4-14 旅游地理学论文
4-14 旅游地理学论文旅游地理学【摘要】:随着现代旅游产业的发展,逐渐兴起了一门新的学科—旅游地理学,旅游地理学与地理学和旅游学关系密切,是地理学与旅游学孕育出来的现代学科,20世纪末我国旅游地理学受到相关部门的重视,得到了飞速发展,这一学科在我国旅游资源的开发与建设,旅游规划等方面发挥了巨大作用。
分 类
论文数量 理论与方法 综 述 国家和地区旅游业研究 旅游业区域经济影响 旅游业区域社会影响 旅游业区域环境影响 旅游地演化和规划 旅游者行为研究 旅游市场研究 旅游预测研究 旅游季节性研究 国际旅游业研究 其 它
旅游研究 纪 事
192 22 15 24 16 19 3 17 21 5 4 1 6 39
状。“成熟阶段”可能是较为长久的过程。对于一个成熟的旅游地, 巩固、停滞和复苏等因 素俱在, 为了保持竞争力和效益, 必须在微观上和宏观上都努力发展[ 14] 。 1. 2. 5 旅游者行为研究 旅游者行为研究大多出自地理和心理学家。行为研究主要包括 旅游者决策行为、动机行为、感知行为和空间行为等方面。旅游地选择是决策行为研究的
16 卷
旅游管理与经营、旅游容量、乡村旅游、旅游宣传、旅游教育、饭店设计、旅游投资、信 息技术与旅游、旅游与宗教、旅游交通、旅游灾害、旅游与体育等。
表 1 近期国外旅游研究文献分类统计 Tab. 1 Classif ication of the present oversm research
与国外比较, 我国旅游地理研究涉及面较窄, 成果主要体现在旅游资源开发研究方面。 作者对 1980 年~1993 年 12 种地理刊物的 220 篇旅游地理论文作粗略统计, 旅游资源与区 域开发方面论文几乎占濏。少数论文涉及旅游区划、旅游气候、旅游市场和国外旅游业发
展 ( 表 2) 。上述国外旅游及旅游地理研究的一些内容, 在我国还相当薄弱。郭来喜、保继 刚、孙文昌就近期我国旅游地理研究主要成果作了较详尽的论述[ 2, 20, 21] , 从中可窥视一斑。
1. 2. 3 旅游业区域环境影响 环境影响是旅游业区域影响研究又一重要领域。旅游业发 展常常与山区、海岸带、湖泊、热带草原等联系在一起, 这些地区不仅是世界经济的外围 地带, 更重要的是它们是环境的脆弱地区。当然旅游业对环境的影响不仅仅是消极的, 它 的发展也可引导或加速环境质量的改善。例如格林、享德和摩尔采用特尔菲法研究了英国
世界著名旅游景点马尔代夫赏析摘要: 阳光、沙滩和大海、数以千计类似《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的岛屿、众多深浅不一的礁湖、不计其数的蓝宝石和绿宝石、令人眼花缭乱的水下珊瑚花园——马尔代夫是一个与大自然完美结合的热带度假胜地。
二、地理位置印度与斯里兰卡西南方 650公里的印度洋上。
整个马尔代夫的旅游景观全在一个渡假岛屿饭店所经营的休闲气氛,雪白晶莹的沙滩,倒影在水中婆娑的椰影,热带鱼是马尔代夫不时出现的「动画」景观,色彩鲜艳,而且平易近人,站在岸边的人偶一接触水面,就没料着有一群美丽的访客翩然游来,除了增添风情,鱼 - 在马尔代夫称得上是最丰饶的物资,故渔业和观光业并列为两项主要的经济收入。
01绪论第⼀章绪论§1.1旅游地理学的研究对象和研究内容⼀、旅游地理学(Geography of Tourism)的概念研究⼈类的旅游活动与地理环境关系。
郭来喜(1985) :旅游地理学是研究⼈类的旅⾏游览、休憩疗养、康乐消遣同地理环境以及社会经济发展相互关系的⼀门学科。
“休闲与游憩地理学”(Geography of Recreation and Tourism)、“闲暇地理学”(Leisure Geography)、“游憩地理学”(Recreation Geography)、“休憩与旅游地理学”、观光地理学(Sightseeing Geography)游憩(recreation):闲暇时间内所进⾏的各种活动旅游(tourism):离开居住地和⼯作地,短暂地到⼀⽬的地进⾏活动闲暇(Leisure):扣除谋⽣活动、睡眠、个⼈和家庭事务活动时间地理环境:地理环境是指⼀定社会所处的地理位置以及与此相联系的各种⾃然条件的总和,包括⽓候、⼟地、河流、湖泊、⼭脉、矿藏以及动植物资源等。
2.旅游地理学的研究内容1)旅游客源研究旅游的起因及其产⽣的地理背景、旅游者的地域分布和⾏为规律以及旅游流预测等2)旅游资源研究旅游资源的概念、范畴和类型及其地域组合,各类旅游资源产⽣的条件、特征和分布规律,旅游资源调查、评价和开发等3)旅游规划开发研究旅游区(点)规划开发、旅游环境容量、旅游资源保护、旅游交通和旅游路线设计等4)旅游区域影响研究旅游业的社会、环境和经济影响等5)旅游区划研究旅游区划的理论依据和区划⽅案等6)旅游信息研究旅游信息的收集和传播,旅游地图的特点、种类、功能及其编绘,旅游信息库建⽴等旅游客源地旅游者的居住地,旅游活动的开始和结束的地⽅旅游⽬的地旅游者到达、短暂停留和参观游览的地⽅旅游通道旅游产⽣的条件和地理背景旅游环境容量、旅游资源、旅游信息、旅游区划、旅游规划开发等旅游者的⾏为规律、旅游流⽅向和强度(旅游需求预测)、旅游影响、旅游交通等图1-1 旅游地理学研究内容与旅游系统三、旅游地理学与其它相关学科的关系1.旅游地理学与地理学科的关系旅游地理学是⼈⽂地理学的⼀个分⽀,旅游资源的⾃然部分与⾃然地理学关系密切。
中国旅游论文参考文献一、中国旅游论文期刊参考文献[1].基于旅游属性与本质的中国旅游起源探析.《地理与地理信息科学》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2013年6期.曹诗图.郑宇飞.黄其新.[2].中国旅游经济差异的空间特征分析.《经济地理》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2005年3期.陆林.余凤龙.[3].中国旅游发展空间非均衡与极化研究.《中国人口·资源与环境》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2014年6期.赵磊.方成.[4].1979~2012年中国旅游地理学文献计量与内容分析.《旅游学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2014年9期.李秋云.韩国圣.张爱平.徐虹.[5].聚焦中国旅游统计新体系——2015《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会会议综述.《旅游学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2015年11期.刘鲁.魏云洁.[6].提升中国旅游产业竞争力势在必行——评刘名俭著《中国旅游产业竞争力发展研究》.《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2012年2期.周霄.[7].中国旅游全要素生产率差异与收敛实证研究.《旅游学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2013年11期.赵磊.[8].中国旅游地理学研究问题缺失的现状与反思.《旅游学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2010年10期.保继刚.[9].构建国家旅游创新体系,加快推进中国旅游4.0战略.《旅游学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2015年11期.石培华.[10].中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析.《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2011年1期.蒋庚华.张曙霄.二、中国旅游论文参考文献学位论文类[1].对外汉语中中国旅游饮食文化教学研究.被引次数:1作者:刘瑞前.汉语国际教育内蒙古师范大学2012(学位年度)[2].中国旅游小城镇发展研究.被引次数:26作者:曾博伟.中国少数民族经济民族大学2010(学位年度)[3].中国旅游地产开发研究.被引次数:20作者:丁姗.旅游管理复旦大学2009(学位年度)[4].中国旅游服务贸易发展研究.被引次数:8作者:梁峰.世界经济华东师范大学2010(学位年度)[5].中国旅游杂志的历史、现状及发展趋势.被引次数:4作者:杜畅.传播学上海交通大学2008(学位年度)[6].《中国旅游报》景区新闻报道研究.作者:张宇.新闻学河北大学2012(学位年度)[7].中国旅游化水平及格局演变研究.作者:何鑫.人文地理学华中师范大学2015(学位年度)[8].中国旅游节庆品牌建设与国际化研究.被引次数:9作者:唐楠.旅游管理华中师范大学2009(学位年度)[9].中国旅游服务贸易的经济增长效应.作者:李桂香.国际贸易学安徽财经大学2011(学位年度)[10].中国旅游名胜誉称的地理学分析.被引次数:1作者:张丹丹.人文地理学山西师范大学2012(学位年度)三、相关中国旅游论文外文参考文献[1]China'spost1978experienceinoutboundtourism.Lim,CWang,Y《MathematicsandComputersinSimulation》,被EI收录EI.被SCI 收录SCI.20082/3[2]China'spost1978experienceinoutboundtourism.Lim,CWang,Y《Mathematicsandcomputersinsimulation》,被EI收录EI.被SCI 收录SCI.20082/3[3]TheDaoofthescepticandthespiritual:attitudinalandculturalinflue ncesonpreferencesforsustainabletourismservicesinthedomesticChinesetou rismmarket. JanBarkmannJiongYanAnneKathrinZschiegnerRainerMarggraf 《Internationaljournalofservicestechnologyandmanagement》,被EI收录EI.20103/4[4]ANovelBioEcoTechnologyCombinedSystemforRuralDomesticWastewater TreatmentinaTourismArea:AFullScaleStudy. HanwenLiangJunxinLiuXuesongGuoBaoqingShanJingzhuZhaoLijunYuLichuanLiJ ianjunLiu《Environmentalengineeringscience》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20099[5]ResearchAgendaforTourismandtheChineseDream:DialoguesandOpenDoo rs.Weaver,DavidBecken,SusanneDing,PeiyiMackerras,ColinPerdue,RickScott,N oelWang,Ying《Journaloftravelresearch:TheInternationalAssociationofTravelResearch andMarketingProfessionals》,20155[6]ManagementofTourismResourcesandDemandBasedonNeuralNetworks. XueBoLinShiTing2014[7]Researchofthestrategytourismbrandmarkedbythehometowncultureofo verseasChineseinJiangmen.LiuHeHongYingWuShuJinLinChunXiao2015[8]LongtermtrendsinchemicalcompositionofprecipitationatLijiang,so utheastTibetanPlateau,southwesternChina. NingningZhangYuanqingHeJunjiCaoKinfaiHoZhenxingShen 《Atmosphericresearch》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.2012Mar.[9]ChineseandAustraliantourists'attitudestonature,animalsandenvir onmentalissues:Implicationsforthedesignofnaturebasedtourismexperiences.JanPackerRoyBallantyneKarenHughes《Tourismmanagement》,2014Oct.[10]TheDesignofDiseaseMonitoringSystemforChineseOutboundTourism:A DiscussionfromPublicManagementPerspective. JingJingGUANMingXIAJulianK.AYEH2014四、中国旅游论文专著参考文献[1]中国旅游本科教育的困境与对策研究.孟华,20102010年中国旅游协会旅游教育分会年会[2]基于内容分析的中国旅游虚拟社区知识挖掘.杨雪雁.张晓霓,2011第十三届中国管理科学学术年会[3]对中国旅游转型升级与旅游科学发展的深度思考.吴建华,20092009年首届中国旅游科学年会[4]“地球村”中冉冉升起的一颗新星中国旅游地学述评.谢延淦,2010中国地质学会旅游地学与地质公园研究分会第25届年会暨张家界世界地质公园建设与旅游发展战略研讨会[5]十年巨变,漳州滨海建公园,拉动海峡旅游大发展谈中国旅游地学研究会第十六届年会带动的社会经济效应.李其团.陈黎明.杨娜.邱志民,2010中国地质学会旅游地学与地质公园研究分会第25届年会暨张家界世界地质公园建设与旅游发展战略研讨会[6]中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析.蒋庚华.张曙霄,2010第四届国际服务贸易论坛[7]中国旅游高等教育国际化的探索与实践——以上海师范大学旅游学院为例.杨卫武.袁怡琴,20092009’中国旅游高等教育国际化高峰论坛国际化:旅游高等教育的机遇与挑战[8]中国旅游本科教育培养目标研究.谢春山.魏巍.郭栩东,2009第二届中俄旅游教育论坛[9]中国旅游教材出版工作的发展回顾.付蓉.郭毓洁,20092009年首届中国旅游科学年会[10]中国旅游就业问题研究.翟向坤,2008首届经济增长与就业国际论坛。
生态旅游这一术语是由世界自然保护联盟,简称: IUCN,于1983年提出的,之后于1993年国际生态旅游协会将其定义为:维护当地人民生活和保护自然环境的双重责任的旅游活动。
由于自然景观以自身富有特色的资源,为人们提供了一个良好的生存环境,所以做好对生态旅游的管理,是保护生态、发展旅游行业的关键,文中就生态旅游经济管理的必要性做了探讨,具体表现在以下几个方面: (1)社会生活的价值链的作用。
《人类地理学》《人类地理学》是由著名地理学家彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)所著,被誉为人类地理学领域的经典之作。
《自然边界与国家形成》《自然边界与国家形成》是由美国政治地理学家弗里德里希·拉茨尔(Friedrich Ratzel)于19世纪末提出的理论。
《第三空间》《第三空间》是由美国地理学家爱德华·索杰(Edward Soja)于20世纪末提出的概念。
《环境决定论批判》《环境决定论批判》是由美国地理学家艾伦·斯特劳德(Ellen Churchill Semple)于20世纪初提出的批判性观点。
[摘要]《地理学报)、《地理研究)、《地理科学,和《自然责泺 学报》是我国地理学研究4走权威性核心期刊。奉文全面回 届了20世纪80年代以来4种期刊关于旅游地理学的研究 进展.从综述、旅蚌地、旅游资源与开发、旅游蒂观、旅游者行 为与旅游市场、旅游环境与生态旅游以及理论与方法研究等 7大方面进行了阐述,对4种期刊进行了戢文敷量的时间分 布、栽文作者的地域分布、论文作者单位、研究内容和研究方 法的统计分析.并总蛄了4种期刊关于藏游地理学研究的成 功经验。 [美羹词】地理棱心期刊;旅肆地理;文献 [中田分类号]巧90 【文献标识码】A [文章编号】1002—5006(2003)01—0068一08
l引言 中国旅游地理学初步研究起于20世纪30年
代“【.系统科学研究始于70年代末80年代初,80年 代中后期至90年代初为发展时期,90年代中后期, 中国旅游地理学研究进人历史以来最旺盛的时期, 表现为研究领域日益拓宽、研究手段和方法不断更 新,注重研究课题的实践意义和研究成果的应用价 值。以及与相邻学科的交叉渗透不断加强。从事旅 游地理学研究的队伍也日益扩大,全国主要地理研
4 24 3 l
24 3
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旅游地理论文第一篇:旅游地理论文湖北师范学院旅游地理论文姓名:第一作者曹亚利第二作者刘焕楚第三作者胡甜第四作者吴秋萍院系名称:城市与环境学院专业班级:地理科学专业1101班小组成员:刘焕楚25 吴秋萍26 曹亚利27 胡甜28 指导老师:李娜—1—湖北师范学院黄石市大学生外出旅游影响因子分析曹亚利(地理科学1101班27号)摘要:随着我们的生活水平不断提高,旅游消费变得越来越热,外出旅游已成为我们生活中必不可少的部分。
旅游地理学重要文献国外著名旅游地理学家推荐重要文献杰弗里·沃尔(Geoffrey Wall)(in alphabetical order)1. Ashworth G J, Tunbrdge J E. The tourist-historic city. London: Belhaven Press, 1990One of the first texts to draw attention to the importance of urban heritage and still among the best books on the topic.2. De Kadt E(ed). Tourism: passport to development? Washington, D.C.: Oxford University Press, 1979The first five chapters constitute one of the earliest and most incisive statements on tourism as it pertains to developing areas.3. Graburn N H H(ed). Ethnic and tourist arts: cultural expressions from the fourth world. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976A handsome book drawing attention to tourism and cultural change through ethnicity and souvenirs.4. Gunn C. Tourism planning. New York: Crane Russack, 1979Although greatly modified in subsequent editions and perhaps superceded by other texts, drew serious attention to the need for tourism planning.5. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical and social impacts. London: Longman, 1982The first book to provide a broad dispassionate perspective on the consequences of tourism. Although now almost 20 years old, still widely consulted.6. McCannell D. The tourist: a new theory of the leisure class. Schocken Books, 1976An important although occasionally obscure book becauseof its attempts to provide a conceptual base for topics such as attractions, authenticity and semiotics.7. McIntosh R W, Goeldner C R. T ourism: principles, practices and philosophies. New York: Wiley, 1972A basic text which has stood the test of time and influenced many students.8. Mowforth M, Munt I. Tourism and sustainability: new tourism in the third world. London:Routledge, 1998A new book which is among the most perceptive of recent offerings and may stand the test of time.9. Murphy P. T ourism: a community approach. New York :Methuen, 1985Although the ecological analogy is somewhat overdrawn, an important document on tourism planning with greater emphasis on process than Gunn.10. Pearce D. Tourism development. Harlow: Longman, 1981Pearce's works are important inproviding ready access to a large amount of literature and ideas. This is probably his best work.11. Smith V(ed). Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977Made tourism a legitimate subject of investigation for anthropologists and still influential in more recent editions.12. Urry J. The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary society. London: Sage, 1990Perhaps overrated but influential in linking tourism research to broader trends in the social sciences.莱尔·米切尔(Lisle Mitchell)1. 〖ZK(#]Christaller W. Some considerations of tourism location in Europe. Papers, Regional Science Association, 1964:95-1052. Wolfe R I. Perspectives on outdoor recreation: a bibliographical survey. The Geographical Review, 1964; 54: 203-2383. Wolfe R I. Recreational travel: the new migration. Canadian Geographer, 1966; 10: 1-134. Stansfield C A, Rickert J E. The recreation business district. Journal of Leisure Research, 1970; 4: 213-2255. Williams A V, Zelinsky W. On some patterns of international tourist flows. Economic Geography, 1970; 46: 589-6086. Carlson A W. Geographical research on international and domestic tourism. Journal of Cultural Geography, 1980; 1: 149-1607. Butler R W. The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 1980; 24: 5-128. Wall G, Greer T. Recreational hinterlands: a theoretical an empirical analysis. Contemporary Leisure Research, Proceeding of the Second Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, 1980: 110-1199. Chubb M, Chubb H. One third of our time. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 198110. Smith S L J. Recreation geography. New York: Longman, 198311. Murphy P E. Tourism: a community approach. New York: Methuen, 1985斯蒂文·史密斯(Stephen L.J. Smith)The following are texts that I consider to be among the most significant on a range of tourism topics. I did not restrict the list by date of publication, although virtually all my choices werepublished within the last 10 years. I've also provided a brief annotation (comment) about the book, which I hope might be helpful to readers. The list is presented alphabetically, by the author's last name.1. Adrian B. The economics of travel and tourism. Melbourne: Pitman, 1991Of all the books examining the economics of tourism, this title provides the most comprehensive, theoretically, and methodologically-sound approach. Both micro- and macro-economic aspects of tourism are covered; particular attention is given to characteristics of tourism that make it different from other forms of economic activity.2. Douglas F C. Practical tourism forecasting. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996This text, the best available examination of tourism forecasting, provides a strong introduction to forecasting methods and issues in tourism, and offers detailed guidelines for 13 types of forecast models.3. Gunn C A. Tourism planning, 2nd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis, 1988Gunn's books have consistently been recognized as valuable references for regional tourism planning and design. The second edition of this particular title provides a thorough examination of tourism planning concepts and principles, including a look at the linkage between tourism planning and policy (the second edition is better organized and conceptualized than the third edition).4. Inskeep E. Tourism planning: an integrated and sustainable development approach. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991 While many books on sustainable development provide generalities and platitudes only, this text provides in-depth,practical guidelines on sustainable tourism planning at levels from local areas to entire nations.5. Ioannides D, Debbage K G (eds). The economic geography of the tourist industry: a supply-side analysis. London: Routledge, 1998The editors of this book have pulled together 16 chapters that look at how tourism is defined and organized, the impacts of business cycles, the structure of various key industry sectors, the role of the state in tourism development, and other matters related to the business and commodification of tourism.6. Leiper N. Tourism management. Abbotsford: RMIT Press, 1995This book provides a strong synthesis of tourism issues with management science.It provides the reader with a strong theoretical base, yet supplements theory with many case studies and practical examples.7. McIntosh R W, Goeldner C R, and Ritchie J R B. Tourism: principles,practices, philosophies, 7th ed. New York: John Wiley, 1995 The fact that this book is into its 7th edition attests to its recognition as being "the standard" for introductory tourism text books. While the treatment of topics tends to be superficial, it provides the reader with a very broad, comprehensive overview of tourism as a field of study, industry, human phenomenon, and policy field.8. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical, and social impacts. London: Longman, 1982Although dated, this is one of the best comprehensive overviews of the nature and types of tourism impacts.9. Smith S L J. Tourism analysis, 2nd ed. London: Longman,1996This volume provides a broad-based introduction to a variety of analytical tools used in tourism - ranging from questionnaire design, through regionalization techniques, to benefit-cost analysis. The text begin with an overview of issues in defining and measuring tourism as a phenomenon. The second edition contains virtually all of the information in the first edition plus significantly more material.10. Smith V L(ed). Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989This is a unique collection of essays describing the social impacts of tourism in a wide range of cultures around the world. The first edition was well received and widely used; the second edition provides more current examples and is as strong a collection as the first edition.11.Wahab S, Pigram J J. Tourism, development, and growth. London: Routledge, 1997Sustainability is a popular topic among many tourism researchers, especially geographers and planners. This collection of specially commissioned chapters provides a comprehensive examination of sustainable development in the context of tourism.12. Witt S S, Moutinho, L(eds). Tourism marketing and management handbook, 1st ed. and 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 1989 and 1994These two volumes provide an overview of over 100 topics related to tourism marketing and management. There is some duplication of material in both volumes: the first edition covers a broader range of tourism topics while the second emphasizesmanagement issues to a much greater extent. The second edition is organized better than the first edition.理查德·巴特勒(Richard Butler)The "must read" ones I would suggest are as follows1. Mathieson A, Wall G (but more recent printings). T ourism impacts: economic, physical and social. London: Longman, 1982 Now almost 20 years old, but still by far the best conceptualization of the effects of tourism, presenting a clear and comprehensive review of tourism and how it changes destination areas.2. Smith S L J. Tourism analysis: a handbook. New York: Longman, 1995A very good and clear review of methods and techniques used for analyzing tourism data, with descriptions and explanations in comprehensive but reader-friendly form.3. Pearce D G. Tourism today: a geographical analysis. Harlow: Longman, 1995Probably the best introduction to a range of theories and models, providing good examples in an extremely well written and fully referenced style.4. Seaton A V. Tourism: a state of the art. Chichester: Wiley, 1994A major collection of papers, admittedly of varying quality, but nothing can match it for the variety and range of ideas, examples, approaches and applications from different disciplines.5. Stabler M J. T ourism and sustainability: principles to practice. Wallingford: CAB International, 1997In many ways the best and most frank collection of essays on sustainable tourism that avoids the hype, ideology and wishful thinking that characterizes much of the literature on this topic.6. Wahab S, Pigram J. Tourism development and growth. London: Routledge, 1997Although less' hard' in approach than the essays in Stabler, the contents of this book illustrate a wider range of more discursive essays on sustainable tourism which raise some broad fundamental issues and concepts on the context of the concept.7. Hall C M. Tourism and politics: policy, power and place. Chichester: Wiley, 1994An extremely well written and well referenced book on a topic that is very under-researched given its fundamental importance to tourism, which introduces a great many critical issues that have been previously ignored.8. Smith V. Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989The first edition of this book represents the first major contribution of anthropology to tourism and the second edition is an original approach to review developments in places and thought a decade later, together they make a unique contribution to the literature.Other ones I would recommend but perhaps not as essential9. Butler R W, Hinch T. Tourism and indigenous peoples. London: Thompson Business Press, 1996The first multi disciplinary collection of commissioned papers to focus on indigenous peoples, their role in tourism in a wide variety of settings, their attitudes to tourism and their response to its effects.10. Murphy P E. Tourism: a community approach. London: Methuen, 1985The first book to make an effective call for local involvement in tourism, and although a little dated now, still contains originaland valuable ideas.11. Pearce D G. Tourism development. Harlow: Longman, 1997Probably the best source of references and models on the development of tourism and the process that destinations go through, a well-written and comprehensive treatment.12. Butler R W, Hall C M, Jenkins J. Tourism and recreation in rural areas. Chichester: Wiley, 1997The first attempt to look at tourism and recreation together in the rural context and the inter-relationships with rural activities and rural economies.13. Jackson E, Burton T. Leisure in the new millennium. Philadelphia: Venture Publishing, 1999A comprehensive collection of commissioned papers on key topics in leisure (and hence tourism) theory and concepts, and probably the best review of models, techniques and the literature with extensive bibliographies to papers.14. Hall C M, Lew A. Sustainable tourism: a geographical perspective. Harlow: Longman, 1998A good collection of papers from one discipline on sustainable tourism, emphasizing the holistic and integrative approach that is essential for this topic.15. Shaw G, Willaims A. Critical issues in tourism: a geographical perspective. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994A good attempt at taking a broad review of issues and problems in tourism, still relevant several years after publication.道格拉斯·皮尔斯(Douglas Pearce)1. Ashworth G J, Tunbridge. The tourist-historic city. London: Belhaven, 19902. Barrette R, Defert P. Aspects economiques du tourisme.Editions Berger-Levrault, Paris. 19723. Burkart A J, Medlik S. Tourism: past, present and future. London: Heinemenan,19744. Gunn C A. Tourism planning, 2nd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis, 19885. Lawson F, Baud-Bovy M. Tourism and recreation development: a handbook of physical planning. London: The Architectural Press, 19776. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical and social impacts. London: Longman, 19827. Miossec J M. Elements pour une theorie de l'espace touristique, les cahiers du tourisme c-36. Aix-en-Provence: Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, 19768. Pearce P L. The social psychology of tourist behavior. Oxford: Pergamon, 19829. Ritchie J R B, Goeldener C R(eds). Travel, tourism and hospitality research: a handbook for managers and researchers, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 199410. Smith V L. Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989 刘德龄(Alan A. Lew)1. Butler R W. Alternative tourism: pious hope or trojan horse? Journal of Travel Research, 1990; 23/3: 91-962. Chang T C, Milne S, Fallon D, Pohlmann C. Urban heritage tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 1996; 23: 284-3053. Crang M. Picturing practices: research through the tourist gaze. Progress in Human Geography, 1997; 21/3: 359-3734. Dhauteserre A M. The French mode of social regulation and sustainable tourism development: the case of disneylandparis. Tourism Geographies, 1999; 1: 86-1075. Dearden P, Haron S. Alternative tourism and adaptive change. Annals of Tourism Research, 1994; 21: 81-1026. Farrell B, Runyan D. Ecology and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 1991; 18: 26-407.Foster D M, Murphy P. Resort cycle revisited: the retirement connection. Annals of Tourism of Research, 1991; 18: 553-5678.Getz D. Tourism planning and destination life cycle. Annals of Tourism of Research, 1992; 19: 752-7009. Getz D. Planning for tourism business districts. Annals of Tourism of Research, 1993; 20: 583-60010. Hall C M, Page S J. The geography of tourism and recreation: environment, place and space. New York: Routledge, 199911. Ioannides D. Planning for international tourism in less developed countries: toward sustainability. Journal of Planning and Literature, 1995; 9/3: 25-27.12. Ioannides D. Strengthening the ties between tourism and economic geography: a theoretical agenda. Professional Geographer, 1995; 47/1: 49-6013. Ioannides D, Debbage K. The economic geography of the tourism industry: a supply-side analysis. New York: Routledge, 199814. Lew A A. A framework of tourist attraction research. In Ritchie B J R, Goeldner C R(eds). Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Research: A Handbook for Managers and Researchers. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 291-30415. Lew A A, Hall C M(eds). Sustainable tourism: a geographical perspective. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 199916. Lew A A, Yu L(eds). Tourism in China: geographical, political, and economic perspectives. Boulder: Westview Press, 199517. Murphy P E. Tourism: a community approach. New York: Methuen, 198818. Oakes T S. Tourism and modernity in China. New York: Routledge, 199819. Oppermann M. Travel life cycle. Annals of Tourism Research, 1995; 22: 535-552.20. Oppermann M(ed). Geography and tourism marketing. Albany, NY: Haworth Press, 199721. Shaw G, Williams A M. Critical issues in tourism: a geographical perspective. Oxford: Blackwell, 199422.Smith S L J. Defining tourism: a supply-side view. Annals of Tourism of Research, 1988; 15: 179-19023. Smith S L J. Tourism analysis: a handbook. Essex: Longman Scientific and Technical, 198924. Smith V L, Eadington W R(eds). Tourism alternatives: potentials and problems in the development of tourism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 199225. Urry J. The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage Publications, 199026. Wall G. Integrating integrated resorts. Annals of T ourism Research, 1996; 23: 713-71727.Wall G. Is ecotourism sustainable? Environmental Management, 1997; 21/4: 483-49128.Wilkinson P F. Strategies for tourism in island micro-states. Annals of T ourism Research, 1989; 16/2: 153-17729. Zurick D N. Adventure travel and sustainable tourism in the peripheral economy of Nepal. Annals A.A.G, 1992; 82/4: 608-62830. Zurick D N. Errant journeys: adventure travel in a modern age. Austin: University of Texas Press, 199531 Zurick D N. Preserving paradise. Geographical Review, 1995; 85:157-172。
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国外著名旅游地理学家推荐重要文献杰弗里·沃尔(Geoffrey Wall)(in alphabetical order)1. Ashworth G J, Tunbrdge J E. The tourist-historic city. London: Belhaven Press, 1990One of the first texts to draw attention to the importance of urban heritage and still among the best books on the topic.2. De Kadt E(ed). Tourism: passport to development? Washington, D.C.: Oxford University Press, 1979The first five chapters constitute one of the earliest and most incisive statements on tourism as it pertains to developing areas.3. Graburn N H H(ed). Ethnic and tourist arts: cultural expressions from the fourth world. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976A handsome book drawing attention to tourism and cultural change through ethnicity and souvenirs.4. Gunn C. Tourism planning. New York: Crane Russack, 1979Although greatly modified in subsequent editions and perhaps superceded by other texts, drew serious attention to the need for tourism planning.5. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical and social impacts. London: Longman, 1982The first book to provide a broad dispassionate perspective on the consequences of tourism. Although now almost 20 years old, still widely consulted.6. McCannell D. The tourist: a new theory of the leisure class. Schocken Books, 1976An important although occasionally obscure book because of its attempts to provide a conceptual base for topics such as attractions, authenticity and semiotics.7. McIntosh R W, Goeldner C R. Tourism: principles, practices and philosophies. New York: Wiley, 1972A basic text which has stood the test of time and influenced many students.8. Mowforth M, Munt I. Tourism and sustainability: new tourism in the third world. London:Routledge, 1998A new book which is among the most perceptive of recent offerings and may stand the test of time.9. Murphy P. Tourism: a community approach. New York :Methuen, 1985Although the ecological analogy is somewhat overdrawn, an important document on tourism planning with greater emphasis on process than Gunn.10. Pearce D. Tourism development. Harlow: Longman, 1981Pearce's works are important inproviding ready access to a large amount of literature and ideas. This is probably his best work.11. Smith V(ed). Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977Made tourism a legitimate subject of investigation for anthropologists and still influential in more recent editions.12. Urry J. The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary society. London: Sage, 1990Perhaps overrated but influential in linking tourism research to broader trends in the social sciences.莱尔·米切尔(Lisle Mitchell)1. 〖ZK(#]Christaller W. Some considerations of tourism location in Europe. Papers, Regional Science Association, 1964: 95-1052. Wolfe R I. Perspectives on outdoor recreation: a bibliographical survey. The Geographical Review, 1964; 54: 203-2383. Wolfe R I. Recreational travel: the new migration. Canadian Geographer, 1966; 10: 1-134. Stansfield C A, Rickert J E. The recreation business district. Journal of Leisure Research, 1970; 4: 213-2255. Williams A V, Zelinsky W. On some patterns of international tourist flows. Economic Geography, 1970; 46: 589-6086. Carlson A W. Geographical research on international and domestic tourism. Journal of Cultural Geography, 1980; 1: 149-1607. Butler R W. The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 1980; 24: 5-128. Wall G, Greer T. Recreational hinterlands: a theoretical an empirical analysis. Contemporary Leisure Research, Proceeding of the Second Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, 1980: 110-1199. Chubb M, Chubb H. One third of our time. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 198110. Smith S L J. Recreation geography. New York: Longman, 198311. Murphy P E. Tourism: a community approach. New York: Methuen, 1985斯蒂文·史密斯(Stephen L.J. Smith)The following are texts that I consider to be among the most significant on a range of tourism topics. I did not restrict the list by date of publication, although virtually all my choices were published within the last 10 years. I've also provided a brief annotation (comment) about the book, which I hope might be helpful to readers. The list is presented alphabetically, by the author's last name.1. Adrian B. The economics of travel and tourism. Melbourne: Pitman, 1991Of all the books examining the economics of tourism, this title provides the most comprehensive, theoretically, and methodologically-sound approach. Both micro- and macro-economic aspects of tourism are covered; particular attention is given to characteristics of tourism that make it different from other forms of economic activity.2. Douglas F C. Practical tourism forecasting. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996This text, the best available examination of tourism forecasting, provides a strong introduction to forecasting methods and issues in tourism, and offers detailed guidelines for 13 types of forecast models.3. Gunn C A. Tourism planning, 2nd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis, 1988Gunn's books have consistently been recognized as valuable references for regional tourism planning and design. The second edition of this particular title provides a thorough examination of tourism planning concepts and principles, including a look at the linkage between tourism planning and policy (the second edition is better organized and conceptualized than the third edition).4. Inskeep E. Tourism planning: an integrated and sustainable development approach. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991While many books on sustainable development provide generalities and platitudes only, this text provides in-depth, practical guidelines on sustainable tourism planning at levels from local areas to entire nations.5. Ioannides D, Debbage K G (eds). The economic geography of the tourist industry: a supply-side analysis. London: Routledge, 1998The editors of this book have pulled together 16 chapters that look at how tourism is defined and organized, the impacts of business cycles, the structure of various key industry sectors, the role of the state in tourism development, and other matters related to the business and commodification of tourism.6. Leiper N. Tourism management. Abbotsford: RMIT Press, 1995This book provides a strong synthesis of tourism issues with management science.It provides the reader with a strong theoretical base, yet supplements theory with many case studies and practical examples.7. McIntosh R W, Goeldner C R, and Ritchie J R B. Tourism: principles,practices, philosophies, 7th ed. New York: John Wiley, 1995The fact that this book is into its 7th edition attests to its recognition as being "the standard" for introductory tourism text books. While the treatment of topics tends to be superficial, it provides the reader with a very broad, comprehensive overview of tourism as a field of study, industry, human phenomenon, and policy field.8. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical, and social impacts. London: Longman, 1982Although dated, this is one of the best comprehensive overviews of the nature and types of tourism impacts.9. Smith S L J. Tourism analysis, 2nd ed. London: Longman, 1996This volume provides a broad-based introduction to a variety of analytical tools used in tourism - ranging from questionnaire design, through regionalization techniques, to benefit-cost analysis. The text begin with an overview of issues in defining and measuring tourism as a phenomenon. The second edition contains virtually all of the information in the first edition plus significantly more material.10. Smith V L(ed). Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989This is a unique collection of essays describing the social impacts of tourism in a wide range of cultures around the world. The first edition was well received and widely used; the second edition provides more current examples and is as strong a collection as the first edition.11.Wahab S, Pigram J J. Tourism, development, and growth. London: Routledge, 1997Sustainability is a popular topic among many tourism researchers, especially geographers and planners. This collection of specially commissioned chapters provides a comprehensive examination of sustainable development in the context of tourism.12. Witt S S, Moutinho, L(eds). Tourism marketing and management handbook, 1st ed. and 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 1989 and 1994These two volumes provide an overview of over 100 topics related to tourism marketing and management. There is some duplication of material in both volumes: the first edition covers a broader range of tourism topics while the second emphasizes management issues to a much greater extent. The second edition is organized better than the first edition.理查德·巴特勒(Richard Butler)The "must read" ones I would suggest are as follows1. Mathieson A, Wall G (but more recent printings). Tourism impacts: economic, physical and social. London: Longman, 1982Now almost 20 years old, but still by far the best conceptualization of the effects of tourism, presenting a clear and comprehensive review of tourism and how it changes destination areas.2. Smith S L J. Tourism analysis: a handbook. New York: Longman, 1995A very good and clear review of methods and techniques used for analyzing tourism data, with descriptions and explanations in comprehensive but reader-friendly form.3. Pearce D G. Tourism today: a geographical analysis. Harlow: Longman, 1995Probably the best introduction to a range of theories and models, providing good examples in an extremely well written and fully referenced style.4. Seaton A V. Tourism: a state of the art. Chichester: Wiley, 1994A major collection of papers, admittedly of varying quality, but nothing can match it for the variety and range of ideas, examples, approaches and applications from different disciplines.5. Stabler M J. Tourism and sustainability: principles to practice. Wallingford: CAB International, 1997In many ways the best and most frank collection of essays on sustainable tourism that avoids the hype, ideology and wishful thinking that characterizes much of the literature on this topic.6. Wahab S, Pigram J. Tourism development and growth. London: Routledge, 1997Although less' hard' in approach than the essays in Stabler, the contents of this book illustrate a wider range of more discursive essays on sustainable tourism which raise some broad fundamental issues and concepts on the context of the concept.7. Hall C M. Tourism and politics: policy, power and place. Chichester: Wiley, 1994An extremely well written and well referenced book on a topic that is very under-researched given its fundamental importance to tourism, which introduces a great many critical issues that have been previously ignored.8. Smith V. Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989The first edition of this book represents the first major contribution of anthropology to tourism and the second edition is an original approach to review developments in places and thought a decade later, together they make a uniquecontribution to the literature.Other ones I would recommend but perhaps not as essential9. Butler R W, Hinch T. Tourism and indigenous peoples. London: Thompson Business Press, 1996The first multi disciplinary collection of commissioned papers to focus on indigenous peoples, their role in tourism in a wide variety of settings, their attitudes to tourism and their response to its effects.10. Murphy P E. Tourism: a community approach. London: Methuen, 1985The first book to make an effective call for local involvement in tourism, and although a little dated now, still contains original and valuable ideas.11. Pearce D G. Tourism development. Harlow: Longman, 1997Probably the best source of references and models on the development of tourism and the process that destinations go through, a well-written and comprehensive treatment.12. Butler R W, Hall C M, Jenkins J. Tourism and recreation in rural areas. Chichester: Wiley, 1997The first attempt to look at tourism and recreation together in the rural context and the inter-relationships with rural activities and rural economies.13. Jackson E, Burton T. Leisure in the new millennium. Philadelphia: Venture Publishing, 1999A comprehensive collection of commissioned papers on key topics in leisure (and hence tourism) theory and concepts, and probably the best review of models, techniques and the literature with extensive bibliographies to papers.14. Hall C M, Lew A. Sustainable tourism: a geographical perspective. Harlow: Longman, 1998A good collection of papers from one discipline on sustainable tourism, emphasizing the holistic and integrative approach that is essential for this topic.15. Shaw G, Willaims A. Critical issues in tourism: a geographical perspective. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994A good attempt at taking a broad review of issues and problems in tourism, still relevant several years after publication.道格拉斯·皮尔斯(Douglas Pearce)1. Ashworth G J, Tunbridge. The tourist-historic city. London: Belhaven, 19902. Barrette R, Defert P. Aspects economiques du tourisme. Editions Berger-Levrault, Paris. 19723. Burkart A J, Medlik S. Tourism: past, present and future. London: Heinemenan,19744. Gunn C A. Tourism planning, 2nd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis, 19885. Lawson F, Baud-Bovy M. Tourism and recreation development: a handbook of physical planning. London: The Architectural Press, 19776. Mathieson A, Wall G. Tourism: economic, physical and social impacts. London: Longman, 19827. Miossec J M. Elements pour une theorie de l'espace touristique, les cahiers du tourisme c-36. Aix-en-Provence: Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, 19768. Pearce P L. The social psychology of tourist behavior. Oxford: Pergamon, 19829. Ritchie J R B, Goeldener C R(eds). Travel, tourism and hospitality research: a handbook for managers and researchers, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 199410. Smith V L. Hosts and guests: the anthropology of tourism, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989刘德龄(Alan A. Lew)1. Butler R W. Alternative tourism: pious hope or trojan horse? Journal of Travel Research, 1990; 23/3: 91-962. Chang T C, Milne S, Fallon D, Pohlmann C. Urban heritage tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 1996; 23: 284-3053. Crang M. Picturing practices: research through the tourist gaze. Progress in Human Geography, 1997; 21/3: 359-3734. Dhauteserre A M. The French mode of social regulation and sustainable tourism development: the case of disneyland paris. 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