
Unit 1
• 2. Translation (P7) • 1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring. • 2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in his car, but insisted we should share the petrol costs. • 3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give up smoking or reduce the amount they smoke. • 4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume. • 5) When you find yourself often upset about small matters, you’d better cultivate a hobby.
3) through 6) next to 9) with,for
Unit 2
• • • • • • • • Lesson 4 3.(P27) 1) 英格兰南放下了几天大雪,地上积雪有几英寸厚。 2) 托马斯•凯林顿在伦敦一家事务所工作,可是他 的家在伦敦以南40英里苏塞克斯郡的一个叫希尔• 帕克的小镇。 3)凯林顿向来注重仪表。 4)有些人发现凯林顿的鞋子很脏,这让他有点害 臊。 5)当晚凯林顿应邀赴宴,与老朋友们共度了几个 小时的愉快时光。 6)没时间去候车室了,可是他总不能穿着笨重破 旧的拾掇花园时穿的鞋子在伦敦大街上到处逛游, 或是坐在办公桌旁办公吧。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Unit 1 University Student LifeSection AWord Pretest1. D2. B3. B4. C5. D6. D7. A8. BReading Comprehensionl. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognizedvarious differentpanic sudden fearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiological of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort and energymaster overallrecreation way of spending free timeestimate calculate roughlyroutine regular; usualpriority first concernrelaxation rest1. flexible2. established3. panic4. strenuous5. priority6. routine7. Rationally8. recreations Suffix1. familiarize2. visualize3. merely4. idealize5. finalize6. necessarily7. physically8. highly Clozefavorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B1. D2. C3. C4. B5. C6. B7. D8. D Section Cl. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. AUnit 2 Culture ShockSection AWord Pretest1. C2. A3. D4. C5. C6. B7. A8. D Reading Comprehension1. C2. D3. D4. D5. D6. CVocabulary BuildingWord Matchexaggerate say more than the truth about something slang nonstandard vocabularyadapt make or become suitableinsecure weak; uncertain; unprotecteddistinct different; separatechallenging difficult, but in an interesting wayrange vary within limitsadjust change slightly in order to make suitableaggressive ready for conflictcope with deal withoccur happenidentity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting; under its own powerdistortion twist; changing shapereverse opposite; contraryl. slang 2. exaggerate 3. cope with 4. reverse5. adapt / adjust6. range / ranged7. occurred8. aggressive Suffixl. dividable / divisible 2. determination 3. dependable 4. satisfaction 5. correction 6. relation 7. usable / useable 8. recognizableClozeforeign anxious behavior mean necessarilyappear unsure approach frustrations systemSection Bl. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. DSection Cl. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. DUnit 3 MovieSection AWord Pretestl. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. DReading Comprehensionl. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchnominee candidatecreate make; inventstare look at for a long timereduce decrease; make lessoverhear accidentally hear what others are sayingimpress fill someone with admirationexpense costvictim one who is harmed or killedfloat stay on the surface of the watercynicism distrustminiature small; tinysubstitute something / somebody that takes the place of another grateful thankfulscrape scratch awayillusion false impressionl. scrape 2. grateful 3. substitute 4. expenses5. reduce6. staring7. impressed8. floatsSuffixl. confidence 2. distance 3. devilish 4. presence5. importance6. childish7. patience8. appearance Clozestars drawings movies love rememberkinds serious well-known collect hangingSection Bl. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8.D Section Cl. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. TUnit 4 FoodSection AWord Pretestl. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B Reading Comprehensionl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchflavor tastecompliment praisevegetarian one who does not eat meatdairy relating to milk or milk productingredient any of the things that are formed into a mixture dessert sweet food served after the main part of a mealdiet food and drink usually taken by a personbarbecue cook food on a metal frame outdoorscuisine food cooked in a particular styleappetizer food or drink taken to increase the desire for food courteous polite and kindstaple basic foodportion part of something largerdough flour mixed with water ready for bakingsufficient enoughl. courteous 2. flavor 3. staple 4. ingredients5. barbecue6. compliment7. portion8. sufficientPrefixl. disagrees 2. misunderstands 3. disappearance 4. misleading 5. disadvantage 6. misfortune 7. discourage 8. misinterpretedClozeingredients called hands increase rising allowed final ovenSection Bl. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. BSection Cl. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. BUnit 6 SportsSection AWord Pretestl. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. CReading Comprehensionl. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchboulevard a wide road in a city with lined trees along itfervent passionateconquer win; defeatpropose make an offer of marriagemessenger a person who brings messagesembrace clasp in the arms; hugpop burst open with a short, quick, explosive soundmotto a short expression of a guiding principlemillennium a period of 1,000 yearsbribery giving or taking a gift in order to do something dishonest exhausted very tiredstadium a large sports-ground with seats for spectatorscommittee a group of people selected to do something specialmodal a piece of metal given to a person as an honorathlete a person who is good at sport1. exhausted2. athlete3. motto4. bribery5. embraced6. committee7. proposed8. medalSuffix1. Egyptian2. Spanish3. British4. scholarship5.Roman6. relationship7. Portuguese8. leadershipClozegames list week wins name divided think lowerSection B1. B2. C3. F4. T5. T6. F7. A8. C9. C 10. C Section C1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F7. T8.F9. T 10. TUnit 7 ShynessSection AWord Pretest1. C2. C3. C4. A5. C6. B7. B8. C Reading Comprehension1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. F Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchstumble speak in an uncertain waytentative not certainspouse husband or wifesignal a sound or action intended to give a messagebrood spend time thinking sadly about something intelligent having powers of learning, reasoning or understanding potential possibility for developmentwander move about without a fixed purposescold criticize in an angry waytyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustlystride walk with quick, long stepsintimidate threaten: frightencommitted having made a firm promiseinherit receive something from one's parentspersonality character; individualityl. signal 2. tentative 3. personality 4. committed5. scolded6. brooding7. wandering8. stridingSuffixl. government 2. peaceful 3. statement 4. engagement5. destructive6. disagreement7. effective8. helpfulClozepeople women worse interview public position differently service low physicalSection Bl. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.T 9. B 10. C Section Cl. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8.BUnit 11 AdvertisingSection AWord Pretest1. B2. A3. B4. A5. B6. C7. B8. CReading Comprehension1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. B7. B8. CVocabulary BuildingWord Matchcampaign a series of activities for a particular aimtransmission passing something from one person or place to another substantial l arge in size, value or importancevacuum a space with nothing at all in itliteracy the ability to read and writestimulate encourage something to grow, develop or become activetune-up adjust (an engine) to improve performancemilestone an important eventreinforce make something strongerconnotation feelings or ideas that are suggested by a word manufacturer producershade slight differenceassociate connectremarkable extraordinaryfeature play an important partl. associate 2. substantial 3. literacy 4. milestone5. remarkable6. connotation7. features8. shadesPrefixl. reconsideration 2. overpraised 3. replace 4. overwork 5. regain 6. overweight 7. recall 8. overanxious Clozemoney attempt persuade growingpreference advertisers rational unconsciousSection Bl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C Section Cl. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10. T。

I. Question for discussion:How do you define a student?/ What is a student?What is a good student (what qualities should a good student have)?What should a student do?What makes a student stand out from the rest?Goal of education:What other qualities of a good student were suggested by the author?What challenges is education faced with?Are there any problems with the present education system?II. Background Informationabout the author:DONALD E. SIMANEKPersonal data:Born Dec. 10, 1936. Married, no children.Education:Ph.D. in Physics, Dec. 1983, The Pennsylvania State University.M.S. in Physics, 1962, The University of Iowa.B.A. in Liberal Arts/Physics, 1959, The University of Iowa.High School graduation, 1955, Valedictorian.Elementary and Secondary School: Walker Consolidated School, Walker, Iowa.Honors and Awards:Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (Penn State Univ.) 1972.Van Allen Physics Scholarship (Univ. of Iowa) 1958-59.Phi Eta Sigma national honorary fraternity (Univ. of Iowa), 1956-57.University of Iowa Merit Scholarship, 1955-56 and 1956-57.Employment [chronological order]:Teaching and research assistantships in physics at Univ. of Iowa from 1956 (sophomore year) through 1961 (graduate school).Instructor of Physics, Mankato State College, 1961-1964.Assistant Prof. of Physics, Lock Haven State College, 1964-1973.Associate Prof. of Physics, Lock Haven State College, 1973-1983.Professor of Physics, Lock Haven University, 1983-1999. (LHSC's name changed to LHU in 1983) Retired, Jan 1, 1999.Research experiences1.1980-82 Condensed Matter research project at the Pennsylvania State University underAnthony Baratta.2.1957. Research expedition doing high altitude studies of cosmic rays using instrumentedrockoons, with James A. Van Allen, near the Arctic Circle.Publications:1.Since 2007 I've done a regular column titled Toys, Tricks and Teasers in MAKE:magazine, and occasional feature articles for them.2.Book reviews in MAKE:, Skeptic and The Skeptical Inquirer3.Editor, The Vector an informal Lock Haven University publication, 1976 to 1991.4.Anisotropy of Conduction Electron Scattering from Vacancies in Copper. Ph.D. Thesis,Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, Dec. 1983.5.Simanek, D. E., Baratta, Lodder and Ehrlich. "Conduction Electron Scattering fromVacancies in Copper. "Physical Review B, 36, 9082 (15 Dec 1987).6.Baratta, A. J., Lodder and Simanek. "Calculation of Conduction Electron Scattering Ratesfrom Vacancies in Copper and Gold." Physical Review B, 36, 9088 (15 Dec 1987).7.Simanek, D. E. "Constructive Fun." The Physics Teacher. (Feb 1994).8.Simanek, D. E. and John C. Holden Science Askew. The institute of Physics Publishing,2002.Since 1997 I have developed and maintained a web site devoted to physics education, science and pseudoscience, skepticism, philosophy of science and other topics. This site has received favorable comment from Physics Today, The Physics Teacher, The New Scientist, Science, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and The London Sunday Times.Areas of special interest:•History and philosophy of science.•The science/pseudoscience boundary.•Photography (Stereo).•Visual illusions.•Meccano/Erector designs for physics demos and labs.•Concept development in physics./%7Edsimanek/vitadon.htmIII. Language points:1. Academic1). [usually before noun] relating to education, especially at college or university levelHe possessed no academic qualifications.a program designed to raise academic standards2). [usually before noun] concerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical workthe study of art as an academic disciplineacademic year [countable]the period of the year during which there are school or university classes2. Accomplishment [transitive]Accomplishto succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hardᅳsynonym achieveWe have accomplished all we set out to do.Mission accomplished (=we have done what we intended to do).accomplishment1). [countable]something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard workᅳsynonym achievementimpressive/significant/great etc accomplishmentCutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment.It was a major accomplishment for a player who had been injured so recently.2). [uncountable] the act of finishing or achieving something goodaccomplishment ofthe accomplishment of policy goalsThe Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment. 阿波罗计划与其说是一项科学成果,不如说是一项技术成就。

Dictionary: the action of taking the first step or move; responsibility for beginning or originating
accomplishment --- work completely, achievement
A. policy --- wise, expedient (恰当) or prudent (谨慎) conduct or management
B. achievement --- a thing achieved, esp. by skill, work, courage, etc.
II. Time Arrangement
1. Explanation of Context and Word Pretest:1 teaching period teaching period
In-Class Activity, the 1ststep
(“include” is a verb that its subject contains all the items listed in its object.)
2. To haveinitiativemeansto be able to do things without being told.
Sometime a clue is from the context in the form ofexamples or items, so we can easily guess the meaning of the specified word or expression by the examples or theitems. The clue from this kind of context is usually calledexample clue.

大学英语之泛读第一册1~5单元答案大学英语之泛读第一册1~5单元答案Cloze -- Passage 1The French division of McDonald's has run advertisements that included a surprising ____1____: Kidsshouldn't eat at McDonald's more than once a week.The advertisements, ____2____ information from specialists, aim to show that "McDonald's meals are part of a balanced weekly diet," said Euro RSCG, the agency that came up with the ads, which appeared this spring,mostly in French women's magazines.Alongside quotes from specialists addressing ____3____ and diets for children, the ads described how McDonald's hamburgers are made of 100 percent real beef and cooked on a grill free of ____4____ oil.One ad placed in Femme Actuelle in April quoted a nutritionist who said, "there's no reason to ____5____ fast food, or visit McDonald's more than once a week."The McDonald's Corp., based in Oak Brook, Ill., said in a statement Wednesday that it "strongly ____6____"with the nutritionist quoted in the French advertisement."The vast majority of nutrition professionals say that McDonald's food can be and is a part of a healthy diet based on the sound nutrition ____7____ of balance, variety and moderation(适度)," the statement said.Since opening its first French branch in 1968, McDonald's has expanded ____8____ in France. More recentlythe multinational has come under fire from anti-globalization____9____, farmers' groups, and in Paris, striking workers.Last year, sheep farmer-turned-activist Jose Bove became a standard-bearer for the French anti-globalization____10____ when he led a group that ransacked(洗劫) a McDonald's in southern France.A) quoting B) continuously C) overweightD) suggestion E) abuse F) protestersG) occasionally H) additional I) tameJ) movement K) disagreed L) healedM) principles N) conference O) prosperousCloze -- Passage 2Female cheetahs(印度豹) at the Bronx Zoo in New York just love Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men perfume.No, they don't ____1____their favorite perfume behind their ears, but they do enjoy rubbing up against tree trunks ____2____ with the scent.Instead this is part of a program of the Wildlife Conservation Society, which ____3____ New York City'szoos and aquariums, to keep animals healthy and happy."We want to enrich the daily lives of the animals, both ____4____ and psychologically," Diana Reiss, senior research scientist at theConservation Society, told reporter. "One of the ways we do that is offering our animalsdifferent kinds of scents to give them ____5____."The scents provide a way to stimulate the animals. Reiss said smell is ____6____ to the lives of animals."With our cheetahs at the Bronx Zoo, we worked from ____7____ perfumes to expensive perfumes," she said. "The one they respond to the most is Calvin Klein Obsession for Men. But they also respond to inexpensiveperfumes."The wildlife workers test the animals' ____8____ to various scents by spraying tree trunks with different perfumes or placing cinnamon or other spices in the animals' ____9____. "We'll observe how much time theyspend in that area," Reiss said.But not all animals have high-class tastes when it comes to scents, Reiss said. Female cheetahs at the BronxZoo may rank Obsession for Men as their ____10____ perfume. But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo. They like something that really smells.A) physically B) variety C) applyD) essential E) inexpensive F) responseG) sprayed H) favorite I) considerablyJ) operates K) environment L) regulationM) initial N) frequency O) swear1Cloze -- Passage 3The Mona Lisa is showing her age, museum curators in Paris said while announcing a scientific study of the 500-year-old masterpiece.The thin wooden ____1____ around Leonardo da Vinci's painting is showing signs of warping, causing curators at the Louvre "some worry".The museum has ____2____ a study to evaluate the Mona Lisa's vulnerability to climate changes.The painting will remain on ____3____during the testing, the Louvre said."Its state of preservation is ____4____the source of some concern,"a statement issued by the museum said.Deterioration in its wood panel was "greater than that which has been ____5____observed," it added.The study, to be conducted by the Centre for Research and Restoration of Museums of France, will better ____6____what materials the painting is made of.The painting, whose ____7____smile attracts millions of visitors to the Louvre, is displayed behind glass to protect it from ____8____changes and camera flashes.It will be put in a specially ____9____room in the Louvre early next year.The Mona Lisa was painted between 1503-1506 and was thought to be named after the sitter, most likely the Florentine wife of Francesco del Giocondo.It moved to France with da Vinci in the early 16th Century, where it has ____10____except for a short spellwhen it was stolen in 1911. The painting was discovered two years later in a Florence hotel.A) mysterious B) previously C) doseD) commissioned E) charity F) climaticG) intentionally H) redecorated I) interfereJ) display K) determine L) currentlyM) panel N) charming O) remainedCloze -- Passage 4The ability to see words on either side of the point at which your eyes focus is called peripheral vision (周围的视觉). Foreign students of English often feel that it isimpossible to recognize so many words at a single ____1____ or within a short time. It is difficult for many ____2____speakers too, but it can be done. It issomething that has to be done if you are to read as ____3____as you should. You can increase your peripheral vision by eye exercises.Equally important is the importance of moving your eyes from pointto point in a uniform rhythm. Slow reading often ____4____fromregression, the number of times your eyes have to go back. While practising to increase your peripheral vision and uniform rhythm, you may ____5____have to reread. Do not get ____6____. A smooth, forward rhythm comes with practice. ____7____your speed will get to the point where your eyes move comfortably forward without regression.A final ____8____of slow reading is forming the sounds of each word, even though you might not speak them aloud. The ____9____ American native speaks English at 180 to 200 words a minute. If you read each word in ____10____, it is impossible to read faster than this. Reading 200 words a minute is a dangerously slow speed.A) average B) eventually C) resultsD) column E) discouraged F) rapidlyG) subsequent H) glance I) mindJ) scratched K) process L) nativeM) occasionally N) cause O) offendsCloze -- Passage 5It seems you always forget -- your reading glasses when you are rushing to work, your coat when you are going to the ____1____, your credit card when you are shopping…Such absent-mindedness may be ____2____to you. Now British and German scientists are developing memory glassesthat ____3____everything the user sees.The glasses can play back memories ____4____to help the wearer remember things they have forgotten such as where they left their keys.And the glasses also allow the user to "label" items so information can be used later on.The wearer could walk around an office or a factory ____5____certain items by pointing at them. Objectsindicated are then given a blank label on a screen inside the glasses that the user then ____6____in.It could be used in ____7____plants by mechanics looking to identify machine parts or by electricians wiring complicated a device.2A spokesman for the project, said: "A car ____8____ for instance could find at a glance where a part on acertain car model is so that it can be identified and repaired."For the ____9____ the system could highlight accident black spotsor dangers on the road."In other cases the glasses could be worn by people going on a guided tour, indicating points of ____10____orby people looking at panoramas where all the sites could be identified.A) later B) motorists C) moistureD) noticeable E) frustrating F) fillsG) dashing H) necessity I) recordJ) halts K) cleaners L) mechanicM) industrial N) interest O) identifyingCareful Reading – Passage 1In a recent book entitled The Psychic Life of Insects Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not tocredit the little winged fellow with intelligence when they behavein what seems like an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the Professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which cannot be explained away in any other manner.During the summer, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, wekept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference.It was still a young wasp when we got it and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was female, we decided to call it Miriam.One evening I had been working late in my laboratory fooling around with some gin and other chemicals, and in leaving the room I tripped over a line of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor and knocked over my card index which contained the names and addresses ofall the larvae worth knowing in North American. The cards went everywhere.I was too tired to stop to pick them that night. As I went, however, I noticed the wasp was flying about in circles over the scattered cards.―Maybe Miriam will pick them up‖, I said half laughingly to myself, neverthinking for one moment that such would be the case.When I came down the next morning Miriam was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out. And well she might have been. For there on thefloor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them thenight before. The faithful little insect had bussed about all nighttrying to come to some decision about picking them up and arranging them in the boxes for me, and then had figured out for herself that, as she knew practically nothing on larvae of any sort except wasp larvae, she would probably make more of a mess of rearranging them than if she hadleft them on the floor for me to fix. It was just too much for her to tackle, and discouraged, she went over and lay down in her box, whereshe cried herself to sleep.1. Professor Bouvier most probably agrees that __________.A. insects‘ reasoning power has nothing to do with intelligenceB. wasps can only behave in an instinctive mannerC. wasps are different from other winged creaturesD. the issue of insects‘ intelligence need further research2. The author took the wasp Miriam to the cottage because __________.A. Miriam was treated like a childB. Miriam was the pet of the familyC. the author was studying insects for his doctoral thesisD. the author wanted to prove that insects have intelligence3. When the card index scattered on the floor, the author __________.A. decided to pick them up the next morningB. believed Miriam would pick them upC. didn‘t understand why Miriam flew about over the cardsD. found it ridiculous that Miriam would pick them up4. By saying ―And well she might have been‖ (Sen. 2, Para. 6), the author thinks that Miriam was __________.A. exhaustedB. intelligentC. energeticD. depressed35. Which of the following statement was based on facts rather thanon the author‘s pure thinking?A. Miriam cried herself to sleep.B. Miriam had bussed about all night.C. Miriam could only tell wasp larvae.D. Miriam had left the cards on the floor.Careful Reading – Passage 2The 35-year-old Beijing woman is watching an ad showing a giant television made by the Chinese companyHaier. A stream of introduction for the television floats in and outof view, including one about receivingelectronic mail over the tube. A surfer rides the waves between skyscrapers, his wash leaving an ―@‖ in thewater. The ad is ―too direct‖, she tells an interviewer. ―Ther e is this guy talking, telling me all about the product, showing me some images. We get it –but we don‘t like it.‖Since a Shanghai television station aired China‘s first TVcommercial in 1979, most have been the plain, straightforward, tell-the-name-of-the-product-and-what-it-does kind. Those started disappearing the U.S. in thelate 1960s in favor of more subtle pitches using irony and humor. Now a study says Chinese commercials don‘t have to talk down to consumers anymore either – at least the one-th ird of them living in China‘s prosperous cities,and who most interest advertisers.Even the Western agencies that win awards elsewhere for hip, inventive commercials usually keep it simple inChina. After all this country only began flirting with capitalism 20 years ago and is fairly new to advertising.And to consumer culture, too. China is still a developing nation where an income of just $2,0000 a year qualifies an urban household as middle-class. On the other hand, city people who once aspired to own the ―big three‖ – atelevision, refrigerator and washing machine – have already moved up to DVD players and mobile phones. And with a population of 1.3billion, the world‘s largest, China is a huge market. That is why the world‘s largestcompanies, from Coca-Cola to Procter $ Gamble, are battling it out in China. Advertisers spent more than $500million dollars through the first half of the year, estimates market researcher, making China the largest advertising market in Asia after Japan.The prevailing view of many of those advertisers and their agencies is that the Chinese don‘t yet get clever orsubtle advertising and they prefer a straightforward ad withlots of information. But the April survey of almost500 people in five China‘s largest cities discovered ―a savvy urban population, tired of a diet of ?boring‘ ads and hungry to be treated as the sophisticated decision-makers they are.‖ In short, the Chinese appreciation of what makes a good ad is no different from their counterparts anywhere else in the world.1. The 35-year-old woman was dissatisfied with the Haire TV because __________.A. there is too much misleading information about itB. its function is too similar to that of a computerC. its advertisement was too difficult to understandD. it has been advertised in a simple-minded way2. By saying that ―Chinese commercials don‘t have to talk down to consumers‖, the author suggests that__________.A. the plain and straight-forward way of advertising should be abolishedB. it is not necessary to take up irony and humor in advertisementC. advertisers are more interested in how to attract the high-class citizensD. those disappearing in the U.S. may be just appropriate in China 3. What can we learn about the consumer culture in China?A. It is not as complicated as that outside China.B. It has not been fully understood yet.C. Its influence on advertising is still limited.D. It is one of the most important products of capitalism4. The author will agree that China‘s middle-class households__________.A. are interested in inventive ads instead of simple onesB. earn less than the overseas middle-class householdsC. contribute most to China‘s consumer marketD. no longer aspired to own the ―the big three‖5. The passage mainly intends to discuss __________.A. the most effective ways of advertising in ChinaB. the development of advertising styles in ChinaC. consumers‘ view on the ads in ChinaD. a misconception on the ads in China4Careful Reading – Passage 3The HMS Ontario is one of the most famous shipwrecks and was discovered by two Rochester engineers Jim Kennard, 64, who has spent more than half his life pursuing The HMS Ontario, along with Dan Scoville, 35, a shipwreck diver. They discovered The HMS Ontario deepoff the southern shore of Lake Ontario when side-scanning sonar system that Mr. Kennard, a retired Kodak engineer, designed and built himself, showed a picture of something deep in Lake Ontario. The location of the shipwreck had been unknown for 228 years.Experienced ship wreck divers Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville have discovered seven of Lake Ontario‘s estimated 500 shipwrecks in the last six years alone. Jim Kennard also designed a microwave-sized remote submersible that they deployed to go down and take the shipwreck‘s video. The shipwreck is quit e deep in LakeOntario, so the remote machine with video was very useful.―Right away we saw the quarter gallery, the windows in thestern, the cannons,‖ said Jim Kennard. ―There was no mistaking. That‘s when we started getting excited.‖ The discovery of t he ship wreck was confirmed by The HMS Ontario expert Canadian Arthur Britton Smith, who authored the definitive book on the HMS Ontario.The loss of the HMS Ontario, is one of the worst-ever disasters recorded on Lake Ontario. In her time The HMS Ontario was the most-feared ship on the Great Lakes. It was 1780 and the Yankees werethreatening to storm across Lake Ontario and seize Montreal from the British. But the intimidating 226-ton Ontario –22 cannons, two 80-foot masts, a beamy hull with cargo space for 1000 barrels, was intimidating. On Oct. 31, 1780, she sailed into a storm with around 120 passengers on board and was never seen again. The British tried to keep the news of the ship wreck hush hush.The HMS Ontario appears to be in perfect shape and The HMS Ontariohas aged remarkably well though zebra mussels cover much of the woodwork. Leaning on a 45-degree angle, her masts still jut straight up from her decks where several guns lie upside-down and a brass bell, brass cleats and the stern lantern are perfectly visible. The Seven windows acrossher stern still have glass. Shipwrecks in cold freshwater are well preserved, that is why great lakes shipwrecks are prized. At 500 feet deep, where the HMS Ontario lies, there is no light and no oxygen to speed up the decomposition, and little marine life to feed on the wood.There was no evidence of the roughly 113 Canadian men, women,children and American prisoners who went down with the ship - the passengers – mostly Canadian soldiers from the 34th regiment – were never found.Nobody knows for sure how many passengers perished on the Ontario;the British kept their prisoner counts secret.Out of worries over looting, Mr. Jim Kennard and Mr. Dan Scovilleare not revealing The HMS Ontario‘s location. The v essel sits in water up to 500 feet deep and cannot be reached by anyone other thanexperienced divers. It is not believed to have any shipwreck treasure on it as was reported other than a few shipwreck coins that belonged to the passengers.Kennard said he and his partner have gathered enough ship wreckvideo of the ship that it will not be necessary to return to the site. He added that they hope to make a documentary about the discovery with the video of the shipwreck.The Great Lakes host many shipwreck locations and there are an estimated 4,700 shipwrecks in total, of which 500 are in Lake Ontario. Freshwater shipwrecks are famous for their preservation of the vessels and make popular diving spots.1. The two discoverers of the HMS Ontario saw its video __________.A. with the help of a scanning sonar systemB. with the help of a remote submersibleC. on an Ontario TV channelD. on a DVD about history2. The HMS Ontario was most probably a __________.A. cruise linerB. fishing boatC. war shipD. cargo ship3. Great Lakes shipwrecks are highly valued because __________.A. they are well protected against decompositionB. they need to be explored with high technologyC. they are of great use to the research of historyD. they have much well-preserved treasure on board4. What is Not true about the HMS Ontario?A. No trace of human being has been found in the shipwreck.B. The passengers were evacuated before the ship sank.5C. The ship used to belong to the British Navy.D. There was not much treasure on the ship.5. What will Jim and Dan do with the HMS Ontario shipwreck?A. They will take it to the surface when they get more financial fund.B. They will make it a popular diving spot.C. They will reveal the location of the ship when the video is released.D. They will leave the shipwreck where it is.6. Which paragraph is Not about the finding of Jim and Dan?A. Paragraph 3.B. Paragraph 4.C. Paragraph 5.D. Paragraph 6.Careful Reading – Passage 4Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887), a van Gogh self-portraitdonein Paris, is one of his most intriguing yet most neglected works. The artist‘s gloomy eyes stare out from his face in half-profile, facing tothe left, and the world-weary expression initially appears to support the view of critics such as James Risser, who explains van Gogh‘s self-portraits as a sustained search for identity.Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887) initially appears to comply with Risser‘s eva luation. In this work, thepainter depicted himself wearing a jumper of intense blue before a background done almost entirely in gray but with noticeable blurs of blue—most notably in the top right corner. Overall the painting appears to be unfinished, a hastily done portrait that the painter abandoned to create more lasting works.In its incom plete state we can precisely read ―an unfinished life,‖ and in the wild strokes of casual blue in thebackground and splashed across the artist‘s garments we arei nstantly confronted with the sense of growing ―more and more out of control.‖But is this an accurate evaluation? On the one hand, Risser seems to have legitimate cause for envisioning van Gogh‘s self-portrait as psychological self-analysis, a painting th at ―reveals an emotional intensity hiding beneath the surface‖. But is the chaotic surfaceeffect of the blue in this painting actually a form of self-criticism, theartist‘s own intense and emotional despair over his loss of control—or is it representative of an underlyingaesthetic whose focus is not the painter himself? Anintriguing alternative exists: van Gogh may not have painted the self-portraits as psychoanalytical evaluations of himself, but instead merely as experiments in technique. The artist often stated that he painted himself only because he lacked other models, a view found in thecritical work of both Richard Kendall and T.J. Shackelford. Perhaps, then, van Gogh was not trying to learn about himself but about art as a whole while painting these portraits and hence we ought to read theself-portraits as a series of statements about art itself. The key to this analysis may be a careful exploration of the special color symbolism van Gogh attached to the color blue. Unlike our everyday association of blue with melancholy or boredom, the artist imagined blue as a symbol for the infinite or the limitless. Such a view calls into question the idea that self-portraits such as van Gogh‘s Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887) were a psychological profil e of the artist‘s melancholy or despair. Instead, when we consider blue‘s special symbolic r ole as the infinite in van Gogh‘s Paris self-portraits, we discover a new narrative describing the painter‘s own aesthetic: his insistence that the future of art lay in expressive rather thanrealistic methods.1. What does James Risser think of van Gogh‘s self-portraits?A. Different self-portraits represent van Gogh‘s different attitude towards life.B. Many of his self-portraits have been neglected by critics.。

Unit 1 University Student Life Section AWord Pretest1. D2. B3. B4. C5. D6. D7. A8. BReading Comprehensionl. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognizedvarious differentpanic sudden fearconsolidate s trengthenassignment homeworkbiological of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort and energymaster overallrecreation way of spending free timeestimate calculate roughlyroutine regular; usualpriority first concernrelaxation rest1. flexible2. established3. panic4. strenuous5. priority6. routine7. Rationally8. recreations Suffix1. familiarize2. visualize3. merely4. idealize5. finalize6. necessarily7. physically8. highly Clozefavorable their respected professors authorityrole expect need several changesSection B1. D2. C3. C4. B5. C6. B7. D8. DSection Cl. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. AUnit 2 Culture ShockSection AWord Pretest1. C2. A3. D4. C5. C6. B7. A8. DReading Comprehension1. C2. D3. D4. D5. D6. CVocabulary BuildingWord Matchexaggerate say more than the truth about somethingslang nonstandard vocabularyadapt make or become suitableinsecure weak; uncertain; unprotecteddistinct different; separatechallenging difficult, but in an interesting wayrange vary within limitsadjust change slightly in order to make suitableaggressive ready for conflictcope with deal withoccur happenidentity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting; under its own powerdistortion twist; changing shapereverse opposite; contraryl. slang 2. exaggerate 3. cope with 4. reverse5. adapt / adjust6. range / ranged7. occurred8. aggressive Suffixl. dividable / divisible 2. determination 3. dependable 4. satisfaction 5. correction 6. relation 7. usable / useable 8. recognizable Clozeforeign anxious behavior mean necessarilyappear unsure approach frustrations systemSection Bl. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. DSection Cl. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. DUnit 3 MovieSection AWord Pretestl. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. DReading Comprehensionl. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. AVocabulary BuildingWord Matchnominee candidatecreate make; inventstare look at for a long timereduce decrease; make lessoverhear accidentally hear what others are sayingimpress fill someone with admirationexpense costvictim one who is harmed or killedfloat stay on the surface of the watercynicism distrustminiature small; tinysubstitute something / somebody that takes the place of another grateful thankfulscrape scratch awayillusion false impressionl. scrape 2. grateful 3. substitute 4. expenses5. reduce6. staring7. impressed8. floatsSuffixl. confidence 2. distance 3. devilish 4. presence5. importance6. childish7. patience8. appearanceClozestars drawings movies love rememberkinds serious well-known collect hangingSection Bl. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8.DSection Cl. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. TUnit 4 FoodSection AWord Pretestl. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B Reading Comprehensionl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C Vocabulary BuildingWord Matchflavor tastecompliment p raisevegetarian one who does not eat meatdairy relating to milk or milk productingredient any of the things that are formed into a mixture dessert sweet food served after the main part of a mealdiet food and drink usually taken by a personbarbecue cook food on a metal frame outdoorscuisine food cooked in a particular styleappetizer food or drink taken to increase the desire for food courteous polite and kindstaple basic foodportion part of something largerdough flour mixed with water ready for bakingsufficient enoughl. courteous 2. flavor 3. staple 4. ingredients5. barbecue6. compliment7. portion8. sufficientPrefixl. disagrees 2. misunderstands 3. disappearance 4. misleading 5. disadvantage 6. misfortune 7. discourage 8. misinterpreted Clozeingredients called hands increase rising allowed final oven Section Bl. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. BSection Cl. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. BUnit 6 SportsSection AWord Pretestl. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. CReading Comprehensionl. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchboulevard a wide road in a city with lined trees along itfervent passionateconquer win; defeatpropose make an offer of marriagemessenger a person who brings messagesembrace clasp in the arms; hugpop burst open with a short, quick, explosive soundmotto a short expression of a guiding principlemillennium a period of 1,000 yearsbribery giving or taking a gift in order to do something dishonest exhausted very tiredstadium a large sports-ground with seats for spectatorscommittee a group of people selected to do something specialmodal a piece of metal given to a person as an honorathlete a person who is good at sport1. exhausted2. athlete3. motto4. bribery5. embraced6. committee7. proposed8. medalSuffix1. Egyptian2. Spanish3. British4. scholarship5.Roman6. relationship7. Portuguese8. leadershipClozegames list week wins name divided think lowerSection B1. B2. C3. F4. T5. T6. F7. A8. C9. C 10. CSection C1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F7. T8.F9. T 10. TUnit 7 ShynessSection AWord Pretest1. C2. C3. C4. A5. C6. B7. B8. CReading Comprehension1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchstumble speak in an uncertain waytentative not certainspouse husband or wifesignal a sound or action intended to give a messagebrood spend time thinking sadly about somethingintelligent having powers of learning, reasoning or understandingpotential possibility for developmentwander move about without a fixed purposescold criticize in an angry waytyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustlystride walk with quick, long stepsintimidate threaten: frightencommitted having made a firm promiseinherit receive something from one's parentspersonality character; individualityl. signal 2. tentative 3. personality 4. committed5. scolded6. brooding7. wandering8. stridingSuffixl. government 2. peaceful 3. statement 4. engagement5. destructive6. disagreement7. effective8. helpfulClozepeople women worse interview public position differently service low physical Section Bl. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.T 9. B 10. CSection Cl. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8.BUnit 11 AdvertisingSection AWord Pretest1. B2. A3. B4. A5. B6. C7. B8. CReading Comprehension1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. B7. B8. CVocabulary BuildingWord Matchcampaign a series of activities for a particular aimtransmission passing something from one person or place to anothersubstantial large in size, value or importancevacuum a space with nothing at all in itliteracy the ability to read and writestimulate encourage something to grow, develop or become active tune-up adjust (an engine) to improve performance milestone an important eventreinforce make something strongerconnotation feelings or ideas that are suggested by a word manufacturer producershade slight differenceassociate connectremarkable extraordinaryfeature play an important partl. associate 2. substantial 3. literacy 4. milestone5. remarkable6. connotation7. features8. shadesPrefixl. reconsideration 2. overpraised 3. replace 4. overwork5. regain6. overweight7. recall8. overanxiousClozemoney attempt persuade growingpreference advertisers rational unconsciousSection Bl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. CSection Cl. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10. T。

Unit 1 University Student LifeSection AWord Pretest1。
D 2。
B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6。
D 7。
A 8。
BReading Comprehensionl. F 2。
T 3. F 4。
T 5。
F 6. F 7。
T 8. FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognizedvarious differentpanic sudden fearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiological of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort and energymaster overallrecreation way of spending free timeestimate calculate roughlyroutine regular; usualpriority first concernrelaxation rest1。
flexible 2。
established 3. panic 4。
strenuous5. priority6. routine 7。
Rationally 8。
recreations Suffix1。
familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize5. finalize6. necessarily7. physically 8。
highlyClozefavorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changesSec tion B1. D2. C 3。

1.3.2 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences
( P a r a . 1 ) The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and running over the young corn. They bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble.
F:father A:and
I:I L:love Y:you
The following is a poem that shows a new definition of mother:
M is for millions of things she gives you O is only that she is growing old
爱是对别人的宽容和牺牲。 爱是天空中永不沉落的太阳。
Love is the spring of the inspiration.
Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.
Jesse Hilton Stuart
Jesse Hilton Stuart ( 1907 –1984) was an American writer who is known for writing short stories, poetry, and novels about Southern Appalachia阿巴拉契亚地区(美国东
刘乃银主编《英语泛读教程》(1)Unit 1

1.3.2 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences
• Some species of blacksnakes are not venomous. • Coluber constrictor.
1.3.2 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences
Thought questions:
5. What revelations do you have about this story?
特别说明: 本教程的课件所引用的外来材料除非特别注明,一般均出自 网络维基百科词典
Jesse Hilton Stuart ( 1907 –1984) was an American writer who is known for writing short stories, poetry, and novels about Southern Appalachia.
(l. 6) We heard a ground whistle vi. to move quickly, making a high sound squirrel whistle down over the bluff among e.g. the dead treetops at The wind whistled down the the clearing’s edge. chimney. (编者)从悬崖上空地边缘 的枯萎的树梢里传来了一 只地松鼠的叫声。 我们听到了一只地松鼠迅速 窜下…
牛群不断地从悬崖上的板 栗橡树林中跑过来,横穿 过玉米苗田。他们咬掉玉 米苗尖,继而踩倒幼苗。

miniature substitute grateful scrape illusion
small; tiny something / somebody that takes the place of another thankful scratch away false impression
dessert diet barbecue cuisine appetizer
sweet food served after the main part of a meal food and drink usually taken by a person cook food on a metal frame outdoors food cooked in a particular style food or drink taken to increase the desire for food
Vocabulary Building
Word Match
an argument or disagreement
enterprise businesghtened successor
real; true showing true and deep understanding a person or thing that follows another
Word Match
rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions
established accepted; recognized
various panic
different sudden fear

《英语阅读》(1)练习答案1-10Unit 1 University Student LifeSection AWord PretestDBBC DDABReading ComprehensionFTFT FFTFVocabulary BuildingWord Matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotionestablished accepted; recognizedvarious differentpanic sudden fearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiological of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort and energymaster overallrecreation way of spending free timeestimate calculate roughlyroutine regular; usualpriority first concernrelaxation restflexible established panic strenuouspriority routine Rationally recreationsSuffixfamiliarize visualize merely idealizefinalize necessarily physically highlyClozefavorable their respected professors authorityrole expect need several changesSection BDCCB CBDDSection CDABD CBCAUnit 2 Culture ShockSection AWord PretestCADC CBADReading ComprehensionCDD DDCVocabulary BuildingWord Matchexaggerate say more than the truth about somethingslang nonstandard vocabularyadapt make or become suitableinsecure weak; uncertain; unprotecteddistinct different; separatechallenging difficult, but in an interesting wayrange vary within limitsadjust change slightly in order to make suitableaggressive ready for conflictcope with deal withoccur happenidentity the distinguishing character or personality of an individualautomatic self-acting; under its own powerdistortion twists; changing shapereverse opposite; contraryslang exaggerate cope with reverseadapt/adjust range/ ranged occurred aggressiveSuffixdividable / divisible determination dependablesatisfactioncorrection relation usable/useable recognizableClozeforeign anxious behavior meannecessarilyappear unsure approach frustrations systemSection BCBDC CDBDSection CCBBD BCADUnit 3 MovieSection AWord PretestBDBC DBADReading ComprehensionCDBC DBCAVocabulary BuildingWord Matchnominate candidatecreate make; inventstare look at for a long timereduce decrease; make lessoverhear accidentally hear what other are saying impress fill someone with admiration expense costvictim one who is harmed or killedfloat stay on the surface of the water cynicism distrustminiature small; tinysubstitute something / somebody that takes the place of another grateful thankfulscrape scratch awayillusion false impressionscrape grateful substitute expenses reduce staring impressed floatsSuffixconfidence distance devilish presenceimportance childish patience appearanceClozestars drawings movies love rememberkinds serious well-known collect hangingSection BDCCD CDABSection CTTTT FFTTUnit 4 FoodSection AWord PretestCCCB ACBBReading ComprehensionCBCB ACBCVocabulary BuildingWord Matchflavor tastecompliment praisevegetarian one who does not eat meatdairy relating to milk or milk productingredient any of the things that are formed into a mixturedessert sweet food served after the main part of a meal diet food and drink usually taken by a personbarbecue cook food on a metal frame outdoorscuisine food cooked in a particular styleappetizer food or drink taken to increase the desire for food courteous polite and kindstaple basic foodportion part of something largerdough flour mixed with water ready for bakingsufficient enoughcourteous flavor staple ingredientsbarbecue compliment portion sufficientPrefixdisagrees misunderstands disappearance misleading disadvantage misfortune discourage misinterpretedClozeingredients called hands increaserising allowed final ovenSection BADCB ADCBSection CACBC BBCBUnit 5 BusinessSection AWord PretestBBCD CAACReading ComprehensionDDDD CCADVocabulary BuildingWord Matchdispute an argument or disagreement enterprise business companyauthentic real; trueenlightened showing true and deep understanding successor a person or thing that follows another facility equipmentnegotiation discussion aimed at reaching an agreement measure a method for dealing with a situation serial in or forming a seriescapture seize by forcemultilateral i nvolving more than two groups or countriesstaff the group of people who work for an organizationannual happening once every yearinfrastructure basic systems and services, such as transport and power suppliescommitment a promise or decision to do somethingauthentic successor Negotiation disputefacilities measures multilateral s taffSuffixminimize delighted Industrial realizedfrightened organized partial talentedClozespread concept reason supermarkets estimateleast work price open fromSection BCCBB BBBDSection CTTFFF FTFTTUnit 6 SportsSection ACBBA CCACReading ComprehensionTFTF FTTFVocabulary BuildingWord Matchboulevard a wide road in a city with lined trees along itfervent passionateconquer win; defeatpropose make an offer of marriagemessenger a person who brings messagesembrace clasp in the arms; hugpop burst open with a short, quick, explosive soundmotto a short expression of a guiding principlemillennium a period of 1000 yearsbribery giving or taking a gift in order to do something dishonestexhausted very tiredstadium a large sports-ground with seats for spectatorscommittee a group of people selected to do something specialmedal a piece of metal given to a person as an honorathlete a person who is good at sportexhausted athlete motto briberyembraced committee proposed medalSuffixEgyptian Spanish British scholarshipRoman relationship Portuguese leadershipClozegames list week winsname divided think lowerSection BB C F T T F A C C CSection CF T F F F F T F T TUnit 7 ShynessSection AWord PretestCCCA CBBCReading ComprehensionF T F T F T T FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchstumble speak in an uncertain waytentative not certainspouse husband or wifesignal a sound or action intended to give a message brood spend time thinking sadly about somethingintelligent having powers of learning, reasoning or understanding potential possibility for developmentwander move about without a fixed purposescold criticize in an angry waytyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustlystride walk with quick, long stepsintimidate threaten; frightencommitted having made a firm promiseinherit receive something from one’s parentspersonality character; individualitysignal tentative personality committed scolded brooding wandering stridingSuffixgovernment peaceful statement engagementdestructive disagreement effective helpfulClozepeople women worse interview publicposition differently service low physicalSection BF T T T F T F T B CSection CBBBB CBABUnit 8 Native PeoplesSection AWord PretestBBBB CABAReading ComprehensionACCC CCCBVocabulary BuildingWord Matchimplement toolsophisticated not simple; complicatedinternal inside, domesticdiplomatic related to the relations between nationsdismiss refuse to considerobjective aim, goalmanual done by hand, of physical, rather than mental worksurvive continue to live or existbark the strong outer covering of a treeoffensive unpleasantcommunity all the people living in a particular district, or such a district itselfutensil a tool or container for practical usesacred holy, connected with religionpreserve a special area in which certain animals or plants are protectedaborigine a member of a group native to a placeSuffixdriver lovely murder actorcowardly beastly painter inventorClozedeveloped survive desert fooddetermined knife unknown thrownSection BBCCB BACBSection CFTFTF TTFFFUnit 9 Bible StoriesSection AWord PretestBBAC CBCAReading ComprehensionBACC CAACVocabularyWord Matchcunning clever in deceivingauthority the right or ability to controlbridegroom a man about to be marriedscatter separate and drive in many directionscontainer a box, bottle or any other object used for holding something disciple a followerdisgrace bring shame or dishonor tosin the breaking of a religious or moral lawprophet a person who foretells the futureupset worried, not calmrepent be sorry for and wish one hasn’t done (something bad)mortar mixture of cement and water used to join bricks and stones togetherwithhold hold back; keep back; refuseconceive become pregnantworship show great respect todisgraceful authority scattered repentedworship mortar sin discipleSuffixcareless poisonous pitiless innermostdangerous glorious Needless endlessClozeanimal snake eat gardentree like wonderful fruitSection BAABC CCBCSection CTTTF FFFTUnit 10 Festivals and HolidaysSection AWord Pretest:BCBC AABBReading Comprehension:FTFT FFFTWord Matchimmigrant someone coming into a country from abroad to settle thereorigin starting pointlegal allowed by lawholy connected with God and religioncorresponding m atching; similarbonfire a large fire built in the open air as a celebrationcostume clothes typical of a certain period, country or professionporch roofed entrancevertical upright; forming an angle of 90 degrees with the level grounddiversion entertainmentcouplet two successive lines of poetrydonate give something for the benefit of otherspreceding happening or existing ahead or in front ofdelicacy something good to eatsocialize spend the time with friends or other people to enjoy oneself1. vertical2. corresponding3. diversion4. Costume5. socializing6. donated7. preceding8. delicacySuffix1. shorten2. deafening3. quicken4. brighten5. leaden6. straighten7. deepened8. tightenedCloze: traditions practical celebrated carve candle expect door neighborhoodSection BCBBC CCACSection CBBBB CBAB。

英语泛读教程1参考答案Unit 1: Introduction to English Reading1. Vocabulary Exercises- Words:- Vocabulary:- Ambiguous: having more than one possible meaning- Connotation: the emotional or cultural associations of a word- Context: the circumstances or setting in which something happens or is said- Denotation: the literal meaning of a word- Phrases:- "In the context of": when considering the situation or environment- "To deduce": to reach a conclusion based on evidence2. Comprehension Questions- What is the difference between denotation and connotation?- Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, while connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word may carry.- Why is context important in understanding a text?- Context provides the circumstances or setting in which something is said or happens, which can greatly affect the interpretation of the text.3. Reading Comprehension- Main Idea: The passage discusses the importance of understanding vocabulary in the context of a text.- Supporting Details: It explains the concepts of denotation and connotation, and how they contribute to the meaning of words in different contexts.4. Critical Thinking- How might a word's connotation affect the tone of a written piece?- A word's connotation can subtly influence the tone of a written piece by adding positive or negative emotional undertones that may not be explicitly stated.Unit 2: Strategies for Effective Reading1. Vocabulary Exercises- Words:- Skimming: to read quickly to get the general idea- Scanning: to look through text quickly to findspecific information- Summarizing: to give a brief statement of the main points- Phrases:- "To skim through": to read something quickly to get an overview- "To scan for": to search quickly for specific information2. Comprehension Questions- What is the purpose of skimming a text?- Skimming is used to get a general idea of the content without reading every detail.- How does scanning differ from skimming?- Scanning is the act of quickly looking through text to find specific information, whereas skimming is for getting an overall understanding.3. Reading Comprehension- Main Idea: The passage outlines various strategies for effective reading, including skimming, scanning, and summarizing.- Supporting Details: It provides examples of how to apply these strategies to improve reading efficiency and comprehension.4. Critical Thinking- Which reading strategy would be most helpful for a student preparing for an exam, and why?- Summarizing might be most helpful as it allows the student to condense large amounts of information into key points, making it easier to review and recall.Unit 3: Understanding Different Text Types1. Vocabulary Exercises- Words:- Expository: intended to explain or inform- Narrative: telling a story or describing an event- Persuasive: intended to convince or influence- Phrases:- "To persuade someone of": to convince someone tobelieve or do something- "An expository text": a piece of writing that explains or informs2. Comprehension Questions- What is the primary purpose of an expository text?- The primary purpose of an expository text is to explain or inform the reader about a particular subject.- How does a narrative text differ from a persuasive text? - A narrative text tells a story or describes an event, while a persuasive text aims to convince or influence the reader's opinion or actions.3. Reading Comprehension- Main Idea: The passage discusses the characteristics of different text types, including expository, narrative, and persuasive texts.- Supporting Details: It explains the purpose and features of each text type, providing examples of how they are structured and used.4. Critical Thinking- How might understanding the text type affect your approach to reading and interpreting it?- Knowing the text type can guide the reader's expectations and strategies, such as looking for evidence in an expository text or arguments in a persuasive text.Unit 4: Improving Vocabulary Through Reading1. Vocabulary Exercises- Words:- Etymology: the origin and history of a word- Collocation: the way words are often used together - Idiom: a group of words whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of the individual words - Phrases:- "Word origin": the history of how a word came to be used in a particular way- "Common collocations": frequently occurring。

大学英语泛读教程第一册的参考答案Unit 1 University Student Life SectionWord Pretest1. D2. B3. B4. C5. D6. D7.8. BReding Comprehensionl. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. FVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchrtionlly in wy bsed on reson rther thn emotions estblished ccepted; recognizedvrious differentpnic sudden ferconsolidte s trengthenssignment homeworkbiologicl of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort nd energy mster overllrecretion wy of spending free timeestimte clculte roughlyroutine regulr; usulpriority first concernrelxtion rest1. flexible2. estblished3. pnic4. strenuous5. priority6. routine7. Rtionlly8. recretions Suffix1. fmilirize2. visulize3. merely4. idelize5. finlize6. necessrily7. physiclly8. highly Clozefvorble their respected professors uthority role expect need severl chngesSec tion B1. D2. C3. C4. B5. C6. B7. D8. DSection Cl. D 2. 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8.Unit 2 Culture ShockSectionWord Pretest1. C2.3. D4. C5. C6. B7.8. DReding Comprehension1. C2. D3. D4. D5. D6. CVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchexggerte sy more thn the truth bout something slng nonstndrd vocbulrydpt mke or become suitbleinsecure wek; uncertin; unprotecteddistinct different; seprtechllenging difficult, but in n interesting wy rnge vry within limitsdjust chnge slightly in order to mke suitble ggressive redy for conflictcope with del withoccur hppenidentity the distinguishing chrcter or personlity of n individul utomtic self-cting; under its own power distortion twist; chnging shpereverse opposite; contrryl. slng 2. exggerte 3. cope with 4. reverse5. dpt / djust6. rnge / rnged7. occurred8. ggressive Suffixl. dividble / divisible 2. determintion 3. dependble 4. stisfction 5. correction 6. reltion 7. usble / useble 8. recognizble Clozeforeign nxious behvior men necessrilypper unsure pproch frustrtions systemSection Bl. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. DSection Cl. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. 8. DUnit 3 MovieSectionWord Pretestl. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. 8. DReding Comprehensionl. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8.Vocbulry BuildingWord Mtchnominee cndidtecrete mke; inventstre look t for long timereduce decrese; mke lessoverher ccidentlly her wht others re syingimpress fill someone with dmirtionexpense costvictim one who is hrmed or killedflot sty on the surfce of the wtercynicism distrustminiture smll; tinysubstitute something / somebody tht tkes the plce of nother grteful thnkfulscrpe scrtch wyillusion flse impressionl. scrpe 2. grteful 3. substitute 4. expenses5. reduce6. string7. impressed8. flotsSuffixl. confidence 2. distnce 3. devilish 4. presence5. importnce6. childish7. ptience8. ppernceClozestrs drwings movies love rememberkinds serious well-known collect hnging Section Bl. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. 8.DSection Cl. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. TSectionWord Pretestl. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. 6. C 7. B 8. BReding Comprehensionl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. 6. C 7. B 8. CVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchflvor tstecompliment p risevegetrin one who does not et metdiry relting to milk or milk productingredient ny of the things tht re formed into mixturedessert sweet food served fter the min prt of meldiet food nd drink usully tken by personbrbecue cook food on metl frme outdoorscuisine food cooked in prticulr styleppetizer food or drink tken to increse the desire for food courteous polite nd kindstple bsic foodportion prt of something lrgerdough flour mixed with wter redy for bkingsufficient enoughl. courteous 2. flvor 3. stple 4. ingredients5. brbecue6. compliment7. portion8. sufficientPrefixl. disgrees 2. misunderstnds 3. disppernce 4. misleding 5. disdvntge 6. misfortune 7. discourge 8. misinterpreted Clozeingredients clled hnds increse rising llowed finl oven Section Bl. 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. 6. D 7. C 8. BSection Cl. 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. BUnit 5 BusinessReding Comprehensionl. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. 8. DVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchdispute n rgument or disgreemententerprise business compnyuthentic rel; trueenlightened showing true nd deep understndingsuccessor person or thing tht follows notherfcility equipmentnegotition discussion imed t reching n greementmesure method for deling with situtionseril in or forming seriescpture seize by forcemultilterl involving more thn two groups or countries stff the group of people who work for n orgniztionnnul hppening once every yerinfrstructure bsic systems nd services, such s trnsport nd power supplies commitment promise or decision to do something1. uthentic2. successor3. Negotition4. dispute5 fcilities 6. mesures 7. multilterl 8. stffSuffix1. minimize2.delighted3.Industril4.relized5. frightenedXX://.docsj/doc/6d831c2d1511cc7931b765ce05087632311274b8.html nized7. prtil8.tlentedClozespred concept reson supermrkets estimtelest work price open formSection B1. C2. C3. B4. B5. B6. B7. B8.DSection Cl. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T l0. TUnit 6 SportsReding Comprehensionl. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F Vocbulry Building Word Mtchboulevrd wide rod in city with lined trees long itfervent pssionteconquer win; defetpropose mke n offer of mrrigemessenger person who brings messgesembrce clsp in the rms; hugpop burst open with short, quick, explosive soundmotto short expression of guiding principlemillennium period of 1,000 yersbribery giving or tking gift in order to do something dishonest exhusted very tiredstdium lrge sports-ground with sets for specttors committee group of people selected to do something specil modl piece of metl given to person s n honor thlete person who is good t sport1. exhusted2. thlete3. motto4. bribery5. embrced6. committee7. proposed8. medlSuffix1. Egyptin2. Spnish3. British4. scholrship5.Romn6. reltionship7. Portuguese8. ledershipClozegmes list week wins nme divided think lower Section B1. B2. C3. F4. T5. T6. F7.8. C9. C 10. C Section C1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F7. T8.F9. T 10. TUnit 7 Shyness SectionWord PretestReding Comprehension1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. FVocbulry Building Word Mtchstumble spek in n uncertin wytenttive not certinspouse husbnd or wifesignl sound or ction intended to give messgebrood spend time thinking sdly bout somethingintelligent hving powers of lerning, resoning or understndingpotentil possibility for developmentwnder move bout without fixed purposescold criticize in n ngry wytyrnt person who uses power cruelly nd unjustlystride wlk with quick, long stepsintimidte threten: frightencommitted hving mde firm promiseinherit receive something from one's prentspersonlity chrcter; individulityl. signl 2. tenttive 3. personlity 4. committed5. scolded6. brooding7. wndering8. stridingSuffixl. government 2. peceful 3. sttement 4. enggement5. destructive6. disgreement7. effective8. helpfulClozepeople women worse interview public position differently service low physicl Section Bl. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.T 9. B 10. CSection Cl. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. 8.BUnit 8 Ntive peoplesSectionWord Pretest1. B2. B3. B4. B5. C6.7. B8.Reding Comprehension1.2. C3. C4. C5. C6. C7. C8. BVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchimplement toolsophisticted not simple; complictedinternl inside; domesticdiplomtic relted to the reltions between ntions dismiss refuse to considerobjective im; golmnul done by hnd; of physicl, rther thn mentl, work survive continue to live or existbrk the strong outer covering of treeoffensive unplesntcommunity ll the people living in prticulr district, orsuch district itself utensil tool or continer for prcticl use scred holy; connected with religionpreserve specil re in which certin nimls or plnts re protected borigine member of group ntive to plce1. objective2. utensil3. mnul4.survivl5. scred6. dismissed7. implements8. diplomticSuffix1. driver2. lovely3.murderer4. ctor5. cowrdly6. bestly7. pinter8. inventorClozedeveloped survive desert food determined knife unknown thrown Section B1. B2. C3. C4. B5. B6..7. C8. BSection Cl. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. FUnit 9 Bible StoriesSectionWord Pretestl. B 2. B 3. 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8.Reding ComprehensionVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchcunning clever in deceivinguthority the right or bility to controlbridegroom mn bout to be mrriedsctter seprte nd drive in mny directionscontiner box, bottle or ny other object used for holding something disciple followerdisgrce bring shme or dishonor tosin the breking of religious or morl lwprophet person who foretells the futureupset worried;not clmrepent be sorry for nd wish one hsn’t done (something bd)mortr mixture of cement nd wter used to join bricks nd stones together withhold hold bck;keep bck; refuse conceive become pregnntworship show gret respect tol. disgrceful 2. uthority 3. scttered 4. repented5. worship6. mortr7. sin8. discipleSuffixl creless 2. poisonous 3. pitiless 4. innermost5. dngerous6. glorious7. Needless8. endlessClozeniml snke et grden tree like wonderful fruit Section B1.2.3. B4. C5. C6. C7. B8. CSection C1. T2. T3. T4. F5. F6. F7. F8. TUnit 10 Festivls nd HolidysSectionWord Pretest1. B2. C3. B4. C5.6.7. B8. B1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. F7. F8. TVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchimmigrnt someone coming into country from brodto settle thereorigin strting pointlegl llowed by lwholy connected with God nd religioncorresponding mtching: similrbonfire lrge fire built in the open ir s celebrtioncostume clothes typicl of certin period, country or professionporch roofed entrnceverticl upright; forming n ngle or 90' with the level grounddiversion entertinmentcouplet two successive lines of poetrydonte give something for the benefit of otherspreceding hppening or existing hed or in front ofdeliccy something good to etsocilize spend the time with friends or other people to enjoy oneself1. verticl2. corresponding3. diversion4. costume5. socilizing6.donted7. preceding8. deliccySuffix1. shorten2.defening3.quicken4.brighten5. leden6.strighten7.deepened8.tightenedClozetrditions prcticl celebrted crve cndle expect door neighborhood Section Bl. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. 8. CSection Cl. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. 8. BUnit 11 dvertisingSectionWord Pretest1. B2.3. B4.5. B6. C7. B8. CReding ComprehensionVocbulry BuildingWord Mtchcmpign series of ctivities for prticulr im trnsmission pssing something from one person or plce to nother substntil lrge in size, vlue or importncevcuum spce with nothing t ll in itlitercy the bility to red nd writestimulte encourge something to grow, develop or become ctive tune-up djust (n engine) to improve performnce milestone n importnt eventreinforce mke something strongerconnottion feelings or ides tht re suggested by word mnufcturer producershde slight differencessocite connectremrkble extrordinryfeture ply n importnt prtl. ssocite 2. substntil 3. litercy 4. milestone5. remrkble6. connottion7. fetures8. shdesPrefixl. reconsidertion 2. overprised 3. replce 4. overwork5. regin6. overweight7. recll8. overnxiousClozemoney ttempt persude growingpreference dvertisers rtionl unconsciousSection Bl. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. CSection Cl. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10. TUnit 12 gricultureSectionWord Pretestl. C 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7. 8.CReding Comprehensionl. F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.TWord Mtchfeed give food toerosion grdul destruction or removl of somethinggenetics the study of how chrcteristics re pssed from prents to offspring hybrid living thing produced from prents of different types quntittive of or bout quntity trit prticulr qulitydeficiency lck of wht is neededtrnsgenic contining genes from nother speciesyield the mount (of crop) producedbiotech biologicl science pplied especilly in genetic engineering sustinble ble to continue over period of timesuspicion feeling or thought tht someone or something is not relible undernourished not eting enough food to mintin good helthpriority something tht is considered more importnt thn other mtters instble chngeble; not stedy1. hybrid2.trit3.erosion4.deficiency3. sustinble 6. yield 7. undernourished 8. priorityPrefix,1. irrelevnt2. illiterte3. incomplete4. improper3. inccurte 6. immorl 7. irresponsible 8. illeglClozechnge fed frmers brod increse chieve production typesSection B1. C2.C3.B4.B5.C6.C7.B8.CSection C1 .B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6. 7. 8.B Unit 13 Psychology SectionWord Pretest1.C2.D3.D4.B5.B6. C7.8.DReding Comprehension1.T2.F3.T4.F5.T6.T7.T8.TVocbulry Building / Word Mtchplteu lnd with level surfce rised high bove nerby re expert person with specil knowledge Or triningesteem respectfundmentl bsicsecurity sfety; protectionnecessity something neededcurve grdully bending linevlue r egrd s good or importntminiture very smll of the kindspectculr mrveloushereditry pssing nturlly from prent to young through the genes mture f ully grown,developedinsight cler understndingidenticl exctly like1. hereditry2. motivtes3. spectculr4.identicl5. mture6. vlued7. insight8. necessitiesPrefixl. gret number 2. hving mny different prts or elements3. combine the former number s mny times s the ltter one sttes4. of mny ntions5. the sme form6. form into one7. belonging to ll8. tretment by psychologicl methods of mentl, emotionl, nd nervous disorders9. person who studies psychology 10. humn soul or spiritClozesense mentl lived pid brother logicl spend plying birthdy wonderful Section Bl. B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7. 8.BSection C1.B2.C3.4.C5.C6.B7.8.BUnit 14 Mysteries Section / Word Pretest1. B2.3.C4.5.6.B7.C8.CReding Comprehension1. T2.T3.F4.F5.F6.F7.T8.F9.F 10.TVocbulry Building / Word Mtchformer occurring erlier in timepersecution cruel or unfir tretment becuse of religious or politicl beliefs convince cuse (someone) to believe rcheologist person who studies the buried remins of ncient timesfithful true to somebodysurvivor person who hs continued to live fter coming close to dethfscinte chrm powerfullycoherent logiclly connectedvehicle device for crrying pssengers or goodspresumbly p robbly; tht my resonbly be supposedriddle puzzle requiring thought to nswer nd understndbsurd ginst reson or common sense; clerly flse orfoolishpersistent continuing firmly in spite of opposition or wrninglegend populr old storyl. convince 2. survivor 3. bsurd 4. presumbly5. coherent6. riddle7. fithful8. fscintedPrefix1. former husbnd2. the scientific study of mtter in outer spce3. person who studies the positions of the moon. sun. nd other plnets in the belief tht theirmotions ffect humn beings 4. former minister5. person trined to pilot, nvigte, or otherwise prticipte in the flight of spcecrft6. former member7. person who studies stronomy8. stronomicl photogrphy Clozemystery / pproching / crgo / strnge-looking / investigteple / violence / suggested / explode / remins Section B1. C2.B3.B4.D5.D6.C7.B8.Section C1. B2.D3.C4.D5.D6.C7.D8.DUnit 15 ComputerSection / Word Pretest1. B2.3. B4. C5. C6. B7.8. BReding Comprehension1. B2. C3. B4.5. C6. C7.8. BVocbulry Building / Word Mtchreplicte mke exct copies of something; duplictelegitimte llowed by lw; cceptble or resonblelicense give someone officil permission to do or hve somethingfixture permnently fixed itemccess mens of entering; right of using, reching, or obtining censor exmine in order to remove nything uncceptble dtbse lrge collection of dt in computer virtully lmost; nerlyunderscore e mphsize; stressvirtul not physicl but lmost relprospect possibility; possible cndidteindex include in n lphbeticl listingbcklsh strong negtive rectionssert stte or declre forcefullyl. legitimte 2. replicte 3. licensed 4. censored5. virtul6. prospects7. ssert8. ccessPrefix1. entitle2. encourge3. enlrge4. ensure5. enbles6. enjoyed7. enrich8.enclosedClozebenefit reduce improve items required result tretment ttention trouble directly Section Bl. B 2. B 3. 4. C 5. C 6. B 7 . 8 .C Section Cl. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. FUnit 16 Physicl Fitness SectionWord Pretest1.2. C3. D4. B5. C6. 7 .D 8. BReding Comprehension1.2. B3. D4. D5. C6. B7. D8. Vocbulry BuildingWord Mtchftigue physicl or mentl tiredness; exhustion; weriness tissue the substnce of n orgnic body or orgn redistribute shre out gin in different wyburst sudden short period of gret ctivitylpse filure in correct behvior; smll mistkediet limited list of food or drink tht one is llowedyo-yo chnging repetedlyoverll including everythingmedittion focusing ttention on only one thing so s to be clm nd relxed subtrct tke ( number, mount, etc.) from something lrgerworkout period of exercise to mintin or improve one's physicl skill strin pressuremonitor observeobese very ft1. subtrct2. burst3. monitoring4. overll5. redistribute6. diet7. obese8. strinPrefix1. come before in time or position2. n underground urbn rilrod3. physicl4. under school ge 6. below zero degree 7. he shpe nd size of one's body8. he prt of the mind below the level of conscious perception9. published fter the writer's dethClozejoggers shoes protect difficulty fr short distnce run Section B1.2. C3. C4. D5. D6. D7. B8. DSection C1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T6. F7. F8. F1。

Key to lesson 1Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) T2.1) D 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B 6) D3.1) 他安静,性情温和,时常心不在焉,对待金钱像个孩子。
2) 连Theo也不得不承认,即便他自己读,也不大可能读得像他一样流利。
3) 他的情绪受到很大干扰,无法换一种方式来表达同样的思想。
4) 他既困惑又高兴,简直摸不着头脑了。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1.1) applause 2) candidate 3) all the same 4) impressed 5) interview6) memorize 7) getting on with 8) Leaning 9) sense 10) choice2.1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring.2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in his car, but insisted we should share the petrolcosts.3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give upsmoking or reduce the amount they smoke.4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume.5) When you find yourself often upset about small matters, you’d better cultivate a hobby. Key to lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T2.1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) B3.1) 时间绰绰有余。

《英语阅读》(1)练习答案1—10Unit 1 University Student LifeSection AWord PretestDBBC DDABReading ComprehensionFTFT FFTFVocabulary BuildingWord Matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotionestablished accepted; recognizedvarious differentpanic sudden fearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiological of living thingsflexible not fixedstrenuous stressful; requiring effort and energymaster overallrecreation way of spending free timeestimate calculate roughlyroutine regular; usualpriority first concernrelaxation restflexible established panic strenuous priority routine Rationally recreationsSuffixfamiliarize visualize merely idealizefinalize necessarily physically highlyClozefavorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changesSection BDCCB CBDDSection CDABD CBCAUnit 2 Culture ShockSection AWord PretestCADC CBADReading ComprehensionCDD DDCVocabulary BuildingWord Matchexaggerate say more than the truth about somethingslang nonstandard vocabularyadapt make or become suitableinsecure weak; uncertain; unprotecteddistinct different; separatechallenging difficult, but in an interesting wayrange vary within limitsadjust change slightly in order to make suitableaggressive ready for conflictcope with deal withoccur happenidentity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting; under its own powerdistortion twists; changing shapereverse opposite; contraryslang exaggerate cope with reverseadapt/adjust range/ ranged occurred aggressiveSuffixdividable / divisible determination dependable satisfaction correction relation usable/useable recognizableClozeforeign anxious behavior mean necessarilyappear unsure approach frustrations systemSection BCBDC CDBDSection CCBBD BCADUnit 3 MovieSection AWord PretestBDBC DBADReading ComprehensionCDBC DBCAVocabulary BuildingWord Matchnominate candidatecreate make; inventstare look at for a long timereduce decrease; make lessoverhear accidentally hear what other are sayingimpress fill someone with admirationexpense costvictim one who is harmed or killedfloat stay on the surface of the watercynicism distrustminiature small; tinysubstitute something / somebody that takes the place of another grateful thankfulscrape scratch awayillusion false impressionscrape grateful substitute expenses reduce staring impressed floatsSuffixconfidence distance devilish presenceimportance childish patience appearanceClozestars drawings movies love remember kinds serious well-known collect hangingSection BDCCD CDABSection CTTTT FFTTUnit 4 FoodSection AWord PretestCCCB ACBBReading ComprehensionCBCB ACBCVocabulary BuildingWord Matchflavor tastecompliment praisevegetarian one who does not eat meatdairy relating to milk or milk productingredient any of the things that are formed into a mixturedessert sweet food served after the main part of a mealdiet food and drink usually taken by a personbarbecue cook food on a metal frame outdoorscuisine food cooked in a particular styleappetizer food or drink taken to increase the desire for foodcourteous polite and kindstaple basic foodportion part of something largerdough flour mixed with water ready for bakingsufficient enoughcourteous flavor staple ingredientsbarbecue compliment portion sufficientPrefixdisagrees misunderstands disappearance misleading disadvantage misfortune discourage misinterpretedClozeingredients called hands increaserising allowed final ovenSection BADCB ADCBSection CACBC BBCBUnit 5 BusinessSection AWord PretestBBCD CAACReading ComprehensionDDDD CCADVocabulary BuildingWord Matchdispute an argument or disagreemententerprise business companyauthentic real; trueenlightened showing true and deep understandingsuccessor a person or thing that follows anotherfacility equipmentnegotiation discussion aimed at reaching an agreementmeasure a method for dealing with a situationserial in or forming a seriescapture seize by forcemultilateral involving more than two groups or countriesstaff the group of people who work for an organizationannual happening once every yearinfrastructure basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies commitment a promise or decision to do somethingauthentic successor Negotiation disputefacilities measures multilateral staffSuffixminimize delighted Industrial realizedfrightened organized partial talentedClozespread concept reason supermarkets estimate least work price open fromSection BCCBB BBBDSection CTTFFF FTFTTUnit 6 SportsSection ACBBA CCACReading ComprehensionTFTF FTTFVocabulary BuildingWord Matchboulevard a wide road in a city with lined trees along itfervent passionateconquer win; defeatpropose make an offer of marriagemessenger a person who brings messagesembrace clasp in the arms; hugpop burst open with a short, quick, explosive soundmotto a short expression of a guiding principlemillennium a period of 1000 yearsbribery giving or taking a gift in order to do something dishonest exhausted very tiredstadium a large sports—ground with seats for spectators committee a group of people selected to do something specialmedal a piece of metal given to a person as an honor athlete a person who is good at sportexhausted athlete motto briberyembraced committee proposed medalSuffixEgyptian Spanish British scholarship Roman relationship Portuguese leadershipClozegames list week winsname divided think lowerSection BB C F T T F A C C CSection CF T F F F F T F T TUnit 7 ShynessSection AWord PretestCCCA CBBCReading ComprehensionF T F T F T T FVocabulary BuildingWord Matchstumble speak in an uncertain waytentative not certainspouse husband or wifesignal a sound or action intended to give a messagebrood spend time thinking sadly about somethingintelligent having powers of learning, reasoning or understanding potential possibility for developmentwander move about without a fixed purposescold criticize in an angry waytyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustlystride walk with quick, long stepsintimidate threaten; frightencommitted having made a firm promiseinherit receive something from one's parentspersonality character; individualitysignal tentative personality committed scolded brooding wandering stridingSuffixgovernment peaceful statement engagement destructive disagreement effective helpfulClozepeople women worse interview public position differently service low physicalSection BF T T T F T F T B CSection CBBBB CBABUnit 8 Native PeoplesSection AWord PretestBBBB CABAReading ComprehensionACCC CCCBVocabulary BuildingWord Matchimplement toolsophisticated not simple; complicatedinternal inside, domesticdiplomatic related to the relations between nationsdismiss refuse to considerobjective aim, goalmanual done by hand, of physical, rather than mental worksurvive continue to live or existbark the strong outer covering of a treeoffensive unpleasantcommunity all the people living in a particular district, or such a district itself utensil a tool or container for practical usesacred holy, connected with religionpreserve a special area in which certain animals or plants are protected aborigine a member of a group native to a placeSuffixdriver lovely murder actorcowardly beastly painter inventorClozedeveloped survive desert fooddetermined knife unknown thrownSection BBCCB BACBSection CFTFTF TTFFFUnit 9 Bible StoriesSection AWord PretestBBAC CBCAReading ComprehensionBACC CAACVocabularyWord Matchcunning clever in deceivingauthority the right or ability to controlbridegroom a man about to be marriedscatter separate and drive in many directionscontainer a box, bottle or any other object used for holding something disciple a followerdisgrace bring shame or dishonor tosin the breaking of a religious or moral lawprophet a person who foretells the futureupset worried, not calmrepent be sorry for and wish one hasn’t done (something bad)mortar mixture of cement and water used to join bricks and stones together withhold hold back; keep back; refuseconceive become pregnantworship show great respect todisgraceful authority scattered repentedworship mortar sin discipleSuffixcareless poisonous pitiless innermostdangerous glorious Needless endlessClozeanimal snake eat gardentree like wonderful fruitSection BAABC CCBCSection CTTTF FFFTUnit 10 Festivals and HolidaysSection AWord Pretest:BCBC AABBReading Comprehension:FTFT FFFTWord Matchimmigrant someone coming into a country from abroad to settle there origin starting pointlegal allowed by lawholy connected with God and religioncorresponding matching; similarbonfire a large fire built in the open air as a celebrationcostume clothes typical of a certain period, country or profession porch roofed entrancevertical upright; forming an angle of 90 degrees with the level ground diversion entertainmentcouplet two successive lines of poetrydonate give something for the benefit of otherspreceding happening or existing ahead or in front ofdelicacy something good to eatsocialize spend the time with friends or other people to enjoy oneself1. vertical2. corresponding 3。

Levi Strauss & Company
6. What were Levis marketing strategies?
-Today Levi’s is trying to meet different kinds of customers’ different needs.
1.minimize 2.delighted 3.industrial 4.realized 5.frightened anized 7.partial 8.talented
Levi Strauss & Company
5. Why can Levi’s be so successful?
-Levi always tried to improve his products -the company has operated in an enlightened manner -great marketing strategies
• The conference was attended by prime ministers, ministers, presidents and other important dignitaries.
• Animal is general when compared with tiger, horse, etc., but horse is more general than steed, stallion, etc.
1850, one of the thousands hoping toBorn
Löb Strauss February 26, 1829 Buttenheim, Bavaria, German Confederation

ccdab 6-10: bdbca
11-15: caccb
Home Reading:
6-10: babdc
Book 1-Unit 5
▪ Text:
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: dbdcd 6-10: cdadd
▪ C. 1-5: bbadc 6-10: cddad
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cdbbc 6-8: cdc
Book 1-Unit 14
▪ Text:
▪ A. a
▪ B. 1-5: cdbac 6-10: dabdb
11-12: bb
▪ C. 1-5: daadb
6-10: acaca
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cbdcb 6-10: dbddc 11-15: bcadd
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dacbd
6-8: dba
▪ C. 1-5: bacdb 6-10: abdab 11-12: ac
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: dddad 6-10: abbbc 11-15: dacbb
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: baada 6-10: bddbc
6-10: bbccd
11-12: ca
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: ccdcc 6-10: abcda 11-15: cabcd
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: ddbdc
6-8: ddb
Book 1-Unit 10
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dbabd 6-9: cdbd

【参考借鉴】英语泛读教程1答案.docUnit1UniversitRStudentLife SectionAWordPretest1.D2.B3.B4.C5.D6.D7.A8.BReadingComprehensionl.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.F7.T8.FVocabularRBuildingWordMatchrationallR inawaRbasedonreasonratherthanemotions established accepted;recognizedvarious differentpanic suddenfearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiological oflivingthingsfleRible notfiRedstrenuous stressful;requiringeffortandenergRmaster overallrecreation waRofspendingfreetimeestimate calculateroughlRroutine regular;usualprioritR firstconcernrelaRation rest1.fleRible2.established3.panic4.strenuous5.prioritR6.routine7.RationallR8.recreationsSuffiR1.familiarize2.visualize3.merelR4.idealize5.finalize6.necessarilR7.phRsicallR8.highlRCloze favorabletheirrespectedprofessorsauthoritR roleeRpectneedseveralchangesSectionB1.D2.C3.C4.B5.C6.B7.D8.DSectionCl.D2.A3.B4.D5.C6.B7.C8.AUnit2CultureShock SectionAWordPretest1.C2.A3.D4.C5.C6.B7.A8.DReadingComprehension1.C2.D3.D4.D5.D6.CVocabularRBuildingWordMatcheRaggerate saRmorethanthetruthaboutsomethingslang nonstandardvocabularRadapt makeorbecomesuitableinsecure weak;uncertain;unprotecteddistinct different;separatechallenging difficult,butinaninterestingwaRrange varRwithinlimitsadjust changeslightlRinordertomakesuitable aggressive readRforconflictcopewith dealwithoccur happenidentitR thedistinguishingcharacterorpersonalitRofanindividual automatic self-acting;underitsownpowerdistortion twist;changingshapereverse opposite;contrarRl.slang2.eRaggerate3.copewith4.reverse5.adapt/adjust6.range/ranged7.occurred8.aggressiveSuffiRl.dividable/divisible2.determination3.dependable4.satisfacti on5.correction6.relation/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.html able/useable8.recognizableClozeforeignanRiousbehaviormeannecessarilR appearunsureapproachfrustrationssRstemSectionBl.C2.B3.D4.C5.C6.D7.B8.DSectionCl.C2.B3.B4.D5.B6.C7.A8.DUnit3MovieSectionAWordPretestl.B2.D3.B4.C5.D6.B7.A8.DReadingComprehensionl.C2.D3.B4.C5.D6.B7.C8.AVocabularRBuildingWordMatchnominee candidatecreate make;inventstare lookatforalongtimereduce decrease;makelessoverhear accidentallRhearwhatothersaresaRingimpress fillsomeonewithadmirationeRpense costvictim onewhoisharmedorkilledfloat staRonthesurfaceofthewatercRnicism distrustminiature small;tinRsubstitutesomething/somebodRthattakestheplaceofanother grateful thankfulscrape scratchawaRillusion falseimpressionl.scrape2.grateful3.substitute4.eRpenses5.reduce6.staring7.impressed8.floatsSuffiRl.confidence2.distance3.devilish4.presence5.importance6.childish7.patience8.appearanceClozestarsdrawingsmoviesloverememberkindsseriouswell-knowncollecthangingSectionBl.D2.C3.C4.D5.C6.D7.A8.DSectionCl.T2.T3.T4.T5.F6.F7.T8.TUnit4Food SectionAWordPretestl.C2.C3.C4.B5.A6.C7.B8.BReadingComprehensionl.C2.B3.C4.B5.A6.C7.B8.CVocabularRBuildingWordMatchflavor tastecompliment praisevegetarian onewhodoesnoteatmeatdairR relatingtomilkormilkproductingredient anRofthethingsthatareformedintoamiRture dessert sweetfoodservedafterthemainpartofamealdiet foodanddrinkusuallRtakenbRaperson barbecue cookfoodonametalframeoutdoorscuisine foodcookedinaparticularstRleappetizer foodordrinktakentoincreasethedesireforfood courteous politeandkindstaple basicfoodportion partofsomethinglargerdough flourmiRedwithwaterreadRforbakingsufficient enoughl.courteous2.flavor3.staple4.ingredients5.barbecue/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.html pliment7.portion8.sufficientPrefiRl.disagrees2.misunderstands3.disappearance4.misleading5.disadvantage6.misfortune7.discourage8.misinterpreted Cloze ingredientscalledhandsincreaserisingallowedfinaloven SectionB l.A2.D3.C4.B5.A6.D7.C8.BSectionCl.A2.C3.B4.C5.B6.B7.C8.BUnit6Sports SectionAWordPretestl.C2.B3.B4.A5.C6.C7.A8.CReadingComprehensionl.T2.F3.T4.F5.F6.T7.T8.FVocabularRBuildingWordMatchboulevard awideroadinacitRwithlinedtreesalongit fervent passionateconquer win;defeatpropose makeanofferofmarriagemessenger apersonwhobringsmessagesembrace claspinthearms;hugpop burstopenwithashort,quick,eRplosivesoundmotto ashorteRpressionofaguidingprinciple millennium aperiodof1,000RearsbriberR givingortakingagiftinordertodosomethingdishonest eRhausted verRtiredstadium alargesports-groundwithseatsforspectators committee agroupofpeopleselectedtodosomethingspecial modal apieceofmetalgiventoapersonasanhonorathlete apersonwhoisgoodatsport1.eRhausted2.athlete3.motto4.briberR5.embraced/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.html mittee7.proposed8.medalSuffiR1.EgRptian2.Spanish3.British4.scholarship5.Roman6.relationship7.Portuguese8.leadershipCloze gameslistweekwinsnamedividedthinklowerSectionB1.B2.C4.T5.T6.F7.A8.C9.C10.CSectionC1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F6.F7.T8.F9.T10.TUnit7ShRness SectionA WordPretest1.C2.C3.C4.A5.C6.B7.B8.C ReadingComprehension1.F2.T4.T5.F6.T7.T8.FVocabularRBuildingWordMatchstumble speakinanuncertainwaRtentative notcertainspouse husbandorwifesignal asoundoractionintendedtogiveamessagebrood spendtimethinkingsadlRaboutsomething intelligent havingpowersoflearning,reasoningorunderstanding potential possibilitRfordevelopmentwander moveaboutwithoutafiRedpurposescold criticizeinanangrRwaRtRrant apersonwhousespowercruellRandunjustlRstride walkwithquick,longstepsintimidate threaten:frightencommitted havingmadeafirmpromiseinherit receivesomethingfromone'sparentspersonalitR character;individualitR/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.html mitted5.scolded6.brooding7.wandering8.stridingSuffiR/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.htmlernment2.peaceful3.statement4.engagement5.destructive6.disagreement7.effective8.helpfulCloze peoplewomenworseinterviewpublicpositiondifferentlRservicelo wphRsical SectionBl.F2.T3.T4.T5.F6.T7.F8.T9.B10.CSectionCl.B2.B3.B4.B5.C6.B7.A8.BUnit11Advertising SectionAWordPretest1.B2.A3.B4.A5.B6.C7.B8.CReadingComprehension1.C2.B3.B4.C5.A6.B7.B8.CVocabularRBuildingWordMatchcampaign aseriesofactivitiesforaparticularaimtransmission passingsomethingfromonepersonorplacetoanother substantial largeinsize,valueorimportancevacuum aspacewithnothingatallinitliteracR theabilitRtoreadandwritestimulateencouragesomethingtogrow,developorbecomeactive tune-up adjust(anengine)toimproveperformancemilestone animportanteventreinforce makesomethingstrongerconnotation feelingsorideasthataresuggestedbRaword manufacturer producershade slightdifferenceassociate connectremarkable eRtraordinarRfeature plaRanimportantpart/doc/673d343e541810a6f524ccbff121 dd36a22dc456.html estone5.remarkable6.connotation7.features8.shadesPrefiRl.reconsideration2.overpraised3.replace4.overwork5.regain6.overweight7.recall8.overanRiousClozemoneRattemptpersuadegrowing preferenceadvertisersrationalunconscious SectionBl.C2.B3.C4.B5.B6.C7.B8.CSectionCl.T2.T3.T4.F5.F6.F7.F8.F9.F10.T。