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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单词拼写(词汇运用) (共19题;共114分)

1. (10分)We can experience the________(beautiful) of the Great Wall.

2. (5分)What do you do in the________ (晚上)?

3. (1分)根据句意及首字母或中文提示填写单词。

(1)I'm afraid I have ________(困难)passing the exam.

(2)Look! There is a beautiful ________(彩虹)in the sky. It's colourful.

(3)If you need physical ________(力量), you should wear red clothes.

(4)She is in a good ________(心情)today.

(5)We need to make a ________(决定)on this by next Friday.

4. (1分)

(1)My life is filled with p________ , and I'm very happy now.

(2)Mike ________ (记忆) new words more quickly than me.

(3)Reading English aloud every day will of course help you to improve your ________ (发音).(4)If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of ________ (实现) your dream.(5)Have you ever c________ buying a new MP4 player?

(6)Be careful not to d________ your glasses. They might be broken.

(7)Without my p________ , don't touch my things.

(8)I like to go out to enjoy the ________ (新鲜的) air.

(9)Can you have dinners with f________ and knives?

(10)I'm sorry to ________ (打扰) you. Can you tell me how to send an e—mail?

5. (1分)I like these ________ (对白) of the cartoon movie.

6. (1分)Don't ________(担心)about me. I'm OK.

7. (1分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

(1)I don't like to eat oranges because they are too s________.

(2)There aren't many c________ in the restaurant because of the bad weather.

(3)There was only one apple, so mum d________ it into two halves and gave them to us.

(4)Many Olympic champions are regarded as h________ in our country.

(5)It's hard to become a p________ basketball player. You have to work hard.

8. (6分)There's only one good way of________(解决问题) the problem.

9. (5分)It's nice to meet you________(全体).

10. (5分)When we have soup, we use s________ .

11. (5分)There is no seat on the bus. It's c________.

12. (5分)根据句意和汉语提示, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词。(每空一词)

(1)The ________(调查) show that it is necessary for us to develop a green lifestyle.

(2)Who was ________(缺席的) from school yesterday?

(3)Finally, Gulliver ________(设法完成) to break the ropes and got away.

(4)His car crashed ________(撞) the wall last night because of the heavy rain.

(5)It is necessary to use the natural resources ________(明智地).

13. (8分)根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成下列单词。

(1)I'd like to see you ________(无论何时) it's convenient.

(2)Keep ________(径直的) on until you get to the church.

(3)Up to now, the work has been quite ________ (顺利).

14. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Nowadays, camping has been popular among young people. It's a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature. Whether you ________(更喜欢) to be in the woods, mountains, or by the river, you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping. Here is some advice ________(为了) camping.

Fire may be ________(危险的) , so just use fire out when you must. Make sure to put the fire out when you don't use it.

When you are talking, keep your ________(说话声) down. If you talk loudly, you may disturb (打扰) other people and you will ________(也) miss the chance to see wild animals outside.

It is necessary to put up your tent only in safe areas. If you put up your tent in other areas, you may get into trouble. Remember to do it for your ________(安全).

Don't forget to take your camera so that you won't miss the wonderful natural wonders. Later, you'll understand ________(多么) nice they are. Make sure your camera has enough power.

People often get ________(丢失)in the forest . It's a good way to take a map that ________(帮助) you to get the right ________(方向). Now, people usually take GPS with them. Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.

15. (10分)短文填空。根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词填在下面对应题号后的横线上。
