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1.洞中之鼠(瓮中之鳖)a rat in the hole—bottled up;trapped

2.鼠目寸光see only what is under one’s nose;as short-sighted as mice;not see beyond the end of one’s nose

3.猫哭老鼠shed crocodile tears;the cat weeping over the dead mouse

4.抱头鼠窜/捧头鼠窜/掉头鼠窜cover the head and sneak the way like a rat;scurry(or scamper)off like a frightened rat

5.胆小如鼠as timid as a mouse;mouse like timidity;

6.狗拿耗子多管闲事狗逮老鼠poke one’s nose into other people’s business;a dog trying to catch mice

7.过街老鼠a person hated by people;a person or thing that provokes a hue and cry


9.鼠窃狗偷filch like rats and snatch like dogs—play petty tricks on the sly

10.以狸致鼠、以冰致绳using cats as to catch rats,treating ice as ropes—which is unsuccessful

11.掘室求鼠dig house to find rats---try to save a little only to lose a lot;penny wise and pound foolish


13.马捉老鼠比喻瞎忙乱a horse running after rats—one is busy without useful results

14.猫鼠同处猫鼠同眠act in collision;conspire;gang up

15.瞎猫碰上死耗子Every dog has his day./Everyone has good days.


1.smell a rat怀疑某事不对头,另有文章

2.play cat and mouse/play a cat-and-mouse game with someone 对某人时冷时热,时好时坏

3.as quiet as a mouse不出声,无声响

4.the rat race激烈竞争(尤指为保住职位、地位)

5.look like a drowned rat像落汤鸡

6.go ratting抓老鼠


