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When you think back to the blackboard from your school days, what color is it? Chances are that it's green. So what's up with the name? Originally, blackboards were really black. Before wall-sized blackboards existed, late 18th-century students used their own mini boards made of slate (石板) or painted wood, according to Concordia University, Those first boards were, in fact, black, and they paved the way for the larger ones.

In 1800 when a Scottish headmaster named James Pillans wanted his students to draw maps, the students couldn't draw the maps their teacher wanted on their tiny boards, so Pillans put several slates together to create a large board. Problem solved! From there, the idea spread quickly as teachers could finally show a concept to the whole class at one time. By 1815, the massive writing spaces were common enough to earn their own name: blackboard.

The color change came in the 1960s when companies sold, steel plates, coated with green enamel (漆) instead of the traditional dark slate. The new material was lighter and less fragile than the first blackboards, so they were cheaper to ship and more likely to survive the journey. Teachers weren't complaining either. After all, the new "greenboards" made the chalk powder easier to erase. Plus, the enamel left less of a glare and the color was nicer to look at. At that point, people started using the word "chalkboard "as a more accurate descriptor, but "blackboard" still stuck around.

(1)What did the late 18th-century students use in class?

A. Blackboard.

B. Chalkboard.

C. Greenboard.

D. Mini board.(2)Why did the headmaster ask the students to put their mini boards together?

A. To make a comparison.

B. To make enough space.

C. To draw students' attention.

D. To arouse students' interest.

(3)Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the "greenboard"?

A. They're lighter in weight.

B. They're more convenient to transport.

C. They're easier to erase the powder.

D. They're more useful than the traditional ones.

(4)What's the main idea of the text?

A. Introduction of the blackboard.

B. Origin of the blackboard.

C. Color of the blackboard.

D. Function of the blackboard.





【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,通过描述黑板发展历程向读者介绍了黑板最早的时候确实是黑色的,随后慢慢发展变成了绿色。回答了"黑板为什么是绿色的?"这个问题。(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的,"te 18th-century students used their own mini boards made of slate (石板) or painted wood..."可知,18世纪的学生用的是“迷你板”。故选D。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“ In 1800 when a Scottish headmaster named James Pillans wanted his students to draw maps, the students couldn't draw the maps their teacher wanted on their tiny boards, so Pillans put several slates together to create a large board.

”在1800年,一名英格兰校长James Pillans想让他的学生们画地图,但是学生们在他们的迷你板上无法画出地图,因此校长让学生把他们的迷你板拼凑在一起来制造一个大的板。可知,校长让学生把他们的迷你板拼凑在一起是为了创造一个大的空间来画地图。故选B。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The new material was lighter and... more likely to survive the Journey."可知A项和B项正确;以及"After all, ... made the chalk powder easier to erase."可知C项正确;D项文章未提及。故选D。




A single dose(剂量) of an experimental vaccine(疫苗) can protect mice against the Zika(寨卡) virus, raising renewed hope of a vaccine for humans, say scientists. The US team say the results, published in Nature, are "striking" and should encourage research efforts.

Tests in humans could begin in months. But even if these go well, a licensed vaccine for widespread use to protect those at most risk -such as pregnant women -would still be years away, experts advise. Zika has been spreading across Central and South America and, most recently, Africa. More than 60 countries and territories now have continuing transmission(传播) of the disease, which is carried by mosquitoes. The virus causes serious birth damages during pregnancy and has been declared a global public health emergency.

Now, developing a vaccine for pregnant women to protect their unborn babies is an international research priority(优先事项). US scientists from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School tested two types of Zika vaccine in mice – one based on bits of genetic(基因的) code from the virus and another that is an inactive (and therefore harmless) copy of Zika. Both worked well, protecting every mouse that was immunised against the virus. In comparison, all of the mice not given the vaccine caught Zika after they were exposed to it.
