
初中英语单词汇总七年级上册Starter Unit 1good [gud] adj. 好的morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n. 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi [hai] interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂hello [hə'ləu] interj. 你好;喂afternoon [,a:ftə'nu:n] n. 下午Good afternoon! 下午好!evening ['i:vniŋ] n. 晚上;傍晚Good evening! 晚上好!how [hau] adv. 怎样;如何are [a:] v. 是you [ju:] pron. 你;你们How are you 你好吗?I [ai] pron. 我am [æm] v. 是fine [fain] adj. 健康的;美好的thanks [θæŋks] interj.&n. 感谢;谢谢OK [əu'kei] interj.& adv. 好;可以Starter Unit 2what [wɔt] pron.&adj. 什么is [iz] v. 是this [ðis] pron. 这;这个in [in] prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English ['iŋgliʃ] n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语map [mæp] n. 地图cup [kʌp] n. 杯子ruler ['ru:lə] n. 尺;直尺pen [pen] n. 笔;钢笔orange ['ɔrindʒ] n. 橙子jacket ['dʒækit] n. 夹克衫;短上衣key [ki:] n. 钥匙quilt [kwilt] n. 被子;床罩it [it] pron. 它a [ə] art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物)that [ðæt] pron. 那;那个spell [spel] v. 用字母拼;拼写please [pli:z] interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请Starter Unit 3color ['kʌlə] n. (=colour) 颜色red [red] adj.& n. 红色(的)yellow ['jeləu] adj.&n. 黄色(的)green [gri:n] adj.&n. 绿色(的)blue [blu:] adj.&n. 蓝色(的)black [blæk] adj.&n. 黑色(的)white [wait] adj.&n. 白色(的)purple ['pə:pl] adj.&n. 紫色(的)brown [braun] adj.&n. 棕色(的);褐色(的)the [ði;ðə] art. 指已提到或易领会到的人或事now [nau] adv. 现在;目前see [si:] v. 理解;明白can [kæn] modal v. 能;会say [sei] v. 说;讲my [mai] pron. 我的Unit 1name [neim] n. 名字;名称nice [nais] adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的to [tu:] 常用于原形动词之前,该动词为不定式meet [mi:t] v. 遇见;相逢too [tu:] adv. 也;又;太your [jɔ:] pron. 你的;你们的Ms. [miz] (于女子的姓名前,不指明婚否)女士his [hiz] pron. 他的and [ænd] conj. 和;又;而her [hə:] pron, 她的yes [jes] interj. 是的;可以she [ʃi:] pron. 她he [hi:] pron. 他no [nəu] interj. 不;没有;不是not [nɔt] adv. 不;没有zero ['ziərəu] num. 零one [wʌn] num. 一two [tu:] num. 二three [θri:] num. 三four [fɔ:] num. 四five [faiv] num. 五six [siks] num. 六seven ['sevn] num. 七eight [eit] num. 八nine [nain] num. 九telephone ['telifəun] n. ;机number ['nʌmbə] n. 号码;数字phone [fəun] n. ;机telephonephone number 号码first [fə:st] adj. 第一first name 名字last [la:st] adj. 最后的;末尾的last name 姓friend [frend] n. 朋友China ['tʃainə] 中国middle ['midl] adj. 中间的;中间school [sku:l] n. 学校middle school 中学;初中Unit 2sister ['sistə] n. 姐;妹mother ['mʌðə] n. 母亲;妈妈father ['fa:ðə] n. 父亲;爸爸parent ['peərənt] n. 父(母)亲brother ['brʌðə] n. 兄;弟grandmother ['grænmʌðə] n.(外)祖母;奶奶grandfather ['grænfa:ðə] n. (外)祖父;爷爷;grandparent['grænpeərənt] n.祖父(母);family ['fæməli] n. 家;家庭those [ðəuz] pron. 那些who [hu:] pron. 谁;什么人oh [əu] interj. 哦;啊these [ði:z] pron. 这些they [ðei] pron. 他(她、它)们well [wel] interj. 嗯;好吧have [hæv] v. 经受;经历Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye [bai] interj. (=goodbye)再见son [sʌn] n. 儿子cousin ['kʌzn] n. 堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄grandpa ['grænpa:] n. (外)祖父;爷爷;外公mom [mɔm], [ma:m] n. (=mum)妈妈aunt [a:nt] n. 姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母grandma ['grænma:] n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;dad [dæd] n. 爸爸uncle ['ʌŋkl] n. 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;舅父daughter ['dɔ:tə] n. 女儿here [hiə] adv. (用以介绍人或物)这就是;在这里photo ['fəutəu] n. 照片of [ɔv, əv] prep. 属于(人或物);关于(人或物)next [nekst] adj.&n. 下一个(的);接下来(的)picture ['piktʃə] n. 照片;图画girl [gə:l] n. 女孩dog [dɔg] n. 狗Unit 3pencil ['pensl] n. 铅笔book [buk] n. 书eraser [i'reizə] n. 橡皮box [bɒks] n. 箱;盒pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒schoolbag ['sku:lbæg] n. 书包dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n. 词典;字典his [hiz] pron. 他的mine [main] pron. 我的hers [hə:z] pron. 她的excuse [ik'skju:z] v. 原谅;宽恕me [mi:] pron. (I的宾格)我excuse me 劳驾;请原谅thank [θæŋk] v. 感谢;谢谢teacher ['ti:tʃə] n. 老师;教师about [ə'baut] prep. 关于What about...(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样?yours [jɔ:z] pron. 你的;你们的for [fɔ:] prep. 为了;给;对thank you for... 为……而感谢help [help] v.&n. 帮助;援助welcome ['welkəm] adj. 受欢迎的You're welcome. 别客气。
初中英语七年级新教材上 单词汇总

Vocabulary in Each UnitStarter Unit 1unit ['juːnɪt] n. 单元starter unit 过渡单元,,section ['sekʃn] n. 部分;地区greet [ɡriːt] v. 招呼;问候spell [spel] v. 用字母拼;拼写start [stɑːt] v. 开始;着手conversation [ˌkɒnvə'seɪʃn] n. 谈话;交谈oh [əʊ] int. 哦;啊bell [bel] n. 铃(声);钟(声)Helen ['helən] 海伦Ella [ˈɛlə] 埃拉Emma [ˈemə] 埃玛Peter ['piːtə(r)] 彼得Brown [braʊn] 布朗PLA abbr. 中国人民解放军VR abbr. 虚拟现实CD abbr. 光盘PRC abbr. 中华人民共和国UN abbr. 联合国Miller ['mɪlə(r)] 米勒Unit 2bottle ['bɒtl] n. 瓶子eraser [ɪ'reɪzə(r)] n. 橡皮key [kiː] n. 钥匙;关键thing [θɪŋ] n. 东西;事情need [niːd] v. & n. 需要you’re welcome 别客气;不用谢Unit 3fun [fʌn] n. 乐趣;快乐adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的yard [jɑːd] n. 院子;园圃carrot ['kærət] n. 胡萝卜goose [ɡuːs] n. (pl. geese) 鹅count [kaʊnt] v. 数数another [ə'nʌðə(r)] adj. & pron. 另一;又一(人或事物) else [els] adv. 其他的;别的look at 看;瞧Unit 1make friends 交朋友get to know 认识;了解each [iːtʃ] adj. & pron. 每个;各自other ['ʌðə(r)] pron. 另外的人(或物) adj. 另外的;其他的each other 互相;彼此full [fʊl] adj. 完整的;满的full name 全名grade [ɡreɪd] n. 年级;等级last name 姓氏classmate ['klɑːsmeɪt] n. 同班同学class teacher 班主任first name 名字mistake [mɪ'steɪk] n. 错误;失误country ['kʌntri] n. 国家same [seɪm] adj. 相同的twin [twɪn] n. 双胞胎之一adj. 双胞胎之一的both [bəʊθ] adj. & pron. 两个;两个都band [bænd] n. 乐队pot [pɒt] n. 锅a lot 很;非常tofu ['təʊfuː] n. 豆腐parrot ['pærət] n. 鹦鹉guitar [ɡɪ'tɑː(r)] n. 吉他tennis ['tenɪs] n. 网球post [pəʊst] n. 帖子;邮政v. 邮寄;发布even ['iːvn] adv. 甚至;连;愈加hey [heɪ] int. 嘿;喂play the guitar 弹吉他would [wʊd] model v. 想(用于礼貌地邀请或向某人提供某物);将会would(’d) like to 表示愿意;喜欢information [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn] n. 信息;消息hobby ['hɒbi] n. 业余爱好Green [ɡriːn] 格林UK [ˌjuː'keɪ] 英国US [ˌjuː'es] 美国Smith [smɪθ] 史密斯Lisa [ˈliːsə] 莉萨Tom [tɒm] 汤姆hot pot 火锅Sally ['sæli] 萨莉Wood [wʊd] 伍德Sydney ['sɪdni] 悉尼(澳大利亚城市)Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] 澳大利亚Mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭Singapore [ˌsiŋgə'pɔ:] 新加坡Pauline [ˈpɔːliːn] 保利娜Lee [liː] 李Coco ['kəʊkəʊ] 科科London ['lʌndən] 伦敦(英国首都)Unit 2mean [miːn] v. 意思是;打算husband ['hʌzbənd] n. 丈夫bat [bæt] n. 球棒;球拍ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍play ping-pong 打乒乓球every day 每天together [tə'ɡeðə(r)] adv. 在一起;共同fishing rod 钓竿spend [spend] v. 花(时间、钱等)a lot of / lots of 大量;许多really ['riːəli] adv. 非常;确实;真正地activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ] n. 活动chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋Chinese chess 中国象棋funny ['fʌni] adj. 好笑的;奇怪的laugh [lɑːf] v. 笑;发笑n. 笑声different ['dɪfrənt] adj. 不同的violin [ˌvaɪə'lɪn] n. 小提琴have fun 玩得高兴pink [pɪŋk] adj. & n. 粉红色(的)hat [hæt] n. 帽子handsome ['hænsəm] adj. 英俊的knee [niː] n. 膝;膝盖at night 在夜晚in the middle 中间;中部grandchild ['ɡræntʃaɪld] n. (pl. grandchildren) (外)孙子;(外)孙女son [sʌn] n. 儿子next to 紧邻;在……近旁hike [haɪk] v. & n. 远足;徒步旅行go hiking 远足;徒步旅行David ['deɪvɪd] 戴维Jim [dʒɪm] 吉姆Kate [keit] 凯特Lily ['lɪli] 莉莉Ireland ['aɪələnd] 爱尔兰Fred [fred] 弗雷德Sam [ˈsæm] 萨姆Jane [dʒein] 简Jack [dʒæk] 杰克Sarah [ˈseərə] 萨拉Oscar ['ɒskə(r)] 奥斯卡Lucy [ˈluːsi] 露西Unit 3hall [hɔːl] n. 礼堂;大厅dining hall 餐厅in front of 在……前面building ['bɪldɪŋ] n. 建筑物;房子across [ə'krɒs] prep. & adv. 过;穿过across from 在对面field [fiːld] n. 场地;田地sports field 运动场gym [dʒɪm] n. (=gymnasium) 体育馆;健身房;(尤指学校的)体育活动office ['ɒfɪs] n. 办公室large [lɑːdʒ] adj. 大的;大号的special ['speʃl] adj. 特别的;特殊的smart [smɑːt] adj. 智能的;聪明的whiteboard ['waɪtbɔːd] n. 白板;白色书写板put up 张贴;搭建important [ɪm'pɔːtnt] adj. 重要的notice ['nəʊtɪs] n. 通知;注意v. 注意到;意识到locker ['lɒkə(r)] n. 有锁存物柜;寄物柜drawer [drɔː(r)] n. 抽屉at the back (of) 在(……)后面corner ['kɔːnə(r)] n. 角;墙角;街角bookcase ['bʊkkeɪs] n. 书架;书柜screen [skriːn] n. 屏幕;银幕at school 在学校modern ['mɒdn] adj. 现代的;当代的do exercises 做体操amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ] adj. 令人惊奇(惊喜或惊叹)的raise [reɪz] v. 使升高;提高flag [flæɡ] n. 旗;旗帜most [məʊst] adj. & pron. 大多数;最多;最大adv. 最change [tʃeɪndʒ] v. & n. 改变;变化seat [siːt] n. 座位delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] adj. 美味的;可口的How about ……怎么样;如何yours [jɔːz] pron. (通常写作Yours,用于书信结尾的签名前) 你的;您的similar ['sɪmələ(r)] adj. 类似的;相像的similar to 类似的;相像的sound [saʊnd] v. 听起来;好像n. 声音;响声bye for now 再见Flora ['flɔːrə] 弗洛拉Unit 4biology [baɪ'ɒlədʒi] n. 生物学IT abbr. (=information technology) 信息技术geography [dʒi'ɒɡrəfi] n. 地理(学)history ['hɪstri] n. 历史;历史课boring ['bɔːrɪŋ] adj. 乏味的;令人生厌的useful ['juːsfl] adj. 有用的;有益的exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的past [pɑːst] n. 过去;过去的事情adj. 过去的prep. 在……之后good with 灵巧的;善于应付……的number ['nʌmbə(r)] n. 数字;号码help sb with 帮助某人做(某事)reason ['riːzn] n. 原因;理由listen to 听;倾听good at 擅长remember [rɪ'membə(r)] v. 记住;记起everyone ['evriwʌn] pron. 每人;所有人as [əz] prep. 如同;座位conj. 当……时;由于AM (=a.m.) 上午PM (=p.m.) 下午French [frentʃ] n. 法语adj. 法国的;法国人的excellent ['eksələnt] adj. 优秀的;极好的instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] n. 器械;工具singer ['sɪŋə(r)] n. 歌手future ['fjuːtʃə(r)] n. 将来;未来in the future 将来;未来term [tɜːm] n. 学期work out 计算出;解决problem ['prɒbləm] n. 难题;困难in class 课堂上magic ['mædʒɪk] n. 魔法;魔力;魔术adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的life [laɪf] n. 生活;生命scientist ['saɪəntɪst] n. 科学家Baker ['beɪkə(r)] 贝克Mike [maɪk] 迈克Davis ['deivis] 戴维斯Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大Unit 5club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;社团join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加;加入choose [tʃuːz] v. 选择;挑选drama ['drɑːmə] n. 戏剧;戏剧表演play Chinese chess 下中国象棋feeling ['fiːlɪŋ] n. 感觉;情感news [njuːz] n. 消息;新闻musical ['mjuːzɪkl] adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的musical instrument ['mjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt] 乐器exactly [ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 正是如此;准确地drum [drʌm] n. 鼓ability [ə'bɪləti] n. 能力;才能paint [peɪnt] v. 用颜料画;在……上刷油漆n. 油漆;涂料climb [klaɪm] v. 攀登;爬more [mɔː(r)] adj. & pron. 更多(的)act [ækt] v. 扮演;行动n. (戏剧等)一幕;行动act out 表演at home 在家里interested ['ɪntrəstɪd] adj. 感兴趣的interested in 对……感兴趣nature ['neɪtʃə(r)] n. 自然界;大自然beef [biːf] n. 牛肉soon [suːn] adv. 不久;很快than [ðən] prep. & conj. (用以引出比较的第二部分) 比more than 多于mind [maɪnd] n. 头脑;心思fall [fɔːl] v. & n. 进入;掉落;跌倒n. (美式)秋天fall in love with 爱上……take photos / take a photo 拍照collect [kə'lekt] v. 收集;采集insect ['ɪnsekt] n. 昆虫discover [dɪ'skʌvə(r)] v. 发现;发觉wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] n. 野生动物;野生生物Linda ['lɪndə] 琳达Alice [ˈælɪs] 爱丽丝Bill [bɪl] 比尔White [waɪt] 怀特Jenny ['dʒeni] 珍妮make use of 使用……;利用……Unit 6shower ['ʃaʊə(r)] n. 淋浴;淋浴器v. 洗淋浴take a shower 淋浴get dressed 穿衣服brush [brʌʃ] v. (用刷子)刷;n. 刷子;画笔tooth [tuːθ] n. (pl. teeth) 牙齿duty ['djuːti] n. 值班;职责on duty 值班usually ['juːʒuəli] adv. 通常地;一般地get up 起床;站起reporter [rɪ'pɔːtə(r)] n. 记者around [ə'raʊnd] prep. & adv. 大约;环绕;到处homework ['həʊmwɜːk] n. 家庭作业go to bed 上床睡觉saying ['seɪɪŋ] n. 谚语;格言rise [raɪz] v. 起床;升起;增长n. 增加;增强stay [steɪ] v. 停留;待routine [ruː'tiːn] n. 常规restaurant ['restrɒnt] n. 餐馆;餐厅housework ['haʊswɜːk] n. 家务劳动while [waɪl] n. 一段时间;一会儿conj. 在……期间;当……的时候weekend [ˌwiːk'end] n. 周末daily ['deɪli] adj. 每日的;日常的daily routine 日常生活only ['əʊnli] adv. 只;仅break [breɪk] n. 休息;间断v. (使)破碎;损坏Finnish ['fɪnɪʃ] n. 芬兰语adj. 芬兰的;芬兰人的;芬兰语的finish ['fɪnɪʃ] v. 结束;完成hockey ['hɒki] n. 曲棍球ice hockey [aɪs 'hɒki] 冰球运动;冰上曲棍球already [ɔːl'redi] adv. 已经;早已dark [dɑːk] adj. 昏暗的;深色的outside [ˌaʊt'saɪd] adv. 在外面adj. 外面的prep. 在……外面prepare [prɪ'peə(r)] v. 把……准备好;准备Timo [tiːməʊ] 蒂莫Halla [haˈlaː] 哈拉Helsinki [hɛlˈsɪŋki] 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Finland ['fɪnlənd] 芬兰home economics [ˌhəʊm ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks] 家事经济Unit 7celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] v. 庆祝;庆贺surprise [sə'praɪz] n. 惊奇;惊讶v. 使感到意外something ['sʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物sale [seɪl] n. 出售;销售kilo ['kiːləʊ] n. 千克;公斤yogurt ['jɒɡət] n. (=yoghurt) 酸奶total ['təʊtl] n. 总数;合计adj. 总的;全体的price [praɪs] n. 价格balloon [bə'luːn] n. 气球chocolate ['tʃɒklət] n. 巧克力pizza ['piːtsə] n. 比萨饼list [lɪst] v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单own [əʊn] adj. & pron. 自己的;本人的example [ɪɡ'zɑːmpl] n. 例子;范例for example 例如language ['læŋɡwɪdʒ] n. 语言international [ˌɪntə'næʃnəl] adj. 国际的mark [mɑːk] v. 做记号;纪念;打分n. 记号date [deɪt] n. 日子;日期national ['næʃnəl] adj. 国家的;民族的found [faʊnd] v. 创建;创立meaningful ['miːnɪŋfl] adj. 重要的;重大的make a wish 许愿village ['vɪlɪdʒ] n. 村庄;村镇grow [ɡrəʊ] v. 成长;长大;增长blow [bləʊ] v. 吹;刮blow out 吹灭enjoy [ɪn'dʒɔɪ] v. 享受……的乐趣;喜欢height [haɪt] n. 身高;高度later ['leɪtə(r)] adv. & adj. 以后(的);后来(的) next time 下次whom [huːm] pron. 谁;什么人William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚Florence Nightingale 弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔National Day ['næʃənəl deɪ] 国庆节CPC Founding Day 中国共产党建党纪念日PLA Day 中国人民解放军建军节Judy [ˈdʒuːdi] 朱迪Clark [klɑːk] 克拉克。

1. book.- 音标:[bʊk]- 词性:n.(名词)2. pen.- 音标:[pen]- 词性:n.3. ruler.- 音标:[ˈruːlə(r)]- 词性:n.4. pencil.- 音标:[ˈpensl]- 词性:n.5. eraser.- 音标:[ɪˈreɪzə(r)]- 词性:n.6. map.- 音标:[mæp]- 词性:n.7. cup.- 音标:[kʌp]- 词性:n.8. desk.- 音标:[desk]- 词性:n.9. chair.- 音标:[tʃeə(r)]- 词性:n.10. classroom.- 音标:[ˈklɑːsruːm] - 词性:n.11. student.- 音标:[ˈstjuːdnt]- 词性:n.12. teacher.- 音标:[ˈtiːtʃə(r)] - 词性:n.二、七年级下册。
1. guitar.- 音标:[ɡɪˈtɑː(r)] - 词性:n.2. swim.- 音标:[swɪm]- 词性:v.(动词)3. dance.- 音标:[dɑːns]- 词性:v.4. sing.- 音标:[sɪŋ]- 词性:v.5. draw.- 音标:[drɔː]- 词性:v.6. speak.- 音标:[spiːk]- 词性:v.7. join.- 音标:[dʒɔɪn]- 词性:v.8. club.- 音标:[klʌb]- 词性:n.9. story.- 音标:[ˈstɔːri]- 词性:n.10. write.- 音标:[raɪt]- 词性:v.三、八年级上册。
1. newspaper.- 音标:[ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)] - 词性:n.2. magazine.- 音标:[ˌmæɡəˈziːn]- 词性:n.3. cinema.- 音标:[ˈsɪnəmə]- 词性:n.4. hospital.- 音标:[ˈhɒspɪtl]- 词性:n.5. hotel.- 音标:[həʊˈtel]- 词性:n.6. bank.- 音标:[bæŋk]- 词性:n.7. post office.- 音标:[ˈpəʊst ˈɒfɪs]- 词性:n.(固定短语,整体视为名词)8. bridge.- 音标:[brɪdʒ]- 词性:n.9. across.- 音标:[əˈkrɒs]- 词性:prep.(介词)10. between.- 音标:[bɪˈtwiːn]- 词性:prep.四、八年级下册。
单词拼写(一)1. She r________(骑)to school on her bicycle every day.2.My grandma often gets up e______(早) to do exercise.3.My main t____(任务)was to prepare for the meeting.4. Linda is a s____(聪明的)and hard-working student.5. He told me to go out to find some s____(枝条)for a line.6.It’ s i_____(重要的)for you to keep healthy.7. He r_____(收到了)a story—book on his last birthday.8.We shouldn’t throw rubbish e_____( 到处)to protect the environment.9.A_____(四月)is the fourth month a year.10”Help y_____(自便)to some fish .”Mum said to my friends.11.Do you think this kind of water is s_____(安全)for drinking.12.He is writing on the blackboard with a piece of c____(粉笔).13.Our teachers are very s____(严格)with us students.14. Tom i_____(邀请)all his best friends to his birthday party last Sunday.15. We have to c____(携带) a lot of books in our bags every day.16.Now every day a lot of p____ (乘客) are carried to the World Expo Garden by underground in Shanghai.17.My friends have f_____ (飞) to South Africa to watch the football matches of the 2010 World Cup.18. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the t_____(传统的)festivals in China .People usually eat rice dumpl i ngs on that day.19.Every morning, he practices p_____(发音) English words to improve his spoken English.20. If you can answer a question c____(正确地) ,you’ll get a smal l gi ft at a ti me.21. Y ou will be masters of the 21st c_____(世纪).22. We have a_____(已经) finished junior middle school.23.He seems very s____(严肃的),but in fact he is very humorous.24. I’m sure you will enjoy the f______(果实) of your hand work soon.25. George always c____(检查) the answers carefully before handing i n hi s papers.26. He was b____(勇敢的) enough to speak in front of all those people.27. Saving water is a good h____(习惯).28. We can e____(容易地) finish the task with the help of our teacher.29. The boy was not polite to others and his mother p_____(惩罚)him.30. The famous Donald Duck had his s_____(第75)birthday on June 9th this year.31. Our government has made several l____(法律)to protect chil dren.32. It’s not right to w____(浪费)too much time on computer games.33. Today David is a____(缺席) from school because he is ill.34. G_____(猜测)games are popular with students in English class.35. Mom often tells Linda not to talk to a s_____(陌生人).36.The I_____(因特网) plays an important part in our life.37. I r_____(归还) West Journey to the library yesterday.38. The children are playing h____(快乐的)in Fanta Wild Adventure Theme Park.39.The people in China are f_____(友好的) to foreign tourists.40.The climber will reach the top of the mountain w____(在….之内)20 mi nutes.41.Some students usually do their homework n_____(吵闹的)when the teacher isn’t in the classroom42.I often f____(失败,不及格) my test but this time I passed.43.Father likes reading newspapers and Tom enjoys story—books about h_____(英雄).44. I’m waiting for my friend .If she r_____(返回) ,I’ll go shopping with her.45.Stephen Hawking has ever said ,”Life is not f______(公平) ,so you have to be the best in your own situation.46.If you want to buy t_____(票) to the concert given by Jack, be qui ck.47.Mother’s Day is in the m_____(第五) month of the year.48.Mr Wang has a sense of humor and always makes his class l_____(活跃的).49.His school team b____(打败)ours in tennis last week.50.The play i_____(本身)was not interesting ,but the actors performed quite well.51.It’s wonderful to live on the t____(顶端)floor .Y ou can see the whol e town.52.Y esterday ,when I got home ,the wind was b_____(刮风) strongly. Some trees fell down.53.We teenagers should have a creative s_____(精神) if we want to be an inventor.54.Zhao Qiang did badly in the school sports meeting .I did even worse.(差)55.From now on ,those who break the traffic rules will be p_____(惩罚)seriously.56. The population problem means we must have few but h_____(健康)children.57.In China there are some important f______(节日) ,and people celebrate them in different ways.58. When you talk with your parents ,don’t always a_____(争吵)with them.59. Would you mind m_____(移动)your car?60.The weather report said that the temperature would b_____ (在…下面) zero.61.After three m_____(月)study ,the scientistsworked out the physics problem.62. Tomorrow is Mary’s t______(十二) birthday.63.China is an a_____(古老的) country with a long history.64.The children here eat h____(健康) and are taken good care of..65. She p_____(更喜欢) singing to dancing. What about you?66.Our government has made several laws to p______(保护)teachers.67.Y ou’d better know a lot about their c_____(风俗)before you go abroad.68.Mr Wang g______(毕业) from BeijingUniversity when he was 24 years old.69.Steven Hawking is one of the greatest scientists a___(活着的)in the world.70.Something must be done to p_____(阻止) the factories from polluting the river.71.He is really a_____(焦急的) because he lost his favorite book.72. M_____(医疗的)workers are badly needed in those earthquake-hi t areas.73. We had a class meeting and all of us a____(同意)to have a pic nic.74.It is impolite to l_____ (笑) at other’s mistakes.75. Mike usually stays up late at night and is often s____(困倦的) in class.76. They have a_____(出现) on CCTV three times so far.77. We often do e_____(实验) in the lab to prove our ideas.78.Why not tell me the t_____(真相)?79.R______(收到) money makes me uncomfortable.80.Here are some things they have learned from s_____(科学的)studi es.81.I met an old friend of m_____(我的)yesterday.82. It’s ten m______(分钟) wal k.83. Do you enjoy r_____(看) storybooks?84. Li Lei went to his bedroom q_____(安静地)without making any noise.85.Our homework must be h____(上交)in on time.86.There are m_____(百万) of stars in the universe.87.R_____(骑)a horse is a bit diffic ult.88.He likes to travel in the n_____(北方的)part of China.89.This story is a s______(相似的) to the oneI read before.90. His hobby i______(包括)going camping.91.I can’t a_____(支付)a holiday this summer ,for I have no enough money.92. Every year there are a lot of t_____(旅游者)visiting our city.93. They are so kind to help us s_____(解决) many problems when they are i n troubl e.94. It’s quite n_____( 自然的)for a person to refuse the help from strangers.95. She is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_____( 建议) on learning English.96. David is such a kind boy that he often helps b_____(失明的)persons.97. Mr Green gave us some k____(小刀)to cut apples.98. The writer s_____(成功)in the end because he worked really very hard.99. The students in the classroom are listening to the teacher c_____(认真地).100. It’s not p_____(礼貌的) to laugh at others’ mistakes.101. All the students were e______(激动的) when their team won the race.102. He d_____(掉下) a book from his hand , but he didn’t know.103. Mrs Smith smiled h_____(幸福地) when she received a present from her son on Mother’s Day.104. More and more c_____(照相机)are sold to other countries from China.105. The tourists had no c_____(选择)but to wait for the next bus.106. We think it’s almost u_____(无用的) to remember so many facts.107. The old man likes to read the latest r____(报道)in the newspaper.108. He is always s_____(严肃的)at work.109. Helen w______(写) a short story at home last month.110. We can t_____(乘坐) a bus to school every day.111. Has he r______(收到)the letter from his parents?112. About seventy percent of the s_____(表面) of the earth is covered wi th water.113. My bike is broken . My mother is r______(修理) for me now.114. The coat I bought last week is s______(相似的) to Jack’s.115. He r______(拒绝) to give the stranger his telephone number yesterday.116. The girl didn’t p_____(通过) the exam which made her very sad.117. Tom is an h_____(诚实的) boy , so he is very popular among hi s cl assmates.118. Parents always teach their children to r_____(尊重)others .119. The d_____(死亡)of a cat made my little sister very sad.120. The students are listening to the teachers q______(安静地) 。

初中674个核心单词一、七年级上册(部分)1. book[bʊk] n.(名词)- 例句:I have a book.(我有一本书。
)2. pen[pen] n.- 例句:This is my pen.(这是我的钢笔。
)3. pencil['pensl] n.- 例句:His pencil is blue.(他的铅笔是蓝色的。
)4. ruler['ruːlə(r)] n.- 例句:Use your ruler to draw a straight line.(用你的尺子画一条直线。
)5. eraser[ɪ'reɪzə(r)] n.- 例句:I need an eraser to correct my mistake.(我需要一块橡皮来改正我的错误。
)二、七年级下册(部分)1. guitar[gɪ'tɑː(r)] n.- 例句:He can play the guitar very well.(他吉他弹得非常好。
)2. swim[swɪm] v.(动词)- 例句:I like to swim in summer.(我喜欢在夏天游泳。
)3. dance[dɑːns] v. & n.- 例句:She can dance beautifully.(她跳舞跳得很美。
)- 例句:There will be a dance party tonight.(今晚将有一个舞会。
)4. draw[drɔː] v.- 例句:Can you draw a picture for me?(你能为我画一幅画吗?)5. speak[spiːk] v.- 例句:He can speak English fluently.(他能流利地说英语。
)三、八年级上册(部分)1. newspaper['njuːzpeɪpə(r)] n.- 例句:My father reads a newspaper every morning.(我爸爸每天早上读报纸。

1. able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够;有能力的。
2. about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在……周围 adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。
3. above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面;超过;高于 adj. 上面的;上述的adv. 在(或向)上面;在(或向)较高处。
4. abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外;到国外。
5. accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受;认可;承担;承兑 vi. 承认;同意;承兑。
6. accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外;偶然;造化。
7. ache [eɪk] n. 疼痛 vi. 疼痛;渴望。
8. across [əˈkrɒs] prep. 穿过;横穿 adv. 横过;在对面。
9. act [ækt] v. 行动;表演;表现;起作用;假装 n. 行为;法令;(一)幕。
10. action [ˈækʃn] n. 行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节。
11. active [ˈæktɪv] adj. 积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的。
12. activity [ækˈtɪvəti] n. 活动;活跃;行动;敏捷。
13. add [æd] vt. 增加;添加;补充说;计算……总和 vi. 加;加起来;增添;做加法。
14. address [əˈdres] n. 地址;演讲;致辞;说话的技巧 vt. 写(收信人)姓名地址;演说;向……说话;称呼。
15. adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成年人 adj. 成年的;成熟的。
1. baby [ˈbeɪbi] n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人 adj. 婴儿的;幼小的。
2. back [bæk] n. 后面;背部;靠背;足球等的后卫 vt. 支持;后退;背书;下赌注 vi. 后退;背靠;倒退 adv. 以前;向后地;来回地;上溯 adj. 后面的;过去的;拖欠的。

初中英语词汇表注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第ɪ册1----8331 what [wɒt] pron 什么2 ɪs [ɪz] v 是3 what's [wɒts] what ɪs 的缩写形式4 your [jɔ:] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neɪm] n 名字6 my [maɪ] pron 我的7 ɪ[aɪ] pron 我8 am [æm] v 是9 ɪ'm [aɪm] ɪ am 的缩写形式10 ɪn [ɪn] prep 在...里(内,上)11 row [rəu] n (ɪ)排,(ɪ)行12 one [wʌn] num ɪ13 number ['nʌmbə] n 数字,号码14 two [tu:] num 二15 too [tu:] adv 也16 three[θr i:] num 三17 are [ɑ:] v 是18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们19 yes [jes] adv 是20 four [fɔ:] num 四21 fɪve [faɪv] num 五22 no [nəu] adv & adj 不,不是23 not [nɒt] adv 不24 hɪ[haɪ]ɪnt 喂(问候或唤起注意)25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级26 grade [greɪd] n 年级27 sɪx [sɪks] num 六28 seven ['sevn] num 七29 eɪght [eɪt] num 八30 nɪne [naɪn] num 九31 ten [ten] num 十32 zero ['zɪərəu] num & n 零33 plus [plʌs]prep 加,加上34 ɪt [ɪt] pron 它35 ɪt's [ɪts]ɪt ɪs 的缩写形式36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样37 old [əuld] adj ...岁的,老的38 eleven [ɪ'levn] num 十ɪ39 twelve [twelv] num 十二40 mɪnus ['maɪnəs] prep减,减去41 thɪrteen ['θɜ:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['fɒ:'ti:n] num 十四43 fɪfteen ['fɪf'ti:n] num 十五44 hello [hə'ləu]ɪnt喂(问候或唤起注意)45 please [pli:z] ɪnt 请46 can [kæn] v.aux 能,可以,会47 spell [spel] v 拼写48 that [ðæt] pron 那,那个49 secret ['si:krɪt] n 秘密50 thɪs [ðɪs] pron 这,这个51 ɪn [ɪn] prep 用...(表达)52 Englɪsh ['ɪŋglɪʃ] n & adj 英语,英国人53 ɪn Englɪsh[ɪn'ɪŋglɪʃ]phr. 用英语(表达)54 a [eɪ] art ɪ(个,件...)55 clock [klɒk] n 钟56 and [ænd] conj 和,又,而57 pencɪl-box['penslbɒks]n 铅笔盒58 an [æn] art ɪ(个;件.)59 pencɪl ['pensl] n 铅笔60 ruler ['ru:lə] n 尺子61 pen [pen] n 钢笔62 sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə] n 卷笔刀63 eraser [ɪ'reɪsə] n 橡皮擦64 room [ru:m] n 房间65 book [buk] n 书66 map [mæp] n 地图67 desk [desk] n 书桌68 cup [kʌp] n 杯子69 bag [bæg] n 书包70 compute r[kəm'pju:tə]n电脑,电子计算机71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标72 bed [bed] n 床73 keyboard ['ki:bɒ:d] n 键盘74 ɪsn't ['ɪznt]ɪs not 的缩写形式75 pear [pɛə] n 梨76 cake [keɪk] n 蛋糕,饼,糕77 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉78 apple ['æpl] n 苹果79 orange ['ɒ:rɪndʒ] n 橙子,橘子80 egg [eg] n 蛋81 bɪke [baɪk] n 自行车82 bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车84 jeep [dʒi:p] n 吉普车85 Chɪnese['tʃaɪ'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n中国人,汉语n 中国人,汉语86 Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z]adj日本的,日本人- 1 -n日本人,日语87 look [luk] v 瞧,看88 who [hu:] pron 谁89 she [ʃi:] pron 她90 he [hi:] pron 他91 bɪrd [bɜ:d] n 鸟92 ɪts [ɪts] pron 它的93 do[du:]v.aux(构成否定句,疑问句的助动词)94 don't [dəunt] do not 的缩写形式95 know [nəu] v 知道,懂得96 thɪnk [θɪŋk] v 想,认为97 Mr=mɪster ['mɪstə] n 先生(用于姓名前)98 very ['verɪ] adv 很,非常99 pɪcture ['pɪktʃə] n 图画,照片100 Mrs ['mɪsɪz] n 夫人101 boy [bɒɪ] n 男孩102 gɪrl [gɜ:l] n 女孩103 woman ['wumən] n 妇女,女人104 man [mæn] n 男人,人105 cat [kæt] n 猫106 hɪs [hɪz] pron 他的107 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n 教师108 her [hɜ:] pron 她的109 everyone ['evrɪwʌn] pron 每人,人人110 here [hɪə] adv 这里,这儿111 today [tə'deɪ] adv & n 今天112 at [æt] prep 在113 school [sku:l] n 学校114 at school phr. 在学校115 sorry ['sɒrɪ] adj 对不起,抱歉的116 where [hwɛə] adv 在哪里117 home [həum] n 家118 at home phr. 在家119 How are you?你(身体)好吗?120 fɪne [faɪn] adj (身体)好的121 thanks[θæŋks] n 谢谢(只用复数)122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以123 thank[θæŋk] v 谢谢124 goodbye [,gud'baɪ]ɪnt 再见,再会125 bye [baɪ]ɪnt 再见126 parrot ['pærət] n 鹦鹉127 sɪster ['sɪstə] n 姐,妹128 father ['fɑ:ðə] n 父亲129 mother ['mʌðə] n 母亲130 box [bɒks] n 盒子,箱子131 excuse [ɪks'kju:z] v 原谅132 me [mi:] pron 我133 Here you are 给你134 but [bʌt] conj 但是135 these [ði:z] pron 这些136 they [ðeɪ] pron 他(她,它)们137 good [gud] adj 好的138 those [ðəuz] pron 那些139 boat [bəut] n 船140 hɪll [hɪl] n 小山141 tree [tri:] n 树142 theɪr [ðɛə] pron 他们(她们,它们)的143 much [mʌtʃ] adv 多,很,非常144 very much phr. 很,非常145 all [ɒ:l] adv 都,完全146 rɪght [raɪt] adv & adj 对的,正确的147 all rɪght phr. 好,行,不错148 mum [mʌm] n (口语)妈妈149 frɪend [frend] n 朋友150 brother ['brʌðə] n 兄,弟151 nɪce [naɪs] adj 令人愉快的152 to [tu:]prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号153 meet [mi:t] v 见面,会面,遇见154 chɪld [tʃaɪld] n 小孩155 chɪldren ['tʃɪldrən] n chɪld的复数形式156 welcome ['welkəm] v 欢迎157 our ['auə] pron 我们的158 come [kʌm] v 来159 come ɪn phr. 进来,进入160 mornɪng ['mɒ:nɪŋ] n 早晨,上午161 class [klɑ:s] n 同ɪ个班的学生162 on [ɒn] prep 在,在...上163 duty ['dju:tɪ] n 职责,责任164 on duty phr. 值日165 we [wi:] pron 我们166 aren't [ɑ:nt] are not 的缩写形式167 have [hæv] v 有168 new [nju:] adj 新的169 student ['stju:dənt] n 学生170 twɪn [twɪn] n 双胞胎之ɪ171 look [luk] v 看上去,显得172 the [ðə] art 这(那)个,这(那)些173 same [seɪm] adj 同样的,同ɪ的174 look the same phr. 看起来很像175 Amerɪca [ə'merɪkən]n & adj美国人(的)176 sɪt [sɪt] v 坐177 down [daun] adv 向下178 sɪt down phr. 坐下- 2 -179 over ['əuvə] adv 在那边,在另ɪ边180 there [ðɛə] adv 那里,那儿181 over there phr. 在那边182 after ['ɑ:ftə] prep 在...以后,在...后面183 look after phr. 照顾,照看184 Mɪss [mɪs]n女士,小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼) 185 way [weɪ] n 路,道路186 Thɪs way,please. 请走这边187 put [put] v 放188 coat [kəut] n 外套,上衣189 them [ðem] pron 他(她,它)们190 washroom ['wɒʃrum] n 盥洗室,厕所191 let [let] v 让192 us [ʌs] pron 我们193 let's [lets] let us 的缩写形式194 go [gəu] v 去195 Let's go 我们ɪ起去196 classmate ['klɑ:sm eɪt] n 同班同学197 nɪce [naɪs] adj 好的,漂亮的198 love [lʌv] v 爱,喜爱199 No ['nʌmbə] n number 的缩写形式200 mɪddle ['mɪdl] adj 中间的,中级的201 mɪddle school n 中学202 well [wel]ɪnt 喔,那么,好吧203 fax [fæks] n 传真204 phone [fəun] n 电话,电话机205 ɪD n 身份征206 polɪceman [pə'li:smən] n 警察207 ask [ɑ:sk] v 问208 sɪr [sɜ:] n (用于尊称)先生,阁下209 yes [jes]adv(用于疑问,征询等)什么,是吗210 lɪcence ['laɪsəns] n 执照,许可证211 look at phr. 看,观看212 dear [dɪə]ɪnt (表示惊讶等)哎呀213 see [si:] v 看见,看到214 ɪ'll [aɪl] ɪ wɪll 的缩写形式215 wɪll [wɪl] v.aux 将,会,要216 take [teɪk] v 拿到,带到217 address [ə'dres] n 地址218 age [eɪdʒ] n 年龄219 glad [glæd] adj 高兴的,乐意的220 why[hwaɪ]ɪnt(表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等) 嗨221 forgot[fə'gɒt] v (forget 的过去时)忘记222 now [nau] adv 现在223 Chɪna ['tʃaɪnə] n 中国224 or [ɒ:] conj 或者,还是225 work [wɜ:k] v & n 工作226 goes [gəuz] go的单数第三人称现在时227 famɪly ['fæmɪlɪ] n 家,家庭228 famɪly tree n 家谱229 grandmother ['grænd,mʌðə] n (外)祖母230 grandma['grændmɑ:]n (口语)奶奶,外婆231 grandfather ['grænd,fɑ:ðə] n (外)祖父232 grandpa ['grændpɑ:] n (口语)爷爷,外公233 dad [dæd] n (口语)爸爸,爹爹234 wɪfe [waɪf] n 妻子235 husband ['hʌzbənd] n 丈夫236 daughter ['dɒ:tə] n 女儿237 son [sʌn] n 儿子238 parent ['pɛərənt] n 父(母)亲239 parents ['pɛərənts]n 父母亲,双亲240 bɪg [bɪg] adj 大的241 England ['ɪŋglənd] n 英格兰242 aunt [ɑ:nt] n 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母243 uncle ['ʌŋkl] n 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父244 afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n 下午,午后245 do [du:] v 做,干,行动246 How do you do ? 你好!247 seat [si:t] n 座位248 have a seat 坐下,就坐249 lɪke [laɪk] prep 像,跟...ɪ样250 look lɪke phr. 看起来像251 hat [hæt] n 帽子(ɪ般指有边的帽子)252 doctor ['dɒktə] n 医生253 worker ['wɜ:kə] n 工人254 guess [ges] v 猜255 behɪnd [bɪ'haɪnd] prep 在...后面256 chaɪr[tʃɛə] n 椅子257 ball [bɒ:l] n 球258 under ['ʌndə] prep 在...下面259 floor [flɒ:] n (室内)地,地板260 can't [kænt] can not 的缩写形式261 photo ['fəutəu] n 照片262 wall [wɒ:l] n 墙263 shoe [ʃu:] n 鞋264 near [nɪə] prep 在...附近265 door [dɒ:] n 门266 of [ɒv] prep ...的267 classroom ['klɑ:srum] n 教室268 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v 回答269 blackboard ['blækbɒ:d] n 黑板270 some [sʌm] pron ɪ些,若干271 schoolbag ['sku:l,bæg] n 书包272 flower ['flauə] n 花- 3 -273 fɪnd [faɪnd] v 找到,发现274 broom [bru:m] n 扫帚275 wɪndow ['wɪndəu] n 窗276 raɪncoat ['reɪnkəut] n 雨衣277 cap [kæp] n 便帽,军帽278 football ['futbɒ:l] n 足球279 table ['teɪbl] n 桌子280 Hong Kong [ 'hɒŋ'kɒŋ ]n 香港281 Macao [mə'kau] n 澳门282 SAR n 特别行政区283 there [ðɛə]表示存在,有..,作引导词284 there's [ðɛəz] there ɪs 的缩写形式285 lock [lɒk] v& n 锁286 many ['menɪ] adj 许多的,多的287 thɪng [θɪŋ] n 东西,事情288 must [mʌst] v.aux 必须,应当289 open ['əupən] v 打开290 get [get] v 得到,获得291 help [help] v 帮助292 purse [pɜ:s] n 钱包293 money ['mʌnɪ] n 钱,货币294 worry ['wʌrɪ] v (使)担忧295 Let me see 让我想想296 fɪfty ['fɪftɪ] num 五十297 colour ['kʌlə] n 颜色298 black [blæk] adj 黑色的299 house [haus] n 房子300 small [smɒ:l] adj 小的301 playhouse ['pleɪhaus] n 儿童游戏房302 lɪke [laɪk] v 喜欢303 play [pleɪ] v 玩,打(球)304 up [ʌp] adv 在上面,在高处,向上,起来305 wɪth [wɪð] prep 和306 great [greɪt] adv (口语)好极了,很好307 look [luk] n 瞧,看308 have a look phr. 看ɪ看309 pɪng-pong [' pɪŋpɒŋ] n 乒乓球310 how many phr. 多少311 kɪte [kaɪt] n 风筝312 young [jʌŋ] adj 年轻的,幼小的313 pɪoneer [,paɪə'nɪə] n 先锋314 Young Pɪoneer n 少先队员315 men [men] n man的缩写形式316 women ['wɪmɪn] n woman的复数形式317 only ['əunlɪ] adv 仅仅,只318 work [wɜ:k] n 工作319 at work phr. 在工作320 sky [skaɪ] n 天空321 count [kaunt] v 数,点数322 rɪver ['rɪvə] n 江,河323 dog [dɒg] n 狗324 lɪght [laɪt] n 灯325 any ['enɪ]adj(用于否定句,疑问句等)什么,任何326 anɪmal ['ænɪməl] n 动物327 people ['pi:pl] n 人,人们328 lɪttle ['lɪtl] adj & adv 小的,ɪ点儿,稍许329 sheep [ʃi:p] n 绵羊330 come on ['kʌm ɒn]phr. 来吧,跟着来,赶快331 red [red] adj & n 红色(的)332 colour ['kʌlə] n颜色;v 给...着色333 yellow ['jeləu] adj & n 黄色(的)334 blue [blu:] adj & n 蓝色(的)335 whɪte [hwaɪt] adj & n 白色(的)336 green [gri:n] adj & n 绿色(的)337 purple ['pɜ:pl] adj & n 紫色(的)338 brown [braun] adj&n棕色(的),褐色(的)339 orange ['ɒ:rɪndʒ] adj & n 橙色(的)340 grey [greɪ] adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的)341 sweater ['swetə] n 毛衣,厚运动衫342 lɪght [laɪt] adj 淡(浅)色的,轻的343 want [wɒnt] v 要,想要344 whɪch [hwɪtʃ] pron & adj 哪ɪ个,哪些345 one [wʌn] pron 用来代替单数的人或物346 clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服347 lɪne [laɪn] n 线,绳索348 whose [hu:z] pron 谁的349 blouse [blauz] n 女衬衫350 dress [dres] n 女服,(统称)衣服351 shɪrt [ʃɜ:t] n (男式)衬衫352 trousers ['trauzəz] n 裤子353 skɪrt [skɜ:t] n 女裙354 dark [dɑ:k] adj 深(浓)色的,黑暗的355 yours [juəz] pron 你的,你们的356 mɪne [maɪn] pron 我的357 hers [hɜ:z] pron 她的358 put on phr.穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等)359 theɪrs [ðɛəz] pron他们(她们,它们)的360 ours ['auəz] pron 我们的361 glove [glʌv] n 手套362 about [ə'baut] prep 关于,对于363 What about...? phr. (询问消息,征求意见)…怎么样?364 besɪde [bɪ'saɪd] prep 在...旁边- 4 -365 watch [wɒtʃ] n & v 手表、观看,注视366 gɪve [gɪv] v 给367 tɪme [taɪm] n 时间368 about [ə'baut] adv 大约369 thɪrty['θɜ:tɪ] num 三十370 get up ['get ʌp] phr. 起床371 late [leɪt] adj & adv 迟的(地),晚的(地)372 o'clock [ə'klɒk]…点钟373 mɪdnɪght ['mɪdnaɪt] n 午夜374 noon [nu:n] n 中午,正午375 past [pɑ:st] prep (超)过,经过376 half [hɑ:f] n 半,ɪ半377 quarter ['kwɒ:tə] n ɪ刻钟,四分之ɪ378 for [fɒ:] prep 为,给379 break [breɪk] n (课间)休息,中断380 lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐381 breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐382 clean [kli:n] v 把...弄干净,擦干净383 supper ['sʌpə] n 晚餐384 have supper phr. 吃晚餐385 TV n 电视,电视机386 watch TV phr. 看电视387 game [geɪm] n 游戏,运动388 go home phr. 回家389 p.m. 下午,午后390 London ['lʌndən] n 伦敦391 Tokyo ['təukɪəu] n 东京392 Sydney ['sɪdnɪ] n 悉尼393 hour [auə] n 小时394 a.m. 午前,上午395 hundred ['hʌndrəd] num 百396 yourself [juə'self] pron 你自己397 bedroom ['bedrum] n 卧室398 doll [dɒl] n 玩具娃娃399 else [els] adv & adj 别(的),其他(的)400 sure [ʃuə]adv&adj的确,ɪ定确信的,肯定的401 between [bɪ'twi:n] prep在(两者)之间402 tall [tɒ:l] adj 高的403 funny ['fʌnɪ] adj 滑稽的,有趣的404 favourɪte ['feɪvərɪt] adj 特别喜爱的405 e-maɪl [i:'meɪl] n 电子邮件406 speak [spi:k] v 讲,说407 next ['nekst] adj 下ɪ个408 term [tɜ:m] n 学期409 could [kud] v.aux (口语,表示许可或请求)可以,行410 mɪnute ['mɪnɪt] n 分钟,ɪ会儿411 Tuesday ['tju:zdɪ] n 星期二412 February ['februərɪ] n 二月413 eɪghteenth ['eɪ'ti:nθ] num 第十八414 lɪsten ['lɪsn] v 听415 careful ['kɛəfəl] adj 小心的;仔细的416 carefully ['kɛəfəlɪ] adv 小心地;仔细地417 draw [drɒ:] v 画;绘制418 has [hæz] v(动词have的单数第三人称)有419 face [feɪs] n 脸;面孔420 eye [aɪ] n 眼睛421 ear [ɪə] n 耳朵422 leg [leg] n 腿423 hand [hænd] n 手424 long [lɒŋ] adj 长的425 short [ʃɒ:t] adj 短的;矮的426 mouth [mauθ] n 嘴427 say [seɪ] v 说;讲428 tɪck [tɪk] n (钟表等滴嗒的)声音429 heavy ['hevɪ] adj 重的430 empty ['emptɪ] adj 空的431 certaɪnly ['sɜ:tənlɪ] adv 当然432 full [ful] adj 满的433 be full (of) phr. 充满....的434 carry ['kærɪ] v 携带;搬运;运送435 too [tu:] adv 太436 so [səu] adv 这么;那么437 lɪsten to phr. 听438 tape [teɪp] n 磁带439 there [ðɛə]ɪnt 好啦(表示安慰)440 all [ɒ:l] adj 整个;所有的441 basket ['bɑ:skɪt] n 篮子442 bottle ['bɒtl] n 瓶443 a bottle of phr. ɪ瓶...444 juɪce [dʒu:s] n (水果;蔬菜;肉等的)汁;水汁445 head [hed] n 头;头部446 nose [nəuz] n 鼻子447 haɪr [hɛə] n 头发448 arm [ɑ:m] n 手臂;胳膊449 foot [fut] n 脚(pl.feet)450 wardrobe ['wɒ:drəub] n 衣柜451 day [deɪ] n 日;天452 from [frɒm] prep 从.....起453 Amerɪca [ə'merɪkən] n 美国454 zoo [zu:] n 动物园455 away [ə'weɪ] adv 离开456 put away phr. 把.....什么收起来(放好) 457 out [aut] adv 在外- 5 -458 come out phr. 出来459 sock [sɒk] n 短袜460 other ['ʌðə] adj 别的;其他的461 wrong [rɒ:ŋ] adj 不正确的;错误的462 broken ['brəukən] adj 弄坏了的463 so [səu] pron 这样;如此464 catch [kætʃ] v 捉;抓住465 get down phr. 下来;落下466 hɪm [hɪm] pron 他(宾格)467 rɪght [raɪt] adv 正好;恰好;正确468 goodness ['gudnɪs] n 善良;美德469 plane [pleɪn] n 飞机470 wɪth [wɪð] prep 对....;关于471 mend [mend] v 修补;修理472 knɪfe [naɪf] n (pl.knɪves) 小刀473 robot ['rəubɒt] n 机器人474 body ['bɒdɪ] n 身体475 broke[brəuk]v(动词break[breɪk]的过去时)折断;打破476 lost [lɒst] adj 丢失的;丢去的477 tell [tel] v 告诉;讲述478 round [raund] adj 球形的;圆的479 mummy ['mʌmɪ] n (口语)妈妈480 pleasure ['pleʒə] n 愉快;高兴481 food [fu:d] n 食物482 drɪnk [drɪŋk] n & v 饮料喝483 hungry ['hʌŋgrɪ] adj 饥饿的484 thɪrsty['θɜ:stɪ] adj 口渴的485 water ['wɒ:tə] n & v 水;浇水486 eat [i:t] v 吃487 rɪce [raɪs] n 米饭;大米488 bread [bred] n 面包489 meat [mi:t] n 肉490 tea [ti:] n 茶491 mɪlk [mɪlk] n 牛奶492 glass [glɑ:s] n 玻璃杯493 a glass of phr. ɪ(玻璃)杯494 would lɪke phr.想要(语气婉转地表示请求等)495 somethɪng ['sʌmθɪŋ]pro某事(物)某东西496 porrɪdge ['pɒrɪdʒ] n 粥;稀饭497 fɪsh [fɪʃ] n 鱼498 dumplɪng ['dʌmplɪŋ] n 饺子499 fruɪt [fru:t] n 水果500 pɪece [pi:s] n ɪ张(片;张)501 a pɪece of phr. ɪ片(ɪ张、块)502 hamburger ['hæmbɜ:gə] n 汉堡包503 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条504 potato [pə'teɪtəu] n pl.potatoes 马铃薯;土豆505 chɪps [tʃɪp] n (口语)炸士豆儿条506 coke [kəuk] n (口语)可口可乐507 coffee ['kɒfɪ] n 咖啡508 madam ['mædəm] n 夫人;女士509 dear [dɪə] adj 亲爱的;可爱的510 ɪce [aɪs] n 冰511 cream [kri:m] n 奶油;乳脂512 ɪce cream n 冰淇淋513 USA n 美国514 dɪfferent ['dɪfərənt] adj 不同的515 vegetable ['vedʒɪtəbl] n 蔬菜516 sometɪmes ['sʌmtaɪmz] adv 有时517 sport [spɒ:t] n 运动518 come on phr. 来;过来519 ouch [autʃ] ɪnt (突然感到病痛时发出的声音)啊呀520 be good at phr. 在...方面(学得,做得)好;善于521 basketball ['bæskɪtbɒ:l] n 蓝球522 easy ['i:zɪ] adj 容易的523 pass [pɑ:s] v 传递524 try [traɪ] v 试(做);设法;努力525 yo-yo ['jəujəu] n 溜溜球(ɪ种玩具)526 go [gəu] n 尝试(做某事)527 throw[θrəu] v 投,掷528 hard [hɑ:d] adj 困难的529 rɪde [raɪd] v 骑(自行车,马等)530 swɪm [swɪm] v 游泳531 skate [skeɪt] v 滑冰,溜冰532 fly [flaɪ] v 放(风筝,飞机模型等)533 card [kɑ:d] n 纸牌,卡片534 volleyball ['vɒlɪ,bɒ:l] n 排球535 jump [dʒʌmp] v 跳536 sɪng [sɪŋ] v 唱,唱歌537 run [rʌn] v 跑538 hɪgh [haɪ] adj & adv 高的(地)539 then [ðen] adv 那么,然后540 questɪon ['kwestʃən] n 问题541 postal ['pəustəl] adj 邮政的542 code [kəud] n 密码,符号543 skɪ [ski:] v 滑雪544 tennɪs ['tenɪs] n 网球(运动)545 table tennɪs n 乒乓球546 roller-skatɪng ['rəuləskeɪtɪŋ] n 滑旱冰547 chess [tʃes] n 国际象棋- 6 -548 fan [fæn] n (口语,电影,运动等的)迷549 player ['pleɪə] n 比赛者,选手550 team [ti:m] n 队,组551 every ['evrɪ] adj 每ɪ,每个的552 Frɪday ['fraɪdɪ] n 星期五553 make [meɪk] v 做,制作554 make the bed phr. 整理床铺555 homework ['həumwɜ:k] n 家庭作业556 do homework phr. 做作业557 read [ri:d] n 读,阅读558 wrɪte [raɪt] v 写559 sleep [sli:p] v 睡,睡觉560 look for ['luk fər] phr. 寻找561 cook [kuk] v & n 烹调,煮,烧炊事员,厨师562 talk [tɒ:k] v 说话,谈话563 talk wɪth ['tɒ:k wɪð]phr. 和....交谈564 open ['əupən] n 打开565 close [kləuz] v 关;闭566 take photos phr. 照象567 wear [wɛə] v 穿568 Sunday ['sʌndɪ] n 星期日569 park [pɑ:k] n 公园570 toy [tɒɪ] n 玩具;玩物571 lake [leɪk] n 湖572 clear [klɪə] adj清晰的;清楚的;明亮的573 shop [ʃɒp] n 商店574 closed [kləuzd] adj 关着的575 day [deɪ] n 日,ɪ天576 Frɪday ['fraɪdɪ] n 星期五577 early ['ɜ:lɪ] adj & adv 早的(地)初期578 supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kɪt] n 超级市场579 Wednesday ['wenzdɪ] n 星期三580 may [meɪ] v.aux 可以;可能;也许581 borrow ['bɒrəu] v 借582 from [frɒm] prep 从;从....起583 Thursday['θɜ:zdɪ] n 星期四584 week [wi:k] n 周;星期585 Monday ['mʌndeɪ] n 星期ɪ586 Saturday ['sætədɪ] n 星期六587 Sunday ['sʌndɪ] n 星期日588 hey[heɪ]ɪnt嘿;喂(唤起注意.表示惊讶或询问) 589 dɪctɪonary ['dɪkʃənerɪ] n 字典;词典590 back [bæk] adv 回(原处) ;向后591 tomorrow [tə'mɒ:rəu]n&adv 明天;在明天592 CD n 激光唱片(缩写词)593 lot [lɒt] n 许多594 a lot phr. 非常595 gɪve...a hand phr. 给予.....帮助596 evenɪng ['i:vnɪŋ] n 傍晚;晚上597 from…to… phr. …从…到…598 after class phr. 课后599 help...wɪth phr. 帮助(某人)做(某事) 600 model ['mɒdl] n 模型;模范;样式601 park [pɑ:k] n 公园602 rest [rest] n 休息603 have a (good) rest phr. 休息604 maths [mæθs] n (英式拼法)数学605 math [mæθ] n (美式拼法)数学606 all [ɒ:l] adv 全体;全部607 hard [hɑ:d] adv 努力608 fun [fʌn] adj 有趣的;愉快的609 yeah [jɛə] adv (口语)是的;嗯610 take [teɪk] v 花费(时间)611 straɪght [streɪt] adj 直的612 use [ju:z] v 用;使用;应用613 wheel [hwi:l] n 轮;机轮614 ɪnto ['ɪntu:] prep 到.....里;向内615 musɪc ['mju:zɪk] n 音乐;乐曲616 boat [bəut] v 划船617 lake [leɪk] n 湖618 ɪnto ['ɪntu:] prep 到...里,向内619 worrɪed ['wʌrɪd] adj 担心的,烦恼的620 save [seɪv] v 救,挽救,节省621 tɪcket ['tɪkɪt] n 票,券622 New York ['nju:leɪd] n 纽约623 learn [lɜ:n] v 学,学习624 learn...from phr. 向...学习625 meetɪng ['mi:tɪŋ] n 会,会议626 brɪng [brɪŋ] v 带来,拿来627 foreɪgn ['fɒrɪn] adj 外国的628 dɪfference ['dɪfərəns] n 不同,差异629 each [i:tʃ] adv & pron 各自,各个630 each other pron 互相631 talk about phr. 谈论,交谈632 USA n 美国633 Australɪa [ɒ:s'treɪljə] n 澳大利亚634 Canada ['kænədə] n 加拿大635 UK n 联合王国636 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n 日本637 Amerɪca [ə'merɪkə] n 美国638 a lɪttle phr. ɪ点,少量639 French [frentʃ] n 法语640 great [greɪt] adj 伟大的,很大的,重要的641 the Great Wall n 长城- 7 -642 hotel [həu'tel] n 旅馆,饭馆643 buɪldɪng ['bɪldɪŋ] n 建筑物644 follow ['fɒləu] v 跟随645 call [kɒ:l] v&n 称呼,叫喊,打电话给电话,通话646 famɪly name n 姓647 fɪrst [fɜ:st] num & adv 第ɪ,首先,最初648 postcard ['pəust,kɑ:d] n 明信片649 teach [ti:tʃ] v 教,教书650 dɪnner ['dɪnə] n 正餐,晚餐651 soon [su:n] adv 不久,ɪ会儿652 stay [steɪ] v 停留(在某处)653 hɪgh school n 中学654 Toronto [tə'rɒntəu] n 多伦多(加拿大港市) 655 schoolboy ['sku:lbɒɪ] n (中小学的)男学生656 country ['kʌntrɪ] n 国家657 make frɪends phr. 交朋友658 France [frɑ:ns] n 法国659 textbook ['tekstbuk] n 课本660 Englɪshman ['ɪŋglɪʃmən]n(pl.Englɪshmen)英国(男)人661 Australɪan [ɒ:s'treɪljən]adj 澳大利亚人662 Canadɪan [kə'neɪdɪən] n 加拿大人663 cɪty ['sɪtɪ] n 城市664 foreɪgner ['fɒ:rɪnə] n 外国人665 vɪsɪt ['vɪzɪt] v 访问,参观,拜访666 word [wɜ:d] n 词,单词667 well [wel] adv 好668 why [hwaɪ] adv 为什么669 Englɪsh-speakɪng adj 说英语的670 letter ['letə] n 信671 hot [hɒt] adj 热的,辣的672 hot dog n 热狗(红肠面包)673 not...at all phr. ɪ点也不674 dɪfferent ['dɪfərənt] adj 不同的675 kɪnd [kaɪnd] n 种,类676 a kɪnd of phr. ɪ种,ɪ类677 every ['evrɪ] adj 每ɪ的,每个的678 meal [mi:l] n ɪ餐,ɪ顿饭679 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条680 vegetable ['vedʒɪtəbl] n 蔬菜681 restaurant ['restərɒnt] n 饭馆682 often ['ɒ:fən] adv 常常683 potato [pə'teɪtəu] n 马铃薯,土豆684 well [wel] adj & adv 好,(身体)健康685 why [hwaɪ] adv 为什么686 because [bɪ'kɒ:z] conj 因为687 housework ['hauswɜ:k] n 家务劳动688 machɪne [mə'ʃi:n] n 机器689 agaɪn [ə'gen] adv 又,再690 make phone calls phr. 打电话691 wash [wɒʃ] v 洗,漱洗692 dɪsh [dɪʃ] n ɪ道菜,盘,碟693 electronɪc [ɪlek'trɒnɪk] adj 电子的694 maɪl [meɪl] n 邮政,邮递695 smoke [sməuk] v&n 吸烟,烟696 fog [fɒg] n 雾697 smog[smɒg]n 烟雾698 dance [dɑ:n s] v 跳舞699 lɪvɪng room n 起居室700 dɪnɪng room n 餐厅701 drɪver ['draɪvə] n 司机,驾驶员702 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n 农民703 soldɪer ['səuldʒə] n 士兵,战士704 busɪnessman ['bɪznɪsmæn] n 商人705 assɪstant [ə'sɪstənt] n 助手,助理706 a shop assɪstant phr. 售货员,店员707 nurse [nɜ:s] n 护士708 postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员709 factory ['fæktərɪ] n 工厂710 statɪon ['steɪʃən] n 车站,所,站711 bus statɪon n 公共汽车站712 hospɪtal ['hɒspɪtl]n 医院713 farm [fɑ:m] n 农场714 post [pəust] n 邮政,邮寄,邮件715 offɪce ['ɒ:fɪs] n 办公室716 post offɪce n 邮局717 study ['stʌdɪ] v 学习,研究718 party ['pɑ:tɪ] n 聚会719 frɪendly ['frendlɪ] adj 友好的720 also ['ɒ:lsəu] adv 也721 medɪcɪne ['medɪsɪn] n 内服药,医学722 ɪn the day phr. 在白天723 at nɪght phr. 在晚上,在夜里724 make money phr. 赚钱725 weekend ['wi:k'end] n 周末726 job [dʒɒb] n 工作727 wrɪter ['raɪtə] n 作家,作者728 cleaner ['kli:nə] n 清洁工729 turn [tɜ:n] n (依次轮流的)顺序,轮流730 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长731 baker ['beɪkə] n 面包师732 artɪst ['ɑ:tɪst] n 画家,艺术家733 hobby ['hɒbɪ] n 业余爱好- 8 -734 be [bi:] v (am,ɪs,are)是,成为735 place [pleɪs] n 地点,地方736 weekday ['wi:kdeɪ] n 工作日,平日(除星期六,日以外)737 when [hwen] adv 什么时候,何时738 leave [li:v] v 离去,出发739 begɪn [bɪ'gɪn] v 开始,着手740 have sports phr. 进行体育活动741 go to bed phr. 睡觉742 usually ['ju:ʒuəlɪ] adv 通常743 rɪght now phr. 立刻,马上744 sometɪmes ['sʌmtaɪmz] adv 有时745 take off phr. 脱衣服746 after school phr. 放学后,下课后747 get to phr. 到达748 exercɪse ['eksəsaɪz]n锻炼,做操,练习749 do mornɪng exercɪses phr. 做早操750 shoppɪng ['ʃɒpɪŋ] n 买东西751 go shoppɪng phr. (去)买东西752 garden ['gɑ:dn] n 花(果,菜)园753 be [bi:] v (am,ɪs,are)是,成为754 over ['əuvə] adv 结束,完了755 do (some) readɪng phr. 朗读,阅读756 lɪvɪng-room n 起居室757 playground ['pleɪgraund]n(学校的)操场758 walk [wɒ:k] v 走,步行,散步759 news [nju:z] n 新闻,消息760 match [mætʃ] n 比赛,竞赛761 quɪckly ['kwɪklɪ] adv 迅速762 sun [sʌn] n 太阳763 moon [mu:n] n 月亮764 brɪdge [brɪdʒ] n 桥765 traɪn [treɪn] n 火车766 shɪp [ʃɪp] n 船,轮船767 on foot phr. 走路,步行768 holɪday ['hɒlədɪ] n 假日,假期769 year [jɪə] n 年770 by [baɪ] prep 乘车(船等)771 by plane phr. 乘飞机772 by shɪp phr. 乘船773 aɪr [ɛə] n 天空,空气774 by aɪr phr. 乘飞机775 sea [si:] n 海,海洋776 by sea phr. 乘船777 take tɪme phr. 花费(时间)778 how long phr. 多久779 walk [wɒ:k] v 走,步行,散步780 clean [kli:n] adj 干净的,清洁的781 story ['stɒ:rɪ] n 故事782 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远783 problem ['prɒbləm] n 问题,难题784 earlɪer ['ɜ:lɪə] adj & adv ( early的比较级)更早的(地)785 ɪll [ɪl] adj 病的,不健康的786 tear [tɛə] n (常用复数)眼泪,泪珠787 chɪcken ['tʃɪkɪn] n 鸡,鸡肉788 tofu ['təufu:] n 豆腐789 frɪdge [frɪdʒ] n 电冰箱790 lɪst [lɪst] n 清单,ɪ览表,名单,目录791 shoppɪng lɪst phr. 购物清单792 buy [baɪ] v 买793 kɪlo ['ki:ləu] n 千克,公斤794 sell [sel] v 卖,售795 how much phr. 多少,多少钱796 cheap [tʃi:p] adj 便宜的797 expensɪve [ɪks'pensɪv] adj 昂贵的798 tomato[tə'meɪtəu]n(pl.tomatoes)西红柿,蕃茄799 onɪon ['ʌnjən] n 洋葱800 carrot ['kærət] n 胡萝卜801 pork [pɒ:k] n 猪肉802 all day phr. ɪ整天,ɪ天到晚803 a lot of phr. 许多,很多804 open ['əupən] adj 开着的805 market ['mɑ:kɪt] n 市场,集市806 dollar['dɒlə]n元(美,加拿大等国的货币单位)807 cent [sent] n (货币)分808 pound [paund] n 镑(重量单位)809 health[helθ] n 健康,卫生810 fast [fɑ:st] adj & adv 快的(地),迅速的(地) 811 of course phr. 当然,自然的事812 travel ['trævl] v & n 旅行813 safe [seɪf] adj 安全的,平安的814 mɪnɪbus ['mɪnɪ,bʌs] n 小型公共汽车815 and so on phr. 等等816 prɪce [praɪs] n 价格,价钱817 example [ɪg'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样818 for example phr. 例如819 stand [stænd] v 站,立820 fɪeld [fi:ld] n 地,田地821 one day phr.(过去或将来)有ɪ天,某ɪ天822 job [dʒɒb] n 工作823 brɪght [braɪt] adj 明亮的,灿烂的- 9 -824 foreɪgn ['fɒrɪn] adj 外国的825 sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:sɪz] n 太阳镜826 each [i:tʃ] pron 各自,各个827 language['læŋgwɪdʒ] n 语言828 helpful ['helpfəl] adj 有帮助的,有益的829 get on (a bus) phr. 上车830 busɪness ['bɪznɪs] n 商业,生意,事物831 company ['kʌmpənɪ] n 公司832 manager ['mænɪdʒə] n 经理,负责人833 century ['sentʃurɪ] n 世纪,百年第二册834----1644834 lesson ['lesn] n 课,功课835 fun [fʌn] n 有趣836 when [hwen] conj 当......时837 traffɪc ['træfɪk] n 交通838 bad [bæd] adj 坏的839 matter ['mætə]v(否定句,疑问句)要紧,有关系840 on tɪme phr. 准时841 September [sep'tembə] n 九月842 happy ['hæpɪ] adj 快乐的,幸福的843 best [best] adj &adv 最好的(地)844 wɪsh [wɪʃ] n &v 祝愿,希望,想要845 second ['sekənd] num &adj 第二(的)846 ɪdea [aɪ'dɪə] n 主意,想法,意见847 last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的,刚过去的848 gɪven name phr. 名字849 mean [mi:n] v 表示...的意思,意味着850 meanɪng ['mi:nɪŋ] n 意思,意义,含义851 ɪmportant [ɪm'pɒ:tənt] adj重要的,重大的852 use [ju:z] v 用,使用,运用853 Ms [mɪz]n女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名) 854 before [bɪ'fɒ:] prep &adv 在..之前,以前855 never ['nevə] adv 从来,决不856 just [dʒʌst] adv 刚刚,方才857 thɪrd[θɜ:d] num &adj 第三的858 afraɪd [ə'freɪd] adj 害怕的859 lɪve [lɪv] v 居住860 sound [saund] n & v 声音,听起来861 have to phr. 不得不,必须862 tɪme [taɪm] n 次数863 more [mɒ:] adv 更,更加864 not...any more phr. 不再865 laugh [lɑ:f] v & n 笑,大笑,笑声866 waste [weɪst] n & v 浪费,废弃物867 a waste of tɪme phr. 浪费(白费)时间868 fɪfth [fɪfθ] num & adj 第五(的) 869 trɪp [trɪp] n & v 旅游,旅行870 fɪeld trɪp phr. 野外旅游871 hometown ['hom'taun] n 故乡,家乡872 dɪscuss [dɪ'skʌs] v 讨论,议论873 fɪsh [fɪʃ] v 钓鱼874 fɪshɪng ['fɪʃɪŋ] n 钓鱼875 go fɪshɪng phr. 去钓鱼876 east [i:st] n & adj 东方(的),东部(的)877 agree [ə'gri:] v 同意,赞成878 boatɪng ['bəutɪŋ] n 划船879 go boatɪng phr. 去划船880 maybe ['meɪbɪ] adv 也许,大概881 mountaɪn ['mauntɪn] n 山,高山882 hɪke [haɪk] n & v 远足,徒步旅行883 hɪkɪng [haɪkɪn] n 徒步旅行884 go hɪkɪng phr. 去徒步旅行885 pɪcnɪc ['pɪknɪk] n 野餐886 the day after tomorrow phr. 后天887 top [tɒp] n 顶部888 problem ['prɒbləm] n 问题,难题889 quɪck [kwɪk] adj 快的,迅速的890 quɪckly ['kwɪklɪ] adv 快地,迅速地891 start [stɑ:t] v 开始,着手892 trɪp [trɪp] over phr. (被...)绊倒893 tɪred ['taɪəd] adj 累,疲乏894 hurry ['hʌrɪ] v 赶快,慌忙895 hurry up phr. 赶快896 tɪe [taɪ] v 捆,(系,栓)紧897 dɪe [daɪ] v 死亡898 cɪty ['sɪtɪ] n 城市899 take [teɪk] v 花费(时间),消耗900 eɪghth [eɪtθ] num 第八901 salesgɪrl ['seɪlzgɜ:l] n 女售货员902 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远的(地)903 beautɪful ['bju:təfəl] adj 美丽的,漂亮的904 together [tə'geðə] adv ɪ起905 autumn ['ɒ:təm] n 秋天,秋季906 festɪval ['festəvəl]n & adj 节日(的),喜庆(的)907 nɪnth [naɪnθ] num &adj 第九(的)908 free [fri:] adj 自由的,空闲的909 mɪd-autumn n 中秋910 mooncake n 月饼911 nut [nʌt] n 坚果,坚果核912 sweet [swi:t] adj 甜的,可爱的913 ɪnsɪde [,ɪn'saɪd]prep 在...里面914 store ['ɪn'saɪd] n (美)商店,大百货公司- 10 -。

初一英语单词汇总Starter Unit 1 Good morning!1. good [gʊd] adj. 好的。
2. morning ['mɔ:rnɪŋ] n. 早晨;上午。
3. Good morning! 早上好!4. hi [haɪ] interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂。
5. hello [hə'ləʊ] interj. 你好;喂。
6. afternoon [ˌɑ:ftə'nu:n] n. 下午。
7. Good afternoon! 下午好!8. evening ['i:vnɪŋ] n. 晚上;傍晚。
9. Good evening! 晚上好!10. how [haʊ] adv. 怎样;如何。
11. are [ɑ:(r)] v. 是。
12. you [ju:] pron. 你;你们。
13. How are you? 你好吗?14. I [aɪ] pron. 我。
15. am [æm] v. 是。
16. fine [faɪn] adj. 健康的;美好的。
17. thanks [θæŋks] n. 感谢;谢谢。
18. OK [əʊ'keɪ] interj. & adj. 好;可以。
Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?1. what [wɒt] pron. & adj. 什么?2. is [ɪz] v. 是。
3. this [ðɪs] pron. 这;这个。
4. in [ɪn] prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以。
5. English ['ɪŋglɪʃ] n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的。
6. in English 用英语。
7. map [mæp] n. 地图。
8. cup [kʌp] n. 杯子。
9. ruler ['ru:lə(r)] n. 尺;直尺。

初中英语单词汇表(带音标)注:n名词 v动词 adj形容词 adv副词prep介词 conj连词 phr.短语num数词 int感叹词.助词第一册 1 -- 8331what [hw o t] pron 什么2is [iz] v 是3what's [hw o ts] what is 的缩写形式4your [ju e] pron你的,你们的5name [neim] n 名字6 7 my [mai] pron 我的I [ai] pron 我8 am [ffim]v是9 I'm I am 的缩写形式10 in [in]prep 在...里(内,上)11 row [r e u] n (一)排,(一)行12one [w A n] num 一13number ['n A mb e] n 数字,号码14two [tu:] num 二15too [tu:] adv 也16three [Ori:] num 三17are [a:] v 是18you [ju:] pron 你,你们19yes [jes] adv 是20four [f o :] num 四21five [faiv] num 五22no [n e u] adv & adj 不,不是23not [n o t] adv 不class [kla:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级grade [greid] n 年级six [siks] num 六seven ['sevn] num 七eight [eit] num 八nine [nain] num 九ten [ten] num 十zero ['zi e r e u] num & n 零plus [pl A s] prep 加,加上it [it] pron 它it's [its] it is 的缩写形式how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样old [e uld] adj ...岁的,老的eleven [i'levn] num 十一twelve [twelv] num 十二minus ['main e s] prep 减,减去thirteen ['O e:ti:n] num 十三fourteen ['f o :'ti:n] num 十四fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五hello [h e'l e u] int喂(问候或唤起注意)please [pli:z] int 请can [k®n]能,可以,会spell [spel] v 拼写that [dffit] pron 那,那个secret ['si:krit] n 秘密this [dis] pron 这,这个in [in] prep 用...(表达)English ['i gli j ] n & adj 英语,英国人in English phr. 用英语(表达)a [ei] art 一(个,件...)252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525356 and [©nd] conj 和,又,而人,日语57 pencil-box n 铅笔盒87 look [luk] v 瞧,看58 an [©n] art 一(个;件.)88 who [hu:] pron 谁59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔89 she [J i:] pron 她60 ruler ['ru:l a] n 尺子90 he [hi:] pron 他61 pen [pen] n 钢笔91 bird [b a:d] n 鸟62 sharpener ['J a:p a n a] n 卷笔刀92 its [its] pron 它的63 eraser [i'reis a] n 橡皮擦93 do[du:](构成否定句,疑问句的助动词)64 room [ru:m] n 房间94 don't [d a unt] do not 的缩写形式65 book [buk] n 书95 know [n a u] v 知道,懂得66 map [m©p] n 地图96 think [0i k] v 想,认为67 desk [desk] n 书桌97 Mr=mister ['mist a] n 先生(用于姓名前)68 cup [k A p] n 杯子98 very ['veri] adv 很,非常69 bag [b©g] n 书包99 picture ['pikt J a] n 图画,照片70 computer[k a m'pju:t a]n 电脑,电子计算机100 Mrs ['m i s i z] n 夫人71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标101 boy [b o i] n 男孩72 bed [bed] n 床102 girl [g a:l] n 女孩73 keyboard ['ki:b o :d] n 键盘103 woman ['wum a n] n 妇女,女人74 isn't ['iznt] is not 的缩写形式104 man [m©n] n 男人,人75 pear [p s a] n 梨105 cat [k©t] n 猫76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕106 his [hiz] pron 他的77 banana [b a'na:n a] n 香蕉107 teacher ['ti:t J a] n 教师78 apple ['史pl] n 苹果108 her [h a:] pron 她的79 orange ['o :rind§] n 橙子,橘子109 everyone ['evriw A n] pron 每人,人人80 egg [eg] n 蛋110 here [hi a] adv 这里,这儿81 bike [baik] n 自行车111 today [t a'dei] adv & n 今天82 bus [b A s] n 公共汽车112 at [©t] prep 在83 car [ka:] n 汽车,小汽车113 school [sku:l] n 学校84 jeep [d s i:p] n 吉普车114 at school phr. 在学校85 Chinese ['t J ai'ni:z]adj 中国的,中国人的; n中国115 sorry ['s o ri] adj 对不起,抱歉的人,汉语116 where [hw s a] adv 在哪里n日本117 home [h a um] n 家86 Japanese[,d§史p a'ni:z]adj 日本的,日本人的;at home phr. 在家150 brother ['br A d a ] n 兄,弟 How are you ? 你(身体)好吗? 151 nice [nais] adj 令人愉快的fine [fain] adj (身体)好的 152 to [tu:] prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号 thanks [0»O ks] n 谢谢(只用复数) 153 meet [mi:t] v 见面,会面,遇见 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以 154 child [t j aild] n 小孩thank [。

字母顺序初中英语单词大全带音标1 / 23Aa (an) [ə, e ɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……) ability [əˈb ɪl ɪt ɪ] n. 能力;才能 able [ˈe ɪb(ə)l] a. 能够;有能力的 about [əˈba ʊt] ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处 above [əˈb ʌv] prep. 在上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在…之上 abroad [əˈbr ɔːd] ad. 到(在)国外 accept [ək ˈsept] vt. 接受 accident [ˈæks ɪd ənt] n. 事故,意外 across [əˈkr ɔs] prep./ad. 横过;穿过;另一边,在对面act [ækt] n. 法令,条例 v. 行动,表演,扮演(角色) action [ˈæk ʃ(ə)n] n. 行动,行为,举动 active [ˈækt ɪv] a. 积极的,主动的 activity [æk ˈt ɪv ɪt ɪ] n. 活动 advantage [əd ˈv ɑːnt ɪd ʒ] n. 优点;好处,有利条件advertisement [əd ˈv ɜːt ɪsm ənt] n. 广告 advice [əd ˈva ɪs] n. 忠告,劝告,建议 afford [əˈf ɔːd] vt. 负担得起(…的费用);抽得出时间; afraid [əˈfre ɪd] a. 害怕的;担心 Africa [ˈæfr ɪk ə] n. 非洲 after [ˈɑːft ə(r)] ad. 后来 prep. 在…之后 afternoon [ɑːft əˈnu ːn] n. 下午,午后 again [əˈɡe ɪn] ad. 再一次;再,又 against [əˈɡe ɪnst] prep. 对着,反对,倚靠 age [e ɪd ʒ] n. 年龄;时代ago [əˈɡəʊ] ad. 以前 agree [əˈɡri ː] v. 同意air [e ə(r)] n. 空气;大气aircraft [ˈe əkr ɑːft] n. 飞机 (单复数同) airline [ ˈe əlain] n. 航空公司;航空系统;航线 airplane [ˈe əple ɪn] n. (美)飞机 airport [ˈe əp ɔːt] n. 航空站,飞机场 alive [əˈla ɪv] a. 活着的,存在的 all [ɔːl] ad. 全部地 a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 allow [əˈla ʊ] vt. 允许,准许 almost [ˈɔːlm əʊst] ad. 几乎,差不多 alone [əˈl əʊn] a. 单独的,孤独的 along [əˈl ɔŋ; (US) əˈl ɔŋ] ad.一同 prep. 沿着 already [ɔːl ˈred ɪ] ad. 已经 also [ˈɔːls əʊ] ad. 也 although [ɔːl ˈðəʊ] conj. 虽然,尽管 always [ˈɔːlwe ɪz] ad. 总是;一直;永远 am/æm/ v. be 的人称形式之一 a.m./A.M. n. 午前,上午 amazing [əˈme ɪz ɪŋ] a. 惊叹的;震惊的;令人惊讶的 America [əˈmer ɪk ə] n. 美国;美洲 American [əˈmer ɪk ən] a. 美国的;美国人的 n. 美国人 among [əˈm ʌŋ] prep. 在…中间;在(三个以上)之间 and [ənd, ænd] conj. 和;又 angel [ˈeind ʒəl] n. 天使,守护神 angry [ˈænɡr ɪ] a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal [ˈæn ɪm(ə)l] n. 动物 another [əˈn ʌðə(r)] a. 再一;另一;别的 pron. 另一 answer [ˈɑːns ə(r); (US) ˈæns ər] n.答案 v.回答 any [ˈen ɪ] pron. 任一的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些; anyhow [ˈen ɪha ʊ] ad. 不管怎样 anyone [ˈen ɪw ʌn] pron. 任何人,无论谁 anything [ˈen ɪθɪŋ] pron. 什么事(物);任何事(物) anywhere [ˈen ɪwe ə(r)] ad. 任何地方 apple [ˈæp(ə)l] n. 苹果 April [ˈe ɪpr(ə)l] n. 4月 area [ˈe ər ɪə] n. 面积;地域,区域;范围,领域 arm [ɑːm] n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力 army [ˈɑːm ɪ] n. 军队 around [əˈra ʊnd] prep.在周围;在附近;大约 arrive [əˈra ɪv] vi. 到达;达到 art [ɑːt] n. 艺术,美术;技艺 artist [ˈɑːt ɪst] n. 艺术家,美术家 article [ˈɑːt ɪk(ə)l] n. 文章;物品;冠词 as [əz, æz] ad.& conj. 当…时;如同;因为,作为 Asia [ˈe ɪʃə] n. 亚洲 Asian [ˈe ɪʃ(ə)n, ˈe ɪʒ(ə)n] a. 亚洲(人)的 n. 亚洲人 ask [ɑːsk] v. 问;请求,要求;邀请 asleep [əˈsli ːp] a. 睡着的,熟睡 at [æt] prep. 在(几点钟);在(某处) attend [əˈtend] v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加attention [əˈtenʃ(ə)n] n. 注意,关心attract [əˈtrækt] v. 吸引,引起August [ˈɔːɡəst] n. 8月aunt [ɑːnt; (US) ænt] n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨Australia [ɔˈstreɪljə] n. 澳洲;澳大利亚Australian [ɔˈstreɪlɪən] a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳人autumn [ˈɔːtəm] n. 秋天,秋季awake (awoke, awoken) [əˈweɪk] v. 唤醒 a. 醒着的away [əˈweɪ] ad. 离开;远离Bbaby [ˈbeɪbɪ] n. 婴儿back [bæk] ad. 回(原处); a. 后面的 n.后部;背bad (worse, worst) [bæd] a. 坏的;有害的,严重的badly [ˈbædlɪ] ad. 坏,恶劣地bake [beɪk] v. 烤;烘(面包)ball [bɔːl] n. 球bamboo [bæmˈbuː] n. 竹子banana [bəˈnɑːnə; (US) bəˈnænə] n. 香蕉band [bænd] n. 乐队 ,带(发带)bank [bæŋk] n.(河海湖的)岸,堤, 银行base [beɪs] n. 根据地,基地,(棒球)垒baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] n. 棒球basket [ˈbɑːskɪt; (US) ˈbæskɪt] n. 篮子basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. 篮球bath [bɑːθ; (US) bæθ] n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆be [biː] v. 是 (am, is, are, was, were, being, been);成为beach [biːtʃ] n. 海滨,海滩bear [beə(r)] v. 承受,容忍 n. 熊beat (beat, beaten) [biːt] v. 敲打;跳动;打赢beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l] a. 美,美丽,美观的because [bɪˈkɔz; (US) bɪˈkɔːz] conj. 因为become (became, be come) [bɪˈkʌm] v. 变得;成为bed [bed] n. 床bedroom [ˈbedruːm] n. 寝室,卧室bee [biː] n. 蜜蜂beef [biːf] n. 牛肉beer [bɪə(r)] n. 啤酒before [bɪˈfɔː(r)] prep. 在…前; ad. 以前beg [beɡ] v. 请求,乞求,乞讨begin(began,begun) [bɪˈɡɪn]v. 开始,着手beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] n. 开始,开端behind [bɪˈhaɪnd]prep. (表示位置)在…后面ad.向后believe [bɪˈliːv] v. 相信,认为bell [bel] n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声below [bɪˈləʊ] prep. 在…下面beside [bɪˈsaɪd] prep. 在…旁边;靠近besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] prep. 除…以外(还有) ad.此外best(good, well的最高级)[best] a. & ad.最好的best-seller [best- ˈselə(r)] n. 畅销书better (good, well的比较级) [ˈbetə(r)]a.& ad. 更好的between [bɪˈtwiːn] prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪk(ə)l] n. 自行车big [bɪɡ] a. 大的bike = bicycle [baɪk] n. 自行车bill [bɪl] n.账单;纸币billion [ˈbɪljən] num. 十亿biology [baiɔlədʒɪ] n. 生物(学)bird [bəːd] n. 鸟birth [bəːθ] n. 出生;诞生birthday [ˈbəːθdeɪ] n. 生日bit [bɪt] n. 一点,一些,少量的black [blæk] n. 黑色 a. 黑色的blackboard [ˈblækbɔːd] n. 黑板blind [blaɪnd] a. 瞎的blouse [blaʊz; U.S. blaʊs] n.女式衬衫blow (blew, blown) [bləʊ] v. 吹;刮风;吹气blue [bluː] n. 蓝色 a. 蓝色的 a. 悲伤的;沮丧的board [bɔːd] n. 木板boat [bəʊt] n. 小船,小舟boating [ˈbəʊtɪŋ] n. 划船body[bɔːdi] n. 身体book [bʊk] n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)bookshop [ˈbʊkʃɔp] n.书店bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔː(r)] n. 书店boring[`bɔrɪŋ] a. 乏味的,无聊的born [bɔːn] a. 出生的borrow [ˈbɔrəʊ] v.(向别人)借用;借both [bəʊθ] a. 两;双 pron. 两者;双方bottle [ˈbɔt(ə)l] n. 瓶子bottom [ˈbɔtəm] n. 底部;底2 / 23bowl [bəʊl] n. 碗box [bɔks] n. 盒子,箱子boy [bɔɪ] n. 男孩brain [breɪn] n. 脑(子)bread [bred] n. 面包break (broke, broken) [breɪk] n.中断, v. 打破breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐breath [ˈbreθ] n.呼吸breathe [briːð] vi. 呼吸bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥bright [braɪt] a. 明亮的;聪明的bring (brought, brought) [brɪŋ] vt. 拿来,带来Britain [ˈbrɪtən] n. 英国British [ˈbrɪtɪʃ] a. 英国的;英国人的broken [ˈbrəʊkən] a. 弄坏了的brother [ˈbrʌðə(r)] n. 兄;弟brown [braʊn] n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷;擦 n. 刷子build (built, built) [bɪld] v. 建筑;造building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼burn (-ed, -ed / burnt, burnt) [bɜːn] v. 燃烧, n. 烧伤bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车business [ˈbɪznɪs] n.生意,交易;事业businessman (pl. businessmen) [ˈbɪznɪsmæn] n. 商人busy [ˈbɪzɪ] a. 忙(碌)的but [bət, bʌt] conj. 但是,可是 prep. 除了, 除……外butter [ˈbʌtə(r)] n. 黄油,奶油button [ˈbʌt(ə)n] n. 纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮buy (bought,bought) [baɪ] vt. 买by [baɪ] prep. 在…旁;不迟于;被;用;乘(车)bye-bye [ˈbaɪbaɪ] int. 再见Ccabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜café [ˈkæfeɪ; (US) kæˈfeɪ] n. 咖啡馆;餐馆cage [keɪdʒ] n 笼;鸟笼cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼call [kɔːl] n. 喊,叫;打 v. 称呼;呼唤;喊camel [ˈkæm(ə)l] n. 骆驼camera [ˈkæmərə] n. 照相机;摄像机camp [kæmp] n.(夏令)营 vi. 野营,宿营can (could) [ken, kæn] v. 可能;能够; n.(美)罐头Canada [ˈkænədə] n. 加拿大Canadian [kəˈneɪdɪən] a. 加拿大的;加人的 n.加人cancer [ˈkænsə] n. 癌,癌症candle [ˈkænd(ə)l] n. 蜡烛candy [ˈkændɪ] n. 糖果cap [kæp] n. 帽子capital [ˈkæpɪt(ə)l] n.首都,省会,大写;资本captain [ˈkæptɪn] n.队长car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽车,小卧车card [kɑːd] n.卡片;名片;纸牌care [keə(r)] n. 照料,保护;小心 v. 在乎;关心careful [ˈkeəfʊl] a. 小心,仔细,谨慎的careless [ˈkeəlɪs] a. 粗心的,漫不经心的carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜carry [ˈkærɪ] vt. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运等cat [kæt] n. 猫catch(caught,caught) [kætʃ]v. 接住;捉住;赶上;染病cause [kɔːz] n. 原因 vt. 引起CD [ˌsi:'di:] 光盘ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] n. 天花板,顶棚celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt] v. 庆祝celebration [selɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n] n. 庆祝;庆祝会cent [sent] n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)centre (美 center ) [ˈsentə] n. 中心,中央century [ˈsentʃurɪ] n. 世纪,百年certain [ˈsɜːt(ə)n] a.确定的,无疑的;certainly [ˈsɜːtənlɪ] ad. 当然;一定,无疑chair [tʃeə(r)] n. 椅子chalk [tʃɔːk] n. 粉笔challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ] n.挑战(性)chance [tʃɑːns; (US) tʃæns] n. 机会,可能性change [tʃeɪndʒ] n. 零钱 v. 改变,兑换(钱)cheap [tʃiːp] a. 便宜的,贱check [tʃek] n. 检查 vt.核对;检查check-out [tʃekaut] n. 结账台,收银台cheese [tʃiːz] n. 奶酪chemistry [ˈkemistri] n. 化学chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋,棋chick [tʃɪk] n. 小鸡3 / 23字母顺序初中英语单词大全带音标4 / 23chicken [ˈt ʃɪk ən] n. 鸡;鸡肉 child (复children) [t ʃa ɪld] n. 孩子,儿童 China [ˈt ʃa ɪn ə] n. 中国 Chinese [t ʃa ɪˈni ːz] a. 中国的;中国人的n. 中国人;汉语, chocolate [ˈt ʃɔklit] n. 巧克力 choose (chose, chosen) [t ʃu ːz] vt. 选择 Christmas [ˈkr ɪsm əs] n. 圣诞节 church [t ʃɜːt ʃ] n. 教堂;教会 cinema [ˈs ɪnim ə] n. 电影院;电影 circle [ˈs ɜːk(ə)l] n. /vt. 圆,环绕 city [ˈs ɪt ɪ] n. 市,城市,都市class [kl ɑːs; (US) klæs] n.(学校的)班;等级;课classmate [ˈkl ɑːsme ɪt] n. 同班同学 classroom [ˈkl ɑːsru ːm] n. 教室clean [kli ːn] vt. 弄干净,擦干净 a. 清洁的,干净的 clear [kl ɪə(r)] a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 clearly [ˈkl ɪəl ɪ] ad. 清楚地,无疑地 clever [ˈklev ə(r)] a. 聪明的,伶俐的 climb [kla ɪm] v. 爬,攀登 clock [kl ɔk] n. 钟 close [kl əʊz] a. 亲密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 vt. 关cloth [kl ɔθ; (US) kl ɔθ] n. 布clothes [kl ɔðz; (US) kl əʊz] n. 衣服;各种衣物 cloud [ˈkla ʊd] n. 云;云状物;阴影 cloudy [ˈkla ʊd ɪ] a. 多云的,阴天的 club [kl ʌb] n. 俱乐部 coal [k əʊl] n. 煤;煤块coat [k əʊt] n. 外套;涂层;表皮cock [k ɔk] n. 公鸡 coffee [ˈk ɔf ɪ; (US) ˈk ɔːf ɪ] n. 咖啡 coin [k ɔɪn] n. 硬币coke [k əʊk] n. 可口可乐cold [k əʊld] a. 冷的,寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒,伤风collect [k əˈlekt] vt. 收集,搜集 college [ˈk ɔl ɪd ʒ] n. 学院;专科学校 colour (美color) ['k ʌl ə] n. 颜色 vt. 给…着色,涂色come (came, come) [k ʌm] vi. 来,来到 comfort [ˈk ʌmf ət] n. 安慰;慰问 comfortable [ˈk ʌmf ət əb(ə)l] a. 舒服的 common [ˈk ɔm ən] a. 普通,一般;共有的 company [ˈk ʌmp ən ɪ] n. 公司 competition [k ɔmp əˈt ɪʃ(ə)n] n. 比赛 complain [k əm ˈplein] v. 抱怨,投诉 composition [k ɔmp əːzi ʃ(ə)n] n. 作文;作曲 computer [k əm ˈpju ːt ə(r)] n. 电子计算机 computer game [k əm ˈpju ːt ə(r) ɡeim] 电子游戏concert [ˈk ɔns ət] n. 音乐会;演奏会 confident [ˈk ɔnf ɪd ənt] a. 自信的 congratulate [k ən ˈɡrætj ʊle ɪt] vt. 祝贺 congratulation [k ən ɡrætj ʊˈle ɪʃ(ə)n] n. 祝贺,庆贺connect [k əˈnekt] v. 连接,把…联系起来 continue [k ən ˈt ɪnju ː] vi. 继续 conversation [k ɔnv əˈse ɪʃ(ə)n] n. 谈话,交谈cook [k ʊk] n. 炊事员,厨师 v. 烹调,做饭 cookie [ˈk ʊk ɪ] n. 小甜饼cool [ku ːl] a. 凉的,凉爽的;酷copy [ˈk ɔp ɪ] n. 抄本,副本; v. 抄写,复印,拷贝corn [k ɔːn] n. 玉米,谷物 corner [ˈk ɔːn ə(r)] n. 角;角落;拐角 correct [k əˈrekt] v. 改正;纠正 a. 正确的;恰当的cost (cost, cost) [k ɔst; (US) k ɔːst] v. n.值(钱),花费 cotton [ˈk ɔt(ə)n] n. 棉花cough [k ɔf; (US) k ɔːf] n.& vi. 咳嗽 could [k ʊd ˈ] v.(can 的过去式)可以…;表示许可count [ka ʊnt] vt. 数,点数 country [ˈk ʌntr ɪ] n. 国家;农村,乡下 countryside [ˈk ʌntr ɪsa ɪd] n. 乡下,农村 couple [ˈk ʌp(ə)l] n. 夫妇,一对 course [k ɔːs] n. 过程;经过;课程 cousin [ˈk ʌz(ə)n] n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹cover [ˈk ʌv ə(r)] n. 盖子;罩 v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖cow [ka ʊ] n. 母牛,奶牛 crash [kræʃ] v. / n. 碰撞,撞击 cream [kri ːm] n. 奶油,乳脂 crop [kr ɔp] n. 庄稼;收成cross [kr ɔs] n. 十字形的东西 vt. 越过;穿过crossing [ˈkr ɔs ɪŋ] n. 十字路口,人行横道 crowd [kra ʊd] n. 人群 vt. 拥挤 crowded [kra ʊdid] a. 拥挤的 cry [kra ɪ] n. 叫喊;哭声 v. 喊叫;哭 culture [ˈk ʌlt ʃə(r)] n. 文化 cup [k ʌp] n. 茶杯字母顺序初中英语单词大全带音标5 / 23customer [ˈk ʌst əm ə(r)] n.(商店)顾客,主顾cut (cut, cut) [k ʌt] v. 切,剪,削,割 cycle [ˈsa ɪk(ə)l] vi. 骑自行车D dad = daddy [dæd] n.(口)爸爸,爹爹 daily [ˈde ɪl ɪ] a. 每日的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日报 dance [d ɑːns; (US) dæn s] n.& vi. 跳舞 dangerous [ˈde ɪnd ʒər əs] a. 危险的 dare [de ə(r)] v.& aux. 敢,敢于 dark [d ɑːk] n. 黑暗;日暮 a. 黑暗的;深色的 date [de ɪt] n. 日期;v. 约会 daughter [ˈd ɔːt ə(r)] n. 女儿 day [de ɪ] n.(一)天,(一)日;白天 daytime [ˈde ɪta ɪm] n. 白天,白昼 dead [ded] a. 死的;无生命的 deaf [def] a. 聋的 deal [di ːl] n. 量,数额;交易 dear [d ɪə(r)] int.(表示惊愕)哎呀!a. 亲爱的 death [deθ] n. 死 December [d ɪˈsemb ə(r)] n. 12月 decide [d ɪˈsa ɪd] v. 决定;下决心 decision [d ɪˈs ɪʒ(ə)n] n. 决定;决心 deep [di ːp] a. 深 ad. 深;深厚 deeply [ˈdi ːpl ɪ] ad. 深深地 deer [d ɪə(r)] n. 鹿(单复数同形) delicious [d ɪˈl ɪʃəs] a. 美味的,可口的 depend [d ɪˈpend] vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 describe [d ɪˈskra ɪb] vt. 描写,叙述description [d ɪˈskr ɪp ʃ(ə)n] n. 描述,描写 desert [d ɪˈz ɜːt] n. 沙漠 desk [desk] n. 书桌,写字台 destroy [d ɪˈstr ɔɪ] vt. 破坏,毁坏 develop [d ɪˈvel əp] v.(使)发展;开发 vt. 冲洗(照片) dialogue [ˈda ɪəl ɔɡ; (US) ˈda ɪəl ɔːɡ] n. 对话 diary [ˈda ɪər ɪ] n. 日记;日记簿 dictionary [ˈd ɪk ʃən ər ɪ; (US) ˈd ɪk ʃəner ɪ] n. 词典 die [da ɪ] v. 死 difference [ˈd ɪf ər əns] n. 不同 different [ˈd ɪf ər ənt] a. 不同的,有差异的 difficult [ˈd ɪf ɪk əlt] a. 难;艰难 difficulty [ˈd ɪf ɪk əlt ɪ] n. 困难,费力 dig (dug, dug) [d ɪɡ] v. 挖(洞沟),掘 digital [ˈd ɪd ʒɪt(ə)l] a. .数字的,数码的 dining-room ['daini ŋ-r ʊm] 食堂,饭厅 dinner [ˈd ɪn ə(r)] n. 正餐,宴会 direct [d ɪˈrekt, da ɪˈrekt] a. 直截了当的 vt. 指挥;导演 direction [d ɪˈrek ʃ(ə)n, da ɪˈrek ʃ(ə)n] n. 方向;方位 director [d ɪˈrekt ə(r)] n.主任;导演 dirty [ˈd ɜːt ɪ] a. 脏的 disappear [d ɪs əˈp ɪə(r)] vi. 消失 discover [d ɪˈsk ʌv ə(r)] vt. 发现 discovery [d ɪˈsk ʌv ər ɪ] n. 发现 discuss [d ɪs ˈk ʌs] vt. 讨论,议论 discussion [d ɪs ˈk ʌʃ(ə)n] n. 讨论,辩论 disease [d ɪˈzi ːz] n. 病,疾病 dish [d ɪʃ] n. 盘,碟;一道菜; display [d ɪs ˈplei] vt. 陈列,展览;表现 n. 陈列,展览品 divide [d ɪˈva ɪd] vt. 分,划分 do (did, done) [d ʊ, du ː] v. & aux. 做,干doctor [ˈd ɔkt ə(r)] n. 医生,大夫;博士 dog [d ɔɡ; (US) d ɔːɡ] n. 狗 dollar [d ɔl ə] n. 元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位) door [d ɔː(r)] n. 门 double [ˈd ʌb(ə)l] a. 两倍.双的 n. 两个.双 down [da ʊn] prep. 沿着,沿…而下 ad. 向下 download ['daunl əud] n.& v. 下载 downstairs [ˈda ʊnste əz] ad. 在楼下;到楼下 downtown [ˈda ʊnta ʊn] n. 城市的商业区,中心区 dragon [ˈdræɡən] n.龙 draw (drew, drawn) [dr ɔː] v. 绘画;绘制;拉,拖; drawer [dr ɔ:ə] n. 抽屉 dream (dreamt, 或-ed) [dri ːm] n.& vt. 梦,梦想 dress [dres] n. 女服,连衣裙; v. (给某人)穿衣 drink [dr ɪŋk] n. 饮料;喝酒 drop [dr ɔp] n.滴 v.掉下,落下,投递,放弃 dry [dra ɪ] v. 使…干;弄干;擦干 a. 干的;干燥的 duck [d ʌk] n. 鸭子 dumpling [ˈd ʌmpl ɪŋ] n. 饺子 during [ˈdju ər ɪŋ; (US) ˈd ɪər ɪŋ] prep. 在…字母顺序初中英语单词大全带音标6 / 23期间;dust [d ʌst] n. 灰尘,尘土 dustbin [ˈd ʌstb ɪn] n. 垃圾箱 duty [ˈdju ːt ɪ] n. 责任,义务Eeach [i ːt ʃ] a.& pron. 每人,每个,每件 ear [ɪə(r)] n.耳朵.耳状物;听力,听觉 early [ɜːl ɪ] a. 早的 ad. 早地earth [ɜːθ] n. 地球;土,泥;大地 earthquake [ˈɜːθkwe ɪk] n. 地震east [i ːst]a. 东方;东部的;ad. 在东方;n. 东,东方; easy [ˈi ːz ɪ] a. 容易的,不费力的 eat (ate, eaten) [i ːt] v. 吃 education [edj ʊːke ɪʃ (ə)n] n. 教育,培养 egg [e ɡ] n. 蛋;卵 eight [e ɪt] num. 八 eighteen [ˈe ɪˈti ːn] num. 十八 eighth [e ɪθ] num. 第八 eighty [ˈe ɪt ɪ] num. 八十 either [ˈa ɪðə(r)] a.二者之一;要么 ad. 也 elder [ˈeld ə(r)] n. 长者;前辈 electricity [ɪlek ˈtr ɪs ɪt ɪ] n. 电;电流 elephant [ˈel ɪf ənt] n. 象 elevator [ˈel ɪveit ə] n. 电梯,升降梯 eleven [ɪˈlev(ə)n] num. 十一 else [els] ad. 别的,其他的 e-mail [i ː-me ɪl]]n. 电子邮件 empty [ˈempt ɪ] a. 空的 encourage [ɪn ˈk ʌr ɪd ʒ] vt. 鼓励end [end] n. 末尾;终点;结束 v. 结束,终止enemy [ˈen ɪm ɪ] n. 敌人;敌军engineer [end ʒɪˈn ɪə(r)] n. 工程师;技师 England [ˈɪŋɡl ənd] n. 英格兰 English [ˈɪŋɡl ɪʃ] a. 英国的,英国人的,英语的 n. 英语English-speaking [ˈɪŋɡl ɪʃ-spi ːk ɪŋ] a.说英语的enjoy [ɪn ˈd ʒɔɪ] vt. 欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢 enjoyable [ɪn ˈd ʒɔɪəb(ə)l] a. 愉快的;有趣的 enough [ɪˈn ʌf] n. 足够;充足 a. 足够;充分的enter [ˈent ə(r)] vt. 进入 environment [ɪn ˈva ɪər ənm ənt] n.环境 eraser [ɪˈre ɪz ə(r)] n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦 escape [ɪˈske ɪp] n.& vi. 逃跑;逃脱 especially [ɪˈspe ʃəl ɪ] ad. 特别,尤其 essay [ˈese ɪ] n. 散文;文章;随笔 Europe [ˈj ʊər əp] n. 欧洲 European [j ʊər əˈpi ːən] a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人Eve [i:v] n.前夕 even [ˈi ːv(ə)n] ad. 甚至 evening [ˈi ːvn ɪŋ] n. 傍晚,晚上 event [ɪ'vent] n. 事件,大事 ever [ˈev ə(r)] ad. 曾经;无论何时 every [ˈevr ɪ] a. 每一,每个的 everybody [ˈevr ɪb ɔd ɪ] pron. 每人,人人 everyday [ˈevr ɪde ɪ] a. 每日的;日常的 everyone [ˈevr ɪw ʌn] pron. 每人,人人 everything [ˈevr ɪθɪŋ] pron. 每件事,事事 everywhere [ˈevr ɪwe ə(r)] ad. 到处 exact [ɪɡˈzækt] a. 精确的;确切的 exactly [ɪɡˈzæktl ɪ] ad. 精确地;确切地exam = examination [ɪɡzæm ɪˈne ɪʃ(ə)n] n. 考试examine [ɪɡˈzæm ɪn] vt. 检查;诊察 example [ɪɡˈz ɑːmp(ə)l ] n. 例子;榜样 excellent [ˈeks əl ənt] a. 极好的,优秀的 except [ɪk ˈsept] prep. 除…之外 excite [ɪk ˈsa ɪt] vt. 使兴奋,使激动 excuse [ɪk ˈskju ːz] n. 借口,辩解 vt. 原谅,宽恕exercise [ˈeks əsa ɪz] n. 锻炼,做操;习题 vi. 锻炼exhibition [eks ɪˈb ɪʃ(ə)n] n. 展览;展览会 exist [ɪg'z ɪst] vi. 存在 expect [ɪk ˈspekt] vt. 预料;盼望;认为 expensive [ɪk ˈspens ɪv] a. 昂贵的 experience [ɪk ˈsp ɪər ɪəns] n. 经验;经历 experiment [ɪk ˈsper ɪm ənt] n. 实验 expert [ˈeksp ɜːt] n. 专家,能手 explain [ɪks ˈple ɪn] vt. 解释,说明 express [ɪk ˈspres] vt. 表达;表示 eye [a ɪ] n. 眼睛 eyesight [ˈa ɪsa ɪt] n. 视力;视觉Fface [fe ɪs] n. 脸 vt. 面向;面对 fact [fækt] n. 事实,现实 factory [ˈfækt əri] n. 工厂 fail [fe ɪl] v. 失败;不与格;衰退 fame [fe ɪm] n. 名声,名望,名誉 family [ˈfæm ɪl ɪ] n. 家庭;家族;子女 famous[ˈfe ɪm əs] a. 著名的fan [fæn] n.(电影、运动等的)迷; n. 风扇字母顺序初中英语单词大全带音标7 / 23far [f ɑː(r)] (farther, farthest 或further , furthest) 远的 farm [f ɑːm] n. 农场;农庄 farmer [ˈf ɑːm ə(r)] n. 农民 farther [ˈf ɑːðə] a./ad. (far 的比较级形式之一)更远 farthest [ˈf ɑːðist] a./ad. (far 的最高级形式之一)最远 fast [ˈf ɑːst] a. 快的,迅速的ad. 快地,迅速地fat [fæt] n. 脂肪 a. 胖的;肥的 father [ˈf ɑːðə(r)] n. 父亲 favourite ['feiv ərit] (美 favorite) a. 最喜爱的fear [fi ə(r)] n. 害怕;恐惧; 担忧 February ['febru əri] n. 2月 feed (fed, fed) [fi ːd] vt. 喂(养);饲(养) feel (felt, felt) [fi ːl] v.& link 感觉,觉得;摸,触 feeling [ˈfi ːl ɪŋ] n. 感情;感觉 fence [fens] n. 栅栏;围栏;篱笆 festival [ˈfest ɪv əl] n. 节日 fetch [fet ʃ] vt.(去)取(物)来,(去)带(人)来 fever [ˈfi ːv ə(r)] n. 发烧;发热few [fju ː] pron. 不多;少数;不多的;少数的 field [fi ːld] n. 田地;牧场;场地 fifteen [f ɪf ˈti ːn] num. 十五 fifth [f ɪfθ] num. 第五 fifty [ˈf ɪft ɪ] num. 五十 fight [fa ɪt] n. 打仗(架),争论 fight [fa ɪt] (fought, fought) n./v. 打仗(架)fill [f ɪl] vt. 填空,装满 film [f ɪlm] n. 电影;影片;胶卷final [ˈfa ɪn(ə)l] a. 最后的;终极的 find [fa ɪnd] (found, found) vt. 找到,发现,感到 fine [fa ɪn] a. 晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的finger [ˈf ɪŋɡə(r)] n. 手指 finish [ˈf ɪn ɪʃ] v. 结束;做完 fire [ˈfa ɪə(r)] n. 火;火炉;火灾 vi. 开火,射击,解雇first [f ɜːst] num. 第一;首次 fish [f ɪʃ] n. 鱼;鱼肉 vi. 钓鱼;捕鱼 fisherman [ˈf ɪʃəm ən] n. 渔民;钓鱼健身者 fit [f ɪt] a. 健康的,适合的 v.(使)适合,安装five [fa ɪv] num. 五 fix [f ɪks] vt. 修理;安装;确定,决定 flag [flæɡ] n. 旗;标志;旗舰 flight [flait] n. 航班,飞行flood [fl ʌd] n. 洪水 vt. 淹没,使泛滥 floor [fl ɔː(r)] n. 地面,地板.(楼房的)层flower [ˈfla ʊə(r)] n. 花 fly (flew, flown) [fla ɪ] vi. 飞; vt. 放(风筝)n. 苍蝇 fog [f ɔɡ] n. 雾 foggy [ˈf ɔɡɪ] a. 多雾的 follow [ˈf ɔl əʊ] vt. 跟随;仿效;跟得上 following [ˈf ɔl əʊɪŋ] a. 接着的;以下的 fond [f ɔnd] a. 喜爱的,爱好的 food [fu ːd] n. 食物,食品fool [fu ːl] n. a.傻子,蠢人;傻的foolish [ˈfu ːl ɪʃ] 愚蠢的,傻的foot (复feet) [f ʊt] n. 足,脚;英尺 football [ˈfutb ɔːl] n.(英式)足球;(美式)橄榄球 for [f ə(r), f ɔː (r)] prep. 为了…;因为…;对于…foreign [ˈf ɔr ən; (US) ˈf ɔr ɪn] a. 外国的 foreigner [ˈf ɔr ən ə(r)] n. 外国人 forest [ˈf ɔr ɪst] n. 森林 forever [f əˈrev ə(r)] ad. 永远;永恒的 forget (forgot, forgotten) [f əˈɡet] v. 忘记;忘掉fork [f ɔːk] n. 叉,餐叉form [f ɔːm] n. 表格;形式;结构 forty [ˈf ɔːt ɪ] num. 四十 four [f ɔː(r)] num. 四 fourteen [ˈf ɔːˈti ːn] num. 十四 fourth [ˈf ɔːθ] num. 第四 fox [f ɔks] n. 狐狸France [fræns] n. 法国free [fri ː] a. 自由,空闲的;免费的freeze [fri ːz] (froze, frozen) vi. 结冰 French [frent ʃ] n. 法语 a. 法国的;法国人的;法语的 Frenchman [ˈfrent ʃm ən] (复 Frenchmen) n. 法国人fresh [fre ʃ] a. 新鲜的 Friday [ˈfra ɪd ɪ] n. 星期五 fridge [ˈfr ɪd ʒ] n. 冰箱 friend [frend] n. 朋友 friendly [ˈfrendl ɪ] a. 友好的 friendship [ˈfrend ʃɪp] n. 友谊,友情 frighten [ˈfra ɪt(ə)n] vt. 使惊恐,吓唬from [frəm, frɔm] prep. 从,从…起,来自front [frʌnt] a. 前面的;前部的 n. 前面;前部;前线fruit [fruːt] n. 水果;果实fruit juice [fruːt dʒuːs] n. 果汁full [fʊl] a. 满的,充满的;完全的fun [fʌn] n. 有趣的事,娱乐,玩笑funny [ˈfʌnɪ] a. 有趣的,滑稽可笑的further [ˈfəðə] a./ad. (far的比较级形式之一)较远,更远future [ˈfjuːtʃə(r)] n. 将来Ggame [ɡeɪm] n. 游戏;运动;比赛garden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] n. 花园,果园,菜园gate [ɡeɪt] n. 大门general [ˈdʒenər(ə)l] a. 大体,笼统的,总的geography [dʒɪˈɔɡrəfɪ] n. 地理学German [ˈdʒɜːmən] a. 德国的,德国人的 n. 德国人,德语Germany [ˈdʒɜːmənɪ] n. 德国get (got , got) [ɡet] vt. 成为;得到;具有;到达gift [ɡɪft] n. 赠品;礼物girl [ɡɜːl] n. 女孩give (gave, given) [ɡɪv] vt. 给,递给,付出,给予glad [ɡlæd] a. 高兴的;乐意的glass [ɡlɑːs; (US) ɡlæs] n. 玻璃杯,玻璃;(复)眼镜glove [ɡlʌv] n. 手套go (went, gone) [ɡəʊ] vi. 去goal [ɡəʊl] n.(足球)球门,目标gold [ɡəʊld] n. 黄金 a 金的,黄金的good (better,best) [ɡʊd] a. 好;良好good-bye [ɡʊd-baɪ] int. 再见;再会government [ˈɡʌvənmənt] n. 政府grade [ɡreɪd] n. 等级(中小学的);学年;成绩,分数gradually [ˈɡrædjʊəlɪ] ad. 逐渐地graduate [ˈɡrædjʊeit ˈɡrædʒueit ] v. 毕业grammar [ˈɡræmə(r)] n. 语法g randchild ['græntʃaɪld] n. (外)孙或孙女,孙辈granddaughter [ˈɡrændɔːtə(r)] n.(外)孙女grandma=grandmother [ˈɡrændmʌðə(r)] n. 奶奶;grandpa = grandfather [ˈɡrændfɑːðə(r)] n.爷爷grandparents [ˈɡrændpeərənts] n. 祖父母,外祖父母grandson [ˈɡrændsʌn] n.(外)孙子granny [ˈɡrænɪ] n. 老奶奶;祖母;外婆grape [ɡreɪp] n. 葡萄grass [ɡrɑːs] n. 草;草场;牧草great [ɡreɪt] a. 伟大的,重要的,好极了 ad.(口语)好Greece [ɡriːs] n. 希腊green [ɡriːn] a. 绿色的;青的 n. 绿色greet [ɡriːt] vt. 问候;向…致敬grey / gray [ɡreɪ] a. 灰色的;灰白的group [ɡruːp] n. 组,群grow (grew, grown) [ɡrəʊ] v. 生长;种植;变成guess [ɡes] vi. 猜guest [ɡest] n. 客人,宾客guide [ɡaɪd] n. 向导,导游者guitar [ɡɪˈtɑː(r)] n. 吉他,六弦琴Hhabit [ˈhæbɪt] n. 习惯,习性hair [heə(r)] n. 头发half [hɑːf; (US) hæf] a.& n. 半,一半,半个hall [hɔːl] n. 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道hamburger [ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)] n. 汉堡包hand [hænd] n. 手;指针 v. 递;给;交付;交上handbag [ˈhændbæɡ] n. 女用皮包,手提包handwriting [ˈhændraɪtɪŋ] n. 书法hang (hung, hung) [hæŋ] v. 悬挂,吊着,绞死happen [ˈhæpən] vi.(偶然)发生,碰巧happily ['hæpɪlɪ] ad. 幸福地,快乐地happy [ˈhæpɪ] a. 幸福;快乐的,高兴的hard [hɑːd] ad. 努力地;猛烈地 a. 硬的;困难的hardly [ˈhɑːdlɪ] ad. 几乎不hardworking ['ha:d'wə:kiŋ] a. 努力工作的harm [hɑːm] n.&v. 伤害;损伤harmful [hɑːmfl] a.有害的hat [hæt] n. 帽子(一般指有边的);礼帽hate [heɪt] vt.& n. 恨,讨厌have (has, had, had) [hæv] vt. 有;吃;喝;进行he [heɪ] pron. 他head [hed] n. 头; v. 率领;驶向8 / 23headache [ˈhedeɪk] n. 头疼headmaster [hedˈmɑːstə(r)] n.(英)中小学校长headteacher['hed'tiːtʃə(r)] n. 中小学班主任health [helθ] n. 健康,卫生healthy [ˈhelθɪ] a. 健康的,健壮的hear (heard, heard) [hɪə(r)] v. 听见;听说heart [hɑːt] n. 心,心脏heat [hiːt] n. 热 vt. 把…加热heavy [ˈhevɪ] a. 重的heavily [ˈhevɪlɪ] ad. 重地,大量地(rain heavily下大雨)hello [həˈləʊ] int. 喂;你好help [help] n. & vt. 帮助,帮忙helpful [ˈhelpfʊl] a. 有帮助的,有益的her [hɜː(r)] pron. 她(宾格),她的here [hɪə(r)] ad. 这里,在这里;向这里hero [ˈhɪərəʊ] n. 英雄,勇士,男主角hers [hɜːz] pron. 她的herself [hɜːˈself] pron. 她自己hey [heɪ] int. 嘿!hi [haɪ] int. 你好(表示打招呼、问候或唤起注意)hide (hid, hidden) [haɪd] v. 把…藏起来,隐藏high [haɪ] a. 高的;高度的 ad. 高地highway [ˈhaɪweɪ] n. 公路,主要交通道路hill [hɪl] n. 小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡him [hɪm] pron. 他(宾格)himself [hɪmˈself] pron. 他自己his [hɪz] pron. 他的history [ˈhɪstərɪ] n. 历史,历史学hit (hit, hit) [hɪt] n.& vt. 打,撞,击中hobby [ˈhɔbi] n. 业余爱好,嗜好hold (held, held) [həʊld] vt. 拿;抱;握住;举行hole [həʊl] n. 洞,坑holiday [ˈhɔlədi] n. 假日;假期home [həʊm] n. 家 ad. 到家;回家homeland [ˈhəʊmlænd] n. 祖国hometown [ˈhəʊmtaʊn] n. 故乡homework [ˈhəʊmwɜːk] n. 家庭作业honest [ˈɔnɪst] a. 诚实的,正直的hope [həʊp] n.& v. 希望hopeful [ˈhəʊpfʊl] a. 有希望的;有前途的hopeless[ˈhəʊplis] a. 没有希望的horse [hɔːs] n. 马hospital [ˈhɔspɪt(ə)l] n. 医院hot [hɔt,hʌt] a. 热的hotel [həʊˈtel] n. 旅馆,饭店,宾馆hour [ˈaʊə(r)] n. 小时house [haʊs] n. 房子;住宅housewife [ˈhaʊswaɪf] n. 家庭主妇housework [ˈhaʊswɜːk] n. 家务劳动how [haʊ] ad. 怎样,如何;多么however [haʊˈevə(r)] ad. 可是 conj. 然而hug [hʌɡ] v. 拥抱huge [hjuːdʒ] a. 巨大的,庞大的human [ˈhjuːmən] a. 人的,人类的hundred [ˈhʌndrəd] num. 百hunger [ˈhʌŋɡə(r)] n. 饥饿hungry [ˈhʌŋɡrɪ] a.(饥)饿的hurry [ˈhʌrɪ] vi. 赶快;急忙hurt (hurt, hurt) [hɜːt] vt. 伤害,受伤;伤人感情husband [ˈhʌzbənd] n. 丈夫II [aɪ] pron. 我ice [aɪs] n. 冰ice-cream [aɪs-kriːm] n. 冰淇淋idea [aɪˈdɪə] n. 主意,意见,打算,想法if [ɪf] conj. 如果,假使,是否,是不是ill [ɪl] a. 有病的;不健康的illness [ˈɪlnɪs] n. 疾病imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn] vt. 想像,设想important [ɪmˈpɔːtənt] a. 重要的impossible [ɪmˈpɔsɪb(ə)l] a. 不可能的improve [ɪmˈpruːv] vt. 改进,更新in [ɪn] prep. 在…里(内);在 ad. 在家,在内,向内include [ɪnˈkluːd] vt. 包含,包括increase [ɪnˈkriːs] v. & n. 增加,繁殖India [ˈɪndɪə] n. 印度Indian [ˈɪndɪən] a. 印度人的 n.印度人information [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 信息ink [ɪŋk] n. 墨水,油墨insect [ˈɪnsekt] n. 昆虫inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] prep. 在…里面 ad. 在里面instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n. 说明,须知;教导interest [ˈɪntrɪst] n. 兴趣,趣味;利息interesting [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ] a. 有趣的international [ɪntəˈnæʃən(ə)l] a. 国际的internet [ˈɪntənet] n. 互联网,英特网into [ˈɪntʊ, ˈɪntə] prep. 到…里;向内;变成introduce [ɪntrəˈdjuːs; (US) -duːs] vt. 介9 / 23绍invent [ɪnˈvent] vt. 发明,创造invention [ɪnˈvenʃ(ə)n] n. 发明,创造inventor [ɪnˈventə(r)] n. 发明者,创造者invite [ɪnˈvaɪt] vt. 邀请,招待is [iz] v. 是island [ˈaɪlənd] n. 岛it [ɪt] pron. 它its [ɪts] pron. 它的itself [ɪtˈself] pron. 它自己Jjacket [ˈdʒækɪt] n. 短上衣,夹克衫January [ˈdʒænjʊərɪ; (US) ˈdʒænjʊerɪ] n. 1月Japan [dʒæˈpæn] n. 日本Japanese [dʒæpəˈniːz] a. 日本的,日人的 n. 日人,日语job [dʒɔb] n. (一份)工作join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加,加入;连接;会合joke [dʒəʊk] n. 笑话journey [ˈdʒɜːnɪ] n. 旅行,路程joy [dʒɔɪ] n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣judge [dʒʌdʒ] n. 裁判;审判员;法官 vt. 判断,断定juice [dʒuːs] n. 汁、液July [dʒʊˈlaɪ] n. 7月jump [dʒʌmp] n. 跳跃;跳变 v. 跳跃;惊起;猛扑June [dʒuːn] n. 6月jungle [ˈdʒʌŋɡ(ə)l] n. 丛林,密林junior [ˈdʒuːnɪə(r)] a. 初级的;年少的just [dʒʌst] ad. 刚才;恰好Kkangaroo [kæŋɡəˈruː] n. 大袋鼠keep (kept, kept) [kiːp] v. 保持;继续不断 vt. 饲养key [kiː] n. 钥匙;答案;键;关键keyboard [kiːbɔːd] n. 键盘kick [kɪk] v.& n. 踢kid [kɪd] n. 小孩kill [kɪl] v. 杀死,弄死kilo [ˈkiːləʊ] n. 千克;千米kilogram [ˈkɪləuɡræm] n. 千克kilometre ['kiləumi:tə(r)] n. 千米(公里)kind [kaɪnd] n. 种;类 a. 善良,友好的kindness [kaɪndnəs] n. 仁慈,善良king [kɪŋ] n. 国王kingdom [ˈkɪŋdəm] n. 王国kiss [kɪs] n.& vt. 吻,亲吻kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房kite [kaɪt] n. 风筝knee [niː] n. 膝盖knife [naɪf] (复 knives) n. 小刀;匕首;刀片knock [nɔk] n.& v. 敲;打;击know(knew,known) [nəʊ] v. 知道,了解;认识;懂得knowledge [ˈnɔlɪdʒ] n. 知识,学问Llab[læb] = laboratory n. 实验室lady [ˈleɪdɪ] n. 女士,夫人lake [leɪk] n. 湖lamp [læmp] n. 灯,油灯land [lænd] n. 陆地,土地 v. 登岸(陆)降落language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] n. 语言la p [læp] n. (人坐时)膝部,(跑道的)一圈large [lɑːdʒ] a. 大的;巨大的last [lɑːst; (US) læst] a. 最后的,上一个的;v. 持续late [leɪt] a. 晚的,迟的 ad. 晚地,迟地lately [ˈleɪtlɪ] ad. 最近,不久前later [ˈleɪtə(r)] a. 晚些的,迟些的,后来laugh [lɑːf] n.& v. 大笑;(laugh at)嘲笑law [lɔː] n. 法律,法令;定律lay (laid, laid) [leɪ] vt. 放,搁lazy [ˈleɪzɪ] a. 懒惰的lead (led, led) [liːd] v. 领导,带领leader [ˈliːdə(r)] n. 领袖,领导人leaf (复 leaves) [liːf] n. (树,菜)叶learn (learnt, learnt;-ed -ed) [lɜːn] vt.学,学习least [liːst] n. 最少,最少量leave (left, left) [liːv] v. 离开;把…留下,剩下left [left] a. 左边的 ad. 向左 n. 左,左边leg [leɡ] n. 腿;腿脚lend (lent, lent) [lend] vt. 借(出),把…借给less(little的比较级) [les] a.& ad. 少于,小于lesson [[ˈles(ə)n] n. 课;功课;教训let (let, let) [let] vt. 让letter [ˈletə(r)] n. 信;字母library [ˈlaibrəri; (US) ˈlaibreri] n. 图书馆,图书室10 / 23license [ˈlaisəns] n. 执照,许可证lie (lay, lain) [lai] v. 躺;卧;平放;位于, 说谎life (复lives) [laif] n. 生命;生活;生物lifetime [ˈlaiftaim] n. 一生,终生lift [lift] v. 举起;(云、烟等)消散 n. (英)电梯light [laɪt] n. 灯,灯光a. 明亮的;轻的;浅色的light [laɪt] vt. 点(火),点燃 (lit)like [laɪk] prep. 像,跟…一样 vt. 喜欢,喜爱line [laɪn] n. 绳索,线,排,行,线路 v. 画线lion [ˈlaɪən] n. 狮子list [lɪst] n.v. 一览表,清单,列出清单listen [ˈlɪs(ə)n] vi. 听,仔细听litter [ˈlɪtə(r)] n.v. 垃圾,乱丢杂物little (less, least) [ˈlɪt(ə)l] a. 小的,少的 ad. 很少地live [lɪv] vi. 生活;居住;活着 a.现场(直播)的lively [ˈlaɪvlɪ] a. 活泼的;充满生气的living [ˈlɪvɪŋ] a. 活着的 n. 生计lock [lɔk] n. 锁 vt. 锁,锁上London [ˈlʌnd(ə)n] n. 伦敦lonely [ˈləʊnlɪ] a. 孤独的,寂寞的long [lɔŋ; (US) lɔːŋ] a. 长的,远 ad. 长久look [lʊk] n. 看,瞧 v. 看,观看 v. link 看起来lose (lost, lost) [luːz] vt. 失去,丢失lot [lɔt] n. 许多,好些loud [laʊd] a. 大声的loudly [laʊdlɪ] ad. 大声地love [lʌv] n.& vt. 爱;热爱;很喜欢lovely [ˈlʌvlɪ] a. 美好的,可爱的low [ləʊ] a.& ad. 低;矮luck [lʌk] n. 运气,好运lucky [ˈlʌkɪ] a. 运气好,侥幸lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐,午饭Mmachine [məˈʃiːn] n. 机器madam/ madame [ˈmædəm] n. 夫人,女士magazine [mæɡəˈziːn] n. 杂志magic [ˈmædʒɪk] a. 有魔力的mail [meɪl] n. 邮政,邮递 v. (美)邮寄main [meɪn] a. 主要的make (made,made) [meɪk] vt. 制造,做;使得man (复men) [mæn] n. 成年男人;人类manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] v. 管理;设法对付manager [ˈmænɪdʒə(r)] n. 经理man-made [mæn- meɪd] a. 人造的,人工的many (more, most) [ˈmenɪ] pron. 许多人(或物)map [mæp] n. 地图March [mɑːtʃ] n. 3月mark [mɑːk] n. 标记 vt. 标明,作记号于market [ˈmɑːkɪt] n. 市场,集市marry [ˈmærɪ] v.(使)成婚,结婚match [mætʃ] vt. 使相配 n. 比赛,竞赛 n.火柴math / maths [mæθ] n.(常作单数用)数学matter [ˈmætə(r)] n. 要紧事,问题 vi. 要紧May [meɪ] n. 5月maybe [ˈmeɪbiː] ad. 可能,大概,也许me [miː, mɪ] pron. 我(宾格)meal [miːl] n. 一餐(饭)mean(meant,meant) [miːn] vt. 意思,意指meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] n. 意思,含意meat [miːt] n.(猪、牛、羊等的)肉meet (met, met) [miːt] vt./ n. 遇见,见到会;集会meeting [ˈmiːtɪŋ] n. 会,集会,会见,汇合点member [ˈmembə(r)] n. 成员,会员memory [ˈmemərɪ] n. 回忆,记忆mend [mend] v. 修理,修补mention [ˈmenʃ(ə)n] n. 提与;记载 vt. 提到,说起menu [ˈmenjuː] n. 菜单message [ˈmesɪdʒ] n. 消息,音信metal [ˈmet(ə)l] n. 金属 a. 金属制成的metre (美meter) ['mi:tə] n. 米,公尺mid-autumn [mɪd- ˈɔːtəm] n. 中秋middle [ˈmɪd(ə)l] n. 中间;当中;中级的Middle East [ˈmɪd(ə)liːst] n. 中东midnight [ˈmɪdnaɪt] n. 午夜might [maɪt] v. aux. (may的过去式,助动词) 可能mile [maɪl] n. 英里milk [mɪlk] n. 牛奶 vt. 挤奶million [ˈmɪlɪən] num. 百万 n. 百万个(人或物)mind [maɪnd] n. 思想,想法 v.介意,关心mine [maɪn] pron. 我的minute [ˈmɪnɪt] n. 分钟;一会儿,瞬间11 / 23。

1. 双写末尾辅音字母在很多情况下,当一个单词以辅音字母结尾,并且前面只有一个元音字母时,要在末尾辅音字母后面再加一个相同的辅音字母。
例如:big - bigger,hot - hotter,run - running。
2. “e” 变“i”当一个单词以辅音字母结尾,前面只有一个元音字母,并且在单词末尾有一个“e” 时,要将“e” 替换为“i” 以形成变位词。
例如:make - making,write - writing,slide - sliding。
3. “y” 变“i”当一个单词以辅音字母结尾,前面只有一个元音字母,并且在单词末尾有一个“y” 时,要将“y” 替换为“i” 以形成变位词。
例如:try - tried,carry - carried,study - studied。
4. 变位词变化规则在变化时态或人称时,有一些常见的拼写规则需要注意。
例如:- 当动词以“y” 结尾,且前面是辅音字母时,将“y” 变为“ies”,如:study - studies。
- 当动词以“o” 结尾时,要在末尾加上“es”,如:do - does。
- 当动词以“s”,“ch”,“sh”,“x” 或“z” 结尾时,要在末尾加上“es”,如:catch - catches,wash - washes,fix - fixes。
- 当动词以辅音字母+ “y” 结尾时,将“y” 变为“ied”,如:carry - carried。
5. “-ible” 和“-able”许多形容词以“-ible” 或“-abl e” 结尾,但要注意它们的拼写规则。
通常,如果根词是“-e” 结尾的双音节词,就要用“-ible”,如:possible,visible。
而如果根词不是“-e” 结尾的双音节词,则要用“-able”,如:comfortable,adaptable。

Go for it!九年级英语全册单词拼写Unit 11.His p_________ is poor. I can’t understand his words.2.G_________ is very important for learning English .3.This is a s_________ between you and me. Don’t tell anyone else.4.They r__________ their lessons before the exam last week.5.I improve my English speaking kills by practicing c___________ with friends6.Please read the text a___________, so all of us can hear you.7.With the money he saved, he build a___________ (化学) lab for himself.8.Books give me __________ ( 知识) and make me happy.9.I don’t know how to ___________ ( 增加) my reading speed.10.Make __________ (句子) with this word, please.11.All their e___________ ( 表达)were not true.12.I never study g__________ .It’s too boring .13.He learns French by reading a__________ .14.He put on his coat and went away q__________ as soon as he heard the ring .15.The population (人口) of the world is i___________ very fast .16.I don’t know the right p___________of the word .17.Have you made c___________ with your partner ?18Please speak a_________ . I can’t hear clearly .19.Lucy pays more _________ (关注) to the news .20.____ ______(知识) comes from questioning .21.Mothers often have enough _________ (耐心) with children .22.Do you know the _________ (秘诀) of success ?Unit 2单词拼写1.Can you tell me the way to the station?I’m sorry.I’m a s___________ here myself.2.The radio s___________ the news as soon as it happened.3.She gave a contribution of 500p__________ to the Children’s Hospital.4.I wish you a merry C__________ .5.Someone s___________ her jewellery (珠宝) while she was away.6.He was a brave and cheerful man.We all a___________ his courage.7.I like to read the n___________ of Charles Dickens.8.We felt the __________ (温暖) of the sun .9.We chose her a nice birthday___________ ( 礼物) .10.This is my uncle, my only _________ (亲戚) in this city .11.Mr.Brown has a small house with a beautiful g___________.12.Is anyone in the room? No,n__________ is in.13.His uncle is a b___________ man. He has made much money.14.Don’t speak to the s__________ on the way.15.How heavy is this bag? It’s about 25p___________.16.The thief was caught while he was s____________ money.17.Do you usually eat ___________ (甜食) after meals?18.People celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by__________( 欣赏) the moon.19.I’m going ti Jinan to visit my__________(亲戚)20.Who breaks the rules will be ___________(惩罚)Unit 3.单词拼写1.He r___________ his friend to go with him just now .2.The library is on the c___________ of Main and Center Streets .3.I live not far from the supermarket . It’s c___________ to go shopping .4.Can you tell me your E_mail a___________?5.Wash your hands in the b____________ immediately .6.There are so many _____ (选择) to make and I don’t know which hotel to book into .7.It is not _________ ( 礼貌) to interrupt a speaker.8.He feels the need for firm ____________ ( 方向) .9.I ____________ (建议) trying it once more .10.I don’t like the __________( 葡萄) because they taste sour.11.Collecting __________( 邮票) is my hobby.12.Don’t __________ ( 冲) .It’s very dangerous .13.Can you tell me your e-mail ___________(地址) ?14,I ___________ (建议) putting off the sports meeting .15.He is a polite boy. He always answers questions p___________.16.My house isn’t far from school. It is c___________ to go to school for me every day.17.They wanted to buy some p______(明信片) for his families and friends on Christmas Day.Unit 4单词拼写1.Paula used to be really quiet . She was always s___________ in class.2.He studied hard and got good s___________ on his exams.3.I don’t have much __________ ( 私人的) time anymore.4.Lucy is afraid of giving a _________ ( 演讲) in public .5.As a small child, he ___________ ( 很少) caused his parents any problems .6.This job ___________ (要求) a clear head .7.Although he is very busy, he has never been a__________ from class .8.The old man teaches his little g___________ to read the stories .9.A good teacher has a good i___________ on his students .10.Li Ming wasn’t happy because he f____________ the test again .11.A good teacher has a good ____________(影响) on his students.12.Do you know what c___________ many trees to fall down last night?13.This pair of shoes is e__________ ( 确切地) what I wanted.14.He was unhappy this afternoon because he ___________ ( 没通过) the exam.15.I can’t imagine how the little boy managed to do it all by ___________ (he ) .16.He was no longer interested in studying, he was often a__________ from school.17.Can you give us an i_________ to our new school ,Mr.Li?18.They s__________ go out for dinner, they often eat at home.Unit5单词拼写1.Letters and postcard are brought to people’s homes by the p___________2.The i___________ kite festival is held in Weifang every year.3.I need a pair of s___________ to cut out this newspaper article4.Lucy c__________ the task on time yesterday .5.Chinese use c___________ to eat noodles.6.This plant has green l_________ through out the year.7.You should a___________ making mistakes in your homework .8.My father’s car is made in ___________ ( 德国) so it’s safe.9.That company is a strong ___________ (竞争者) of us .10.English is spoken __________ ( 广泛地) in the world.11.___________ ( 法国) is an beautiful country. There are many interesting places.12.No m___________ what our parents do, they are always right .13.She met with her student at a___________ ( 当地的) church every week.14.Even t___________ he has been ill, he come to school.15,You should a__________ making mistakes in your homework .16.We just need someone to produce the p_________ (产品) for us .17.I like your _________(手提包) , it’s so beautiful .18._____ ______ ( 德国) is one of the powerful country in Europe .19.I have bought a small pair of s__________ to cut my nails .20.She’s a l ____________child and popular with everyone .21.I have to _________ (完成) my homework today .22.I can’t play outside in this __________ ( 热) .23.Which art ___________ ( 形式) do you think is the most interesting ?Unit6单词拼写1.I put some apple into the b__________ just now.2.Don’t pick the apples on the tree! They are still green and taste s____________.3.Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and produced a nice s__________.4.I like this skirt because of the new fashion s____________.5.The boy was l__________ (锁住) in the room, so he didn’t come out of the room.6.I like chocolate ___________ ( 饼干) , but Mike didn’t like them.7.She’s ___________ (加拿大人) , but her Chinese is excellent.8.He was_________ ( 提到) in the letter.9.Mother__________(列清单) the things she wanted to buy before Spring Festival.10.They have just finished the difficult _________(工程)11.Please l_________the door when you leave.12.The students in every class are d_______ into eight groups.13.Lucy,s________is waiting for you at the gate of school.14.Tom threw the basketball into a b____________ and got a score.15.The temperature is l____________ . Please put on your coat.16.He set up a__________ (网站) to help the disabled people.17.Many people lost their lives in the __________ (地震) .18.The wine has a pleasant _________ (味道) .19.His uncle gives away some money to Hope _________(工程) every year.20.You are a__________ (英雄) in my heart.Unit7单词拼写1.Liu Xiang is a p__________ runner and we take pride in him.2.I like my mother and I h__________ her on her birthday yesterday.3.The P__________ were written by Li Bai. We can recite most of them.4.Some girls likes to have their ears p_______.5.Although the work was hard, I m___________ to finish it.6.The food is ___________ ( 难吃) . They would rather be hungry.7.Every driver should have a___________(证件).8.You must pay attention to your __________ ( 安全) on the way to school, because there are many traffics on the road.9.I saw a boy __________ ( 在哭) in the corner of the room when I passed it.10.He was so powerful that he could __________ (举起) the box.11.I think you are right . We all __________ (支持) you .12.Only then will I have a ___________ (机会) to achieve my dream .13.Tom made a good __________ (选择) .14.Everyone should love his own ____________ ( 社区).15.( 社会) ____________ is our family. We are all members of it .16.We mustn’t cross the street when the traffic lights are red. S_________ is important .17.Please show me your drive l_________.18.Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to s___________.It’s bad for their health .19.The baby is hungry, so he is c__________ all the time .20.The food is a___________ . We all dislike it .期中检测1.I learn English by practicing c___________ with my friends .2.Good learners often ask questions. They think k__________comes from questioning.3.His mother p__________ him because he stole a book from a bookstore .4.I need a s__________ to post the letter.5.There is a mall near our house, so it’s c____________ for me to buy something.6.More and more people have p_________ cars in China.7.My English teacher is a__________ ( 幽默的) person.8.We Chinese usually use __________ (筷子) to eat food.9.Can you _________ ( 翻译) the sentence into Chinese?10.Do you have a driving ___________ ( 证件) ?Unit8单词拼写1.The flu might last for a long ___________ ( 时期) of time .2.Have you ___________ ( 收到) the e-mail from me?3.There is an saying,”Love is ___________ ( 能量) of life.”4.The ____________ (男警察) helped me find the way to the hospital.5.Don’t make ____________ ( 噪音) .The baby is sleeping.6.You’d better put on your ___________ (外套).It’s very cold today.7.Spelling mistakes are c____________in red ink.8.The stranger gave a big hand to him and he didn’t know how to e__ his feeling of “thanks”.st weekend,my family went out for a p___________.10.She works on m__________research.st week , I r___________ a letter from my old friend .12.I felt s__________ .I want to go to bed now .13.W _________ coat is this ? It’s Tom’s .14.It’s so cold outside. Please put on your __________ .15.I don’t have anything v____________ in my schoolbag, just some books .16.I don’t know how to ___________ (表达) my feelings .17.Stonehenge has a____________ ( 医学的) purpose .18.Yesterday I ____________ (出席) a concert and I enjoyed it very much.19.They are celebrating a __________ ( 胜利) over an enemy .20.The Great Wall was built over a long ___________ (时期) of time .Unit9 单词拼写1.Mary said she p___________ reading a book to watching TV.2.The teacher asks students to make up d__________ on this topic.3.He enjoys planting flowers in his s__________ time.4.The d___________ of the film Lost in Thailand is Xu Zheng .5.Koala(树袋熊)is a special animal in A___________ .6.Lily __________ (表演) well and she succeeded.7.The ___________ ( 总计) of students’ absence of meeting is over 7%.8.Blogs are _____________(电子的) diaries.9.The little boy was ___________ (表扬) for his kindness.10.The cloth feels ___________ ( 平滑的) and it is made of silk.11.If you have a p__________ in your teeth. You should go to the dentist.12.I’d like to watch a movies if I have s__________ time.13.Zhang Yimou is one of the greatest d____________.14.It’s windy outside. Please s___________ the door.15.I’m very happy because I have p__________ of friends.16.I ___________ ( 推断) I’ll just watch TV this weekend.17.I can’t take part in your party. What a ___________ (遗憾) !18.Mr.Brown is an__________ (澳大利亚的) singer.19.The music is beautiful, but I __________ ( 感觉到) a strong sadness.20.All the great Erhu master___________ ( 表扬) this piece of music.Unit10单词拼写1.Paris is the c___________ of France ,and it’s a beautiful city.2.How many s____________ are there in a year? There ‘re four.3.After class, Tom cleaned the b_________ and waited for next class.4.When you go abroad, you must bring your p_________.5.In China there are many c_____ , such as eating “zong i”.6.I like all exercise except ___________ ( run).7.In the USA, you’re supposed __________ (shake) hands when you meet others.8.It’s impolite fr us __________ (point) at others with chopsticks at the table.9.We should take off our gloves before shaking hands in some__________ (east) countries.10.Tim was invited __________ (take) part in Ann’s birthday party.11.Beijing is the c__________ of China.12.There are four s___________ in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.13.This bottle is e___________ . I want a full one.14.Listen! Someone is k___________ at the door.15.If you want to go abroad, you must take your p___________ with you.16.These trees are very expensive. They are __________(值) a thousand dollars.17.Mr.Smith lives in the ___________(北方) part of the USA.18.Please don’t waste the __________ (粉笔) .19.You should know some___________(基本的) manners when you’re visiting others.20.The old man is kind to his ___________ ( 孙女) .Unit 11单词拼写1.True ___________ (友谊) never fades away .2.The doctor__________( 检查)her carefully yesterday .3.They’ve got a foreign ___________ ( 教练).4.We are in ____________ (同意,一致) with their decision .5.Good health is above _____________ (财富).6.He showed great __________ ( 勇气) and determination .7.It is about 76 kilos in w__________.8.He was d___________ with the result .9.Too much work has been placed on his s___________.10.He has achieved his g ____________-.11.Sad movies make me feel like ____________(哭) .12.I’m sorry to d ____________ your expectation .13.His face was always p___ as chalk .14.Would you like to drink tea or water ? N__________ . I’m not thirsty .15.To his surprise and relief, his teammates all n___________ in agreement .16.I have a lot of __________( 财富) , but I’m always worried about losing mymoney .17.He felt like there was a heavy weight on his _____( 肩膀) as he walked home alone .18.He is worried about his ____________( 教练) will let her down .19.Although I have a lot of ___________(力量) , it doesn’t make me happy .20.When yo hand your exam paper , you should ___________(检查) it .Unit 12.单词拼写1.The d_____ of New Continent ( 大陆) in 1492 is an important historical event .2.Bad luck ! I missed the early bus because I o_____ this morning .3.Mr. Green paid me a (n ) _______( 出乎意料的) visit .4.The soup was so hot that it ______ (着火,烫伤) my mouth .5.Although he is eighty, he is still very much a ______.6.His sister is going to m_____ a businessman next year .7.Remember to l____ the door when you leave .8.The moon is now a____ the trees .9.Mr. Wang a _____that we would have a picnic tomorrow .10.Please take the e ______ bottle away and bring me a full one .11.Hurry up , or you will m____ the bus .12.The u_____ news fairly knocked him back .13.New scientific d_____ are being made everyday .14.Tibet is in the w____ of China .15.I waited for him for a long time, but he didn’t s_____up .16.His alarm clock didn’t go off , so he o_____.17.On April F___ Day, people often play jokes .18.Walk two _____ ( 街区) down the street and go past the city hall .19.Her story was _____( 可信的).20.I looked at the plane in the sky , but it _____(消失) very quickly .Unit13单词拼写1.Hangzhou is well k_____ for its Longjing Tea .2.His death was c_____ by a high fever .3.Tom !Someone is waiting for you at the school g _____.4.I think the government must develop l_____ to protect environment .5.People shouldn’t take w____ chopsticks or plastic forks when they buy takeaway food .6.The poor fisherman can’t a _____ his children’s education .7.I have a simple and easy______(方法) to solve the problem. Will you join us in the discussion ?8.We shouldn’t be ____ ( 残忍的) to animals .9.It’s _____ (有害的) to your health to drink too much .10.The city is the ____(工业)center of the country .11.Coins are made of m____.12.Please close the g_____ so that the cattle cannot get out of the field .13.It is the duty of everybody to obey the l_____ .14.The bike is so expensive that I can’t a_____ it.15.I’m thirsty. I want to buy a b_____ of water to drink.16.Two years later, he was elected ____( 总统) of the United States.17.Steel, iron, glass , cloth and paper can all be ____( 回收利用) .18.It has a very _____(丑陋的) face.19.Tom lived in a ____ (低矮的) house.20.Our picnic plates are made of _____( 塑料) .Unit 14.单词拼写1.D___ twenty is forty .2.Before taking medicine, we should read i____ book carefully .3.Jack lost his money yesterday at school . Now his teacher is doing a s______.4.Her elder brother o_____ many difficulties and succeeded at last.5.Who helped you finish the job ? N_____ , I did it by myself .6.After graduating from university, Ann really looks forward to ___(find ) a good job .7.“The books belong to us” means “The books are ______ (us ).8.They are considering ______(travel) to the USA during winter vacation .9.Have you learned _____(play ) the keyboard.10.There are some farmers ______ (work) on the farm .11.A bird has w____ instead of arms.12.He took his business d____ at the university last year.13.Their room is much bigger that o____.14.We have reviewed the whole t____ book.15.The top of the hill is 400 meters above sea l___.16.One man went ____(向前) to see what was happening in the front.17.They had to ____( 克服) all the difficulties in their studies.18.He studies in s ____ ( 高的) middle school.19.There’s something wrong with his ____(键盘) ,so he has to have it repaired.20.If you have something important, I’ll take you to the ___ (经理)office.。

英语单词表1Starter Unit 1good /gud/ adj.好的morning /'mɔ:niŋ/ n.早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi /hai/ interj.(用于打招呼)嗨;喂hello /hə'ləu/ interj.你好;喂afternoon /,a:ftə'nu:n/ n.下午Good afternoon! 下午好!evening /'i:vniŋ/ n.晚上;傍晚Good evening! 晚上好!how /hau/ adv.怎样;如何are /a:/ v.是you /ju:/ pron.你;你们How are you? 你好吗?I /ai/ pron.我am /æm/ v.是fine /fain/ adj.健康的;美好的thanks /θæŋks/ interj.&n.感谢;谢谢OK /əu'kei/ interj.& adv.好;可以Starter Unit 2 what /wɔt/ pron.&adj.什么is /iz/ v.是this /ðis/ pron.这;这个in /in/ prep.(表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English /'iŋgliʃ/ n.英语adj.英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语map /mæp/ n.地图cup /kʌp/ n.杯子ruler /'ru:lə/ n.尺;直尺pen /pen/ n.笔;钢笔orange /'ɔrindʒ/ n.橙子jacket /'dʒækit/ n.夹克衫;短上衣key /ki:/ n.钥匙quilt /kwilt/ n.被子;床罩it /it/ pron.它a /ə/ art.(用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物)that /ðæt/ pron.那;那个spell /spel/ v.用字母拼;拼写please /pli:z/ interj.(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请Starter Unit 3color /'kʌlə/ n.(=colour) 颜色red /red/ adj.& n.红色(的)yellow /'jeləu/ adj.& n.黄色(的)green /gri:n/ adj.& n.绿色(的)blue /blu:/ adj.& n.蓝色(的)black /blæk/ adj.& n.黑色(的)white /wait/ adj.& n.白色(的)purple /'pə:pl/ adj.& n.紫色(的)brown /braun/ adj.& n.棕色(的);褐色(的)the /ði; ðə/ art.指已提到或易领会到的人或事now /nau/ adv.现在;目前see /si:/ v.理解;明白can /kæn/ modal v.能;会say /sei/ v.说;讲my /mai/ pron.我的Unit 1name /neim/ n.名字;名称nice /nais/ adj.令人愉快的;宜人的to /tu:/ 常用于原形动词之前, 该动词为不定式meet /mi:t/ v.遇见;相逢too /tu:/ adv.也;又;太your /jɔ:/ pron.你的;你们的Ms./miz/ (于女子的姓名前, 不指明婚否)女士his /hiz/ pron.他的and /ænd/ conj.和;又;而her /hə:/ pron, 她的yes /jes/ interj.是的;可以she /ʃi:/ pron.她he /hi:/ pron.他no /nəu/ interj.不;没有;不是not /nɔt/ adv.不;没有zero /'ziərəu/ num.零one /wʌn/ num.一two /tu:/ num.二three /θri:/ num.三four /fɔ:/ num.四five /faiv/ num.五six /siks/ num.六seven /'sevn/ num.七eight /eit/ num.八nine /nain/ num.九telephone /'telifəun/ n.电话;电话机number /'nʌmbə/ n.号码;数字phone /fəun/ n.电话;电话机telephone/phone number 电话号码first /fə:st/ adj.第一first name 名字last /la:st/ adj.最后的;末尾的last name 姓friend /frend/ n.朋友China /'tʃainə/ 中国middle /'midl/ adj.中间的;中间school /sku:l/ n.学校middle school 中学;初中sister /'sistə/ n.姐;妹mother /'mʌðə/ n.母亲;妈妈father /'fa:ðə/ n.父亲;爸爸parent /'peərənt/ n.父(母)亲brother /'brʌðə/ n.兄;弟grandmother /'grænmʌðə/ n.(外)祖母;奶奶grandfather /'grænfa:ðə/ n.(外)祖父;爷爷;grandparent/'grænpeərənt/ n.祖父(母);family /'fæməli/ n.家;家庭those /ðəuz/ pron.那些who /hu:/ pron.谁;什么人oh /əu/ interj.哦;啊these /ði:z/ pron.这些they /ðei/ pron.他(她、它)们well /wel/ interj.嗯;好吧have /hæv/ v.经受;经历Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye /bai/ interj.(=goodbye)再见son /sʌn/ n.儿子cousin /'kʌzn/ n.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄grandpa /'grænpa:/ n.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公mom /mɔm/, /ma:m/ n.(=mum)妈妈aunt /a:nt/ n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母grandma /'grænma:/ n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;dad /dæd/ n.爸爸uncle /'ʌŋkl/ n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;舅父daughter /'dɔ:tə/ n.女儿here /hiə/ adv.(用以介绍人或物)这就是;在这里photo /'fəutəu/ n.照片of /ɔv, əv/ prep.属于(人或物);关于(人或物)next /nekst/ adj.&n.下一个(的);接下来(的)picture /'piktʃə/ n.照片;图画girl /gə:l/ n.女孩dog /dɔg/ n.狗pencil /'pensl/ n.铅笔book /buk/ n.书eraser /i'reizə/ n.橡皮box /bɒks/ n.箱;盒pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒school bag /'sku:lbæg/ n.书包dictionary /'dikʃənəri/ n.词典;字典his /hiz/ pron.他的mine /main/ pron.我的hers /hə:z/ pron.她的excuse /ik'skju:z/ v.原谅;宽恕me /mi:/ pron.(I的宾格)我excuse me 劳驾;请原谅thank /θæŋk/ v.感谢;谢谢teacher /'ti:tʃə/ n.老师;教师about //ə'baut/ prep.关于What about...?(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样?yours /jɔ:z/ pron.你的;你们的for /fɔ:/ prep.为了;给;对thank you for...为......而感谢help /help/ v.&n.帮助;援助welcome /'welkəm/ adj.受欢迎的You're welcome.别客气。

以下是题目及答案:1. 单词:accommodation拼写:__________________答案:accommodation2. 单词:language拼写:____________答案:language3. 单词:restaurant拼写:_________________答案:restaurant4. 单词:convenient拼写:________________答案:convenient5. 单词:vacation拼写:_____________答案:vacation6. 单词:exercise拼写:____________答案:exercise7. 单词:furniture拼写:_____________答案:furniture8. 单词:necessary拼写:_____________答案:necessary9. 单词:February拼写:_____________答案:February10. 单词:occasion拼写:____________答案:occasion11. 单词:knowledge拼写:_____________答案:knowledge12. 单词:environment拼写:_________________答案:environment13. 单词:ordinary拼写:____________答案:ordinary14. 单词:principal拼写:_____________答案:principal15. 单词:schedule拼写:____________答案:schedule16. 单词:separate拼写:_____________答案:separate17. 单词:temperature拼写:_________________答案:temperature18. 单词:usually拼写:____________答案:usually19. 单词:although拼写:_____________答案:although20. 单词:decide拼写:____________答案:decide这是本文为大家准备的初中英语单词拼写练习题库及答案。

a(an)一个(只,把,台… …等)ability [əˈbiliti]能力able [ˈeibl]能够;有能力的about 关于;涉及;在……方above [əˈbʌv]在……上面abroad [əˈbrɔ:d]到国外;在国外accept [əkˈsept]接受;领受accident[ˈæksidənt]事故according[əˈkɔ:d] to 根据achieve [əˈtʃi:v]完成;实现across[əˈkrɔs]横过;在对面act [ækt]表演;演戏action [ˈækʃən]动作activity[ækˈtiviti]活动add [æd]加;增加address [əˈdres]通讯处;地址advantage [ædˈvæntɪdʒ]有利条件;advertisement[ədˈvə:tismənt]广告advice [ədˈvais] 劝告;忠告;advise [ədˈvaiz]劝告;忠告afraid [əˈfreid]怕的;害怕的after 在……之后afternoo n[ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] 下午again [əˈɡein]再一次;又一次against [ əˈɡeinst]反对age [eidʒ]年龄;年纪ago [əˈɡəu] 以前agree [əˈɡri:]同意;赞成air [ɛə]空气;大气airline[ˈɛəlain]航空公司airplane [ˈɛəplein]飞机airport [ˈɛəpɔ:t]飞机场album [ˈælbəm]相册all [ɔ:l]全体;全部allow [əˈlau]允许;承认almost [ˈɔ:lməust]几乎;差不多alone [əˈləun]单独地;独自地along [əˈlɔŋ]沿着;顺着aloud [əˈlaud]出声地;高声地already [ɔ:lˈredi] 早已;先前also[ˈɔ:lsəu]也;亦;并且although [ɔ:lˈðəu]虽然;即使纵然always[ˈɔ:lweiz]总是;始终America [əˈmerɪkə]美国American [əˈmerɪkən]美国的;美洲的among [əˈmʌŋ] 在……中间and [ænd]和;又;而且angry[ˈæŋɡri] 愤怒的;生气的animal [ˈæniməl]动物another [əˈnʌðə又一的;再一的answer[ˈɑ:nsə] 回答;答复;ant [ænt]蚂蚁any [ˈeni]任何一个(或一些)事物anybody[ˈeniˌbɔdi]任何人anyone [ˈeniwʌn]任何人anything[ˈeniθiŋ]任何事无论何事anyway[ˈeniwei] 不管怎样;无论anywhere [ˈenihwɛə]任何地方appear [əˈpiə]出现;露出;apple [ˈæpl]苹果April[ˈeiprəl]四月area [ˈɛəriə]面积;地区;地域arm [ɑ:m]臂;胳膊around [əˈraund]大约arrive [ə'raiv]到达;抵达某地art [ɑ:t] 艺术;美术;艺术品article [ˈɑ:tikl]文章;冠词as [æz]作为Asia[ˈeɪʃə]亚洲Asian [ ˈeɪʃən]亚洲人ask [ɑ:sk]询问;问asleep [əˈsli:p]睡着的at 在(里面或附近);在(时刻)Atlantic[ætˈlæntɪk] 大西洋ocean[ ˈəuʃən]海洋August [ˈɔ:ɡəst]八月aunt [ɑ:nt]姨/舅/姑/婶母Australia [ɔ:ˈstreɪljə]澳大利亚;autumn [ˈɔ:təm]秋天available [əˈveiləbl]可用的;可到达的avoid [əˈvɔid]避免;躲开awake [əˈweik]醒着的away [əˈwei]向远处;离开;baby [ˈbeibi婴儿;宝贝back [bæk]回原处;往回去background [ˈbækɡraund]背景bad [bæd]坏的;劣质的badly [ˈbædli]严重地;恶劣地bag [bæɡ]书包;提包;口袋ball [bɔ:l]球balloon[bəˈlu:n]气球bamboo[bæmˈbu:] 竹子banana [bəˈnɑ:nə]香蕉bank [bæŋk]银行baseball [ˈbeisbɔ:l]棒球basic [ˈbeisik]基本的;基础的basket [ˈbɑ:skit]篮;筐basketball 篮球bathroom [ˈbɑ:θrum]浴室;盥洗室be(is , arm, are) 是(表存在、状态等)beach [bi:tʃ]海滩bear [bɛə]熊beat [bi:t](beat,beaten)打败;战胜超过beautiful [ˈbju:təful]美丽的;because[biˈkɔz]因为become [biˈkʌm](became,become)成为bed [bed]床bedroom[ˈbedˌru:m, -ˌrʊm]卧室;寝室bee 蜜蜂beef [bi:f]牛肉before[biˈfɔ:,bɪˈfɔː(r)] (指时间)在……之前;begin[biˈɡin](beganbegun)开始beginning [biˈɡiniŋ]开始behind [biˈhaind]在……后面believe[biˈli:v] 相信;认为bell [bel]钟;铃;门铃below[biˈləu]在……下面;beside biˈsaid] 在……旁边;besides [biˈsaidz] 而且除之外(还)between[biˈtwi:n] 介于(两者)中间beyond [biˈjɔnd]在那边;在以外big 大的;广大的;重大的bike [baik]自行车;脚踏车bill帐单;清单;纸币bird [bə:d,bɜːd 鸟birth [bə:θ]出生;出世;诞生birthday[ˈbə:θdei] 生日biscuit [ˈbiskit]饼干bit [bit]一点儿;一片;少许bitter [ˈbitə]苦的black [blæk]黑色的blackboard [ˈblækbɔ:d]黑板blind [blaind]盲的blood [blʌd]血;血液blow [bləu](blew,blown)吹blue [blu:]兰色的board [bɔ:d]甲板boat [bəut]小船body [ˈbɔdi,ˈbɒdi]身体;躯体book [buk]书bookshop [ˈbukʃɔp]书店boring [ˈbɔ:riŋ]无聊的;另人厌的born [bɔ:n]出生borrow['bɔrəu] 借用(入)boss [bɔs]老板;上司both [bəuθ]两个(都);两者(都)bottle [ˈbɔtl]瓶子bowl [bəul]碗box 方格;方块;盒子boy 男孩brain [brein]脑子brave [breiv]勇敢的;无畏的bread [bred]面包break [breik]课间休息;中断breakfast[ˈbrekfəst]早餐breathe [bri:ð]呼吸bridge [bridʒ]桥梁bright [brait]明亮的;发光的bring [briŋ]拿来;取来;带来brother[ˈbrʌðə]兄弟brown [braun]棕色的brush[brʌʃ]刷build [bild]构筑;建造;建筑building 建筑物;房屋burn [bə:n,bɜːn]烧伤;烧坏bus [bʌs]公共汽车business[ˈbiznis] 商业;交易busy [ˈbizi]忙的;繁忙的but 但是butter [ˈbʌtə]黄油butterfly[ˈbʌtəflai]蝴蝶buy [bai] (bought, bought) 买by表示交通、传递等的方式;bye-bye (口语)再见;回头见cabbage [ˈkæbidʒ]卷心菜;洋白菜cake [keik]蛋糕call [kɔ:l]称呼;为……取名camel ˈkæməl]骆驼camera [ˈkæmərə]照相机camp [kæmp]野营;营地can [kæn, kən]能;可以;会Canada [ˈkænədə]加拿大candle [ˈkændl] 蜡烛candy [ˈkændi]糖果cap [kæp](无帽檐)的帽子capital [ˈkæpitl] 首都;省会captain [ˈkæptin]队长;首领car [kɑ:] 轿车card [kɑ:d] 纸牌;卡片care [kɛə]对…在意;对… 计较careful [ˈkɛəful]小心的;仔细的careless[ˈkɛəlis]粗心的;大意的carry ˈkæri]搬运;携带cat [kæt]猫catch [kætʃ]抓住;捕获(caught, caught)cause [kɔ:z]引起;造成;使发生CD 激光唱片ceiling [ˈsi:liŋ] 天花板celebrate[ˈselibreit] 庆祝cent [sent]分centre[ˈsentə]中央;中心century [ˈsentʃuri]世纪;百年certain [ˈsə:tn]确实;无疑的certainly[ˈsə:tnli,ˈsɜːtnli] 当然chair [tʃɛə,tʃeə(r)]椅子chairman [ˈtʃɛəmən]男主席chairwoman[ˈtʃeəˌwʊmən]女主席chalk [tʃɔ:k]粉笔chance [tʃɑ:ns]机会;机遇change [tʃeindʒ]改变;变化chant [tʃɑ:nt]唱的或喊叫的词语cheap [tʃi:p]便宜的;廉价的cheat [tʃi:t]欺骗;作弊check [tʃek]核对;检查cheer [tʃɪə(r),tʃɪr]欢呼;cheese [tʃi:z]干酪;乳酪chemistry [ˈkemistri]化学chess [tʃes]国际象棋chest [tʃest]胸部chick [tʃɪk]小鸡chicken[ˈtʃikin]鸡肉;鸡child [tʃaild]小孩;儿女Chin[ˈtʃaɪnə] a 中国Chinese [tʃaɪˈni:z]中国人,汉语;chocolate ˈtʃɔkəlit]巧克力choice [tʃɔis]选择choose [tʃu:z]选择chopsticks[ˈtʃɔpstɪks筷子Christmas [ˈkrisməs]圣诞节;church [tʃə:tʃ]教堂;教会cinema[ˈsinəmə]电影院;电影circle[ˈsə:kl]圆;(有共同兴趣的)圈子阶层city [ˈsiti] 城市clap [klæp]掌声class [klɑ:s] 班级;一节课classmate[ˈklɑ:smeit] 同班同学classroom[ˈklɑ:sru:m]教室clean [kli:n]打扫;清除clear [kliə]清楚的;明亮的clearly [ˈklɪəlɪ]明朗的;明显的clever [ˈklevə]聪明的;机灵的climb [klaim]攀登;爬clock [klɔk]时钟clone [kləun]克隆close [kləuz]关闭clothes [kləuðz]衣服cloud [klaud]云cloudy [ˈklaudi] 多云的;阴天的club [klʌb]俱乐部;社团coach [kəutʃ]教练coal [kəul]煤;煤炭coast [kəust]海岸;海滨coat [kəut]外套;上衣coffee 咖啡coin [kɔin]硬币;钱币coke [kəʊk] 焦,焦炭,炼成焦炭cold [kəuld]寒冷的;伤风;感冒collect [kəˈlekt]收集;搜集college[ˈkɔlidʒ]大学;学院colour [ˈkʌlə]颜色come [kʌm]来;来到comfortable [ˈkʌmfətəbl]舒适的;舒服的common [ˈkɔmən]共同的;公共的communication [kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən]交流;交往company [ˈkʌmpəni]公司compare [kəmˈpɛə]比较competition [ˌkɔmpiˈtiʃən]竞争;竞赛;比赛computer [kəmˈpju:tə]电脑;计算机concert[ˈkɔnsət]音乐会condition [kənˈdiʃn]条件;状况conferenceˈkɔnfərəns]会议connect [kəˈnekt] 连接;相连;联系consider [kənˈsidə]思考;考虑;context[ˈkɔntekst]上下文continue [kənˈtinju] (使)继续;(使)连续contract [kənˈtrækt] 合同control [kənˈtrəul]控制;支配conversation[ˌkɔnvəˈseiʃən]交谈;cook [kuk]烹调cooker[ˈkukə]炊具cool [ku:l]凉爽的;酷的;copy [ˈkɔpi]复制;抄袭corner[ˈkɔ:nə]角落;街角;correct [kəˈrekt]对的;正确的;cost [kɔst]价值;花(多少钱)cotton [ˈkɔtən](棉花)cough [kɔf]咳嗽could [kud, kəd] can的过去式count [kaunt]计;值country[ˈkʌntri]国家countryside[ˈkʌntrisaid]乡下;农村;乡村couple [ˈkʌpl]双;对;夫妇courage[ˈkʌridʒ]勇气;胆量cousin [ˈkʌzn]堂/表兄弟/姐妹cover[ˈkʌvə]覆盖;遮掩cow[kau]母牛;乳牛crazy [ˈkreɪzi] 疯狂的;狂热的create [kriˈeɪt] 创造;创作;创建cross [krɔs] 越过;穿过;横过cruel [kru:əl] 残忍的;残酷的*cry [krai] 流泪;哭泣culture [‘kʌltʃə]文化cup [kʌp]小茶杯;一杯的容量cut [kʌt] 切;割;削Dad [dæd] (daddy)(非正式用语)爸爸daily [‘deili] 每日的dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞;舞蹈danger ['deindʒə] 危险dangerous['deindʒərəs]危险的dare 敢于;敢dark [dɑ:k] 黄昏;黑暗date [deit] 日期daughter ['dɔ:tə]女儿day [dei] 天;白天;一日dead [ded] 死的deaf [def] 聋的deal [di:l](dealtdealt处理;应付dear [diə] 呵;哎呀;亲爱的;可爱的;贵的death [deθ] n死;死亡December [di'sembə] n 十二月decide [di'said] v 决定;下决心decision [di'siʒən] n 决定;决心deep [di:p] adj 深的degree[dɪˈgri:]程度delicious [di'liʃəs] adj美味的dentist [ˈdentɪst] 牙医depend [dɪ'pend] 依靠;依赖describe [di'skraib] v 描述;形容desk [desk] n书桌;课桌develop [di'veləp] v 发展;壮大;development [dɪ'veləpmənt] 开发;发展dialogue['daɪəlɒɡ]对话diary['daiəri] n 日记dictionary ['dikʃəneri] n 字典;die [dai] v死(亡)difference['difərəns] n 不同;差异;区别different ['difərənt] adj 不同的difficult ['difikəlt] adj 难的difficulty['dɪfɪkəltɪ]困难dig[dig] v(dug, dug)挖:掘dinner ['dinə] n 正餐;晚餐direct [di'rekt] adv 直接的;指导;导演direction [də'rekʃn]方向;director [də'rektə(r)]主管;主任dirty['də:ti] adj 肮脏的discover[dis'kʌvə] v 发现;发觉discuss [di'skʌs] v 讨论;议论discussion[di'skʌʃən] ndisease[di'zi:z] n疾病;dish [diʃ] n 盘子;碟子disturb [dis'tə:b] v 妨碍;打扰divide [dɪ'vaɪd] 分开;划分do[du:]v.aux 做;干;行动;助动词doctor['dɔktə] n 医生dog[dɔg] n 狗doll [dɔl] n 玩具娃娃dollar['dɔlə]n 美圆door [dɔ:] n 门double['dʌbl] adj 两倍的doubt [daʊt]怀疑down[daun] adv 向下downstairs[daun'stɛəz] adj & adv 顺楼梯而下dozen [ˈdʌzn] 一打;十二个draw[drɔ:] v (drew,drawn)drawer 抽屉drawing 素描;图dream [dri:m] n & v 梦;梦想;dress[dres] n 穿衣drink[driŋk] n & v 饮料drive [draiv] v 驾驶;驱车旅行driver['draivə] n 司机;驾驶员drop [drɔp] n & v 扔;丢;落下;drum 鼓dry[drai] adj 干燥的;干旱的duck [dʌk] n 鸭子during 在……期间duty['dju:ti] n 责任;义务;值日DVD 光碟each [i:tʃ] adv & pron 每个;各自;每ear[iə] n 耳朵early['ə:liə] adj & adv 早;提早earth [ə:θ] n 地球easily 容易地;简单地east [i:st] n & adj 东方的;东部的;东方;东部easy ['i:zi] adj 容易的;不费力气的;安逸的eat[i:t] v 吃edge[edʒ] n 边缘;边education [,edjukeiʃn] n 教育;教育effort [ˈefət] 努力;尽力egg [eg] n 蛋;鸡蛋eight [eit] num 八either ['i:ðə] adv (用于否定句中)也(不)elder (家庭成员中)年纪较长的electric [ɪˈlektrɪk] 电的;导电的elephant['elifənt] n 大象eleven 十一else[els] adv & adj 别的;其它的(后置定语)e-mail[i:'meil] n 电子邮件empty ['empti] adj空的;空闲的enable [ɪˈneɪbl]使……能做……encourage[in'kʌridʒ] v 鼓励end[end] n & v 末端;终点;结束enemy [ˈenəmi] 敌人energy ['enədʒɪ] 力量;能量engineer[,endʒi'niə] n 工程师England['iŋglənd] n 英格兰English['iŋgliʃ] n & adj 英语英国人enjoy[in'dʒɔi] v 喜欢;享受乐趣ensure [ɪn'ʃʊə(r)]保证;确保enter ['entə] v 参加;进入eraser[i'reisə] n 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦especially[is'peʃəli] adv 特别;尤其Europe [ˈjʊərəp] 欧洲European [ˌjʊərəˈpi:ən] 欧洲的;欧洲人的even ['i:vən] adv甚至evening ['i:vniŋ] n 傍晚;黄昏;ever['evə] adv 曾;曾经every['evri] adj 每一;每个everybody ['evribɔdi] pron每人;人人everyday 每日的;日常的everyone['evriwʌn] pron 每个人everywhere['evrihwɛə]adv 各处;exactly[ig'zæktli] adv 正;恰恰exam [ig'zæm] n 考试;检查examine [ɪɡ'zæmɪn] 检查example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子;实例excellent['eksələnt] adj 极好的except [ik'sept] prep 把……除外excite [ik'sait] v 使激动;使兴奋excited [ik'saitid] adj 兴奋的exciting[ik'saitiŋ] adj令人激动的;令人兴奋的excuse[iks'kju:z] v 原谅;宽恕exercise['eksəsaiz]n 锻炼;运动;练习expect [iks'pekt] v 预计;预料expensive[iks'pensiv] adj 昂贵的;高价的experience[iks'piəriəns] n 经历;体验experiment [ɪk'sperɪmənt] 试验;explain [ɪk'spleɪn] 解释;说明explanation [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn] n 解释;说明express [ɪk'spres] 表示;表达eye[ai] n 眼睛face[feis] n 脸;面孔fact[fækt] n 事实;客观事实factor ['fæktə(r)]因素;因子factory ['fæktəri] n 工厂fail[feil] v 失败;不及格ffair feə(r)] 公平的;公道的fall[fɔ:l] v(fell, fallen)落下;跌落;变为family['fæmili] n 家;家庭famous['feiməs] adj 著名的;出名的fan[fæn] n 迷;狂热者;爱好者;扇子fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] 极好的farm [fɑ:m] n 农场far[fɑ:] adj & adv远的farmer ['fɑ:mə] n农夫;农场主fast[fɑ:st] adj & adv 快的;迅速的fat[fæt] adj 胖的;肥的father ['fɑ:ðə] n 爸爸;父亲favourite['feivərit] adj 最喜爱的fear [fɪə(r)]害怕;担心February['februəri] n 二月feed[fi:d] v 喂,饲养feel[fi:l] v 觉得;感到feeling 感觉;知觉;触觉festival['festəvəl] n & adj 节日;喜庆日fetch [fetʃ] 取来;接来fever ['fi:və(r)]发烧;发热few [fju:] adj表示否定的)很少的(可数)field[fi:ld] n 地;田地;领域fifth [fifθ] num & adj 第五fifty ['fifti] num五十fight [faɪt](fought,fought)打架;打仗fill [fil] v 装满;填充film[film] n 影片;电影final['fainl] adj 最后的;最终的finally['fainli] 最后地;最终地find[faind] v (found, found)寻找;查找fine[fain] adj 好的finger['fiŋgə] n 手指finish['finiʃ] v 结束;完毕;完成fire ['faɪə(r)]火;火炉first[fə:st] num & adv 第一fish[fiʃ] n 鱼;鱼肉fisherman 鱼夫;渔民fit 强健的;健康的five[faiv] num 五fix[fiks] v 修理;安装flag [flæɡ]旗;国旗flat[flæt] 公寓flight [flait] n 航班,飞行flood [flʌd] n & v 洪水,水灾;floor[flɔ:] n 地板;地面flower['flauə] n 花flu [flu:]流行性感冒fly [flai] v (flew, flown)飞;飞行follow['fɔləu] v 跟随;追捕following 下列的;下述的food[fu:d] n 食物foot[fut] n (pl,feet)football['futbɔ:l] n 足球for [fɔ:] prep 为;给;对于;因为force [fɔ:s]强迫;迫使;强制foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的;在外国的foreigner ['fɔ:rinə] n 外国人forest ['fɔrist] n 森林forget [fə'ɡet](forgot, forgotten)忘记fork [fɔ:k] n 叉;餐叉form [fɔ:m] n 构成;组成forward(s) [fɔ:wəd] 向前;前进four [fɔ:] num 四fox [fɔks] n 狐狸free [fri:] adj 空闲的;有空的;自由的freeze [fri:z](froze,frozen)结冰;凝固fresh [freʃ] 新鲜的,生的;无经验的Friday['fraidi] n 星期五fridge[fridʒ] n 电冰箱friend[frend] n 朋友friendly ['frendli] adj 友好的frog [frɔɡ]青蛙from[frɔm] prep 从;从……起front [frʌnt] adj & n 前面;前边fruit [fru:t] n 水果full[ful] adj 饱的;吃胀了的;满的fun [fʌn] adj 有趣的;令人愉快的funny['fʌni] adj 有趣的;好玩的future['fju:tʃə] n 将来;未来game[geim] n 游戏;运动garden['gɑ:dn] n (菜、花)园gate [geit] n大门general ['geit,ki:pə] n一般的;概括的;全面的geography [dʒi'ɔgrəfi] n地理gesture [‘dʒestʃə]姿势;手势get [get] v变得;得到gift [ɡift] 礼物;赠品giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿girl [gə:l] n 女孩give [giv] v给;授予glad [glæd] adj(只做表语)高兴的;乐意的glass [glɑ:s] n玻璃杯;玻璃;pl 眼镜glove [glʌv] n 手套go [gəu] v(went,gone)去goat [ɡəut]山羊god [ɡɔd]上帝;神gold [ɡəuld]金的;黄金的;金色;黄金golden [ɡəulden]金色的good [gud] adj 好的;令人满意的goodbye[,gud'bai] int 再见;再会goose [ɡu:s](geese)鹅government 政府grade [greid] n分数;年级;等级grammar [ˈgræmə(r)]语法grandchild [ˈgræntʃaɪld]孙子granddaughter[ˈgrændɔ:tə(r)]孙女grandpa ['ɡrænpɑ:]祖父;外祖父grandma ['ɡrænmɑ:]祖母;外祖母grandparent[ˈgrænpeərənt] 祖父母;外祖父母grandson ['ɡrænsʌn]孙子;外孙granny ['ɡrænɪ]奶奶;老太太;老奶奶grass [grɑ:s] n草grape [greip] n 葡萄great[greit] adj 美妙的;伟大的green [gri:n] adj & n 绿色的;绿色greet [gri:t] v 问候;向(人)打招呼ground [graund] n 地面;土地group [gru:p] n 团体;组grow [grəu] v(grew, grown)生长;发育guard防护装置;警戒guess [ges] v猜guest[gest] 客人;宾客guitar [gɪˈtɑ:(r)]吉他gun [ɡʌn] 枪;炮gym [dʒɪm] 体育馆;健身房habit [ˈhæbɪt]习惯;习性hair[hɛə] n (统称)头发;毛发half [hɑ:f] n 半;一半hall [hɔ:l] n 大厅;礼堂;过道;会堂ham[hæm]火腿hamburger ['hæmbə:gə] n 汉堡包hand [hænd] n手handbag [ˈhændbæg]女用手提包handsome ['hænsəm] 英俊的;好看的(男性)handwriting 书法hang [hæŋ] v (hung, hung)逗留;悬挂happen ['hæpən] v 发生happy['hæpi] adj高兴的;满意的;幸福的hard [hɑ:d] adj坚硬的;坚固的;困难的hardly ['hɑ:dli] adv几乎不;几乎没有hat [hæt] n(有沿的)帽子hate [heit] v憎恨;憎恶have [hæv] v(had, had)有;吃;饮;得(病)he[hi:] 他head [hed] n 头;头部headache ['hedeik] n 头痛health[helθ] n 健康;健康状况healthy ['helθi] adj 健康的;强健的hear[hiə] v (heard, heard)听见;听说heart [hɑ:t] n 心;内心heat [hi:t]热;热度heaven ['hevn]天堂;天国heavy['hevi] adj 重的height [hait] n高度hello [hə'ləu] int(hi)喂help [help] v帮助;援助helpful [ˈhelpfl] 有帮助的;有用的hen 母鸡her [hə:] pron她的;她(宾格)here[hiə] adv这;这里hero ['hɪərəʊ]英雄herself [hə:'self] pron(反身代词)她自己/本人hide [haid] v 躲藏high [hai] adj & adv 高的hill [hil] 小山;丘陵him[him] pron 他(宾格)himself (反身代词)他自己/本人his [hiz] pron 他的history['histəri] n 历史hit [hit] v 打;击中;撞hobby['hɔbi] n 业余爱好;喜爱的话题hold [həʊld] (held, held) 举行;主持;拿hole [həul] n 孔;洞;坑holiday ['hɔlədi] n 假日;假期;节日home [həum] n 家homesick [ˈhəʊmsɪk] 想家的homework ['həumwə:k] n 家庭作业;课外作业honest [ˈɒnɪst]诚实的;真诚的honour 荣誉;光荣hope[həup] v 希望;盼望;期待horse [hɔ:s] n 马hospital ['hɔspitl] n 医院hot [hɔt] adj 热;热度hotel [həu'tel] n 旅馆hour[auə] n 小时house [haus] n 房子;住宅how[hau] adv(只程度)多少;何等;怎样however [hau'evə] conj 可是;然而huge [hju:dʒ] adj 巨大的;庞大的hundred['hʌndrəd] num 百hungry['hʌŋgri] adj 饥饿的hurry ['hʌri] v 匆忙;赶快hurt[hə:t] v (hurt, hurt)是使受伤;受伤害husband ['hʌzbənd] n丈夫I[ai] n 我(主格)ice [ais] n冰ice cream 冰激凌idea [ai'diə] n 主意;想法if [if] conj(表示条件)如果;是否ill[il] adj 生病的;不健康的illness [ˈɪlnɪs]疾病;生病imagine*[i'mædʒin] v 想象;设想immediately [ɪˈmi:diətli] 立即important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj重要的;重大的impossible [im'pɔsəbl] adj 不可能的;improve[im'pru:v] v 改进;提高in [in] prep在……里(内;上)inch [ɪntʃ]英寸include [ɪnˈklu:d]包含;包括increase [ɪn'kri:s]增加;增大indeed [ɪnˈdi:d] 的确;真正地India['indiə] n印度industry ['ɪndəstrɪ]工业influence [ˈɪnfluəns] 影响information[,infə'meiʃən] n 信息;资料ink 墨水inside [ˌɪn'saɪd]里面;内部insist [ɪn'sɪst] 坚持;声称instead [in'sted] adv 代替;而不是instruction [ɪn'strʌkʃn] 命令;指示;使用说明intend [ɪn'tend]想要;打算interest ['intərist] n兴趣;趣味interested['intəristid] adj (人)对……感兴趣的interesting['intəristiŋ]adj 有趣的;令人感兴趣的international [ˌɪntə'næʃnəl] 国际的;世界的internet[ˌɪntənet] 网络;互联网interview ['ɪntəvju:] 面试;面谈;采访into 到……里;进入到……之内introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdju:s]介绍;引见invent [ɪn'vent]发明;创造invite [ɪn'vaɪt]邀请;恳请iron ['aɪən] 铁;熨斗island ['aɪlənd]岛;岛屿it 它its 它的itself 它自己;它本身jacket ['dʒækit] n 茄克衫January ['dʒænjueri] n 一月Japan [dʒə'pæn] n 日本Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z]adj 日语;日本人;日本的;日本人的jeans [dʒi:nz] 牛仔裤job [dʒɔb] n 工作;零工;任务;职位join [dʒɔin] v 参加;加入(组织或固定团体)joke[dʒəuk] n 笑话;玩笑joy [dʒɔɪ]欢乐;高兴juice [dʒu:s] n 果汁;果汁饮料July[dʒu:'lai] n 七月jump [dʒʌmp] v 跳跃June[dʒu:n] n 六月just[dʒʌst] adv 刚刚;方才;仅仅keep [ki:p] v (kept, kept)保持;饲养key [ki:] n 钥匙keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n 键盘kick 踢kid 小孩;年轻人;欺骗;戏弄kill [kil] v杀死;致死kilogram ['ki:ləu] n公斤;千克kilometer ['kilə,mi:tə] n公里;千米kind [kaind] n 种类king [kɪŋ]君主;国王kiss 亲吻kitchen ['kitʃin] n 厨房kite[kait] n 风筝knee [ni:] n 膝盖;膝knife [naif] n (pl, knives)(有柄的)刀nock [nɔk] v 敲;击;敲打;碰撞know [nəu] v(knew, known)知道;了解knowledge ['nɔlidʒ] n知识;学问Llab[læb](laboratory)实验室labour ['leɪbə(r)] 劳动lady['leidi] n 女士;贵夫人;淑女lake [leik] n湖;湖泊lamb [læm] 羔羊;羔羊肉lamp [læmp]灯;火把land [læd]国家;国土;陆地language['læŋgwidʒ] n 语言large [lɑ:dʒ] adj 大的;宽广的last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的;上一个的late [leit] adj & adv晚;晚的;迟到的later ['leitə] adv 后来;以后laugh [lɑ:f] v & n 笑;发笑law[lɔ:]法律;法令lay [lei] v(laid, laid)产卵;下蛋lazy ['leizi] adj 懒惰的;懒散的lead [li:d]主角;领导leader 领导者;指挥者leaf [li:f] n (leaves)树叶;叶learn [lə:n] v(learnt, learnt)学习;学会least [li:st] adj 最小;最少leave[li:v] v (left, left)离去;出发;留下left[left] n & adj 左边leg [leg] n 腿;腿部lemonade [ˌlemə'neɪd] 柠檬汽水lend (lent[lent],lend的过去式和过去分词) [lend] v(lent, lent )借给(出)less [les] adj&adv(little的比较级)较少的lesson ['lesn] n 课;课程let [let] v(let, let)允许;让letter ['letə] n 信level ['levl]水平;标准librarian[lai'brɛəriən] n 图书管理员library ['laibrəri] n 图书馆lie(lied, lied)说谎;谎言;假话life [laif] n 生命(C)生活(U)lift 举起;抬起;提升light [laɪt]轻的like [laik] v喜欢line [laɪn]排;对;列lion ['laiən] n 狮子list [list] n列出;举例;列表listen['lisn] v 听little['litl] adj & adv 少许的;少量的litter ['litə] n & v 垃圾;乱扔live ['litə] n & v 居住lively['laivli] adj 活泼的;活跃的lock [lɔk] n & v锁;锁上London ['lʌndən] n伦敦lonely['ləunli] adj 孤独的;寂寞的long[lɔŋ] adj 长的look [luk] n看;看起来;注视lose [lu:z] v(lost,lost )失去;丢失lot[lɔt] n 许多;很多loud [laud] adj 大声的;响亮的love [lʌv] v 爱;喜欢lovely 令人愉快的;可爱的low[ləu] adj 低的luck [lʌk] n运气luckily ['lʌkili] adv 幸运地lucky['lʌki] adj 幸运的lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐machine [mə'ʃi:n] n 机器mad [mæd]疯狂的;狂热的madam ['mædəm] n 女士;夫人magazine [,mægə'zi:n] n杂志;期刊magic['mædʒikəl] adj 魔术;戏法mail [meil] n 邮件main [mein] adj 主要的;首要的make [meik] v(made, made)做;制作man[mæn] n 男人;人;人类(无冠词)manage['mænidʒ] 管理;经营;照看manager ['mænidʒə] n 经理;负责人many['meni] adj 大量的map[mæp] n 地图March[mɑ:tʃ] n 三月mark [mɑ:k] n记号;痕迹market['mɑ:kit] n 市场;集市may [mei] v.aux可能;可以May [mei] n 五月maybe ['meibi] adv 或许;大概me [mi:] pron 我(宾格)meal [mi:l] n膳食;一餐mean[mi:n] v(meant, meant)表示…的意思;meaning ['mi:niŋ] n 意思;含义meat [mi:t] n(食用)肉;肉类medical[ˈmedɪkl]医学的;医疗的medicine ['medisin] n药;药物;药剂meet [mi:t] v(met, met)遇见;相逢meeting['mi:tiŋ] n 会议;集会melon['melən] n 瓜member['membə] n 成员;会员memory ['meməri] n 记忆力mend [mend] v 修补;修理mention[ˈmenʃn]提到的事物;提及message ['mesidʒ] n 消息;信息metal['metl] n 金属method ['meθəd]方法;办法metre['mi:tə] n 米;公尺middle ['midl] adj中等的;中间的might[maɪt]可能;也许;(may 的过去式)mile[maɪl]英里mild [milk] n 牛奶mind [maind] n & v 介意;留心;注意mine [main] pron我的(所有物)minute['minit] n 分钟mirror ['mɪrə(r)]镜子Miss [mis]n女士;小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼)miss[mis] v 思念;想念mistake [mi'steik] n错误;过失;误解model ['mɔdl] n模型modern [ˈmɔdən]现代的;现代化的mom/mum (非正式用语)妈妈moment ['məumənt] n瞬间;片刻Monday['mʌndei] n 星期一money['mʌni] n 钱;金钱;货币monitor ['mɔnitə] n班长monkey ['mʌŋki] n 猴子month [mʌnθ] n 月;月份moon [mu:n] n月亮;月球more[mɔ:] adv 更多的;更大的morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n 早晨;上午most[məust] pron 大多数的;大部分的;mother ['mʌðə] n妈妈;母亲motorcycle['məutəbaik]n 摩托车mountain ['mauntin] n 山;山脉mouse[maus]n (mice)老鼠;鼠标mouth [mauθ] n嘴;口move [mu:v] v 移动;搬动movement [ˈmu:vmənt]运动;活动movie [ˈmu:vi]电影Mr./mister*['mistə] n 先生(用于姓名前)Mrs. /mistress* ['mɪsɪz] n夫人;太太much [mʌtʃ] adv 十分;非常murder ['mɜ:də(r)][ 谋杀;凶杀museum [mju:'ziəm] n 博物馆music ['mju:zik] n 音乐must[mʌst] v.aux 必须;一定(表推测)my[mai] pron 我的myself [mai'self] pron我自己;我本人name[neim] n 名字national ['næʃnəl]国家的;全国的;民族的natural ['nætʃərəl] adj 自然的;自然界的nature['nəʊtbʊk]大自然;自然界near [niə] prep 近的;靠近的;接近的nearly ['niəli] adv 几乎necessary ['nesə,səri] adj必要的;必须的neck [nek] n 脖子;颈部need [ni:d] v 需要neighbor ['neibə] n邻人;邻居neither ['ni:ðə] adj & pron (两者)都不nervous ['nə:vəs] adj 神经紧张的;不安的never ['nevə] adv 决不;从来不new[nju:] adj 新的news[nju:z] n 新闻;消息newspaper['nju:z,peipə] n 报纸next [nekst] 紧临的;贴近的;接下去的nice [nais] adj 好的;令人愉快的night 夜;夜间nine [nain] num九ninety ['naɪntɪ]九十no [nəu] adv & adj(表示否定)不;不是;nobody ['nəubɔdi] pron 没有人nod 点头noise [nɔiz] n 噪声;喧闹声;嘈杂声none [nʌn] pron一个人也没有;没有任何东西noodle['nu:dl] n 面条(常用复数)noon [nu:n] n中午;正午nor [nɔ:] conj 也不normal [ˈnɔ:məl] 正常的;正规的north [nɔ:θ] n & v 北方;北部朝北的;northern['nɔ:ðən] adj 北方的nose [nəuz] n 鼻子not[nɔt] adv 不是note [ˈnəʊt]注释;说明;笔记notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] 笔记本nothing ['nʌθiŋ] pron 没什么;一个都没有notice ['nəutis] v 注意到;看到;留心November [nəu'vembə] n 十一月now [nau] adv 现在;此时number['nʌmbə] n 数字;号码nurse[nə:s] n 护士OK 好的;不错object ['ɔbdʒikt] n 物体;目标ocean ['əuʃən] n 海洋October [ɔk'təubə] n.十月of [ɔv] prep(属于)……的offer ['ɔ:fə] v & n (主动)提供office ['ɔ:fis] n办公室;事物所officer ['ɒfɪsə(r)]官员;公务员often['ɔ:fən] adv 时常;常常oil [ɔil] n (各种)油类;油old [əuld] adj ...年岁的;年老的;年长的on [ɔn] prep在…… 上once[wʌns] adv 一次;曾经one [wʌns] adv(数词)一oneself [wʌnˈself](反身代词)自己;自身only ['əunli] adv 只;仅仅open ['əupən] adj 开着的;营业中的;operation [ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]手术;操作opportunity [ˌɒpə'tju:nətɪ] 机会;时机or 或者orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] n橘子;柑子order['ɔ:də] n&v 订购;点(菜、歌)other['ʌðə] adj 另外的;其他的our ['auə] pron我们的ourselves [,auə'selvz] pron 我们自己out[aut] adv 在外;向外outside ['aut'said] prep & adv 在……外over ['əuvə] adv从一边至另一边own [əun] adj 自己的owner ['əunə] n所有者;业主P.C (personal computer)个人电脑P.E (physical education)Pacific Ocean [pəˈsɪfɪk]太平洋package ['pækɪdʒ] 包裹page [peidʒ] n页paint [peɪnt]画画pair[pɛə] n 一对;一双palace ['pælis] n 宫殿pale [peɪl]苍白的;灰白的pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] 薄煎饼;烙饼panda['pændə] n 熊猫paper ['peipə] n 纸;报纸pardon ['pɑ:dn] v 原谅;宽恕parent['pɛərənt] n 父母亲park [pɑ:k] n 公园part[pɑ:t] n 地区;区域party['pɑ:ti] n 晚会pass [pɑ:s] v通过;传递passage ['pæsɪdʒ] 文章passenger ['pæsindʒə] n乘客;旅客passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t] 护照past [pɑ:st] n & adj 过去;path[pɑ:θ] n 路线;去路;小径patient ['peɪʃnt] 有耐性的;忍耐的pay ['pei ] (paid, paid)付款peace [pi:s] 和平pear [pɛə] n梨pen [pen] n钢笔pence[pens]便士penny的复数pencil['pensl] n 铅笔penny ['penɪ] 便士people ['pi:pl] n 人;人民;人们percent[pə'sent]百分之perfect ['pɜ:fɪkt]完美的;理想的perhaps [pə'hæps] adv或许;大概period [ˈpɪəriəd]时期;时代person ['pə:sn] n 人物;人personal ['pə:sənl] adj私人的;个人的pet[pet] n 宠物phone [fəun] n 电话;电话机photo['fəutəu] n 照片;相片physics ['fiziks] n 物理;物理学piano [pi'ænəu] n 钢琴pick [pik] v摘下;拾起;挑选picnic ['piknik] n野餐picture ['piktʃə] n 照片;图画pie [pai] n 馅饼piece[pi:s] n 片;块;段pig [pig] n 猪pilot ['paɪlət]飞行员Ping-Pong['piŋpɔŋ] n 乒乓球pink [piŋk] adj粉红色的pioneer [,paiə'niə] n 先锋pity ['piti] n可惜;遗憾;可惜的事place[pleis] n 地点;顺序plain [pleɪn] 清楚的;明白的plan [plæn] n计划;规划;方案plane [plein] n 飞机planet['plænɪt]行星plant [plɑ:nt] n & v 植物plastic ['plæstik] n & adj 塑料制的plate [pleit] n盘子;碟子play [plei] v玩;打球player ['pleiə] n 比赛者;运动员playground ['pleigraund]n 运动场;操场pleasant ['pleznt] adj 舒适的;令人愉快的please [pli:z] int使同意;使高兴;使愉快pleasure ['pleʒə] n 愉快;快乐;高兴plenty ['plentɪ] 很多的;足够的pocket ['pɔkit] n衣袋poem ['pəʊɪm]诗;韵文point [pɔint] v 指;指向police[pə'li:s] n 警察;警方policeman [pə'li:s] n警察policy ['pɒləsɪ] 政策polite [pə'laitli] adv 有礼貌的;客气的pond [pɒnd]池塘pool [pu:l] n 水池;水塘poor[puə] adj 贫穷的;可怜的pop [pɒp] 砰的一声popular ['pɔpjulə] adj受欢迎的;流行的population[,pɔpju'leiʃən] n 人口pork [pɔ:k] n猪肉position [pəˈzɪʃn]位置possible ['pɔsəbl] adj可能的post [pəust] n邮件;邮递postcard ['pəust,kɑ:d] n 明信片postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员potato [pə'teitəu] n 土豆;马铃薯pound [paund] n 磅practice['præktis]﹠practise['præktis]n&v 练习;实践practise ['præktis] v实践;练习praise [preɪz] 表扬prepare [prɪ'peə(r)]准备present['preznt] n 礼物;赠品president [ˈprezɪdənt]总统pretty ['priti] adj 相当;很;颇prevent[pri'vent] v 防止;阻止price [prais] n 价格pride[praid] n 自豪;骄傲primary['praɪmərɪ]初级的;小学的principle[ˈprɪnsəpl]原则;原理print[print] v 印刷;打印prison ['prɪzn]监狱prisoner ['prɪznə(r)]囚犯private [ˈpraɪvɪt] 私人的prize[praiz] n 奖赏;奖金;奖品probably ['prɔbəbli] adv大概;也许problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题produce[prə'dju:s] v 生产;制造;产生programme ['prəugræm] n节目;表演;程序progress['prəʊɡres]进步;前进promise ['prɒmɪs]诺言pronounce [prə'naʊns]发音pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn]发音;发音法proper [ˈprɒpə(r)] 合适的;适宜的;恰当的protect[prə'tekt] v 保护proud[praud] adj 自豪的;骄傲的prove [pru:v]证明provide [prə'vaid] v 提供:供应;供给public['pʌblik] adj 公众的pull [pul] v 拉;拖;拔punish ['pʌnɪʃ] 惩罚pupil['pju:pl] n 小学生;学生purpose ['pɜ:pəs]目的;意图purse [pə:s] n 钱包;皮包push[puʃ] v 推;挤put[put] v 放;摆;装quarter['kwɔ:tə] n 一刻钟;四分之一queen [kwi:n]女王;王后question['kwestʃən] n 问题;难题quick [kwik] adj 快的;迅速的quickly ['kwikli] adv 快地;迅速地quiet ['kwaiət] adj宁静的quite[kwait] adv 相当;十分rabbit['ræbit] n 兔子;家兔race[reis] n 赛跑radio ['reidiəu] n 收音机;无线电railway['reilwei] n 铁路rain [rein] v 雨水;雨天;降雨raincoat ['reinkəut] n 雨衣rainy['reini] adj 下雨的;多雨的raise [reɪz] 筹集(款)rapid ['ræpɪd] 快的;迅速的rat [ræt]老鼠;大家鼠rather['rɑ:ðə] adv 相当reach [ri:tʃ] v 到达read [ri:d] n(read, read)读;阅读ready['redi] adj 准备好的;乐意的real ['ri:əl] adj 真正的;真实的realize['riəlaiz] v 认识到;了解到really['riəli] adv 事实上;无疑地;真正地reason ['ri:zn]原因;理由receive[ri'si:v] v 收到;接受recently [ˈri:sntli]最近recite [rɪ'saɪt]背诵;叙述record [rɪˈkɔ:d] 记录;最高记录recorder [rɪˈkɔ:də(r)] 录音机red[red] adj & n 红色的;红色refuse [ri'fju:z] v 拒绝;回绝regard[ri'gɑ:d] v 将……视为regret [rɪ'ɡret]遗憾;后悔relation ['relətiv] n联系;关系relax[ri'læks] v 放松;休息remain [rɪ'meɪn] 保持;剩余;残余remember [ri'membə] v 牢记;记住repair [ri'pɛə] v 修理;修补。

1. ability [əˈbɪləti],n. 能力;才能。
2. able [ˈeɪbl],adj. 能够;有能力的。
3. about [əˈbaʊt],prep. 关于;大约;adv. 大约;到处;四处。
4. above [əˈbʌv],prep. 在……上面;adj. 上面的;adv. 在(或向)上面。
5. abroad [əˈbrɔːd],adv. 在国外;到国外。
1. baby [ˈbeɪbi],n. 婴儿。
2. back [bæk],n. 背部;后面;adv. 回(原处);向后;adj. 后面的;后部的。
3. bad [bæd],adj. 坏的;有害的;不利的;严重的。
4. bag [bæɡ],n. 书包;提包;袋子。
5. ball [bɔːl],n. 球;舞会。
1. cake [keɪk],n. 蛋糕;糕饼类食品。
2. call [kɔːl],v. 呼叫;称呼;给……打电话;n. 电话;呼叫。
3. can [kæn],modal v. 能;会;可以;n. 罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器。
4. car [kɑː(r)],n. 汽车;轿车。
5. card [kɑːd],n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片。
1. dad [dæd],n. (口语)爸爸;爹爹。
2. dance [dɑːns],v. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈;舞会。
3. day [deɪ],n. (一)天;(一)日;白天。
4. dear [dɪə(r)],adj. 亲爱的;昂贵的;int. 啊;哎呀;n. 亲爱的人。
5. desk [desk],n. 书桌;写字台。
1. ear [ɪə(r)],n. 耳朵;耳状物;听力;听觉。
2. early [ˈɜːli],adj. 早的;早期的;adv. 早;在早期。
3. eat [iːt],v. 吃。

1. be [biː]:v.(动词)是(原形,am/is/are的原形)2. a [eɪ] / an [æn]:art.(冠词)一(个、件……)3. and [ænd]:conj.(连词)和;又;而。
4. in [ɪn]:prep.(介词)在……里(内;上);用……(表示)5. on [ɒn]:prep. 在……上;在……时候。
6. under [ˈʌndə(r)]:prep. 在……下。
7. map [mæp]:n.(名词)地图。
8. cup [kʌp]:n. 杯子。
9. ruler [ˈruːlə(r)]:n. 尺子。
10. pen [pen]:n. 钢笔。
11. pencil [ˈpensl]:n. 铅笔。
12. book [bʊk]:n. 书;本子。
13. eraser [ɪˈreɪzə(r)]:n. 橡皮擦。
14. box [bɒks]:n. 盒子;箱子。
15. desk [desk]:n. 书桌。
16. chair [tʃeə(r)]:n. 椅子。
17. classroom [ˈklɑːsruːm]:n. 教室。
19. name [neɪm]:n. 名字。
20. nice [naɪs]:adj.(形容词)令人愉快的;美好的。
1. play [pleɪ]:v. 玩;打(球);播放。
2. swim [swɪm]:v. 游泳。
3. dance [dɑːns]:v. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈。
4. draw [drɔː]:v. 画。
5. speak [spiːk]:v. 说(某种语言);说话。
6. join [dʒɔɪn]:v. 参加;加入。
7. club [klʌb]:n. 俱乐部;社团。
8. tell [tel]:v. 讲述;告诉。
9. story [ˈstɔːri]:n. 故事;小说。
10. write [raɪt]:v. 写;写作。

UNIT 1MyName Clock Nice Meet You What YourHisAndHer Question 疑问Answer Look First Last pron 我的n 名字n 时钟adj 好的;令人愉快的v 遇见;相逢pron 你;你们pron&adj 什么pron 你的;你们的pron 他的conj 和;又;而且pron 她的n 问题;难题;询问;n 答案;答复;回答v 望;看;看起来adj 第一的adj 最后的;上一个的First name 名字Last name 姓氏n 男孩n 女孩ZeroOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNinenum 零num 一num 二num 三num 四num 五num 六num 七num 八num 九TelephonenumberTelephonePhonen 电话n 数;数字number 电话号码n 电话Phone number 电话号码It pron 它Card n 卡;卡片Id card 身份证Family n 家;家庭Family name 姓氏UNIT 2Girl BoyThis Pencil Pen Book Eraser Ruler Pencil Pencil That Excuse Excusepron &adj 这;这个n 铅笔n 钢笔n 书n 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦n 尺;直尺case 铅笔盒;文具盒sharpener 卷笔刀;铅笔刀pron&adj 那;那个v 原谅;宽恕me 请原谅Thank English Spell Baseball Watch Computer Game v 谢谢;感谢n 英语;英文v 拼写n 棒球n 手表n 电脑n 游戏Computer game KeyNotebookRing 电子游戏钥匙n 笔记本指环;戒指v 打电话v 遗失v 找回Lost and found 失物招领interj 请n 学校A set 一套;一副UNIT 3SisterMotherFatherParentBrotherFriendn 姐妹n 妈妈;母亲n 爸爸;父亲n 父亲或母亲n 兄弟n 朋友Grandparent n ( 外 ) 祖父(母)ThoseTheseAunt nSonCousinpron &adj 那些pron &adj 这些姨妈;姑妈;舅妈;伯母n 儿子n 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)CallLostFoundPleaseSchooln nDaughterUncle父Picture Dearn 女儿n 叔,伯;舅;姨夫;姑n 照片;图画adj 亲爱的Thank for 为…而感谢n 照片;相片adv 这里;在这里TapeHatTakeThingMomCanBringSomen 录像带n 帽子v 拿走;带到n 东西;物n 妈妈modal v 能;可以;会v 拿来;取来;带来adj&pron 一些;若干UNIT 4 Where Table Bed Chair Drawer Plant Under They Know Bag Math VideoNeedFloorv 在哪里Roomn 桌子Deskn 床n 椅子UNIT 5n 抽屉Haven 植物Ballprep 在…之下Tennisv 需要n 地板;地面n 房间n 书桌;课桌v 有n 球racket 网球拍pron 她(他、它)们Ping-pongv 知道;了解Volleyballn 书包;提包;袋子Basketballn 乒乓球n 排球n 篮球n 数学v 允许;让n 录像;视频v 玩;打球;弹乐器PhotoHereLetPlaySound Good Sport Many Club More Class v 听起来adj 良好的;令人满意的n 运动adj 大量的n 社团;俱乐部pron 更多的;更大的n 班级Interesting adj 有趣的;令人感兴趣的Boring adj 无聊的;令人生厌的Fun adj 有趣的;令人愉快的Difficult adj 困难的Watch tv 看电视Has 形式)Great But v 有(have 的第三人称adj 美妙的;大的conj 但是Play sports 参加体育运动或比赛Only adv 只;仅仅Them (they 的宾格)她(他它)们Every adj 每一;每个Day n 天;日间;白天;一日UNIT 6Like v 喜欢Banana n 香蕉Hamburger n 汉堡包Tomato n 西红柿Orange n 橙子Ice n 冰Ice cream 冰淇淋Pear n 梨子Food n 食物Egg n 鸡蛋Apple n 苹果Chicken n 鸡;鸡肉Breakfast n 早餐Lunch n 午饭Dinner n 晚餐Fruit n 水果Vegetable n 蔬菜;植物Eat v 吃Well adv 好;对;满意地Run v 跑;奔跑Star n 星星;明星Lots of 大量;许多Healthy adj 健康的;强健的List n 清单Rreview of UNITs 1-6Furniture n 家具(总称) People n 人;人民Conversation n 交谈;谈话Other AlsoUNIT 7 How much Sock Shirt t-shirt sweater shoe skirt sale dollar color pron 另外的人(物)adv 也;亦;并且多少钱n 短袜n 男衬衣;衬衫n T 恤衫n 毛衣n 鞋n 裙子n 出售;廉价销售n 元(美元)n 颜色;色blackwhiteredgreenblueyellowadj & n 黑色(的)adj & n 白色(的)adj & n 红色(的)adj & n 率色(的)adj & n 蓝色(的)adj & n 黄色(的)bigsmallshortlonghelpwantadj 大的;广大的;重大的adj 小的;小号的adj 短的;矮的adj 长的v 帮助;援助v 需要;想要here you are 给你you’re welcome 不客气exampleteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenn 例子;实例num 十num 十一num 十二num 十三num 十四num 十五num 十六seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty clothes store comebuyveryprice each anybody afford oursee yourselfnum 十七num 十八num 十九num 二十n 衣服;服装n 商店v 来;来到v 买;购买adv 非常;很n 价格pron 每个pron 任何人v 负担得起;买得起pron 我们的v 看见pron 你自己mr 先生sell v 卖;销售from prep 从…起have a look 看一看;看一眼on sale 廉价出售;出售sorry 抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的UNIT 8When (疑问副词)什么时候;何时BirthdayMonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTenthFourthSecondThirdFifthn 生日n 月;月份n 一月;正月n 二月n 三月n 四月n 五月n 六月n 七月n 八月n 九月n 十月n 十一月n 十二月num 第十num 第四num 第二num 第三num 第五Sixth num 第六Seventh num 第七Ninth num 第九Twelfth num 第十二Twentieth num 第二十Date n 日期Happy adj 愉快的;高兴的;Happy birthday 生日快乐Birth n 出生;出世;诞生Age Old How old Speech Party Trip ArtFestiyal 节日ChineseMusic Year n 年龄;年纪adj 年老的;年长的多大年纪;几岁演说;讲演;说话;言论n 聚会;晚会n 旅途;观光旅行 (短程) n 艺术;美术;艺术品n (音乐、舞蹈等)节;n 中文;中国人Adj 中国的;中国人的n 音乐n 年Year(s) old …岁(年龄)) UNIT 9Movie n 电影Go to a movie 去看电影Action movie 动作电影Kind n 种类BeijingFindSomeoneStudentFunnySadReallyOftenThinkLearnAboutHistoryWithopera 京剧v 寻找;查找pron 某人n 学生adj 有趣的;好玩的adj 悲哀的;悲伤的事实上;无疑地;真正地adv 时常;常常v 认为;想;思考v 学习;学会prep 关于;在…方面n 历史prep 与…在一起;和;有;附有;使用…(工具)adj & n 最喜爱的adj 新的FavoriteNewSuccessful Weekend Too adj 成功的n 周末adv 也;太;又UNIT 10Guitar Join Dance Swim Sing Chess Paint Speak Kid Our Drum Piano Violin Or Then Be Rock n 吉他v 参加;加入v 跳舞;舞蹈v 游泳v 唱歌;唱n 国际象棋v 画画v 说;说话n 小孩;年轻人pron 我们的n 鼓n 钢琴n 小提琴conj 或者adv 那时;然后v 是n 摇滚乐ShowSundayPmKung fuMayDrawLittlen 演出;表演V 展示;给…看n 星期天,星期日abbr 下午中国功夫modal v 可能;可以v 画pron 少许;少量A little 少许;少量e-mailaddresswhyn 电子邮件n 通讯处;地址adv 为什么UNIT 11Time n 时间What time 什么时候Go to school 去上学Get up 起床Take a shower 淋浴;洗澡Usually adv 通常Work v&n 工作Hour n 小时BrushTeechAfterGoto to work 去上班Get to Bus Hotel All Night Love Listen 到达n 公共汽车n 旅馆pron 全部;全体n 夜;夜晚v 爱;喜欢v 听Home adv 到家Morning n 早上;上午Go to bed 上床睡觉Job n 工作;零工;任务;职位Am abbr 上午Afternoon n 下午;午后Evening n 晚上;傍晚;黄昏Homework 家庭作业;课外作业Do homewoek 做作业Go home 回家Letter n 信AroundStartWriteTellMeSoonBestadv 大约v 出发;开始v 书写;写v 告诉;讲述pron 我adv 不久adj &adv (good well 的最高级)最好的(地)WishSaturdayUNIT 12SubjectSciencen 希望;祝愿n 星期六n 学科;科目n 科学. (=physicaleducation )体育conj 因为n 描述;记述WordTeacherWhoMrsCityn 字;词;话n 教师pron (疑问代词)谁夫人;太太(已婚妇女)n 城市v 刷n 牙齿prep &conj 在…之后BecauseDescriptionDad n (非正式)爸爸 Today n&adv 今天;今日Tuesday n 星期二 Life n 生活Thursday n 星期四Wednesday n 星期三Friday n 星期五Monday n 星期一Busy adj 忙的;繁忙的Next adv 然后;接下去Strict adj 严格的;严厉的Tired adj 疲劳的;累的Miss 小姐(未婚)Ask v 询问;问Any pron 任何一个 (或一些)Dog n 狗Around adv 在附近;到处Review of units 7-12America So China Before Hobby美国;美洲conj 因而;所以;那么中国prep 在…以前n 业余爱好UNIT 1Pal n (口)好朋友;伙伴Pen pal 笔友Canada 加拿大Japan 日本Australia 澳大利亚;澳洲Country n 国家Live v 居住Language n 语言Japanese n 日语;日本人World n 世界UNIT 2Post Office n 邮件;邮递n 办公室;事务所Post office Library Restaurant Bank Supermarket Street 邮局n 图书馆n 餐馆;饭店n 银行n 超市n 街;街道PayParkCenterBridgeMailThereNearAcrossAcrossNextv 付钱;支付n 公园n 中央;中心n 桥n 邮件adv 在那里prep 在…附近prep 横过;在对面from 在…对面紧靠…的旁边;贴近Next to 紧靠…的旁边;贴近;最接近BetweenFront介于(两者或多者)之间n 前面;前边In front of 在…前面Bihina prep 在…之后JustTurnLeftDownRightOpenadv 直接地;就;只;仅仅v 转弯;转变方向adv &n 向左;左边adv&prep 向下;下去adv &n 向右;右边adj 开着的;营业中的Market Clean Quiet Dirty House Welcome GardenEnjoy赏Walk n 市场;市集adj 清洁的;干净的adj 宁静的adj 肮脏的n 房子;住宅int 欢迎n 花园;菜园v 享受…的乐趣;欣n 散步;步行Take a walk 散步Through Beginning Tour Visit Place FunHave fun IfHungry Arrive Way prep 穿过;通过n 开始n 旅行;游历v 参观;游览n 地方;地点n 愉快;开心玩得开心conj 如果adj 饥饿的v 到达;抵达n 路;路线;路途TakeTaxiAirportPassHopev 乘坐;搭(车、船)n 出租车;的士;计程车n 飞机场v 通过v 希望;盼望;期待UNIT 3TigerElephantPandaLionZooMapAnimalBoxKind ofSouthn 老虎n 大象n 熊猫n 狮子n 动物园n 地图;图n 动物n 方框;盒;箱有几分n 南方;南Adj 在南方的;南部的;向南的Clever adj 聪明的;机灵的adj 友好的adj 美丽的;美好的Shy adj 害羞的;羞涩的FriendlyBeautifulOther Grass Sleep During At night Leaf Lazy Meat Relaxadj 其他的;另外的n 草v 睡;睡觉prep 在…期间在晚上;在夜里n 叶子;树叶adj 懒惰的;懒散的n (食用)肉;肉类v 放松;休息UNIT 4Shop n 商店;店铺Doctor n 医生Policeman n 男警察Hospital n 医院Now adv 现在;此时Policewoman n 女警察Nurse n 护士Money n 钱;货币;金钱Give v 给;授予Get v 获得;得到;购买;拿来Wear v 穿;戴adv 有时;不时adj 危险的adv 晚;晚于通常时间adv 在外;向外v 谈话;谈论Station n 车站;局;台Tv station 电视台Police n 警察Police station 警察局NewapaperHardAsSummerStoryMagazineYoung的PlayNewsChildrenTeachSkilln 报纸adv 辛苦地;努力地prep 作为n 夏季;夏天故事;事迹;小说n 杂志;期刊adj 年轻的;年纪小n 喜剧;剧本n 新闻;消息n 孩子们v 教;讲授n 技能;技巧SometimesDangerousLateOutTalkn 先生;阁下n 女士;夫人UNIT 5Clean Read Tv show Sure Waitv 打扫;清除v 读;阅读电视节目adv 当然;的确v 等待;等候Wait for 等待;等候n 玩具n 西;西方西方的;在西方的;向西方的Activity n 活动Shop v 买东西;购物Pool n 水池;水塘Camera n 照相机Bird n 鸟UNIT 6Rain Windy v 下雨adj 有风的;多风的CloudySunnySnowWeatherCookStudyBadTerriblePrettyHotColdCooladj 多云的;阴天的adj 晴朗的v 下雪n 天气;气候v 烹饪;煮v 学习adj 坏的;劣质的很糟的;极坏的可怕的adv 相当;很;颇adj 炎热的;热的adj 寒冷的;冷的adj 凉爽的Warm adj 温暖的;暖和的On vacation 在度假;在假期中Take a photo 拍照Lie v (现在分词 lying)平卧;躺Beach n 海滩Look at 看;朝…看Group n 团队;组Cool adj 令人满意的;绝妙的Surprised adj 感到惊讶的Heat n 热;热度Sir MadamToy WestRelaxed Winter Scarf Everyone adj 放松的;得到休息的n 冬天;冬季n 围巾pron 每个人Have a good time 玩得高兴;Man n 男人;人;人类Review of units 1-6 Describe v 描述;形容Look for 寻找;寻求Talk about 谈论;讨论;议论In order to 为了Improve v 改进;改善Alwayscaptainteampopular流行的a littlejokeneverstopbrownpersonglasseslookrememberadv 总是;始终n 队长;首领n 对;组adj 受欢迎的;通俗的;bit 一点儿;少许n 玩笑;笑话adv 决不;从不v 停止;终止adj 棕色的;褐色的n 人;人物n 眼镜n 外表;外貌v 牢记;记住Unit 7 Hair Tall Height Thin Heavy Build Likepop n 流行音乐(或歌曲)singer n 歌唱家;歌手n 头发;毛发not …any more 不再…adj 高的say v 说;讲n 高度nobody pron 没有人;没人adj 瘦的adj 重的unit 8n 体格;体形n 面条prep 像;如同noodlebeef cabbage potato special drink large size bowl juice dumpling tean 牛肉n 洋白菜;卷心菜n 土豆;马铃薯n 特色菜n 饮料adj 大的;宽广的n 大小;尺寸n 碗;一碗的容量n 果汁;果汁饮料n 粥;糊n 茶;茶叶green tea 绿茶rice soup fish reason menun 米;稻;米饭n 汤;羹n 鱼;鱼肉n 原因;理由n 菜单Stay v 停留;留下At home 在家Do some reading 阅读Practice v 练习;实践Past adj 过去时态的;以前的;过去的MountainGeographySpendYesterdayMiddlen 山;山脉n 地理学v 度过;花费n 昨天adj 中间的;中等的Middle school 中学Go shopping 购物Talk 访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲Talk show 访谈节目Song n 歌;歌曲Go for a walk 去散步Sit v 坐;使坐下Cat n 猫unit 9It is time to … 该是…的时候了visit testv 拜访;访问Anything 任何事;无论何事n 考试;测验what about … …怎么样unit 10new york city 纽约市summer camp 夏令营museum n 博物馆exam n 考试;检查really adv (疑问、惊讶) 愤怒;真的;是吗;真是的rainy delicious expensive cheap adj 下雨的;多雨的adj 美味的adj 昂贵的adj 便宜的think of 思考;考虑water cry corner make feel walk back decide walln 水v 哭泣;流泪n 角落;街角;墙角v 促使;迫使v 感到;觉得v 走;步行;散步adv 回原处;往回走v 决定;下决心n 墙壁;围墙;城墙the great wall 万里长城palace n 宫殿the palace museum 故宫square n 广场tian’an men square 天安门广场makeclassmatediscussreportv 制定;做n 同班同学v 讨论;议论n 报告;汇报unit 11situation n 情景;形势nothing 没有什么;没有东西stand v 忍受mind v 介意king n 君主;国王how about … …怎么样FactIn factCultureHostn 事实;实际情况实际上;其实;确切地说n 文化n 主持人Agree with 赞同;持相同意见By prep 由;被Put v 放;摆;装 Form n 表格Idea n 主意;想法unit 12rule classroom fighems outside 的hall n 规则n 教室v 打架;争吵n 女士adv 外面的;在外部n 大厅;礼堂have to 不得不else by wash其他的;别的;另外的到(某时)之前;不迟于v 洗;洗涤no talking 不许讲话loudly adv 大声地Review of units 7-12Snow Order Order n 雪v 预订;点(菜)n 订货;订单八上UNIT 1How offen 多久一次Exercise v&n 锻炼;运动Hardly Ever Once Twice Time Internet Program Result Active For adv 几乎不;几乎没有adv 曾; 曾经adv 一次adv 两次n 次次数n 网络;互联网n 节目;表演n 结果adj 活跃的prep 对于;关于As for 至于About adv 几乎Milk n 牛奶Coffee n 咖啡Chocolate n 巧克力Healthy n 健康Look after 照顾;照看GradeBetterSameAsMayben 分数adj 更好的adj 同样的;相同的prep 像…..一样adv 或许;大概UNIT 2~UNIT 3BackArmEarEyeFootHandHeadLegMouthNeckNoesToothFeverRestn 背部;背n 臂;胳膊n 耳朵n 眼睛n 脚;足n 手n 头部;头n 腿部;腿n 嘴;口;口腔n 脖子n 鼻子n 牙齿n 发烧v 休息Should v 应该Headache n 头像Weak adj 虚弱的;无力的Angry adj 愤怒的;生气的Medicine n 药;药物Western adj 西方的;来自西方的Everybody pron 每人;人人;Get v 变得Few adj 很少;几乎没有A few 有些;少数;几个Stay Important Moment v 保持;继续adj 重要的;重大的n 瞬间At the moment 此时;现在Until conj 直到…..之前;在……之前Hear v 听见;听说Send v 发送Postcard n 明信片Bike n 自行车Ride v 乘骑;旅行Famous adj 著名的Take a vacation 去度假Europe n 欧洲Something pron 某物;某事Lake n 湖;湖泊The Great Lakes 五大湖Leave v 离开;出发Countryside n 农村;乡村Nature n 大自然;自然界Forget v 忘记A lot 很Tourist n 旅行者;游客UNIT 4TrainFortyNinetyHunderdMinuteTaken 火车num 四十num 九十num 一百n 分钟v 花费By prep 表示交通,传递等的行为By bus 乘坐公共汽车Far adj 远的;遥远的How far 多远Kilometer n 公里;千米Shower v 洗澡Quick adj 快的;迅速的Bicycle n 自行车Early adj 早的;挺早的Mile n 英里Stop n 车站North adj 北部的;北方的North America 北美洲Part n 地区;区域Depend on 视…..而定;决定于River n 河;江Boat n 小船By boat 乘小船Must v 一定More adj 更;更多的;更大的Than conj 比Car n 小汽车Town n 小镇Ill adj 生病;不健康的Worry v 担心;担忧;焦虑So adv 这么;那么Much adv 十分;非常UNIT 5LessonAnotherConcerWhomTomorrown 可;课程adj 又一的;再一的n 音乐会pron 谁;什么人n 明天;明日The day after tomorrow 后天Weekday nTraining训ChemistryMatchWhole adj的Over周一至周五任意一天n 训练;锻炼;培n 化学n 比赛;竞赛整个的;全部的;完整adv 从一边至另一边Come over 顺便来访Free adj 空闲的UNIT 6Serious adj 严重的;庄重的Mean As adv Way Both Physics Howeverv 表示…… .的意思以…的方式;如同…那样n 某个地方adj 两者的;双方的n 物理;物理学adv 然而More than 超出In common 共有Be good at 擅长;在…方面做得很好Schoolwork n 学业;功课Laugh For Interest Though v 笑;感到好笑prep 为;给;对n 兴趣conj 虽然;即使;纵然Necessary adj 必然的;必须的Care v 对…在意;对…计较Friendship n 友谊;友情Infornatin n 消息;信息UNIT 1—6Wheel n 轮子WomanUseCheeseSickBodyBeginn 女人v 用;使用;利用n 干酪;奶酪adj 不适的n 身体;躯体v 开始Begin withExcitedSafeFastPassenger以……开始adj 激动的;兴奋的adj 安全的;可靠的快的;迅速的n 乘客;旅客UNIT 7Turn on 打开v 切;割adv 分开Cut up 切碎Into prep 到…里;进入到…之内Cup n 小茶杯Instruction n 命令Mix up 混合在一起Salt n 盐;食盐CutUpAdd….to…. 把….加到.….上Sandwich Bread Top Check Duck Gift Hangn 三明治n 面包n 顶;上部v 核对n 鸭子n 礼物;赠品v 逗留;徘徊Hang out 闲荡;闲逛Win Prize Visitor End Monitor Drive Off Day offv 赢;获胜n 奖赏;奖金;奖品n 访问者;参观者;游客n 结束n 班长n 驾驶;驱车旅行adj 休息;不工作休息;不学习;不工作Rain n 雨;雨水DVD abbr 光盘Yard n 院子;庭院Yard sale 庭院旧货出售Umbrella n 雨伞;伞Raincoat n 雨衣Wet adj 湿的;潮湿的Competition n 竞争;比赛;竞赛n 将来;未来adv 再一次;又一次UNIT 9Born v 出生;出生Too…to… 太….以致不能. National adj 国家的;全国的Gold n 金子;黄金; adj.金的Become v 成为;变成Call 把…叫做;称呼;为…取名Kind adj 和蔼的;仁慈的Grandson n 孙子;外孙Skate v 滑冰;溜冰Ice skating 滑冰Tour v 在…旅行;观光;Could v 可以;能;可能Take part(in) 参加….Alive adj 活着的;在世的Because of 因为;由于FutureAgainAsia 亚洲Table tennis 兵乓球运动University n 大学Major in 主修;专研Number n 号码;编号UNIT 10Grow v 生长;成长Grow up 成长;长大Engineer n 工程师Pilot n 飞行员;Act v 表演;演戏Move v 移动;激动Dream n 梦;梦想;幻想Somewhere adv 在某处;到某处Artist n 艺术家;画家Save v 储存;储蓄At the same time 同时Hold v 举行;主持Rich adj 富有的;富裕的;Travel v 旅行;长途旅行All over 到处;遍及各处YetOverFitLadyForeignBuildadv 到此时;至今prep 超过;在…以上adj 强健的;健康的n 女士;贵妇人;淑女adj 外国的;对外的v 建造;建筑UNIT 11Dish n 盘;碟;菜肴Do the dishes 洗餐具Sweep v 扫除;清扫;清除Make one’s bed 整理床铺Meeting n 会议;集会Work on 从事;忙于Hate v 憎恨;憎恶Do chores 处理琐事;干家务Do the laundry 洗衣服BorrowInviteCarev 借;借人;借用v 邀请;恳请n 照顾;照管Take care of 照看;照顾Feed v 喂养;饲养Mine pron 我的UNIT 12Radio n 无线电;无线电广播Comfortable adj 舒适的;安逸的Seat n 座位Screen n 屏;幕;荧光屏Close adj 近的;接近的Theaer n 剧院;戏院Cinema n 电影院Easy adj 安逸的;自在的Worse adj&adv 更坏的;更差的Worst adj 最坏的;最差的Meal n 餐;饭;一餐Loud adj 响亮的;喧闹的Success n 成功Act n 一段表演;短节目;表演者Without prep 无;没有Together adv 一起;共同Near adj 近的;靠近的;接近的Farthest adj&adv 最远的Southern adj 南方的;在南方的Still adv 还;仍然Loverly adj 美丽的;可爱的Northern adj 北方的;在北方的enough adj 充足的;足够的UNIT 1—12Sea n 海;海洋Leader n 领导者;指挥者Easy adj 容易的;不费力的Piece n 片;快;段Camel n 骆驼Rat n 老鼠Cow n 奶牛;母牛Hen n 母鸡Lay v 产;下八下UNIT 1WillRobotEverything pron 每件事物Paper Fewer Tree Building Space n 纸;纸张adj 较少的;更少的n 树;树木n 建筑物;楼房n 太空;空间Space station 太空站Fly v 飞行Took v take 的过去式Moon n 月亮;月球Fall v 落下;跌落Fell v fall 的过去式Fall in love with 爱上Alone adv 单独的;孤独的Pet n 宠物Probably adv 大概;或许Go skating 去滑冰AbleBe able事DressWhichEvenadj 能;能够to 有能力做某事;会做某v 穿衣pron 哪个;哪几个adv 甚至The world Cup 世界杯Wrote v 动词 write 的过去式Myself pron 我自己;我本人Interview n 面试;面谈Came v come 的过去式Came ture 实现;达到Sound n 声音Company n 公司Thought v think 过去式Unpleasant adj 使人不愉快的Scientist n 科学家In the future 未来;将来Hundreds of 大量;许多AlreadyMadeFactoryadv 早已;已经v make 的过去式n 工厂v 将;会;要n 机器人Simple adj 简单的;简易的Such adj 这样的;这种Everywhere adv 各地;到处Human n 人类;人Shape n 外形;形状Huge adj 巨大的;庞大的snake n 蛇Possible adj 可能的Electric adj 电的;导电的Seem v 像是;似乎Impossible adj 不肯能的Housework n 家务;家务活UNIT 2Keep out Play Argue Wrong 不让…进入v 播放v 争论;争吵adj 错误的;有毛病的What’s wrong 怎么了Out of style 不时髦的;过时的Could v 可以;应该;可能Call 打电话给… .Ticket n 票;入场卷Surpise v 使惊齐On the phone 用电话交谈;在通话What’s the matter 怎么了Pay for 付….帐;付买…的钱Either adv&pron 任一Bake sale 面包或蛋糕的售卖活动Teen Talk 青少年论坛The sameIn styleExceptFailas 与….同样的时髦的prep 除;把…除外v 失败Get on 相处;进展Return v 归还;送回Football n 足球Until prep 到…为止Fit v 适合;适应Fit…into… 找到时间As…as possible 尽可能….v 包括;包含v 推;推动;督促v 派遣;打发;安排去IncludePushSendAll kinds of 各种各样的Themselves pron 他们自己On the other hand 另一方面Freedom n 自由UNIT 3Bathroom n 浴室Bedroom n 卧室;寝室Kitchen n 厨房Get out 出去;离开Bought v buy 的过去式Land v 着陆Got v get 的过去式Take off 起飞While conj 当….的时候Experience Imagine Strange Follow Amazing Climb Junmp n 经历;体验adj 想象;设想adj 奇怪的;陌生的v 跟随adj 恐惧的v 攀登;爬v 跳跃Shout vRode vTrain stationRan v呼喊;呼叫ride 的过去式火车站run 的过去式Run awayAnywhereMetHappenAccidentPlaneHeard逃跑adv 任何地方v meet 的过去式v 发生n 事故n 飞机v hear 的过去式Modern adj 现代的;现代化的Kill v 杀死;致死Murder v&n 谋杀;凶杀Hear about 听说Bright adj 明亮的;发亮的Playground n 运动场;操场Bell n 钟;铃;门铃Rang v ring 的过去式Told v tell 的过去式Close v 关闭Silence n 寂静;沉默Take place 发生Meaning n 意思;含义As…as Became Earth Hero Flew 像….一样v become 的过去式n 地球n 英雄v fly 的过去式UNIT 4First of all 首先Message n 消息;信息Pass on 传递Suppose v 假定;认为;期Be supposed to adj 被期望或被要求Hard-working adj 勤勉的;努力工作的望Do well in 在…..方面做得好In good health 身体紧张的Report card 成绩单Nervous adj 神经紧张的;不安的Ture adj 真实的Lucky adj 幸运的CopyOwnGet overPoorVillageAreaMeterThinAteDecisionHusbandOpen upStartInfluenceReturnHometownDangerv 复制;抄袭adj&pron 自己的克服;恢复;原谅adj 贫穷的;贫困的n 乡村n 地区;区域n 米;公尺adj 稀薄的v eat 的过去式n 决定;决心n 丈夫打开n 开始;开端n 影响v 回来;返回n 家乡;故乡n 危险UNIT 5Have a great timeTake away 拿走Clean-up n 清扫;打扫Flower n 花Around the world 在世界各地Make a living 谋生Against prep 反对;对…不利Chance n 机会;机遇All the time 一直Tonight n 今晚;今夜UNIT 1-5Whatis the problem 怎么了Fat adj 肥胖的Window n 窗户Play football 踢足球Explain v 解释;说明UNIT 6Collect Pair Since Raise Severalv 收集;搜集n 一对;一双prep&conj 自从v 筹集adj 几个的;数个的KiteAnyoneStoreCaken 风筝pron 任何人v 储存n 蛋糕;糕;饼类食品By the way 顺便一提n 钱币v be 的过去式Be interested in 对…感兴趣Capital n 省会;首都European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的;欧洲人Russian adj 俄罗斯的Australian adj 澳大利亚的Thousand n 一千Foreigner n 外国人Quite adv 相当;十分Certain adj 确实的;无疑的Far away 在远处Miss v 思念Not at all 一点也不Turn down 把….低调;关小CoinBeenStamp n 邮票UNIT 7 YardRight away task brought line 立刻;马上n 任务;工作;作业v bring 的过去式n 排;队;列wait in line 排队等候polite adj 恼怒的perhaps adv 或许;大概door n 门cut in line 插队at first 首先keep..down 控制;抑制voice n 声音public n 公众take care 当心;小心cough break put out careful drop litterv 咳嗽v 打破;违背扑灭;熄灭;关灯adj 小心的;谨慎的v 落下;掉下;使落下n 垃圾pick v 采;摘;挑选pick...up 捡起UNIT 8personalreceiveadj 私人的;个人的v 收到;接受gavemousesnakechildpigrabbitcompanycostasleepv give 的过去式n 老鼠n 蛇n 孩子n 猪n 兔;野兔n 伙伴v 价值;花adj 睡着的fall asleep 入睡choose v 选择present n 礼物open v 打开given v give 的过去分词give away 赠送;分发rather than 而不是n 院子enter v 参加;进入nearly adv 几乎sang v sing 的过去式clearly adv 清楚的;明显的winner n 胜利者interested adj 感兴趣的encourage v 鼓励;激励progress n 进步;进展make progress 取得进步hear of 听说suggest v 建议;提议take an besides mention drive interest in...感兴趣prep 而且;除...之外v 提及;说起v 开车;驾驶UNIT 9Neither adj&pron 二者都不Adv 也不Seen v see 的过去分词Roller coaster n 有吸引力的食物On board 在船上End up 以…结束;结束为... Island n 岛;岛屿Especially adv 特别;尤其Flight attendant 空中服务员DiscoverTour guideFilmWonderfulHolidayQuarterPopulationFearBraveExcellentIndianDarkWakev 发觉;发现导游n 电影adj 极好的n 假日;假期;节日n 四分之一;一刻钟n 人口v 害怕;担心adj 勇敢的adj 卓越的;极好的adj 印度的;印度人的黄昏;黑暗醒来;唤醒Wake up 睡醒;醒来Fox n 狐狸Natural adj 自然的;自然界的Environment n 环境Temperature n 温度nvAll year rond 一年到头;终年Whenever conj 无论何时 UNIT 6-10Spring n 春天 Review n 复习;回顾Autumn n 秋天Season n 季节Awake adj 醒着的;UNIT 10Noon n 中午Good bye 再见Look through 浏览Cross v 穿过;横过;越过Low adj 低的Slow adj 慢的;缓慢的Fan n 迷;狂热者Note n 短信;笔记Come along 出现;发生Get along 相处Baby At least Traffic Least n 婴儿;小孩至少n 交通little 的最高级九年级UNIT 1 AloudPronunciation Differertly Quickly Pronounce n 发音;发音法adv 不同的adv 快地;迅速的v 发…音;正确Slowly adv 慢的;缓慢的Make mistakes 犯错;过失Realize v 认识到;了解到Matter v 重要;要紧;有关系It doesn’t matter 没关系Afraid adj 害怕的;犯愁的;be afraid to 害怕去做;不敢去做laugh at 嘲笑;取笑complete adj 完整的;完全的take notes 做笔记;做记录term trouble fast softn 学期n 困难;苦恼;忧虑adv 快的;迅速的adj 软的;柔软的make up 编造;deal with 应付unlessregarddurtyeasilyconj 如果不;除非v 将….视为n 责任;义务adv 容易的;简单地influence v 影响be angry with 生….的气go byfriendship爱losedevelopment过去;消逝n 友情;友谊;友v 失去n 发言try one’s best 尽力做…face v 面临;面对;正规soldier n 军人;士兵break off 突然中止UNIT 2Used to 过去经常Airplane n 飞机Be terrified of 非常害怕的adv 出生的;大声地Go to sleep 入睡On Candy Daily Death Cause Himself Patient adj 开着的;接通的n 糖果adj 每日的;日常的n 死;死亡v 造成;使发生pron 他自己;它本身adj 有耐心的In the end 最后;终于Make a decision 做决定;下决心Head teacher 校长To one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的Even though 即使;纵然No longer 不再;已不Take pride in 对….注意;留心Attention n 注意;专心Pay attention to 对…注意Give up 放弃Waste v 浪费UNIT 3License n 执照;许可证Silly adj 愚蠢的Instesd of 代替;而不是Stay up 不睡觉;熬夜concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于Study n 学习;研究Present n 目前At preaent 目前;现在Experience v 经历;体验Member n 会员;成员Sleepy adj 困倦的;不活跃的Reply v 回答;答复Achieve v 完成;实现Race v 赛跑;比赛Taught v teacb 过去式Importance n 重要Care about 担心;关心SucceedPointUNIT 4MedicalTesearchv 成功;达到n 要点;论点adj 医学的;医疗的n 研究;调查Tie Worry What if Herselfn 领带n 烦恼;忧虑如果…将会怎么样pron 她自己Not… in the slightest 一点也不Plenty pron 充足;大量Plenty of 很多的;足够的get along with 与….相处circle n (有共同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子;阶层listener n 听者;收听者knowledgeable adj 知识渊博的;有见识的let…down 使…失望或沮丧come up with 提出;想出(主意、回答)rest n 剩余部分;其余shelf n 架子; (书柜等)隔板come out 出版;发表cover v 覆盖;遮掩deep adj 深的downstairs 顺楼梯而下;在楼下correct adj 对的;正确的;准确的burnkneehurt(使)受伤offerrefusehelpfulv 提供v 拒绝;回绝adj 有帮助的;有用的UNIT 5Picnic n (自带食物的)郊游野餐Hair band 发带Possibly adv 可能地;也许Drop v 落下;掉下Make upFinalWorriedOwnerSkyCatch形成;组成;构成adj 最后的;最终的adj 烦恼的;焦虑的n 所有者;物主n 天空;天v 赶上(车船等);捕获Interview v 面试;采访;会见Noise n 噪音;喧闹声;嘈杂声Wind n 风v 烧伤;烧坏n 膝盖v (身体部位)感到疼痛;Neighbor Dirctor Monkey Smell Finger nnnnn邻居主管;主任猴子气味手指Lift Stone Ant Ocean Use upv 举起;抬起;提升n 石头;石块n 蚂蚁n 海洋用完;用光;耗尽UNIT 6Heart n 心;内心Turn off 关掉Yellow river 黄河Fisherman n 渔民;渔夫On display 展览;陈列Photograph n 照片;相片Interest v 引起…关注;使…感兴趣Class n 等级;类别Whatever 不管什么;无论什么;MissSuggestEnergyOkeyHonestCoursev 错过;遗漏v 显示;间接表明;暗示n 活力;力量adj 好的(=Ok)adj 诚实的;真诚的n 课程Suit sb (fine)( 口语)(很)合某人的意;对某人(很)合适Expect v 期待;预料Sweet adj 甜的Taste v 品尝;尝起来To be honst (做插入语)老实说;说实在的Be bad for 对…有害Stay away from 与…保持距离Be in agreement 意见一致Itself pron (反身代词)它自己;它本身LaboratoryCancerIncreaseRiskBiscuitn 实验室n 癌症v 增加;增大n 危险;风险n 饼干Main adj 主要的;首要的UNIT 7Take it easy 从容;轻松;不紧张v 考虑;思考;认为adj 充满活力的;生气Sight Including Tower Church Undergrond n 名胜;古迹prep 包含;包括n 塔;塔楼n 教堂adj 地下的In general 通常;大体上;一般而言Wine n 葡萄酒;酒Translate v 翻译Light adj 轻的Provide v 提供;供应;供给Sail v 航行;在…上航行Pacific n 太平洋As soon as possible 尽快地Continue v (使)继续;坚持下去Programming n 编程Report v 报道;报告Be willing to 乐意(做某事) Quite a few 相当多;不少Dream v 做梦;梦到n 梦想;幻想Dream of 梦想;幻想;向往Hold on to 继续;坚持;保持UNIT 8ConsiderLively勃勃的;活泼的。
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词拼写(一)1. She r________(骑)to school on her bicycle every day.2.My grandma often gets up e______(早) to do exercise.3.My main t____(任务)was to prepare for the meeting.4. Linda is a s____(聪明的)and hard-working student.5. He told me to go out to find some s____(枝条)for a line.6.It’ s i_____(重要的)for you to keep healthy.7. He r_____(收到了)a story—book on his last birthday.8.We shouldn’t throw rubbish e_____( 到处)to protect the environment.9.A_____(四月)is the fourth month a year. 10”Help y_____(自便)to some fish .”Mum said to my friends.11.Do you think this kind of water is s_____(安全)for drinking.12.He is writing on the blackboard with a piece of c____(粉笔).13.Our teachers are very s____(严格)with us students.14. Tom i_____(邀请)all his best friends to his birthday party last Sunday.15. We have to c____(携带) a lot of books in our bags every day.16.Now every day a lot of p____ (乘客) are carried to the World Expo Garden by underground in Shanghai.17.My friends have f_____ (飞) to South Africa to watch the football matches of the 2010 World Cup.18. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the t_____(传统的)festivals in China .People usually eat rice dumplings on that day.19.Every morning, he practices p_____(发音) English words to improve his spoken English.20. If you can answer a question c____(正确地) ,you’ll get a small gift at a time.21. You will be masters of the 21st c_____(世纪).22. We have a_____(已经) finished junior middle school.23.He seems very s____(严肃的),but in fact he is very humorous.24. I’m sure you will enjoy the f______(果实) of your hand work soon.25. George always c____(检查) the answers carefully before handing in his papers.26. He was b____(勇敢的) enough to speak in front of all those people.27. Saving water is a good h____(习惯).28. We can e____(容易地) finish the task with the help of our teacher.29. The boy was not polite to others and his mother p_____(惩罚)him.30. The famous Donald Duck had his s_____(第75)birthday on June 9th this year.31. Our government has made several l____(法律)to protect children.32. It’s not right to w____(浪费)too much time on computer games.33. Today David is a____(缺席) from school because he is ill.34. G_____(猜测)games are popular with students in English class.35. Mom often tells Linda not to talk to a s_____(陌生人).36.The I_____(因特网) plays an important part in our life.37. I r_____(归还) West Journey to the library yesterday.38. The children are playing h____(快乐的)in Fanta Wild Adventure Theme Park.39.The people in China are f_____(友好的) to foreign tourists.40.The climber will reach the top of the mountain w____(在….之内)20 minutes. 41.Some students usually do their homework n_____(吵闹的)when the teacher isn’t in the classroom42.I often f____(失败,不及格) my test butthis time I passed.43.Father likes reading newspapers and Tom enjoys story—books about h_____(英雄). 44. I’m waiting for my friend .If she r_____(返回) ,I’ll go shopping with her. 45.Stephen Hawking has ever said ,”Life is not f______(公平) ,so you have to be the best in your own situation.46.If you want to buy t_____(票) to the concert given by Jack, be quick.47.Mother’s Day is in the m_____(第五) month of the year.48.Mr Wang has a sense of humor and always makes his class l_____(活跃的).49.His school team b____(打败)ours in tennis last week.50.The play i_____(本身)was not interesting ,but the actors performed quite well.51.It’s wonderful to live on the t____(顶端)floor .You can see the whole town.52.Yesterday ,when I got home ,the wind was b_____(刮风) strongly. Some trees fell down.53.We teenagers should have a creative s_____(精神) if we want to be an inventor.54.Zhao Qiang did badly in the school sports meeting .I did even worse.(差)55.From now on ,those who break the traffic rules will be p_____(惩罚)seriously.56. The population problem means we must have few but h_____(健康)children.57.In China there are some important f______(节日) ,and people celebrate them in different ways.58. When you talk with your parents ,don’t always a_____(争吵)with them.59. Would you mind m_____(移动)your car?60.The weather report said that the temperature would b_____ (在…下面) zero.61.After three m_____(月)study ,the scientists worked out the physics problem.62. Tomorrow is Mary’s t______(十二) birthday.63.China is an a_____(古老的) country with a long history.64.The children here eat h____(健康) and are taken good care of..65. She p_____(更喜欢) singing to dancing. What about you?66.Our government has made several laws to p______(保护)teachers.67.You’d better know a lot about their c_____(风俗)before you go abroad.68.Mr Wang g______(毕业) from Beijing University when he was 24 years old.69.Steven Hawking is one of the greatest scientists a___(活着的)in the world.70.Something must be done to p_____(阻止) the factories from polluting the river.71.He is really a_____(焦急的) because he lost his favorite book.72. M_____(医疗的)workers are badly needed in those earthquake-hit areas.73. We had a class meeting and all of us a____(同意)to have a picnic.74.It is impolite to l_____ (笑) at other’s mistakes.75. Mike usually stays up late at night and is often s____(困倦的) in class.76. They have a_____(出现) on CCTV three times so far.77. We often do e_____(实验) in the lab to prove our ideas.78.Why not tell me the t_____(真相)?79.R______(收到) money makes me uncomfortable.80.Here are some things they have learned from s_____(科学的)studies.81.I met an old friend of m_____(我的)yesterday.82. It’s ten m______(分钟) walk.83. Do you enjoy r_____(看) storybooks?84. Li Lei went to his bedroom q_____(安静地)without making any noise.85.Our homework must be h____(上交)in on time.86.There are m_____(百万) of stars in the universe.87.R_____(骑)a horse is a bit difficult.88.He likes to travel in the n_____(北方的)part of China.89.This story is a s______(相似的) to the oneI read before.90. His hobby i______(包括)going camping.91.I can’t a_____(支付)a holiday this summer ,for I have no enough money.92. Every year there are a lot of t_____(旅游者)visiting our city.93. They are so kind to help us s_____(解决) many problems when they are in trouble. 94. It’s quite n_____( 自然的)for a person to refuse the help from strangers.95. She is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_____( 建议) on learning English.96. David is such a kind boy that he often helps b_____(失明的)persons.97. Mr Green gave us some k____(小刀)to cut apples.98. The writer s_____(成功)in the end because he worked really very hard.99. The students in the classroom are listening to the teacher c_____(认真地).100. It’s not p_____(礼貌的) to laugh at others’ mistakes.101. All the students were e______(激动的) when their team won the race.102. He d_____(掉下) a book from his hand , but he didn’t know.103. Mrs Smith smiled h_____(幸福地) when she received a present from her son on Mother’s Day.104. More and more c_____(照相机)are sold to other countries from China.105. The tourists had no c_____(选择)but to wait for the next bus.106. We think it’s almost u_____(无用的) to remember so many facts.107. The old man likes to read the latest r____(报道)in the newspaper.108. He is always s_____(严肃的)at work. 109. Helen w______(写) a short story at home last month. 110. We can t_____(乘坐) a bus to school every day.111. Has he r______(收到)the letter from his parents?112. About seventy percent of the s_____(表面) of the earth is covered with water.113. My bike is broken . My mother is r______(修理) for me now.114. The coat I bought last week is s______(相似的) to Jack’s.115. He r______(拒绝) to give the stranger his telephone number yesterday.116. The girl didn’t p_____(通过) the exam which made her very sad.117. Tom is an h_____(诚实的) boy , so he is very popular among his classmates.118. Parents always teach their children to r_____(尊重)others .119. The d_____(死亡)of a cat made my little sister very sad.120. The students are listening to the teachers q______(安静地) 。