
精心整理世界名牌大学的英语名字1.Harvard University, USA美国哈佛大学5.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA美国麻省理工学院(MIT)6.California Institute of Technology, USA美国加州理工学院7.Princeton University, USA美国学12.Cornell University, USA美国康奈尔大学13.University of California-San Diego, USA美国加州大学圣地亚哥分17.University of California-San Francisco, USA美国加州大学旧金山分校18.University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA美国威斯都大学22.Johns Hopkins University, USA美国约翰·霍普金斯大学23.Imperial College London, UK英国伦敦帝国学院Technology, Zurich Switzerland瑞士联邦理工学院(苏黎世)28.Washington University in ST. Louis, USA圣路易斯华盛顿大学29.Rockefeller University, USA美国Cities, USA美国明尼苏达大学(双子城)34.University of Colorado - Boulder USA 美国科罗拉多大学(波德校区)35.University of California - Santa38.Vanderbilt University, USA 美国范德比尔特大学39.University of Utrecht, Netherlands 荷兰乌得勒支大学40.University of Texas at Austin,44.Rutgers State University - New Brunswick, USA 美国罗特格斯州立大学新布朗思维克分校45.Technical University of Munich, Germany 德国慕尼黑理工大学Pittsburgh USA 美国匹兹堡大学(匹兹堡)50.University of Southern California, USA 美国南加州大学51.University of Munich, GermanyUSA美国加州大学厄文分校56.University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill USA美国北卡罗来纳大学(教堂山分校)57.University of Maryland61.McGill University, Canada加拿大麦克吉尔大学62.Carnegie Mellon University, USA美国卡耐基梅隆大学63.University of Leiden,67.University of Florida, USA美国佛罗里达大学68.University of Oslo, Norway挪威奥斯陆大学69.Tohoku University, Japan日本73.Ohio State University-Columbus, USA美国俄亥俄州立大学(哥伦布)74.Uppsala University, Sweden瑞典乌普萨拉大学79.University of Goettingen, Germany德国古腾堡大学80.Michigan State University, USA 美国密歇根州立大学81.University of Nottinghan, UK英Paris France法国巴黎高等师范学院86.Boston University, USA美国波士顿大学87.University of Vienna, Austria奥地利维也纳大学92.Lund University, Sweden瑞典兰德大学93.University of Birmingham, UK 英国伯明翰大学94.University of Rome- La瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学99.Tufts University, USA美国塔夫茨大学100.University of Bonn, Germany 德国波恩大学。

第三阶段:在前两个阶段的基础上,运用多种教学手段让孩子们熟练运用 phonics 。
在掌握了phonics 后,孩子的认字能力会大大提高,能够进行自由阅读。



哈佛大学英文介绍 PPT

dining hall
the current president of Harvard University
Drew G. Faust
➢Harvard's first woman president ➢an outstanding historian
her experiences:
born in a traditional family in Virginia on September 18, 1947(a rich family)
got her doctorate from Pennsylvania University(宾夕法尼 亚大学 )in1975 began to teach in Harvard in 2001 held a post as a president in July 2007
It is very hard to be happy if we use most time to do the things that we do not like.
the world’s fourth largest ‘megalibraries’ (The first three are the library of Congress, British Library and Bibliotheque Nationale(French) ) has got the most donation of all research institution

在哈佛,教授们会时帯提醒学生 们要做好时间管理。在人生癿道 路上,佝停步丌前,但有人却在 拼命赶路。也许当佝站立癿时候, 他还在佝癿后面向前追赶,但当 佝再一回望时,已看丌到他癿身 影了,因为,他已经跑到佝癿前 面了,需要佝来追赶他了。所以, 佝丌能停步,佝要丌断向前,丌 断赸赹。
• 成功不安逸是丌可兼得 癿,选择了其一,就必 定放弃另一个结局。今 天丌劤力,明天必定遭 罪。哈佛告诉它癿学生: “学习时癿痛苦是暂时 癿,未学到癿痛苦是终 生癿。”
只有最聪明癿天才学生可以在两三年内读完这32门诼,一般癿学生光应付4 门诼就已经忙得头晕脑涨了,因为在诼埻上教授们讲癿飞忚,丌管佝听得懂 听丌懂,诼下又留下一大埼阅读材料,读丌完佝根本就完成丌了作丒。
那个北大女孩说,我在这里一个星期癿阅读量是我在北大一年癿阅读量,而 丏,在哈佛癿作丒量要求很大,她说,我们诼后要花很多时间看书,预习案 例。每埻诼都需要提前做大量癿准备,诼前准备充分了,上诼时才能在诼埻 上呾别人交流,贡献您癿个人思想,才能呾大家一起学习,否则,佝是无法 融入到诼埻癿教学中癿,当每个学生都投入了时间认真准备了,才可以忚速 推迚诼埻讨论癿迚程,而之前如果丌读那么多癿书,佝就无法参加到诼埻讨 论之中。
哈佛大学(英语:Harvard University)是一所位于美国马萨 诸塞州的私立研究型大学,为常春 藤盟校成员之一。最初于1636年 由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关立案 成立。该机构在1639年3月13日 为感谢一名牧师约翰·哈佛的捐赠 而命名为哈佛学院,1780年哈佛 学院更名为哈佛大学。至今,哈佛 大学是一所在世界上享有顶尖学术 地位、声誉、财富和影响力的教育 机构,并获誉为是美国政府的思想 库。
美国教育通过让孩子感悟比中国教育多产生了一个东西:智慧。美国学 生比中国学生多产生了一个东西:创新能力。在高中时期,美国学校培 养癿是自主学习癿习惯。而比较中国,中国癿高中是老师填鸭式学习, 让学生习惯了依赖。能力、习惯上癿差距,让中国学生不美国学生在大 学选择了丌同癿生活方式呾态度。
哈佛英语完形填空与阅读理解巧学精练 九年级+中考

哈佛英语完形填空与阅读理解巧学精练九年级+中考1.引言1.1 介绍哈佛英语完形填空与阅读理解巧学精练的重要性和普遍性哈佛英语完形填空与阅读理解巧学精练是提高英语语言能力的重要途径,广泛应用于各级各类英语考试中,包括九年级和中考英语考试。
1.2 强调提高英语语言能力的重要性在当今社会,具备良好的英语语言能力可以为我们的未来发展打下坚实的基础。
1.3 提出文章的目的和结构本文的目的是为了帮助学生提高英语语言能力,特别是在完形填空和阅读理解方面。

简而言之,叫“浸泡1+5”- 它包含两层内容:1. 把自己浸泡在英语的文章和语音中。
2. 每天找一篇文章,做5项功课- 精读+朗读+复述+录音+翻译。
复述- 可以加强口头表达能力,练习把书面表达转化成口头陈述的能力。
录音- 每次说到录音,很多学生问我,我朗读就行了,为什么还要录音?听清楚了: 如果不录音,你根本不知道你自己朗读的“真相”。



哈佛大学(Harvard University)是美国历史最悠久的一流学府之一,坐落于马萨诸塞州剑桥,隔查尔斯河与波士顿相望。
Harvard University (Harvard University) is the longest in U.S. history one of the first-class academic institution, is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at Boston and across the Charles River. Harvard University has two colleges to recruit students, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, which recruited the students about half of all students at Harvard University. Ivy Harvard University is one of the school.哈佛大学创建于1636年,原称剑桥学院。
出生于伦敦的英国牧师约翰·哈佛(John Harvard,英国剑桥大学毕业) 于1637年由英国到此新建的学院内工作,由于工作很积极,得到好评。
Harvard University, founded in 1636, formerly known as Cambridge College. Born in London, the British minister John Harvard (John Harvard, graduating from the University of Cambridge in England) in 1637 by the British Institute in this new work, the work is very positive, be praised. He will all of its collections and half of these assets donated to the institute, the school be renamed the Harvard University. 1638 summer school at only one school teachers, a Muban Fang and a "School House."哈佛创建初期是由教会主办的,但在头200年中,就逐渐地摆脱了宗教和政治的控制。

• To thanks the college in its early years to give generous support pastor John Harvard, in March 1639 was renamed Harvard College; 1780, officially renamed Harvard University. • (为纪念在成立初给予学院支持的约翰·哈佛牧师,于1639年3月更名为哈佛学
• • • • •
Introduce History Library The presidents from Harvard The beautiful place
Do you know the first university in American history?
DO you know this school sign ?
Harvard University Museum of natural history
The scenery in Harvard University is very beautiful
The statue
Some church
The library of Harvard University • The largest collection in the world, the largest university library, in the development of more than 400 years, has a total collection volume 15000000
世界上藏书最多、规模最大的大学图书馆,在四百多年的发展中,共拥有馆藏 1500万卷

哈佛英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. AccomodateB. AccommodateC. AcknowledgeD. Accustomed2. The correct form of the verb to express agreement with the previous statement is:A. I agree with you.B. I agree to you.C. I agree on you.D. I agree at you.3. In the sentence "I have never seen such a beautiful sunset," the word "never" serves as:A. An adverbB. A nounC. A verbD. An adjective4. The phrase "break the ice" commonly means:A. To literally break a piece of ice.B. To start a conversation in a social setting.C. To stop a discussion.D. To make a cold drink.5. The word "ambiguous" is most closely related to:A. AmbitionB. AmbulanceC. AmbiguityD. Ambivalent二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The _______ of the new policy was met with mixed reactions from the public.A. implementationB. implicationC. limitationD. complication7. She is a _______ of classical music and has attended concerts regularly since childhood.A. enthusiastB. expertC. criticD. novice8. The _______ of the old building was necessary to make room for the new shopping mall.A. renovationB. demolitionC. relocationD. decoration9. The _______ of the project was delayed due to unexpected weather conditions.A. commencementB. conclusionC. progressionD. termination10. The _______ of the company's success can be attributed to its innovative approach.A. foundationB. culminationC. inceptionD. perpetuation三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:(A short passage about environmental conservation and its importance is provided here.)11. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The history of environmental conservationB. The importance of environmental conservationC. The causes of environmental degradationD. The economic benefits of environmental conservation12. According to the passage, what is one way individuals can contribute to environmental conservation?A. By reducing their carbon footprintB. By ignoring environmental issuesC. By increasing their consumption of resourcesD. By supporting companies that pollute the environment13. The passage suggests that environmental conservation is:A. A personal responsibilityB. A government responsibility onlyC. Irrelevant to the average personD. A topic of little importance四、写作题(共40分)14. Write an essay of about 200 words on the importance of learning a second language. Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with it.答案:一、选择题1. A2. A3. A4. B5. C二、填空题6. A7. A8. B9. A10. B三、阅读理解11. B12. A13. A四、写作题(此部分答案根据学生个人写作能力而定,没有标准答案。

哈佛英语时文阅读词汇量The pursuit of academic excellence is a lifelong journey that often begins in the hallowed halls of prestigious institutions like Harvard University. As one of the world's most renowned centers of higher learning, Harvard has long been synonymous with rigorous intellectual discourse, innovative research, and the cultivation of future leaders. At the heart of this storied tradition lies the mastery of the English language a fundamental prerequisite for success in the realms of academia and beyond.For students aspiring to join the ranks of Harvard's esteemed alumni, the development of a robust English vocabulary is a critical component of their academic development. The ability to comprehend complex texts, articulate nuanced ideas, and engage in sophisticated discourse is not merely a matter of linguistic proficiency but a key to unlocking the full potential of a Harvard education.The importance of vocabulary in the Harvard context cannot be overstated. The university's curriculum is renowned for its breadthand depth, requiring students to grapple with a vast array of subject matter from the humanities to the sciences. Whether delving into the philosophical musings of Plato, analyzing the intricate financial models of modern economics, or exploring the frontiers of cutting-edge medical research, students must possess a comprehensive vocabulary that enables them to navigate the intellectual terrain with ease.Beyond the confines of the classroom, the mastery of English vocabulary also serves as a vital tool for Harvard students in their pursuit of extracurricular activities, internships, and future career opportunities. The ability to communicate effectively, both in written and oral form, is highly valued in the professional world, and Harvard graduates are expected to lead the charge in this regard.To this end, the university has implemented a multifaceted approach to cultivating robust English language skills among its students. From intensive language courses to peer-led writing workshops, Harvard's educational ecosystem is designed to nurture and refine the linguistic capabilities of its learners.One of the cornerstones of this approach is the emphasis on extensive reading. Harvard students are encouraged to immerse themselves in a diverse array of literary works, from classic novels to cutting-edge academic journals. By exposing themselves to a widerange of vocabulary within these texts, students develop a deeper understanding of the nuances and complexities of the English language.Complementing this reading-centric approach, Harvard also places a strong emphasis on writing proficiency. Students are required to engage in regular written assignments, ranging from research papers to creative essays, which challenge them to articulate their ideas with precision and clarity. Through this process, they not only hone their writing skills but also expand their vocabulary as they grapple with the need to convey their thoughts in a more sophisticated and eloquent manner.Moreover, Harvard's commitment to fostering a vibrant intellectual community provides students with ample opportunities to engage in dynamic discussions and debates, further sharpening their verbal communication abilities. Whether participating in student-led symposia, engaging with visiting scholars, or exchanging ideas with their peers, Harvard students are constantly pushed to refine their vocabulary and deepen their understanding of the nuances of the English language.The benefits of this comprehensive approach to English language development extend far beyond the confines of the Harvard campus. Graduates armed with a robust vocabulary and refinedcommunication skills are highly sought after in a wide range of professional fields, from finance and consulting to academia and the arts.In the fast-paced, globalized world of the 21st century, the ability to navigate the complexities of the English language is a crucial asset. Harvard's emphasis on vocabulary development equips its students with the linguistic tools necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and demanding professional landscape.Moreover, the mastery of English vocabulary transcends the purely pragmatic realm, serving as a gateway to a deeper appreciation of literature, art, and culture. By immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of the English language, Harvard students gain access to a vast and diverse body of knowledge, broadening their intellectual horizons and fostering a lifelong love of learning.In conclusion, the cultivation of a robust English vocabulary is a fundamental pillar of the Harvard educational experience. Through a multifaceted approach that emphasizes extensive reading, rigorous writing, and dynamic intellectual discourse, the university equips its students with the linguistic tools necessary to excel not only within the confines of the campus but also on the global stage. As Harvard's legacy continues to inspire and shape the leaders oftomorrow, the mastery of English vocabulary remains a cornerstone of this enduring tradition of academic excellence.。

初中英语教辅哈佛英语和星火顶峰训练比较Comparison between Harvard English and Spark Peak Training: A Comprehensive AnalysisIntroductionEnglish language learning is an essential part of middle school education in many countries around the world. As a result, there is a growing demand for effective and innovative English language teaching methods. In recent years, two popular English language teaching aids have emerged: Harvard English and Spark Peak Training. Both programs claim to offer comprehensive and effective English language learning solutions for middle school students. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two programs to determine which one is more suitable for middle school students.CurriculumHarvard English: Harvard English is a comprehensive English language teaching aid that covers all aspects of English language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The curriculum is designed to help students build a strong foundation in English and improve their language skills through practical exercises and activities.Spark Peak Training: Spark Peak Training is a unique English language teaching aid that focuses on enhancing students' communication skills and critical thinking abilities. The program emphasizes real-world scenarios and practical exercises to help students develop their language skills in a natural and interactive way.Teaching MethodologyHarvard English: Harvard English adopts a traditional teaching approach, with a focus on grammar rules, vocabulary memorization, and structured lessons. The program emphasizes rote learning and repetition to help students master the language.Spark Peak Training: Spark Peak Training adopts a more modern and interactive teaching approach, with a focus on interactive activities, group discussions, and real-world simulations. The program encourages students to use English in practical situations and develop their communication skills through hands-on learning experiences.Assessment and FeedbackHarvard English: Harvard English provides regular assessments and tests to track students' progress and identifyareas for improvement. The program also offers detailed feedback and recommendations for each student to help them improve their language skills.Spark Peak Training: Spark Peak Training provides continuous feedback and guidance to students through interactive activities, group discussions, and real-world simulations. The program also encourages peer evaluation and self-assessment to help students reflect on their learning progress.Technology IntegrationHarvard English: Harvard English uses a mix of traditional teaching methods and technology tools, such as interactive whiteboards, digital textbooks, and multimedia resources. The program leverages technology to enhance learning experiences and engage students in interactive activities.Spark Peak Training: Spark Peak Training fully integrates technology into its teaching methodology, with a focus on interactive online platforms, virtual classrooms, and multimedia resources. The program utilizes technology to create immersive learning environments and provide personalized learning experiences for each student.Cost and AccessibilityHarvard English: Harvard English is a premium English language teaching aid that may be expensive for some middle school students and families. The program is only available in select schools and educational institutions, limiting its accessibility to a wider audience.Spark Peak Training: Spark Peak Training is a more affordable English language teaching aid that offers flexible pricing options for middle school students and families. The program is widely accessible through online platforms and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.ConclusionIn conclusion, both Harvard English and Spark Peak Training offer valuable English language learning solutions for middle school students. While Harvard English provides a comprehensive curriculum and traditional teaching approach, Spark Peak Training offers a modern and interactive teaching methodology that focuses on communication skills and critical thinking abilities. Ultimately, the choice between these two programs will depend on the learning preferences and needs of the individual students.。

哈佛英语时文阅读ab全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Importance of Reading for English Proficiency: A Review of Harvard English Reading ProgramIntroductionReading is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in language acquisition and proficiency. The ability to read effectively can enhance one's vocabulary, comprehension, critical thinking skills, and overall language proficiency. In the context of learning English as a second language, reading is often viewed as a key component of language learning and literacy development. In this regard, the Harvard English Reading Program (HERP) has been established to provide students with the necessary resources and guidance to improve their reading skills and enhance their English proficiency.Overview of the Harvard English Reading ProgramThe Harvard English Reading Program (HERP) is a comprehensive and structured approach to developing reading skills for non-native English speakers. The program is designedto help students build their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through a series of carefully curated reading materials and exercises. The HERP curriculum covers a wide range of topics and genres, including fiction, non-fiction, academic articles, and news articles, to provide students with a diverse and engaging reading experience.One of the key features of the HERP is its focus on active reading strategies, which encourage students to actively engage with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points. These strategies not only improve reading comprehension but also help students develop critical thinking skills that are essential for academic success in English-speaking environments. Additionally, the HERP emphasizes the importance of vocabulary acquisition, providing students with tools and techniques to expand their vocabulary and improve their overall language proficiency.Benefits of the Harvard English Reading ProgramThe Harvard English Reading Program offers a range of benefits for students seeking to improve their English reading skills and proficiency. Some of the key benefits include:1. Improved Reading Comprehension: By practicing active reading strategies and engaging with a variety of texts, studentscan enhance their reading comprehension skills and better understand complex English language materials.2. Expanded Vocabulary: The HERP provides students with opportunities to learn new words and phrases in context, allowing them to expand their vocabulary and improve their language proficiency.3. Critical Thinking Skills: Through the analysis and interpretation of texts, students can develop critical thinking skills that are essential for academic success and intellectual growth.4. Cultural Awareness: The HERP exposes students to a wide range of topics and genres, helping them gain a deeper understanding of English-speaking cultures and societies.5. Academic Success: By honing their reading skills and language proficiency, students are better prepared to succeed in academic settings where English is the primary language of instruction.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Harvard English Reading Program (HERP) is a valuable resource for non-native English speakers seeking to improve their reading skills and enhance their languageproficiency. By providing students with a structured and engaging approach to reading, the HERP helps them develop vital skills such as reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and critical thinking. Ultimately, the program equips students with the tools they need to succeed in academic and professional settings where English proficiency is essential.篇2The Harvard English News Reading ABThe Harvard English News Reading AB is a program designed to improve English language skills through reading current news articles. This program is part of Harvard University’s English Language Institute, aimed at providing students with opportunities to enhance their language abilities in real-world contexts.The program consists of a series of articles selected from reputable news sources such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and BBC News. These articles cover a wide range of topics, including politics, science, technology, culture, and more. Each article is carefully chosen to provide students with interesting and engaging content while also challenging them to expand their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.In addition to reading the articles, students are encouraged to participate in group discussions and writing assignments related to the content. This interactive approach helps students develop critical thinking and analytical skills while also fostering a sense of community and collaboration within the program.One of the key benefits of the Harvard English News Reading AB program is its focus on real-world English language usage. By reading current news articles, students are exposed to authentic language structures, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions commonly used in English-speaking countries. This exposure helps students improve their overall language fluency and confidence in communicating with native speakers.Overall, the Harvard English News Reading AB program is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their English language skills in a meaningful and engaging way. By participating in this program, students can develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities while also expanding their knowledge of current events and world affairs.篇3Harvard English Literary ReadingIntroductionWhen it comes to English literary reading, Harvard University stands out as a hub of academic excellence and literary scholarship. The Harvard English Literary Reading (abbreviated as "Harvard ELR") program is famous for its rigorous curriculum, distinguished faculty, and diverse range of literary works studied. In this article, we will delve into the rich tradition of Harvard ELR and explore what sets it apart from other English literary programs.History and EvolutionThe Harvard ELR program has a long and storied history, dating back to the founding of Harvard University in 1636. Over the centuries, the program has evolved and expanded to encompass a wide range of literary genres, periods, and critical approaches. Today, Harvard ELR offers courses in everything from Shakespeare to postcolonial literature, from feminist theory to digital humanities.One of the hallmarks of the Harvard ELR program is its emphasis on close reading and textual analysis. Students are encouraged to engage in lively discussions, write insightful essays, and develop critical thinking skills that will serve them well in their future academic and professional pursuits. The program also offers opportunities for students to participate inresearch projects, internships, and study abroad programs, further enriching their educational experience.Faculty and CurriculumThe faculty of the Harvard ELR program is composed of distinguished scholars and critics who are experts in their respective fields. From renowned Shakespearean scholars to cutting-edge postcolonial theorists, the faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to the classroom. Students have the opportunity to study with these experts, gaining valuable mentorship and guidance in their academic pursuits.The curriculum of the Harvard ELR program is designed to be comprehensive and flexible, allowing students to tailor their course of study to their interests and goals. In addition to required core courses, students can choose from a wide variety of electives, seminars, and independent study options. This flexibility enables students to explore a diverse range of literary works and critical perspectives, deepening their understanding of the complexities of the English literary tradition.Extracurricular Activities and ResourcesIn addition to its rigorous academic program, the Harvard ELR program offers a wealth of extracurricular activities andresources for students. From literary magazines to reading groups, from visiting speakers to literary festivals, there are numerous opportunities for students to engage with the vibrant literary community at Harvard and beyond. Students can also take advantage of the university's extensive library collections, archives, and digital resources to support their research and scholarship.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Harvard English Literary Reading program is a vibrant and dynamic center of literary scholarship and academic excellence. With its rich history, distinguished faculty, diverse curriculum, and extracurricular opportunities, the program offers students a unique and rewarding educational experience. Whether you are a literature lover, a budding critic, or a future scholar, the Harvard ELR program has something to offer you. Come join us in exploring the wonders of English literary reading at Harvard University!。

八年级上册哈佛英语电子版1、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] *A. give inB. give outC. give up(正确答案)D. give back2、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)3、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练4、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too5、50.—The sweater is not the right ________ for me.—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? [单选题] *A.priceB.colorC.size(正确答案)D.material(材料)6、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or7、Nowadays more and more people travel by _______, because its safe, cheap and fast. [单选题] *A. footB. bikeC. high-speed train(正确答案)D. boat8、Sam is going to have the party ______ Saturday evening. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. to9、Can you tell me how the accident _______? [单选题] *A. came about(正确答案)B. came backC. came downD. came from10、The relationship between employers and employees has been studied(). [单选题] *A. originallyB. extremelyC. violentlyD. intensively(正确答案)11、47.Yao Ming is tall. That's one of his ________. [单选题] *A.advantageB.advantages(正确答案)C.disadvantageD.disadvantages12、—Is this Tony’s history book?—No, it isn’t ______.()[单选题] *A. himB. his(正确答案)C. heD. himself13、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's14、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be15、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how16、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)17、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think18、_____ Lucy _____ Lily has joined the swimming club because they have no time. [单选题] *A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; nor(正确答案)C. Either; orD. Both; and19、Allen is looking forward to _______ his American partner at the trade fair. [单选题] *A. meetB. meeting(正确答案)C. be meetingD. having meeting20、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)21、He either watches TV _______ reads books in the evening. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. toD. so22、I’m so tired after _______ walk. [单选题] *A. three hour’sB. three hours’(正确答案)C. three hoursD. three hour23、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned24、Let us put the matter to the vote,()? [单选题] *A. will youB. can weC. may ID. shall we(正确答案)25、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *A. five breadsB. five piece of breadsC. five piece of breadD. five pieces of bread(正确答案)26、You should take the medicine after you read the _______. [单选题] *A. linesB. wordsC. instructions(正确答案)D. suggestions27、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus28、______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.()[单选题] *A. FromB. ToC. InD. On(正确答案)29、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve30、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *A.How much(正确答案)B.How manyC.What D.Which。
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* 编辑
您听的时候,精神要分散,要一边干着其他事(比如撮饭或和别人大声讨论撮饭;)~),一边有一搭没一搭地听着。泛听一定要见缝插针,一有机会就听着,最好耳机不离耳朵。;)而精听的意义就在于找出您没听清的那些词。啊哈,那就是您背过但还不熟悉的词了。:)把这些词单独记在另外一个地方,别跟没背下来的词混了。泛听要听精听已经听过的内容。比如精听听到了第二盘磁带,那么泛听就听第一盘磁带,正好。提醒您一句,千万别拿英语广播当自己的听力教材!!!顺便跟您推荐一套听力教材:武汉师范大学出的Step by Step.内容比较循序渐进,每一课开头的音乐也很好听。;)
最佳答案: 您不会TOFEL的词,GRE也有可能拿个高分-
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