以下是一个简单的版面设计示例:1. 报头设计:报头是手抄报的标题,应放在手抄报的顶部。
为了与六年级上册第二单元的主题相呼应,可以使用与英语相关的元素来设计报头,如“English Learning Journey”等。
2. 栏目设置:根据六年级上册第二单元的主题和内容,可以设置以下几个栏目:* News Report(新闻报道):用来发布关于英语学习的新闻和活动信息。
* Language Tips(语言技巧):介绍一些英语学习的技巧和方法,如提高口语、听力、阅读等能力的方法。
* Vocabulary Building(词汇积累):提供一些与单元主题相关的词汇和短语,帮助同学们扩大词汇量。
* Fun English(趣味英语):提供一些有趣的英语小知识和游戏,增强同学们对英语学习的兴趣。
3. 插图设计:插图可以增加手抄报的美观性和趣味性。
例如,在“Fun English”栏目中,可以插入一些有趣的英语漫画或者与英语学习相关的图片。
4. 花边设计:花边是手抄报中不可缺少的装饰元素。
以下是一个简单的内容示例:1. News Report(新闻报道)* 标题:英语学习在全球的普及程度日益提高* 内容:随着全球化的进程加快,英语学习变得越来越重要。
1. A – AppleA is for Apple. 苹果是一个很常见的水果,它的形状是圆的,颜色有红色、黄色和绿色。
2. B – BallB is for Ball. 球类运动在我们的生活中非常普遍,比如足球、篮球、乒乓球等等。
3. C – CatC is for Cat. 猫是一种常见的宠物动物,它们通常有着柔软的毛皮和一双明亮的眼睛。
【优质文档】小学生趣味英语手抄报内容-word范文模板 (3页)
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制作英语 手抄报 可以提升 学习 的能力,提高学生的审美,下面小编为大家精心整理小学生趣味英语手抄报内容的,欢迎大家阅读与学习!
说到 going out with someone,事实是两个人只要是在交往,就可以说是going out,并不一定是真的约出去才行。例如两个人是班上同学,彼此互相喜欢,互相都认定对方是自己的男女朋友,虽然从来没有真正出去过,两人只在上课时见面,我们还是可以说他们 going out。例如"Mary is going out with Craig." (Mary 和Craig 在交往。)
常跟 candlelight dinner 一起被提及的还有 moonlight walk 这个很浪漫的用法。顾名思义,moonlight walk 就是指两人在月光下散步,照理说男生在带女生去吃过 candlelight dinner 之后,就该说"Let's go for a moonlight walk!"这样男士们才算尽到你应尽的义务。
By the sweat of one’s brow,从字面上来看是说“通过某人眉毛上的汗水”,引申开来就是指“通过某人的辛勤劳动或血汗”的意思。这个说法源于《圣经•创世纪》,亚当在偷食禁果而受到惩罚时,上帝说:"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread"(你应当通过自己的劳动换得你的食物)。这里的in the sweat of thy face跟我们所说的by the sweat of one’s brow是一个意思,都是指“通过自己的辛勤劳动”。
discovery英语电子小报外语双语手抄报模板I like English生活中的英语板报A4
In 2004, NASA's Opportunity rover found evidence in Martian soils that water had once flowed across the surface there, buoying hopes that the red planet may once have supported primitive life.But a new study throws some cold water, and a big pinch of salt, on those hopes."Liquid water is required by all species on Earth and we've assumed that water is the very least that would be necessary for life on Mars," said study team member Nicholas J. Tosca, a Harvard University postdoctoral researcher. "However, to really assess Mars' habitability we need to consider the properties of its water. Not all of Earth's waters are able to support life, and the limits of terrestrial life are sharply defined by water's temperature, acidity and salinity."Tosca and his team analyzed salt deposits in the 4-billion-year-old Martian rock investigated by Opportunity. The new analysis shows that the water that would have flowed across these ancient Martian rocks may have been exceedingly briny."Our sense has been that while Mars is a lousy environment for supporting life today, long ago it might have more closely resembled Earth," said Andrew H. Knoll, also of Harvard and on the study team. "But this result suggests quite strongly that even as long as four billion years ago, the surface of Mars would have been challenging for life. No matter how far back we peer into Mars' history, we may never see a point atOne of Australia's most remarkable natural gifts, the Great Barrier Reef is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world's largest coral reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system[1][2] composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia.The reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the worlds most beautiful sun-soaked, golden beaches.The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world, and pulling away from it, and viewing it from a greater distance, you can understand why. It is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visiblefrom space.New tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great Pyramids were built by freeworkers and not slaves, as widely believed, Egypt's chief archaeologist said on Sunday.Films and media have long depicted slaves toiling away in the desert to build the mammothpyramids only to meet a miserable death at the end of their efforts."These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people werenot by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptianexcavation team, said in a statement."If they were slaves, theywould not have beenable to build their s tomb besidetheir king's."He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were found in the 1990s, wereamong the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. They belonged to workers whobuilt the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends ofKhufu" - another sign that they were not slaves.The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie atthe entrance of a one-km (half mile)-long necropolis.A number of years ago,I had the rather unique experience of beingbackstage in Madison Square Garden,in New York,during the RinglingBrothers Barnum & Bailey Circus.To say the least,it was a fascinatingexperience.I was able to walk around looking at the lion tiger giraffes and allthe other circus animals.As I was passing the elephant I suddenly stopped,confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a smallrope tied to their front leg.No chain no cages.It was obvious that theelephants could,at any time,break away from their bonds but for somereason,they did not.I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful,magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.“Well,”he said,“when they arevery young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,atthat age,it's enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are conditionedto believe they cannot break away.They think the rope can still hold them,so they never try to break free.”I was amazed.These animals could at any time break free from theirbonds but because they believed they could not,they were stuck right wherethey were.which the planet really looked like Earth."The research was presented in February at the annualmeeting of the American Association for the Advancement ofScience in Boston.Halophiles, or organisms that can tolerate high-salinitywaters, are known to exist in places on Earth, but they likelyevolved from organisms that lived in purer waters, scientiststhink, making it unlikely that life would actually ariseinitially in extremely briny waters.The high salinity, however, "doesn't rule out life formsof a type we've never encountered," Knoll added, "but lifethat could originate and persist in such a salty setting wouldrequire biochemistry distinct from any known among eventhe most robust halophiles on Earth."Knoll and Tosca also say the finding doesn't rule out thepossibility that less salty waters once flowed on the planet.Name Class Grade。
【优质】 有趣味的英语知识手抄报-实用word文档 (5页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==有趣味的英语知识手抄报简单趣味的英语知识手抄报——英语是孩子们的重要学习课程,孩子们在英语知识的学习中会发现很多英语学习的乐趣简单趣味的英语知识手抄报——同时,也能够学习到很多精彩的英语知识简单趣味的英语知识手抄报——这些手抄报,给我们展示了孩子们快乐的英语知识学习,我们一起品读这些手抄报,一起体验孩子们快乐的英语学习吧。
简单趣味的英语知识Honeymoon同学们一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。
honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的。
darling一词有多种用法,一般作名词表示“亲爱的人”,作形容词表示“亲爱的;可爱的”,同时darling也可以用来称呼所爱的人或家庭中的成员,如Darling, fetch me another bonbon, please.(亲爱的,请再帮我拿一颗小糖果吧。
一、英语谜语1、 What has a head and a tail but no body? (什么东西有头有尾但没有身体?)Answer: A coin (硬币)2、 What starts with an "e" ends with an "e" but only contains one letter? (什么东西以“e”开头,以“e”结尾,但只包含一个字母?)Answer: An envelope (信封)3、 What is always in front of you but can't be seen? (什么东西总是在你面前但却看不见?)Answer: The future (未来)二、英语绕口令1、 She sells seashells by the seashore The shells she sells are surely seashells So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashoreshells (她在海边卖贝壳。
)2、 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood (如果土拨鼠会扔木头,一只土拨鼠能扔多少木头?如果土拨鼠会扔木头,一只土拨鼠会尽它所能地扔木头。
I am a kind of fruit,green outside and redinside. What am I ?我是一种水果,外面是绿色的,里面是红色的,我是什么?I like to read books so much, especiallythe comic books, Japanese comic books aremy favorite. When I go to the bookstore, I willhang around and find all kinds of comic booksto read. I will spend a day there, stay aloneand read the books. Going to the bookstoreenriches my casual time, I really enjoy thetime there.我很喜欢读书,特别是漫画书,日本的漫画书是我的最爱。
Sloth , like rust , consumesfaster than laborwears .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president.懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。
Today, my parents were not at home, I was so happy because I couldbe in charge in my own house, it made me feel like I was a grow-up. I wanted to give my parents a surprise, so I planned to clean the house. Itwas not easy to do the house chores, first, I swept the floor and took notice of every corner. And then I rearranged the messed things. I just wanted to make sure the room would be very clean at first sign. When my parents went home, they were so happy that I could take care of myself.今天,我的父母不在家,我很开心,因为我能在家里面做主,这让我觉得自己是个成年人。
英语知识小报1英语知识小报2英语知识小报3英语知识小报4英语知识小报5英语知识小报6英语知识小报7英语知识小报8英语知识小报9英语知识小报10英语知识小报11英语知识小报12英语知识小报内容1How a Colt Crossed the RiverOne day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill. As he was running with the bag on his back, he came to a small river. The colt could not decide whether he could cross it. Looking around, he saw a cow grazing nearby. He asked, “Aunt Cow, could you tell me if I can cross the river?” The cow told him that he could and that the river was not very deep, just knee high.The colt was crossing the river when a squirrel jumped down fron a tree and stopped him. The squirrel shouted, “Colt, stop! You’ll drown! One of my friends drowned just yesterday in the river.” Not knowing what to do, the colt went home to consulthis mum.He told his mum his experience on the way. His mother said, “My child, don’t always listen to others.You’d better go and try yourself. Then you’ll know what to do.” Later, at the river,the squirrel stopped the colt again. “Little horse, it’s too dangerous!” “No, I want to try myself,” answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.You see, real knowledge comes from practice.小马过河一天,一匹小马驮着麦子去磨坊。
英语知识小报内容英语知识小报1英语知识小报2英语知识小报3英语知识小报4英语知识小报5英语知识小报6英语知识小报7英语知识小报8英语知识小报9英语知识小报10英语知识小报11英语知识小报12英语知识小报内容1How a Colt Crossed the RiverOne day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill. As he was running with the bag on his back, he came to a small river. The colt could not decide whether he could cross it. Looking around, he saw a cow grazing nearby. He asked, “Aunt Cow, could you tell me if I can cross the river?” The cow told him that he could and that the river wa s not very deep, just knee high.The colt was crossing the river when a squirrel jumped down fron a tree and stopped him. The squirrel shouted, “Colt, stop! You’ll drown! One of my friends drowned just yesterday in the river.” Not knowing what to do, the colt went home to consult his mum.He told his mum his experience on the way. His mother said, “My child, don’t always listen to others. You’d better go and try yourself.Then you’ll know what to do.” Later, at the river,the squirrel stopped the colt ag ain. “Little horse, it’s too dangerous!” “No, I want to try myself,” answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.You see, real knowledge comes from practice.小马过河一天,一匹小马驮着麦子去磨坊。
趣味英语手抄报内容资料如何制作出一张有趣的英语呢?下面为大家精心的趣味英语手抄报内容资料,欢迎大家阅读与!where you from?第一次打电话叫taxi,对方问“where you from”我回答china。
还在奇怪叫 taxi 还分国籍?对方可能以为我在搞笑,很郁闷的说“sorry, we can not do that.”我一听,火大。
就问: why? 对方愣了半天,挂了。
提示:好吧,我承认这个有点类似“—how are you ? —fine,thank you。
about telphone number朋友刚来的时候不认识什么人,所以在班上试图交朋友,一日,觉得一白人哥们人挺好,于是想要人家电话号码,日后做朋友。
于是问:“how many is you phone number?”白人说:“ten。
” ( ___号码是十位的)提示:要电话的表达一般是“may i have your phone number?”等,像这种“你电话是多少”的直译显然是不合适的。
bill bill?来 ___的时候,去学校上课谁都不认识,然后中午自己吃饭。
就听到bill这个词了,然后就把服务生叫过来说:"i am finished,bill bill"然后还顺势用手做枪的手势指着账单给那女的看,然后人家吓坏了。
提示:要买单怎么说?口语中:“check, please!”或“bill, please!”就是最地道的表达了!还可以这样表达“waiter, i'll take the check。
三年级上册英语知识小报一、单词学习 1. 动物:cat(猫),dog(狗),tiger(老虎),lion(狮子),elephant(大象),monkey(猴子)2. 颜色:red(红色),blue(蓝色),yellow(黄色),green(绿色),purple(紫色),orange(橙色)3. 数字:one(一),two(二),three(三),four(四),five(五),six(六)二、短语学习1. 问候:Good morning!(早上好!)Good afternoon!(下午好!)Good evening!(晚上好!)2. 感谢:Thank you!(谢谢你!)You're welcome!(不客气!)3. 道歉:I'm sorry.(对不起。
)That's OK.(没关系。
)三、句子学习1. 自我介绍:Hello, I'm [你的名字].(你好,我是[你的名字]。
)2. 询问姓名:What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)My name is [你的名字].(我叫[你的名字]。
)3. 询问颜色:What color is it?(这是什么颜色?)It's [颜色].(它是[颜色]。
)四、趣味英语1. 学习英语不仅仅是记忆单词和句子,还可以通过唱英语歌曲、看英语动画片等方式来增加学习的乐趣。
2. 试着和家人或朋友用英语进行简单的对话,这样可以帮助你更好地掌握和应用所学的英语知识。
五、小贴士1. 每天坚持复习和预习,养成良好的学习习惯。
2. 勇于开口说英语,不要害怕犯错误。
3. 多听、多说、多读、多写,全面提高英语能力。
3.英语学习网站和应用:有许多英语学习网站和应用提供免费学习资源,如BBC Learning English、WordReference、Quizlet等。
英语学习假期计划手抄报IntroductionEnglish is an important language in today's globalized world. It is widely used in business, education, and communication. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to learn English to enhance their opportunities in various aspects of life. In this English learning holiday plan, we will discuss the various ways in which individuals can improve their English language skills during their holiday break.ListeningOne of the most effective ways to improve English language skills is to listen to English audio. During the holiday break, individuals can listen to English podcasts, audiobooks, and English songs. These activities will help improve their listening comprehension skills and expose them to different accents and intonations. Additionally, individuals can watch English movies and television shows with subtitles to further enhance their listening skills.ReadingReading English materials such as books, articles, and newspapers is another effective way to improve English language skills. Individuals can set a goal to read a certain number of pages or articles per day. This will help them expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension, and enhance their reading speed. Furthermore, individuals can utilize online resources such as e-books and English language websites to access a wide variety of reading materials.SpeakingPracticing speaking is essential for improving English language skills. During the holiday break, individuals can engage in conversations with native English speakers, join English conversation clubs, or participate in language exchange programs. Additionally, individuals can record themselves speaking in English and listen to their recordings to identify areas for improvement. These activities will help individuals gain confidence in speaking English and improve their pronunciation and fluency.WritingWriting is a fundamental aspect of English language learning. Individuals can set a goal to write a certain number of words or paragraphs in English every day. They can practice writing essays, emails, and journal entries to improve their writing skills. Additionally, individuals can seek feedback from English teachers, tutors, or language exchange partners to further enhance their writing abilities. Moreover, individuals can utilize online resources such as writing prompts and grammar checkers to improve their writing proficiency. VocabularyExpanding one's vocabulary is crucial for improving English language skills. Individuals can set a goal to learn a certain number of new words each day. They can use flashcards, vocabulary apps, and online resources to learn and review new words. Additionally, individuals can incorporate new words into their speaking and writing practice to reinforce their understanding and usage of the words. Furthermore, individuals can utilize mnemonic devices and word associations to aid in the retention of new vocabulary.GrammarUnderstanding grammar rules and structures is essential for effective communication in English. Individuals can review and practice grammar exercises during the holiday break. They can utilize grammar books, online resources, and language learning apps to improve their grasp of English grammar. Additionally, individuals can seek guidance from English teachers or tutors to clarify any grammatical questions or concerns. Moreover, individuals can incorporate grammar exercises into their speaking and writing practice to reinforce their understanding and application of grammar rules.Cultural ImmersionLearning about English-speaking cultures is an integral part of mastering the English language. Individuals can immerse themselves in English-speaking cultures by exploring English literature, history, and customs. They can read books, watch documentaries, and attend cultural events to gain a deeper understanding of English-speaking societies. Additionally, individuals can engage in cultural exchange programs or travel to English-speaking countries to experience the language and culture firsthand. These activities will help individuals develop a holistic understanding of the English language and its cultural context.ConclusionThe English learning holiday plan outlined above provides a comprehensive approach for individuals to improve their English language skills during their holiday break. By incorporating listening, reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural immersion activities into their holiday routine, individuals can make significant progress in their English language proficiency. Ultimately, the key to success in English language learning lies in consistent and dedicated practice. With determination and perseverance, individuals can achieve fluency and confidence in using the English language.。
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英语小报 颈neck ,腿leg ,
胳膊arm ,脚foot 。
头head ,手hand ,发准读音别搞错。
脸face ,嘴mouth ,鼻子nose ,齿tooth 。
耳ear ,肩shoulder ,还有手指是finger 。
眼eye ,膝knee 脚趾toe , 全说对了 "Thank you".
教学文具顺口溜 家庭 叮铃铃,闹钟叫,背起bag 出门早,Go to school 不迟到;Book 书本知识多,勾勾画画要记牢;先用sharpener 削好笔,Pen pencil 派用场;Ruler 尺子画直线,Caryon 蜡笔涂色忙;一不小心写错字,eraser 来帮忙;学习用品要收好,Pencil-case 别丢掉,物品整齐 最重要。
爸father ,妈mother ,哥哥弟弟brother , 姐姐妹妹sister 。
叔伯舅舅uncle , 婶妗姨姑是aunt 。
若是儿子成为son , 若是女儿为daughter 。
隔辈祖孙怎称呼? 前面都加grand 。
妻子若是称wife , 丈夫就是husband 称谓歌 身体部位歌。