
选择填空专项训练题(一)1、化简32)(a -的结果是 …………………………………………………………………( )(A )5a - (B )5a (C )6a - (D )6a2、如果正比例函数的图象经过点(-3,5),那么它也经过点……………………………( )(A )(4,-6); (B )(5,-8); (C )(6,-10); (D )(7,-12).3、不等式组⎩⎨⎧<-<-0203x x 的解集是………………………………………………( )(A )2<x ; (B )3<x ; (C ) 32<<x ; (D ) 无 解.4、袋中有3个红球,2个白球,如果从袋中任意摸出1个球,那么摸出白球的概率是( )(A )51 (B )52 (C )32 (D )31 5、若是非零向量,则下列等式正确的是……………………………………( )(A; (B )AB =; (C )AB +=0; (D=0.6、下列命题中正确的是………………………………………………………………( )(A )如果两条直线被第三条直线所截,那么同位角一定相等;(B )三角形的重心到三角形三个顶点的距离相等;(C )两圆相交时连心线垂直于公共弦;(D )如果一个四边形的对角线互相垂直,那么这个四边形一定是菱形。
7、化简:21=__________. 8、分解因式33x x -= .9、当3_____a 时,等式a a -=-3)3(2成立10、某商品原来的价格为a 元,近一个月以来,由于季节原因,连续两次..降价,平均每次的降幅为20%,试问现在的价格为 元(用含a 的代数式表示).11、若方程0213122=+---x x x x ,设x x y 12-=则原方程可化为 ; 12、要使正五边形绕着它的中心旋转后能与它本身重合,至少要旋转 度.13.斜面的坡度为=i 1∶3,一物体沿斜面向上推进了20米,那么物体升高了 米.14、已知函数x x f 2)(-=,比较)1(f 与)2(f 的大小, 用“>”或“<”符号连接:)1(f )2(f .ABO (第14题)15. 如图,在正方形网格中,AOB ∠如图放置,则cos AOB ∠的值为 .16、在Rt △ABC 中,︒=∠90C ,6=AC ,8=BC ,点G 为Rt △ABC 的重心,那么=CG .17、点P 的坐标为)5,2(-,以点P 为圆心,半径为r 的圆与x 轴相离,与y 轴相交,则r 的取值范围为 .18、在ABC △中,5AB AC ==,3cos 5B =(如图).如果圆O且经过点B C ,,那么线段AO 的长等于 .填空、选择专项练习(二)1.20022,0.2121121112,,cos 60,sin 45,0.1237π-- 中,无理数有( )(A) 3个 ( B) 4个 (C) 5个 ( D) 6个2.下列运算正确的是 ( )(A) x 2 x 3 =x 6 (B) x 2+x 2=2x 4 (C) (-2x)2 =4x 2 (D) (-2x)2 (-3x )3=6x 53.不等式组⎩⎨⎧-≤-->x x x 28132的最小整数解是( ) (A) -1 ( B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 34. 下列事件中确定事件是 ( )(A)掷一枚均匀的硬币,正面朝上(B)买一注福利彩票一定会中奖(C)把4个球放入三个抽屉中,其中一个抽屉中至少有2个球(D)掷一枚六个面分别标有1,2,3,4,5,6的均匀正方体骰子,骰子停止转动后奇数点朝上 5. 如图,⊙O 的半径为5,弦AB 的长为8,点M 在线段AB (包括端点A B ,)则OM 的取值范围是 ( )(A) 35OM ≤≤ (B) 35OM <≤ (C) 45OM ≤≤(D) 45OM <≤6.下列语句错误的是 ( )(A )如果0=k 或0=a ,那么0=k ;(B )如果m 、n 为实数,那么a mn a n m )()(=;(C )如果m 、n 为实数,那么n m n m +=+)(;(D )如果m 、n 为实数,那么m m m +=+)(.7.计算:=-12. BA CDBE O8.已知53=-a b a ,那么ba 的值等于 . 9.全球每小时约有510000000吨污水排入江河湖海,用科学记数法表示为 吨.10.已知∠α与∠β互余,且∠α=15°,则∠β为 度.11.甲、乙两人在射击训练中,射击的次数相同,且命中环数的平均数相同,方差分别为7.8和4,那么甲、乙两人在这次射击中成绩比较稳定的是 .12.计算:1(23)(64)2a b b a +--= . 13.函数1-=x y 中自变量x的取值范围是 .14. 如图,在△ABC 中,∠A =60°,按图中虚线将∠A 剪去后,12+∠∠等于 度.15. 如图,将AOB △绕点O 逆时针旋转90,得到A OB ''△.若点A 的坐标为()a b ,,则点A '的坐标为 .(第17题) 16.掷一枚质地均匀的正方体骰子,骰子的六个面上分别刻有1到6的点数,掷得面朝上的点数为奇数的概率为 .17.已知:在平面直角坐标系中有两点A (-1,1),B (3,2),在x 轴上找出点C ,使△ABC 为等腰三角形,则点C 的坐标为 . 18.△ABC 中, AC 、BC 上的中线BE 、AD 垂直相交于点O ,若BC =10,BE =6,则AB 的长为 .新和民办新和中学初三数学选择填空练习(三)1.能使分式122--x x x 的值为零的所有x 的值是( ) A 、0=x B 、1=x C 、0=x 或1=x D 、0=x 或1±=x2.代数式11--+y x,运算答案正确的是( ) (A )y x xy -- (B )xy y x + (C )xy y x -- (D )yx xy + 3.下列各条件中,不能判定两个三角形必定全等的是 ……………………………( )(A )两边及其夹角对应相等;(B )三边对应相等;B(C )两角及一角的对边对应相等; (D )两边及一边的对角对应相等.4.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,AB =6,AC =2,则sinA = ( )(A) 13 (B )23 (C )23 2 (D )235. 一个圆的圆心坐标是(-2,1),半径是5,这个圆与x 轴的关系是………( )(A )相离 (B )相切 (C )相交 (D )不能确定6. 下列图形:①线段;②等腰梯形;③矩形;④圆.其中是轴对称图形,但不是中心对称图形的有…………………………………………………( )A.1个; B.2个; C.3个; D.4个7.分解因式:82a 2- =_________.8.在我国的建筑中,很多建筑图形具有对称性,右图是一个破损瓷砖的图案,请把它补画成中心对称图形.9. 已知a <b <0,则点A (ab ,b )在第 象限.10.二次函数1322-+=x x y 的图象的对称轴是________,顶点坐标__________11.已知e 是单位向量,a 与e 的方向相反,且长度为5,则a 用e 表示是___________.12. 已知一传送带和地面所成斜坡的坡度1:2.4,如果把物体从地面送到5米高的地方,那么物体经过的路程为________米。

4、 5的倍数有();55以内7的倍数有()。
12、在□里填上一个数字,使每个数都是3的倍数,各有几种填法?□7 4□2 □44 65□ 12□113、一个数,如果只有1和它本身两个因数,这样的数叫做(),或()。

第 1 章网络安全概括练习题1.选择题(1)在短时间内向网络中的某台服务器发送大批无效连结恳求,致使合法用户暂时无法接见服务器的攻击行为是破坏了()。
A.机密性B.完好性C.可用性D.可控性( 2) Alice 向 Bob 发送数字署名的信息M,则不正确的说法是( ) 。
A. Alice 能够保证Bob 收到信息MB. Alice 不行否定发送信息MC. Bob 不可以假造或改变信息MD. Bob 能够考证信息M的确根源于Alice( 3)入侵检测系统(IDS , Intrusion Detection System) 是对 ( ) 的合理增补,帮助系统应付网络攻击。
A.互换机B.路由器C.服务器D.防火墙(4)依据统计显示, 80%的网络攻击源于内部网络,所以,一定增强对内部网络的安全控制和防备。
A.使用防病毒软件B.使用日记审计系统C.使用入侵检测系统D.使用防火墙防备内部攻击(5) 典型的网络安全威迫不包含A. 窃听B.假造( ) 。
C. 身份认证D. 拒绝服务攻击2.填空题( 1)网络安全的基本因素主要包含、、、可控性与不行狡辩性。
( 2)是指在散布式网络环境中,对信息载体(办理载体、储存载体、传输载体)和信息的办理、传输、储存、接见供给安全保护,以防备数据、信息内容遇到破坏、改正、泄漏,或网络服务中止或拒绝服务或被非受权使用和窜改。
( 3)是最近几年来盛行的另一种新式网络攻击手段,黑客成立一个网站,经过模仿银行、购物网站、炒股网站、彩票网站等,诱骗用户接见。
( 4)是网络的第一道防线,它是设置在被保护网络和外面网络之间的一道屏障,以防备发生不行展望的、潜伏破坏性的入侵,( 5)是网络的第二道防线,入侵检测是指经过对行为、安整日记或审计数据或其余网络上能够获取的信息进行操作,检测到对系统的闯进或闯进的妄图。
( 6)Vmware虚构机里的网络连结有三种,分别是桥接、、。

A)数据总线B)系统总线C)控制总线D)地址总线3.CPU与外设间数据传送的控制方式有(D)A)中断方式B)DMA方式 C)程序控制方式D)以上三种都是4.程序查询I/O的流程总是按(C)次序完成一个字符的传输。
A.B口B.A口C.A.B.C三端口均可以D.C口7.执行IN AL,70H时,8086CPU外部管脚状态是(D)。
A.NMI、除法中断、INTR B.NMI、INTR、除法中断C.INTR、除法中断、NMI D.除法中断、NMI、INTR9.采用虚拟存储器技术的目的是(D)。
选择 填空题

Unit 21. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isn't it?A. objectingB. subjectC. objectiveD. aiming2. They have used the cinema as a weapon, as a(n) ____ to express their views.A. mediaB. mediumC. aidsD. mean3. These shops normally ______ in old and antique (古董) items, not in modern ones.A. buyB. makeC. specializeD. sell4. Some senior (年长的) members from the visiting team made a good number of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to ______ additional information.A. advertiseB. gainC. knowD. remember5. The book is endlessly ______ and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it to you.A. boringB. dullC. fascinatingD. expensive6. It's very expensive to ________ on television.A. advertiseB. advertisingC. advertiserD. advertised7. How would a person who stays abroad most probably _____ when he or she is frustrated by the culture shock (文化冲击)?A. rememberB. respectC. recallD. react8. Some sentences are written just to give the _____ of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.A. definitionsB. textsC. spellingsD. formsUnit51. Crowds ____ the narrow sidewalks and overflowed (涌向) into the street.A. tookB. jammedC. RanD. walked2. Her father ____ nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished (有造诣的) woman of her age.A. thoughtB. paidC. thankedD. omitted3. He saw the ____ of a house against the sky.A. outlookB. outlineC. outsideD. outfit4. Too much direct sunlight will ____ the plant.A. harmB. holdC. helpD. heat5. When we went to the coast we stayed in a holiday ____.A. vacationB. campC. placeD. site6. The company ____ 2,000 people worldwide.A. coversB. usesC. employsD. owns7. We were unable to offer this service because I hadn't got the ____ to cope with it.A. officeB. personnelC. ideaD. thought8. The fat old man looked ____ in his tight white trousers.A. ridiculousB. fineC. WellD. sorryUnit 11.led by the party, we are marchingvictory to victory2. she grewin comfortable surroundings; she never experienced any difficulties when she was young.3. luck would have it,I did not catch the plane that exploded shortly after it took off.4. He pushed his way the crowd.5. Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart it.6. The airline decides to replace its small planes Boeing747s.7. He is keen all kinds of alcohol-beer, whisky, and so forth.8. The doctor diagnosed his condition a stomach problem.Unit 21.When you see someone you know,or would like to make contact,smile.2.In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shoutto be heard by everyone.3.After she became a lawyer,she decidedspecializecontractlaw.4.The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic,leafingthe magazines and newspapers on the table.5.In new surroundings,it's best to take on one challengea time.6.I knew rightthe beginning that it would not pay.7.Women must fight for the rightequal pay equal work.8.The new products will ensure our company staysbusiness.Unit31、It’s still unknown whether the project we have been Workingwill yield a high return of investment.2、The river which goes the city makes itself a popular summer resort.3、Don’t talk too much when your boss is no mood for chatting over the phone.4、John would, sooner or later, involve himself serious trouble if he continued to do this with evil intention.5、The employer reacted the depression by dismissing dozens of his employees.6、Soon the earthquake, many people who had been evacuated from the area returned to rebuild their hometown.7、The old man likes to reflect his childhood while drinking with his friends.8、He has been transferred a new company in Europe to be responsible for sales and distribution activities.Unit41、He stood top of a car , giving a speech to the excited crowds .2、I could hardly believe that what he said turned to be true.3、The Football Association is likely to call a ban on alcohol at football games.4、The street was sealed yesterday when a bomb had been found in the car driven by a young man.5、We should get moving this; otherwise we cannot complete the project in July.6、She felt uneasy asking him to do her a big favor at this moment.7、They are still checking the cause of the air crash that happened on Monday morning.8、Don’t you hate it when someone hangs before you have finished speaking?Unit51、Being quite well-educated and experienced, heserves an adviser in the government.2、A child does things the same way as his mother does.3、He works hard to earn more money to keep his son at school the hopethat his son can go to college.4、He named his new-born baby the great scholar in ancient China.5、No one can stop him going on with his studies.6、When the two men were fighting on the street, the police stepped .7、By adjusting the bedrooms of these two students, the counselorironed the conflicts between them.8、He always makes fun others, so almost everyone dislikes him.Unit71. She turned _____ his invitation to go on a holiday with him, claiming that she was extremely busy at that time.2. He focuses his attention ____ learning how to treatpatients with Chinese herbs (中草药).3. He tried hard to go ____ his ultimate (最终的) goal, but ended up in failure.4. She was tiny, weighing only 5 pounds ____ birth.5. He chose to be alone for a while ____ purpose because he wanted to concentrate on thinking over the problem.6. All our hopes lay ____ him, but he disappointed us.7. He was told not to take ____ more responsibilities than hecould handle when he worked for the oil company.8. We will not give ____ our efforts until we have found a solution to the delicate (微妙的) problem.。
选择 填空题

Unit 21. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isn't it?A. objectingB. subjectC. objectiveD. aiming2. They have used the cinema as a weapon, as a(n) ____ to express their views.A. mediaB. mediumC. aidsD. mean3. These shops normally ______ in old and antique (古董) items, not in modern ones.A. buyB. makeC. specializeD. sell4. Some senior (年长的) members from the visiting team made a good number of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to ______ additional information.A. advertiseB. gainC. knowD. remember5. The book is endlessly ______ and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it to you.A. boringB. dullC. fascinatingD. expensive6. It's very expensive to ________ on television.A. advertiseB. advertisingC. advertiserD. advertised7. How would a person who stays abroad most probably _____ when he or she is frustrated by the culture shock (文化冲击)?A. rememberB. respectC. recallD. react8. Some sentences are written just to give the _____ of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.A. definitionsB. textsC. spellingsD. formsUnit51. Crowds ____ the narrow sidewalks and overflowed (涌向) into the street.A. tookB. jammedC. RanD. walked2. Her father ____ nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished (有造诣的) woman of her age.A. thoughtB. paidC. thankedD. omitted3. He saw the ____ of a house against the sky.A. outlookB. outlineC. outsideD. outfit4. Too much direct sunlight will ____ the plant.A. harmB. holdC. helpD. heat5. When we went to the coast we stayed in a holiday ____.A. vacationB. campC. placeD. site6. The company ____ 2,000 people worldwide.A. coversB. usesC. employsD. owns7. We were unable to offer this service because I hadn't got the ____ to cope with it.A. officeB. personnelC. ideaD. thought8. The fat old man looked ____ in his tight white trousers.A. ridiculousB. fineC. WellD. sorryUnit 11.led by the party, we are marchingvictory to victory2. she grewin comfortable surroundings; she never experienced any difficulties when she was young.3. luck would have it,I did not catch the plane that exploded shortly after it took off.4. He pushed his way the crowd.5. Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart it.6. The airline decides to replace its small planes Boeing747s.7. He is keen all kinds of alcohol-beer, whisky, and so forth.8. The doctor diagnosed his condition a stomach problem.Unit 21.When you see someone you know,or would like to make contact,smile.2.In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shoutto be heard by everyone.3.After she became a lawyer,she decidedspecializecontractlaw.4.The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic,leafingthe magazines and newspapers on the table.5.In new surroundings,it's best to take on one challengea time.6.I knew rightthe beginning that it would not pay.7.Women must fight for the rightequal pay equal work.8.The new products will ensure our company staysbusiness.Unit31、It’s still unknown whether the project we have been Workingwill yield a high return of investment.2、The river which goes the city makes itself a popular summer resort.3、Don’t talk too much when your boss is no mood for chatting over the phone.4、John would, sooner or later, involve himself serious trouble if he continued to do this with evil intention.5、The employer reacted the depression by dismissing dozens of his employees.6、Soon the earthquake, many people who had been evacuated from the area returned to rebuild their hometown.7、The old man likes to reflect his childhood while drinking with his friends.8、He has been transferred a new company in Europe to be responsible for sales and distribution activities.Unit41、He stood top of a car , giving a speech to the excited crowds .2、I could hardly believe that what he said turned to be true.3、The Football Association is likely to call a ban on alcohol at football games.4、The street was sealed yesterday when a bomb had been found in the car driven by a young man.5、We should get moving this; otherwise we cannot complete the project in July.6、She felt uneasy asking him to do her a big favor at this moment.7、They are still checking the cause of the air crash that happened on Monday morning.8、Don’t you hate it when someone hangs before you have finished speaking?Unit51、Being quite well-educated and experienced, heserves an adviser in the government.2、A child does things the same way as his mother does.3、He works hard to earn more money to keep his son at school the hopethat his son can go to college.4、He named his new-born baby the great scholar in ancient China.5、No one can stop him going on with his studies.6、When the two men were fighting on the street, the police stepped .7、By adjusting the bedrooms of these two students, the counselorironed the conflicts between them.8、He always makes fun others, so almost everyone dislikes him.Unit71. She turned _____ his invitation to go on a holiday with him, claiming that she was extremely busy at that time.2. He focuses his attention ____ learning how to treatpatients with Chinese herbs (中草药).3. He tried hard to go ____ his ultimate (最终的) goal, but ended up in failure.4. She was tiny, weighing only 5 pounds ____ birth.5. He chose to be alone for a while ____ purpose because he wanted to concentrate on thinking over the problem.6. All our hopes lay ____ him, but he disappointed us.7. He was told not to take ____ more responsibilities than hecould handle when he worked for the oil company.8. We will not give ____ our efforts until we have found a solution to the delicate (微妙的) problem.Minimum YearsAssistant Company Necessary Word processing With Administrative Experience Insurance Individual Manager助手文字处理个别的年保险经理最小值管理经历和….一起必要的公司。

普通动物学一、选择题1、环节动物多毛纲在其个体发育过程中所经历的幼虫阶段是(C )。
A 浮浪幼虫B 牟勒氏幼虫C 担轮幼虫D 钩介幼虫2、团藻在动物演化上有重要意义,其分类地位是(B )。
A 海绵动物门B 原生动物门C 腔肠动物门D 扁形动物门3、蝎子和蜱螨隶属于节肢动物门的( D )。
A 多足纲B 甲壳纲C 昆虫纲D 蛛形纲4、水螅为淡水生活的腔肠动物,是科学研究中的好材料,下列哪种叙述是不正确的( C )。
A 水螅有多种运动行为,如捕食运动、尺蠖运动和翻筋斗运动等。
B 具有两个胚层和消化循环腔C 神经系统发达,有感觉运动中心D 具有辐射对称的体制5、间日疟原虫的中间寄主为(C )。
A 钉螺B 沼螺C 按蚊D 伊蚊6、昆虫分类的主要依据除了触角、足、翅、生物学外,还有(B )。
A 体壁突起B 口器C 生殖器D 听器7、棘皮动物的成虫是辐射对称,其幼虫是( B )。
A 辐射对称B 两侧对称C 两侧辐射对称D 无对称8、蝼蛄的前足是(C )。
A 步行足B 跳跃足C 开掘足D 捕捉足9、河蚌的生殖孔开口于( C )。
A 身体末端B 身体腹面C 内鳃瓣的鳃上腔D 口附近10、人吃了未煮熟的“米猪肉”或被囊尾蚴污染的食物,就可能感染( D )。
A 球虫病B 钩虫病C 吸虫病D 绦虫病11、家蝇在分类学上属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲的(A )。
A 双翅目B 膜翅目C 半翅目D 鳞翅目12、蝗虫的变态类型属于( A )。
A 渐变态B 半变态C 无变态D 完全变态13、动物界的第二大门是( B )。
A 节肢动物门B 软体动物门C 原生动物门D 环节动物门14、无脊椎动物的前肠和后肠来源于( B )。
A 内胚层B 外胚层C 中胚层D 体腔膜15、水沟系这种特殊的结构存在于( D )。
A 棘皮动物B 腔肠动物C 软体动物D 海绵动物16、下列哪种动物是国家一级保护动物( A )。
A 鹦鹉螺B 有孔虫C 扇贝D 乌贼17、下列哪种运动器官的功能最有效( A )。

选择填空练习题1. 魏晋时期,丞相才任命的从九品官员称为____________。
A. 御史B. 主簿C. 前将军D. 中书令2. 中国古代四大美女之一的貂蝉是哪个时期的人物?A. 春秋时期B. 三国时期C. 汉朝D. 唐朝3. 以下哪位是中国五代十国时期的皇帝?A. 李世民B. 宋太祖C. 刘表D. 刘宗元4. 《红楼梦》是中国古代四大名著之一,它的作者是____________。
B. 李白C. 施耐庵D. 曹雪芹5. 魏晋时期,以下哪位作家是长篇小说的代表作家?A. 柳宗元B. 陆游C. 陶渊明D. 蔡东藩6. 被称为中国古代文学史上“文学骑士”的作家是____________。
A. 杜甫B. 李清照C. 苏轼D. 辛弃疾7. 以下哪位是中国唐代的文学家?A. 王羲之B. 王勃D. 王维8. 以下哪部作品被誉为中国古代文学中最早的长篇小说?A. 《西游记》B. 《水浒传》C. 《红楼梦》D. 《三国演义》9. 以下诗句中,描述了“世界美”的是:A. 春风十里不如你B. 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭C. 春花秋月何时了D. 满地都是黄金10. 以下哪个不是中国古代文学典籍中的作品?A. 《礼记》B. 《左传》C. 《秋水共长天一色》D. 《史记》11. 以下哪位是中国唐代的诗人?A. 杜牧B. 陆游C. 辛弃疾D. 王昌龄12. 以下哪个是中国古代五大笔记小说之一?A. 《水浒传》B. 《红楼梦》C. 《聊斋志异》D. 《三国演义》13. 以下哪位是中国古代文学史上以诗人身份著称的政治家?A. 苏轼B. 李商隐C. 杜牧D. 陆游14. 下列哪个选项是描写雪的古诗?A. 万物生光辉,华夏尽可笑B. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神C. 白日依山尽,黄河入海流D. 日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁15. 中国古代诗词之父被誉为:A. 杜甫B. 苏轼C. 李白D. 白居易16. 以下哪位不是中国唐代的名将?A. 岳飞B. 李靖C. 郭子仪D. 杨广17. 以下哪位是中国古代文学史上以词人身份著称的文学家?A. 李白B. 杜牧C. 辛弃疾D. 陆游18. 以下哪部作品被誉为中国古代文学中的杰作?A. 《庐山谣》B. 《把酒问月》C. 《徐霞客游记》D. 《水调歌头》19. “梅花香自苦寒来”出自以下哪位诗人的作品?A. 王维B. 王之涣C. 陆游D. 白居易20. 以下哪位是中国明代的文学家?A. 羊欢B. 袁宏道C. 贾仲明D. 高星煊注意:文章只包含选择题,选项和答案并未给出。

1.1米=()厘米70厘米+30厘米=()米37厘米+5厘米=()厘米23米-8米=()米2. 6个3相加,写成乘法算式是(),这个式子读作()3. 在下面的()里最大能填几?()×6<27 ()<3×7 4×()<15 35>7×()4. 在算式4×7=28中,4是(),7是(),28是()。
5. 把下面的口诀补充完整。
八九()()二十四6. 1米=()厘米1米40厘米=()厘米7. 3+3+3+6+3可以改写成乘法算式3×(),也可以改写成6×()。
8.□×□=□×□=24 □×□=□×□=369. 在括号里填上“米”或“厘米”。
床长约2()铅笔长约16()跑道一圈长400()小明高1()40()一条黄瓜长20()教室长约8()10. 在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”,在○里填上“+”、“-”、或“×”。
46+7○8×7 2×6○3×4 36—9○5×5 90厘米○8米5○8=40 7○8=15 6○8=48 8○5=311. 一个角有()个顶点,()条边。
12. 3个9相加的和是();3和9相加的和是();13. 一个直角和一个锐角可以拼成一个()。
14. 积是18的口诀有()和()。
15. △△△△△△△△有()个(),可以写成加法算式(),也可以写成乘法算式()×()=(),读作()()和()是乘数,积是()16. 用3、12、6、2编出四个乘法算式。
17. 用7、1、3三个数字的其中两个组合成两位数,能写出()个两位数。
18. 钟面上有()个大格,有()个小格。
19. 要算53-(9+37),应先算(),再算()得()。
20. 3×7和7×3的积都是(),计算时可以用同一句口诀()。

选择填空专项练习1.Every four years, ______people watch the Olympic Games.A. million ofB. millions ofC. two millionsD. two millions of2.In our class, ______of the students ______ girls.A. three-fifths; areB. three-fifth ; isC. three-fifth ; areD. three -fifths, is3.Shenzhen is ______the south of China.A. inB. onC. toD. at4.She usually takes a shower_______8.00_______the evening.A. from ; inB. from; ofC. at ; inD. at; of5.Tim was born ______the 2nd_____June,1995.A. on ; ofB. on; inC. in; ofD. in ; in6.Alice is learning ______French. She is sure French is _____useful language.A. / ; anB. /; aC. the; aD. the; an7.---I feel a bit hungry. ---Why don’t you have ______bread?A. anyB. someC. littleD. a8.Ann put on a new dress and looked at _____in the mirror.A. herB. hersC. sheD. herself9.--How do you get _____ school? ---_______bus. My home is far _____ school.A. to; By; fromB. by; To; awayC. at; At; fromD. on; At; away10.I will wait _____you _____the bus station this afternoon.A. for ; atB. with; itC. for ; inD. of ; at11.I hear he is ill in hospital. You’d better go _____see him at once.A. soB. orC. andD. but12.All the food ______ready now. Help yourselves, please.A. isB. amC. areD. be13.Everyone knows that these kinds of jeans _____in the USA.A. is makingB. makesC. madeD. are made14.Everything______to grow in spring every year.A. beginB. beginsC. is beginningD. will begin15.We should be ______to people.A. friendB. friendsC. friendlyD. a friend16.---What’s your father? ----_______.A. He is a firemanB. He is niceC. He is cookingD. He works in a shop17.Sue is working very _____ recently.A. goodB. fineC. hardlyD. hard18.--____shall we meet at the park?---What about half past eight?A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Which19.Take exercise every day, ______you’ll become stronger and healthier.A. orB. andC. butD. while20.Look at the clouds in the sky! I guess it _____later on.A. is going to rainB. rainingC. rainsD. rained21.—There should be ______”h” in the word “hour”.---You’re right. And_____ “h” is the first letter of the word.A. a; theB. an; anC. an; theD. the; the22.He read something interesting in today’s newspaper, _____he ?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC. isn’tD. wasn’t23.--_____do you go to the cinema? ---Once a week.A. How manyB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long24.She will give the book to you when she ______you tomorrow.A. will seeB. seesC. seeD.saw25.---Does Mary enjoy ______a kite? ---Yes. Look! She is enjoying _____on the grass.A. flying; herselfB. to fly; themselvesC. flying; themselvesD. to fly; herself26.—What time does your father leave home?---______half past six _____every morning.A. At;/B. In;/C. On; inD. At; in27. It ______rains in London, so you’d better take an umbrella with you when you go out.A. neverB. alwaysC. seldomD. sometimes28.I like listening to music, _____my sister doesn’t think it’s interesting.A. soB. andC. butD. because29.My mother isn’t at home today, ______I have to _____my little brother.A. or; look forB. and; look atC. so; look afterD. but; look up30.---______the young man work as a doctor in that hospital? ---_______.A. Is; Yes, he isB. Does; No, he isn’tC. Is; No, he isn’tD. Does; Yes, he does31.Sometimes I talk about football with my classmates ______to school.A. on my wayB. by the wayC. in the wayD. in this way32.How long did it _______you from here to school?.A. payB. spendC. costD. take33.—How often do you visit your grandfather? ---________.A. In three daysB. Once a weekC. Last SundayD. Two days ago34. Peter ___________to university after he leaves school.A. goesB. goC. will goD. went35.I hope I can ______ soon.A. hear of youB. hear of your letterC. hear from your letterD. hear from you36.My mother is ______science teacher, and my father is ______ architect.A. a ; anB. a; aC. an; theD. an; an37.---______is ten plus ten? ----Ten plus ten is twenty..A. How manyB. How muchC. What isD. Both B and C38.You should _____your mother ____housework in your free time.A. help; to doB. help; doingC. to help; doD. to help; to do39.Write your names on the piece of paper, _____the student in the last row.A. start fromB. starting fromC. to start fromD. to starting from40.Tom thinks _____easy _____the work in two days.A. it; finishB. that; to finishC. it; to finishD. that; finish41.---What about______? ----But you just borrowed 100 yuan from me yesterday.A. lend some money meB. lending me some moneyC. lending some money for meD. to lend some money to me42.Tomorrow is Lucy’s ______ birthday.A. twelfthB. the twelfthC. twelveD. the twelve43.---_______did you _____the new computer?---Nearly 3,000 yuan.A. How much; takeB. How many; costC. How many; spend onD. How much; pay for44.—When did you visit China? ---_____.A. In two yearsB. Two years agoC. For two yearsD. Two years.45.Subtract3_______9,and______is it?A. by; whatB. with; how muchC. from; whatD. by; how many46.I saw the train ______into the station and then the passengers______.A. came; get offB. come; got offC. come; getting offD. come; get off47._____late for class again.A. Don’tB. NotC. Don’t beD. Not be48.The story _____about fifty years ago.A. happened toB. happenedC. takes placeD. took place of49.The old man can make nine _____ yuan a month by selling empty bottles.A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundredD. hundreds50.---When will you ______ Shenzhen?---We will _____there at about 10:00 this evening.A. arrive in; arrive atB. arrive at; arriveC. arrive in; arriveD. arrive; arrive in51.There______a basketball game on TV tomorrow evening.A. is going to haveB. will beC. will haveD. are52.---I’m thirsty. Could I drink______? ---No, the doctor said you shouldn’t drink______.A. something; somethingB. anything; anythingC. something; anythingD. anything; something53.---You’d better ____me before 9:00._______I will be busy.---Ok.A. not call; MaybeB. not calling; MaybeC. don’t call; ProbablyD. not calling; Probably54.---Stop _____any noise. ____ is knocking at the door. ---Who can it be?A. making; AnyoneB. to make; AnyoneC. to make; SomeoneD. making; Someone55.---Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?---________.But I have a lot of homework to do.A. Yes, I’d love toB. No, thanksC. Yes, I wouldD. No, I wouldn’t56.---Would you like ______orange juice? ---No ,thanks. I would like ______ milk.A. any; someB. some; someC. some; anyD. any; any57.Don’t forget _____me ____the letter.A. helping; postB. to help; postC. helping; to postD. to help; posted58.Please_____the invitation as soon as possible.A. answer toB. to answerC. replyD. reply to59.—Who taught you English?----_________!I learned it all by myself.A. EverybodyB. AnybodyC. SomebodyD. Nobody60.If Tom ______to the party next Sunday, I_____ him to sing a song for us.A. will come; will inviteB. comes; am going to inviteC. comes; inviteD. will come; invites61.---When will you finish _____your homework?---Don’t always urge(催促) me! You made me ______another mistake.A. to do; makeB. doing; to makeC. doing; makeD. to do; to make62.The plane was flying ____the clouds.A. onB. in front ofC. aboveD. next tost Saturday, Mrs Green went to the market, _____some bananas and then visited her cousin.A. boughtB. buyingC. to buyD. buy64._______my decision about that thing.A. There isB. These areC. Here areD. Here is65.---__________ ---That’s a good idea.A. Let’s call the police.B. What about calling the police?C. We had better call the police.D. All of the above.66.---When I passed by the office, I saw your father _____with our English teacher.---My father? What could they_____?A. talk; talk withB. talking; talk aboutC. to talk; talk aboutD. talk; talk with67.Jenny will be back ______ an hour, but Tom will return _______ one o’clock.A. in; afterB. after; afterC. in; inD. in; at68.Now class, please turn to ________and read after me..A. Page 100B. page 100C. 100 pageD. 100 pages69.He said he would come back _____an hour, but he came back ____three days.A. in; inB. after; inC. at; afterD. in; after70.---I lost my new bike. ---Your mother ____angry with you after knowing that.A. willB. is going to beC. wasD. is71.There is a picture ____the wall, and some trees are _____the picture.A. on; inB. in; inC. in; onD. on; on72._______open the door when a stranger knocks at the door.A. Don’tB. Won’tC. NotD. Not73.About____of the workers in the factory are young people.A. second thirdB. second thirdsC. two thirdsD. two third74.We can deal with this matter _____many ways.A. atB. onC. inD. by75.They arrived _____Beijing ____the morning of May 25.A. at; onB. in; inC. at; inD. in; on76.My father ____while he was watching TV just now.A. fell asleepB. went to bedC. sleptD. was sleep77.---______Jenny? ----There was something wrong ____her leg.A. What’s wrong with; onB. What’s the matter with; inC. What happened to; withD. How was; of78.______my suggestions for your plan.A. Here isB. This isC. There areD. Here are79.---Why did you make me ____the truth at the meeting?---Because you could hurt your best friend.A. stop to tellB. stop tellingC. to stop tellingD. to stop to tell80.---Let’s have dinner at that restaurant after school. ---____.A. Shall we?B. You’re welcomeC. Good ideaD. That’s ok81.Mrs Smith has ________.A. a 8 years old boyB. a 8-year-old boyC. an 8-year-old boyD. a 8 years old boy82.Thank you _____me to your birthday party.A. to inviteB. inviteC. for invitingD. to inviting83.There are _______chapters in this textbook. _______is the easiest..A. nine; The ninthB. the nine ; The ninthC. nine; the ninethD. ninth; The nine84.---______is it from the shop to the bus station? ---It’s three minutes’ walk.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How soon85.______coat do you like better ,the blue one or the red one?A. WhatB. WhichC. ThatD. This86.Coke Cola is one of _____in summer.A. most popular drinkB. most popular drinksC. the more popular drinkD. the most popular drinks87.Miss Li teaches ____English. We are all interested in _____ lessons.A. our; sheB. our; herC. us; sheD. us; her88.______is great _____your call at the moment.A. It; getB. That; to getC. It; to getD. That; get89.Michael showed_________.A. his new shoes for meB. his new shoes to meC. his new shoes meD. me to his new shoes90.---Why do you answer my phone after so long a time? ---Sorry, I ______it just now.A. don’t hearB. heardC. didn’t hearD. heare and help me! I really don’t know _____the hard work.A. how to do withB. what to deal withC. how to deal withD. to do what with92.The game is very ______,and lots of people ____playing it.A. interesting; are keen onB. interested; are keen onC .keen; are interested in D. keen; are interesting in93.A clock has no feet ______legs. A clock has no eyes _______no ears.A. or; andB. and; orC. or; orD. and; and94.---Why did you leave before finishing ______the classroom yesterday afternoon?---______I didn’t feel well.A. clean; AndB. cleaning; BecauseC. cleaning; ButD. to clean; So95.---Did you see my purse, Mom? I can’t _____it anywhere.----Why don’t you _____it under your bed?A. find; look forB. look for; look forC. see; findD. find out; see96.Mrs Green has five children ,and her ____child is _____ now.A. five; eight years oldB. fifth; eight years oldC. five; eight-years-oldD. fifth; eight-year-old97.There is going to ________a class meeting in our class this afternoon.A. isB. beC. hasD. have98.I find my answer ______.Can I _____it with you?A. right; helpB. wrong; checkC. right; askD. wrong; argue99.Walk______the bridge, and you will find the________ Middle School.A. on; NO. SevenB. in; SevenC. across; SeventhD. cross; Seventh 100.I enjoy ____football matches with my best friends, and we’d like _____ them.A. watch; discussingB. watching; to discussC. to watch; to discussD. watching; discussKeys1-5 BAACA 6-10 BBDAA 11-15 CADBC 16-20 ADBBA21-25 CBBBA 26-30ABCCD 31-35 ADBCD 36-40 ADABC41-45 BADBC 46-50 DCBCC 51-55 BCADA 56-60 BBDDB61-65 CCADD 66-70 BAADB 71-75 AACCD 76-80 ACDBC81-85 CCACB 86-90 DDCBC 91-95 CAABA 96-100 BBBCB。

1 / 4选择题1、盛唐诗风形成的标志是( D )A.讲究声律辞藻B.抒写慷慨情杯C.诗情画意结合D.声律风骨兼备4、唐诗名句“春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横”,出自( B )A、刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》B、韦应物《滁州西涧》C、孟浩然《宿建德江》D、白居易《钱塘湖春行》5、“西陆蝉声唱”中的“西陆”是指( C )A.西方B. 水边C. 秋天D. 夏天1、《出塞》(其一)中,拉开时空距离的诗句是( A )A、秦时明月汉时关B、万里长征人未还C、但使龙城飞将在D、不教胡马度阴山6、具有鲜明的士大夫之词特征的词是( D )A.敦煌曲子词B.早期文人词C.花间词D.南唐词6、提出著名主张“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的诗人是( B )A、李白B、白居易C、杜甫D、杜牧6、中唐时期善于反映民间疾苦,向民歌学习,作品极具民歌风味的诗人是( C )A、张继B、孟郊C、刘禹锡D、白居易7、温庭筠《菩萨蛮》词中,对主旨起暗点和反衬作用的是 ( D ) A.懒起画娥眉 B.新贴绣罗襦C. 弄妆梳洗迟D.双双金鹧鸪8、唐代诗人中被誉为七绝圣手的是( A )A.王昌龄B.李白C.杜甫D.崔颢9、名句“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”出自 ( D )A.《西塞山怀古》B.《登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史》C.《石头城》D.《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》2、李煜是五代时( A )最后一个君主,世称李后主。
A、南唐B、南汉C、前蜀D、后蜀1、下列文人雅号中秦观的雅号是( C )A.六一居士(欧阳修)B.山谷道人C.淮海居士D.后山居士1、宋初以杨亿为代表的重要文学流派是( C )A.诚斋体B.荆公体C.西昆体D.白体2、“试问闲愁都几许?一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨”出自( C )A.《念奴娇》(大江东去)B.《醉花阴》(薄雾浓云愁永昼)2 / 4C.《青玉案》(凌波不过横塘路)D. 《摸鱼儿》(更能消)3、著名诗论“无一字无来处”说的提出者是( D )A.吕本中B.陈师道C.陈与义D.黄庭坚3、《漱玉词》的作者是( D )A、李煜B、柳永C、苏轼D、李清照4、下列词人中,开南宋爱国词先声的是 ( B ) A.刘过 B.张元斡C.辛弃疾D.陆游5、周邦彦的词以知音律、备法度和风格醇雅著称,以其为代表的词派是( C ) A.稼轩词派 B. 婉约词派C.大晟词派D. 清雅词派5、《书愤》“楼船夜雪瓜洲渡”中的“瓜洲渡”是当时的江防要地,位于现在的( A )A、江苏省B、陕西省C、湖北省D、湖南省6、《书愤》“铁马秋风大散关”中的“大散关”是当时宋金分界处,位于现在的( B )A、江苏省B、陕西省C、湖北省D、湖南省3、“即事名篇,无复依傍”指的是( D )A.杜甫七律的创作特色B.杜甫五律的创作特色C.杜甫七绝的创作特色D.杜甫新乐府的创作特色1、下列诗歌属于李白借古题写己怀的代表作是( B )A.《兵车行》B.《将进酒》C.《丽人行》D.《早发白帝城》2.下列属于晚唐时期的诗人是 ( D )A. 李贺B. 王维C. 韦应物D. 李商隐1、《春江花月夜》中暗示游子远去的诗句是( A )A、白云一片去悠悠B、鸿雁长飞光不度C、可怜楼上月徘徊D、昨夜闲潭梦落花3、杜甫的名句“星垂平野阔,月涌大江流”所属诗篇是( C )A.《月夜忆舍弟》B.《秋兴八首》C.《旅夜书怀》D.《春夜喜雨》6、下列诗人中,与高适、岑参同属盛唐边塞诗派的代表诗人是( C )3 / 4A、王维B、孟浩然C、王昌龄D、柳宗元7、《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》的作者是( B )A.陈与义B.杜甫C.范成大D.元好问8、“当时明月在,曾照彩云归”化用( B )A.白居易诗句B.李白诗句C.杜甫诗句D.韩愈诗句9、“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”写的是 ( A )A.春天的生命力B.浓厚的离别情绪C.草色的艳丽D. 作者的孤独之感3、《赋得古原草送别》“又送王孙去,萋萋满别情”二句的典故出处是( A )A、《楚辞》B、《庄子》C、《诗经》D、《古诗十九首》1、欧阳修散文基本风格是(B )A.气势磅礴B.平易流畅C.雍容典雅D.瘦硬简健5.高适《燕歌行》中点明主旨的诗句是( A )。

二、选择题1.外国教育史上最古老的学校是 A 的宫廷学校。
A.古代埃及B.两河流域C.古代印度D.古代希腊2.古代埃及的寺庙学校着重 D 。
A.文雅教育B.职官教育C.书吏教育D.科学教育3.古代埃及学校的教育方法十分 D 。
A.生动活泼B.直观有趣C.严肃认真D.简单粗暴4.古代埃及的学校教育除了宫廷学校、职官学校之外,还有 A 等。
A.寺庙学校B.教区学校C.文法学校D.修辞学校5.在公元前8世纪以后出现于古印度的婆罗门学校中,教师被称为 B .(2009)A.“拉比”B.“古儒”C.“书吏”D.“校父”第二章古代希腊的教育一、填空题1.“三艺”是辩证法、文法、修辞学。

选择题精编100题1.It’s very______you to get the tickets______the World Cup.A.for,ofB.of,forC.of,toD.to,for2.How many teachers are there in your school?______,I think.But I don’t know the exact number.A.hundredB.HundredsC.Hundreds ofD.Hundreds or thousands3.Will you stay for lunch?Sorry,______.My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn’tB.I can’tC.I needn’tD.I won’t4.When he was there,he______go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A.wouldB.shouldC.had betterD.might5.There______no hurry,need there?A.need beB.need to beC.doesn’tD.needs6.______the sports meeting might be put off.Yes,it all depends on the weather.A.I’ve been toldB.I’ve toldC.I’m toldD.I told7.Shirley______a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing8.We don’t allow______in this room.A.smokingB.to smokeC.people smokingD.people to smoking9.I haven’t got a chair______.Will you make room for me?A.to sitB.to sit inC.for sittingD.sitting on10.“Are you from America?”“No,neither of us.”A.eachB.bothC.allD.neither11.She______his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked forB.looked upC.looked afterD.looked like12.Every morning,WE are asked______taken our temperatures.A.if we haveB.if have weC.if we hadD.if had we13.I will give______students______minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other;other fiveB.the other;another fiveC.other;five moreD.other;more five14.I called you just now,but you weren’t in.Sorry,I______the reading room.A.was inB.have gone toC.studiedD.had been to15.The family___at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at___.A.were sitting;Mr BrownB.were sitting;Mr Brown’sC.was sitting;Mr BrownD.was sitting;Mr Brown’s16.Have you______your father recently?No.He doesn’t often write to me.A.heard aboutB.heard ofC.heard fromD.got from17.______did you sleep last night?I was reading too late to fall asleep.A.How longB.WhyC.How soonD.How18.Has Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea,But he______it the whole afternoon.A.would doB.was doingC.didD.had done19.He’s never stolen anything before,______he?______.It’s his third time to be taken to police station.A.hasn’t;YesB.is;YesC.has;YesD.has;No20.I will spend as much time as I______the lesson.A.can go overB.can to go overC.can going overD.go over21.______you the truth,she knows nothing about it.A.To tellB.TellingC.TellD.Told22.The old man walked in the street,______.A.followed by his sonB.followed his sonB.and following his son D.and followed by his son23.Jim’s family went to visit______family last night.A.Miss Sun’sB.the Suns’C.the WhiteD.Miss Suns’24.They stopped______and______out to play when they______the bell ring or rest.A.working;went;heardB.work;to go;C.working;go;hearingD.working;going;heard25.I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.______you are there,would you please buy some books for me?A.IfB.WhileC.SinceD.As soon as26.That woman has a bag in her right hand.What’s in her______hand?A.anotherB.otherC.oneD.The other27.Could you give me______second chance please?A.anB./C.theD.a28.Black,______father of______Tom,lost his new watch.A./,/B.the,theC.the,/D/,the29.Do you know Susan’s address?Yes.She lives()201,Dongchang Road,Liaocheng City.A.inB.atC.alongD.on30.What do you think of the report on the UFO?Great!Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing______the end of the meetingA.untilB.inC.onD.about31.The book______you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?A.thatB.whichC./D.it32.I’ll never forget the days______we spent together in the country.A.whichB.on whichC.when D,on that33.Is that book______he borrowed on Friday?A.thatB.whichC.the oneD.who34.The number of people who______cars of their own is increasing.A.hasB.haveC.there isD.there are35.The first school______we visited yesterday is not far from here.A.thatB.whichC.to whichD.where36.I have the same pen______.A.which you haveB.as yoursC.that you areD.as you37.The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.A.thatB.on thatC.by whichD.on which38.The teacher said______wanted to go to the cinema must be there before6:00,A.those whoB.thatC.whoD.which39.______has questions is welcome to ask.A.WhoB.AnyoneC.ThoseD.Anyone who40.Tom is one of the people who______they are now.A.fromB.likeC.withD.as41.The teacher asked______students to do homework ourselves.A.theB.hisC.some42.______either you or I good at drawing?A.AmB.AreC.IsD.Do43.The room______as a meeting room.ed to being usedB.was used to being useded to be usedD.was used to be used44.The boy was seen______the piano at9yesterday evening.A.to playB.playC.playingD.playedst month Miss Han______a doctor.A.married withB.married toC.was married withD.got married to46.It’s time for Meimei and______to the Palace Museum.A.I goingB.I to goC.me goingD.me to go47.______a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.A.How oftenB.How soonC.How longD.How many times48.There are four pairs of socks to______,but the woman doesn’t know______to buy.A.choose from;whichB.choose from;whatC.choose;whichD.choose;what49.It is in1960______Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.in which50.The old men who gave away lots of money______highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A.spokeB.spokenC.was spokenD.were spokenC C B A A AD A B B11~20B A A A B C D B C A21~30A A A A B B D A B A31~40D A C B A D D A D D41~50D B C C D D D A B D51.I’m afraid I won’t come______7and9.I will be at work then.A.untilB.betweenC.duringD.for52.Butter and cheese______in price.A.has gone upB.is gone upC.have gone upD.are gone up53.______neither you nor he enjoy fast food?A.DoB.DoesC.IsD.Are54.In our country every boy and every girl______the right to education.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are55.A man of words and not of deeds______a garden full of weed.A.likeB.likesC.is likeD.are like56.Would you like some coffee?Yes,please.By the way,do you have any milk?I prefer coffee______milk.A.fromB.withC.toD.for57.These Germans want to have some______for supper,so they decide to catch______now.A.fish;manyB.fishes;muchC.fish;muchD.fishes;many58.What do you think of his surfing?Oh,no one does______.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best59.Aren’t you tired,Kate?______.I like going shopping.A.Not at allB.I’m so sorryC.You’re welcomeD.Yes,of course60.Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.______A.I don’tB.I won’tC.I can’tD.I haven’t61.John plays football______,if not better than David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as62.Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter______go and do the oppsite!A.mayB.canC.mustD.should63.______Yancheng today is more beautiful now.Mr.Jackson said he would visit it______ fourth time.A.The;/B.The;theC./;aD.The;a64.To tell you the truth,I became a college student at15.______.A.You must beB.Thank goodnessC.You don’t say soD.It doesn’t matter65.Excuse me,can you show me______to run the machine?A.whatB.ifC.whetherD.where66.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures______a camera.A.asB.forC.likeD.of67.I felt it is right______you should know.A.whetherB.andC.thatD.how68.A fool has gained nothing from the time______,for he______nothing.A.passing;has paidB.passed;has been paidC.passing;has been paidD.passed;has paid69.This kind of T-shirt is______.A.easily worn outB.easy worn outC.easy to worn outD.easily to be worn out70.Jim’s father said to him,“I hope you______what I______you to buy.A.didn’t forget,toldB.not to gorget,have toldC.won’t forget,have toldD.haven’t forgotton,will tell71.English people______use Mr before a man’s first name.A.neveruallyC.oftenD.sometimes72.I enjoy learning English______it takes me a lot of time.A.unlessB.thoughC.becauseD.for73.I wonder______you would like to come to my birthday party.A.thatB.whetherC.that ifD.that whether74.All the teachers thought_______of the hard-working student.A.highlyB.manyC.goodD.more75.A third of the population of the city_______their own cars.A,has B.have C.had D.is76.His bag is nicer than_______in his calss.A,any other student B.the other students’ C.any other students D.any student’s77.He_______a good plan which we all argeesA.thought hardB.thought outC.thought more ofD.thought about78.I think swimming can make me very_______.A.goodB.healthfortableD.well79.The buses_______over2thousand people a day.A.takeB.bringC.carryD.sent80.The coductor kept_______hot water to us.A.giveB.bringC.takingD.giving81.It’s your turn to be on duty._______A.So am IB.So it isC.So I amD.So it is82.The TV needs9).A.to repairB.repairedC.being repairedD.to be repaired83.They are_______there.A.nearB.to nearC.near toD.nearly84.The boy said he wouln’t eat_______.A.any longerB.no longerC.any more D,no more85.Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop,because the lights happened to_______.A.put outB.turn out aC.give outD.go out86.The days are short,_______it is noe December.A.becauseB.forC.goesD.want87.The education in China has developed_______these days.A.quickB.highC.highlyD.wildly88.Will you tell me a story?OK.Shall I_______it in English or in Chinese?A.tell,tellB.speak,tellC.tell,speakD.tell,say89.The lady is always_______in white at the party.A.wearingB.dressingC.wornD.dressed]90.They_______3000English words by the end of next month.A.learnedB.had learnedC.will learnD.have learned91.Mr.Black,some boys are going to flight.You’d better_______the police.A.send forB.send toC.look forD.look over92.Many()trees must be planted every year.A.thousandB.thousand ofC.thousands ofD.thousand93.The post office is not far from here.It’s only ten()by bike.A.minuteB.minutesC.minute’sD.minutes’94.She doesn’t know the school,but it’s()to be quite a good one.A.toldB.spokenC.talkedD.said95.You must leave here now()your mother can get some more rest.A.becameB.thoughC.so thatD.so96.Lucy,()all your things on the desk.A.puts awayB.put awayC.takes awayD.take away97.(At the doctor’s)It’s nothing serious,doctor?No,().A.you’ll be all right soonB.You won’t be all right soonB.There’s some trouble with you D.It’s very serious98.We can’t buy()much mutton with()little money.A.so,muchB.such,soC.so,soD.such,such99.There is()W in the word woman,and()M is the third letter of the word.A.a;anB.an;/C.an;theD.a;the100.Need he come a little earlier?Yes,he().A.canB.mustC.needD.needn’t51~60B C A A C B A C A B61~70B C D C D C B D A C71~80A A B A B B B D C D81~90B D D C D B C A D C91~100C C B D C D A C D B。

三基小题训练一一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.函数y =2x +1的图象是 ( )2.△ABC 中,cos A =135,sin B =53,则cos C 的值为 ( ) A.6556B.-6556C.-6516D. 65163.过点(1,3)作直线l ,若l 经过点(a ,0)和(0,b ),且a ,b ∈N *,则可作出的l 的条数为( )A.1B.2C.3D.多于34.函数f (x )=log a x (a >0且a ≠1)对任意正实数x ,y 都有 ( )A.f (x ²y )=f (x )²f (y )B.f (x ²y )=f (x )+f (y )C.f (x +y )=f (x )²f (y )D.f (x +y )=f (x )+f (y )5.已知二面角α—l —β的大小为60°,b 和c 是两条异面直线,则在下列四个条件中,能使b 和c 所成的角为60°的是( )A.b ∥α,c ∥βB.b ∥α,c ⊥βC.b ⊥α,c ⊥βD.b ⊥α,c ∥β6.一个等差数列共n 项,其和为90,这个数列的前10项的和为25,后10项的和为75,则项数n 为 ( )A.14B.16C.18D.207.某城市的街道如图,某人要从A 地前往B 地,则路程最短的走法有 ( )A.8种B.10种C.12种D.32种8.若a ,b 是异面直线,a ⊂α,b ⊂β,α∩β=l ,则下列命题中是真命题的为( )A.l 与a 、b 分别相交B.l 与a 、b 都不相交C.l 至多与a 、b 中的一条相交 D.l 至少与a 、b 中的一条相交9.设F 1,F 2是双曲线42x -y 2=1的两个焦点,点P 在双曲线上,且1PF ²2PF =0,则|1PF |²|2PF |的值等于( )A.2B.22C.4D.810.f (x )=(1+2x )m +(1+3x )n (m ,n ∈N *)的展开式中x 的系数为13,则x 2的系数为( )A.31B.40C.31或40D.71或8011.从装有4粒大小、形状相同,颜色不同的玻璃球的瓶中,随意一次倒出若干粒玻璃球(至少一粒),则倒出奇数粒玻璃球的概率比倒出偶数粒玻璃球的概率( )A.小B.大C.相等D.大小不能确定12.如右图,A 、B 、C 、D 是某煤矿的四个采煤点,l 是公路,图中所标线段为道路,ABQP 、BCRQ 、CDSR 近似于正方形.已知A 、B 、C 、D 四个采煤点每天的采煤量之比约为5∶1∶2∶3,运煤的费用与运煤的路程、所运煤的重量都成正比.现要从P 、Q 、R 、S 中选出一处设立一个运煤中转站,使四个采煤点的煤运到中转站的费用最少,则地点应选在( )A.P 点B.Q 点C.R 点D.S 点二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.把答案填在题中横线上)13.抛物线y 2=2x 上到直线x -y +3=0距离最短的点的坐标为_________.14.一个长方体共一顶点的三个面的面积分别是2,3,6,这个长方体对角线的长是_________.15.设定义在R 上的偶函数f (x )满足f (x +1)+f (x )=1,且当x ∈[1,2]时,f (x )=2-x ,则f (8.5)=_________.16.某校要从甲、乙两名优秀短跑选手中选一名选手参加全市中学生田径百米比赛,该校预先对这两名选手测试了8次,测试成绩如下:答案:一、1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B二、13.(21,1) 14.6 15. 21三基小题训练二一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.如图,点O 是正六边形ABCDEF 的中心,则以图中点 A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、O 中的任意一点为始点,与始点不同的另一点为终点的所有向量中,除向量OA 外,与向量 OA 共线的向量共有( )A .2个B . 3个C .6个D . 7个 2.已知曲线C :y 2=2px 上一点P 的横坐标为4,P 到焦点的距离为5,则曲线C 的焦点到准线的距离为 ( )A . 21B . 1C . 2D . 43.若(3a 2 -312a ) n 展开式中含有常数项,则正整数n 的最小值是 ( )A .4B .5C . 6D . 84. 从5名演员中选3人参加表演,其中甲在乙前表演的概率为 ( )E FDO C B AA . 203B . 103C . 201D . 1015.抛物线y 2=a(x+1)的准线方程是x=-3,则这条抛物线的焦点坐标是( )A.(3,0)B.(2,0)C.(1,0)D.(-1,0)6.已知向量m=(a ,b ),向量n⊥m,且|n|=|m|,则n的坐标可以为( )A.(a ,-b )B.(-a ,b )C.(b ,-a )D.(-b ,-a )7. 如果S ={x |x =2n +1,n ∈Z },T ={x |x =4n ±1,n ∈Z },那么 A.S T B.T S C.S=T D.S ≠T8.有6个座位连成一排,现有3人就坐,则恰有两个空座位相邻的不同坐法有 ( )A .36种B .48种C .72种D .96种9.已知直线l 、m ,平面α、β,且l ⊥α,m ⊂β.给出四个命题:(1)若α∥β,则l ⊥m ;(2)若l ⊥m ,则α∥β;(3)若α⊥β,则l ∥m ;(4)若l ∥m ,则α⊥β,其中正确的命题个数是( )A.4B.1C.3D.210.已知函数f(x)=log 2(x 2-ax +3a)在区间[2,+∞)上递增,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A.(-∞,4)B.(-4,4]C.(-∞,-4)∪[2,+∞)D.[-4,2)11.4只笔与5本书的价格之和小于22元,而6只笔与3本书的价格之和大于24元,则2只笔与3本书的价格比较( )A .2只笔贵B .3本书贵C .二者相同D .无法确定12.若α是锐角,sin(α-6π)=31,则cos α的值等于 A.6162- B. 6162+ C. 4132+ D. 3132-二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.答案填在题中横线上.13.在等差数列{a n }中,a 1=251,第10项开始比1大,则公差d 的取值范围是___________.14.已知正三棱柱ABC —A 1B 1C 1,底面边长与侧棱长的比为2∶1,则直线AB 1与CA 1所成的角为 。

花都电大政治学原理《复习指导》填空题、选择题目题目及答案(2010-12-29 16:58:18)转载《复习指导》填空题、选择题目题目及答案一、填空题1、中国儒家学说对政治的阐释,直接寄托了他们对于仁义礼智信的道德追求。

选择填空答案与解析冠词( D ) 1.It was such ________ fine weather that they decided to go out for a picnic.weather是不可数名词A) a B) an C) the D) /( B )2. Lucy‟s sister is reading _____ magazine. It is ______ i nteresting magazine./✋/元音开头用anA) a… a B) a… an C) the… the D) /… an( D ) 3. ______ old man in brown is ______ u niversity professor.穿棕色衣服的那个老人特指用the / ✞/ 辅音开头用aA) An…a B) An…/C) The…an D) The…a( D ) 4. The boys in our class often play ________ football after school. 球类前面不加冠词A) the B) a C) an D) /( B ) 5. What beautiful music! I‟ve been listening for half ________ ho ur./♋✞/元音开头用an, h不发音A) a B) an C) the D) /( A ) 6. Rose is clever girl and she is good at maths. 学科前不加冠词A) a…/B) t he…/C) /…the D) a…the( B ) 7. Don‟t talk t o Tom like that. He is only _______ e leven-year-old boy./✋/元音开头用anA) a B) an C) the D) /介词( A ) 1. Shenzou VII was sent into space successfully _______ Sept. 25, 2008.几号是具体的日子,用onA) on B) at C) in D) of( B ) 2. John has worked _____ a professor in this university for more than ten years.work as以。

填空选择正确的颜色练习题一、选择题1. 公共电话亭通常是________色。
(A)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色2. 成功的信号灯通常是________色。
(D)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色3. 世界和平标志通常是________色。
(C)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色4. 海洋的颜色通常是________色。
(B)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色5. 成功的标志颜色通常是________色。
(C)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色6. 中国国旗的颜色是________色。
(A)A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 绿色二、简答题1. 表示危险和禁止的颜色是什么?(红色)危险和禁止通常用红色来表示,例如红灯、红旗、红牌等。
2. 表示安全和平稳的颜色是什么?(绿色)安全和平稳通常用绿色来表示,例如绿灯、绿旗、绿牌等。
3. 为什么中国国旗是红色?(象征革命)中国国旗采用红色作为主色,象征着革命的历史,红色代表了中国共产党的革命精神和中国人民的伟大力量。
4. 绿色在自然界中代表什么?(生命和健康)绿色在自然界中广泛代表了生命和健康。
5. 为什么世界和平标志是黄色?(期望和友善)世界和平标志采用黄色作为背景色,黄色象征着期望和友善,表达了人类对和平的向往和努力。

动词历史选择填空题(一)动词历史选择填空题一、简单选择题1. 动词”be”的历史形式是()。
• A. is• B. am• C. are• D. were答案:D解析:动词”be”的历史形式表示过去时,应使用”were”。
2. 她昨天晚上()我去派对。
• A. 邀请• B. 邀请了• C. 邀请着• D. 邀请得答案:A解析:动词”invite”表示邀请,过去时应使用一般过去时态。
3. 你们昨天学校里发生了什么事情()?• A. 呆住• B. 呆在• C. 呆• D. 呆着答案:B解析:动词”stay”表示停留,过去时应使用一般过去时态。
二、复杂选择题1. 吴老师告诉我他下个月()去北京参加一个会议。
• A. 将• B. 将要• C. 将会• D. 将去答案:C解析:动词”will”在表示将来时,与”attend”搭配时可使用”will” + “attend”的形式。
2. 他说他从小就对音乐很(),梦想着成为一名音乐家。
• A. 感兴趣• B. 感兴致• C. 感兴趣的• D. 兴趣答案:A解析:动词”interest”表示感兴趣,作为形容词时应使用”interested”,在此句中作谓语动词时使用”interest”。
3. 我们必须要()一些新的学习方法来提高效率。
• A. 寻找• B. 寻觅• C. 寻求• D. 寻答案:A解析:动词”find”表示寻找,应该使用”looking for”的形式。
三、较难选择题1. 他昨天跟朋友一起()电影,正好看到了明星。
• A. 看了• B. 在看• C. 正在看• D. 正好看了答案:A解析:动词”watch”表示观看,过去时应使用过去式”watched”。
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A.ABC-CD/* B.ABCCD/*-* C.ABC-*CD/* D.a,b,c均不正确2.chomsky 的2型语言可由下面哪个识别?( C )A.图灵机 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.线性界限自动机3型:有穷自动机 2型:下推自动机 1型:线性界限自动机 0型:图灵机3.最左简单子树的末端结点构成的符号串称为( A )A.句柄 B.最左素短语 C.素短语 D.简单短语4.在使用高级语言编程时,首先可通过编译程序发现源程序的什么错误?( A )A.语法 B. 语义 C. 语用 D. 运行5.用高级语言书写的源程序都必须通过编译,产生目标代码后才能投入运行。
这种说法正确的是( C )A. 正确B. 不正确C. 不一定D. 都不对6.若文法 G 定义的语言是无限集,则文法必然是( A )A.递归的 B.无二义性的 C.二义性的 D.上下文无关的7.一个文法所描述的语言是( C/D )A.唯一的 B.不唯一的 C.可能唯一 D.可能不唯一8 Chomsky 的3型语言可由下面哪个识别?( B )A.图灵机 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.线性界限自动机9.Chomsky 定义的四种形式语言文法中,1型文法又称为(哪种文法?( C )A.短语结构文法 B.正规文法 C.上下文有关文法 D.上下文无关文法10.算符优先分析是一种自底向上的分析方法,它是以什么作为每一步归约的对象?( D )A.最右直接短语 B.最左直接短语 C.句柄 D.最左素短语11.下面哪种不是自底向上的语法分析文法?( B )A.LR(1) B.LL(R) C.算符优先法 D.SLR(1)12.赋值语句x=a+b*((a+c)*d+e)的逆波兰式是( )A.xab+ac+d*e+= B.xabac+de+**+= C.xabac+d*e+*+= D.abc均不对4.下面( B )是词法分析的理论基础。
A.正规式 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.正规文法下推自动机是语法分析的基础13.由“非终结符符号串”这种产生式形式构成的文法是( C )A.正则文法 B.1 型方法 C.2型方法 D.3型方法14.若一个文法是递归的,则它产生的句子个数是( A )A.无穷个 B.可能有限个 C.有限个 D.以上均不对15.给定文法, A Aa|b, 下面的符号串可由其推导出的是( C )A.aab B.aaab C.baa D.16.LR(K)分析是一种自底向上的分析法,它是以下面哪个作为每一步归约的对象?( C ) A.最右直接短语 B.最左直接短语 C.句柄 D.最左素短语17.文法G[E]为:E E+E|E*E|a,它是( B )。
A.LL(1)文法 B.算符文法 C.算符优先法 D.非二义文法18.下述正规式中哪个与(a*b) * (c d)等价?( D )A.a* (c d)b(c d) B.a* (c d) *b(c d) *C.a* (c d)b* (c d) D.(a b) *c(a b) *d19.文法G所描述的语言是( D )A.文法G的字汇表V中所有符号组成的符号串的集合B.文法G的字汇表V的闭包V*中的所有符号串的集合C.由文法的识别符号推出的所有符号串的集合D.由文法的识别符号推出的所有终结符号串20.给定文法, A bA | cc, 下面符号串可由其推导出的是( D )①cc ② b*cc ③ b*cbcc ④ bccbcc ⑤ bbbccA. ①B. ①③④⑤C. ①⑤D. ①②⑤21.某个语言,它能用正规表达式表示,但是它不能使用任何正规文法表示,这个语言必然是( D )A.1型文法所对应的语言 B.含有二义的语言C.既含有左递归又含有右递归 D.不存在的语言正规式等价于正规文法22.下面哪个不是单词的描述工具?( C )A.正规式 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.正规文法5.LL(1)文法的条件是( C )A.对形如U x1 | x2 | … | xn 的规则,要求First(xi)∩ First(xj)=Φ,(i≠j);B.对形如U x1 | x2 | …| xn 的规则,若xi=>*ε, 则要求First(xj)∩Follow(U)=,(i≠j)C.a 和 bD.都不是23.词法分析的另外一个名称是(B )A.分析器 B.扫描器 C.划分处理器 D.词法探索器24.关于短语和句柄,正确的叙述是( B )A.短语就是句柄 B.直接短语才可能是句柄C.最左短语一定是句柄 D.最右短语一定是句柄25.给定文法, A bAa | cc, 下面符号串可由其推导出的是( B )A.bbcc B.bbccaa C.aaccbb D.acb26.文法 G 产生的( D )的全体是该文法描述的语言。
A.句型 B. 终结符集 C. 非终结符集 D. 句子27.Chomsky 定义的四种形式语言文法中, 0型文法又称为什么文法?( A )A.短语结构文法 B.正规文法 C.上下文有关文法 D.上下文无关文法28.Chomsky 的2 型语言可由下列哪一个识别?( C )A.图灵机 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.线性界限自动机29.字母表{a,b}上以aa打头任何符号串的集合,可用正规式表示为( B )A.(a|b)* aa B.aa(a|b)* C.aa(a* |b*) D.a,b,c均不正确30.chomsky 的1型语言可由下面哪个识别?( D )A.图灵机 B.有穷自动机 C.下推自动机 D.线性界限自动机31.表达式A/(B-C*(C+D))的逆波兰式是( )A.ABC-CD/* B.ABCCD+*-/ C.ABC-*CD/* D.a,b,c均不正确32.在编译过程中,组织的符号表是( C )A.必须是唯一的B.应当按符号的不同属性分为几个C.可以唯一的也可按符号表不同属性分为几个D.以上均不对33.BNF范式是一种广泛采用的什么工具?( C )A.描述规则 B.描述语言 C.描述文法 D.描述句子34.语句X=-A/(B-C*(C+D))的逆波兰式是( )A.XA-BC-CD/*= B.XA-BCCD+*-/= C.XA-BC-*CD/*= D.a,b,c均不正确35.已知文法G[S]是无二义的,它定义的语言L(G[S])中的一个句子x和一个句型y,下面正确的是( D )A.一定存在S到x的最左推导 B.一定会有S到y的两种不同的推导C.一定存在S到y的最左推导 D.一定存在唯一与x对应的语法树36.已知语言L={a n bb n|n1},则可以产生语言L的文法是( ABC )A.Z aZb|aAb|b A aAb|b B.A aAb|bC.Z aAb A aAb|b D.以上均不对37.程序基本块是指( B )????A.一个子程序B.一个仅有一个入口和一个出口的语句C.一个没有嵌套的程序段D.一组顺序执行的程序段,仅有一个入口和一个出口38.高级语言编译程序常用的语法分析方法中,递归分析法属于哪种分析方法?( B ) A.自左至右 B.自顶向下 C.自底向上 D.自右至左39.赋值语句x=-(a+b)/(c-d)-(a+b*c)的逆波兰表示是( )A.xab+cd-/-bc*a+-= B.xab+/cd--bc*a+--=C.xab+-cd-/abc*+-= D.xab+cd-/abc*+--=40.由“”且||||这种产生式形式构成的文法是( B )A.0型文法 B.1 型方法 C.2型方法 D.3型方法41.算符文法是指( D )A.没有形如U…VW…的规则(U,V,W V N)B.没有相同的规则右部C.没有形如U的规则D.以上均不对42.给定文法, A Aa|b, 下面的符号串可由其推导出的是( C )A.{a n b|n0 } B.{a n b|n1} C.{ba n |n0 } D.{ba n b|n 1 }43.二义文法是指( A )A.对应于两棵不同的语法树的文法B.对应于两种不同推导的文法C.文法中任何一个非终结符号,都存在以它为左部两个不同的产生式D.以上均不对44.文法G[Z] 和语言L(G[Z])存在如下关系( B )A.一一对应:一个文法对应唯一的语言,反之亦然B.一个文法对应唯一的语言,反之则不然C.一个语言对应唯一的文法,反之则不然D.以上均不对一个语言可以对应多个文法45.给定文法, A bAa|b, 下面的符号串可由其推导出的是( D ) A.bab B.bbba C.baa D.bba 47.下面不是常见的中间语言表示形式是( A )A.波兰表示 B.三元式 C.四元式 D.树表示48.下面不是翻译程序的是( B )A.编译程序 B.源程序 C.解释程序 D.汇编程序50.中间代码形式和目标代码形式两者区别是( A )A.前者不针对任何机器,具有通用性;后者则专用于某种机器B.前者不是可直接运行的机器码,后者一定可直接运行C.前者可以进行优化。
后者已不可再优化了D.以上均不对51.LR语法分析栈中存放的是识别什么的DFA状态?( B )A.前缀 B.可归前缀 C.项目 D.句柄52.局部优化是局限于下面哪个范围内的一种优化?( A )A.程序的一个基本块 B.一个函数和一个过程C.一个基本的流程语句结构 D.程序的任何一个局部53.下列正则表达式中与(0*|1) * (+|-)等价的是( DA.0* (+|-)|1(+|-) B.0* (+|-)*|1(+|-)*C.0* (+|-)|1(+|-) D.(0|1)*+|(0|1) *-54.已知语言L={c n bd n|n1},则可以产生语言L的文法是( )A.Z cZd|cAd|b A cAd|b B.A cAd|bC.Z cAd A cAd|b D.以上均不对55.面对众多的源语言的词法分析程序,总体上,超前读入和某种假读处理是( C )可以避免的 B.不可以避免的 C.徒劳无益的 D.以上均不对56.过程调用时,参数的传递方法通常有( C )(1) 传值 (2) 传地址 (3) 传结果 (4) 传名A.(1)(2) B.(1)(2)(3) C.(1)(2)(4) D.(1)(2)(3)(4) 57.LR(k)方法是( C )A.从左到右分析,每次走k步的一种编译方法。
58.描述语言 L= { a m b n | n≥m≥1 } 的文法为( C )A.Z Abb A aA | a B bB | bB.Z AB | b A Aa | a B aBb | bC.Z Ab A aAb | aD.Z aAb A Ab | aAb | ε59.下列文法G[S]的句型aR/aSb/aTb/,b的最左素短语为( B )S aTb|,T RR R/S|S可选项有:A.aTb B.aSb C.S D.R/60. LR(K)文法( B )A.都是二义的 B.都是无二义的 C.一部分是二义的 D.以上均不对61.文法S AA A Aa|a不是LL(1)方法,理由是( C )A.FIRST(S)FIRST(A) B.FIRST(S)FOLLOW(A)C.FIRST(a) FIRST(A) D.以上均不对62.一个句型中的可归前缀为( D )A.短语 B.简单短语C.句柄 D.规范前缀,且句柄位于该规范前缀的后端63.Chmosky的3型语言是这样一种语言,其产生式限制为( B )A.A::= π B.A::=a A::=aBC.α::=β D.αAβ::=απβ64.高级语言编译程序常用的语法分析方法中,LL分析法属于哪种分析方法?( B ) A.自左至右 B.自顶向下 C.自底向上 D.自右至左65.设有文法G[S]: S-> S*S | S+S | (S) | a, 该文法是否为二义性文法?( A ) A.是 B.不是 C.不一定 D.以上均不对66.下面不是与机器无关的优化的是( D )A.合并常量 B.消除公共子表达式C.削减运算强度 D.多处理器的优化67.一个句型中的可归前缀为( )A.短语 B.简单短语C.句柄 D.规范前缀,且句柄位于该规范前缀的后端68.程序基本块是指( B )A.一个子程序B.一个仅有一个入口和一个出口的语句C.一个没有嵌套的程序段D.一组顺序执行的程序段,仅有一个入口和一个出口69.语句x=a+b*((a+c)*d+e)的逆波兰式是( )A.xab+ac+d*e+= B.xabac+de+**+= C.xabac+d*e+*+= D.a,b,c均不正确70.编译程序根据原程序的什么区分标识符的作用域?( D )A.标识符被说明的过程或函数名 B.标识符被说明的过程或函数的静态层次C.标识符的行号 D.标识符被说明的过程或函数的动态层次71.下面哪个不是优化的一种类型?( D )A.全局优化 B.循环优化 C.局部优化 D.选择优化72.“在编译处理过程中,符号表只有在词法分析阶段和语法分析阶段才是有用”,此种说法是( B )A.符合实际的 B.不正确的C.针对非层次型源语言是正确的 D.以上均不对73.关于短语和句柄,正确的叙述是( B )A.短语就是句柄 B.直接短语才可能是句柄C.最左短语一定是句柄 D.最右短语一定是句柄74.Chomsky 定义的四种形式语言文法中,3型文法又称为( B )A.短语结构文法 B.正规文法 C.上下文有关文法 D.上下文无关文法75.下面哪个不是与机器有关的优化?( B )A.寄存器的优化 B.消除公共子表达式C.无用代码的优化 D.多处理器的优化76.语句x=-a+b*((a+c)*d+e)的逆波兰式是( )A.xa-b+ac+d*e+= B.xa-bac+de+**+= C.xa-bac+d*e+*+= D.a,b,c均不正确77.若一个文法是递归的,则它产生的句子个数是( A )A.无穷个 B.可能有限个 C.有限个 D.以上均不对78.在编译过程中,组织的符号表是( G )E.必须是唯一的F.应当按符号的不同属性分为几个G.可以唯一的也可按符号表不同属性分为几个H.以上均不对79.下面有关正则文法能产生语言:L={a n b n|n1}有叙述正确的是( B )A.存在一个 B.不存在任何 C.无法判断 D.以上均不对1.扫描器的任务是从源程序中识别出一个个___ 区分单词,转换为机内表示____。