6. 填写《外籍人员就业花名册》、《外籍人员就业申请表》(原件1份,由用人单位加盖公章);
外国人来华就业、居留流程(中英文对照)第一步:办理就业许可证书(15个工作日):Step 1, Alien Employment License(15 working days)本人提供(可快递到青岛公司):Provide by self( delivery to Qingdao)1、护照:原件,复印件(含签发日期、有效日期、有效签证页)1. Valid Passport, Original and copy(Issue date, Valid date, valid pages of visa)2、健康证明(中英文):中国驻外使馆或国外政府指定医院2. Health Check(Chinese and English) Hospital designated by Chinese Embassies or Foreign government3、外国人履历证明:最终学历、完整的工作经历3. Foreigner resume record: Final degree, Complete working experience.4、经本国公证机构公证的最高学历证书原件4. Top original certificates notarized by local notary organization.5、无犯罪记录证明原件:中国驻外使领馆认证5. Certificate of no criminal conviction: Authorized by Chinese Embassies青岛公司提供:Provided by Qingdao1、申请报告(青岛提供)1. Application (provide by Qingdao)2、营业执照副本2. Business license3、组织机构代码证3. Company code4、批准证书4. Approval certificate5、外国人履历证明:中文版,盖章5. Chinese resume (company sealed)6、学历证书复印件:盖章6. University degree copy (company sealed)7、无犯罪记录证明:翻译件(青岛市国际商务翻译事务所)7. Certificate of no criminal conviction: translations (Qingdao international business translation firm)第二步:办理Z签证Step 2 apply for Z Visa1、就业许可证书(本人提供)1. Alien Employment License (provide by self)2、邀请函(青岛公司提供)2. Invitation Letter (provide by Qingdao)第三步:办理就业证书所需材料(入境15日之内办理,5个工作日)Step 3 Documents for Employment permit license (Apply in 15 days after entry, 5 working days)本人提供:provide by Self1、就业许可证书正本1. Alien Employment license (original)2、健康证明2. Health Check3、护照原件及复印件3. Passport (original and copy)4、2寸照片3张4. 3 pictures passport size青岛公司协助办理:Qingdao Assist in换健康证明:山东出入境检验检疫局国际旅行卫生保健中心Transfer Health Check: Shandong entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau International Travel Health Care Center 第四步:居留许可(入境30日内办理,15个工作日)Step 4 Residence Permit ( apply in 30 days after entry, 15 working days)本人提供:Provide by self1、护照原件、复印件(含签证页)1. Valid passport,original and copy (Including Pages of Visa)2、健康证明2. Health Check3、2寸照片一张《外国人就业证》原件及复印件3. 1 pictures passport size, Alien Employment Permit original and copy4、外国人临时住宿登记表(来华24小时之内办理)4. Registration Form for temporary residence (must get this in 24 hours after entry)5、租房合同原件、复印件5. Tenancy Agreement, original and copy6、随行家属:本人任职或就业单位公函;婚姻证明;父母、子女亲属关系证明。
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第一步:办理就业许可证书(15个工作日):Step 1, Alien Employment License(15 working days)本人提供(可快递到青岛公司):Provide by self( delivery to Qingdao)1、护照:原件,复印件(含签发日期、有效日期、有效签证页)1. Valid Passport, Original and copy(Issue date, Valid date, valid pages of visa)2、健康证明(中英文):中国驻外使馆或国外政府指定医院2. Health Check(Chinese and English) Hospital designated by Chinese Embassies or Foreign government3、外国人履历证明:最终学历、完整的工作经历3. Foreigner resume record: Final degree, Complete working experience.4、经本国公证机构公证的最高学历证书原件4. Top original certificates notarized by local notary organization.5、无犯罪记录证明原件:中国驻外使领馆认证5. Certificate of no criminal conviction: Authorized by Chinese Embassies青岛公司提供:Provided by Qingdao1、申请报告(青岛提供)1. Application (provide by Qingdao)2、营业执照副本2. Business license3、组织机构代码证3. Company code4、批准证书4. Approval certificate5、外国人履历证明:中文版,盖章5. Chinese resume (company sealed)6、学历证书复印件:盖章6. University degree copy (company sealed)7、无犯罪记录证明:翻译件(青岛市国际商务翻译事务所)7. Certificate of no criminal conviction: translations (Qingdao international business translation firm)第二步:办理Z签证Step 2 apply for Z Visa1、就业许可证书(本人提供)1. Alien Employment License (provide by self)2、邀请函(青岛公司提供)2. Invitation Letter (provide by Qingdao)第三步:办理就业证书所需材料(入境15日之内办理,5个工作日)Step 3 Documents for Employment permit license (Apply in 15 days after entry, 5 working days)本人提供:provide by Self1、就业许可证书正本1. Alien Employment license (original)2、健康证明2. Health Check3、护照原件及复印件3. Passport (original and copy)4、2寸照片3张4. 3 pictures passport size青岛公司协助办理:Qingdao Assist in换健康证明:山东出入境检验检疫局国际旅行卫生保健中心Transfer Health Check: Shandong entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau International Travel Health Care Center第四步:居留许可(入境30日内办理,15个工作日)Step 4 Residence Permit ( apply in 30 days after entry, 15 working days)本人提供:Provide by self1、护照原件、复印件(含签证页)1. Valid passport,original and copy (Including Pages of Visa)2、健康证明2. Health Check3、2寸照片一张《外国人就业证》原件及复印件3. 1 pictures passport size, Alien Employment Permit original and copy4、外国人临时住宿登记表(来华24小时之内办理)4. Registration Form for temporary residence (must get this in 24 hours after entry)5、租房合同原件、复印件5. Tenancy Agreement, original and copy6、随行家属:本人任职或就业单位公函;婚姻证明;父母、子女亲属关系证明。
一、申请材料准备1. 雇主单位准备的材料:- 雇主单位开具的邀请函或合同,包括工作岗位、工作内容、工作地点、工作时间、工作期限、薪酬待遇等详细信息。
- 雇主单位的法人身份证明和企业营业执照复印件。
2. 外国员工准备的材料:- 护照原件和复印件。
- 完整填写的《外国人来华工作许可申请表》。
- 入职前最近6个月内有效的体检报告。
- 合法有效签证或居留许可证原件和复印件。
二、提交申请1. 雇主单位将准备好的材料提交至所在地人力资源和社会保障局(以下简称“人社局”)外国人工作管理部门。
2. 人社局受理并审核申请材料。
三、办理工作许可1. 人社局审核通过后,将颁发《外国人来华工作许可通知书》。
2. 外国员工持通知书和护照原件,向公安局办理工作许可签证。
四、工作许可签证1. 外国员工持通知书、护照原件和签证材料(包括照片、申请表等)前往公安局办理工作许可签证。
2. 公安局审核通过后,将签发工作许可签证。
五、居留许可申请1. 外国员工持工作许可签证、护照原件和其他相关材料前往公安局办理居留许可申请。
2. 公安局审核通过后,将颁发《外国人工作居留许可证》。
六、缴纳社会保险费1. 外国员工及其雇主单位需按规定缴纳社会保险费。
2. 外国员工持居留许可证和其他必要材料前往当地社保局完成缴费手续。
七、完成工作许可注册1. 外国员工持居留许可证和其他必要材料前往人社局外国人工作管理部门,办理工作许可注册手续。
2. 人社局外国人工作管理部门核验材料无误后,将注册信息录入系统并颁发工作许可证。
办理外国人就业证流程 Alien Employment Permit Process
外国人就业证流程Alien Employment Permit Process第一步办理外国人就业许可证书(用人单位至人力资源和社会保障部门办理)Step 1. Applying for Alien Employment License (The company submits related documents to Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).1. 外国人就业申请表(三份,固定表格)Application form for foreigner’s employment in China ( three copies, standard form) 2. 拟聘用外国人的报告Report of employing foreigner3. 聘用意向书Offer of employment4. 外国人的履历证明(中文)Resume of foreigner (In Chinese)5. 外国人从事所聘工作的资格证明,如学历证明,技能资格证明(以上证明均需原件及正规翻译社翻译件)Qualification certificate of foreigner for engaging in job, for example, diploma of university, Skills qualification (The above certificate must be original and translation by formal translation agency).6. 外国人的健康证明原件及复印件The original and the copy of physical examination record of foreigner7. 无犯罪记录证明(需原件及正规翻译社翻译件)Certification of non-criminal records (It must be original and translation by formal translation agency).8. 外国人的护照复印件The copy of passport of foreigner9. 企业营业执照复印件及外商投资企业批准证书复印件The copies of Enterprise Business License and Certificate of Approval资料齐全可以立即领取外国人就业许可证书。
这些材料包括:1. 护照原件及复印件。
2. 申请人的照片(两寸或一寸)。
3. 申请人的学历证明原件及复印件。
4. 申请人的工作经历证明原件及复印件。
5. 公司营业执照原件及复印件。
6. 公司组织机构代码证原件及复印件。
7. 公司税务登记证原件及复印件。
8. 公司法定代表人的身份证原件及复印件。
9. 公司招聘外国人的用工计划。
10. 外国人的健康证明。
一般来说,外国人可以通过以下途径提交申请:1. 在中国国家移民管理局官网上在线提交申请。
2. 到当地公安局出入境管理处提交申请。
3. 通过代理机构提交申请。
一般来说,审批流程如下:1. 初审:中国国家移民管理局会对申请人提交的材料进行初步审核。
2. 复审:中国国家移民管理局会对申请人的材料进行复审。
3. 签证:如果申请人的材料审核通过,中国国家移民管理局会发放工作许可证。
一般来说,领取工作许可证需要携带以下材料:1. 护照原件。
2. 工作许可证领取通知书。
3. 照片(两寸或一寸)。
五、注意事项1. 提交申请前,外国人需要仔细阅读申请表格和申请指南,确保材料准备齐全。
2.应聘在中国从事教、科、文、卫、新 闻、出版、艺术、体育等工作的外籍 专业人员;
3.应聘在中国境内的企业中担任副总经 理以上职务,或享受同等待遇的外国 籍高级技术或管理人员;
4.经国家外国专家局批准的境外专家组 织或人才中介机构常驻中国代表机构 的外籍代表;
5.应聘在中国从事经济、技术、工程、 贸易、金融、财会、税务、旅游等工 作,具有特殊专长、中国紧缺的外国 籍专业技术或管理人员;
❖ 网上申请随时提交; ❖ 书面材料每周一、周三集中提交; ❖ 补充材料随时提交和邮寄; ❖ 由专办员递交材料和领取证件; ❖ 普通咨询电话请尽量在周一至周五工作时
间内(8-12am,2.30/3.00-6.00pm)拨打, 紧急情况除外。
根据国家外国专家局的通知,每年进 行年检,并于12月底前向其提交年检报告, 国家外专局每年1月1日-31日对资格单位进 行年检根据情况,分别作出以下决定: ❖ 准予注册 ❖ 暂缓注册 ❖ 注销资格 ❖ 吊销资格
❖ 材料用夹子夹牢,勿用曲别针、大头针等;
❖ 材料顺序:公函、申请表、护照复印件、 (来华许可证复印件或推荐信或续聘表)、 中英文简历学历、体检表、合同及附件等。
❖ 申请表上的照片要贴好。
❖ 网上申请通过后,递交书面材料; ❖ 如无工作签证,先申请来华许可,再申请专家证; ❖ 如在第三国申签,申请签证地点不要填成国籍; ❖ 姓名和护照号码再三核对检查; ❖ 电脑维护和操作方面的疑难问题请请教有关专业
申办“外国专家来华工作 许可”“外国专家证”流程
申办 “外国专家来华工作许 可” “外国专家证”
外国人来华工作证办理材料流程英文回答:To apply for a work permit in China as a foreigner,there are several documents and steps that need to be completed. Here is the general process:1. Job Offer: First and foremost, you will need a job offer from a Chinese company or organization. This joboffer should include details such as your position, salary, and contract duration.2. Employer's Documents: Your employer will need to provide certain documents, including their business license, organization code certificate, and tax registration certificate. These documents prove that the company is legally registered and authorized to hire foreign employees.3. Application Form: You will need to fill out an application form for the work permit. This form requirespersonal information, such as your name, nationality, and passport details. It also asks for details about your job position and the company you will be working for.4. Passport and Visa: You will need a valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity. Additionally, you will need a valid work visa (Z visa) to enter China for employment purposes. The work permit application cannot be processed without a valid visa.5. Health Check: As part of the application process, you will need to undergo a medical examination at a designated hospital or clinic. The health check typically includes a physical examination, blood tests, and chest X-rays.6. Supporting Documents: Depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to provide additional supporting documents. These can include a copy of your highest degree certificate, a criminal background check, or a recommendation letter from a previous employer.7. Submission and Processing: Once you have gatheredall the required documents, you will need to submit them to the local authorities responsible for work permits. The processing time can vary, but it usually takes around 15-20 working days.8. Residence Permit: After your work permit is approved, you will need to apply for a residence permit within 30days of entering China. The residence permit allows you to legally reside and work in the country for the duration of your employment contract.It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may vary depending on the city or province you are applying in. It is advisable to consult with alocal immigration service or the relevant authorities for detailed and up-to-date information.中文回答:来华外国人申请工作证需要准备一系列的文件和步骤。
补充完整,予 以通过
石药控股集团使用统一注 册账号,用人单位需提交 资料至集团人力资源中心
5个工作日 预审
网上申请信息 不符合条件
的,一次性告 知并退回
外国高端人才(A类)直接 在线发放受理通知书
现场收取纸质 申请
材料存在瑕 疵,告知补正
书面材料审查合格, 当场出具受理通知书
审查通过的,在线打印 《外国人工作许可通知》
审查未通过 的,作出不予
申请人入境后15 日内网上申领工 作许可证并提交
入选国内相关人 才计划的,无需
Z字 或R 字签 证,签 证信息 交换至 外国人 来华工 作管理 部门
审批通过的,作出许可决定, 通知现场领取《外国人工作许
审批未通过的,作出不予许可 决定,并告知理由
许可信息交换至公安 部门,反馈居留等信息
外国人来华工作证办理材料流程As a foreigner coming to China for work, the process of obtaining a work permit and residence permit can seem daunting. However, with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth and manageable process. The first step in the process is to secure a job offer from a Chinese company. Once you have a job offer, the companywill need to apply for a Foreigner's Work Permit on your behalf. This involves providing a number of documents, including your passport, a copy of your diploma, a health certificate, and a letter of invitation from the Chinese company.In addition to these documents, you will also need to provide a non-criminal record certificate from your home country, as well as a passport-sized photo. Once the company has gathered all of the necessary documents, they can submit the application for the Foreigner's Work Permit to the local Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. The processing time for the work permit can vary dependingon the city, but it typically takes around 5-10 business days. Once the work permit has been approved, the next step is to apply for a Z visa at the Chinese embassy orconsulate in your home country. This involves submitting your passport, the work permit, and a visa application form, as well as attending an in-person interview.After you have obtained your Z visa and arrived in China, the next step is to apply for a residence permit. This can be done at the local Public Security Bureau within 30 days of your arrival in China. The documents requiredfor the residence permit application include your passport, the Z visa, a health certificate, and a rental agreement or proof of accommodation in China. In addition, you will also need to undergo a medical examination at a designated hospital in China and obtain a health certificate. Once you have gathered all of the necessary documents, you cansubmit the application for the residence permit at thePublic Security Bureau. The processing time for the residence permit can vary, but it usually takes around 7-10 business days.Overall, the process of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in China can be complex and time-consuming, but with the right information and preparation, it is entirely manageable. It's important to start the process early and ensure that you have all of the necessary documents in order to avoid any delays. Additionally, itcan be helpful to work closely with your employer or a reputable visa agency to navigate the process and ensurethat everything is done correctly. While the process may seem overwhelming at first, it's important to stayorganized and patient, as the end result of being able to live and work in China is well worth the effort. With the right guidance and preparation, obtaining a work permit and residence permit in China can be a manageable and rewarding experience.。