
编号港口名称中译名所属国家或地区英文所属航线英文A Aalborg 奥尔堡丹麦Denmark 西北欧EuropeA Aalesund 奥勒松挪威Norway 北欧EuropeA Aarhus 奥尔胡斯丹麦Denmark 西北欧EuropeA Abadan 阿巴丹伊朗Iran 波斯湾Persian GulfA Aberdeen 阿伯丁郡英国U.K. 欧洲EuropeA Abidjan 阿比让科特迪瓦Ivory Coast 西非AfricaA Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比阿联酋United Arab Emirates 波斯湾Persian GulfA Acajutla 阿卡胡特拉萨尔瓦多Elsavador 中南美Central AmericaA Acapulco 阿卡普尔科墨西哥Mexico 中南美Central AmericaA Accra 阿克拉加纳Ghana 西非West AfricaA Adelaide 阿德莱德南澳洲South Australia 澳新Australia, New ZealandA Aden 亚丁也门Yemen 红海Red SeaA Agadir 阿加迪尔摩洛哥Morocco 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Agana 阿加尼亚关岛Guam 西太平洋West PacificA Alexandria 亚历山大埃及Egypt 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Algeciras 阿尔赫西拉斯西班牙Spain 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Algiers 阿尔及尔阿尔及利亚Algeria 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹荷兰HolandA Ancona 安科纳意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Annaba 安纳巴阿尔及利亚Algeria 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Antofagasta 安托法加斯塔智利Chile 中南美Central AmericaA Antwerp 安特卫普比利时Belgium 西北欧EuropeA Apapa 阿帕帕尼日利亚Nigeria 西非West AfricaA Apia 阿皮亚西萨磨亚群岛Western Samoa 澳新Australia, New ZealandA Aqaba 亚喀巴约旦Jordan 红海Red SeaA Arkhangelsk 阿尔汉格尔斯克俄罗斯RussiaA Arica 阿里卡智利Chile 中南美Central AmericaA Aseb 阿萨布埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 非洲AfricaA Ashdod 阿什杜德以色列Isael 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Assab 阿萨布埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 红海Red SeaA Athens 雅典希腊Greece 地中海Mediterranean SeaA Atlanta 亚特兰大美国United StatesA Auckland 奥克兰新西兰New Zealand 澳新Australia, New ZealandA Avonmouth 阿芬默斯英国England 西北欧EuropeB Bahia Blanca 布兰卡港阿根廷Argentina 中南美Central AmericaB Bahrain 巴林巴林Bahrain 波斯湾Persian GulfB Balboa 巴尔博亚巴拿马Panama 中南美Central AmericaB Baltimore 巴尔的摩美国United States 美东USECB Banana 巴纳纳扎伊尔Zaire 西非West AfricaB Bandar Abbas 阿巴斯港伊朗Iran 波斯湾Persian GulfB Bandar Khomeini 霍梅尼港伊朗Iran 波斯湾Persian GulfB Bandar Seri Begawan 斯里巴加湾市文莱Brunei 亚洲AsiaB Bangkok 曼谷泰国Thailand 暹罗湾Southeast AsiaB Banjarmaisn 马辰印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaB Banjul(banthurst) 班珠尔冈比亚Gambia 西非AfricaB Bar 巴尔南斯拉夫JugoslaviaB Barcelona 巴塞罗那西班牙Spain 地Mediterranean Sea海B Barranquilla 巴兰基利亚哥伦比亚Colombia 中南美Central AmericaB Basra 巴士拉伊拉克Iraq 波斯湾Persian GulfB Bassein 勃生缅甸Burma 孟加拉湾Southeast AsiaB Bata 巴塔赤道几内亚Equatorial Guniea 西非AfricaB Beira 贝拉莫桑比克Mozambique 东非AfricaB Beirut 贝鲁特黎巴嫩Lebanon 地中海Mediterranean SeaB Belawan 乌拉湾印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaB Belem 贝伦巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaB Belfast 贝尔法斯特英国England 西北欧EuropeB Belize 伯利兹伯利兹Belize 中南美Central AmericaB Belmopan 贝尔莫潘伯利兹Belize 中南美Central AmericaB Benghazi 班加西利比亚Libya 地中海Mediterranean SeaB Berbera 伯贝拉索马里Somalia 东非AfricaB Bergen 卑尔根挪威Norway 西北欧EuropeB Berne 伯尔尼瑞士SwizerlandB Bilbao 毕尔巴鄂西班牙] Spain 西Europe欧B Birkenhead 伯肯黑德英国U.K. 西北欧EuropeB Bissau 比绍及内比亚绍Guinea Bissau 西非West AfricaB Bizerta 比塞大突尼斯Tunis 地中海Mediterranean SeaB Boma 博马扎伊尔Zaire 西非West AfricaB Bombay 孟买印度India 波斯湾Persian GulfB Bordeaux 波尔多法国France 西北欧EuropeB Boston 波士顿美国Usa 北美North AmericaB Boston 波士顿英国U.K. 西北欧EuropeB Bourgas 布尔加斯保加利亚Bulgaria 地中海Mediterranean SeaB Bremen 不莱梅德国Germany 西北欧EuropeB Bremenhaven 不来梅哈芬德国Germany 西北欧EuropeB Brest 布雷斯特法国France 西北欧EuropeB Bridgetown 布里奇顿巴巴多斯Barbados 中南美South AmericaB Brindisi 布林迪西意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaB Brisbane 布里斯班德国Germany 西北EuropeB Bristol 布里斯托尔英国U.K. 西北欧EuropeB Buenaventura 布埃纳文图拉哥伦比亚Colombia 南美South AmericaB Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯阿根廷Argentina 南美South AmericaB Burnie 伯尼澳大利亚Australia 澳大利亚Australia, New ZealandB Busan 釜山南韩South Korea 南韩KoreaB Bushire 布什尔伊朗Iran 中东Middle EastB Butterworth 巴特沃斯马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaC Cabinda 卡宾达安哥拉Angola 西非West AfricaC Cadiz 加的斯西班牙Spain 西北欧EuropeC Cagliari 卡利亚里意大利ItalyC Calcutta 加尔各答印度India 印度次大陆IndiaC Callao 卡亚俄秘鲁Peru 南美South AmericaC Cambridge 坎布里奇美国United States 美东East of AmericaC Cam Pha 锦普越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaC Cape Town 开普顿南非South Africa 西非West AfricaC Caracas 加拉加斯委内瑞拉Venezuela 中南美South AmericaC Cardiff 加的夫英国England 西Europe欧C Cartagena 卡塔赫纳哥伦比亚Colombbia 中南美South AmericaC Cartagena 卡塔赫纳西班牙SpainC Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡摩洛哥Morocco 西非West AfricaC Cayenne 卡宴圭亚那Guyana 中南美South AmericaC Cebu 宿务菲律宾Philippines 东南亚Southeast AsiaC Charleston 查尔斯顿美国United States 北美North AmericaC Charlotte 夏洛特美国United States 北美North AmericaC Charlotte Aamalie 夏洛特阿马利亚维尔京群岛(美属)Virgin Islands 北美North AmericaC Chennai 印度India 印度次大陆IndiaC Cheribon 井里文印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaC Chiba 千叶日本Japan 亚洲AsiaC Chicago 芝加哥美国United States 北美North AmericaC Chimbote 钦博特秘鲁Peru 南美South AmericaC Chittagong 吉大港孟加拉Bangladesh 印度次大陆IndiaC Chongjin(Seishin) 清律朝鲜North Korea 亚洲AsiaC Christchurch 克赖斯特新西兰New Zealand 澳Australia, New Zealand彻奇新线C Christiansted 克里斯琴斯特德维尔京群岛(美属)Virgin Islands 北美North AmericaC Churchill 彻奇尔加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaC Cienfuegos 西恩付戈斯古巴Cuba 中南美Central AmericaC Cleveland 克利夫兰美国United States 北美North AmericaC Coatzacoalcos 夸察夸尔科斯墨西哥Mexico 北美North AmericaC Cochin 科钦印度India 印度次大陆IndiaC Colombo 科伦坡斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 印度次大陆IndiaC Colon 科隆巴拿马Panama 中南美Central AmericaC Columbus 哥伦布美国United States 北美North AmericaC Conakry 科纳克里几内亚Guinea 非洲AfricaC Constanza 康斯坦察罗马尼亚Romania 地中海Mediterranean SeaC Copenhagen 哥本哈根丹麦Danish 西北欧EuropeC Corinto 科林托尼加拉瓜Nicaragua 中南美Central AmericaC Cork 科克爱尔兰Ireland 西北欧EuropeC Cotonou 科托努贝宁Benin 非洲Africa C Crotone 克努托内意大利ItalyC Cristobal 克里斯托巴尔巴拿马Panama 中南美Central AmericaC Cruz Grande 克鲁斯格兰德智利Chile 中南美Central AmericaC Cumana 库马纳委内瑞拉Venezuela 南美South AmericaD Dacca 达卡孟加拉Bengal 印度次大陆IndiaD Dakar 达喀尔塞内加尔Senegal 非洲AfricaD Dalian 大连中国China 亚洲AsiaD Dallas 达拉斯美国United States 北美North AmericaD Damietta 达米埃塔埃及Egypt 地中海Mediterranean SeaD Dammam 达曼沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 地中海Mediterranean SeaD Danang 岘港越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaD Dar El-Beida 达尔贝达摩洛哥Morocco 非洲AfricaD Dar Es Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆坦桑尼亚Tanzania 非洲AfricaD Darwin 达尔文澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandD Detroit 底特律美国United States 北美North AmericaD Djakarta(Jakarta) 雅加达印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaD Djibouti 吉布提吉布提Djibouti 红海Red SeaD Doha 多哈卡塔尔Qatar 地中海Mediterranean SeaD Douala 杜阿拉喀麦隆Cameroon 非洲AfricaD Dover 多佛尔英国England 西北欧EuropeD Dubai 迪拜阿拉伯酋长联合国United Arab Emirates 地中海Mediterranean SeaD Dublin 都柏林爱尔兰Ireland 西北欧EuropeD Dunedin 达尼丁新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandD Dunkirk 敦刻尔克法国France 西北欧EuropeD Durban 德班南非South Africa 非洲AfricaD Durres 都拉斯阿尔巴尼亚Albania 欧洲EuropeD Dusseldorf 杜赛尔多夫德国Germany 西北欧EuropeD DutchHarbour 荷兰港美国United States 北美North AmericaE East Canada 加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaE East London 东伦敦南非South Africa 非洲AfricaE Ensenada 恩塞纳达墨西哥Mexico 中南美Central AmericaF Felixstowe 费力克斯托英国England 欧洲EuropeF Fort de France 法兰西堡马提尼克岛Martinique 中南美Central AmericaF Fos 福斯法国France 欧洲EuropeF Frankfurt 法兰克福德国Germany 西北欧EuropeF Fredericia 腓特烈西亚丹麦Danmark 北欧EuropeF Fredrikstad 腓特烈斯塔挪威Norway 北欧EuropeF Freeport 弗里波特巴哈马Bahamas 中南美Central AmericaF Freetown 弗里敦塞拉利昂Sierra Leone 西非West AfricaF Fremantle 佛里曼特尔西澳洲Westen Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandF Fukuoka 福冈日本Japan 亚洲AsiaF Fukuyama 福山日本Japan 亚洲AsiaF Funafuti 富纳富提图瓦卢Tuvalu 澳新线Australia, New ZealandF Funchal 丰沙尔马德拉群岛Madeira Islands 西非West AfricaF Fuzhou 福州中国China 亚洲AsiaG Gdansk 格但斯克波兰Poland 西北欧EuropeG Gdynia 格丁尼亚波兰Poland 西北欧EuropeG Geelong 吉朗澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandG Gela 杰拉意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaG Gemlik 盖姆利克土耳其Turkey 中东Middle EastG Genoa(Genova) 热那亚意大利Italy 地Mediterranean Sea中海G Georgetown 乔治敦圣文森特和格林纳丁斯ST. Vincent & Grenadines 北美North AmericaG Georgetown 乔治敦美国United States 北美North AmericaG Georgetown 乔治敦加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaG Georgetown 乔治敦圭亚那Guyana 中南美South AmericaG Georgetown 乔治敦马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaG Ghent 根特比利时Belgium 西北欧EuropeG Gibraltar 直布罗陀直布罗陀Gibraltar 西北欧EuropeG Gijon 希洪西班牙SpainG Gioia Tauro 焦亚陶罗意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaG Glasgow 格拉斯哥英国England 西北欧EuropeG Godthab 戈特霍布格陵兰Greenland 北美North AmericaG Gothenburg 哥德堡瑞典Sweden 西北欧EuropeG Grangemouth 格兰杰默斯英国England 西北欧EuropeG Guadalajara 瓜达拉哈拉墨西哥Mexico 中南美Central AmericaG Guam 关岛马利亚纳群岛澳新线Australia, New ZealandG Guangzhou 广州中国China 亚洲AsiaG Guayaquil 瓜亚基尔厄瓜多尔Ecuador 南美South AmericaG Guaymas 瓜伊马斯墨西哥Mexico 北美North AmericaG Gwadur 瓜达尔巴基斯坦Pakistan 印度次大陆IndiaH Hai Kou 海口中国China 亚洲AsiaH Haifa 海法以色列Israel 中东Middle EastH Haiphong 海防越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaH Hakodate 涵馆日本Japan 亚洲AsiaH Hakata 伯方日本Japan 亚洲AsiaH Halmstad 哈尔姆斯塔德瑞典Sweden 西北欧EuropeH Halifax 哈立法克斯美国United States 北美North AmericaH Halmstad 哈尔姆斯塔德瑞典Sweden 北欧EuropeH Hamburg 汉堡德国Germany 西北欧EuropeH Hamilton 哈密尔顿百慕大群岛中南美Central AmericaH Hamilton 哈密尔顿加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaH Hanoi 河内越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaH Haugesund 豪格松挪威Norway 西北欧EuropeH Havana 哈瓦那古巴Cuba 中南美South AmericaH Helsinborg 赫尔辛堡瑞典Sweden 西北欧EuropeH Helsingo 赫尔辛格丹麦Denmark 西北欧EuropeH Helsinki 赫尔辛基芬兰Finland 西北欧EuropeH Hiroshima 广岛日本Japan 亚洲AsiaH Hobart 霍巴特澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandH Ho Chi Ming City 胡志明市越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaH Hodeidah 荷台达也门Yemen 中东Middle EastH Hongay 鸿基越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaH Hong Kong 香港中国China 亚洲AsiaH Honiara 霍尼亚拉所罗门群岛澳新线Australia, New ZealandH Honalulu 檀香山美国United States 北美North AmericaH Horta 澳尔塔亚速尔群岛(葡属)西非West AfricaH Houston 休斯敦美国United States 北美North AmericaH Hudaydak Al 荷台达也门Yemen 西亚West AsiaH Hull 赫尔英国England 西北欧EuropeH Huangpu 黄埔中国China 亚Asia洲H Hungnam 兴南朝鲜South Korea 东亚East AsiaI Ilo 伊洛秘鲁Peru 南美South AmericaI Immingham 伊明赫姆船坞英国England 西北欧EuropeI Inchon 仁川南韩South Korea 亚洲AsiaI Iquique 伊基克智利Chile 南美South AmericaI Iskenderun 伊斯肯德伦土耳其Turkey 地中海Mediterranean SeaI Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔土耳其Turkey 中东Middle EastI Izmir 伊兹密尔土耳其Turkey 中东Middle EastJ Jacksonvile 捷克逊维尔美国United States 北美North AmericaJ Jakarta 雅加达印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaJ Jebel Ali 杰贝阿里阿联酋United Arab Emirates 中东Middle EastJ Jeddah 吉达沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 中东Middle EastJ Jogjakarta 日惹印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaJ Johannesburg 约翰内斯堡南非South Africa 南非AfricaJ Johore Bahru 柔佛巴鲁马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kagoshima 鹿儿岛日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Kakinada 卡基纳达印度India 印度次大陆IndiaK Kaliningrad 加里宁格勒俄罗斯Russia 西北欧EuropeK Kampong saon 磅逊柬埔寨Cambodia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kanazawa 金泽日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Kandla 坎德拉印度India 印度次大陆IndiaK Kansas City 堪萨斯城美国United States 北美North AmericaK Kaoshiung 高雄台湾Taiwan 亚洲AsiaK Karachi 卡拉奇巴基斯坦Pakistan 印度次大陆IndiaK Katakia 拉塔基亚叙利亚Syria 西亚West AsiaK Kavieng 卡维恩巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 澳新线Australia, New ZealandK Kawasaki 川崎日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Keelung 基隆台湾Taiwan 亚洲AsiaK Kholmsk 霍尔姆斯克俄罗斯Russia 西北欧EuropeK Khor Fakkan 豪尔费坎阿联酋United Arab Emirates 地中海Mediterranean SeaK Khorramshahr 霍拉姆沙赫尔伊朗Iran 波斯湾Persian GulfK Kiel 基尔德国Germany 北欧Europe K Kiev 基辅俄罗斯Russia 欧Europe洲K Kingston 金斯顿牙买加Jamaica 中南美Central AmericaK Kismayu 基斯马尤索马里Somalia 东非East AfricaK Kobe 神户日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Kompong Som 磅逊柬埔寨Kampuchea 亚洲AsiaK Koper 科佩尔斯洛文尼亚Slovenia 地中海Mediterranean SeaK Kota Kinabalu 亚庇(哥打基)马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kotka 科特卡芬兰Finland 西北欧EuropeK Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kuantan 关丹马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kuching 古晋马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kudat 库达特马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaK Kukura 小仓日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Kure 吴港日本Japan 亚洲AsiaK Kuwait 科威特科威特Kuwait 波斯湾Persian GulfK Kwangyang 光阳南韩South Korea 亚洲AsiaL La Conuna 拉科鲁尼亚西班牙SpainL Labuan 拉布安(纳马来西Malaysia 东Southeast Asia闽)亚南亚L Lae 莱城巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 澳新线Australia, New ZealandL Laem Chabang 林查班泰国Thailand 东南亚Southeast AsiaL Lagos 拉各斯尼日利亚Nigeria 非洲AfricaL La Guaira 拉瓜伊拉委内瑞拉Venezuela 中南美South AmericaL Lancaster 兰凯斯特英国United Kindom 欧洲EuropeL La Paz 拉巴斯墨西哥Mexico 中南美South AmericaL La Plata 拉普拉塔阿根廷Argentina 中南美South AmericaL Las Palmas 拉斯帕尔马斯加纳利群岛西非AfricaL La Rouchelle 拉罗歇尔法国FranceL La Spezia 拉斯佩齐亚意大利Italy 欧洲EuropeL Lattajua 拉塔基亚叙利亚Asyria 地中海Mediterranean SeaL Launceston 朗塞斯顿澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandL Lautoka 劳托卡斐济群岛Fuji Island 澳新线Australia, New ZealandL Lazaro Cardenas 拉萨罗-卡德纳斯墨西哥Mexico 中美Central AmericaL Leghorn(Livormo) 来航意大利Italy 欧洲EuropeL Le havre 勒哈弗尔法国France 欧洲EuropeL Leningrad 圣彼得堡俄罗斯Russia 欧洲EuropeL Lianyungang 连云港中国China 亚洲AsiaL Libreville 利伯维尔加蓬Gabon 非洲AfricaL Limassol 利马索尔塞浦路斯Cyprus 地中海Mediterranean SeaL Limon 利蒙哥斯达黎加CostaricaL Lindi 林迪坦桑尼亚Tanzania 东非AfricaL Lisbon 里斯本葡萄牙Portugal 西北欧EuropeL Liverpool 利物浦英国United Kindom 西北欧EuropeL Lome 洛美多哥Togo 非洲AfricaL London 伦敦英国England 西北欧EuropeL Londonderry 伦敦德里英国England 西北欧EuropeL Long Beach 长滩美国United States 北美North AmericaL Los Angeles 洛杉矶美国United States 北美North AmericaL Lourenco-Marques 洛伦索-马贵斯(马普托)莫桑比克Mozambique 东非AfricaL Luanda 罗安达安哥拉Angola 非洲AfricaL Lubeck 卢贝克德国Germany 西北欧EuropeL Lyttelton 利特尔顿新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandM Macao 澳门中国China 亚洲AsiaM Madang 马丹巴布亚Papua New Guinea 澳Australia, New Zealand新几内亚新线M Madras 马德拉斯印度India 印度次大陆IndiaM Madrid 马德里西班牙Spain 地中海Mediterranean SeaM Mahe 马希印度India 印度次大陆IndiaM Majunga 马任加马达加斯加东非AfricaM Makasar 望加锡印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Malabo(Santa Isabel) 马拉博赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 西非AfricaM Malacca 马六甲马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Malaga 马拉加西班牙SpainM Male 马累马尔代夫波斯湾Persian GulfM Malindi 马林迪肯尼亚Kenya 东非AfricaM Malmo 马尔默瑞典Sweden 西北欧EuropeM Malta 马耳他马耳他Malta 地中海Mediterranean SeaM Manama,Al 麦纳麦巴林M Manaus 马瑙斯巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaM Manchester 曼彻斯特英国United Kindom 西北欧EuropeM Manila 马尼拉菲律宾Philippines 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Manta 曼塔厄瓜多尔Ecuador 南美South AmericaM Manzanillo(P) 曼萨尼约角巴拿马Panama 中美Central AmericaM Manzanillo 曼萨尼约墨西哥Mexico 中美Central AmericaM Maputo 马普托莫桑比克M Maracaibo 马拉开波委内瑞拉Venezuela 中南美South AmericaM Mar del Plata 马德普拉塔阿根廷Argentina 中南美South AmericaM Marseilles 马赛法国France 欧洲EuropeM Massawa 马萨瓦埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia 红海Red SeaM Matadi 马塔迪扎伊尔Zaire 非洲Africa M Matanzas 马但萨斯古巴CubaM Mazatlan 马萨特兰墨西哥MexicoM Melbourne 墨尔本澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandM Menado 万鸦老印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Memphis 孟菲斯美国United States 北美North AmericaM Mersin 梅尔辛土耳其Turkey 地中海Mediterranean SeaM Messina 墨西拿意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaM Mexico City 墨西哥城墨西哥Mexico 中美Central America M Miami 迈阿密美国United States 北North AmericaM Middlesbrough 米德尔斯伯勒英国United Kindom 欧洲EuropeM Midland 米德兰加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaM Milford 米尔福德港英国EnglandM Mindelo 明德卢佛得角西非AfricaM Miri 米里马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Mobile 莫比尔美国United States 北美North AmericaM Mogadiscio 摩加迪沙索马里东非AfricaM Moji 门司日本Japan 亚洲AsiaM Mokha 穆哈也门Yemen 红海Red SeaM Mokpo 木浦朝鲜KoreaM Momasa 蒙巴萨肯尼亚Kenya 非洲AfricaM Molalla,Al 穆卡拉也门YemenM Monrovia 蒙罗维尔利比里亚Liberia 非洲AfricaM Monterrey 蒙特雷墨西哥Mexico 中美Central AmericaM Montevideo 蒙得维的亚乌拉圭Uruguay 南美South AmericaM Montreal 蒙特利尔美国United States 北美North AmericaM Moscow 莫斯科俄罗斯Russia 欧洲EuropeM Mostaganem 穆斯塔加奈阿尔及利亚Algeria 非洲AfricaM Moulmein 毛淡棉缅甸Burma 东南亚Southeast AsiaM Mozambique 莫桑比克莫桑比克Mozambique 东非AfricaM Mukalla 木卡拉也门Yemen 红Red SeaM Mumbai 孟买印度India 印度次大陆IndiaM Murmansk 摩尔曼斯克俄罗斯Russia 西北欧EuropeM Muscat 马斯喀特阿曼Oman 地中海Mediterranean SeaM Mutsamudu 木察木杜科摩罗Comorin 东非AfricaN Nagasaki 长崎日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Nagoya 名古屋日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Naha 那坝日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Nakhodka 纳霍德卡俄罗斯Russia 欧洲EuropeN Nampo 南浦朝鲜North Korea 亚洲AsiaN Nanjing 南京中国China 东亚AsiaN Nantes 南特法国France 欧洲EuropeN Nantong 南通中国China 东亚AsiaN Naoetsu 直江津日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Napier 内皮尔新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandN Naples 那不勒斯意大利Italy 欧洲EuropeN Nassau 拿骚巴哈马联邦中南美South AmericaN Nauru 瑙鲁瑙鲁Nauru 澳新线Australia, New ZealandN Nelson 内尔逊新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandN New Amsterdam 新阿姆斯特丹圭亚那Guyana 中南美South AmericaN Newcastle 纽卡斯尔英国United Kindom 西北欧EuropeN New Heaven 纽黑文美国United StatesN New Orleans 新奥尔良美国United States 北美North AmericaN New Plymouth 新普利默斯新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandN Newport 纽波特英国United Kindom 西北欧EuropeN NewYork 纽约美国United States 北美North AmericaN Newark 纽瓦克美国United States 北美North AmericaN Nhava Sheva 印度India 印度次大陆IndiaN Nicosia 尼科西亚塞浦路斯CyprusN Nicosia 新泻日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Niigata 新鸿日本Japan 东亚AsiaN Ningbo 宁波中国China 东亚AsiaN Norfolk 诺福克美国United States 北美North AmericaN Noro 诺劳所罗门群岛澳新线Australia, New ZealandN Nouakchott 努瓦克肖特毛利塔尼亚Mauritania 非洲AfricaN Noumea 努美阿新喀里澳Australia, New Zealand多尼亚新线N Novorossiysk 诺沃西比尔斯克(新西伯利亚)俄罗斯Russia Trans Siberian LandbridgeN Nukualofa 努库阿洛法汤加Tonga 澳新线Australia, New ZealandO Oakland 奥克兰美国United States 北美North AmericaO Odessa 敖德萨俄罗斯Russia Trans Siberian LandbridgeO Oran 奥兰阿尔及利亚Algeria 非洲AfricaO Oranjestad 奥腊涅斯塔德安的列斯中南美South AmericaO Osaka 大阪日本Japan 东亚AsiaO Oslo 奥斯陆挪威Norway 西北欧EuropeO Otaru 小樽日本Japan 东亚AsiaO Oulu 奥卢芬兰FinlandO Owendo 奥文多加蓬Gabon 西非AfricaP Padang 巴东印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Pago Pago 帕果帕果萨磨亚群岛澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Paita 派塔秘鲁Peru 中南美South AmericaP Palembang 巨港印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Panama Canal 巴拿马运河巴拿马Panama 中南美Central AmericaP Panama City 巴拿马城巴拿马Panama 中南Central America美P Papette 帕皮提塔希提岛Tahiti 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Paramaribo 帕拉马里博苏里南中南美South AmericaP Paranagua 巴拉那瓜巴西Brazil 中南美South AmericaP Penang 槟城马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Perth 珀斯澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Perth 珀斯英国England 北欧线EuropeP Philadeiphia 费城美国United States 北美North AmericaP Phnom Penh 金边柬埔寨Cambodia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Phoenix 费尼克斯美国United States 北美North AmericaP Piraeus 比雷艾夫斯希腊Greece 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Plaia 普拉亚佛得角P Ploce 普洛切南斯拉夫JugoslaviaP Plymouth 普列茅斯蒙特塞拉特岛中南美South AmericaP Pointe-aPitre 皮特尔角瓜德罗普岛中南美South AmericaP Pointe des Galets 加莱角留尼汪岛东非AfricaP Pointe Noire 黑角刚果Congo 非洲AfricaP Ponce 蓬塞波多黎Porto Rico 中Central America各南美P Pondicherry 本地治里印度India 印度次大陆IndiaP Pontianak 坤甸印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Port Adelaide 阿德雷德港澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Port-Au-Prince 太子港海底Haiti 中南美Central AmericaP Port Castries 卡斯特里港圣卢西亚中南美South AmericaP Port Chalmers 查墨斯港新西兰New Zealand 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Port Elizabeth 伊丽莎白港南非South Africa 非洲AfricaP Port Harcourt 哈科特港尼日利亚Nigeria 非洲AfricaP Port Klang 巴生港马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaP Port Kembla 肯布兰澳大利亚Australia 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Portland 波特兰美国United States 北美North AmericaP Port Limon 利蒙港哥斯达黎加Costarica 中南美Central AmericaP Port Louis 路易港毛里求斯岛Mauritius Island 非洲AfricaP Port Moresby 莫尔兹比港巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Port of Spain 西班牙港特立尼Trinidad and Tobago 中South America达和多巴哥南美P Porto Novo 波多诺伏贝宁Bertha 西非AfricaP Port Rashid 拉希德港阿拉伯酋长联合国United Arab Emirates 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Port Said 塞德港埃及Egypt 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Portsmouth 朴次茅斯英国England 西北欧EuropeP Port Stanley 斯坦利港福克兰群岛中南美South AmericaP Port Sudan 苏丹港苏丹Sudan 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Port Suez 苏伊士港埃及Egypt 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Port Sultan Qaboos 米纳卡布斯安曼Oman 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Port Victoria 维多利亚港塞舌尔东非AfricaP Port Vila 维拉港瓦努阿图澳新线Australia, New ZealandP Priolo 辟利洛意大利Italy 地中海Mediterranean SeaP Puerto Cabello 卡贝略港委内瑞拉Venezuela 中南美South AmericaP Puerto Caldera 卡尔德拉港哥斯达黎加Costa Rica 中南美Central AmericaP Puerto Quetzal 圣胡赛危地马拉Guatemala 中南美Central AmericaP Punta Arenas 彭塔阿雷智利Chile 中Central America纳斯南美P Puntarenas 彭塔雷纳斯哥斯达黎加Costarica 中南美Central AmericaQ Qingdao 青岛中国China 东亚AsiaQ Quebec 魁北克加拿大Canada 北美North AmericaR Rabat 拉巴特摩洛哥Morocco 西非AfricaR Rabaul 腊包尔港巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 澳新线Australia, New ZealandR Rangoon 仰光缅甸Burma 东南亚Southeast AsiaR Ravenna 拉佛纳意大利Italy 欧洲EuropeR Recife 累西腓巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaR Reunion 雷鸟尼翁留尼汪岛Reunion Islands 非洲AfricaR Reykjavik 雷克雅未克冰岛Iceland 西北欧EuropeR Riga 里加拉脱维亚Latvia Trans Siberian LandbridgeR Rijeka 里耶卡南斯拉夫Jugoslavia 地中海Mediterranean SeaR Rio De Janeiro 里约热内卢巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaR Rio Grande 里奥格兰德巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaR Rostock 罗斯托克德国Germany 西北欧EuropeR Rotterdam 鹿特丹荷兰Netherlands 欧洲EuropeS Sabang 沙璜印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaS Saigon 胡志明市越南Vietnam 东南亚Southeast AsiaS Sakaiminato 境港日本Japan 东亚AsiaS Sakata 酒田日本Japan 东亚AsiaS Salalah 塞拉莱阿曼Oman 地中海Mediterranean SeaS Salvador 萨尔瓦多巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaS San Antonio 圣安东尼奥智利Chile 南美South AmericaS Sandakan 山打根马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaS San Diego 圣迭戈美姑United States 北美North AmericaS Sandwich 桑德威奇英国England 欧洲EuropeS San Fernando 圣费尔南多特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago 中南美S San Francisco 三藩市美国United States 北美North AmericaS San Jose 圣胡赛危地马拉Guatemala 中美Central AmericaS San Juan 圣胡安波多黎各Puerto Rico 中美Central AmericaS San Juan del Sur 南圣胡安尼加拉瓜Nicaragua 中南美S San Lorenzo 圣洛伦索洪都拉斯Honduras 中美Central AmericaS Santa Cruz 圣克鲁斯加那利群岛西非AfricaS Santa Cruz del Sur 南圣克鲁斯古巴Cuba 中南美S Santiago 圣地亚哥佛得角西非AfricaS Santiago 圣地亚哥古巴Cuba 中南美S Santo 圣吐瓦努阿图澳新线Australia, New ZealandS Santo Domingo 圣多明各多明及加共和国Dominican Republic 中美Central AmericaS Santos 桑托斯巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaS San Tome 圣多美圣多美和普林西比西非AfricaS San Tome 圣多美巴西Brazil 南美South AmericaS Savannah 萨凡纳美国United States 北美North AmericaS Savona 萨沃纳意大利Italy 欧洲EuropeS Seattle 西雅图美国United States 北美North AmericaS Semarang 三宝垄印尼Indonesia 东南亚Southeast AsiaS Shanghai 上海中国China 东亚AsiaS Sharjah 沙迦阿拉伯酋长联合国United Arab Emirates 地中海Mediterranean SeaS Shekou 蛇口中国China 东亚AsiaS Shimizu 清水日本Japan 东亚AsiaS Shuidong 水东中国China 东亚AsiaS Sibu 诗巫马来西亚Malaysia 东南亚Southeast AsiaS Sihanoukville 西哈努克城柬埔寨Gambodia 东南亚Southeast AsiaS Singapore 新加坡新加坡Singpore 东Southeast Asia。

毕业论文文献翻译分析解析学号:上海海事大学本科生毕业设计(论文)文献翻译学院:海洋科学与工程学院专业:港口航道与海岸工程班级:姓名:指导教师:完成日期:Study on Structure of Arched Longitudinal Beams ofDeep-Water WharfZHAI Qiu , LU Zi-ai and ZHANG Shu-huaABSTRACTHigh-pile and beam-slab quays have been widely used after several years development. They are mature enough to be one of the most important structural types of wharves in China coastal areas. In order to accommodate large tonnage vessels, wharves should be constructed in deep water gradually .However , conventional high-pile and beam-slab structures are hard to meet the requirements of large deep-water wharf .According to arch' s stress characteristics, a new type of wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams is presented in this paper .The new wharf structure can make full use of arch' s overhead crossing and reinforced concrete compression resistance , improve the interval between transverse bents greatly, and decrease underwater construction quantity .Thus, the construction cost cab be reduced. T ake the third phase project of the YangshanDeep-water Port for example , comparative analysis on catenary arched longitudinal beams and conventional longitudinal beams has been made .The result shows that with the same wharf length and width, the same loads and same longitudinal beam moment , catenary arch structure can improve the interval between bents up to 28 m , decrease the number of piles and underwater construction quantity .Key words: wharf ; structural type ; catenary arch ; internal force ; cost1. IntroductionIn recent years , a trend of large tonnage vessels is increasing in port engineering .The international routes are now sailing the fifth and sixth generation container ships and over 300 , 000 tons for bulk vessels and oil tankers(Leifer and Wilson , 2007).In China , at present , the number of berths which can handle vessels over 50 , 000 tons is about 260 , but in fact , most of them can not meet the requirements of large-tonnage vessels , and construction of deep water wharves is in urgent need (Zhang , 2006).The deep-water wharf works under adverse conditions and is hard to be constructed , so design of deep-water wharf is an important research topic in port engineering(Zhai and Lu , 2006). The high-pileand beam-slab quay is mainly applied to river port and sea port with kinds of complicated loads .It consists of slabs , longitudinal beams , transversal beams , pile caps , piles and berthing members. The superstructure of beam-slab quay is usually prefabricated ;components such as longitudinal beams and slabs are fabricated by prestressed reinforced concrete .The prestressing method improves the cracking and bending resistance capacity , increases the strength of structuralmembers , and reduces the quantity of steel bar .The increase of interval between transverse bents leads to the full use of pile bearing capacity and reduces usage of materials , and the construction speed is accelerated . As a result of its structural rationality , high-pile and beam-slab quay was rapidly developed andmature enough to be one of the most important structural types of wharves in China coastal areas in the early 1970s .In 1980s , with the continuously rapid development of wharf grade and progress of construction technique , size of piles increased as well as bearing capacity .After the successful development of large diameter prestressed concrete tubular pile and steel pipe pile in China , single pile capacity had reached more than 10000 kN , and it created conditions in construction of large wharf in deep water .In order to make full use of pile bearing capacity , interval between transversal bents should be improved . It is proved that design of larger span and fewer piles can reduce the cost of the project .However , stress of conventional longitudinal beams will be increased largely if the span is over certainn range (about 10 ~12 m).The usage of materials and project cost will correspondingly increase .In deep-water open sea , wharf piles have to be large enough to satisfy the stability requirements due to the complicated processes of hydrodynamics such as waves , currents and their interactions (Yan et al , 2000 ; Zheng et al, 2002 , 2008 ; Zheng , 2007).Interval between transversal bents of 10 m cannot make full use of pile bearing capacity .Increasing the interval between transversal bents will lead to more fabrication cost of superstructure .Wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams presented in this paper is expected to have some theoretical and practical significance in optimization design of high-pile wharf .2. Catenary Arched Longitudinal Beam StructureIn consideration of the arch' s good overhead crossing and reinforced concrete compression resistance and in reference of spandrel-braced arch bridge , a new type of wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams (Fig .1)is put forward in this paper .The catenary arched longitudinal beams of prefabricated reinforced concrete consist of archbeams , top chords , web members , and tie-rod .The longitudinal beam is laid on the pile cap .The prefabricated crosswise horizontal braces which are laid on longitudinal beam' s brackets are set among longitudinal beams .They form beam grillages with longitudinal beams .The laminated slabs are laid on crosswise horizontal braces .Rectanglar transversal beams are cast-in-situ and they are contour arranged with longitudinal beams .The longitudinal beams , transversal beams and laminated slabs are integrally jointed , and the longitudinal beams are also integrally jointed with piles , forming the superstructure of good integrity and rigidity .Tie-rod is set at the bottom of arch beam to bear arch' s thrust force .3. Superstructure of the Arched Longitudinal Beam Structure3.1 Selection of Rise-Span RatioRise-span ratio (Kim, 2003)depends on concrete usage , beam moment , arch thrust force , etc . The increase of rise-span ratio will lead to more concrete being used ; and the decrease of rise-span ratio will lead to the increase of mid-span moment and arch thrust force .In comprehensive consideration of the above factors , rise-span ratio of catenary arched longitudinal beams may be best chosen from 1/12 to 1/6 .Fig.1.Sketch map of wharf with catenary arched longitudinalbeams.3.2 Selection of Arch AxisAccording to the load conditions in the third phase project of the YangshanDeep-water Port , a comparison was made with the structural mechanic method .A catenary is used as rational arch axis of longitudinal beams to derive the arch axis equation(Gu and Shi , 1996)(1)1f y chK m ζ=--, (1)where, f is arch height; m is arch axis coefficient; K is a parameter related to m,ln(K m =; ζ is abscissa parameter, ζ=2x/L; chKζ is hyperbolic cosine,chKζ=()K K e e ζζ-+; L is height of arch. The ordinate of arch axis should be decided on arch axis coefficient m if rise-span ratio is confirmed.4. Analysis on the ProjectThe Yangshan Deep-water Port(Li et al ., 2006)is located on Shengsi Islands outside the Hangzhou Bay and the Yangtze Estuary .It consists of several dozen islands such as the Big Yangshan Islands and the Small Yangshan Islands .The northwest is 27 .5 km away from the Luchao Harbour of Shanghai , the south is 90 km away f rom the Beilun Harbour of Zhejiang Province , and the east is 104 km away from the international shipping route .It is the nearest deep-water harbour around Shanghai . The basin bottom of the Yangshan Deep-water Port is stable and sediments are not easily to silt up , with a natural water depth over 15m .It is suitable for building a large deep-water wharf .Theport has deep-water shorelines of about 13 km with excellent natural refuge conditions and 315 operating days per year on the average .The third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port (Zhu , 2005)lies in the east of the harbour district between the Huogaitang Island and the Xiaoyanjiao Island .There are seven deep water berths for container ships of 70 ~150 thousand DWT .The design container ship is 150 thousand tons with the mooring wind speed of 22 .6m/s , the design flow speed of 1 .80 m/s , the maximum mooring force of 2000 kN and impact force of 2574 kN .The design annual throughput is 5 million TEU .The coastal line is 2600 m , high water level is 4 .51 m, low water level is 0 .53 m , the top of the pier height is 8 .10m , and the design water depth in front of wharf is 18 .0 m.There are 25 shore container cranes with track gauge of 35 m , lifting capacity of 65 tons and out-reach of 67 m .4.1 Load ConditionIn the third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port , the main design loads include structure weight , cargo load (30 kPa)and container cranes loads .The basic parameters of container cranes loads are as follows :track gauge of 35 m, base length of 14 m , 10 wheels per leg , spread of wheel 1 .20 m, the minimum distance among centers when two cranes are working is 27 m .When the cranes work , the maximum sea-side wheel-load is 1070 kN per wheel , and the maximum land-side wheel-load is 940 kN per wheel .The top of the pier height is designed in the condition that superstructure cannot afford wave force , thus , wave loads are not considered in the arched longitudinal beam structure except three types of loads above .4.2 Sectional Structure of the WharfIn the original design , high-pile and beam-slab quay is used .The width of the wharf is 42 .5m ; the interval between transversal bents is 12 m .Steel pipe piles with diameter of 1 .5 m are used as piles .Each transversal bent has 10 steel pipe piles and four pile cap joints ;three steel pipe piles are set under pile cap of every crane beam , and two steel pipe piles are set under the pile caps of other beams .In the superstructure , transversal beams , crane beams , longitudinal beams and laminated slabs are precast with prestressed concrete .Longitudinal and transversal beams are contour arranged and transversal beams next to pile caps are cast-in-situ .In the new type of wharf , the interval between bents is 28 m, catenary arch height is 3 .5 m , rise-span ratio is 1/8 , and arch axis coefficient m is 2 .566 .The steel pipe piles with diameter 1 .5 m are used as piles .Each transversal bent has 12 steel pipe piles and five pile cap joints ;three steel pipe piles are set under pile cap of every crane beam, and two steel pipe piles are set under the pile caps of other beams.In the superstructure , concrete transversal beams are cast-in-situ , the catenary arched longitudinal beam of reinforced concrete and laminated slabs are prefabricated .The transversal beam section is 5 .0m ×1 .0 m, top chord 1 .5m ×0 .8m , arch beam 1 .5m ×0 .8m , crosswise horizontal brace 0 .6 m×0 .8 m , and web member 0 .6 m ×0 .8 m.The interval of two arch beams is 8 .75 m ;the crosswise horizontal braces are set between arch beams , with the interval of 3 .5 m;the prefabricated slab is 4 m in length , 3 .2m in width , 0 .4m in thickness with the wearing carpet being 0 .05 m .I-bar is used as tie-rod in the bottom of arch beam .Its elastic modulus E =2 .1 ×105 N/mm2 , height h =400 mm , flange widthb =146mm , web plate thickness tw =14 .5 mm, cross-section area A =10200 mm2 .Since the tie-rod is too long , the hanger rods are set to decrease tie-rod deflection . Thus, the tie-rod and the arch longitudinal beam form an integral structure .The hot-rolled seamless steel tubes are used as hanger rods .The outer diameter of the pipe d =146 mm , thickness t =10 mm , and cross-section area A =4273 mm2 .4.3 Internal Force AnalysisTake a bent for example , when analyzing the internal force , the section of transversal beams and their loads change very little , therefore , only analysis on longitudinal beam and its loads is done .As to the load-combination , it considers the bearing capacity endurance state under limit condition .When loads are applied on catenary arched longitudinal beam , moment (M) variation of catenary arched longitudinal beam (Fig .2)is obtained with structural mechanical theory and finite element method (Bijaya et al, 2007; Ju , 2003).It shows that the positive moment of longitudinal beam increases obviously from arch springing to mid-span , and the maximum moment 16500 kN·m is at midspan . In t he third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port under the original design loads , track beams are calculated according to simply supported beam in the construction period and elastically supported continuous beam in the service period , and the maximum moment at mid-span is 20747 kN·m . It is concluded that when the interval between bents increases to 28m , the maximum moment of arched longitudinal beam is still smaller than that of the original design longitudinal beam .This new type of wharf makes full use of arch compression resistance and overhead crossing .Table 1 Comparison between the two structures on theirmain parametersFig.2 .Moment diagram of catenary arched longitudinal beam (kN·m).5. ConclusionsThe underwater construction of open sea deep-water wharf is difficult and definitely needs high cost .Without increasing the section size and steel bars of longitudinal beams , catenary arched longitudinal beam can greatly enlarge the interval between bents , which leads to the decrease of piles and underwater construction work .Constructional members are prefabricated and floated to working site so that the construction speed is accelerated and fabrication cost can be reduced .Actually , high-piled wharf project costs great deal , however , wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams needs fewer piles and thus reduces the manufacture cost largely .Wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams has good stress states and large interval between transverse bents ;the superstructure has large space stiffness and needs a small number of construction components ;catenary arch is prefabricated with reinforced concrete and convenient to set mould and cast concrete .Large space under catenary arch and the good ventilation can improve the durability of constructional members .Generally speaking , wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams is a new type of good mechanical property and economic benefit .It will adapt to the request of large span new harbor constructions in the future .深水码头拱形纵梁结构研究翟秋,鲁子爱和张淑华摘要高桩梁板式码头经过了几年的发展应用,已经足够成熟作为中国沿海地区码头最重要的结构类型。

海运港口中英文名称对照国家名称港口名称(英文名) 港口名称(中文名) 国家名称港口名称(英文名) 港口名称(中文名) 阿尔巴尼亚Durresi 都拉斯澳大利亚New Castle 纽卡斯尔阿尔巴尼亚Valona 法罗拉巴基斯坦Karachi 卡拉奇阿尔巴尼亚Algiers 阿尔及尔巴林Manama,Al 麦纳麦阿尔巴尼亚Annaba 安纳巴巴拿马Colon 科隆阿尔巴尼亚Oran 奥兰巴拿马Panama City 巴拿马城阿根廷Bahia Blanka 布兰卡港保加利亚Bourgas 布尔加斯阿根廷Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯保加利亚Varna 瓦尔纳阿根廷La Plata 拉普拉塔贝宁Cotonou 科托努阿根廷Mar del Plata 马德普拉塔比利时Antwerp 安特卫普阿拉伯也门Hudaydak Al 荷台达波兰Gdansk 格但斯克共和国阿联酋Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比波兰Gdynia 格丁尼亚阿联酋Dubai 迪拜波兰Szczecin 什切青阿曼Muscat 马斯科特伯利兹Belize 伯利兹埃及Alexandria 亚历山大伯利兹Belmopan 贝尔莫潘埃塞俄比亚Aseb 阿萨布朝鲜Chongjin 清津埃塞俄比亚Massawa 马萨瓦朝鲜Hungnam 兴南爱尔兰Cork 科克朝鲜Mokpo 木浦爱尔兰Dublin 都伯林朝鲜Nampo 南浦安哥拉Luanda 罗安达朝鲜Wonsan 元山澳大利亚Adelaide 阿德莱德赤道几内亚Bata 巴塔澳大利亚Brisbane 布里斯班赤道几内亚Malabo 马拉博澳大利亚Darwin 达尔文丹麦Aalborg 奥尔堡澳大利亚Freemantle 弗里曼特尔丹麦Aasrhus 奥胡斯澳大利亚Geelong 吉朗丹麦Copenhagen 哥本哈根澳大利亚Melbourne 墨尔本丹麦Fredericia 腓特烈西亚澳大利亚Sydney 悉尼德国Bremen 不来梅国家名称港口名称(英文名)港口名称(中文名) 国家名称港口名称(英文名) 港口名称(中文名)德国Bremerhaven 不来梅港芬兰Vaasa 瓦萨德国Hamburg 汉堡佛得角Plaia 普拉亚德国Kiel 基尔冈比亚Banjul 班珠尔德国Lubeck 卢贝克刚果Pointe Noire 黑角德国Wismar 维斯马哥伦比亚Barranquilla 巴兰基亚多哥Lome 洛美哥伦比亚Buenaventura 布埃纳文图拉俄罗斯Arkhangelsk 阿尔汉格尔斯克哥伦比亚Cartagena 卡赫纳俄罗斯Leningrad 列宁格勒哥斯达黎加Limon 利蒙俄罗斯Murrmansk 摩尔曼斯克格陵兰Godthab 戈特霍布俄罗斯Nakhodka 纳霍德卡古巴Havana 哈瓦那俄罗斯Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯托克古巴Matanzas 马但萨斯厄瓜多尔Guayaquil 瓜亚基尔关岛Agana 阿加尼亚法国Bordeaux 波尔多圭亚那,加拿大Georgetown 乔治敦法国Brest 布雷斯特海地Port-au-prince 太子港法国La Rouchelle 拉罗歇尔荷兰Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹法国Le Havre 勒阿佛尔吉布提Djibouti 吉布提法国Marseilles 马赛几内亚Conakry 科纳克里法国Nantes 南特几内亚绍Bissau 比绍法国Toulon 土伦港加拿大Halifax 哈里法克斯菲律宾Cebu 宿务加拿大Montreal 蒙特利尔菲律宾Iloilo 伊洛伊洛加拿大Toronto 多伦多菲律宾Manila 马尼拉加拿大,美国Vancouver 温哥华斐济Suva 苏瓦加纳Accra 阿克拉芬兰Helsinki 赫尔辛基加纳特马Tema 特马芬兰Oulu 奥卢加蓬Libreville 利伯维尔芬兰Turku 图尔库柬埔寨Kampong saon 磅逊喀麦隆Douala 杜阿拉美国Charleston 查尔斯顿卡塔尔Doha 多哈美国Chicago 芝加哥科特迪瓦Abidjan 阿比让美国Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁科威特Kuwait 科威特美国Houston 休斯敦肯尼亚Malindi 马林迪美国Long Beach 长滩肯尼亚Mombasa 蒙巴萨美国Los Angeles 洛杉矶黎巴嫩Deirut 贝鲁特美国Miami 迈阿密黎巴嫩,利比Tripoli 的黎波里美国Mobile 莫比尔亚利比里亚Monrovia 蒙罗维亚美国New Heaven 纽黑文利比亚Benghazi 班加西美国New Orleans 新奥尔良罗马尼亚Constantza 康斯坦萨美国New York 纽约马达加斯加Majunga 马任加美国Norfollk 诺福克马达加斯加Tamatave 塔马塔夫美国Oakland 奥克兰马达加斯加Toamasina 图阿以西纳美国Philadelphia 费拉德尔菲亚马达加斯加Toleary 图莱亚尔美国Tampa 坦帕马尔代夫Male 马累孟加拉国Chittagong 吉大港马耳他Malta 马耳他孟加拉国Dacca 达卡马耳他Valletta 瓦莱塔秘鲁Callao 卡亚俄马来西亚Georgetown 乔治市秘鲁Chimbote 钦博特马来西亚Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡缅甸Bassein 勃生马来西亚Kuching 古晋缅甸Moulmein 毛淡棉马来西亚Malacca 马六甲民主也门Aden 亚丁马来西亚Penang 槟城民主也门Molalla,Al 穆卡拉毛里塔尼亚Nouakchott 努瓦克肖特摩洛哥Casablance 卡萨布兰卡美国Baltimore 巴尔的摩摩洛哥Dar El-Beida 达尔贝达美国Boston 波士顿摩洛哥Tangier 丹吉尔莫桑比克Deira 贝拉日本Nagoya 名古屋莫桑比克Mapulco 马普托日本Naha 那霸墨西哥Acpulco 阿卡普尔科日本Nicosia 新泻墨西哥Coatzacolcos 夸察夸尔科斯日本Osaka 大阪墨西哥Guaymas 瓜伊马斯日本Tokyo 东京墨西哥Mazatlan 马萨特兰日本Yokohama 横滨墨西哥Tampico 坦皮科瑞典Goteborg 哥德堡墨西哥Veracruz 韦腊克鲁斯瑞典Halmstad 哈尔姆斯塔德纳米比亚Walvis Bay 沃尔维斯湾瑞典Malmo 马尔默南非Cape Town 开普敦瑞士Berne 伯尔尼南非East London 东伦敦萨尔瓦多Acajutla 阿卡胡特拉南斯拉夫Bar 巴尔塞拉利昂Free Town 弗里敦尼加拉瓜Corinto 科林托塞内加尔Dakar 达喀尔尼日利亚Apapa 阿帕帕塞浦路斯Limassol 利马索尔尼日利亚Lagos 拉各斯塞浦路斯Nicosia 尼科西亚挪威Aalesund 奥勒松塞舌尔,加拿大Victoria 维多利亚挪威Bergen 卑尔根沙特阿拉伯Damman 达曼挪威Fredrikstad 腓特烈斯塔沙特阿拉伯Jidda 吉达挪威Oslo 奥斯陆斯里兰卡Colombo 科伦坡葡萄牙Lisboa 里斯本斯里兰卡Trincomalee 亭可马里日本Chiba 千叶苏里南Paramaribo 帕拉马里博日本Hakodate 函馆索马里Berbera 柏培拉日本Hiroshima 广岛索马里Kismayu 基斯马尤日本Kagoshima 鹿儿岛索马里Mogadisho 摩加迪沙日本Kobe 神户泰国Bangkok 曼谷日本Nagasaki 长崎坦桑尼亚Dar-es-Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆坦桑尼亚Tanga 坦噶新西兰Dunedin 达尼丁坦桑尼亚Zanzibar 桑给巴尔新西兰Lyttelton 利特尔顿突尼斯Bizerta 比塞大新西兰Wellington 惠灵顿突尼斯Tunis 突尼斯叙利亚Katakia 拉塔基亚土耳其Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔叙利亚Tatus 塔尔图斯土耳其Izmir 伊兹密尔牙买加,加拿大Kingston 金士顿土耳其Mersin 梅尔辛伊拉克Basrah 巴士拉瓦努阿图Vila 维拉港伊朗Abadan 阿巴丹委内瑞拉Caracas 加拉加斯伊朗Bandar Abbas 阿巴斯港委内瑞拉Cumanna 库马纳伊朗Bandar Khomeini 霍梅尼港委内瑞拉La Guaina 拉瓜伊拉以色列Haifa 海法委内瑞拉Maracaibo 马拉开波以色列Tel Aviv 特拉维夫文莱Bandar SeriBegawan斯里巴加湾市意大利Ancona 安科纳乌克兰Odessa 敖德萨意大利Cagliari 卡利亚里乌克兰Montevideo 蒙特维的亚意大利Crotone 克努托内西班牙Barcelona 巴塞罗那意大利Genoa 热那亚西班牙Bilbao 毕尔巴鄂意大利La Spezia 拉斯佩齐亚西班牙Gibraltar 直布罗陀意大利Leghorn 莱戈恩西班牙Gijon 希洪意大利Messina 墨西拿西班牙La Conuna 拉科鲁尼亚意大利Naples 那不勒斯西班牙Malaga 马拉加意大利Taranto 塔兰托西萨摩亚Apia 阿皮亚意大利Trieste 的里雅斯特希腊Athens 雅典意大利Venice 威尼斯希腊Piraeus 比雷埃夫斯印度Bombay 孟买新喀里多尼亚Aukland 奥克兰印度Calcutta 加尔各答新西兰Christ Church 克赖斯特彻奇印度Banjarmaisn 马辰印尼Belawan 勿拉湾扎伊尔Matadi 马塔迪印尼Cheribon 井里文智利Antofagasta 安托法加斯塔印尼Djakarta 雅加达智利Arica 阿里卡印尼Jakarta 雅加达智利Iquique 伊基克印尼Makasa 望加锡智利Valparaiso 瓦尔帕莱索印尼Menado 万鸦老中国Aomen 澳门印尼Palembang 巨港中国Dalian 大连印尼Tanjung Priok 丹戎不碌中国Beihai 北海英国Avenmouth 阿芬默斯中国Fuzhou 福州英国Belfast 贝尔法斯特中国Gaoxiong 高雄英国Birkenhead 伯肯赫德中国Guangzhou 广州英国Bristol 布里斯托尔中国Hongkong 香港英国Cardiff 加的夫中国Jilong 基隆英国Dunkirk 敦刻尔克中国Lianyungang 连云港英国Glasgow 格拉斯哥中国Macao 澳门英国Hull 赫尔中国Ningpo 宁波英国Liverpool 利物浦中国Taibei 台北英国London 伦敦中国Tianjin 天津英国Milford 米尔福德港中国Wenzhou 温州英国Plymouth 普列茅斯中国Xiamen 厦门约旦Aqaba 亚喀巴中国Yantai 烟台越南Da Nang 岘港中国Zhanjiang 湛江越南Hai-Phong 海防中国Zhuhai 珠海越南Hanoi 河内越南Hongay 鸿基扎伊尔Boma 博马。

船舶设计论文中英文外文翻译文献XXX shipbuilding。
with a single large container vessel consisting of approximately 1.5 n atomic components in a n hierarchy。
this n is considered a XXX involves a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM.2 XXXShip XXX process。
as well as the final product's performance and safety。
nal design XXX-consuming and often fail to consider all the complex factors XXX。
there is a need for a more XXX designers.3 The Role of HPCN in Ship Design nHPCN。
or high-performance computing and orking。
has the potential to XXX utilizing the massive parallel processing power of HPCN。
designers XXX changes。
cing the time and cost of thedesign process。
HPCN can handle the complex XXX。
XXX.4 XXX XXX of the HPCN n Support ToolThe XXX ship designers is implemented as a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM。

Abu Dhabi

中英文外文翻译文献Ship Design OptimizationThis contribution is devoted to exploiting the analogy between a modern manufacturing plant and a heterogeneous parallel computer to construct a HPCN decision support tool for ship designers. The application is a HPCN one because of the scale of shipbuilding - a large container vessel is constructed by assembling about 1.5 million atomic components in a production hierarchy. The role of the decision support tool is to rapidly evaluate the manufacturing consequences of design changes. The implementation as a distributed multi-agent application running on top of PVM is described1 Analogies between Manufacturing and HPCNThere are a number of analogies between the manufacture of complex products such as ships, aircraft and cars and the execution of a parallel program. The manufacture of a ship is carried out according to a production plan which ensures that all the components come together at the right time at the right place. A parallel computer application should ensure that the appropriate data is available on the appropriate processor in a timely fashion.It is not surprising, therefore, that manufacturing is plagued by indeterminacy exactly as are parallel programs executing on multi-processor hardware. This has caused a number of researchers in production engineering to seek inspiration in otherareas where managing complexity and unpredictability is important. A number of new paradigms, such as Holonic Manufacturing and Fractal Factories have emerged [1,2] which contain ideas rather reminiscent of those to be found in the field of Multi- Agent Systems [3, 4].Manufacturing tasks are analogous to operations carried out on data, within the context of planning, scheduling and control. Also, complex products are assembled at physically distributed workshops or production facilities, so the components must be transported between them. This is analogous to communication of data between processors in a parallel computer, which thus also makes clear the analogy between workshops and processors.The remainder of this paper reports an attempt to exploit this analogy to build a parallel application for optimizing ship design with regard to manufacturing issues.2 Shipbuilding at Odense Steel ShipyardOdense Steel Shipyard is situated in the town of Munkebo on the island of Funen. It is recognized as being one of the most modern and highly automated in the world. It specializes in building VLCC's (supertankers) and very large container ships. The yard was the first in the world to build a double hulled supertanker and is currently building an order of 15 of the largest container ships ever built for the Maersk line. These container ships are about 340 metres long and can carry about 7000 containers at a top speed of 28 knots with a crew of 12.Odense Steel Shipyard is more like a ship factory than a traditional shipyard. The ship design is broken down into manufacturing modules which are assembled and processed in a number of workshops devoted to, for example, cutting, welding and surface treatment. At any one time, up to 3 identical ships are being built and a new ship is launched about every 100 days.The yard survives in the very competitive world of shipbuilding by extensive application of information technology and robots, so there are currently about 40 robots at the yard engaged in various production activities. The yard has a commitment to research as well, so that there are about 10 industrial Ph.D. students working there, who are enrolled at various engineering schools in Denmark.3 Tomorrow's Manufacturing SystemsThe penetration of Information Technology into our lives will also have its effect in manufacturing industry. For example, the Internet is expected to become thedominant trading medium for goods. This means that the customer can come into direct digital contact with the manufacturer.The direct digital contact with customers will enable them to participate in the design process so that they get a product over which they have some influence. The element of unpredictability introduced by taking into account customer desires increases the need for flexibility in the manufacturing process, especially in the light of the tendency towards globalization of production. Intelligent robot systems, such as AMROSE, rely on the digital CAD model as the primary source of information about the work piece and the work cell [5,6].This information is used to construct task performing, collision avoiding trajectories for the robots, which because of the high precision of the shipbuilding process, can be corrected for small deviations of the actual world from the virtual one using very simple sensor systems. The trajectories are generated by numerically solving the constrained equations of motion for a model of the robot moving in an artificial force field designed to attract the tool centre to the goal and repell it from obstacles, such as the work piece and parts of itself. Finally, there are limits to what one can get a robot to do, so the actual manufacturing will be performed as a collaboration between human and mechatronic agents.Most industrial products, such as the windmill housing component shown in Fig. 1, are designed electronically in a variety of CAD systems.Fig. 1. Showing the CAD model for the housing of a windmill. The model, made using Bentley Microstation, includes both the work-piece and task-curve geometries.4 Today's Manufacturing SystemsThe above scenario should be compared to today's realities enforced by traditional production engineering philosophy based on the ideas of mass production introduced about 100 years ago by Henry Ford. A typical production line has the same structure as a serial computer program, so that the whole process is driven by production requirements. This rigidity is reflected on the types of top-down planning and control systems used in manufacturing industry, which are badly suited to both complexity and unpredictability.In fact, the manufacturing environment has always been characterized by unpredictability. Today's manufacturing systems are based on idealized models where unpredictability is not taken into account but handled using complex and expensive logistics and buffering systems.Manufacturers are also becoming aware that one of the results of the top-down serial approach is an alienation of human workers. For example, some of the car manufacturers have experimented with having teams of human workers responsible for a particular car rather than performing repetitive operations in a production line. This model in fact better reflects the concurrency of the manufacturing process than the assembly line.5 A Decision Support Tool for Ship Design OptimizationLarge ships are, together with aircraft, some of the most complex things ever built. A container ship consists of about 1.5 million atomic components which are assembled in a hierarchy of increasingly complex components. Thus any support tool for the manufacturing process can be expected to be a large HPCN application.Ships are designed with both functionality and ease of construction in mind, as well as issues such as economy, safety, insurance issues, maintenance and even decommissioning. Once a functional design is in place, a stepwise decomposition of the overall design into a hierarchy of manufacturing components is performed. The manufacturing process then starts with the individual basic building blocks such as steel plates and pipes. These building blocks are put together into ever more complex structures and finally assembled in the dock to form the finished ship.Thus a very useful thing to know as soon as possible after design time are the manufacturing consequences of design decisions. This includes issues such as whether the intermediate structures can actually be built by the available production facilities, the implications on the use of material and whether or not the production can be efficiently scheduled [7].Fig.2. shows schematically how a redesign decision at a point in time during construction implies future costs, only some of which are known at the time. Thus a decision support tool is required to give better estimates of the implied costs as early as possible in the process.Simulation, both of the feasibility of the manufacturing tasks and the efficiency with which these tasks can be performed using the available equipment, is a very compute-intense application of simulation and optimization. In the next section, we describe how a decision support tool can be designed and implemented as a parallel application by modeling the main actors in the process as agents.Fig.2. Economic consequences of design decisions. A design decision implies a future commitment of economic resources which is only partially known at design time.6 Multi-Agent SystemsThe notion of a software agent, a sort of autonomous, dynamic generalization of an object (in the sense of Object Orientation) is probably unfamiliar to the typical HPCN reader in the area of scientific computation. An agent possesses its own beliefs, desires and intentions and is able to reason about and act on its perception of other agents and the environment.A multi-agent system is a collection of agents which try to cooperate to solve some problem, typically in the areas of control and optimization. A good example is the process of learning to drive a car in traffic. Each driver is an autonomous agent which observes and reasons about the intentions of other drivers. Agents are in fact a very useful tool for modeling a wide range of dynamical processes in the real world, such as the motion of protein molecules [8] or multi-link robots [9]. For other applications, see [4].One of the interesting properties of multi-agent systems is the way global behavior of the system emerges from the individual interactions of the agents [10]. The notion of emergence can be thought of as generalizing the concept of evolution in dynamical systems.Examples of agents present in the system are the assembly network generator agent which encapsulates knowledge about shipbuilding production methods for planning assembly sequences, the robot motion verification agent, which is a simulator capable of generating collision-free trajectories for robots carrying out their tasks, the quantity surveyor agent which possesses knowledge about various costs involved in the manufacturing process and the scheduling agent which designs a schedule for performing the manufacturing tasks using the production resources available.7 Parallel ImplementationThe decision support tool which implements all these agents is a piece of Object- Oriented software targeted at a multi-processor system, in this case, a network of Silicon Graphics workstations in the Design Department at Odense Steel Shipyard. Rather than hand-code all the communication between agents and meta-code for load balancing the parallel application, abstract interaction mechanisms were developed. These mechanisms are based on a task distribution agent being present on each processor. The society of task distribution agents is responsible for all aspects of communication and migration of tasks in the system.The overall agent system runs on top of PVM and achieves good speedup andload balancing. To give some idea of the size of the shipbuilding application, it takes 7 hours to evaluate a single design on 25 SGI workstations.From:Applied Parallel Computing Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998, Volume 1541/1998, 476-482, DOI: 10.1007/BFb0095371 .中文翻译:船舶设计优化这一贡献致力于开拓类比现代先进制造工厂和一个异构并行计算机,构建了一种HPCN 决策支援工具给船舶设计师。

附录一:外文原文Wave hindcast experiments in the Indian Oceanusing MIKE 21 SW modelPGRemya, Raj Kumar, Sujit Basu and Abhijit SarkarOcean Science Division,Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Group,Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad 380 015, India.Wave prediction and hindcast studies are important in ocean engineering, coastal infrastructure development and management.In view of sparse and infrequent in-situ observations, model derived hindcast wave data can be used for the assessment of wave climate in offshore and coastal areas.In the present study, MIKE 21 SW Model has been used to carry out wave hindcast experiments in the Indian Ocean.Model runs have been made for the year 2005 using QuickSCAT scatterometer winds blended with ECMWF model winds. In order to study the impact of southern ocean swells, the model has been run in two different domains.The model simulated wave parameters have been validated by comparing with buoy and altimeter data and various statistical yardsticks have been employed to quantify the validation. Possible reason for the poorer performance of the model in the Arabian Sea has also been pointed out.1. IntroductionOcean wave hindcast and forecast are of paramount importance forthe management of offshore structure construction, ship navigation, and naval operations. In-situ observations are location-specific and generally sparse. In the Indian Ocean the situation is worse, compared to the Atlantic and Pacific, because long time series data of in-situ observations are mostly unavailable. On the other hand, it is simply impossible to estimate the wave climate and extreme sea state without such a long time series. Hence, in recent years, the attention is shifted to the use of numerical wave model generated wave data for the assessment of wave climate. Sverdrup and Munk (1947) were the first to develop operational wave prediction technique. The technique was purely statistical and was based on just one parameter, viz., the significant wave height. In other words, the spectral character of the sea state was completely ter, the spectral characteristics of waves were taken into account for the development of methods based on wave spectrum. Currently, there are many spectral wave models for wave hindcast and forecast studies in the open ocean as well as in the coastal ocean. In the present study,MIKE 21 SW model has been utilized primarily for hindcast experiments. MIKE 21 SW is a new generation spectral wind wave model, based on unstructured meshes, and is developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI 2005). The model simulates growth, decay, and transformation of wind generated waves and swells in offshore and coastal areas. As mentioned earlier, the principal objective of the presentstudy is to carry out hindcast experiments with MIKE-21 model in the Indian Ocean and to validate the hindcasts with available in-situ and remotely sensed data. As a spin off, we have also studied the impact of southern ocean wave conditions on the wave conditions of north Indian Ocean.Keywords.Wave modelling; MIKE 21 SW; swell; altimeter.2. Data and methodologyMIKE 21 SW model is based on flexible mesh,which allows for coarse spatial resolution in the offshore area and high resolution in the shallow coastal waters. MIKE 21 SW model includes two different formulations: a directional decoupled parametric formulation and a fully spectral formulation of the wave action balance equation. The first formulation is suitable only for near shore conditions, whereas the second one is applicable in both near shore and offshore regions. Hence, in this study the second formulation has been used as the study area contains both shallow and offshore regions. In the fully spectral formulation the source functions are based on the WAM Cycle 4 formulation (Komenet al1994). The source term for depth limited wave breaking is based on the formulation by Battjes and Janssen (1978). A short description of the source term can be found in Sørensen et al(2004). In the present study, the model domain covers the Indian Ocean region,60°S~25°N;40°~100°E . For the model runs, the spatial resolution hasbeen chosen to be 0.25°in the coastal waters and 1°for the rest of the region. This, however, does not mean that the resolution is constant everywhere in this domain. MIKE 21 SW model uses a flexible mesh for model runs. The flexible mesh allows fine resolution near the coast. In fact, the resolu tion reaches as fine as 0.003◦near the coast in the flexible bathymetry grid used for this study. The bathymetry is from GEBCO (General Bathymetric Charts of the Ocean) produced by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (2003).The resolution of GEBCO bathymetry grid is 1×1minute. The model has been forced by QuickSCAT scatterometer winds blended with ECMWF model winds. The wind data are obtained from IFREMER, France, and are available at a spatial resolution of 0.25°in longitude and latitude. The quality of the blended winds has been checked by comparing them with buoy winds and the comparison has produced encouraging results. The wind speed correlation coefficients range from 0.80 to 0.90. The RMS difference between buoy winds and blended winds is<2 m/s . The JASON 1 satellite system carrying a state-of-the-art altimeter sensor, launched on December 7, 2001, is providing wind and wave (besides sea level) information over global oceans regularly.3. Model experimentsAs mentioned earlier, the basic objective is to carry out hindcasts with MIKE-21 and subsequently to validate the hindcasts. For thispurpose, the model has been earlier calibrated using number of in-situ data of Indian Ocean region and various model parameters such as breaking parameter, bottom friction and white capping were tuned to provide better wave predictions.In the experiments,wave breaking parameter (γ= 0.5), bottom friction (Nikuradse roughness) (KN= 0.04 m), and white capping coefficients (Cdis=3.5) were found to be optimum. And these coefficients have been used in the experiments performed for the present study.However, in order to fulfill the secondary objective of studying the impact of southern ocean waves on the northern ocean wave characteristics, apart from the earlier selected model domain, a smaller one (10°S–25°N, 50°–100°E) was also selected. Spatial resolution for the smaller domain (Domain 10S)model is identical with that for the larger domain(Domain 60S). The model simulations were performed for the year 2005. The model derived wave parameters like significant wave height (Hs), swell wave height (Hss), wind sea height (Hsw), mean wave period (Tm) and mean wave direction (MWD) were compared with similar parameters obtained from NIOT buoys, moored in the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BOB).4. Results and discussionsAs mentioned earlier, performance of the model was evaluated both in the larger and smaller domains. We evaluated the performance in terms of significant wave height, swell height, wind sea height, mean waveperiod, mean wave direction in both AS and BOB. In buoy measurements, for sea and swell separation, the wave spectrum measurements between 0.04 and 0.1 Hz is considered low frequency (swell) components and between 0.1 and 0.5 Hz is taken as high frequency (sea) components. Model also follows the same criteria for the sea and swell separation. The definition of mean wave period from the buoy is . Although we compared the simulated and observed wave parameters at six different buoy locations for each of the basins, the results are shown at only one representative location for each of the basins. The Arabian Sea experiences three different seasons in a year: pre-monsoon(February–May),southwest monsoon (June–September) and northeast monsoon (October–January). It can be seen that the deviation is more pronounced in premonsoon and northeast (NE) monsoon seasons.This finding was true for all the six buoys in the AS.During southwest (SW) monsoon season, the wind seas are dominating and this might be the reason for the change in performance during SW monsoon.Duringpre-monsoon season, large scale winds are weak and hence sea breeze has an impact on the diurnal cycle of the sea state along the west coast of India. The study also clearly shows that MIKE 21 SW model is capableof providing good quality simulation of wind generated waves and swells in the offshore and coastal areas.5. SummaryIn this study, an attempt has been made to carry out hindcasts of wave parameters in the Indian Ocean using MIKE 21 SW model. Such hindcasts are important in ocean engineering and coastal infrastructure development and management. A variable resolution has been used for the proper representation of deep water waves and coastal waves. In order to evaluate the effect of southern ocean swells, two different model domains have been chosen. It has been found that there is indeed a significant impact of these swells on the model simulation in the Bay of Bengal basin. All the validation results point to the fact that the performance of the model is quite satisfactory. Hence it can be concluded with reasonable confidence that the model with this particular configuration can serve the purpose of reliable wave hindcasts in the Indian Ocean region.ReferencesAboobacker V M, Vethamony P and Rashmi R 2011‘Shamal’ swells in the Arabian Sea and their influence along the west coast ofIndia;Geophys. Res. Lett.38(3)7p, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045736.Battjes J A and Janssen J P F M 1978 Energy loss and set-up due to wave breaking of random waves;Proc. 16th International Conference on Costal Engineering, ASCE,pp. 569–587.Bentamy A, Ayina H L, Queffeulou P and Croize-Fillon D 2006Improved near real time surface wind resolution over the Mediterranean Sea;Ocean Science Discussion3 435–470.Bentamy A, Ayina H L, Queffeulou P, Croize-Fillon D and Kerbaol V 2007 Improved near real time surface wind resolution over the Mediterranean Sea;Ocean Science3 259–271.DHI 2005Mike 21 spectral wave module, Scientific documentation; Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI).IOC 2003 Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas,published on CD-ROM on behalf of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the International Hydrographic Centre, Organization as part of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans; British Oceanographic Data Liverpool.Neetu S, Shetye S and Chandramohan P 2006 Impact of seabreeze on wind-seas off Goa, west coast of India;J. Earth Syst. Sci.115229–234.Sørensen O R, Kofed-Hansen H, Rugbjerg M and Sørensen L S 2004 A third generation spectral wave model using an unstructured finite volume technique; 29thInternational Conference on Coastal Engineering,Lisbon,Portugal.Sverdrup H U and Munk W H 1947 Wind, sea, and swell:Theory of relations for forecasting;US Navy Department,Hydrographic Office Publication附录二:外文翻译基于MIKE21谱波浪模型的印度洋波浪后报试验PG Remya,Raj Kumar,,Sujit Basu ,Abhijit Sarkar印度,艾哈迈达巴德380 015,空间应用中心,大气与海洋科学组,海洋科学部,波浪预报和后续研究在海洋工程、沿海基础设施建设和管理中有重要地位。

国际港航业务英语(中英双语)International Airport and Maritime Business国际港航业务英语IntroductionThe airport and maritime business or the port and harbor business are essential components of world trade and transportation. These two sectors provide the necessary infrastructure and resources to perform international commerce. Ports and airports are therefore crucial for global economic development, and their capacities and efficiencies have a direct impact on the world economy.港口和机场业务或港口和海港业务是全球贸易和交通的重要组成部分。
In this article, we will discuss the airport and maritime business, their functions, operations, regulations, and challenges. We will also explore the differences and similarities between these two businesses and their role in the global economy.在本文中,我们将讨论机场和海运业务,它们的功能、运营、规定和挑战。

世界重要港口中英文对照表Asia(亚洲):China(中国)Port of Lianyungang(连云港港)Port of NingBo(宁波港)Port of ShangHai(上海港)Port of QingDao(青岛港)Port of Dalian(大连港)Port of Hong Kong(香港)Port of kaohsiung(高雄港)Port of Hualien(花莲港)Port of Keelung(基隆港)Port of Taichung(台中港)South Korea(韩国): Port of Busan(釜山港)Port of Inchon(仁川港)Port of Mokpo (木浦港)United Arab Emirates(阿联酋)Port of Dubai(迪拜港)Philippines(菲律宾)Manila(马尼拉港)Indonesia(印度尼西亚)Port of Tanjung Priok(丹绒布绿港)Israel(以色列)Israel Ports and Railways Authority(以色列港口及铁路管理当局)Japan(日本)Port of Kobe(神户港)Port of Nagoya(名古屋港)The Port of Yokohama(横滨港)Port of Kawasaki(川崎港)Port of Kisarazu(梗津港)Port of Kitakyushu(北九州港)Port of Sakata(酒田港)Port of Chiba(千叶港)Kuwait(科威特)Kuwait Ports Public Authority(科威特港口管理局)Malaysia(马来西亚)Bintulu Port Authority(民都鲁港口管理局)Johore Port Authority(柔佛港口管理局)Kuantan Port Authority(昆坦港口管理局)Kuching Port Authority(古晋港口管理局)Malacca Port Authority(马六甲港口管理局)Pakistan(巴基斯坦)Port of Karachi(卡拉奇港)Singapoore(新加坡)Port of Singapore Authority(新加坡港口管理局)India(印度)Port of Calcutta(加尔各答港)Port of Jawaharlal(贾瓦哈拉港)Port of Mumbai(孟买港)Europe(欧洲):Belgium(比利时): Port of Antwerp(安特卫普港)Port of Ghent(根特港)Port of Zeebrugge(泽不腊赫港)Croatia(克罗地亚)Ports of Croatia(克罗地亚港口)Denmark(丹麦)Port of Aalborg(奥尔堡港)Port of Aarhus(奥尔胡斯港)Port of Aabenraa(奥本罗港)Finland(芬兰)Finnish Ports(芬兰港口)Port of Helsinki(赫尔辛基港)Port of Kemi(盖密港)Port of Kokkola(科科拉港)Port of Kotka(科特卡港)Port of Oulu(奥鲁港)Port of Pori(波里港)Port of Pietsarsaari(彼太萨立港)Port of Raahe(腊黑港)Port of Tornio(托尔尼奥港)Port of Hamina(哈米纳港)France(法国)Port of Bordeaux(波尔多港)Port of Brest(布勒斯特港)Port of Le Havre(勒阿弗尔港)Germany(德国)Port of Hamburg(汉堡港)Gibraltar(直布罗陀)Port of Gibraltar(直布罗陀港)Greece(希腊)Port of Thessaloniki(塞色勒狄克港)Iceland(冰岛)Port of Reykjavik(雷克亚未克港)Italy(意大利)Port of Geneva(热那亚港)Port of La Spezia(斯培西亚港)Port of Napoli(那不勒斯港)Port of Ravenna(拉文纳港)Port of Salerno(萨累诺港)Port of Savona(萨沃纳港)Venice Port Authority(威尼斯港口管理局)Port of Augusta(奥古斯塔港)Latvia(拉脱维亚)Ports of Latvia(拉脱维亚港口)Lituania(立陶宛) Port of Klaipeda(克来佩达港)Netherlands(荷兰)Port of Rotterdam(鹿特丹港)Norway(挪威)Port of Oslo(奥斯陆港)Port of Sola(苏拉港)Poland(波兰)Port of Gdansk(格但斯克港)Port of Swinoujscie(斯文诺斯切港)Portugal(葡萄牙)Port of Setúbal(锡土巴尔港)Port of Sines(锡尼什港)Romania(罗马尼亚)Port of Constantza(康斯坦萨港)Rusia(俄罗斯)Port of Novorossiysk(诺沃罗西斯克港)Saint Petersburg Port Authority(圣彼得堡港)Port of Ust-Luga(乌斯特-鲁戈港)Port of Vladivostok(符拉迪敖斯托克港,即海参威港)Spain(西班牙)Port of Barcelona(巴塞罗那港)Port of Cartagena(卡塔赫纳港)Port of Santander(桑坦德港)Port of Bilbao (Uniportbilbao)(毕尔巴鄂港)Port of La Coruña(拉.科鲁纳港)Port of Tarragona(塔腊戈纳港)Port of Vilagarcia de Arosa(维利亚加西亚.德.阿罗萨港)Port of Cadiz(卡旳斯港)Port of Las Palmas(拉斯柏尔马斯港)Port of Valencia(巴伦西亚港)Port of Malaga(马拉加港)Ports of Almeria and Motril(阿尔梅里亚港)Port of Ceuta(休达港)Sweden(瑞典)Swedish Ports(瑞典港口)Port of Falkenberg(法尔肯贝里港)Port of Goteborg(哥德堡港)Port of Halmstad(哈尔姆斯塔德港)Port of Harnsosand(赫纳散德港)Port of Helsingborg(赫尔辛堡港)Port of Malmoe(马尔默港)Port of Norrkopings(诺尔彻平港)Port of Sodertalje(塞德特里耶港)Port de Wallhamn(瓦尔汉姆港)United Kingdom(英国)Associated British Ports(英吉利港口)Ayr and Troon(埃尔和特隆港)Barrow(巴罗港)Barry(巴里港)Cardiff(加旳夫港)Colchester(科尔切斯特港)Fleetwood(弗利特伍德港)Garston(加斯顿港)Goole(古耳港)Grimsby(格里姆斯比港)Hull(赫尔港)Immingham(伊明翰港)King´s Lynn(金斯林港)Lowestoft(洛斯托夫特港)Newport(纽波特港)Port of London Authority(伦敦港口管理局)Plymouth(普列茅斯港)Silloth(锡洛斯港)Southampton(南安普顿港)Swansea(斯温西港)Talbot(泰尔柏特港)Teignmouth(廷默思港)Whitby(惠特比港)Port of Belfast(贝尔法斯特港)North America(北美洲)Canada(加拿大)Halifax Port Corporation(哈利法克斯港埠企业)Port of Hamilton(哈密尔顿港)Port of Montreal(蒙特利尔港)Saint John Port Corporation(圣约翰港埠企业)Port of Toronto(多伦多港)Port of Sydney-Canada(锡得尼港)Port Alberni(埃尔波尼港)Port of Bayside(贝塞德港)Port of Belledune(贝拉顿港)Port of Churchill(彻奇尔港)Port of Dalhousie(达尔豪西港)Prince Rupet Port Corporation(鲁珀特港埠企业)Port of Québec(魁北克港)Mexico(墨西哥)Puerto de Veracruz(维拉克鲁斯港)Port of Mazatlan(马萨特兰港)United States(美国)Port of Anacortes(安那柯旳斯港)Port of Baltimore(巴尔旳摩港)Port of Bellingham, Wa.(贝灵哈姆港)Port of Charleston(查尔斯顿港)Port of Corpus Christi(克珀斯-克里斯堤港)Delaware River Port Authority(德拉华河港口管理局)Port of Grays Harbor(格雷斯港)Autoridad Portuaria de Houston(休斯顿港)Indiana Port Commission(印第安那港口管理委员会)Port of Kalama(卡拉玛港)Port of Los Angeles(洛杉矶港)Port of Mobile(莫比尔港)New Hampshire Port Autority(新罕布什尔港)Port Authority of New York and New Jersey(纽约-新泽西港)North Carolina State Ports Authority(北卡罗来纳港)Port of Oakland(奥克兰港)Port of Philadelphia and Camden(费城-卡姆登港)Port of Pittsburg Commission(匹兹堡港管理委员会)Port of Port Arthur(亚瑟港)Port of Portland(波特兰港)The Saint Paul Port Authority(圣保罗港)Port of San Diego(圣地亚哥港)Port of Seattle(西雅图港)St. Louis Port Authority(圣路易斯港)Port of Stockton(斯托克顿港)Port of Tacoma(塔科马港)Port of Whitman(维特曼港)Port of Jacksonville(杰克森维尔港)Port of Willmington(威尔明顿港)South America(南美洲)Argentina(阿根廷)Ports of Argentina(阿根廷港口)Port of Bahia Blanca(布兰卡港)Comodoro Rivadavia(里伐达维亚港)Mar del Plata Port(马德普拉塔港)Panama(巴拿马)National Port Authority of Panama(巴拿马港口国家管理局)Brazil(巴西)Port of Itajai(伊塔日阿伊港)Port of Ponta da Madeira(达.马德拉港)Port of Rio Grande(里奥格兰特港)Port of Salvador(萨尔瓦多港)Port of Santos(圣多斯港)Port of Vitoria(维多利亚港)Barbados(巴巴多斯)Port of Barbados(巴巴多斯港)Colombia(哥伦比亚)Port of Buenaventura(布韦那文图拉港)Port of Barranquilla(巴兰基利亚港)El Bosque Sea Terminal(埃尔鲍斯克海港)El Salvador(萨尔瓦多)Port of Acajutla(阿卡胡特拉港)Port of Cutuco(库图科港)Peru(秘鲁)National Port Enterprise of Peru(秘鲁港口国有企业)Chile(智利)Port of Valparaiso(瓦尔帕莱索港)Port of Arica(阿里卡港)Ports of Chile(智利港口)Africa(非洲)Angola(安哥拉)Port of Luanda(罗安达港)South Africa(南非)Port of Durban(德班港)Port of Richards Bay(理查德湾港)Port of Saldanha(塞丹哈港)Port of Capetown(开普敦港)Port of Port Elizabeth(伊丽莎白港)Port of Mossel Bay(莫斯湾港)Port of East London(东伦敦港)Oceania(大洋州)Australia(澳大利亚)Port of Adelaide(阿德雷德港)Port of Brisbane(布里斯班港)Darwin Port Authority(达尔文港口管理局)Port of Fremantle(弗里曼特尔港)Port of Darwin(达尔文港)Geraldton Port Authority(杰腊尔顿港口管理局)Port Authority of Port Hedland(赫德兰港口管理局)Port of Hobart(霍巴特港)South Australia´s Regional Ports(南澳洲港口)Port of Bunbury(邦伯里港)Sydney Ports(悉尼港口)New Zealand(新西兰)Ports of Auckland(奥克兰港)Port of Lyttelton(利特尔顿港)Puerto de Tauranga(陶朗加港)。

英文翻译外文文献翻译117港口起重机附录APortal powerChina’s rapid economic growth in the past decade has resulted in a big increase in freight traffic through the country’s seaports . Old ports are being expanded and new ports built to handle the large growth in container and bulk cargo traffic all along the Chinese coastline.China’s port expansion programme has provided a strong boost to the domestic port equipment industry, which has enjoyed a strong increase in demand for port cranes of various types, including container cranes and portal cranes along with bulk cargo handling equipment.State-run China Harbour Engineering (group) Corporation Ltd, established under the ruling State Council, is China’s largest supplier of port cranes and bulk cargohandling equipment. The organization controls both Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co Ltd (ZPMC),the world’s largest manufacturer of quayside container cranes, and Shanghai Port Machinery Plant (SPMP), which specializes in the manufacturer of portal cranes and other cranes used in ports along with dry bulk cargo handling equipment.SPMP’s main market is China, although the company is looking to expand its overseas sales. Although less well known than its associate ZPMC, SPMP also operates large manufacturing facilities, and is due tomove part of its production shortly to Changxing Island near Shanghai where ZPMC already operates a large container crane fabrication plant.Portal and other harbour cranes are SPMP’s major production item. During thepast two years, the corporation has won contracts for 145 portal cranes from port authorities throughout China, both from new ports under construction and ports undergoing expansion.In recent years, SPMP has also supplied portal cranes to the United States, Iraq,and Myanmar.The port Rangoon of Myanmar in has purchased a 47m,40t portalcrane while BIW of the United States has purchased three cranes-15t,150t, and 300t portal cranes. Elsewhere, SPMP has supplied 12 portal cranes to several ports in Iraq since the end of the Saddam regime.In China, SPMP’s recent major orders for portal cranes includeeight 40t, 45m radius cranes for Tianjin Overseas Mineral Terminal, while Yan Tai Port Bureau in Guangdong in southern China has purchased six 40t, 45m radius cranes. Other large orders include seven 10t, 25m radius cranes for Zhenjiang Port Group and an order of 1025t, 33m radius cranes from Fangcheng Port Bureau, while the Yingkou Port Group has ordered 1325t,35m radius cranes along with two 40t, 44m radius port cranes.MANY CRANES BUILT TO ORDERSPMP also supplies other cranes used in ports and harbours, many of which are built to order for clients. Quayside container cranes havebeen supplied to a number of foreign clients including Bangkok Port in Thailand, Kaohsiung Port in Taiwan, and Port of Vancouver in Canada. In China, SPMP has supplied quayside container cranes to Shanghai Port, Tianjin Port, Yin Kou Port, Yan Tai Port and others. The company also supplies rubber-tyred container gantry cranes to domestic and overseas clients. Customers for other cranes used in ports include Guangzhou Port in Guangdong, which purchased a 25t floating crane while Zhonggang Port has bought two double trolley 125/63t gantry cranes, along with a700t overhead crane, In 2003 Zhonggang Port awarded a contract to SPMP for a 2,600t floating crane, whichi is the largest crane the company has made in recent years.Other customers include Zhongyuan Nanytong Shipyard of Jiangsu Province has purchased two 300t goliath cranes for use in its shipyard, while S hanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard uses two of SPMP’s 600t goliath cranes for its shipbuilding operations. SPMP has two factories. The Shanghai plant employs 2,000 workers while a factory in Jiangsu Province employs 1,500 workers. The combined total of 3,500 workers includes 800 technical and management staff involved in designing, developing, and building portal and other cranes along with dry bulk cargo loading and unloading equipment.Currently, SPMP is preparing to vacate its Shanghai factory site as the comp any’sexisting plot of land is part of a riverside area earmarked by the Shanghai Expo in 2010. SPMP’s Shanghai factory will close at the end of 2006, and move to a new site on nearby Changxing Island.“The new factory will be much bigger than the present plant,” Li said. “Phase 1 will be ready for us when we move at the end of 2006.”In addition to moving the Shanghai factory to a new site, SPMP expects future business operation with ZPMC.Officials at China Harbour Engineering (Group) Corporation are understood to have told SPMP of plants for SPMP and ZPMC to co-operate more in bidding for projects in future. Both companies are expected to retain their individual manufacturing capability, however, with precise details of future co-operation still some way from being finalised.Meanwhile, SPMP associate company ZPMC is strengthening its position as the world’s largest manufacturer of ship-to-shore container cranes, supplying slightlymore than half the annual international container crane market. In addition to operating four crane production complexes for its crane manufacturing and other businesses.ZPMC’s full range of products includes quayside container cranes, rubber-tyredgantry cranes, bulk material ship loaders and unloaders, bucket-wheel stackers and reclaimers, portal cranes, floating cranes, and engineering vessels. The company has also diversified into manufacturing other large steel structures including large steel bridges.ZPMC EXPANDING PRODUCTIONZPMC’s cranes and other products are in use at over 150 shipping terminals in 37 countries and regions worldwide. By the end of December 2005, ZPMC had supplied 705 quayside container cranes, and had orders in hand to deliver another 128 quayside container cranes in 2006. In addition, at the end of 2005 ZPMC had delivered 1,148 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers worldwide and had orders in hand to deliver 308 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers in 2006.ZPMC is expanding production facilities in expectation that the volume of orders will grow in future. The company owns four crane production complexes in Shanghai and the surrounding area at Jiangyin, Changzhou, Zhangjiang and Changxing Island. The Changxing production site, which was completed in 2001, covers one million sq m, and has a 3.5km coastline. The facility is capable of manufacturing 160 quayside ship-to-shore container cranes each year along with 300 rubber-tyred gantry cranes and 200,000 metric tons of large steel bridge structures. Plans call for a futher 3 million sq m of land to be reclaimed at Changxing, which ZPMC will develop to become its largest production centre.Korea looks inward In a fragmented global port crane industry, Korean manufacturers are being forced to look for more business in their domestic marketsSouth Korea’s container crane and port crane equipment manufacturing industry has become more focused on the domestic market inrecent years as manufacturers have faced tough price competition from ZPMC of China in major foreign markets. The problem is the same as that faced by other port crane manufacturers around the world, none of which account for more than about an 8% share of the world container crane market.As well as ZPMC, competition from European and Japanese equipment suppliers is also strong, both for quayside container cranes and for rubber-tyred gantry crane contracts. While South Korean firms-including Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Doosan Heavy Industries, and Hanjin Heavy Industries – continueto bid for international contracts, winning large orders has become increasingly rare.Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd is believed to be the only South Korean port crane maker to have won a large container crane contract during the past few years, with most orders booker by Korean manufacturers being for less than10 crane units.Doosan recently completed delivery of a 42-unit rubber-tyred gantry crane (RTGC) order to the Port of Singapore Authority PSN that was awarded in 2004. Including a recent contract. Doosan has received orders to supply the Port of Singapore with a total of 120 RTGCs since 1997. The recent batch of RTGCs is designed for increased safety. Esch of the RTGCs is fitted with 16 wheels instead of the usual eight.“We have supplied container crane s locally and overseas. Most projects are one or two units, but Singapore has been 120 units,” commented a source in Doosan Heavy Industries’ material handling equipment division. “Container cranes can lift one ortwo containers depending on the client, but the twin spreader design is normal now. Our biggest contract before was with Pusan Port for over 10 container cranes.”BUILDING POWER PLANTSDoosan Heavy Industries’ major activities include the design and construction ofpower plants. Apart from supplying protection equipment, Doosan also manufactures turbines and generator sets. Doosan has a large castings and forging division. Other major activities include the construction of desalination plants in the Middle East.Container port handling equipme nt is produced by Doosan’s material handling equipment division, which supplies coal handling equipment and bulk cargo handling facilities for other industries.Port of Singapore Authority is the largest customer for RTGCs. Other recent clients include Southern Gateway Terminals in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Korea Express in the Port of Pusan.Doosan also supplies ship to shore container cranes. Recent quayside gantry crane clients include Jakarta Container Terminal in Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru Port near Mumbai in India, and Frazer Terminal in Vancouver.“Prospects for our port crane sales are not bright. ZPMC is dominating the world market due to price,” the source commented. “We are looking for projects notinvoving ZPMC as they are not concerned with all projects. We got contracts inSingapore in 2004 and 2005. We had no success anywhere else, but we are still bidding on various tenders.”Doosan is expected to be one of the bidders for container cranes to be installed in South Korea’s planned Kwangyan g Bay Port expansion. The company’s R&D division is involved developing new automated controls that will be required for quayside container cranes installed in the port expansion.“Container cranes are well developed in technical terms. There is nothing e lse to develop except for automation,” the source said. “We are developing more automated controls, but the new features are not commercialized yet.Our government has a plan for Kwangyang Bay 3-2 terminal project, which they announced will be developed as an automated terminal. We have to adapt to this. The tender has been postponed for about six years. We expect the project will be tendered again in 2007 or 2008.”South Korea’s other container crane manufacturers also are expected to bid for the Kwangyang Bay project, which is likely to be awarded to a local supplier. Hyundal Samho Heavy Industries will be among the bidders having recently commissioned five automated rail mounted gantry cranes(RMGCs) also known as automated transfer cranes at Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT) .The terminal has become the first terminal in Korea to install automated cranes, which are in service at new berths four and five .The cranes stack nine-wide between a 28.5m rail gauge, and have dual cantilevers covering two road lanes . Stack height is 1 over 6 by 9ft6in high and operational speeds are 150m/min for the gantry , 120m/min for the trolley and 75-80m/min for the empty hoist .Among other recent orders that Hyundai has won is a contract for four quayside container cranes from Hutchison Port Holdings and one for Uam Port.Competition from ZPMC remains the main challenge in winning overseas contracts according to Hyundai Heavy Industries sales manager Lee Yong Tae : “ We are trying to get more projects , but ZPMC has a very low price . We will try to cut our price but we think it will lead to a bad situation in future . ”“ if customers think that quality is important then we are ok , but if they just think about price we cannot win the project . We have experience of building cranes to liftone or two containers .We buy the main crane controls system from ABB and then use a Korean fabricator .”附录B港口起重机中国经济在过去的高速增长已经大幅增加了本国港口货流量,以至于不断扩大老港口以及不断修建新的港口以应对快速增长的集装箱业务以及大宗货物的流通。

中英文资料外文翻译文献A Simple Prediction Formula of Roll Damping of Conventional Cargo Ships on the Basis of lkeda's Method and Its LimitationSince the roll damping of ships has significant effects of viscosity, it is difficult to calculate it theoretically. Therefore, experimental results or some prediction methods are used to get the roll damping in design stage of ships. Among some prediction methods, Ikeda’s one is widely used in many ship motion computer programs. Using the method, the roll damping of various ship hulls with various bilge keels can be calculated to investigate its characteristics. To calculate the roil damping of each ship, detailed data of the ship are needed to input. Therefore, a simpler prediction method is expected in primary design stage. Such a simple method must be useful to validate the results obtained by a computer code to predict it on the basis of Ikeda,s method, too. On the basis of the predicted roll damping by Ikeda’s method for various ships, a very simple prediction formula of the roll damping of ships is deduced in the present paper. Ship hull forms are systematically changed by changing length, beam, draft, mid-ship sectional coefficient and prismatic coefficient. It is found, however, that this simple formula can not be used for ships that have high position of the center of gravity. A modified method to improve accuracy for such ships is proposed.Key words: Roll damping, simple prediction formula, wave component, eddy component, bilge keel component.IntroductionIn 1970s, strip methods for predicting ship motions in 5-degree of freedoms in waves have been established. The methods are based on potential flow theories (Ursell-Tasai method, source distribution method and so on), and can predict pitch, heave, sway and yaw motions of ships in waves in fairly good accuracy. In roll motion, however, the strip methods do not work well because of significant viscous effects on the roll damping. Therefore, some empirical formulas or experimental dataare used to predict the roll damping in the strip methods.To improve the prediction of roll motions by these strip methods, one of the authors carried out a research project to develop a roll damping prediction method which has the same concept and the same order of accuracy as the strip methods which are based on hydrodynamic forces acting on strips. The review of the prediction method was made by Himeno [5] and Ikeda [6,7] with the computer program.The prediction method, which is now called Ikeda’s method, divides the roll damping into the frictional (BF), the wave (Bw),the eddy (Be) and the bilge keel (Bbk) components at zero forward speed, and at forward speed, the lift (Bi) is added. Increases of wave and friction components due to advance speed are also corrected on the basis of experimental results. Then the roll damping coefficient B44 (= roll damping moment (kgfm)/roll angular velocity (rad/sec)) can be expressed as follows: B44 B bk (1)At zero forward speed, each component except the friction and lift components are predicted for each cross section with unit length and the predicted values are summed up along the ship length. The friction component is predicted by Kato’s formula for a three-dimensional ship shape. Modification functions for predicting the forward speed effects on the roll damping components are developed for the friction, wave and eddy components. The computer program of the method was published, and the method has been widely used.For these 30 years, the original Ikeda’s method developed for conven tional cargo ships has been improved to apply many kinds of ships, for examples, more slender and round ships, fishing boats, barges, ships with skegs and so on. The original method is also widely used. However, sometimes, different conclusions of roll mot ions were derived even though the same Ikeda’s method was used in the calculations. Then, to check the accuracy of the computer programs of the same Ikeda’s method, a more simple prediction method with the almost same accuracy as the Ikeda’s original one h as been expected to be developed. It is said that in design stages of ships, Ikeda’s method is too complicated to use. To meet these needs, a simple roll damping prediction method was deduced by using regression analysis [8].Previous Prediction FormulaThe simple prediction formula proposed in previous paper can not be used for modem ships that have high position of center of gravity or long natural roll period such as large passenger ships with relatively flat hull shape. In order to investigate its limitation, the authors compared the result of this prediction method with original Ikeda’s one while out of its calculating limitation. Fig. 1 shows the result of the comparison with their method of roll damping. The upper one is on the condition that the center of gravity is low and the lower one on the condition that the center of gravity is high.From this figure, the roll damping estimated by this prediction formula is in good agreement with the roll damping calculated by the Ikeda’s method for low positi on of center of gravity, but the error margin grows for the high position of center of gravity. The results suggest that the previous prediction formula is necessary to be revised. Methodical Series ShipsModified prediction formula will be developed on the basis of the predicted results by Ikeda’s method using the methodical series ships. This series ships are constructed based on the Taylor Standard Series and its hull shapes are methodically changed by changing length, beam, draft, midship sectional coefficient and longitudinal prismatic coefficient. The geometries of the series ships are given by the following equations. Proposal of New Prediction Method of Roll DampingIn this chapter, the characteristics of each component of the roll damping, the frictional, the wave, the eddy and the bilge keel components at zero advanced speed, are discussed, and a simple prediction formula of each component is developed.As well known, the wave component of the roll damping for a two-dimensional cross section can be calculated by potential flow theories in fairly good accuracy. In Ikeda's method, the wave damping of a strip section is not calculated and the calculated values by any potential flow theories are used as the wave damping.reason why viscous effects are significant in only roll damping can be explained as follows. Fig. 4 shows the wave component of the roll damping for 2-D sections calculated by a potential flow theory.ConclusionsA simple prediction method of the roll damping of ships is developed on the basis of the Ikeda’s original prediction method which was developed in the same concept as a strip method for calculating ship motions in waves. Using the data of a ship, B/d, Cb,Cm, OG/d, G),bBK/B, Ibk/Lpp,(pa, the roll damping of a ship can be approx imately predicted. Moreover, the limit of application of Ikeda’s prediction method to modern ships that have buttock flow stern is demonstrated by the model experiment. The computer program of the method can be downloaded from the Home Page of Ikeda’s Labo (AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (No. 18360415).The authors wish to express sincere appreciation to Prof. N. Umeda of Osaka University for valuable suggestions to this study.References五、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On roll damping force of shipEffects of friction of hull and normal force of bilge keels, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 161 (1976) 41-49. (in Japanese)六、Y. Ikeda, K. Komatsu, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On roll damping force of ship~Effects of hull surface pressure created by bilge keels, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 165 (1977) 31-40. (in Japanese)七、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On eddy making component of roll damping force on naked hull, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects 142 (1977) 59-69. (in Japanese)八、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, Components of roll damping of ship at forward speed, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects 143 (1978) 121-133. (in Japanese) 九、Y. Himeno, Prediction of Ship Roll Damping一State of the Art, Report of Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, No.239, 1981.十、Y. Ikeda, Prediction Method of Roll Damping, Report of Department of Naval Architecture, University of Osaka Prefecture, 1982.十一、Y. Ikeda, Roll damping, in: Proceedings of 1stSymposium of Marine Dynamics Research Group, Japan, 1984, pp. 241-250. (in Japanese)十二、Y. Kawahara, Characteristics of roll damping of various ship types and as imple prediction formula of roll damping on the basis of Ikeda’s method, in: Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodymics, Taipei, China, 2008,pp. 79-86.十三、Y. Ikeda, T. Fujiwara, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, Velocity field around ship hull in roll motion, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 171 (1978) 33-45. (in Japanese)十四、N. Tanaka, Y. Himeno, Y. Ikeda, K. Isomura,Experimental study on bilge keel effect for shallow draftship, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 180 (1981) 69-75. (in Japanese)常规货船的横摇阻尼在池田方法基础上的一个简单预测方法及其局限性摘要:由于船的横摇阻尼对其粘度有显着的影响,所以很难在理论上计算。


Container Dump SiteAs an important part of international transportation chain and logistics chain, container transport trade plays a crucial role, and further more, some advanced country look it as a important symbol behaved their integrated logistics competition. Container Terminal, which is a container transport nerve, connects the water transport with land—carriage, it affects the container transport. Because of application of modern hi—tech in port, the loaded and unloaded system becomes more and more large-scale, high-speed, automatism, and information, and the size of Container Terminal is more big, the work efficiency is more high and the throughput is also more much。
Just because of all this, the conventional design of port distinct with the operation fact of modern Container Terminal. Design method of port needs improvement constantly, and design thought also needs innovation。

毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译题目:Optimizing automated container terminals to boost productivity专业:港口航道与海岸工程班级:学生:指导教师:重庆交通大学2012 年优化自动化集装箱终端来提高生产力伊沃·萨能博士(首席顾问),德瓦尔(高级顾问)发表,荷兰摘要下一代自动化终端系统将从最新的解决方案和技术中获益。
启动场景: 2000年的自动化终端我们刚开始是在一个1500长的码头岸线上配有16台双梁轨道式码头桥式起重机虚拟的中转站(支腿移动的平台是立体交叉道)。

调查表示,安全与环境问题是大多数希腊港口优先考虑的;ISO 9001认证变得越来越感兴趣是显而易见的。
这个调查是对于全世界的研究者为了展示质量和安全在海上运输和特别有很长的历史或者变得“holy grail”的港口。

港口航道与海岸工程专业中英文资料外文翻译文献RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF NEW TYPE COMPOSITE PANELS OF STELL AND CONCRETE FOR WHARFSABSTRACTNew type steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs were porposed as panels of wharfs to meet special requirements. Working procedure of a wharf can be reduced and project construction speed can be fester by using this new type steel- concrete composite slabs . Based on the statistic parameters of load and material characters and dimensions,the security and reliability for the new type steel- concrete slabs for wharfs in the periods of construction and using in sea are calculated and compared with common concrete panels of wharfs . By the calculated results,advices of the new type steel-concrete structure for wharf on Piles are proposed.KEY WORDS: new type steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs , wharf,concrete structure,reliability,and construction period1. IntroductionStell-concrete composite structure has been applied widely in the buildingproject,but it is seldom applied in wharfs in sea . Instead of reinforced concrete beam-slab system,a new type steel-concrete composite structure is designed for wharf on piles to meet special requirements. A type of composite beam with concrete and U-shaped steel is designed as the beam of wharf on piles,and a new type of steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs is designed as the panel of wharf on piles.Steel slab with stiffening ribs can span a long distance without any temporary braces; furthermore,it has bigger carrying capacity than RC slab has during construction,and after integrating with concrete the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs can support more loads .Because the construction of this slab needn't use moulding board and bind reinforcing steel bars . working procedure of a wharf can be reduced and project construction speed can be faster by using this new type steel-concrete composite structure . And because this Steel-concrete composite slab has less deadweight,the hoist ability off floating crane will not be so important in building a wharf U-shaped steel concrete composite beam has the same advantage . Thus this steel-concretecomposite structure system is a good choice to build a wharf on Piles under brief time limit for a project.The new type of stell-concrete composite structre is researched to apply in wharfs ,so there are few experiences of design,construction and use of the application of the composite structure in wharfs .Based on the statistic Parameters of load and material characters and dimensions,the security and reliability for the new type steel-concrete slabs for wharfs in the periods of construction and using in sea are calculated and compared with common concrete panels of wharfs . Based on the calculated results advices of the new type steel-concrete structure for wharf on piles are proposed.2. The new type of composite beam-slabs systems2.1 Beam-slabs systemsTo meet the requirements of a wharf on piles in sea,two kinds of compositestructure are adopted to form a new type of composite structure beam-slabs system(Fig.1). One is U-shaped steel concrete composite beam which is also called cap-style section composite beam,The other is the ribbed steel form concrete composite slabs or the steel sheeting-concrete composite slabs with the reinforced bar of profiled steel.Welding or cold bendings slabs into the U-shaped section as the beam's rib,pouring concrete into the rib and the upside of flange on the U-shaPed section,the U-shaped steel-concrete composite beam is formed.According as require,U-shaped steel beams can adopt the type of the section with liPPed bar or the section without lip,just as Fig.2. When the U-shaped steel has the lipped bar,one way is to lay the bottom slabs on the lipped bar and root them with bolt( as Fig.2(a)).The other way is to groove firstly on the bottom slabs and connect it with the lipped bar by plug welding. when the U-shaped steel beam has not the lipped bar,the end of slabs may be extended in to concrete of the beam,then they are braced on the side rib of U-shaped steel beam(as Fig.2(b)),and the width of this kind of U - shaped steel beam is longer.2.2 Steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs slab0n the bottom of the steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs slab,is welded into the steel deck on which the certain concrete is poured(Fig.3).The slab is one-way slab , and the I-shaped steel or the T-shaped steel must be Paralleled to the direction of the span of the slab . If the slab is designed as one-way continuous plate,reinforcing steel bars can be set at the upside of the slab on the bearing by calculation . Because of stiffening ribs,the slab can endure big shearing force and needn't set reinforcing steel bars to resist it .To make the steel and concrete of the slab work as a whole , bolts are welded into the bottom of the steel deck and the top of the I-shaped steel or the T-shaped steel.3 . Reliability analysis of the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs in wharf on pilesThe structural reliability is the Probability of a structuer realizing its Pre-design function in certain Period and certain conditions . In this paper , the reliability for the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs in wharf on piles is analyzed . Based on the limit state of bearing capacity,JC method is applied into the calculation of the slab's reliability index β[5][6].3.1Calculating model of resistanceThere are three factors that influence the randomicity of the resistance of structure members mainly . These factors are material property ,geometrical parameter of the members and calculating mode. For the steel-concrete composite structures,the randomicity of geometrical parameter of the members can be determined by each statistical parameter of steel members and concrete members . Then the randomicity of material ProPerty,which mainly refers to the strength of the material,can be obtained after analyzed the statistical data of each kind of materials of the slab . For the randomicity of calculating mode,because of the lack of its statistical date ,it is not be discussed in this PaPer,and choosing a Proper calculating model of resistance is a appropriate way to reduce its influence.During construction,only the resistance of the steel components in the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening is accounted, and the concrete of the slab is merely regarded as load . So the flexure strength of the slab can be calculated by ordinary steel structure calculating method,and we do not discuss more about it . During service life,steel components and concrete can work as a whole , and the natural axis of the composite slab should be designed to pass the webs of profiled steel[2]. Then the height of compressive region can be figured out by the balance of force.Where ‘f a’ is design value of compressive and tensile strength of steel slab; ‘f s’ is design value of compressive and tensile strength of profiled steel; ‘f c’ is design value of compressive strength of concrete;‘A a’ is area of steel slab; ‘A f’ is area of tensil e flange wall of profiled steel; ‘b’ is width of composite slab;‘A’sf’ is area of compressive flange wall of profiled steel;‘tw’ is web depth of profiled steel;‘h s’ is web height of profiled steel(viz. the approximatively total height of profiled steel) ;‘hc’ is distance between the compression flange wall of profiled steel and the top of concrete;‘b’ is width of composite slab;’n’is amount of profiled steel on slab width.The value of ‘x’ figured out by the formula (3) must be given as follows: ‘X<h c+h f’.otherwise the slab should be redesigned . Where ‘h f’ is flange depth ofprofiled steel . Then the flexure strength is given byShear strength of the obligue section of the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs can be figured out by formula(3).Where ‘V c ’ is design value of shearing strength of concrete;‘V s ’ is design value of shearing Strength of profiled steel.If the composite slab is designed as one-way continuous plate and reinforced steel bars are assigned in the upside to resist negative moment ,the bearing capacity of negative moment resistance formula of U-shaped steel-concrete composite beam[3].3.2 Model of loadActions that may affect a wharf on piles can be classified as permanent action and variable action and accidental action ,an d the effect of accidental action isn’t involved in this paper.The main permanent action of a wharf on piles is the action of the dead loads of the component of the wharf. The dead load distribution of wharf on piles is normal distribution ,and the statistic parameters are given as follows . Themean value is given by 1k G 1.0148G =μ; the variance is given 1k 2G 0437.0=σ ;the variable coefficient is given by 0431.0=CV . Where 1k G is design value of dead load.The actions of the loads of the heaped load and carnes and trucks are the variable actions that a wharf on piles may suffer ,and the heaped load often has the main effect . The heaped load distribution conforms to the Extreme I distribution . The statistic parameters are given by the appendix of the Code JTJ215一98.3.3 Calculation of reliability indexIn this PaPer ,JC method is applied in the calculation of the composite slab’s reliability index The limit state equation is given as folLows ,0S -S -R S -R Z Q G ===Where ’Z’is the limit state function;‘R’is the resistance of the structure;‘S’is theG effect of Permanent actions;’S’Is the effect of variable actions.QBecause the slabs in the upside of wharf on Piles are usually continuous plates,what's the brief failure mode must be taken into account to figure out the reliability index of the composite slabs . The new tyPe steel-concrete comPosite slabs with stiffening ribs are designed to rePlace old concrete slabs with equal or aPProximate bearing capacity of flexure strength,and the shear strength resistance caPacity of the composite slabs is usually bigger than the old one's . Therefore,considering the correlation of three failure modes,the reliability index of the middle section is regarded as the representative reliability index of the whole slab with enough precision.3.4 Calculation of an instance3.4.1 Introduction of the structureWithout longerons ,Prefabricated RC slabs were Put on the crossbeams directly in the wharf on Piles,and the distance between two crossbeam is 6.0m .As one-way continuous Panels,the slabs are hinged in transverse . The length of the slabs is 5600 mm,and the width is 2700 mm,and the thickness is 500 mm. The concrete degree of the slabs is C40 . 21 reinforced bars with 18 mm diameter were assigned in the downside of each RC slab. As design variable load,the heaped load were given,and its representative value is 20KN/m2 . In the construction period ,the representative value of construction load is 2.5KN/m2.New tyPe steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs are designed to rePlace the old RC slabs with the aPProximate bearing capacity of flexure strength . The length of the composite slabs is 560O mm , and the width is 270O mm,and the thickness is 250 mm .The concrete degree of the slabs is C40 . Each composite slab has 6 stiffening ribs ,which are made by ll4 shaped steel,and the bottom steel Plate is 5 mm in thickness . All the steel components are made from Q235 steel . TO resist shear strength and make the composite slab work as a whole , bolts are welded on the top of the I-shaped steel and the bottom steel Plates . In this PaPer,the old RC slab is noted as ‘SLABO’,and the new tyPe composite slab is noted as ‘SLAB1’.3.4.2Result of the reliability calculationBased on JC method , reliability indexes of the old slab and the new typecomposite slab are calculated,and the result is listed as the Table 1.The durability for the wharf on Piles in sea is also imPortant , and it is discussed in this PaPer.Time-dependent reliability indexes for the RC slabs of the wharf with changing characters are calculated with the corrosion rate of 8.0 m/ , and the calculated results are showen in Fig.4.4. ConclusionsA new type steel-concrete composite structure is porposed to replace the upside structure of wharf on piles for some special purposes . The reliability for the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs is discussed , and an instance is calculated . By analyzing the result ,some conclusions can be down as follows.With approximate bearing capacity of flexure strength , the reliability for the new type steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs is bigger than the old RC slab's . Therefore , being safe enough ,the new type composite slabs are advised to replace RC longerons and RC slabs of wharfs on piles for their emergency repair or construction.Because of the high resistance capacity of the stiffening I-shaped steel ribs , the reliability index of the new type composite slabs during costruction period is higherthan that during service period . So the new type composite slabs can carry more construction load in safe , and it can speed the building Work in a way.Because of the corrosion of the steel bottom slabs , time-dependent reliability for the new type composite slabs keeps falling smoothly , and the falling speed is quicker than that of the RC slabs during the first 15 years . After 15 years ,with the corrosion of the inside reinforced steel bars , the time-dependent reliability for the RC slabs drops quickly . Therefore ,to have enough durability ,some available measures must be taken to protect the exposed surfaces of the composite slabs' steel components . And in long term ,the durability for the composite slabs is better than the RC slabs .新型复合板与钢筋混凝土码头的可靠性分析摘要:新型加劲肋钢和混凝土的组合板作为码头的面板来满足特殊的要求。

港口码头建设中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The optimization of container berths and shore bridge coordination scheduling AbstractThe global economic development, the container quickly raised up into exports. Rapid growth of the import and export cargo throughput brings to the container terminal larger benefits at the same time increase the burden of the port, have higher requirements on the terminal operation efficiency. How is the existing equipment of container terminals, reasonable resource allocation and scheduling, is common problem facing the container terminal. Therefore, how to improve the terminal facilities such as the maximum utilization of resources, to meet the increasing port demand, improve their competitive advantage, and has more practical meaning to improve the working efficiency of the container terminal. The main content of this study is berth, gantry cranes and set card co-allocation research, has plans to all ship to the port assignments during mathematical model is established with the target of minimum cost, according to the characteristics of the scale model by genetic algorithm, finally validates the effectiveness of the model.Keywords: System engineering; Water transportation; Gantry cranes allocation; Dynamic scheduling;1 IntroductionContainer terminal logistics is an organic system, made of interactive and dy namic components, such as containers, ships,berths, yards, tracks, quay cranes and yard cranes trucks, labors and communications, in a limited terminal space. It is a complex discrete event dynamic system related to kinds of complicated problems in l ogistics transport field.Berth scheduling (berth allocation) refers to the vessel arrival before or after according to each berth free condition and physical condition of the constraint for ship berthing berth and berthing order. To port berth scheduling optimization research has made important progress, but research is only limited to the single scheduling berth and shore bridge. Of berth scheduling problem in recent years has been based on simple berth scheduling considering more factors, but only for gantry cranes operating sequence when performing a specific loading and unloading of microscopic optimization. Container ships in the port of time depend on how well the berth scheduling on one hand, on the other hand depends on the completion of tasks of gantry cranes loading and unloading time. Gantry cranes loading and unloading time tasks assigned by the Shore Bridge and gantry cranes scheduling two link form. Gantry cranes allocation is reasonably allocated to the ship to shore bridge. Scheduling is a bridge across the river shore bridge between loading and unloading task scheduling. For container terminal how to out of berth allocation, and collaborative scheduling shore bridge set card effective allocation and the arrangement of the container yard, etc are the main factors influencing the efficiency of port operations.2 Literature reviewBerth, gantry cranes and set card configuration and operation quality directly determines the operational efficiency of container ports. Container port whether canmeet customer demand depends on whether the scheduling of a better, affecting the competitiveness of the port. So how to coordinate the three configurations and scheduling caused the wide attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Most experts and scholars in different circumstances port hardware facilities according to the different methods of berth, gantry cranes, set card and etc were studied. In recent years, the berth, shore and set scheduling and allocation problem of study to become a hot topic, scholars in a wide range of further research.2.1 Research on berth allocation problemEdmond will berth allocation problem as queuing theory for the first time, and establish the mathematical model research berth allocation problem. Lai and Shih to adopt rules first come first service berth allocation problem, and design the corresponding heuristic algorithm for the optimization of the mathematical model of the berth allocation, and to obtain the berth allocation to wait for the mooring time, and the average berth utilization indicators for evaluation. Prove the feasibility of obtained berth allocation scheme. Kiin mixed integer programming model is established to study the for large container ship berth allocation problem to determine the ship docked location and time, the design of simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model. Since then, many scholars study of berth allocation problem scheme compared with Kim. Imai respectively studied and dynamic to static to the port to port berth allocation problem, at the same time the berth allocation in the process of container ship is introduced into the berth time priority, berth allocation was studied for the ship to port. Later, Mr Imai and Sun to adopt continuous geographical space to study the method of continuous berth allocation, established themathematical model of the minimum vessel waiting time and operation time and coefficient using LaGrange relaxation algorithm to solve. Hansen, considering the schedule and ship docked preference location problems, such as setting the berth scheduling optimization goal for waiting time while minimizing of the ship. At the same time describes what preference position of the ship is. Lee also adopt the rules of first come first service to research into the port ship berth allocation problem, design the corresponding heuristic algorithm to solve the berth allocation model. After this, Leeand ship at the port of all research cycle to overall in the shortest time continuous berth allocation problem for the target research, through random greedy adaptive search algorithm to solve the model.2.2 Research on Shore Bridge factors problemDiazole in 1989 for the first time put forward the concept of gantry cranes scheduling by the author and a mixed integer programming model was established to solve the model to determine the distribution of each ship to the shore bridge. Park and Kim first studied the static to the port of berth and gantry cranes scheduling problem. Lim under interference constraint made the gantry cranes scheduling decisions made by a branch and bound method will be a period of time the latest ship to minimize the departure time of this algorithm ability is limited but simulated annealing method feasible solution can be obtained for the same question then also has used the genetic algorithm and greedy algorithm. Mussel and had to use a more realistic shore bridge resources use function to replace the method of linear hypothesis this paper proposes a new model to improve insufficient corrected simulation in the study of landbridge in front of the interference constraint error and put forward a improved model than other algorithms are good before fast branch and bound method based on one-way operations. Bierwirth to before 2010 to berth allocation problem, task allocation problem shore bridge, gantry cranes scheduling problem of research literature made a detailed statistics and investigation and study analysis. Ship movement were studied using genetic algorithm reaches the case of fixed alongside berths and gantry cranes scheduling problem, homework and assumes that each ship shore bridge number is fixed, the optimization goal to minimize shipping time in Hong Kong. At present scholars to container terminal berth allocation, gantry cranes scheduling and allocation, set operations such as path planning are detailed studies. They mainly from the perspective of time and economic cost and so on, studies the optimization of container terminal handling operation link research, makes the anticipated goal of optimal. But can be seen from the collected literature at home and abroad, the research of the container terminal although in-depth and meticulous, but there are still insufficient. At present study mainly just to container terminal operationof a single link a job scheduling optimization, or are the two assignments link joint scheduling optimization research. However, container terminal berth allocation, shore bridge distribution and collection card is a complete operating system. If is simply the optimization study of a job link, can only reach a certain optimal operation link, it is difficult to achieve with other assignments link affinity. In the whole container operating system does not make the overall optimal.3 Container terminal operation analyses(1) ChannelChannel is refers to the container ship in the in and out of the container terminal area can satisfy container ships and other water traffic tools (tug, etc.) the requirements of the safe navigation channel.(2) AnchorageAnchorage is used for container ships waiting for berthing of ships docked or for a variety of water homework need water. Main floor including loading and unloading of anchorage, anchorage, shelter, water diversion fault, fault and quarantine and so on, this article proposed tracing refers to anchor it wrong, is to wait for container vessels into anchored into the dock before berth waters.(3) BerthBerth is to point to inside the container terminal for container vessels, loading and unloading to the docking area by the sea, for the container ship safety and to meet the need of loading and unloading operation waters and space. Have a certain length of call with berthing waters adjacent quay wall line, referred to as the shoreline. Berth coastline length meet the requirement of container ship loading and unloading and berthing safety distance, depth of berth satisfies the requirement of container ship's draft. Container port berths are mainly divided into two forms. Berth discrete and continuous berths. Discrete berth: container terminal of the coastline of the corresponding berth waters is divided into a number of different lengths of part, at the same time there can be only one ship in a garage to accept service, and any ship berthing of ships in the harbor cannot take up two berths at the same time. Continuous berth: in the container terminal to the coastline of the corresponding vesselberthingwater not to break up, to the port container ship in meet the demands of the depth and the captain of the ship to draft cases, can be arbitrary parked in container terminal coastline of the corresponding boundary waters.(4) Gantry cranesLand refers to the coast side of container loading and unloading of the bridge crane, is a special hoisting machinery container wharf apron loading and unloading of containers, container terminal is the only direct contact with berthing ships operating equipment, is one of the most important resources in container terminals and scarce resources. Gantry cranes loading and unloading efficiency and quality of high and low will directly affect the length of the container vessel in operation time, at the same time also affect other container terminal operation link configuration and scheduling. Among them, the land bridge is mainly divided into orbit type gantry cranes and tired gantry cranes. Orbit type gantry cranes, coastline of gantry cranes are all in the same orbit, land bridge between the mobile can not appear the phenomenon such as cross. Tyred Gantry cranes can move than rail type gantry cranes move large range. But at present most of the container terminal mainly Is to use rail type gantry cranes, so in this paper, we study the land bridge for track type gantry cranes.(5) Set cardSet card can achieve a container in the container yard and onshore bridge between the yard and mobile, collection card is container terminal based on the shipping container truck. Set card according to the different main purpose transportation of container terminal is divided into inside and outside sets card twotypes of collection card. Set inside the card, is to realize the gantry cranes loading and unloading of containers and a bridge on the stacking yard box between the means of transport. Of all the set inside of the container terminal equipment configuration, scheduling the most complex number of mobile devices. Outside the set of CARDS, sonograms are directly from the port to the shore bridge shipment, or from the shore bridge directly discharging to the container truck outside of a container terminal.(6) YardImport and export container yard is the function of container terminal is used tostore the site area, close distance tend to berth. Container terminal will stay according to the purpose of import and export container shipping and shipping time factors such as different, in order to facilitate access to the specified container, the container yard area is divided into multiple box. Due to the container depot in box area position is different, so each box area the distance from the need to load and unload ships size is different. Packing storage location and the distance between the ship dock berths will also affect the level of set card transport time, thus affecting the entire pier loading and unloading efficiency of the system. Can be inferred from this, container storage location is the operation efficiency of container terminals also has a great influence. (7) BridgeThe role of a bridge is similar to the gantry cranes and container loading and unloading transportation tool. Just a bridge job is located in container yard. A bridge, it is within the container yard stacking, move the box and the box operation of loading and unloading equipment. Will set card transport imported within the container stack to the designated containerterminal yard box area or take out the box of export containers of area specific location set card, to the specific land bridge loading operations.(8) The work facilities such as container yard behindBehind the container yard operation facilities mainly make mouth, control room, maintenance shop, container freight station and other facilities. Describes the mouth, is the container and the container cargo of containers of intersection, and container terminal, both inside and outside dividing line of responsibility. Due to the gate is the container of in and out of the harbor, in the mouth is set between the container of relevant documents, related to container number and seal number and container exterior condition for inspection operations such as link.Berth allocation problems Scope and classification scheme In berth allocation problems, we are given a berth layout together with a set of v essels that have to be served within a planning horizon. The vessels must be moored within the boundaries of the quay and cannot occupy the same quay space at a time. I n he basic optimization problem, berthing positions and berthing times have to be assigned to all vessels, such that a given objective function is optimized. A variety of o ptimization models for berth allocation have been proposed in the literature to captur e real features of practical problems. In Bierwirth and Meisel (2010), we have propos ed a scheme for classifying such models according to four attributes, namely a spatia l attribute, a temporal attribute, a handling time attribute, and the performance measur e addressed in the optimization. The values each attribute can take are listed in Fig. 1 Spatial attributeThis attribute concerns the berth layout, which is either a discrete layout (disc), a co ntinuous layout (cont), or a hybrid layout (hybr). In case of disc, the quay is partitio ned into berths and only one vessel can be served at each single berth at a time. In cas e of cont, vessels can berth at arbitrary positions within the boundaries of the quay. F inally, in case hybr, the quay is partitioned into berths, A particular form of a hybrid berth is an indented berth where large vessels can be served from two oppositely loc ated berths. The spatial attribute is extended by item draft, if the BAP-approach addit ionally considers a vessel’s draft when deciding on its berthing position.Temporal attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival times (s toch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait fo r being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but determi nistic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, he ves sels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner schedu les. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either define d by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability of occ urrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent pub lications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme with reg ard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due date i s preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a ves sel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival time s (stoch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait f or being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but deter ministic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, h e vessels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner sc hedules. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either de fined by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability o f occurrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent publications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme wit h regard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due dat e is preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a vessel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the way how handling times of vessels are given as an input t o the problem. It takes value fix, if the handling times of vessels are known and consi dered unchangeable. Value pos indicates that handling times depend on the berthin g positions of vessels and value QCAP indicates that handling times are determine d by including QC assignment decisions into the BAP. In case of value QCSP, the ha ndling times are determined by incorporating the QC scheduling within the BAP. I n order to classify the recent literature properly, we have inserted case stoch as a ne w attribute for the scheme. Again, handling times can be subject to either discrete or c ontinuous random distributions. A similar extension of our scheme is alsosuggeste d by Carlo et al. (2013), who also open it to further sources of influence on vessel han dling times, like operations of transfer vehicles and yard cranes. However, as we har dly find instantiations of these cases in the literature, we refrain from extending the s cheme in further directions.Performance measureThis attribute considers the performance measures of a berth allocation model. Mos t models consider to minimize the port stay time of vessels. This is reached by different objective functions, e.g. when minimizing waiting times before berthing (wait), m inimizing handling times of vessels (hand), minimizing service completion times (co mpl), or minimizing tardy vessel departures (tard). If soft arrival times are given, als o a possible speedup of vessels (speed) is taken into consideration at the expense of a dditional bunker cost. Other models aim at reducing the variable operation cost of a t erminal by optimizing the utilization of resources (res) like cranes, vehicles, berth sp ace, and manpower. An often considered feature is to save horizontal transport capac ity by finding berthing positions for vessels close to the yard, which is why we inclu de this goal by its own value pos. Rarely met performance measures are summarize d by value misc(miscellaneous). The introduced measures are either summed up for al l vessels in the objective function. Alternatively, if the minimization of the measure fo r the worst performing vessel is pursued, i.e. a min–max objective is faced. Vessel-sp ecific priorities or cost rates are shown by weights. Different weights w1 to w4 addre ss combined performance measures.Literature overviewIn the relevant literature, we have found and classified 79new models for bert h allocation, most of them published after 2009. Fig. 2 shows the BAP models devel oped by researchers since 1994 by year of their publication, including also those app roaches reviewed in Bierwirth and Meisel (2010). The figure shows that the interest i n berth allocation started with the early papers of Hoffarth (1994) and Imai, Nagaiw a, and Tat (1997). However, the growth of publications followed the pioneering pape r of Park and Kim (2003), who combined berth allocation and QC assignment for th e first time, and the early survey on container terminal operations by Steenken et a l. (2004). In particular, journal publications scaled up to ten and more per year after 2 010. To the mid of 2014, already 13 new journal papers have been published or acce pted for publication. The continuous effort spend on research in berth allocation confi rms it as a well-established field today, which still shows potential for future researc h.With Table 1, we also provide an overview of the methods that are used for solv ing the BAP models. Note that only the most successful method presented in a pape。

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