
医学英语会话医生篇一、Asking about Symptoms(询问症状)1. Word: Ache- English Explanation: A continuous dull pain.- Phrase: Headache, toothache.- Usage: “I often get an ache in my lower back after sitting for a long time.”- Bilingual Example: “Do yo u have any aches? For example, a headache or a stomachache? I need to know what's wrong with you.”2. Word: Nausea- English Explanation: A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.- Phrase: Nausea and vomiting.- Usage: “Sheplained of nausea this morning.”- Bilingual Example: “You look a bit pale. Are you feeling nausea? It could be a sign of many things.”3. Word: Fatigue- English Explanation: Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.- Phrase: Chronic fatigue.- Usage: “Fatigue is amon symptom among patients with certain diseases.”- Bilingual Example: “You seem so tired all the time. Is it just normal fatigue or something more serious? I'm worried about you.”4. Word: Dizziness- English Explanation: A feeling of faintness, unsteadiness, and wooziness.- Phrase: Sudden dizziness.- Usage: “He experienced dizziness when he stood up too quickly.”- Bilingual Example: “Hey, you said you felt funny. Was it dizziness? That can be really concerning.”5. Word: Rash- English Explanation: An area of reddened, inflamed skin.- Phrase: Skin rash.- Usage: “A rash on the body can be caused by various factors.”- Bilingual Example: “I noticed you have a rash o n your arm. What do you think might have caused it? It's important we figure this out.”二、Diagnosing(诊断)6. Word: Diagnosis- English Explanation: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.- Phrase: Accurate diagnosis.- Usage: “The doctor's diagnosis was based on a series of tests.”- Bilingual Example: “I've done all these tests, and my diagnosis is that you might have a mild infection. It's not too bad, but we need to treat it.”7. Word: Symptom- English Explanation: A physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease.- Phrase: Key symptoms.- Usage: “We need to look at all your symptoms to make a proper diagnosis.”- Bilingual Example: “These symptoms you have are like pieces of a puzzle. We have to put them together to figure out what's wrong. Do you understand?”8. Word: Disorder- English Explanation: An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.- Phrase: Mental disorder.- Usage: “There are many different types of disorders that can affec t a person.”- Bilingual Example: “I'm afraid you might be showing signs of a certain disorder. But don't worry, there are treatments available.”9. Word: Illness- English Explanation: A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.- Phrase: Chronic illness.- Usage: “Living with a chronic illness can be very challenging.”- Bilingual Example: “Your symptoms suggest an illness. But we need more information. How long have you been feeling like this? It's crucial for me to k now.”10. Word: Disease- English Explanation: A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signsor symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.- Phrase: Infectious disease.- Usage: “Preventing infectious diseases is very important in public health.”- Bilingual Example: “I suspect you mig ht have a disease.Don't be scared. We'll do more tests to confirm it. Have you been arou nd anyone who was sick lately?”三、Treatment(治疗)11. Word: Treatment- English Explanation: The use of medical methods to try to cure an illness or injury.- Phrase: Medical treatment.- Usage: “The patient is receiving treatment for his heart condition.”- Bilingual Exam ple: “I think the best treatment for you right now is some rest and taking these medications. You'll be okay, trust me.”12. Word: Therapy- English Explanation: Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.- Phrase: Physical therapy.- U sage: “After the accident, he needed physical therapy to regain his mobility.”- Bilingual Example: “We might need to consider therapy for your problem. It could be like a magic wand to make you feel better.”13. Word: Medication- English Explanation: A drug or other form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent illness.- Phrase: Prescription medication.- Usage: “Always follow the doctor's instructions when taking prescription medications.”- Bilingual Example: “I'm going to pres cribe some medication for you. Take it as directed. It's like little soldiers fighting the bad stuff in your body.”14. Word: Cure- English Explanation: A substance or treatment that can end a disease or medical condition.- Phrase: Potential cure.- Usage: “Scientists are constantly searching for a cure for cancer.”- Bilingual Example: “We hope this treatment will be a cure for your ailment. Wouldn't that be great? Just imagine being healthy again.”15. Word: Procedure- English Explanation: A medical operation or treatment.- Phrase: Surgical procedure.- Usage: “The surgical procedure was veryplex but successful.”- Bilingual Example: “We might have to consider a procedure to fix your problem. Are you okay with that? It's a big step, but it could solve everything.”四、Patient Care(病人护理)16. Word: Care- English Explanation: The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.- Phrase: Patient care.- Usage: “Good patient care is the key to a speedy recovery.”- Bilingual Example: “I want you to know that you'll get the best care here. We'll take care of you like you're family. How does that make you feel?”17. Word: Recovery- English Explanation: The process of bing well again after an illness or injury.- Phrase: Speedy recovery.- Usage: “The doctor wished the patient a speedy recovery.”- Bilingual Example: “Your recovery is our top priority. Do what I say, and you'll be on the road to recovery in no time. Don't you want that?”18. Word: Well - being- English Explanation: The state of beingfortable, healthy, or happy.- Phrase: Mental well - being.- Usage: “We should also focus on the patient's mental well - being during the treatment.”- Bilingual Example: “Your well - being matters to me. I'm not just here to fix your physical problems. How's your mental state? Are you feeling positive?”19. Word: Support- English Explanation: The act of giving assistance, especially financial or practical help.- Phrase: Emotional support.- Usage: “Patients often need emotional support during their illness.”- Bi lingual Example: “I'll give you all the support you need. Emotional support is just as important as medical treatment. You're not alone in this.”20. Word: Health- English Explanation: The state of being free from illness or injury.- Phrase: Public health.- Usage: “Public health initiatives are crucial for the well - being of themunity.”- Bilingual Example: “Your health is in your hands too. I can help, but you need to take care of yourself. Do you understand how important your health i s?”。

医学英语:看医生常用英语词汇及情景对话角色分配:A:病人B:医生情景对话:1、Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?A:Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?B:I've been coughing.我一直咳嗽.2、I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.A:I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.B:Ok, no problem!好的!3、Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?A:Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?B:No,I don't drink at all.我不喝酒的。
4、Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?A:Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?B:Yes ,one pack per day.有,一天一包.5、Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?A:Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?B:No.I'm not.没有.6、Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?A:Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?B:Yes,my father had a heart attack once.有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次.7、Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.8、Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes.I can't eat certain kinds of seafood.有的,我对一些海鲜过敏.9、The doctor will see you shortly.医生马上就来为你看诊.A:Please Wait a moment.The doctor will see you shortly. 请等一下.医生马上就来为你看诊了.B:All right.好的。

常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所physician/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生dentist牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎flu流感have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热pills药丸mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块vitamin维他命tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏medication药物aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器injection注射preventive injection预防针gauze纱布cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊case history病历extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术2.blood transfusion输血3.autologous blood transfusion自体输血4.abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤5.abdominal injury腹部损伤6.abrasion擦伤7.abscess脓肿8.acute abdomen急腹症9.acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎10.acute cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎11.basal energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗12.basal anesthesia基础麻醉13.basilar invagination颅底陷入症14.basic life support,BLS初期复苏15.cardiac contusion心脏挫伤16.cardiac rupture心脏破裂17.cardiac index 心脏指数18.cardiac output 心脏排除量19.cardiac transplantation心脏移植20.chest trauma胸部挫伤21.chemical burn化学烧伤Useful Words and Expressionsinternal medicine 内科surgery 外科ophthalmology 眼科stomatology 口腔科pediatrics 儿科dermatology皮肤科gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情)1. What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?2. What’s your complaint?你哪儿不舒服?3. Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?. Are your bowels regular?你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite?7. Are you feeling dizzy?你觉得头晕吗?8. Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?9. Do you have difficulty in breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?10. Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?11. How long has this been going on?这种情况持续有多久了?12. When did the pain start?什么时候开始疼的?13. Ho w’s your sleep?睡眠怎么样?14. What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃什么了?15. Do you bring up any phlegm?你有痰吗?16. Does your phlegm have any blood?你痰里有血吗?17.Have you had any chills or fever?你有没有寒颤或发热?18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?你家里有人患高血压吗?19. Have you lost any weight recently?你最近体重减轻了吗?20. Are you allergic to anything?你对什么过敏吗?Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)1.I don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。

常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所physician/internist科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生 dentist牙医vet兽医 shrink心理医生symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎flu流感 have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷 asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通 cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵 abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热pills药丸 mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆pad药棉块 vitamin维他命tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带 syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器 injection注射preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布cold cure感冒药 sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊case history病历 extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温 see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生 feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压 give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术2.blood transfusion输血3.autologous blood transfusion自体输血4.abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤5.abdominal injury腹部损伤6.abrasion擦伤7.abscess脓肿8.acute abdomen急腹症9.acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎10.acute cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎11.basal energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗12.basal anesthesia基础麻醉13.basilar invagination颅底陷入症14.basic life support,BLS初期复15.cardiac contusion心脏挫伤16.cardiac rupture心脏破裂17.cardiac index 心脏指数18.cardiac output 心脏排除量19.cardiac transplantation心脏移植20.chest trauma胸部挫伤21.chemical burn化学烧伤Useful Words and Expressionsinternal medicine 科surgery 外科ophthalmology 眼科stomatology 口腔科pediatrics 儿科dermatology皮肤科gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情 )1. What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?2. What’s your complaint?你哪儿不舒服?3. Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?. Are your bowels regular?你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite?7. Are you feeling dizzy?你觉得头晕吗?8. Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?9. Do you have difficulty in breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?10. Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?11. How long has this been going on?这种情况持续有多久了?12. When did the pain start?什么时候开始疼的?13. How’s your sleep?睡眠怎么样?14. What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃什么了?15. Do you bring up any phlegm?你有痰吗?16. Does your phlegm have any blood?你痰里有血吗?17. Have you had any chills or fever?你有没有寒颤或发热?18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?你家里有人患高血压吗?19. Have you lost any weight recently?你最近体重减轻了吗?20. Are you allergic to anything?你对什么过敏吗?Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)1.I don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。

医学英语:看医生常用英语词汇及情景对话角色分配:A:病人B:医生情景对话:1、Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?A:Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?B:I've been coughing.我一直咳嗽.2、I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.A:I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.B:Ok, no problem!好的!3、Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?A:Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?B:No,I don't drink at all.我不喝酒的。
4、Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?A:Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?B:Yes ,one pack per day.有,一天一包.5、Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?A:Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?B:No.I'm not.没有.6、Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?A:Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?B:Yes,my father had a heart attack once.有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次.7、Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.8、Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes.I can't eat certain kinds of seafood.有的,我对一些海鲜过敏.9、The doctor will see you shortly.医生马上就来为你看诊.A:Please Wait a moment.The doctor will see you shortly. 请等一下.医生马上就来为你看诊了.B:All right.好的。

常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生 dentist牙医vet兽医 shrink心理医生symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎flu流感 have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷 asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通 cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵 abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热pills药丸 mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆pad药棉块 vitamin维他命tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带 syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器 injection注射preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布cold cure感冒药 sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊case history病历 extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温 see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生 feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压 give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术transfusion输血blood transfusion自体输血aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤injury腹部损伤擦伤脓肿abdomen急腹症cholecystitis急性胆囊炎cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗anesthesia基础麻醉invagination颅底陷入症life support,BLS初期复苏contusion心脏挫伤rupture心脏破裂index 心脏指数output 心脏排除量transplantation心脏移植trauma胸部挫伤burn化学烧伤Useful Words and Expressionsinternal medicine 内科surgery 外科ophthalmology 眼科stomatology 口腔科pediatrics 儿科dermatology皮肤科gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情 )1. What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?2. What’s your complaint?你哪儿不舒服?3. Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?. Are your bowels regular?你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite?7. Are you feeling dizzy?你觉得头晕吗?8. Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?9. Do you have difficulty in breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?10. Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?11. How long has this been going on?这种情况持续有多久了?12. When did the pain start?什么时候开始疼的?13. How’s your sleep?睡眠怎么样?14. What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃什么了?15. Do you bring up any phlegm?你有痰吗?16. Does your phlegm have any blood?你痰里有血吗?17. Have you had any chills or fever?你有没有寒颤或发热?18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?你家里有人患高血压吗?19. Have you lost any weight recently?你最近体重减轻了吗?20. Are you allergic to anything?你对什么过敏吗?Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。

常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生 dentist牙医vet兽医 shrink心理医生symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎flu流感 have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷 asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通 cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵 abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热pills药丸 mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆pad药棉块 vitamin维他命tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带 syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器 injection注射preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布cold cure感冒药 sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊case history病历 extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温 see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生 feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压 give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术2.blood transfusion输血3.autologous blood transfusion自体输血4.abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤5.abdominal injury腹部损伤6.abrasion擦伤7.abscess脓肿8.acute abdomen急腹症9.acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎10.acute cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎11.basal energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗12.basal anesthesia基础麻醉13.basilar invagination颅底陷入症14.basic life support,BLS初期复苏15.cardiac contusion心脏挫伤16.cardiac rupture心脏破裂17.cardiac index 心脏指数18.cardiac output 心脏排除量19.cardiac transplantation心脏移植20.chest trauma胸部挫伤21.chemical burn化学烧伤Useful Words and Expressionsinternal medicine 内科surgery 外科ophthalmology 眼科stomatology 口腔科pediatrics 儿科dermatology皮肤科gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情 )1. What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?2. What’s your complaint?你哪儿不舒服?3. Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?. Are your bowels regular?你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite?7. Are you feeling dizzy?你觉得头晕吗?8. Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?9. Do you have difficulty in breathing?你呼吸有困难吗?10. Have you ever had this experience before?你以前有过这种情况吗?11. How long has this been going on?这种情况持续有多久了?12. When did the pain start?什么时候开始疼的?13. Ho w’s your sleep?睡眠怎么样?14. What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃什么了?15. Do you bring up any phlegm?你有痰吗?16. Does your phlegm have any blood?你痰里有血吗?17. Have you had any chills or fever?你有没有寒颤或发热?18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?你家里有人患高血压吗?19. Have you lost any weight recently?你最近体重减轻了吗?20. Are you allergic to anything?你对什么过敏吗?Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)1.I don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。

医务人员常用英语对话A一、询问病情:1. 问现病史:Hello, may (can) I help you? 您好,我可以帮您吗?What seems to be bothering you?您觉得哪儿不舒服?How are you feeling now?你现在觉得怎么样?Have you got a headache / a cough?你头痛/咳嗽吗?Are you bring anything up when you cough?咳嗽时有痰吗?How do you feel with your stomach?你感觉胃不舒服吗?Where is your pain?你觉得哪儿痛?What kind of pain do you feel?你觉得怎么个痛法?Has it happened before? 这种情况以前发生过吗?Is the pain getting less?疼痛减轻些了吗?Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?来医院前你接受过治疗吗?Have you taken any medicine? 你吃过什么药吗?2。
问病程:When did you feel unwell?你什么时候觉得不舒服的?When did the pain start?疼痛何时开始的?How long have you had the problem?你像这样多久了?3。
问一般情况:Did you take your temperature? 你量过体温吗?Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?Do you feel tired? 你觉得疲劳吗?How’s your appetite? 你的胃口怎么样?4. 问既往史:Have you ever had any surgery / low grade fever / any chronic ailments / cold sweats at night / attacks of asthma?你有动过手术(发低烧、任何慢性病、间出冷汗、哮喘发作)吗?Have you ever had any Infectious diseases like tuberculosis or typhoid?你得过类似结核或伤寒的传染病吗?Are you allergic to any medications?你对药物过敏吗? 5。

医学英语:看医生常用英语词汇及情景对话角色分配:A:病人B:医生情景对话:1、Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?A:Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?B:I've been coughing.我一直咳嗽.2、I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.A:I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.B:Ok, no problem!好的!3、Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?A:Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?B:No,I don't drink at all.我不喝酒的。
4、Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?A:Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?B:Yes ,one pack per day.有,一天一包.5、Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?A:Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?B:No.I'm not.没有.6、Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?A:Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?B:Yes,my father had a heart attack once.有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次.7、Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.8、Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes.I can't eat certain kinds of seafood.有的,我对一些海鲜过敏.9、The doctor will see you shortly.医生马上就来为你看诊.A:Please Wait a moment.The doctor will see you shortly. 请等一下.医生马上就来为你看诊了.B:All right.好的。

常用医学英语口语对话1. Patient Registration (患者登记)- English: "What seems to be the problem today?"- 中文: "今天您感觉哪里不舒服?"2. Taking Medical History (询问病史)- English: "Have you been experiencing any pain?"- 中文: "您有没有感到疼痛?"3. Physical Examination (体格检查)- English: "Please take a deep breath and exhale slowly."- 中文: "请深呼吸,然后慢慢呼气。
"4. Prescribing Medication (开药)- English: "I'm going to prescribe you some medication for your infection."- 中文: "我将为您开一些治疗感染的药物。
"5. Explaining Procedures (解释程序)- English: "You will need to fast for at least 8 hours before the test."- 中文: "在做这个检查之前,您需要空腹至少8小时。
"6. Giving Instructions (给予指导)- English: "Take two tablets with water after meals, three times a day."- 中文: "饭后用水服用两片药,一天三次。
医学英语 看医生常用词汇及句子

医学英语看医生常用词汇及句子医学英语看医生常用词汇及句子医学英语:看医生常用词汇及句子常用看医生词汇:have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽headache 头痛have a stomachache 胃痛have a toothache 牙痛have a fever 咳嗽allergy 过敏pneumonia 肺炎medication 药物pills 药丸see a doctor 看病have an operation 动手术recover 复原,痊愈常用看医生句子:i feel sick,i want to see a doctor.我真的不难受,我想要回去看医生。
please call an ambulance.what are your symptoms?量一下体温吧。
the doctor says that i should not eat anything oily.医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。
the doctor says that i should take quinine.医生说我应该服用奎宁。
the doctor gave me a chest x-ray and took my blood pressure.医生给我做了x光胸透并量了血压。
the doctor gave me a shot and said to go to bed for a few days.医生给我打了针,并吩咐我躺着休息几天。
i took some medicine and went to bed at once.我服了药就上床休息。
the doctor says that i should not eat anything oily.医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。

医学英语:看医生常用英语词汇及情景对话角色分配:A:病人B:医生情景对话:1、Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?A:Tell me what's wrong.告诉我怎么了?B:I've been coughing.我一直咳嗽.2、I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.A:I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you.医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题.B:Ok, no problem!好的!3、Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?A:Do you drink?平常有喝酒吗?B:No,I don't drink at all.我不喝酒的。
4、Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?A:Do you smoke?平常有抽烟吗?B:Yes ,one pack per day.有,一天一包.5、Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?A:Are you currently on any medication?目前有服用任何药物吗?B:No.I'm not.没有.6、Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?A:Is there a history of heart disease in your family?家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史?B:Yes,my father had a heart attack once.有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次.7、Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Are you allergic to anything?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.8、Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?A:Do you have any allergies?有没有任何过敏呢?B:Yes.I can't eat certain kinds of seafood.有的,我对一些海鲜过敏.9、The doctor will see you shortly.医生马上就来为你看诊.A:Please Wait a moment.The doctor will see you shortly. 请等一下.医生马上就来为你看诊了.B:All right.好的。

问现病史:Hello, may (can) I help you?您好,我可以帮您吗?What seems to be bothering you?您觉得哪儿不舒服?How are you feeling now?你现在觉得怎么样?Have you got a headache / a cough?你头痛/咳嗽吗?Are you bring anything up when you cough?咳嗽时有痰吗?How do you feel with your stomach? 你感觉胃不舒服吗?Where is your pain? 你觉得哪儿痛?What kind of pain do you feel?你觉得怎么个痛法?Has it happened before? 这种情况以前发生过吗?Is the pain getting less?疼痛减轻些了吗?Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?来医院前你接受过治疗吗?Have you taken any medicine?你吃过什么药吗?2. 问病程:When did you feel unwell? 你什么时候觉得不舒服的?When did the pain start? 疼痛何时开始的?How long have you had the problem? 你像这样多久了?3. 问一般情况:Did you take your temperature?你量过体温吗?Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗?How’s your appetite?你的胃口怎么样?4。
问既往史:Have you ever had any surgery / low grade fever / any chronic ailments / cold sweats at night / attacks of asthma?你有动过手术(发低烧、任何慢性病、间出冷汗、哮喘发作)吗?Have you ever had any Infectious diseases like tuberculosis or typhoid? 你得过类似结核或伤寒的传染病吗?Are you allergic to any medications? 你对药物过敏吗? 5。

问现病史:Hello, may (can) I help you? 您好,我可以帮您吗?What seems to be bothering you? 您觉得哪儿不舒服?How are you feeling now?你现在觉得怎么样?Have you got a headache / a cough?你头痛/咳嗽吗?Are you bring anything up when you cough? 咳嗽时有痰吗?How do you feel with your stomach?你感觉胃不舒服吗?Where is your pain? 你觉得哪儿痛?What kind of pain do you feel? 你觉得怎么个痛法?Has it happened before? 这种情况以前发生过吗?Is the pain getting less? 疼痛减轻些了吗?Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?来医院前你接受过治疗吗?Have you taken any medicine? 你吃过什么药吗?2。
问病程:When did you feel unwell?你什么时候觉得不舒服的?When did the pain start? 疼痛何时开始的?How long have you had the problem?你像这样多久了?3. 问一般情况:Did you take your temperature?你量过体温吗?Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗?How's your appetite?你的胃口怎么样?4。
问既往史:Have you ever had any surgery / low grade fever / any chronic ailments / cold sweats at night / attacks of asthma? 你有动过手术(发低烧、任何慢性病、间出冷汗、哮喘发作)吗?Have you ever had any Infectious diseases like tuberculosis or typhoid?你得过类似结核或伤寒的传染病吗?Are you allergic to any medications?你对药物过敏吗? 5. 问个人史Where were you born?你出生在哪里?How long have you been in Shanghai?你来上海多久了?Do you smoke / drink?你吸烟(喝酒)吗? 6。

常用医学词汇及行医英文对话常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所physician/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生dentist牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎flu流感have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热pills药丸mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块vitamin维他命tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏medication药物aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器injection注射preventive injection预防针gauze纱布cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊case history病历extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术2.3.transfusion输血4.5.blood transfusion自体输血6.7.aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤8.9.injury腹部损伤11.擦伤12.13.脓肿14.15.abdomen急腹症16.17.cholecystitis急性胆囊炎18.19.cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎20.21.energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗22.23.anesthesia基础麻醉24.25.invagination颅底陷入症26.27.life support,BLS初期复苏28.29.contusion心脏挫伤30.31.rupture心脏破裂32.33.index 心脏指数34.35.output 心脏排除量36.37.transplantation心脏移植38.39.trauma胸部挫伤41.burn化学烧伤42./doc/1417346853.html,eful Words and Expressions44.internal medicine 内科45.surgery 外科46.ophthalmology 眼科47.stomatology 口腔科48.pediatrics 儿科49.dermatology皮肤科50.gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情)1. What’s the matter with you你怎么了2. What’s your complaint你哪儿不舒服3. Do you cough你咳嗽吗. Are your bowels regular你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite7. Are you feeling dizzy你觉得头晕吗8. Do you have a fever你发烧吗9. Do you have difficulty in breathing你呼吸有困难吗10. Have you ever had this experience before你以前有过这种情况吗11. How long has this been going on这种情况持续有多久了12. When did the pain start什么时候开始疼的13. How’s your sleep睡眠怎么样14. What did you eat yesterday你昨天吃什么了15. Do you bring up any phlegm你有痰吗16. Does your phlegm have any blood你痰里有血吗17.Have you had any chills or fever你有没有寒颤或发热18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension你家里有人患高血压吗19. Have you lost any weight recently你最近体重减轻了吗20. Are you allergic to anything你对什么过敏吗Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。
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常用医学词汇及行医英文对话mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所physician/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生dentist牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎flu流感have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热pills药丸mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块vitamin维他命tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏medication药物aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器injection注射preventive injection预防针gauze纱布cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊case history病历extract拔牙take one''s temperature量体温see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生feel one''s pulse量脉搏take one''s blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约About a week now.About five days running already.I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left leg.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.I feel like I'm burning up.I feel like vomiting.I feel poorly.I feel rather unwell.I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.I feel sick. I feel so ill.I feel very bad.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I have a stuffed-up nose.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.I really feel terrible.I seem to have pain all over.I think I'm dying.I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.I'm aching all over.I'm afraid I've got a temperature.I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .I'm having some trouble sleeping.I'm rather sick.I'm running a fever.I'm running a temperature .I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm under the weather.It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It hurts terrible.It keeps hanging on.It sort of hung on1.asepsis无菌术2.3.transfusion输血4.5.blood transfusion自体输血6.7.aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤8.9.injury腹部损伤10.11.擦伤12.13.脓肿14.15.abdomen急腹症16.17.cholecystitis急性胆囊炎18.19.cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎20.21.energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗22.23.anesthesia基础麻醉24.25.invagination颅底陷入症26.27.life support,BLS初期复苏28.29.contusion心脏挫伤30.31.rupture心脏破裂32.33.index 心脏指数34.35.output 心脏排除量36.37.transplantation心脏移植38.39.trauma胸部挫伤40.41.burn化学烧伤42.eful Words and Expressions44.internal medicine 内科45.surgery 外科46.ophthalmology 眼科47.stomatology 口腔科48.pediatrics 儿科49.dermatology皮肤科50.gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情)1. What’s the matter with you你怎么了2. What’s your complaint你哪儿不舒服3. Do you cough你咳嗽吗. Are your bowels regular你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have any appetite7. Are you feeling dizzy你觉得头晕吗8. Do you have a fever你发烧吗9. Do you have difficulty in breathing你呼吸有困难吗10. Have you ever had this experience before你以前有过这种情况吗11. How long has this been going on这种情况持续有多久了12. When did the pain start什么时候开始疼的13. How’s your sleep睡眠怎么样14. What did you eat yesterday你昨天吃什么了15. Do you bring up any phlegm你有痰吗16. Does your phlegm have any blood你痰里有血吗17.Have you had any chills or fever你有没有寒颤或发热18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension你家里有人患高血压吗19. Have you lost any weight recently你最近体重减轻了吗20. Are you allergic to anything你对什么过敏吗Useful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)don’t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。
2. I have a headache, a sore throat, and my arms and legs feel weak. 我头疼,喉咙疼,手脚无力。
feel like vomiting.我觉得想呕吐。
4. I cough a great deal at night.我晚上咳嗽得很厉害。
have a stuffed-up nose.我鼻子不通气。
have got a runny nose.我流鼻涕。
have chills.我受寒了。
9. I keep feeling dizzy.我一直头晕。
feel a pain in my abdomen.我觉得腹痛。
11. It hurts terrible.痛得很厉害。
have got a humming.我有耳鸣。
13. My eye sight is failing.我视力正在衰退。
14. There is a bitter taste in my mouth.我嘴里有一种苦味。
15. It all began yesterday.是从昨天开始的。
seem to have pain all over.我浑身疼。
tooth hurts.这颗牙疼。
18. My chest hurts.我胸部疼。
19. It’s not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache.这不是剧痛;只是有些钝疼。
20. It’s been hanging about for near ly a week.这已经持续了将近一个星期了。
21. I feel numb in my right arm我觉得右臂麻木。
22. I’m suffering from insomnia.我的睡眠不好。