
北师大版高一英语必修一教案教案标题:Unit 1 Friendship - Lesson 1 Part 1: Listening and Speaking教案目标:1. 学生能够听懂并理解有关友谊的对话。
2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和句型描述友谊。
3. 学生能够进行友谊话题的讨论和交流。
教学重点:1. 听力技能的培养,学生能够听懂并理解有关友谊的对话。
2. 口语表达能力的提升,学生能够运用所学词汇和句型描述友谊。
教学难点:1. 学生能够理解并运用所学词汇和句型描述友谊。
2. 学生能够进行友谊话题的讨论和交流。
教学准备:1. 多媒体设备。
2. 教材《北师大版高一英语必修一》Unit 1 Friendship。
3. 课件和练习题。
教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)1. Greet the students and check their homework.2. Show a picture of friends and ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs:- What qualities do you think a good friend should have?- What are some important aspects of friendship?Step 2: Pre-listening (10 minutes)1. Introduce the topic of the lesson: Friendship.2. Brainstorm words related to friendship on the board.3. Pre-teach key vocabulary: loyal, trustworthy, supportive, etc.4. Discuss the meaning of the vocabulary words and provide examples to help students understand.Step 3: Listening (15 minutes)1. Play the audio recording of the dialogue between two friends discussing their friendship.2. Ask students to listen carefully and answer the questions:- What are the two friends talking about?- What qualities do they value in their friendship?3. Play the audio recording again if necessary.4. Check the answers as a class.Step 4: Speaking (15 minutes)1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.2. Provide a list of discussion questions related to friendship. For example:- What qualities do you value in a friend?- How do you maintain a strong friendship?- Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend? How did you resolve it? 3. Ask students to discuss the questions and share their opinions within theirgroups.4. Monitor the discussions and provide assistance as needed.5. Have a few groups share their ideas with the whole class.Step 5: Consolidation (5 minutes)1. Summarize the main points of the lesson.2. Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about friendship and the qualities of a good friend.3. Encourage students to apply these qualities in their own friendships.Step 6: Homework (2 minutes)1. Assign homework: Write a short paragraph describing a good friend and the qualities that make them special.2. Remind students to bring their completed homework to the next class.教学拓展:1. 为了帮助学生更好地理解听力材料,可以提供一些与友谊相关的图片或短视频,并要求学生描述这些图片或视频中的友谊场景。

北师大版英语必修一教案教案标题:Unit 1 Friendship - Lesson 1 Warm-up教学目标:1. 通过小组合作活动,激发学生对友谊的兴趣,培养他们的合作精神。
2. 通过观看短片和讨论,使学生了解友谊的重要性以及如何建立和维护友谊。
3. 提高学生的听力和口语表达能力,培养他们的团队合作能力。
教学重点:1. 学习和掌握有关友谊的词汇和表达方式。
2. 通过观看短片和讨论,理解友谊的内涵和重要性。
3. 提高学生的听力和口语表达能力。
教学难点:1. 如何引导学生思考友谊的重要性和如何建立和维护友谊。
2. 如何在小组合作活动中培养学生的合作精神和团队合作能力。
教学准备:1. 北师大版英语必修一教材和课件。
2. 视频资源:关于友谊的短片。
3. 学生小组合作活动的材料。
教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (10 minutes)1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of friendship.2. Show a short video clip about friendship.3. Ask the students to discuss in pairs or small groups: What is friendship? Whatdoes friendship mean to you? Why is friendship important?4. Invite a few groups to share their ideas with the whole class.Step 2: Pre-listening (5 minutes)1. Introduce some key vocabulary related to friendship, such as trust, support, loyalty, etc.2. Ask the students to match the vocabulary words with their definitions in pairs.3. Check the answers as a class.Step 3: Listening and discussion (15 minutes)1. Play the video clip again.2. Ask the students to listen carefully and take notes on what they think are the important aspects of friendship mentioned in the video.3. Divide the students into small groups and ask them to discuss the following questions:- What are the important aspects of friendship mentioned in the video?- How can we build and maintain strong friendships?4. Monitor the groups and provide guidance if needed.5. Invite a few groups to share their discussions with the whole class.Step 4: Post-listening (10 minutes)1. Lead a class discussion based on the students' responses from the small group discussions.2. Summarize the main ideas about friendship and emphasize the importance of trust, support, and loyalty in a friendship.Step 5: Group activity (15 minutes)1. Divide the students into small groups and give each group a scenario related to friendship, such as a friend in need or a conflict between friends.2. Ask the groups to discuss and come up with solutions or advice for the given scenario.3. Monitor the groups and provide guidance if needed.4. Invite a few groups to share their solutions or advice with the whole class. Step 6: Conclusion (5 minutes)1. Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson.2. Encourage the students to reflect on their own friendships and think about how they can be better friends to others.教学延伸:1. Assign a writing task for homework: Ask the students to write a short paragraph about a meaningful friendship they have and why it is important to them.2. Organize a friendship-themed event or activity, such as a friendship day celebration or a buddy system, to further promote the importance of friendship in the school community.。
北师大版高中英语必修1 Unit1_Lesson1_名师教学设计(一)

Unit1 Lesson1 名师教学设计(一)1教学目标2学情分析3重点难点4教学过程4.1 第一学时4.1.1教学目标通过本节课的学习,学生能够:1.掌握知识目标: 熟记并使用sports programs,TV series,cartoons,workaholic,couch potato,talk show,switch on/off/over,complain about等词语或词组。
知晓以下两条谚语: All play and no work makes Jack a mere boy。
);All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。
)2.形成知识技能: 学生通过文章标题解读和略读,泛听和细读,理清文章的脉络。
3.确立情感态度: 会尊重、理解不同的生活方式,学会规划自己的学习、生活,选择健康向上的生活方式。
4.1.2学时重点本篇课文出自《英语(Senior High English) 》,北京师范大学出版社,高一必修模块1,第一单元第一课 A Perfect Day。
文本分为两部分: 第一部分是来自伯明翰,43岁的Brian Blakey躺在沙发上讲述他的完美一天;第二部分是36岁的Bob Black正坐在桌边埋头处理公文,边乐道他忙碌的一天。
学生情况分析: 该班学生共50人,来自14所不同的初中毕业学校,是新组建的班级;从中考英语学科的成绩来看,34人在145分以上,10人127。

【How】篇章结构:两篇文章都是人物介绍类文章。语篇一由两部分构成:第一部分介绍了Joe日常生活中通过网络所从事的各项活动,第二部分介绍了他父母对他的担忧以及他对自己生活方式的反思。语篇二由三部分组成:第一部分介绍了Li Ying在学校的学习生活,第二部分介绍了她的兴趣爱好和课后活动,包括阅读、长跑和做志愿者活动,第三部分则介绍了她的时间管理方法。
Use the phrases in activity 1 on page8 if necessary.
高中英语新北师大版版精品教案《北师大版高中英语必修1 Lesson 1 A Perfect Day》6

教学设计:Unit1 Leon1:A me 导出本课的话题之一: To dicu favorite TV me and dai activitie 让学生借助e word尽量来讨论交流。
II Read to earn 读中)1 学生快速阅读课文,检查自己的预测。
2 根据教材上所设计的两个问题(Eercie3)的要求,将相应的信息划出来。
reading1 就两篇短文设计几个问题引导学生回答,让学生对课文内容细节有所理解。
2 请学生就这两个人的生活方式作一比较,找出各自的优点和缺点,并说出自己的理由,这是在理解课文的基础上作一拔高,是对课文的概括。
III Voice our oewor 读后此部分设计了两个开放性题目,鼓励学生把课文中所学到的与现实生活相结合,分组讨论。
三、教学目标本课的教学目标,我从三个方面确定:(一)知识目标:To earn ome word and me and dai activitieTo read two tet for ationTo write a hort artice,uing what the tudent earnt in thi ae the S undertand and gramunicative Method2 Audio-viua teaching method3“Ta-baed”Teaching Method六、教学过程Ste-u ae the tudent get famiiar with the e word in eercie1 A the tudent the quetion: What are our favourite ind of TV me Wh2.A the S to oo at the two an in a couch uch TV How much time do ou an in the econd tet……意图:1、引出课题激发学生兴趣,自然而然进入新的教学之中。

北师大版高一英语必修一教案第1单元第1课(整理版)本课流程Reading部分说课稿Unit one lifestylesLesson one a perfect day?第一个板块——教材分析※第一环节——说教材。
那么作为本单元的第一课A Perfect Day?其重要性不言而喻。
1)Knowledge Objectsa. To discuss favorite TV programs and daily activitiesb. To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous.c. To read two texts in order to check predictions.d. To read two texts for specific information.2)Ability Objectsa. Enable the students to learn how to scan and skim.b. Enable the students to guess the meaning of the words from the context.c. Enable the students to understand the importance of reading.d. Enable the students to read a lot after class3)Emotion Objectsa.To discuss the healthy lifestyles and improve the awareness of cross-cultural communication.b. Let the students know and respect different ways of lifestyles of people and let them knowhow to plan her/his future after reading the texts.在仔细研究教材和分析学生的心理和生理特点的基础上,我认为本课的重难点有:Teaching Important Points:1) Help the students to master the key words associated with lifestyles.2) Talk about people’s different lifestyles.3) Get the general idea about two passages.Teaching Difficult Points:1) How to grasp the key information of an article in the limited time.2) Train the students to use the third person in Present Simple to complete sentences correctly.3) The omit of “be” in Present Continuous.第二个板块——教学与学法分析。
高中英语必修第一册教案Unit 1 Life Choices Lesson 1 Lifestyles-北师大版(2019)

Unit 1 Life Choices
Lesson 1 Lifestyles
(1)能够正确运用以下单词和短语addict, drag oneself away, definitely, target, attentive, achieve, revise, a wide range of, it's so convenient to do sth.。

1.Read the text as much as possible and remember thenew words and phrases
2.Imagine you’re a friend of Bob or Brian, write a letter to advise him to improve his lifestyle.
Step2.Ask the Ss to look at the two pictures on page 8-9. and predict:
What kind of TV programme does Brian like?
What does Brian think of his life ?
What doesBobthink of his life?
Then get some of them to show their results of their discussion to the whole class.
教学设计Unit1 Lesson1:A Perfect Day
The First Period
学生刚刚从初中毕业进入高中阶段学习,学习英语的兴趣大,课堂较为积极、活跃,课堂气氛较好。经过三年的初中学习,已具备一定的阅读能力。因此,在设计这堂课时,要着重从激发学生的兴趣出发,循序渐进引导学生理解课文,掌握一定的阅读技巧,然后让学生就所学话题进行讨论,让他们从讨论中有d answer questions about the passage “A Couch Potato”.

Unit 1 LifestylesCommunication Workshop(Writing)Teaching Contents: How to write a short personal letter.Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives(1) Students can learn and master the meaning of some important words and phrases: at the moment, over the years, survey, classical, formal, and so on.(2) Students can write a personal letter.2. Ability objectives(1) Writing Skill : students can write a personal letter to express their emotions.(2) Speaking Skill: students can speak the letter written by themselves.3. Emotional objectiveStudents will be able to express their emotions to their friends by writing letter.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:1. Teaching key points(1) Students can recognize and master the meaning of some important words and phrases.(2) Students can enhance their ability of writing skill.2. Teaching difficult pointStudents can write a personal letter to express their emotions correctly and appropriately. Teaching Methods:(1) Communicative methodOrganize the teaching in a communicative way by asking students to do pair or group work, fulfilling certain communicative tasks.(2) Heuristic methodTry to draw answers from students by asking questions and eliciting answers step by step. Teaching Aids:A computer, a blackboard, chalks and so on.Length of Teaching: 45 minutesMajor Steps:Step 1 Warming–up ( 5 minutes)Show a picture of a personal letter on the computer and then ask the students a question:①How to keep in touch with your friends?②How often do you write letters? To whom? Is it easy to do so?③When did you last receive a letter? What was it about?Give the students two minutes to discuss, and then ask some students to answer this question. (Justification: Warming–up can arouse students’ interest in th e topic of the text.)Step 2 Read and Presentation ( 5 minutes)(1)Reading Wang Ying’s letter. Match each paragraph with one of the following.a. A reason to end the letterb.Questions about the other personrmation about Wang Yang’ lifed.Saying who you are(2)Presentation: student give us their answers after reading Wang Ying’s letter. (Justification: Paraphrasing helps students be well know a personal letter.) Step 3 Writing (20 minutes)Stage 1 Decide who you are writing to and need to think about these things:1)What is the person’ name?2)Where and when did you meet him/her?3)What kind of person was he/she?4)What were his/her interests then?Stage 2 Make notes about your life:1)What are you doing now?2)What were your interests then?3)How have your interests then?Stage 3 Write a letter.To organize your paragraphs and content (layout);Layout: Dear1. Introduction2. Questions3. Information4. Reason to finishSign offTo use linking words and expressions (linking);Linking:1.We haven’t seen each other for ten year ? right?2.Anyway, how are you?3....and guess what ?we’re going out together!4.Well, I must finish here because I’ve got an exam tomorrow.To get to know words and expressions you may need (vocabulary). Vocabulary: 1. This is ?2.We haven’t seen each other for ?3.At the moment I’m ?4. Do you remember ?5. Write back soon.6. Tell all your news.Step 4 Write and Talk ( 10 minutes)Write a personal letter:Let students write a letter according to this lessen.Talkback:Work in pairs. Read each others letters. Find out two things that have changed in each others lives and tell the class.Step 5 Summary ( 3 mins)Ask some students to summary the skills of writing letter in the lessen together. (Justification: It can help the students understand the text better and offer them opportunities to communicate with their classmates.)Step 6 Homework ( 2 mins):Write a short personal letter according to this lessen.Blackboard DesignTeaching ReflectionIn this English class, all of the students were very hard-working.It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. Therefore, I will pay more attention to this point and make a better teaching plan.。

本课流程II.in vocabulary:Make use ofthe two peoplefrom the textto bring outthe adjs todescribepeople’slifestyleUsebrainstormingto ask thestudents tosay more adjsaboutlifestylesAdvise thestudents towrite down theadjs onto theword bankmanyThe studentswill be able touse the adjs totalk aboutlifestylesThe studentscan be helped topreparevocabulary forthelifestyles’writing* word bank isused every classfor the studentsto write downthe vocabularyabout the topicforaccumulationII: Invite thestudents toread the textand pick outthe phrasalverbs to showCouchPotato’srelaxinglifestyle* Using thediscoveryapproach tolearn phrasalverbsExplain‘switch’ and‘take up’using someinformation(pair work) read the book and pick out the phrasal verbs and write down onto the word bank: Get up late; watch TV; do some exercise; take the dog Tina out for a walkBranch bank:* What areThe students can be assisted to be able to discover some phrasal verbs from the text to show a relaxing lifestyle* Branch bank is a place to collect important words whichindirectly belong to the topic.* The students can enlarge vocabulary by filling in more words into theand pictures. Remind thestudentstowrite down thewords onto thebranch bankProvide students withsome exercisesusingthesituationalsentences* make full use of the textbookthe three phrasalverbsrelated towatchingTV? (switchon/off/over)(pairwork) read thetext abouttheworkaholicand pick outthe phrasalverbstoshow a busylifestyle:getupearly; jump out of bed; be the firstbranch bankUsingthe‘discoveryapproach ” thestudentscanlearnthephrasal verbs to understandthe meaning andusages of itclearly.Situationalexercisecanhelp studentsfurtherunderstand theusage of thevocabularyEncourage the students to discover the grammar by themselves by asking questions and providingRead the passage and find out what tense is mainly used to describe a person’ssome sentences* “discovery approach”is usedProviding tips to remind some detailed rules of the present simple lifestyle.Do the careful reading to discoverthe two rules of the present simple by themselves * “Discovery approach”is used.Go over some detailed rules of present simple accordinga Present thesupportingquestionsandsentencebank forthestudentsAsk thestudents todiscuss andwritePierassessingChoose oneor twogroups to(groupwork)Discuss andshare theperson towriteWrite(pairwork)Accordingto theassessment, assessthe groupmember’sworkPresentThe studentscan use thevocabulary andgrammar theyhave justlearned to writea person’slifestyle.Through thewriting, theycan be morefamiliar withthe vocabularyand the presentsimple and usethem in the realwriting tofulfill theReading部分说课稿 Unit one lifestylesLesson one a perfect day?第一个板块——教材分析※第一环节——说教材。
北师大版英语必修一unit 1教案

北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson1 A Perfect Day?一、课型阅读新授课二、教学对象高一学生三、教学目标1. 语言技能:学生能够在完成阅读任务时训练其快速阅读并寻找出细节信息的阅读微技能,还能练习猜测单词或词组意思的阅读微技能。
2. 语言知识:帮助学生积累用于评价生活方式的形容词,如:relaxing, stressful, lazy.为学生补充关于电视节目类型的词汇,如talk show, TV series.3. 情感态度:引导学生区分好的生活方式和坏的生活方式,鼓励学生养成良好生活习惯,形成良好的生活方式。
四、教学重难点教学重点:1. 本节课重点在于让学生理解教材中两篇文章的大意并且能够根据关键词进行复述,还要能够初步运用不同的阅读微技能,完成不同的阅读任务。
2. 本节课的另一个教学重点在于初步指导学生写简单的作文提纲,并教给学生一些表达观点的常用写作搭配和句型。
教学难点:1. 学生在完成阅读任务的时候,难免忘记运用上不同的阅读微技能,这时需要老师在布置阅读任务前先简单地提示一下学生如何运用阅读微技能快速完成阅读任务。
2. 在故事复述环节,尽管有关键字的提示,学生也未必能快速地把关键信息串联起来并用英语表达出来,这时候老师需要给学生充足的练习时间,在学生复述遇到困难时,老师需要给予学生鼓励。
五、教学步骤(时间分配)教学活动理由Step 1导入(2分钟)提问学生对doctor, business man, housewife这三种人的生活方式的看法,并让学生以四人小组为单位讨论出适用于描述这三种人的生活方式的形容词,最后请学生汇报。
1.让学生接触生活方式这个话题,为下面引入阅读文章做铺垫;2.激活学生记忆中可用于描述生活方式的形容词Step 2 读前活动(7分钟)1.引入A Couch Potato这篇文章中的人物Brain:向学生展示Brain的照片,提问学生下面的问题,让学生先四人小组讨论一下得出答案,然后再请几位学生作答。

北师大英语高一必修一第单元第课(说课教案)整理版————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:23 第三单元 教学设计Unit 3 Lesson 4 Christmas教材分析本课是第3单元的第4课。
学生能够在交流中简单介绍中国的节假日,并利用paragraph planning 和时间顺序,对自己童年的节日回忆进行口头和书面表达。
教学内容话题: 圣诞节的回忆(阅读) 词汇: 重点词汇:seriously, attend, carol, decoration, put up, swallow, carry on, adult; do Spring cleaning, go Spring Festival shopping, put up Spring Festival couplets/papercuts/character fu, set off fireworks , have reunion dinner, go to temple fairs相关词汇:stocking, pudding, envelope, calendar第一课时 Period One教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 总结和掌握有关圣诞节的词汇; 2. 阅读并理解有关圣诞节的文章;3. 掌握阅读策略——多项选择问题,并在阅读实践中进行尝试和体验;4. 谈论自己的童年节日回忆;5. 了解并尊重异国文化差异,培养世界意识教学过程教学活动 Activities设计意图 Intentions互动模式&时间 IP&TimeLead in Step 1Brainstorm: List the words related to Christmas. [PPT 3][学案I] 引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。

北师大版高一英语必修一Unit( 1)Lifestyles教学案第一单元 Lifestyles【话题导入】People from All Walks of LifeWhenpeople grow up, they will take different occupations in different work places. A society is thus made up of people from different walks oflife. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? Thefollowing introductions might help you to make a right decision.TeacherTeachers are professionals who work in schools, colleges anduniversities. They try their best to help their students get new knowledge and becomeuseful people in the future. Teachers work includes explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers and so on. At the end ofevery term, they give grades to their students, too. Actually teachersdo more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives.DoctorDoctors, like teachers, are also professionals. They work inhospitals. Doctors are usually very busy too. They examine patients then tell them what kind of medicine to take. The skills of a doctor sometimes mean the difference between life and death.SecretaryA secretary is a person who writes letters, answers the telephone,and receives people. She stores information in a computer and keepdocuments in order. A secretary stands between her boss and the visitors;she also helps the boss to plan his time and finishes his work. Girls are more likely to become secretaries then boys.BusinesspersonA businessman usually works in an office, where he/she also goes tomeetings and discussed problems with his/her business partners. He/Sheworks at buying, selling, and producing things, He/She usually does notwork by himself/herself, but hire workers to help him/her. People often thinka businessperson gets rich quickly, but, in fact, for every coin,they have spent a lot of time and efforts。
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Revised as of 23 November 2020
Reading部分说课稿 Unit one lifestyles
Lesson one a perfect day?
那么作为本单元的第一课A Perfect Day?其重要
1)Knowledge Objects
2) a. To discuss favorite TV programs and daily activitiesb. To revise Present Simple
and Present Continuous.c. To read two texts in order to check predictions.d. To read two texts for specific information.
3) Ability Objects
4) a. Enable the students to learn how to scan and skim.b. Enable the students to
guess the meaning of the words from the context.c. Enable the students to
understand the importance of reading.d. Enable the students to read a lot after
5)Emotion Objects
6) discuss the healthy lifestyles and improve the awareness of cross-cultural
communication.b. Let the students know and respect different ways of lifestyles of people and let them know how to plan her/his future after reading the texts.
Teaching Important Points:
1) Help the students to master the key words associated with lifestyles.
2) Talk about people’s different lifestyles.3) Get the general idea about two passages. Teaching Difficult Points:
1) How to grasp the key information of an article in the limited time.
2) Train the students to use the third person in Present Simple to complete sentences correctly.3) The omit of “be” in Present Continuous.
1. 直观演示法:利用图片等手段进行直观演示,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,促进学生对知识的掌握。
2. 活动探究法:引导学生通过创设情景等活动形式获取知识,以学生为主体,使学生的独立探索性得到了充分的发挥,培养学生的自觉能力、思维能力、活动组织能力。
3. 集体讨论法:针对学生提出的问题,组织学生进行集体和分组语境讨论,促使学生在学习中解决问题,培养学生团结协作的精神。
1. Begin the class with showing some pictures about different life styles.
2. Ask the students: What kind of life style do you think the people in the pictures have and what’s your favorite lifestyle and why
3. Tell the students we are going to learn about A perfect Day.
Step2. Warming –up: TV Spider gram: what are your favorite programs and why? Step3. Learning the new words:
the texts and collecting information:
The first article: A Couch Potato
1. Listen to the tape, and during the listening, please underline the new words and repeat after the tape silently.
2. Read again and answer the question: What does a couch potato refer to?
3. Collect the information about Brian’s “a perfect day” and describe his life.
The second article: A Workaholic1. Play the tape and ask the students to underline the new words and repeat after the tape silently.2. Read again and answer the question: What is workaholic?3. Please read the text about Bob and describe his busy life. Step5. Read and find the differences
Read these two articles and find the differences between Brian’life and Bob’s life.
exercises about Present Simple and present Continuous
First turn to page 9 ,analysis and explain Present Simple and Present
Continuous .Then do the exercise 8 and 9.
Step7. Discussion
调动课堂积极性:1. Which one is healthier2. What can Bob or Brian do to improve their lifestyle Step8. Homework:
Write a composition “My Perfect Day”
Words:100 words or so
Suppose you can design your a day freely what is your perfect day like?
Step9. Blackboard Design
Unit One Lesson One A perfect Day?
New words Grammar
Key phrases Key sentences