

高中英语作文(公开课):如何写好建议信课件 PPT

高中英语作文(公开课):如何写好建议信课件 PPT

as a matter of fact in addition
in my opinion as far as I am concerned
first/firstly first of all
however have to do sth.
all of a sudden
on the contrary have no choice but to do sth.
注意:词数120左右(信的开头已给出, 但不计入总词数)。
思考的问题 第几人称?(person) 文章的题材是什么? 要写的文章主题是什么 (topic)
动作是什么时候发生的?(时态) (when)
样题分析 第二人称
I will be more than happy to see improvements later.
Best wishes (for you).
练习:假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来 信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据 下列要点写回信。
要点:⑴ 参加中文学习班; ⑵ 看中文书刊、电视; ⑶ 学唱中文歌曲; ⑷ 交中国朋友。
=help 用短语来代替单词
=want to 用短语来代替单词
I hope that these suggestions will work.And I am dying to receiving your good news./ I can't wait to hear from you again. /Don't hesitate to write to me about your great progress. =want to 用短语来代短语



talk in English
read English books
ways to improve English
watch English films
have a good attitude
listen carefully
Step4: organize your writing(组织语言)
to sum up 观点 in my opinion, as far as I'm concerned, from
my perspective
Write a draft(草稿) by groups.
Step5: write a draft(草稿)
para1:Purposes and Problems
2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Li Hua, ————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
Best wishes.
Step1:analyze (审题)
Suggestion Letter
Free talk
As a new student in senior one, do you have some problems?
math physics
假设你是某报社编辑,最近收到读者李华的一封来信。信 中李华提到自己在学习英语的过程中遇到了困难,这让他很 苦恼。请写一篇回给李华的建议信,帮他解决困难,促进学 习。 注意: 1. 词数100左右;


Strike a balance between formal and casual
Your language should be formal enough to show respect, but not too stuffy or formal that it comes across as stiff or unnatural. Use 专业且亲切的语言,让读者感到舒适。
Begin your letter with a brief introduction of yourself and your purpose for writing. State your relationship to the recipient and explain why you are writing.
结尾: 鼓励团队采纳建议,表达对团队发展的期望。
具体建议: 分析团队协作中存在的问题,提出改善团队沟通和合作的具体建议。
目的: 针对团队协作提出建议,帮助改善团队氛围,提高团队效率。
How to write a good suggestion letter
Start with a clear introduction
I would be grateful if you could provide me with further information.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Example analysis of suggestion letters
Begin with a formal salutation, such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]," or "To Whom It May Concern."







30、意志是一个强壮的盲人,倚靠在明眼的跛子肩上。——叔本命 就永远 只能是 死水一 潭。 34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候 ,睁大 眼睛, 千万别 眨眼!你会看到 世界由 清晰变 模糊的 全过程 ,心会 在你泪 水落下 的那一 刻变得 清澈明 晰。盐 。注定 要融化 的,也 许是用 眼泪的 方式。
35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 要以为 过去的 光荣可 以被永 远肯定 。
高考英语书面表达---建议信 写作优秀课件(共42张PPT)
31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。

高中英语作文 建议信(共9张PPT)

高中英语作文 建议信(共9张PPT)
16. 如能看到……我会非常开心的。
I would be more than happy to see…
17. 我建议…… _____________
I would like to suggest that…
I would like to make a recommendation that…
If I were you, I would… have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.
பைடு நூலகம்
May I suggest that… 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的美国笔友Chris在给你的邮件中提到他最近在准备SAT考试(美国高考),心理压力很大,很苦恼,希望得
3. 在做某事时遇到困难
__h_a_v_e__d_i_ff_i_c_u_l_t_y_/t_r_o_u_b__le__i_n_d__o_in__g_s_t_h4. .
5. 制订计划
6. 认为……有用
7. 参加
8. 听从某人的建议 __f_o_l_lo_w___o_n_e_’_s_a_d__v_ic_e____


2 .I think it would be more beneficial if you could ... 3.I would like to sugges.t/recommend that...
• 4.If I were you, I would .... • 5.When it comes to such a situation,
I would like to suggest that you should ... • 6.As to..., I suggest that you should....
1. I hope you will find these suggestions useful. 2. 2. I hope what’s mentioned above might be

骤 Step3. Form a passage and polish
学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。 假如你是李越,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类 图书(popular science books)和文学类图 (literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100-120个 词的信,推荐这类书,并分别说明推荐理由。
need any help.
1. Heading


三 2. Body
部 分
3. Ending
小结;呼应主题 .
书面表达如何写? 三 Step 1 List the key points

建议信写作(How to write a letter of advice)课件

建议信写作(How to write a letter of advice)课件

体 2. Body
三 部
分 3. Ending
假如你是李华。你的美国朋友Mike最近感觉 学习压力很大,写信向你求助。请你用英文给他回 一封信,就如何处理压力给他一些建议。
1. 既要努力学习也要学会放松(劳逸结合);
2. 看关于如何解压的书籍;
3. 向朋友和父母倾诉。
Best wishes.
Yours, Lily
Task 1
Lily was worried, thinking that she was too
__f_a_t___. Therefore, she asked you to give her some _s_u_g_g_e_s_t_io_n__s_\ _a_d_v_ic_e___to help her_lo_s_e__ _w_e_i_g_h_t__ and keep__fi_t __.
meanings of it. Thirdly, ___A______, which can
improve your listening and speaking abilities. What’s more, the most important advice is reading English books before the class and after the class.
• B. I’m sorry to hear that you are not able to communicate with others effectively.
• C. I do hope to hear good news from you that you do well in communicating with others.



Enjoy one possible version from your classmate.
a good composition
structure contents language
be attractive, finished in a limited time!
Use a variety of sentence patterns 丰富句型
3. Reading English books helps a lot.(改为强调句) _It__ is reading English books _t_h_a_t _ helps a lot.
4.I hope my suggetions will be of great help.(改为强 调句) I_d_o__hope my suggestions will be of great help.
Use a variety of sentence patterns 丰富句型
5. In this way, you can make great progress in English.(改为倒装句) _O__n_ly_ in this way, _c_a_n_ you make great progress in English.
Step6. polish your writing(润色)
How to polish your writing?
Polish your composition by improving your handwriting(书写)
Polish your composition by improving your language



Chinese words more easily. What’s more, you can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.
Try and write me in Chinese next time.
• 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学 好中文。请你根据下列要点写 回信。
• 要点:⑴ 参加中文学习班;⑵ 看中文书刊、电视; ⑶ 学唱中 文歌曲; ⑷ 交中国朋友。
• take a Chinese course
I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.
First, you had better show your friendliness to others.
It is good for your to make friends. 两个简单句
First, you must be friendly to others if you want to make friends with others.状语从句
写作模板 第二段: (建议及理由) 1. Here are a few suggestions. 2.I’d like to share some advice
with you. 3.In my opinion/As far as I am
concerned, it would be wise to take the following actions.



• 4. I hope you will find these suggestions useful.
• 翻译:我希望你会发现这些建议很有用。 • 5. I hope that you can take my suggestions
into consideration. • 翻译: 我希望你能接受我的建议。
• Jamie
• 本篇作文为写回信,为一篇应用文,但其格式 已经给出,格式问题无需考虑。主要要求考生 写出正文。
• 审题时,需要解决好如下问题: • 一、写什么?
这一信息包括在试题的背景介绍和内容要点两个 部分之中。
• 写信的背景:署名为Worried的同学向你诉说了 自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习 和生活受到了影响。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 三、时态、人称、词数等。本文的基调为现在 范畴的时态,人称以第二人称为主。注意在行 文中使用一些高级句型,提高作文档次。词数 要求为120左右。
• Hi_Worried,
• I'm_sorry_to_know_that_you_are_having_such_a_bad_tim e_at_the_moment. I’m writing to draw your attention to the fact that the truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don't have to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you'll regret. Here are three useful tips:



Use a variety of sentence patterns 丰富句型
3. Reading English books helps a lot.(改为强调句) _It__ is reading English books _t_h_a_t _ helps a lot.
4.I hope my suggetions will be of great help.(改为强 调句) I_d_o__hope my suggestions will be of great help.
Step4: organize your writing(组织语言)
transition words(过渡词)
转折 however, but, on the contrary 因果 so, therefore, for this reason, as a result,
as a consequence 结论 in short, in brief, in a word, in conclusion,
problems which person(第几人称) what type(什么体裁) what topic(什么主题)
what tense (写作时态)
conclusion first person
suggestion letter suggetions of learning English
simple present tense
Suggestion Letter
---江西省寻乌中学 卢文华
Free talk
As a new student in senior one, do you have some problems?



Rubrics and grading criteria
Provide clear rubrics and grading criteria for students to understand how their work will be evaluated, allowing them to focus on improving specific areas
The structure of the suggestion letter
Start with a brief introduction of the purpose of the letter, including the background and reason for writing
The language used is formal and appropriate for the purpose of a suggestion letter
Possible tone
The letter is written in a way that encourages t made
Course import
Course Background Introduction
The course is designed to provide students with an introduction to English composition and the writing of suggestion letters
Share model essays with students, demonstrating effective organization, language use, and essay structure



Para.1: The 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. I hear you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums. I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you.
结尾 信息5 总结,意愿……
In my opinion/ as far as I am concerned../from my point of view
I. would appreciate… I would you will think of /take…into consideration….
结尾 信息5 总结,意愿……
In my opinion/ as far as I we am should concerned../from my point of view From my point of view, do what we can to make
. I would appreciate… full use of the stadium. I you will think of /take…into consideration…. I would would appreciate it if you would take my advice into deep consideration In a word…
Want to write some advice/Would like to give you some advice


It aims to develop students' writing skills and improve their ability to express ideas effectively in English
The course will cover the basic principles of English composition and the structure and format of suggestion letters
Specific examples
The letter includes examples to illustrate the points made, making it easier to understand
The suggestions made are flexible and can be adapted to different situations or needs
make learning more interesting and engaging for students
It will resource students to actively participate in class discussions and share their ideas and experiences
Student writing ask assignment
Topic selection
Provide students with a range of topic options for their writing assignments, allowing them to choose topics that
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