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81. When the farmer came back from work, his pet dog jumped out the door to welcome him.

A. from

B. from behind

C. of

D. of behind

82. ___ he was ill, I was expected to take his place greatly surprised me for I didn't have much working experience.

A. If

B. That if

C. That

D. If that

83. _____ scenery in national parks is usually attractive.

A. A

B. An

C. The

D. One

84. If you have a cold, stay at home so that you won't spread it to _____.

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. the others

85. Those _____ to go to the exhibition should inform the office.

A. not wanting

B. who not want

C. not wanted

D. are not want

86. The children _____ and we will never neglected them.

A. brought up well

B. was brought up well

C. had been well brought up

D. have been well brought up

87. The mountain village is my hometown. I spent _____ merry night there when I was young.

A. a great many

B. plenty of

C. many a

D. a great deal

88. In all English towns there is a speed limit of 30 miles an hour, _____?

A. is there

B. isn't there

C. is it

D. isn't it

89. Why are you always making the same mistake? Think of _____ I told you.

A. that

B. when

C. how

D. what

90. Nothing is _____ time; yet nothing is less valued.

A. more precious than

B. less precious than

C. most precious

D. as precious as

91. Could _____ have been _____ who helped Sunny get her work done?

A. they … it

B. they … them

C. it … them

D. it … they

92. I know a place _____ I can get a calculator on sale. I'll pick one up for you tomorrow.

A. where

B. wherever

C. how

D. which

93. How teachers perform in their classes _____ a strong influence on the growth of the pupils.

A. has

B. have

C. having

D. to have

94. I found the cat _____ under the bed, who had caught a mouse.

A. hiding

B. hidden

C. to hide

D. having hidden

95. ---- How did he get back last night?

---- I think he _____ back on foot, as there were no buses or taxies then at all.

A. might have come

B. needn't have come

C. must have come

D. should have come

96. The doctor would allow him to go home _____ he remained in bed.

A. as though

B. for fear that

C. on condition that

D. as far as

97. One of the most important social problems of today is _____ jobs to the unemployed.

A. what to be given

B. having given

C. how to give

D. to have given

98. The doctor said I was over-weight. If only I _____ less!

A. ate

B. have been eating

C. have eaten

D. had eaten

99. It is said that he got laughed at for _____.

A. his dishonest

B. been dishonest

C. being dishonest

D. to be dishonest

100. A baby animal knows animals of _____ own kind when it sees them, when it smells them and it hears them.

A. her

B. one's

C. its

D. their


81. B

82. B That引导的是主语从句,而if 从句是that主语从句中的条件状语。

83. C

84. C

85. A not wanting 等于who do not want.

86. D

87. C many a merry night= a great many /plenty of merry nights .

88. B

89. D of后面是介词宾语从句,需要连词且在从句中做tell 的直接宾语;所以用what,that 在名词性从句中补充当成分,没有实在意义。而BC连接副词,在从句中只做状语。

90. A 否定意义的词语与比较级连用,表示最高级的含义。

91. D 强调句

92. A

93. A

94. B

95. C

96. C on condition that= if

97. C 做表语的非谓语动词表示具体时间(将来)的行为,故用不定式一般时,排除BD,短语中不缺少成分,排除A

98. D if only后用虚拟语气。此句中表示与过去事实相反。

99. C for介词,后接名词或相当于名词的短语或从句。

100. C
