电气用品安全法 电気用品安全法(日语原文)

PSE认证PSE(Product Safety of Electrical Appliance & Materials)认证(在日本称之为“适合性检查”)是日本电气用品的强制性市场准入制度,是日本《电气用品安全法》中规定的一项重要内容。


・携帯発電機:全てのものが含まれる ・蓄電池:リチウムイオン蓄電池(電池の容量が400ワット時毎リットル 以上のもの、ただし、自動車用、自転車用、医療器具用、産業用は除外
事業の届出:第2章 第三条 事業の届出
・事業開始の日から30日以内に、次の事項を経済産業大臣に届け 出をしなければならない。
(3)当該電気用品を製造する工場又は事業場の名称及び所在地 (電気用品の輸入の事業を行う者にあつては、当該電気用品の製 造事業者の氏名又は名称及び住所)
*電気用品安全法 法令業務実施ガイド(現状版) 経済産業省から発表(平成24年5月~7月頃)
輸入事業者への立入検査強化 法令業務実施ガイドの理解・徹底を図る
5.将来の電気用品安全法改正の動き ➢ 対象製品の拡大
(1)125V以下のもの (2)125Vを超えるもの 略
2.電気用品名の種類 (参考)
政令品名 複写機
政令品名 その他の音響機器
政令品名 直流電源装置
別表第八 光源及び光源応用機械器具 省令における細部品名等 電磁誘導加熱利用のもの その他のもの
別表第八 電子応用機械器具 省令における細部品名等 ステレオ、電蓄、レシーバー、プリアンプ、プリメイ ンアンプ、パワーアンプ・・、CDプレヤー等々

在政令中规定二携带发电机,在政令中规定三蓄电池,在政令中规定2 在这个法律中【特定电器用品】是指,从构造或者使用方法等其他使用状况来看,有可能有危险或者障碍发生的电器用品,在政令中规定。

3mm 以下的粒状材料填充材料放入与玩具的外装不同的内装袋中。
外装或内装袋的缝线耐70正负2N 的力(试验方法参照5.20)4.1.5. 膨胀材料膨胀材料(因水分或遇热致膨胀)膨胀后外形寸法不超过5%以上. 外形寸法的任一位置膨胀度不超过5%4.2构造一样条件4.2.1.1边缘玩具可触及的边缘必须设计成无毛边造成损害危险的样式.本条件第1部规定的测试前后均适用.以下的任一方法均为差不多的条件。
玻璃的可触及边缘 适用于①5.17项测试金属板的可触及边缘①用5.17项测试②折回折弯翻卷参照图玻璃及金属板(不包含金属箔)以外的金属及塑料的可触及的边缘①无造成损害的毛边(4) 上述实施如有困难,按照下记的条件任何材质均无危险性翻卷、裂缝同时尖锐的切口或者儿童手指容易触及的部分.如机能所必需的则不受此限制.儿童手指可触及部分按照检查A 及检查B 来判定.折回边缘未满270°最大利边0.7mm 卷曲边缘 270°与360°之间 最大利边1.5mm 弯卷边缘部 360°以上 利边无限制功能性的切断部分(例如: 进行5.17项测试时)判定为利边的部分仅可用于3岁以上儿童用玩具上.同时提醒消费者该玩具存在的潜在危险.(参照7.1.1.1项)作为玩具机能所必要的尖利部分为如剪刀的刀刃等.作为传导体使用的金属片(例如电动火车的金属铁轨用接合的金属板)被判定为利边时仅可用于3岁以上儿童用玩具上.重合部金属板和其下的表面之间的间隙大于0.77mm时金属板边缘部分必须符合4.2.1.1项.图24.2.1.3固定用具制造玩具所用的螺丝钉、铁钉及同等的固定工具(孔眼及铆钉除外)的尖端不可触及.另外固定用具可触及的部分不可有毛刺.如果固定用具上为有可打入的头,其头部不可在完成品的表面突出.第1部规定的有关测试前后均需达到本条件.先端及金属可触及的尖端必须设计为减少损害无危险性的样式.下记的任一项必须符合上记的条件可触及的尖端用5.18项的测试方法加工成圆状或钝化或者弯曲成球状.(2)空气室所用的材料为以下揭示的数值.制品的最长部长度材料的厚度(mm) 材料的拉力切断负荷重量(kg)未满76cm的物体76cm以上的物体0.25以上0.30以上3.5以上4.5以上在不充气的状态下, 测量寸法及测量位置从最长部的充气口到边缘测量.材料的厚度的测量:用万分表(直径为5正负0.01mm的平滑圆测试面,加压荷重为80g 0.01mm刻度的测量计)测量制品的任意3处,所得平均值为材料的厚度.材料的拉力切断负荷重量测试方法按照JISK6732(1996年)农业用的多盐化乙烯树脂胶卷9.3的方法如图所示进行试验.但试验片为从制品的任意位置及任意方向选取3个进行试验.(3)耐压试验按照下表揭示的各个空气室的最大体积所规定的测试方法进行加压测试,无破裂及接合部剥落现象.空气室的最大面积(注3)长度(cm) 耐压试验压力水银柱(mmHg)未满2020以上未到40 40以上未到70 70以上未到100 100以上未到130 130以上85 75 60 50 40 35空气室的最大面积的测量为沿施加在材料上的最大拉力的方向测量,气压用水银压力计测量.试验温度20±5℃加规定的气压密封放置30分钟,确认有无破裂及接合部分剥落.(4)气嘴由塞和阀门双重构成,塞与气嘴本体连结.气嘴本体与塞的连结处架上5kg的重锤10秒钟,无断裂.(5)物体绳子及接合部位的拉力强度为7kg以上.不充气的状态下在绳子或接合部位架上7N±1N的重锤无割断.(6)底部有儿童的脚能够进入的孔等构造的小舟型的浮船和浮轮等为以下的构造.儿童脚可放入的孔口的大小:单脚进入的大小为圆周长为35cm以上棒的加压试验(图4)进行跌落试验的试料,儿童不容易触及的表面对在跌落试验时不与地面接触的部分从直径29mm边缘部0.88mmR的金属棒上加9kg的压力,无断裂破旧、脱出后无危险的部位及不产生通过试验中不合格的部位.扭转试验(图5)跌落试验的同一试料上儿童用手可抓或牙可咬的突出部分按顺时针方向180度旋转然后加上2.3kg-cm的扭力保持10秒,然后归位,再往反方向实施上述的动作后,无断裂、破旧,脱出后无危险的部位及通过试验中不合格的部位.图5拉力试验扭力测试的同一试料6mm以下的部件施加50N(5.1kg)超过6mm的部件施加90N(9.2kg)(达到数值所用的时刻为5秒)保持10秒钟表,无断裂破旧、脱出后无危险的部位、及通行试验中不合格的部件的产生如纤维制品中有固体,进行5.20项试验.(f)啃咬试验(图6)外侧的寸法在3.2cm以下的玩具最小为0.6cm以上可放入儿童的嘴内的部分通过啃咬试验器10秒钟加重11kg,无咬断及破裂发生.图6振幅试验有可握部位的部件,握住可握部位的根部,以1秒2来回的速度10次摆动,无断裂、破旧发生.(h)纤维制玩具的缝线强度试验5.20项的试验方法进行测试,缝线及材料无破旧. 有声玩具的噪音度动能的测定:往上发射以所达到的最高高度运算出动能.0.5J=0.050986kg.m0.08J=8.1578×10-3 kg.m0.02=2.0394×10-3 kg.m参考:1J=0.101972 kg.m仿制爱护用品(参照4.2.2.12项)从玩具拆出透亮材料(不可拆除的则不拆).透亮材料的周围支撑固定好,放入如图7所示的测试器具中.固定器由适合测试样品的刚性材料制成.测试在23±2°范畴下,进行.圆筒的上从100mm的距离以1kg的锤子从圆筒(圆柱)自由落下.确认材料有否破裂.膨胀材料(参照4.15项)测量材料的外形寸法.将材料放入23±2℃的水中24小时再测量外形寸法.机械强度用夹子取出试验品.机械强度不足试验品无法出时,判定此项试验合格.拨浪鼓及内部有利尖的金属线及金属棒、金属钉的玩具.玩具的冲击强度(参照4.2.1.4及4.2.2.13项)Φ28.5的圆盘作为介质,放上14kg的重荷5秒钟,然后再保持10秒,进行压缩试验.确认外壳有无破裂.小玩具及可分离的部品将玩具在不压缩的状态下放入具有如图8所示寸法的圆筒内.确认玩具有否收纳在圆筒内.玩具的部品及所构成的部品的可接触性(参照2.1.1及4.2.1.4项)试验原理用规定关节的试验棒去触碰试验的部分或部品,如试验棒所触及到部品或所构成的部品时其部品被视为可触性.测试用具试验棒由刚性材料制成且如图9及表1规定的用具.图9及表1寸法承诺误差为±0.125mm按照接触的状态决定试验棒的寸法寸法:(mm)a b c d e f gA 2.8 5.6 25.9 14.7 44.0 25.4 464.3B 4.3 8.6 38.4 19.3 57.9 38.1 451.6A:未满3岁B: 3岁以上14岁以下非两个年龄范畴的玩具AB均使用.测试方法按以下进行测试不用工具就可取出的部品,将其从玩具中脱下.注:玩具上附带有拆出部品用的工具时,用工具将所有能拆的部品拆出.除下记(3)的排除的项目外,图9及表1中有相对应关节的试验棒为测量接触程度的部分或部品构成的最简便的方法。

(n=339) (copier, TV, AV products, …)
Self-verification of Conformity assessment is required.
• Retention of the test record is mandatory. (3 years)
4. TUV Rheinland Hong Kong (TUV RHK)
5. TUV Rheinland Taiwan (TUV RT)
6. China Quality Certification Centre (CQC:中国质量认证中心)
7. Electrosuisse
Technical Requirements
country difference details : http://www.jetro.go.jp/jpn/regulations/guidebook/pdf/free/denan-soui2002jul-e.pdf
Option-1 (省令1
National Standard
(Japan Unique)
Option-2 (省令2
Harmonized Standard
(IEC Equivalent)
Technical Requirements by Ministerial Ordinance (1962:No.85 + amendments) < Schedule 8 >
Manufacturer / Importer of Japan


2001年4月1日之前,日本的电器及材料控制法(DENTORI)将控制产品分为A、B两大类,其中,A 类包括165种产品,主要有电源线、熔断器、开关、变压器、镇流器等;B类包括333种产品,主要有灯饰、家用电器、办公设备等。
PSE(Product Safety of Electrical Appliance & Materials)认证(在日本称之为“适合性检查”)是日本电气用品的强制性市场准入制度,是日本《电气用品安全法》中规定的一项重要内容。

2.1.4 遥控继电器,应符合以下要求。
(3)如带有合成树脂的外壳,从其外壳上取下9cm2 的正方形平面(外壳没有9cm2的话,在其原厚度上切下一边为3cm长的正方形片,以下2.1.5相同),放置水平面约45°倾斜状态下。

日译中专业词汇汇总あアンテナ端子:天线接头アンテナ端子板:天线端子板網目:网络,网路(系指闭合的电路),网孔,筛孔アーク溶接機:电弧焊接机アノード:anode ,阳极,板极,屏极アノードキャップ:阳极罩当り:接触状态,配合状态,接触斑点,刮开点アスベスト:石棉油焼き:热态浸油い位相制御:相位控制(调整)一次巻き線;一次绕组印刷配線基板:印制电路底板糸ヒューズ:熔丝う運転:运转,运行,工作うず電流制動:涡流阴尼,涡流制动裏打ち:贴里,裱合遠隔操作機構:遥控操作机构,远距离操作送風機(そうふうき):鼓风机受金物(うけかなもの):支架,支持物,支撑,拉杆,加固体え塩化ビニル:聚(氯)乙烯エチレンプロピレンゴム:ethylene propylene gom 乙烯.丙烯橡胶エレクトロニックフラッシュ:电子闪光映像:图像,影像,镜像映像中間周波数:图像中频おか架橋:交链,交联,固化架橋ポリエチレン:交联聚乙烯可撓性:かとうせい,挠性,柔性可撓性试验:挠曲性试验開放:断开,释放,敞开,开路外被:がいひ、外壳,外套,外罩,屏蔽套,被覆ガスバーナー:煤气燃烧喷嘴隔壁:かくへき、隔壁,隔板,隔墙,中间隔角型:方形,矩形還元炎:かんげんえん、还原焰外囲器:がいいき、封装,管壳金具:零件,配件,(管)接头,小五金カルシウム:calcium,钙感熱:显热,热敏,感热ガラスウール:玻璃棉,玻璃纤维含浸剤:がんしんざい、浸渍剂,浸透剂,浸渗剂掛け金具:固定棘爪,闭锁装置掛け金物:挂钩掛け金:搭扣外装:铠装,外装,护套金巾:かなきん、细布き許容電流:允许电流キャブタイヤケーブル:cabtyre cable 厚橡胶(绝缘)软电缆キャブタイヤコード:cabtyre cord 橡皮绝缘软线,橡皮绝缘软塞绳クランプ:夹,夹子,夹板,压板,夹钳,弓形卡,固紧,卡紧,夹持,夹紧,U字钉,肘钉,电平固定,钳位(电路)魚焼器(ぎょしょうき):烤鱼设备キャビネット:cabinet 机壳,壳体,箱,盒,柜,室,小房间凝縮器:ぎょうしゅく冷凝器,凝结器くクロロプレン:chloroprene 氯丁二烯、氯丁橡胶クロロスルホン化ポリエチレンゴム:chlorosulfon polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶口出し線:引出线,引线空中線:天线空気清浄機(くうきせいじょうき):空气过滤器,空气净化器クリック:(间隙过大产生的)咯哒咯哒振音,噪声,卡搭声,喀呖声,插锁,掣子,爪,棘轮,点击クリック率:喀呖声率口金:(器物上的金属)盖子,灯泡上用的灯头,钳口垫片,管底,管基,管头,接头,配帽グローブ:globe,球状物,球形容器,灯泡,触轮罩。

ABS樹脂ABS树脂W取り数分割数アース線地线アセンブリ组装アプリケータ模具アルファベット罗马字母インターロック连锁インピーダンス阻抗ウエルドライン熔接线エアーガン空气枪エアースプレー气枪エアー圧力气压エアキャプ气泡袋エッジワイズ边缘宽度カールコ-ド弹弓导线ガイドロール导向滚筒カウンター计数器カバ- 盖子,外壳カミソリ刀片,剃刀ギア/歯車(はぐるま)齿轮キャビティ模槽くもり光泽不良クラック裂纹,裂缝クラッチ离合器,联轴器クラフト紙牛皮纸クランプ夹紧部位クリンプハイト压着高度クレージング龟裂,网状裂纹クレーム投诉ゲート注入口ケーブル电线,电缆けがき針划针ケトン酮类コード导线コードカジリ压线コードバック退线コスト成本コテ先烙铁嘴コネクタ连接器,插座ゴム橡胶コンタクト触点,端子コンパウンド胶料,化合物シース外皮シール封压,密封シールド屏蔽线シェル外壳シャフト轴ジョイナ扁平电缆ジョイント连接,垫片ショート短路シリコン硅シリンダー液压缸シワ皱纹スイッチ开关スクリュー螺杆スケール比例尺,直尺スコッチテープ荧光胶纸スタンプ印章,印花ストック存货ストッパー制动器ストリッパー剥线机ストローク行程スパーク火花スパークテスト试火花スペーサー垫片スリーブ套管スリッタ(-) 分割机,圆盘式纵剪グランドシート密封,铝箔胶带スリット裂缝,切屑,切口パターン式样, 模式,图案ズレ歪斜センサー传感器ソリ翘曲タイーマ计时器タイプ类型ダクト导管ダミー線辅助线ダンさロール升降滚筒チェクシート检查表チューブ套管ツイスト拧线ツマミ旋钮データ出力输出数据データ入力输入数据トータルピッチ总宽度トラブル问题ドラム绕线盘ナイフ小刀ナット螺帽ニッパー剪钳ネジ螺丝ハーネス装配ハウジング插座ハゲレ線散线ハサミ剪刀パトロール巡查バブル气泡はみ出す溢出バラつき偏差偏差バリ毛刺,毛边バルブ闸门パレート托板パレート図柏拉图ハンガー线架パンチ冲压,打孔机パンチ数冲压次数ヒータ电热器ヒケ收缩,缩水ピッチ导线距离ピッチロール导线滚筒ピッチ乱れ导线紊乱ビニール袋塑料袋ビニタイ扎带フイート英尺フィルム薄膜フォロー跟踪ボタン按钮プッシェプルスケール拉力计ブッシュ尾扣ブッシュ強度尾扣吊重プラグ碑头,插销,插头プラスチック塑料プラン方案ブリッジ电桥プリント基板印刷电路板プレス冲压ブローァ吹气管プロジェクト计划プロセス工艺流程ブロックゲージ块规ボール芯卷芯ボビン卷筒ポリエステル聚脂ポリエチレン聚乙烯ポリスチレン聚笨乙烯ポリ袋塑料袋ポリ塩化ビニル聚碌乙烯ボルト螺栓マーク记号マイクロゲージ千分表マイクロメーター千分尺マスキング覆盖マット无光泽,垫子マンドレル铁心ミステム系统ムラ斑点モーター电机,马达モード模式より線绞线ラベル标签ラミネータ层压机ラミネート层压ランス卡口ランプ灯リール饶线阻リボン電線带状电线リミットスイッチ限位开关リン青銅線磷青铜线ルーペ放大镜ルール规格,规则レビュ复审ロス损耗ロット批量フロントカットオフタブ前小尾巴リヤカットオフタブ后小尾巴オフレコ不记录的,非官方的,非正式的ベルマウス喇叭口ワイヤーバレル芯线包角インシュレッションバレル外皮包角抜かす遗漏抜き取り検査抽检半田焊锡半田ペースト焊油半田槽沾锡槽棒グラフ条形图報告書报告书本付け实贴本付け機实贴机編組编织変形变形標準化标准化表面温度表面温度表示ランプ指示灯補強版铺强板歩留まり材料利用率擦り傷擦伤操作盤操作盘挿抜力検査插拔力试验超音波融着機超声波融接机成形机碑机弛み松弛歯車齿轮赤マ-ク红色记号出荷出厂出荷検査出厂检查出荷手配表出厂安排表出庫伝票出仓通知书打ち抜き穿孔導体导线導体抵抗导线电阻導体錆び导线锈斑点検表检查表調整えじ调整螺丝定期点検定期检查定期校正定期校正端末処理端末处理段ボルト箱纸箱段取り准备工作断面截面断線断线発泡气泡仮付け予贴返却退回非常停止紧急停止廃却作废複写复写縛る捆扎光沢ムラ光泽不均荷造り包装荷札标签桁位回転旋转混入混装混線混线極性极性計測器计测器接着粘接接着剤粘接剂接着剤ムラ粘接剂不均匀結束(けっそく)绑带解雇(かいこ)辞退巾ガイド导向板金物五金金型(かながた)模具圧着机(あっちゃくき)压着机据付(すえつけ)/取付(とりつけ)安装絶縁体ズレ绝缘体歪斜絶縁体はみ出す粘接剂溢出絶縁体バレル绝缘体桶空きピン空号潰れ压坏梱包(こんぽう)捆包拡大鏡(かくだいきょう)放大镜離型紙(りけいし)离型纸利益(りえき)利润乱れ(みだれ)紊乱乱れ防止紊乱防止片内装品(ないそうひん)内装物品内装箱内装箱耐圧試験耐压试验難燃性ビニル阻燃性塑料難燃性ポリエステル阻燃性聚酯配電盤配电盘品名品名品質质量品質保証质量保证品質管理质量管理品種品种平角リン銅線扁平磷青铜线平角軟銅線扁平软铜线切り替え切换切断切断屈曲試験弯曲试验取り消す取消巻き取り卷取巻き取りロール卷取滚筒熱プレス热压熱ロール热滚筒刃物刀具刃型刀片日常点検日常检查容器容器溶剤溶剂溶接熔接軟質(なんしつ)软质潤滑油(じゅんかつゆう)润滑油色むら色泽不均焼鈍し退火設備设备設定温度设定温度伸線,図面图纸仕入先メーカー供应商仕上げ精加工仕様规格仕様欄规格栏仕様書规格书是正措置纠正措施試運転试运行収縮收缩収縮シワ收缩皱纹受注订货受注数订货数量書き直し改写速度計速度表酸化氧化炭化烧焦貼り付け粘贴透明透明透視検査透视检查塗料涂料外注外协外装箱外装箱丸刃圆形刀温度計温度计汚れ污垢汚れ落とし去污無地空白錫メッキ镀锡現物现货線間ピッチ导线间距線間絶縁抵抗线间绝缘阻抗箱詰め装箱屑屑信頼度可信度型番型号許容値许可值押さえロール止动滚筒押しボダン按钮押出し押出押出し成形押出模具押出し机押出机一巻一捆引き取りロール引取滚筒印刷面印刷面余剰品剩余品運転运行再検査翻查再生作業翻工張力张力帳票帐票照合对照折り目折痕折り曲げ折叠折り曲げ机折叠机正味重量净重値打ち价值職印职务印治具夹具置き場放置处中間検査中间检查注文订货自動カッター自动切断机自主監査自我检查作番作业番号作業カード作业说明书作業標準作业标准作業日報作业日报インストラクター讲师,(企业的)技术指导セミナー(ゼミナール)研究会,研究室トピック话题,题目,论题リニューアル更新,革新,重复フォアマン领班, 工头, 陪审团主席アウトソーシング外部采办,外购アプローチ方法,途径,研究方法,,接近(目标、对象),近似。

日本电气安全法标准日本电气安全法标准之别表四-配线器具2.1 结构2.1.1 额定电流为15A 的类型,街灯开关除外,不得带有熔断器座。
2.1.2 接线端子应符合以下要求。
a 、器具开关,平头螺纹,圆平头螺纹或以上具有同等压紧效果的类型。
a 中所列的以外的类型,大头圆平头螺纹或具有同等以上效果的类型。
b 、c 、螺纹端子的头部所压的端子金属的面积,应在螺纹的头部对应的面积以上。
2.1.3 带有熔断器或熔断电阻的类型,以下要求适用。
(6)熔断器的安装螺纹的中心距离丝熔断器安装部座应在20mm以上,其他类型按别表 3 关于熔断器安装要求。
2.1.4 遥控继电器,应符合以下要求。
a 、主回路引线,应符合别表第一的要求或第二项规定的绝缘电线(屋外用PVC绝缘电线除外)。
b 、控制回路用的引线,带有铣装的电线,其横截面积应在0.5m m以上。
2.1.5 定时开关应符合以下要求。
(3)如带有合成树脂的外壳,从其外壳上取下9cm2 的正方形平面(外壳没有9cm2的话,在其原厚度上切下一边为3cm 长的正方形片,以下 2.1.5 相同),放置水平面约45 倾斜状态下。

在政令中规定二携带发电机,在政令中规定三蓄电池,在政令中规定2 在这个法律中【特定电器用品】是指,从构造或者使用方法等其他使用状况来看,有可能有危险或者障碍发生的电器用品,在政令中规定。

吸湿性较小的材料符合別表第四1(1)ロ(イ)到(ト)的要求但是,吸湿性材料如果通常使用状态没有危险发生的可能不受限制③器具的部品及其材料不使用和含有硝化棉等类似的易燃材料,但是乒乓球除外④有电弧产生可能的绝缘物,不能因电弧的产生使绝缘物的变形和绝缘程度的降低⑤铁质或钢制材料(不锈钢除外)应当有电镀、喷涂、喷油等措施进行防锈处理,氧化后没有危险发生可能的不受限制⑥导电材料应满足以下要求a. 插脚及插脚的支撑部分应使用铜或铜合金b插脚及插脚支撑部分以外的部分,应使用:铜、铜合金、不锈钢和不低于用別表第三附表第四规定的试验的电镀钢制品,或者在电气、机械、耐热条件上等同以上的材料但是,在构造上不得不使用非电镀的铁制或钢制弹性材料部品,而又没有危险发生可能的不受此限。
JPN PSE requirement

基本绝缘 附加绝缘 加强绝缘
绝缘电阻 (Mohm)
1 2 3
Slide 26
© 2011 DEKRA
LED 灯具的绝缘要求
正常温升后的绝缘电阻测试后进行 1 min
L/N – 地, L/N – 外壳
≤ 150 V > 150 V
AC 电压 (V)
1000 1500
AC 电压 (V) 绝缘等级 (二类灯 具) 额定电压150 V以下 额定电压150V以上
Slide 15
© 2011 DEKRA
LED 球泡灯的PSE要求
LED 球泡灯的结构
1. 灯头等载流材料必须使用铜或者铜合金 2. 发出的光没有闪烁的感觉
a)频闪在100Hz以上且光输出没有缺损部分(指光 输出峰值的5%以下部分) b) 500Hz以上的产品不需要测量
3. 爬电距离和空气间隙
不可冒烟,起火 绝缘电阻 > 1 Mohm
Slide 29
© 2011 DEKRA
LED 灯具的热测试要求
在正常温升的测试条件下 持续工作8小时 灯具不可发生变形,异常现象
正常温升条件下灯具稳定后,以水温低10K的水,3mm/min 的水量,45°的倾 斜角(降雨方式)向灯具淋水
光源可替换时需要标明光源的额定功率 频率
双重绝缘,回形标志 需要标识在LED灯具表面容易看到处,不容易擦碰而使字迹消失
Slide 22 © 2011 DEKRA
日本 电气用品安全法

This English translation of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act has been prepared up to the revisions of Act No.87of2005Effective May1,2006in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary March2007edition.This is an unofficial translation.Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect,and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations.The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy,reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this Website,or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this Website.For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute,users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.Electrical Appliances and Material Safety Act Act No.234of November16,1961Final revision:Act No.87of July26,2005Chapter1General Provisions Articles1and2Chapter2Notification of Business,etc.Articles3to7Chapter3Conformity Assessment of Electrical Appliances and Materials,etc.Articles8to26Chapter4Restriction of Sale,etc.Articles27and28Chapter5Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies,etc.Section1Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles29to32Section2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles33to 42-2Section3Foreign Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies Articles42-3and 42-4Chapter5-2Order for the Prevention of Hazards,etc.Article42-5Chapter6Miscellaneous Provisions Articles43to56Chapter7Penal Provisions Articles57-61Supplementary ProvisionsChapter1General ProvisionsArticle1PurposeThe purpose of this Act is to regulate the manufacture,sale,etc.of Electrical Appliances and Materials and to foster voluntary activities by private businesses to ensure the safety of Electrical Appliances and Materials so as to prevent hazards and disturbances resulting from Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article2Definitions1The term"Electrical Appliances and Materials"as used in this Act shall mean the following:i Parts of electrical facilities for general use meaning electrical facilities forgeneral use as prescribed in Article38,paragraph1of the Electricity UtilitiesIndustry Act Act No.170of1964and machines,appliances,and materials used in connection thereto,as specified by a Cabinet Orderii Portable power generators,specified by a Cabinet Order2The term"Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials"as used in this Act shall mean Electrical Appliances and Materials which are especially likely to cause hazards or disturbances because of their structure,methods of use,or other conditions of use,as specified by a Cabinet Order.Chapter2Notification of Business,etc.Article3Notification of BusinessAll persons engaged in manufacturing or importing Electrical Appliances and Materials shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of the following items in accordance with the Electrical Appliance and Material classification specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry within30 days from the commencement of such business.i Name or trade name and address,and in the case of a juridical person,nameof the representative;ii Classification of the Electrical Appliance and Material product type specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry;iii The name and location of the plant or workplace where said ElectricalAppliances and Materials are manufactured in the case of persons engaged in importing Electrical Appliances and Materials,the name or trade name and address of the manufacturer of the Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article4Succession1When a person who has given a notification set forth in the preceding Articlehereinafter referred to as a"Notifying Supplier"assigns the whole of the business to which such notification pertains to another person,or when there is a succession,merger or company split limited to those resulting in the succession ofthe whole of the business to which the notification pertains involving the Notifying Supplier,the person who acquires the whole of the business of theNotifying Supplier,the successor or in the case of multiple successors,one successor selected by unanimous agreement of all successors,the juridical personsurviving the merger or newly established as a result of the merger,or the juridical person that succeeds to the whole business as a result of the company split shall succeed to the position of the Notifying Supplier.2Any person who has succeeded to the position of a Notifying Supplier pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of such succession,without delay,together with documentation evidencing such fact.Article5Notification of ChangeIn the case of any change in the matters set forth in the items of Article3,the Notifying Supplier shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of the change without delay;provided,however,that this shall not apply to a change in minor details as specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article6Notification of Permanent Cessation of BusinessWhen a Notifying Supplier permanently ceases the business to which the notification pertains,it shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such cessation without delay.Article7Provision of Information Pertaining to Notified MattersAny person may request that the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry provide information pertaining to the matters listed in Article3,items1and2.Chapter3Conformity Assessment of Electrical Appliances and Materials,etc.Article8Obligation to Comply with Standards,etc.1A Notifying Supplier,when manufacturing or importing Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to a notification given pursuant to the provision of Article3hereinafter referred to as the"Product Type Specified in theNotification"shall comply with the technical standards specified by an Ordinanceof the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry hereinafter referred to as the"Technical Standards";provided,however,that this shall not apply in the following cases:i When the approval of the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry has beenobtained for the manufacture or import of Electrical Appliances and Materials to be used for a specific application;ii When the manufacture or import is for experimental purposes.2A Notifying Supplier shall conduct an assessment of the Electrical Appliances and Materials set forth in the preceding paragraph which are manufactured orimported by the Notifying Supplier excluding Electrical Appliances and Materials manufactured or imported through the application of the proviso of the precedingparagraph pursuant to the an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry and shall prepare and keep a record of the assessment.Article9Conformity Inspection of Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials1When the Electrical Appliances and Materials that are set forth in paragraph1 of the preceding Article and manufactured or imported by a Notifying Supplier excluding Electrical Appliances and Materials manufactured or imported throughapplication of the proviso of said paragraph are Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials,the Notifying Supplier shall,before their sale,have them inspectedwith respect to the following items hereinafter referred to as a"ConformityInspection"by a body registered by the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry pursuant to the provision of the following paragraph,and shall obtain and maintain the certificate set forth in said paragraph;provided,however,that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where the certificate set forth in said paragraph pertaining to item2has already been obtained and maintained for a Specified Electrical Appliance and Material of the same product type as said Specified Electrical Appliance and Material and the period specified by a Cabinet Order for each Specified Electrical Appliance and Material,calculated from the day on which said certificate was obtained,has not yet lapsed,or in the case where documentation specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry as the equivalent of the certificate set forth in said paragraph is maintained.i Said Specified Electrical Appliances and Materialsii The test-use Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials and assessment facilities and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,which are in the Notifying Supplier s plant or workplace pertaining to said Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials2The registered body set forth in the preceding paragraph shall conduct aConformity Assessment of the matters listed in the items of said paragraph by the method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry, and when these matters comply with the Technical Standards and other standards specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry relating to the assessment facilities set forth in item2of said paragraph and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,it may issue to the Notifying Supplier a certificate to that effect pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article10Labeling1When a Notifying Supplier has performed its obligations pursuant to theprovision of Article8,paragraph2in the case of Specified Electrical Appliancesand Materials,Article8,paragraph2and Article9,paragraph1concerning compliance with the Technical Standards for Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,it may affix labeling to said Electrical Appliances and Materials by the methods specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.2Except where a Notifying Supplier affixes,pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph,labeling to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,no person shall affix labeling set forth in said paragraph or any other labeling similar thereto to the Electrical Appliances and Materials.Article11Order for ImprovementWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Notifying Supplier has violated the provision of Article8,paragraph1,he/she may order the Notifying Supplier to take the necessary measures to improve the method of manufacturing,importing or assessing Electrical Appliances and Materials,or methods of performing other work.Article12Prohibition of LabelingIn the cases listed in the following items,the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may prohibit,pursuant to the provision of Article10,paragraph1,a Notifying Supplier from affixing labeling to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to a notification prescribed in those items for a specified period of less than one year.i Where the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertainingto the notification that were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplierexcluding those manufactured or imported through the application of the provisoof Article8,paragraph1does not comply with the Technical Standards,and when the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds such prohibition especially necessary to prevent hazards or disturbances:Product type pertaining to the notification,to which said Electrical Appliances and Materials that do not conform to said Technical Standards belongii In the case of a violation of Article8,paragraph2or Article9,paragraph1 with respect to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,which were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplier:Product type pertaining to the notification,to which the Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to said violation belongiii In the case of a violation of an order made pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article with respect to the Electrical Appliances and Materials of the product type pertaining to the notification,which were manufactured or imported by the Notifying Supplier:Product type pertaining to the notification,to whichthe Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to said violation belongArticle13Deleted.Article14Deleted.Article15Deleted.Article16Deleted.Article17Deleted.Article18Deleted.Article19Deleted.Article20Deleted.Article21Deleted.Article22Deleted.Article23Deleted.Article24Deleted.Article25Deleted.Article26Deleted.Chapter4Restriction of Sale,etc.Article27Restriction of Sale1Any person engaged in manufacturing,importing,or selling Electrical Appliances and Materials shall neither sell nor display for the purpose of sale the Electrical Appliances and Materials unless the labeling set forth in Article10, paragraph1is affixed to the Electrical Appliances and Materials.2The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply if the person prescribed in said paragraph falls under any of the following items:i When the person has obtained the approval of the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry in the case of the sale or display for the purpose of sale of the Electrical Appliances and Materials to be used for a specific application;ii When the person sells or displays for the purpose of sale the Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to the approval set forth in Article8, paragraph1,item1.Article28Restriction of Use1Electric utility supply business operators prescribed in Article2,paragraph1, item10of the Electricity Utilities Industry Act,persons who install electrical facilities for private use as prescribed in Article38,paragraph4of said Act,Electrical Engineers prescribed in Article2,paragraph4of the Electrical EngineersAct Act No.139of1960,Qualified Electrical Engineering Specialists prescribed in Article3,paragraph3of said Act,and Certified Electrical Engineers prescribed in Article3,paragraph4of said Act shall not use Electrical Appliances and Materials in any work for installing or modifying electrical facilities prescribed in Article2,paragraph1,item16of the Electricity Utilities Industry Act unless the labeling set forth in Article10,paragraph1is affixed to them.2Any person engaged in manufacturing products that are manufactured using Electrical Appliances and Materials as parts or accessories,which are specified by a Cabinet Order,shall not use Electrical Appliances and Materials in manufacturing such products unless the labeling set forth in Article10,paragraph 1is affixed to them.3The provision of paragraph2of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.Chapter5Registration of Conformity Assessment Bodies,etc.Section1Registration of Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle29Registration1The registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1shall be carried out based on an application made by a person who intends to conduct a Conformity Assessment for each classification of the Specified Electrical Appliances and Materialshereinafter referred to as the"Classification of Specified Electrical Appliances andMaterials specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.2Where the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry has received an application pursuant to the preceding paragraph,when he/she finds it necessary,he/she may have the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation hereinafter referred toas the"NITE"conduct the necessary investigation to determine whether or not said application conforms to the items of Article31,paragraph1.Article30DisqualificationAny person who falls under any of the following items shall not be able to obtain the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1.i Any person who has violated this Act or a disposition pursuant to this Act,hasbeen punished by a fine or more severe punishment,and as to which two years has not passed since such person completed punishment or since it became unnecessary for such person to serve out such punishmentii Any person with respect to which two years has not passed since his/her registration has been rescinded pursuant to the provision of Article41or Article 42-4,paragraph1iii Any juridical person an officer of which who is engaged in its business falls under any of the preceding two itemsArticle31Standards for Registration1The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry shall grant registration to any person who applies for registration pursuant to Article29,paragraph1hereinafter referred to as the"Applicant"in this paragraph if the Applicant conforms with all of the following items.In this case,the procedures necessary for registration shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.i The Applicant conforms to the standards set by the International Organizationfor Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission for bodies that certify products.ii The Applicant does not fall under any of the following as a person controlled by a Notifying Supplier which manufactures or imports Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials and with respect to which a Conformity Inspection isrequired pursuant to the provision of Article9,paragraph1hereinafter referred to as a"Supplier Subject to Conformity Inspection"in this item and Article37, paragraph2a In the case where the Applicant is a business corporation,the Supplier whichMay Apply for a Conformity Assessment shall be the parent juridical person ofthe Applicant meaning the parent juridical person prescribed in Article879, paragraph1of the Corporate Act Act No.86of2005b More than half of the officers or employees of the Applicant in the case of anequity company which means an equity company prescribed in Article575,paragraph1of the Corporation Act,officers in charge of its business are officers or employees of the Supplier which May Apply for a ConformityAssessment including those who have been officers or employees of the Supplier which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment in the past two years.c The Applicant for a juridical person,an officer having representation powerthereof is an officer or employee of a Supplier which May Apply for aConformity Assessment including those who were officers or employees of said Supplier which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment in the past two years.2The registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1shall be completed bydescribing the following matters in the Registration Record for Conformity Assessment Bodies.i Date of registration and registration numberii Name or trade name and address of the registered person as well as the name of the representative for a juridical personiii Classification of Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials on which the registered person conducts a Conformity Assessmentiv Name and location of the office where the registered person conducts aConformity AssessmentArticle32Renewal of Registration1If the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1is not renewed at such interval as specified by a Cabinet Order,which specified interval shall not be less than three years,then the registration shall cease to be effective at the time of expiration of the period.2The provisions of the preceding three Articles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the renewal of registration set forth in the preceding paragraph.Section2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle33Obligation to Conduct a Conformity Assessment1When any body that has obtained the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1limited to those that have obtained registration in terms of conducting a Conformity Assessment at a place of business located in Japan; hereinafter referred to as the"Domestic Registered Conformity AssessmentBodies"is requested to conduct a Conformity Assessment,it shall conduct theConformity Assessment without delay except when there are justifiable grounds.2Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall conduct Conformity Assessments in a fair manner by a method that conforms to the Technical Standards.Article34Change of Place of BusinessWhen a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body intends to change the location of its place of business where it conducts Conformity Assessments,it shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such change of location at least two weeks prior to the date of change.Article35Rules of Operation1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall establish the rules ofoperation of Conformity Assessments hereinafter referred to as the"Rules ofOperation"and shall notify the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of them prior to the commencement of the operation of the Conformity Assessment.The same shall apply to the cases where they intend to change the Rules of Operation.2The Rules of Operation shall prescribe the method of conducting the Conformity Assessment,the method of calculating the fees relating to the Conformity Assessment,and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article36Suspension or Abolition of OperationWhen a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body intends to suspend or abolish the whole or part of its operation of a Conformity Assessment,it shall notifythe Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry of such in advance,pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article37Preparation and Inspection of Financial Statements,etc.1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall prepare an inventory of property,balance sheet and profit and loss statement or income and expenditureaccount statement as well as an operating statement including electromagnetic records in the case where these documents are prepared in the form of anelectromagnetic record records prepared by electronic methods,magnetic methods or any other methods that cannot be recognized by human perception,which are used for information processing by computer;hereinafter the same shall apply inthis Article,or in the case where electromagnetic records are prepared by way of those in paper form;hereinafter referred to as"Financial Statements,etc."in thenext paragraph and Article60,item2within three months from the end of each business year and shall keep them in the place of business for five years2Suppliers which May Apply for a Conformity Assessment and other interested persons may make the following requests at any time within the business hours of Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies;provided,however,that they shall pay fees set by the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies to make a request set forth in item2or4.i When Financial Statements,etc.have been prepared in writing,a requestfor inspection or a copy of documentsii A request for a copy or extract of the documents set forth in the preceding itemiii When Financial Statements,etc.have been prepared in the form of anelectromagnetic record,a request for inspection or a copy of those which indicate matters recorded in the electromagnetic record by a method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industryiv A request for the provision of matters recorded in the electromagnetic recordset forth in the preceding paragraph by an electromagnetic method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,or a request for the issuance of documents in which said matters are describedArticle38Deleted.Article39Deleted.Article40Order for ComplianceWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has come to not comply with any of the items of Article31,paragraph1,he/she may order it to take the necessary measures to comply with such item.Article40-2Order for ImprovementWhen the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry finds that a Domestic Registered Conformity Inspection Body is in violation of the provisions of Article33, he/she may order it to conduct a Conformity Inspection or to take necessary measures to improve its methods for conducting a Conformity Inspection or its methods for performing its other business operations.Article41Rescission of Registration,etc.When a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body falls under any of the following items,the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may rescind the registration thereof or may order the suspension of the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment for a specified period.i When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has come to fallunder Article30,item1or3ii When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has violated the provision of Article33,Article34,Article35,paragraph1,Article36,Article37, paragraph1,or Article42iii When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has refused a request made pursuant to the provision of any item of Article37,paragraph2 without any justifiable groundsiv When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has violated an order pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two Articlesv When the Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body has obtained the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph by wrongful means.Article42Description in Books1Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies shall prepare books and describe therein the matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry relating to the Conformity Assessment.2Books set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be kept pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.Article42-2Execution of the Conformity Assessment by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry1The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may him/herself conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment when there is no person who is able to obtain the registration set forth in Article9,paragraph1,when a notification of suspension or abolition of the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment has been given pursuant to Article36,when the Minister has,pursuant to the provision of Article41,rescinded the registration set forth in said paragraph or ordered a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body to suspend the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment,when it has become difficult for a Domestic Registered Conformity Assessment Body to conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment due to a natural disaster or other reason,or other cases when the Minister finds it necessary.2The Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry may,when he/she finds it necessary in the case set forth in the preceding paragraph,have the NationalInstitute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology hereinafter referred to asthe"AIST"or the NITE conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment.3The succession of the operation of a Conformity Assessment and any other necessary matters in the case where the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry him/herself conducts or has the AIST or the NITE conduct the whole or part of the operation of a Conformity Assessment pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.Section3Foreign Registered Conformity Assessment BodiesArticle42-3Obligation to a Conduct Conformity Assessment,etc.。
2013.4.9电安法ガイド 中文

平成 24 年 3 月 31 日
本指南由电气用品的安全相关技术基准调查研讨会设置的“电安法业务实施指 南研讨工作组”协助编写。
1. 前言 .....................................................................................................................................................1
电气安全技术委员会 副委员长
官厅与产业界对应室 高级专家
技术法规专门分科会 审查
商务流通组制品安全课 课长助理(电气用品企划担当)
商务流通组制品安全课 电气用品企划系长
制品安全中心标准与技术基准课 电气用品安全法技术基准研讨室 主任
制品安全中心标准与技术基准课 电气用品安全法技术基准研讨室 主任
2.1. 关于从《电气用品取缔法》到《电气用品安全法》的修改 ...............................................3 2.2.《电气用品安全法》的框架 ................................................................ 4
1.1. 本指南的制定目的...................................................................................................................1 1.2. 本指南的使用注意事项...........................................................................................................2 1.3. 本指南的构成...........................................................................................................................2 1.4. 相关法令...................................................................................................................................2
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