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间在一个不太大的空间里与别人朝夕相处,养了能控制 自己的情绪,具有较强的耐心和忍耐力的性格。比如生 活在北极圈内的因纽特人,被人们称为世界上“永不发 怒的人”。
居住在温暖宜人水乡的人们,因为气候湿润,风景秀 丽,人们对周围事物敏感,且多情善感,机智敏捷。
1.Is it sunny and hot in summer in England, just like Hanghzou?
2. Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly?
1. return = come back / turn back/ give back 2. dream of doing sth. / make a dream 3. settle down in the country / in the countryside 4. no sooner…than / hardly … when 5. complain to sb. about sth. 6. for, because, since, as, so 7. even though, though, but, although 8. act, actor, actress, action, activity 9. as if 10.In the end = at last = finally 11. bear = stand 12. think of / think about / think over 13. except, except for, besides, but 14. 过去完成时 had + done
Warming – up: How is the weather
How is the weather in Hangzhou today?
Toronto Boston
DIFFERENT CITIES,DIFFERENT WEATHER What causes the different weather in different places?
1.Which foreign country would you like to live in? Why?
2. Have you ever looked forward to doing something and then been disappointed?
3. What effect can weather have on the character of a people and their customs?
England USA
Australia The Southern Hemisphere
What is the weather like in England?
In spring: Mild(温和的), dry and sunny. Rainy,
cloudy and warm. In summer: Dry, cloudy and cool. Rain and showers. In autumn: Dry, sunny. Fog early and late. In winter: Strong winds, heavy rain. Snow, cold. The best seasons are spring and summer. The nearer
久生活在这种环境中,便养成了说话声音宏亮,性格诚 实直爽。
气候恶劣,风沙很大,所以,他们常常骑马奔驰,尽情 地舒展自己,性格变得豪放直爽,热情好客。
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. d
医学界人士指出,尽管天气无常,人们应该学会合理 控制情绪,合理宣泄情绪。不要过度压抑自己,或把恶劣 的心境传递给别人。应该用一种理智的方式来解决问题, 如找亲朋谈心,跑步、健身、逛街等疏解情绪,找专业心 理工作人员进行情绪疏导等。
生活在热带地区的人,为了躲避酷暑,在室外活动的时 间比较多。气温高,使生活在那里的人性情易暴躁和发 怒。
Shanghai Hangzhou
How is the weather in London? Where is London?
Let’s talk!
How is the weather in England?
The Northern Hemisphere
the summer, the warmer the sun shines. It’s warmer. The nearer the winter, the colder the days are. In winter they have all kinds of weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows heavily, and they also have fog and
人的情绪与天气有着密切的关系。当天气晴朗,风和日 丽,人就精神抖擞,而当天气阴云密布,就会忧郁烦闷。 气温对人的影响也很大,酷热使人心情烦躁,潮湿的雨天 易使人的心情忧郁和情绪低落。情绪又和人的健康、长寿 息息相关,如果一个人终日闷闷不乐,垂头丧气会引起上 腹不适,泛酸、食欲减退,体重下降。医学研究证明,人 的大脑中有一种“褪黑激素”,可使人消沉抑郁。连续几 天下雨,光照减少,褪黑激素相对增多,情绪容易低沉消 极。这种气候状况下,抑郁情绪就会乘虚而入。同时对人 的内分泌产生影响,容易造成情感障碍,产生抑郁症、焦 虑症。
frost(霜). The two worst months in England are
January and February. They have many cold wet days one after another.
英国属海洋性气候,具有冬暖夏凉的特点,冬夏 没有很大差别,这主要是因为它是一个岛屿国 家。(冬天,海洋比陆地温度高,海风将热量带到 陆地,导致陆地温度升高,夏天则相反).西风 常常吹过英国大陆,致使常年有雨.