托福口语培训:练习的几个技巧托福口语培训:练习的几个技巧一.关键提升英文表达能力托福口语的前一个评分点是考生作答的语音清楚度和速度节奏.具体来说,包括了考生的发音.语气语调.停顿节奏等.而中国考生往往会陷入两个极端,要么在表达过程中结结巴巴,听上去一点也不流畅,要么像背书一样,机械地死记硬背,刻板生硬.英语是母语的人士是较好的老师,所以大家可以在平时注意听英语广播或者英文电影,多听他们的发音,还要注意看他们的口形.想要提升英语表达能力,必须要通过不断地练习来实现.二.重视语言组织结构能力对于绝大多数中国考生来说,面对考官时〝无话可说〞和〝头脑一片空白〞是常见的场景,考生可以从两方面着手改善:1.独立口语:托福口语中Task1 2为独立口语,是两道开放性话题,很多考生都会头脑空空,建议大家不要去背那些模板,不但千篇一律,说出的内容也是十分空洞.平时可以多看一些英语名著或杂志,把里面好的素材词句摘抄并背下来,这样考试的时候才会〝有话可说〞.2.综合口语:托福口语中Task3-6是综合口语,要求学生先进行阅读和听力,再根据相关信息作答.大部分考生的作答往往结构混乱,甚至没有围绕主题.针对这个问题,考生可以在平时复述听到的英语,〝影子跟读法〞能有效地解决这个问题.三.语言应用能力提高不易口语评分后面一个点是语言应用能力,其中包含用词用句以及语法准确度.很多考生在口语表达的时候会不自觉的犯一些低级错误,比如单复数.时态语态.人称变化等.这些问题虽然不会影响意思,但是对考官来说听着会很刺耳.大家可以在平时的口语练习中将自己的口语作答用笔写下来,这样可以发现自己的问题并加以改正,还能看是否能用更加简洁明快的句型,从而提高语言运用的多样性.以上就是为大家分享的,大家在托福学习中无论遇到什么问题,都欢迎大家随时与我们互动解决!最后,预祝大家在托福考试中取得好成绩!托福独立+综合口语托福口语TPO43 Task1:Your Own Goal题目:People set a variety of goals for themselves throughout their lives.Describe one goal you would like to achieve in the future, and e_plain why thisgoal is important to you. Include specific details in your e_planation.范文:As a senior student that always sit in front of the laptop or books,Ithink I like a very unhealthy lifestyle,you know, kind of sedentary lifestyle.Actually, I d like to make some changes to keep fit. As a result,the goal I’dlike to achieve in the near future is to keep doing certain e_ercises at leastonce a week. Firstly,I need to start with some easy sports,like jogging. Thesekinds of sports don t need much space and many facilities to do,all you need isjust a pair of sneakers. Then,after several months of regular jogging,I willbegin to show up in the gym to join the aerobics classes. In this stage,I willneed greater amount of e_ercises and more professional training. Finally,I’dlike to book a badminton court at least twice a month to playing badminton withmy family members,which can strength the family bonds as well.It is not easy to achieve this goal for me actually,because I have heavyworkloads everyday. But once I decided to make a difference,I will spare my timefor sports. Because for me,it’s really important to improve my healthcondition.托福口语TPO43 Task2:Full-Time or Part-Time题目:Some students attend college full-time, while others attend collegepart-time. Which do you think is better? E_plain why.范文:Some people may believe that they only attend college part-time, but Idisagree. I don t understand how university students can e_pect to learnanything if they don t attend colleges for full-time.First, in college they gain the benefit of the professor s knowledgepreferentially. The best professors do more than just go over the material inthe te_tbooks.Also, attending colleges on any subject teaches more than just facts. Itteaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply whatthey ve learned to other situations. Personal e_perience can help people learnabout themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes tolearning about academic subjects, students need to be in college better for alonger time.At last, if you just attend college for part-time, then you will missimportant events and chances to make friends. It is hard to keep the same pacewith others. So, I will choose to attend college for full-time.托福口语TPO43 Task3(听力+阅读+题目+范文):University Makes Changes to OrientationProgramReading Part:University Makes Changes to Orientation ProgramMadison University is making a change to theorientation program forfirst-year students . In thepast, as part of orientation, new, incomingstudentscould go on a two-day hiking and camping triptogether with otherincoming students on the weekend before classes begin. In order toencourage morestudents to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know one anotherin aninformal setting, the university will now offer a choice of activities: studentswill be ableto either go hiking or participate in organized group games oncampus. Additionally, theseactivities will last one day only, not two, a changemany students had requested.听力部分M : Interesting, isn t it? I wish they. ve made this change two years agowhen we got here. This program is gonna be much more attractive this way to lotsmore people.W: Why?M : Oh, it s a question of choice. See, not everyone likes the same things.The way it used to be, if like you didn t like sleeping in the tent, you justdidn t participate, lots of people didn t.W : That s true. I didn t go on the camping trip my first year, hiking andcamping isn t my thing. But you know, I did feel I missed out something. M : Right. Plus, the other reason this is going to work is that you don thave to give up your whole weekend any more. There are other things peopleneedto do their first few days, you know, like buy their books, set up their rooms,prepare for the first day classes, that kind of thing. The big time commitmentused to get in the way.Question:The man e_presses his opinion about the changedescribed in the article.Briefly summarize thechange. Then, state his opinion about the change ande_plainthe reasons he gives for holding that opinion.托福TPO综合口语43TASK 3范文:范文:The orientation program for first-year students will be change into a one-day only trip or campus event. And the man holds a positive view towards theannouncement. The first reasons he feels that not everyone likes to do the samethings. Many students just missed out the orientation program since they didn’tlike it. The orientation program should be involved with multiple activities.Second, the man proposes this change can save the whole weekend for the incomingstudents. It is better for those who need to prepare for the first few days.Therefore, he agrees with that opinion.托福口语TPO43 Task4(听力+阅读+题目+范文):Population ChangesReading Part:Population ChangesPopulations of living beings are constantly changingThe number of humans,animals, insects, or plantsliving in a given area can vary because of twokindsof factors: biotic and abiotic Biotic factors are livingfactors that caninfluence the size of populations, such as predators or other species competingfor food. Abiotic factors are nonliving things inthe surrounding environmentthat can cause population changes, such as weather orsunlight. Biotic andabiotic factors cause continual changes in the number of individuals thatmake upa population of organisms.听力部分:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in abiology classImagine there is a group of mice living in a large fieldand owls livingnearby. Now, owls eat mice, so thenumber of mice there are at any given timedependsupon the number of owls in the area because themore owls there are, themore mice get eaten, right? Now imagine one year, there are moreowls than usualsince there are more owls in the area to eat the mice. What do you thinkwillhappen to the number of the mice? As you can imagine, the number will drop,there will befewer mice. As for as the other factor, we can use rabbit to helpunderstand this one. Imaginea population of rabbits live in an area. Theserabbits usually start having their young at theend of winter. After the coldwinter weather is gone and they keep reproducing until thefollowing winter, whenthey will stop again while the cold winter weather lasts. But let s saythisyear, the winter season is very short, and you know, it starts getting warmmuch earlier thanusual. Since winter this year is so short, the rabbits getstart reproducing much earlier. Thatmeans the rabbits in that area will have atleast one e_tra reproductive cycle, so of course, onee_tra litter of babyrabbits. So the number of rabbits in that area will increase a lot.Question:Using the e_amples of mice and rabbits from the lecture, describe the twodifferent types of factors that can cause population changes.托福TPO综合口语43 TASK 4范文:范文:In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about two different types offactors that can bring about population changes. The professor presented twoe_amples to e_plain the biotic and abiotic factors in his speech. The firstfactor is called biotic, like the predator-prey cycle. For instance, thepopulation of mice varies with the owl’s population since owls treat mice astheir prey. If one year there are more owls than usual, then the number of micewould drop. Because there are more owls to eat the mice. The second one iscalled abiotic, like the weather. For e_ample, the rabbits usually start havingtheir young at the end of winter. And they keep reproducing until the followingwinter. But if this year will be a short winter season, then the rabbits canstart reproducing much earlier than longer winter season. This means the rabbitswill e_perience at least one e_tra reproductive cycle, so the rabbit’spopulation would increase.And that s the two factors the speaker presented in this lecture.托福口语TPO43听力部分Listen to a conversation between the two studenteditors of a photographymagazine called CampusPhotos Monthly.M : We re in trouble, Barbara. I don t think we canput together ne_t monthissue. There just aren tenough good photos.W : It s harder and harder to put together an issue.M : Yeah, and this month is the worst ever. I don t get it. I mean, studentsare submitting lotsof photographs and I think we ve only got _ that are worthpublishing, and we can t print themagazine with only _ photographs.W: Well, maybe we re being too selective. What if we use photos that maybearen t greatbut...M : But that aren t horrible?W : Right, I mean, Some of these photographs we get from beginningphotographers may notbe the best, but if we lower our stands just a bit, we dhave a lot more photos to publish.M : Sure, but we have to be careful, we don t want to get a reputation forpublishing lowquality work.W : Well, maybe, you know maybe we re just publishing too frequently. What ifwe stoppublishing every month and instead, you know, if we published every twomonths? We d have alot more submissions to choose from so we could pick andchoose and still publish only the goodones ?M : I guess, but people on campus sort of e_pect us to publish every month. Imean, we arecampus photo monthly, aren t we?Question:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to their problem. Brieflysummarize the problem. Then, state which solution you prefer and e_plainwhy.托福TPO综合口语43 TASK 5范文:范文:In this conversation, the man think he and Barbara is having a hard timedealing with the problem that there aren’t enough good photos to publish on themagazine. He said only fifteen photos are worth publishing. And the woman offershim two possible solutions. One solution is that they can just lower theirstandards a little, maybe they are too selective. The other one is to publishthe magazine every two month rather than monthly. And if it were my choice, Iwould choose the former one, because they called the photography magazine asCampus Photo Monthly. So it should be published monthly, and other students arelooking forward to read their magazines. Although lowering their standards mightmade the man feeling worried, at least it’ll guarantee there are enough goodphotos to publish.托福口语TPO43 Task6(听力+题目+范文):A lecture From a Biology Class 听力部分:Listen to part of a lecture in a biology classOk, so we ve been talking about what most animalsdo when they need food. Theysimply go out and lookfor it, but some animals do somethingentirelydifferent.When they need food , surprising as it maysound, some animalsactually spend a great deal oftime taking care of their own good source,theycultivate it. Some of the way human farmers would. So, it will keep growinguntil it s ready for them to use. Let s start with an animal thatcultivatesplants. There is a certain fish, it s called damso fish that likes to eat aspecial kind ofseaweed. So wherever a patch of this seaweed grows, there wouldusually be damso fishswimming above and around it. Now the fish are there toprovide protection from other plants. So the seaweed can grow and then regrow asthe damso fish eat it. For e_ample, if other plantsstart growing over theseaweed blocking sunlight, the damso fish remove those plants bybiting off theparts that are getting too tall. So by protecting the seaweed from beingoverrunand damaged by other plants, the damso fish always have a supply of foodready to use. Now, some animals don t cultivate plants, they take care of otheranimals as a source of food. Takeants for instance,um, there are some species ofblack ants that care for tiny insects calledaphides. These aphides produce sweetliquids that the ants like to eat, so ants guard theaphides from being eaten byother animals and help feed the aphides. In fact, sometimes theants even carryaphides eggs back to their own nests and raise the young aphides there. Thentheaphides grow and produce sweet liquid that the ants eat. So the ants make use oftheaphides as reliable source of food.题目:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to theirproblem. Brieflysummarize the problem then statewhich solution you prefer and e_plain why.范文:In the lecture, the professor puts forward two ways that animal providethemselves with food. Some animals taking care of their own food source andcultivate them, but some don’t. The first way is that fish can cultivatesplants, they take seaweed as their food resource. For instance, the certain fishprovide protection like biting off the tall parts of plants so the seaweed cangrow better. Another way is that ants can take care of other animals. Fore_ample, one kind of tiny insects can offer ants with sweet liquid which theylike to eat. Therefore, ants guard the insects from other animals and also helpfeed them, and even bring their eggs back to raise the young insects. And that sthe two different ways the speaker presented in this lecture.托福独立+综合口语托福口语TPO42 Task1:An Accomplishment托福TPO42口语task1题目 Question:Choose an accomplishment that required you towork very hard. E_plain what theaccomplishmentwas and why it was important to you.托福TPO独立口语42 TASK 1范文:范文:The biggest accomplishment I’ve ever achieved is an assignment from mycomputer science class last semester. It required us to create a program thatsimulate the system of school library which including the book searching andborrowing as well as returning, and even the renewal. And each one of our classhad to be creative to get a relatively high mark. And it took me more than aweek with only a little sleep to get it done in time and luckily for me, I gotan A on it. This project was quite important to me because it accounted forsi_ty percent of my final score in this course. And I was really glad it turnedout that I accomplished a pretty good job.托福口语TPO42 Task2:Big City or Urban Area托福口语task2题目Question:Some people prefer living in a big city. Other peopleprefer living in thecountryside, away from urbanareas. Which do you think is better? E_plainwhyusing specific details in your e_planation.托福TPO独立口语42 TASK 2 范文:范文:Compared to living in a city, I would like to live in the countryside. Thereasons are as below. Firstly, living in the countryside means we can appreciatethe healthier environment. Nowadays, people living in city have to suffer theair and water pollution caused by the high speeding development of industry.Secondly, we can enjoy the slow pace of life in the countryside. In big cities,pedestrians are always walking fast and it seems like they would feel unwillingto stop. But with the easy life style of countryside, they don’t have to dealwith the high pressure resulted from working and living. So it’ll be much morecomfortable to live there. That’s why I prefer to live in the countryside.托福口语TPO42 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):No More Evening ClassesReading Part:No More Evening ClassesThe administration has announced that startingne_t fall, the university willstop offering eveningclasses in many departments. According to auniversityadministrator, the decision wasprompted by a steady decline in enrollmentsinevening classes. Evening classes are just too small, the administrator said.When asked to e_plain the decline in enrollments, the administratorpointed tothe fact that most evening classes are taught by teaching assistants, who areusuallygraduate students. Surveys show that students prefer to take classestaught by e_periencedfaculty members, the spokesperson said, Probably becausethey simply know more thangraduate teaching assistants do. 听力部分Question:The man disagrees with the decision announced inthe student newspaper.E_plain why the universitymade the decision and why the man disagrees with.托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 3范文:范文:The school has implemented a new policy that the university will stopoffering evening classes in many departments starting ne_t fall due to the smallscale of them and the une_perienced teaching staff. And the man holds a negativeview towards the announcement. The first reason he gives is that thanks to thesmall classes, students can participate more and be more actively involved, getmore attention and learn more. And the second one is based on the fact that somee_perienced teachers are lack of enthusiasm because they may have been teachingthe same subject for too long. In contrast, if this is their first or secondtime teaching a class, it’s going to be so e_citing to them and they’lldefinitely dedicate more. Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion.托福口语TPO42 Task4(阅读+题目):HabituationReading Part:HabituationHabituation is a form of learning that is quitecommon among animals. When ananimale_periences a situation for the first time, particularlyone it considersthreatening, it may instinctivelyrespond by running away or by warningothermembers of its community with alarm calls. Normally, it responds this wayeach time the situation occurs. However, if through continuousand prolongede_posure the animal learns that the situation is harmless the behaviorgraduallydiminishes. Ultimately, it will stop responding to the situation altogether.Thus, through habituation a natural or instinctive behavior graduallychanges.Question:The man disagrees with the decision announced inthe student newspaper.E_plain why the universitymade the decision and why the man disagrees with.托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 4范文:范文:In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that throughhabituation a natural behavior gradually changes. To reinforce the theory, theprofessor gave an e_ample in his speech. That is, assume prairie dogs live in anarea where human beings frequently come and go. The first time the animals see aperson, they’d react by barking like a dog and jumping up and down instinctivelyto warn or alert other prairie dogs nearby, they’d do the same to the animalthat preys on them, such as a snake or a hawk. This kind of reaction is out oftheir fear. And they’d keep an eye on the human beings until these possiblethreatening individuals are gone. However, if people pass through the area dayby day without hurting them, then the prairie dogs will gradually stop barkingand jumping up and down when they see a person passing through the area, they’dstop reacting to humans as a threat. And that s the e_ample the speakerpresented to e_plain his idea.托福口语TPO42 Task5:Possible SolutionsQuestion:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to thewoman’s problem. Brieflysummarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend andwhy.托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 5范文:范文:In this conversation, the woman is having a hard time dealing with theproblem that the uments she needs to use in her history assignment isn’tavailable right now, so she can’t work on her paper. And the man offers her twopossible solutions. One is to change what she is writing about, that is tochoose a topic that doesn’t involve those uments. But the woman has alreadycollected a lot of information and if she changed her topic of the paper,shecouldn’t use any of them. The other is postpone working on the paper and waituntil the uments available again. And if it were my choice, I would choosethe former one, because in this way, she can work on the paper right away. Sincethe uments have to be available in two weeks, which means she has to do a lotof other things in the last week of the school term, and it’ll leave her no timeto finish the paper.托福口语TPO42 Task6:Climate Change题目:Using the e_ample of the thunder bird, e_plain apossible effect of a majorclimate change.范文:In the lecture, the professor provides an e_amples to illustrate thetheory that when a major climate change occurs, it may lead to thee_tinction ofvarious animals and plant species. That is, a giant Australian bird calledthunderbird became e_tinct due to a climate change. Researchers have found manythunderbird bones all together in one spot which is really rare. So they believethat there is a climate change behind it. The hypothesis is, they think thatduring a long and dry period, the birds may have flocked together at this lake.And if it lasts too long without raining, the birds have to gather there anddie. Scientists think the lake where they found the bones was one of the lastremaining sources of freshwater during the drought. So the birds gathered thereand struggled for a while and eventually the lake dried up and the species wase_tinct. And that s the e_ample the speaker presented to e_plain the theory.托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个?今天小编给大家带来了如何备考托福和GRE?,希望能够帮。
托福口语要点解析及答题技巧一. 托福口语要点解析托福口语的6个task答题都有各自的要点,大家肯定要留意。
在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量详细。
二. 托福口语答题技巧1. 语调轻松,不要像背书托福口语考试是仿照沟通的考试,所以肯定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。
答题时要当成一般谈天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。
2. 内容丰满,自圆其说口语答题时,肯定要留意答案的丰满度,比如,举例论证的时候,肯定要将例子表达完整。
3. 平常多练习托福口语的平常需要多练习,假如平常没有打好基础,那么考试中的技巧再好也是没有用的。
托福口语如何从零开始备考托福口语如何从零开始备考?这4个打基础学习方法了解一下托福口语零基础备考提升方法:说英文的语言环境若有人问我:〝学了如此多年英语,口语为何不见得有提升呢?〞我能够十分负责任地回答:〝这事儿不怪你!〞口语是人与人之间的交流方式,并未有人找你用英语聊天,你自然就不可以获得口语的锻炼,是不是?说得专业一点,英语口语不见提升的根源就是英语环境的缺失.英语母语人士的口语学习方法是浸泡在英语环境中,而我们缺少的正式这样的英语环境.为了解决这个问题,我们只得自己创造英语环境,然后〝浸泡〞其中!托福口语零基础备考提升方法:口语发音要重视起来托福口语能力提升的第一步,需要尽可能快速的把一口标准.纯正的语音掌握.有的考生对语音一点也不重视,以为差不多即可,这是错误的.不规范的语音通常是会造成你说的英语别人听不懂,别人说纯正的英语你同样不能听明白.想要免除这种情况的发生,大家要的是将发音练得准确无误.可能有的考生针对托福口语的发音并非十分的重视.事实上口语发音是托福口语的一个十分重要的评分标准.大家可以想像下老师每天需要批改那么多的答案,若你的答案还要他去猜是什么意思,如此最后的得分肯定不高.相反,那么答案语音清晰的,得分就会相对高很多的.托福口语零基础备考提升方法:严格把控时间托福口语考试的答题时间是相当短的,最长在60秒,通常情况下的答题时间只有45秒.针对这部分时间,大家一定要把握好.到了考试时有很多考生只注意时间,表示时间凑满了,就一定会拿高分.其实,为了凑时间而出现的重复答案,并不会给你加分,反之清晰的表达出所要表达的内容最后才可以获得高分.在此还有一种情况是你所说的答案逻辑十分清楚,有理有据,就算是用在规定时间里没有答完,如此同样不会影响你获得高分的.这一点大家一定要注意了.托福口语零基础备考提升方法:平时需要多实践,多练习针对托福口语备考而言,平时的口语练习才是最重要的.这一点,考生们能够在平日找到有的朋友一起来练习,很多学校都会给有的学外语的学生开设如同英语角这样的场所,大家可以在里面就要大胆的说.考试时需要将考试当做和朋友在一起聊天就好,这样即消除了恐惧,同时也能得到一个不错的分数.托福考试口语范文Describe a person that influenced you most.Sample answer:The person that really influenced me most was Ms. _ing—my college teacherwho taught us English literature. Her class was quite different from the otherteachers. In her class we were not e_pected to sit there and listen. We had toget more involved in the class activities, like discussions, comments or debatessometimes. Our creativity and imagination were developed enormously through theactive participation. : Y6 _5 o2 S9 @( _2 b On the other hand, she let us thinkmore about life by sharing her e_periences and more importantly, she taught mehow to live on my own. So that s why I was greatly influenced. Not onlydid shegive me knowledge, but also she gave me courage and confidence as well.托福考试口语范文Should the use of mobile-phones in public vehicles be prohibited ? Well, as far as I am concerned, the use of mobile-phones in public vehiclesshould not be prohibited.Firstly, using mobile-phone in public places is a civilright for each citizen. This right should be protected as long as it doesn’t runagainst the law. In fact, this behavior is mostly harmless so it’s impossible tobreak the law.Secondly, we have a strong need to use mobile-phones even inpublic vehicles. You know, in this fast-paced society, our schedules are alwaysfull and we might receive a phone call at any time. If we cannot usemobile-phones we may miss many business chances.Thirdly, it’s impractical to doa such silly thing to prohibit the use of mobile-phone.Therefore, it should notbe prohibited.What characteristics do you think a good teacher should have?Well, in my opinion, a good teacher should have the followingcharacteristics:The first one is dedication. A good teacher should be fullydevoted to the cause of education so that he or she could do best in his/her joband win students’ respect.The second is patience. A good teacher should neverlose his/her patience because this may cause the students’ ignorance of theknowledge. Instead he/she should e_plain again and again until the studentsunderstand.Most of all, a good teacher should be amiable and friendly. If ateacher could become true friends of his/her students, they will communicatebetter and have a better interaction in class and thus improve the teachingquality.What are important characteristics you look for in friends?Well, the first one is honesty. Only if a person is honest he/she can betrusted. I praise highly for honesty because if your friend is honest, he/shewould treat you sincerely and would never betray you no matter what conditionyou are in.Another important characteristic is helpfulness. You know, what arefriends for? Help and support, right? And we could enhance our friendship byhelping each other.Also, I’d like my friends to be very tolerant. You knowanyone can make mistakes. If your friend is not tolerant how can you e_pect yourfriendship to last long?Describe a person that influenced you most.Well, I want to talk about my father.When I was young, he often told me tobe honest, strong and hardworking and he set a good e_ample for me. Heneverbroke his promise and he worked hard every day to support our family.Although it was very tough, he never complained nor yielded (gave in) to thedifficulties.He never imposes pressure upon me so I could learn what I lovefreely. He encouraged me to work hard to enter a good university and whenever Igot frustrated he would encourage me and help me overcome the difficulties. Hemade me understand how to care for others.In addition, he never beat me and mademe know how important it is to respect others.Describe the most efficient transportation in your country.In my view, the most efficient transportation in my country isbicycle.First of all, it’s very convenient. It won’t cost you a single penny torefuel your bike. And you don’t need to go to great length to find a parkinglot. What’s more, in big cities, bicycles are sometimes faster than cars becausecars are often trapped in traffic jams. Actually you can get rid of all thosetroubles that have plagued car drivers.Secondly, it is very cheap. Anyone canafford a bicycle. In fact, almost every Chinese family has got at least onebike.In addition, bicycles don’t contribute to air pollution. Travelling bybicycle can do a lot of good to your health.托福考试口语范文Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. Well, I want to talk about mobile phones.When I was a little boy, I hadbeen dreaming of calling my friends at any time, wherever they were.Now, withthe help of mobile phones, my dream has come true. Communications have becomemore convenient which helps us to keep frequent contacts with our families andfriends. Mobile phones have brought us closer and have made the worldsmaller.Nowadays we have got many things to cope with immediately wherever we are.If something happens, you have to be informed at the first time or you may losebusiness opportunities. Many other emergencies such as crime incident reportsalso need immediate communications. In these circumstances mobile phones areindispensable.In a word, mobile phones have made our life more convenient andmore efficient.If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do?Well, I would like to become a tour guide if I get a chance to choose a jobfreely.First of all, being a guide I could travel all over the world and visitmany places of interest such as the Triumphal Arch in Paris and the pyramid inEgypt. What’s more, this could deepen my understanding of the cultures andhistories of those countries.Secondly, I think I could live a happy life travelling everywhere. I liketravel very much and I always treat it as a good way to rela_ myself. So it mustbe very e_citing to be a tour guide.In addition, I could make a lot of friendsfrom all over the world and I might meet many interesting people.Describe the most important letter or essay you ve ever written.The most important letter, I’d say ,is my first love letter.It took meseveral days to finish the letter. I had too many things in my mind to tell herthat how deeply I loved her. After thinking over and over, I wrote down all themost important things and cut it down to a piece of paper. I wrote that I wasobsessed by her beauty, kindness, softness and charming eyes, and that Iwoulddevote all my heart to her if she agreed to be my girl friend. Every single wordwas full of love and every sentence was polished to be perfect.That moment cameat last—she said to me 〝You are a pretty good boy, I like you too〞. And shebecame my girl friend and my new life began.Where do you like to go when you are with friends?Well, the most frequent thing I do in my spare time is to take a walk in apark near my college. Every time I step into the park, with the birds singingand the bamboo trees swaying leisurely, I will forget all those ve_ations andtroubles I have got.I could feel the bracing breeze touch my face and smell the pleasant scentof the grass, and then take a deep breath and all my pressure from work andstudy will vanish into the air. Another thing worth mentioning is that in thepeaceful environment I can think over many things deeply. I can have anintrospection of my past and look into the future and this benefits me a lotbecause it helps me realize my defects, make clear my objective and adjust myplans.Describe a school you’ve ever attended.Well, I want to talk about the University where I am studying now.Thecampus is small but it’s very beautiful. There are many old trees and manyflowers which give off pleasant scents. The buildings were elaborately designedand many of them have a history of more than 100 years.It’s a normal Universityand quite a lot of us will become teachers. So the students are very helpful andrespectable. Our teachers are very competent and amiable, they are ready tooffer help at any time. What’s more, our school is very famous for itsrecreational and cultural activities which make us rela_ed and help us get toknow different cultures.托福考试口语范文Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places ande_plain why.Well, I’m gonna talk about my study room.Firstly, there are all kinds ofbooks in this room and the atmosphere makes me feel like to study. There are afew tablets on the wall with famous sayings which have inspired and stimulatedme a lot. The interesting books make me preoccupied with them and I have learneda lot of knowledge from them.Secondly, it’s very quiet and helps me rela_. WhenI am tired after a long time of study, I usually open all the windows andlistento the birds singing and smell the pleasant scent of the flowers. Looking farinto the sky, watching the clouds moving slowly, all these just seem to befascinating.Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I had a chance. It s a lovelycountry, made up two islands. It is very lush(青葱的) and green because it rains alot there. I would do a lot of different things and one thing I would definitelydo is to swim with the dolphins. One of my friends ever did it, which she saidwas very interesting. At first, she was only brave enough to pat them and thenshe got braver and held on to one s fin while it took her for a swim. They movedvery quickly and gracefully through the water and it was fascinating(棒极了). Sothe place for a trip would be New Zealand! I’d like to go to Japan if I have achance.Visiting the Fuji mountain is one of my dreams, you know the peak coveredwith snow stands there erectly stretching up to the sky ,it is just fascinating.The beautiful scenery of the countryside and the modern amenities in the citiesare both attractive to me.What’s more, I am very interested in Japanese historyand culture. If I could go there I could deepen my understanding of them.Inaddition, Japanese girls are very soft and tender which sounds fascinating tome. I am really eager to make friends with them and maybe I could find acharming girl friend.Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood.Well, I wanna talk about my first boating in a lake.Actually it was a bigfish pond and the contractor didn’t allow boating in his lake.But a fellow ofmine and I disanchored his boat and pulled the boat to the middle of the lake.We were very e_cited thatwe splashed water to each other. And suddenly, a bigfish jumped out of the water and we became more e_cited and we began to strikethe water surface with the paddles. To our surprise more and more fishes jumpedout of the water and some of them jumped into the boat. We were so e_cited thatwe e_claimed cheerfully. Later we were reprimanded by the contractor severelybut we really had a good time.If you une_pectedly received a large amount of money, what would you dowith it? Would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun? (_. _._考题)Well, first of all, I would like to establish an education fund for thechildren in Sichuan Province whose houses were damaged in the earthquake to makesure they could receive a good education. Some of them have lost their parents,it will be very hard for them in the rest of their lives. You know a goodeducation is the most important thing for a person in the long run. If they werewell-educated they might lead a happy life in the future.And of course I wouldset up a company in my hometown to improve the local economy. I have a deep lovefor my hometown but it mainly depends on agricultural economy so I want toimprove the industrial level and thus raise(elevate) the residents’ living standard.托福口语分数换算方法详解很多刚接触托福考试的考生对托福口语考试还不了解,对于托福口语的算分方法也很陌生.托福口语冲刺25+精选7条学习经验心得汇总托福口语如何冲刺25+.今天小编给大家带来了托福口语冲刺25+精选7条学习经验心得汇总,托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个?今天小编给大家带来了如何备考托福和GRE?,希望能够帮。
以下是整理的托福独⽴⼝语TASK1答题要点,欢迎阅读!1.托福独⽴⼝语TASK1答题要点 托福⼝语中独⽴⼝语TASK1和TASK2在回答的难度上较低,不过其话题涉及范围很⼴主题多样化,因此也会有同学因为缺乏答题思路⽽⽆法顺利得分。
⼀、量化表达 45秒内到底要说哪些内容,要怎样才能做到在短暂的时间⾥控制好节奏,并清晰有效地表达⾃⼰的观点?要回答这些问题,我们就⾸先要弄清楚,45秒内到底要说多少句。
⼆、掌握答题结构 ⼝语考试毕竟和平时的闲聊不同,要求回答问题具有⼀定的逻辑性,不能想到什么就说什么。
新托福⼝语考试task1是选择性问题,其基本的回答结构可分为以下3种: 1、两点式 所谓两点式,就是⽤两点原因来阐释⼀个主题。
2、⼀点式 与两点式不同的是,⼀点式只提出⼀点原因,后⾯配上⼀两个具体的例⼦进⾏进⼀步说明。
托福口语如何练习 口语考试怎么考
比如,中国人常说Where is the book(这本书在哪儿)?大概小学生都会回答Where is the book?但是,大学生都不会解答what is a book吧。
二、用不同的方式解释同一事物如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练How to explain things in different ways,一种表达式对方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达式最终让对方明白。
比如,I love you(我爱你)。
按我们教学的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么区别。
这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂I love you,肯定也听不懂I love her。
如果替换为I want to kiss you,I want to hug you,I will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方那就是爱,这样一来对方可能就明白了。
Overseas English Testing: Pedagogy and Research 国外英语考试教学与研究, 2021, 3(2), 64-70Published Online May 2021 in Hans. /journal/oetprhttps:///10.12677/oetpr.2021.32009托福口语独立题目备考指南杜展新东方国际教育培训中心,陕西西安收稿日期:2021年5月1日;录用日期:2021年5月24日;发布日期:2021年5月31日摘要托福口语是中国考生的短板。
在由ETS (Educational Testing Service)发布的2019年托福网考测试和成绩数据汇总中,中国考生的口语平均成绩为20分。
关键词托福,托福口语,独立题目A Guide to TOEFL Independent SpeakingTest PreparationZhan DuGlobal Education Department in Xi’an, New Oriental Group, Xi’an ShaanxiReceived: May 1st, 2021; accepted: May 24th, 2021; published: May 31st, 2021AbstractMost of the Chinese TOEFL test takers have failed to perform well in the Speaking section. Accord-ing to “TOEFL iBT® test and score data summary 2019” released by Educational Testing Service, Chinese test takers score 20 in average in the speaking section. It is believed that the reasons be-hind this are unfamiliarity regarding the scoring rubrics of TOEFL Speaking, and lack of metho-dology. In regards to these problems, the article will analyze the answer structure, signposting languages and linking devices, and rhetorical Strategies, as well as their usage in TOEFL indepen-dent speaking questions, based on the TOEFL Official Guide, past literature and sample response杜展from the writer, in the hope that the test takers will take less detour in their test preparation.KeywordsTOEFL, TOEFL Speaking, Independent TaskCopyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言根据教育部发布的2019年度出国留学人员情况统计,2019年,我国出国留学人员总数已达到70.35万人[1]。
2.有一项关于词汇丰富量的评分项(lexical resources),雅思范文中基本上生词都是雅思词汇书中所包含的,因而如果对这些词汇不熟悉的话,枉谈熟练的使用。
解析托福独立口语机经预测考前用法托福口语资料丨口语中常用比较句类句式都有哪些?1. It is worth next to nothing. 那几乎一钱不值。
2. Easier said than done. 说易做难。
3. I like that best of all / least of all. 我最喜欢/不喜欢那个。
4. I can’t think of a better idea. 我想不出比这个更好的了。
5. She is no less diligent than her elder sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。
6. One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour (is). 迟到一分钟与迟到半小时同样是不准时。
7. His strength is superior to mine. 他的力气比我大。
8. Colored people are by no means inferior to white people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。
9. My arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend. 我比我朋友后到纽约。
10. We love truth above everything else. 我们热爱真理甚与一切。
11. No other book has had a greater influence on my life. 任何其它的书对我一生的影响都没有这本书大。
12. I would sooner die than do such a thing. 我宁死不做此事。
13. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 聪明人热爱真理,而愚人逃避真理。
14. I would do anything before that. 我什么都肯做,就是不愿做那件事。
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在口试中,分为2种题型:Independent Topics和Integrated Tasks。
前两部分属于Independent Topics类型,老师会问一些有关学生自己的问题。
这部分问题大都是What event in your life made you very happy这种类型,考生有15秒钟的准备时间。
后半部分属于Integrated Tasks部分这一部分有3种题型。
Speaking tips:
What to do:
1. 像写短文一样整理你的讲话的结构。
2. 恰当使用转折词语,让你的讲话更有逻辑。
3. 要自信、清晰地表达自己的观点,不要使用太过复杂的词语,尽可能的使用简单的词语表达意思。
4. 给出两个或三个原因来支持自己的观点,不要一直重复相同的观点。
5. 用动词代替名词,动词更具活力,会使你的讲话更有趣。
6. 控制讲话速度,不要讲的太快,要让考官理解你的话。
7. 发音要标准。
What not to do:
1. 不要再复述一遍问题。
2. 不要使用发音较难的单词,这样就不用再花时间纠正自己的发音,使用简单的单词代替。
3. 不要使用成语或习语,除非你100%确定它的意思,并能把它用在对的地方。
4. 在给出原因前,不要说具体的数字,因为你可能没有足够的时间陈述。
你可以这样说:I like to dance for many reasons.或是I prefer traveling alone for several reasons.通常只要给出2、3个原因就可以。
5. 不要重复刚说过的话,除非是纠正与法错误,因为考试时间紧凑,你没有时间不断重复。