





国际货运代理专业英语考试选择题及答案1单项选择题1.Which of the following risk is not the political risk in international trade?A. war riskB. cancellation of import licenseC. transfer riskD. risk of non-acceptance答案:D2. According UCP600, the terms “the end of July, 2008” in the L/C shall be construed as ( )A. from July 21st to July 31stB. from July 1st to July 15thC. from July 11th to July 20thD. from July 1st to July 10th答案:A3. Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ( )A. mate’s receiptB. sea waybillC. shipping notesD. manifest答案:A4. Both in voyage and time chartering, the shipowner isresponsible for ( ).A. dischargingB. fuelC. demurrageD. wages of crew答案:D5. Which of the following risks are not covered in FPA ( )A. lightningB. partial lossC. general averageD. discharging at a port of distress following a sea peril答案:B6. The B/L can be issued by ( )A. consignorB. notify partyC. carrierD. consignee答案:C7. Which of the following marine bills of lading cannot be transferred to third parties? ( )A. Order Bills of LadingB. Straight Bills of LadingC. Shipped Bills of LadingD. Clean Bills of Lading答案:B8. Usually, the AWB is non-negotiable, the goods must be sent to the ( ) titled in the air waybill.A. consignorB. consigneeC. carrierD. notify party答案:B9. ( ) are rates that are applicable to named types of freight.A. Specific Commodity RatesB. Class RatesC. General Cargo RatesD. Contract FAK Rates答案:A10. ( ) is one standard form of bareboat charter party used to any great extent designed by BIMCO.A. BARECOM formB. GENCON formC. NYPE formD. BALTIME form答案:A11. To the individual consignors, the consolidator is the ( ) while to the actual carrier, he is the ( )A. consignor/carrierB. carrier/consignorC. actual carrier/carrierD. consignor/actual consignor答案:B12. Which of the following documents is a document of title to the goods and can be sold merely by endorsement? ( )A. Bills of LadingB. Air WaybillC. InvoiceD. Packing List答案:A13. Usually the freight must be opened and inspected, if theconsignee is not on-site, the ( ) can represent him.A. reservations agentB. customs brokerC. shipping clerkD. carrier答案:B14. Under UCP600, The regulations regarding multi-modal transport documents may be described in Articles ( )A. 4~8B. 17~28C. 29~37D. 1~3答案:B15. ( ) is a system of unitized multimodal land transportation of transport by road and rail.A. Land bridgeB. Rail/roadC. PiggybackD. Sea/air答案:C国际货运代理专业英语考试选择题及答案21. The Customs General Administration2.Customs establishment3.Import and Export tariff4. Appointment and removal5. Tariff reduction and exemption6. enact statute7. inward and outward luggage8. over-landed cargo9. short-landed cargo10. shut-out cargo11. damaged cargo12. examine and release13. shipping order14. transshipment goods15. through goods16. transit goods17. supervision and control18. collection of duty19. compile statistics20. legal commodity inspection21. inspection certificate22. animal and plant quarantine23. Import and Export licence24. the State Council25. Customs valuation26. duty memorandum27. short-levied duty28. over-levied duty29. administrative consideration30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff31. general rate32. preferential rate33. The State Tariff Commission34. obligatory duty payer35. file a suit36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate37. temporary duty exemption38. Customs and excise office39. financing cost40. home consumption41. bonded warehouse42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund43. port authority44. economic quantity45. criminal gangs46. Anti-Drugs Alliance47. sniffer dog48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System50. document title参考答案1. The Customs General Administration 海关总署2.Customs establishment 海关关点3.Import and Export tariff 进出口税则4. Appointment and removal 任命和免职5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免6. enact statute 颁布法令7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李8. over-landed cargo 溢卸货物9. short-landed cargo 短卸货物10. shut-out cargo 退关货物11. damaged cargo 破损货物12. examine and release 查验与放行13. shipping order 装货通知14. transshipment goods 转运货物15. through goods 通运货物16. transit goods 过境货物17. supervision and control 监管18. collection of duty 征税19. compile statistics 编制海关统计20. legal commodity inspection 法定商品检验21. inspection certificate 检验证书22. animal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫23. Import and Export licence 进出口许可证24. the State Council 国务院25. Customs valuation 完税价格26. duty memorandum 税款缴款书27. short-levied duty 短征的关税28. over-levied duty 溢征的关税29. administrative consideration行政审议30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff 进出口关税条例31. general rate 普通税率32. preferential rate 优惠税率33. The State Tariff Commission 国家关税委员会34. obligatory duty payer 义务纳税人35. file a suit 提起诉讼36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate 享受关税减免资格证书37. temporary duty exemption 暂时关税减免38. Customs and excise office 海关与货物税务署39. financing cost 融资成本40. home consumption 国内销售41. bonded warehouse 保税仓库42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund 先征后退制度43. port authority 港务局44. economic quantity 经济批量45. criminal gangs 犯罪团伙46. Anti-Drugs Alliance 反毒品联盟47. sniffer dog 缉毒犬48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff 海关税则商品分类目录49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 商品名称及编码协调制度50. document title 物权凭证。








单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes().A.packing the goods B.paying the freight to the marine carrierC.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ()means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.A.FCA B.FOB C.CFR D.CPT3、According to UCP600, the terms “middle”of a month in the L/C shall be construed as(). A.from the 10th to the 20th of the month B.from the 11th to the 20th of the monthC.from the 11th to the 21st of the month D.from the 10th to the 21st of the month4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the ()A.WA B.FPA C.All Risks D.Institute Cargo Clause(A)5、()ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charter’s need for transport capacity overa certain period of time, often one year or several years.A.V oyage chartering B.Time chartering C.Bareboat chartering D.Contract of affreightment 6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the()charter party.A.time B.voyage C.bareboat D.TCT7、Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the following is not correct?()A.evidence of the contract of carriage B.receipt for the goods shippedC.document of title to the goods D.non-negotiable document8、Document credit means payment against()instead of against goods.A.contracts B.documents C.cargoes D.bank draft9、From legal point of view, the ()on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea.A.carrier B.shipper C.consignee D.notify party10、()may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL.A.CY/CY B.DOOR/DOOR C.DOOR/CY D.CFS/CFS11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under ()is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery.A.CMR convention B.the Hague Rules C.the Hamburg Rules D.the Hague-Visby Rules12、()are rates which are applicable to named types of freight in air cargo transportation.A.Class Rates B.Specific Commodity Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rates D.General Cargo Rates 13、The movement of finished product to customers is().A.market distribution B.procurement C.manufacturing support D.inventory14、()is a letter from a bank to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person orcompany named.A.Letter of Delivery B.Letter of Credit C.Letter of Indemnity D.Letter of Guarantee15、For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be().A.managed B.integrated C.transported D.supplied二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。



2013 年全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语试卷I【 A 卷】(考试时间: 14:00—15:00)注意事项一、国际货代英语由试卷I 和试卷Ⅱ两部分组成。

试卷I 为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。


二、答题说明1、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在“答题卡”上方相应的位置上,并将每位准考证号码下相对应的数字框用2B 铅笔涂黑。



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一.单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 15 分,单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1.The international trade transactions should start with ()A. market distributionB. market researchC. market locationD. market risk2.The consignee in international carriage of goods by sea normally refers to ()A. importerB. exporterC. forwarderD. carrier3.According to INCOTERMS 2000, the ()term requires the seller to procure insurance And pays theinsurance premium.A. FCAB. FOBC. CIFD. CFR4.The term “ middleof a”month in the letter of credit shall be construed as () according to UCP600.A. the 1 st to 10thB. the 11th to the 20thC. the 21st to the 30thD. the 15th to the 25th5.The () refer to the bank that is responsible for payment of the proceeds under a letter of credit if theterms and conditions of the credit are complied with.A. advising bankB. negotiating bankC. issuing bankD. commerce bank6.Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combinations are takingplace. () transport dose not refer to multimodal transport.A. Sea/airB. sea /roadC. sea/railD.sea/sea7.The () is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of shipping space.A. booking noteB. mate ’ s receiptC. bill of ladingD. delivery order8.The all Risks of PICC Ocean Marine Clauses does not cover ()A. shortage risksB. leakage riskC. hook damage riskD. war risks9. As a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a house billof lading. To the individual consignor, the consolidator is the ( ), while in his relationship with the actualcarrier, he is the consignor.A. agentB. carrierC. consignorD. war risks10.There are more standard forms of voyage charter parties than any other forms of contract of carriage.( ) is the most popular and widely used general purpose voyage charter party on a global basis fornumerous types of cargoes.A.BALTIMEB.BOXTIMEC.GENCOND.BARECON11.A ccording to the CMR, the carrier shall be liable for the total or partial loss of goods and for damagethereto occurring between the time when he takes over the goods and the time of delivery, as well as forany delay in delivery. however ,the carrier is not liable if the loss ,damage or delay is due to ()A. neglect of carrier’ s agentB. neglect of carrier’ s servantsC. neglect of consignorD. neglect of carrier himself12.The character of settlement by letter of credit do not include that ()A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrumentB. L/C is a document transactionC. the issuing bank’ s liabilities for paymentD. L/C is a cargo transaction13.In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between transportation cost and()A. managementB. information flowC. service qualityD. service quantity14.In international air cargo transportation, () are pitched at an extremely high level.A. General Cargo RateB. Class RateC. Specific Commodity RatesD. Bulk Unitization Rates15.The bill of lading serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea between the ()A. carrier and consigneeB. carrier and shipperC. shipper and consigneeD. shipper and receiver二、判断题(每题 1 分,共 15 分。








单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes().A.packing the goods B.paying the freight to the marine carrierC.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ()means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.A.FCA B.FOB C.CFR D.CPT3、According to UCP600, the terms “middle”of a month in the L/C shall be construed as(). A.from the 10th to the 20th of the month B.from the 11th to the 20th of the monthC.from the 11th to the 21st of the month D.from the 10th to the 21st of the month4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the ()A.WA B.FPA C.All Risks D.Institute Cargo Clause(A)5、()ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charter’s need for transport capacity overa certain period of time, often one year or several years.A.V oyage chartering B.Time chartering C.Bareboat chartering D.Contract of affreightment 6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the()charter party.A.time B.voyage C.bareboat D.TCT7、Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the following is not correct?()A.evidence of the contract of carriage B.receipt for the goods shippedC.document of title to the goods D.non-negotiable document8、Document credit means payment against()instead of against goods.A.contracts B.documents C.cargoes D.bank draft9、From legal point of view, the ()on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea.A.carrier B.shipper C.consignee D.notify party10、()may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL.A.CY/CY B.DOOR/DOOR C.DOOR/CY D.CFS/CFS11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under ()is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery.A.CMR convention B.the Hague Rules C.the Hamburg Rules D.the Hague-Visby Rules12、()are rates which are applicable to named types of freight in air cargo transportation.A.Class Rates B.Specific Commodity Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rates D.General Cargo Rates 13、The movement of finished product to customers is().A.market distribution B.procurement C.manufacturing support D.inventory14、()is a letter from a bank to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person orcompany named.A.Letter of Delivery B.Letter of Credit C.Letter of Indemnity D.Letter of Guarantee15、For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be().A.managed B.integrated C.transported D.supplied二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。



一.单项选择题1. In international trade, redemption of documents under L/C operations means that ( B ).A. the beneficiary must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bankB.the applicant must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bankC.the beneficiary must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goodsD.the applicant must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goods2. The seller had made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term, therefore the scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of the seller normally does not include ( A )A. arranging import customs clearanceB.delivering the goods to the carrier at the port of shipmentC.arranging export customs clearanceD.booking space with the marine carrier3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( B ) means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination and also to procure insurance for the goods during the carriage.A. CPTB.CIPC.CFRD.CIF4. According to UCP 600, the term “shipment to be made at the middle of May” in the letter of credit shall be construed as ( A )A. from the 11th to the 20th of MayB.from the 15th to the 25th of MayC.from the 10th to the 20th of MayD.from the 16th to the 31st of May5. The All Risks in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses does not cover the risks of ( C )A. shortageB.rain damageC.import dutyD.taint of odour6. The vessel’s cubic capacity is usually stated both in grain capacity and in bale capacity. The ( B ) is the volume of a vessel’s hold to carry packaged dry cargo such as pallets, boxes, cartons etC.A. grain capacityB.bale capacityC.gross tonnageD.net tonnage7. The documents commonly used in carriage of goods by sea are bills of lading, sea waybills, cargo manifests, booking notes and delivery orders etC.Please point out the ( A ) are issued by the shippers or their agents.A. booking notesB.delivery ordersC.sea waybillsD.cargo manifests8. According to UCP600, the commercial invoice must be made out in the same currency as the ( C ).A. bill of ladingB.sale contractC.letter of creditD.insurance policy9. Please point out which of the following expressions is not the characteristics of settlement by letters of credit. ( D )A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrumentB.L/C is a document transactionC.The issuing bank’ s liabilities for paymentD.L/C is a cargo transaction10. In international air cargo transportation, ( A ) are rates which are applicable to any types of air cargo .A. General Cargo RateB.Class RatesC.Bulk Unitization RateD.Specific Commodity Rates11. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road, according to the CMR, the carrier is responsible for ( D ).A. any wrongful act of the consignorB.inherent vice of the goodsC.neglect of the consignorD.omission of carrier’s servants12. Establishing only one agency to deal with is one of advantages in multimodal transport operation, her agency means ( C ).A. agent of cargo ownerB.agent of shipownerC.MTOD.broker13. In most supply chains, customer requirements are transmitted in the form of ( A ).A. orderB.inventory C transportD.warehousing14. ( B ) is a lump sum rate for the carriage of a container loaded with a particular commodity in marine container transportation.A. CIFB.CBRC.BAFD.CAF15. The marine bill of lading is one of the most of important documents in marine cargo transport and it serves as ( B ).A. contract of carriage of goods by seaB.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by seaC contract of carriage of goods by airD.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by air二.判断题16. One of the WTO basic functions is to implement, administer, and carry out IMF Agreement and it annexes. ( B )17. The forwarders take delivery of the goods from the consignor and issue the document of Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt to the consignor. In this case the forwarders are also considered to be the agent of the consignor. ( A )18. The “beginning of a month” has the similar expression as “first half of a month” in the credit referring to shipment according to UCP600. ( B )19. UCP 600 applies to all letters of credit no matter weather it is expressly mentioned or not in the text of the L/C ( B ).20. An irrevocable confirmed documentary credit is one that contains the guarantee of payment to the beneficiary by both the issuing bank and confirming bank so long as the terms as condition of the credit are met. ( A )21. The charterers retain the property in bunkers which have been supplied and paid for by shipowner on board the vessel during the period of voyage charter. ( B )22. The sea waybill serves as same functions as marine bill of lading used in carriage of goods by rail and road and who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill. ( B )23. Both order bill of lading and straight bill of lading can be transferred to the third party by endorsement. ( B )24. The port clearance means that the cargo owner has got the permission of the customs authorities for import or export cargo. ( A )25. Under CMR convention, the carrier is responsible for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the goods loaded on board the ship and the time of delivery at discharging port. ( B )26. The risk covered in FPA, WPA and All Risk in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses are not the same but all of them cover loss or damage caused by the intentional act of the InsureD.( B )27. Consolidation can not only benefit exporters, shippers and forwarders but also benefit carriers, because the carrier can take advantage of the FCL tariff rates. ( A )28. In international air cargo transportation, Specific Commodity Rate are only applicable to named types of cargo. ( A )29. According to INCOTERMS 2000, FCA may not be used for sea and inland waterway transport. ( B )30. A sound inventory is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm’s facility structure is used to ship products and materials to customers. ( B )三.多项选择题31. When the freight forwarder packs the goods in behalf of the exporter, he should take into account ( A B C ).A. the mode of transportB.the nature of the goodsC.the applicable regulationD.the route of transport32. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the following trade terms ( A D ) mean that the sellers must arrange goods transportation from port of shipment to the named port of destination.A. CFRB.FCAC.FOBD.CIF33. PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses such as FPA, WPA and All Risk do not cover loss of or damage to cargo caused by ( B D ),A. fire or explosionB.fall of market priceC.sinking of the vesselD.delay in transit34. Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combination are taking place. The following combinations ( B C ) are involving rail transport.A. sea/airB.mini-bridgeC.land bridgeD.air/road35. In marine voyage chartering business, the shipowner is responsible for costs such as ( AB ).A. bunkerB.port chargesC.freightD.demurrage36. A beneficiary refers to the party in whose favor an L/C is opened.It usually refers to the ( A C ).A. buyerB.sellerC.importerD.exporter37. Normally the banks will not accept the marine bills of lading which contained the following words ( B C D ).A. apparent good order and conditionB.insufficient packingC.one carton shortD.missing safety seal38. There are some risks in multilateral trade. They mainly include economic risks and political risks. The economic risks include ( A B C D ).A. risk of insolvency of the buyerB.risk of exchange rateC.risk of failure of payment by buyerD.risk of non-acceptanceparing with UCP500, the major changes introduced by the UCP600 include ( A C ).A. the banks now have a maximum of five banking days for the examination of documentsB.the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days for the examination of documents C.Bs/L may now allow transshipmentD.Bs/L may not allow transshipment40.Please point out which of the following statements are not right. ( B D )A. inventory is one of areas of logistical workB.inventory is not one of areas of logistical workC.facility network is one of areas of logistical workD.facility network is not one of areas of logistical work四.完型填空The use of containers, which started more than 40 years ago, in intercontinental traffic is now available in most sea cargo transport worldwide. The unit ( 41 C ) is used to express the relative number of containers based on the equivalent length of a 20’ container. The ( 42 A ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is pac ked at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s premises, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 43 B ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s p remises, and that same whole container is emptied at the carrier’s container freight station at the port of destination. The ( 44 D ) broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrier’s freight station at the port of origin is packed into t he whole container, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 45 C ) container service broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrier’s container freight station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and that same whole container is emptied at the carrier’s freight station at the port destination.41 A.30FTB.FEUC.TEUD.10FT42 A.CY/CY 来源:考试大B.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY43 A.CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY44 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY45 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CYAccording to China Maritime Code, unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing by theconsignee to the carrier at the time of delivery of the goods by the ( 46 A ), such delivery shall be deemed to be ( 47 B ) of the delivery of the goods by the carrier as described in the transport documents and of the apparent good order and condition of such goods. Where the loss of or damage to the goods is not apparent, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply if the consignee has not given the notice in writing within ( 48 A ) from the next day of the delivery of the goods, or, in the case of containerized goods, within ( 49 D ) from the next day of the delivery thereof. The notice in writing regarding the loss or need not be given if the state of the goods has, ( 50 A ), been the subject of a joint survey or inspection by the carrier and the consignee.46. A. carrier to the consigneeB.shipper to the consigneeC.consignee to the carrierD.consignee to the shipper47. A. conclusive evidenceB.prima facie evidenceC.absolutely evidenceD.evidence of contract48. A. three consecutive daysB.five consecutive daysC.seven consecutive daysD.ten consecutive days49. A. 1 dayB.3 daysC.7daysD.15days50.A. at the time of deliveryB.at the time of shipmentC.at the time of arrivalD.at the time of loading英语试题参考答案II一.英译汉1. Exchange Control 汇兑控制2. International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织3. Multilateral Trade Negotiation 多边贸易谈判4. Documentary Formalities 文件手续5. Commercial Invoice 商业发票6. Facility Network 设施网络7. Irrevocable Documentary Credit 不可撤销的信用证8. Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人9. Grain Capacity 散装容积10. Insurance Policy 保险单11. At the time of shipment of dangerous goods, the shipper shall, in compliance with the regulations governing the carriage of such goods, have them properly packed, distinctly marked and labeled and notify the carrier in writing of their proper description, nature and the precautions to be taken. In case the shipper fails to notify the carrier or notified him inaccurately, the carriermay have such goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous when and where circumstances so require, without compensation. The shipper shall be liable to the carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment.在运输危险品的时候,托运人应按照运输此类货物的规定,适当的包装、清晰的唛头和挂标示并以书面的方式,通知承运人有关货物的正确名称、性质和预防措施。


B.paying the freight to the insurer
C.arranging import customs clearance
D.booking space with carrier
2、According to INCOTERMS 2000,which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place) of destination.()
C.port charges and bunker costs
D.wages of crew and hull insurance
9、Which of the following charter forms is used in a voyage charter.()
1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignors includes().
A.booking space with consignee
A.port of destination
B.port of discharge
C.port of shipment
D.port of delivery
4、According to UCP500,the terms “end” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as().



weigh less than this, we call this type of rate ( ).
A. bulk unitization rates
B. minimum charges
C. class rates
D. special commodity rates
15. Each year, FIATA holds a ( ), which brings together the freight forwarding
industry and transport world.
A. House AWB
B. Master AWB
C. neutral AWB
D. substitute AWB
14. According to a certain type of rate, a shipper cannot be charged less than the
appropriate rate of 4kg in most cases, even though his particular consignment may
A. ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱalues B. materials
C. orders
D. inventories
11. In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between
transportation cost and ( ).
cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place.



国际货代考试《货代英语》选择题精选100题1.Which of the following costs are payable by the charterer under a time charter party.(C)A.capital cost and demurrageB.hull insurance and port chargesC.port charges and bunker costsD.wages of crew and hull insurance2.Laytime and demurrage clauses normally appeared in the____ Charter Party.(B)A.timeB.voyageC.bareboatD.TCT3.Which of the following costs are payable by the ship-owner under a time charter party? (C)A.bunker costsB.loading costsC.hull insuranceD.port charges4.TCT means that the charterer employs a vessel on the basis of____ for one or two voyages.(A)A.time charteringB.voyage charteringC.bareboat charteringD.COA5.In which of the following chartering,the vessel is completely put at the disposal of the charterer without any crew______.(C)A.timeB.voyageC.bareboatD.TCT6.Which of the following standard charter party forms are used in a time charter______? (BD)A.GENCONB.NYPEC.BARECOND.BALTIME7.Which of the following standard charter party forms are used in a voyage charter______? (B)A.NYPEB.GENCONC.BARECOND.BALTIME8.Under voyage chartering,the ship-owner pays for______.(ABCD)A.bunker fuel supplyB.costs of vesselC.special voyage insuranceD.wages of crew9.The person who enters into a voyage chartering with charterer is called_____.(A)A.ship ownerB.carrierC.agentD.broker10.Bareboat chartering or demise chartering provides a vessel to a charterer and the ship-owner will_____ all responsibilities and rights in respect of his vessel to the charterer during chartering.(C)A.holdB.keepC.pass onD.undertaker11.The term under which the ship-owner is not responsible for loading and unloading but for stowage and trimming costs is_____.(D)A.FOBSTB.FIOSTC.FIOSD.FIO12.The term under which the ship-owner is not responsible for loading but for unloading stowage and trimming costs is_____.(A)A.F.I.B.FIOSTC.F.O.D.FIO13.The term under which the ship-owner is not responsible for unloading but for loading stowage and trimming costs is_____.(C)A.F.I.B.FIOSTC.F.O.D.FIO14.A voyage charter party mainly contains the_____ clauses.(ABCD)A.payment of freightB.loading and discharging portsC.dispatch and demurrageD.time for loading and unloading15.A time charter party mainly contains the_____ clauses.(ABCD)A.charter periodB.payment of hireC.delivery and redeliveryD.withdrawal of vessel16.The bunker is payable by the charterer under____.(BC)A.voyage charteringB.time charteringC.bareboat charteringD.contract of affreightment17.Which of the following risks are covered by the All Risks coverage of PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses.____? (D)A.war and fireB.strike and delayC.aflatoxin and on deckD.heavy weather and fire18.Which of the following coverage does not cover partial loss or damage resulting from natural calamities? ____ (BC)A.W AB.FPAC.Institute Cargo ClauseD.Institute Cargo Clause19.The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as ____.(ABCD)A.type of the goodsB.value of the goodsC.mode of transportD.type of risks covered20.Which of the following coverage does not cover total loss or damage resulting from natural calamities? ____ (D)A.W AB.FPAC.Institute Cargo ClauseD.Institute Cargo Clause21.Which of the following coverage cover general average and salvage charges? ____ (ABCD)A.W AB.FPAC.All RisksD.Institute Cargo Clause (A)22.Which of the following coverage usually cover partial loss or damage resulting from natural calamities? ____ (ACD)A.W AB.FPAC.Institute Cargo ClauseD.Institute Cargo Clause23.WPA is one of the ____.(A)A.basic risksB.additional risksC.special additional risksD.general additional risks24._____ is described in the policy as fortuitous partial loss,that is,loss of goods that have suffered from accident or mishap during transportation,either partially or totally.(C)A.averageB.with averageC.particular averageD.general average25.Which of the following risks is not covered by the All Risks coverage of marine cargo transportation insurance? ____ (D)A.marine perilsB.strandingC.pilferageD.inherent vice更多资料/复制上面地址到浏览器地址栏中打开即可下载26.The Free from Particular Average of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of ____.(BC)A.riots and civil disturbanceB.total loss caused natural calamitiesC.general averageD.delay of goods27.Partial losses incurred as a result of specific casualties such as _____ are covered in FPA.(ACD)A.burning of the vesselB.earthquakeC.strandingD.sinking28.Institute cargo clause (B)covers loss and damage to cargo caused by _____.A.volcanic eruptionB.tsunamiC.failure to deliveryD.shortage risks29.Institute Cargo Clause (C)covers loss or damage to cargo caused by _____.(D)A.earthquakeB.volcanic eruptionC.lightingD.sinking of vessel30.Which of the following risks belong to special additional risks_____? (ABCD)A.riots and civil disturbanceB.war and strikeC.rejection and on deckD.delay of goods31.The costs of providing shipping services consist of_____.(A)A.fixed and variable costsB.raw materials and production costsC.repair and maintenance expensesD.insurance and administrative costs32.When determining the freight rate,the age-old principle of “what the traffic can bear” is increasingly substituted by the _____ principle nowadays.(C)A.open market rateB.surchargesC.service costD.stowage factor33.Which of the following do fixed costs involve? _____.(ACD)A.costs of officer and crewB.loading and unloading costsC.repair and maintenance expensesD.administrative costs34.When determining the freight rate,which factors should be taken into account_____? (ABC)A.adjustment factorsB.stowage factorsC.profit factorD.market factors35.Which of the following do variable costs involve? _____.(ABD)A.port chargeB.loading and unloading costsC.repair and maintenance expensesD.costs of fuel36._____refers to the average number of cubic meters required to stow one ton of a commodity.(B)A.adjustment factorsB.stowage factorsC.profit factorD.market factors37.Which of the following statements are true about liner freight rates_____? (CD)A.they fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demandB.liner freight rates are fixed by shipping conference and tramp serviceC.they are more related to the costs of operationD.freight forwarders are mainly concerned with liner freight rates38.Which of the following statements are true _____? (BC)A.tramp rates do not fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demandB.liner freight rates remains comparatively steady over a period of timeC.fixed costs do not include fuel of costD.ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into container rates and liner freight rates39.A negotiable bill of lading can be transferred by _____.(C)A.negotiationB.amendmentC.endorsementD.selling40.When the sales contract stipulates “transshipment prohibited”,the carrier should issue a____.(A)A.direct B/LB.through B/LC.straight B/LD.transshipment B/L41.What are the advantages of electronic delivery of bill of lading____? (ABCD)A.it reduces the cycle time for the forwarding and presentation of documentsB.it reduces the costs related to manual document preparationC.it allows a buyer to take title to the goods once they have arrived at portD.an easy-to use online bill of lading generator will save time and provide the documents instantly42.Which of the following statements are true about bills of lading____? (BC)A.when one of the originals being surrender to the carrier,the others are still validB.the originals are marked as “original” on their faceC.the original bills of lading are proof of ownership of goodsD.usually,only one original bill of lading is issued43.It is important that the bill of lading is available at port of____ before the goods arrive or at the same time.(D)A.shipmentB.departureC.loadingD.destination44.Marine bill of lading are used primarily in_____.(B)A.carriage of goods by airB.carriage of goods by seaC.road transportD.railway transportation45.When____ being submitted to the carrier at port of destination,the goods can be exchanged for.(B)A.all of the original Bs/LB.one of the original Bs/LC.all of the copy Bs/LD.one of the copy Bs/L46.Which of the following Bs/L bear an indication about apparent order and condition of the goods received_____? (C)A.shipped B/LB.claused B/LC.clean B/LD.foul B/L47._____ cover shipment from or to ports involving transport by two or more shipping or Railways Company.(B)A.shipped Bs/LB.through Bs/LC.straight Bs/LD.direct Bs/L48.If the goods haven’t been actually loaded on board,however,at the shipper’s request,the carrier or his agent may issue a bill of lading in advance,which is_____.(C)A.anti-date Bs/LB.post-date Bs/LC.advanced Bs/LD.direct Bs/L49.Which of the following statements are true about order bill of lading____? (ACD)A.they are issued by carriers to the order of shipper or consigneeB.the carrier will deliver the goods at the port of destination solely to the named consigneeC.an order bill of lading is a negotiable documentD.the carrier can deliver the goods to any person designated by the named consignee50.Which of the following statements are not true about straight bills of lading____? (ACD)A.they can be transferred to third partyB.delivery of goods can only be taken by the named consigneeC.they are a negotiable documentD.they are not document of title更多资料/复制上面地址到浏览器地址栏中打开即可下载51.The booking note is issued by the ____ requesting allocation of shipment space.(C)A.carrier to the agentB.carrier to the shipperC.shipper to the carrierD.carrier to consignee52.AN NVOCC is a (n)____ who operates regular scheduled services.(B)A.shipperB.carrierC.receiverD.charterer53.To the actual shipper,the NVOCC is a ____ while to the actual carrier,he is a ___.(B)A.actual carrier……carrierB.carrier……shipperC.shipper……carrierD.carrier……consignee54.The ____ is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of shipment space.(C)A.cargo manifestB.mate’s receiptC.booking noteD.delivery order55.Which of the following documents can be issued by a carrier _____? (ABD)A.bill of ladingB.mate’s receiptC.booking noteD.delivery order56.When the goods arrives at the port of destination,the_____ issues an Arrival Notice informing the notify party of the cargo discharge point and other information.(B)A.shipperB.carrierC.receiverD.consignee57.All bills of lading should be signed either the___ or____.(D)A.notify party……carrierB.carrier……shipperC.consignor……consigneeD.carrier……his agent58.A document signed by the Chief Office acknowledging the receipt of cargo on board ship,and later exchanged for a B/L is called______.(B)A.sea waybillB.mate’s receiptC.booking noteD.delivery order59.Which of the following descriptions are true about NVOCC_____? (ACD)A.he operates a regular scheduled serviceB.he owns or operates the vesselC.he provides a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation servicesD.he assumes double roles relationship with carrier and shipper60.Which of the following statements is unlikely to be found on a foul bill of lading____? (ABC)A.insufficient packingB.missing safety sealC.two cartons shortD.apparent good order and condition61.According to UCP600,the terms “end” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as ____.(C)A.from the 15th to the last day of the monthB.from the 16th to the last day of the monthC.from the 21st to the last day of the monthD.from the 20th to the last day of the month62.According to UCP600,the terms “second half” of a month in the letter of credit shal lbe construed as ____.(C)A.from the 15th to the last day of the monthB.from the 15th to the 31st of the monthC.from the 16th to the last day of the monthD.from the 16th to the 31st of the month63.Which of the following words applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned? _____ (ABCD)A.untilB.fromC.toD.till64.According to UCP600,the terms “beginning” of a month in the letter of credit sh all be construed as ____.(C)A.from the 1st to the last day of the monthB.from the 1st to the 5th of the monthC.from the 1st to the10th of the monthD.from the 1st to the 15th of the month65.Which of the following expressions are not suitable for stipulating the time for shipment? (ABCD)A.quickB.immediatelyC.promptD.as soon as possible66.A buyer and a seller who conduct their purchase and sale under one of the Incoterms willhave a mutual understanding of their ()A.obligationsB.freightC.rightsD.costs标准答案:a,c,d67.()are the 3 traditional trade terms frequently used by traders in China ()A.CFRB.CIFC.CPTD.FOB标准答案:a,b,d68.Under CIF ,the seller should pay ()A.FreightB.InsuranceC.Customs dutyD.Cost标准答案:a,b,d69.Which of the following trade terms can be used for international multi-modal transport?A.FOBB.CIFC.CIPD.CPT标准答案:c,d70.Which of the following trade terms need the seller pay the freight?A.FOBB.CFRC.CIFD.CPT标准答案:b,c,d71.CPT stands for carriage paid to theA.named placeB.named portC.named port of destinationD.named place of destination。



一.单项选择题1. In international trade, redemption of documents under L/C operations means that ( B ).A. the beneficiary must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bankB.the applicant must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bank C.the beneficiary must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goodsD.the applicant must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goods2. The seller had made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term, therefore the scope of freight forwarder ' s service on behalf of the seller normally does not include ( A )A. arranging import customs clearanceB.delivering the goods to the carrier at the port of shipmentC.arranging export customs clearanceD.booking space with the marine carrier3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( B ) means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination and also to procure insurance for the goodsduring the carriage.A. CPTB.CIPC.CFRD.CIF4. According to UCP 600, the term “ shipmen t o be made at the middle of May ” in the letter of credit shall be construed as ( A )A. from the 11th to the 20th of MayB.from the 15th to the 25th of MayC.from the 10th to the 20th of MayD.from the 16th to the 31st of May5. The All Risks in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses does not cover the risks of ( C )A. shortageB.rain damageC.import dutyD.taint of odour6. The vessel 's cubic capacity is usually stated both in grain capacity and in bales hold to capacity. The ( B ) is the volume of a vessel 'packaged dry cargo such as pallets, boxes, cartons e.tCA. grain capacityB.bale capacityC.gross tonnageD.net tonnage7. The documents commonly used in carriage of goods by sea are bills of lading, sea waybills, cargo manifests, booking notes and delivery orders etC.Please point out the ( A ) are issued by the shippers or their agents.A. booking notesB.delivery ordersC.sea waybillsD.cargo manifests8. According to UCP600, the commercial invoice must be made out in the same currency as the ( C ).A. bill of ladingB.sale contractC.letter of creditD.insurance policy9. Please point out which of the following expressions is not the characteristics of settlement by letters of credit. ( D )A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrumentB.L/C is a document transactionC.The issuing bank ' s liabilities for paymentD.L/C is a cargo transaction10. In international air cargo transportation, ( A ) are rates which are applicable to any types of air cargo .A. General Cargo RateB.Class RatesC.Bulk Unitization RateD.Specific Commodity Rates11. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road, according to the CMR, the carrier is responsible for ( D ).A. any wrongful act of the consignorB.inherent vice of the goodsC.neglect of the consignorD.omission of carrier's servants12. Establishing only one agency to deal with is one of advantages in multimodal transport operation, her agency means ( C ).A. agent of cargo ownerB.agent of shipownerC.MTOD.broker13. In most supply chains, customer requirements are transmitted in the form of ( A ).A. orderB.inventory C transportD.warehousing14. ( B ) is a lump sum rate for the carriage of a container loaded with a particular commodity in marine container transportation.A. CIFB.CBRC.BAFD.CAF15. The marine bill of lading is one of the most of important documents in marine cargo transport and it serves as ( B ).A. contract of carriage of goods by seaB.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by seaC contract of carriage of goods by airD.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by air二.判断题16. One of the WTO basic functions is to implement, administer, and carry out IMF Agreement and it annexes. ( B )17. The forwarders take delivery of the goods from the consignor and issue thedocument of Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt to the consignor. In this case the forwarders are also considered to be the agent of the consignor. ( A )18. The “beginning of a month” has the similar expression as“first half of a month ” in the credit referring to shipment according to UCP600. ( B )19. UCP 600 applies to all letters of credit no matter weather it is expressly mentioned or not in the text of the L/C ( B ).20. An irrevocable confirmed documentary credit is one that contains the guarantee of payment to the beneficiary by both the issuing bank and confirming bank so long as the terms as condition of the credit are met. ( A )21. The charterers retain the property in bunkers which have been supplied and paid for by shipowner on board the vessel during the period of voyage charter. ( B )22. The sea waybill serves as same functions as marine bill of lading used in carriage of goods by rail and road and who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill. ( B )23. Both order bill of lading and straight bill of lading can be transferred to the third party by endorsement. ( B )24. The port clearance means that the cargo owner has got the permission of the customs authorities for import or export cargo. ( A )25. Under CMR convention, the carrier is responsible for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the goods loaded on board the ship and the time of delivery at discharging port. ( B )26. The risk covered in FPA, WPA and All Risk in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses are not the same but all of them cover loss or damage caused by the intentional act of the Insure.D ( B )27. Consolidation can not only benefit exporters, shippers and forwarders but also benefit carriers, because the carrier can take advantage of the FCL tariff rates. ( A )28. In international air cargo transportation, Specific Commodity Rate are only applicable to named types of cargo. ( A )29. According to INCOTERMS 2000, FCA may not be used for sea and inland waterway transport. ( B )30. A sound inventory is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm' s facility structure is used to ship products and materials to customers. ( B ) 三.多项选择题31. When the freight forwarder packs the goods in behalf of the exporter, he should take into account ( A B C ).A. the mode of transportB.the nature of the goodsC.the applicable regulationD.the route of transport32. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the following trade terms ( A D ) mean that the sellers must arrange goods transportation from port of shipment to the named port of destination.A. CFRB.FCAC.FOBD.CIF33. PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses such as FPA, WPA and All Risk do not cover loss of or damage to cargo caused by ( B D ),A. fire or explosionB.fall of market priceC.sinking of the vesselD.delay in transit34. Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combination are taking place. The following combinations ( B C ) are involving rail transport.A. sea/airB.mini-bridgeC.land bridgeD.air/road35. In marine voyage chartering business, the shipowner is responsible for costs such as ( A B ).A. bunkerB.port chargesC.freightD.demurrage36. A beneficiary refers to the party in whose favor an L/C is opened.It usually refers to the ( A C ).A. buyerB.sellerC.importerD.exporter37. Normally the bankswill not accept themarine bills oflading whichcontained thefollowing words( B C D ).A. apparent good order and conditionB.insufficient packingC.one carton shortD.missing safety seal38. There are some risks in multilateral trade. They mainly include economic risks and political risks. The economic risks include ( A B C D ).A. risk of insolvency of the buyerB.risk of exchange rateC.risk of failure of payment by buyerD.risk of non-acceptance39. Comparing with UCP500, the major changes introduced bythe UCP600 include ( A C ).A. the banks now have a maximum of five banking days for the examination of documentsB.the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days for the examination of documentsC.Bs/L may now allow transshipmentD.Bs/L may not allow transshipment40. P lease point out which of the following statements are not right. ( B D )A. inventory is one of areas of logistical workB.inventory is not one of areas of logistical work C.facility network is one of areas of logistical work D.facility network is not one of areas of logisticalwork 四.完型填空The use of containers, which started more than 40 years ago, in intercontinental traffic is now available in most sea cargo transport worldwide. The unit ( 41 C ) is used to express the relative number of containers based on the equivalent length of a 2'0 container. The ( 42 A ) container service broadly means that the wholecontainer received by the carrier is packed at the shipper 'ors the forwarder'prsemises, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 43 B ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by thecarrier is packed at the shipper 'orsthe forwarder 'presmises, and thatsame whole container is emptied at the carrier ' s container freight statio at the port of destination. The ( 44 D ) broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrier f'resight station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 45 C ) container service broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrierc'onstainer freight station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and thatsame whole container is emptied at the carrier ' s freight station at the po destination.41 A.30FTB.FEUC.TEUD.10FT42 A.CY/CY 来源:考试大B.CY/CFS C.CFS/CFS D.CFS/CY43 A.CY/CYB.CY/CFS C.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY44 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY45 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CYAccording to China Maritime Code, unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing by the consignee to the carrier at the time of delivery of the goods by the ( 46 A ), such delivery shall be deemed to be ( 47 B ) of the delivery of the goods by the carrier as described in the transport documents and of the apparent good order and condition of such goods. Where the loss of or damage to the goods is not apparent, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply if the consignee has not given the notice in writing within ( 48 A ) from the next day of the delivery of the goods, or, in the case of containerized goods, within ( 49 D ) from the next day of the delivery thereof. The notice in writing regarding the loss or need not be given if the state of the goods has, ( 50 A ), been the subject of a joint survey or inspection by the carrier and the consignee.46. A. carrier to the consigneeB.shipper to the consignee C.consignee to the carrier D.consignee to the shipper47. A. conclusive evidence B.prima facie evidence C.absolutely evidenceD.evidence of contract48. A. three consecutive days B.five consecutive days C.sevenconsecutive days D.ten consecutive days49. A. 1 dayB.3 daysC.7daysD.15days50.A. at the time of delivery B.at the time of shipment C.at the time of arrival D.at the time of loading 英语试题参考答案II一.英译汉1. Exchange Control 汇兑控制2. International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织3. Multilateral Trade Negotiation 多边贸易谈判4. Documentary Formalities 文件手续5. Commercial Invoice 商业发票6. Facility Network 设施网络7. Irrevocable Documentary Credit 不可撤销的信用证8. Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人9. Grain Capacity 散装容积10. Insurance Policy 保险单11. At the time of shipment of dangerous goods, the shipper shall, in compliance with the regulations governing the carriage of such goods, have them properly packed, distinctly marked and labeled and notify the carrier in writing of their proper description, nature and the precautions to be taken. In case the shipper fails to notify the carrier or notified him inaccurately, the carrier may have such goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous when and where circumstances so require, without compensation. The shipper shall be liable to the carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment.在运输危险品的时候,托运人应按照运输此类货物的规定,适当的包装、清晰的唛头和挂标示并以书面的方式,通知承运人有关货物的正确名称、性质和预防措施。



国际货代专业英语练习题库及答案一、单选题(共13题,共26分)1._____ published by the ICC contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of documentary credit.A. Hague RpesB.UCP600C.Incoterms2000D.CMR convention2.In the practice of L/C transaction, the buyer is not required to pay for the goods until the arrival of the relevant____.A.B/LB.invoiceC.documents stippated by L/CD.L/C3.According to documentary credit, the____, on receipt of letter of credit, will have to prepareshipment of the contract goods within the delivery date.A.agentB.customerC.buyer4.Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail in the ____.A.port of shipmentB.place of shipmentC.port of destinationD.place of destination5.According to INCOTERMS 2000, which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place ) of destination?____A.FOB/CFR/CIFB.FCA/CPT/CFRC.FOB/FCA/CIPD.CFR/CPT/CIF6.A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board. The ___ shopd be liable for the damage.B.buyerC.ship ownerD.freight forwarder7.The freight forwarder, on behalf of the____, has the right to deliver the cleared goods to theconsignee.A.exporterB.importerC.carrierD.consignor8.It is usually the ____ who issues relevant documents such as Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt, Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport, etc.A.consignorB.consigneeC. freight forwarderD.carrier9.The freight forwarder assists the consignee in pursuing claims against the ____ for loss of the goods or damage to themif necessary.A.shipperB.carrierC.eceiverD.charterer10.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of exporter includes_____.A.book space with selected consignorB.pay the freight to the consigneeC.arrange export customs clearanceD.arrange import customs clearance11.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of shipper includes_____.A.always arrange warehousing of the goodsB.issue relevant documents to the carrier, such as FCR or FCTC.pursue claims against the carrier when the goods arriveD.book space with selected carrier12.A ____ is able to attend to any of the procedural anddocumentary procedure on behalf of the consignor or consignee.A.shipperB.carrierC.ship’s owne rD.freight forwarder13.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignees includes _____.A.pack the goods for exportB.attend to foreign exchange transactionsC.weigh and measure the goodsD.take delivery of the goods from the carrier二、多选题(共12题,共24分)14.Which of the following statements are true about documentary credit_____?A.documentary credit means payment against document instead of against goodsB.all the documentary credits are operated through banksC.the buyers is not required to pay for the goods until the arrival of the relevant shipping documentsD.the documents transfer title to the goods15.The banks on the buyer’s side on L/C arrangement are____.A.issuing bankB.advising bankC.negotiating bankD.paying bank16.Which of the following descriptions are true about NVOCC_____?A.he operates a regpar schedped serviceB.he owns or operates the vesselC.he provides a usefp service by providing groupage or consolidation servicesD.he assumes double roles relationship with carrier and shipper17.Which of the following trade terms can be adopted supposing the shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province) to Hamburg?A.CIFB.CFRC.FCAD.CPT18.A freight forwarder shall take into account the route, the mode of transport and applicable regpations, if any, in the ______.A.country of exportB.country of importC.country of transshipmentD.transit countries19.Which of the following risks belong to special additional risks_____?A.riots and civil disturbanceB.war and strikeC.rejection and on deckD.delay of goods20.Partial losses incurred as a respt of specific casualties such as _____ are covered in FPA.A.burning of the vesselB.earthquakeC.strandingD.sinking21.The Free from Particpar Average of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of ____.A.riots and civil disturbanceB.total loss caused natural calamitiesC.general averageD.delay of goods22.Which of the following coverage cover general average and salvage charges? ____A.WAB.FPAC.All RisksD.Institute Cargo Clause (A)23.The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as ____.A.type of the goodsB.value of the goodsC.mode of transportD.type of risks covered24.Which of the following coverage does not cover partial loss or damage respting from natural calamities? ____A.WAB.FPAC.Institute Cargo Clause (B)D. Institute Cargo Clause (C)25.Which of the following expressions are not suitable for stippating the time for shipment?A.quickB.immediatelyC.promptD.as soon as possible1、正确答案: B2、正确答案: C3、正确答案: D4、正确答案: A5、正确答案: D6、正确答案: A7、正确答案: B8、正确答案: C9、正确答案: B10、正确答案: C11、正确答案: D12、正确答案: D13、正确答案: D14、正确答案: ABCD15、正确答案: AD16、正确答案: ACD17、正确答案: CD18、正确答案: ABD19、正确答案: ABCD20、正确答案: ACD21、正确答案: BC22、正确答案: ABCD23、正确答案: ABCD24、正确答案: BC25、正确答案: ABCD。




2.汉译英(1)shippin.document(transpor.document,transportatio.document,shipmen.document).(2)transshipmen.additional.(3) Ai.Waybill.(4)particula.average;(5)inheren.vice.(6)internationa.trade.(7)constructiv.tota.loss.(8)no tic.o.readiness.(9)custom.formalities.(10)carriag.o.good.b.road(nd)五、英文单证操作.(20分)(1)Chin.XY.impor.an.expor.corp..(2.t.orde..(3.UV.corporation.;(4.Golde.Star.018E.(5.Qingdao.(6.Osaka.(7.GSTU3156712/20’.(8.ITOCH.OSAK.NO.1-800.(9)(on.containe.contents.80.Cartons(CTS).(10.100.Cotto.Towel.(11..KGS;.(12)freigh.prepaid.(13.Qin gdao.Octobe.14...(14.Three(3).(15)BB.shippin.agenc.a.agen.fo.AA.shippin.Co.a.carrier;(1.Chin.XY.impor.an.expor.corp.;(2.100.Cotto.Towel.(3)USD9900;(4.coverin.th.Institut.Carg.Cla use.(A).th.Institut.Wa.Clauses.(5.Octobe.14.。




1. An NVOCC probably provides ( )A. tramp serviceB. consolidation serviceC. a vessel operated by itselfD. flight service答案:B2. The cargo manifest is prepared by ( )A. shipperB. carriers agentC. consigneeD. freight forwarder答案:B3. Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ( )A. cargo manifestB. shipping noteC. delivery orderD. mates receipt答案:D4. Non-conference lines have no ( )A. fixed itineraryB. common tariffC. regular serviceD. vessel of theirs答案:B5.( )is subsequently exchanged for the marine bill of lading. ( )A. Booking noteB. Delivery orderC. Mates receiptD. Cargo manifest答案:C分析:参考书中大副收据的内容,这句话是书中的原话。


6.The booking note is issued by the ( ) requesting allocation of shipping space.A. carrier to the agentB. carrier to the shipperC. shipper to the carrierD. carrier to the consignee答案:C分析:参考书中托运单的.内容(shipping note), 托运单是由托运人签发给承运人要求分配舱位的单据二、多选题1.Conference lines have ( )A. fixed itineraryB. common tariffC. regular serviceD. stable freight rates答案:ABCD2.Tramp service have no ( )A. fixed itineraryB. common routeC. negotiated rateD. regular service答案:ABC3.Sea waybill is ( )A. a non-negotiable documentB. negotiable documentsC. named consigneeD. issued by shipper答案:AC4.Normally the marine bill of lading has three functions, namely ( ).A. evidence of the contract of carriageB. a receipt of goodsC. a document of title to the goodsD. the contract of carriage答案:ABC分析:提单的三大功用是:海上货物合同的运输证明;货物交付给承运人的收据;物权凭证三、判断题。



货代面试英语试题及答案一、选择题1. What does "FOB" stand for in international trade terms?A. Free On BoardB. Free of BoardC. Freight On BoardD. Full of BoardAnswer: A. Free On Board2. Which of the following is the most common mode of transportation for international cargo?A. AirB. SeaC. LandD. RailAnswer: B. Sea3. What is the role of a freight forwarder in the logistics process?A. To provide transportation servicesB. To arrange for the transportation of goodsC. To manufacture the goodsD. To sell the goodsAnswer: B. To arrange for the transportation of goods二、填空题4. The term "LCL" refers to _______.Answer: Less than Container Load5. When a shipment is "EXW", it means that the seller's responsibility ends _______.Answer: at the point the goods are made available to the buyer6. A "Bill of Lading" is a legal document that serves as a_______.Answer: receipt for goods, a contract of carriage, and a document of title三、简答题7. Explain the difference between "CIF" and "CIP" in terms of insurance coverage.Answer: CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) includes insurance coverage up to the port of destination. CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) also includes insurance, but the coverage extends to a point named by the seller, which may be beyond the port of destination.8. What are the key responsibilities of a freight forwarderin the export process?Answer: Key responsibilities include obtaining necessary export documentation, arranging for the transportation of goods, negotiating rates with carriers, and ensuring timely and secure delivery of the goods to their destination.四、案例分析题9. A company is exporting goods to a foreign buyer under DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) terms. What are the steps a freight forwarder should take to ensure a smooth export process?Answer: The freight forwarder should:- Confirm the DDP terms with the buyer and seller.- Arrange for the transportation of goods, including booking space on a vessel or aircraft.- Obtain all necessary export and import documentation.- Ensure that customs clearance is completed at both the exporting and importing countries.- Arrange for delivery of the goods to the final destination, including paying any duties and taxes.- Provide tracking information and updates to both the seller and the buyer throughout the process.五、论述题10. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the freight forwarding industry.Answer: Effective communication is crucial in the freightforwarding industry for several reasons:- It ensures that all parties involved in the shipping process have a clear understanding of the requirements and expectations.- It helps in resolving any issues or discrepancies that may arise during the transportation process.- It facilitates timely updates and information sharing, which is essential for maintaining the trust of clients and ensuring the smooth operation of the supply chain.- It contributes to building strong relationships with carriers, customs authorities, and other stakeholders in the logistics ecosystem.。



2021国际货运代理人考试英语试题及答案英译汉(50%)1. The Customs General Administration2.Customs establishment3.Import and Export tariff4. Appointment and removal5. Tariff reduction and exemption6. enact statute7. inward and outward luggage8. over-landed cargo9. short-landed cargo10. shut-out cargo11. damaged cargo12. examine and release13. shipping order14. transshipment goods15. through goods16. transit goods17. supervision and control18. collection of duty19. compile statistics20. legal commodity inspection21. inspection certificate22. animal and plant quarantine23. Import and Export licence24. the State Council25. Customs valuation26. duty memorandum27. short-levied duty28. over-levied duty29. administrative consideration30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff31. general rate32. preferential rate33. The State Tariff Commission34. obligatory duty payer35. file a suit36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate37. temporary duty exemption38. Customs and excise office39. financing cost40. home consumption41. bonded warehouse42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund43. port authority44. economic quantity45. criminal gangs46. Anti-Drugs Alliance47. sniffer dog48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System50. document title参考答案1. The Customs General Administration 海关总署2.Customs establishment 海关关点3.Import and Export tariff 进出口税则4. Appointment and removal 任命和免职5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免6. enact statute 颁布法令7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李8. over-landed cargo 溢卸货物9. short-landed cargo 短卸货物10. shut-out cargo 退关货物11. damaged cargo 破损货物12. examine and release 查验与放行13. shipping order 装货通知14. transshipment goods 转运货物15. through goods 通运货物16. transit goods 过境货物17. supervision and control 监管18. collection of duty 征税19. compile statistics 编制海关统计20. legal commodity inspection 法定商品检验21. inspection certificate 检验证书22. animal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫23. Import and Export licence 进出口许可证24. the State Council 国务院25. Customs valuation 完税价格26. duty memorandum 税款缴款书27. short-levied duty 短征的关税28. over-levied duty 溢征的关税29. administrative consideration行政审议30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff 进出口关税条例31. general rate 普通税率32. preferential rate 优惠税率33. The State Tariff Commission 国家关税委员会34. obligatory duty payer 义务纳税人35. file a suit 提起诉讼36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate 享受关税减免资格证书37. temporary duty exemption 暂时关税减免38. Customs and excise office 海关与货物税务署39. financing cost 融资成本40. home consumption 国内销售41. bonded warehouse 保税仓库42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund 先征后退制度43. port authority 港务局44. economic quantity 经济批量45. criminal gangs 犯罪团伙46. Anti-Drugs Alliance 反毒品联盟47. sniffer dog 缉毒犬48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff 海关税则商品分类目录49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 商品名称及编码协调制度50. document title 物权凭证。



全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语仿真题五答案英语试卷I一.单项选择题CBCAC BACDA BADAC二.判断题BAABB BAAAB BABAB BBAAA三.多项选择题AB AD ABCD ABCD ABC BCD AB ABCD CD ACD四.完形填空题AACBD BABAD英语试卷II一.英译汉1.The Customs General Administration海关总署2.Customs establishment海关关点3.Import and Export tariff进出口税则4.Appointment and removal任命和免职5.Tariff reduction and exemption关税减免6.enact statute颁布法令7.inward and outward luggage进出境行李8.over-landed cargo溢卸货物9.short-landed cargo短卸货物10.shut-out cargo退关货物二.汉译英1.maritime transport海上运输2.general cargo ship普通货船bined carrier兼用船sh-lighter子母船5.liner in charter班轮运输6.tramper in charter租船运输7.shipping circle海运界8.charter party租船合同9.dead weight tonnage载重吨10.air cargo tariff航空货物运价表三、.英文单证操作题SALES CONTRACTCONTRACT NO.:CH2010501DATE:FEBRUARY15,2010THE SELLERS:SHANGHAI AAA IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.THE BUYERS:SINGAPORE BBB TRADING CO.,LTD.GOODS:100%COTTON SHIRTQUANTITY:200CARTONS OF40PCS EACH,TOTAL WEIGHT20000KGS,TOT AL MEASUREMENT28CBMPRICE TERMS:CIF SINGAPORE USD2000EACH CARTONAMOUNT:USD400,000.-TIME OF SHIPMENT:TO BE SHIPPED ON OR ABOUT APRIL10,2010LOADING AND DISCHARGE PORTS:FROM SHANGHAI,CHINA TO SINGAPO REPARTIAL SHIPMENT AND TRANSSHIPMENT:NOT ALLOWEDINSURANCE:TOBE EFFECTED BY THE SELLER FOR110PCT OF CIF VALU EAGINST ALL RISKS AND WAR RISK AS PER CIC OF THE PICC DATED01/0 1/1981TERMS OF PAYMENT:THE BUYER SHALL OPEN THROUGH A BANK ACCE PTALE TO THE SELLER AN IRREVOCABLE SIGHT LETTER OF CREDIT TO REA CH THE SELLER30DAYS BEFORE THE SHIPMENT AND TO REMAIN VALID FO R NEGOTIATION IN CHINA UNTIL THE15TH DAY AFTER THE FORESAID TIME OF SHIPMENT根据上述所提供的国际货物买卖合同主要条款,对信用证和托运单的内容进行审核,将错误的项目划掉,并填写正确的内容。




单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes().A.packing the goods B.paying the freight to the marine carrierC.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier答案:C。





2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ()means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.A.FCA B.FOB C.CFR D.CPT答案:B。












单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes().A.packing the goods B.paying the freight to the marine carrierC.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ()means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.A.FCA B.FOB C.CFR D.CPT3、According to UCP600, the terms “middle”of a month in the L/C shall be construed as(). A.from the 10th to the 20th of the month B.from the 11th to the 20th of the monthC.from the 11th to the 21st of the month D.from the 10th to the 21st of the month4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the ()A.WA B.FPA C.All Risks D.Institute Cargo Clause(A)5、()ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charter’s need for transport capacity overa certain period of time, often one year or several years.A.V oyage chartering B.Time chartering C.Bareboat chartering D.Contract of affreightment 6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the()charter party.A.time B.voyage C.bareboat D.TCT7、Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the following is not correct?()A.evidence of the contract of carriage B.receipt for the goods shippedC.document of title to the goods D.non-negotiable document8、Document credit means payment against()instead of against goods.A.contracts B.documents C.cargoes D.bank draft9、From legal point of view, the ()on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea.A.carrier B.shipper C.consignee D.notify party10、()may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL.A.CY/CY B.DOOR/DOOR C.DOOR/CY D.CFS/CFS11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under ()is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery.A.CMR convention B.the Hague Rules C.the Hamburg Rules D.the Hague-Visby Rules12、()are rates which are applicable to named types of freight in air cargo transportation.A.Class Rates B.Specific Commodity Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rates D.General Cargo Rates 13、The movement of finished product to customers is().A.market distribution B.procurement C.manufacturing support D.inventory14、()is a letter from a bank to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person orcompany named.A.Letter of Delivery B.Letter of Credit C.Letter of Indemnity D.Letter of Guarantee15、For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be().A.managed B.integrated C.transported D.supplied二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。








单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes().A.packing the goods B.paying the freight to the marine carrier C.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, () means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. A.FCA B.FOB C.CFR D.CPT3、According to UCP600, the terms “middle” of a month in the L/C shall be construed as().A.from the 10th to the 20th of the month B.from the 11th to the 20th of the monthC.from the 11th to the 21st of the month D.from the 10th to the21st of the month4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the()A.WA B.FPA C.All Risks D.Institute Cargo Clause(A)5、()ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charter’s need for transport capacity over a certain period of time, often one year or several years.A.Voyage chartering B.Time chartering C.Bareboat chartering D.Contract of affreightment6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the()charter party.A.time B.voyage C.bareboat D.TCT7、Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the followingis not correct?()A.evidence of the contract of carriage B.receipt for the goods shippedC.document of title to the goods D.non-negotiable document8、Document credit means payment against()instead of against goods. A.contracts B.documents C.cargoes D.bank draft9、From legal point of view, the ()on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea.A.carrier B.shipper C.consignee D.notify party10、()may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL. A.CY/CY B.DOOR/DOOR C.DOOR/CY D.CFS/CFS11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under ()is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery.A.CMR convention B.the Hague Rules C.the Hamburg Rules D.the Hague-Visby Rules12、()are rates which are applicable to named types of freightin air cargo transportation.A.Class Rates B.Specific Commodity Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rates D.General Cargo Rates13、The movement of finished product to customers is(). A.market distribution B.procurement C.manufacturing support D.inventory14、()is a letter from a bank to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person or company named.A.Letter of Delivery B.Letter of Credit C.Letter of Indemnity D.Letter of Guarantee15、For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be().A.managed B.integrated C.transported D.supplied二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。

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C.Gross tonnageD.Deadweight7. ( B ) service has no fixed itinerary or schedule and is operated on any route according to supply and demand of the shipping market.A.LineB.TrampC.NVOCCD.Non-conference lines8. According to UCP600, bill of lading may now allow ( D ) provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same bill of lading.A.after the expiry date of creditB.after the date of shipmentC.partial shipmentD.transshipment9. Which of the followings is one of the characteristics of settlement by letters of credit? ( B )A.seller’s liabili ties for paymentB.L/C is a document transactionC.buyer’s liabilities for paymentD.L/C is a cargo transaction10. When the charterer uses more time than time stipulated in a voyage C/P to load his cargo, the ship- owner is entitled to ( C ).A.overtimeB.dispatchC.demurrageD.deadfreight11. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for International carriage of goods by road, according to CMR, the carrier is not responsible for ( C ).A.neglect of his servantsB.neglect of the persons whose services he makes use ofC.neglect of the consignorD.omissions of the agents12. To the individual consignor, the consolidator is the ( B ).A.agentB.carrierC.consigneeD.broker13. In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between transportation cost and ( C ).A.managementB.information flowC.service qualityD.service quantity14. ( B ) is a lump sum rate for the carriage of a container loaded with a particular commodity in marine container transportation.A.CIFB.CBRC.BAFD.CAF15. The sea waybill is one of the documents in cargo transport and it serves as ( B ).A.evidence contract of carriage of goods by railB.evidence contract of carriage of goods by seaC.evidence contract of carriage of goods by roadD.evidence contract of carriage of goods by air二.判断题16. One of the WTO basic functions is to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations. ( A )17. The forwarders should always book space with the selected carrier on behalf of the consignor when the consignor had made a sales contract with the buyer under the FOB term. ( B)18. According to UCP600, the commercial invoice must be made out in the same currency as the L/C.( A )19. According to INCOTERMS 2000, FCA means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by the seller at the named place. ( B )20. Sight credits mean that the issuing bank effects payment or negotiation immediately upon receipt of the drafts and/or other documents that are in conformity with the credit stipulations ( A )21. During the period of time charter, the charterer is liable for cost directly connected with the use of the ship, such as bunker costs, crew wages and provisions. ( B )22. When the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date, which means these two dates are the same. ( A )23. According to UCP600, data in a document must not conflict with data in any other stipulated document or the L/C.( A )24. Straight B/L are those covering shipments between direct ports of loading and discharge. ( B )25. BAF,CAF and port congestion surcharges are normally levied by the port authorities in marine container transportation. ( B )26. Institute Cargo Clauses C covers loss of or damage to cargo caused by earthquake.( B )27. Multimodal transport can reduce the risk of loss of or damage to cargo. ( B )28. In international air cargo transportation, Special Commodity Rates are only applicable to named types of cargo, therefore they are always much higher than General Cargo Rates. ( B )29. According to Incoterms 2000, CFR means that the risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass t he ship’s rail at the named port of destination. ( B )30. Network design is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm facilitystructure is used to ship products and materials to customers. ( A )三.多项选择题31. When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of the exporter, he would study the provisions of the L/C and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the ( A B C ).A.country of exportB.country of importC.transit countryD.all countries32. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the groups of following trade terms ( A ) can be used for sea and inland waterway transport. ()A.CFR/CIFB.CPT/CIPC.FOB/FCAD.CIF/CIP33. Institute Cargo Clause B covers loss of or damage to cargo caused by( A B C D ).A.fire or explosionB.volcanic eruptionC.collision of vesselD.lightning34. Currency, difference types of multimodal transport operation involving different combination are taking place. The following combination are involving sea transport. ( A C ).A.sea/airB.rail/roadC.land bridgeD.air/road35. In marine time chartering business, the charterer is responsible for costs such as ( A B C ).A.bunkerB.port chargesC.canal tollsD.provisions36. An applicant is the party who applies to the bank for opening a letter of credit. It usually refers to the ( A C ) in the sales contract.A.buyerB.sellerC.importerD.exporter37. Normally the marine bills of lading contain some main elements such as ( A B C ).A.port of loading and dischargeB.date of issuanceC.payment of freightD.time of delivery38. The words ( A B D ) applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentione.A.untilB.fromC.afterD.to39. Confirmed documentary credit is one that contains the guarantee of payment to the beneficiary by the ( B C ).A.buyerB.issuing bankC.confirming bankD.advising bank40. Please point out which of the following statements are right. ( A C )A.Order processing is one of areas of logistical work.B.Order processing is not one of areas of logistical work.C.Transportation is one of areas of logistical workD.Transportation is not one of areas of logistical work四.完形填空题The ( 41 A - voyage chartering ) means that the shipowner promises to carry on board a specific ship a particular cargo for a single or several voyages from one or more loading ports to one or more discharging ports. The payment paid by the charterer to the ship owner for cargo transport by sea is called ( 42 D - freight) and the contact made by ship owner and charterer is called a voyage charter party. Under a voyage charter party, the actual operation of the vessel is left to the ( 43 C - shipowner ). There are the provision for the ( 44 B ), demurrage and dispatch money etc., in the voyage charter. There are more standard forms of voyage charter parties than any other form of contract of carriage. ( 45 D - GENCON) is the most popular and widely used general purpose voyage charter party on a global basis for numerous types of cargoes.41. A.voyage charteringB.time charteringC.bareboad charteringD.TCT42. A.commissionB.deadfreightC.hireD.freight43. A.agentB.brokerC.shipownerD.charterer44. A.deliveryB.laytimeC.off-hireD.redelivery45. A.BALTIMEB.BARECONC.NYPED.GENCONAccording to China’s Maritime Code, the responsibilities of the carrier wit h regard to the ( 46 B - containerized goods ) covers the entire period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods, starting from the time the carrier has taken over the goods at the ( 47 A - port of loading ), until the goods have been delivered at the ( 48 B - port of discharge ). The responsibility of the carrier with respect to ( 49 A - non-containerized goods ), covers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods, starting from the time of loading of the goods onto the ship until the time the goods are discharged (50 D - from the ship ). During the period the carrier is in chare of the goods, the carrier shall be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods.46. A.non-containerized goodsB.containerized goodsC.bulk goodsD.dangerous goods47. A.port of loadingB.port of dischargeC.ship’s railD.alongside ship48. A.port of loadingB.port of dischargeC.ship’s railD.alongside ship49. A.non-containerized goodsB.containerized goodsC.bulk goodsD.dangerous goods50. A.from container yardB.from CFSC.from the doorD.from the ship英语试卷II一.英译汉1. L/C 信用证2. Booking Space 订舱3. Inland Waterway Transport 内河运输4. IATA 国际航空运输协会5. Order Processing 订单处理6. CAF 货币贬值附加费7. Inherent Vice of the Goods 货物的内在缺陷8. UCP 跟单信用证统一惯例9. Document of Title 所有权证书, 物权证书10. GENCON Form 金康租约格式二.汉译英1. 国际贸易International Trade2. 货运代理人Freight Forwarder3. 货物灭失或损坏Cargo Loss or Damage4. 物流管理Logistics Management5. 路桥运输Land Bridge Transportation6. 推定全损Constructive Total Loss7. 保险凭证Insurance certificate8.不可撤销信用证Irrevocable Letter of Credit9. 记名提单Straight Bill of Lading10. 提货单Delivery Order一.英文单证操作题SALES CONTRACTCONTRACT NO.: CH2010501DA TE: FEBRUARY 15,2010THE SELLERS: SHANGHAI AAA IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD.THE BUYERS: SINGAPORE BBB TRADING CO., LTD.GOODS: 100% COTTON SHIRTQUANTITY: 200 CARTONS OF 40PCS EACH, TOTAL WEIGHT 20000KGS, TOTAL MEASUREMENT 28 CBMPRICE TERMS: CIF SINGAPORE USD2000 EACH CARTONAMOUNT: USD400,000.-TIME OF SHIPMENT: TO BE SHIPPED ON OR ABOUT APRIL 10,2010LOADING AND DISCHARGE PORTS: FROM SHANGHAI, CHINA TO SINGAPORE PARTIAL SHIPMENT AND TRANSSHIPMENT: NOT ALLOWEDINSURANCE: TOBE EFFECTED BY THE SELLER FOR 110 PCT OF CIF V ALUEAGINST ALL RISKS AND W AR RISK AS PER CIC OF THE PICC DA TED 01/01/1981 TERMS OF PAYMENT: THE BUYER SHALL OPEN THROUGH A BANK ACCEPTALE TO THE SELLER AN IRREVOCABLE SIGHT LETTER OF CREDIT TO REACH THE SELLER 30 DAYS BEFORE THE SHIPMENT AND TO REMAIN V ALID FOR NEGOTIATION IN CHINA UNTIL THE 15TH DAY AFTER THE FORESAID TIME OF SHIPMENT根据上述所提供的国际货物买卖合同主要条款,对信用证和托运单的内容进行审核,将错误的项目划掉,并填写正确的内容。
