
后)2.手把3. boxassy4. battdry1。
5v(磁性电池)5. screw*body固定用*rearboxplate固定用6.rearboxplate7.施工样本8.使用说明书9.2.5mm六角把手 10.遥控器 1个顺序4――――安全注意事项6――――使用注意事项7――――产品特点1set1box8个4个4个1个1本1本1个10―――产品部件和名称13―――产品使用方法14―――产品保证书的管理20―――说明消费者损坏补偿标准22―――产品保证书安全注意事项本产品使用前必须阅读“安全注意事项”后再使用为了防止使用者或者他人的安全及财产损失以下标志说明不遵守标志内容使用错误时的危害及损坏程度警告违反表示内容时有可能发生严重的伤害及死亡的标记违反表示内容时有可能发生受伤或物质损失的标记以下的标记区分是说明必须遵守的内容此标记是绝对不可使用的"禁止"标记有可能导致财产及人员的损失此标记是必须执行的"强制"标记有可能导致财产及人员损失绝对不要拆开,有可能导致财产及人员损失绝对不能用手碰,有可能导致财产及人员损失注意不要把发生强力磁性的大型tv或喇叭靠近本产品.导致产品故障不要安装在不稳定的场所导致降落受伤或故障不要安装在光线直射强烈或高温的场所导致产品变形及故障妥善保管在幼儿无法碰到的地方导致受伤如小孩使用时保护者先说明使用方法或者注意观察是否正确使用导致受伤不要强力冲击或抛扔导致产品故障使用注意事项为防止产品故障及正确使用请注意以下内容1.紧急锁的管理方法o为了以防万一携带紧急锁钥匙中的一部分或者妥善保管在室个的安全地方(例如:汽车办公室等.)2. 产品的使用事件o电池:磁性电池aa1.5v*4个*2(dc6v) o 温度:70%rh以下o湿度:-10~+50o其他:防止产品内部进入湿气禁止清洗,并注意对产品不要加强力的冲击3. 产品发生故障时o不要拆开产品,及时联系购买的销售店或本公司.产品特点世界上最早的语音说明功能2:密码开门及变更功能 *在室外使用数字键可轻松开门。

目录1 指纹锁介绍 (4)1。
1 产品特征 (4)1.1。
1 产品介绍 (5)1.1。
2 产品功能介绍 (5)1。
2 尺寸 (5)1.3 技术参数 (6)2 操作使用 (7)2。
1 放置手指的方式 (7)2.2 操作说明 (8)2。
3 警示 (8)2。
4 安装/更换电池 (9)3 安装步骤图 (10)3。
1 侧条和锁体尺寸图 (10)3.2 确认开门方向 (14)3.3 门板开孔图 (15)3.4 门扣盒开孔图 (15)3.5 安装步骤 (15)3。
1 安装锁芯 (15)3。
2 安装前后面板 (16)3。
5.3 安装门框盒和扣板 (17)4 锁的维护及保养 (18)4。
1 日常维护及保养 (18)4.2 使用须知 (19)5 售后服务 (20)5.1 售后服务相关说明 (21)5。
2 装箱清单 (24)5.3 配件表……………………………………………………………24A/1(2016年5月)重要提示1指纹锁作为高科技产品,安装的好坏直接影响到门锁的正常操作及使用寿命,建议您聘请对锁具有相当经验的师傅进行安装,并根据产品附件中门板开孔图样板进行开孔,凿支承窝,锁扣板及锁扣盒孔;确认所开凿的孔准确无误,然后严格按照产品说明书中的步聚进行操作,如果安装后发现锁开关不灵活或不能开启,请及时和当地的经销商或本公司的售后服务部门联系,以便问题快速得以解决。

5s指纹对比:<1s指纹对比方式: 1:N指纹误识别率(FZR): <。
001%指纹拒真率(FRP): <0.1%指纹容量:3000枚密码容量: 8组遥控容量30个开门记录容量3000条LED指示低压报警:<4。
用户指纹设置按电池盒后面号设置键进入菜单→∈提示“验证管理员指纹" 时扫描管理指纹进入菜单→进入“1指纹设置”栏后按“#”号键确认进入→画面显示“1添加指纹"栏按“#”号键确认→按“8”号键向下选择至用户指纹栏(第六枚及以后为用户指纹)→正确将手指放入指纹窗口三次至系统提示“录入成功”→表示录入成功,系统自动按顺序记录指纹的ID号,按“#”号键可继续录入下一枚指纹. 可以录入用户指纹2995枚,录入完毕按“*”号键退出。


指纹门锁操作说明书本指纹锁一共可以存储 99 枚指纹,第1 枚指纹为超级指纹,前2~9 枚为管理指纹,后90 枚为普通指纹,其中第1 枚指纹具有添加删除2~99 号指纹的权限,第2~9 枚指纹具有添加删除10~99号指纹的权限。
备注:只有一个功能按键;有两个LED灯,蓝灯添加指纹指示灯,红灯删除指纹指示灯;需要和钥匙配合才能正常使用添加,删除功能.1.1 出厂状态:出厂时指纹库为空,可用备用钥匙开门.1.2 登记指纹:要使用指纹进行开锁,必须首先登记指纹1.2.1 登记第1 枚超级指纹:(指纹库为空时,自动识别第一枚指纹为超级管理员指纹)插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→蓝红LED同时闪烁(等待10S,若无输入则自动掉电)→按下要输入的指纹→红灯灭,蓝灯闪时拿开手指→看到蓝红LED灯继续闪烁→再次按下刚才的同一枚指纹→红页脚内容1灯灭,蓝灯闪后拿开手指→蓝灯长亮5S后自动掉电→指纹登记成功并自动记录编号为01(红灯亮表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹).1.2.2 添加第2~9 枚管理指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内再按上电键→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下第一枚超级指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示超级指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加管理员指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号2~9,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).1.3 添加第10~99 枚指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内按上电键两次→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下超级指纹或者普通管理员指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示管理员指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加普通指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号10~99,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).备注:若比对发现指纹库内有相同的指纹,蜂鸣器发出滴~滴~滴的提示,连续三次,同时蓝色闪烁5S后,蓝红LED再同时闪烁,重新输入新的指纹。

指 纹 门 禁 操 作 说 明.1.1 指纹登记1) 进入菜单-用户管理-用户登记界面,选择指纹登记,按OK 键进入指纹登记界面,显示信息如下:注:指纹机的号码为5位,如果您的号码不足五位,机器将自动在数字前加0,例如您的号码为11,机器将显示为00011。
2)在登记号码一栏中输入您要登记的号码(号码在1-65534之间),按OK 确定,进入下一个操作步骤,显示信息如下:3)按照提示信息连续按压同一手指三次,如果登记成功,显示信息如下:4)按OK 就可以将刚登记的指纹保存,这样就完成一次登记流程。
1.2 管理者登记为了保证机器的安全,防止未授权用户对机器数据的更改,指纹机提供了管理员设置项。
主要步骤:1) 按Menu 键进入机器的菜单项,验证通过之后,液晶屏上显示信息如下:2)按OK 键,进入用户管理,界面显示如下:3)通过“▲/▼”键选择管理者登记,界面显示如下:注:00005-0 最后一位数字0表示 第1枚指纹4)按5)选择一种登记方式,按OK键进入管理者授权界面。
1.3 删除登记数据将已经登记在系统中的用户删除。
1.4 下载员工数据1)将U盘插入指纹机的USB插槽中。

目录1 指纹锁介绍 (4)1.1 产品特征 (4)1.1.1 产品介绍 (5)1.1.2 产品功能介绍 (5)1.2 尺寸 (5)1.3 技术参数 (6)2 操作使用 (7)2.1 放置手指的方式 (7)2.2 操作说明 (8)2.3 警示 (8)2.4 安装/更换电池 (9)3 安装步骤图 (10)3.1 侧条和锁体尺寸图 (10)3.2 确认开门方向 (14)3.3 门板开孔图 (15)3.4 门扣盒开孔图 (15)3.5 安装步骤 (15)3.5.1 安装锁芯 (15)3.5.2 安装前后面板 (16)3.5.3 安装门框盒和扣板 (17)4 锁的维护及保养 (19)4.1 日常维护及保养 (19)4.2 使用须知 (19)5 售后服务 (20)5.1 售后服务相关说明 (21)5.2 装箱清单 (24)5.3 配件表……………………………………………………………24A/1(2016年5月)重要提示1指纹锁作为高科技产品,安装的好坏直接影响到门锁的正常操作及使用寿命,建议您聘请对锁具有相当经验的师傅进行安装,并根据产品附件中门板开孔图样板进行开孔,凿支承窝,锁扣板及锁扣盒孔;确认所开凿的孔准确无误,然后严格按照产品说明书中的步聚进行操作,如果安装后发现锁开关不灵活或不能开启,请及时和当地的经销商或本公司的售后服务部门联系,以便问题快速得以解决。


目录1 指纹锁介绍 (4)1.1 产品特征 (4)1.1.1 产品介绍 (5)1.1.2 产品功能介绍 (5)1.2 尺寸 (5)1.3 技术参数 (6)2 操作使用 (7)2.1 放置手指的方式 (7)2.2 操作说明 (8)2.3 警示 (8)2.4 安装/更换电池 (9)3 安装步骤图 (10)3.1 侧条和锁体尺寸图 (10)3.2 确认开门方向 (14)3.3 门板开孔图 (15)3.4 门扣盒开孔图 (15)3.5 安装步骤 (15)3.5.1 安装锁芯 (15)3.5.2 安装前后面板 (16)3.5.3 安装门框盒和扣板 (17)4 锁的维护及保养 (19)4.1 日常维护及保养 (19)4.2 使用须知 (19)5 售后服务 (20)5.1 售后服务相关说明 (21)5.2 装箱清单 (24)5.3 配件表……………………………………………………………24A/1(2016年5月)重要提示1指纹锁作为高科技产品,安装的好坏直接影响到门锁的正常操作及使用寿命,建议您聘请对锁具有相当经验的师傅进行安装,并根据产品附件中门板开孔图样板进行开孔,凿支承窝,锁扣板及锁扣盒孔;确认所开凿的孔准确无误,然后严格按照产品说明书中的步聚进行操作,如果安装后发现锁开关不灵活或不能开启,请及时和当地的经销商或本公司的售后服务部门联系,以便问题快速得以解决。

面板把手均为304不锈钢,厚度2.0以上指纹锁技术与参数开锁认证方式:指纹、密码、机械钥匙、(遥控选配)指纹采集窗口:光学式指纹图像分辨率:500dpi指纹图像采集时间:<0.5s指纹对比:<1s指纹对比方式:1:N指纹误识别率(FZR):<.001%指纹拒真率(FRP): <0.1%指纹容量:3000枚密码容量:8组遥控容量30个开门记录容量3000条LED指示低压报警:<4.2V供电电压:DC6V电流消耗:峰值电流<120mA,平均电流<45mA电池:4-8节AA碱性电池功能特点1:瞬间启动——指纹门锁2:智能沟通——液晶显示3:主宾显示——分享不同权限4:智能语音提示——操作便捷5:触摸式密码设计——时尚耐用6:超B级叶片空旋锁头——应急钥匙7:电源显示外置——欠电显示8:指纹同步更新功能9:常开——办公商务方便10:指纹+密码二合一式开启——安全保障11:禁试功能——保护外侵12:挟持密码设置——人性化安全保障13:开门记录——数据记录存储查询14:防撬报警——撬锁报警锁具关闭保护15:液晶显示——时尚大气16:上提把手——上锁天地勾锁门管理指纹设置注册管理指纹”时正确放入手指提示“请在录入一次”三次录入至系统提示“录入成功”→表示录入成功,注:前五枚录入的指纹为管理指纹,系统从1-5自动按顺序记录管理指纹ID号。
用户指纹设置验证管理员指纹”时扫描管理指纹进入菜单→进入“1指纹设置”栏后按“#”号键确认进入→画面显示“1添加指纹”栏按“#”号键确认→按“8”号键向下选择至用户指纹栏(第六枚及以后为用户指纹)→正确将手指放入指纹窗口三次至系统提示“录入成功”→表示录入成功,系统自动按顺序记录指纹的ID号,按“#”号键可继续录入下一枚指纹. 可以录入用户指纹2995枚,录入完毕按“*”号键退出。


指纹门锁操作说明书本指纹锁一共可以存储 99 枚指纹,第1 枚指纹为超级指纹,前2~9 枚为管理指纹,后90 枚为普通指纹,其中第1 枚指纹具有添加删除2~99 号指纹的权限,第2~9 枚指纹具有添加删除10~99号指纹的权限。
备注:只有一个功能按键;有两个LED灯,蓝灯添加指纹指示灯,红灯删除指纹指示灯;需要和钥匙配合才能正常使用添加,删除功能.1.1 出厂状态:出厂时指纹库为空,可用备用钥匙开门.1.2 登记指纹:要使用指纹进行开锁,必须首先登记指纹1.2.1 登记第1 枚超级指纹:(指纹库为空时,自动识别第一枚指纹为超级管理员指纹)插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→蓝红LED同时闪烁(等待10S,若无输入则自动掉电)→按下要输入的指纹→红灯灭,蓝灯闪时拿开手指→看到蓝红LED灯继续闪烁→再次按下刚才的同一枚指纹→红页脚内容1灯灭,蓝灯闪后拿开手指→蓝灯长亮5S后自动掉电→指纹登记成功并自动记录编号为01(红灯亮表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹).1.2.2 添加第2~9 枚管理指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内再按上电键→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下第一枚超级指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示超级指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加管理员指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号2~9,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).1.3 添加第10~99 枚指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内按上电键两次→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下超级指纹或者普通管理员指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示管理员指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加普通指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号10~99,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).备注:若比对发现指纹库内有相同的指纹,蜂鸣器发出滴~滴~滴的提示,连续三次,同时蓝色闪烁5S后,蓝红LED再同时闪烁,重新输入新的指纹。
Yale Assure Lever 智能门锁安装指南说明书

TemplateThis product can expose you to lead which is known to the state ofCalifornia to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.For more information go to .Preparing to InstallTemplateChecking MeasurementsDetermining Door HandingFace a door swinging openaway from you.If it swings open to the right, it is a right hand door. If it swings open to the left, it is aleft hand door.Inswinging DoorInteriorLeft Hand ReverseRight Hand ReverseFace a door swinging opentoward you.If it swings open to the right, it is a right hand reverse door. If it swings opens to the left, it is aleft hand reverse door.Outswinging DoorInteriorPreparing Door & FrameNecessary for new doors or adjusting existing prep.x4Installing Latch & Strike Plate Right Hand Installation ShownFrameInstalling TouchscreenRight Hand Installation Shownx2Installing Interior Mounting PlateRight Hand Installation ShownAttaching the Cable Assembly Right Hand Installation ShownX2Installing Interior LockRight Hand Installation ShownInstalling Exterior Key Free CylinderInstalling Exterior LeverInstalling Interior LeverTesting Mechanical OperationTest thumbturn and both levers in locked and unlocked positions.If operation fails, check installation beginning with Step 3 and refer toHardware Troubleshooting.Installing Optional Smart Module (if included) Array NOTE: If a Smart module was included with your lock, itis in a separate box with additional module installationinstructions.Installing Batteries & CoverCongratulations, you've installed the®™Yale Assure Lever Key Free Touchscreen ()!YRL256Using Your Lock instructions will helpyou customize your lock.Testing Touchscreen OperationTest with door open.A Master Enty Code must be created upon installation or after resetting the lock to factory default. Programming and use of lock is not possible until this step has been successfully completed. See of Programming Instructions below.1Resetting Lock to Factory DefaultInterior LockWhen resetting the lock, all user codes, including the Master Entry Code*,are deleted. All programming features are reset to original default settings.See “Factory Settings”.1. Remove the battery cover and batteries.2. Remove the interior lock to access the reset button.3. The reset button (see image above) is marked.4. Re-insert 3 batteries and hold the reset button for 3 seconds.5. While still holding the reset button, insert the 4th battery, and hold thereset button for an additional 3 seconds.6. Release the reset button.7. Re-install the interior lock onto the door.*Upon reset, Master Entry Code creation is the only option available andmust be performed prior to any other programming of the lock.Hardware TroubleshootingCycle lock in both the locked and unlocked positions. If problems are found:Tailpiece and spindle will not mate and fit into the interior escutcheona. Ensure that your door is between 1-3/8" and 1-3/4" thickb. Ensure that the square shaped spindle has “Top” writing and arrow facing upwardsc. Place the tailpiece in the vertical positiond. Verify that the thumb turn is in the horizontal (unlocked) positionThumbturn does not rotate electronically or physicallya. Verify that inside of the lock is properly seated on the mounting bracketb. Ensure that the square shaped spindle has “Top” writing and arrow facing upwardsc. Place the tailpiece in the vertical positiond. Verify that the thumb turn is in the horizontal (unlocked) positionI'm getting an alert when I try to lock or unlock the door electronicallya. Do not turn or depress the lever during operation, this could cause a jam alarmb. Check that thumb turn does not have anything preventing it from physically rotatingc. Verify that you can rotate thumb turn freelyMy lock is not making any sound when I push buttonsa. Using the programming tree in the manual to verify that Audio is enabledb. If Audio is enabled, ensure that the white cable, that connects the keypad to the interiorof the lock, is not pinched or brokenWhen rotating the thumbturn I hear noisea. A little bit of noise is normal when operating the thumbturnb. If cranking, grinding or clicking occurs please verify your installationThe locking pins will not retract when I try to install the leversa. If the thumb turn is in vertical (locked) position, rotate the thumb turn the horizontal(unlocked) position and it will retractNOTE TO INSTALLER AND CONSUMER®While Yale has included several features to prevent lockout(9-Volt battery jumper, low battery warnings), it is still possiblefor a lockout situation to occur. Because this product does not®have a mechanical override (a key), Yale recommends to usethis product in an environment where there are additionalentry points into the dwelling.Setting Definitions*The Master Entry Code must be created prior to any other programming of the lock.Using Your Lock Touchscreen KeypadInterior LockCreating Master Entry CodeCreating a Master Entry Code must be performed upon installation orafter resetting the lock to factory default. Programming and use of lockis not possible until this step has been successfully completed.Creating User Entry CodesMaster Entry Code must be created first.*Max user codes = 250 with Smart Module and 25 without.must enter the entry codeyou wish to delete.Unlocking Door with Entry CodeUser Name:Entry CodeMaster:Entry Code ManagementCustomizing Lock Through Settings Menu*Master Entry Code Required1. Press Yale logo to wake up lock .Lock Response: "Welcome to the Settings Menu. Press each number to hearavailable settings and then press the settings icon to enter."*The Master Entry Code must be created prior to any other programming of the lock.**Network Module Setting function appears only with Yale Smart module installed.Programming Troubleshooting* When batteries are replaced, Smart Module locks have a real time clock that will be set through the User Interface (UI); itis recommended to verify correct date and time particularly those locks operating under Daylight Saving Time (DST).FCC:Class B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Ÿ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Ÿ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Ÿ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Ÿ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: Changes or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by ASSA ABLOY Residential Group could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.Industry Canada:This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareillage numérique de la classe A répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement.Product Support Tel 1-855-213-5841 • Y ale® and Y ale Real Living® are registered trademarks of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group.Assure Lever™ is a trademark of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group.Other products' brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveowners and are mentioned for reference purposes only.© Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express writtenpermission of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group is prohibited.®Adding a Yale Z-WavePlus Smart Module to your Assure Lock & Z-Wave System4. Open the Z-Wave system's smart home or alarm app and follow the instructions forremoving a device5. Remove the Y ale Smart Module from the slot above the battery compartmentIMPORTANT: The batteries must be removed before removing the Y ale Smart Module: • Remove battery cover• Remove batteries• Insert or remove Y ale Smart Module• Reinstall batteries• Reinstall battery cover®Removing a Yale Z-WavePlus Smart Module from your Assure Lock & Z-Wave System 1. Install the Y ale Smart Module into the slot above the battery compartmentIMPORTANT: The batteries must be removed before removing the Y ale Smart Module: • Remove battery cover• Remove batteries• Insert or remove Y ale Smart Module• Reinstall batteries• Reinstall battery coverPlease use this procedure only when network primary controller is missingor otherwise inoperable.Installing the ZigBee Module®ZigBee certified devices from other manufacturers. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.To Enroll the Module (Inclusion Mode):•PIN ••To Unenroll the Module (Exclusion Mode):•PIN ••IMPORTANT:the batteries be removed prior must to removing and/or inserting the network module:•Remove battery cover.•Remove batteries.•Remove and/or insert network module.•Reinstall batteries.•Replace cover.P/N 202---Rev CAYR ZB INSTAL FULFCC:FCC ID YRHCPZB FM :U4A-0Model:2YRMZB This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the Rules.These limits are designed to provide FCC reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. C TV onsult the dealer or an experienced radio/technician for help.This equipment complies with radiation exposure FCC limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.Thisequipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This device complies with Part 15 of the rules.FCC Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved bymanufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.IMPORTANT!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Industry Canada:IC YRHCPZB FM :6982A-0Model:2YRMZB This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause interference,and 2) this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux d'IndustrieCNR Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,et (2)l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,meme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Important Note:Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits IC set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.Note Importante: (Pour l’utilisation de dispositifs mobiles)Declaration d’exposition aus radiations:Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d´exposition aux rayonnements établies pour un environnement non IC contrôlé.Cet équipment doit être installé et utilisé avec un mimimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.IMPORTANT!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.IMPORTANT!Tous les changements ou modifications pas expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité ont pu vider l’autorité de l’utilisateur pour actioner cet équipment.CAN ICES NMB -3B/-3BProduct Support Tel 1-855-213-5841•Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.YALE,with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock –the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.Y ale® and Y ale Real Living® are registered trademarks of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group Company.Other products’brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are mentioned for reference purposes only.Copyright © 2017,Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of Y ale Security Inc.is prohibited.。

指纹门锁操作说明书本指纹锁一共可以存储99 枚指纹,第1 枚指纹为超级指纹,前2~9 枚为管理指纹,后90 枚为普通指纹,其中第1 枚指纹具有添加删除2~99 号指纹的权限,第2~9 枚指纹具有添加删除10~99号指纹的权限。
备注:只有一个功能按键;有两个LED灯,蓝灯添加指纹指示灯,红灯删除指纹指示灯;需要和钥匙配合才能正常使用添加,删除功能.1.1 出厂状态:出厂时指纹库为空,可用备用钥匙开门.1.2 登记指纹:要使用指纹进行开锁,必须首先登记指纹1.2.1 登记第 1 枚超级指纹:(指纹库为空时,自动识别第一枚指纹为超级管理员指纹)插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→蓝红LED同时闪烁(等待10S,若无输入则自动掉电)→按下要输入的指纹→红灯灭,蓝灯闪时拿开手指→看到蓝红LED灯继续闪烁→再次按下刚才的同一枚指纹→红灯灭,蓝灯闪后拿开手指→蓝灯长亮5S后自动掉电→指纹登记成功并自动记录编号为01(红灯亮表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹).1.2.2 添加第2~9 枚管理指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内再按上电键→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下第一枚超级指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示超级指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加管理员指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号2~9,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).1.3 添加第10~99 枚指纹:插入钥匙,开启锁→按上电键→三秒内按上电键两次→蜂鸣器嘀一声后,蓝,红LED灯同时闪烁→按下超级指纹或者普通管理员指纹→听到嘀一声后,同时蓝色LED闪烁,表示管理员指纹认证通过可以拿开手指(嘀嘀嘀三声表示指纹认证不通过,红色LED闪烁5S后,蓝红LED同时闪烁,给二次认证机会)→10 秒等待,按下要录入的手指,听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED急促闪烁→再次听到嘀一声后蓝色LED灯继续闪烁时再次按下手指→听到嘀一声后拿开手指→蓝色LED灯急促闪烁后,蓝红LED同时闪烁(10S内可继续添加普通指纹)→指纹登记成功/红灯闪烁表示登记指纹失败,需要重新录入指纹(系统自动编号10~99,若存满指纹,再注册时红灯长亮).备注:若比对发现指纹库内有相同的指纹,蜂鸣器发出滴~滴~滴的提示,连续三次,同时蓝色闪烁5S后,蓝红LED再同时闪烁,重新输入新的指纹。

5V8个(磁性电池)5.SCREW*BODY固定用4个*REARBOXPLATE固定用4个6.REARBOXPLATE1个7.施工样本1本8.使用说明书1本9.2.5MM六角把手1个10.遥控器 1个顺序4――――安全注意事项6――――使用注意事项7――――产品特点10―――产品部件和名称13―――产品使用方法14―――产品保证书的管理20―――说明消费者损坏补偿标准22―――产品保证书安全注意事项本产品使用前必须阅读“安全注意事项”后再使用为了防止使用者或者他人的安全及财产损失以下标志说明不遵守标志内容使用错误时的危害及损坏程度警告违反表示内容时有可能发生严重的伤害及死亡的标记违反表示内容时有可能发生受伤或物质损失的标记以下的标记区分是说明必须遵守的内容此标记是绝对不可使用的"禁止"标记有可能导致财产及人员的损失此标记是必须执行的"强制"标记有可能导致财产及人员损失绝对不要拆开,有可能导致财产及人员损失绝对不能用手碰,有可能导致财产及人员损失注意不要把发生强力磁性的大型TV或喇叭靠近本产品.导致产品故障不要安装在不稳定的场所导致降落受伤或故障不要安装在光线直射强烈或高温的场所导致产品变形及故障妥善保管在幼儿无法碰到的地方导致受伤如小孩使用时保护者先说明使用方法或者注意观察是否正确使用导致受伤不要强力冲击或抛扔导致产品故障使用注意事项为防止产品故障及正确使用请注意以下内容1.紧急锁的管理方法o为了以防万一携带紧急锁钥匙中的一部分或者妥善保管在室个的安全地方(例如:汽车办公室等.)2.产品的使用事件o电池:磁性电池AA1.5V*4个*2(DC6V)o温度:70%RH以下o湿度:-10~+50o其他:防止产品内部进入湿气禁止清洗,并注意对产品不要加强力的冲击3.产品发生故障时o不要拆开产品,及时联系购买的销售店或本公司.产品特点世界上最早的语音说明功能2:密码开门及变更功能*在室外使用数字键可轻松开门。
Yale Real Living 智能锁Z-Wave模組安裝和設置指南说明书

®Installing the Z-WaveModuleTo Enroll the Module:•••To Unenroll the Module:• • • IMPORTANT: the batteries must be removed priorto removing and/or inserting the network module:• Remove battery cover.• Remove batteries.• Remove and/or insert network module.• Reinstall batteries.• Replace cover.P/N AYR200-ZW-INSTAL-FUL Rev BChanges or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by Yale Security Inc. FCC:FCC ID: UA4-YRHCPZW0LMModel: YRMZW1This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS.(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.Industry Canada:IC: 6982A-YRHCPZW0LMModel: YRMZW1Section 7.1.2 of RSS-GEN Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.En vertu des règlements d'Industrie Canada, cet émetteur radio ne peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et un maximum (ou moins) approuvés pour gagner de l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire le risque d'interférence aux autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain doivent être choisies de façon que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne dépasse pas ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie.Section 7.1.3 of RSS-GEN This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada RSS standard exemptes de licence(s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) ce dispositif ne peut causer des interférences, et 2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement du dispositif.Product Support T el 800.810.WIRE (9473) • Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale® is a registered trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale Real Living™ is a trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Copyright © 2014, Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission ofY ale Security Inc. is prohibited.YALE, with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock– the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.。
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