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Color is fun dame ntal in home desig n -somethi ng you ' II always have in every room. A grasp of how to man age color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you' l l ove to live in. Do you want a room that ' s full of life? Professi on al? Or are you just look ing for a place to relax after a long day? 36 , color is the key to making a room

feel the way you want it to feel.

Over the years, there have bee n a nu mber of differe nt tech niq ues to help desig ners approach this importa nt point. 37 , they can get a

little complex. But good news is that there ' re really only three kinds of decisi ons you n eed to make about color in your home: the small on es, the medium on es, and the large on es.

38 . They ' re the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual in terest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the sig ni fica nt ben efit of being easily cha ngeable.

Medium color choices are gen erally furn iture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves. 39 . They require a bigger

commitme nt tha n smaller on es, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeli ng of a space.

The large color decisi ons in your rooms concern the walls, ceili ngs,

and floors. Whether you ' re looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expe nse put into it are sig ni fica nt. 40 .

A. While all of them are useful

B. Whatever you ' re looking for

C. If you ' re experimenting with a color

D. Small color choices are the ones we ' re most familiar with

E. It ' s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways



36. B.段中句。从形式上看设空处后是逗号;从内容上看考查的主要是段中句的承上启下。空前给了很多种家装风格的选择,空后color is the key to making…,这中间

缺少一个过渡,根据意思答案比较容易得出Whatever you ' re looking fo通过让步来强调后半句内容。

37. A.段中句。本处后面也是逗号和上一题有共同之处。前面的

话there have been a number of different techniques to…和后面的they can get a little complex,中间很明显缺少一个转折,所以答案得出A。




38. D.段首句。本处承接上一段的内容there ' re ally only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home:the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones 后面的两段讲的是the medium ones, and the large one,s 所以此处应是the small ones.

39. G.段中句。本处的前面一句话是medium ones的定义,后面的话是medium 和small 的比较。通过比较选项,发现只有选择G 项才可以帮助过渡。

40. F.段尾句。本段的中心是the large ones前面的Whether you e r looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant 这句话强调的是后半句的time,effort 和expense,这和F选项的it pays to be sure有很强的因果关系,所以选出答案。
