
留学生入学申请表APPLICATION FOR FOREIGNERS WISHING TO STUDY ATUNIVERSITYOF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BEIJING姓名:中文(In Chinese)英文(In English) SurnameGiven NamePhoto国籍:Nationality 性别:Sex出生地点:Place of Birth 出生日期:Date of Birth护照号码:Passport No. 有效期至:Valid Until宗教信仰:Religion 婚姻状况:Marital Status永久通讯地址及电话号码:Permanent Mailing Address & Telephone Number最后学历:Highest Academic Degree Obtained 职业身份:Occupation or Status目前工作或学习单位:Employer or School Affiliated邮箱地址E-mail:电话Telephone in Beiing:来华学习专业:Field of Study in China 学习期限:自年月至年月Duration from Yr. Mth. To Yr. Mth学生类别: □语言生□本科生□普通进修生Student Status Language Student Undergraduate General Advanced Student □硕士研究生□博士研究生□高级进修生Master Programs Doctoral Programs Senior Advanced Student 经费来源: Source of Funding经济担保人姓名、地址和电话Supporter’s Name Address & Telephone本人简历Personal Background年、月至年、月Inclusive Dates学校或工作单位Name of School/University/Employer做何事Position/Student Status现有汉语水平:Present Level of Chinese1.学习时间及地点:Date and Place of Study2.汉语已达水平(很好/好/一般/初级)Current Level (Excellent/Good/Fair/Beginning)推荐单位和推荐人Name of Sponsor/Agency在华事务联系人或机构Person or Agency to act on your behalf in China姓名或机构名称Name:地址及电话Address & Telephone申请人保证:1.上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的;2.在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。

- 姓名:
- 性别:
- 出生日期:
- 年龄:
- 国籍:
- 现居住地址:
- 联系
- 电子邮件:
- 毕业学校名称:
- 毕业年份:
- 学士/硕士/博士专业:
- GPA(如适用):
- 实经历:
- 志愿工作:
- 社会实践:
- 奖项/荣誉:
- 推荐人1:
- 姓名:
- 联系
- 电子邮件:
- 推荐人2:
- 姓名:
- 联系
- 电子邮件:
- 个人简历
- 学历证明
- 推荐信
- 奖项证书
- 其他相关证明材料
- 邮寄至:学校招生办公室
- 电子邮件发送至:*********************

Application Form for Foreign Studentsto LNPC
申请人基本情况/Personal Information
中文名字/Chinese Name
名/Given name:
护照号码/Passport No.
有效期至/Valid Until:
婚否/Marital Status
Date of Birth: Yr. Mon. Date
出生地/Place ofBirth
电子邮箱Email Address
通信地址/Address forcorrespondenceincluding postcode, contact person and telephone
Chinese Proficiency
很好/Excellent ( )好/Good( )较好/Fair ( )
差/Poor( )不会/None( )
HSK证书/HSK Certificate:( )级/Level( )分/Marks
教育经历(从小学起)/Academic Background (FromPrimarySchool)
申请人保证/I hereby affirm that

高校申请表**Application Form for University Admission**Dear Admissions Committee,I am honored to submit my application for admission to your esteemed university. As a passionate and determined individual, I am eager to embark on the journey of academic excellence and personal growth that your institution promises.尊敬的招生委员会:我很荣幸地向贵校提交我的入学申请。
My academic journey has been a rewarding one, filled with challenges and successes. Throughout my secondary school education, I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to excellence. My performance in various subjects has been commendable, particularly in the fields of science and mathematics, where my logical thinking and problem-solving skills have been honed.我的学术旅程充满收获,既有挑战也有成功。

I shall abide by the Laws of the Chinese Government and the Regulations of HUST
Date of Birth: Yr.Mo.Ad.
Passport No
Highest Academic
Degree Obtained
Mailing Address Tel
Employer or School Affiliated:
Student Status
long-term Chinese Language Short-term Chinese Language
本科生□ 硕士生□ 博士生□ 交换生□
B.A./B.ScM.A./M.Sc Ph.D Exchange Students
Date: Signature:
Foreign Affairs office 145#
HarbinUniversityof scierce and Technology
邮政编码/post code:********

( )
* .
邮寄地址(若与上述地址不同)( ):
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.帐号名称( ):
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.开户银行( ):
.号码( .):
.地址(): , ,
’ .
, , (), ,矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧。
没学过. □学过. □个月
如何了解到华师大? ?
□学校网站搜索引擎( ):
学习经历: ( )
开始时间(月年): ()

墨尔本大学入学申请及条件Graduate English language requirementsInternational applicantsIf you are not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident postgraduate applicant, you can satisfy the English language requirements in a number of ways:Satisfactorily complete secondary studies in a country where English is the official language and gaina pass in final year English (applicants from countries with more than one official language may be required to meet TOEFL or IELTS requirements).Satisfactorily complete the final two years of secondary studies in an approved secondary school with English as the medium of instruction and gain a pass in English in their final year.In an institution where English is the language of instruction and assessment for the entire institution, satisfactorily complete either:at least the first year of a tertiary course within the last two years; ORat least a two year tertiary degree within the last five years.Please provide formal advice from the institution to support your claim that you have satisfied this requirement.Obtain a grade in one of the following General Certificate of Education subjects: General Paper (AOLevel), or AS Level General Studies, English Language, English Literature, English Language and Literature; which is deemed by the Academic Board to be at least the equivalent of applicants for the course who have completed the VCE.Obtain a pass of VG (grade 4) in English in the Norwegian Vitnemal or the Swedish Avgangsbetyg.Satisfactorily complete additional English LanguageStudies which, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, is the equivalent of the other tests specified above.Meet the University's TOEFL or academic IELTS requirements in a test taken no more than 24 months priorto application. Your original TOEFL or IELTS test report form must be included with your application. Certified copies and TOEFL examiner's score records are not accepted.Details about IELTS and TOEFL testing are available by following these links:IELTS =testing informationTOEFL testing informationAlternative English language pathways: Somefaculties may accept postgraduate students with a slightly lower IELTS or TOEFL score. These students will be required to undertake additional English as part of their academic programs. For further information please see below:Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Arts (PDF*, 100kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Economics and Commerce (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages) Faculty of Education (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Engineering (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Land and Food Resources (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Music (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)Faculty of Science (PDF*, 124kb, 9 pages)If your offer is conditional on meeting the University's English language requirements, the scores required are listed below:English Language Requirements – Graduate CoursesFaculties andGraduate SchoolsYea r IELTS* (Academic English Only) TOEFL(pape r based test)* TOEFL (compute r based test)* TOEFL (internet based test)* Melbourne School of Design20086.5 (written 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + written score of 21 20096.5 (no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + no band less than 21 Faculty of ArtsGraduate Certificate /Diploma in Arts 20086.5 (written 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + written score of 21 2009 6.5 (no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + no band lessthan 21Masters by Coursework andPostgraduateCertificates /Diplomas 2008 7.0 (with no band less than 6.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 +written score of 2420097.0 (with no band less than 6.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + written score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21 Master byResearch and PhD20087.0 (written 7.0 with no band less than 6.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + written score of 24 2009 7.0 (written 7.0 with no band less than 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + written score of24 24 and and and no noband less6.0) than 21Master of AppliedLinguistics2008 6.5 (with no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + written score of 21 20096.5 (no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating 90 + no band less than 21 · Master ofArts inEditing and Communicat ions· Master ofArts inGlobalMedia andCommunicat ion· Master ofArts in 20087.0 (written 7.0 with no band less than 6.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + written score of 24 20097.0 (written 7.0 with no band less than 6.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + written score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21Publishingand Editing·Master ofArts inGlobalJournalismMelbourne Graduate School of ManagementMaster of International Business 20086.5 (6.0eachband)577 +TWE5.0233233 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating90 +writtenscore of2420096.5 (withno bandless than6.0)577 +TWE5.0233233 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating90 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Coursework2008 6.5 (withno band577 +TWE233233 + 5.0+ 5.0essay90 +writtenless than 6.0) 5.0 rating score of 24 2009 6.5 (with no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 5.0 233 233 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 90 + written score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21 Research2008 6.5 (with no band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE 5.0 233 233 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 90 + written score of 24 2009 6.5 (with no band less than 6) 577 + TWE 5.0 233 233 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 90 + written score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21 PhD 20087.0 (written 7.0 with 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating 100 + writtenscore ofno bandless than6.0)24200 9 7.0 (withno bandless than6.0)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Melbourne Graduate Schoolof EducationMaster of Teaching 20087.0(written7.0)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of2420097.0 (withwritten7.0 and noband lessthan 6.0)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Master of Teaching(learning areas - TESOL, English, and Language and Literacy)2008 8.0 (with no band less than 7.0)643 + TWE 5.0 275 275 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating115 +writtenscore of24 20098.0 (with no band less than 7.0)643 + TWE5.0275 275 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating115 +writtenscore of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21Postgraduate Certificates, PostgraduateDiplomas, Masters byCoursework and Research and PhDs. 20087.0(written 7.0) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 +written score of 24 2009 7.0 (withwritten 7.0 and no band less than 6.0)600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and 24 and no noband lessthan 21Melbourne School of Engineering 2008(written6.0)^^ Moredetailson entryusing ascore of6.0 IELTSorequivalent TOEFL577 +TWE4.5233233 + 4.5+ 4.5essayrating90 +writtenscore of2120096.5 (noband lessthan6.0)^^ Moredetailson entryusing ascore of6.0 IELTS577 +TWE4.5233233 + 4.5+ 4.5essayrating90 + noband lessthan 21equivalen t TOEFL Faculty of Land and Food Resources20086.5(written 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5essay rating90 +writtenscore of21 2009 6.5 (withno band less than6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5+ 4.5 essay rating 90 + no band lessthan 21Melbourne Law SchoolCoursework2008 6.5 (written 6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating90 +writtenscore of212009 6.5 (withno bandless than6.0)577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + + + 4.5 4.5essay rating 90 + no band lessthan 21Thesis 20087.0(written7.0)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of2420097.0(written7.0 and noband lessthan 6)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Juris Doctor 20087.0(written7.0)610 +TWE5.0253253 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating102 +writtenscore of2420097.0(written7.0 and noband lessthan 6)610 +TWE5.0253253 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating102 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Faculty of 2006.5 577 + 233 + 4.5 90 +Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences 8 (written6.0)TWE4.5essayratingwrittenscore of2120096.5 (withno bandless than6.0)577 +TWE4.5233233 + 4.5+ 4.5essayrating90 + noband lessthan 21Master of Physiotherapy by Research 20087.0(written7.0)250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of2420097.0(written7.0 and noband lessthan 6)600 +TWE5.0250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and24 and nonoband lessthan 21Master of SportsMedicine by Research 20087.0(written7.0)250250 + 5.0+ 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of242009 7.0 (written 7.0 and no band less than 6)600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 +written score of24 and 24 and no noband lessthan 21PhD in Physiotherapy by Research20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating100 +written score of 242009 7.0(written 7.0 and no band less than 6) 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating100 +written score of24 and 24 and no noband lessthan 21Master of Science by Research(Physiotherapy)20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating100 +writtenscore of 242007.0600 + 250 + 5.0 100 +9 (written 7.0 and no band less than 6)TWE 5.0 essay ratingwritten score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21Doctor of Clinical Dentistry20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of 24 20097.0(written 7.0 and no band less than 6)600 + TWE 5.0250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 +writtenscore of24 and 24 and no noband less than 21Doctor of Oral andMaxillofacialSurgery 20087.0(written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of2420097.0(written 600 + TWE250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay100 + written7.0 and no band less than 6)5.0 rating score of 24 and 24 and no no band less than 21Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 + writtenscore of2420097.0(written 7.0 and no band less than 6)600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 +writtenscore of24 and 24 and no noband lessthan 21 PostgraduateDiploma in Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery 20087.0(written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essayrating100 +written score of2420097.0 (written 7.0 and no 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating 100 + writtenscore ofband less than 6)24 and 24 and no no band less than 21Graduate Diploma in Forensic Dentistry20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 +writtenscore of24 2009 7.0 (written 7.0 and no band less than 6)600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0 essay rating100 + written score of24 and 24 and no noband less than 21Dentistry research higher degrees20087.0 (written 7.0)250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essay rating100 +written score of 242009 7.0(written 7.0 and no band less 600 + TWE 5.0 250 250 + 5.0 + 5.0essayrating100 +writtenscore of24 and 24 and no nothan 6) band less than 21Faculty of Music20086.5 (written 6.0)577 + TWE 4.5233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5 essay rating90 +writtenscore of2120096.5 (withno band less than 6.0) 577 + TWE4.5233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5essay rating90 + no band less than 21MelbourneGraduate School of Science20086.5 (written 6.0)577 + TWE 4.5233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5essay rating90 +written score of21 2009 6.5 (withno bandless than6.0) 577 + TWE 4.5 233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5essay rating 90 + no band lessthan 21Veterinary Science20086.5(written 6.0)577 + TWE4.5233 233 + 4.5 + 4.5essayrating90 + writtenscore of21200 9 6.5 (withno bandless than6.0)577 +TWE4.5233233 + 4.5+ 4.5essayrating90 + noband lessthan 21Undergraduate Entry standards and prerequisitesYou are eligible for entry in an undergraduate courseat the University of Melbourne if you have:successfully completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or an equivalent qualification; completed each of the prerequisite subjects for the course and any prerequisite tests or auditions (seeCourse Search for details);achieved the required marks in each of the prerequisite subjects (see Course Search for details); andmet the English language requirements.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A guide to entry scores for foundation programs and other overseas qualifications(PDF*, 285kb, 2 pages)selection of international students for undergraduate courses。

英文回答:Applications for the Melbourne University Language Course require first access to the School's crown global information kiosks and to the application page of the Language class. Basic personal information, including name, sex, birth date, nationality, connection, etc., is required on the application page. The degree level background and current language level are also required to determine whether the necessary English proficiency exists. Uponpletion of the personal information, the relevant certificate of degree and documentation of language level, which is an essential part of the application, must be uploaded. The application fee is payable and the exact amount is available on the crowning global information station.申请墨尔本大学语言班需要首先访问学校冠方全球信息站,并前往语言班的申请页面。

入学申请表完整个人信息- 姓名: [填写姓名]- 性别: [填写性别]- 出生日期: [填写出生日期]- 国籍: [填写国籍]- 身份证号码(仅适用于中国公民): [填写身份证号码] - 护照号码(仅适用于非中国公民): [填写护照号码] - 居住地址: [填写居住地址]- 邮政编码: [填写邮政编码]- 电话号码: [填写电话号码]- 电子邮件: [填写电子邮件]教育背景- 学历: [填写最高学历]- 毕业院校: [填写毕业院校名称]- 专业: [填写专业]- 毕业时间: [填写毕业时间]- 学位证书编号: [填写学位证书编号(如果适用)] 语言能力- 母语: [填写母语]- 掌握的其他语言: [填写掌握的其他语言]- 语言考试成绩: [填写语言考试成绩(如果适用)] 工作经历- 公司名称: [填写公司名称]- 所在部门: [填写所在部门]- 职位: [填写职位]- 入职时间: [填写入职时间]- 离职时间: [填写离职时间]- 主要职责: [填写主要职责]个人陈述请在此处撰写个人陈述,包括你选择该学校及该专业的原因,以及你的职业目标和未来规划等。
个人陈述应包括以下内容:- 对你的学术、职业或个人背景的概述- 选择该学校及该专业的原因- 你的职业目标和未来规划推荐信请提供至少两封推荐信,推荐信应包含以下内容:- 推荐人的姓名和职位- 推荐人对你的评价和认识时间- 推荐人对你的学术能力、专业知识、领导才能以及人格特质等方面的评价其他材料请列出你还准备提交的其他材料,如成绩单、学位证书、语言考试成绩单等。

入学申请表(英文)WEST COAST UNIVERSITYInstructions: Please read application carefully before completing. Answering all questions will reduce delays in processing. The completed application should be signed and forwarded together with the $60 non-refundable application processing fee to West Coast University, 440 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, California 90020. Please note that international students are req uired to submit a $120 non-refundable application processing fee. This form may be reproduced. ID No. or Passport No. U.S. Social Security NumberPlease type or print□Mr. □ Ms.Name: Family Name First Name Middle NameMailing Address: zip codeCity State CountryPermanent Address (if different from above) zip codeCity State CountryTelephone (Ares Code/Day) (Ares Code/Evening) E-mailBirthplace: City State CountryI am applying for □Associate □Bachelor □Master □Doctor □Non-Degree □Diploma □Certificate □EAPIn (major)Beginning in Term: Month YearAt the □ Elconin Center(Los Angeles) □ Orange County Center□San Diego County Center□ Santa Barbara County□ Off-Campus(Location)Do you expect to apply for financial aid? □ Yes □ NoAre you a U.S. Veteran? □ Yes □ No Are you a U.S. Citizen? □ Yes □ No If no, Citizen of what countryIf F-I, provide name of school issuing I-20:Have you taken any of the standardized tests used for admission to United States Colleges and Universities? (Check those taken)□TOEFL □IELTS □GRE □GET □CLEP □GMA TName, date, and score of each testIf you have previously applied to WCU, give date of application: Month YearList in order of attendance all previous High Schools and/or Colleges/Universities attended (Use separate sheet if needed)School Address(city/State or Country) Begin End Degree or CredentialAwarded & Field ofStudyI understand that official transcripts must be received by West Coast University before I can be admitted to be degree pro gram; thus, I have requested transcripts of all my past education be forwarded to the Los Angeles address above:□Yes □NoDate requested: Month Year (All documents sent to the University become its properly and will not be returne d)BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE REVERSE OF THIS APPLICATION AND SIGN AND DATE IT BEFORE RETURNIN G TOTHE ADMISSIONS OFFICE.FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLYReceived by Amount Paid Rept. # Date Received- OVER -(中文)说明:在填表之前请仔细阅读申请表。

1. 孩子的全名:
2. 出生日期:
3. 性别:
4. 家庭住址:
5. 联系电话:
6. 电子邮箱:
7. 孩子的民族:
8. 孩子是否有兄弟姐妹就读于本校或申请就读于本校:
9. 孩子是否曾经上过学,如果是,请提供学校名称及就读时间:
10. 孩子就读的幼儿园(若适用):
11. 孩子目前的学校(若适用):
12. 孩子在校表现,包括学习成绩、课外活动和特长:
13. 家庭成员结构及职业:
14. 家庭对孩子的教育期望与目标:
15. 孩子的性格特点与优点:
16. 孩子的兴趣爱好与特长:
17. 孩子在哪些方面需要额外的支持与指导?
18. 您希望我们的学校能为您的孩子提供哪些方面的帮助与教育?
19. 您是否有特殊的宗教信仰或文化背景需要我们了解与关注?
20. 您是否有其他任何要补充或与我们分享的信息?

1. 推荐信:请提供至少一封推荐信,推荐人应包括你的老师、导师、辅导员或雇主。
2. 个人陈述:如果你有任何其他学术、专业或个人成果需要特别强调,请附上个人陈述。
3. 艺术作品集/创意作品:如果你申请的是艺术类学校或专业,请提供相关作品集或创意作品。
1. 请务必填写所有相关信息,并附上必要的文件和材料。
2. 请确保所有填写内容的准确性和完整性。
3. 请在规定的截止日期前提交申请表和相关材料。

1. 请列出你的首选专业,并简述选择该专业的理由。
2. 如果首选专业无法录取,你的备选专业是什么?请说明原因。

留学生入学申请表(中英双语)留学生入学申请表 (中英双语)Personal Information 个人信息Full Name 姓名: ____________________________Gender 性别: □ Male 男□ Female 女Date of Birth 出生日期: ___________________________Nationality 国籍: ____________________________Passport Number 护照号码: ________________________Contact Information 联系方式Address 地址:________________________________________________________ City 城市: ____________________________ Province/State 省/州: ____________________________Country 国家: ____________________________ Postal Code 邮编: ____________________________Email 邮箱: ____________________________Phone Number 电话号码: ____________________________Education Information 教育信息High School Name 高中名称: ____________________________High School Location 高中所在地: ____________________________High School Graduating Year 高中毕业年份:____________________________Bachelor's Degree 学士学位Name of University 大学名称: ____________________________University Location 大学所在地: ____________________________Field of Study 专业名称: ____________________________Expected Graduation Date 预计毕业时间:____________________________English Proficiency Level 英语水平□ TOEFL _______ □ IELTS _______ □ Other 其他:____________________________Financial Certification 财务证明Have you attached a bank statement or a letter from your sponsor indicating financial responsibility for your education expenses? 请问你是否提供了银行对账单或者担保人出具的资金证明文件?□ Yes 是□ No 否CertificationI certify that the information provided on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that withholding or giving false information on this application may result in rejection of my application or dismissal from the university.本人承诺,所填写信息真实准确,如有不实的地方,愿意承担由此所带来的责任。

Für welches Fachsemester bewerben Sie sich? (Nur eintragen, wenn Anrechnungsbescheid vorliegt)
. . .
Staatsexamen Diplom
. . .
Datum der HZB:
. . . . .
Lesen / Hören / Schreiben / Sprechen
ja ja ja DSD I
nein nein nein
Wenn ja, bitte Niveaustufen angeben: Wenn ja, bitte Niveaustufen angeben: DSD II ZOP ZMP KSD
von - bis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ihre Angaben
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tätigkeiten bis zur Antragstellung
von - bis
Ihre Angaben
5. Sprachkenntnisse
5.1. Deutschkenntnisse (Nachweise beifügen) Haben Sie Deutsch gelernt? Wenn ja, wo? Welches Niveau? Genaue Bezeichnung der Institution Genaue Bezeichnung erworbener Sprachzeugnisse Ort und Datum des Erwerbs angeben Haben Sie die TestDAF-Prüfung abgelegt? Haben Sie eine DSH-Prüfung abgelegt? Haben Sie das Goethe-Zertifikat C 2 abgelegt? Haben Sie eine der folgenden Prüfungen abgelegt: Sonstige Nachweise? ja Genaue Bezeichnung: ja nein Wie viele Stunden? .

三、个人优势1. 语言能力:我已通过[语言测试名称]考试,取得了[具体分数]的优异成绩,能够熟练运用英语进行学术交流。
2. 实践经验:在校期间,我曾参与[实习单位名称]的实习项目,积累了丰富的实践经验,为我未来的学术研究奠定了基础。
3. 领导能力:我曾担任[学生组织名称]的[职务],负责组织策划[活动名称],通过此次经历,我锻炼了组织协调和领导能力。
四、申请原因1. 贵校的学术实力:贵校在[专业领域]的研究成果丰富,师资力量雄厚,为我提供了良好的学术氛围。
2. 国际化环境:贵校汇聚了来自世界各地的优秀学生,我将有机会与他们交流学习,拓宽视野。
3. 职业发展:贵校的毕业生在[行业名称]领域具有很高的竞争力,我希望能够在贵校学习期间,为自己的职业生涯做好准备。
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Closing dateslate applications may be accepted in special circumstances.Y Masters by Research and Phd candidature: apply any time (note scholarship applicationclosing dates).Y diplomas, Masters and doctorates by Coursework: semester 1: 31 october / semester 2: 30 april.Before submitting applications for the following courses please confirm the closing date with the relevant faculty.Y doctor of Veterinary Medicine: 20 december.Y dental science, Medicine and Physiotherapy coursework programs: Refer to.au/int/grad/gradcoursework for closing dates and additional application requirements.Y doctor of optometry: Refer to .au/science/apply for closing dates.For scholarship application closing dates, refer to Part H.How to complete tHis formY Please write in black ink using BloCK letteRs.Y include one set of supporting documents with this application. Y all documents must be certified as true copies of originals. Y ensure that you sign the declaration at the back of this form.Y an assessment fee of aUd$100 must accompany this application. this application will not be processed if the fee is not provided. the fee will be deducted from your tuition fees if you enrol at the University. Please refer to Part K for payment details.Please note that delays may occur in the processing of this application if the application is incomplete.all fields must be completedif you have previously enrolled at or applied to the University of Melbourne, please state your student/application number: six or nine-digit number:Family name: given name/s: date of birth: day: Month:Year:Countries of citizenship*:* Please note that you must list each country of which you are a citizen.Have you applied for permanent residency in australia?do you have an australian visa that is not a student visa?if yes, please detail:and attach a photocopy of the visa from your passport. it is your responsibility to ensure this visa allows you to study and covers the duration of the program for which you have applied.Country of birth:Main language spoken at home:Address for correspondenceCountry:tel: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number: Mob: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Fax: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Applicant’s email address:Permanent address in home countryCountry:tel: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number: Mob: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Fax: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Appointment of Agent(to be completed by the applicant – agent stamp not accepted ) i appoint the following University of Melbourne authorised agent to manage my application and i authorise the University of Melbourne to release personal information and visa documentation relevant to my application to this agent:aPPliCation FoR adMission as an inteRnational gRadUate stUdentwHo sHoulD use tHis form?Y ou should use this form if you are an international applicant applying for:Y graduate Certificates and diplomas/Postgraduate Certificates and diplomas Y Masters degrees (except for the Master of Business administration programs) Y Coursework doctoratesY Phd degrees/doctoral degrees Y international graduate scholarships.this form should not be used by citizens or permanent residents of australia or citizens of new Zealand or anyone who holds dual citizenship with australia. any applicant who fits these criteria will have their application rejected or enrolment terminated as the case may be.Melbourne JD: Refer to .au for information regarding the closing dates and additional application requirements including the law schools admission test (lsat). Please note that whilst a fee will apply to sit the lsat, no additional aUd$100 University assessment fee is required. Please provide your lsat no: linformation is collected on this form and during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the esos act and the national Code 2007; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under australian immigration laws generally. the authority to collect this information is contained in the education services for overseas students act 2000, the education services for overseas students Regulations 2001 and the national Code of Practice for Registration authorities and Providers of education and training to overseas students 2007. information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to theaustralian government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the tuition assurance scheme and the esos assurance Fund Manager. in other instances information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.* Additional application requirements for Faculty of the VCA and Music (VCAM) and Graduate School of Business and Economics applicants• F aculty of the VCA and Music (VCAM): please refer to .au/int/ipg/ipgapply.html for information regarding the supplementary application form which must be completed and audition/folio requirements.• G raduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE): Many programs offered by the gsBe require gMat or gRe results to be submitted with your application. For information about the requirements for gsBe coursework programs please see .au/courses/admission-requirements.html and for research programs please see .au/research/research-admission-requirements.htmlTo be completed by all applicantsPlease provide details and documentation for all completed and/orcurrent tertiary studies, including:1. o fficial certified copies* of all transcripts.†2. a university explanation of the grading system. (eg. a–B=100%–80%)3. i f the documents are not in english they must be accompanied by anofficial certified english translation.4. W herever possible please provide official advice from the university detailing the actual numeric marks (eg. 82%) or gPas (eg. 3.4) you achieved for your tertiary studies. this will assist with the assessment of your application for scholarship.are you currently enrolled in a tertiary education program?if yes, when will your final results be available? Month: Year: * a certified copy is a photocopy of the original document with the signatureand official stamp of an appropriate authority (eg. solicitor, principal, doctor,police officer) indicating that they have sighted the original. a photocopy or fax of a certified copy is not acceptable. Please note that all documents remain the property of the University of Melbourne.† a pplicants who have completed their degree are advised that if their transcriptdoes not state they have successfully completed their degree, they must provide an original or certified copy of an official letter from their institution confirmingcompletion, in addition to their final academic transcript.Please complete the table below with your most recent or current qualification listed first.if you are undertaking or have completed a masters degree, what percentage of the program was the research (thesis) component?%if available, please attach documents as outlined in item 4 of Part C of this form.Briefly describe any research (eg. thesis, research project subjects) you have completed as part of your tertiary studies .Please only provide details of the research completed at the fourth year level or higher . (attach an additional page if required.)to be completed by all applicantsof research/study? if yes, please give details:details of current employment (if applicable)Current employer: Position title:Commencement date: day:Month:Year:nature of work and level of responsibility (include hours workedper week and number of staff supervised):PART ePRoFessioNAL woRk exPeRieNCe (LAsT Five yeARs)Has your work been published in a refereed journal?if yes, provide details below and attach a copy of the front page of each publication:Membership of professional society/association (if any):To be completed by all applicantsY Please refer to the University's Future students web site for the latest information on the University’s english language requirements including required ielts and toeFl scores: .au/courses/pgenglishreq.html Y documentary evidence is required to demonstrate your english language proficiency.the University of Melbourne has a statutory obligation to comply with the Information Privacy Act (VIC) 2000 and the Health Records act (ViC) 2001 in its treatment of personal and health information regarding students.the University collects information about a student for a number of purposes. the main purposes are to enable proper administration of an individual’s course of study, to assistthe University to organise programs for the health and welfare of students and to foster alumni relations and promote University activities. information is also collected under Commonwealth or state government legislation for the purposes of reporting annually to these governments and for the administration of, but not limited to, the Higher education loan Programme (HelP) and the Y outh allowance (austudy and abstudy). information may also be collected to facilitate internal planning.the University holds personal information on computer and paper based records. it takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the information it holds is accurate and complete and that it is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access or disclosure.information concerning enrolled students is maintained by the student administration section in the University’s academic services division. the University will not disclose personal information about you without your permission or unless permitted or required by law.examples of instances when personal information about you may be disclosed are:Y informing Centrelink of your enrolment details if you are in receipt of payments;Y releasing statistical information to the department of education, science and training; Y releasing statistical information to the office of training and tertiary education;Y releasing information to the department of immigration and Multicultural affairsY informing the australian taxation office of your taxation liabilities;Y assisting the police with personal information about you if you are alleged to haveY been involved in a criminal offence;Y releasing your academic details to another tertiary institution or tertiary admissionY centre if you apply to transfer studies; andY publishing the names of graduates.access to and correction of your information are handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982. data obtained via the enrolment questionnaire that is reported to the Commonwealth government can be viewed (and, if necessary, corrected) at.au.the University’s Privacy officer is the University secretary, Ms Janet White. the Privacy officer’s website, contains the University’s Privacy Policy and provides detailed information about the contact details, complaints procedures and other aspects of the University’s privacy regime.if you have an enquiry about your privacy rights in relation to the collection of information from students, please contact the University’s Privacy officer.university of melbourne privAcy stAtementTo be completed by all applicantsnoPlease provide details of any sponsorship arrangements, scholarships or research grants currently held or applied for. note that evidence of this award, including details of funding body and duration, must be attached to this application. if you are unable to enclose this with your application, it must be received by the scholarship closing date:international applicants who receive an unconditional offer of a place in a University of Melbourne course will be automatically considered, subject to availability, for the scholarships outlined below. the scholarship eligibility requirements include submission of this application and all required documents to the University by the scholarship closing dates noted below. applicants must meet the University’s english language and other requirements to receive an unconditional course offer.LisT oF The sChoLARshiPs AvAiLABLescholarships for graduate research studiesY endeavour international Postgraduate Research scholarships (iPRss)Y Melbourne international Fee Remission scholarships (MiFRss)Y Melbourne international Research scholarships (MiRss)Y Human Rights scholarships (HRss)scholarships for graduate coursework studiesY asian development Bank scholarships (adB scholarships)Y international Postgraduate Coursework awards (iPCas)Y new generation international graduate scholarships (ngigs)Y Human Rights scholarships (HRss)Please refer to .au/scholarships for detailed information about eligibility, academic progress requirements, availability and benefits.scHolArsHip selection AnDeligibility guiDelinesY scholarship selection is very competitive. admission to a course does not guarantee the award of a scholarship.Y selection is based on academic merit and, for graduate research scholarships, demonstrated research potential. this usually meansa high first-class honours/first division with distinction or equivalentin the most recently completed qualification. Publications in inter-national refereed journals are also taken into account.Y international scholarships are available to students from any overseas country (excluding citizens and permanent residents of australia and citizens of new Zealand).>english language requirements must be met and documentation submitted by the closing date for consideration in the main rounds.applicants will only be considered when an unconditional offer for admission has been made.Y Most scholarships are accessible across all faculties.Y students already in receipt of a scholarship that covers tuition fees and/or a living allowance are ineligible for the same type of scholar-ship.Y students who have already completed a degree (Phd or Masters) at an equivalent or higher level to the course for which they areseeking a scholarship are not eligible for consideration.all queries about these scholarships should be directed to the Melbourne scholarships office:graduate Coursework scholarshipsWeb: .au/scholarshipsemail: .au/queryPhone: (+61 3) 8344 7467Fax: (+61 3) 8344 3734graduate Research scholarshipsWeb: .au/scholarshipsemail: .au/queryPhone: (+61 3) 8344 8747Fax: (+61 3) 9349 1740AusAiD AnD otHer sponsoreD stuDents >the award of an international scholarship is always conditional upon the student holding the appropriate valid visa and complying withcontractual obligations of an employer or other sponsor.>ausaid students are reminded of their obligation to return to their home country for a specified period.all enquiries regarding ausaid scholarships should be directed to the australian diplomatic Mission in your home country.scHolArsHip closing DAtesinternational applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application, including all of the required documents, by the application closing dates. this will enable the application to be considered for a greater range and number of scholarships.scholarship application closing dateiPRs, MiFRs, MiRs131 augustiPCa231 octoberHRs 31 octoberngigs331 octoberadB scholarships431 august (for semester 1)15 February (for semester 2)1. W hile applications submitted after this closing date will be accepted, these applications will only be considered for any MiFRss andMiRss that remain in the relevant faculty’s allocation at the time the application is assessed. a majority of the MiFRss and MiRss are offered immediately after the main scholarship selection rounds held in november and december each year.2. 31 october is the closing date for the first round. applications received after 31 october will be considered for any iPCas that remain after the first round.3. C losing dates may vary according to the course for which the applicant is applying. applicants should confirm the course application closing date with the relevant faculty.4. t hese are the dates by which applicants must have an unconditional course offer to be considered for an adB scholarship. applicantsare encouraged to submit their application for admission as an international graduate student form at least eight weeks before the dates noted above.1. i declare that the information i have submitted with this application is a true and complete record of all academic results i have achieved at each and every university and tertiary institution which i have attended.2. i hereby authorise the University of Melbourne to make enquiries and to obtain official records from any university and tertiary educational institution concerning my current or previous attendance which, in its absolute discretion, it believes are necessary.3. i acknowledge that my failure to disclose my true and complete tertiary record may result in my being excluded from the University. i further declare that all the financial information supplied by me is complete, true and correct in every particular and acknowledge that the University may terminate my studies if i have misrepresented my past and/or present circumstances and that this termination may take place at any stage during the course undertaken.4. i understand that should i be awarded a scholarship from the University of Melbourne i may not hold another equivalent award at the same time.5. i declare that i will be able to abide by the University’s policy regarding refunds outlined in arrangements Relating to the Payment of student Fees.6. i understand that should i be awarded a scholarship from the University of Melbourne, i will be required to repay to the University of Melbourne any scholarship/s that i have received on the basis of false ormisleading information included in my application. scholarship benefits may include living allowances, fee remission and travel allowances.7. i understand that the personal information that i have provided may be released to australian Commonwealth and state agencies under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000.8. i understand that the University reserves the right to inform other tertiary institutions if any of the material presented to support my application is found to be false.9. i acknowledge that all documents submitted become the property of the University of of applicant (please print):signature: day:Month:Year:To be completed by all applicantsWe would be grateful if you could let us know how you found out about the University. Please tick one box only.To be completed by all applicantsseCTioN i: A DviCe T o APPLiCANTsAND ReFeReesthe applicant below has given your name in support of his/her application for a University of Melbourne graduate research program and/or scholarshipReferee reports are critical to the University as they are used to assess applications for admission to graduate research programs at the University of Melbourne and for the award of scholarships. applicants should select referees who are able to comment on their academic performance in all components of the academic program that they have most recently undertaken at a university. this academic program should be relevant to their intended study at the University of Melbourne.additional copies of this Referee Report form can be obtained from .au/int/ipg/ipgapply or a photocopy of this form may be used.Referees should provide actual numeric marks (eg. 82% or gPa of3.4 out of4.0) wherever possible. applicants may be disadvantaged if these marks, and any other requested information, are not provided.at the University of Melbourne academic programs are sometimes called ‘courses’. academic programs normally entail the completion of a number of subjects or components. at other universities, subjects may be referred to as ‘courses’ or ‘units’.the University of Melbourne normally awards a letter grade and numeric mark for each subject and often awards an overall mark for the academic program. the University’s current grading system is shownbelow.this reference will be treated in strict confidence.section ii: A pplicAnt DetAils(T o be completed by applicant)title:Family name:given name:date of birth: day: Month: Year:email:Proposed course and department at the University of Melbourne (eg. Phd, History): section iii: r eferee’s comments(T o be completed by the Referee)Please read section i ‘Advice to Applicants and Referees’ for information about the purpose of the report and an outline of the terminology used.information about the academic program that youare commenting on:1. name of the academic program (eg. Bachelor of science):2. University (eg. oxford University):3. Y ear/s when the applicant was enrolled in the program(eg. 2003 to 2006): to4. number of year/s of full-time study normally required to completethe program (eg. 1.5 years)5. Proportion of the academic program that entailed completion ofan independent research project %What is the:•h ighest honour or grade range awarded for this academic program?(eg. First Class Honours with distinction, H1, High distinction, a)• minimum numeric mark for this highest grade range?a s shown in section i, at the University of Melbourne First ClassHonours (H1) is the highest grade, for which 80% is the minimum mark.6. Please describe your contact with the applicant (eg. i supervisedthe research project that the applicant completed in 2006).aCadeMiC ReFeRee RePoRt FoRM FoR gRadUate ReseaRCH aPPliCantsto tHe UniVeRsitY oF MelBoURneApplicant’s performance in the above-mentioned academic programUnless stated otherwise, please comment on the applicant’s overall performance in the academic components of the program.1. i n the final graduating class of students, this student wasplaced (eg. placed 10 out of the 210 students enrolled in the academic program)2. W hat is the final numeric mark and grade or honour that theapplicant achieved for the academic program? • numeric mark (eg. 82% or a gPa of 3.4 out of 4.0):• g rade or honour (eg. a, H1, High distinction with Honours):3. i f there was an independent research component:• W hat did this component entail? (eg. completion of a 40,000 wordthesis in the final year)• H ow was this component assessed? (eg. two external examiners rated the thesis as follows)• W hat numeric mark and grade did the applicant obtain for this component?– numeric mark (eg. 82% or a gPa of 3.4 out of 4.0):– g rade or honour (eg. a, H1, High distinction with Honours):4. Please indicate below your appraisal of the applicant in terms of the attributes or qualities listed below. Please rate the applicant in comparison to other students that you know who have undertaken graduate research. For each attribute please either place an X in oneof the boxes or somewhere along the percentile line.CoMPaRed to tHeiR CoHoRt JUdge* indicate only if this is one of the best students that you have ever taught.5. What are the applicant’s greatest academic strengths and how does the applicant compare with other students who have undertaken graduate studies? (Y ou may attach another sheet if you require more space.)6. Please add any other comments that you wish to make(please attach another sheet if required).7. in summary, how strongly do you recommend the applicant forgraduate research studies?section iv: referee’s DetAilsReferee name: name of the university: department: email address: Postal address:telephone: Country code: area code:Phone number: Facsimile: Country code: area code:Facsimile number: Referee’s signature: dayMonthYearsection v: submitting tHis formReferees , please either return this form to the applicant in a sealed envelope or send directly to the address listed below as soon as possible.Applicants , please forward all references provided by your referees in their sealed envelopes directly to the address listed below.The General Managerinternational admissions, international Centrethe University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, australia Facsimile: (+61 3) 9347 9062。