CFA 3 biji




全球最大的CFA(特许金融分析师)培训中心总部地址:上海市虹口区花园路171号A3幢高顿教育电话:400-600-8011网址: 微信公众号:gaoduncfa 1金融分析师cfa 三级备考策略熟练掌握所有知识点,要面面俱到不能以偏盖全,特别是考纲中涉及到Calculate 和Compute 的LOS ,是上下午计算题最直接的考点,需要重点掌握。

针对Essay 的考题特点,WMI 建议最好的强化方法不是花大量时间练习写作,而是熟悉IPS (Investment Policy Statement )写作的固定模式,细化到每个最常用的关键字。

Objective: ( Return,& Risk )Constraints: (,time horizon,tax,unique circumstance )CFA 协会不会因为语法错误和拼写错误扣分,但要求考生罗列出判断理由和计算逻辑。

考生应力求做到IPS 撰写标准化。

建议使用标题化的写作(bullet point )方式来取代完整的句子来回答问题,注意CFA 考试不是英文考试,所以即使有很多英语的语法错误,但逻辑正确仍然可以得分。

Portfolio Management 部分考试内容阅读量大,要求阅读理解速度快。

Performance Evaluation 的公式较为复杂,要结合习题理解记忆。

同时GIPS 在三级考试中也包含在Portfolio Management 中,知识点记忆量很大,需要花大量时间强化记忆。

Asset Valuation 中的Fixed Income 和Derivatives 难度较大,其中Duration Immunization 、Credit Derivatives 、Hedging Mortgage Securities 、Controlling Interest Risk 、Cash Flow Matching 都有相当深度,建议考生仔细阅读相关的CFA 协会官方教材,但是每年变化度不大,因此可以通过一定练习加以掌握。







cfa 2024 三级

cfa 2024 三级

cfa 2024 三级摘要:一、CFA 简介1.CFA 的定义2.CFA 的发展历程3.CFA 的三个级别二、CFA 2024 三级考试1.考试时间2.考试内容3.考试难度三、CFA 2024 三级备考策略1.制定学习计划2.参加培训班3.多做练习题4.模拟真实考试四、CFA 2024 三级考试的重要性1.提升个人金融素养2.增加职业竞争力3.扩大就业领域正文:CFA,全称Chartered Financial Analyst,中文名称为特许金融分析师,是全球金融领域最具权威的专业资格认证。

CFA 自1963 年成立以来,已经在全球范围内发展成为一个拥有超过170,000 名会员的专业组织。

CFA 认证分为三个级别,分别是基础知识(Level I)、应用知识(Level II)和投资管理(Level III)。

CFA 2024 三级考试作为CFA 认证的最高级别,将于2024 年举行。

对于金融从业者来说,CFA 2024 三级考试既是挑战,也是提升自身金融素养的绝佳机会。

为了顺利通过CFA 2024 三级考试,考生需要提前做好充分的备考准备。



同时,考生还需关注CFA 协会官方发布的考试大纲和考题样本,以便更好地了解考试重点和命题趋势。

其次,参加专业的CFA 培训班有助于提高考生的学习效果。

培训班可以帮助考生系统地学习CFA 课程知识,提供专业的解题技巧和方法,使考生在有限的时间内取得最佳的学习成果。

此外,多做练习题和模拟真实考试也是提高CFA 2024 三级考试成绩的重要途径。



总之,CFA 2024 三级考试对于金融从业者来说具有重要意义。

通过CFA 三级考试,考生不仅可以提升自身的金融素养,还能在激烈的职业竞争中脱颖而出。

cfa 三级备考

cfa 三级备考


备考CFA 三级考试需要充分准备,以下是一些建议:
1. 制定详细的学习计划:在备考过程中,要制定详细的学习计划,包括每天的学习任务、学习时间和进度等。


2. 深入理解知识点:CFA三级考试涉及的知识点较多,需要考生深入理解。


3. 大量练习:CFA三级考试要求考生具有较强的应用能力,因此需要大量的练习。



4. 关注考试动态:CFA协会会发布考试大纲和考题样例,考生应关注这些信息,了解考试形式和要求,以便更好地备考。


5. 做好笔记和总结:在备考过程中,建议做好笔记和总结。


6. 保持积极心态:CFA三级考试难度较大,需要考生保持积极的心态。






cfa3级考纲CFA Level 3 exam covers the following topics:1. Ethical and Professional Standards: This section focuses on ethical standards and professional conduct in the investment industry.2. Behavioral Finance: This section explores the impact of psychological biases on investment decision making and behavior.3. Private Wealth Management and Institutional Investors: This section covers portfolio management techniques and strategies for private wealth management and institutional investors.4. Portfolio Management: This section covers advanced portfolio management concepts, including asset allocation, risk management, and performance evaluation.5. Asset Allocation and Fixed Income: This section focuses on asset allocation strategies, fixed income instruments, and fixed income portfolio management.6. Equity and Alternative Investments: This section covers equity analysis, valuation techniques, and alternative investment strategies.7. Derivatives and Risk Management: This section covers derivative instruments, their valuation, and their use in risk management.8. Monitoring and Rebalancing: This section covers portfolio monitoring and rebalancing strategies.9. Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct: This section covers the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.The exam format includes both multiple-choice questions and essay questions, and candidates are required to demonstrate a deep understanding of the material and the ability to apply it to real-world investment scenarios.。

cfa三级 答题技巧

cfa三级 答题技巧

cfa三级答题技巧CFA 三级考试答题技巧CFA 三级考试是一门综合性的考试,涵盖广泛的投资管理主题。






























通过遵循这些技巧,考生可以提高 CFA 三级考试的答题能力,最大限度地发挥考试成绩,并向获得特许金融分析师 (CFA) 证书的目标迈进。



电话:400-600-8011网址: 微信公众号:
gaoduncfa 1
CFA 三级考试的复习备考心得技巧
CFA 三级考试备考心得
1、在CFA 三级考试前,要关注一下CFA 协会最新公布的有关考试信息,全面了解CFA 三级考试的考场要求。

2、有耐心和毅力完成CFA 三级考试复习的心态。

CFA 三级考试要复习的内容繁多,复习压力大,千里之行始于足下,只要CFA 三级考试复习心态良好,只要坚持住,就成功一半了。

3、合理安排CFA 三级考试时间,题目难度大,不可浪费时间,根据分支安排时间,才能在有限的CFA 三级考试时间争取通过CFA 三级考试。

以上就是对CFA 三级考试的分析,希望可以对参加CFA 三级考试的考生有所帮助。

最后祝愿大家都能顺利通过2011年的CFA 考试。

各位考生,CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的CFA 题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。

[CFA考试]CFA 3级复习笔记同步分享 BOOK5 学习笔记

[CFA考试]CFA 3级复习笔记同步分享 BOOK5 学习笔记
5 5 种 type of trading tactics: liquidity at any cost, costs are not important, need trustworthy agent, advertise to draw liquidity, low cost whatever the liquidity.
27 GIPS 编号
4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
归因分析, Factor model based(barra 归因分析) Portfolio Performance Appraisal 的 5 个指标: Alpha, Sharpe, Treynor, Information Ratio, M2 对应的计算公式 Value Added, Information Ratio 的计算方法
CFA 3 级第 5 本(11%)
Hale Waihona Puke Trading/Execution/Rebalancing 编号 内容
1 2 种 order:market order(price uncertainty), limit order(execution uncertainty)
2 4 种 market: quote driven market, order driven market, brokered market, hybrid market
3 评估 market quality 的 3 个要素: liquid(bid ask spread, market depth, market resilience), transparent, assurity of completion



电话:400-600-8011网址: 微信公众号:
gaoduncfa 1
CFA 三级考试复习备考指南
CFA 三级考试复习备考指南
1、熟练掌握所有知识点,要面面俱到不能以偏盖全,特别是考纲中涉及到Calculate 和Compute 的LOS ,是上, 下午计算题最直接的考点,需要重点掌握.
2、针对Essay 的考题特点,Schweser 建议最好的强化方法不是花大量时间练习写作,而是熟悉IPS (Investment ,Policy Statement )写作的固定模式,细化到每个最常用的关键字.
3、 Portfolio Management 部分考试内容阅读量大,要求阅读理解速度快.Performance Evaluation 的公式较为复杂,要结合习题理解记忆.同时GIPS 在三级考试中也包含在Portfolio Management 中,知识点记忆量很大, 需要花大量时间强化记忆.
如因为时间与空间关系不能接受CFA 面授课程的同学,可以选择购买高顿的CFA 培训高清网络课程在家学习,高顿CFA 全维度高清网络课程有独立录制与实景录制两种任您选择,采用与CFA 面授课程相同的课程体系与授课老师,全新网课体验让您身临其境。

各位考生,CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的CFA 题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。

CFA 三级如何准备

CFA 三级如何准备

CFA 三级如何准备能够参加LevelⅢ的考试,代表你已经有了基本的实力,这是**的优势,却也较容易令人掉以轻心,所以首先要调整的就是「心态」。








全球大多数考生都在用:2017-2018CFA最完整资料下载即可 (资料包含CFA必考点总结,提升备考效率,加分必备).三、参加考友聚会我当时正好有几个大学同学都要考CFA,而且他们身边也还有其他考友,于是我们自发组织了一个定期的考友聚会。




上班族很难得能有完整的时段来念书,所以千万不要错失年假期间,把上课讲义及Study Notes念完,视情况做几个问答题组,首次尝试写几题Essay,以做为后续念书方式的调整依据。

CFA 3 biji

CFA 3 biji




Reading 23 Capital Market ExpectationsManaging Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process, ThirdEdition, John L. Maginn, CFA, Donald L. Tuttle, CFA,Dennis W. McLeavey, CFA, and Jerald E. Pinto, CFA, editors1. 进行资本市场预测的框架包含以下步骤(A framework for developing capital market expectations):1). Specify the final set of expectations that are needed, including the time horizon to which they apply2). Research the historical record.3). Specify the methods and/or models that will be used and their information requirements4). Determine the best sources for information needs5). Interpret the current investment environment using the selected data and methods applying experience and judgment6). Provide the set of expectations that are needed, documenting conclusions7). Monitor actual outcomes and compare them to expectations, providing feedback to improve the expectations-setting process.资本市场预测主要分为两种方法:第一种Beta research: research related to systematic risk and returns to systematic risk;另一种Alpha research: research related to capturing excess risk-adjusted returns by a particular strategy好预测(good forecasts)的判断标准是:Unbiased, objective, and well researchedEfficient, in the sense of reducing the magnitude of forecast errors to a minimumInternally consistent2.2. 预测面临的挑战challenges in forecasting1). Limitations of economic dataTime lag 当经济数据每年或每两年(比如,IMF的报告)才统计一次的时候,用这些数据来分析当前经济形势、预测未来市场走向可能会有问题。






1. 有限理性(bounded rationality)-凑合一下也就这么过传统决策理论认为,决策者拥有完全信息,能够进行准确的数量计算,是完全理性的。


有限理性假说放松了传统理论的完全信息(perfect information)假设。




总之,有限理性的人们努力寻找的是可接受的足够好的(acceptable and adequate)决策,而不是像完全理性人那样寻找理想的效用最大化的方案。

在考试中请注意与bounded rationality对应的是传统理论决策中的完全信息假设。


2. 后悔厌恶偏差(Regret-aversion bias)--红玫瑰和白玫瑰后悔厌恶偏差(Regret-aversion bias)指的是人们因为害怕决策失误而避免做出决策的情绪偏差,换句话说,人们试图避免糟糕决策导致的后悔的痛苦。



cfa三级 答题技巧

cfa三级 答题技巧

cfa三级答题技巧CFA 三级考试答题技巧CFA 三级考试难度颇高,需要全面的知识储备和娴熟的答题技巧。



























掌握这些答题技巧,并结合扎实的知识基础,将极大地提高你通过 CFA 三级考试的几率。






一、介绍1、先给大家介绍一下CFA是什么CFA全称Chartered Financial Analyst (特许金融分析师),是全球投资业里最为严格与含金量最高的资格认证,被称为金融第一考的考试,为全球投资业在道德操守、专业标准及知识体系等方面设立了规范与标准。
















Behavioral Heuristics – Check Anchor/OAR Availability– Conservatism, Anchoring,Overconfidence, Ambiguity aversion, Representativeness, Availability Traditional Finance – TF-RAR - Risk averse, Asset integration, Rational expectations Behavioral Finance – BF-LAB - Loss averse, Asset segregation, Biased expectationsType of Investors – CMIS - Cautious, Methodical, Individualistic, SpontaneousIPS Process – OCSAEEA, Old Cars Sell At Eastern European Auctions – Objectives,Constraints, Strategy, Allocation, Execution, Evaluation, AdjustmentsIPS Constraints – URLIT - Unique, Regulatory/legal, Liquidity, tIme, TaxTDA vs. TEA – Higher Enders Take TEA – Higher Ending Tax rate TEA betterResidence vs. Source – Pay Greater rate with Credit, Exempt Source Income, Deduct Paid Taxes If our Human Capital is Bond-like, we should invest more aggressively (equity) and our demand for life insurance increases.Type I & II Error – Type I, I did something (rejected H0) wrong; Type II, failed TO reject H0 Null = Manager adds no value; Reject & conclude that manager adds value when he actuallydoes not.DB Risk Toler/Objs. Factors– P.S. San Francisco Risked Everything With Certain Plan Features - Pension Surplus, Sponsor Finances, Risk Exposures, Workforce Characteristics, Same Prudent Man Rule : Foundation for all write stds. Of prudence apply in Legal/Reg.Prudent Expert : DB/DC planPrudent Investor : Endowment, Life InsurancePrudent Man Rule: the requirement that a trustee, investment manager of pension funds, treasurer of a city or county, or any fiduciary (a trusted agent) must only invest funds entrusted to him/her as would a person of prudence, i.e. with discretion, care and intelligence. Prudent Man Rule requires that each investment be judged on its own merits. Under the Prudent Man Rule, speculative or risky investments must be avoided. investments aren't viewed in a portfolio context.Prudent Expert Rule: Revised version of the prudent man rule required by ERISA to guide managers of pension and profit sharing portfolios. The main addition is that the manager must act as someone with familiarity with matters relating to the management of money, not just prudence.Prudent Investor rule: This is a modified version of Prudent Man Rule in that it views asset allocation from a portfolio context. An asset (like derivatives) may be too risky to invest if considered on astand-alone basis but can provide diversification benefits if viewed in a portfolio context.Life insurance companies' RETURN objective : APEG(Actuarial + Positive interest rate spread + Enhance Margin + Growth Surplus)An investor whose decisions are impacted by mental accounting will look at investments as separate, focusing on the risk of investments in isolation.According to behavioral finance, expert forecasters are overconfident in their forecasting ability due to cognitive dissonance.Cognitive dissonance states that individuals will avoid information (reflecting what has been actually experienced) that is in disagreement (dissonance) with the individual’s perceived ability of himself or herself. As a result, experts will have limited recollection of their failures.Frame dependence refers to investors' tendency to frame their tolerance on the current direction ofthe market or in the context of the information received rather than on its own merits.Anchoring refers to the inability to fully incorporate (adjust) the impact of new information on projections.Representativeness can cause investors’ perceptions to be based upon current or historical information rather than unbiased expectations resulting in overpriced “winners” underperforming and underpriced “losers” outperforming as prices retur n to their intrinsic values.If someone developed her investment style through trial and error, learning from her own mistakes. This is a sign of heuristic-driven bias.Behavioral finance assumes that:1.investors are loss averse, which means they prefer uncertain losses to certain losses.2.investors exhibit biased expectations, due to overconfidence in their ability to forecast the future.3.investors construct portfolios via asset segregation, meaning that they tend to focus on an asset’s individual investment features versus its impact on the overall portfolio positionBy admitting his mistake but reiterating other projections, one used the "single predictor" defense.Feeling that they should spread out their risk, but not knowing how leads to the 1/n diversification heuristic. Often times, participants will only have a rough understanding of the effects of correlation and diversification and will simply divide their assets equally over the investment options in the plan in an attempt diversify their portfolio.DC participants tend to hold excess stock of the company they work for due to familiarity and a perceived endorsement by management.The endorsement effect refers to the misconception that by offering an investment as an alternative, the sponsor is implicitly endorsing it as a good investment.Note that the status quo bias refers to a lack of action on the part of the participant. Also note that putting too much in company stock would be an example of an investor being “boundedly selfish” in that there does not seem to be a determination if the investment would be in the investor’s best interests.Trial and error and experimentation are heuristic learning processes. Heuristic learners pick up information simply, through their own efforts or from sources simple to access. They don't do research. When overconfident investors revise their forecasts based on new information, they tend to overestimate the impact. As an overconfident investor, one will be disappointed by the subsequent movements in Bison stock because of her initial overoptimism after the earnings announcement.Investors who use anchoring tend to underestimate the impact of new information because they are anchored in their old beliefs. One will be pleased by the subsequent movements in stock because hewill have initially underestimated the impact of the positive earnings announcement.Bank Security Portfolio Return Objs. – I Remember Living In CR – Interest Rate risk, Liquidity, Income, Credit RiskCME Form Process –Forming Expectations Needed Historically Provided Capital Managers Many Incentives & Gratifying Invitations Into Overlooking Market ExpectationsMade Rashly - Find Expectations Needed, Historical Performance, ChooseMethods/Models/Info, Get Info, Interpret Output, Make Expectations, Monitor &RefinePsych Traps –Overconfident Chief Executives Start Quietly Piling Risk– Overconfidence, Confirming Expectations, Status Quo, Prudence, RecallibilityBRIC-Size of BRIC economies could be >1/2 that of the G6 by 2025, and could surpass the G6 by 2040-India's growth is strongest at 5% for next 30-50 years-Global spending for BRICs - 4x as large as G6 by 2050-Real exchange rates for BRIC countries could strengthen by 300% by 2050-Slowest to open economy: India-Weaker tech progree: Brazil & India-Most rapidly aging: China & Russia-China's economy could overtake Germany in next 4 years, Japan by 2015, and US by 2039-India's economy could be larger than all but US & China in 30 years-BRIC per capita income will remain below G6 (except Russia)Factors that lead to growth-Technological progress-Growth in capital stock-Employment GrowthConditions for Sustained Economic Growth-Macroeconomic stability-institutional efficiencies-open trade-worker educationWhy Emerging Markets in a Portfolio?Increased growth in markets = increased demand for capital = stonger currency values = increased market caps which further justifies inclusion in a well diversified portfolioWhen evaluating a specific country, are the following good or bad signs?1. GDP=5% good if >4%, under may mean growing slower than population2. Defecit/GDP =10% bad >4% indicates substantial credit risk3. Foreign Debt/GDP = 75% bad >50%4. Debt /Current Acct Receipts =250% bad >200% considered high risk5. Reserves/Short Term Debt =200% good ≥200% safe, ≤100% very risky-BL is a top down approach-uses returns implied by the value weighted global market index-alter it slightly based on analyst opinions (like tactical asset allocation)-It will result in a well diversified portfolio, and will avoid the input bias from E(R)-Disadvantage is you must use historical volatility.-If you want to make your portfolio less risky (below average risk) but have no views, combine world portfolio with risk free asset. To make more risky (above average risk) you borrow at risk free rate and invest in the market portfolio.WACC with Pension Assets:βA,T=W O,T[βE,O1+D OE O]+ W P,T[W E,P∗βE,P]Note: For Operations: %Eq ↑→βO↓→βT↑→DE ↓ For Pension: %Eq ↑→βP ↑ →βT↓→DE↓Cyclical Bond:Increases in # of new issues associated with narrower spreads & stronger returns and vice versa,Liquidity Δs due to Economic ConditionsSecular Bond:Bond Structures are trending toward intermediate term bullet structures Implications: (1)Structures w/options embedded sell at premium due to scarcity value (2)Structures w/longerduration will sell at premium as percentage of long-term issues will decline - effective duration and aggregate interest rate risk sensitivity will also decline. (3) Credit-based derivatives use willincrease for return&/or diversification benefits; Liquidity increasing due to trading innovations &competition among managersLeverage, Portfolio Returns & DurationIf Return > cost of Debt → Return enhanced If Return < cost of Debt → Loss magni fied Leverage increases σ of R Port (Not R Investment), Investment Return increases σ of R PortDuration: D Port=(D I I−D B B)EI = B+ERisk Measurement Deficiencies:σ2&σ– Assumes NDistribution, requires [N*(N+1)]/2 estimated terms to estimateσPort2, Bond CharsΔw/time Shortfall Risk (risk of not achieving R= x) –Doesn’t account for magnitude of loss in $ terms Semi-σ2–Statistically accuracy<σ, difficult to compute on large port, may not be a good forecast VaR – does not indicate the magnitude of the very worst possible outcomesInt Rate Futures, Swaps, & Options - Lengthen - Long DD f >0, Shorten - Short DD f <0DD T = DD P + DD F; DD f=D f∗ΔIR(decimal)∗FaceValue∗(futures Price100)=DD CTDCTD Conv FactorNumber of Contracts to Hedge: #Contracts=DD T−DD PDD f =DD T−DD PDD CTDCTD Conv Factor⁄Hedge Ratio– relative sensitivity to Int Rate risk determines number of contracts required for an effective hedge -=DD PDD CTD ∗ConvFactr∗βYield=D H P HD CTD P CTD∗ConvFactr∗β=Factor Exposure(Bond to be ℎedged)Factor Exposure of futures contractβYield =E(relative Δ on Bond to be hedged & CTD Bond yield levels & spread)= α + b(Yield CTD) + εD Option(future)= ΔOption∗D U∗Leverage or [P UnderlyingP OptionInstrument]; If call → ΔOption & D U positiveCredit Options: (1)Credit Opt onU - Binary Credit Option –credit event trigger→buyer put gets X-V t(2)Credit Spread Opt – buyer gets (Spread Maturity–Spread Strike) * Notional Amt * Risk Factor Credit Forwards:ZeroSumGame(1 winner=1 loser)–buyer gets same payoff as Credit Spread OptCredit Swaps: CDS – buyer pays annual premium on notional amount & if a credit event creditevent occurs the buyer is compensated by seller for loss in investment valueInternational Bonds:Potential Sources of Excess Return on International Bond Portfolio:(1)Market Selection (2)Currency Selection (3)Duration Management (4)Sector Selection(5)Credit Anal (6)Markets outsideBenchmark–Indexes usually only sovereign might add CorpCou ntry/Yield β:ΔYield For=α+βCountry(ΔY Dom)+ε is regressed; βCountry=ρ(Y For,Y Dom)*σFor/σDomΔYield For=βCountry*ΔY Dom & ΔV ForB = -D ForB*ΔY For*100 ∴ΔV ForB=-D ForB*ΔY For Given ΔY D om*100 → Dur Contribution to Port Dom = Weight*D ForB*βCountryHedging Currency Risk: (1) Forward Hedge – manager enters contract to sell Currency For @ F0,M(2) Proxy Hedge – same but w/currency that is highly correlated w/Currency For bc Forward N/A(3) Cross Hedge –contract to sell Currency For for a 3rd currency–Δs risk exposure doesn’t removeReturns: R$ = R LC + R$ + R LC * R$ ; R$ ~ R LC + R$ ~ IntR$ + (R LC – IntR LC)→Best bond = Max(R LC-IntR LC) @same risk characteristics & ability to fully hedgeI f Receiving CurrX & believe CurrX will Appr/Depr More/Less vs. CurrDom than Prem/Disc→UnhedgedBreak Even Analysis: Gives manager an idea of Amt of risk associated with attempting toexploit Y advantage, by looking at Amt Y must widen to make Total Returns equal; Managermustassume a Set Time Horizon and measure Yield Δ in bond with Higher DurationBreak Even BP ΔY = Annual Yield AdvantageTime Horizon−Duration⁄Information Ratio= E(α)σα⁄= Active Return over Tracking Error (σα) measures tracking riskMBS securities exposed to "SIP Vodka Martinis":Sector risk Interest rate riskPrepayment riskVolatility risk Model RiskNon-MBS securities exposed to: "ISCOY":Interest rate riskSpread riskCredit riskOptionality riskYield curve riskTWO BOND HEDGEStep 1: Calculate the price of the MBS, 2-year, and 10-year securities assuming a level shift up ininterest rates (Level scenario)Step 1b: Do the same but for a equal level downward shiftStep 2: Do the same as Step1 and Step1b for an assumed steepening and flattening of the Yield curverespectively (Twist Scenario)Step3: Now you have two prices for each security for the "Level" shifts and two prices for eachsecurity for the "Twists" in the term structure... you now want to calculate the average price changefor each one.So if in Step1 you see that when the rates went up your MBS declined by $2.00 and when the rateswhen down your MBS increased by $2.00, you would take the average of the two to get $2.00average price change for the MBS (level). Do this for all the securities in both the Level and Twistscenarios.Step4: Once you have all the average price changes you can set up a system of equations to solve forthe optimal quantities of the 2-year and 10-year securities to invest in (Algebra 1)...They are:H2(AveChange in 2yr-Level) + H10(AveChange in 10yr-Level) = -AveChange in MBS-LevelH2(AveChange in 2yr-Twist) + H10(AveChange in 10yr-Twist) = -AveChange in MBS-TwistWhere:H2 = Number of 2year secuties needed per $1 of MBSH10 = Number of 10year secuties needed per $1 of MBSSolve for both H2 and H10... negative or positive will tell you if you should long or short them.By investing in these you will hedge your MBS against both level shifts and twists in the term structure.(or at least get pretty close)Reasons for NO T trading: Please Stop Bothering SusanPortfolio constraintsSeasonalityBuy and holdStory disagreementsThere are eight main reasons TO trade bonds - "really can cook, no salt you say?"really = relative value pick up (biggest reason)can = credit upsidecook = credit defenceno = new issue tradessalt = secot-rotation tradesyou = yield curve pickups say? = structure tradesSelling Disciplines:Opportunity Cost Sell Discipline – sell for better investment Deteriorating Fundamentals Sell Discipline – sell bc investment has worsened Down-from-Cost Sell Discipline – similar to a stop-loss Up-from-Cost Sell Discipline – similar to stop buy Valuation level Sell Discipline – sell if P/E or P/B rise above historical mean Target Price Sell Discipline – sell once reaches target priceFundamental Law of Active Management – Info Ratio ≈ IC ∗√IBIC=Investor Coefficient, the depth of knowledge about individual securities, measured bycomparing forecasts to actual outcomes; IB=Investor Breadth, the number of independentinvestment decisions, e.g. buying multiple stocks in a sector b/c investor believes sector willoutperform only 1 investment decisionPortfolio Active Risk – given a correlation of zero =√∑w α,i 2σα,i 2Utility = R a – λa 2σa 2 λa is level of risk aversion in terms of active returnTotal Active Return = true Ra + misfit Ra = activeR – normal Rport + normal Rport – benchmark RTotal Active Risk = = √∑w true 2+σmisfit 2True Info Ratio = true Ra / true riskPortable Alpha - example1: want European Equity Alpha but S&P 500 Beta: Buy S&P futures contract,Invest in Euro Equity manager, and Short Euro Equity index futures; thus getting Beta fromS&P and Alpha from Euro Equity; example2: buy S&P ETF and invest in small-cap long-short manager, receive Beta from S&P and Small-Cap AlphaMoral Hazard Problems (Corporate Governance):a) Insufficient Effort - refers to not hours in the office but managers allocation of work time;may avoid unpleasant or inconvenient activities at the shareholders expense (negotiating salaries,switching suppliers), may devote insufficient time to employee oversight (think Nick Leeson),may work on competing activities (political involvement, investments in other ventures) ratherthan managing the firm.b) Exravagant Projects - is when management continue to invest in high profile or pet projectseven though the return on the investments is not in the best interest of the company and itsshareholders. Empire Buildingc) Entrenchment Strategies -- when managers invest in bad projects but in projects where theyhave a strong understanding so that they become more valuable to the company, or manipulateperformance measures in their favor, take excessive or insufficient risk, resist hostile takeovers.d) Self-Dealing– when managers increase their private benefit from running the firmBoard of Directors (Corp Gov):-- Independent Chairman-- Majority should be independendent-- Audit, Compensation, Ethics, & Nominating committees should be majority independent-- Some board and/or committee meetings should be held without management present-- Should be able to seek outside advice at firm’s expense-- Should be required to hold minimum amount of equity-- Compensation should be equity-based-- Should have mandatory retirement age-- Self-evaluations of board should be doneEmerging Markets Finance -As markets move from segmented to integrated Equity P ↑ and E(R) ↓ bc in integrated marketCo-σ2is the only priced risk and it will be lower than the market’s stand-alone σ2Liberalization(dom) - characterized by privatization of firms & bank reformRisks/Issues: Contagion - crisis spreads to other countries. Contagion in Curr occurs for 1 of 5 reasons:(1)Country devalues Curr to keep exports competitive w/other country w/devalued Curr(2)Exports decline due to other countries in crisis (i.e. importers of their goods)(3)Intitial devalue wake-up-call to investors that other countries Curr.s have weaknesses(4)Crisis in country1 leads to credit crunch in another (ie country1 is their major creditor)(5)Initial crisis causes investors to liquidate their investments in other countriesNon-Normal Return Distribution– Fat tails & Negative skew(↑larger negative R frequency)CorpGov–traditionaly weak in EM,↑amt of insider ctrl&lowCEO turnover post-poor perform Liberalization:EqP↑, Volume↑,Liq↑,GDP↑,IPOs↑,Competition↑,CapitalFlows↑,FirmEfficiency↑Trade↑,E(R)↓,Cost of Capital↓,Cou ntryDebt↓,Infl↓,CurrencyVolatility↓If Home Country Bias exists cost of cap not as far ↓&EM Securities D less ↑Mean Variance: Optimizes a portfolio based on inputs of historical/expected returns and standard deviations. ie, given expected returns/deviations for 4 asset classes the Mean Variance method will calculate the optimal portfolio combination of the 4 assets to yield the best risk/return trade-off. Benefits - easy/cheap to implement and understand, only 1 output given.Negatives - requires a large amount of estimated input data, static approach (one iteration), canresult in concentrations due to the way the optimization works.Resampled Mean Variance: basically runs a bunch of Mean Variance optimizations based on different assumptions and averages the results to get an optimizes portfolio.Benefits - more optimizations result in better diversification and a more stable efficient frontier. Negatives - no mathematical rationale behind doing this method, still a static approach, relies on estimates.Black-Litterman: Starts with the market portfolio and backs out the expected returns, risk premiums, covariances, etc implied by market prices, assuming market equilibrium. From there a Mean-Variance optimization is run using those inputs to generate an efficient frontier.Benefits - high level of diversification, overcomes weakness of MV which is the variability of estimated returns.Negatives - static approach, difficult to estimate returns.Monte Carlo Simulation: Computer generated iterative process that incorporates different input variables (contributions/withdrawals, taxes, capital market factors, etc) to generate a range of possible outcomes.Benefits - multiple output = not a static approach, incorporates compounding and other relevant information, generates a distribution of returns instead of a single prediction.Negatives - complex and expensive to generate, still relies on the accuracy of input data. Microperformance Attribution:Pure Sector Allocation: (Wp - Wb)*(Rbj - Rb) - did the manager underweight underperforming sectors and overweight outperforming sectors. So you compare his weightings to the benchmarks and then compare the sector return in the benchmark to the overall return of the benchmark.Security Selection: Wb*(Rp - Rb) - Ignoring differences in weightings, did the manager do a better job at picking securities with each sector than if he replicated the sector securities from the benchmark. Allocation Selection: (Wp - Wb)*(Rp - Rb) - interaction of the prior two, did the manger overweightthe sectors where he was a better stock picker and underweight those where he wasn't.1. the question usually sets out a table showing the corner portfolios in order - usually starting from the highest risk/reward at the top - so it's easy to pick the right section (between 2 corners) that meets the return and risk objectives CORNER PORTFOLIOS2. when it comes to interpolating the point on the straight line between the 2 selected corners - the trick is in the exact wording of the targets in the IPS:- if the IPS sets a MINIMUM return goal (eg "at least 10%") and a fixed risk goal (eg "10%" or variance) then start with the stated RISK target and interpolate the portfolio return.- but if the IPS sets a single return goal (eg "10%") and a MAXIMUM risk goal (eg "no more than 10%") - then start with the stated RETURN target and interpolate the portfolio risk.3. only use lend/invest along the capital allocation line if the table has a risk-free asset in it, and there are other hints - eg if the IPS says that the investor considers the Sharpe ratio to be a primary measure. In that case - pick the portfolio with the higest sharpe, then lend (invest) at the RFR (which will be given) to move down to the target return or risk goal - then interpolate the risk and return in the total portfolio. This will be more efficient than any corner or straight section.Interest Rate Calls:In 40 days, a firm plans to borrow $5 million for 180 days.The borrowing rate is LIBOR plus 300 b.p.Current LIBOR is 5%.The firm buys a call that matures in 40 days with a NP of $5 million, 180 days in underlying (D = 180), and a strike rate of 4.5%. The call premium is $8,000.Calculate the effective annual rate on the loan if at expiration LIBOR = 5%Net loan amount= 5MM – 8M(1 + (0.08 * 40/360))= 4,991,929Call Payoff= 5MM(0.05 - 0.045) (180/360) = $12,500Dollar Cost of Loan=5MM * 0.08 * (180/360) – 12,500 = $187,500Effective Annual Rate= ($5,187,500 / $4,991,929)^(365/180) -1= 0.081043 or 8.1%Reading 48, question 5: Global Performance Attributiona) Calculate Local and Base (USD) portfolio returnsStep 1: Calculate the weight of each country component within the portfolio=(US Dollar value of each country as of 2006) / SUM(Total US Dollar value of portfolio as of 2006) Step 2: Calculate the portfolio returns in local currency for each country=(2007 portfolio value in local currency)/(2006 portfolio value in local currency)-1Step 3: Calculate the portfolio returns in USD for each countryFirst, convert the 2006 and 2007 Sterling and Euro portfolio values into USD using the 2006 and 2007 exchange rates. Then, apply the same concept as Step 3.=(2007 portfolio value in US Dollar)/(2006 portfolio value in US Dollar)-1Step 4: Calculate the total portfolio return in US Dollar and local currency=SUM(portfolio return in local currency * portfolio weight)and=SUM(portfolio return in US Dollar * portfolio weight)Are we good so far? Excellent, let's continue!b) Decompose the portfolio return into local currency capital gains and currency returnsThe objective here is to determine what portion of the portfolio's return came from capital gains in local currency and what portion of the portfolio's return came from currency returns.For example, you could buy a stock in Yen that drops in value, but the Yen itself could gain, which in theory could actually leave you with a gain depending on the difference between the loss on on the stock and gain on the Yen.We've actually already calculated the local currency capital gains in part A, step 2.Now, we have to calculate the currency returns for each country:=(local return - US Dollar return)***Note that this is where I begin to disagree with their mathematics. They are assuming that the local return and currency return can just be added together to get the US Dollar return, which isn't strictly true - ideally, you'd want to use this formula:(1 + local return) * (1 + currency return) - 1 = US Dollar returnbut their method is a reasonable (and simpler) approximation, although not entirely correct.End rant #1***Next, we need to calculate the total portfolio level currency return:=SUM(currency return * portfolio weight)c) Decompose the portfolio total return into the market, security selection and currency components. This is contribution. It is NOT relative to a benchmark, since it is decomposing the sources of the portfolio return.In this question, we're trying to explain the sources of the total return of the portfolio.***This is where it starts to get a bit murky due to the poor wording of the CFA material. I also think they're combining "contribution" (sources of TOTAL return) with "attribution" (sources of ACTIVE return) due to the inclusion of the selection component.End rant #2***So we need to find the following:Market ComponentSecurity Selection ComponentCurrency ComponentPortfolio Total Return = Market + Selection + CurrencyWe already found the Currency Component in part B.Market Component:=SUM(Index local return * portfolio weight)Security Selection Component:=SUM[(Portfolio local return - Index local return) * portfolio weight]。



cfa三级框架CFA三级框架CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)是国际上金融业最具权威和最高职业道德规范的认证之一。




CFA三级框架主要包括以下几个方面:1. 投资组合管理投资组合管理是CFA三级考试的重点内容之一。





2. 财务规划财务规划是CFA三级考试的另一个重要内容。




3. 道德与职业角色道德与职业角色是CFA三级考试的基础。



4. 实践与综合技能实践与综合技能是CFA三级考试的另一个重点。








cfa 三级 notes

cfa 三级 notes

cfa 三级 notesCFA三级考试笔记(中文版)CFA三级考试是金融领域的重要资格认证考试,对于金融从业者来说具有很大的价值。


1. 宏观经济学- 宏观经济学是研究整个经济系统的运行规律和机制的学科。

- 宏观经济学的核心内容包括GDP、通货膨胀、失业率等指标的测算和分析。

- 外汇市场、利率市场等也是宏观经济学的重要研究对象。

2. 投资组合管理- 投资组合管理是资产管理的重要环节,旨在通过资产配置和交易决策来实现投资目标。

- 资产分配是指将资金分配到不同类型的资产类别中,以实现风险和回报之间的平衡。

- 交易决策包括买卖股票、债券等资产的选择和定价等方面。

3. 金融市场与基金- 金融市场包括股票市场、债券市场、货币市场等,是资本市场的重要组成部分。

- 基金投资是一种集合投资方式,通过投资基金来实现分散风险和获取收益的目的。

- 基金的类型包括股票基金、债券基金、混合基金等。

4. 衍生品与风险管理- 衍生品是指派生于其他金融资产的金融工具,包括期货、期权、互换等。

- 风险管理是金融机构和投资者对市场风险、信用风险等进行管理和控制的过程。

- 头寸管理、风险评估和对冲交易是风险管理的重要工具和方法。

5. 伦理与职业规范- 伦理与职业规范是金融从业者应当遵守的行为准则和规范。

- 金融从业者应当具备职业道德和职业操守,保护客户利益和维护金融市场的公平和透明。

- 遵守道德和法律规定是金融从业者必备的素质。



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Reading 23 Capital Market ExpectationsManaging Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process, ThirdEdition, John L. Maginn, CFA, Donald L. Tuttle, CFA,Dennis W. McLeavey, CFA, and Jerald E. Pinto, CFA, editors1. 进行资本市场预测的框架包含以下步骤(A framework for developing capital market expectations):1). Specify the final set of expectations that are needed, including the time horizon to which they apply2). Research the historical record.3). Specify the methods and/or models that will be used and their information requirements4). Determine the best sources for information needs5). Interpret the current investment environment using the selected data and methods applying experience and judgment6). Provide the set of expectations that are needed, documenting conclusions7). Monitor actual outcomes and compare them to expectations, providing feedback to improve the expectations-setting process.资本市场预测主要分为两种方法:第一种Beta research: research related to systematic risk and returns to systematic risk;另一种Alpha research: research related to capturing excess risk-adjusted returns by a particular strategy好预测(good forecasts)的判断标准是:Unbiased, objective, and well researchedEfficient, in the sense of reducing the magnitude of forecast errors to a minimumInternally consistent2.2. 预测面临的挑战challenges in forecasting1). Limitations of economic dataTime lag 当经济数据每年或每两年(比如,IMF的报告)才统计一次的时候,用这些数据来分析当前经济形势、预测未来市场走向可能会有问题。

Frequent revisions 很多经济统计报告发布以后还会进行(多次)修正,所以建立在初次发布的数据基础之上的预测是有问题的。

Changes in definition and calculation methodsRe-base 当统计基期变化时,统计数据的含义也相应发生变化。

2). Data measurement errors and biasesTranscription errors 指收集和记录数据(gathering and recording data)的错误 Survivorship bias 只有幸存下来的公司经营数据才被记录,使得这些数据反映的收益偏高、风险偏低。

Appraisal (smoothed) data 当某些时段的数据缺失时,通常通过线性推导等方法获得估算数据,这些数据反映的波动性通常偏低。

3). Limitations of historical estimates未来不是历史的简单外推(Past cannot be simply extrapolated to produce future),特别是当体制变动的时候(Changes in regime)。

所谓体制变动,指技术、政治、法律和监管环境的变化,以及战争和其他灾难的扰动会改变风险—收益关系,导致统计学上所谓的非平稳性问题(changes in the technological, political, legal, and regulatory environments, as well as disruptions such as wars and othercalamities can alter risk-return relationships. It gives rise to the statistical problem of nonstationarity)。

表面上看,所选样本数据跨度越长,或许能够降低参数估计对样本起止日期的敏感性(reduce the sensitivity of parameter estimates to the starting and ending dates of the sample),但是,使用长跨度数据样本会带来以下问题:数据覆盖多个体制(Regime)的风险增加要求的长跨度数据或许不可得为得到长跨度数据,很容易倾向使用每周/月的高频数据(high-frequency data),而高频数据对数据间的异步性(asynchronism across variables)更加敏感。


4). Ex Post risk can be a biased measure of Ante Post risk只有事先估算的风险溢价才对决策有用(Only the ante post risk premium is important in decision making),以事后计算的风险来事先估算风险可能存在偏差。

5). Biases in analyst’s methodsData-mining bias 数据挖掘指的是分析师重复进行数据抽取,直至找到统计上显著的规律为止。


Time-period bias 指所得分析结论仅适用于某个具体时间段。


6). The failure to account for conditioning information假设经济衰退时期的beta值为1.2,扩张时期的beta值为0.8(称为条件信息conditional information,即beta值的大小取决于经济所处状态),则beta平均值为1.0。

如果不区分具体情况,用1.0的beta均值(称为无条件信息unconditional information)进行预测,所得预期收益是有偏的。

具体而言,如果发生经济衰退,1.0的beta均值偏低,风险偏低,预期收益偏低;如果发生经济扩张,1.0的beta 均值偏高,风险偏高,预期收益偏高。

7). Misinterpretation of correlations不分析背后的关联,相关关系本身不能用于预测模型。

举例说明:当A与B 显著相关时,原因可能不止A能预测B这么简单,相反,可能有三种关系存在:A predicts BB predicts Aa third variable C predicts A and B甚至还有更微妙的关系:当A与B存在很强的非线性关系时,它们的相关系数甚至可以是零(比如,)!8). Psychological traps分析师的预测准确度还收到下列心理因素的影响。


The anchoring trap is the tendency of the mind to give disproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topic. The analyst can try to address this trap by consciously attempting to avoid premature conclusions.The status quo trap is the tendency for forecast to perpetuate recent observations—that is to predict no change from the recent past. This trap may be overcome with rational analysis used within a decision-making process.The confirming evidence trap is the bias that leads individuals to give greater weight to information that supports an existing or preferred point of view than to evidence that contracts it.Several steps may be taken to avoid this trap:✧Examine all evidence with equal rigor✧Enlist an independent-minded person to argue against your preferred conclusionor decision✧Be honest about your motives.The overconfidence trap is the tendency of individuals to overestimate the accuracy of their forecasts. A good practice to prevent this trap is to widen the range of possibilities around the primary target forecast.The prudence trap is the tendency to temper forecasts so that they do not appear extreme, or the tendency to be overly cautious in forecasting. To avoid this trap, a good way is again to widen the range of possibilities around the target forecast.The recallability trap is the tendency of forecasts to be overly influenced by events that have left a strong impression on a person’s memory. To minimize the distort ions, analysts should ground their conclusions on objective data and procedures rather than on personal emotions and memories.Example (摘自CFA 2007真题Question 3):John Nultione was recently hired as a portfolio manager with Equity Advisors (EA). As part o f his responsibilities, Nultione prepares market forecasts for the firm’s chief investment officer, Walt Hyatt. The U.S. equity market declined by 20 percent last year. After constructing a model of factors affecting the market, Nultione becomes convinced that U.S. market returns will be 13.47 percent for the first half of this year followed by an 11.21 percent return for the second half of this year.Nultione remembers similar conditions several years ago when his forecast was too pessimistic and he missed a significant buying opportunity. He does not want to miss another market low. Nultione proposes a large increase in EA’s portfolio allocation to U.S. equities, which will move his position from underweight to overweight. By contrast, Hyatt believes the recent downward trend in the market will continue, and any gains from restructuring EA’s portfolio allocation would not be worth the risk of relative underperformance.After preparing his forecast, Nultione reads reports by several respected analysts,inc luding Harinder Singh. Nultione disagrees with Singh’ s forecast of a continued decline in the market. Hyatt, however, attended a conference where Singh presented his market forecast. Hyatt found Singh’ s analysis convincing and agreed with his forecast.N ultione points out that since the conference, several key variables in Singh’s analysishave changed. Despite this evidence, Hyatt remains convinced that Singh’s forecast is correct.Hyatt believes that Nultione’s proposed portfolio allocation could resul t in a significant underperformance of EA’s portfolio compared to its peers. Hyatt believes such underperformance could harm his own position at the firm. As a result, Hyatt asks Nultione to review the work of the top 20 equity analysts and reassess his forecast. Nultione presents his review of the 20 analysts to Hyatt, focusing on the views of three analysts who agree with Nultione’ s optimistic market view.For each Nultione and Hyatt:A. Identify two psychological traps they have fallen into.B. Justify your position by stating evidence from the information provided.Note: Four different psychological traps must be identified.CFA协会提供的参考答案:Template for Question 2 (continued)yatt .Anchoring trap- the tendencyto givedisproportionateweight to thefirst (or early)informationreceived on atopic. Initialimpressions,estimates, ordata “anchor”subsequentjudgments.Hyatt has fallen into the anchoring trap in that he is unable to take an objective view of Nultione’s work. This is becausehe has familiarity with Singh’s work from hearing him at a conference. AlthoughNultione points out that some of the key variables used in Singh’s analysis havechanged since the conference, Hyatt’s views do not change. Also, Nultione hasonly recently been hired by EA.2. Status quo trap -the tendency forforecasts toperpetuate recentobservations. Topredict nochange fromrecent past. Hyatt has fallen into the status quo trap in that he is convinced that the current weak performance of the U.S. market will continue. A trend itself is not sufficient evidence to predict that it will continue. Acting to change the status quo may lead to regret if the decision is wrong, as is evidenced by Hyatt’s concern about the performance impact if Nultione is wrong.知加拿大和美国股票市场收益的协方差的收缩估计值为:0.3(230)+0.7(190)=202。
