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internal carotid A. S. vertebral-basilar A.S.
To according to tentorium of cerebellum:
the structures of supratentorium accept blood from internal carotid A. S. and posterior cerebral artery;
the structures of infratentorium accept blood from vertebralbasilar A.S.
internal carotid A. S.
To according to the journey, internal carotid A.can be divided in to 1. cervical segment
( Willis circle );
3. The two artery systems
enter cranial cavity by flexed
arteriae systematicac
cerebral arteries
4. the wall of cerebral arteries is very thin , so
7. the cerebral arteries do not accompanied by veins ;
8. the cerebral veins and cranial sinuses are no
venous valve; 脑的静脉和颅窦是没有静脉瓣
9. the both of cerebral blood capillary and neuron have
cortex branches central branches
6. the both systems haven,t
anastomosis each other;
for example : blood vessels block
it,s characteristic is slender,to take place embolism easily。
4. anterior cerebral a.(大脑前动脉)
(1) To according to the journey, anterior cerebral a. can be divided in to:
breake and bleeding is very easy ;
5. the cerebral arteries can be divided in to:
cortex branches
cerebral cortex
central branches
(basal nucleus,internal
A1 horizontal segment(水平段); A2 ascending segment (升段); A3 knee -segment (膝段); A4 pericallosal segment(胼段) ; A5 end- segment (终末端)。
(2)branches and distribution(分支及分布 )
cortical branches: medial frontobasal a. posteromedial frontal a. pericallosal a. paracentral a. precuneal a.
before part of parietooccipital sulcus, hemispheric medial face。
central branches(medial lenticulostriate artery)
A. recurrent branches(Heubner artery): putamen、head of caudate nucleus 、
2. posterior communicating A.(后交通动脉)
3. ant. choroidal A.:
cortex branches:
central branches: pallidus。
hippocampus and uncus;
posterior limb of internal capsule and globus
2. encranial segment :
C5, carotid canal segment ; C4, cavernous segment ; C3, knee segment ; C2, chiasmatic cistern segment ;
C1, end segment
Brain angiography(脑血管造影):
anterior view ,like“T”, formed by M1+A1+C1 posterior view , like“C”, formed by C2+C3+C4
the main branches of internal carotid artery
颈内动脉的主要分支: 1. ophthalmic A.(眼动脉)
The applied anatomy of Biblioteka Baiduerebral vessels
The characteristic of cerebral vessels
the composition : internal carotid a.s. vertebral a.s.
2. the both systems form anastomosis
blood brain barrier;
10. The mutation of cerebral arteries
is very common,
especially in Willis’ circle 。
the artery systeme of brain