
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A心情B激情C应激D心境正确答案:D学生答案:D老师点评:2根据巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动类型理论,强、平衡、不灵活的类型是()。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A兴奋型B活泼型C安静型D抑郁型正确答案:C学生答案:C老师点评:3()根据个体在不同时期的心理社会危机的特点,将个体人格发展过程划分为八个阶段。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A埃森克B卡特尔C艾里克森D斯皮尔曼正确答案:C学生答案:C老师点评:4林黛玉的气质类型属于()客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A多血质B 胆汁质C粘液质D抑郁质正确答案:D学生答案:D老师点评:5()是指一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人、事、物)的意义、重要性的总评价和总看法。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A个性B价值观C态度D思维正确答案:B学生答案:B老师点评:6()提出了ERG理论。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A赫茨伯格B阿尔德弗C麦克利兰D亚当斯正确答案:B学生答案:B老师点评:7()又称第三状态,是介于健康状态与疾病状态之间的状态,是正常人群中常见的一种亚健康状态。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A压力状态B不良状态C心理障碍D心理问题正确答案:B学生答案:B老师点评:81958年,()出版专著《管理心理学》,管理心理学成为独立学科。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A莱维特B马斯洛C闵斯特伯格D泰勒正确答案:A学生答案:A老师点评:9()是研究者通过口头谈话的方式从被研究者那里收集第一手资料,了解被研究者心理与行为规律的一种研究方法。
客观题满分: 2分得分: 2分A观察法C访谈法D个案法正确答案:C学生答案:C老师点评:10机器设备的表面采用浅灰、浅蓝或浅绿色,可以削弱对比,以减少视觉疲劳。

题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:简单得分:21世界上最早的一部教育专著是( )A:《普通教育学》B:《大教学论》C:《学记》D:《大学》正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:22教育结构和内容根本上受制于( )A:生产力B:政治制度C:人口结构D:文化水平正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:23师生关系是一种主体间对话的关系,是一种真正意义上的人与人间的关系。
A:《大学》B:《论语》C:《孟子》D:《学记》正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:26教育是人类社会永恒的普遍的现象A:错B:对正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:27“十年树木,百年树人”说明教师的工作具有()的特点A:教育性B:示范性C:创造性D:长期性正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:28杜威所主张的教育思想被称作是( )A:永恒主义教育思想B:存在主义教育思想C:要素主义教育思想D:实用主义教育思想正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:29教育的的“心理起源论”认为教育起源于( )A:语言B:生产劳动C:动物本能D:模仿正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:210环境对人的发展总是有积极影响的A:错B:对正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:211我国社会主义教育目的的根本标志是培养( )A:开拓型,创造型人才B:复合型人才C:社会主义建设者和接班人D:全面发展的社会主义新人正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:212学生是以学习为主要任务的人,所以教师就要大量灌输给学生大量的知识。

江苏开放大学2020年大学英语(A)>形成性考核作业1(占形考权重10%)1A-1. It is the general manager who makes the _____ decisions in business.AbeginningBfinishingCfirstDfinal学生答案:D2A-2. Never _____ such a good boss before I came to this company.Ado I meetBI metChad I metDI had met学生答案:C3A-3. If the machine should _____, call this number immediately.Abreak downBset outCput onDgo up学生答案:A4A-4. The manager showed the new employee _____ to find the supplies.AwhatBwhereCthatDwhich学生答案:B5A-5. Look at the clock! It's time _____ work.Awe startedBwe'll startCwe're startingDwe have started学生答案:A6A-6. The sales department was required to _____ a plan in three weeks. Aturn upBget upCcome up withDput up with学生答案:C7A-7. Price is not the only thing customers consider before _____ what to buy.AdecidingBdecidedCto decideDhaving decided学生答案:A8A-8. All the traveling _____ are paid by the company if you travel on business.AchargesBmoneyCpricesDexpenses学生答案:DA-9. Sorry, we cannot _____ you the job because you don't have any work experience.AmakeBsendCofferDprepare学生答案:C10A-10. I have lost sight of my mom, but I just saw her _____ in front of me.Awere walkingBto have walkedCwalkDwalking学生答案:D11A-11. _____ hold the VIP card will be free of charge for this service.APeopleBThose peopleCThose onesThose who学生答案:D12A-12. Amy likes Hans because he makes her_____.AlaughBlaughedCto laughDlaughing学生答案:A13A-13. Hans doesn’t care _____ they are invited to the party or not.AifBthatCwhetherDwhat学生答案:C14A-14. Hans never tells anyone else what he does for a_____.AlivingBworkCjobDlife学生答案:A15A-15. In many private schools, a dentist _____the students’teeth twice a month.AinjuresBexaminesCinstructsDinforms学生答案:B16Reading Comprehension.(15题,每题2分,共30分)阅读Passage One,回答A-16到A-20五个问题。

形成性考核作业1(1-4单元)1、马克思主义形成的重要标志是()A.《德意志意识形态》的出版B.《资本论》的出版C.《反杜林论》的出版D.《共产党宣言》的公开发表学生答案:D2、哲学的基本问题是()A.物质和运动的关系问题B.思维和存在的关系问题C.社会和自然的关系问题D.主体和客体的关系问题学生答案:B3、哲学上的两大阵营是指()A.唯物主义和唯心主义B.辩证法和形而上学C.一元论和二元论D.可知论和不可知论学生答案:A4、马克思主义产生于()A.19世纪20年代B.19世纪30年代C.19世纪40年代D.19世纪50年代学生答案:C5、人类全部社会关系中最基础的关系是()A.生产关系B.血缘关系C.政治关系D.思想关系学生答案:A6、哲学是()A.人们对各种具体事物的看法B.科学的世界观和方法论C.理论化、系统化的世界观D.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点学生答案:C7、马克思主义是()A.马克思和恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和学说的体系,包括其继承者在实践中不断发展着的马克思主义B.马克思和恩格斯创立的哲学和政治经济学的理论体系C.马克思和恩格斯创立的科学社会主义和政治经济学的理论体系D.马克思和恩格斯创立的哲学和科学社会主义的理论体系学生答案:A8、从广义上说,马克思主义理论是()A.马克思恩格斯创立及其继承者发展了的基本理论、基本观点和学说体系B.无产阶级争取自身解放、夺取国家政权的学说体系C.社会主义革命的性质、目的和实现条件的学说体系D.马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系学生答案:A9、世界上第一个无产阶级政党的党纲是()A.《神圣家族》B.《德意志意识形态》C.《共产党宣言》D.《资本论》学生答案:C10、19世纪西欧三大先进思潮为马克思主义的创立提供了直接的理论来源,其中为马克思主义哲学思想提供直接理论来源的是()A.古希腊哲学B.近代欧洲哲学C.德国古典哲学D.英国经验论哲学学生答案:C11、下列选项中,属于党的思想路线内容的有()A.一切从实际出发B.理论联系实际C.实事求是D.在实践中检验真理和发展真理学生答案:A;B;C;D12、下列各对矛盾属于社会基本矛盾的有()A.个人与社会之间的矛盾B.人与自然之间的矛盾C.生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾D.经济基础和上层建筑之间的矛盾学生答案:C;D13、下列选项中,属于唯物主义历史形态的有( )A.朴素唯物主义B.庸俗唯物主义C.形而上学唯物主义D.辩证唯物主义学生答案:A;C;D14、马克思主义科学性和革命性的统一,在马克思主义的()上得到了集中的体现。

从问句How are you getting along with your study?你的学习怎样?可以判断这是询问对方学习情况,英语常用Fine,quite well来回答。
2A-2.——Peter,_____?——Not too bad.客观题满分:2分得分:2分Awhat’s upBwhat are you doingCwhat’s wrong with youDwhat’s the matter正确答案:A学生答案:A老师点评:答案解析:此题考查的是交际情境日常问候用语。
从问句What’s up?是老朋友见面时常用到一句非正式问候语,意思与How are you?相同,回答常用Not too bad.还不错。
3A-3.Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran_____a big tree by the roadside.客观题满分:2分得分:2分AoverBonintoDup正确答案:C学生答案:C老师点评:答案解析:此题考查的是固定词组搭配及词义辨析。
run over:溢出;run into:撞上,碰上;run on:流逝,涉及;run up:高涨,高速运转。
4A-4.On average,a successful lawyer has to talk to several_____a day.客观题满分:2分得分:2分AcustomersBsupportersCguestsclients正确答案:D学生答案:D老师点评:答案解析:此题考查名词近义词辨析。

10.交叉弹性系数为正值的商品称之为_____替代关系______;交叉弹性系数为负值的商品称之为______互补关系_____;交叉弹性系数为零的商品称之为_____没有关系______;二、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.稀缺性的存在意味着:(A)A.决策者必须作出选择或取舍B.政府必须干预经济C.不能让自由市场来作重要的决策D.公平优先2.选择具有重要性,是因为:(B)A.人们是自私的,他们的行为是为了个人私利B.相对于人类社会的无穷欲望而言,生产物品所需要的资源总是不足的C.一个经济要靠市场来解决稀缺性的问题D.资源丰富3.经济学上所说的稀缺性是指:(B )A.欲望的无限性B.资源的绝对稀缺性C.资源的相对有限性D.欲望的相对有限性4.宏观经济学要解决的问题是:(D )A.资源配置B.资源利用C.整个经济如何实现最大化D.国民收入的决定5.作为经济学的一个分支,微观经济学主要研究:(B )A.市场经济B.单个经济单位的经济行为C.经济的总体状况,如失业和通货膨胀等D.总体经济活动6.需求定理意味着,在其他条件不变的情况下:( B )A.随着汽车价格上升,汽车需求量将增加B.随着汽车价格上升,汽车需求量将减少C.随着汽车价格上升,汽车需求量仍保持不变D.随着汽车价格上升,汽车的需求量可能增加,可能减少,也可能不变7.在图形上,某种商品随价格上升需求量减少表现为:( B )A.沿着同一条需求曲线向右下方移动B.沿着同一条需求曲线向左上方移动C.需求曲线向右移动D.需求曲线向左移动8.当咖啡的价格急剧升高时,在其他条件不变的情况下,对茶叶的需求量将:( C )A.减少B.不变C.增加D.没有影响9.当汽油的价格上升时,在其他条件不变的情况下,对小汽车的需求量将:( A )A.减少B.不变C.增加D.难以确定10.消费者预期某种物品的价格将来会上升,则对该物品当前的需求会:( B )A.减少B.增加C.不变D.难以确定11.如果其它各种条件均保持不变,当X商品的替代品Y商品的价格上升时,对X商品的需求:( A )A.增加B.减少C.不变D.无法确定12.如果其它各种条件均保持不变,当X商品的互补品Y商品的价格上升时,对X商品的需求:( A )A.增加B.减少C.不变D.无法确定13.需求的价格弹性是指:(B )A.一种商品的需求量变动对另一种商品价格变动的反应程度B.需求量变动对价格变动的反应程度C.价格变动对需求变动的反应程度D.需求量变动对收入变动的反应程度14.下列哪一种商品的属于替代品的商品组合是:(A )。

江苏开放大学形成性考核作业学号2017050700092 姓名王海华课程代码110001课程名称学习指南(专)评阅教师周红第 1 次任务共 5 次任务江苏开放大学任务内容:1、说明自己的生源地、学号、姓名和专业(便于我们统计核对)2、你是如何知道江苏开放大学的3、你参加江苏开放大学学习的原因、愿景是什么4、个人的兴趣爱好、特长等5、初步的学习计划6、字数要求200字以上7、鼓励对文档进行适当的版式设计及修饰或使用其它文件形式提交,如PPT、微视频等,如以其它形式提交,在作答结果处写明“见附件”,作业主文件和附件一起打包成一个文件,文件名:学号姓名第1次作业。
我参加江苏开放大学学习想提升自己的学历等级,给自己充充电,希望对以后的生活,工作都有帮助,于是我给自己的学习计划定了以下四点:第一,提升自我的科学文化素养第二,培养良好的学习与生活习惯第三,以正确积极的态度面对学习第四,提升人际交往能力,培养社会实践能力谢谢!完成日期:2017.11.30得分:课程导师评语:评阅时间:课程名称:学习指南第1 次任务评阅教师:周红。

江苏开放大学形成性考核作业学号2017050700092 姓名王海华课程代码110008课程名称社交礼仪(专)评阅教师第 1 次任务共 3 次任务江苏开放大学任务内容:一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. 介绍时谁先主动的原则是()有了解对方的优先权。
2. 自我介绍的形式常用的有()、()、()。
3. 一般社交活动中,我们先向()介绍()。
4. 工作式介绍主要包含()、()、()。
5. 敬茶时应遵循()。
下列正确的是()①在交际场合上下楼梯或上下车要让老人、孩子和军人先行②去图书馆、阅览室要按先后顺序,注意敬!净!静!③到商店买东西要注意分辨真假,特别是食品要亲自品尝④在影剧院看演出,整个演出结束后,要鼓掌表示感谢,等谢幕完毕,再离开座位A.①③④B.②③C.②④D.①②③④2.在家庭、学校和各类公共场所,礼仪无处不在,就个人礼仪而言,其表现为()A举止文明,动作优雅B仪态妩媚,手势得当C笑容灿烂,行为检点D仪表端庄,着装时尚3.下列哪个不是洗手间通用标志()A.B.Toilet C.D.4.参观博物馆时,下列哪些做法是正确的?()A.不宜在一件展品前长时间驻足,以免影响他人欣赏B.一边观看展览,一边悠闲地抽烟,只要没看到“禁止吸烟”的警告就行C.一边观看展览,一边抽烟是不对的,可吃零食,但要注意不随地乱扔瓜果皮屑D.对展品随意拍照5.轿车上的座位有尊卑之分。
一般来说(有驾驶员开车),车上最尊贵的座位是( )A 副驾驶座B 司机对角线C 司机正后方D 后排中间座6.西餐吃鱼和海鲜是应该配的酒是。
A 守约守时B 不吸烟、不嚼口香糖C 言谈举止文雅D 使用礼貌用语8. 公共交往入座时一般从座位的()侧就座。
A 左B 右C 后D 前9.下列行为属于社交禁忌的有()A、熟人之间适当开玩笑B、在社交场合极力争论C、遵守“女士优先”的原则10. 乘坐飞机时,应约束个人行为,下列行为中,()是符合礼仪规范的。

江苏开放大学大学英语(B)形成性考核作业一及答案l 、A -1到A-15是未完成的句子,考核所学词汇与语法知识点,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A-1. ——How are you getting along with your study?立A 、Fine.What about you?B 、I don't know. C, Quite right. D、It's too hard for me.A-2. ——Peter, D ? ——N ot too bad. A 、what's upB 、what are you doingC 、what's wrong with youD、what's the matter .d A-3. Mary wanted to av01 runnmg down a dog but ran C a big tree by the roadside.A 、overB 、onC 、intoD 、upA-4. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to severalD a day. A 、customers B 、supportersC 、guestsD 、clientsA5 Th . -. 1s new machine is techmcally far A to the previous type._ A 、supenor B 、juniorC 、semorD 、equalA-6. Climate change will greatly _D—wheat and rice production if nations don't take steps now.A、fallB、leakC、lackD、reducec what has been written in the letter. A-7. Without my glasses I can hardlyA、make forB、make upC、make outD、make overA-8. Dogs have a very good—A—of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.A、senseB、viewC、meansD、ideaA-9. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town C he grew..up as a child.A、whichB、thatC、whereD、whenD above the sound of the music.A-10. Helen had to shoutA、making herself hearB、to make herself hearC、making herself heardD、to make herself heardA-11. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are picturesC in your mind instead of before your eyes.A、to formB、formC 、for mm gD、having fom记dA-12. A makes his shop different is that it offers more personal services.A、WhatB、WhoC 、WhateverD 、WhoeverA-13. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people Bto enjoy the advantages of this new technology. A 、begin B 、began C, have begun D、had begun A-14. A ten minutes earlier, you wouldn't have missed the train. But you were late. A 、Had you come B 、Did you come C 、Have you come D、Should you comeA 15 S -. o many representatives D , the conference had to be put off.A 、were absentB 、to be absentC 、being absentD 、had been absent A-16到A-20阅读所给材料。

前句对话为对犯下的过失道歉,而根据所提供的回答“It can’t be helped.”进行逻辑判断,可以推导为回话者在劝慰对方不要介意,事情就是这样,没办法了。
而回答中的“never mind”意思为“别介意”,符合逻辑。
2A-2.——Can I help you with your luggage?——__________客观题满分:1分得分:1分ASorry,I have no idea.BNo,I can carry it myself.COh,that’s a good idea.DThank you,I can manage myself.正确答案:D学生答案:D老师点评:答案解析:此题考查的是交际情境中的提供帮助与应答用语。
3A-3.For the sake of his mother’s health,he decided to move to awarmer__________.客观题满分:1分得分:1分AweatherBtemperatureCseasonclimate正确答案:D学生答案:D老师点评:答案解析:此题考查的是名词的辨析。
weather 则指某特定日子的天气情况,climate指一个地方长期的较为固定的气候状态,包括阴晴、干湿、风雨等情况在内。
江苏开放大学 哲学基础 形成性考核作业1

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2019学年春学期江苏开放大学形成性考核作业学号(学生填写)姓名完成日期2019年X月X日课程代码110004课程名称大学英语A(专)评阅教师(教师填写)得分(教师填写)评阅时间2019年X月X日第 1 次任务共 4 次任务江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专)形成性考核 1答题纸I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分)II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分)III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分)IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分)1.If he can come tomorrow2. You’d better hurry3. You give me a reply earlier4. largely due to her efforts5. The job turned out harder6. the task difficulty of the7. go home, to, whether, go to the zoo, or, to8. our small flat9. It is up to the weather10. a better plan教师评语:。
江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专)形成性考核 1试题I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1. You can borrow some money from her this time but don’t make a ______ of it.A. interestB. customC. habitD. hobby2. ______ hold the VIP card will be free of charge for this service.A. PeopleB. Those peopleC. Those onesD. Those who3. Amy likes Hans because he makes her______.A. laughB. laughedC. to laughD. laughing4. Hans doesn’t care ______ they are invited to the party or not.A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. what5. Hans never tells anyone else what he does for a______.A. livingB. workC. jobD. life6. ______ students in my class like singing very much.A. The numberB. The number ofC. A numberD. A number of7. Why do you often _______ with Hans?A. chatB. chatsC. chattingD. chatted8. If you come across some difficulties, don’t _________ to tell me.A. stopB. goC. pauseD. hesitate9. There are many _________ in this store.A. productsB. producesC. productionsD. product10. The coffee is cold, and _________, the steak is as hard as a rock.A. howeverB. thereforeC. furthermoreD. neverthelessII. Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box.(每小题2分,共10分)Hans 出发前,她的母亲给他打电话,问他航班的情况。
A. What isB. How longC. At what timeD. On what dayE. On what airlineHans: Hello. This is Hans speaking.Mother: Hi, dear, this is mom.Hans: Hi, mom. How are you?Mother: I’m fire. I am calling just because I want to know if you have booked your ticket to China.Hans: Yes, I have.Mother: 1 ?Hans: Feb. 3.Mother: 2 ?Hans: The flight leaves at 8:32.Mother: 3 ?Hans: Air American.Mother: 4 the flight number?Hans: AA1005.Mother: 5 does it take to fly from Boston to New York?Hans: About one hour.Mother: OK, your father and I will drive you to the airport.Hans: Thank you, mom.III. Reading Comprehension.(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)Passage 1Given the options we have all around us these days, why would anyone ever read a book? We have movies to entertain us, video games to attract us, cell phones to distract us, and the latest reality TV to give us something to talk about. With so many buttons to push and screens to stare at, who has the time or patience to read a book?Because reading makes you smarter! The following reasons will convince you.First of all, reading can increase your vocabulary. Reading helps you to learn new words! People who can speak clearly and effectively make good first impressions, whether meeting new friends or in a job interview.Reading can exercise your brain. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Compared to watching television where you simply sit and take everything in, reading forces you to think.Reading can broaden your knowledge. Reading can open you up to all kinds of new ideas. Your friends will be surprised when you can explain the in-depth details of the latest scientific discovery.Reading can also help reduce stress. What’s more relaxing than sitting outside and reading a novel on a lazy summer day? Our lives are packed with responsibilities from morning to night. Taking a few minutes to slow down can do a great deal for your mental health. Reading is an activity you can do at your own speed.Last but not least, reading can develop your imagination. A good writer will paint a picture of characters, settings and scenes, but they can only do so much for you. The rest is up to your imagination. In TV and movies, everything is given to you, but with books you have to come up with the details on your own. Reading encourages an active imagination, in adults as well as children.1. What do movies, video games, cell phones, and the latest reality TV have in common?A. They are all expensive.B. They are all entertaining.C. They are all fashionable.2. In what way can reading help people perform better in a job interview?A. Reading makes people more easy-going.B. Reading makes people more friendly.C. Reading helps people speak clearly and effectively.3. Why does the author of the passage compare the brain to a muscle?A. Because both of them need exercise.B. Because both of them are part of the human body.C. Because both of them make people smart.4. Why does the author of the passage suggest “taking a few minutes to slow down”?A. Because people run too fast today.B. Because people have a lot of stress today.C. Because people relax themselves too much.5. In what way is reading better than TV or movies?A. Developing imagination.B. Developing confidence.C. Developing good habits.Passage 2Today is an extraordinary day for me. When I boarded the plane to New York, I started my adventure to China. Next school year I will study as an exchange student in China.My flight to China was the longest journey that I have ever had. I went to the Boston airport really early to catch the 8:32 AM flight. When I got onto the plane, I found it was a very small plane. But the flight was only one hour so it wasn’t too bad. I made the connecting flight in New York. I had to hurry since there was only one hour for me to make the connection. When I rushed to the boarding gate, I was told that our flight was delayed due to poor weather conditions.Fortunately, I had told my host family in advance to check the latest information of my flight. When I got on board the plane an hour later, everything turned out smooth and pleasant. The flight attendants were very friendly, the food served on the plane was tasty and my aisle seat was really comfortable.After a 13-hour flight, I arrive in Beijing finally. Suddenly I saw so many Chinese people and heard so many people speaking Chinese. It was so exciting! Unfortunately, I left my passport on the airplane, so I had to go back to find it. Finally, I met my host family at the airport. Mr. Han Dongping, the father, works as general manager of a company and his son, Xiaolin, is a college sophomore majoring in Computer Science. They were both kind and friendly. It was very nice of them to meet me at the airport.As my first day in China, today marks the first step that I have taken to realize my dream. I know there would be hardships of living in China, but I am sure it is going to be a valuable experience of a lifetime.6. Why is it an extraordinary day for Hans?A. Because he was going to New York.B. Because he was going to China to study as an exchange student.C. Because he was going to travel by plane for the first time.7. How long did it take Hans to fly from Boston to New York?A. About one hour.B. Two hours.C. 13 hours.8. Why was the flight from New York to Beijing delayed?A. Because there were too many flights.B. Because the weather conditions were bad.C. Because some passengers were late.9. How long did it take Hans to fly from New York to Beijing?A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. 13 hours.10. How did Hans expect his life in China to be?A. There would be hardships of living.B. valuable experience.C. Both A and B.Passage 3In your first year of studying English, you have been learning new words one at a time. But now, because of the nature of the English language, you can actually make your vocabulary grow even faster.Unlike most of the languages widely studied in the world, English has a vocabulary that is in several layers. The bottom layer is composed of the basic native English words that have always been part of the language. Then there is a mixed layer of words mostly from Greek and Latin. Some of these words came into English through French or Italian or Spanish but their origin was Greek or Latin. Then there is a more recent layer, mostly scientific or technical words intentionally made up from Greek and Latin elements. And mixed in the second and third layers are words from other languages spoken in countries throughout the world --- German, Chinese, Japanese, American Indian, Arabic, Persian, and many others.In all languages, words exist in set, in what can be thought of as word families. Sometimes, if you know the root form common to the words in a family, you can make a good guess about the general meaning of many words in that family. So knowing just one root form of one word in a family may help you make your vocabulary bigger by leading you to the other members of the family.But this process won’t work very well with most native English words, that is, those that go back one thousand years or more in the language. Knowing the origin of a word will not help you the figure out its meaning today, for it says nothing of the meaning of the words that historically are in the same family. The ancestor of “deer”, for example, is “deor” in Old English, but the old meaning was any small animal, even a mouse or a rabbit. “Speed” once meant success or power, and “uncouth” meant simply unknown. You need to learn such words one by one.11. According to the passage, which of following is considered to be a good way to enlarge yourvocabulary?A. Remembering native English words.B. Studying words from Latin and Greek.C. Knowing the nature of English.D. Paying attention to Old English words.12. How many layers of English word are mentioned in the passage?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. None of the above13. Most native English words ____________.A. have a history of about one thousand years or moreB. can be learnt according to the root form common to words in a familyC. can be understood according to the origin of wordsD. have similar meaning as their ancestors14. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Some words in French have Greek or Latin origin.B. Knowing the origin of a word won’t always help to guess its real meaning.C. Most native English words need to be learnt one at a time.D. The word “deer” can be used refer to a mouse and rabbit.15. What is this passage mainly about?A. The origin of native English words.B. How to make a good guess about the meaning of words.C. On learning more English words.D. The layers of English words.Passage 4Nancy’s hobby is collecting sharpeners. She spends a lot of time on it after school. She has collected more than one hundred sharpeners from different countries. They are all different in color and size.Nancy likes sharpeners with animals and birds on them. in this way, she learns the names of many animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds from her school library. She learns a lot about them from those books.Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She gives them to her friends. Then they give her other different sharpeners in return.Nancy has many pen pals in many countries. She sends them sharpeners of her country. In return, they send her sharpeners of their countries. Nancy’s father also gives her sharpeners. He brings them home from his friends for her.Many of Nancy’s friends collect other things. Some collect coins and others collect matchboxes(火柴盒)or stamps. But, all of them say that Nancy’s collection is the most interesting of all.16. How many sharpeners has Nancy collected from different countries?A. One hundred.B. Less than on hundred.C. Over one hundred.D. About one hundred.17. ____________ Nancy’s sharpeners are different in color and size.A. All ofB. Most ofC. Some ofD. A few of18. Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She then ____________.A. keeps them for a period of timeB. throws them awayC. sells them and buy new onesD. exchanges different sharpeners with her friends19. Which of the following is NOT the way in which Nancy gets sharpeners?A. Her friends give her some.B. Her pen pals send her some.C. Her father buys her some.D. her father’s friends give her some.20. Nancy’s friends collect the following items EXCEPT ____________.A. Coins.B. Matchboxes.C. StampsD. Books.IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket and you should put them in proper order. There are four choices and you are required to choose the best one.(每小题 3 分,共 30 分)1.Ask him __________________ (明天他能不能来).(can, if, come. tomorrow, he)2. __________________(你最好快点), otherwise you’ll be late.(better, you’d, hurry)3. I would be very grateful if __________________ (早点回复我).(give, reply, earlier, me, a, you)4. The team’s success was __________________(主要是由于她的努力).(largely, efforts, to, due, her)5. __________________(结果这工作显得比较难)than we thought.(the, turned, job, out, harder)6. Given __________________(任务的难度), they were able to do a good job.(of, difficulty, the , task, the)7. I was still wondering __________________(是去动物园还是回家).(go home, to, whether, go to the zoo, or, to)8. Compared to __________________(我们的小公寓), Bill's house seemed like a palace. (flat, small, our)9. We are not sure if we can take a field trip tomorrow. __________________(这取决于天气). (to, the, it, is up, weather)10. I hope you can come up with __________________(一个很更好的计划).(better, a, plan)。