R语言自测习题 (附答案)




Following the hint, we compute C by maximising 2 2 eλx−x /2 (2π )1/2 λ ϕ(x) h(x) = = g (x; λ) 2 e−λx−x2 /2
(2π )1/2 λ
x≥0 x < 0.
Differentiating with respect to x we get 2 λx−x2 /2 (2π)1/2 λ (λ − x)e h′ (x) = 2 (−1)(λ + x)e−λx−x2 /2
X <- rlaplace(1) Y <- runif(1, 0, C*dlaplace(X,1)) if( Y < dnorm(X, 0, 1) ) { out[i] <- X ## save X to out object ## when Y < phi(X) t <- 1 ## make t +ve so ## as to exit while } } } return(out) } To verify code, simulate a large sample (n = 214 ) and check if the histogram matches the density of the standard normal distribution. X <- rej.sampl.stnorm(2^14) hist(X, breaks=40, freq=FALSE) lines(x, dnorm(x,0,1), lty=2)
MATH11176 Lab 6 solutions
Ioannis Papastathopoulos October 26, 2017

R语言 网上测试题

R语言 网上测试题

考题理论题 (50分)⽆特殊标注的题为1分,其它为标注的分数。



1. 简述R,Rstudio的区别?2. R中如何查看函数的帮助信息?3. R中变量名字命名有什么需要遵守的规则?4. R中怎么判断⼀个变量的类型是数值型?5. scale函数对数据做了什么? (2分)6. R中如何把矩阵 (matrix)转换为数据框 (data frame)?7. 取出矩阵中所有值都为0的⾏? (2分)8. 写程序从矩阵和数据框中提取特定列?9. 简述reshape2中定义的wide format和long format矩阵的区别? ggplot2绘图接受的是那种格式? (3分)10. ggplot2绘制热图使⽤的是什么函数? (2分)11. ggplot2绘图时fill和color的区别是? (2分)12. ggplot2绘图时如何调整横轴标签的旋转⻆度?13. 因矩阵中数值相差很⼤导致绘制出的热图颜⾊区分不明显时有哪⼏种解决⽅式? (3分)14. ggplot2绘制热图时如何⾃定义⾏或列的顺序? (3分)15. 箱线图怎么理解?(2分)16. ggplot2绘图时如何调整legend的位置?17. ⽕⼭图横轴和纵轴分别表⽰什么?18. PCA图怎么理解? (2分)19. ⽣存分析图怎么理解? (2分)20. R中安装包的⽅式有⼏种? (2分)21. Cytoscape输⼊数据最少需要⼏列? (2分)22. Cytoscape中有哪⼏种常⽤的布局算法? (3分)23. Cytoscape怎么给边增加箭头? (2分)24. Cytoscape中怎么插⼊柱状图? (2分)25. ⽮量图和标量图有什么区别? (2分)26. 什么是Adobe Illustrator (AI)的剪切蒙版?27. AI中选择⼯具和直接选择⼯具什么区别?28. AI中设置⼀组⽂字之间等距对⻬使⽤哪个按钮?29. AI中怎么给⼀个组分赋予另⼀组分的属性,⽐如有1条线是2 pt 红⾊,如何快速的让其它线跟其属性⼀致?。



R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) -- "Kite-Eating Tree"Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)R是自由软件,不带任何担保。





用'q()'退出R.[原来保存的工作空间已还原]> h=read.csv("F://1.csv",header=true)Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : 找不到对象'true'> h=read.csv("F://1.csv",header=TRUE)> h地区x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 y1 北京7535 2639 1971 1658 3696 84742 87475 106.5 1.3 240462 天津7344 1881 1854 1556 2254 61514 93173 107.5 3.6 200243 河北4211 1542 1502 1047 1204 38658 36584 104.1 3.7 125314 山西3856 1529 1439 906 1506 44236 33628 108.8 3.3 122125 内蒙古5463 2730 1584 1354 1972 46557 63886 109.6 3.7 177176 辽宁5809 2042 1433 1310 1844 41858 56649 107.7 3.6 165947 吉林4635 2045 1594 1448 1643 38407 43415 111.0 3.7 146148 黑龙江4687 1807 1337 1181 1217 36406 35711 104.8 4.2 129849 上海9656 2111 1790 1017 3724 78673 85373 106.0 3.1 2625310 江苏6658 1916 1437 1058 3078 50639 68347 112.6 3.1 1882511 浙江7552 2110 1552 1228 2997 50197 63374 104.5 3.0 2154512 安徽5815 1541 1397 1143 1933 44601 28792 105.3 3.7 1501213 福建7317 1634 1754 773 2105 44525 52763 104.6 3.6 1859314 江西5072 1477 1174 671 1487 38512 28800 106.7 3.0 1277615 山东5201 2197 1572 1005 1656 41904 51768 106.9 3.3 1577816 河南4607 1886 1191 1085 1525 37338 31499 106.8 3.1 1373317 湖北5838 1783 1371 1030 1652 39846 38572 105.6 3.8 1449618 湖南5442 1625 1302 918 1738 38971 33480 105.7 4.2 1460919 广东8258 1521 2100 1048 2954 50278 54095 107.9 2.5 2239620 广西5553 1146 1377 884 1626 36386 27952 107.5 3.4 1424421 海南6556 865 1521 993 1320 39485 32377 107.0 2.0 1445722 重庆6870 2229 1177 1102 1471 44498 38914 107.8 3.3 1657323 四川6074 1651 1284 773 1587 42339 29608 105.9 4.0 1505024 贵州4993 1399 1014 655 1396 41156 19710 105.5 3.3 1258625 云南5468 1760 974 939 1434 37629 22195 108.9 4.0 1388426 西藏5518 1362 845 467 550 51705 22936 109.5 2.6 1118427 陕西5551 1789 1322 1212 2079 43073 38564 109.4 3.2 1533328 甘肃4602 1631 1288 1050 1388 37679 21978 108.6 2.7 1284729 青海4667 1512 1232 906 1097 46483 33181 110.6 3.4 1234630 宁夏4769 1876 1193 1063 1516 47436 36394 105.5 4.2 1406731 新疆5239 2031 1167 1028 1281 44576 33796 114.8 3.4 13892> lm=lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9,data=h)> lmCall:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9,data = h)Coefficients:(Intercept) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9320.640948 1.316588 1.649859 2.178660 -0.005609 1.684283 0.010320 0.003655 -19.130576 50.515575> summary(lm)Call:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9,data = h)Residuals:Min 1Q Median 3Q Max-940.13 -195.24 3.42 239.00 476.06Coefficients:Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 3.206e+02 3.952e+03 0.081 0.936097x1 1.317e+00 1.062e-01 12.400 3.97e-11 ***x2 1.650e+00 3.008e-01 5.484 1.93e-05 ***x3 2.179e+00 5.199e-01 4.190 0.000412 ***x4 -5.609e-03 4.766e-01 -0.012 0.990720x5 1.684e+00 2.142e-01 7.864 1.08e-07 ***x6 1.032e-02 1.343e-02 0.769 0.450665x7 3.655e-03 1.070e-02 0.342 0.736006x8 -1.913e+01 3.197e+01 -0.598 0.555983x9 5.052e+01 1.502e+02 0.336 0.739986---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’0.001 ‘**’0.01 ‘*’0.05 ‘.’0.1 ‘’1Residual standard error: 389.4 on 21 degrees of freedomMultiple R-squared: 0.9923, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9889F-statistic: 298.9 on 9 and 21 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16> pre=fitted.values(lm)> res=residuals(lm)> sd(res)[1] 325.7967> res=residuals(lm)> dy=step(lm)Start: AIC=377.73y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC- x4 1 21 3184326 375.73- x9 1 17149 3201454 375.90- x7 1 17700 3202005 375.90- x8 1 54295 3238599 376.26- x6 1 89586 3273891 376.59<none> 3184305 377.73- x3 1 2662593 5846898 394.57- x2 1 4561056 7745361 403.29- x5 1 9377500 12561805 418.28- x1 1 23314547 26498852 441.42Step: AIC=375.73y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC- x9 1 17428 3201754 373.90- x7 1 18563 3202889 373.91- x8 1 54437 3238763 374.26- x6 1 91813 3276139 374.61<none> 3184326 375.73- x3 1 2936130 6120456 393.99- x2 1 5467941 8652267 404.72- x5 1 9393345 12577671 416.32- x1 1 25886086 29070412 442.29Step: AIC=373.9y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC - x7 1 34634 3236387 372.24 - x6 1 74800 3276554 372.62 - x8 1 82150 3283904 372.69 <none> 3201754 373.90 - x3 1 3055353 6257107 392.67 - x2 1 5725836 8927590 403.69 - x5 1 9382624 12584378 414.33 - x1 1 25868832 29070586 440.29Step: AIC=372.24y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x8Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC - x8 1 70813 3307201 370.91 - x6 1 152777 3389165 371.67 <none> 3236387 372.24 - x3 1 5501284 8737672 401.02 - x2 1 8895049 12131436 411.20 - x5 1 9458098 12694485 412.60 - x1 1 27733098 30969486 440.25Step: AIC=370.91y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC - x6 1 137540 3444741 370.17 <none> 3307201 370.91 - x3 1 5771063 9078264 400.21 - x2 1 8871193 12178394 409.32 - x5 1 9473521 12780722 410.81 - x1 1 28248162 31555363 438.83Step: AIC=370.17y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC <none> 3444741 370.17 - x3 1 5717883 9162624 398.50- x2 1 10249815 13694556 410.95- x5 1 10998313 14443054 412.60- x1 1 33258637 36703378 441.52> summary(dy)Call:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5, data = h)Residuals:Min 1Q Median 3Q Max-943.18 -161.05 12.74 250.93 566.25Coefficients:Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) -1694.6269 562.9773 -3.010 0.00574 **x1 1.3642 0.0861 15.844 7.11e-15 ***x2 1.7679 0.2010 8.796 2.86e-09 ***x3 2.2894 0.3485 6.569 5.76e-07 ***x5 1.7424 0.1912 9.111 1.42e-09 ***---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’0.001 ‘**’0.01 ‘*’0.05 ‘.’0.1 ‘’1Residual standard error: 364 on 26 degrees of freedomMultiple R-squared: 0.9916, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9903F-statistic: 769.2 on 4 and 26 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16>newdata=data.frame(x1=5200,x2=2000,x3=1100,x4=1000,x5=1300,x6=45000,x7=34000,x8=115.0 ,x9=3.8)> predict(dy,newdata,interval="confidence")fit lwr upr1 13718.67 13468.98 13968.36>> h=ts(read.csv("F://3.csv",header=TRUE)) > hTime Series:Start = 1End = 56Frequency = 1X78[1,] -58[2,] 53[3,] -63[4,] 13[5,] -6[6,] -16[7,] -14[8,] 3[9,] -74[10,] 89[11,] -48[12,] -14[13,] 32[14,] 56[15,] -86[16,] -66[17,] 50[18,] 26[19,] 59[20,] -47[21,] -83[22,] 2[23,] -1[24,] 124[25,] -106[26,] 113[27,] -76[28,] -47[29,] -32[30,] 39[31,] -30[32,] 6[33,] -73[34,] 18[35,] 2[36,] -24[37,] 23[38,] -38[39,] 91[40,] -56[41,] -58[42,] 1[43,] 14[44,] -4[45,] 77[46,] -127[47,] 97[48,] 10[49,] -28[50,] -17[51,] 23[52,] -2[53,] 48[54,] -131[55,] 65[56,] -17> plot(h,type="o")> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)),graphics=TRUE) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})Warning message:程辑包‘urca’是用R版本3.4.4 来建造的> adf=ur.df(as.vector(h),type=c("drift"),selectlags=c("AIC"))> summary(adf)################################################ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Unit Root Test ################################################Test regression driftCall:lm(formula = z.diff ~ g.1 + 1 + g)Residuals:Min 1Q Median 3Q Max-96.191 -23.390 -0.581 18.446 133.241Coefficients:Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) -9.4381 7.0489 -1.339 0.187g.1 -1.7837 0.2386 -7.476 9.65e-10 ***g 0.1956 0.1379 1.418 0.162---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’0.001 ‘**’0.01 ‘*’0.05 ‘.’0.1 ‘’1Residual standard error: 50.89 on 51 degrees of freedomMultiple R-squared: 0.7589, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7494F-statistic: 80.25 on 2 and 51 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16Value of test-statistic is: -7.4761 27.9471Critical values for test statistics:1pct 5pct 10pcttau2 -3.51 -2.89 -2.58phi1 6.70 4.71 3.86> acf(h)> pacf(h)> ar=sarima(h,1,0,4,details=F)> ar$fitCall:stats::arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D,Q), period = S), xreg = xmean, include.mean = FALSE, optim.control = list(trace = trc, REPORT = 1, reltol = tol))Coefficients:ar1 ma1 ma2 ma3 ma4 xmean-0.0957 -0.7605 -0.051 -0.2591 0.0706 -5.0886s.e. 0.7318 0.7244 0.637 0.2013 0.1939 0.4252sigma^2 estimated as 1850: log likelihood = -291.97, aic = 597.95$degrees_of_freedom[1] 50$ttableEstimate SE t.value p.valuear1 -0.0957 0.7318 -0.1308 0.8965ma1 -0.7605 0.7244 -1.0498 0.2988ma2 -0.0510 0.6370 -0.0800 0.9365ma3 -0.2591 0.2013 -1.2875 0.2038ma4 0.0706 0.1939 0.3641 0.7173xmean -5.0886 0.4252 -11.9668 0.0000$AIC[1] 8.73734$AICc[1] 8.814721$BIC[1] 7.954342> ma=sarima(h,0,1,1,details=F)> ma$fitCall:stats::arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = S), xreg = constant, optim.control = list(trace = trc, REPORT = 1, reltol = tol))Coefficients:ma1 constant-1.0000 0.1275s.e. 0.0452 0.4833sigma^2 estimated as 3412: log likelihood = -303.77, aic = 613.53$degrees_of_freedom[1] 53$ttableEstimate SE t.value p.valuema1 -1.0000 0.0452 -22.1390 0.000constant 0.1275 0.4833 0.2638 0.793$AIC[1] 9.206399$AICc$BIC[1] 8.278733> arma=sarima(h,1,1,1,details=F)> arma$fitCall:stats::arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = S), xreg = constant, optim.control = list(trace = trc, REPORT = 1, reltol = tol))Coefficients:ar1 ma1 constant-0.4893 -1.0000 0.1052s.e. 0.1161 0.0469 0.2858sigma^2 estimated as 2548: log likelihood = -296.27, aic = 600.53$degrees_of_freedom[1] 52$ttableEstimate SE t.value p.valuear1 -0.4893 0.1161 -4.2127 0.0001ma1 -1.0000 0.0469 -21.3207 0.0000constant 0.1052 0.2858 0.3680 0.7143$AIC[1] 8.950118$AICc[1] 8.999838$BIC[1] 8.058619> res=residuals(ar$fit)> Box.test(res)Box-Pierce testX-squared = 0.0040697, df = 1, p-value = 0.9491> plot(res*res)> res<-residuals(ma$fit)> resTime Series:Start = 1End = 56Frequency = 1[1] -5.812742e-02 7.839872e+01 -4.955419e+01 3.066745e+016.646768e+00 -3.818017e+00 -1.493191e+00 1.448967e+01 -5.993782e+01 1.009045e+02 -3.947443e+01 -3.604570e+00 4.075719e+01 6.073798e+01 -8.076426e+01 -5.630655e+01[17] 5.952211e+01 3.267028e+01 6.289877e+01 -4.376929e+01-7.688972e+01 9.609734e+00 6.123687e+00 1.281064e+02 -1.026027e+02 1.160447e+02 -7.392804e+01 -4.288658e+01 -2.676745e+01 4.382151e+01 -2.561905e+01 1.050204e+01[33] -6.774055e+01 2.380823e+01 7.222574e+00 -1.874297e+012.800543e+01 -3.305934e+01 9.500912e+01 -5.267336e+01 -5.347395e+01 5.982226e+00 1.856342e+01 2.163113e-01 8.018037e+01 -1.234786e+02 1.006553e+02 1.232087e+01[49] -2.566963e+01 -1.438774e+01 2.537689e+01 -6.110995e-044.939921e+01 -1.289854e+02 6.746525e+01 -1.514136e+01> Box.test(res)#Box-Pierce testdata: resX-squared = 13.335, df = 1, p-value = 0.0002606> yc=sarima.for(h,10,1,1,1)> yc$predTime Series:Start = 57End = 66Frequency = 1[1] 5.106162 -5.553160 -0.181147 -2.652867 -1.286844 -1.798532 -1.391503 -1.433980 -1.256525 -1.186677。



r语言期末考试题及答案肖祎一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. R语言中,用于生成随机数的函数是:A. sampleB. randomC. randD. runif答案:D2. 下列哪个选项不是R语言的数据类型?A. 向量B. 列表C. 矩阵D. 集合答案:D3. 在R语言中,如何创建一个名为myData的空数据框(data frame)?A. myData <- data.frame()B. myData <- matrix()C. myData <- list()D. myData <- vector()答案:A4. R语言中,用于计算向量中元素总和的函数是:A. sum()B. mean()C. prod()D. length()答案:A5. 下列哪个选项是R语言中的条件语句?A. if-elseB. forC. whileD. repeat答案:A6. 在R语言中,如何将一个向量中的元素反转?A. reverse()B. rev()C. flip()D. invert()答案:B7. R语言中,用于绘制散点图的函数是:A. plot()B. hist()C. barplot()D. scatterplot()答案:A8. 在R语言中,如何将一个向量中的元素进行排序?A. sort()B. order()C. arrange()D. rank()答案:B9. R语言中,用于读取CSV文件的函数是:A. read.csv()B. read.table()C. csv.read()D. read.data()答案:A10. 在R语言中,如何将一个数据框(data frame)中的列名进行修改?A. names(df) <- c("newName1", "newName2")B. df$names <- c("newName1", "newName2")C. df[,names] <- c("newName1", "newName2")D. df <- setNames(df, c("newName1", "newName2"))答案:A二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述R语言中向量和列表的区别。

【原创】R语言Ordination_OPTION 统计分析统计自测题(附答案代码数据)

【原创】R语言Ordination_OPTION  统计分析统计自测题(附答案代码数据)

STAT660/FES758bMultivariate StatisticsHomework #6 OPTION A: OrdinationDue : Wednesday, 4/26/17 – Submit on CANVAS by midnightFor this assignment, you can either use your own data or the data described below. Use any combination of R/SAS/MINITAB/SPSS/STATA that you like. Whichever data you choose, do the following:1) Fit Correspondence Analysis to your data.2) Discuss the inertia, make a two dimensional plot of the first two CA directions.3) Comment on whether or not there is any evidence of 'data snaking' in higherdimensional space.4) In a few sentences, describe what you conclude from your plot.5) Perform Multidimensional Scaling (metric or non-metric) for 1, 2, and 3dimensions.6) Discuss the stress (or SStress) of each dimensional solution. Make a scree plotif you're able.7) Make a two dimensional plot of your results.8) If possible, overlay some other variables to interpret your ordination axes.9) BONUS– try canonical correspondence analysis, or calculate p-values for theoverlaid additional variables.Loaner Data : choose ONECereal.attitudes.csv : Marketing Survey Attitudes toward Cereals∙8 Cereals∙11 Questions (come back to, tastes nice, popular with all the family, very easy to digest, nourishing, natural flavor, reasonably priced, a lot of food value, stays crispy in milk, helps to keep you fit, fun for children to eat) ∙Values are percent of respondents who had a favorable response for a particular cereal for that particular question.T. K. Chakrapani and A. S. C. Ehrenberg, "An Alternative to Factor Analysis in Marketing Research Part 2: Between Group Analysis", PMRS Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 2, October 1981, pp. 32-38.R code to get you started :#get the datacereal <-read.csv("/stat660/data/cereal.attitudes.csv") Wiconsin.Forest.csv : Relative abundance of 14 species was measured on 10 plots. Plots were ordered from pioneer (early stage) to climax (late stage). The final column contains that stage of the forest on a scale from 1 to 10.Peet & Loucks (1977)R code to get you started :#get the dataforest <-read.csv("/stat660/data/Wisconsin.Forest.csv") rownames(forest)=forest[,1]forestenv=matrix(forest[,17],ncol=1)rownames(forestenv)=forest[,1]colnames(forestenv)=c("Stage")forest=forest[,-c(1,17)]forestenv=data.frame(forestenv)。



r语言入门100道题以下是100个R语言入门的问题,供您参考:1. 如何在R中创建一个向量?2. 如何在R中创建一个矩阵?3. 如何在R中创建一个数据框?4. 如何在R中创建一个列表?5. 如何在R中创建一个因子?6. 如何在R中创建一个日期对象?7. 如何在R中读取一个CSV文件?8. 如何在R中写入一个CSV文件?9. 如何在R中读取一个Excel文件?10. 如何在R中写入一个Excel文件?11. 如何在R中读取一个文本文件?12. 如何在R中写入一个文本文件?13. 如何在R中计算一个向量的平均值?14. 如何在R中计算一个向量的标准差?15. 如何在R中计算一个向量的中位数?16. 如何在R中计算一个向量的最大值?17. 如何在R中计算一个向量的最小值?18. 如何在R中计算一个向量的总和?19. 如何在R中计算一个向量的排序列表?20. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的行数和列数?21. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的转置矩阵?22. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的行列式?23. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的逆矩阵?24. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的特征值和特征向量?25. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的行和列的总和?26. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的行数和列数?27. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的平均值?28. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的标准差?29. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的中位数?30. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的最大值?31. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的最小值?32. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的列的总和?33. 如何在R中从一个向量中选择指定的元素?34. 如何在R中从一个向量中删除指定的元素?35. 如何在R中从一个向量中查找指定的元素?36. 如何在R中从一个向量中替换指定的元素?37. 如何在R中从一个向量中添加元素?38. 如何在R中从一个向量中提取唯一的元素?39. 如何在R中从一个矩阵中选择指定的行和列?40. 如何在R中从一个矩阵中删除指定的行和列?41. 如何在R中从一个矩阵中查找指定的行和列?42. 如何在R中从一个矩阵中替换指定的行和列?43. 如何在R中从一个矩阵中添加行和列?44. 如何在R中从一个数据框中选择指定的行和列?45. 如何在R中从一个数据框中删除指定的行和列?46. 如何在R中从一个数据框中查找指定的行和列?47. 如何在R中从一个数据框中替换指定的行和列?48. 如何在R中从一个数据框中添加行和列?49. 如何在R中对一个向量进行排序?50. 如何在R中对一个矩阵的行和列进行排序?51. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行排序?52. 如何在R中对一个数据框的多个列进行排序?53. 如何在R中对一个向量进行分组求和?54. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行分组求和?55. 如何在R中对一个向量进行分组统计?56. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行分组统计?57. 如何在R中对一个向量进行条件筛选?58. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行条件筛选?59. 如何在R中对一个向量进行条件替换?60. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行条件替换?61. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行合并去重?62. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行合并求和?63. 如何在R中对一个数据框的列进行合并求平均值?64. 如何在R中计算一个向量的累计和?65. 如何在R中计算一个向量的累计乘积?66. 如何在R中计算一个向量的累计均值?67. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的累计和?68. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的累计乘积?69. 如何在R中计算一个矩阵的累计均值?70. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的累计和?71. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的累计乘积?72. 如何在R中计算一个数据框的累计均值?73. 如何在R中计算两个向量的点积?74. 如何在R中计算两个向量的叉积?75. 如何在R中计算两个向量的欧几里得距离?76. 如何在R中计算两个矩阵的乘积?77. 如何在R中计算两个矩阵的点积?78. 如何在R中计算两个矩阵的叉积?79. 如何在R中将一个向量转换为矩阵?80. 如何在R中将一个向量转换为数据框?81. 如何在R中将一个向量转换为列表?82. 如何在R中将一个向量转换为因子?83. 如何在R中将一个矩阵转换为向量?84. 如何在R中将一个矩阵转换为数据框?85. 如何在R中将一个矩阵转换为列表?86. 如何在R中将一个矩阵转换为因子?87. 如何在R中将一个数据框转换为向量?88. 如何在R中将一个数据框转换为矩阵?89. 如何在R中将一个数据框转换为列表?90. 如何在R中将一个数据框转换为因子?91. 如何在R中将一个列表转换为向量?92. 如何在R中将一个列表转换为矩阵?93. 如何在R中将一个列表转换为数据框?94. 如何在R中将一个列表转换为因子?95. 如何在R中将一个因子转换为向量?96. 如何在R中将一个因子转换为矩阵?97. 如何在R中将一个因子转换为数据框?98. 如何在R中将一个因子转换为列表?99. 如何在R中将一个日期对象转换为字符对象?100. 如何在R中将一个字符对象转换为日期对象?这些问题涵盖了R语言中一些基本操作的方方面面,希望对您入门R语言有所帮助。



R语言练习一、填空1.下列变量名中的是合法变量(A)char_1,data_2,x_j (B)x*y ,a.1 (C)x\y ,a1234 (D)end ,2bcx 2.已知x 为一个向量,计算其正弦函数的运算为(A)SEC(X) (B)SIN(x) (C)sin(x) (D)secx 3.已知x =2^(0:3),则命令2*x 返回的结果为 4.命令rep(c(1,3),each=3)返回结果为 5.命令matrix(2:7,nrow=2,byrow=F)返回的结果为6.已知矩阵?=16128415117314106213951A ,则命令A%*%A 返回的结果为 7.已知矩阵??=129631185210741B ,则命令dim(B)返回的结果为 8.已知矩阵?=43214321A ,则命令rowSums(A)返回的结果为 9.已知矩阵=54324321A ,则命令apply(A,2,sum)返回的结果为10.命令rbind(1:3,1:4)返回的结果为11.执行命令b=list(name="Fred",wife="Mary",no.children=3,child.ages=c(4,7 ,9))后,则命令length(b)返回的结果为12.执行命令xx=array(1:24,c(3,4,2))后,则命令xx[2,1:3,2]返回的结果为13.已知变量x=c(2,3),则执行命令x[5]<-5后变量x 的结果为14.命令paste("x",1:5,sep="")返回的结果为 15.已知变量x=(1:10)+2,则命令x[1:5]返回的结果为二、写出相应的命令和程序:1、用函数rep()构造一个向量x,它由5个3,10个2,98个1构成2、10位同学的姓名、性别、年龄、身高、体重数据如下:Name Sex Age Height WeightAlice F 13 56.5 84.0Sandy F 11 51.3 50.5Sharon F 15 62.5 112.5Tammy F 14 62.8 102.5Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5Duke M 14 63.5 102.5Guido M 15 67.0 133.0Robert M 12 64.8 128.0Thomas M 11 57.5 85.0William M 15 66.5 112.0(1)用数据框的形式读入数据,数据框的名称为my.class(2)将上述数据写成一个纯文本的文件(文件名为class.txt),并用函数read.table()读取文件中的身高和体重数据(3)按性别分组绘制学生身高的直方图3、新建一个脚本文件,名为vector,,完成如下功能(1)创建一个2到50的向量vector1(2)选取vector1中的第10,15,20个元素(3)选取vector1中第10到20个元素(4)选取vector1中值大于40的元素(5)将向量中的数据降序排列4、新建一个脚本文件,名为plot,完成如下功能:(1)生成0到2之间的50个随机数,分别命名为x,y(2)绘制散点图,要求:主标题为:“散点图”,横轴命名为“横坐标”,纵轴命名为“纵坐标”设置文本颜色为红色(3)在散点图的坐标为(0.6,0.6)的位置写入文本“text at (0.6,0.6)”(4)在h=0.6,v=0.6处分别添加参考线5、编写一个函数sqtest,给出两个数之后,直接给出这两个数的平方和,并调用该函数,实现计算20^2+15^2。



有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了################## Part 1: Linear Regression Concepts ################# ######## These questions do not require coding but will explore some importan t concepts.## "Regression" refers to the simple linear regression equation:## y = b0 + b1*x## This homework will not discuss other models.## 1. (1 pt)## What is the interpretation of the coefficient B1?## (What meaning does it represent?)## Your answer here# 当自变量增加一个单位的时候,因变量增加多少个单位?## 2. (1 pt)## Outliers are problems for many statistical methods, but are particul arly problematic## for linear regression. Why is that? It may help to define what outli er means in this case.## (Hint: Think of how residuals are calculated)## Your answer here# 因为线性回归模型的一个观测点异常时,会对自变量和因变量的平均值产生很大影响,会对beta产生很大的影响,模型会发生巨大的改变# 标准化残差值大于2或者小于2的点可能是离群点## 3. (1 pt)## How could you deal with outliers in order to improve the accuracy of your model?## Your answer here# 对离群点进行删除或者用均值来替代################## Part 2: Sampling and Point Estimation ##############有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了######### The following problems will use the cats dataset and explore## the average body weight of female cats.## Load the data by running the following code# install.packages("MASS")library(MASS)## Warning: package 'MASS' was built under R version 3.3.3data(cats)## 4. (2 pts)## Subset the data frame to ONLY include female cats.## Your answer herecats=cats[cats$Sex=="F",]## Use the sample function to generate a vector of 1s and 2s that is th e same## length as the subsetted data frame you just created. Use this vector to split## the 'Bwt' variable into two vectors, Bwt1 and Bwt2.## IMPORTANT: Make sure to run the following seed function before you r un your sample## function. Run them back to back each time you want to run the sample function to ensure## the same seed is used every time.## Check: If you did this properly, you will have 24 elements in Bwt1 a nd 23 elements## in Bwt2.set.seed(676)## Your answer hereset.seed(676)s1=sample(length(cats$Bwt),24)Bwt1=cats$Bwt[sample(length(cats$Bwt),24) ]有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了Bwt2=cats$Bwt[-s1 ]## 5. (3 pts)## Calculate the mean and the standard deviation for each of the two## vectors, Bwt1 and Bwt2. Use this information to create a 95%## confidence interval for your sample means (you can use the following formula## for a confidence interval: mean +/- 2 * standard deviation).## Compare the confidence intervals -- do they seem to agree or disagre e?## Your answer heremean(Bwt1)## [1] 2.3375mean(Bwt2)## [1] 2.395652sd(Bwt1)## [1] 0.2617873sd(Bwt2)## [1] 0.2754802# confidence intervalmean(Bwt1)+2*sd(Bwt1)## [1] 2.861075mean(Bwt1)-2*sd(Bwt1)## [1] 1.813925mean(Bwt2)+2*sd(Bwt2)## [1] 2.946613mean(Bwt2)-2*sd(Bwt2)## [1] 1.844692# 从置信区间来看,他们相差不大,结果类似。



大学r语言考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. R语言是一种()。

A. 编程语言B. 数据分析工具C. 操作系统D. 网页浏览器答案:A2. 在R语言中,用于生成随机数的函数是()。

A. seq()B. rep()C. sample()D. random()答案:C3. 下列哪个函数可以用来计算R语言中的向量元素的总和?()A. sum()B. mean()C. median()D. max()答案:A4. R语言中,用于创建数据框(data frame)的函数是()。

A. data.frame()B. matrix()C. list()D. vector()答案:A5. 在R语言中,如何引用一个名为“x”的变量的第一个元素?()A. x[1]B. x(1)C. x{1}D. x->1答案:A6. R语言中,用于绘制直方图的函数是()。

A. plot()B. hist()C. bar()D. pie()答案:B7. 下列哪个选项是R语言中的数据类型?()A. 数字(numeric)B. 文本(text)C. 日期(date)D. 所有选项都是答案:D8. 在R语言中,如何将一个向量反向?()A. rev()B. reverse()C. flip()D. invert()答案:A9. R语言中,用于执行逻辑“与”操作的函数是()。

A. &B. &&C. &D. and()答案:A10. 下列哪个命令可以用来安装R语言的包?()A. install.packages()B. load.packages()C. get.packages()D. fetch.packages()答案:A二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. 简述R语言中向量和矩阵的区别。






若σ2 =0.06,求μ的置信区间。



解:alpha<-0.05Xbar<-1000.25Sdx<-2.6329T1<-sqrt(11)*Sdx/sqrt(qchisq(1-alpha/2,11))T2<-sqrt(11)*Sdx/sqrt(qchisq(alpha/2,11))list(T1,T2)使用t.text函数进行方差未知的均值假设检验t检验t.test():调用格式:(数统P138,例6-3)x <- c(11.6,11.5,11.3,11.2,11.4,11.7,11.5,11.6,11.4,11.3)α<- 0.05solution <- t.test(x,mu=11.4,alternative="two.sided",conf.level = 1-α)#x是一个服从正态分布的总体,mu是均值μ#alternative是指备择假设,“two.sided”(缺省)指双侧(H1:μ≠μ0),less表示单边检验(H1:μ<μ1),greater表示单边检验(H1:μ>μ1)#conf.level指置信度即1-αsolutionif(solution$p.value>α){print("接受H0")}else{print("拒绝H0,接受H1")}#如果p-value>α,则可以认为接受H0,否则拒绝H0,接受H1例题:水泥厂用自动包装机包装水泥,每袋额定重量是50kg,某日开工后随机抽查了9袋,称得重量如下:49.6,49.3,50.1,50.0,49.2,49.9,49.8,51.0,50.2 设每袋重量服从正态分布,问包装机工作是否正常(α=0.05)?x <- c(49.6,49.3,50.1,50.0,49.2,49.9,49.8,51.0,50.2)α<- 0.05solution <- t.test(x,mu=50,alternative="two.sided",conf.level = 1-α)solutionif(solution$p.value>α){print("接受H0")}else{print("拒绝H0,接受H1")}p-value>α,接受H0认为包装机工作正常。



R语言中用于向量下标的运算符是( )。

A. %
B. #
C. $
D. ^
A. 向量
B. 矩阵
C. 数据框
D. 字符串
R语言中用于逻辑运算的运算符是( )。

A. <
B. >
C. =
D. ==
A. sum
B. mean
C. median
D. mode

答案:random() 或 rnorm() 或 runif() 等。


答案:read.table() 或 read.csv() 等。


答案:plot() 或 scatter()。










factor.numeric8以2,4,6,8,48,50的形式创建一个从2到50的向量,并命名为vector1vector110选取vector1中的第10,15,20个元素vector1[c(10,15,20)]11在vector1中选择第10到第20个元素向量[10:20]12选取vector1中值大于40的元素vector1[vector1>40]13创建向量12345123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345rep(1:5,5)14使用rep()创建向量0000011111222223333344444rep(0:4,rep(5,5))15使用函数Rep()构造一个向量x,它由三个3,4 2,5 1组成,x=C(Rep(3,3),Rep(2,4),Rep(1,5))统计软件实验2对于每个问题,请注意1命令代码2结果或图3的错误3231计算行列式的值a?426781a=det(matrix(c(3,4,7,2,2,8,3,6,1),nrow=3))323 111 2矩阵A?426,矩阵B?222; 找到AXB与a和B中相应元素之间的乘积781???333??a=matrix(c(3,4,7,2,2,8,3,6,1),nrow=3);b=matrix(rep(1:3,3 ),nrow=3);a%*%b;a*b由1,2,16组成两个方阵,其中矩阵A按列输入,矩阵B按行输入,计算C=A+B,d=ABA=matrix(1:16,nrow=4);b=矩阵(1:16,nrow=4,byrow=t);c=a+b;d=a%*%b4先复制附录数据至文本文档,然后读取数据至文件datadata5比率计算体重和身高的平方比存储在BMI变量BMI中6创建对象x,其值为1:10,使用write函数将其写入文件x.txt;删除x,然后再读入该文件并赋值给x,并保证x是numeric十、write.table(x,file=\x7.检查mtcars数据(输入mtcars);将vs变量所在列中的所有元素更改为“学生编号的最后两位数”(mtcars$vs)mtcars$vs8将mtcars转换为矩阵mm,判断数据类型;将第六行改为“学生号的最后两位数字”;取矩阵mm的前11行,并将其存储在变量mtcars11中;取mtcars11主对角线的元素,形成主对角线矩阵MT;取mtcars11的上三角数组,存储在mtupper中;(需要通过网络搜索学习上三角矩阵的定义)mmmtcars11(mtcars11mtupper(x[lower.tri(x)]lower.tri(x,diag=falsex[upper.tri(x)]上面的tri(x,diag=false)9把mtupper的行名和列名改为null。



r语言期末考试试题及答案R语言期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在R语言中,以下哪个函数用于创建向量?A. c()B. vector()C. list()D. matrix()2. 如何在R中生成一个1到10的向量?A. 1:10B. c(1, 10)C. 1 + 10D. 1..103. 以下哪个命令可以计算数据集的均值?A. mean()B. average()C. sum()D. median()4. 在R中,以下哪个函数可以用于读取CSV文件?A. read.table()B. read.csv()C. load()D. source()5. R语言中,用于数据框(data frame)的子集选择的函数是?A. subset()B. select()C. filter()D. slice()二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 解释R语言中向量和列表的区别。

2. 描述如何使用R语言进行线性回归分析。

3. 阐述R语言中数据框(data frame)的特点。

4. 简述R语言中循环结构的基本用法。

三、编程题(每题10分,共30分)1. 编写一个R语言函数,该函数接受一个向量作为输入,并返回向量中所有元素的平方。

2. 使用R语言编写一个脚本,该脚本读取一个CSV文件,并计算该文件中数值列的平均值。

3. 编写一个R语言程序,该程序能够生成一个100x100的矩阵,其中元素为1到10000的整数。

四、综合应用题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设你有一个包含多个变量的数据集,描述如何使用R语言进行描述性统计分析,并绘制相应的图表。

2. 给定一个时间序列数据集,使用R语言编写一个脚本,该脚本能够识别并标记数据集中的异常值。

参考答案一、选择题1. A2. A4. B5. A二、简答题1. 向量是R语言中最基本的数据结构,它是一个一维数组,所有元素必须具有相同的类型。




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用'q()' 退出R.[原来保存的工作空间已还原]> h=read.csv("F://1.csv",header=true)Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : 找不到对象'true'> h=read.csv("F://1.csv",header=TRUE)> h地区x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 y 1 北京7535 2639 1971 1658 3696 84742 87475 106.5 1.3 240462 天津7344 1881 1854 1556 2254 61514 93173 107.5 3.6 200243 河北4211 1542 1502 1047 1204 38658 36584 104.1 3.7 125314 山西3856 1529 1439 906 1506 44236 33628 108.8 3.3 122125 内蒙古5463 2730 1584 1354 1972 46557 63886 109.6 3.7 177176 辽宁5809 2042 1433 1310 1844 41858 56649 107.7 3.6 165947 吉林4635 2045 1594 1448 1643 38407 43415 111.0 3.7 146148 黑龙江4687 1807 1337 1181 1217 36406 35711 104.8 4.2 129849 上海9656 2111 1790 1017 3724 78673 85373 106.0 3.1 2625310 江苏6658 1916 1437 1058 3078 50639 68347 112.6 3.1 1882511 浙江7552 2110 1552 1228 2997 50197 63374 104.5 3.0 2154512 安徽5815 1541 1397 1143 1933 44601 28792 105.3 3.7 1501213 福建7317 1634 1754 773 2105 44525 52763 104.6 3.6 1859314 江西5072 1477 1174 671 1487 38512 28800 106.7 3.0 1277615 山东5201 2197 1572 1005 1656 41904 51768 106.9 3.3 1577816 河南4607 1886 1191 1085 1525 37338 31499 106.8 3.1 1373317 湖北5838 1783 1371 1030 1652 39846 38572 105.6 3.8 1449618 湖南5442 1625 1302 918 1738 38971 33480 105.7 4.2 1460919 广东8258 1521 2100 1048 2954 50278 54095 107.9 2.5 2239620 广西5553 1146 1377 884 1626 36386 27952 107.5 3.4 1424421 海南6556 865 1521 993 1320 39485 32377 107.0 2.0 1445722 重庆6870 2229 1177 1102 1471 44498 38914 107.8 3.3 1657323 四川6074 1651 1284 773 1587 42339 29608 105.9 4.0 1505024 贵州4993 1399 1014 655 1396 41156 19710 105.5 3.3 1258625 云南5468 1760 974 939 1434 37629 22195 108.9 4.0 1388426 西藏5518 1362 845 467 550 51705 22936 109.5 2.6 1118427 陕西5551 1789 1322 1212 2079 43073 38564 109.4 3.2 1533328 甘肃4602 1631 1288 1050 1388 37679 21978 108.6 2.7 1284729 青海4667 1512 1232 906 1097 46483 33181 110.6 3.4 1234630 宁夏4769 1876 1193 1063 1516 47436 36394 105.5 4.2 1406731 新疆5239 2031 1167 1028 1281 44576 33796 114.8 3.4 13892 >lm=lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9,data=h)> lmCall:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9, data = h)Coefficients:(Intercept) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9320.640948 1.316588 1.649859 2.178660 -0.005609 1.684283 0.010320 0.003655 -19.130576 50.515575> summary(lm)Call:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9, data = h)Residuals:Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -940.13 -195.24 3.42 239.00 476.06Coefficients:Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 3.206e+02 3 .952e+03 0.081 0.936097x1 1.317e+00 1.062e-01 12.400 3.97e-11 ***x2 1.650e+00 3.008e-01 5.484 1.93e-05 ***x3 2.179e+00 5.199e-01 4.190 0.000412 ***x4 -5.609e -03 4.766e-01 -0.012 0.990720x5 1.684e+00 2.142e-01 7.864 1.08e-07 ***x6 1.032e-02 1.343e-02 0.769 0.450665x7 3.655e-03 1.070e-02 0.342 0.736006x8 -1.913e+01 3.197e+01 -0.598 0.555983x9 5.052e+01 1.502e+02 0.336 0.739986Signif. codes: 0 ‘ *** 0.001 ‘** ' 0.01 ‘* ' 0.05 0.1 ‘ ' 1Residual standard error: 389.4 on 21 degrees of freedomMultiple R -squared: 0.9923, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9889F-statistic: 298.9 on 9 and 21 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 >pre=fitted.values(lm)> res=residuals(lm)> sd(res)[1] 325.7967> res=residuals(lm) > dy=step(lm)Start: AIC=377.73y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC- x4 1 21 3184326 375.73- x9 1 17149 3201454 375.90- x7 1 17700 3202005 375.90- x8 1 54295 3238599 376.26- x6 1 89586 3273891 376.59<none> 3184305 377.73- x3 1 2662593 5846898 394.57- x2 1 4561056 7745361 403.29- x5 1 9377500 12561805 418.28- x1 1 23314547 26498852 441.42Step: AIC=375.73y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC- x9 1 17428 3201754 373.90- x7 1 18563 3202889 373.91- x8 1 54437 3238763 374.26- x6 1 91813 3276139 374.61<none> 3184326 375.73- x3 1 2936130 6120456 393.99- x2 1 5467941 8652267 404.72- x5 1 9393345 12577671 416.32- x1 1 25886086 29070412 442.29Step: AIC=373.9y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC - x7 1 34634 3236387 372.24- x6 1 74800 3276554 372.62- x8 1 82150 3283904 372.69<none> 3201754 373.90 - x3 1 3055353 6257107 392.67- x2 1 5725836 8927590 403.69- x5 1 9382624 12584378 414.33- x1 1 25868832 29070586 440.29Step: AIC=372.24y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6 + x8Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC - x8 1 70813 3307201 370.91- x6 1 152777 3389165 371.67<none> 3236387 372.24 - x3 1 5501284 8737672 401.02- x2 1 8895049 12131436 411.20- x5 1 9458098 12694485 412.60- x1 1 27733098 30969486 440.25 Step: AIC=370.91 y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5 + x6Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC- x6 1 137540 3444741 370.17<none> 3307201 370.91 - x3 1 5771063 9078264 400.21 - x2 1 8871193 12178394 409.32- x5 1 9473521 12780722 410.81- x1 1 28248162 31555363 438.83 Step: AIC=370.17 y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC3444741 370.17 <none>- x3 5717883 9162624 398.50x2 1 10249815 13694556 410.95x5 1 10998313 14443054 412.60x1 1 33258637 36703378 441.52> summary(dy)Call:lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x5, data = h)Residuals:Min 1Q Median 3Q Max-943.18 -161.05 12.74 250.93 566.25Coefficie nts:Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(In tercept) -1694.6269 562.9773 -3.010 0.00574 **Sig nif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ‘ ** ' 0.01 ‘ * 0.05 0.1x1 1.3642 0.0861 15.844 7.11e-15 ***x2 1.7679 0.2010 8.796 2.86e-09 ***x3 2.2894 0.3485 6.569 5.76e-07 ***x5 1.7424 0.1912 9.111 1.42e-09 ***Residual sta ndard error: 364 on 26 degrees of freedomMultiple R -squared: 0.9916, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9903F-statistic: 769.2 on 4 and 26 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16>newdata=data.frame(x 仁5200,x2=2000,x3=1100,x4=1000,x5=1300,x6=45000,x7=34000,x8=115.0 ,x9=3.8) > predict(dy ,n ewdata,i nterval="c on fide nee")fit lwr upr1 13718.67 13468.98 13968.36>1、乘杵俣羞项,模空堆式为y=AK a L fi e c対:ft性i灵北顷,Bt型可通过两边垠炖数转化成城世稅型In y = In A In K+ /?ln L + F=lny, =哥=In 心=1仇「则转化为线性回0」方程/=2以卜我们用线性化的乘杵误无额枝里拟合C-D 牛产用数» y-|3624」3962.9 4124.2 4330.6 4623」5()8().2 5977.3 68363 7305.4 7983.2 8385.9 8049.78564.3 9653.5 11179.9 12673.0 13786.9 14724.3 15782.8 16840.6 17861.6 18975.9 20604.7 22256.0 24247 0T :» K=[ 1377.9 1446.7 1451 5 1408.1 1536.9 1716.4 2057.7 2582.2 2754.0 2884.3 3086.8 2901.5 2975.4 3356.8 4044.2 5487.9 5679.0 6012.0 6246.5 6436.0 6736」7098.9 7510.5 85673 V764.9J ; » L=|4OI52 41024 42361 43725 45295 46436 48197 49873 51282 52783 54334 55329 64749 65491 66152 668()8 67455 68065 68950 69820 7()637 71394 72085 73025 73740f; » y 卜 log(y); » x1=kig(K); » x2=log(L);» x=(ones(25J) xl x2J;»[b.bint.r.rinhstats]=rcgrcss(ykx>; » b,bint.stats,rcoplot(r,rint) b =-1.78540.8011 0.4016 bint =-4.76871.1978 0.6X55 0.9167 0.0478 0.7554 stats = 1.0c ・003 玄0.00101.8055» exp(-1.7854) ans =0.1677» Y -13624」3962 9 4124.2 4330.6 4623.1 5080.2 5977.3 6836.3 7305.4 7983.2 8385.9 8049.785643 9653.5 11179.9 12673.0 13786.9 14724.3 15782.8 16840.6 17861.6 18975.9 20604.722256.0 24247.0]:» yl=-1.785440.8011 妆 1+0.4016X2; » y2 二 cxp(yl): » c=y ・y2e =l.()e+(Kl3 * (-0.25 l(J -0.1014 ・().25020.1X39 0.1X16 ().2274 -0.1560 -0.1400 0」6690.03640.CM6I -0.13450.0283 -0.0396 -1.7H7 -1.0550 -0.8671-037750.20510.5268(J.81951.5361R2 = 1.0000 F = 1805.5 p = 0.0000得两个弹性系数为a 0.8011 • ^-0. 4016,资金的贡献率大于劳动者的贡献率t规模报酬U + 0二1・2027〉1表示规模报酬递增,效率系数A二f •加二0・1677c其中系数〃的显苦性概书P位二().()()()•显著忤较強.得乘性误年项的(T)牛产困数为> = 0.1677^(HGl0.40162、加性误差项,模型形式为y = AK"Z?+£对加性误差项模型,不能通过变量变换转化成线性模型.只能用非线性最小一乘求解未知参数。



统计软件实验1每题需注意1命令代码2结果或图形3自己的错误1 y =23log )10sin(4)43.0(2+⋅+-e πy <- sin(10*pi)*exp(-0.3+4^2)+log(23)/log(4)2 x = sin(223/3), y = x^2,z = y*10 ;求x+2y-5zx <- sin(223/3);y <- x^2;x+2*y-5*z3 建立起始值=3,增量值=5.5,终止值=44的一维数组xx <- seq(3.47,by=5.5)4 建立等差一维数组x :首项为0,末项为π,项数为15x <- seq(0,pi,length=15)5 将100,200,200,200,400,600,600,600,800 输入R 中,保存到numeric 变量中 numeric <- c(100,200,200,200,400,600,600,600,800)6 将numeric 转换为factor 存入变量factor.numeric ,并用class ()确认。

factor.numeric <- as.factor(numeric)7 查看factor.numeric 的内容factor.numeric8 创建一个2到50的向量,形式为 2, 4, 6, 8, ..., 48, 50并名为为vector1 vector1 <- seq(from=2,to=50,by=2)9 选取vector1中的第20个元素vector1[20]10 选取vector1中的第10,15,20个元素vector1[c(10,15,20)]11 选取vector1中的第10到20个元素vector[10:20]12 选取vector1中值大于40的元素vector1[vector1>40]13创建向量1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 rep(1:5,5)14使用rep()创建向量0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4rep(0:4,rep(5,5))15 用函数rep()构造一个向量x,它由3个3,4个2,5个1构成x=c(rep(3,3),rep(2,4),rep(1,5))统计软件实验2每题需注意1命令代码2结果或图形3自己的错误1计算行列式的值323426781 A=A=det(matrix(c(3,4,7,2,2,8,3,6,1),nrow=3))2 矩阵323426781A⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,矩阵111222333B⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦;求出A x B及A与B中对应元素之间的乘积A=matrix(c(3,4,7,2,2,8,3,6,1),nrow=3);B=matrix(rep(1:3,3),nrow=3);A%*%B;A*B3由1,2,...,16构成两个方阵,其中矩阵A按列输入,矩阵B按行输入,并计算C=A+B,D=AB A=matrix(1:16,nrow=4);B=matrix(1:16,nrow=4,byrow=T);C=A+B;D=A%*%B4先复制附录数据至文本文档,然后读取数据至文件datadata <- read.table("D:/t.data.txt",header = T)5 比值的计算weight和height的平方的比值存入bmi变量bmi <- weight/height^2;detach(data)6 创建对象x, 其值为1:10, 使用write函数将其写入文件x.txt;删除x, 然后再读入该文件并赋值给x,并保证x是numericx <- 1:10write.table(x,file = "x.txt");rm(x);xx <- read.table("x.txt",header=T);xclass(x);x <- as.numeric(x$x);x7 查看mtcars数据(mtcars回车);把vs变量所在列的元素全都改成你的“学号后两位”(mtcars$vs<-7);把mtcars存为mtcars.csv文件;读入mtcars.csv文件存入mtcarsnew;MtcarsMtcars$vs<-学号后两位mtcarsnew<-read.csv()8 把mtcars转换成矩阵mm并判断数据类型;把第六行改成你的“学号后两位”;取矩阵mm 前11行存入变量mtcars11;取mtcars11的主对角线的元素,构成主对角阵mt;取mtcars11的上三角阵存入mtupper;(需要通过网络搜索学习上三角矩阵定义)mm<-as.matrix(mtcars);class(mm)mm[6,]<-学号后两位mtcars11(mtcars11<-head(mtcars,11))mt(mt<-diag(diag(mtcars11)))mtupper(x[lower.tri(x)]<-0;mtupper<-x)x[lower.tri(x)]<-0lower.tri(x,diag=FALSEx[upper.tri(x)]<-0upper.tri(x,diag=FALSE)9把mtupper 的行名和列名改为NULL 。

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Sample Midterm,Statistics133,Fall2012
1.What is meant by“vectorized calculations”in R?Provide an example.
If we have a vector x,an expression such as,x+2or x3,is vectorized in that the computation is performed on each element of the vector,i.e.2is added to each element of x or each element of x is cubed.There is no need to loop of each element of the vector to perform the computation.
2.Describe two important di↵erences between a data frame and a matrix in R.
A data frame is essentially a list of vectors of the same length,whereas a matrix is
essentially a vector with shape information.
Data frames can have columns/vectors that are di↵erent types,whereas all values in
a matrix must be the same primitive element.
Data frames can be indexed with$
3.Data on37parents of babies born at Kaiser Hospital in the1960s is available in a
data frame called parents.The variables age,ed,ht,and wt are the mother’s age, education level,height and weight.The variables that start with the letter d are corresponding variables for the fathers.
age ed ht wt dage ded dht dwt marital inc
328High School6411532Some High School NA NA Married[5000,6000) 436College6919043Some College68197Married[12500,15000)
523College6712524College NA NA Married[2500,5000)
625High School629328High School64130Married[7000,8000)
Provide the return value for each of the following expressions:
Write an R expression tofind the subset of parents where the mother is over40.
Write an R expression using an apply function to return the class of each variable in the data frame.
Write one R expression using an apply function to return the number of NAs in each variable(recall that there is an is.na()function returns a logical indicating the presence of NAs)
4.Here is a list in R,
Write one line of R code to extract thefirst row of the matrix.
5.Suppose we have a matrix m in R,and we’ve just executed the following:
[5,] 2.67471950.25506780.1225329
[6,] 1.0095424-1.29000790.1387224
We need to create a vector containing the sum of the squared entries in each row of m.Write R code to do this in two di↵erent ways:
(a)using a for loop
for(i in1:m){
(b)using the apply function
6.Write down what the value of x will contain after each line of R code,if the commands
are executed sequentially.
NA NA468
NA NA4610
7.Someone wants to study the distribution of the sum of three rolls of a die.To do this
she designs a simulation study.In thefirst step,she writes a function to generate the sum of three random tosses of a fair die.In the second step she uses this function to generate1,000of these sums.
(a)Write the function for thefirst step.
(b)Write one line of code that uses the function from thefirst step to generate the
1,000random sums
8.We want to compute the sum of the absolute deviations from the median for a vector.
For example for a vector x=1:3,x has a median of2,and the absolute deviations from the median are1,0,and1so the sum of the absolute deviations from the median is2.。
