
大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible. 七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes 九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客⼈对那个美国⼈威严的语⽓感到有点意外。
The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. 约翰尼已长⼤成熟,不再害怕独⾃呆在家⾥了。
Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出⼝处 (exit) ⾛去时,他却独⾃留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博⼠本⼈。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2 Unit1答案1. bare2. Empty3. Empty4. Bare5. Empty二)1. shortly down the sight of like out for三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. Impulse4. came to5. track down6. Unexpected7. Outgrow 8. Widened 9. Shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12.made for 13. Crisis 14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / itis likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionou Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical2.Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased六)people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas 8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could notpossibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twel ve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)九)the cooking thought so down expected over things were so quiet 十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)b00k2Unitl答案上海外语教育出版社一)1.bare2.empty3.empty4.bare5.empty6.empty二)1.shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1.host2.spran gup/rang ou t3.impulse4. came to5.track down6.unexpected7 . outgrow8.widened9.sh ortly10.erne rge / spring up11.at th e sight of12. made for13. crisis14.colonial四)1.Jimmy has o utgrown the shirts his a unt made for him a few y ears ago.2.Does the doc tor think th e elderly la dy is likely to survive the operatio n / it is li kely that th e elderly la dy will surv ive the oper ation?3.The other day y our cousin p aid us an un expected vis it.4.Don’t you see the nurse motion ing us to be silent?6.The sou nd of her fo otsteps grew fainter as she walked f arther away.五)1.Addition al advan tageousAnxio us con ditionalCour ageous cu riousDangero us educa tionalEmotio nal famo usIndustrial intent ionalMedical mount ionousMusica I myst eriousNation al occ asionalPerso nal pr actical2.He ated co loredpigtail ed gifte dbearded pointedexp erienced a gedskilled disease d六)1.The peo pie question ed gave very different o pinions on t he issue.2.Can you see the man dim bing on that rock?3.Sev era I days pa ssed before they came up with a sati sfactory sol ution to the problems di scussed.4.W e were woken early by th e sound oft he birds sin ging.5.The chairman mad e it clear t hat those ob jecting shou Id explain t heir reasons .6.After a day’ s work,l felt I had little ener gy left.7.1 knew of som e of the ath letes taking part.8. The success obt ained surpri sed those wh o had given up the proje ct as imposs ible.七)1.Du ring the tim e that2.As long as3.Al though4.as long as5.wh ereas6.Alth ough7.where as8.Althoug h1.They fr ightened the child into telling the truth.2.He tricked her into marryin g him by pre tending that he was the son of a mil lionaire.3.My tactless words forced the old gen tleman into buying somet hing he coul d not possib ly afford.4.He finally talked me in to accepting his terms.5. The girl p ersuaded her father into giving up s moking.1.Gues ts are to be back in the hotel by tw elve o ’ clock .2.An inves tigation is to be made n ext week.3.1 am to meet them at the airport.4.You are to f inish your h omework befo re you watch TV.5.The m edicine is t o be taken t hree times a day after m eals.6.Bob and Susan ar e to get mar ried in Octo ber八)1.host s2.heated3.a rgument4.imp luse5.shortl y6.emerged7.slam8.crawle d9.crisis1.corner2.atte ntion3.notic ed4.shining5 .directed6.t here7.bed8.s nake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.fo rward16.neit her17.still18.if19.throu gh20.floor21 .pulling22.u nder23.cried24.out 25.to 2 6.where27.ma de28.eyes九)l.do the coo king3.hardly thought so3 .settled dow n4.half expe cted5.equipm ent6.boiled over7.why th ings were so quiet8.burn ing9.greeted10.battlefie Id十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结朿。

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit 1Exercise 1:1. mathematicians2. deduction3. perspective4. astronomy5. civilizationsExercise 2:1. Despite her age, she still maintains a youthful appearance.2. In contrast to his quiet nature, his sister is very outgoing.3. Although he was tired, he still managed to finish the project on time.4. Despite the heavy rain, they decided to go for a hike.5. In contrast to her older sisters, she is the most athletic.Exercise 3:1. A2. B3. C4. C5. AExercise 4:1. is derived from2. make sense3. consists of4. go beyond5. based onUnit 2Exercise 1:1. influential2. surgeon3. guarantee4. tremendous5. revealedExercise 2:1. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time for his family.2. Although the road was blocked, they managed to find an alternative route.3. In contrast to the previous model, the new car is more fuel-efficient.4. Despite the difficulties, they never gave up.5. In contrast to her siblings, she is the most talented. Exercise 3:1. B2. B3. C4. C5. AExercise 4:1. take into account2. result in3. come up with4. play a role5. aim atUnit 3Exercise 1:1. exceptional2. rivals3. version4. translate5. perceptionExercise 2:1. Despite the storm, they managed to reach their destination safely.2. Although she was tired, she continued to study until late at night.3. In contrast to her classmates, she always arrives early to class.4. Despite the challenges, they remained determined to succeed.5. In contrast to her colleagues, she is the most experienced. Exercise 3:1. B2. A3. C4. A5. CExercise 4:1. focus on2. take for granted3. result in4. carry out5. lead toUnit 4Exercise 1:1. pioneers2. participants3. highlight4. efficiency5. potentialExercise 2:1. Despite their differences, they managed to work together effectively.2. Although she was nervous, she gave a flawless performance.3. In contrast to his friends, he prefers to stay at home and read.4. Despite the criticism, the artist continued to pursue his unique style.5. In contrast to her teammates, she is the most dedicated.Exercise 3:1. C2. B3. A4. C5. BExercise 4:1. result in2. pay attention to3. be exposed to4. go against5. give rise to以上是大学英语精读第二册课后习题的答案。

大学英语精读Book2第二册第三版课后翻译答案Book2 Unit1 翻译1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。
The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。
Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。
The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。
While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。
The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.Book2 Unit2 翻译1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)课后练习参考答案上海外语教育出版社Unit1III Vocabulary Activities1.1). bare2). empty3). empty4). bare5). empty6).bare2.1). shortly2).track down3).faint4).motioned5).at the sight of6).feel like7).slamming8).rang out9).contract10).made for11).heated12).emerged31). host2). sprang up/rang out3). impulse4). came to5). track down6). unexpected7). outgrow8). widened9). shortly10). emerge / spring up11). at the sight of12). made for13). crisis14). Colonial41). Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2). Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation3). The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4). Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent5). Her face lit up with joy at his return.6). The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.IV. Enriching Your Word Power1.additional advantageousanxious conditionalcourageous curiousdangerous educationalemotional famousindustrial i ntentionalmedical mountainousmusical mysteriousnational o ccasionalpersonal practical2.heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseasedV. Usagepeople questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible. VI. Structure1.1). During the time that2). As long as3). Although4). as long as5). whereas6). Although7). whereas8). Although2.1). They frightened the child into telling the truth.2). He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3). My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4). He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5). The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6). Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.3.1). Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2). An investigation is to be made next week.3). I am to meet them at the airport.4). You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5). The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6). Bob and Susan are to get married in OctoberVIII1.1).hosts2).heated3).argument4).impulse5).shortly6).emerged7).slam8).crawled9).crisis2. Fill in the missing wordsVIII. Spot Dictationthe cookingthought sodownexpectedoverthings were so quietIX. Translation1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words given.a) determinationb) abandonedc) knowledgeabled) rejectione) productivef) accessibilityg) accuratelyh) questionablei) awkwardlyj) convincing2. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.a) Cb) Ac) Bd) De) Cf) Bg) Dh) Ai) Cj) BPart II: Reading Comprehension1. Answer the following questions.a) The passage mainly discusses the differences between spoken and written language.b) Spoken language is often characterized by more informal and interactive features, such as slang, contractions, and interruptions. Written language, on the other hand, tends to be more formal and structured, with complete sentences and proper grammar.c) The author believes that both spoken and written language are important for effective communication. Spoken language allows for immediate feedback and interaction, while written language allows for careful thought and revision.d) The passage suggests that the distinction between spoken and written language is not always clear-cut, as there are various forms of communication that fall in between, such as texting and online chatting.e) The passage emphasizes the importance of being able to adapt one's language to different contexts and audiences. It suggests that being proficient in both spoken and written language is essential for effective communication.2. Choose the best answer.a) Bb) Dc) Ad) Ce) Bf) Dg) Ah) Ci) Bj) DPart III: Cloze1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.a) atb) thatc) tod) ane) forf) ing) onh) ofi) withj) as2. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.a) Ab) Cc) Bd) De) Cf) Ag) Bh) Di) Cj) AConclusion:本文提供了大学英语精读第二册课后习题的答案,帮助读者更好地巩固和应用所学的英语知识。

⼤学英语精读第⼆册book2unit1-3课后测试答案精⼼整理⼤学英语精读第⼆册(第三版)book2unit1-3课后练习答案Unit1⼀)1.bare2.empty3.empty4.bare5.empty6.empty⼆)1.shortly2.trackdown3.faint4.motioned5.atthesightof6.feellike7.slamming8.rangout9.contract10.madefor11.heated12.emerged 三)四)五)1.2.pigtailedgiftedbeardedpointedexperiencedagedskilleddiseased六)1.Thepeoplequestionedgaveverydifferentopinionsontheissue.2.Canyouseethemanclimbingonthatrock?3.Severaldayspassedbeforetheycameupwithasatisfactorysolutiontotheproblemsdiscussed.4.Wewerewokenearlybythesoundofthebirdssinging.5.Thechairmanmadeitclearthatthoseobjectingshouldexplaintheirreasons.6.Afteraday’swork,IfeltIhadlittleenergyleft.7.Iknewofsomeoftheathletestakingpart.8.Thesuccessobtainedsurprisedthosewhohadgivenuptheprojectasimpossible.七)1.Duringthetimethat2.Aslongas3.Although4.aslongas5.whereas6.Although7.whereas8.Although1.Theyfrightenedthechildintotellingthetruth.2.Hetrickedherintomarryinghimbypretendingthathewasthesonofamillionaire.3.Mytactlesswordsforcedtheoldgentlemanintobuyingsomethinghecouldnotpossiblyafford.4.Hefinallytalkedmeintoacceptinghisterms.5.Thegirlpersuadedherfatherintogivingupsmoking.6.Theirseverecriticismshockedherintorealizingherselfishness.⼋)九)⼗)南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开⼝。

-!大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1 更多相关资料资料下载服务/专业资料网/shop/shop_home-1104 4.htm一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for 11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an-!unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced aged skilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little ener gy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although-!1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as-!15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking 3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2 Unit1答案1. bare2. Empty3. Empty4. Bare5. Empty二)1. shortly down the sight of like out for三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. Impulse4. came to5. track down6. Unexpected7. Outgrow 8. Widened 9. Shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12.made for 13. Crisis 14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / itis likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionou Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical2.Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased六)people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas 8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could notpossibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twel ve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)九)the cooking thought so down expected over things were so quiet 十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible. 七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes 九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
大学英语精读第二册book2 unit1-3课后测试答案


大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2 Unit1答案1. bare2. Empty3. Empty4. Bare5. Empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. Impulse4. came to5. track down6. Unexpected7. Outgrow8. Widened9. Shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. Crisis 14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionou Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical2.Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas 8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis 1.corner 2.attention 3.noticed 4.shining 5.directed 6.there 7.bed 8.snake 9.its 10.feet 11.from 12.however 13.do 14.as 15.forward 16.neither 17.still 18.if 19.through 20.floor 21.pulling 22.under 23.cried 24.out 25.to 26.where 27.made 28.eyes九)1.do the cooking 3.hardly thought so 3.settled down 4.half expected 5.equipment 6.boiled over 7.why things were so quiet 8.burning 9.greeted 10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2 Unit1答案1. bare2. Empty3. Empty4. Bare5. Empty二)1. shortly down the sight of like out for 三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. Impulse4. came to5. track down6. Unexpected7. Outgrow8. Widened9. Shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. Crisis 14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionou Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical2.Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased六)people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. A fter a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas 8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)九)the cooking thought so down expected overthings were so quiet十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。