



大战OG2金手指大战OG2金手指使用指南1.简介1.1 游戏概述1.2 游戏目标2.控制与操作2.1 主要控制按钮2.2 操纵的技巧2.3 快捷键3.升级与技能3.1 升级系统介绍3.2 技能系统说明3.3 如何获取升级点数和新技能4.关卡攻略4.1 关卡解锁条件4.2 关卡攻略策略4.3 隐藏任务与奖励5.备战指南5.1 选择合适的5.2 配置的武器和装备5.3 提升属性的方法6.建造与改装6.1 基地设施介绍6.2 改装的详细步骤6.3 效果提升与技能强化7.网络游戏7.1 多人游戏模式介绍7.2 联机对战技巧与策略8.常见问题解答8.1 游戏常见问题解答 8.2 技术支持与联系方式附件:1.游戏操作键位图示2.属性与技能一览表3.游戏地图与关卡解锁条件表法律名词及注释:1.大战OG2金手指:指本游戏使用的秘籍、码或快捷键等方法,用于获得游戏中的优势或通过某种方式改变游戏规则的行为。














第1话利加·米利迪亚(リガ·ミリティア)流程·将クロノクル的シャッコ-击坠或将其HP削至不足三分之一,他便会撤退,同时敌增援出现·下一回合轮到玩者行动时マジンガ-Z及アフロダイA赶来救援·下一回合轮到玩者行动时高达(ガンダム)、盖塔(ゲッタ-1)与白色基地(ホワイトベ-ス)赶来救援·下一回合轮到玩者行动时テキサスマック赶来救援其他确切将クロノクル的シャッコ-击落的方法:按“光线炮-巴尔干机枪-光线炮”的顺序攻击即可第2话乌尔古的悲剧(ウ-イッグの悲剧)流程·第二回合轮到玩者行动时多蒙(ドモン)登场,转眼间又消失·第三回合轮到玩者行动时己方部队赶来救援·敌机在三部以下时リカ-ル撤退其他过版后选择“迎接修拉克小队(シュラク队をむかえにいく)”则至3A话;若选择“营救卡缪(カミ-ユをさきにたすける)”则至3B话第3话A 修拉克队激斗(シュラク队激斗)流程·第三回合轮到玩者行动时己方部队赶来救援·第五回合轮到玩者行动时卡缪(カミ-ユ)驾驶Z高达(Zガンダム)赶来救援其他ミデア若未被击落,过版后可再得V高达(Vガンダム)一部第3话B 救出!Z高达(救出!Zガンダム)流程·第四回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援出现·デニム与ジ-ン若被打倒,夏亚(シャア)会撤退·第七回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援2出现其他过版后卡缪(カミ-ユ)驾驶Z高达(Zガンダム)加入若在七回合以上过版,则可再得V高达(Vガンダム)一部第4话谋略之町(谋略の町)流程·第三回合轮到玩者行动时テキサスマック赶来救援,若盖塔Q(ゲッタ-Q)仍未被击毁,便会作为NPC同伴·第五回合轮到玩者行动时敌军增援出现其他过版后若ゲッタ-Q还在,可得5000G;若ゲッタ-Q被打倒,则可得25000G 另外,更重要的是:若打倒ゲッタ-Q,则下一话进入5A话;若未打倒ゲッタ-Q,则下一话进入5B话第5话A 镇压达卡路(ダカ-ル制压)流程·第一回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援1出现·第二回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援2出现·第五回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援3出现·第六回合轮到玩者行动时西布克(シ-ブック)驾驶F-91赶来救援·打倒ガルマ(且其并非最后一机)后夏亚随敌军增援4出现·夏亚的扎古(ザク)若HP降至一半以下便会撤退其他过版后母舰更新为ア-ガマ,ファ驾驶メタス加入第5话B 斯拉路达鲁空域(ジブラルタル空域)流程·第四回合轮到玩者行动时ファ驾驶メタス赶来救援·第六回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援出现其他这话资金较多,要多用“幸运”,尤其是对三架トロスD7第6话A 反击(ストライク·バック)流程·第二回合轮到敌人行动时クロノクル从ダカ-ル基地出击、消失·第四回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援出现其他地图左上角5、6架敌方机体可用灵活的机体吸引住后,以新母舰ア-ガマ的地图兵器一口气消灭,布莱度(ブライト)LV大增第6话B 第六殖民卫星的邂逅(サイド6の出会い)流程·章节开始后母舰更新为ア-ガマ,ユカ驾驶ガンブラスタ-加入·阿姆罗(アムロ),胡索(ウッソ)不能出击,ア-ガマ不能移动·第四回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援1出现·第五回合轮到玩者行动时ア-ガマ终于可以移动,并可有两部机体作追加出击·第六回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援2出现其他此话只要有耐心,将从左、中两条通道上来的所有敌机吸引到一块儿,然后用ア-ガマ的地图兵器一炮将他们全部击落(包括夏亚),那么布莱度(ブライト)的LV将会狂升N级!但其间Laod/Save的次数实在是……第7话A 背叛的荒野(里切りの荒野)流程·第五回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援1出现·第九回合轮到敌人行动时敌军增援2出现其他第7话B 闪闪生光的宇宙(光る宇宙)流程·第四回合轮到玩者行动时捷多(ジュド-)驾驶ZZ高达(ZZガンダム)赶来救援·第六回合轮到敌人行动时,アドラステア若仍未被击坠,则夏亚与ララァ作为敌军增援1出现·敌机在八部以下并轮到敌人行动时敌军增援2出现其他夏亚与ララァ出现后,必须先击坠夏亚的红勇士(ゲルググ),才能用阿姆罗去说得ララァ,否则说得会失败。


1)第6话 “内心中的约定”里,威蕾塔击破除塞欧拉,勇希,卡拉外的全部敌人(达成后威蕾塔坠机数应为20);
2)第15话 “来自外星的客人” 开始时极殊兵Mk-Ⅱ·R就会追加装备该武器。
格斗武器:攻击4300 射程1-4 命中+40 必杀率+70 全地形S适应 移动后攻击可




1.马多村(マド)一开始出村庄,往东北方向走,有个艾鲁尼优城镇(エルニニョ)2.艾鲁尼优城镇(エルニニョ)进去可看到有人(仲间)被关起来,无法开门...先去宿屋..然后把柜台两只士兵干掉...上二楼...有人被关,调查士兵可得到钥匙...把门打开....讲完话后...到装备屋...把橘色油桶推开可下去里面是反抗组织,跟全员讲话后,组织元老会给你一棵金色假牙...然后回马多(マド)3.马多村(マド) ?那鲁(ナイル)老先生会说:车子修好了....(还要再花钱修)...就得到第一台战车-吉普车..然后去艾鲁尼优城镇(エルニニョ)的西方,有座桥...把桥上的杂鱼解决后...可看到好笑的事件^o^过桥后,上方有一间下水道小屋...进到最深处...有个房间...跟房间里的老先生说话,他会帮你开同伴的门...技师加入^o^再次过桥,这次走西南方....会到小狗村.......小狗加入^o^4.哈特巴村(ハトバ)从小狗村回下水道小屋...小屋的右方就是哈特巴村......此村没什麽事件,但可坐船到迪鲁达里欧港市买战车装备.. ..回来后,出村庄....往西北方向...可到亚士莎村....5.亚士莎村(アズサ)进村后,可看见桥墩...往上爬..有人跟你玩猜猜乐...(猜到进去)刚开始选no,然后再no,之后如果出现西就选yes(我都这样过的)到桥上后,可听到有关主角和玛丽亚的事情....并要主角为玛丽亚报仇...没事准备准备,接下来是长期抗战(有全灭的可能!!)出村后...一直往北走..会到莎士提酒场...*到酒场前如果遇到犀牛(通缉犯サイゴン),"逃"一个字(现在很难打赢,全灭机率很高)6.莎斯蒂酒场(酒场サスティ)一直说话,说到可以买东西为止.....刚开始选"我是ぁだご~~フエイ"然后又是no直到出现"しゃ~~温蒂妮或莉莎(日文很烂)"就选yes然后选no,会赶你走,再先跟右边的美眉说要看秀,坐在位子上看完后再跟左边talk就ok(我又是履试不爽了^_^)买完东西后,出酒场..往北走...会到克拉布鲁塔.....7.克拉布鲁塔(グラップルタワ)一进去,就听到一阵狂笑...然后一具尸体从天而降....!_!调查尸体后...就拖著跑吧..从一楼坐电梯到五楼.....走五楼后面电梯旁边的楼梯..下到三楼,走通风管到右边下楼梯二楼是大裂缝,往下跳....把一楼的电脑全部OPEN后....开车从后面电梯直接坐到九楼...到有士兵的房间关掉安全系统,密码是3374...接著到十楼...跟猴子大将(通缉犯スカンクス)决一死战...打赢后..出塔往东南方走...会到迪鲁达里欧港市。



一、机体部分:1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到503)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想”,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军”击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现”拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)3、晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·R1)第18话“流星,切裂夜空”结束时雷切尔的击坠数达到352)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。



第5话 忘れ得ぬ记忆
这关要注意的是,当我方达成熟练度条件后母舰被8 门大炮包围,击坠2门大炮后看剧情过关吧。
第6话 守るべきもの
敌军有增援。过关后道具入手,出现路线选择,选第一项 エチオピアへ行く
第10话 桜花幻影
第1话 美しき侵入者
第2话 星への翼
第23话 仕组まれた子供逹



机战OG游戏流程图(v.2)+游戏攻略+系统研究(冰点版)Ver 1.4龙星:第1话(セカンド•コンタクト):敌方一开始为5架メギロート,我方唯一可控制的就是盖修班斯特Mk-2•R,以机师エルザム的能力去对付这些机器是绰绰有余的,直冲就行。





如果你还不放心,那就把龙星的精神“集中”拿出来用吧!(如果是易的话,第一回合敌方行动时,我方会派出3名增援,都是盖修班斯特系的机体,不过有两个傻瓜- -)2回合内全灭敌人可以获得熟练度。






















《超级机器人大战OG2》极限版通关教程EX Hard难度0改0精神0PP攻略。



























一、机体部分:1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上;2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到50;3)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想” ,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留;5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军” 击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现” 拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)。


2)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。

超级机器人大战OG2 隐藏机体

超级机器人大战OG2 隐藏机体

1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上;2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到50;3)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想” ,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留;5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军” 击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现” 拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)。


2)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。



作者:非成败作品编号:92032155GZ5702241547853215475102时间:2020.12.13一、机体部分:1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上;2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到50;3)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想” ,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留;5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军” 击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现” 拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)。


2)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。



、机体部分:1.百舌 -L1)第19话「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵Mkll M 4机或以上2)第 26 话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到503)满足上述条件则第 27 话“红之幻想”,古林舞就会驾驶百舌 -L 出击4) 4 回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂 5 架触发剧情则过关后保留5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌 -L 的 HP 在 40%以下(2)杀人鲸的 HP 在 90%以下(3)到达第 5 回合2、ASH 救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1 )地上路线第 10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第 13话“新生,圣十字军”击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上 1 回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束, HOHO~)2)第 19 话“「影子」浮现”拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗 1 次:竞速斗士条件: 2周目以上(含 2 周目)(2)战斗 2 次: ASH 救世主无周目要求(3)战斗 3 次,啥也得不到3)第 24 话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1 )如要取得 ASH 救世主击坠数必须达到 53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第 28 话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH 救世主可任意换乘)3、晓击霸MK-皿R1)第 18 话“流星,切裂夜空”结束时雷切尔的击坠数达到 352)第 30 话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度: 4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点3)第33话会者定离之理”结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽楠叶,冰川谅斗,慕容琉,真宫寺佑, 雷欧娜6 人的等级之和达到 185满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时岀现入手剧情,晓击霸 MK-皿T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner 合体或安装 BOXER 配件)。

超级机器人大战OG 隐藏武器及机体攻略

超级机器人大战OG 隐藏武器及机体攻略

一、机体部分:1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上;2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到50;3)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想” ,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留;5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军” 击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现” 拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)。


2)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。



《超级机器人大战og2》a路线流程攻略(Super Robot Wars og2 aroute process Raiders)First words of beauty. With the intruderVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishAnna, Tokyo: defeat conditions, that the fierce downProficiency: 4 round clearanceFirst, it's absolutely simple. And of course Laoniao would be nothing difficult, is a novice familiar with the operation. To add a A actress will neutralize the iron wall can easily cope with the enemy, shooting down two enemy planes after our reinforcements debut, quickly solve combat.Second words: Star of wingVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: we were shot downProficiency: within 4 rounds, now, and the form of gas leak, and the Institute of foreign QuanmieAt first it was a drill, and suddenly there was an attack. And the conditions are not yet there. In the third round, the federal army came out and was raided completely. Our army reinforcements appeared, two small aircraft exit. The emergence of skilled conditions.Third words in the residual body of the Holy CrossVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishThe defeat, with the gas conditions: downProficiency: within 4 rounds, and the center of lumira lumira, HP to 70%What's the point? Small airplanes are boring. When skilled conditions are reached, the enemy retreats. Personally, I think the boss has a certain strengthFourth words,, no organization, no fries, Noyes,Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: our body is falling downProficiency: within 4 rounds, now, and the form of gas leak, and the Institute of foreign QuanmieI am in the beginning there were surrounded. Lattoni refuses to fight back soon and his classmates both disappeared. Until the third round of our army reinforcements, then proficiency conditions appear to get skilled words, I think the key to send uncle going to dismantle the guns. This boss will retreat, after pass out of the way.Fifth words have forgotten memory of good termsVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat conditions: the Mothership was hit and fallen Proficiency: within 4 rounds of victory conditions to achieveThis note, when I practice condition after Fonda mature carrier was surrounded by 8 cannons, down 2 cannons after you see the story.Sixth keep in with child.Victory conditions: group, human HP, gas Inc. in 70%Defeat conditions: her fierce and center or group, do not be down, gas Inc.Proficiency requirements: -, Dhaka, lumira center, lumira, lumira DoCoMo, miraj. Outside the enemy Quanmie or down -, Dhaka, lumira center, lumira miraj.At the beginning or exercise, do not want to be killed, then honestly add a must flash. After the initial victory, the enemy appeared. Be careful, the best use of terrain advantages can easily be done. Pass the props.Seventh words on the other side, the past, by thisVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishLost or condition: in our center, or Noyes carriers to be shot downProficiency: more than 4 enemy planes are dropped in two roundsThe initial enemy of this pass will be in the third round, the enemy retreat, at the same time there is a new enemy debut, figure 63 x 12 Figure 64 x 6, after the clearance.Eighth words: inflammation in the forms of constraint eliminationVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDo not lumira defeat conditions: second, or carriers to be shot downProficiency: within 4 rounds,, Dhaka, outside the center - lumira, miraj lumira Quanmie the enemy.When Ratone's classmates began to attack, the victory condition changed, after the completion of the victory conditions.Ninth words, the universe of doubtVictory conditions: catch a left HP 5% and hit with, do not changeDefeat conditions: our hit and hit with a fall, do not change the QuanmieProficiency: within 2 rounds of victory conditionsThe trouble is that victory conditions, but with the spirit of the adjutant captain,'s proficiency conditions can be easily reached.The enemy had reinforcements. After clearance of props, route choice, the first selected topics, or only for back on the teamTenth words of cherry blossoms.Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishThe defeat of lumira, lumira, Michiru: do not, second, our carrier was shot downProficiency: within 6 rounds of the enemy completely destroyedThe enemy will have reinforcements after the initial extinction, and Boss will retreat when the HP is cut to a certain extent, which is not very difficult.Eleventh words: the sound of special callVictory conditions: the defense of the whole enemy and the friendly forcesDefeatCondition: down, -, election, US carriers to be shot down any friendly machine machineProficiency: within 3 rounds of the enemy completely destroyedOr old, there will be out early after enemy reinforcements. The boss will retreat when HP is less or less. Start with props after clearance.Twelfth words, and the Internet have no school,Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishThere is no lumira and defeat conditions: Center of lumira, arrived at West; do not leak, lumira Michiru, fries or carriers to be shot downProficiency: within 10 rounds passThere will be a sinking enemy ships. After reinforcements on the boss will retreat.Thirteenth words, and major DCVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: enemy aircraft invades base; we are hit by fallingProficiency: keep friendly guys aliveTo deal with the initial enemy, if the white knight was transformed, it would be much better, and the third wave wouldemerge from the base. Our reinforcements will be in the third wave of the enemy after the next turn left at the base of the stage, began to fight back. After solving the enemy, the mask man comes on stage, and then goes through the border.Start with props after the pass.Fourteenth words of Jun Ji.Now, her victory conditions: F residualNow, her defeat condition: F downProficiency: within 4 rounds, down outside, or,,, and M above 13 enemy machineA princess is being hunted (called a weapon to escort the princess). Until the second round, our army and the enemy will debut. This is to pay attention to protect the princess is not very difficult, quickly pass the bar.Fifteenth star to Kara in the mooVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: either our body is knocked down or destroyed by friendly military aircraftProficiency: 15 shots within 4 rounds of enemy aircraftThe enemy is a tree (called ^_^) girlfriend on the line. Otherpeople solve the remaining enemy warships, the best move, plus one will still kill countless. The third round has boss, 3 victory conditions change, the whole East retreat after the clearance.Sixteenth third words of a bird of ill omenVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: we were knocked downProficiency: graduate, do not, so, miraj lumira, was not hit byAt the beginning, we have only one person, we should give full play to the terrain advantage of the base. Somebody's coming to help you in the second round. To get skilled degree then the best initial enemy to leave a kill, because after killing the enemy reinforcements, will debut. If the start is in the base defense would not protect the aircraft, leaving an enemy we will fully down, although after several rounds of enemy aid will also debut but it also gave me the army for the layout of the time. The enemy and our two allies came together at the same time. Victory conditions change, when the aircraft going to destination boss attack, boss strong defensive support, after several rounds of fierce and no election, Mk-III and fries clima, pass.Seventeenth words, lumira research from the Department ofVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: our body is falling downProficiency: within 3 rounds of the enemy completely destroyedAs long as the spirit of the players is used, it is not difficult to achieve the conditions. After the enemy is wiped out, there will be enemy support and the victory condition will change. All of us should help the transport planes attract fire.Start with props after this pass.Eighteenth words, or cut this meteor night split at last Victory conditions: the kill, and NoyesAnna: I, the defeat conditions of downProficiency: within 4 rounds to win conditionsThe beginning is singled out to help mature practice conditions more for several rounds, beginning just go right off the hook, this can quickly draw out the enemy victory conditions change, and proficiency conditions.After falling down a few enemy planes, the tree is helping, and everything is going to pass the plot.Nineteenth words are: "the shadow" TermsNo, lumira and victory conditions: in fact, we do not, theelection, adjacencyDo not defeat conditions: building JA, in fact, election, down;I was downAs long as the connection with the boss machine to complete the task, and then have the aid of the debut. The seventh round of our reinforcements debut, while there are large boss boardHe had several rounds of retreat, to seize the time to destroy the weapon.Again, the branch, the first selected base on Anna noe residual.Twentieth supersonic FairyVictory conditions: lumira, no leak, that the whole machine to the city or the Internet have induced downThe condition of defeat: within 5 rounds, the condition of victory was not reached; our invasion into the city; the Mothership was hit and fallenProficiency: within 4 rounds of victory conditionsThis is induced by large operations, not into the city, standing on the edge of the city to the line, the carrier is a good bait, add it still easy to use, as long as the weapon, not enemy warships, a condition, Ratone and the princess will help (fit technology and Ratone's lovely princess ^_^), at the same time the victory conditions change, the enemy has to hit boss afterretreating enemy reinforcements.Start with props after this pass.Twenty-first words, as far away on the cometVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: we were knocked downProficiency: within 8 rounds to achieve victory conditionsAt first there was only one battleship who was captured after entering the enemy's ambush. Then, the set off alone, and. In the fifth round, our army came on stage. If you want to save the boss blood to a certain extent, or fall, you can also get proficiency, but less money.Twenty-second words and Bai she.Victory conditions: do not, in fact, the election, HP, to below 90%No, the defeat conditions: lumira down or do not, in fact, the election, was shot down.Proficiency: within 5 rounds to achieve victory conditionsThe beginning is singled out, if the acquisition of SP will be a lot easier to fight back, after the story and a new body for. Pass the enemy.Twenty-third words: Ma Shi Group for special termsVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishAnna: No, defeat conditions of lumira lumira into, second is down or our carrier was shot downProficiency: hit 15 or more enemy planes within 3 secondsWhen the mature practice condition after the enemy reinforcements, cleared Zabing boss debut, it will automatically use it we must first focus will flash one attack by boss, her will flash, and then laid siege to her. Will flash in preference to it, so don't be afraid of her. When the victory is reached, a new enemy arrives, but he will retreat.After the pass, there are props, confluence.Twenty-fourth strokes, in foreigners terms (the first series)Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: our body is falling downProficiency: 7 rounds, in addition, I and her Vespa miraj, and no form of human Quanmie to the enemyThe beginning is the White Knight of soldier, to solve the 3 round pawn, there will be my side and the enemy reinforcements are. Fix this batch, boss led out. Hit the ancient Tiehuireinforcements, quick fix it through.Twenty-fifth strokes, foreigners (in national terms.)Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat conditions: her fierce, lumira, and center, and was shot down or our carrier was shot downProficiency: reach victory within 9 turnsIt has many enemies, fix early after the enemy reinforcements. Again after solving and reinforcements, patience and help fix after (I), to kill Boss, finally debut. Our SRX finally can use the world to kill a gun, solve the Boss pass.Start with props after this pass.Twenty-sixth bad terms that over the figureVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat conditions: the Mothership was hit and fallenProficiency: 3 round outside, no, Michiru, Noyes, lumira, Anna, and the Internet have her enemy, Quanmie groupA actress for help got two boss, solve the remaining.Twenty-seventh words red fantasyVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat Condition: our body is falling downProficiency: our reinforcements appeared after the 2 return within, except the lumira or sytec, Tokyo, the Japanese, in fact, fierce, election,, - lumira, Tel, down 9, or above the enemy machineLittle sister nibi (let me call her ^_^) on a full, very dangerous. After shooting down several airframe, the enemy has boss debut. We came to the rescue, too. Skilled conditions appear to solve enemy clearance.There are props after this passProcurement.From the story's expulsion from Paradise胜利 conditions: 敌全灭We 败北 conditions: the desk body 击坠练度: 胜利 ripe conditions with four times within 达成Large angle of A hostess 难不 death , search is not 一开始要单挑大批敌人. (3) with the aid ,曾伽 like people come ,ripe conditions after the completion 练,敌人 has 增援. The space provided for 据基 place we can 坚守 terrain.The 7th with my boss in the U.K army support , has the ability 一个回合就逼退他复大 HP times.Article 29 the guide wind speed, and like the meteorIbis 胜利: Masaki, arrive at the destination败北: within six times in an 达成胜利 conditions we , the 击坠练度: 胜利 ripe conditions with four times within 达成With the four essential arrive at the destination for one ,强力员来开路. We came to the attention of the manned 帮忙,Tamotsu 护. Arrive at the destination ,军来 source , my 敌人 Yayu 增援, constant 过关 tags.The guide device in war Gar seacock胜利 conditions: 达到 destination レーツェルWe 败北 conditions: the 击坠Ripe 练度: four times in 达成胜利 conditionsOne end of the other ,这时战场曾伽战也开始 rush work. Arrive at the destination 曾伽负责护外 no Kami. 剧情过后曾伽换机 body戏剧 polymorphisms of attack coming 开始 guide 30. I 军也 in 达了,敌人过关 solution.The empress has 关过 available tools.Article 31 the guide operation Plantagenet (Part 1)Kai: steel, 胜利 Hiryu 达到 destinationMother: 败北 conditions or 舰被击坠 Masaki练度 ripe conditions: 胜利达到 9 times inMy mother has a boss on the 舰一 uegishi 偷袭, Boss 逼退 best generals. After all we all 灭杂 soldiers , desk body can arrive at the destination 过关.Article 32 the guide net operation plan Tashi (Part Two)胜利 conditions: 敌全灭Keywords: 败北 condition or the 击坠 CarlaRipe 练度: five times in total 灭除 gal , gau, except the greater 敌机 kinThe third 军才 come with me ,还有两个 times with 拿熟练度, or who has 觉醒 Chong on free acceleration. 批突 empress 达到 conditions 敌人 Boss large 袭我军受 heavy 创.If 其实 provided in heavy 创其 boss can not 剧情 struck 过关,实力够话就 plethora of GE Global 找那 40000 boss percussion.The release of the user guide胜利 Falken: social construction to build HP 40%败北: we built the desk body or the 击坠击坠 FalkenRipe: four times within 练度 built with other 敌全灭 FalkenThe school of practical use in the world 战争 by multiple injection , unwanted attention and 杂兵 Hisaishi boss 挨在Kazuki , obtained from experimental support for 她碍事. 敌人 association has the yuan army. We cannot shift on , etc. in the army I went into constant engagement ,敌人过关 tags.The empress has 关过 available tools. It also emerged to support 现分选第一项 earth cradleTo give over the burning sandSo 胜利: arrive at destination败北: eight times within an application or 达成胜利conditions we 舰被击坠 mother练度: 胜利 ripe conditions with 达成 within six times两帮 in fire and has ,一脚吧 we like. Attention is needed ,we 战舰逼近 empress ,敌人 has impacted. This 这批敌人quantitative 一定时敌人还会有援军 down forever. The whole solution is 杂兵决 "hanzei , yield.The gate of the squid, EspaSo 胜利: arrive at destination败北 conditions: with an 达成 within 10 s 胜利 conditions, the way my mother レーツェル击坠,舰被击坠Ripe 练度: Proceedings of the 3rd International 击坠 in ,more than 11 敌机 deskThis entry is made 关还 conquests. 达到 ripe 练度 request after , face man wearing no exit. The circumferential boss is so lucrative 围 topography 对我, can 进入 body image is an old 过好 model P by a desk. Boss: just about , constant cutting HP struck in 剧情,变成曾伽单挑 is required for the reaction, such as 闪, tags in this second , boss has 杀曾fairy 实力 manner.Thirty-sixth words of the bottom in terms of sleep.Victory condition: enemy completely extinguishAnna: lumira cannot defeat conditions, we do not lumira lumira, miraj, lumira, Noyes, and second, their, lumira,, was shot down, our carrier was shot downProficiency: 5 rounds, and no center, lumira will lumira downThere's nothing to say about it. After the initial enemy, the enemy came forward. Boss or old-fashioned, three volley spirit.It's better to take glasses. The eyes of brother HP cut to a certain extent, with Ratone said big sister, and then solve the enemy pass it.Start with props after this pass.Thirty-seventh Knight of the heart opening wordsVictory conditions: lumira, and is in fact, and her graduate school, rotating HP to combat 80%Requirements: -, lost the election, and in fact, or lumira is, and her graduate school is fries down, our carrier was shot down.Proficiency: within 5 rounds of victory conditionsThe first is the couple fighting, with mental words to achieve proficiency, conditions should not be difficult. When the conditions are met, there is an aid to the enemy. It seems that boss less than 25000 of the blood will retreat and attack her at once. And then change the purpose of combat, after the clearance. (white riding big sister is funny when she comes back)Thirty-eighth words: "people give complete setVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat conditions: the Mothership was hit and fallenProficiency: group and graduate school, by Noyes - downAfter the enemy was killed in the early stage, the enemy was launched. If you break the enemy carrier, the enemy will have reinforcements. If Boss's HP is less than 30000, he will retreat and be able to knock him down.It has thirty-ninth letters of in child of tameniVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishRequirements: -, lost the election, or in center, lumira, Michiru, Noyes was shot down, our carrier was shot downProficiency: 5 rounds in the Seoul National, and HP to 30%It is against the armed forces, we also engage in the third forces, first take the Yellow Junlai with pneumatic, their HP is less, the red ship more HP than usual, you don't. Even if A's male lead will attack our army, we should attack him third rounds. We should take some time to master the skill. When the condition is reached, the plot occurs. In addition to the red carrier outside of the withdrawal of all, Huang Fang large number of reinforcements to the scene, all the enemies after clearance.Fortieth words on the cut, cut, in terms both "Victory condition: enemy completely extinguish Requirements: -, lost the election, lumira Anna, Anna andMichiru hit her was shot down, the Mothership was shot downProficiency: within 5 rounds of the enemy aircraft fell more than 20 aircraftInto the base. The first group of enemies came to give us a quick boost, and when the enemy had only 7 planes, the enemy reinforcements. When the break through the enemy lines, enemies and enemy reinforcements. This batch of aid of aid anti annoying, try to use it or use a combo map will have a good effect with blood shot. And then there are two boss debut, one of them will use the spirit, avoid the front line on the lineOnce again, came a big boss, when the boss HP to a certain extent, but also to a boss, but seems to help us (no use), all the enemy after clearance.Forty-first words one of FeiVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishRequirements: -, lost the election, or in center, lumira Anna, Noyes, Michiru, Harbin, in her, hit her, and fries do not be down, our carrier was shot downProficiency: down, and no - leak, miraj Dhaka and do notTo be proficient, the boss will run away when HP is below 27000, and help her with the attack. When another boss HP cut to a certain extent, the final boss A with a large number of reinforcements from our back, or destroy enemy.Forty-second, analysis of the words [] and [was] < Kara termsVictory conditions: down, and no form of her, miraj, and do notDefeat Condition: our Mothership was hit and fallenProficiency: NoneAll the enemies are blood thick, if there is incentive pilots learn SP reply, put our effort to improve it personnel strength. After winning the conditions, there is boss debutThe little girl also joined us, fix Boss day, Boss HP450000.The final word shortage in immediate star GodVictory condition: enemy completely extinguishDefeat conditions:, fierce, Te, and the Tokyo center, and Noyes arrive at the destination or our carrier was shot downThis is the Earth Defense, can not let boss into the atmosphere, will continue to reinforce Zabing (actually come to me with strength), the Boss round up, even if it was not HP 550000 mill. (now Jizhan is, get the final boss HP more fight all bored). After it is solved, it will be touched by the ending, looking forward to OG3 as soon as possible.。



一、机体部分:1.百舌-L1)第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII·M 4机或以上;2)第26话“破裂人偶”结束前阿拉德击坠数达到50;3)满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想” ,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;4)4回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5架触发剧情则过关后保留;5)如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:(1)百舌-L的HP在40%以下(2)杀人鲸的HP在90%以下(3)到达第5回合2、ASH救世主(浮游炮机)或竞速斗士(拔刀机)1)地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军” 击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~)2)第19话“「影子」浮现” 拉米亚和艾克塞尔战斗,根据战斗次数及周目数决定机体:(1)战斗1次:竞速斗士条件:2周目以上(含2周目)(2)战斗2次:ASH救世主无周目要求(3)战斗3次,啥也得不到3)第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1)如要取得ASH救世主击坠数必须达到53(2)如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55完成以上条件则第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH救世主可任意换乘)。


2)第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;3)第33话“会者定离之理” 结束时Alpha主角们的布利特,水羽·楠叶,冰川·谅斗,慕容·琉,真宫寺·佑,雷欧娜6人的等级之和达到185;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK-Ⅲ·T被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER配件)。

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(3 )战斗3 次,啥也得不到
第20A 话之前击破过卡拉一次
第24话“不受欢迎的异邦人(前)”结束时拉米亚击坠数达到:(1 )如要取得ASH 救世主击坠数必须达到53
(2 )如要取得竞速斗士击坠数必须达到55
如在阿拉德驾驶晓击霸MKII.M出现前(第2 回合出现)击破任意敌人,则不能得到该武器。马甲绝之锤(可更换武器)格斗武器:攻击4300射程1-4 命中+40 必杀率+70 全地形S 适应移动后攻击可
(3 )到达第5 回合
第28话“来自乐园的追放者”,拉米亚驾驶该机体出击(否则仍为强化过的弓天使),过关后强化型弓天使仍保留(弓天使与竞速斗士仅能由拉米亚换乘,ASH 救世主可任意换乘)。
第28话“来自乐园的追放者”熟练度为[ 易] 时,极殊兵(基利亚姆)武器里的M90 机关枪替换成无声回旋镖 无声回旋镖(可更换武器)射击武器:攻击3900射程3-5 命中+55 必杀率+30 全地形S 适应移动后攻击可
3 ヴァルシオ- ネ(リュ- ネ)追加战斗音乐:ヴァルシオン;ゼンガ- 增加战斗音乐:THE GATE OF MAGUS
武器不能改造 pp系统消耗加倍 第一话结束后,难度固定为难 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 敌人强化:机体和武器三段强化(以前就强化的在原来的基础上加三段)
1 增加音乐欣赏模式,方法:在系统菜单那里,依次按“下上左右LR”(特别提示:在进入下面的左图“方格表示”以后再输入秘笈)
2 人物全战斗音乐开启并增加OG2 主题音乐:始まりの地,增加RAIL TO THE DANGERZONE和BORN TO FIGHT
第19话“「影子」浮现”,阿拉德与泽奥拉接触前由阿拉德击落初期敌人极殊兵MkII.M 4机或以上;
(1 )战斗1 次:竞速斗士条件:2 周目以上(含2 周目)
(2 )战斗2 次:ASH 救世主无周目要求
第32话“金雀花作战(后篇)”前击破过卡拉一次(卡拉在第3 ,4 ,6 ,8 ,12A 路线,20A 路线登场),则在第32话卡拉的重装炮手追加该武器。无声回旋镖可更换武器)射击武器:攻击3900射程3-5 命中+55 必杀率+30 全地形S 适应移动后攻击可
第33话“会者定离の理”结束时开击坠数达到55,等级达到33.选宇宙路线立刻入手极殊兵Mk- Ⅱ。S ,选地上路线则要到第36话结束后入手。
周目特别奖励钢の魂,勇者の印2 周目或以上时(模式不限)在第33话结束后入手。
第15话里,将三天王中的梅基保斯最后1 个击破,除获得各机体击破时的奖励还可获得特别奖励。钢之魂、勇者之印、高性能电子头、狮子王之刃和重力冲击打桩机
第16话“第3 の凶鸟”里,阿拉德在4 回合内(包括敌方回合)击破所有初期敌人,过关后该武器可保留;
所有机体可以十段改造 第一话结束后,所有可更换模式武器和强化芯片入手1 个
第30话“武神装攻,大曾伽”要获得熟练度:4 回合以内雷切尔到达指定地点;
注:此关熟练度必须获得,否则入手不可。重力冲击打桩机和新型飞轮放射器(可更换武器)重力冲击打桩机格斗武器:攻击4900射程1-3 命中+35 必杀率+70 全地形S 适应移动后攻击可 新型飞轮放射器格斗武器:攻击4300射程1-7 命中+45 必杀率+25 全地形S 适应移动后攻击不可
第33话“会者定离の理”结束时Alpha 主角们的布利特,水羽。楠叶,冰川。谅斗,慕容。琉,真宫寺。佑,雷欧娜6 人的等级之和达到185 ;满足以上条件则可在第34话开始时出现入手剧情,晓击霸MK- Ⅲ。T 被改造成该机体(改造继承,可以与Gunner合体或安装BOXER 配件)。选地上路线立刻入手,选宇宙路线则要到第36话结束后入手。
第6 话“内心中的约定”里,薇蕾达击破除塞欧拉,勇希,卡拉外的全部敌人;击破过卡拉一次
地上路线第10话“樱花幻影”或月球路线第13话“新生,圣十字军”击破艾齐德娜(或使之撤退)后,拉米亚移动到艾齐德娜当时所处的位置上(这点很重要,站上1 回合就可以了,不需要在那里休息到战斗结束,HOHO~ )
第14话“亡国の姬君”里,布利特的击坠数达到45,等级达到18,则第17话“逃离泰斯拉研究所”过版后得到狮子王之刃(可更换武器)格斗武器:攻击4600射程1 命中+50 必杀率+40 全地形S适应移动后攻击可
第15话“来自外星的客人”开始时极殊兵Mk- Ⅱ。R 就会追加装备该武器。重力子炮(可更换武器 射击武器:攻击5000射程2-8 命中+20 必杀率+10 全地形S 适应移动后攻击不可
3 )满足上述条件则第27话“红之幻想”,古林舞就会驾驶百舌-L出击;
4 )4 回合以内(包括敌方行动回合)击坠敌机嘉利昂5 架触发剧情则过关后保留;
5 )如发生下列任一事件则不能保留:
(1 )百舌-L的HP在40% 以下
(2 )杀人鲸的HP在90% 以下