AR201Recorder of temperature and analogue signalsSingle channel recorder with universal thermometric andanalog input and 7-segment LED displayn measurement and recording of temperature and other physical quantities (humidity,pressure, level, speed, etc.) converted into a standard electrical signal (0/4÷20mA,0÷10V, 0÷60mV, 0÷1kΩ)n1 universal measuring inputs not electrically isolated (thermoresistance, thermocoupleand analogue)n1 alarm/control outputsn serial interface USB and RS485 (MODBUS-RTU, galvanically insulated)n saving data in a standard text file stored in the recorder's internal memory, SD card USBmemory (memory stick) in FAT systemn option of transferring archive and configuration data on SD card, USB memory or usingthe USB port of a computern7-segment LED display with adjustable brightnesn internal real time clock with a battery backup power supplyn built-in 24Vdc power supply for supplying on-site transducersn compensation of line resistance for resistance sensorsn temperature compensation of thermocouple cold ends(automatic or fixed)n free software provided for displaying recorded results as graphics or text and forconfiguring the parametersn programmable input, range of indications, options for recording, alarm, communication,access and other configuration parametern methods for configuring parameters:- via membrane keyboard (IP65) located on the front panel of the device- via USB or RS485 interface and a computer program (Windows XP/7/8/10)- from the configuration files saved on SD/MMC card or USB memoryn access to configuration parameters is protected by the user's passwordn available data protection against unauthorized copying and modification (checksum,authorization request for SD card and USB memory)n possibility to differentiate archives from many recorders of the same or similar type byassigning individual identification numbers (ID)n signalling the presence of SD and USB memory and file operationsn saving data until the memory is full, signalling full memoryn option of manual updating the recorder firmwaren high accuracy and immunity to interferencContents of set:- USB cable for connection to computer, length 2m- CD with drivers and software (Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7)- user manula- warranty cardAccessories:- SD memory card (1GB)- SD / MMC card reader- USB memory (2GBMaterial elf-extinguishing polycarbonate , NORYL 94V-0Dimensions 96 x 48 x 79 mm Panel window 92 x 46 mmFixing methods panel, grips on the side of the enclosure~195gVersion 2.0.2 2013-03-19Response time (10÷90%) 1 ÷ 10 s (programmable)Resistance of leads (RTD, Ω)Rd < 25 Ω (for each line)Resistance current (RTD, Ω)~480 μAProcessing errors (at 25°C ambient temperature): - basicfor RTD, mA, V,mV, Ω0,1 % of measuring range ±1 digit for thermocouple0,2 % of measuring range ±1 digit - additional for thermocouple<2 °C (cold ends temperature)- additional caused by amb. temp. changes < 0,005 % of input range /°C Resolution of measured temperature 0,1 °CCommunication interface - USB- subordinate mode drivers for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7- overriding modesupport for USB memory (pendrive)- RS485 (protocol MODBUS-RTU, SLAVE)bitrate 2,4 ÷ 115,2 kb/s, galvanically separatedPeriod of data recordingprogrammable from 1s to 2 hours 45 min. (1)Data memory (non-volatile, write up to 18 million measurements for 1GB memory ):- internal (FLASH type)4MB, FAT12 file system,up to 97thousand files masurements- SD/MMC external card (connector with ejector)FAT16, FAT32, max. size 2GB, recommended size ≤1GB and FAT16 - external USB memory (pendrive, A4 type)FAT16, FAT32, max. size 4GB, recommended size ≤1GB and FAT16Real-time clock (quartz RTC)include leap years, supporting the CR1220 lithium battery Alarm Output- relay5A / 250V~ (for resistive loads), SPST-NO - SSR (transistor NPN OC, option)11V, internal resistance 440 ΩLED 7-segment display 4 digita, red, height 20mm, adjustable backlightbrightness Power Supply- 230Vac 85 ÷ 260 Vac/ 4VA- 24Vac/dc (option)20 ÷ 50 Vac/ 4VA, 20 ÷ 72 Vdc/ 4W Power supply to filed transmitters 24Vdc / 30mARated operating conditions 0 ÷ 50°C, <100 %RH (non-condesing)Working environment air and neutral gasesProtection rating IP65 front, IP20 of the connections sideElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- immunity acc. to PN-EN 61000-6-2。
工作(此时芯片内部上拉为 VDD) 外接自动增益控制电容 AGC 外接参考振荡器 外接元件/输入 内部调谐的时钟基准 通 过晶振接 VSS 或用 AC 耦合方式输入为 0.5VPP 的时钟信号 外接元件 实现在片自动增益控制
1.3 技术参数 极限工作条件
电源电压 最大结温 焊接温度
见说明 1
……………..…+7V …Vss-0.3 ~VDD+0.3 ………….…+150 …..…-65 ~+150 ………….…+260
额定工作条件(见说明 2)
电源电压 环境温度 射频范围 VDD TA ….…+4.75~+5.5V ….…-40 ~+85 .…300M~440MHz
FREFOSC MHz × 4.90MHz对应参数值 4.90MHz
例如 参考振荡器频率 fT 6.00MHz 时
6.00MHz对应参数 =
6.00 × 4.90MHz对应参数值 4.90
当参考频率不是 4.90MHz 时 该参数可由下式计算
8. 该参数与参考振荡器频率 fT 成反比
4.90MHz × 3.36MHz对应参数值 FREFOSC MHz
KHz A V V s
数据/控制部分 IOUT VOUT VOUT tR,tF
high low
输出电流 输出高电平 输出低电平 输出上升 / 下降 时间
DO 引脚 CLOAD 15pF
Aug 2003
1. 超出极限工作条件可能会损坏器件 2. 超出额定工作条件时器件性能不能保证 3. 本产品属静电敏感器件 请采取合理的静电防护措施 适用 Class1 ESD 要求 人体放电模型 HBM 符合 MIL-STD-883C 之 3015 测试标准 不要在强静电场附近使用和贮存 4. 灵敏度定义为在误码率 BER 10-2 时输入端测得的信号平均值 输入信号为平均占空比 50% 数据速率 为 300bps 的归零 RZ 波形 曼彻斯特编码 ANT 射频输入采用 50 阻抗匹配 5. 寄生背向隔离表征在射频输入引脚 用 50 阻抗匹配网络测试时显示的寄生元件参数 背景噪声源于
目的:规范MAI 2001C氧分析仪的正确使用和日常维护范围:适用于MAI 2001C氧分析仪的正确使用和日常维护MAI2001C微量氧分析仪用于制氧厂。
3.安装3.1传感器安装注意事项(1)在没有准备立即安装之前不要打开传感器的包装!(2)在安装传感器之前,先确认仪器电源已经打开!3.2传感器安装步骤(1)按下“报警确认”键;(2)旋转旋钮使流量计的读数为 0 ;(3)旋开传感器的封盖(银色大旋钮),小心别丢落了 O 型密封圈;(4)拖动旧传感器标签上的突出部位,小心拿出旧的传感器;(5)检查金属块的空腔;如有潮气的话,用O 型清洁棒或者类似物品进行擦拭,并保证里面的连接弹簧接触良好;小心使用别划到金属块的内壁;(6)确认 O 型密封圈仍然在密封盖的凹槽内,并确认 O 型密封圈和盖子清洁无任何杂物;(7)用剪刀或小刀小心地打开传感器的包装袋,注意不要划到传感器;如果传感器有液体泄漏在包装袋上,请停止安装,更换一个新的传感器,千万不要使手指甲碰到传感器的表膜;(8)现在不要移走传感器的背面短路夹标带;(9)抓住传感器的侧面标签,隔膜的一面向下,放入传感器室(传感器的镀金接触面向上接触单元块的接触片;隔膜一面由不锈钢的装置覆盖);请确认短路夹标带朝向外侧,这样可以保证你可以将它拉出;(10)当传感器已经完全推入,拉出短路带;(11)使分析仪读数稳定,在一分钟内调整到20.9% ;(12)通入零气或者样气;(13)小心盖上传感器封盖,确保没有拧错螺纹;用手拧紧,但不要拧得过紧;(14)确认零气或者样气的流速为 1SCFH;(15)让分析仪读数回落到低氧量水平,需要的话,用标定气标定分析仪。
PMAC503M产品说明书(漏电⽕灾监控)PMAC503M电⽓⽕灾监控探测器说明书Installation & Operation Manual 执⾏标准GB 14287.2-2005《剩余电流式电⽓⽕灾监控探测器》安全注意事项安全注意事项危险和警告本设备只能由专业⼈⼠进⾏安装。
不注意这些预防措施可能会引起严重伤害⽬录第1章产品介绍 (4)1.1 产品设计说明 (4)1.2 产品功能特点 (5)第2章技术参数 (6)2.1 PMAC503M1参数说明 (6)2.2 PMAC503M4/8参数说明 (8)第3章外形及安装尺⼨ (9)第4章产品型号说明 (10)4.1 PMAC503M1型号说明 (10)4.2 PMAC503M4/8型号说明 (11)4.3 应⽤举例及说明 (11)第5章附件说明 (13)5.1 温度传感器 (13)5.2 PMAC503L漏电互感器 (13)第6章产品功能介绍 (17)6.1端⼦定义 (17)6.2功能介绍 (19)第7章显⽰以及按键说明 (24)7.1显⽰及按键说明 (24)7.1.1 PMAC503M1显⽰及按键说明 (24)7.2 故障显⽰说明 (40)第8章典型应⽤ (44)8.1应⽤说明 (44)8.2参考图纸 (46)8.3电⽓⽕灾监控探测器投⼊使⽤注意事项 (50)8.4 系统接地的型式 (51)第1章产品介绍1.1 产品设计说明PMAC503M系列电⽓⽕灾监控探测器(以下简称探测器)主要应⽤于低压配电系统(380/220VAC)的漏电保护和基本电参数的测量。
电信RG201OCAEPON终端用户手册目录1 本卷须知 (2)2 简介 (4)2.1 特点 (4)2.2 产品规格 (5)2.3 系统要求 (5)3 面板及使用说明 (7)3.1 前面板图以及指示灯状态说明 (7)3.2 后面板图以及接口说明 (7)3.3 硬件连接 (8)4 用户配置使用说明 (10)4.1 安装光盘使用说明 (10)4.2 宽带上网使用步骤 (12)4.3 登陆前预备 (12)4.4 登陆 (14)4.5 状态 (14)4.5.1 设备差不多信息 (14)4.5.2 网络侧信息 (15)4.5.3 用户侧信息 (16)4.5.4 宽带语音信息 (17)4.6 网络 (17)4.6.1 OLT认证 (17)4.7 安全 (17)4.7.1 广域网访问设置 (18)4.7.2 防火墙 (18)4.7.3 MAC过滤 (19)4.8 治理 (19)4.8.1 用户治理 (19)4.8.2 设备治理 (20)4.9 关心 (20)5 常见问题解答 (22)6 附录:缩略语 (25)1 本卷须知在使用RG201O-CA设备前,请认真阅读下面的本卷须知:请使用说明书标注的电源类型。
2 简介RG201O-CA设备是针对宽带网络建设的特点推出的一款面向家庭、SOHO用户的EPON ONU、IAD、LAN Switch等多种功能合一的,具有路由功能的家庭网关设备。
Privacy Mask Text Overlay Image Orientation
• Audio
Compression Audio-In Audio-Out
• Network
Protocol &larm
Simultaneous dual streams based on two configurations 28 Kbps - 6 Mbps (per stream) Constant, Variable
Basic WDR (74 dB); White balance: automatic, hold, and manual; Brightness; Contrast; Sharpness (auto); Auto gain control; Digital noise reduction; Flickerless
• Device
Device Type Image Sensor Sensor Size Day / Night Superior Low Light Sensitivity Minimum Illumination Color to B/W Switch Mechanical IR Cut Filter IR Sensitivity Range IR LED IR Working Distance Electronic Shutter
3 4
1 2
1 Reset Button 2 Memory Card Slot 3 Reset Button
电子空调CM 201E 产品说明书
CM 201EValid as of E21ME0404 up toE21ME0601Electrical unit X CM 201EVoltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 X1Control panel2 X2Electrical installation3 X3Clima Plus4 X4Steam generator, Bypass5 X5Hot air heating6 X6Motor and fan wheel7 X7Interior cabinet8 X8Door9 X9Water supply, quenching box10 X10Hand shower13 X13Exterior cabinet14 X14MiscellaneousCM 201EElectrical unit X Table of contentsVoltage: 3 AC 200V 50-60Hz1 Control panel (3)1.A Control panel (4)2 Electrical installation (5)2.A Contactor assembly (6)3 Clima Plus (8)4 Steam generator, Bypass (9)4.A Pump connection spout cpl (10)4.B Venting valve for steam generator (11)5 Hot air heating (12)6 Motor and fan wheel (13)7 Interior cabinet (14)7.A Interior cabinet welded (15)7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets (16)7.C Air baffle (17)8 Door (18)8.A Door (20)8.C Door catch (21)9 Water supply, quenching box (22)10 Hand shower (23)13 Exterior cabinet (24)13.A Exterior cabinet (25)14 Miscellaneous (26)Electrical unit X 1 Control panel 11 Control panel Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X1.A Control panel1 87.00.001 Control panel insert with overlayElectrical unit X 1.A Control panel 11 Control panel Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 42.00.004 Control pcb Index "ME"2 1104.0121 Hex nut M4 self locking3 10.00.355 Spacer black4 2020.0400 Fixing device for cable harness5 16.00.282 Dial6 40.02.087 Buzzer6 3006.0107 Buzzer7 5110.1028 Gasket poti hot air, core temperature8 40.00.464 Potentiometer CT9 16.00.387 Mounting device f.sealing + sealing lip10 1306.0218 Washer A4,311 1103.0122 Hex nut M3 self-locking12 5110.1029 Gasket mode switch13 5110.1027 Distance plate for front panelElectrical unit X 2 Electrical installation 22 Electrical installation Voltage3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X2.A Contactor assembly1 4007.0620 Membrane DGC 292 10.00.510 Grommet 10/12/16-23 40.00.453 Solid state relais4 10.00.507 Pan head screw Torx 5/16" T205 10.00.444 Raised countersunk head screw Torx M4x86 1106.0224 Hex nut M6 self locking7 10.00.065 Countersunk screw Torx T20 M4x128 4005.0101 Tie rap 145 mm9 42.00.007 External memory10 1104.0801 Cage nut M411 10.00.243 Spacer M4x812 1104.0120 Hex nut M413 10.00.112 Cable clip short14 10.00.111 Cable clip long15 10.00.417 Fixing device for cable harness16 10.00.471 Cable clip d10-12mm17 40.00.338 Sicotronic-terminal *screw typ*18 4007.0632 Screwed cable gland M63x1.5(34-45mm)si.gr19 4007.0635 Fixing nut for cable gland M6320 40.01.355 Fixing device f. cable guide21 1106.0160 Hex nut M622 1206.0120 Tooth lock washer A6,423 40.01.132 Center fixation f. contactor assembly24 40.00.471 Bus cable 0.8m24 40.00.472 Bus cable 1.3m26 1104.0400 Rivet nut M4Electrical unit X 2.A Contactor assembly 22 Electrical installation Voltage3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.01.329 Dry up protector 160°2 3014.0302 Hex nut M10 for dry-up protector3 40.01.482 Safety temperature limiter 365°C4 3014.0327 Hex nut M10x1,05 40.01.558 Contactor CL07A300M6-M6 40.00.474 Cooling fan D.C.7 10.00.238 Screw Torx 4x508 40.00.333 Halogen transformer9 40.01.613 Varistor10 4001.0224 Fuse 6.35x32mm11 4001.1295 Fuse holder e 1003Si/1DS12 10.00.365 Pan head screw Torx M3x2013 4001.1233 Terminal block yellow/green 35mm²14 4001.1206 Terminal block 35mm² grey15 40.00.592 Transformer f. cooling fan16 1105.0120 Hex nut M517 1305.0160 Washer A5,3x10mm18 4001.1203 End plate for mounting rail19 2620.370233 Installation rail for Contactor 100mm19 2620.380129 Installation rail for Contactor 130mm19 2816.1307 Installation rail for Contactor 140mm20 10.00.061 Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x1221 10.00.111 Cable clip long22 40.00.212 Cable buzzer22 40.00.239 Cable contactor-SSR22 40.01.280 Cable control harness22 40.00.235 Cable control SSR22 40.00.205 Cable level electrode22 40.00.219 Cable SC pumpElectrical unit X 2.A Contactor assembly 22 Electrical installation Voltage3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description22 40.00.220 Cable solenoid valveElectrical unit X 3 Clima Plus 33 Clima Plus Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 22.00.324 Safety valve2 22.00.214 Hose d50x2023 2066.0531 Hose clamp ø564 2001.0124 Compression springElectrical unit X 4 Steam generator, Bypass 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 8354.1320 X4.A Pump connection spout cpl.B 8354.1304 X4.B Venting valve for steam generator1 3002.0402 Filling level electrode 90 mm2 44.00.174 Steam generator insolated3 1106.0803 Hex combination nut M6 galv4 44.00.295 Heating element5 44.00.279 Gasket f. heating element6 2066.0519 Hose clamp 35,6mm7 2066.0526 Hose clamp ø46mm8 44.00.207 Emptying pump9 1006.0762 Hex screw M6x1010 1306.0222 Washer A6,4x15x1,511 44.00.232 Fixing device f. pump steam generator12 44.00.233 Drain hose steam generator13 2066.0518 Hose clamp 30mm14 40.00.291 Thermocouple steam generator15 1104.0122 Hex combination nut M4 galv16 2112.1006 Steam hose 50x7mm17 2066.0504 Hose clamp 40-60mm18 2066.0506 Hose clamp 20-32mm19 1105.0120 Hex nut M520 1205.0120 Tooth lock washer A5,321 2066.0300 Hose clamp 50-70 mm22 2920.1300 Level elektrode insert24 10.00.414 Cable strap black 120°25 44.00.280 Gasket f. heating element+Level elektrode insertElectrical unit X 4.A Pump connection spout cpl. 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2118.1000 Pump connection spout2 2120.1259 Stop plug 10mm3 2066.0527 Hose clamp ø14mm4 2066.0530 Hose clamp ø16.4mm5 2062.0331 Junction pressure hose GS 106 4005.0101 Tie rap 145 mmElectrical unit X 4.B Venting valve for steam generator 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2062.0332 Receptacle for ventilation valve SG2 2069.0108 Ventilation valve3 2112.1310 Form hose for ventilation of steam generator4 2066.0506 Hose clamp 20-32mmElectrical unit X 5 Hot air heating 55 Hot air heating Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.305 Mating flange f. heating assembly2 40.00.595 Heating assembly3 10.00.109 Hex screw M5x234 1106.0360 Cap nut M6, high shape5 1306.0222 Washer A6,4x15x1,56 40.00.332 Gasket f. heating assemblyElectrical unit X 6 Motor and fan wheel 66 Motor and fan wheel Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2120.1306 Spacer SW19x172 22.00.123 Flange f. motor shaft gasket3 22.00.120 Mounting support f. gasket flange4 22.00.083 Motor shaft gasket5 1315.0101 Copper washer 6x106 1106.0220 Hex nut M6 flat7 22.00.188 Fan wheel d340x1108 1008.0763 Hex screw M8x208 10.00.565 Hex screw M8x2010 40.00.435 Exhaust channel f. SSR11 40.00.274 Fan motor12 10.00.071 Hex nut M812 1108.0260 Hex nut M812 10.00.710 Hex nut M8 w. locking13 1208.0260 Spring washer B814 1008.1005 Square necked mushroom head bolt 8x40Electrical unit X 7 Interior cabinet 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X7.A Interior cabinet weldedB 40.00.091 X7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gasketsC 22.00.297 X7.C Air baffle1 40.00.520 Screen interior cabinet sensor3 3024.0201 Halogen bulb for interior cabinet 300°C4 40.00.229 Wiring interior light5 20.00.398 Door gasket6 40.02.102 Meat probe sensor6 40.00.298 Meat probe sensor7 1315.0104 Copper washer 16x20x1,58 10.00.422 Hex nut M169 3014.0162 Sealing cone for thermocouple10 3014.0163 Gasket sleeve with nipple11 22.00.220 Air baffle support11 22.00.458 Air baffle support12 40.00.594 Thermocouple interior cabinet B113 2005.0308 Outlet sieve17 10.00.515 Rivet 3,2x5 A4Electrical unit X 7.A Interior cabinet welded 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.098 Reflector f. interior light2 4001.1248 Porcelain connector 2-pin interior light3 2120.1277 Base for sensor connection4 1603.0167 Tubular rivet 3,2x0.25x105 10.00.041 Rivet nut M5 hexagon closedElectrical unit X 7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.093 Outer gasket f. interior light2 40.00.094 Inner gasket f. interior light3 40.00.095 Glass pane f. interior light4 40.00.096 Gasket frame f. interior light5 10.00.682 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x16Electrical unit X 7.C Air baffle 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 1304.0160 Washer A4,32 1604.0167 Rivet 4x103 22.00.332 Air sucking ring f. air baffle4 2760.1370 Latch hook for air baffle5 40.01.289 Fixing clip core temp. cable6 10.00.515 Rivet 3,2x5 A46 1603.0168 Rivet 3,2x8 A46 1603.0168 Rivet 3,2x8 A4Electrical unit X 8 Door 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 24.00.121 X8.A DoorC 8514.1307 X8.C Door catch1 2001.0042 Loctite 243 10 ml2 2001.0046 Loctite 2723 24.00.136 Door handle4 8474.1410 Door lock5 1005.1901 Straight pin ø5,6x166 1006.0761 Hex screw M6x126 10.00.698 Hex screw M6x12 w. precoat 857 1206.0261 Spring washer B68 2940.1305 Door bolt9 1008.1963 Hex socket countersunk head screw M8x1610 2039.0309 Cover cap for door11 1004.0665 Allen screw M4x611 10.00.696 Allen screw M4x6 w. Precoat 8512 24.00.133 Door mounting support top13 1008.0768 Ornamental screw M8x1614 1308.0160 Washer A8,415 24.00.145 Door bolt16 1008.0766 Hex screw M8x3017 1308.0162 Washer A8,418 24.00.048 Door bolt19 1008.0769 Ornamental screw M8x3020 2001.0109 Compression spring21 1008.0761 Hex screw M8x2522 1208.0260 Spring washer B823 24.00.216 Mounting braket f. door lock24 1008.0752 Hex screw M5x1024 10.00.697 Hex screw M5x10 w. precoat 85Electrical unit X 8 Door 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description25 1305.0160 Washer A5,3x10mm26 10.00.099 Hex screw M8x1227 1005.1903 Straight pin ø5,6x1228 1004.0906 Hex socket set screw M4x8Electrical unit X 8.A Door 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 24.00.210 Inner glass pane2 24.00.147 Sleeve for door bolt top3 24.00.159 Door setting bolt4 24.00.503 Fixing device f. magnet with magnet5 24.00.187 Gasket glass pane/trolly6 24.00.177 Pre heat mechanism f. door cpl.7 24.00.507 Fixing device middle f.inter. glass pane8 24.00.700 Additional gasket f. trolly9 24.01.259 Plastic buffer 8,1mm10 24.01.234 Bracket right f. door floor modelElectrical unit X 8.C Door catch 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 5012.0711 Silicone plate for door2 1006.1000 Stud bolt M6x753 1306.0550 Washer A6,64 1004.0904 Hex socket set screw M6x105 1106.0160 Hex nut M66 2001.0119 Compression spring f. door catch7 1006.0625 Allen screw M6x70Electrical unit X 9 Water supply, quenching box 99 Water supply, quenchingVoltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzboxItem no. Part no Reference Description1 54.00.208 Exhaust pipe2 2066.0516 Hose clamp 60-80 mm3 40.00.398 Thermocouple quenching4 50.00.316 Single solenoid valve5 50.00.139 Single solenoid valve6 50.00.073 Water distribution vert w/o roll guide con.7 50.00.072 Water distribution vert roll guide con.8 50.00.275 Mounting device f. water distribution9 50.00.086 Locking plate f. water distribution10 50.00.078 Non return valve DW16/DN1211 1900.0202 Water filter12 2067.0050 Pressure hose d10mm13 2066.0205 Hose clamp 8-16x9 mm SW 7mm14 8664.1301 T-fitting water connection15 5110.1024 Gasket for G3/4" threaded joint16 50.00.085 Plug-in spring f. hand shower roll guide17 54.00.237 Inspection lid f. quenching chamber18 5012.0566 Gasket quenching chamber 0-ring19 54.00.225 Clamping bar20 2016.0943 Quenching nozzle21 2112.1307 Hose 70x5mmElectrical unit X 10 Hand shower 1010 Hand shower Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 50.00.176 Hand shower roll guide2 50.00.230 Connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guide3 50.00.130 Hand shower4 50.00.156 Clamp f. hand shower roll guide5 1107.0100 Star lock ø46 50.00.135 Tulip for handshower7 50.00.544 Mounting device f. hand sh. roll guide8 50.00.290 Gasket f. tulip9 50.00.297 Gasket f. tulip11 50.00.548 Hose ø10x2x500 f. hand shower12 50.00.537 Gasket f. connect.pipe hand shower roll guide13 50.00.538 O-ring f. connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guideElectrical unit X 13 Exterior cabinet 1313 Exterior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X13.A Exterior cabinet1 22.00.354 Spacer ring1 8450.1310 Spacer ring2 22.00.353 Vent cover2 8455.1209 Vent cover3 2022.0101 Grommet 18 mm4 8700.0317 Floor fixing for units5 5006.0213 Glue for floor fixing brackets6 5013.0100 Edge protection profile10 2039.0111 Foot adjustable, metal, 40 x 40Electrical unit X 13.A Exterior cabinet 1313 Exterior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 16.00.337 Top cover2 1003.2265 Countersunk self tapping screw 4,2x163 1104.0820 Snap nut 4,2mm4 16.00.142 Side panel right5 1603.0166 Rivet 3,2x7,9 CNS closed6 16.00.143 Side panel left7 10.00.102 Hex self tapping screw B4,2x328 16.00.195 Back panel9 16.00.296 Front panel10 2002.0107 Tension spring for front panel11 16.00.673 Air inlet filter12 2039.0331 Cap for service door13 16.00.330 Crossbar top14 5105.1028 Gasket f. breather tube d=74mm15 16.00.360 Cover f. RS232 interface16 10.00.103 EJOT PT-screw KA 3.5x1017 16.00.338 Edge protection profile18 16.00.115 Rosette19 16.00.358 Crossbar front panel20 40.00.454 Door switch 1.65m22 16.00.384 Bracket for door contact switch23 40.00.476 Exhaust channelElectrical unit X 14 Miscellaneous 1414 Miscellaneous Voltage 3 AC 200V 50-60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 60.21.054 Mobile oven rack for type 201,2 1008.0760 Hex screw M8x163 10.00.357 Rubber plug black4 10.00.448 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x165 1008.0750 Hex screw M5x166 1006.0760 Hex screw M6x167 10.00.565 Hex screw M8x208 1208.0160 Tooth lock washer A8,49 1104.0400 Rivet nut M410 1306.0120 Washer A6,412 60.60.100 Castor with brake ø125mm13 60.60.101 Castor without brake ø125mm14 1603.0162 Rivet 3,2x915 42.00.030 Memory-Stick16 4019.0008 Sticker Electric/Danger17 60.60.574 Positioning support f. core sensor。
CRIO-4010 单相、三相全参数交流 电量采集模块 用户手册说明书
国控精仪公司信息网址: 英文中文销售服务: **************销售分机:801 电话: 400 9936 400 ************传真: ************地址: 北京市海淀区安宁庄东路18号2号办公楼420-423室请将您下列的信息通过邮件或传真发送给我们1概述...................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1产品特性.................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.2产品应用.................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.3产品详细指标.......................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.1电量参数...................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.2系统稳定时间.............................................................................................. - 2 -1.3.3物理特征...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.4产品功耗(典型值) ..................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.5工作环境...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.6存储环境...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.4软件支持.................................................................................................................. - 3 -2设备安装.............................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.1产品开箱.................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.2软件安装.................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.3产品布局图.............................................................................................................. - 6 -3信号连接说明...................................................................................................................... - 7 -3.1连接器管脚分配...................................................................................................... - 7 -3.2电源与通讯连接...................................................................................................... - 8 -3.3信号连接.................................................................................................................. - 9 -4 模拟量输入(AI)模块功能码........................................................................................ - 10 -4.1读保持寄存器........................................................................................................ - 10 -4.2读输入寄存器........................................................................................................ - 11 -4.3设置单个保持寄存器............................................................................................ - 13 -4.4设置多个保持寄存器............................................................................................ - 13 -5产品注意事项、保修、校准............................................................................................ - 15 -图2-1 CRIO4010产品图................................................................................................... - 6 -图3-1 电源与通讯接线图 ................................................................................................ - 8 -图3-2 单相电示意图 ........................................................................................................ - 9 -图3-3 三相电示意图 ........................................................................................................ - 9 -表3-1 16P端子标注 .......................................................................................................... - 8 -1概述CRIO-4010是基于RS485的高性能通信模块。
Agilent 8960C 8961C 无线通信测试仪 手动操作 入门指南说明书
安全符号 小心 请参见随附的文档 警告 触电危险 接地端子 交流电 机框或机架端子 待机 通电状态 设备带有此符号 表示开关关闭时 设备并未完全从交流电源 上断开
要彻底断开交流电源 可拔下电源线 也可以请合格的电工安装一个外置开关
保修期 年
安捷伦科技公司对本公司的硬件 附件和零部件在材料和工艺上的缺陷 在上述期限内予以保 修 在保修期内 安捷伦科技公司如果收到此类缺陷的通知 则将自行决定对经证实有缺陷的 产品进行维修或更换 更换的产品可能为全新或基本全新的产品
安捷伦科技公司保证在上述期限内 其软件如被正确安装和使用 则不会由于材料和工艺上的 缺陷 导致不能执行其编程指令 在保修期内 如果安捷伦科技公司收到此类缺陷的通知 则 将更换由于这种缺陷而不能执行编程功能的软件介质
确认将产品设置为与现有的线电压匹配 安装了合适的熔断器并采取了所有的安全措施 请留意安全符号下面所述的仪器外部标识
为尽量减少触电危险 仪器机架和外罩必须与电气接地保护端连接 仪器必须通过一根接 地电源线与交流电源相连 并且地线与电源插座的电气连接端 安全接地 牢固连接 中 断任何接地保护导线或断开任何接地保护端子 都会导致引起人身伤害的潜在触电危险
在本仪器工作的各个阶段都必须采取以下一般性安全措施 不采取这些安全措施或不遵从 本手册其他地方所述的特定警告 将会违反仪器设计 制造和使用的安全标准 安捷伦科 技公司对于客户违反这些要求所造成的后果不承担任何责任 总则 本产品为 类安全仪器 带接地保护端子 如果不按操作手册使用本产品 其保护功能 可能会削弱 根据 ,(& 本产品使用的发光二极管 /(' 均为 类产品 本产品依据 ,(& 3XEOLFDWLRQ 6DIHW\ 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU (OHFWURQLF 0HDVXULQJ $SSDUDWXV ,(& 出版物 电子测量设备的安全性要求 设计并已通过测试 供货时状态良好 此说明性文档包含了用户必须遵守的安全事项和警告条件 以确保安全 操作以及在安全条件下维护此产品
产品使用说明书目录目录···························································P1 硬件说明··················································P2~P3 主机······················································P2遥控器····················································P3 主机按键功能说明··········································P3配件······················································P3 主要功能模式介绍·············································P4基本功能操作············································P4~P21如何开机与关机········································P4~P5监控管理界面说明······································P5~P6如何执行摄录任务·····································P6~P10文件的回放与管理····································P10~P14主菜单介绍·········································P15~P16系统设置说明·······································P16~P21连接外部设备··········································P21~P25典型应用···················································P25软件的更新···················································P26~P27技术规格··················································P28简易故障排除··············································P28注意事项··················································P28多用户权限管理版操作指南·····························P29~P34硬件说明一、主机1.输入输出口; 2.外接5V电源口; B接口;4.外接电源指示灯;5. 充电指示灯;6.开机及录像指灯;7.按键锁; 8.遥控接收口; 9.SD卡插孔;10.喇叭; 11.复位键; 12.下翻键;13.上翻键; 14.确认键; 15. 退出键;16.菜单键; 17. 开关机键; 18.外接摄像头插孔;19.麦克风; 20.音视频输出; 21.模式选择键;22.录/停键; 23.电池盖; 24.电池仓;二、遥控器1. 录/停键2. 上翻键3. 确认键;4. 下翻键5. LCD与TV显示切换键6. 退出键;7. 菜单键 8. 关屏键;三、主机按键功能说明:1.本机及遥控器键:用于系统设臵菜单/功能菜单的弹出及部分界面下的光标移动;2.本机及遥控器键:用于选择确认;3.本机及遥控器键:用于向上或下移动光标及播放时喇叭音量与录音麦克风音量大小调节;4.本机键:用于锁定本机所有按键与遥控器功能;5. 遥控器键:用于手动关闭LCD显示;6. 本机或遥控器键:用于退出或返回上级菜单;7. 遥控器键:用于LCD与TV显示切换可以实现外部显示设备与本机LCD显示的切换,LCD或TV显示只能二选一,如果选取TV显示关机后,下次开机本机显示屏LCD将无显示,请接TV显示或用切换键切回到LCD显示四、配件电源适配器电池音视频输入线音视频输出线硬盘连接线IO线线控开关USB线皮套遥控器说明书彩盒主要功能模式介绍利用模式选择键可以选择本机的三种工作模式之一:录像模式:当选择开关位于“V”的位臵时,本机处于音视频同步摄录状态,在此模式下屏幕右上角会相应显示文件:“格式:ASF”,所录制的文件将以ASF的格式存档,并存于SD卡或硬盘中的Video文件夹下。
PMAC720 产品说明书
一 产品概述.......................................... 7
1.1 测量 ................................................ 7
1.2 选装模块 ........................................... 8
3.4 无功功率 ........................................... 21
3.5 功率因数 .......................................... 22
3.6 频率 ............................................... 22
■ 设备只能由取得资格的工作人员才能进行安装和维护。 ■ 对设备进行任何操作前,应隔离电压输入和电源供应,并且短路所有电流互感器的二次
绕组。 ■ 要用一个合适的电压检测设备来确认电压已切断。 ■ 在将设备通电前,应将所有的机械部件,门和盖子恢复原位。 ■ 设备在使用中应提供带正确的额定电压。
2.5 开关量输入 ......................................... 18
2.6 继电器输出 ......................................... 19
2.7 脉冲输出 ........................................... 20
5.1 概述 ............................................... 24
安全传感器 用于自动平开门 0201及更高版本的用户手册说明书
EN16005D I必要时,用质地柔软、禁止使用干布、脏布或其他破坏性的工具擦拭只有受过培训的合格如果被非授权人员进行安装并测试良好后方可门控单元和外壳必须禁止遮盖激光屏。
在发起自学习及调试传感器前,需拆下激光屏如果安装现场在进行建筑施工,则禁止拆下激光屏215473983 610LED-信号结构描述1.外壳2.按钮3.DIP开关4.主-从连接器5.主连接器6.角度调节螺钉7.堵头8.软管固定夹9.软管固定帽10.软管11.锁紧螺钉12.激光头13.激光屏14.激光屏保护壳15.辅助定位装置16.安装底座17.主从式连接线缆18.电源电缆继电器2继电器1LED 闪烁LED 闪烁慢速LED 熄灭LED 闪烁x 次LED 闪烁红-绿LED 闪烁快速过程计算中退出检测区域并等待2 34 45用螺丝刀紧固3颗螺钉。
8Ø 10 mm91011121314«click»确保紧固螺钉的牢固,避免在门运动时产生振动。
234将电缆的导线盘成线环,并按指示放入凹槽内,然后5XR1R1R2R2R2R2R2R2< 1秒1. 2. 4.3.橙色绿色继电器2:门关闭侧的重开脉冲。
主模块> 3秒BA5«click»«click»!PZ19测试和调试在检测区域内放置物体,以检查和确认安全区域的准确位置。
再次打开传感器时,用螺丝刀插入卡槽内,必要时,通过角度调节螺钉调整激光光幕的倾斜角度(2°- 10°)。
在线观看FLATSCAN SW:bea-fl/tutorial服务模式可将安全检测功能解除15分钟,这对于安装过程、自学习过程以及维护过程都十分有用。
CEMS气体连续监测系统现场安装手册序列号: CEMS201A2006AS2901 Rosemount Analytical Inc.2006目录CEMS系统的现场安装概要1. CEMS系统的布局安装概要1.1电源供应单元(图1.1)1.2气源供应单元(图1.2)1.3烟道采样单元(图1.3)1.4 气路连接单元(图1.4)1.5 电源电路连接单元(图1.5)1.6 信号电路连接单元(图1.6-1,图1.6-2)1.7 系统测量分析单元(图1.7)1.8 系统数据采集处理单元(图1.8)2. 采样器的安装2.1 采样器的整体布局图(图2.1)2.2 采样器的定位开孔安装(图23.2)2.3采样器的组装(图2.3)2.4采样器的固定安装(图2.4)2.5采样器的气路连接(图2.5)2.6采样器的电路连接(图2.6)3. 温度、压力、流量计(FR 300V/P/T-1)的安装3.1 温度、压力、流量计的定位开孔安装(图3.1、图3.2、图3.3) 3.2 温度、压力、流量计的电路/气路连接(图3.4)4. 烟气水分仪(FR 1000-1RH)的安装4.1烟气水分仪的定位开孔安装(图4.1、图4.2) 4.2烟气水分仪的电路连接(图4.3)5. 系统机柜的安装5.1 系统机柜的定位固定安装(图5.1)5.2系统机柜的电路/气路连接(图5.2)6. 系统加热线的安装6.1系统加热线的连接(图6.1)7. 仪表显示器的使用8.1 软件安装8.2 软件使用说明8.3 软件设置8. 系统数据采集处理单元8.1系统数据采集处理单元安装连接(图8.1)一般介绍一般介绍在系统的安装、操作、维护和维修的各种工况条件下都需要注意和遵照下述的关于安全的一般介绍。
第一章 PMAC简介 (4)第一节关于本手册 (5)第二节 PMAC简单介绍 (6)第三节 PMAC型号 (7)1.3.1 PMAC-PCI (9)1.3.2 PMAC-PCI-Lite (10)1.3.3 Mini PMAC PCI (11)1.3.4 PMAC2-PCI (12)1.3.5 PMAC2-PCI-Lite (13)1.3.6 PMAC2A-PC104 (14)第四节 PMAC(1)连接端子描述 (16)第五节 PMAC(2)连接端子描述 (18)第六节 PMAC工作设定 (20)1.6.1 硬件设定 (20)1.6.2 软件设定 (20)1.6.3 PMAC设定 (21)第七节 PMAC工作应答 (22)1.7.1 单信号I/O (22)1.7.2 换相更新 (23)1.7.3 伺服环更新 (23)Mailbox处理 (24)1.7.4 -VME1.7.5 实时中断应答 (24)1.7.6 后台应答 (25)1.7.7 观察与检测 (25)第二章软件工具 (27)第一节配置PEWIN32 PRO组件 (28)2.1.1 保存与重置PMAC参数 (30)2.1.2 使用POSITION、TEMINAL等窗口 (31)2.1.3 察看电机、坐标系、全局状态 (33)2.1.4 上载、下载程序 (33)2.1.5 使用备份功能 (34)2.1.6 指导式I、M、P、Q变量用法 (35)第二节快速使用PMAC Plot PRO (36)第三节快速使用PMAC Tuning PRO 整定PID (38)第三章安装与配置PMAC (42)第一节跳线设定 (43)第二节串口连接 (44)第三节与上位机连接 (44)3.3.1 安装驱动与上位机识别 (45)3.3.2 复位PMAC (53)第四节连接端子8D、8P、8S、8E (54)第五节电源指定 (59)3.5.1 数字量支持 (59)3.5.2 模拟量支持 (59)3.5.3 标志开关支持 (59)第六节行程限位、回零开关 (60)3.6.1 关闭行程限位功能 (60)3.6.2 行程限位开关形式 (60)3.6.3 回零开关 (61)3.6.4 检查标志输入 (62)第七节电机控制信号连接 (63)3.7.1 编码器信号连接 (63)3.7.2 检查编码器输入 (63)3.7.3 检查DAC输出(1型卡) (63)3.7.4 检查PFM输出(2型卡) (64)3.7.5 电机使能信号(AENAx/DIRx) (64)3.7.6 电机报警(FaulTx) (65)3.7.7 通用I/O (65)3.7.8 常用设定 (70)第四章 PMAC指令与应用 (75)第一节在线指令 (76)第二节缓冲区(编程)指令 (77)第三节特色 (78)4.3.1 I变量 (78)4.3.2 P变量 (78)4.3.3 Q变量 (78)4.3.4 M变量 (79)4.3.5 队列处理 (79)4.3.6 运算方法 (80)4.3.7 功能简介 (80)4.3.8 比较功能 (80)4.3.9 用户自定义伺服算法 (80)第四节内存地址表 (81)第五节程序缓冲区 (81)第六节编码器转换表 (81)第七节 PMAC位置寄存器 (81)第八节回零运动 (81)第九节 Command、Send等增强指令 (82)第五章电机编程 (83)第一节 PMAC运动程序 (84)第二节笛卡儿坐标系 (85)5.2.1 轴的定义 (85)5.2.2 轴定义的扩展与描述 (85)第三节编写运动程序 (87)第四节执行运动程序 (89)第五节子程序或者辅助程序 (90)5.5.1 子程序/子例程变量交换 (90)5.5.2 G、M、T、D代码(标准机床代码) (90)第六节混合运动/加速度模式: (92)第七节圆弧查补 (94)运动 (95)第八节 Splined运动 (96)第九节 PVT-Mode第十节其他扩展特色运动 (97)5.10.1 旋转缓冲区 (97)5.10.2 内部时基控制 (97)5.10.3 外部时基控制(电子凸轮) (97)5.10.4 位置跟随(电子齿轮) (98)5.10.5 刀具半径补偿 (98)5.10.6 同步M变量调用 (99)5.10.7 多块PMAC同步 (100)5.10.8 轴转置矩阵 (100)5.10.9 位置捕捉或者位置比较 (100)5.10.10 会学习的运动程序 (100)第六章 PLC编程 (101)第一节关于PLC程序 (102)第二节 PLC程序结构 (102)第三节计算功能 (102)第四节有条件的计算 (103)第五节 While循环 (103)第六节 Command、Send等增强指令 (103)第七节计时器 (104)第八节编译PLC程序 (104)第七章注意的问题 (105)附页1: PMAC错误代码列表 (106)附页2: PMAC I变量功能列表 (107)附页3:在线指令列表 (108)附页4: PMAC编程指令列表 (109)附页5:电机常用M变量定义 (110)附页7:常见电机接线连接 (111)附页8: PMAC附件与选项 (112)第一章 PMAC简介第一节关于本手册本手册是为第一次使用PMAC 运动控制器的客户准备的,PMAC卡具有易学易用、编程简单、程序集成化程度高等特点,是许多开发人员的首选开发工具。
Alfatron ALF-CMB201 手机耳机麦克风用户手册说明书
Alfatron ALF-CMB201 Speaker MicrophoneUser ManualALFATRON ELECTRONICS GmbHPackaging contentsPlease check the packaging contents carefully after receiving products.Function DisplayOn/offVolume downAnswer/End buttonStatus lightVolume upMute buttonMode switch/Bluetooth pairUserManualHow to use On/OffNotes: Status Light DescriptionThe blue light indicates bluetooth mode.The purple light indicates AUX mode.The green light indicates USB mode.Long press “ ” for 2 seconds to turn on or offHow to connectConnect the computer to ALF-CMB201 with a USB cableUSB AUX ResetPress the “ ” for 3 seconds,the status light is blue when pairing.Turn on bluetooth on the mobile phone or PC and select ALF-CMB201 from the devices list to connect.Connect ALF-CMB201 via BluetoothWhen multiple sound sources are connected, you can select therequired source by pressing the“ ”button.Connect ALF-CMB201 with an AUX audio cableA LF-C MB 201ALF-CMB201 Speaker MicrophoneLimited warranty in respect of Alfatron Products Only1.1 This limited warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship in this product.1.2 Should warranty service be required, proof of purchase must be presented to the Company. The serial number on the product must be clearly visible and not have been tampered with in any way whatsoever.1.3 This limited warranty does not cover any damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from any alteration, modification, improper or unreasonable use or maintenance, misuse, abuse, accident, neglect, exposure to excess moisture, fire, improper packing and shipping (such claims must be presented to the carrier), lightning, power surges, or other acts of nature. This limited warranty does not cover any damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from the installation or removal of this product from any installation, any unauthorized tampering with this product, any repairs attempted by anyone unauthorized by the Company to make such repairs, or any other cause which does not relate directly to a defect in materials and/or workmanship of this product. This limited warranty does not cover equipment enclosures, cables or accessories used in conjunction with this product.This limited warranty does not cover the cost of normal maintenance. Failure of the product due to insufficient or improper maintenance is not covered.1.4 The Company does not warrant that the product covered hereby, including, without limitation, the technology and/or integrated circuit(s) included in the product, will not become obsolete or that such items are or will remain compatible with any other product or technology with which the product may be used.1.5 Only the original purchaser of this product is covered under this limited warranty. This limited warranty is not transferable to subsequent purchasers or owners of this product.1.6 Unless otherwise specified, the goods are warranted in accordance with the manufacturer’s product specific warranties against any defect attributable to faulty workmanship or materials, fair wear and tear being excluded.1.7 This limited warranty only covers the cost of faulty goods and does not include the cost of labor and travel to return the goods to the Company’s premises.1.8 In the event of any improper maintenance, repair or service being carried out by any third persons during the warranty period without the Company’s written authorization, the limited warranty shall be void.1.9 A 7 (seven) year limited warranty is given on the aforesaid product where used correctly according to the Company’s instructions, and only with the use of the Company’s components.1.10 The Company will, at its sole option, provide one of the following three remedies to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to satisfy a proper claim under this limited warranty: 1.10.1 Elect to repair or facilitate the repair of any defective parts within a reasonable period of time, free of any charge for the necessary parts and labor to complete the repair and restore this product to its proper operating condition.; or1.10.2 Replace this product with a direct replacement or with a similar product deemed by the Company to perform substantially the same function as the original product; or1.10.3 Issue a refund of the original purchase price less depreciation to be determined based on the age of the product at the time remedy is sought under this limited warranty. 1.11 The Company is not obligated to provide the Customer with a substitute unit during the limited warranty period or at any time thereafter.1.12 If this product is returned to the Company this product must be insured during shipment, with the insurance and shipping charges prepaid by the Customer. If this product is returned uninsured, the Customer assumes all risks of loss or damage during shipment. The Company will not be responsible for any costs related to the removal or reinstallation of this product from or into any installation. The Company will not be responsible for any costs related to any setting up this product, any adjustment of user controls or any programming required for a specific installation of this product.1.13 Please be aware that the Company’s products and components have not been tested with competitor’s products and therefore the Company cannot warrant products and/or components used in conjunction with competitor’s products.1.14 The appropriateness of the goods for the purpose intended is only warranted to the extent that the goods are used in accordance with the Company’s installation, classification and usage instructions.1.15 Any claim by the Customer which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the goods or their failure to correspond with specification shall be notified in writing to the Company within 7 days of delivery or (where the defect or failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection by the Customer) within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect or failure, but, in any event, within 6 months of delivery.1.16 If delivery is not refused, and the Customer does not notify the Company accordingly, the Customer may not reject the goods and the Company shall have no liability and the Customer shall pay the price as if the goods had been delivered in accordance with the Agreement.1.17 THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUAL PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT.。
Installation and Maintenance Manual Dual Medical Gas OutletsContentsProduct Description 3 Cleaning and Lubricating 4 Inspection and Testing 4 Test for Leaks 4 Test for Indexing 4 Test for Flow 4 Installation and Dimensions 5-6 Dual Wall Outlets 5 Dual Ceiling Outlets 5 Dual Console Outlets 6 Dual Ceiling Column Outlets 6 Model Numbers 7 Dual Outlets 7 Service 8 Rough-in Assembly 8 Replacement Components 9 Rough-in Assembly Replacement Components 92Amico CorporationProduct DescriptionThe Amico Dual Medical Gas Outlet combines two “Latch Valve Assemblies” into a single compact design. The Amico Dual Medical Gas Latch Valve works with standard Amico “Rough-in Assembly” (which are to be ordered separately).The “Rough-in Assembly” consists of a brass machined body that incorporates a spring loaded check assembly. A 1/2"[12.7 mm] OD copper pipe is silver brazed into the body for external pipeline connections. The brass body and pipe assembly are inserted into a gas specific plate. The “Rough-in Assembly” has a color coded label on the copper pipe, so that the installer can easily identify the gas that the copper pipe should be connected to. The rough-in has a check valve that allows the “Latch Valve Assembly” to be removed for service, without requiring the pipeline to be shut down. The “Rough-in Assembly” has a gas specific indexing arrangement to prevent the wrong “Latch Valve Assembly” from being plugged into the “Rough-in Assembly”.The Dual “Latch Valve Assembly” is manufactured in 3 different connection combinations using DISS, Ohmeda and Chemetron. The Dual “Latch Valve Assembly” consists of 2 connectors with an integral check valves, a color coded plate complete with indexing pins and an optional trim plate.CAUTION: DO NOT overtighten the Latch Valve Mounting screws! Distortion of the Latch Valve can occur.The quick connect connectors are compatible with the Ohmeda Diamond and Chemetron adaptors and only corresponding type of adaptors can be used. The DISS connector conforms to the CGA Pamphlet V-5 standards. Since the “Rough-in Assembly” is the same, the Dual outlets can easily be converted from one connection combination to another by simply replacing the “Latch Valve Assembly”.NOTE:The Amico Dual Outlet is recommended to be used with 3/8" (10 mm) ID (nominal) rough-ins. For ceiling applications, only DISS connections are recommended. Dual outlet fronts are not serviceable. If found to be inoperable, Latch Valve needs to be replaced.This device has been manufactured to conform to the standards, specifications and operating procedures stated in this manual when installed, inspected, operated, maintained, and serviced in accordance with these instructions.The user of the device shall have the sole responsibility for any malfunction which results from improper installation, use, maintenance, alteration or modification.W ARNING: Keep all components dry and clean during installation. DO NOT alter or modify this device or any of its components in any way. Store in normal working and environmental conditions. Adverse environmental conditions, harsh abrasives or chemicals will cause damage to the unit. 3Cleaning and LubricatingThe Amico Outlets are factory cleaned for oxygen service. Exposed surfaces of the outlet may be cleaned with a mild detergent solution or wiped with a disinfectant commonly used in patient rooms, that is compatible with plastics. Lubricate elastomer seals sparingly with a silicone lubricant that is oxygen compatible. DO NOT USE OIL.Inspection and TestingMedical Gas Outlets should be inspected periodically or at least once a year. The tests should be in accordance with NFPA 99 “Gas and Vacuum systems” and/or ISO 9170 “Terminal Units for Medical Gas Pipeline Systems“.Test for LeaksEnsure that no leaks exists, with or without the adapter inserted.Test for IndexingOnly a mating gas specific adapter should insert smoothly into the outlet, latch and be retained.Test for FlowRefer to appropriate standards for the proper way of performing the flow test.NOTE:The Amico Medical Gas Outlets meet and exceed the requirements at the time of manufacture. However, piping source capacity, sizing and restrictions may prevent outlets from attaining these values.CAUTION: DO NOT braze rough-ins with front latch installed. Must use wet rag when brazing since the heat could damage the secondary check valve, seal, and other installed components. Use only mild soap-based solution for leak testing.4Amico Corporation 5Dual Wall OutletsDual Ceiling OutletsDISS, Ohmeda, and Chemetron compatible.DUAL WALL OUTLET Inch [mm]Dual Console OutletsDISS, Ohmeda, and Chemetron compatible.Dual Ceiling Column OutletsDISS, Ohmeda, and Chemetron compatible.Inch [mm]6Amico Corporation 7Model NumbersDual OutletsO-TRIM-M500C-G2O-TRIM-P275C-G2(Wall Trim Plate - Chrome)(Console Trim Plate)NOTES:Dual outlets are available for Oxygen and medical air only. Rough-ins and trims are to be ordered separately.English NFPA rough-ins come with English and Spanish pipe labels.English CSA/ISO rough-ins come with English, Spanish and French pipe labels.ServiceNOTE:Dual outlet fronts are not serviceable. If found to be inoperable, Latch Valve needs to be replaced.C AUTION: Ensure that the supply pressure is shut off before performing service. Inside the “Rough-inAssembly” is a secondary check valve whose function is to shut off gas flow when the “Latch Valve Assembly” is removed. This seat/seal also prevents leakage around the Latch Valve connector. As the secondary seal is only a static seal, it will rarely need replacement. However, if the seat/seal does need replacement, follow thefollowing procedure:1. Ensure that no pressure exists in the line by depressing the secondary check valve (5).2. Remove the retaining ring (8) from the inside of the outlet body. Use a small screwdriver to pull the end of the ringtowards the center and then pull the ring up and out.3. Remove the washer (7), seat/seal (6), secondary check valve (5) and secondary check valve spring (4). Inspect itemsfor wear or damage and replace the seat/seal (6).4. Re-install the spring (4), secondary check valve (5), seat/seal (6) and the washer (7). Insert the retaining ring (8) intothe slot and ensure that the whole ring is seated properly.5. Turn on the pressure and check for leaks. Re-install the “Latch Valve Assembly” and perform the inspection and teston page 1.8Amico CorporationReplacement ComponentsRough-in Assembly Replacement ComponentsAbove parts with * are found in repair kit O-RK-BAK, not sold separately. 9Notes10Amico CorporationNotes 11 Amico Corporation | 85 Fulton Way, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N4, Canada600 Prime Place, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USAToll Free Tel: 1.877.462.6426 | Tel: 905.764.0800 | Fax: 905.764.0862 Email:**************|ED C C US LISTEDACP-IM-DUAL-MEDICAL-GAS-OUTLETS 07.28.2022。
二、主要技术参数三、标准配置主机(含传感器、锂电池)标定适配器座充电器皮套使用说明书(含煤安、防爆证书)产品特点进口电化学传感器测量浓度的范围分别高达5000ppm传感器头朝外,避免煤尘积累造成传感器失效充电式可零点校准下次校准日期可自动提醒采用联排充电器体积小、重量轻、易于携带高亮度OLED大屏幕适合煤矿黑暗条件4个操作按键,符合煤矿使用特点1500mAH聚合物锂电池、可持续运行2 年(标准)高浓度报警、超量程报警、电量不足报警红绿色LED 灯闪烁、95dB 蜂鸣器高强度ABS工程塑料,抗跌落人体工学设计,手感更好通过MA、防爆等认证,由于便携式一氧化碳气体检测仪体积小巧、性能稳定、测量准确、操作简单而在工业矿山等处广泛应用,如果我们在使用中想要一氧化碳气体检测仪发挥更好的效果,在此提醒大家一定要注意以下四点:一、注意气体检测仪器的浓度测量范围。
AT201 系列说明书
长沙朗尚传感器有限公司 Changsha Lamshine Co. LTD 长沙市芙蓉中路三段 438 号金苑商住楼 1 栋 706 室 410015 Tel:+86-0731-89857566
langshang001@ langshang001@
3. 串口输出电压的范围(见表 5):
4. 工作参数极限值(见表 6)
单位 V ℃
电源变化时电流大小的变化(见图 1):
langshang001@ langshang001@
3) 常温下,30 度点精度覆盖范围
4) 常温下,45 度点精度覆盖范围
图 4—30°点精度覆盖范围
图 5—45°点精度覆盖范围
6. 横向干扰的大小(见表 7—表 8)
Y 轴在±20°时,X 轴在 0°—45°斜面上横向干扰产生误差的变化
干扰能力强。 承受冲击振动能力强。
AT201 是双轴倾角传感器,通过测量静态重力加速度变化,转换成倾角变化。测量 输出传感器相对于水平面的倾斜和俯仰角度。产品包含无温度补偿和内置温度补偿两种系 列,内置温度补偿型号根据内置温度传感器的变化修正传感器温度漂移。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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第1章产品介绍 (1)
1.1产品概述 (1)
1.2产品特点 (1)
1.3产品构成 (1)
1.4 HMI人机界面 (1)
第2章产品功能和性能 (3)
2.1产品型号 (3)
2.2产品功能 (3)
2.3技术参数 (5)
2.4电磁兼容特性 (5)
2.5使用环境 (5)
第3章安装和使用 (7)
3.1主机模块结构图 (7)
3.2开关量模块结构图 (8)
3.3 CT模块结构图 (9)
3.4 HMI结构图 (9)
第4章接线端子和接线图 (11)
4.1主机模块端子 (11)
4.2开关量模块端子 (12)
4.3 HMI通讯连接 (12)
4.4 HMI电源连接 (12)
4.5 CT模块端子定义 (13)
4.6 产品典型接线图 (14)
第5章显示和操作 (15)
5.1数据显示 (15)
5.1.1实时数据显示 (15)
5.1.2开关状态显示 (15)
5.1.3报警显示 (15)
5.1.4通讯状态指示 (15)
5.1.5按键操作 (16)
5.2进线数据界面 (17)
5.3出线数据界面 (18)
5.4实时报警记录界面 (19)
5.5进线设置 (20)
5.6出线设置 (22)
1.4 HMI人机界面
3.3 CT模块结构图
图3-3 CT模块结构图「注」:
3.4 HMI结构图
图3-4 HMI结构图
图3-5 HMI安装图「注」:
图5.2 ,显示第1路进线数据。