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[作者简介]马恩森(1976-),男,山东人,硕士。研究方向:胸腹影像诊断。E 2mail :maens @

[通讯作者]杨志刚,四川大学华西医院放射科,610041。E 2mail :cjr.yangzhigang @

[收稿日期]2005207211 [修回日期]2005207229

CT m anifestation of mesenteric lesions and the anatomic 2pathologic basis

M A En 2sen ,YA N G Zhi 2gang


(Department of Radiolog y ,West China Hos pital of S ichuan Universit y ,Cheng du 610041,China )

[Abstract] Mesentery is one of the important structure of peritoneal cavity ,which includes mesentery of small intestine ,transverse mesocolon and sigmoid mesocolon.The recognition of CT manifestations of normal anatomy and pathology of mesentery is helpf ul to the correct diagnosis of abdominal diseases such as inflammatory ,cyst ,tumor ,vascular ,trauma and other diseases.

[K ey w ords] Mesentery ;Anatomy ;Pathology ;Tomography ,X 2ray computed

肠系膜病变的CT 表现及其解剖、病理学基础


(四川大学华西医院放射科,四川成都 610041)

[摘 要] 肠系膜为腹腔内的重要结构,包括小肠系膜、横结肠系膜、乙状结肠系膜等;正确认识其正常解剖和病变的CT


[关键词] 肠系膜;解剖学;病理学;体层摄影术,X 线计算机

[中图分类号] R657.2;R814.42 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 100323289(2006)0120155204

