福州外语外贸学院课程试卷模版(中文版无答题纸 - 福州外贸外语学院
福建省福州外国语学校2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析
A. They are busy.B. They are friendly.C. They are distant.
19. What does the speaker say about her life in Vermont?
A. Hi-tech products.B. Popular music.C. Learning methods.
17. Where was the speaker raised?
A. In Vermont.B. In Montana.C. In New York.
A. It is hard to get used to.B. It is work-life balance.C. It is boring and tired.
20. What does the speaker want her friends to try in winter?
A. Collect her aunt.B. Tidy up the house.C. Help in the kitchen.
福州外语外贸学院《会计学》2021-2022学年第一学期期末模拟试卷学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、单项选择题1.汇总付款凭证的贷方科目是( )A.应付账款B.银行存款C.实收资本D.管理费用2.下列各项中,属于外来原始凭证的是( )A.收料单B.领料单C.购货发票D.制造费用分配表3.以融资租赁方式租入的固定资产,在会计核算上将其视为承租企业的资产,遵循的会计原则是( )A.配比原则B.谨慎原则C.权责发生制原则D.实质重于形式原则4.下列会计档案需要保存25年的是()A.银行对账单B.现金日记账C.季度财务报告D.总账和明细账5.下列原始凭证中,属于通用凭证的是A.收料单B.限额领料单C.工资结算汇总表D.增值税专用发票6.对行政管理部门用固定资产计提折旧时,应贷记的账户是A.“管理费用” B.“制造费用”C.“累计折旧”D.“生产成本”7.在可预见的未来,会计主体不会发生破产或清算,所体现的会计假设是A.会计主体B.会计分期C.持续经营D.货币计量8.将一个会计期间的收入和与其相关的成本费用相互配合进行比较的原则是( )A.可比性原则B.一贯性原则C.清晰性原则D.配比原则9.各种会计核算形式的主要区别是( )A.登记总帐的依据和方法不同B.登记明细帐的依据和方法不同C.登记日记帐的依据和方法不同D.编制会计报表的依据和方法不同10.对会计对象的具体内容分类进行核算的方法是( )A.设置会计科目B.复式记账C.登记账簿D.会计科目二、多项选择题11.下列账户所属的明细分类账中采用借方多栏式格式的有( )A.“生产成本”账户B.“制造费用”账户C.“财务费用”账户D.“营业外支出”账户E.“管理费用”账户12.对于收入和费用归属期的确认,在会计处理上有()A.权责发生制B.永续盘存制C.实地盘存制D.收付实现制E.技术推算盘点法13.下列账户中,与“主营业务收入”账户存在对应关系的有()A.“现金”B.“应收账款”C.“预收账款”D.“本年利润”E.“预付账款”14.在会计核算方法体系中,就其工作程序和过程而言,主要环节有()A.复式记账B.登记账簿C.编制会计报表D.填制和审核凭证E.设置会计科目和账户15.会计人员的主要职责有()A.进行会计核算B.实行会计监督C.招聘财务人员D.办理其他会计事项E.拟定本单位办理会计事务的具体办法16.下列账户中,属于损益类账户的有( )A.“销售费用”B.“财务费用”C.“主营业务收入”D.“主营业务成本”E.“营业税金及附加”17.下列属于记账凭证填制要求的有()A.填制要有依据B.凭证摘要简明C.科目运用准确D.凭证编号连续E.附件数量完整18.下列由本年支付的支出中,属于资本性支出的有()A.产品销售人员本年的工资B.购买固定资产的支出C.企业管理人员本年的工资D.购买专利技术的支出E.医务福利人员本年的工资19.采用实地盘存制,企业财产物资账簿的登记方法是( )A.平时登记增加数B.平时不登记增加数C.平时登记减少数D.平时不登记减少数E.随时结出账面余额20.总分类帐与明细分类帐平行登记的要点可以概括为( )A.同方向B.同依据C.等数量D.等额E.同时点三、名词解释题21.会计科目22.分类账簿23.总分类账簿24.会计机构25.会计电算化四、简答题26.简述会计人员的主要职责。
福建省福州外国语学校2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题一、阅读理解Five-year-old Willard Wigan struggled to tell the difference between an M and a W or a 6 and a 9. Unfortunately, his schoolteacher knew nothing about dyslexia (阅读障碍症), a learning disability that can make letters and numbers confusing. She didn’t try to help him. Not surprisingly, Willard didn’t like school. Usually, his mind drifted — to playing outside, to his dog Maxie, or to the ants that lived near his family’s garden shed. Willard was especially curious about those ants. He felt like them — small and insignificant. Thus, when he noticed some ants trying to build a house, he decided to help them! Willard constructed a little building. Then he sprinkled sugar inside to encourage the ants to move in. When they did, Willard built more houses.At school, Willard still struggled, but now he knew he could do something special. Maybe he wasn’t a failure after all. If he had trouble with his reading or math, Willard would later go home and create tiny furniture for the ant houses. He even built an ant school, with teeny swings, ladders, seesaws, and a merry-go-round. His artistic skill increased, and a love for little things began to grow in his heart.At age nine, Willard began carving faces on toothpicks. He discovered that his ability improved when he held his breath as he worked. When he quit school at age 15 to help support his family, Willard still spent his spare time carving. His confidence grew as more people appreciated his talent. Eventually, he quit his factory job to pursue his dream of becoming one of the best artists in the world. Now, years later, Willard carves the tiniest artwork in the world! His sculptures are so small that several can fit on a period at the end of a sentence.Because of their beauty and rarity, his sculptures have made Willard a wealthy man. But he says, “Success isn’t about material things like an expensive watch or a costly ring; it’s about chasing and achieving your dreams.”Willard Wigan, a microsculptor, has done just that. The man who felt small as a boy has shown the world that something small can really be big.1.Which of the following best describes Willard’s teacher?A.Unsympathetic.B.Unhelpful.C.Impatient.D.Careless.2.Why did Willard become interested in building homes for ants?A.Because he had a love for little things.B.Because he was absent-minded in class.C.Because he wouldn’t have to struggle at school.D.Because he thought they both seemed unimportant.3.What can we infer from the text?A.Willard gave up his study in school to pursue his dream.B.Willard became popular when more people appreciated his work.C.Willard was able to carve small artwork in a short period of time.D.Willard found a way to make better artwork when he was at school.4.Which of the following may Willard agree with?A.Failure is the mother of success.B.Success belongs to those who don’t give up.C.Dreaming big is the first step in achieving your goals.D.Talent is sometimes more important for success than hard work.China launched a Long March 3B carrier rocket on May 17 to transport a satellite into space for the country’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System, marking the first deployment (部署) of a Beidou satellite in three years.The satellite has typical functions for a third-generation Beidou satellite — positioning, navigation and timing. Compared with previous Beidou satellites, it has some upgraded hardware and features a stronger signal, faster transmission speed and higher operational stability, said Chen Zhonggui, chief designer of Beidou’s third-generation satellites.Despite being called a backup, the satellite is designed to start working as soon as it enters orbit. Its primary tasks are to expand the service areas of Beidou’s short-messaging function, enhance Beidou’s positioning accuracy as well as improve the network’s operational continuity and reliability, he noted.“Before the end of this year, another two backup Beidou satellites are scheduled to be launched to further strengthen the reliability of the network,” said Wang Dong, deputy projectmanager of the third-generation Beidou network.Beidou is currently China’s largest civilian satellite system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo.Since 2000, a total of 60 Beidou satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been lifted on 45 Long March 3 series rockets from Xichang. In June 2020, the final satellite to complete Beidou’s third-generation network was lifted by a Long March 3B rocket at the Xichangcenter. The following month, President Xi Jinping announced that the system had been completed and had begun providing full-scale global services.Currently, there are 46 satellites in active service, including the latest one. And China plans to establish the next generation of the Beidou system by 2035. The new version will be “omnipresent (无处不在的), smarter and more integrated” and upon its completion, there will be Beidou service not only on land and sea, but also in the sky, outer space and deep within the oceans, according to the China Satellite Navigation Office.5.Which is not the function of the latest Beidou satellite?A.To strengthen the reliability of the network.B.To carry other backup satellite to the system.C.To increase short-messaging service capacity.D.To promote high-precision positioning service.6.According to the text, Beidou Navigation Satellite System .A.will be replaced by another system by 2035B.is the world’s largest civilian satellite systemC.has provided full-scale service since July 2020D.has 46 satellites in active service except the latest one7.What is the best title for the text?A.First deployment of Beidou satelliteB.Establishing Beidou servicein the skyC.Latest launch grows network for navigationD.A backup satellite to be launched for network8.In which section of a newspaper will you most likely to find this passage?A.Society.B.Innovation.C.Military.D.Economy.Silent reading is far from silent in your brain. Deep within your head there is a voice reading aloud each word as your eyes pass over it.Let’s do a seemingly unrelated experiment first. Turn on your television and radio. Try to understand both the words from the television and the radio simultaneously. You might have noticed understanding one source required ignoring the other, and you could feel your attention shifting between the two voices. Although we can listen to multiple people speaking at the same time, we can only truly understand one person speaking at a time.There are three major areas that allow you to understand spoken word. The first is the Auditory Cortex (听觉皮层), which processes the pure characteristics of incoming sounds. Both sides of your brain contain this region. The next area is the Broca/Wernicke (B/W) network, which makes sense of the spoken word. This network exists in only one side of your brain. This means that, although the sounds of language are initially processed in both sides of the brain, spoken word must eventually be funneled (流经漏斗) into this single network. This quickly leads to a bottleneck, which is controlled by the third area: the left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (IFG, 额下回). When you try to understand two people speaking at the same time, this region effectively blocks one voice while it allows the other to pass through the B/W bottleneck. Any information that does not immediately make it through the B/W network disappears completely — there is no waitlist.Now, let’s bring all the pieces together to see why it’s related to your silent reading. When you read, the first region to demonstrate activation is the Visual Cortex, which processes the pure visual characteristics of incoming sights. Immediately after the visual cortex activates, the speech areas of the brain fire up because your brain processes your silent reading in a manner almost identical to the way in which it processes an actual, out-loud speaking voice. For this reason, attempting to read while listening to someone speak is the same as trying to understand two people speaking at the same time—it can’t be done!9.What does the underlined word “simultaneously” in paragraph 2 mean?A.At the same time.B.One at a time.C.On the whole.D.Through comparison.10.Which of the following best illustrates paragraph 3?Note: disappear; waitA.B.C.D.11.What may the author agree with?A.Professors give a speech with a text-heavy PowerPoint slide.B.Teachers keep silent when students are reading attentively.C.Students solve math problem when following a lecture.D.Students practice listening skills while reading novels.12.Which of the following sentences can best serve as an introduction to the text?A.The art of conversation lies in listening.B.What is reading, but a silent conversation.C.We hear and understand only what we already know half.D.Once an idea gets into your head, it’s probably going to stay there.More and more people enjoy listening to music while they work, believing that music helps boost creativity. But an international study conducted by English and Swedish researchers is challenging that viewpoint. 13To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants complete verbal problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room. 14 They found that background music significantly weakened the participants’ ability to complete tasks associated with verbal creativity. The research team also tested background noises such as those commonly heard in a library, but found that such noises had no impact on subjects’ creativity.The tasks were simple word games. 15 Then, they were asked to find a single word that could be combined with the three to form a common phrase or word. The single word,in this case, would be “sun” (sunshine, sunflower, etc). Participants completed the tasks either in a quiet room or while listening to different types of music.“We found strong evidence of damaged performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions.” says Dr. McLatchie. Dr. McLatchie with his colleagues concludes that music disturbs the verbal working memory of the brain. 16 Also, as far as the library background noises have seemingly no effect, the researchers believe that was the case because library noises create a “steady state” environment that doesn’t affect concentration.“ 17 Instead, they demonstrate music, regardless of its types, consistently interrupts creative performance in problem solving,” the study reads.A.And this in turn blocks creativity.B.First, all participants spoke out three words of their favorite music.C.Then again, they were tested while music was played in the background.D.Prior to the task, the participants were not exposed to the music they would listen.E.For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, shine, and flower.F.To conclude, the findings challenge the popular view that music encourages creativity. G.Psychologists from several universities say their findings indicate music actually prevents creativity.二、完形填空I went to an old friend’s farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and18 past a house which had apparently not been used in many years. A 19 at a window caught my attention, so I entered it. It was a hummingbird (蜂鸟), 20 trying to escape. I 21 her from spider-webs (蛛网).With the bird in my 22 hand, I looked around to see how she had got in. The broken window was the 23 answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the 24 and took her outside.When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes. I 25 the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. 26 , she made noattempt to fly. Perhaps she had been 27 too long and was too tired? Or too 28 ?As I 29 her toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. Hovering (悬停), she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment, this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly 30 .Two hours later, as I was 31 , my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. Finally, she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then 32 a squeaking call, seeming to say good bye to me, and was gone. What an amazing bird!18.A.drove B.ran C.travelled D.walked 19.A.noise B.voice C.scene D.picture 20.A.happily B.excitedly C.deliberately D.desperately 21.A.saved B.protected C.preserved D.prevented 22.A.opened B.closed C.cupped D.folded 23.A.likely B.potential C.promising D.right 24.A.room B.house C.cave D.hole 25.A.took B.moved C.removed D.cleaned 26.A.Therefore B.Still C.However D.So 27.A.fighting B.calling C.struggling D.flying 28.A.thirsty B.hungry C.angry D.afraid 29.A.lifted B.carried C.fetched D.hugged 30.A.out of mind B.out of sight C.out of breath D.out of reach 31.A.returning B.coming C.departing D.going 32.A.give out B.let out C.leave out D.come out三、翻译根据语境,选择下框中的单词替换句中划线部分的词或词块,使之意思接近或一致。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, lean to be ________ of others.A.ignorant B.responsibleC.reliable D.tolerant2.Daniel’s family ________ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.A.are enjoying B.are to enjoy C.will enjoy D.will be enjoying3.---What do you do, Susan?---I am a clerk in a foreign company now. But I __________English in a high school for 8 years.A.teach B.had taughtC.have taught D.taught4.Mark drives his car too fast and, what’s more, very carelessly,worries his mother.A asA.what B.it C.which5.The infrastructure project has consumed so much money that we can't find any financial support and have to ______. A.pull out B.pull throughC.catch up D.catch on6.One should accomplish tasks____________ instead of always tuning to others for help.A.independently B.activelyC.skillfully D.voluntarily7.—Didn’t you go fishing with your friends last Sunday?—No. I ______ to the nursing home as usual.A.went B.go C.have gone D.had gone8.She is a strong-willed woman and not once _______ in to any difficulty in her life.A.she has given B.did she give C.she gave D.has she given9.Some of them, ______ in rural villages, had never seen a train.A.to be born and brought up B.born and brought upC.having born and brought up D.having been born and brought up10.— Can you tell me something about _________ science.— OK. _ Nobel Prize in Chemistry is usually awarded to Americans.A.the; The B./; The C.a; / D.the; /11.I think it a great honor _____ to visit your country.A.to invite B.inviting C.having invited D.to be invited12.I wish I ______ at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.A.will be B.would beC.have been D.had been13.–Let’s take a coffee break, shall we?–I wish I ________, but I have a really tight schedule.A.can B.shall C.could D.should14.In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack ______ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.A.less than B.more thanC.other than D.rather than15.-What about inviting Tracy to host the party?-Good idea! She is very quick in mind. Oh, _______, here she comes.A.don’t pull my leg B.a little bird told meC.speak of the devil D.it’s a piece of cake16.With the development of economy,our income has increased ________ 10% in less than a year.A.for B.byC.on D.at17.________ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.A.Giving B.GivenC.To give D.Give18.In the virtual laboratory environment created in the VR app, students can ________ a particular experiment before doing them in a real lab.A.reveal B.reserveC.preview D.provide19.Great pity! His illness is ________ the treatment available so far.A.within B.above C.about D.beyond20.If we________ a table in advance, we wouldn't be standing here in the long queue.A.reserve B.reservedC.have reserved D.had reserved第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
2020年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Origins of Famous BrandsOur lives are full of brand names and trademarked products that we use every day. Although many brand names are simple acronyms(首字母缩略词) or versions of their founders names, some of the companies we trust every day actually have fascinating and surprising back stories.StarbucksIt seems fitting that the most famous coffee brand in the world would take its name from one of the world’s greatest works of literature. The inspiration for the name of the coffeehouse came from Herman Melville’sMoby Dick. The founders’ original idea was to name the company after the Captain Ahab’s ship, but they eventually decided that Pequot wasn’t a great name for coffee, so they chose Ahab’s first mate, Starbucks, as the name instead.GoogleGoogle was originally called Backrub, for it searched for links in every corner of the Web. In 1997, when the founders of the company were searching for a new name showing a huge amount of data for their rapidly improving search technology, a friend suggested the word “googol”. When a friend tried to register the new domain (域) name, he misspelled “googol” as “google”.NikeOriginally founded as a distributor for Japanese running shoes, the company was originally named BRS, or Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, BRS introduced its own soccer shoe, a model called Nike, which is alsothe name for the Greek goddess of victory. In 1978, the company officially renamed itself as Nike, Inc.The right name is essential to a company’s success, and a great origin story is just as important as a great product. An attractive origin story is one more thing that keeps customers guessing, wondering, and buying its products.1. What is the name of the Captain Ahab’s ship?A. Moby Dick.B. Starbucks.C. Pequot.D. Herman Melville.2. Why did the founders of the Google want to change its name?A. They mistook their name.B. They wanted new customers.C. The company’s original name was too long.D. The company’s search technology was improving rapidly.3. Where does the importance of the origin story of one company lie in?A. It can change the company’s image.B. It can add myth to the company.C. It explains the development of the company to customers.D. It makes customers imagine and purchase its goods.BNarasimha Das is on his way to feed 169,379 hungry children. Das is in charge of a kitchen in Vrindaban. The town is about a three-hour drive fromIndia’s capital,New Delhi. Das gets to work at 3:00 a.m. Thirty workers are already working to make tens of thousands of rounds of bread. It will be brought to 1,516 schools in and around Vrindaban.A Growing ProblemGoing to school is difficult for more than 13 million children inIndia. They must go to work instead, or go hungry. That’s whyIndiabegan the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the largest school-lunch program in the world. A free lunch encourages children to come to school and gives them the energy they need for learning. The program began in the 1960s.The kitchen in Vrindaban is run by the Akshaya Patra Foundation. It is one of the lunch program’s biggest partners. “Just $11.50 can feed one child for an entire year,” said Madhu Sridhar, president of the Akshaya Patra Foundation.Lunch Is Served!The Akshaya Patra food truck arrives atGopalgarhPrimary School. Since the program started, the number of underweight children has gone down. The children get foods they need — as long as they finish what’s on their plates.4. What does Narasimha Das do?A. A waiter.B. A salesman.C. A cook.D. A shopkeeper.5. The kitchen in Vrindaban supplies food to ________.A. the poorB. school childrenC. college studentsD. the old6. Why is it difficult for children to go to school inIndia?A. Because they have to work to make money.B. Because there are not enough schools.C. Because there are not enough teachers.D. Because their parents refuse to send them to school.7. Which of the following about the Mid-Day Meal Scheme is NOT true?A. It is to encourage children to go to school.B. It has been carried out for about 50 years.C. It is run by Narasimha Das.D. It is the largest school-lunch program in the world.CIn June, 2021, a group of students from eight high schools in Winnipeg, the capital of Canada’s Manitoba province, will begin test-launching (试发射) a satellite the size of a Rubik’s cube.The one-kilogram Win-Cube satellite, named for its home city and its shape, will be put into low orbit. Once in space, it can perform for a few months or up to several years, communicating information that could help find the signs of earthquakes.There are 80 similar satellite projects worldwide, but this is the first high-school based program of its kind in Canada. 30 Manitoba high school students are having a hand in designing and building the satellite, in cooperation with aerospace (航空航天的) experts and 10 students from the University of Manitoba, and with support from two other organizations.The Win-Cube project is not something that goes on a piece of paper; it is real-world engineering, allowing high school students to have an opportunity to learn more about the exciting world of engineering through their participation in this challenging program. It is also taken as a wonderful example of the unique partnerships within Manitoba. Designing, building and launching a satellite with high-school participation will bring this world-class educational project into reality and Manitoba closer to space“These Manitoba high school students deserve congratulations for their enthusiasm, innovation (创新), and a strong love for discovery,” said Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjomson. “We want to make science more relevant, interesting and attractive to high school students by showing them how classroom studies can relate to practical experience in the workplace or, in this case, in space,” Bjomson added.The Win-Cube program is mainly aimed at inspiring a strong desire for discovery on the part of the students.It also shows Manitoba’s devotion to research and innovation and the development of a skilled workforce—all important drivers of knowledge-based economic growth.8. What can we learn from Mr. Bjomson? .A. Those Manitoba high school students are worth praising.B. The study of space can be practically made in classrooms.C. Manitoba high schools are famous for the study of space.D. Scientific research is too far away from high school students.9. What is the primary purpose of the project ? .A. To find the early signs of earthquakes.B. To relate studies to practical.C. To help high school students study real-world engineering.D. To inspire a strong desire for discovery among the students.10. According to the passage, what can we know about the Win-Cube satellite? .A. It is named after Manitoba and its shape.B. It is intended for international communication.C. It is designed like a Rubik’s cube both in shape and size.D. It is challenged by university students around the world.11. What may be the best title for the passage?A. Manitoba SchoolB. Win-Cube ProgramC. Space Co-operationD. Satellite LaunchingDHi, Momis a hit inChina. Since its release in early February the movie has earned more than 5 billion yuan at the box office. It is currently the second-highest-grossing film ever released in the country, and may yet overtakeWolf Worrior2, an action film from 2017.Written and directed by Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her comedy routine from 2016 which explored her relationship with her mother, who died in an accident when Ms. Jia was 19. At a time when many people have been separated from their families, the themes of grief and filial piety (孝道) inHi, Mombring agreement.The film’s impressive box office income is also a reminder of the health of the industry inChinacompared withHollywood. In the West cinemas remain closed due to lockdown or operate at limited capacity; inChina, where many restrictions have been lifted, between 50% and 75% of seats are available to book. During the SpringFestival, Chinese cinemas made an estimated $1.5 billion in ticket sales – 71% of takings at the American box office in all of 2020.With cinemas shut, film-sales agent stopped bringingHollywoodmovies to market. That has given locally made films a chance to excel. Since 2013, domestic films have taken around 60% of total box office earnings. In 2021, that number may get closer to 100%.12. What can be inferred from the first paragraph aboutHi, Mom?A. It will be a success.B.Wolf Worrior2 will be released after it.C. It is better than Wolf Worrior 2.D. It may be the first-highest-grossing film inChina.13. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?A. The film industry inChinais developing better than that inHollywood.B. The film is based on a real story.C. You can’t go to cinema because there are many restrictions.D. Many people can’t see their families often nowadays.14. What is the author’s attitude towards local films?A. NegativeB. PositiveC. IndifferentD. Skeptical15. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Local Movies Arise.B. China Film Industry.C. Comedy Time.D.Hi, Mom-China’s Latest Hit.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AProvincetown, Cape Cod RestaurantsAfter a day on the sands or exploring our charming town, enjoy local eats, from fresh seafood and lobster to authentic Italian. You’ll find many wonderful Provincetown, Cape Cod restaurants and cafes just steps away. Fanizzi’s RestaurantRight next door to our hotel, this award-winning local eatery is one of the finest Cape Cod restaurants. The menu highlights seafood, Italian, steaks, burgers, and fresh salads. Enjoy the Friday Fish Fry, Early Bird Specials, and Sunday Brunch, available from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. all year long.539 Commercial Street 508-487-1964Napi’s RestaurantNapi’s serves dinner all year round and lunch from April to October. A cozy place located just off Commercial Street and overflowing with local art, this Cape Cod, Massachusetts classic specializes in everything from freshly caught seafood to Portuguese and Brazilian dishes to vegetarian items.7 Freeman Street 800-571-6274Mews RestaurantEnjoy views of Provincetown Harbor at this waterfront restaurant just steps from Surfside Hotel & Suites. Intercontinental dishes are served in the beach-level dining room, while upstairs you’ll find a casual American bistro. Summer months bring on a brunch menu, and dinner is served year-round.429 Commercial Street 508-487-1500The Red InnA favorite among our guests, The Red Inn is located on Provincetown’s picturesque waterfront which provides diners with the most gorgeous harbor views and spectacular sunsets. The Red Inn provides historic old world charm with new world pleasure. Their menu features the finest local seafood.15 Commercial Street 508-487-73341.Which restaurant offers a special breakfast for early risers?A.Fanizzi’s Restaurant.B.Napi’s Restaurant.C.Mews Restaurant.D.The Red Inn.2.What is special about The Red Inn?A.It exhibits the good local art.B.It is the finest local restaurant.C.It offers the best local seafood.D.It serves brunch all year round.3.What does the text mainly talk about?A.Accommodation.B.Life styles.C.Sightseeing.D.Dining.BA young female athlete in thePhilippinesrecently won many gold medals during a sports meet despite not having proper running shoes. Rhea Ballos, an 11-year-old student ofSalvationElementary Schoolin Balason,Iloilo, wasonly wearing bandages around her feet when she competed at the Iloilo Schools Sports Meet.Facebook user Valenzuela posted pictures of the girl with her feet wrapped in bandages bearing the famous Nike logo. Ballos even wrote the word “NIKE” on the sides of her “shoe” to complete the “Nike running shoes” look. The bandages were tightly wrapped around her feet, creating a thin protective layer against the track. While she was actually barefoot during the races, she was still able to defeat her competitors who all more proper footwear intended for running,According to the post, Ballos bagged the top awards in the 400-meter dash, the 800-meter run, and the 1500-meter run in the girls' categories in the inter school sporting event held in Iloilo, central Philippines.When pictures of her “Nike” footwear become popular, Flipinos on social media praised her. Many noted that instead of falling into self-pity, she was even able to make light of the situation by drawing the Nike logo on her “running shoes”. Some of the commenters of Valenzuela's post expressed how the girl deserved to be recognized by Nike and that the brand should actually give her a new pair of real Nike shoes. Others started getting in touch with the American sports brand, as well as local basketball specialty store Titan 22.It did not take long for Titan co-founder and Alaska Aces head coach Jeffrey Cariaso to take notice of Ballos' outstanding achievement. Cariaso immediately made an effort to get in touch with the young track runner. The seven-time PBA champion has since talked to the student as well as her coaches in an apparent bid to help her out.4. Why did Ballos wear bandages around her feet to compete?A. She couldn't afford to buy shoes.B. She wished to be noticed by Nike.C. She wanted to draw public's attention.D. She thought it fashionable and unique.5. What's people's attitude to Ballos' story?A. Surprised.B. Confused.C. Favorable.D. Doubtful.6. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Ballos will be recognized by Nike.B. Ballos will be probably helped by Cariaso.C. Ballos is bound to win more champions.D. Ballos will become a great basketball player.7. Which of the following can best describe Ballos?A. Shy and lucky.B. Kind and brave.C. Clever and outstanding.D. Gifted and optimistic.CJake Oldershaw and his daughter Mollie from Birmingham, Britain have asthma (哮喘). Mollie, 11, has required hospital treatment several times while Jake Says he always finds breathing more difficult when there is heavy traffic. Air quality has an enormous impact on their lives and both noticed a marked improvement during the spring lockdown because of the epidemic (疫情). Jake said, “During lockdown there was a noticeable difference in air quality. I didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period. These days you can feel the effects.”However, under current COVID-19 restrictions in the UK this winter, many people probably will have to work from home. The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) says while emissions (排放) have dropped this year because we've been travelling less and doing less, the expected use ofgas boilers to provide heating and hot water could rise by more than half.Heating accounts for nearly 37% of the UK's total carbon emissions. Modelling by the ECIU suggests a 56% increase in boiler usage this winter resulting in a 12% increase in emissions of carbon. The ECIU says that's enough to offset the last two years' worth of progress on reducing traffic emissions.Jess Ralston, author of the analysis for the ECIU, said, “Working from home and having increased gas use in the home could be really critical for air pollution and also climate change. The way we heat our homes needs to change if we are to get to net zero by 2050.”Jess Ralston said, “The increase in pollution from gas boilers expected this winter provides a graphic illustration (图解) of their forgotten role in air pollution. And it is a role set to continue without practical policies todecarbonize home heating. ”The government is set to publish its Heat and Buildings Decarbonisation Strategy in a few weeks which is expected to give details on plans to try to switch British homes to cleaner sources of heat.8. How did the spring lockdown in the UK affect Jake?A. He was cured of his asthma.B. He had to go to hospital for retreatment.C. He suffered a noticeable difficulty in study.D. He didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period.9. What is concerning the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit?A. The epidemic will become worse.B. Air pollution will get worse this winter.C. People may have to work from home longer.D. There is less energy for gas boilers in winter.10. What would Jess Ralston agree with?A. People prefer to work from home in winter.B. The government failed to protect the environment.C. People tend to ignore the harmful effect of home heating.D. The climate has suffered a lot from the epidemic this year.11. How to improve air quality during winter according to Jess Ralston?A. A warmer winter season.B. Less and less gas boilers.C. Practical plans from the government.D. Improved awareness of cutting down pollution.DThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included on December 17, 2020 China's Tai Chi on the Representative List of the Intangible(无形的)Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was announced during the online meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from December 14 to19 inKingston, capital ofJamaica.“Born in the mid-17th century in a small village named Chenjiagou located in Central China's Henan province, Tai Chi is not only a kind of traditional Wushu integrated with slow movements and deep breathing, but is alsodeeply rooted in many areas of Chinese culture, such as medicine and philosophy,”Zhu Xianghua says, who is the son of the famous Tai Chi master Zhu Tiancai.Although it has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, attracting more than 100 million people to practice, the idea that Tai Chi is for the elderly has stopped many young people practicing the ancient Wushu. They think of it as a slow exercise, which is specially made and better suited for their grandparents. Instead, many young people are turning to the Indian practice of yoga(瑜伽)to relieve stress, which was placed on the UNESCO's List in 2019.In order to promote Tai Chi, joint efforts have been made from individuals and the Chinese government in the last decades. Xi'an Jiaotong University requires students to learn Tai Chi. Wang Yunbing, a professor in the university's sports center, stressed that Tai Chi is not only good physical exercise-researchers from the American College of Rheumatology find that it can help manage several diseases but is also conned ted to ancient Chinese eivilization. Since 2014, the World Tai Chi Championships have been held every two years by the International Wushu Federation. It provides a platform for communication and learning between the Tai Chi masters and Tai Chi lovers around the globe. In January 2020, Tai Chi became an official event in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.12. What does Zhu Xianghua say about Tai Chi in paragraph 2?A. It originated from fast Kung Fu action.B. It was born around the 1750s in a village.C. It is related to other cultural fields ofChina.D. It integrates Chinese medicine and western philosophy.13. Why do some young people choose to practice yoga instead of Tai Chi?A. They think it easier to practice yoga to keep fit.B. The elderly stop young people practicing Tai Chi.C. They consider Tai Chi is custom-built for old people.D. Yoga was included in the world culture earlier than Tai Chi.14. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?A. To promote contemporary Chinese civilization.B. To show many efforts made to popularize Tai Chi.C. To stress the importance of Chinese Tai Chi masters.D. To advise people to practise Tai Chi to cure diseases.15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Tai Chi Steps on the UNESCO's List.B. Tai Chi isCompeting against Yoga.C. Tai Chi Has Regained populate Globally.D. Opinions Greatly Differ on Tai Chi and Yoga.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020-2021学年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOn a rainy afternoon, maybe one of the following books will keep you company leisurely, allowing you to spend your time alone as well as stepping into a different world.Don’t Shed Your Tears for Anyone Who Lives on These Streets,by Patricio PronIn April 1945,Italy, a writer disappeared at a conference and was found dead at another place. Thirty years later, a young man interviewed survivors from the conference, trying to uncover the truth about what happened and its consequences. This novel, by a well-known Argentine writer, explores art, crime and politics.When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul KalanithiAt thirty-six, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed (诊断) with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient. This autobiography finds hope and beauty in the face of death as Kalanithi attempts to answer the question “What makes a life worth living?”.To Killa Mockingbird, by Harper LeeSet in a smallAlabamatown in the 1930s, the story focuses on honest, highly respected lawyer Atticus Finch who puts his career on the line when he agrees to represent Tom Robinson, a black man accused of committing a crime.Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A true (as told to me) storyby Bess KalbBess Kalb saved every voicemail from her grandmother Bobby Bell who died at ninety. In this book, Bobby is speaking to Bess once more, in a voice as loving as it ever was in life and brings us several generations of brave women. They include Bobby’s mother, who traveled alone fromBelarustoAmericato survive, and Bess’s mother, who always fought against convention.1.What type of book is the first novel?A.Sci-fi.B.Biography.C.Detective books.D.History books.2.Which book explores life and death?A.To Kill a MockingbirdB.When Breath Becomes AirC.Don’t Shed Your Tears for Anyone Who Lives on These StreetsD.Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A true (as told to me) story3.Who is the main character in the last novel?A.Bobby Bell.B.Bess Kalb.C.Bess’s mother.D.Bobby’s mother.BAfter almost an entire year of not going shopping and vacationing, you find the numbers reflected by your bank account meet your heart’ s desire.Now the most important question comes, what to do with the earnings? Should you fulfill dreams of the present, invest in preserving the future or perhaps keep saving it for a rainy day?Our elders always try to teach us the value of money and its moral weakness. One may be on a winning streak (连续成功) now, but it will not always be so. One will have days when there will be no sunshine but only rain, and their luck will hide behind those thick grey clouds. Save for those rainy days, they say. Do not spend too much, live within a budget,refrain fromcredit no matter how small and save for the future.Since the very first time we earn our own money from a summer job or earning our first salary, the lessons start. In fact, the pocket money that we receive when we are children begins the process of learning how to best manage one’ s money.People often think like this — one day when I have enough money, I will travel the world. Then, once we do earn enough money, tomorrow’ s plans start shadowing our present ones. However, is it wise to keep living for that future? Will we still enjoy or even be able to backpack in our 50s? How will we ever enjoy our present if we are constantly living for the future?Good questions, aren’ t they? I say travel but don’ t let yourself run dry, treat yourself to some luxuries but also keep enough for your necessities, and enjoy your present but with a plan for the foreseeable future. Life is for the living, so live it sensibly.4. Why do elders teach us to save money?A. Because there are more rainy days in life.B. Because no one can win streak.C. Because good days may end.D. Because money can’t buy everything.5. What does the underlined phrase “refrain from” mean in Paragraph 3?A. select fromB. hold backC. rely onD. prefer to6. Which of the following opinions would the author agree?A. To enjoy yourself in the right time.B. To wait to travel until we have enough money.C. To go backpacking in our 50s.D. To live for the future.7. What should we do with the earnings according to the author?A. We should save all for rainy days.B. We should fulfill our dreams.C. We should entertain ourselves.D. We should live the present wisely.CDogs are often called as “man's best friend”, MacKenzie, a four-pound Chihuahua(吉娃娃), was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020.In its tenth year in 2020 the annual contest is the brainchild of American Humane, the country's first national charitable organization founded for the safety and well-being of animals. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make extremely great contributions to society.The competition of 2020 attracted over 400 entries(参赛者)from across the country. These heroic dogs have gone above the call of duty, saving lives, comforting the ill and aged and reminding us of the powerful, age-old ties between animals and people. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who wonthe judges' hearts.MacKenzie's growth was not easy. Born with a mouth disability, she had to be fed through a tube(管子)for the first year of her life. Despite her own struggles, she always seemed to think more of other animals in need. “Never have I seen such a will to live. Though sick, she carefully looked after the baby animals at the rescue(救助)center,” said her caretaker.A life-saving operation performed in 2014 gave MacKenzie the ability to eat independently. The seven-year-old chihuahua is now working for the Mia Foundation, an organization that rescues and nurses animals with inborn disabilities. The chihuahua does an excellent job and has raised various animals. She plays nurse, cleans, comforts and hugs them, acting as their mother and teaching them how to socialize, play and have good manners.In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also visits schools to educate kids about theimportance of accepting physical differences in both animals and people. Her heartwarming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie a worthy receiver ofAmerica's top dog honor.8. What can we infer about the American Hero Dog Competition?A. It was first held in 2010B. It was held to honor caretakers of dogs.C. It takes place every ten years.D. It was started by a charitable organization.9. With what quality did MacKenzie win the award?A. Talent and braveryB. Friendliness and care.C. Courage and selflessness.D. Confidence and independence.10. In which aspect can students benefit from MacKenzie's visits?A. Learning from failures.B. Understanding the disabled.C. Valuing physical health.D. Developing practical ability.11. What's the best title for the text?A. Dogs Are Man's Best Friends.B. Treat Dogs the Way We Want to Be Treated.C. Touching Stories between MacKenzie and PeopleD. 2020 American Hero Dog: A TinyChihuahua.DIn Australia, plenty of wild things can bite or sting(刺伤) you. Strangely enough, one of them is a tree. Now scientists have figured out what makes the tree’s sting so bad.The rainforests of eastern Australia are home to a stinging tree known as Dendrocnide. Many people callit the gympie-gympie tree—a name given to the tree by native Australians. It’s covered with sharp, needle-like hairs that carry poison. If you touch a gympie-gympie tree, you won’t forget it anytime soon. The pain can stay with you for hours, days or weeks. In some cases, it’s been reported to stay for months.Scientists have long looked for the source of this powerful sting. Now researchers at the University of Queensland have discovered what makes this stinging plant so painful. After carefully studying different kinds of gympie-gympie trees, the scientists were able to separate out different chemicals that the trees produce. This allowed them to identify a group of chemicals that they believed was responsible for the pain.The researchers created artificial versions of these chemicals, which they call “gympietides”. Sure enough, when the scientists injected mice with gympietides, the mice licked(舔) at the places where they’d been injected, indicating that they hurt in those places. When the scientists studied the way gympietides were built, they found that they formed a knot-like shape. The shape makes the chemicals very stable, which helps explain why the pain stays so long.The knot-like shape of the gympietides was similar to the shape of poisons produced by poisonous spiders and cone snails. The scientists were surprised to see three very different kinds of life all using similar poisons. Spiders and cone snails carry poisons because they catch food by stinging other creatures. It’s not clear how stinging helps the gympie-gympie tree.Though the tree’s sting may stop some animals from eating it, it doesn’t stop all animals. Beetles and pademelons (small s of the kangaroo) are able to eat the plant without trouble.12. Why is a touch on the stinging tree unforgettable?A. Because it has so unusual an appearance.B. Because it is extremely rare in existence.C. Because touching it creates a quite strange feeling.D. Because the pain caused by it doesn’t go away quickly.13. What do scientists fail to find out about the stinging tree?A. How it produces poisons.B. What poisons it produces.C. How it benefits from the sting.D. The consequences of its sting.14. What does the text imply about the stinging tree?A. It produces the same poisons as spiders.B. Poisonous as it is, it also has natural enemies.C. Animals are wise enough to stay away from it.D. Only one chemical in it causes pain to the toucher.15. What’s the best title for the text?A. Scientists Discover Stinging Tree's SecretB. Caution: Stinging Tree Can Bite and Poison YouC. Scientists Discover a Strange Species in AustraliaD. Effective Ways to Avoid Being Hurt by Stinging Tree第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AEver wonder why there are so many people polluting the earth? Ever say to yourself:Hey, I wish that I could do more to help the environment? Have you ever thought about trying to help the earth but never really did it? Well, here are some pretty easyand skillful ideas for that green - earth desire inside you.●Turn off your computer. By leaving it on all day you are creating more CO2than a regular passenger would, driving to and from work in one day.● Ride your bike or carpool (合用汽车).Obviously, youare creating less CO2which will help the ozone(臭氧).● Make a garden. Even simply grow some plants in your kitchen, which will help produce more oxygen while eating up some of that evil CO2.● Buy local groceries. It creates less impact on the environment. Besides, you're supporting your local farmers.● Recycle. You had to see this coming. But you have no idea how much you are helping the environment by simply reusing a water bottle instead of buying a huge pack at the store.● Don't run the water while brushing. It saves you money and helps the water resources.● Open the curtains. Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down.● Rechargeable batteries. You have no idea how much it takes to get rid of batteries. Do yourself a favor. Save some money and some energy.1. If you don't want to create more CO2, you may_______.A. turn off your computer or open the curtainsB. turn off your computer or ride your bike or carpoolC. make a garden or open the curtainsD. use rechargeable batteries or make a garden2. Which of the following can best describe the function of the first paragraph?A. Main body.B. Argument.C. Lead - in.D. Conclusion.3. The main idea of the passage is about________.A. the importance of environmental protectionB. some ways about how to prevent pollutionC. some suggestions about how to save energyD. some suggestions about environmental protectionBGerardo Ixcoy is a 27-year-old teacher in Guatemala. He teaches in the area where having electricity is something of a luxury and students have no access to mobile apps or computers, which became a problem when Guatemalan government had to choosedistance education for students at home because of COVID-19 inmid-March.Gerardo Ixcoy felt that he had to teach those children living far from the digital world. After all, education is a universal right. But what was the solution?Gerardo bought himself a secondhand tricycle with his savings. Once he had the tricycle, the next step was to change it into a classroom on wheels. He put a roof with a solar panel(太阳能电池板)on it, along with a screen to avoid the spread of COVID-19. He fixed a whiteboard on it so he could explain to the students the basics of primary education:math, the local language and the national language Spanish.The purpose of the solar panelis to provide constant power for a small loudspeaker so he can teach from a distance. It's a matter of respecting the healthy distance required to be safe from the virus. He, the teacher, stays outside, and the student participates from his or her house.He tries to visit his students at least twice a week, riding his classroom — cycle. The children he serves say that, although he visits them for only a few hours a week, they look forward to it. They appreciate his visit because they know he has limited time he can devote to them. They must take advantage of it to learn.4. What happened to Gerardo Ixcoy's students because of COVID-19?A. They chose to have classes in groups.B. They had to stop all the classes.C. They continued to have classes online.D. They started to learn about computers.5. Why does the teacher stay from a distance while teaching?A. Because healthy distance is reqired.B. Because he doesn't want to see his students.C. Because he wants to show his authority.D. Because the local custom reqiries him to.6. Where did Gerardo Ixcoy teach his students?A. In his own house.B. In his student's house.C. On the school playground.D. Outside his student's house.7. What can be the best title of the story?A. Love breaks down barriers.B. Hard work pays off.C. Time is money.D. Education is the key to success.CHappiness is not a warm phone, according to anew study exploring the link between young life satisfaction and screen time. The study was led by professor of psychology Jean M. Twenge at San Diego State University (SDSU).To research this link, Twenge, along with colleagues Gabrielle Martin at SDSU and W. Keith Campbell at the University of Georgia, dealt with data from the Monitoring the Future (MtF) study, a nationally representative survey of more than a million U. S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders. The survey asked students questions about how often they spent time on their Phones, tablets and computers, as well as questions about their face-to-face social interactions and their overall happiness.On average found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices — playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting — were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interactions."The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use," Twenge said. "Aim to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising — two activities reliably linked to greater happiness."Looking at historical trends from the same age groups since the 1990s, it's easy to find that the increase of screen devices over time happened at the same time as a general drop-off in reported happiness inU. S.teens. Specifically, young peopled life satisfaction and happiness declined sharply after 2012. That's the year when the percentage of Americans who owned a smartphone rose above 50 percent. By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep.8. Which method did Twenge's team use for the study?A. Calculating students' happiness.B. Asking students certain questions.C. Analyzing data from a survey.D. Doing experiments on screen time.9. How does the author develop the finding of the study in paragraph 3?A. By making a comparison.B. By giving an example.C. By making an argument.D. By introducing a concept.10. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A. To draw a conclusion from the study.B. To offer some advice to the readers.C. To prove social activities' importance.D. To support the researchers' finding.11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Quitting Phones Equals HappinessB. Screen Time Should Be BannedC. Teens' Lives Have Changed SharplyD. Screen-addicted Teens Are UnhappierDWhen I was trying to find a place where to spend my December holidays, I met by chance some cheap flights to Iceland. After checking just a few winter pictures of Iceland, I realized that the country, known as the land of fire and ice, during the cold months of the year could offer me experiences I had never had before.For sure you can’t miss the chance to go to Iceland in winter if your traveling wish list includes at least one of the crazy experiences Iceland can offer. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean is a paradise (乐园) for all those who want to see the northern lights, experience cold weather conditions and put themselves in geothermal (地热的) baths while the snow is falling on their head.The best way to move around Iceland is with a rental car. Distances are huge and public transport in winter is not really common out of the major towns. As we wanted to be even more convenient we decided to rent a small camper (野营车). Sleeping and cooking in a camper saved us a lot of driving, money and gave us the chance tobe always in the right place at the right time.There were also no locals and in many cases no tourist facilities (设备). For us, as we slept in a camper, it was easier. But for tourists traveling by normal cars it is necessary to check the opening times ofhotels and restaurants as many of them run just from June to September.It is amazing to experience how the weather is changing in Iceland. However, Icelanders prefer to stay inside their houses. They have even no time to complain about the weather in December. All they care about is Christmas. They love to decorate their houses, sing Christmas songs and eat typical Christmas food.12. Why is Iceland famous as the land of fire and ice?A. Because tourists would like to play with fire on the ice.B. Because it is too dry to easily cause fire to happen.C. Because it is hot inside a house and cold outside.D. Because there exist hot springs and freezing ice.13. What did the author think of the rented camper?A. It was not only practical but also economical.B. It was convenient but cost them more money.C. It provided the best chance to see the new country.D. It was much faster than other public transport.14. What does the last paragraph imply?A. The Icelanders prefer to live with their family.B. The joy of Christmas drives the freezing weather away.C. December is the coldest month of the year.D. The Icelanders are always positive and stay outside.15. What does this passage most probably come from?A. A textbookB. A scientific reportC. A travel magazineD. A news report第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASheffieldLincoln College of EnglishClasses for foreign students at all levels.3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year course.Open all year.Small class (at most 12 students).Library, language laboratory and listening center.Accommodation (住宿)with selected families.25 minutes from London.Course fees for English for one year are£1,380 with reduction for shorter periods of study.1.This passage is probably taken from _______.A.an advertisementB.a noticeC.a posterD.a piece of news2.Who will be accepted by this college?A.Both foreign and native students.B.Only foreign beginners and the advanced.C.Foreign students from beginners to the advanced.D.Only foreign students advanced.3.While you stay there, who will take care of you?A.Your parents.B.Your classmates.C.The school where you study.D.The family you have chosen.BThere is an old army joke about an officer who asks some soldiers whether any of them are interested in music. When four hands go up, the officer says, “Right, men. You can carry this grand piano down to the officers mess.”Job recruitment has become more complicated since that story first did the rounds. Today's careers require a lot more than just raw music but that sometimes makes jobs hard to define. An unfortunate result is a form of “adjective inflation” in recruitment ads as employers attempt to make routine tasks sound exciting.Candidates must sometimes wonder whether they are applying for a 9-to-5-role or to become a member of the Marvel “Avengers”. On Indeed, a job-bunting website, a bar was recently looking for "bartenders who are people focused, quality-driven, and have superhero hospitality powers". The ability to give customers the correct change was not mentioned.Another British company advertised for “a call-centre ninja, a superhero in people", a Job description which sounds a little over-the top for what was in fact a role at an insurance company in Isleworth. In case you think that ad was not typical. Indeed also had jobs demanding “ninja-like attention to detail". Short of turning up for the interview dressed head-to-toe in black, and then sneaking up behind the managing director at his desk, it is hard to see how candidates could show their ninja qualities.Not all companies require candidates to possess the qualities of a ninja, of course. Some require applicants to be passionate. The Bluewater shopping mall in southeastEnglandwas looking for “passionate sales-driven brand ambassadors” while “passionate crew members” were needed at a bakery in westLondonfor a wage of just £8. 23 an hour. In fact, passion is pretty hard to keep consistently for 40 hours a week, month after month. Job applicants should find some information from the kind of ads that companies place. If a job ad talks about passion or superheroes, run away faster than a speeding Batmobile. Being a ninja should be reserved for teenage mutant ninja turtles.4. Why does the author mention the joke in Paragraph 1?A. To show that officers enjoy playing tricks on soldiers.B. To introduce the topic of overstated job ads.C. To explain the origin of complex job ads.D. To describe soldiers' everyday life.5. Which of the following offers a job demanding ninja qualities?A. The bar.B. The bakery.C. The insurance company.D. The Bluewater shopping mall.6. What does the author say about the ads requiring passion?A. They are unrealistic.B. They are typical of want ads.C. They are appealing to applicants.D. They are uncommon on Indeed.7. How does the author sound when talking about today’s job ads?A. Curious.B. Hesitant.C. Humorous.D. Sympathetic.CThere is nothing ordinary about this little boy's adorable experience with his musical heroes.5-year-old Taylor Hooper was just one of the 35,0000people who were attending the Foo Fighters concert in Belfast, Norther Ireland last week. Not only is the American rock group his favorite band, it was also his first ever concert.Taylor's mother, Nikki Hooper, says that she and her husband have always been huge fans of the Foo Fighters. In addition to traveling far and wide to see their shows, they even named their son after the drummer, Taylor Hawkins. So when the band played in their home city, they decided it was finally time for their son to see their beloved rock and rockers in concert.“He's been listening to them since he was born — mainly because his dad and I are super fans.” Mrs Hooper told BBC. “We called the event organizers and they said it would be no problem, but that we should know it would be a loud music event, so we gotTaylorsome special headphones. When we got there everyone was so welcoming to him.”Throughout the show, the audience continuously madeTaylorand his parents move closer to the stage. Furthermore, Mrs. Hooper helped her son stand out from the crowd by making him a sign that said he was a 5-year-old attending his first concert.When Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl finally saw the sign and read it aloud into the microphone, the crowd began chanting for them to bring the youngster onto the stage. That's exactly what he did. When the stage managers brought the boy to the stage, Grohl asked Taylor to show the crowd how to dance.The small boy then danced to the whole song, making him an “Inter net wonder”.Taylordidn't just walk away from the show with memories, either;the band also invited him backstage to give him a number of gifts, includinga pair of Taylor Hawkins's drumsticks.8. What is Foo Fighters in the passage?A. I's a music show.B. It's a music band.C. It's a pop song.D. It's a music fan.9. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that_______.A. the organizers refused to let the child watch the showB. there was nothing wrong for the child to watch the showC. the organizers suggested the kid take care of the loud noiseD. the child felt so scared that he didn't want to go to the stage10. How did 5-year-old Taylor Hooper cause people's attention?A. By shouting loudly.B. By running to the singers.C. By holding a sign showing his age.D. By dancing to the whole song.11. How didTaylorfeel about his first ever concert?A. Worried.B. Scared.C. Sorry.D. Pleased.DWhat will future schools look like in 100 years? Imagine future schools in which students are totally engaged in a class. They are concentrating on working together to solve real-world problems. They are self-driven and are coming up withamazing ideas on the spot. They are concerned with each other’s well-being as part of a team. Their concerns reach far beyond the classroom to others all over the globe.The school of the future will be an amazing melting pot of different peoples coming together to solve real-world problems.Will they even be called “schools” in the future?The teacher-student relationship is changing. Teachers are acting more as helpers rather than keepers of all knowledge. Students are driving their own education to the path that they feel best fits them. In the future, employers may not be as concerned with a diploma. They’ll look more at cases and examples of how students contribute to solving real-world problems. They’ll want to know how well they work in a team.What will problem-solving look like in the future?Information from the Internet is accessible everywhere and at unimaginable speeds. Kids are connected to news around the world in real time. Imagine someone could put out a request to the global community to help solve an issue in their own community! Classes can adopt an issue and work with other classes around the world in real time to create solutions.What will information look like in the future?It’s already everywhere. Users can get flooded by the constant flow of information. The need to understand what is true and what is not is important. The flipped classroom (翻转课堂) has already completely changed lecture-based lessons. It presents interesting content to students before they even come to class. They can access the Internet as many times as they want to review the lessons.12. What is the key message of the first paragraph?A. The things students will do in the future school.B. The situation where students will be in the future.C. The attention students will pay to in the classroom.D. The methods students will use to study in the classroom.13. What will be thought highly of when students solve real-world problems?A. Respect.B. Patience.C. Teamwork.D. Concern.14. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A. Teachers encourage students to develop leadership.B Students are really relaxed with their heavy study.C. The employers value students’ diplomas most.D. Students have the right to choose the most suitable lessons.15. What’s the purpose of the flipped classroom?A. To help students to improve the problem-solving ability.B. To provide the lessons for students to study before or after class.C. To help students to keep in contact with the outside world.D. To help students to understand the most difficult content.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt’s a tempting habit for them to look at their smartphone rather than make eye contact with someone. There is so much to look at: photographs, social media feeds, messages and emails. No wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them?There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box could make us short-sighted. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic devices. BBC reporter, Rory Jones, says, “There is enough evidence that no matter how long teenagers are spending looking at screens, they come across information about issues such as anorexia and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.”But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet Institute examined data from more than 17,000 teenagers in theUK,Irelandand theUnited States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were tiny, accounting for less than 1% of a teenager’s wellbeing. Professor Przybylski, director of research, said, “99.75% of a person’s life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media.” The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on wellbeing.So, does this mean young people can spend longer looking at social media? TheOxfordresearchers are confident about its findings and that any connection between screen time and mental health is very small. Dr. Max Davie, officer for health improvement at theRoyalCollege, calls the study a “small first step”, but he says there are other issues to explore, such as screen time’s interference(干预) with other important activities like sleep, exercise and time with family or friends. Perhaps for now, the “right” amount of screen time is only a matter of personal judgement.1. What is people’s common belief concerning screen time?A. Looking at screens does harm to young people.B. Screen time provides a chance for teenagers to learn.C. Most teenagers get near-sighted due to looking at screens.D. A small amount of time online does little harm to teenagers.2. What can we learn from the new study by the Oxford Internet Institute?A. Screen time has a great influence on people’s daily activities.B. The right amount of the screen time is related to its content.C. There is a close link between social media and self-satisfaction.D. Social bonds play a more significant role in people’s wellbeing than social media.3. Where is the passage most probably taken from?A. A science fiction.B. A science magazine.C. A research paper.D. An economics book.BThe annual 3-to-4-millimeter rise in sea levels is expected to impact many coastal communities in the coming decades. However, few are as defenceless as the Republic of theMaldives, a collection of more than a thousand picturesque islands in theIndian Ocean. NASA researchers believe that parts of what is “arguably the lowest-lying country in the world” will become uninhabitable by 2050, due to wave-driven flooding and limited freshwater. To fight the unavoidable, the government recently revealed plans for the world's first 'true' floating island city.The aptly-named Maldives Floating City (MFC) is the brainchild of Dutch Docklands, a global leader in floating infrastructure (基建). According to the March 13, 2021, announcement, the new city will be constructed on a 200-hectare lagoon (环礁湖) located just 10 minutes by boat from the Maldivian capital, Male. It will initially consist of a thousand waterfront residences, arranged in a series of honeycomb-like maze rows. The developers plan to add hotels, restaurants, shops, and even a school and a hospital in the near future. The floating structures. will be attached to the surrounding islands, which will form a base and provide protection from high tides.Maldive officials aim to make MFC as self-sufficient as possible. Freshwater storage will provide drinking water for residents, while floating solar blankets and agriculture fields will take care of their energy and food needs.“ThisMaldivesFloatingCitydoes not require any land rehabilitation, therefore has a minimal impact on the coral reefs,” explains Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of Parliament. “What's more, giant, new reefs will be grown to act as water breakers. In theMaldives,we cannot stop the waves, but we can rise with them.”Construction of the revolutionary city is expected to begin in 2022 and be completed in phases over the next five years. If successful, it will provide a blueprint for other countries facing a similar situation.4. Why doesMaldivesdecide to build MFC?A. It is the lowest-lying country.B. It will be flooded soon.C. It is running out of fresh water.D. It will be unsuitable for living.5. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. The prospect of MFC.B. The developers of the plan.C. The location of the residences.D. The barriers to the construction.6. What can we infer from the underlined words?A. MFC will keep waves away.B. MFC will make use of waves.C. MFC will adjust to the waves.D. MFC will work as water breakers.7. What's the writing purpose of this passage?A. To introduce a construction program.B. To appeal to people to protect nature.C. To seek international help forMaldives.D. To report the achievement of a city plan,CAbout 12 years ago, Sandy Cambron noticed her mother, Pearl Walker, had become quiet after she moved into a nursing home for patients of Alzheimer's disease inKentucky.“We tried everything — photos, old stories — but nothing worked,” she said. “It was really hard for everyone to see how she had changed.” Then one day whileSandywas in a toy store, she had an idea: Why not givePearla baby doll so she could feel as if she were caring for something again? And why not give one to all the other care center seniors?As soon asSandygavePearlthe doll, her mother's face lit up. “She started talking again and she never went anywhere without that baby,”Sandysaid. “She took 'baby' to the dining room with her and slept with her in her arms every night. When she passed away a year later, we even buried her with that well-loved baby doll.”In the following 10 years, Sandy and her husband, Wayne Cambron, continued to buy dolls and hand them out to the elderly of care centers near their home every New Year. Now Pearl's Memory Babies is anonprofit (非营利) organization that has contributed more than 300 dolls to old people with Alzheimer's disease at nursing homes since February 2018.Last year,Sandyposted New Year’s photos on Facebook, all of which are about seniors reacting to dolls thatshe and Wayne sent to a local nursing home. The post was shared more than 210,000 times overnight. People gave almost $15,000 online. That helped the group buy many dolls.“The dolls offer treatment and comfort,” said Elise Hinchman, who works at a care center inKentucky, "Some seniors cry when they get a doll. And they always rock and talk to their dolls. People with Alzheimer might lose their memories, but they don't lose their ability to love.”8. How did Pearl change after she moved to a nursing home?A. She hardly talked.B. She lost hope in life.C. She felt bored.D. She forgot everything.9. How didPearlreact after receiving the doll?A. She began to cry.B. She was very delighted.C. She played it with a baby.D. She was unconcerned about it.10. What's paragraph 5 mainly about?A. What Sandy did for her mother.B. People's reaction toSandy's post.C. The rising needs for baby dolls.D. HowSandybecame a celebrity.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Good News for Alzheimer's PatientsB. How to Remove Alzheimer's DiseaseC. Baby Dolls Cheer up Alzheimer's PatientsD. Daughter Helps Mother Recover MemoryDIn the past, most people received their news from newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. But now, almost anyone can report and publish on the Internet and share it as news through social media. But the problemis that not all of the information is true and not all of the reporting is trustworthy.Howard Schneider, a former editor of the newspapersNewsday,started the Center for News Literacy (素养) at Stony Book University in 2007. The center has multiple projects, but the most famous one is a course to teach news literacy. The course trains students to look for various details that may indicate the truth of the story.Michelle Sheng is a third-year student at theUniversityofMichigan. Sheng finds that students either just stop reading the news or only take news from one source that they trust. "A lot of people are tired of the news. People are too busy to keep up with the news, and it is really easy to take whatever news is given to you because youdon’t have the time to figure it out yourself,“ she says.For her part, Sheng recently created a digital exhibit for the university library of images to educate students on steps they can take to better analyze the news.It is important to educate an even larger audience, beyond American university students. The Center for News Literacy has developed teaching resources, as well as a free online news literacy course. It is also trying to reach a younger audience. It has partnered with several secondary schools in the American state ofNew Yorkto teach news literacy.People should research and confirm what they read online. However, to change human behavior is a difficult thing, but that really is the only thing that is going to help. The biggest problem is not getting people to be able to recognize bad journalism or false news, but getting people to want to recognize it. Our brains are wired to the Internet to seek out information that agrees with our current beliefs.12. What’s purpose of the course “News Literacy”?A. To get rid of false information on the Internet.B. To make people realize the risk on the Internet.C. To train students to tell true information from the false.D. To teach students good habits of using information online.13. Why do students have difficulty judging the truth of news?A. They are too lazy.B. They are bored with news.C. They lack news resources.D. They lack time to check its realness.14. What does the Center try to do besides teaching university students?A. Educate the public.B. Improve the service online.C. Prevent children going online.D. Set up several secondary schools.15. What did the author suggest doing to solve the problem of false news?A. Believing whatever you see.B. Changing human behaviors.C. Questioning all the news online.D. Only trusting reliable information.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABird migration is described as the regular, seasonal movement of bird populations from one place to another and back again.The longer days and rich food of the northern summer provide greater chances for birds to feed their young. The longer daylight hours and enormous food resources allow birds to lay larger eggs than those of related non-migratory species that remain in the tropics all year round. As the days shorten in autumn and the breeding period is over, the birds return to warmer regions where the available food supply differs little with the seasons changing. The advantages of migration make up for the high stress, physical exertion(消耗), and other risks of the migration.Day length is the primary environmental factor that encourages birds to prepare for migration. They have an increased appetite which results in weight gaining, giving them the fat reserves that provide energy for their migratory flight. They also show more activity at night, which is when most birds migrate. While the length of day is the primary reason for migration, birds also respond to temperature changes. For example, if a spring is late and the temperature is lower than normal, birds delay migration; if a spring is early, birds also begin migration early.The timing of the migratory cycle must allow birds to arrive on the breeding site so that there is time tobuild a breeding place, mate, lay the eggs, and hatch the young before the rich food is available to feed the young in the nest. Similarly, if birds wait until the climate in their northern breeding grounds becomes tolerable(可忍受的), there will be no time togain the necessary weight that provides the energy needed for their southbound migration.1. Why do birds migrate to the north in spring?A The temperature in the south has risen.B. They like traveling and enjoy the journey.C. The summer there is warmer than that in the south.D. The environment there is more suitable for them to feed their baby birds.2. What are the two factors that cause birds to migrate?A. Day length and food supply.B. Night length and high stress.C. Temperature changes and daylength.D. Food supply and temperature changes.3. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Birds' LifeB. Birds' MigrationC. Birds' Breeding HabitsD. Birds' Living EnvironmentBAvi Loeb, a scientist, believes that we are not alone in the universe. The belief fits withLoeb's alien spaceship theory that at least one alien spaceship might be flying over the orbit of Jupiter, which won the international attention last year.Astronomers inHawaiifound the first known interstellar object in late 2017. It was a bit of light moving so fast past the sun that it could only have come from another star. Almost every astronomer on the planet was trying to figure out how the object, called “Oumuamua” got to our far-away part of the Milky way galaxy. “One possibility is that ‘Oumuamua’ is debris from an advanced technological equipment,” Loeb said. “Technology comes from another solar system just showed up at our door. ”“‘Oumuamua’ is not an alien spaceship,” Paul Sutter, another scientist wrote. He suggested Loeb was seeking publicity. Most scientists think “Oumuamua” is some sort of rock. They think it could be an icy wandering comet.Loeb says that “Oumuamua's” behavior means it can't be a block of rock shaped like a long photo. He thinks it's more likely an object that's very long and thin, perhaps like a long pancake or a ship's sail. Loeb says that if someone shows him evidence thatcontradictshis beliefs, he will immediately give in.Loeb believes himself a truth-teller and risk-taker in an age of very safe, too-quiet scientists. “The worst thing that can happen to me is that I would be relieved of my management duties, and that would give me even more time to focus on science,” Loeb says. He said he wouldn't mind giving up all the titles he had and returning to the Israeli farming village where he grew up.4. What does Loeb say about “Oumuamua”?A. It is an icy comet.B. It looks like a long photo.C. It is actually some sort of rock.D. It may come from another alien civilization.5. What does the underlined word “contradicts” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Goes against.B. Relies on.C. Turns to.D. Searches for.6. What do you think of Loeb?A. He is foolish.B. He is unsatisfied with his titles.C. He is a firm believer in scientific truth.D. He is uncertain about his career future.7. What's the best title for the text?A. Have Aliens Paid a Visit in Spaceships?B. Do We Really Know about Space Theory?C. Scientists Are Working on High TechnologyD. Astronomers Are Encouraging Space TravelCIn a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohio State University show how artificial intelligence(AI)can follow clinical trials to identify drugs for repurposing, a solution that can help advance innovative treatments.Repurposing drugs is legal and not unusual. When doctors prescribe(开处方)drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)for purposes different from what is printed on the labels, the drugs are being used “off-label” Just because a drug is FDA-approved for a specific type of disease does not prevent it from having possible benefits for other purposes.For example, Metformin, a drug that is FDA-approved for treating type 2 diabetes, is also used to treat PCOS(a disease of women), and other diseases. Trazodone, an anti-depressant with FDA-approval to treat depression, is also prescribed by doctors to help treat patients with sleep issues.The Ohio State University research team created an AI deep learning model for predicting treatment probability with patient data including the treatment, outcomes, and potential confounders(干扰因素).Confounders are related to the exposure and outcome. For example, a connection is identified between music festivals and increases in skin rashes(红疹). Music festivals do not directly cause skin rashes. In this case, one possible confounding factor between the two may be outdoor heat, as music festivals tend to run outdoors when the temperature is high, and heat is a known cause for rashes. When working with real-world data, confounders could number in the thousands. AI deep learning is well-suited to find patterns in the complexity of potentially thousands of confounders.The researcher team used confounders including population data and co-prescribed drugs. With this proof-of-concept, now clinicians have a powerful AI tool to rapidly discover new treatments by repurposing existing medications.8. What do we know about a drug used off-label?A. It is sold without a label.B. It is available at a low price.C. Its uses extend beyond the original ones.D. Its clinical trials are rejected by doctors.9. Metformin and Trazodone are similar as both of them________.A. are used off-labelB. treat rare diseasesC. result in sleep issuesD. are medical breakthroughs10. What can be inferred about “confounders”?A. They are possible treatments.B. They are environmental factors.C. They can be easily recognized in real-world data.D. They should be taken into serious consideration.11. What is the main idea of the text?A. AI examines benefits of existing drugs.B. AI identifies off-label uses for drugs.C. AI finds new drugs for common diseases.D. AI proves the power of drug research.DWith graduation days being celebrated all over the country, a student who has to use a wheelchair honored his mother on his graduation day in a special way. Easley High School graduate, Alex Mays surprised people present when he got up and walked across the stage at Clemson's Littlejohn Coliseum.“I was really happy—it made me feel good,” Alex said.Alex was not given a chance to live right from his birth. He was born at 25 weeks and weighed just 1 pound, 10 ounces at birth. When he was very young, he had a disease and lost the ability to walk. After his mother's death in 2013, Alex had several other difficult life changes until he came to live with his grandparents, Dousay and her husband, Dewayne. Dousay said that when Alex came to live with them, they decided to bring him up in the best possible way they could.Last fall, Alex said that he would walk across the stage to get his diploma to honor his late mother. Hepracticed hard and worked with a physical therapist for 9 months to complete his plan.The only help Alex got was from his mom's best friend, Tonya Johnson, who pushed his wheelchair to the stage wearing one of his mother's favorite shirts. “I had support from my family. I couldn't have done it without them,” Alex said.“Alex made everyone in the building feel encouraged that day” Pickens County School District public information specialist John Eby said. “The school teachers knew he was going to get up to get his diploma, but the distance he walked was a surprise, even to them,” Eby said.“Some of life's most important tests aren’t given in a classroom; Alex tested himself and passed with flying color1 s,” Eby added.12. In what way did Alex honor his late mother on his graduation day?A. By dressing like her.B. By saying sorry to her.C. By inviting her best friend.D. By walking to get his diploma.13. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Alex was born healthy.B. Alex went through a lot.C. Alex had a purpose in life as a child.D. Alex has lived with his grandparents all the time.14. What did Alex also express on his graduation day?A. His big regret in life.B. His feelings for hisschool.C. His thanks for his family.D. His will to complete his study.15. Which of the following words can best describe Alex?A. Strong-minded.B. Warm-hearted.C. Cool-headed.D. Easy-going.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届福州外国语学校高三英语模拟试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFilms to watch in MarchGretaA lonely young waitress finds a handbag on aNew Yorksubway train. Luckily, the address is inside, so she returns it to the piano teacher who left it there. She then discovers that the piano teacher makes a habit of dropping bags around the city on purpose to make new friends. Directed by Neil Jordan, the actors are attractive. Grace Moretz is the waitress and Isabelle Huppert is the one who admires her. Thanks to them, Greta winds up being far more enjoyable than it has any right to be.The AftermathThe Aftermath is one of the few World WarⅡ-related films. Based on Rhidian Brook’s novel,this touching romantic movie is starred by Keira Knightley, who is the wife of a British officer. She hates the Germans because her son was killed in an air raid. But is there a chance that a tall, dark andhandsome man might persuade her to overcome her hate?Captain MarvelIt took Marvel Studios a decade to finally make a female superhero. It’s also the first Marvel film to be directed by a woman, who has directed Half Nelson and Missisippi Grind. Captain Marvel is set in the 1990s. The Oscar-winning Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers, a US Air Force fighter pilot, while Samuel L Jackson, as usual, plays Nick Fury.DumboDumbo is a classic Disney cartoon, who has big ears and there have been plenty of those kind of movies in recent years.Burtonalways has inspirations to direct such kind of movies from Edward Scissorhands to Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Magical figures have always been his favorite characters.1. What makes Captain Marvel special?A. Winning Oscar.B. Its female director.C. Time setting.D. A woman pilot.2. Which film is better for a 7-year-old kid to watch?A. The AftermathB. Captain MarvelC. GreteD. Dumbo3. Where can you most probably read the text?A. Reader’s DigestB. NatureC. Scientific AmericanD. National GeographicBYou've probably heard it suggested that you need to move more throughout the day, and as a general rule of thumb, that "more" is often defined as around 10,000 steps. With many Americans tracking their stepsvia new fitness-tracking wearables, or even just by carrying their phone, more and more people use the 10,000-step rule as their marker for healthy living. Dr. Dreg Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins, decided to take a closer look at that 10,000-step rule, and he found that usingitas a standard may be doing more harm than good for many.“It turns out that in 1960 in Japan they figured out that the average Japanese man, when he walked 10,000 steps a day burned something like 3,000 calories and that is what they thought the average person should consume so they picked 10,000 steps as a number” Hager said.According to Hager, asking everyone to shoot for 10,000 steps each day could be harmful to the elderly or those with medical conditions, making it unwise for them to jump into that level of exercise, even if it's walking. The bottom line is that 10,000 steps may be too many for some and too few for others. He also noted that those with shorter legs have an easier time hitting the 10,000-step goal because they have to take more steps than people with longer legs to cover the distance. It seems that 10,000 steps may be suitable for the latter.A more recent study focused on older women and how many steps can help maintain good health and promote longevity (长寿).The study included nearly 17,000 women with an average age of 72. Researchers found that women who took 4,400 steps per day were about 40% less likely to die during a follow-up period of just over four years: Interestingly, women in the study who walked more than 7,500 steps each day got no extra boost in longevity.4. What does the underlined word "it' in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The phone recording.B. The 10,000-step rule.C. The healthy living.D. The fitness-tracking method.5. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How many steps a Japanese walks.B. How we calculate the number of steps.C. If burning 3,000 calories daily is scientific.D. Where 10,000 steps a day came from.6. Who will probably benefit from 10,000 steps each day according toHager?A. Senior citizens.B. Young short-legged people.C. Healthy long-legged peopleD. Weak individuals.7. How many steps may the researchers suggest senior citizens take each day?A. 4,400 steps.B. 10,000 steps.C. 2,700 steps.D. 7,500 steps.CYu Chenrui, 29, is a maker of automata (机关人偶) in Chengdu, Sichuan province. Automata are built to look like humans or animals and give the illusion (错觉) of being able to move ontheir own, “The art form amazes me, because it combines various skills, from storytelling to mechanics, and the pieces are built with a sense of humor,” Yu says. His creations have caught the attention of well-known artists and his fancy pieces of art have attracted collectors worldwide.Interested in handcrafts as a boy, Yu first encountered automata designed by Japanese artist Kazuaki at an exhibition in 2015 when he studied at the Communication University of China in Beijing. “It was like meeting a like-minded friend, ” Yu says, recalling the moment. As an art and design major, he began to learn the craft by himself and, with the support of his tutor, he kept studying and examining automata in school.When he graduated in 2016, Yu landed a job at an advertising agency in Beijing. He stayed on at the company for three years because, at that time, he was not sure that he could make a living out of his hobby. While working as a designer Yu kept exploring and advancing his skills in wood carving and mechanics. Eventually, despite the job’s good salary, it was not enough to make up for not following his true passion. Finally, in 2018, Yu quit his job and returned to Chengdu to open his automata workshop.To keep himself occupied while running his workshop, he planted blueberries, raspberries and cherries. He watered, weeded and added fertilizer (肥料) every day. “Daily routines helped me calm down and inspire my creativity, which resulted in an automaton called To Observe the Autumn,” Yu says.Over time, Yu’s reputation grew and his business flourished (兴旺). Many of Yu’s creations are built with a dash of wisdom, a sprinkle of humor and are inspired by observations of real life. Yu knows that there are many more creative ideas waiting to be expressed. “It feels quite good to be fully devoted to automata creation and I am still searching for myself.”8. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Yu is equipped with various skills.B. Yu is a person full of sense of humor.C Yu is now gaining recognition worldwide.D. Yu is following the latest trend in handcraft.9. Why did Yu quit his job in Beijing?A. He couldn't make a living out of it.B. He wanted to pursue his own dream.C. He missed his family in Chengdu.D. He thought he had a lot experience.10. According to Yu, what contributes to his creativity as an automata artist?A. The fruits he grows.B. Success of his business.C. His devotion to the job.D. Observation from daily life.11. Which of the following can best describe Yu’s story?A. There is no end to learning.B. Great hopes make great man.C. Actions speak louder than words.D. Experience is the mother of wisdom.DYou must have read "The Tortoise and the Hare(《龟兔赛跑》)" when you were younger. So which animal are you? The tortoise or the hare? Do you rush around trying to do things as quickly as possible? Or do you deal your work at a slow , but steady(稳定的)pace? Whether you approach life like the tortoise or the hare can make a difference in the results you'll see.Some will say that you should avoid being like the hare. After all. he was overconfident and finally lost the race. You mayalso have heard teachers say from time to time that "haste makes waste”. But what does that mean? Most people think it meant that the faster you do something,the more likely it is that you'll make mistakes. Many teaches wantyouto approach your schoolwork thoughtfully and carefully.But does haste always make waste? Not necessarily ! Some people are able to work quickly while also maintaining(保持)a high level of quality in all that they do. Recent research, however, is making the idea of haste making waste seem more believableResearchers found that the brain changes into a special mode(模式)when forced to make rapid decisions. Overall, there appears to be a trade-off between speed and correctness. As the brain makes decisions morequickly, those decisions are usually built on less information, which often leads to a greater likelihood of mistakes.When you approach things like the tortoise. you methodically and steadily work towards your goal. You might not arrive there first, but then again you might! In any case, you're likely to make fewer mistakes and you might just enjoy the journey more than the bare.Goals are great to work towards, but often the achievements aren't what we remember. In the end, the most meaningful and important parts of our lives are the journeys we went on , not the destination we reached. So be the hare when you have to, but always remember that the slow and steady journey is what you’ll remember and treasure the most.12. Why does the author mention the story in the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To show its popularity.C. To suggest its importance.D. To advise readers to read it.13. For what purpose do teachers often say “haste makes waste to students?A. To ask them not to waste their time.B. To tell them it is OK to make mistakes.C. To ask them to avoid making silly mistakes.D. To tell them they should check their schoolwork.14. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. How the brain collects the information it needs.B. When the decision made by the brain is correct.C. Why the quickly-made decision is often unwise.D. What the relationship between lime and results is.15. Which of the following may the author agree with?A. Finishing the race is often a victory for everyone.B. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.C. The journey to every destination starts with a small step.D. A destination is important because it guides us on the journey.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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