关于收入确认时间的表述中,正确的是()。A.以分期收款方式销售货物的,按照实际取得收入的日期确认收入的实现B.采取产品分成方式取得收入的,按照企业分得产品的日期确认收入的实现C.销售商品采用支付手续费方式委托代销的,在发出货物 [单选,B1型题]肺透明膜病多见于()A.剖宫产儿B.早产儿C.过期产儿D.巨大儿E.小于胎龄儿 [名词解释]习用品 [判断题]牛副结核病的主要特征是顽固性腹泻和渐进性消瘦。()A.正确B.错误
no drugs.ppt 公开课课件
start cannabis at the age of 15
offer sb. crack cocaine
not enough money
break into steal
be addicted to drugs
be taken to the police station
work in a centre for drug addicts
a statue of Lin Zexu New York City, America.
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Let’s swear(宣誓;发誓) together!
Fill in the blanks
Adam first started using drugs when he was 15 and he became a drug_____ .At first, he smoked addict cannabis and then the drug dealer offered ________ him some crack cocaine. He didn’t have enough money for . drugs, so he______ broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder . By that time, he addicted steal was ________to crack cocaine. And he had to_____ pay for drugs . One day, something every day to_________ the police took him to the police station. Then he advice took the doctor’s ______and stopped taking crack cocaine. Now he works in a center for drug addicts, helping ________other to stop taking drugs
No Drugs-课件
Introduction and cultural corner
1. Thirteen people die every hour from illness related to smoking tobacco. (Activity 1, page 11)
More than 50 people died from a fire in Shanghai days ago.
32. 列一个清单
make a list of…
33. 培养新的兴趣
develop new interest
34. 忘记有关---的事 forget about cigarettes
35.不要吸烟,去打个电话in,stead of smoking, make a
phone call or take s short walk
P15: Function
result in 导致… result from 由…造成;源于
吸毒导致很多社会问题。 Taking drugs results in a lot of social problems. 这次事故是因为Lucy的疏忽大意造成的。 This incident resulted from Lucy’s carelessness.
2) Can you explaint_h_e_r_e_a_s_o_n__fo_r__h_is__b_e_in_g__l_a_te_(他迟 到的原因吗)?
Can you explain the reason why he was late?
Can you explain why he was late?
5. One day, he offered me some crack cocaine. = One day, he offered some crack cocaine to me. 提供某物给某人: offer sb. sth./ offer sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth. /provide sth. for sb. supply sb. with sth./ supply sth. to(for) sb. 他们供应食物给幸存者. 他给家人提供衣食. They supply food to/for the survivors. =They supply the survivors with food.
He broke into a house and stole things to get money. What happened to him one day?
He was taken to the police station by the police.
Where does he work now? He works in a centre for drug addicts.
mleosres crack cocaine. Though he knew the drug did great hahremlp to his health, he continued using it. If he didn’t
have any drugs, he was in terrible copmafionrt. But Adam
Read the passage , and correct the mistakes:
Adam used to be a drug addeadliecrt. He first began using drugs when he was 165. A man in the street ofsfeorlded him some crack cocaine. As the days passed, he wanted
1 A Drug Addict and His Story
Dangerous Activities of Teenagers
2 The Dangers of Using Cocaine
1.Read parts 1—6 and decide which article they belong to.
He was taken to the police station by the police.
Where does he work now? He works in a centre for drug addicts.
mleosres crack cocaine. Though he knew the drug did great hahremlp to his health, he continued using it. If he didn’t
have any drugs, he was in terrible copmafionrt. But Adam
Read the passage , and correct the mistakes:
Adam used to be a drug addeadliecrt. He first began using drugs when he was 165. A man in the street ofsfeorlded him some crack cocaine. As the days passed, he wanted
1 A Drug Addict and His Story
Dangerous Activities of Teenagers
2 The Dangers of Using Cocaine
1.Read parts 1—6 and decide which article they belong to.
高一英语No Drugs课件2
crack cocaine 快克、纯可卡因
少量的可卡因会提高你 的体温,使你的心跳加 剧,呼吸加快,你会感 到信心十足,更加警觉, 觉得格外 有劲。当使用纯可卡因时所有这些感觉会更加 强烈。过度吸食可能导致惊厥、突然发病、中 风、脑出血或心力衰竭。长期使用可卡因/纯可 卡因将会导致心理上强烈的依赖性,并出现其 他健康问题,如鼻部组织遭到破坏,呼吸困难 和体重减轻等。
drug dealer
3. the speed at which the heart beats: heart rate become bigger, or to make larger, in size, degree, frequency: increase
5. something you can’t stop doing once you have started: addictive 6.a sudden abnormal working of the heart: heart attack use a needle and syringe to put a liquid into a person’s body:
inject vt. and put注射 to use a needle a liquid into a person’s body
1. to enter a building illegally, probably to steal something:
break into
2. a person who sells drugs illegally:
Adam Rouse
1. A Drug Addict and His Story 2. Dangerous Activities of teenagers