questionnaire 问卷
In asking a question about frequency, rather than supplying choices that are open to interpretation such as: 1.Very Often 2.Often 3.Sometimes 4.Rarely 5.Never
A general explanation Background information Instructions/directions
Questionnaire items
information first General questions first Easy questions first Questions of the same category must be spread out
To check whether there is any ambiguity or
To examine whether the preconceived
categories can meet the statistical
Multiple-choice questions Dichotomous questions open questions
FREQUENCY Sห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ALE
Do you guess the meaning of new words when reading English novels for pleasure? 1 = Never 2 = Occasionally 3 = Sometimes
艾森克人格问卷艾森克人格问卷(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, EPQ)由英国心理学家H. J. 艾森克编制的一种自陈量表,是在《艾森克人格调查表》(EH)基础上发展而成。
[1]目录1作者简介2问卷简介3具体含义1. 3.1 内外向2. 3.2 神经质3. 3.3 精神质4. 3.4 掩饰性5. 3.5 结果解释4人格理论1. 4.1 人格维度2. 4.2 假说3. 4.3 影响5问卷应用1.作者简介Hans J.Eysenck:艾森克(1916-1997),美国心理学家,主要从事人格、智力、行为遗传学和行为理论等方面的研究。
2.问卷简介艾森克人格理论(Eysenck's personality theory)英国心理学家H.J.艾森克提出的以人格结构层级说和三维度人格类型说为主要内容的人格理论。
普鲁斯特问卷(Proust Questionnaire)
![普鲁斯特问卷(Proust Questionnaire)](
普魯斯特問卷(Proust Questionnaire)
Example Questio nn aireFollowing these simple rules can help you make a questionnaire that is easier for people to complete.1. Try to keep the questionnaire on one sheet: this will help you, and the person giving the an swers.2. Phrase the questions as you would say them if talking naturally to some one.3. Keep a count of peoples answers alongside the question using tally marks:count up after exercise.A quick example of using tally marks to count answers:10. Do you think other people would use the serviceYes f轴丨NoHere is an example of a full questionnaire using our simple rules:Questi onn aire -Curre nt Facilities & Prefere nces1. Do you use fast-food services in the areaYesNo2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)a) Kebabb) San dwichesc) Hotdogd) Pizzae) Hamburgerf) Fish & Chipsg) Other (Ch in ese , In dia n, Italia n …)h) No ne3. What type of fast food do you prefera) Hamburgerb) Pizzac) Hotdogd) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) San dwichesg) Other (Ch in ese, In dia n, Italia n …)h) No ne4. What type of fast-food services are in the areaa) Hotdogb) Hamburgerc) Pizzad) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) San dwichesg) Other (Ch in ese, In dia n, Italia n …)h) No neCustomer Trends5. What else do you buy whe n purchas ing fast fooda) carb on ated (fizzy) drinksb) coffee, teac) Other6. What time of day do you eat fast-fooda) Before 11amb) Betwee n 11am and 2pmc) Betwee n 2pm and 6pmd) Betwee n 6pm and 10pme) After 10pm7. How ofte n do you use fast-food servicesa) Once a weekb) Twice a weekc) Once a mon thd) Once a yeare) OtherNeed for & Access to Product/Service8. How much are you prepared to pay for fast-fooda) Less tha n £ 1b) Betwee n £ 1 - £ 3c) Over £ 39. Would you buy from my new stallYesNo10. Do you think other people would use the serviceYesNo11. How far do you live from the stalla) Less tha n half-a-mileb) Half-a-mile to two-milesc) Over two-miles12. How ofte n do you pass the stall( 货摊)a) Every dayb) Twice a weekc) Once a weekd) Once every two-weekse) Once a monthf) Less freque ntg) Usually, n ever13. Your age group (Enter ‘ M for male, and ‘ F' for female)a) Up to 18b) Betwee n 18 and 30c) Between 30 and 50d) Over 50。
Questionnaire Survey
![Questionnaire Survey](
问卷调查(Questionnaire Survey)
学院: ________________ 年龄:___________
性别:______ 在职___工作时间______ 年/全日制学生_________
2. 你是否已经用英语发表了文章
a. 几篇___ 影响因子分别是多少?______________
b. 正准备投稿
c. 还没有
3. 你觉得刚刚的测试难吗?
a. 学到用英语撰写文章尤其是影响因子比较高的文章的技巧
b. 学到在国际会议上用英语做报告或与其它国家的学者用英语作学术交流
c. 顺利地通过这门课程的考试,拿到应有的学分
d. 其它(越具体越好,请写下)。
Questionnaire 调查问卷
![Questionnaire 调查问卷](
孩子姓名:_______孩子胸贴名字:______性别:男生女生出生日期:____年__月__日孩子所在学校(幼儿园):_________孩子参加过或正在参加哪些培训课程或机构:1 2 3家长姓名:______今天陪宝宝的是:□爸妈都来了□爸爸来了□妈妈来了咱们的家庭正在养育几个小孩:□1个□2个□3个您的教育程度:□大专□本科□硕士□博士□其他联系电话:__________电子邮箱:@ 家庭住址:___小区一、您通过以下哪些渠道得知托马斯英语的?□路过□户外广告□传单□摊位活动□网络搜索□114 □媒体报导□朋友推荐□其它(请注明)二、托马斯英语给您的印象是一家什么样的机构?(可多选)□语言培训□能力培养□学科培养□性格养成三、您有朋友在托马斯英语学习?□否□有,姓名:______和您关系四、孩子现在的英文程度与其同龄孩子相比?□不清楚□超越□平均水平□略低于□远远低于五、您认为应该在孩子几岁时开始学习接触英语:□2岁□3岁□4岁□5岁□6岁六、您现阶段培养孩子的难点和困惑:语言方面:□中英文语言发展较同龄孩子慢□对外语学习不感兴趣或抵触能力方面:□喜欢提问,但不爱思考□喜欢游戏、动画,但学习方面兴趣差□实际动手制作能力差□手眼协调,身体运动协调性需提高性格方面:□情绪控制差,易怒,易发脾气□与同龄孩子沟通困难,易发生矛盾□内向,不爱说话,自信偏弱□任性,自我中心,得不到满足易哭闹七、您希望让孩子用何种方式学习英语□完全只通过和中教学习□单纯只通过观看英文动画片学习□家长协助在课后大量复习□通过电脑或电子白板学习□传统的背单词、学语法□通过丰富的动手活动参与课堂并实践应用八、托马斯学习馆一周上课两次,一周开放七天,您孩子能来托马斯学习的时间是:□平日下午+ 周六□平日下午+ 周日□平日晚上+ 周六□平日晚上+ 周日九、谁会陪同、接送孩子上课?□妈妈□爸爸□爷爷/奶奶/姥爷/姥姥□其他十、托马斯学习馆英语的学费在每年13000元-16000元左右,一年192课时,您觉得?□费用完全没有问题□可以接受□接受起来略有困难□完全无法接受家长签名:。
4.Is your part-time job related to your profession?(你们所做的兼
职是否与你的专业相关) 职是否与你的专业相关)
A.Yes (56%) B.No(44%) 5.Do you think it would affect your courses?(你认为兼职会影响你
7.Do you think part-time job can improve your society ability?(你觉得兼职对自己的社会能力有多大的提高) 你觉得兼职对自己的社会能力有多大的提高) rgely (很大程度)(80%) 很大程度) B.just so so (一般) 一般) (13.3%) 跟以前一样) C.just as before (跟以前一样)(6.7%) D.absoultly nothing (没有)(0) 没有) 8.Do your parents agree with you doing part-time 你家长是否同意你做兼职) job? (你家长是否同意你做兼职) A.absoultly aegree and encourage me(完全同意并给予鼓 励)(10%) B.basically agree, because they mainly concern the safty(基本同意,主要是出于安全方面的顾虑)(90%) 基本同意,主要是出于安全方面的顾虑) C.basically do not agree, they think we should take our study first(基本不同意,认为应当以学习为重)(0) 基本不同意,认为应当以学习为重) D.they never agree (不同意)(0) 不同意) 9.If you will do or have done part-time job ,then during the process, what do you think that the most thing you have gained .(假设你将会或者你做过兼职,那么在兼职的过程 假设你将会或者你做过兼职, 假设你将会或者你做过兼职
可编辑修改精选全文完整版English Learning Motivation Questionnaire“你的英语学习动机”问卷调查一、Personal Profile个人资料1 Name姓名: _____________2 Gender性别: ____________3 Major 专业:_____________4 Birthplace 出生地:_____________二 Content 问卷内容What is your motivation of learning English? 你学习英语的动机是什么?Your answers:请你回答: A. Yes (赞同) B. Sort of(有点赞同)C. Not quite(不太赞同)D. No (不赞同)1 It will be useful in my future career. 在将来工作中有用。
A. Yes赞同B. Sort of有点赞同C. Not quite不太赞同D. No不赞同2 When I travel. 旅游时有用。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No3 Watching English movies& TV, reading newspaper. 可以看英文电影,电视及报刊等。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No4 Singing English songs, listening to the radio. 可以学唱英文歌曲,听英语广播。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No5 For going abroad. 为了出国,在国外生活时有用。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No6 Learning the advanced science and technology from the west. 学习欧美先进科学技术的必要条件。
QuestionnaireFirstly, thanks for spending time to complete this questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to help support the dissertation of an English degree in our college. Which aims at comparing the differences of the compliment responses between China and the UK. All the collected data will be only used for research purposes.Please respond to the following situations. For each situation, you had better highlight the socially appropriate answer. If your answer is not on the list, please write it down in the space provide. As time is limited, there may be some mistakes. And I am glad to receive your suggestions. Thank you.Nationality_________ Province (Chinese Mainland Only):___________________ Gender:_______ Age ( if not mind):_______1.You me t an acquaintance you haven’t seen for some time. After an exchange ofgreetings, she/he said: “you look amazing!” To this, your reply is:a.Thank you.b.Thank you. You look amazing, too.c.Thank you. I am glad to hear that.d.Really? I feel good recently.e.No, not really. You look better than me.f.I am flattered.g.Others( Please list)_________________2.In a party, someone strange came to you and said “you are so sexy tonight!” To this,your reply is:a.Thank you.b.Thank you. You look sexy, too.c.Thank you. I am glad to hear that.d.Really? I feel good recently.e.No, not really. You look better than me.f.I am flattered.g.Others( Please list)_________________3.You were wearing a sweater. One of your friends met you and said:“Nice sweater!You look great in it!’’ You r reply is:a.Thank you.b.Thank you. You too.c.I am glad you like it.d.Oh, really? I like it, too.e.It is an old sweater and there is nothing special.f.I am flattered.g.Others (please list)______________.4.You bought a new car. A friend saw it and said “Nice car! I love it.” Y our reply is:a.Thank you.b.Thank you. You can own one as well.c.I like it very much. It is my favourite type.d.It’s just an ordinary car, nothing special.e.It isn’t as fancy as yours.f.Others (please list)_________________.5.You gave a class presentation and after that, one of your close friends said: “that wasgreat. You had an excellent performance.” Your reply is:a.Thank you.b.Your presentation was nice, too.c.Yes, I thought it went quite well this time.d.Really? I have practiced for several times.e.No, I need more practice.f.Not really, I made a lot of mistakes.g.Others (please list)______________.6.You won the first place in this exam after working really hard for it. After class, yourteacher said: “congratulations! Well done.” You r reply is:a.Thank you.b.Yes, I’m really pleased with the mark.c.I guess I was lucky this time.d.No, no, I did not very well and still need to improve.e.I can’t do this without others’ help.f.Others (please list).7.You won a prize in a Mathematical competition. Your friends said “you are soclever!” your reply is:a.Thank you.b.I have prepared for a long time and I deserved it.c.Thank you. I am satisfied with what I have achieved.d.Not really, lucky me.e.I can’t do this without others’ help.f.Others (please list)_____________.8.You are studying for a degree in French. One day a French tourist asked you fordirections and you answered him fluently. So the tourist said: “you r French is excellent!” your reply is:a.Thank you.b.I am studying French at university now.c.Really? I am glad you think so.d.No, far from it. I am just a beginner.e.I am flattered.f.Others (please list)____________.Thank you very much!。
MSQ job satisfaction questionnaire(MSQ工作满意度问卷)本量表是由Weiss等、、英格兰&洛夫奎斯特(1967)编制而成。
MSQ被译成了法文和希伯来文(igalens &鲁塞尔,1999,sagie,1998)。
信度:msq20道项目的α系数为0.85-0.91(Hart,1999;胡贝尔,Seybolt,和venemon,1992;克伦克Hamel &马蒂厄,1990;马蒂厄,1991;马蒂厄和法尔,1991;里格斯和骑士,1994;,1990;Scarpello 和范登堡空军基地,1992;Smith &布兰尼克,1990;黄慧,与法律,1998)。
MSQ的希伯来语版本α系数为sagie,1998)20个项目的MSQ对总体满意度的测量跨时间的重测信度R = 58(Wong,回族,与法,1998效度:总体满意度与角色冲突和角色模糊,以及离职倾向之间呈负相关(克伦克Hamel &马蒂厄,1990;Smith &布兰尼克,1990)。
Example QuestionnaireFollowing these simple rules can help you make a questionnaire that is easier for people to complete.1.Try to keep the questionnaire on one sheet: this will help you, andthe person giving the answers.2.Phrase the questions as you would say them if talking naturally tosomeone.3.Keep a count of peoples answers alongside the question using tallymarks: count up after exercise.A quick example of using tally marks to count answers:10. Do you think other people would use the serviceYesNoHere is an example of a full questionnaire using our simple rules: Questionnaire –Current Facilities & Preferences1. Do you use fast-food services in the areaYesNo2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)a) Kebabb) Sandwichesc) Hotdogd) Pizzae) Hamburgerf) Fish & Chipsg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) None3. What type of fast food do you prefera) Hamburgerb) Pizzac) Hotdogd) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) Sandwichesg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) None4. What type of fast-food services are in the areaa) Hotdogb) Hamburgerc) Pizzad) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) Sandwichesg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) NoneCustomer Trends5. What else do you buy when purchasing fast food’a) carbonated (fizzy) drinksb) coffee, teac) Other6. What time of day do you eat fast-fooda) Before 11amb) Between 11am and 2pmc) Between 2pm and 6pmd) Between 6pm and 10pme) After 10pm7. How often do you use fast-food servicesa)Once a weekb) Twice a weekc) Once a monthd) Once a yeare) OtherNeed for & Access to Product/Service8. How much are you prepared to pay for fast-fooda) Less than £1b) Between £1 –£3c) Over £39. Would you buy from my new stallYesNo10. Do you think other people would use the serviceYesNo11. How far do you live from the stalla) Less than half-a-mileb) Half-a-mile to two-milesc) Over two-miles12. How often do you pass the stall(货摊)a) Every dayb) Twice a weekc) Once a weekd) Once every two-weekse) Once a monthf) Less frequentg) Usually, never13. Your age group (Enter‘M’ for male, and‘F’for fe male)a) Up to 18b) Between 18 and 30c) Between 30 and 50d) Over 50。
英文调查问卷 Questionnaire
![英文调查问卷 Questionnaire](
E Obviouslylower
Part three: Yourbehaviorofbeingpatriotic
5.If China was invaded by foreign troops, will youjoin the army?
E Carry forward the spirit of hard working,plain livingandthrift
AI will attach my personal value to the needs of our motherland, and locate my ideality on the revival ofChina
B I will always focus on international affairsand get to know theirinfluences on China
A I willB I won`t
Part two: Your understanding of our motherland
3.How much do you know about thehistorical tradition, geographical environment,production modeof China?
Part one: Yourunderstanding of patriotism
1.As a Chinese, should we love our country?
ATotally agreeBPartially agree
CDisagree completelyDDon`t know
• Rating Scales and Agreement Scales are two common types of questions that some researchers treat as multiple choice questions and others treat as numeric open end questions. Examples of these kinds of questions are:
• If you want only one answer from each person, ensure that the options are mutually exclusive. For example: • In which of the following do you live? • A house An apartment The suburbs • This question ignores the possibility of someone living in a house or an apartment in the suburbs.
• Question and Answer Choice Order • Answer choice order can make individual questions easier or more difficult to answer. • Question order can affect the results in two ways. • Keep the questionnaire as short as possible. • Start with a Title (e.g., Leisure Activities Survey).
Service Quality Questionnaire1. Have you purchased a Pizzahut's pizza in the last week? □ yes □ no □ unsune2. The last time you bought a Pizzahut's pizza, did you: (check only one) □ Have it delivered to your house? □ Have it delivered to your place of work? □ Pick it yourself? □ Eat it at the Pizza parlor? □ Purchase it some time other way?3. In your opinions, the taste of a Pizzahut's pizza is: (check only one) □ poor □ fair □ good □ excellent4. Which of the following toppings do you typically have on your pizza? (multiple check) □ pepper □ onion □ sausage □ mushroom □ hot pepper5. How do you rate the speediness of Pizzahut's in-restaurant service once you have ordered? (check only one) □ very slowly □ slow □ average □ fast □ very fast6. Please indicate your gender, age and occuption:。
Questionnaire 英文调查问卷
![Questionnaire 英文调查问卷](
QuestionnaireWe are students of BeijingJiao tongUniversity; we are concluding a survey on the focus events about Wanglijun that happened recently. The answers you give will be kept confidential and used seriously for research purpose only.Please tick the suited item following.Gender: ( ) Male ( ) FemaleAge: _______________Status: ( ) Student ( ) Office ( ) Worker ( ) Professional ( ) Other1、H ave you ever heard about the Wanglijun and his story before?( ) yes, I am always keeping a watchful eye on it.( ) yes, but I just know it a little.( ) no, I have never heard of it.2、W anglijun had make a great contribution on the fighting to the criminal,what do you think of this?( ) positive, I think all of the police officer should serve him as a model.( ) neutral, I think he had just done what he should do.( )negative, I think it is a conspiracy.3、W anglijun has run into the American Agent in Chengdu, what do you think ofit?( ) agree, it is necessary.( ) disagree; it is a wrong way to solute the matter.( ) no idea.4、A fter the running of Wanglijun, the Chongqingmayor Huangqifan had droveto arrest Wanglijun; does he have the right to do this?( ) agree, it is necessary.( ) disagree; it is a wrong way to solute the matter.( ) no idea.5、B oxilai is the Party Secretary of Chongqing, is there any relationship do youthink with him?( ) yes, the whole matter is controlled by him..( ) maybe, he should be involved.( ) no idea6、W hat do youthink the relationship about Boxilai and Wanglijun?( ) Wang had betrayed the Bo.( ) they are only the relationship of boss and underman.( ) no idea7、W hat kind of role do you think Huangqifan play in the whole event?( ) He must have a hand in it.( ) He had only done something in his responsibility.( ) no idea.8、T he Partyhad removed Wanglijun from office after this event, what is youropinion?( )agree, it is necessary.( ) disagree; it is a wrong way to solute the matter.( ) no idea.9、T he Party had removed Boxilai from office after this event, what is youropinion?( )agree, it is necessary.( ) disagree; it is a wrong way to solute the matter.( ) no idea.10、Do you think is there any effect on you about the event of Wanglijun? ( ) yes, a lot( ) yes, but just a little.( ) nothing.The following question needs your deliberation.11、What is your opinion about how to take a precaution to the similarevents?12、When the privatebenefit meet the national benefit , which do you will conserve?Thank you!。
问卷调查 questionnaire
![问卷调查 questionnaire](
问卷调查1、大学是否毕业:A.在读B.已毕业2、当你问同学数学题时,你希望他/她:A.与你交流,掌握你的知识盲点,然后根据你的盲点予以解答B.整理好所有解题步骤,从头到尾给你讲解一遍3、你想借一本书,你会:A.问朋友或同学借B.去图书馆借4、你愿意去记住班里同学的名字吗?A.愿意B.不愿意,可以存一份名单在手机里,以备不时之需5、你希望自己在大学能:A.结交很多有话聊的新朋友B.凭借优异的成绩申请到美国知名大学的全奖硕士offer6、你希望你的室友:A.给你推荐适合你的衣物B.在期末复习时给你答疑解惑7、你希望学校能:A.提供更多的社团活动B.能组织更多的专业竞赛8、你希望你大学的男/女朋友带你去:A.你最喜欢的地方吃饭B.最适合你俩的地方吃饭9、你希望在自己课堂上:A.多和老师交流互动B.掌握每一个知识点10、你所在的小组集体讨论课题时遇到了困难,你希望有人:A.鼓舞大家B.分析原因,找到关键问题The questionnaire1, when you ask friends a math problem, you want him/her:municate with you, explain what you do not understand and allow you to solve the question.B.List problem-solving steps, show them from the beginning to the end.2, when you need to borrow a book, you will:A.Ask friends or classmates to lend you oneB. Go to the library3, would you like to remember the names of your classmates?A. Yes, I would like toB. No, I can save a list of names in the phone4, what do you want in your campus life:A.Make many new friends.B. Get a great grade5, you want your roommate to:A. Give you fashion adviceB. Give you help during the final review period6, you hope the school can:A.Provide more community activityB. Organize more professional competition7, you want your girlfriend/boyfriend in the university to take you to:A. Your favorite place to have a mealB. The most appropriate place to have a meal8, you want ______in the class:A. Get enough communication with the teacherB. manage every knowledge point9, when your team’s discussion is met with difficulties, you want someone:A. To inspire everyoneB. To analysis reasons, find the key problem。
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questionnaire 问卷,调查表
matter 要紧,有重大关系
partner 搭挡,合作者
lifestyle 生活方式
shepherd 牧羊人
peaceful 和平的;平静的
relaxing 轻松的,放松的
stressful 充满压力的,紧张的
suppose 认为,猜想
series 连续;系列,丛书
TV series 电视连续剧
cartoon 卡通片,动画片
talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈complain 抱怨,投诉
couch 睡椅,长沙发
couch potato 终日懒散在家的人
switch 转换,转变
switch on 把开关打开,接通
switch off 把关掉,关上
switch over 转换频道,转变
play 戏剧,短剧
BBC 英国广播公司
portable 轻便的,手提(式)的
remote 遥远的
remote control 遥控器
workaholic 工作第一的人,专心工作的人paperwork 日常文书工作
alarm 警报,警告器
alarm clock 闹钟
go off (爆竹,铃等)响
take up 占据
be filled with 充满着
urgent 急迫的,紧急的
personal 私人的,个人的
document 公文,文件
midnight 午夜,半夜
bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的
stress 压力
studio 工作室,演播室
expert 专家
suffer 感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦)
suffer from 忍受, 遭受
pressure 压力
social 爱交际的;社交的
reduce 减少;降低
organize 组织
diet 饮食,节食
stand 忍耐,忍受
prefer 更喜欢,宁愿
volunteer 志愿者
graduate 毕业
minus 负,零下
basin 水盆,脸盆
challenge 挑战
support 支持;支撑
dial 拨(电话号码)
design 设计
advertisement 广告presentation 表演,展示
solve 解答,解决
accountant 会计,会计师
tube (英)地铁
crowded 拥挤的
nearby 附近的在附近otherwise 否则,另外
forecast 预测,预报
crowd 人群,一伙人
lung 肺
distance 距离
distance learning 远程学习sickness 疾病
cigar 雪茄烟
at the moment 此刻,目前
over the years 数年间
classical 古典的
survey 调查
formal 正式的,合礼仪的
mini-skirt 迷你裙,超短裙cycle 骑自行车
kung fu (中国)功夫
style 风格,作风
calm 镇静的,沉着的generous 慷慨的,大方的violent 暴力的
character 人物,性格spaceship 太空船
manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船province 省
astronaut 宇航员
flight 飞行,航班
launch 发射
gravity 地心引力
rocket 火箭
soar 高飞;翱翔
the United Nations 联合国explore 探险
peacefully 和平地,平静地reporter 记者,通讯员glow 发光
atmosphere 大气,气氛parachute 降落伞helicopter 直升机
million 百万
millions of 数百万
wave 挥手示意,致意afterwards 然后,后来revolution 革命
found 建立,创立republic 共和国
light bulb 电灯泡
opinion 意见,看法,主张in my opinion 在我看来personally 就自己而言racism 种族主义
equal 平等的
struggle 斗争,拼搏protest 抗议
march 行军
brilliant 卓越的,辉煌的skilful 灵巧的,熟练的awful 极度的,糟糕的useless 无用的,无效的compete 比赛,竞争amazing 令人惊异的unusual 不平常的champion 冠军
violence 暴力,暴行bullet 子弹
career 职业,一生的事业keen 热心的,渴望的event 竞赛;事件fortunately 幸运地
athlete 运动员
superhero 超级英雄
superman 超人
disaster 灾难
on one's own 单独地,独自地
promote 促进,提升
injury 损害,伤害
give up 放弃
come to 达到某种状态
pull through 使从(受伤)中活下来,渡过难关commit 犯(错误),干(坏事)
commit suicide 自杀
get on 融洽相处,进展
relationship 关系
react 反应
divorce 离婚
involve 涉及,参与
get involved with 参加,参与
charity 施舍,慈善
quality 质量,品质
disabled 残废的
confident 自信的
far too 太,极为
come off it 别胡扯
Olympic 奥运会的
badminton 羽毛球
admire 钦佩,羡慕
dive 潜水,跳水
dead right 完全地,绝对地
medal 奖章,勋章
absolutely 完全地,绝对地
get a point 得分
graduation 毕业
scholarship 奖学金
the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
wedding 婚礼
Halloween 万圣节前夕
dragon 龙
the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
merry 高兴的,愉快的
turkey 火鸡
occasion 场合
traditional 传统的
bean paste 豆馅
nowadays 现今,现在
include 包括,包含
lantern 灯笼
the Lantern Festival 元宵节celebration 庆祝,庆典
power 权力,影响力
darkness 黑暗,漆黑
destroy 破坏,毁坏
burn down 烧毁
decorate 装饰,布置
battery 电池
sweet dumpling 元宵
boil 煮沸,沸腾
serve 服务;招待,伺候
lunar 月球的,与月亮有关的lunar month 太阴月,阴历一个月tradition 传统,惯例
take part in 参加…,参与…sticky 粘的,粘性的
alcohol 酒精,乙醇
hot pot 火锅
snack 小吃,快餐
reception 接待;招待会
retire 退休
salary 薪水
apply 申请,应用
apply for 请求,申请opportunity 机会
teenager 十几岁的青少年depend on 根据,依据
on time 准时
smartly 潇洒地,漂亮地congratulations 祝贺
bunch 束,串
bride 新娘新郎
bridegroom 男傧相
best man 入口
entrance 邀请,请柬
invitation even if 即使ceremony 典礼,仪式
attend 出席,参加
Indonesian 印尼的
ought 应该,应当
contribute 捐献,贡献
Greek 希腊的,希腊人的crown 王冠,花冠ribbon 缎带,丝带
link 连接
carol 圣诞节颂歌stocking 长袜
seriously 认真地,真诚地pole 棒,竿;极
the North Pole 北极envelope 信封
calendar 日历
put up 举起,建造decoration 装饰;装饰品pudding 布丁
breast 胸部
swallow 吞下;咽下adult 成年人
carry on 继续,坚持
mat 垫子
litre 升,公升
fry 用油煎,用油炸
as well 也unfortunately 不幸地mess 混乱,脏乱production 生产,制造needle 针
pillow 枕头。