



Sqoop 是一个用来将Hadoop (Hive 、HBase )和关系型数据库中的数据相互转移的工具,可以将一个关系型数据库(例 如:MySQL ,Oracle ,Postgres 等)中的数据导入到Hadoop 的HDFS 中,也可以将HDFS 的数据导入到关系型数据库中。

Sqoop 目前已经是Apache 的顶级项目了,目前版本是1.4.5 和 Sqoop2 1.99.4,本文以1.4.5的版本为例讲解基本的安装配置和简单应用的演示。

安装配置准备测试数据导入数据到HDFS导入数据到Hive导入数据到HBase[一]、安装配置选择Sqoop 1.4.5 版本:sqoop-1.4.5.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha.tar.gz1.1、下载后解压配置:1.2、环境变量配置 vi ~/.bash_profile :1.3、配置Sqoop 参数:复制<SQOOP_HOME>/conf/sqoop-env-template.sh 一份重命名为:<SQOOP_HOME>/conf/sqoop-env.sh vi <SQOOP_HOME>/conf/sqoop-env.sh补充:因为我当前用户的默认环境变量中已经配置了相关变量,故该配置文件无需再修改:1.4、驱动jar 包下面测试演示以MySQL 为例,则需要把mysql 对应的驱动lib 文件copy 到 <SQOOP_HOME>/lib 目录下。

1tar -zxvf sqoop-1.4.5.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha.tar .gz /hadoop/2cd /hadoop/3ln -s sqoop-1.4.5.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha sqoop1#Sqoop add by 2export SQOOP_HOME=/hadoop/sqoop 3export PATH=$SQOOP_HOME/bin:$PATH1# 指定各环境变量的实际配置2# Set Hadoop-specific environment variables here.3 4#Set path to where bin/hadoop is available 5#export HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=6 7#Set path to where hadoop-*-core.jar is available 8#export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=9 10#set the path to where bin/hbase is available 11#export HBASE_HOME=12 13#Set the path to where bin/hive is available 14#export HIVE_HOME=1# Hadoop 2export HADOOP_PREFIX="/hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0" 3export HADOOP_HOME=${HADOOP_PREFIX} 4export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_PREFIX/bin:$HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin 5export HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=${HADOOP_PREFIX} 6export HADOOP_HDFS_HOME=${HADOOP_PREFIX} 7export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${HADOOP_PREFIX}8export HADOOP_YARN_HOME=${HADOOP_PREFIX} 9# Native Path 10export HADOOP_COMMON_LIB_NATIVE_DIR=${HADOOP_PREFIX}/lib/native 11export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_PREFIX/lib/native"12# Hadoop end 13 14#Hive 15export HIVE_HOME=/hadoop/apache-hive-0.14.0-bin 16export PATH=$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH 17 18#HBase 19export HBASE_HOME=/hadoop/hbase-0.98.8-hadoop220export PATH=$HBASE 21 22#add by 以MySQL 为例: )database: test用户:root 密码:micmiu准备两张测试表一个有主键表demo_blog ,一个无主键表 demo_log :插入测试数据:[三]、导入数据到HDFS3.1、导入有主键的表比如我需要把表 demo_blog (含主键) 的数据导入到HDFS 中,执行如下命令:执行过程如下:1CREATE TABLE `demo_blog` (2 `id` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,3 `blog` varchar (100) NOT NULL,4 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)5) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;1CREATE TABLE `demo_log` (2 `operator` varchar (16) NOT NULL,3 `log` varchar (100) NOT NULL 4) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;1insert into demo_blog (id, blog) values (1, "");2insert into demo_blog (id, blog) values (2, "");3insert into demo_blog (id, blog) values (3, "");4 5insert into demo_log (operator, log) values ("micmiu", "create");6insert into demo_log (operator, log) values ("micmiu", "update");7insert into demo_log (operator, log) values ("michael", "edit");8insert into demo_log (operator, log) values ("michael", "delete");1sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password micmiu --table demo_blog验证导入到hdfs 上的数据:ps :默认设置下导入到hdfs 上的路径是: /user/username/tablename/(files),比如我的当前用户是hadoop ,那么实际路径即: /user/hadoop/demo_blog/(files)。





Sqoop1安装配置⽐较简单⼀、安装部署(1)、下载安装包解压到/home/duanxz/sqooptar -zxvf sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2.tar.gz(2)、拷贝mysql的jdbc驱动包mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar到sqoop/lib⽬录下。

duanxz@three:~/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/lib$ ll mysql-connector-java-5.1.31.jar-rw------- 1 duanxz duanxz 964879 Jun 19 08:22 mysql-connector-java-5.1.31.jarduanxz@three:~/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/lib$(3)、配置环境变量#sqoopexport SQOOP_HOME=/home/duanxz/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$HIVE_HOME/bin:$HIVE_HOME/conf:$SQOOP_HOME/bin"(4)、复制sqoop/conf/sqoop-env-template.sh为sqoop-env.sh添加相关的配置#Set path to where bin/hadoop is availableexport HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop-2.7.6#Set path to where hadoop-*-core.jar is availableexport HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop-2.7.6#set the path to where bin/hbase is available#export HBASE_HOME=#Set the path to where bin/hive is availableexport HIVE_HOME=/home/duanxz/hive/apache-hive-2.1.1-bin#Set the path for where zookeper config dir is#export ZOOCFGDIR=(5)、测试Sqoopsqoop help结果:duanxz@ubuntu:~/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/bin$ sqoop helpWarning: /home/duanxz/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/../hbase does not exist! HBase imports will fail.Please set $HBASE_HOME to the root of your HBase installation.Warning: /home/duanxz/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/../hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail.Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation.Warning: /home/duanxz/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/../accumulo does not exist! Accumulo imports will fail.Please set $ACCUMULO_HOME to the root of your Accumulo installation.Warning: /home/duanxz/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/../zookeeper does not exist! Accumulo imports will fail.Please set $ZOOKEEPER_HOME to the root of your Zookeeper installation.18/06/1918:20:23 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 1.4.6-cdh5.5.2usage: sqoop COMMAND [ARGS]Available commands:codegen Generate code to interact with database recordscreate-hive-table Import a table definition into Hiveeval Evaluate a SQL statement and display the resultsexport Export an HDFS directory to a database tablehelp List available commandsimport Import a table from a database to HDFSimport-all-tables Import tables from a database to HDFSimport-mainframe Import datasets from a mainframe server to HDFSjob Work with saved jobslist-databases List available databases on a serverlist-tables List available tables in a databasemerge Merge results of incremental importsmetastore Run a standalone Sqoop metastoreversion Display version informationSee 'sqoop help COMMAND'for information on a specific command.duanxz@ubuntu:~/sqoop/sqoop-1.4.6-cdh5.5.2/bin$说明:因为我们没有基于hadoop安装HBase,所以HBase相关的命令不能⽤,但是操作hadoop分布式⽂件系统的命令是可以⽤的。



sqoop知识点(实用版)目录1.Sqoop 简介2.Sqoop 的核心概念3.Sqoop 的安装与配置4.Sqoop 的基本操作5.Sqoop 的高级特性6.Sqoop 的优缺点7.Sqoop 的应用场景正文1.Sqoop 简介Sqoop 是一个用于在 Hadoop(Hive)与关系型数据库之间传输数据的工具。

它可以将一个关系型数据库中的数据导出到 Hadoop 分布式文件系统(HDFS)上,也可以将 HDFS 上的数据导入到关系型数据库中。

Sqoop 旨在实现大数据处理与传统数据库之间的数据交互,降低了数据迁移的难度。

2.Sqoop 的核心概念Sqoop 主要包括以下几个核心概念:- 数据源(Data Source):数据源定义了要从中导入或导出数据的数据库。

- 目标(Target):目标定义了要将数据导入到哪个 Hadoop 数据存储系统(如 HDFS、Hive 等)。

- 映射(Mapping):映射定义了如何将数据源中的记录映射到目标中3.Sqoop 的安装与配置Sqoop 是 Apache Hadoop 的一个子项目,可以通过 Maven 或直接下载源代码进行安装。


4.Sqoop 的基本操作Sqoop 的基本操作包括导入和导出数据。

其中,导入数据可以使用`sqoop import`命令,导出数据可以使用`sqoop export`命令。


5.Sqoop 的高级特性Sqoop 还支持许多高级特性,如:- 数据分片:可以将大量数据分成多个小块并行导入或导出,提高数据处理效率。

- 增量导入:可以只导入源数据库中自上次导入以来发生变化的数据,避免重复导入。

- 数据验证:可以对导入到目标的数据进行校验,确保数据质量。

6.Sqoop 的优缺点Sqoop 的优点包括:- 易于使用:提供了简单的命令行接口,方便用户进行数据导入和导出。





a)scp -p sqoop-1.4.4.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha.tar.gz xxxx@x.x.x.x:/home/ocdc/bin/appb)ssh xxxx@x.x.x.x ###该服务器必须能连上数据库,故Sqoop安装在该台服务器上c)cd /home/ocdc/bin/appd) tar –xzvf sqoop-1.4.4.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha.tar.gze)mv sqoop-1.4.4.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha sqoop2)安装的sqoop的服务器必须有hadoop、hive、jdk环境,如无则安装3)检查服务器的防火墙是否关闭,如防火墙开启则关闭[root@localhost ~]# service iptables status 查看iptables状态[root@ localhost ~]# service iptables stop iptables服务禁用4)设置环境变量包括hadoop、hive、jdk、sqoop等,vi ~/.bashrc或者sqoop-env.sh 文件,此次直接在vi ~/.bashrc文件中设置环境变量。

5)注释相关配置configure-sqoop文件中无用的hbase、zookeeper等应用注释掉vi /home/ocdc/bin/app/sqoop/bin/configure-sqoop 如6)$sqoop help ##测试环境是否准备好2、连接的数控环境设置1)查询关系型数据库版本2)下载关系型数据库JDBC驱动包3)驱动包放到$SQOOP_HOME/lib目录下3、测试sqoop环境是否联通sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username 用户名--password密码sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:db2://数据库名--username 用户名--password密码。



sqoop基本操作介绍Sqoop是一个用于在Apache Hadoop和结构化数据存储之间传输数据的工具。


Sqoop基本操作包括以下几个方面:安装和配置Sqoop、导入数据、导出数据、增量导入和导出、并行导入和导出、使用自定义查询、使用Sqoop Connectors等。


安装Sqoop的步骤如下:1. 下载最新版本的Sqoop二进制文件,并解压缩到本地目录中。

2. 配置环境变量,使得可以在任何位置运行Sqoop命令。

3. 配置sqoop-site.xml文件,指定相关参数,如数据库连接信息、Hadoop集群信息等。


4. 配置hadoop-env.sh文件,指定相关参数,如JAVA_HOME等。


5. 测试安装是否成功。

可以通过执行sqoop version命令来测试是否成功安装了Sqoop。


以下是使用Sqoop进行简单的数据导入操作的步骤:1. 使用命令sqoop import指定相关参数,如数据库连接信息、表名、HDFS目录等。

2. Sqoop会自动将表中的数据导入到HDFS指定的目录中。

3. 可以使用Hadoop命令来查看导入的数据是否成功。


以下是使用Sqoop进行简单的数据导出操作的步骤:1. 使用命令sqoop export指定相关参数,如数据库连接信息、表名、HDFS目录等。

2. Sqoop会自动将HDFS目录中的数据导出到关系型数据库指定的表中。



Author :路帅1.Sqoop介绍概述Hadoop的数据传输工具sqoop是Apache顶级项目,主要用来在Hadoop和关系数据库、数据仓库、NoSql系统中传递数据。



Sqoop集成了工作流程协调的Apache Oozie,定义安排和自动导入/导出任务。


理论上支持JDBC的database都可以使用sqoop和hdfs 进行数据交互。

但是,只有一小部分经过sqoop官方测试,如下:Database version --direct support connect stringHSQLDB 1.8.0+ No jdbc:hsqldb:*//MySQL 5.0+ Yes jdbc:mysql://Oracle 10.2.0+ No jdbc:oracle:*//PostgreSQL 8.3+ Yes jdbc:postgresql://较老的版本有可能也被支持,但未经过测试。



成为Apache的Top-Level Project。

下图提供了sqoop从诞生到目前的简要概述:,sqoop2 的最新版本是sqoop 1.99.3。

Sqoop1和sqoop2的区别1.3.1.工作模式sqoop1 基于客户端模式,用户使用客户端模式,需要在客户端节点安装sqoop和连接器/驱动器sqoop2 基于服务的模式,是sqoop1的下一代版本,服务模式主要分为 sqoop2 server 和 client,用户使用服务的模式,需要在sqoop2 server安装连接器/驱动器,所有配置信息都在sqoop2 server进行配置。







这里,我们介绍Sqoop完成上述基本应用场景所使用的import 和export工具,通过一些简单的例子来说明这两个工具是如何做到的。

工具通用选项import和export工具有些通用的选项,如下表所示:选项含义说明--connect 指定JDBC连接字符串--connection-manager 指定要使用的连接管理器类--driver 指定要使用的JDBC驱动类--hadoop-mapred-home指定$HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME路径--help 打印用法帮助信息--password-file 设置用于存放认证的密码信息文件的路径-P 从控制台读取输入的密码--password 设置认证密码--username 设置认证用户名--verbose 打印详细的运行信息--connection-param-file 可选,指定存储数据库连接参数的属性文件数据导入工具importimport工具,是将HDFS平台外部的结构化存储系统中的数据导入到Hadoop平台,便于后续分析。

samtools 官方手册

samtools 官方手册

Workflows•WES Mapping to Variant Calls - Version 1.0•Using CRAM within SamtoolsWGS/WES Mapping to Variant Calls - Version 1.0The standard workflow for working with DNA sequence data consists of three major steps:•Mapping•Improvement•Variant CallingMappingFor reads from 70bp up to a few megabases we recommend using BWA MEM(/)to map the data to a given reference genome. The reference you use will differ depending on the species your data came from and the resources you want to use with it. For example for a new research project consisting of Human data you would probably use the Genome Reference Consortium’s build 38 analysis set(ftp:///genbank/genomes/Eukaryotes/vertebrates_mammals/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38//seqs_for_alignment_pipelines"). Note that with BWA 0.7.10, mapping to alternative haplotypes has been deemed unready for production use, so you will probably wish to use the analysis set that does not contain them.To prepare the reference for mapping you must first index it by typing the following command where <ref.fa>is the path to your reference file:bwa index <ref.fa>This may take several hours as it prepares the Burrows Wheeler Transform index for the reference, allowing the aligner to locate where your reads map within that reference.Once you have finished preparing your indexed reference you can map your reads to the reference:bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar\tLB:library1' <ref.fa> <read1.fa> <read1.fa> > lane.samTypically your reads will be supplied to you in two files written in the FASTQ format. It is particularly important to ensure that the @RG information here is correct as this information is used by later tools. The SM field must be set to the name of the sample being processed, and LB field to the library. The resulting mapped reads will be delivered to you in a mapping format known as SAM(http://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/).Because BWA can sometimes leave unusual FLAG information on SAM records, it is helpful when working with many tools to first clean up read pairing information and flags: samtools fixmate -O bam <lane.sam> <lane_fixmate.bam>To sort them from name order into coordinate order:samtools sort -O bam -o <lane_sorted.bam> -T </tmp/lane_temp> <lane_fixmate.sam>ImprovementIn order to reduce the number of miscalls of INDELs in your data it is helpful to realign your raw gapped alignment with the Broad’s GATK(https:///gatk/) Realigner.java -Xmx2g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R <ref.fa> -I <lane.bam> -o <lane.intervals> --known <bundle/b38/Mills1000G.b38.vcf>java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner -R <ref.fa> -I <lane.bam> -targetIntervals <lane.intervals> --known <bundle/b38/Mills1000G.b38.vcf> -o <lane_realigned.bam>BQSR from the Broad’s GATK allows you to reduce the effects of analysis artefacts produced by your sequencing machines. It does this in two steps, the first analyses your data to detect covariates and the second compensates for those covariates by adjusting quality scores.java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T BaseRecalibrator -R <ref.fa> -knownSites >bundle/b38/dbsnp_142.b38.vcf> -I <lane.bam> -o <lane_recal.table>java -Xmx2g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T PrintReads -R <ref.fa> -I <lane.bam> --BSQR <lane_recal.table> -o <lane_recal.bam>It is helpful at this point to compile all of the reads from each library together into one BAM, which can be done at the same time as marking PCR and optical duplicates. To identify duplicates we currently recommend the use of either the Picard(/command-line-overview.shtml#MarkDuplicates)or biobambam’s(https:///gt1/biobambam)mark duplicates tool.java -Xmx2g -jar MarkDuplicates.jar VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT INPUT=<lane_1.bam> INPUT=<lane_2.bam> INPUT=<lane_3.bam> OUTPUT=<library.bam>Once this is done you can perform another merge step to produce your sample BAM files.samtools merge <sample.bam> <library1.bam> <library2.bam> <library3.bam>samtools index <sample.bam>If you have the computational time and resources available it is helpful to realign your INDELS again:java -Xmx2g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R <ref.fa> -I <sample.bam> -o <sample.intervals> --known >bundle/b38/Mills1000G.b38.vcf> java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner -R <ref.fa> -I <sample.bam> -targetIntervals <sample.intervals> --known >bundle/b38/Mills1000G.b38.v cf> -o <sample_realigned.bam>Lastly we index our BAM using samtools:samtools index <sample_realigned.bam>Variant CallingTo convert your BAM file into genomic positions we first use mpileup to produce a BCF file that contains all of the locations in the genome. We use this information to call genotypes and reduce our list of sites to those found to be variant by passing this file into bcftools call.You can do this using a pipe as shown here:samtools mpileup -ugf <ref.fa> <sample1.bam> <sample2.bam> <sample3.bam> | bcftools call -vmO z -o <study.vcf.gz>Alternatively if you need to see why a specific site was not called by examining the BCF, or wish to spread the load slightly you can break it down into two steps as follows:samtools mpileup -go <study.bcf> -f <ref.fa> <sample1.bam> <sample2.bam> <sample3.bam> bcftools call -vmO z -o <study.vcf.gz> <study.bcf>To prepare our VCF for querying we next index it using tabix:tabix -p vcf <study.vcf.gz>Additionally you may find it helpful to prepare graphs and statistics to assist you in filtering your variants:这次没有找到变异位点,试一下这个思路,分开跑一下,看看是什么原因;bcftools stats -F <ref.fa> -s - <study.vcf.gz> > <study.vcf.gz.stats>mkdir plotsplot-vcfstats -p plots/ <study.vcf.gz.stats>Finally you will probably need to filter your data using commands such as:bcftools filter -O z -o <study_filtered..vcf.gz> -s LOWQUAL -i'%QUAL>10' <study.vcf.gz>Variant filtration is a subject worthy of an article in itself and the exact filters you will need to use will depend on the purpose of your study and quality and depth of the data used to call the variants.References•The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium - An Integrated map of genetic variation from 1092 human genomes Nature 491, 56–65 (01 November 2012) doi:10.1038/nature11632 (/10.1038/nature11632)•GATK Best Practices(/gatk/guide/best-practices)Using CRAM within SamtoolsCRAM is primarily a reference-based compressed format, meaning that only differences between the stored sequences and the reference are stored.For a workflow this has a few fundamental effects:1.Alignments should be kept in chromosome/position sort order.2.The reference must be available at all times. Losing it may be equivalent to losing all your read sequences.Technically CRAM can work with other orders but it can become inefficient due to a large amount of random access across the reference genome. The current implementation of CRAM in htslib 1.0 is also inefficient in size for unsorted data, although this will be rectified in upcoming releases.In CRAM format the reference sequence is linked to by the md5sum (M5 auxiliary tag) in the CRAM header (@SQ tags). This is mandatory and part of the CRAM specification. In SAM/BAM format, these M5 tags are optional. Therefore converting from SAM/BAM to CRAM requires some additional overhead to link the CRAM to the correct reference sequence.A Worked ExampleObtain some public dataWe will use the first 100,000 read-pairs from a yeast data set.curl ftp:///vol1/fastq/SRR507/SRR507778/SRR507778_1.fastq.gz|gzip -d | head -100000 > y1.fastqcurl ftp:///vol1/fastq/SRR507/SRR507778/SRR507778_2.fastq.gz|gzip -d | head -100000 > y2.fastqcurl ftp:///pub/current_fasta/saccharomyces_cerevisiae/dna/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz > yeast.fastaPrepare the BWA indicesWe need to ensure there exists a .fai fasta index and also indices for whichever aligner we are using (Bwa-mem in this example).samtools faidx yeast.fastabwa index yeast.fastaProduce the alignmentsThe aligner is likely to output SAM in the same order or similar order to the input fastq files. It won’t be outputting in chromosome position order, so the output is typically not well suited to CRAM.bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar\tLB:library1' yeast.fasta y1.fastq y2.fastq > yeast.samThe -R option adds a read-group line and applies that read-group to all aligned sequence records. It is not necessary, but a recommended practice.Sort into chromosome/positon orderIdeally at this point we would be outputting CRAM directly, but at present samtools 1.0 does not have a way to indicate the reference on the command line. We can output to BAM instead and convert (below), or modify the SAM @SQ header to include MD5 sums in the M5: field.samtools sort -O bam -T /tmp -l 0 -o yeast.bam yeast.samThe “-l 0” indicates to use no compression in the BAM file, as it is transitory and will be replaced by CRAM soon. We may wish to use -l 1 if disk space is short and we wish to reduce temporary file size.Convert to CRAM formatsamtools view -T yeast.fasta -C -o yeast.cram yeast.bamNote that since the BAM file did not have M5 tags for the reference sequences, they are computed by Samtools and added to the CRAM. In a production environment, this step can be avoided by ensuring that the M5 tags are already in the SAM/BAM header.The last 3 steps can be combined into a pipeline to reduce disk I/O:bwa mem yeast.fasta y1.fastq y2.fastq | \samtools sort -O bam -l 0 -T /tmp - | \samtools view -T yeast.fasta -C -o yeast.cram -Viewing in alignment and pileup formatSee the variant calling workflow for more advanced examples.samtools view yeast.cramsamtools mpileup -f yeast.fasta yeast.cramThe REF_PATH and REF_CACHEOne of the key concepts in CRAM is that it is uses reference based compression. This means that Samtools needs the reference genome sequence in order to decode a CRAM file. Samtools uses the MD5 sum of the each reference sequence as the key to link a CRAM file to the reference genome used to generate it. By default Samtools checks the reference MD5 sums (@SQ “M5” auxiliary tag) in the directory pointed to by $REF_PATH environment variable (if it exists), falling back to querying the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) reference genome server, and further falling back to the @SQ “UR” field if these are not found.While the EBI have an MD5 reference server for downloading reference sequences over http, we recommend use of a local MD5 cache. We have provided with Samtools a basic script (misc/seq_cache_populate.pl) to convert your local yeast.fasta to a directory tree of reference sequence MD5 sums:<samtools_src_dir>/misc/seq_cache_populate.pl -root /some_dir/cache yeast.fastaexport REF_PATH=/some_dir/cache/%2s/%2s/%s:/ena/cram/md5/%sexport REF_CACHE=/some_dir/cache/%2s/%2s/%sREF_PATH is a colon separated list of directories in which to search for files named after the sequence M5 field. The : in http:// is not considered to be a separator. Hence using the above setting, any CRAM files that are not cached locally may still be looked up remotely.In this example “%2s/%2s/%s” means the first two digits of the M5 field followed by slash, the next two digits and slash, and then the remaining 28 digits. This helps to avoid one large directory with thousands of files in it.The REF_CACHE environment variable is used to indicate that any downloaded reference sequences should be stored locally in this directory in order to avoid subsequent downloads. This should normally be set to the same location as the first directory in REF_PATH.Copyright © 2014 Genome Research Limited (reg no. 2742969) is a charity registered in England with number 1021457. Terms and conditions(/terms).。





1. import命令import命令用于将关系型数据库中的数据导入到Hadoop中的Hive表或HDFS文件中。


例如,以下命令将数据库中的表数据导入到Hive表中:```sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db --username user --password pass --table table --hive-import --hive-table hive_table```2. export命令export命令用于将Hive表或HDFS文件中的数据导出到关系型数据库中的表中。


例如,以下命令将Hive表的数据导出到数据库表中:```sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db --username user --password pass --table table --export-dir hdfs://localhost:9000/path```3. eval命令eval命令用于执行SQL语句并将结果打印到控制台。


例如,以下命令执行SQL语句并打印结果:```sqoop eval --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db --username user --password pass --query "SELECT * FROM table"```4. list-tables命令list-tables命令用于列出数据库中的所有表名。



Apache Sqoop是用来实现结构型数据(如关系数据库)和Hadoop之间进行数据迁移的工具。




sqoop支持的数据库:Database version--direct support?connect string matches HSQLDB 1.8.0+No jdbc:hsqldb:*// MySQL 5.0+Yes jdbc:mysql://Oracle10.2.0+No jdbc:oracle:*// PostgreSQL8.3+Yes (import only)jdbc:postgresql:/ guojian@localtest:~/work$ sudo apt-get install sqoopguojian@localtest:~/work$ sqoop helpusage: sqoop COMMAND [ARGS]Available commands:codegen Generate code to interact with database recordscreate-hive-table Import a table definition into Hiveeval Evaluate a SQL statement and display the resultsexport Export an HDFS directory to a database tablehelp List available commandsimport Import a table from a database to HDFSimport-all-tables Import tables from a database to HDFSjob Work with saved jobslist-databases List available databases on a serverlist-tables List available tables in a databasemerge Merge results of incremental importsmetastore Run a standalone Sqoop metastoreversion Display version informationSee 'sqoop help COMMAND'for information on a specific command.import是将关系数据库迁移到HDFS上guojian@localtest:~/work$ sqoop import--connectjdbc:mysql:// --username root -password passwd --table sdsguojian@localtest:~/work$ hadoop fs -ls /user/guojian/sdsFound 5 items-rw-r--r-- 3 guojian cug_test 0 2014-09-11 16:04 /user/guojian/sd s/_SUCCESS-rw-r--r-- 3 guojian cug_test 483 2014-09-11 16:03 /user/guojian/sd s/part-m-00000.snappy-rw-r--r-- 3 guojian cug_test 504 2014-09-11 16:04 /user/guojian/sd s/part-m-00001.snappy-rw-r--r-- 3 guojian cug_test 1001 2014-09-11 16:03 /user/guojian/sds/part-m-00002.snappy-rw-r--r-- 3 guojian cug_test 952 2014-09-11 16:03 /user/guojian/sds/part-m-00003.snappy可以通过--m设置并行数据,即map的数据,决定文件的个数。



Sqoop详细介绍包括:sqoop命令,原理,流程⼀简介Sqoop是⼀个⽤来将Hadoop和关系型数据库中的数据相互转移的⼯具,可以将⼀个关系型数据库(例如: MySQL ,Oracle ,Postgres等)中的数据导进到Hadoop的HDFS中,也可以将HDFS的数据导进到关系型数据库中。


三 Sqoop 命令Sqoop⼤约有13种命令,和⼏种通⽤的参数(都⽀持这13种命令),这⾥先列出这13种命令。


Sqoop通⽤参数⼜分Common arguments,Incremental import arguments,Output line formatting arguments,Input parsing arguments,Hive arguments,HBase arguments,Generic Hadoop command-line arguments,下⾯⼀⼀说明:mon arguments通⽤参数,主要是针对关系型数据库链接的⼀些参数四 sqoop命令举例1)列出mysql数据库中的所有数据库sqoop list-databases –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ –username root –password 1234562)连接mysql并列出test数据库中的表sqoop list-tables –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test –username root –password 123456命令中的test为mysql数据库中的test数据库名称 username password分别为mysql数据库的⽤户密码3)将关系型数据的表结构复制到hive中,只是复制表的结构,表中的内容没有复制过去。



银河麒麟服务器操作系统Sqoop软件适配手册目录目录 (I)1概述 (2)1.1系统概述 (2)1.2环境概述 (2)1.3SQOOP软件简介 (2)2SQOOP软件适配 (2)2.1安装 (2)2.1.1服务端安装 (2)2.1.2安装客户端 (5)2.2使用示例 (6)2.2.1从S3导入至HDFS (6)1概述1.1系统概述银河麒麟服务器操作系统主要面向军队综合电子信息系统、金融系统以及电力系统等国家关键行业的服务器应用领域,突出高安全性、高可用性、高效数据处理、虚拟化等关键技术优势,针对关键业务构建的丰富高效、安全可靠的功能特性,兼容适配长城、联想、浪潮、华为、曙光等国内主流厂商的服务器整机产品,以及达梦、金仓、神通、南大通用等主要国产数据库和中创、金蝶、东方通等国产中间件,满足虚拟化、云计算和大数据时代,服务器业务对操作系统在性能、安全性及可扩展性等方面的需求,是一款具有高安全、高可用、高可靠、高性能的自主可控服务器操作系统。

1.2环境概述服务器型号长城信安擎天DF720服务器CPU类型飞腾2000+处理器操作系统版本Kylin-4.0.2-server-sp2-2000-19050910.Z1内核版本 4.4.131sqoop版本软件简介Apache Sqoop是一种用于在Apache Hadoop和结构化数据存储(如关系数据库)之间高效传输批量数据的工具。

可以使用Sqoop将数据从外部结构化数据存储导入Hadoop分布式文件系统或Hive和HBase等相关系统,或者用于从Hadoop 中提取数据并将其导出到外部结构化数据存储区,例如关系数据库和企业数据仓库。






SQOOP是一款开源的工具,主要用于在HADOOP与传统的数据库间进行数据的传递,下面从SQOOP用户手册上摘录一段描述Sqoop is a tool designed to transfer data between Hadoop andrelational databases. You can use Sqoop to import data from arelational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL or Oracleinto the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS),transform the data in Hadoop MapReduce, and then export the data backinto an RDBMS.这里我主要描述一下安装过程1、下载相应软件我使用的HADOOP版本是APACHE官方版本0.20.2,但是后来在使用的过程中报错,查阅了一些文章,发现SQOOP是不支持此版本的,一般都会推荐你使用CDH3。


当然,你可以选择直接使用 CDH3。

下面是CDH3和SQOOP 1.2.0的下载地址/cdh/3/hadoop-0.20.2-CDH3B4.tar.gz/cdh/3/sqoop-1.2.0-CDH3B4.tar.gz其中sqoop-1.2.0-CDH3B4依赖hadoop-core-0.20.2-CDH3B4.jar,所以你需要下载hadoop- 0.20.2-CDH3B4.tar.gz,解压缩后将hadoop-0.20.2-CDH3B4/hadoop-core-0.20.2- CDH3B4.jar复制到sqoop-1.2.0-CDH3B4/lib中。

另外,sqoop导入mysql数据运行过程中依赖mysql-connector-java-*.jar,所以你需要下载mysql-connector-java-*.jar并复制到sqoop-1.2.0-CDH3B4/lib 中。


5.???? export
123456? –table TBLS2 –export-dir sqoop/test
–outdir <dir>
4.???? eval

第8章 Sqoop数据迁移

第8章 Sqoop数据迁移
第8章 Sqoop数据迁移
· Sqoop概述 · Sqoop指令介绍
· Sqoop安装配置
· Sqoop数据导入 · Sqoop数据导出
✎ ✎ 学习目标
1 了解Sqoop的基本概念来自熟悉Sqoop的常用 2
✎ 目录
✎ 10.1 Sqoop概述
1. 导入原理
在导入数据之前,Sqoop使用JDBC检查导入的数据表,检索 出表中的所有列以及列的SQL数据类型,并将这些SQL类型映射为 Java 数 据 类 型 , 在 转 换 后 的 MapReduce 应 用 中 使 用 这 些 对 应 的 Java类型来保存字段的值,Sqoop的代码生成器使用这些信息来 创建对应表的类,用于保存从表中抽取的记录。
Sqoop指令介绍 Sqoop数据导入
✎ 章节概要
在实际开发中,有时候需要将HDFS或Hive上的数据导出到传 统关系型数据库中(如MySQL、Oracle等),或者将传统关系型数 据库中的数据导入到HDFS或Hive上,如果通过人工手动进行数据 迁移的话,就会显得非常麻烦。为此,可使用Apache提供的 Sqoop工具进行数据迁移。
✎ 10.1 Sqoop概述
Sqoop是传统关系型数据库服务器与Hadoop间进行数据同步的工具, 其底层利用MapReduce并行计算模型以批处理方式加快数据传输速度,并且 具有较好的容错性功能,工作流程如下所示。
✎ 10.1 Sqoop概述



Sqoop官⽅中⽂⼿册Sqoop中⽂⼿册1. 概述本⽂档主要对SQOOP的使⽤进⾏了说明,参考内容主要来⾃于Cloudera SQOOP的官⽅⽂档。


2. codegen将关系数据库表映射为⼀个java⽂件、java class类、以及相关的jar包,1、将数据库表映射为⼀个Java⽂件,在该Java⽂件中对应有表的各个字段。


基础语句:sqoop codegen –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive –username root–password 123456 –table TBLS23. create-hive-table⽣成与关系数据库表的表结构对应的HIVE表基础语句:sqoop create-hive-table –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 –table TBLS –hive-table h_tbls24. eval可以快速地使⽤SQL语句对关系数据库进⾏操作,这可以使得在使⽤import这种⼯具进⾏数据导⼊的时候,可以预先了解相关的SQL语句是否正确,并能将结果显⽰在控制台。

查询⽰例:sqoop eval –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 -query ―SELECT * FROM tbls LIMIT 10″数据插⼊⽰例:sqoop eval –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 -e ―INSERT INTO TBLS2 VALUES(100,1375170308,1,0,‘hadoop‘,0,1,‘guest‘,‘MANAGED_TABLE‘,‘abc‘,‘ddd‘)‖-e、-query这两个参数经过测试,⽐如后⾯分别接查询和插⼊SQL语句,皆可运⾏⽆误,如上。




我们可以通过sqoop help命令来查看sqoop的命令选项,如下:其中使用频率最高的选项还是import 和export 选项。

1. codegen将关系型数据库表的记录映射为一个Java文件,Java class类以及相关的jar包,该命令将数据库表的记录映射为一个Java文件,在该Java文件中对应有表的各个字段。

生成的jar和class文件在Metastore 功能使用时会用到。

该命令选项的参数如下图所示:举例:运行结果信息如下:我们还可以使用-bindir指定编译成的class文件以及将生成文件打包为jar的jar包文件输出路径:上面实例指定编译成的class文件(order_info.class)以及将生成文件打包为jar的jar包文件(order_info.jar)输出路径为/home/xiaosi/data路径,java文件(order_info.java)路径为/home/xiaosi/test 2. create-hive-table这个命令上一篇文章[Sqoop导入与导出]中已经使用过了,作用就是生成与关系数据库表的表结构对应的Hive表。

该命令选项的参数如下图所示:举例:3. evaleval命令选项可以让Sqoop使用SQL语句对关系性数据库进行操作,在使用import这种工具进行数据导入的时候,可以预先了解相关的SQL语句是否正确,并能将结果显示在控制台。

3.1 选择查询评估计算使用eval工具,我们可以评估计算任何类型的SQL查询。

我们以test数据库的order_info表为例子:运行结果信息:3.2 插入评估计算Sqoop的eval工具可以适用于两个模拟和定义的SQL语句。





Sqoop开发者指南目录1........................................................................................................................................ 引言错误!未定义书签。

2支持的发行版.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3Sqoop发行版.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4先决条件........................................ 错误!未定义书签。

5Sqoop源码...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6开发者API参考.................................. 错误!未定义书签。

6.1外部API ................................. 错误!未定义书签。

6.2扩展API ................................. 错误!未定义书签。

6.2.1的.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.3Sqoop内部实现........................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.3.1....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.3.2的.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.3.3Hadoop大数据处理技术架构............ 错误!未定义书签。

1引言如果你是一个开发者或应用程序的程序员打算修改的Sqoop或通过使用Sqoop 内部API进行扩展,你应该阅读此文档。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1. 概述
本文档主要对SQOOP的使用进行了说明,参考内容主要来自于Cloudera SQOOP的官方文档。


2. codegen
将关系数据库表映射为一个java文件、java class类、以及相关的jar包,


sqoop codegen –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive –username root
–password 123456 –table TBLS2
3. create-hive-table
sqoop create-hive-table –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 –table TBLS –hive-table h_tbls2
4. eval

sqoop eval –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 -query ―SELECT * FROM tbls LIMIT 10″
sqoop eval –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive -username root -password 123456 -e ―INSERT INTO TBLS2

5. export
sqoop export –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive –username root
123456 –table TBLS2 –export-dir sqoop/test
6. import

sqoop import –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive –username root
123456 –table user –split-by id –hive-import


7. import-all-tables

sqoop import-all-tables –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
sqoop import-all-tables –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test –hive-import
8. job

sqoop job
9. list-databases
sqoop list-databases –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ -username root
-password 123456
sqoop list-tables –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/zihou -username root
-password 123456
11. merge
sqoop merge –new-data /test/p1/person –onto /test/p2/person –target-dir
/test/merged –jar-file /opt/data/sqoop/person/Person.jar –class-name Person
–merge-key id
其中,–class-name所指定的class名是对应于Person.jar中的Person类,而Person.jar 是通过Codegen生成的
12. metastore
记录sqoop job的元数据信息,如果不启动metastore实例,则默认的元数据存储目录为:~/.sqoop,如果要更改存储目录,可以在配置文件sqoop-site.xml中进行更改。

metastore实例启动:sqoop metastore
13. version
显示sqoop版本信息语句:sqoop version 14. help
打印sqoop帮助信息语句:sqoop help 15.公共参数Hive参数

sqoop import –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test –username root –P –table person –split-by id –check-column id –incremental append –last-value 1
–enclosed-by ‗\‖‗
–escaped-by \# –fields-terminated-by .

sqoop export –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test –username root
123456 –table person2 –export-dir /user/hadoop/person –staging-table person3 –clear-staging-table –input-fields-terminated-by ‗,‘
3,jimsss,dd@,1,2013-08-07 16:00:48.0,‖hehe‖,
–input-fields-terminated-by ‗,‘。
