大学体验英语综合教程 词汇表

Unit 1 College Life (P169)samplen-count:(1) 样品;货样A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like.Eg: ---- We're giving away 2000 free samples.---- They asked me to do some sample drawings.(2) (用于化验的)取样,样本A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analyzed scientifically.Eg: ---- They took samples of my blood.Verb:(1) 品尝;试尝If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it.Eg: ---- We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.我们品尝了一系列不同品牌的瓶装水。
(2) 体验;尝试If you sample a place or situation, you experience it for a short time in order to find out about it.Eg: ---- ...the chance to sample a different way of life.definitelyadv.清楚地;明显地;肯定地;当然You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinionEg: ---- I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people.adj.definite明确的;一定的;肯定;有把握Eg: ---- Mary is very definite about this.n.definition定义;规定,明确;[物]清晰度;解释<复数definitions>Eg: ----我给这个字下了定义。

大学体验英语综合教程词汇表Aaborigine n. 澳大利亚土着居民 (6L&T)◆ abortion n. 流产,堕胎 (4a)absence n. 不在,缺席 (8a)◆ absolutely adv. 完全的;绝对的 (5b)absorb v. 吸收;吸引 (6b)academy n. 专科院校;学会;研究院 (2b)accent n. 口音 (6b)activity n. 活跃,活动 (7a)▲ addicted adj. 成瘾的 (1a)administration n. 行政管理;全体行政管理人员;政府(2b) adopt v. 收养;过继 (4L&T)adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的 (3L&T)afterwards adv. 以后,过后,后来 (7b)◆ agony n. 痛苦 (7a)ah int. 啊,哈 (1L&T)◆ ailing adj. 不舒服,生病 (1a)air-conditioner n. 空调机 (1L&T)air-conditioning n. 空调机(系统) (1L&T)alike adj. 相同的 (6L&T)alter v. 改变,变更 (7L&T)▲ ambitious adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的 (3b)ambulance n. 救护车 (8a)ancient adj. 古代的 (6a)◆ angle n. 角 (2a)anniversary n. 周年纪念 (2L&T)anxety n. 忧虑;焦虑 (7L&T)◆ aphorism n. 警句,格言,箴言 (5a)apparently adj. 明显的 (2a)appeal (to) v. (to)吸引,对…有号召力,投…所好 (5b) appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器 (1L&T)apportion v. 分摊;分配 (2CS)appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏 (2L&T)approach n. 方式,方法 (6a)◆ Arab n. 阿拉伯人 (8b)adj. 阿拉伯的▲ arena n. 竞争场所,竞争场 (2b)argument n. 争论,辩论 (2L&T)arrangement n. 安排 (8L&T)arrest v. 逮捕 (7b)artificial adj. 人造的 (1L&T)▲ aspiration n. 强烈愿望;渴望 (8b)associate v. 联系;联想 (5a)assume v. 假设,假定 (5a)assure v. 使确信 (3a)atmosphere n. 大气(层) (1a)atom n. 原子 (2a)◆ atop prep. 在…上面 (1b)attraction n. 吸引,吸引力 (6L&T)audio adj. 听觉的;声音的 (1b)author n. 作家,作者 (3L&T)autobiography n. 自传 (2L&T)avenue n. 大街 (6b)B◆ backlash n. 反冲力;强烈反应,强烈反对(4a) ◆ back-up n. 后备力量,备份 (7b)▲ bald adj. 秃头的;(轮胎)磨光的,破旧的 (6a) ban n. 禁令(4b)banquet n. 宴会 (2L&T)bar n. 酒吧,吧台;条,长方块 (3a)bare adj. 赤裸的,裸露的 (8a)▲ barricade n. 路障,障碍 (8a)◆ bathtub n. 浴盆,浴缸 (3a)battery n. 电池 (1L&T)bay n. 海湾 (4a)behave v. 行为表现 (4L&T)beloved adj. 心爱的 (6b)bet v. 敢说;打赌;确信 (5b)▲ bewilder n. (使)迷惑 (8a)Bible n. <圣经> (3CS)◆ billboard n. 招贴板,广告牌 (3b)billion n. 十亿 (3a)◆ billionaire n. 亿万富翁 (4b)biological adj. 生物学的 (7L&T)◆ biologist n. 生物学家 (4b)biology n. 生物学 (4a)◆ bliss n. 无上幸福,极乐 (7a)◆ bluntly adv. 直言不讳地;坦白地 (8b) boast v. 拥有 (5CS) bomb n. 炸弹 (8a)boring adj. 令人厌烦的 (2L&T)boundary n. 分界线,边境线 (1b)▲ breakthrough n. 突破 (2b)brick n. 砖 (4b)brilliant adj. 光辉的,灿烂的 (1b)▲ buck n. (美国钱币)元,块 (5b)◆ Buddhist n. 佛教徒 (4b)▲ bust n. 逮捕 (7b)Ccabin n. 船舱;小(木)屋 (1b)◆ calculus n. 微积分 (5b)canal n. 运河 (6b)▲ caption n. 标题,解说词,字幕 (4b)carbon n. 碳 (1a)career n. 事业;生涯 (2L&T)carefree adj. 无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的 (5L&T)carpenter n. 木匠 (7B)◆ cartel n. 卡特尔,同业联盟 (7b)cast v. 投(射) (8L&T)catalog n. 目录 (3b)◆ catastrophic adj. 灾难性的 (4a)▲ Catholic adj. 天主教的 (4a)cd n. 光盘 (4L&T)ceasefire n. 停火,停战 (8L&T)charter n. 宪章 (8CS)◆ checkpoint n. 检查站 (8a)childless adj. 无儿女 (4L&T)chill v. (使)变冷,冰冷 (3b)chin n. 下巴,下颌 (4b)◆ chirp v. (尤指鸟)唧唧喳喳的叫;发出短而尖的声音 (5a)Christian n. 基督徒 (8L&T)Christmas n. 圣诞节 (4b)chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的(2L&T) ▲ chunk n. (一)大块 (3a)circulate v. 流传;扩散 (6CS)civiladj. 公民的,民间的,国内的 (3a)civilian n. 平民 (8a)◆ clang v. (使)叮当响 (6b)classical adj. 经典的 (2b)classification n. 分类,分级 (8L&T)climate n. 气候 (1b)clone v. 无性繁殖,克隆 (4a)◆ cloner n. 从事克隆研究的科学家或医生 (4a) cm n. 厘米 (3L&T)▲ cocainen. 可卡因 (7a)coffin n. 棺材 (7CS)coincide v. 一致,符合 (6L&T)collaboration n. 合作,协作 (5CS)collapse v. 崩溃 (4b)colleaguen. 同事 (2b)◆ Colombian adj. 哥伦比亚的(7b)n. 哥伦比亚人 (4A)combat v. 跟…战斗,抗击 (4a)commence v. 开始 (5L&T)commit v. 犯(错误、罪行等) (5a)communicate v. 告知,传达;交流,交际,通讯,沟通(1b) communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的 (1L&T)▲ compact adj. 密集的;小巧的,微型的 (3b)comparable adj. 同等的,类似的;可比的 (3b)comparison n. 比较 (6L&T)compass n. 罗盘,指南针 (2a)compensate v. 补偿 (6L&T)compete v. 竞争 (3b)complain v. 抱怨;投诉 (7L&T)complicatedadj. 复杂的;难懂的 (8b)◆ comp oser n. 作曲家 (4b)compromise n. 妥协;让步 (8b)con n. 反对论;反面 (3L&T)◆ conceit n. 自负;虚荣心 (5b)concentrate v. 集中(思想、注意力等) (7L&T) condemn v. 谴责(8b)condense v. 使…浓缩,压缩 (2a)condolence n. 哀悼,吊唁 (7L&T)confer v. 授予 (2CS)conference n. 大学,会议(1L&T)confine v. 限制,禁闭 (8a)conflict n. 冲突;抵触 (8b)confront v. 面临;对抗 (4L&T)confuse v. 使混淆;使困惑 (5a)confusion n 混乱,紊乱 (7a)conscious adj. 有意识的,有知觉的 (1L&T) consequence n. 结果 (1a)constant adj. 不变的 (1L&T)consumer n. 消费者 (1a)contact n. 接触;相互联系;交往 (8b)continuous adj. 连续的,持续的 (5L&T)contract v. 订契约,签合同 (3b)contraption n. 奇妙的装置 (6L&T)contrast n. 对比 (6L&T)controversy n. 争论,争议,论战 (4a)convenience n. 方便;便利设施或用具 (1a) convince v. 使确信(2a)coordinate n. 协调 (7b)cop n. 警察 (7b)copyright n. 版权,着作权 (3L&T)core n. 果核;核心 (6a)corporation n. 公司,企业 (3b)▲ couch n. 长沙发,长椅 (7a)counter pref. 反;平衡 (8CS)▲ counterpart n. 对手;对方 (6a)court n. 法庭 (7b)coward n. 懦夫 (5a)cowardice n. 怯懦,胆小 (8L&T)◆ cowboyn. 牛仔 (3a)crack n. 裂缝 (6a)◆ cranny n. 裂隙 (6a)create v. 创造 (2a)creativity n. 创造(力) (2L&T)◆ cubic adj. 立方体的,立方的 (3b)curiosity n. 好奇心 (2a)curl v. (头发)蜷曲;蜷曲 (7a)curriculum n. 全部课程 (5CS)curve n. 曲线 (3b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ddam n. 水坝 , 堤坝 (1L&T)◆ daze v. (使)茫然,(使)发昏 (8a)debate n. 争论,辩论 (1L&T)decade n. 十年 (1b)decent adj. (行为、态度)得体的,合适的;像样的,过得去的(4b)deepen v. 加深 (7a)definite adj. 确切的,肯定的,明显的 (4b) definitely adv. 明确地;确切地 (2L&T)◆ deforest v. 砍伐(森林) (1a)deforestation n. 采伐森林 (1L&T)◆ deform v. 使变畸形 (4a)deliberate adj. 故意的;从容不迫的;谨慎的 (6a) democracy n. 民主(政体);民主国家 (8b)▲ democratic adj. 民主(政体)的;民主国家的 (8b) demonstrate v. 表明 (8b)dentist n. 牙科医生 (5L&T)deny v. 否认 (5b)dependence n. 依靠,依赖 (7L&T)▲ designate v. 指派,委任 (7b)designer n. 设计师 (3L&T)destination n. 目的地 (6L&T)detail n. 细节 (2a)detective n. 侦探 (7b)device n. 装置,设备 (2a)devil n. 魔王;撒旦 (7a)▲ dine v. 吃饭,进餐 (2b)◆ dioxide n. 二氧化物 (1a)directly adv. 直接地 (1b)disagree v. 不同意;意见相左 (3L&T)disappear v. 消失 (7L&T)disaster n. 灾难 (1L&T)disastrous adj. 灾难性的 (7L&T)discard v. 抛弃 (3CS)dispose v. 处理 (1L&T)dispute n. 争论,争吵 (8L&T)disrupt v. 使混乱 (8CS)distinguish v. 区别,辨别 (6L&T)distract v. 使注意力转移;使分心 (6L&T) dominate v. 支配,控制,占优势 (3b)◆ donor n. 捐赠者 (4a)◆ downwind adj. 顺风处 (1a)draft v. 征召入伍 (5b)drift v. (使)漂流 (8a)drought n. 干旱 (1L&T)drunk adj. 醉酒的 (8L&T)dynamite n. 炸药 (2CS)dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 (6L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eecological adj. 生态(学)的 (1L&T)economy n. 经济;节约 (6a)◆ ecosystem n. 生态系统 (1a)◆ ecstasy n. 狂喜;摇头丸 (7a)editor n. 编辑 (2b)educate v. 教育 (5b)efficiency n. 效率 (1L&T)efficient adj. 有效率的 (6a)Egyptian n. 埃及人 (2b)adj. 埃及人的elaborate adj. 详尽而复杂的;精心制作的 (3a)electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (7L&T)elegant adj. 优雅的 (2b)element n. 成份;要素 (1a)eliminate v. 消除 (8L&T)elite n. 精英;杰出人物 (3L&T)embarrassment n. 窘迫 (7L&T)embrace v. 拥抱;接受(观点) (4a)◆ embryo n. 胚胎 (4a)◆ emotionally adv. 情感地;动感情地 (8b)▲ energetic adj. 精力充沛的 (6a)enforce v. 执行,执法 (8L&T)◆ enforcement n. 强制,实施 (7b)engrave v. 雕刻;刻印 (7CS)enlightenment n. 启发 (6L&T)◆ enrage v. 激怒 (8b)▲ enroll v. 入学,加入;招收 (6b)▲ entertain v. 使…快乐,给…娱乐 (6b)◆ enthrall v. 迷住,吸引住 (6b)entrepreneur n. 企业家 (3L&T)environment n. 环境 (5a)equation n. 等式 (1a)◆ erode v. (酸、雨等)侵蚀;腐蚀;使…减少、减弱或消失 (2a) erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀 (1L&T)▲ essence n. 本质,精髓 (8b)ethical adj. 合乎道德的;伦理的 (4CS) ethnic adj. 种族的 (8L&T) European a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 (2a)evaluate v. 估价 (2L&T)evaporate v. 蒸发 (6b)eve n. 前夜,前夕 (1a)evidence n. 证据 (4b)evident adj. 明显的;清楚的 (2a)exceed v. 超过,超出;超出界线 (3a)excerpt n. 摘录 (8L&T)excessive adj. 过多的,过度的 (3a)execute v. 处死,处决;执行 (4a)executive n. 经理,管理人员 (7b)exhaust v. 用尽;耗尽 (3b)existence n. 存在 (8b)expert n. 专家 (1b)◆ exploitation n. 开采 (1a)expose v. 使知道 (7a)extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的 (1CS)◆ extraordinarily adv. 格外的 (5B)extreme adj. 最远的,最外边的;极度的 (3L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ffaculty n. 全体教员 (2b)fake n. 假货,赝品 (3L&T)fame n. 声誉,名望 (4a)faucet n. 水龙头 (1L&T)favorite adj. 最受喜爱的 (3L&T)▲ feast n. 盛宴 (6b)▲ feat n. 功绩;壮举;绝技 (6A)feature v. 给某人或某事物以显着地位 (5B)female adj. 女(性)的;雌的 (4L&T)◆ fertility n. 繁殖力 (4a)fierce adj. 激烈的,猛烈的,凶猛的 (6b)fighter n. 战士;战斗机 (8a)finally adv. 最后,终于 (7a)flagship n. 王牌产品 (6CS)fleece n. 羊毛 (2L&T)flesh n. 肉 (4b)flexible adj. 灵活的 (5L&T)float v. (使)漂浮 (3a)focus v. 集中(注意力) (1b)◆ forefront n. 最前线;最前方 (2b)formal adj. 正式的 (5L&T)formula n. 配方 (3CS)forum n. 论坛,讨论会 (1L&T)▲ fossil n. 化石 (1a)fraternity n. 友爱;互助会 (2CS)▲ fraud n. 欺骗 (5a)◆ fraught adj. 充满…的 (8b)fridge n. 冰箱 (3b)frog n. 蛙,青蛙 (1b)frown v. 皱眉头 (3a)functional adj. (具有某种)功能的(3L&T) fundamental adj. 基础的;最重要的 (2a)G◆ gang n. 人群,队伍;一群罪犯 (7b)gap n. 空白;间隙 (2L&T)gaper n. 目瞪口呆的人 (5a)garbage n. 垃圾,废物 (1L&T)gas n. 气体 (1L&T)gene n. 基因 (4a)genetic adj. 遗传的 (7L&T)genius n. 天赋;天才,才子 (2a)genuine adj. 真正的 (8b)▲ geolo gy n. 地质学 (2b)geometry n. 几何学 (2a)global adj. 全球的 (1a)◆ gourmet adj. (食品)精美的 (5b)govern v. 统治;治理 (8L&T)grammar n. 语法 (5b)◆ greed n. 贪心,贪婪 (1a)greenhouse n. 花房,温室 (1a)◆ groundbreaking adj. 开辟新视野的,首创的 (2b) guilt n. 内疚(7L&T)◆ gung ho adj. (美俚)非常热切的 (5b)guts n. 勇气;决心 (5L&T)guy n. 家伙,人 (4b)Hhalt v. 停止,中断 (4L&T)handful n. 少数(人) (2b)◆ handshake n. 握手 (8b)◆ hang-up n. (感情上)摆脱不掉的烦恼、困难(4a) ◆ hard-bitten adj. 经过锻炼的,铁石心肠的 (5a) harm n. 伤害,损害 (7L&T) harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的 (1L&T)◆ harmless adj. 无害的 (7a)haste n. 动作迅速 (5a)headquarters n. 总部 (3b)heartbroken adj. 心碎的;悲伤的 (3L&T) heel n. 脚后跟 (3L&T) helicopter n. 直升飞机 (6A)hell n. 地狱 (8a)hence adv. 因此,从此 (1L&T)hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的 (8L&T)hijack v. 抢劫;劫机 (8L&T)hike v. 远足 (4L&T)hint n. 暗示 (7b)historic adj. 有历史意义的 (5a)holy adj. 神圣的 (8b)horrible adj. 令人恐惧的,恐怖的(2a) host n. 主人,东道主(1L&T)household adj. 家庭的 (6b)◆ hum v. 发出嗡嗡声 (3b)humor n. 幽默 (1b)IID n. 身份 (5L&T)▲ identification n. 鉴定,证明 (8a)identify v. 识别;辩明 (8L&T)◆ idiomatic adj. 成语的,习语的 (5a)▲ idiot n. 白痴 (5b)◆ idyllic adj. 田园诗般的;质朴宜人的 (5b)ignorance n. 无知 (6L&T)ignorant adj. 无知的 (6L&T)illegal adj. 违法的,不合法的 (3L&T)illicit adj. 违法的 (8L&T)illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的 (8L&T)illuminate v. 照亮 (8CS)▲ illusion n. 幻觉,错觉 (7a)imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,虚构的 (2L&T)immigrant n. 移民 (3a)◆ immortality n. 永生 (4a)◆ implant v. 灌输,注入 ( 思想等 ) ;移植,植入 (4a)imply v. 暗示 (5L&T)import v. 输入,进口 (3a)incident n. 事件;(含有战斗、爆炸等暴力行为)的事变(7b) ◆ inclination n. 倾向 (5b)◆ indicator n. (测量器的)指针;指标 (1b)indifference n. 不关心,冷漠 (8a)。
大学体验英语综合教程4 U1

• What is the job situation like in China? Is it the same as or A secretary An engineer different from / to the situation mentioned in the passage? A nurse
Check up 3rd time
Third time In Britain, people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions, or to 1)_______ stereotyped views of them. For example, sailors are 2)__________ to have a “wife” in every port, university professors are often seen as 3)______________ or forgetful. There are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives, and they are generally regarded as not particularly 4)___________. Other jobs may be wellpaid or very 5)___________, but the general public think they are funny or rather 6)_______. For instance, in most other European countries 7)______________________________________________. Funnily enough, in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful 8)_________________________________________________ __________.

大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit1 AngelinawongPassage A Care for Our Mother EarthRead and think 31~5 BBCADRead and complete 61.strategies2.specific3.consumers4.released5.trapped6.consequence7.was isolated8.priority9.convenience10.elementsRead and complete 71.transform2.all the way3.sit back4.resulting from5.share…withRead and translate 81.How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet?2.Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause thechildren to make the same mistakes again.3.As a new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated.4.Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we leap.5.The time for talking has passed, we must take a positive action to protect our environment.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit2Passage A Einstein’s CompassRead and think 31~5 CDACBRead and complete 61.fundamental2.ultimate3.sparked4.apparently5.patience6.curiosity7.convince8.detail9.responses10.(has) stirredRead and complete 76.fooled…into7.came upon8.join ine up with10.up toRead and translate 81.Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of this military attack.2.His speech for the campaign failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for thesenate seat.3.While I admit that there are problems, I don’t think that they can’t be solved.4.His first debate on TV made a strong impression on the audience.5.Everything interrelates and interacts with each other.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit3Passage A Bathtub Battleships from IvorydaleRead and think 31~5 ABCABRead and complete 611.attain12.modest13.attractive14.precise15.campaign16.market17.manufactures18.sponsor19.imported20.brandsRead and complete 711.frown…on12.for instance13.as a result14.when it comes to15.under…umbrellaRead and translate 86.Thoughts are expressed by means of language.7.I can’t keep account of the new books I bought this year.8.This old lady feels assured that her son will come back soon today to celebrate her birthday.9.His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.10.We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit4Passage A Not Now,Dr.MiracleRead and think 31~5 CBCDARead and complete 621.string22.stir23.controversybat25.excessive26.regulations27.instincts28.reckless29.prohibition30.irrationalRead and complete 716.to his name17.keep at bay18.under the Sun19.jumped the gun20.lined upRead and translate 811.The band shot to fame in the 1980s because of that single album.12.Take a risk, and you may fail another time. However, you would improve your possibilities towin.13.Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their way of curing AIDS.14.Now we see the point of the Internet: you have the access to everything under the Sun merelyby clicking the mouse.15.Some think the government will give regulations to the research of cloning human sooner orlater.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit5Passage A T ongue-tiedRead and think 31~5 BDBACRead and complete 631.qualify32.had committed33.hint34.assume35.vague36.peculiar37.retreat38.puzzled39.misleading40.confusedRead and complete 721.resorted to22.racking one’s brain23.hangs on24.jotted down25.at a lossRead and translate 816.It is one thing to know the principle, it is another thing to put it into practice.17.It is reported that jogging makes you 2/3 less likely to have a heart disease.18.According to the latest survey, half of the British people have no idea what the Euro is worthin relation to the pound.19.The area should have been used to build a park for the public, but now several apartmentshave been built there.20.I wonder whether all these related information could add up to one clear picture of him.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit6Passage A The Woman T axi Driver In CairoRead and think 31~5 CDBACRead and complete 641.counterpart42.efficient43.relief44.vague45.core46.punctually47.approach48.economy49.exception50.inviteRead and complete 726.pull…through27.belongs to28.ever since29.in turnled aboutRead and translate 821.He breathed a sigh of sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young.22.He was very responsible and that’s why he was chosen to take control of the project.23.Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to know as muchinformation as possible of the place.24.We should be careful. The same situation may be about to repeat inself.25.Actually, the quality of the air in the house has a lot to do with the health of children, and thehealth of adults for that matter.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit7Passage A Agony from EcstasyRead and think 31~5 DDBCARead and complete 651.deepened52.were exposed53.curled54.throb55.nightmare56.utter57.confusion58.pulse59.somewhat60.creepRead and complete 731.on top of32.as if33.in a state of34.ahead of35.if onlyRead and translate 826.Many people believe this kind of medicine helps sleep. All I can think of is, “if only theyknew”.27.He had been chipping away at the problem until it was solved completely.28.The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city.He was very surprised as ifhe had entered a future world.29.It is within one year that she went from one person who pursued her dream to one personwho cared about nothing.30.I have been given the permission to enter that area and do the interview, and that’s notsomething that everyone gets.大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit8Passage A Return from the CageRead and think 31~5 DCABBRead and complete 661.venturefortable63.confine64.daze65.drifted66.lingered67.bewildered68.overwhelmed69.innocent70.terrifiedRead and complete 736.sticks oute by38.under way39.in search of40.adjust toRead and translate 831.The thefts in recent month paled compared with this case.32.He still can’t shake away the guilty feeling even many years have passed since the trafficaccident.33.Although we had put forward a proposal of reducing cost, the board didn’t appear to take itseriously.34.The hills around have become bare but that failed to remind the villagers of the importance ofprotecting the environment.35.His hearty laughter is unlikely to ring in our office again.。

Unit 3
Return to Menu
Passage A
Passage B
Passage A
• Think About It
• Read About It
• Talk About It
• Write About It
1. What do you usually do in your leisure time on campus?
members of several societies and
taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting. Many people,
perhaps foolishly, completely ignore
university societies and just hang out with mates in college.
Read & Explore
4. Eat me out of house and home:把某人吃穷 He's been eating me out of house and home. 他吃得我倾家荡产. 5. coke: n. <口>可口可乐(=Coca-Cola) 6. hit it off 合得来 7. But he wasn't obnoxious and I liked the volunteer work he did. We hit it off. 他并不讨人厌,而且我也喜欢他的志愿性工作,这 大概是我们合得来的原因。
As far as I’m concerned, I like listening to music and doing some reading in my spare time. Weather permitting, I enjoy some outdoor activities, such as mountain climbing, bicycle-riding, and so on.

Unit 7 Learning StrategiesPassage BI. Words and Expressions1. arche ologist←arche ology1. attain to gain with effort ;reach a point in time, or a certain state or level ;reach a destination, either real or abstract(通常经过努力)实现, 达到, 获得,得到She pulls every string to attain the end.她想尽一切办法来达到目的。
We can attain whatever goal we set in our min我们设定了什么目标,就能实现什么目标。
The country attained its independence in 1972.He will soon attain to manhood.他很快就要到达成年期了。
【词义辨析】attain, reach, achieve, arrive这些动词均有“达到”之意。
attain: 侧重指在抱负或雄心的激励下,以最大的努力去达到一般所不及或不敢追求的目的。
reach: 常用词,指到达某一空间、时间、目标或发展过程中的某一点。
achieve: 侧重为达到目的所需的技巧、忍耐和努力。
arrive: 指得出结论,达成某项协议或作出某一决定等。
派生词attainability attainableNone of the servants were _____ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.A.availableB.attainableC.approachableD.applicable2. bloom n. (C) the organic process of bearing flowers;the period of greatest prosperity or productivity;the best time of youth开花,最佳时期Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。
大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 2 Unit 3-Passage A-词汇充电

1 victimn. ①person who is tricked or fooled 受害者,受难者:The flood victims were taken to the hospital in a neighboring town. 水灾的受害者们被送到邻镇的医院。
②person, animal or thing that is injured, killed of destroyed 牺牲品,牺牲者:He is the victim of his own success.他成了自己成就的牺牲品。
③living creature killed and offered as a religious sacrifice 祭品:a sacrificial victim 动物祭品【联想】同根词vicious adj. 有恶意的,恶毒的,邪恶的,堕落的|victimize v. 责怪或处罚某人不当,欺侮某人【短语】fall victim (to sth.) 被( 某事物) 降服,屈服(于某事物)2 belongingsn. [pl.] people’s movable possessions动产( 除土地,建筑物之外的财产): The tourists lost all their belongings in the hotel fire. 游客们在宾馆的大火中失去了他们所有的财产。
【联想】同根词belong v. 属于⋯⋯近义词possession, estate, property3 clutterv. fill or cover sth. in an untidy way 胡乱地填满,塞满:His head is cluttered with useless facts. 他满脑子杂七杂八的闲事。
n. things lying about untidily 凌乱的东西:How can you work with so much clutter on your desk? 书桌上有这么多乱七八糟的东西,你怎么能工作呢?【短语】clutter sth. (up) 胡乱的填满,塞满或覆盖住某事物4 statementn. ①stating sth. or expressing sth. in words 声明,陈述:The president made a statement of his aims. 总统提出了他的目标。

1.也 and…as well2.需要值得培养的技能 require skills worth developing3.凭自信有效地沟通 effectively communicating with confidence4.有展现热情的欲望 have a desire of displaying enthusiasm5.没有经验 inexperience6.需要更高的进修教育 need higher education for their pursuits7.需要在大学至少学习四年 require a minimum of four years' study at a university8.需要不断学习 entail/involve constant learning9.从某种方式说 in one way or another = in some wayPassage A1.就业指导中心 the career placement center2.还没找到工作 had yet to find a job3.初级水平的职位 entry-level positions4.起薪为 at a starting salary of5.合乎标准 meet one's criteria(criterion)6.鼠标一点就找到工作 click one's way into a job7.不经意遇到 come across8.填写简历 fill out a profile9.跳槽 jump to a new job10.让事业上一个新台阶 elevate one's career11.在线版 online versions12.进行面试 set up an interview with13.分类广告 the classified ads14.以…而告终 end up with15.上网 log on16.母公司 parent company17.财务状况 financial performance18.维持生活水平 maintain one's present standard of living19.楼层布局图 floor plans20.房地产 real estatePassage B1.吸取教训,获得教益 learn a lesson2.工作责任感 work ethic3.工作量满 take a full load of4.大学预科课程 college-prep course5.在某专业获得研究学位 receive(earn) graduate degrees in6.服务生同事 a fellow waitress7.老主顾,常客 regular customer8.借钱 ask for a loan9.向sb讲述我的梦想 share my dream with10.信任sb have faith(trust) in sb11.以…告终 end up doing12.年利息 annual interest13.律师事务所 a law firm14.一封感谢信 a thank-you note15.铭刻在心 be imprinted on my heart16.付清他的不断增加的医疗费用 cover his mounting medical bills17.女店员 a counter girl18.成长为 mature into19.职业女性 a career woman。
大学体验英语3单词Unite 1

to cut down the forests砍伐(森林)
in the direction that the wind is moving顺风处
a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking 短缺
using the power of the sun’s light and heat 太阳的
to find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解决,解答
a light artificial material produced chemically 塑料
the action of polluting or the state of being polluted污染
money gained by trade or business 利润
to separate from others 使…孤立,使…隔离
to give care and food to养育

⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth Listen and Talkah int. 啊,哈air-conditioner n. 空调机air-conditioning n. 空调(系统)appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家⽤电器artificial n. ⼈造的battery n. 电池communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的conference n. ⼤会,会议constant adj. 不变的dam n. ⽔坝,堤坝debate n. 争论,辩论deforestation n. 采伐森林dispose v. 处理drought n. ⼲旱ecological adj. ⽣态(学)的efficiency n. 效率erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀faucet n. ⽔龙头forum n. 论坛,讨论会garbage n. 垃圾,废物gas n.. ⽓体harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的hence adv. 因此,从此host n. 主⼈,东道主influence n. 影响install v. 安装liter n. 公升mount v. 为……作准备overflow v. 溢出partner n. 合伙⼈,伙伴plastic n. 塑料pollution n. 污染profit n. 利润renewable adj. 可更新的,可再⽣的shortage n. 短缺solar adj. 太阳的solve v. 解决,解答stack n. ⼀摞,⼀叠starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死style n. 风格,⽅式sweat n. 汗,汗⽔v.出汗symposium n. 研讨会,专题讨论会system n. 系统,体系wow int. 哎呦!哇!yeah adv. 是。

Unit 1: Choosing a Career1.ambition - a strong desire to achieve somethingor be successful2.employer - a person or company that provideswork for others in exchange for payment3.internship - a period of time during which astudent or recent graduate works for an employer togain experience or skills4.mentor - an experienced and trusted advisor orteacher5.resume - a written document that contains asummary of a person’s educ ation, qualifications, andprevious job experiencesUnit 2: Environmental Awareness1.climate change - long-term alteration oftemperature and typical weather patterns in a place2.conservation - the act of protecting andpreserving the natural environment from harm ordestruction3.pollution - the introduction of harmfulsubstances or energy into the environment, leading to negative effects on living organisms and ecosystems4.renewable energy - energy sources that can bereplaced or replenished, such as solar, wind, orhydroelectric power5.sustainability - the ability to meet the needs ofthe present generation without compromising theability of future generations to meet their own needs Unit 3: Globalization1.cultural diversity - the existence of a variety ofcultural or ethnic groups within a society2.intercultural communication - the exchange ofinformation between individuals or groups fromdifferent cultural backgrounds3.multinational corporation - a company thatoperates in multiple countries and usually has acentralized management system4.trade barriers - policies or measuresimplemented by governments to restrict or controlthe exchange of goods and services between countries5.workforce - all the people employed oravailable for employment in a given area, industry, orcompanyUnit 4: Media and Society1.digital literacy - the ability to use, interpret,and evaluate information and communicationtechnologies effectively2.fake news - false or misleading informationpresented as news, often spread through social media or other online platforms3.media literacy - the ability to access, analyze,evaluate, and create media in various forms4.social media - websites and applications thatallow users to create and share content andparticipate in social networking5.surveillance - the monitoring and observationof people’s actions and activities, often performed bygovernments or other authoritiesUnit 5: Education and Technology1.e-learning - the use of electronic devices andtechnologies for educational purposes, often in online or remote settings2.blended learning - a combination of traditionalclassroom instruction and online learning activities3.distance education - a method of study wherestudents and teachers are physically separated, oftenfacilitated by technology4.virtual reality - a computer-generatedsimulation of a realistic or imaginary environmentthat can be interacted with in a seemingly real orphysical way5.web-based resources - educational materials ortools that can be accessed and used through theinternet以上是《大学体验英语综合教程3》中常见的单词及其释义。

UNIT11. Taxes are an (obligation 义务,责任) which m ay fall on everybody.2. We (applauded 赞同) the authority's decision not to close the hospital.3. The doctor's instructions m ust be (fulfilled 履行) exactly; the sick m an's life depends on it.4. Do these opinion polls really (m irror 反射) what people are thinking?5. I prefer to think of m em orization as a stepping-stone to (flexibility 灵活性) in use of words and phrases.6. In her office m em os she tended to (devalue 使-贬值) the work done by her staff.7. The history of train transport has partly been a history of (striving 努力) for greater efficiency and profit.8. He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it (entailed 使承担) .9. He is (supposedly 可能) one of the greatest experts in this field.10. Absolute secrecy is essential .(Consequently 所以) , the fewer who are aware of the project the better.11. This period is usually (referred to as 把-称作) the post-war period.12. It would be a setback (at best 至多) if we were denied the use of their software.13. We m ake people m entally old by retiring them, and we m ay even (by the sam e token 同样的) make them physically old.14. I know that the public (at large 一般) aren't interested in this issue.15. My sister was always (held up举出) to m e (as 做例子) a m odel child.UNIT21. By the age of 20, Mozart had written som e ten operas and was well prepared for the dem anding audiences that (awaited 等候) him in Vienna.2. After only three years in the Am erican m arket, our US sales there (have overtaken 追上) those in Japan. .3. Earthquakes (pose 造成) such serious danger to the country that Japan has becom e a world leader in earthquake prediction, earthquake-proof construction techniques, and disaster preparedness by both civil defense forces and the general public.4. Am erican artists often took their (cues 暗示) from European literary salons and art schools, and cultured Americans traveled to Europe to becom e educated.5. A series of body explosions (has underm ined 损害) all the hopes for a peaceful solution in the Middle East.6. When he realized the police had (spotted 看出) him, the m an made for the exit as quickly as possible.7.Many of the scientists and engineers are (judged 判断) in terms of how great their achievem ents are.8. A person who m oves to a house on a busy street m ay initially be (distracted 分散) every tim e a loud vehicle drives by but after a m onth he will becom e used to it.9. These publishers all depended on the favor of the English crown for their existence, and so they only published materials that did not (offend 冒犯) royalty.10. They will seek to persuade others that they are m oral in the accepted sense of the term in order to (mask伪装) their m otives to gain the awards.11. This work has (brought out 引出) the best in him even though he is not as good usually.12. He likes all winter sports (with the exception of 除了-之外) skiing because he thinks skiing is too dangerous.13. During the last 20 years, com puting power has doubled about every 18 m onths (thanks to 由于) the creation of faster m icroprocessors, the incorporation of m ultiple m icroprocessor designs, and the developm ent of new storage technologies.14. Don't let yourself be (taken in 被欺骗) by those advertisem ents, which offers false information and mislead you.15. During the years following World War II, the United States and the former Soviet Union engaged in efforts to construct intercontinental ballistic missiles (capable of 能够) traveling thousands of m iles armed with nuclear warheads.UNIT31. Priests thought angrily that the soldiers (violated 违反) the church by using it as a stable.2. We (derive)派生的knowledge not only from books, but also from practice.3. Yesterday I was caught in the rain, so now m y nose is all (blocked 妨碍) up and I can hardly breathe.4. The (default 默认值) system in this lap-top com puter is W indows XP.5. He further (rationalize)找借口his activities by convincing himself that he was actually prom oting environm ental protection.6. The saxophonist (quoted引用) the Kenny G m elody Going Hom e in his solo.7. Through an exciting bid for building the bridge, we won the (exclusive)唯一的contract in the end.8. She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn (contacted 接触) the FBI.9. After he reported the truth, he received many (anonym ous 匿名的) letters and phone calls.10. --Do they (charge 要价) for the use of the telephone?--Yeah! Half yuan per m inute!11. Whether you go on with your study or not (is up to 由-决定) you.12. Yesterday the heavy fog (resulted in 导致) a car crash on the highway.13. He (was charged with)被控告driving a car while under the influence of alcohol.14. It (was unlikely) 不可能做for him to tell her the truth that her son died in the war, because her husband just left this world last m onth.15. Who are in charge of (handing out 提出 ) these leaflets?UNIT41.It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive 敏感的to light.2.The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading com prehension,in figureclassification 分类and in the evaluation of written m aterial.3.Because they are not sufficiently 十分literate and job-prepared,som e young people can not hold a job for long.4.The boss m anaged to steer 引导the discussion away from the subject of m oney and into the topic of environm ent protection.5.Sam’s familiarity 熟悉with pop m usic is so astonishing that he can sing pop songs.6.His car broke down on the way and consequently 因此he was late for the m eeting.7.One reward 回报of doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent.8.Mary has got all the right qualifications 资格for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it.9.As college students,we should have a comm and of the fundam entals 基本原则of not only social sciences but also natural science.10.The personnel m anager said that he could not evaluate 评价 Mike's ability without actually seeing him at work11.Our trip eas a disaster.As for 就-方面the hotel,it was very dirty,wet,and cold.12.All of the participants are trained to focus their minds on聚焦details.13.Students of psychology will benefit greatly from受益于the study of literature as it provides insights into human behavior.UNIT51.I have to question the (m orality 道德)of forcing poor people to pay for their m edical treatment.2.Nothing will stop them in their(quest 追求)for truth.3.I think the way she’s been treated is a(n)(downright 完全的)disgrace.4.He(advocated 主张) taking a m ore long-term view.5.The writer, as well as his(contemporaries 当代的), was interested in the sam e subjects.6.She says he’ll com e back, but she’s (deceiving 欺骗) herself.7.Som e people think that uncontrolled econom ic growth and environm ental stability are m utually (exclusive 高级的).8.He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and (obstructing 阻塞) the course of justice.9.Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were (captured 骗得).10.A guilty (conscience 良心) prevented her from sleeping at night.11. After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and (took to 开始从事) journalism.12. His family (goes back 追溯) to the tim e of Norm an Conquest.13. It is often easier to m ake plans than to (carry)them (out) 执行.14. In defence of his policy, the Minister (pointed to 指出) the sharp decrease in road deaths.UNIT61.There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great (achievem ent 成就) .2.Your(self-esteem自尊)is your good opinion of yourself o your respect for yourself.3. It is a (prim itive 早期的) instinct to flee a place of danger.4. Later, som e of his findings (aroused 激起) m uch popular interest in his book.5.She (identified 被认可)herself with the campaign against drag abuse.6. The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a m ilitary (confrontation 对抗) .7.Your statem ent is in(conflict 冲突)with the rest of evidence.8. Most of the students have already felt the pressure of (soaring 翱翔) inflation.9. Dozens of hom es have had to be (abandoned 丢弃) as the sea has crept farther and farther inland.10.After he won the amateur championship,he return him self to a (professional 专业的)boxer.11. Go ahead with it, and we will stand by you (through thick and thin)同甘共苦 .12. Last Sunday evening we went to the school playground to (root for 支持) the school football team.13. The new evidence (backed up 支持) m y argum ent that they took advantage of the chance. .14. The garden has (belonged to 属于) our fam ily for a long tim e.15. For 12 years, we've sought to (stave off)避开this ultimate threat of disaster.UNIT71. Adams took a (succession) of jobs which have stood him in good stead.2. Is this eye-disease still (prevalent) am ong the population here?3. Older drivers are m ore likely to be seriously injured because of their (fragile) bones.4. The accident in Russia (generated) a lot of public interest in nuclear power issues.5. If we'd all work together, I think we could (accom plish) our goal.6. He was still charming, cheerful, and (graceful) even under pressure.7. The bank has (imposed) very strict conditions on the repaym ent of the loan.8. His m ade-up confident m anner is really just a way of hiding his feeling of (insecurity) .9. With the rapid developm ent of the Internet, a computer becom es a(n) (indispensable) piece of equipment for any office.10. Since it was published in the 1970s, the book has received considerable critical (acclaim) .11. The tension was naturally high for a gam e with so m uch (at stake) .12. She still (clings to) the belief that her son is alive.13. I finished m y work at five, but I'll (hang on) until half past five to m eet you.14. After 50 years of successful operation, he (turned)the business (over) to his youngest son.15. The scientist (referred to) the discovery (as) the m ost exciting new developm ent in this field.UNIT81. Though he caught a cold, he didn't hesitate to jump into the water to (rescue)解救the child from drowning.2. Young people in Asia take quite a (fancy)喜爱to Valentine's Day cards.3. The (potential)潜在的sales of the new air-conditioners are great because of their new design and high technology.4. The (dilemma 困境) the doctor faced was whether he should tell the patient the truth.5. We are (restricted)限制to 30 m iles an hour in built-up areas.6. He is a (descendant)后代of the early settlers in America.7. The intelligent and beautiful girl always becom es the object of the young m an's (affections).8. We can find various (sam ples)样本of subjects for the experim ent.9. Dam ages caused by the flood (were assessed估计) at one m illion dollars, which was a great loss for the local people.10. Com paring the original poem with the Chinese (version 翻译), one m ay find that som e charm of the poem has been lost.11. The leader's idea (has taken root) 生根in minds of his followers so they always observe and carry out his directions of their own will.12. It (turned out) 结果是that he was never there. He went back on his prom ise to be present on the spot on tim e.13. They talked a lot to one another, over the telephone and (in person)亲自his , which was helpful in prom oting their m utual understanding and maintaining their long-lasting friendship.14. He often (ran into)陷入debt, although he has a decent salary. That’s why his wife always com plained of his being able to support the family and finally left him.15. If you let m e choose, I would (prefer)喜欢 a bunch of flowers (to)甚于a Barbie Doll as m y birthday gift. 句子翻译U11.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。

第二册第一单元TEXT A牛津大学牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Passage Agorgeous [5^C:dVEs] adj.华丽的,漂亮的;令人愉快的;极好的【例句】W e had a gorgeous time. 我们玩得快活极了。
filter [5filtE] n.滤波器,过滤器,滤器vt.过滤,用过滤法除去vi.滤过,渗透;(消息)走漏【例句】Y ou need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
【词组】filter out 过滤掉;不予注意;泄露【助记】发音记忆:“非要它”→香烟的过滤嘴是非要它不可的。
【派生】filtration n.过滤;筛选illuminate [i5lju:mineit] v.照亮,用灯装饰街道;启发,启迪;说明,阐释【例句】The river was illuminated by the setting sun. 这条河被落日照亮。
【助记】il(加强语气)+lumin(给予光明)+ate(词后缀)→阐明,照亮skylight [5skaIlaIt] n.天窗【例句】He waited until he heard shots. Then he peered through the skylight,into the darkened tavern.他等到枪声响起,才透过天窗朝阴暗的酒馆内看去。

大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book4Unit2-passagea-词汇充电v. make or become different, but without changing into something 改变;变更:I didn’t recognize him because he had altered so much. 我没认出他来,因为他变了许多。
【联想】派生词alterable adj. 可改变的,可修改的。
alteration n. 变更;修改;改变。
alternate v. 变更;轮流adj.交替的;轮流的。
alternative n. 可供选择的事物。
【短语】enter into a bond with 与?订契约2 awaitv. ①(of person)wait for (sb./ sth.) ( 指人) 等候,等待( 某人/ 某物):He was awaiting for murder. 他在等待凶杀案的审判。
②be ready or waiting for (sb./sth.) 准备以待,期待( 某人/ 某物):A surprise awaits you. 有惊喜等着你。
【联想】近义词wait v. 等待。
【考题】Would you please _______ me to get ready?A. waitB. awaitC. wait forD. await for【详解】答案C。
句意:能等我准备好吗? await 是及物动词,wait 是不及物动词,await=wait for, 可说wait for sb. to do 但不可以说await sb. to do。
【短语】await sb. 等待某人3 compelv. ①make (sb.) do sth.; force 使( 某人) 做某事;强迫:He was compelled to resign. 他被迫辞职。
大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 2 Unit 4-passage a-词汇充电

1 beamv. ①to smile brightly and happily 眉开眼笑:The winner beamed with satisfaction. 优胜者满意地微笑。
②to radiate light; shine 发光,照射:The sun beamed brightly. 太阳照射。
n. ①a ray or shaft of light 光束,光柱:a radio beam 无线电波②a squared-off log, or a long piece of timber, metal, or stone used especially as a horizontal support in construction: They used a 40-foot beam for this building. 这个屋子他们用了一根40 英尺长的屋梁。
③the breadth of a ship at the widest point. 船幅:This is a steamer of fortyfeet beam. 这是一艘40 英尺宽的船。
2 bounda. ①going to or intending to go to 驶往某地的:The train is bound for Beijing. 这辆火车是驶往北京的。
②very likely, certain 很有可能的,肯定的:It is bound to rain soon. 过一会儿肯定会下雨。
③having a duty, legally or morally, to do something 负有义务的,有责任,理应⋯⋯的:You are not legally bound to answer these questions. 在法律上你没有义务非回答这些问题不可。
v. ①to move along quickly by jumping or leaping movements 跳跃,跳跃着前进:The dog bounded down the hill.那只狗跳跃着朝山下跑去。
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Aaborigine n. 澳大利亚土着居民 (6L&T)◆ abortion n. 流产,堕胎 (4a)absence n. 不在,缺席 (8a)◆ absolutely adv. 完全的;绝对的 (5b)absorb v. 吸收;吸引 (6b)academy n. 专科院校;学会;研究院 (2b)accent n. 口音 (6b)activity n. 活跃,活动 (7a)▲ addicted adj. 成瘾的 (1a)administration n. 行政管理;全体行政管理人员;政府 (2b) adopt v. 收养;过继 (4L&T)adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的 (3L&T)afterwards adv. 以后,过后,后来 (7b)◆ agony n. 痛苦 (7a)ah int. 啊,哈 (1L&T)◆ ailing adj. 不舒服,生病 (1a)air-conditioner n. 空调机 (1L&T)air-conditioning n. 空调机(系统) (1L&T)alike adj. 相同的 (6L&T)alter v. 改变,变更 (7L&T)▲ ambitious adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的 (3b)ambulance n. 救护车 (8a)ancient adj. 古代的 (6a)◆ angle n. 角 (2a)anniversary n. 周年纪念 (2L&T)anxety n. 忧虑;焦虑 (7L&T)◆ aphorism n. 警句,格言,箴言 (5a)apparently adj. 明显的 (2a)appeal (to) v. (to)吸引,对…有号召力,投…所好 (5b) appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器 (1L&T)apportion v. 分摊;分配 (2CS)appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏 (2L&T)approach n. 方式,方法 (6a)◆ Arab n. 阿拉伯人 (8b)adj. 阿拉伯的▲ arena n. 竞争场所,竞争场 (2b)argument n. 争论,辩论 (2L&T)arrangement n. 安排 (8L&T)arrest v. 逮捕 (7b)artificial adj. 人造的 (1L&T)▲ aspiration n. 强烈愿望;渴望 (8b)associate v. 联系;联想 (5a)assume v. 假设,假定 (5a)assure v. 使确信 (3a)atmosphere n. 大气(层) (1a)atom n. 原子 (2a)◆ atop prep. 在…上面 (1b)attraction n. 吸引,吸引力 (6L&T)audio adj. 听觉的;声音的 (1b)author n. 作家,作者 (3L&T)autobiography n. 自传 (2L&T)avenue n. 大街 (6b)B◆ backlash n. 反冲力;强烈反应,强烈反对 (4a) ◆ back-up n. 后备力量,备份 (7b)▲ bald adj. 秃头的;(轮胎)磨光的,破旧的 (6a) ban n. 禁令 (4b)banquet n. 宴会 (2L&T)bar n. 酒吧,吧台;条,长方块 (3a)bare adj. 赤裸的,裸露的 (8a)▲ barricade n. 路障,障碍 (8a)◆ bathtub n. 浴盆,浴缸 (3a)battery n. 电池 (1L&T)bay n. 海湾 (4a)behave v. 行为表现 (4L&T)beloved adj. 心爱的 (6b)bet v. 敢说;打赌;确信 (5b)▲ bewilder n. (使)迷惑 (8a)Bible n. <圣经> (3CS)◆ billboard n. 招贴板,广告牌 (3b)billion n. 十亿 (3a)◆ billionaire n. 亿万富翁 (4b)biological adj. 生物学的 (7L&T)◆ biologist n. 生物学家 (4b)biology n. 生物学 (4a)◆ bliss n. 无上幸福,极乐 (7a)◆ bluntly adv. 直言不讳地;坦白地 (8b) boast v. 拥有 (5CS)bomb n. 炸弹 (8a)boring adj. 令人厌烦的 (2L&T)boundary n. 分界线,边境线 (1b)▲ breakthrough n. 突破 (2b)brick n. 砖 (4b)brilliant adj. 光辉的,灿烂的 (1b)▲ buck n. (美国钱币)元,块 (5b)◆ Buddhist n. 佛教徒 (4b)▲ bust n. 逮捕 (7b)Ccabin n. 船舱;小(木)屋 (1b)◆ calculus n. 微积分 (5b)canal n. 运河 (6b)▲ caption n. 标题,解说词,字幕 (4b)carbon n. 碳 (1a)career n. 事业;生涯 (2L&T)carefree adj. 无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的 (5L&T)carpenter n. 木匠 (7B)◆ cartel n. 卡特尔,同业联盟 (7b)cast v. 投(射) (8L&T)catalog n. 目录 (3b)◆ catastrophic adj. 灾难性的 (4a)▲ Catholic adj. 天主教的 (4a)cd n. 光盘 (4L&T)ceasefire n. 停火,停战 (8L&T)charter n. 宪章 (8CS)◆ checkpoint n. 检查站 (8a)childless adj. 无儿女 (4L&T)chill v. (使)变冷,冰冷 (3b)chin n. 下巴,下颌 (4b)◆ chirp v. (尤指鸟)唧唧喳喳的叫;发出短而尖的声音 (5a)Christian n. 基督徒 (8L&T)Christmas n. 圣诞节 (4b)chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的 (2L&T) ▲ chunk n. (一)大块 (3a)circulate v. 流传;扩散 (6CS)civiladj. 公民的,民间的,国内的 (3a)civilian n. 平民 (8a)◆ clang v. (使)叮当响 (6b)classical adj. 经典的 (2b)classification n. 分类,分级 (8L&T)climate n. 气候 (1b)clone v. 无性繁殖,克隆 (4a)◆ cloner n. 从事克隆研究的科学家或医生 (4a) cm n. 厘米 (3L&T)▲ cocainen. 可卡因 (7a)coffin n. 棺材 (7CS)coincide v. 一致,符合 (6L&T)collaboration n. 合作,协作 (5CS)collapse v. 崩溃 (4b)colleaguen. 同事 (2b)◆ Colombian adj. 哥伦比亚的(7b)n. 哥伦比亚人 (4A)combat v. 跟…战斗,抗击 (4a)commence v. 开始 (5L&T)commit v. 犯(错误、罪行等) (5a)communicate v. 告知,传达;交流,交际,通讯,沟通 (1b) communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的 (1L&T)▲ compact adj. 密集的;小巧的,微型的 (3b)comparable adj. 同等的,类似的;可比的 (3b)comparison n. 比较 (6L&T)compass n. 罗盘,指南针 (2a)compensate v. 补偿 (6L&T)compete v. 竞争 (3b)complain v. 抱怨;投诉 (7L&T)complicatedadj. 复杂的;难懂的 (8b)◆ composer n. 作曲家 (4b)compromise n. 妥协;让步 (8b)con n. 反对论;反面 (3L&T)◆ conceit n. 自负;虚荣心 (5b)concentrate v. 集中(思想、注意力等) (7L&T) condemn v. 谴责 (8b)condense v. 使…浓缩,压缩 (2a)condolence n. 哀悼,吊唁 (7L&T)confer v. 授予 (2CS)conference n. 大学,会议(1L&T)confine v. 限制,禁闭 (8a)conflict n. 冲突;抵触 (8b)confront v. 面临;对抗 (4L&T)confuse v. 使混淆;使困惑 (5a)confusion n 混乱,紊乱 (7a)conscious adj. 有意识的,有知觉的 (1L&T) consequence n. 结果 (1a)constant adj. 不变的 (1L&T)consumer n. 消费者 (1a)contact n. 接触;相互联系;交往 (8b)continuous adj. 连续的,持续的 (5L&T)contract v. 订契约,签合同 (3b)contraption n. 奇妙的装置 (6L&T)contrast n. 对比 (6L&T)controversy n. 争论,争议,论战 (4a)convenience n. 方便;便利设施或用具 (1a) convince v. 使确信 (2a)coordinate n. 协调 (7b)cop n. 警察 (7b)copyright n. 版权,着作权 (3L&T)core n. 果核;核心 (6a)corporation n. 公司,企业 (3b)▲ couch n. 长沙发,长椅 (7a)counter pref. 反;平衡 (8CS)▲ counterpart n. 对手;对方 (6a)court n. 法庭 (7b)coward n. 懦夫 (5a)cowardice n. 怯懦,胆小 (8L&T)◆ cowboyn. 牛仔 (3a)crack n. 裂缝 (6a)◆ cranny n. 裂隙 (6a)create v. 创造 (2a)creativity n. 创造(力) (2L&T)◆ cubic adj. 立方体的,立方的 (3b)curiosity n. 好奇心 (2a)curl v. (头发)蜷曲;蜷曲 (7a)curriculum n. 全部课程 (5CS)curve n. 曲线 (3b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ddam n. 水坝 , 堤坝 (1L&T)◆ daze v. (使)茫然,(使)发昏 (8a)debate n. 争论,辩论 (1L&T)decade n. 十年 (1b)decent adj. (行为、态度)得体的,合适的;像样的,过得去的 (4b)deepen v. 加深 (7a)definite adj. 确切的,肯定的,明显的 (4b)definitely adv. 明确地;确切地 (2L&T)◆ deforest v. 砍伐(森林) (1a)deforestation n. 采伐森林 (1L&T)◆ deform v. 使变畸形 (4a)deliberate adj. 故意的;从容不迫的;谨慎的 (6a)democracy n. 民主(政体);民主国家 (8b)▲ democratic adj. 民主(政体)的;民主国家的 (8b)demonstrate v. 表明 (8b)dentist n. 牙科医生 (5L&T)deny v. 否认 (5b)dependence n. 依靠,依赖 (7L&T)▲ designate v. 指派,委任 (7b)designer n. 设计师 (3L&T)destination n. 目的地 (6L&T)detail n. 细节 (2a)detective n. 侦探 (7b)device n. 装置,设备 (2a)devil n. 魔王;撒旦 (7a)▲ dine v. 吃饭,进餐 (2b)◆ dioxide n. 二氧化物 (1a)directly adv. 直接地 (1b)disagree v. 不同意;意见相左 (3L&T)disappear v. 消失 (7L&T)disaster n. 灾难 (1L&T)disastrous adj. 灾难性的 (7L&T)discard v. 抛弃 (3CS)dispose v. 处理 (1L&T)dispute n. 争论,争吵 (8L&T)disrupt v. 使混乱 (8CS)distinguish v. 区别,辨别 (6L&T)distract v. 使注意力转移;使分心 (6L&T) dominate v. 支配,控制,占优势 (3b)◆ donor n. 捐赠者 (4a)◆ downwind adj. 顺风处 (1a)draft v. 征召入伍 (5b)drift v. (使)漂流 (8a)drought n. 干旱 (1L&T)drunk adj. 醉酒的 (8L&T)dynamite n. 炸药 (2CS)dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 (6L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eecological adj. 生态(学)的 (1L&T)economy n. 经济;节约 (6a)◆ ecosystem n. 生态系统 (1a)◆ ecstasy n. 狂喜;摇头丸 (7a)editor n. 编辑 (2b)educate v. 教育 (5b)efficiency n. 效率 (1L&T)efficient adj. 有效率的 (6a)Egyptian n. 埃及人 (2b)adj. 埃及人的elaborate adj. 详尽而复杂的;精心制作的 (3a)electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (7L&T)elegant adj. 优雅的 (2b)element n. 成份;要素 (1a)eliminate v. 消除 (8L&T)elite n. 精英;杰出人物 (3L&T)embarrassment n. 窘迫 (7L&T)embrace v. 拥抱;接受(观点) (4a)◆ embryo n. 胚胎 (4a)◆ emotionally adv. 情感地;动感情地 (8b)▲ energetic adj. 精力充沛的 (6a)enforce v. 执行,执法 (8L&T)◆ enforcement n. 强制,实施 (7b)engrave v. 雕刻;刻印 (7CS)enlightenment n. 启发 (6L&T)◆ enrage v. 激怒 (8b)▲ enroll v. 入学,加入;招收 (6b)▲ entertain v. 使…快乐,给…娱乐 (6b)◆ enthrall v. 迷住,吸引住 (6b)entrepreneur n. 企业家 (3L&T)environment n. 环境 (5a)equation n. 等式 (1a)◆ erode v. (酸、雨等)侵蚀;腐蚀;使…减少、减弱或消失 (2a)erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀 (1L&T)▲ essence n. 本质,精髓 (8b)ethical adj. 合乎道德的;伦理的 (4CS) ethnic adj. 种族的 (8L&T)European a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 (2a)evaluate v. 估价 (2L&T)evaporate v. 蒸发 (6b)eve n. 前夜,前夕 (1a)evidence n. 证据 (4b)evident adj. 明显的;清楚的 (2a)exceed v. 超过,超出;超出界线 (3a)excerpt n. 摘录 (8L&T)excessive adj. 过多的,过度的 (3a)execute v. 处死,处决;执行 (4a)executive n. 经理,管理人员 (7b)exhaust v. 用尽;耗尽 (3b)existence n. 存在 (8b)expert n. 专家 (1b)◆ exploitation n. 开采 (1a)expose v. 使知道 (7a)extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的 (1CS)◆ extraordinarily adv. 格外的 (5B)extreme adj. 最远的,最外边的;极度的 (3L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ffaculty n. 全体教员 (2b)fake n. 假货,赝品 (3L&T)fame n. 声誉,名望 (4a)faucet n. 水龙头 (1L&T)favorite adj. 最受喜爱的 (3L&T)▲ feast n. 盛宴 (6b)▲ feat n. 功绩;壮举;绝技 (6A)feature v. 给某人或某事物以显着地位 (5B)female adj. 女(性)的;雌的 (4L&T)◆ fertility n. 繁殖力 (4a)fierce adj. 激烈的,猛烈的,凶猛的 (6b)fighter n. 战士;战斗机 (8a)finally adv. 最后,终于 (7a)flagship n. 王牌产品 (6CS)fleece n. 羊毛 (2L&T)flesh n. 肉 (4b)flexible adj. 灵活的 (5L&T)float v. (使)漂浮 (3a)focus v. 集中(注意力) (1b)◆ forefront n. 最前线;最前方 (2b)formal adj. 正式的 (5L&T)formula n. 配方 (3CS)forum n. 论坛,讨论会 (1L&T)▲ fossil n. 化石 (1a)fraternity n. 友爱;互助会 (2CS)▲ fraud n. 欺骗 (5a)◆ fraught adj. 充满…的 (8b)fridge n. 冰箱 (3b)frog n. 蛙,青蛙 (1b)frown v. 皱眉头 (3a)functional adj. (具有某种)功能的 (3L&T) fundamental adj. 基础的;最重要的 (2a)G◆ gang n. 人群,队伍;一群罪犯 (7b)gap n. 空白;间隙 (2L&T)gaper n. 目瞪口呆的人 (5a)garbage n. 垃圾,废物 (1L&T)gas n. 气体 (1L&T)gene n. 基因 (4a)genetic adj. 遗传的 (7L&T)genius n. 天赋;天才,才子 (2a)genuine adj. 真正的 (8b)▲ geology n. 地质学 (2b)geometry n. 几何学 (2a)global adj. 全球的 (1a)◆ gourmet adj. (食品)精美的 (5b)govern v. 统治;治理 (8L&T)grammar n. 语法 (5b)◆ greed n. 贪心,贪婪 (1a)greenhouse n. 花房,温室 (1a)◆ groundbreaking adj. 开辟新视野的,首创的 (2b) guilt n. 内疚 (7L&T)◆ gung ho adj. (美俚)非常热切的 (5b)guts n. 勇气;决心 (5L&T)guy n. 家伙,人 (4b)Hhalt v. 停止,中断 (4L&T)handful n. 少数(人) (2b)◆ handshake n. 握手 (8b)◆ hang-up n. (感情上)摆脱不掉的烦恼、困难 (4a) ◆ hard-bitten adj. 经过锻炼的,铁石心肠的 (5a) harm n. 伤害,损害 (7L&T)harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的 (1L&T)◆ harmless adj. 无害的 (7a)haste n. 动作迅速 (5a)headquarters n. 总部 (3b)heartbroken adj. 心碎的;悲伤的 (3L&T) heel n. 脚后跟 (3L&T)helicopter n. 直升飞机 (6A)hell n. 地狱 (8a)hence adv. 因此,从此 (1L&T)hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的 (8L&T)hijack v. 抢劫;劫机 (8L&T)hike v. 远足 (4L&T)hint n. 暗示 (7b)historic adj. 有历史意义的 (5a)holy adj. 神圣的 (8b)horrible adj. 令人恐惧的,恐怖的 (2a) host n. 主人,东道主 (1L&T)household adj. 家庭的 (6b)◆ hum v. 发出嗡嗡声 (3b)humor n. 幽默 (1b)IID n. 身份 (5L&T)▲ identification n. 鉴定,证明 (8a)identify v. 识别;辩明 (8L&T)◆ idiomatic adj. 成语的,习语的 (5a)▲ idiot n. 白痴 (5b)◆ idyllic adj. 田园诗般的;质朴宜人的 (5b)ignorance n. 无知 (6L&T)ignorant adj. 无知的 (6L&T)illegal adj. 违法的,不合法的 (3L&T)illicit adj. 违法的 (8L&T)illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的 (8L&T)illuminate v. 照亮 (8CS)▲ illusion n. 幻觉,错觉 (7a)imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,虚构的 (2L&T)immigrant n. 移民 (3a)◆ immortality n. 永生 (4a)◆ implant v. 灌输,注入 ( 思想等 ) ;移植,植入 (4a)imply v. 暗示 (5L&T)import v. 输入,进口 (3a)incident n. 事件;(含有战斗、爆炸等暴力行为)的事变 (7b) ◆ inclination n. 倾向 (5b)◆ indicator n. (测量器的)指针;指标 (1b)indifference n. 不关心,冷漠 (8a)inequality n. 不平等,不平均 (8L&T)◆ inexhaustible adj. 取之不竭的,用不完的 (1a)influence n. 影响 (1L&T)◆ inhale v. 吸入 (8a)initially adv. 最初,开头 (8a)innocent adj. 无罪的 (7b)innovative adj. 创新的 (5L&T)◆ inscription n. 铭文,碑文,题字 (8a)insecure adj. 无把握的,不肯定的 (3L&T)insight n.. 洞察力 (2a)install v. 安装 (1L&T)instance n. 事例,实例 (2a)instinct n. 本能,直觉,天性 (4a)institute n.. 学院,研究所 (2b)▲ intellect n. 智力,聪明才智 (6L&T)intelligence n. 智力,才智,领悟力 ( 与感情及本能相对 ) (6L&T) internal adj. 内在的;内部的 (8L&T)◆ intimacy n. 亲密 (6b)intricate adj. 复杂的,错综的 (6CS)intrinsic adj. 固有的 (5CS)invent n. 发明;虚构;捏造 (6a)investigation n. 调查 (2b)invisible adj. 看不见的,无形的 (2a)◆ irrational adj. 不理性的,不合理的 (4a)◆ Islamic adj.. 伊斯兰教的 (6a)isolate v. 使…孤立,使…隔离 (1a)Israeli adj. 以色列的 (8a)issue n. 装备;配给物 (7b)v. 颁布;分配,发给issue n. 论点,问题;装备,配给物 (4L&T)v. 发行,颁布;分配Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语 (4a)adj. 意大利的;意大利人的;意大利语的▲ ivory n. 象牙 (3a)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jjeepney n. 吉普尼 (6L&T)◆ jellaba n. 带风帽的外衣 (6a)◆ Jewish adj. 犹太人的;犹太教的 (8b)◆ jot v. 匆匆记下 (5a)◆ jumpy adj. 紧张的,易被惊吓的 (8a)junior n. 大学三年级 (5b)Kkeenly adv. 敏锐地 (6L&T)kid n. 小孩;年轻人 (3b)kidney n. 肾脏 (4L&T)kit n. 配套工具;配套元件 (5CS)Llabyrinth n. 迷宫 (6a)lambkin n. 小羊 (4CS)lamby adj. 羔羊似的 (4CS)landmark n. 地标 (3CS)lane n. 小路,小巷 (6a)laser n. 激光 (2b)latter adj. (两者中)后者的 (3a)laundry n. 要洗的衣物 (3CS)laureate n. 折桂的人,获得桂冠的人 (2L&T) law-abiding adj. 守法的 (3L&T)leadership n. 领导,领导之地位;领导阶层 (7b) learning curve n. 学习曲线 (3B)leftover adj. 剩下的 (3a)lengthwise adv. 纵向地 (6L&T)lieutenant n. 尉级军官 (7b)likely adv. 很可能 (7L&T)likewise adv. 同样地,照样地 (8L&T)linger v. 徘徊,留恋;逡巡 (8a)linguistic a. 语言学的 (5a)liter n. 公升 (1L&T)liver n. 肝脏 (4L&T)lobby n. 大厅 (6a)local adj. 地方的 (7b)log n. 原木 (1b)lord n. 对贵族的尊称;勋爵 (5b)loser n. 失败者 (7L&T)loyal adj. 忠诚的,忠心的 (3b)luggage n. 行李 (6L&T)luxury n. 奢侈,奢华;奢侈品 (3b)M◆ mainstream n. (思想或行为之)主流 (3b)male adj. 男性的;雄的 (6a)▲ mall n. 购物中心;商业大街 (8a)◆ mandate n. 授权 (8b)manifestation n. 表明;显示 (8CS)manner n. 举止 (6b)manufacture n. 用机器制造(尤指在大量的) (3a) ◆ maple n. 枫树 (1b)▲ marble n. 大理石 (3a)marshal n. 最高指挥官,元帅;(美)司法官,联邦司法区执法官 (7b) ▲ masterpiece n. 杰作 (6a)media n. 媒体 (4b)Mediterranean adj. 地中海的;地中海沿岸的 (2b)melt v. 使融化,使熔化 (2L&T)◆ methodically adv. 有条不紊的 (2a)metronome n. 节拍器 (7CS)microphone n. 麦克风,扩音器 (2L&T)mild adj. 柔和的,温柔的 (3a)military adj. 军事的 (8a)mill v. 磨;碾;冶炼(金属) (6a)millimeter n. 毫米 (7b)▲ miniature adj. 极小的 (3a)◆ minibar n. 小冷柜(尤指酒柜) (3b)minority n. 少数民族 ; 少数人 (8L&T)miracle n. 奇迹,不可思议的事 (4a)◆ miscarriage n. 流产 (4a)misery n. 痛苦 (6L&T)mislead v. 误导 (5a)modest adj. 谦逊的;不多的,不大的,适中的,适度的 (3a)◆ molecular adj. 分子的;由分子组成的 (2b)molecule n. 分子 (2b)◆ monastery n. 修道院,僧院,寺院 (4b)moral adj. 道德上的,伦理的 (4a)◆ mosque n. 清真寺 (6a)◆ motivation n. 动机 (7a)mount v. 为…作准备mournful adj. 悲哀的◆ multi adj. <前缀> 许多 (7b)muscle n. 肌肉 (7L&T)musician n. 音乐家 (7L&T)Muslim n. 穆斯林,伊斯兰教徒 (8L&T)mysterious adj. 神秘的 (4L&TNnarcotic n. 麻醉药,致幻毒品 (7CS)naturally adv. 自然地 (5a)▲ naughty adj. (指小孩或其行为)顽皮的,淘气的 (3a)nearby adj. 附近的,近旁的 (7b)neighborhood n. 近邻,街坊,街区 (7b)◆ niche n. 壁龛(通常用于放雕塑等艺术品);(适当的)地方,工作,位置等(3b)niche market n. 定位市场nightmare n. 噩梦 (7a)nominate v. 提名 (2L&T)nomination n. 提名 (2L&T)◆ nook n. 旮旯 (6a)noticeable adj. 显而易见的 (4L&T)notion n. 观念,概念 (3a)novel n. 小说 (3L&T)numerous adj. 为数众多的;极多的 (8b)▲ nurture v. 养育 (1a)nut n. 坚果 (4b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oobservant adj. 观察力敏锐的 (6L&T)occupation n. 占领 (8a)opera n. 歌剧 (3a)oppose v. 反对;反抗 (8b)optimistic adj. 乐观的 (4CS)organ n. [生理] 器官 (4L&T)organization n. 团体,组织,机构,社团 (3b)orient v. 确定方位 (6L&T)outermost adj. 最外面的;最远的 (4CS)◆ outflank v. 侧翼包剿;出奇制胜 (3b)◆ outline n. 提纲;概要 (5b)outskirts n. 边界,(尤指)城市的郊区 (6a)overcome v. 战胜,打败,克服,压倒 (8a)overdose n. 服药过量 (7L&T)overflow v. 溢出 (1L&T)overtake v. 追上,赶上;(在感情上)压倒 (1b)▲ overwhelm v. (水)淹没;使…不知所措 (8a)ovum n. 卵(子) (4CS)oxygen n. 氧,氧气 (1a)P◆ Pakistani n. 巴基斯坦人 (5a)◆ Palestinian adj. 巴勒斯坦的 (8a)n. 巴勒斯坦人paparazzo n. 专门追逐名人的记者或摄影师 (7L&T) ◆ paranoia n. 偏执狂,妄想狂 (7a)particular adj. 特定的,特有的 (1A)partner n. 合伙人,伙伴 (6b)◆ partnership n. 合作关系;伙伴关系 (8b)◆ pasty adj. (脸色)苍白的,不健康的 (7a)patent n. 专利(权) (2CS)patience n. 耐性,忍耐力,耐心 (2a)◆ peak v. 达到高峰 (2a)peculiar adj. 奇怪的,古怪的;特有的;独具的 (5a)pedal v. 蹬自行车 (6L&T)pension n. 养老金,抚恤金 (5L&T)perception n. 感知,理解 (7L&T)◆ perestroika n.. (前苏联的)经济改革 (6b)perpetrator n. 罪犯 (8CS)persist v. 坚持 (2L&T)persistence n.. 坚持不懈 (2L&T)perspiration n. 汗水 (2L&T)pessimistic adj. 悲观的,厌世的 (8L&T)petroleum n. 石油 (1a)phenomenon n. 现象;非凡的或特殊的人、物、事件等 (3a) philosopher n. 哲学家 (5b)philosophically adv. 哲学地 (6L&T)philosophy n. 哲学 (5b)photocopy n. 影印件 (3L&T)physicist n. 物理学家 (2L&T)physiology n. 生理学 (2CS)pirate v. 盗印 , 盗版 (3L&T)▲ pistol n. 手枪 (7b)planet n. 行星 (1a)plastic n. 塑料 (1L&T)pledge v. 保证给予(支持等) (3A)plunge v. 匆忙着手 (5L&T)policy n. (尤指政府、政党、公司等的)方针;政策 (8b) polish v. 完善 (5L&T)politician n. 政治家 (8b)pollute v. 污染 (1L&T)polymer n. (高分子)聚合物 (2L&T)pop adj. 流行的 (7L&T)portrait n. 肖像,人像 (4b)positive adj. 肯定的 (6b)◆ postdoctoral adj. 博士后的 (2b)pot n. 大麻 (7A)powder n. 粉 (3a)practically adv. 实际地;几乎,简直 (4b)pragmatic adj. 实际的;注重实效的 (6CS)◆ prairie n. 大草原 (1b)prayer n. 祈祷;祈祷文 (8b)predominant adj. 占优势的,占主导地位的 (4CS)preferable adj. 更可取的;更好的 (8b)preference n. 偏爱 (3L&T)◆ pregnancy n. 怀孕 (4a)pressure n. 压力 (5L&T)◆ prestigious adj. 有声望的 (2b)prestigious adj. 有名望的,有威信的 (1CS)prime adj. 主要的;最重要的 (8b)prime adj. 主要的;最重要的 (8B)priority n. 优先(权),重点;优先考虑的事 (1a) ▲ probe v. 探索;探察 (2b)product n. 产品 (1a)profit n. 利润 (1L&T)◆ prohibit v. (以法令)禁止;取缔 (4a)proliferation n. 增殖;扩散 (8L&T)prolong v. 延长,拖延 (4L&T)◆ prolonged n. 长时期的;持续很久的 (8b)prominent adj. 重要的;着名的 (5CS)promote v. 使…晋升;促进 (8b)◆ prospekt n. 大街,大道 (6b)Protestant n. 新教徒 (8L&T)◆ p roverb n. 谚语,格言 (5a)pulse n. 脉搏 (7a)◆ punctually adv. 守时地, 如期地 (6a)▲ purify n. 使…纯净,净化 (1a)puzzle v. 使…迷惑;使…为难 (5a)◆ pyramid n. 金字塔 (6a)Qqualify v. (使)合格,有资格 (5a)quantum n. [物] 量子 (2L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rrack v. 使…遭受痛苦或烦恼 (5a)raid n. 突袭,搜捕 (7b)rally n. 大会;集会 (8b)random n. 随意,任意 (8L&T)▲ rape n. 强奸(罪) (7b)rat n. 老鼠 (7L&T)ratification n. 批准,认可 (8CS)ready-made adj. 现成的 (5b)rear adj. 后面 (5a)recommendation n. 推荐 (2L&T)reconciliation n. 和解 (8L&T)recycle v. 使再循环,回收利用 (1L&T)refine v. 变得优雅 (6L&T)refresh v. 唤起(记忆) (5b)regulation n. 规章,规则;调控 (4a)relativity n. 相对性;相对论 (2a)relax v. 放松,松驰 (5L&T)relaxation n. 放松;松弛 (5L&T)release n. 释放,放出 (1a)relief n. 放心;宽慰 (6a)remedy n. 治疗,疗法 (4L&T)renewable adj. 可更新的,可再生的 (1L&T) renowned adj. 有名的,有声誉的 (6CS)repeatedly adv. 再三地,反复地 (7a)repetition n. 重复,再次发生 (8a)replacement n. 替换 (4L&T)reporter n. 记者 (4b)represent v. 代表;相当于; 意味着 (4a)representative n. 代表 (8b)◆ reproductive adj. 生殖的 (4a)reputation n. 名誉,名声 (3a)◆ requiem n. 安魂曲,挽歌 (4b)▲ resemblance n. 相似之处,雷同之处 (4b)residence n. 住所 (1b)resident n. 居民 (6b)resist v. 抵抗 , 反抗 (7L&T)resort v. 向…求助 (5a)respective adj. 分别的;各自的 (2L&T)respond v. 回应 (2a)responsible adj. 作为…根源或原因 (7L&T)◆ responsibly adv. 可靠地,可信赖地 (7a)◆ retailer n. 零售商(人) (3b)retaliate v. 报复 (8L&T)retire v. 退休 (2b)retirement n. 退休 (5L&T)retreat v. 规避,退缩 (5a)reveal v. 展现,揭示 (3L&T)revenue n. (公司)收入,国家税收 (3b)rickshaw n. 人力车,黄包车 (6L&T)ridiculous adj. 荒谬的 (3L&T)rigorously adv. 严格地;严肃地;严厉地 (8L&T) rip v. 敲竹杠 (6L&T)risk n. 危险,风险 (4a)rival v. 与…匹敌,与…抗衡 (3a)◆ robbery n. 抢劫行为,抢劫案 (7b)royal adj. 皇家的 (2b)rural adj. 乡村的,有乡村特色的 (7a)Russian n. 俄语;俄国人adj. 俄国的,俄国人的 (6b)Ssacrifice n. 牺牲 (8L&T)salary n. 薪水 (3L&T)sandbar n. 沙洲 (6CS)◆ sanity v. 心志健全,神志清楚 (7a)scan n. 审视,扫描 (7a)Scandinavian n. 斯堪的纳维亚人 (2CS)scar n. 伤痕,疤痕 (4L&T)scenery n. 风景,景色 (6L&T)screen n. 屏幕 (7L&T)secrecy n. 保密;秘密状态 (4a)◆ sensitivity n. 敏感(性),灵敏(度) (1b)sequence n. 次序,顺序 (2L&T)▲ serial n. 连载小说,连续剧 (3a)◆ shampoo n. 香波,洗发剂,洗涤剂 (3a)shell v. 轰炸 (8a)shelter v. 庇护,掩蔽 (6b)sheriff n. 警长 (7CS)shortage n. 短缺 (1L&T)showcase n. 陈列橱窗 (3CS)◆ showman n. 擅长作戏剧性表演的人;善于引起公众注意的人 (4a) sigh v. 叹息 (6a)signature n. 签名,署名 (4L&T)simplicity n. 简单,朴实,率直 (2a)◆ simplistic adj. 简化的 (2a)◆ siren n. 警报器 (8a)site n. 场所 (6a)skeleton n. 骨架,骨骼 (4L&T)ski v. 滑雪 (4L&T)skin-tone n. 肤色 (6L&T)skip v. 跳过 (4L&T)◆ sleek adj. 光亮的,闪耀的 (3b)slip n. 小(纸)条 (5a)smash v. 打碎;撞毁 (3b)snail n. 蜗牛 (3L&T)▲ sober adj. 清醒的;未醉的 (1b)sociologist n. 社会学家 (4L&T)soften v. (使)变柔软;(使)变柔和 (6a) solar adj. 太阳的 (1L&T)sole adj. 唯一的,仅有的 (4a)solve v. 解决(解答) (8b)somewhat adv. 有几分,粗略,有点 (7a)◆ sonata n. 奏鸣曲 (4b)source n. 来源 (1a)spare adj. 备用的 (6a)spark v. 激发 (2a)species n. (植物或动物的)品种,种类 (1b)specific adj. 明确的,具体的;特定的,特有的 (1a) ◆ sperm n. 精子 (4a)spill v. (使)溢出,(使)溅出 (8a)spite v. 损人 (8L&T)split v. 砍开,劈开,切开;分开 (7b)spokesman n. 发言人,代言人 (3b)sponsor v. 赞助 (3a)spotless adj. 一尘不染的,无瑕疵的 (3a)◆ squirrel n. 松鼠 (8a)stable n. 马厩;牛棚 (8a)stack n. 一摞,一叠 (1L&T)◆ stainless adj. 不锈的 (3b)staircase n. 楼梯 (6b)stamp v. 重踩,踏 (4A)stardom n. 明星地位 (7L&T)starve v. 使挨饿,饿死 (1L&T)status n. 身份,地位;威望,名望 (3a)stimulation n. 激励,刺激 (7L&T)◆ stink v. 发出恶臭;水平低,质量极差 (5b)stir n. 使…动,搅动;激起 (2a)stir v. 轰动 (4a)stove n. 火炉 (2a)◆ straddle v. 跨骑 (6b)strategic adj. 战略的 (3CS)strategy n. 战略,策略 (1a)stressful adj. 产生压力的;紧迫的 (7L&T) stretch v. 伸展 (6b)string n. 细绳;一系列,一连串 (4a)structure n. 结构 (2a)studio n. 画室;摄影室 (1b)stuff n. 东西 ; 材料 (3L&T)▲ stump v. 使…为难,难倒 (5b)sturdy adj. 强健的,结实的 (3L&T)style n. 风格,方式 (1L&T)stylish adj. 时髦的 (3L&T)submit v. 使屈服,使服从 (8L&T)subsidize v. 补贴 (5CS)substance n. 物质 (7L&T)▲ subtle adj. 细致的,微妙的 (1b)subway n. 地道, < 美 > 地铁 (6L&T)suicide n. 自杀 (7L&T)survive v. 存活 (1b)suspect n. 嫌疑犯 (7b)▲ suspicious adj. 怀疑的,可疑的 (5a)sweat v. 出汗n. 汗,汗水 (1L&T)sweater n. 毛线衫 (2L&T)Swede n. 瑞典人 (2b)swift adj. 急速的,飞快的 (2b)swipe n. 猛击,重击 (6L&T)syllabus n. 课程大纲 (5CS)symposium n. 研讨会,专题讨论会 (1L&T) ◆ syrup n. 糖浆,糖水 (1b)system n. 系统,体系 (1L&T)Ttackle v. 处理,解决 (8L&T)tank n. 油箱,大罐;坦克 (8a)target v. 瞄准;以…为目标 (3b)◆ teenage adj. 十几岁的 (6a)tendency n. 趋向,倾向 (4L&T)◆ tenure n. 终身职位 (2b)territory n. 领土 (8a)testament n. 遗嘱 (2CS)◆ theorem n. 定理,法则 (2a)theory n. 理论 (2a)throat n. 咽喉 (5a)throb v. 抽痛,有规律地跳动 (7a)▲ tick v. 滴答作响 (6b)toad n. 蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆 (4CS)toast n. 干杯 (6b)◆ toehold n. (攀岩时的)立足点;立足点;(发展的)起点 (3b) tone n. 音色,音质 (1b)◆ tongue-tied adj. (由于紧张,为难等)说不出话来的 (5a) ◆ toothpaste n. 牙膏 (3a)◆ toothpick n. 牙签 (3a)◆ torpedo v. 破坏 (8b)tough a. 坚强的,吃苦耐劳的;严格的,强硬的 (4a)▲ trademark n. 商标 (3a)▲ transition n. 转变,过渡 (2b)transplant n. 移植 (4L&T)trap v. 设陷阱,诱捕;挡住,拦住 (1a)◆ tread v. 在…上走;践踏 (1a)treatment v. 对待;治疗 (4a)tribal adj. 部落的,种族的 (8L&T)tricycle n. 三轮车 (6L&T)◆ trolley n. 手推车 (3b)trunk n. 汽车后面的行李箱 (6a)◆ tubful n. 一桶,一盆 (3a)◆ tumultuous adj. 喧闹的,骚乱的 (2b)◆ twilight n. 黄昏 (6b)twin n. 双胞胎中的一个,双生子女 (4b)◆ twinkle v. 闪烁 (6b)twist v. 扭,拧 (2a)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uultimate adj. 最后的,最终的 (2a)unbreakable adj. 牢不可破的 (2L&T)undercut v. 廉价出售 (3L&T)underground adj. 在地(面)下 (6L&T)underwear n. 内衣 (3L&T)unequivocally ad. 明确地,不含糊地 (8CS)unfortunate adj. 不幸的,不吉利的 (7L&T)unhealthy adj. 不健康的 (3L&T)unique adj. 独特的 (8L&T)universe n. 宇宙 (2a)◆ uprising n. 起义 (8a)urge n. 强烈的渴求 (1b)usage n. 语言惯用法 (5b)useless adj. 无用的 (3L&T)Vvague adj. 模糊的 (5a)vain adj. 徒劳的;无效益的 (7CS) venture n. 冒险 (7b)vice versa adv. 反之亦然 (4L&T) violation n. 违反,违背 (8L&T)violence n. 暴力(行为) (7b)violin n. 小提琴 (4b)◆ vodka n. 伏特加酒 (6b)vs prep. 与…相对 (2L&T)vulnerable adj. 易受伤害的 (8L&T) W▲ warrant adj. 逮捕令;搜查令 (7b)◆ warrior v. 战士,武士,勇士 (7b)weapon n. 武器 (8L&T)◆ weird adj. 古怪的,奇异的 (1b)welfare n. 福利 (5L&T)◆ whimper v. 呜咽 (5a)◆ windshield n. 挡风玻璃 (6a)wisdom n. 智慧 (1a)witty adj. 机智的 (2L&T)wow int. (表示惊叹、羡慕)哎哟!哇! (1L&T) wrap v. 包(装) (4L&T)Yyam n. 薯蓣,山药 (6L&T)yeah adv. <口语> 是 (1L&T)youngster n. 年轻人 (5L&T)。