
初中英语词汇表注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册1----8331 what [hwɔt] pron 什么2 is [iz] v 是3 what's [hwɔts] what is 的缩写形式4 your [juə] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neim] n 名字6 my [mai] pron 我的7 I [ai] pron 我8 am [æm] v 是9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上)11 row [rəu] n (一)排,(一)行12 one [wʌn] num 一13 number ['nʌmbə] n 数字,号码14 two [tu:] num 二15 too [tu:] adv 也16 three[θri:] num 三17 are [ɑ:] v 是18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们19 yes [jes] adv 是20 four [fɔ:] num 四21 five [faiv] num 五22 no [nəu] adv & adj 不,不是23 not [nɔt] adv 不24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意)25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级26 grade [greid] n 年级27 six [siks] num 六28 seven ['sevn] num 七29 eight [eit] num 八30 nine [nain] num 九31 ten [ten] num 十32 zero ['ziərəu] num & n 零33 plus [plʌs]prep 加,加上34 it [it] pron 它35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样37 old [əuld] adj ...岁的,老的38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一39 twelve [twelv] num 十二40 minus ['mainəs] prep减,减去41 thirteen ['θə:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n] num 十四43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五44 hello [hə'ləu] int喂(问候或唤起注意)45 please [pli:z] int 请46 can [kæn] v.aux 能,可以,会47 spell [spel] v 拼写48 that [ðæt] pron 那,那个49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密50 this [ðis] pron 这,这个51 in [in] prep 用...(表达)52 English['iŋgliʃ] n & adj 英语,英国人53 in English[in'iŋgliʃ]phr. 用英语(表达)54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...)55 clock [klɔk] n 钟56 and [ænd] conj 和,又,而57 pencil-box['penslbɔks]n 铅笔盒58 an [æn] art 一(个;件.)59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔60 ruler ['ru:lə] n 尺子61 pen [pen] n 钢笔62 sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə] n 卷笔刀63 eraser [i'reisə] n 橡皮擦64 room [ru:m] n 房间65 book [buk] n 书66 map [mæp] n 地图67 desk [desk] n 书桌68 cup [kʌp] n 杯子69 bag [bæg] n 书包70 compute r[kəm'pju:tə]n电脑,电子计算机71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标72 bed [bed] n 床73 keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n 键盘74 isn't ['iznt]is not 的缩写形式75 pear [pɛə] n 梨76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕77 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉78 apple ['æpl] n 苹果79 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] n 橙子,橘子80 egg [eg] n 蛋81 bike [baik] n 自行车82 bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车84 jeep [dʒi:p] n 吉普车85 Chinese['tʃai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n中国人,汉语n 中国人,汉语86 Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z]adj日本的,日本人n日本人,日语87 look [luk] v 瞧,看- 1 -88 who [hu:] pron 谁89 she [ʃi:] pron 她90 he [hi:] pron 他91 bird [bə:d] n 鸟92 Its [its] pron 它的93 do[du:]v.aux(构成否定句,疑问句的助动词)94 don't [dəunt] do not 的缩写形式95 know [nəu] v 知道,懂得96 think [θiŋk] v 想,认为97 Mr=mister ['mistə] n 先生(用于姓名前)98 very ['veri] adv 很,非常99 picture ['piktʃə] n 图画,照片100 Mrs ['mɪsɪz] n 夫人101 boy [bɔi] n 男孩102 girl [gə:l] n 女孩103 woman ['wumən] n 妇女,女人104 man [mæn] n 男人,人105 cat [kæt] n 猫106 his [hiz] pron 他的107 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n 教师108 her [hə:] pron 她的109 everyone ['evriwʌn] pron 每人,人人110 here [hiə] adv 这里,这儿111 today [tə'dei] adv & n 今天112 at [æt] prep 在113 school [sku:l] n 学校114 at school phr. 在学校115 sorry ['sɔri] adj 对不起,抱歉的116 where [hwɛə] adv 在哪里117 home [həum] n 家118 at home phr. 在家119 How are you?你(身体)好吗?120 fine [fain] adj (身体)好的121 thanks[θæŋks] n 谢谢(只用复数)122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以123 thank[θæŋk] v 谢谢124 goodbye [,gud'bai] int 再见,再会125 bye [bai] int 再见126 parrot ['pærət] n 鹦鹉127 sister ['sistə] n 姐,妹128 father ['fɑ:ðə] n 父亲129 mother ['mʌðə] n 母亲130 box [bɔks] n 盒子,箱子131 excuse [iks'kju:z] v 原谅132 me [mi:] pron 我133 Here you are 给你134 but [bʌt] conj 但是135 these [ði:z] pron 这些136 they [ðei] pron 他(她,它)们137 good [gud] adj 好的138 those [ðəuz] pron 那些139 boat [bəut] n 船140 hill [hil] n 小山141 tree [tri:] n 树142 their [ðɛə] pron 他们(她们,它们)的143 much [mʌtʃ] adv 多,很,非常144 very much phr. 很,非常145 all [ɔ:l] adv 都,完全146 right [rait] adv & adj 对的,正确的147 all right phr. 好,行,不错148 mum [mʌm] n (口语)妈妈149 friend [frend] n 朋友150 brother ['brʌðə] n 兄,弟151 nice [nais] adj 令人愉快的152 to [tu:]prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号153 meet [mi:t] v 见面,会面,遇见154 child [tʃaild] n 小孩155 children ['tʃildrən] n child的复数形式156 welcome ['welkəm] v 欢迎157 our ['auə] pron 我们的158 come [kʌm] v 来159 come in phr. 进来,进入160 morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n 早晨,上午161 class [klɑ:s] n 同一个班的学生162 on [ɔn] prep 在,在...上163 duty ['dju:ti] n 职责,责任164 on duty phr. 值日165 we [wi:] pron 我们166 aren't [ɑ:nt] are not 的缩写形式167 have [hæv] v 有168 new [nju:] adj 新的169 student ['stju:dənt] n 学生170 twin [twin] n 双胞胎之一171 look [luk] v 看上去,显得172 the [ðə] art 这(那)个,这(那)些173 same [seim] adj 同样的,同一的174 look the same phr. 看起来很像175 America [ə'merikən]n & adj美国人(的)176 sit [sit] v 坐177 down [daun] adv 向下178 sit down phr. 坐下179 over ['əuvə] adv 在那边,在另一边180 there [ðɛə] adv 那里,那儿181 over there phr. 在那边182 after ['ɑ:ftə] prep 在...以后,在...后面- 2 -183 look after phr. 照顾,照看184 Miss [mis]n女士,小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼) 185 way [wei] n 路,道路186 This way,please. 请走这边187 put [put] v 放188 coat [kəut] n 外套,上衣189 them [ðem] pron 他(她,它)们190 washroom ['wɔʃrum] n 盥洗室,厕所191 let [let] v 让192 us [ʌs] pron 我们193 let's [lets] let us 的缩写形式194 go [gəu] v 去195 Let's go 我们一起去196 classmate ['klɑ:smeit] n 同班同学197 nice [nais] adj 好的,漂亮的198 love [lʌv] v 爱,喜爱199 No ['nʌmbə] n number 的缩写形式200 middle ['midl] adj 中间的,中级的201 middle school n 中学202 well [wel] int 喔,那么,好吧203 fax [fæks] n 传真204 phone [fəun] n 电话,电话机205 ID n 身份征206 policeman [pə'li:smən] n 警察207 ask [ɑ:sk] v 问208 sir [sə:] n (用于尊称)先生,阁下209 yes [jes]adv(用于疑问,征询等)什么,是吗210 licence ['laisəns] n 执照,许可证211 look at phr. 看,观看212 dear [diə] int (表示惊讶等)哎呀213 see [si:] v 看见,看到214 I'll [ail] I will 的缩写形式215 will [wil] v.aux 将,会,要216 take [teik] v 拿到,带到217 address [ə'dres] n 地址218 age [eidʒ] n 年龄219 glad [glæd] adj 高兴的,乐意的220 why[hwai]int(表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等) 嗨221 forgot[fə'gɔt] v (forget 的过去时)忘记222 now [nau] adv 现在223 China ['tʃainə] n 中国224 or [ɔ:] conj 或者,还是225 work [wə:k] v & n 工作226 goes [gəuz] go的单数第三人称现在时227 family ['fæmili] n 家,家庭228 family tree n 家谱229 grandmother ['grænd,mʌðə] n (外)祖母230 grandma['grændmɑ:]n (口语)奶奶,外婆231 grandfather ['grænd,fɑ:ðə] n (外)祖父232 grandpa ['grændpɑ:] n (口语)爷爷,外公233 dad [dæd] n (口语)爸爸,爹爹234 wife [waif] n 妻子235 husband ['hʌzbənd] n 丈夫236 daughter ['dɔ:tə] n 女儿237 son [sʌn] n 儿子238 parent ['pɛərənt] n 父(母)亲239 parents ['pɛərənts]n 父母亲,双亲240 big [big] adj 大的241 England ['iŋglənd] n 英格兰242 aunt [ɑ:nt] n 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母243 uncle ['ʌŋkl] n 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父244 afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n 下午,午后245 do [du:] v 做,干,行动246 How do you do ? 你好!247 seat [si:t] n 座位248 have a seat 坐下,就坐249 like [laik] prep 像,跟...一样250 look like phr. 看起来像251 hat [hæt] n 帽子(一般指有边的帽子)252 doctor ['dɔktə] n 医生253 worker ['wə:kə] n 工人254 guess [ges] v 猜255 behind [bi'haind] prep 在...后面256 chair[tʃɛə] n 椅子257 ball [bɔ:l] n 球258 under ['ʌndə] prep 在...下面259 floor [flɔ:] n (室内)地,地板260 can't [kænt] can not 的缩写形式261 photo ['fəutəu] n 照片262 wall [wɔ:l] n 墙263 shoe [ʃu:] n 鞋264 near [niə] prep 在...附近265 door [dɔ:] n 门266 of [ɔv] prep ...的267 classroom ['klɑ:srum] n 教室268 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v 回答269 blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n 黑板270 some [sʌm] pron 一些,若干271 schoolbag ['sku:l,bæg] n 书包272 flower ['flauə] n 花273 find [faind] v 找到,发现274 broom [bru:m] n 扫帚275 window ['windəu] n 窗276 raincoat ['reinkəut] n 雨衣277 cap [kæp] n 便帽,军帽278 football ['futbɔ:l] n 足球- 3 -279 table ['teibl] n 桌子280 Hong Kong [ 'hɔŋ'kɔŋ ]n 香港281 Macao [mə'kau] n 澳门282 SAR n 特别行政区283 there [ðɛə]表示存在,有..,作引导词284 there's [ðɛəz] there is 的缩写形式285 lock [lɔk] v& n 锁286 many ['meni] adj 许多的,多的287 thing [θiŋ] n 东西,事情288 must [mʌst] v.aux 必须,应当289 open ['əupən] v 打开290 get [get] v 得到,获得291 help [help] v 帮助292 purse [pə:s] n 钱包293 money ['mʌni] n 钱,货币294 worry ['wʌri] v (使)担忧295 Let me see 让我想想296 fifty ['fifti] num 五十297 colour ['kʌlə] n 颜色298 black [blæk] adj 黑色的299 house [haus] n 房子300 small [smɔ:l] adj 小的301 playhouse ['pleihaus] n 儿童游戏房302 like [laik] v 喜欢303 play [plei] v 玩,打(球)304 up [ʌp] adv 在上面,在高处,向上,起来305 with [wið] prep 和306 great [greit] adv (口语)好极了,很好307 look [luk] n 瞧,看308 have a look phr. 看一看309 ping-pong[' piŋpɔŋ] n 乒乓球310 how many phr. 多少311 kite [kait] n 风筝312 young [jʌŋ] adj 年轻的,幼小的313 pioneer [,paiə'niə] n 先锋314 Young Pioneer n 少先队员315 men [men] n man的缩写形式316 women ['wimin] n woman的复数形式317 only ['əunli] adv 仅仅,只318 work [wə:k] n 工作319 at work phr. 在工作320 sky [skai] n 天空321 count [kaunt] v 数,点数322 river ['rivə] n 江,河323 dog [dɔg] n 狗324 light [lait] n 灯325 any ['eni]adj(用于否定句,疑问句等)什么,任何326 animal ['æniməl] n 动物327 people ['pi:pl] n 人,人们328 little ['litl] adj & adv 小的,一点儿,稍许329 sheep [ʃi:p] n 绵羊330 come on ['kʌm ɔn]phr. 来吧,跟着来,赶快331 red [red] adj & n 红色(的)332 colour ['kʌlə] n颜色;v 给...着色333 yellow ['jeləu] adj & n 黄色(的)334 blue [blu:] adj & n 蓝色(的)335 white [hwait] adj & n 白色(的)336 green [gri:n] adj & n 绿色(的)337 purple ['pə:pl] adj & n 紫色(的)338 brown [braun] adj&n棕色(的),褐色(的) 339 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] adj & n 橙色(的)340 grey [grei] adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的)341 sweater ['swetə] n 毛衣,厚运动衫342 light [lait] adj 淡(浅)色的,轻的343 want [wɔnt] v 要,想要344 which [hwitʃ] pron & adj 哪一个,哪些345 one [wʌn] pron 用来代替单数的人或物346 clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服347 line [lain] n 线,绳索348 whose [hu:z] pron 谁的349 blouse [blauz] n 女衬衫350 dress [dres] n 女服,(统称)衣服351 shirt [ʃə:t] n (男式)衬衫352 trousers ['trauzəz] n 裤子353 skirt [skə:t] n 女裙354 dark [dɑ:k] adj 深(浓)色的,黑暗的355 yours [juəz] pron 你的,你们的356 mine [main] pron 我的357 hers [hə:z] pron 她的358 put on phr.穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等) 359 theirs [ðɛəz] pron他们(她们,它们)的360 ours ['auəz] pron 我们的361 glove [glʌv] n 手套362 about [ə'baut] prep 关于,对于363 What about...? phr. (询问消息,征求意见)…怎么样?364 beside [bi'said] prep 在...旁边365 watch [wɔtʃ] n & v 手表、观看,注视366 give [giv] v 给367 time [taim] n 时间368 about [ə'baut] adv 大约369 thirty['θə:ti] num 三十370 get up ['get ʌp] phr. 起床371 late [leit] adj & adv 迟的(地),晚的(地) 372 o'clock [ə'klɔk]…点钟- 4 -373 midnight ['midnait] n 午夜374 noon [nu:n] n 中午,正午375 past [pɑ:st] prep (超)过,经过376 half [hɑ:f] n 半,一半377 quarter ['kwɔ:tə] n 一刻钟,四分之一378 for [fɔ:] prep 为,给379 break [breik] n (课间)休息,中断380 lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐381 breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐382 clean [kli:n] v 把...弄干净,擦干净383 supper ['sʌpə] n 晚餐384 have supper phr. 吃晚餐385 TV n 电视,电视机386 watch TV phr. 看电视387 game [geim] n 游戏,运动388 go home phr. 回家389 p.m. 下午,午后390 London ['lʌndən] n 伦敦391 Tokyo ['təukiəu] n 东京392 Sydney ['sidni] n 悉尼393 hour [auə] n 小时394 a.m. 午前,上午395 hundred ['hʌndrəd] num 百396 yourself [juə'self] pron 你自己397 bedroom ['bedrum] n 卧室398 doll [dɔl] n 玩具娃娃399 else [els] adv & adj 别(的),其他(的)400 sure [ʃuə]adv&adj的确,一定确信的,肯定的401 between [bi'twi:n] prep在(两者)之间402 tall [tɔ:l] adj 高的403 funny ['fʌni] adj 滑稽的,有趣的404 favourite ['feivərit] adj 特别喜爱的405 e-mail [i:'meil] n 电子邮件406 speak [spi:k] v 讲,说407 next ['nekst] adj 下一个408 term [tə:m] n 学期409 could [kud] v.aux (口语,表示许可或请求)可以,行410 minute ['minit] n 分钟,一会儿411 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n 星期二412 February ['februəri] n 二月413 eighteenth['ei'ti:nθ] num 第十八414 listen ['lisn] v 听415 careful ['kɛəfəl] adj 小心的;仔细的416 carefully ['kɛəfəli] adv 小心地;仔细地417 draw [drɔ:] v 画;绘制418 has [hæz] v(动词have的单数第三人称)有419 face [feis] n 脸;面孔420 eye [ai] n 眼睛421 ear [iə] n 耳朵422 leg [leg] n 腿423 hand [hænd] n 手424 long [lɔŋ] adj 长的425 short [ʃɔ:t] adj 短的;矮的426 mouth [mauθ] n 嘴427 say [sei] v 说;讲428 tick [tik] n (钟表等滴嗒的)声音429 heavy ['hevi] adj 重的430 empty ['empti] adj 空的431 certainly ['sə:tənli] adv 当然432 full [ful] adj 满的433 be full (of) phr. 充满....的434 carry ['kæri] v 携带;搬运;运送435 too [tu:] adv 太436 so [səu] adv 这么;那么437 listen to phr. 听438 tape [teip] n 磁带439 there [ðɛə] int 好啦(表示安慰)440 all [ɔ:l] adj 整个;所有的441 basket ['bɑ:skit] n 篮子442 bottle ['bɔtl] n 瓶443 a bottle of phr. 一瓶...444 juice [dʒu:s] n (水果;蔬菜;肉等的)汁;水汁445 head [hed] n 头;头部446 nose [nəuz] n 鼻子447 hair [hɛə] n 头发448 arm [ɑ:m] n 手臂;胳膊449 foot [fut] n 脚(pl.feet)450 wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] n 衣柜451 day [dei] n 日;天452 from [frɔm] prep 从.....起453 America [ə'merikən] n 美国454 zoo [zu:] n 动物园455 away [ə'wei] adv 离开456 put away phr. 把.....什么收起来(放好) 457 out [aut] adv 在外458 come out phr. 出来459 sock [sɔk] n 短袜460 other ['ʌðə] adj 别的;其他的461 wrong [rɔ:ŋ] adj 不正确的;错误的462 broken ['brəukən] adj 弄坏了的463 so [səu] pron 这样;如此464 catch [kætʃ] v 捉;抓住465 get down phr. 下来;落下466 him [him] pron 他(宾格)467 right [rait] adv 正好;恰好;正确- 5 -468 goodness ['gudnis] n 善良;美德469 plane [plein] n 飞机470 with [wið] prep 对....;关于471 mend [mend] v 修补;修理472 knife [naif] n (pl.knives) 小刀473 robot ['rəubɔt] n 机器人474 body ['bɔdi] n 身体475 broke[brəuk]v(动词break[breik]的过去时)折断;打破476 lost [lɔst] adj 丢失的;丢去的477 tell [tel] v 告诉;讲述478 round [raund] adj 球形的;圆的479 mummy ['mʌmi] n (口语)妈妈480 pleasure ['pleʒə] n 愉快;高兴481 food [fu:d] n 食物482 drink[driŋk] n & v 饮料喝483 hungry ['hʌŋgri] adj 饥饿的484 thirsty['θə:sti] adj 口渴的485 water ['wɔ:tə] n & v 水;浇水486 eat [i:t] v 吃487 rice [rais] n 米饭;大米488 bread [bred] n 面包489 meat [mi:t] n 肉490 tea [ti:] n 茶491 milk [milk] n 牛奶492 glass [glɑ:s] n 玻璃杯493 a glass of phr. 一(玻璃)杯494 would like phr.想要(语气婉转地表示请求等)495 something ['sʌmθiŋ]pro某事(物)某东西496 porridge ['pɔridʒ] n 粥;稀饭497 fish [fiʃ] n 鱼498 dumpling ['dʌmpliŋ] n 饺子499 fruit [fru:t] n 水果500 piece [pi:s] n 一张(片;张)501 a piece of phr. 一片(一张、块)502 hamburger ['hæmbə:gə] n 汉堡包503 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条504 potato [pə'teitəu] n pl.potatoes 马铃薯;土豆505 chips [tʃip] n (口语)炸士豆儿条506 coke [kəuk] n (口语)可口可乐507 coffee ['kɔfi] n 咖啡508 madam ['mædəm] n 夫人;女士509 dear [diə] adj 亲爱的;可爱的510 ice [ais] n 冰511 cream [kri:m] n 奶油;乳脂512 ice cream n 冰淇淋513 USA n 美国514 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的515 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜516 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时517 sport [spɔ:t] n 运动518 come on phr. 来;过来519 ouch [autʃ] int (突然感到病痛时发出的声音)啊呀520 be good at phr. 在...方面(学得,做得)好;善于521 basketball ['bæskitbɔ:l] n 蓝球522 easy ['i:zi] adj 容易的523 pass [pɑ:s] v 传递524 try [trai] v 试(做);设法;努力525 yo-yo ['jəujəu] n 溜溜球(一种玩具)526 go [gəu] n 尝试(做某事)527 throw[θrəu] v 投,掷528 hard [hɑ:d] adj 困难的529 ride [raid] v 骑(自行车,马等)530 swim [swim] v 游泳531 skate [skeit] v 滑冰,溜冰532 fly [flai] v 放(风筝,飞机模型等)533 card [kɑ:d] n 纸牌,卡片534 volleyball ['vɔli,bɔ:l] n 排球535 jump [dʒʌmp] v 跳536 sing[siŋ] v 唱,唱歌537 run [rʌn] v 跑538 high [hai] adj & adv 高的(地)539 then [ðen] adv 那么,然后540 question ['kwestʃən] n 问题541 postal ['pəustəl] adj 邮政的542 code [kəud] n 密码,符号543 ski [ski:] v 滑雪544 tennis ['tenis] n 网球(运动)545 table tennis n 乒乓球546 roller-skating ['rəuləskeitiŋ] n 滑旱冰547 chess [tʃes] n 国际象棋548 fan [fæn] n (口语,电影,运动等的)迷549 player ['pleiə] n 比赛者,选手550 team [ti:m] n 队,组551 every ['evri] adj 每一,每个的552 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五553 make [meik] v 做,制作554 make the bed phr. 整理床铺555 homework ['həumwə:k] n 家庭作业556 do homework phr. 做作业557 read [ri:d] n 读,阅读558 write [rait] v 写559 sleep [sli:p] v 睡,睡觉- 6 -560 look for ['luk fər] phr. 寻找561 cook [kuk] v & n 烹调,煮,烧炊事员,厨师562 talk [tɔ:k] v 说话,谈话563 talk with ['tɔ:k wið]phr. 和....交谈564 open ['əupən] n 打开565 close [kləuz] v 关;闭566 take photos phr. 照象567 wear [wɛə] v 穿568 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日569 park [pɑ:k] n 公园570 toy [tɔi] n 玩具;玩物571 lake [leik] n 湖572 clear [kliə] adj清晰的;清楚的;明亮的573 shop [ʃɔp] n 商店574 closed [kləuzd] adj 关着的575 day [dei] n 日,一天576 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五577 early ['ə:li] adj & adv 早的(地)初期578 supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit] n 超级市场579 Wednesday ['wenzdi] n 星期三580 may [mei] v.aux 可以;可能;也许581 borrow ['bɔrəu] v 借582 from [frɔm] prep 从;从....起583 Thursday ['θə:zdi] n 星期四584 week [wi:k] n 周;星期585 Monday ['mʌndei] n 星期一586 Saturday ['sætədi] n 星期六587 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日588 hey[hei]int嘿;喂(唤起注意.表示惊讶或询问) 589 dictionary ['dikʃəneri] n 字典;词典590 back [bæk] adv 回(原处) ;向后591 tomorrow [tə'mɔ:rəu]n&adv 明天;在明天592 CD n 激光唱片(缩写词)593 lot [lɔt] n 许多594 a lot phr. 非常595 give...a hand phr. 给予.....帮助596 evening['i:vniŋ] n 傍晚;晚上597 from…to… phr. …从…到…598 after class phr. 课后599 help...with phr. 帮助(某人)做(某事)600 model ['mɔdl] n 模型;模范;样式601 park [pɑ:k] n 公园602 rest [rest] n 休息603 have a (good) rest phr. 休息604 maths [mæθs] n (英式拼法)数学605 math [mæθ] n (美式拼法)数学606 all [ɔ:l] adv 全体;全部607 hard [hɑ:d] adv 努力608 fun [fʌn] adj 有趣的;愉快的609 yeah [jɛə] adv (口语)是的;嗯610 take [teik] v 花费(时间)611 straight [streit] adj 直的612 use [ju:z] v 用;使用;应用613 wheel [hwi:l] n 轮;机轮614 into ['intu:] prep 到.....里;向内615 music ['mju:zik] n 音乐;乐曲616 boat [bəut] v 划船617 lake [leik] n 湖618 into ['intu:] prep 到...里,向内619 worried ['wʌrid] adj 担心的,烦恼的620 save [seiv] v 救,挽救,节省621 ticket ['tikit] n 票,券622 New York ['nju:leid] n 纽约623 learn [lə:n] v 学,学习624 learn...from phr. 向...学习625 meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n 会,会议626 bring[briŋ] v 带来,拿来627 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的628 difference ['difərəns] n 不同,差异629 each [i:tʃ] adv & pron 各自,各个630 each other pron 互相631 talk about phr. 谈论,交谈632 USA n 美国633 Australia [ɔ:s'treiljə] n 澳大利亚634 Canada ['kænədə] n 加拿大635 UK n 联合王国636 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n 日本637 America [ə'merikə] n 美国638 a little phr. 一点,少量639 French [frentʃ] n 法语640 great [greit] adj 伟大的,很大的,重要的641 the Great Wall n 长城642 hotel [həu'tel] n 旅馆,饭馆643 building['bildiŋ] n 建筑物644 follow ['fɔləu] v 跟随645 call [kɔ:l]v&n 称呼,叫喊,打电话给电话,通话646 family name n 姓647 first [fə:st] num & adv 第一,首先,最初648 postcard ['pəust,kɑ:d] n 明信片649 teach [ti:tʃ] v 教,教书650 dinner ['dinə] n 正餐,晚餐651 soon [su:n] adv 不久,一会儿652 stay [stei] v 停留(在某处)653 high school n 中学654 Toronto [tə'rɔntəu] n 多伦多(加拿大港市)- 7 -655 schoolboy ['sku:lbɔi] n (中小学的)男学生656 country ['kʌntri] n 国家657 make friends phr. 交朋友658 France [frɑ:ns] n 法国659 textbook ['tekstbuk] n 课本660 Englishman ['iŋgliʃmən]n(pl.Englishmen)英国(男)人661 Australian [ɔ:s'treiljən]adj 澳大利亚人662 Canadian [kə'neidiən] n 加拿大人663 city ['siti] n 城市664 foreigner ['fɔ:rinə] n 外国人665 visit ['vizit] v 访问,参观,拜访666 word [wə:d] n 词,单词667 well [wel] adv 好668 why [hwai] adv 为什么669 English-speaking adj 说英语的670 letter ['letə] n 信671 hot [hɔt] adj 热的,辣的672 hot dog n 热狗(红肠面包)673 not...at all phr. 一点也不674 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的675 kind [kaind] n 种,类676 a kind of phr. 一种,一类677 every ['evri] adj 每一的,每个的678 meal [mi:l] n 一餐,一顿饭679 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条680 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜681 restaurant ['restərɔnt] n 饭馆682 often ['ɔ:fən] adv 常常683 potato [pə'teitəu] n 马铃薯,土豆684 well [wel] adj & adv 好,(身体)健康685 why [hwai] adv 为什么686 because [bi'kɔ:z] conj 因为687 housework ['hauswə:k] n 家务劳动688 machine [mə'ʃi:n] n 机器689 again [ə'gen] adv 又,再690 make phone calls phr. 打电话691 wash [wɔʃ] v 洗,漱洗692 dish [diʃ] n 一道菜,盘,碟693 electronic [ilek'trɔnik] adj 电子的694 mail [meil] n 邮政,邮递695 smoke [sməuk] v&n 吸烟,烟696 fog [fɔg] n 雾697 smog[smɔg]n 烟雾698 dance [dɑ:ns] v 跳舞699 living room n 起居室700 dining room n 餐厅701 driver ['draivə] n 司机,驾驶员702 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n 农民703 soldier ['səuldʒə] n 士兵,战士704 businessman ['biznismæn] n 商人705 assistant [ə'sistənt] n 助手,助理706 a shop assistant phr. 售货员,店员707 nurse [nə:s] n 护士708 postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员709 factory ['fæktəri] n 工厂710 station ['steiʃən] n 车站,所,站711 bus station n 公共汽车站712 hospital ['hɔspitl]n 医院713 farm [fɑ:m] n 农场714 post [pəust] n 邮政,邮寄,邮件715 office ['ɔ:fis] n 办公室716 post office n 邮局717 study ['stʌdi] v 学习,研究718 party ['pɑ:ti] n 聚会719 friendly ['frendli] adj 友好的720 also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv 也721 medicine ['medisin] n 内服药,医学722 in the day phr. 在白天723 at night phr. 在晚上,在夜里724 make money phr. 赚钱725 weekend ['wi:k'end] n 周末726 job [dʒɔb] n 工作727 writer ['raitə] n 作家,作者728 cleaner ['kli:nə] n 清洁工729 turn [tə:n] n (依次轮流的)顺序,轮流730 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长731 baker ['beikə] n 面包师732 artist ['ɑ:tist] n 画家,艺术家733 hobby ['hɔbi] n 业余爱好734 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为735 place [pleis] n 地点,地方736 weekday ['wi:kdei]n 工作日,平日(除星期六,日以外)737 when [hwen] adv 什么时候,何时738 leave [li:v] v 离去,出发739 begin [bi'gin] v 开始,着手740 have sports phr. 进行体育活动741 go to bed phr. 睡觉742 usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv 通常743 right now phr. 立刻,马上744 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时745 take off phr. 脱衣服746 after school phr. 放学后,下课后747 get to phr. 到达748 exercise ['eksəsaiz]n锻炼,做操,练习- 8 -749 do morning exercises phr. 做早操750 shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n 买东西751 go shopping phr. (去)买东西752 garden ['gɑ:dn] n 花(果,菜)园753 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为754 over ['əuvə] adv 结束,完了755 do (some) reading phr. 朗读,阅读756 living-room n 起居室757 playground ['pleigraund]n(学校的)操场758 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步759 news [nju:z] n 新闻,消息760 match [mætʃ] n 比赛,竞赛761 quickly ['kwikli] adv 迅速762 sun [sʌn] n 太阳763 moon [mu:n] n 月亮764 bridge [bridʒ] n 桥765 train [trein] n 火车766 ship [ʃip] n 船,轮船767 on foot phr. 走路,步行768 holiday ['hɔlədi] n 假日,假期769 year [jiə] n 年770 by [bai] prep 乘车(船等)771 by plane phr. 乘飞机772 by ship phr. 乘船773 air [ɛə] n 天空,空气774 by air phr. 乘飞机775 sea [si:] n 海,海洋776 by sea phr. 乘船777 take time phr. 花费(时间)778 how long phr. 多久779 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步780 clean [kli:n] adj 干净的,清洁的781 story ['stɔ:ri] n 故事782 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远783 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题784 earlier['ə:liə] adj & adv ( early的比较级)更早的(地)785 ill [il] adj 病的,不健康的786 tear [tɛə] n (常用复数)眼泪,泪珠787 chicken ['tʃikin] n 鸡,鸡肉788 tofu ['təufu:] n 豆腐789 fridge [fridʒ] n 电冰箱790 list [list] n 清单,一览表,名单,目录791 shopping list phr. 购物清单792 buy [bai] v 买793 kilo ['ki:ləu] n 千克,公斤794 sell [sel] v 卖,售795 how much phr. 多少,多少钱796 cheap [tʃi:p] adj 便宜的797 expensive [iks'pensiv] adj 昂贵的798 tomato[tə'meitəu]n(pl.tomatoes)西红柿,蕃茄799 onion ['ʌnjən] n 洋葱800 carrot ['kærət] n 胡萝卜801 pork [pɔ:k] n 猪肉802 all day phr. 一整天,一天到晚803 a lot of phr. 许多,很多804 open ['əupən] adj 开着的805 market ['mɑ:kit] n 市场,集市806 dollar['dɔlə]n元(美,加拿大等国的货币单位)807 cent [sent] n (货币)分808 pound [paund] n 镑(重量单位)809 health[helθ] n 健康,卫生810 fast [fɑ:st] adj & adv 快的(地),迅速的(地) 811 of course phr. 当然,自然的事812 travel ['trævl] v & n 旅行813 safe [seif] adj 安全的,平安的814 minibus ['mini,bʌs] n 小型公共汽车815 and so on phr. 等等816 price [prais] n 价格,价钱817 example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样818 for example phr. 例如819 stand [stænd] v 站,立820 field [fi:ld] n 地,田地821 one day phr.(过去或将来)有一天,某一天822 job [dʒɔb] n 工作823 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,灿烂的824 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的825 sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:siz] n 太阳镜826 each [i:tʃ] pron 各自,各个827 language['læŋgwidʒ] n 语言828 helpful ['helpfəl] adj 有帮助的,有益的829 get on (a bus) phr. 上车830 business ['biznis] n 商业,生意,事物831 company ['kʌmpəni] n 公司832 manager ['mænidʒə] n 经理,负责人833 century ['sentʃuri] n 世纪,百年第二册834----1644834 lesson ['lesn] n 课,功课835 fun [fʌn] n 有趣836 when [hwen] conj 当......时837 traffic ['træfik] n 交通838 bad [bæd] adj 坏的839 matter ['mætə]v(否定句,疑问句)要紧,有关- 9 -系840 on time phr. 准时841 September [sep'tembə] n 九月842 happy ['hæpi] adj 快乐的,幸福的843 best [best] adj &adv 最好的(地)844 wish [wiʃ] n &v 祝愿,希望,想要845 second ['sekənd] num &adj 第二(的)846 idea [ai'diə] n 主意,想法,意见847 last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的,刚过去的848 given name phr. 名字849 mean [mi:n] v 表示...的意思,意味着850 meaning ['mi:niŋ] n 意思,意义,含义851 important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj重要的,重大的852 use [ju:z] v 用,使用,运用853 Ms [mɪz]n女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名) 854 before [bi'fɔ:] prep &adv 在..之前,以前855 never ['nevə] adv 从来,决不856 just [dʒʌst] adv 刚刚,方才857 third[θə:d] num &adj 第三的858 afraid [ə'freid] adj 害怕的859 live [liv] v 居住860 sound [saund] n & v 声音,听起来861 have to phr. 不得不,必须862 time [taim] n 次数863 more [mɔ:] adv 更,更加864 not...any more phr. 不再865 laugh [lɑ:f] v & n 笑,大笑,笑声866 waste [weist] n & v 浪费,废弃物867 a waste of time phr. 浪费(白费)时间868 fifth[fifθ] num & adj 第五(的)869 trip [trip] n & v 旅游,旅行870 field trip phr. 野外旅游871 hometown ['hom'taun] n 故乡,家乡872 discuss [di'skʌs] v 讨论,议论873 fish [fiʃ] v 钓鱼874 fishing ['fiʃiŋ] n 钓鱼875 go fishing phr. 去钓鱼876 east [i:st] n & adj 东方(的),东部(的)877 agree [ə'gri:] v 同意,赞成878 boating ['bəutiŋ] n 划船879 go boating phr. 去划船880 maybe ['meibi] adv 也许,大概881 mountain ['mauntin] n 山,高山882 hike [haik] n & v 远足,徒步旅行883 hiking [haikin] n 徒步旅行884 go hiking phr. 去徒步旅行885 picnic ['piknik] n 野餐886 the day after tomorrow phr. 后天887 top [tɔp] n 顶部888 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题889 quick [kwik] adj 快的,迅速的890 quickly ['kwikli] adv 快地,迅速地891 start [stɑ:t] v 开始,着手892 trip [trip] over phr. (被...)绊倒893 tired ['taiəd] adj 累,疲乏894 hurry ['hʌri] v 赶快,慌忙895 hurry up phr. 赶快896 tie [tai] v 捆,(系,栓)紧897 die [dai] v 死亡898 city ['siti] n 城市899 take [teik] v 花费(时间),消耗900 eighth [ei tθ] num 第八901 salesgirl ['seilzgə:l] n 女售货员902 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远的(地)903 beautiful ['bju:təfəl] adj 美丽的,漂亮的904 together [tə'geðə] adv 一起905 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n 秋天,秋季906 festival ['festəvəl]n & adj 节日(的),喜庆(的)907 ninth [nainθ] num &adj 第九(的)908 free [fri:] adj 自由的,空闲的909 mid-autumn n 中秋910 mooncake n 月饼911 nut [nʌt] n 坚果,坚果核912 sweet [swi:t] adj 甜的,可爱的913 inside [,in'said]prep 在...里面914 store ['in'said] n (美)商店,大百货公司915 come over phr. 过来,顺便来访916 thanksgiving [,θæŋks'giviŋ] n 感谢,感恩917 Thanksgiving=Thanksgiving Day phr. 感恩节918 get together phr. 相聚919 October [ɔk'təubə] n. 十月920 taste [teist] v 品尝,有...味道921 pie [pai] n (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼922 outside ['aut'said] prep & adv 在...外923 in the open air phr.在户外,在野外924 harvest ['hɑ:vist] n 收获925 than [ðæn] conj 比....,比较....926 another[ə'nʌðə]adj&conj另一个(的),又一个(的)927 delicious [di'liʃəs] adj 美味的,可口的928 better['betə]adj(goo或well的比较级)更好的929 pumpkin ['pʌmpkin] n 南瓜930 twelfth[twelfθ] num &adj 第十二(的)931 turkey ['tə:ki] n 火鸡- 10 -。

A组 安徽中考题组
1.It is helpful to have a clear i
(想法)of wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱat you want.
2.My English teacher is always r
(准备好的)with advice for our study and life.
1.It is p
(礼貌的)to offer seats to the old on the bus.
2.When swimming,you should put s
3.The newly-opened museum is certainly w
3.The six-year-old American girl has learned hundreds of Chinese p
4.We will go climbing tomorrow if the weather is f
5.The engineers are going to t
3.This Chinese painting is the greatest work of a
(艺术) I have ever seen.
4.The little girl k
(亲吻) her mum good night before she goes to bed.
5.I'm s

山东省济宁市中考英语单词拼写真题汇编(精选2017-2019年中考真题+详细解析答案,值得下载)2019四、单词拼写与运用(共8小题,计8分)根据句意完成已给出肖字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通质,语法正确,1.M_______is the day after Sunday and before Tuesday.2.China is the biggest country in A_______.3.The young man was b________ enough to save his neighbors from a fire!4.A________ all the school subjects, English in my favorite.5.It is very relaxing for me to_____ (躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study.6.It's a_____(健康的) habit to do some exercise every day.7.Many classic Chinese poems are_______(广泛地) spread in the world.8.Wang Feng showed his super__________(记忆力) in the program Super Brain四、单词拼写2018四、单词拼写与运用根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通,语法正确。
16. In the north of China, leaves usually fall down when a_______ comes.17. A p_______ at a school is a place for students to play and do sports.18. In China more and more people r_______ shared bikes to and from work.19. Don’t worry about the children. They are old enough to look after t_______.20. People often fly kites on sunny and _______(多风)days.21. It's a good habit to brush your_______(牙齿)after a meal.22. The stamp I bought yesterday_______(花费)me 20 yan.23. When we left, the kids said goodbye to us_______(礼貌).【答案】16. autumn17. playground18. ride 19. themselves20. windy 21. teeth22. cost 23. politely【解析】16. 句意:在中国北方,叶子通常会在秋天来临时掉下来。

1. a (an) [ə; eɪ] [æn] art. 一(个、件……)2. ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;才能。
3. able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够;有能力的。
- be able to do sth. 能够做某事。
4. about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约。
- adv. 大约;到处;四处。
5. above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面。
- adj. 上面的。
- adv. 在(或向)上面。
6. abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 到(在)国外。
7. absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席;不在。
8. accent [ˈæksent] n. 口音;音调。
9. accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受。
10. accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外的事。
- by accident 偶然;意外地。
1. baby [ˈbeɪbi] n. 婴儿。
2. back [bæk] n. 背;背后;后部。
- adj. 后面的。
- adv. 回(原处);向后。
- vt. 支持。
3. background [ˈbækɡraʊnd] n. 背景。
4. bad (worse, worst) [bæd] [wɜːrs] [wɜːrst] adj. 坏的;有害的;不利的。
- be bad for 对……有害。
5. bag [bæɡ] n. 书包;提包;袋子。
6. ball [bɔːl] n. 球。
- football n. 足球。
- basketball n. 篮球。
7. balloon [bəˈluːn] n. 气球。
8. bamboo [ˌbæmˈbuː] n. 竹。
9. banana [bəˈnɑːnə] n. 香蕉。

中考2500词汇单词默写版A.1. ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力。
2. able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够;有能力的。
3. about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;adv. 大约。
4. above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面;adv. 在上面;adj. 上面的。
5. abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外;到国外。
B.1. baby [ˈbeɪbi] n. 婴儿。
2. back [bæk] n. 背部;后面;adv. 回(原处);向后;adj. 后面的。
3. bad [bæd] adj. 坏的;糟糕的。
4. bag [bæg] n. 书包;提包;袋子。
5. ball [bɔːl] n. 球。
C.1. cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕。
2. call [kɔːl] v. 打电话;称呼;叫;n. 电话;呼叫。
3. can [kæn] modal v. 能;会;可以;n. 罐头。
4. car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽车;轿车。
5. card [kɑːd] n. 卡片;纸牌。
D.1. day [deɪ] n. 天;日。
2. dear [dɪə(r)] adj. 亲爱的;昂贵的;int. 哎呀。
3. desk [desk] n. 书桌;写字台。
4. do [duː] v. 做;干;助动词(无词义)5. dog [dɒɡ] n. 狗。
E.1. ear [ɪə(r)] n. 耳朵。
2. early [ˈɜːli] adj. 早的;adv. 早地。
3. eat [iːt] v. 吃。
4. egg [eɡ] n. 鸡蛋。
5. eight [eɪt] num. 八。
F.1. face [feɪs] n. 脸;面孔;v. 面对。
2. family [ˈfæməli] n. 家庭;家族。
3. father [ˈfɑːðə(r)] n. 父亲。
2024年中考英语 考纲词汇必背内容

因此、词汇最后的突破很重要!(一)考纲内较难拼写的单词(考前必背)1. ability n. 能力;才干;才能2. abroad adv. 在外国;广泛地;传播3. accident n. 事故;偶然4. achieve v. 实现;达到;完成5. activity n. 活动;工作;职业6. address n. 地址;住址;演说;讲话7. advantage n. 优点;利益8. advertisement (ad) n.公告;启事;广告9. against prep. 对着,反对10. agreement n.同意;一致;协议11. although conj.虽然;尽管12. American adj.美洲的;美国人13. anyway adv.不管怎样;无论如何14. appear v.出现;好像15. attention n.专心;注意16.available adj.现成的;可用的;自由的17.background n.背景;远景;出身;个人背景18.bamboo n.竹;竹竿19.beautiful adj美好的;优美的;极好的20.birthday n. 生日;周年纪念日21.biscuit n.饼干;素坯瓷22.business n.事务;工作;职业;要务23.butterfly n. 蝴蝶;彩蝶24.cabbage n.洋白菜;卷心菜25.capital n.首都;省会26.captain n.领袖;队长27.careless adj. 粗心的;麻木不仁28.century n. 百年;世纪29.change v.变化;转变;改变;找回的零钱,找头30.cheese n.干酪;蜜饯31.chemistry n. 化学;吸引力32.chocolate n. 巧克力;巧克力饮料33.chopsticks n.筷子34.Christmas n.圣诞节35.cloudy adj.有烟的;多云的fortable adj.、使舒服的mon adj.通常的;普通的munication n.传达;信息pany n.公司;人群;合伙者petition n. 竞争;比赛plete adj. & v. 完整的;十足的position n. 组成;作品puter n.电脑44.concert n.音乐会;和谐45.condition n. 前提;状态46.conference n.协商;会议47.connect v.连接;联想48.consider v.考虑;细看49.continue v. 坚持不懈;待续50.contract n. 合同;缩小51.conversation n. 会话;会谈52.correct v. & adj. 正确的;改正53.countryside n.农村地区;农村54.courage n.勇气;无畏55.dangerous adj. 危险的;引起危险的56.decision n. 决定;判决57.delicious adj.美味的;芬芳的58.describe v. 描述;断言59.development n. 开发;发展60.dialogue n.对话;对白61.dictionary n. 字典;辞书62.difference n. 差异;不同程度63.different adj.不同的;不一致的64.difficult adj. 困难的;复杂的;艰难的65.direction n.指挥;管理66.director n主任;主管;导演67.discovery n.发现;发觉68.discussion n. 谈论;议论69.encourage v. 鼓励;督促70.engineer n.;工程师;技师71.especially adv. 尤其;格外72.exactly adv. 精确地;恰好地73.examine v. 检查;调查74.excellent adj. 极为出色的;特别优秀的75.exercise v. & n. 运动;锻炼76.expensive adj.昂贵的;价高的77.experience n. 经历;体验78.experiment 实验;试验79.explanation n.解释;说明80.fantastic adj. 极好的;荒诞的81.fascinate v. 使(某人)着迷,神魂颠倒或极感兴趣82.fascinating adj. 吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的83.fashionable adj. 时兴的;时髦的;流行的84.favorite adj. & n.最受喜爱的85.feature n. 特点;特征;特色86.February n.. 二月87.festival n.节日;纪念活动日88.foreigner n.外国人89.freeze v. (froze, frozen)(使)结冰;(使)凝固90.fridge n.冰箱91.frustrate v. 使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦92.frustrated adj. 令人灰心的;令人沮丧的93.frustrating adj. 使人心烦的;使人讨厌的;使人灰心的94.garbage n. 废物;垃圾95.generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的96.geography n.地理学;地理97.globe n. 球状物;球体;地球golfer n. 打高尔夫球者ernment n.统治;支配;政府99.gradually adv. 逐渐地;渐渐地100.graduate n. 大学毕业生101.grammar n.语法;文法102.immediately adv.立即;马上103.impolite adj. 粗鲁的;不礼貌的104.important adj.重要的;自大的105.importance n. 重要性;重大;重要106.impossible adj.不可能的107.increase v.& n.(使)增加;(使)增长108.industry n.部门;工业109.influence n.影响;支配力rmation n. (U)通告之事;知识;信息;消息111.ingredient n. (烹调用的)材料;原料;成分112.injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的113.inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人或事物114.instruction n.命令;使用说明115.instrument n. 器具;工具;乐器116.intelligent adj. 聪明的;有头脑的117.interested adj.有趣的118.interesting adj. 有趣的;引起注意的119.international n. 国际的;世界性的120.interview n. & v. 面试;采访121.interviewer n. 采访者122.introduce v. 介绍,引进123.introduction n. 介绍;引言124.invention n. 发明;发明物125.invitation n. 邀请126.librarian n.图书管理人员127.license n.(=licence) 执照,许可证128.luckily adv. 交好运地;幸运地129.magazine n. 杂志;期刊130.memorize v. 记忆,背诵131.memory n. 记忆力;记性132.moment n. 片刻;瞬间133.motorcycle n. 摩托车134.mountain n. 山岳;山135.movement n. 移动;活动136.murder v. 谋杀;凶杀137.mysterious adj. 神秘的,不可思议的138.promise n. & v. 承诺;保证139.purpose n.目的;意图140.recently adv.新近的;近代的adj. recent 141.restaurant n.餐馆;饭店142.sausage n香肠;腊肠143.secretary n.秘书;干事144.sentence n. 句子;法庭载决145. separate v. & adj. 分离;单独的146.silence n. 无声;静寂;147.similar 相像的;类似的148.special adj.特别的;异常的149.standard n. & adj.标准;常规150.stomachache n. 胃痛;肚子痛151.successful adj.兴旺的152.suddenly adv.突然地;意外地153.suggestion n.建议;提议154.surprise n. & v惊奇;诧异;155.technology n.技术;工艺156.temperature n.温度;气温157.terrible adj.极度的;非常严重的158.thousand num.千;一千159.through prep. & ad 穿过;在…之间160.traditional adj.传统的;习俗的161.translate v.翻译;解释162.treasure n.珍宝;宝藏163.umbrella n. 伞;保护伞164.underground adj. & n. 在地面下165.university n. 大学166.various adj. 不同的;各种各样的167.victory n. 战胜;胜利168.watermelon n. 西瓜169.Wednesday n.星期三170.wonderful adj. 非凡的;奇异的:(二)考纲内一词多义词汇(166)A(8)across prep.横过,穿过;对面address n.地址;v. & n.演讲age n.年龄;时代agree v.同意;适应;一致allow vt.允许,准许;使……有可能arm n.臂, 支架v.以……装备,武装起来n.(美)武器,武力around ad.在周围;在附近prep.在……周围;大约attend vt.出席;参加;照料;上学B(9)ball n.球,舞会bear v.承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍;孕育n.熊beat v.敲打;跳动;打赢n.(音乐)节拍bill n.账单;议案;(美)钞票,纸币blue n.蓝色a.蓝色的;悲伤的;沮丧的board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部v. 上(船、火车、飞机)book n.书;本子v.预定,定(房间、车票等)break v.打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开n.间隙but conj.但是,可是prep.除了,除……外C(17)can modal v.可能;能够;可以不能n.(美)罐头;罐子(美)垃圾桶,开罐器capital n.首都,省会;大写;资本catch v.接住;捉住;赶上;染上(疾病)cause n.原因,起因;事业vt.促使,引起,使发生chance n.机会,可能性change n.零钱;找头v.改变,变化;更换;兑换class n.(学校里的)班;课;阶级;等级close a.亲密的;近,靠近ad.近,靠近vt.关,关闭coach n.教练;马车;长途车coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛vt. 给……穿外套;涂上complete a. 完成的vt. 完成,结束correct v.改正;纠正a.正确的,对的;恰当的cost n.价格;费用v.值(多少钱);花费;付出代价country n.国家;领土;农村,乡下count v.数数,计算;把……算入; 包括;重要,有关系course n.过程;经过;课程cover n.盖子;罩v.覆盖;采访,报导;涉及;够付(费用),走完(路程);占地(面积)D(9)daily a.每日的;日常的ad.每天n.日报date n.日期;v.约会deal n.量,数额;交易v.处理degree n.程度;度数;学位develop v. 发展;发育;开发;冲洗(照片);发生,出现(如疾病)direct a.vt.直接的;直达的;直截了当的指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影)do v. & aux.做,干;合适,也行draw v.绘画;绘制;拉,拖;提取(金钱)drive 驾驶,开(车);驱赶E(4)earth n.地球;土,泥;大地excuse n.借口;辩解vt.原谅;宽恕expert n.专家,能手;a.在行的,精通的express vt.表达;表示;表情n.快车,特快专递F(13)fail v.失败;不及格;衰退;没能够fair a.公平的,合理的;(肤色)白皙的;(人)白肤金发的n.集市;庙会;展览会fall vi.落(下),降落;倒n.(美)秋季= autumn fan n.(电影、运动等的)迷;热心的爱好者(支持者);风扇film n.电影,影片;胶卷,薄膜vt.拍摄,把……拍成电影fine a.晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的n.& v.罚款fire n.火;火炉;火灾vi.开火,开(枪,炮等),射击;解雇firm n.公司;企业 a.坚固的,坚定的fit a.健康的, 适合的v.(使)适合,安装n.适合fix vt.修理;安装;确定,决定fly vi.(鸟、飞机)飞;(人乘飞机)飞行;(旗子等)飘动vt.空运(乘客,货物等);放(风筝、飞机模型等)n.飞行;苍蝇foot n.足,脚;英尺force vt.强迫,迫使n.武力;(复)军队G(4)general a.大体的,笼统的,总的n.将军grade n.等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分数green a.绿色的;青的,不熟的;没有经验的n.绿色ground n.地面;理由H(8)hand n.手;指针v.递;给;交付交上;交进hard ad.努力地;使劲;猛烈地a.硬的;困难的;艰难的head n.头;头脑(像);才智;首脑;源头;标题 a.头部的;主要的;首席的v.率领;加标题;用头顶;出发;(船等)驶向hero n.英雄,勇士,男主角hit n.& vt.打,撞,击中;一举走红hold vt.拿,抱,握住;举行,进行;容纳home n.家,家乡;国内;家园,摇篮,发祥地ad.到家;回家host n.主人;节目主持人v.做主人招待;主持I(2)ill a.有病的,不健康的;坏的,恶意的interest n.兴趣,趣味;爱好;利息;利益J(1)just ad.刚才;恰好;不过;仅 a.公正的K(3)keep v.保持;保存;继续不断;培育,饲养key n.钥匙;答案;键;关键,重点kill v.杀死,弄死;消磨(时间)L(7)land n.陆地;土地v.登岸(陆);降落last a.最近刚过去的;最后的;最不可能的ad.最近刚过去;最后地n. 最后v.持续law n.法律,法令;定律lesson n.课;功课;教训lift v.举起,抬起;(云、烟等)消散n.(英)电梯light vt.点(火),点燃n.光,光亮;灯,灯光 a.明亮的;轻的;浅色的live vi.生活;居住;活着 a.活的,活着的;实况,现场(直播)的M(9)mark n.标记;分数vt.标明,作记号于;打分数match vt.使相配,使成对n.比赛,竞赛; 火柴matter n. 事情;问题v. 要紧;有关系may modal v.可以,也许,可能;祝愿mean vt.意思是,意指a.吝啬的,小气的;卑鄙的meet vt. 遇见,见到;满足n.会;集会mine pron. 我的〈名词性物主代词〉n. 矿藏,矿山vt. 开采(矿物)miss vt.失去;错过,缺;想念must modal v.必须,应当;必定是;偏要n.必备N(2)nature n.自然, 性质,种类note n.便条,笔记,注释;钞票,纸币;音符,音调vt.记下,记录;注意,留意O(2)object n.物,物体;目的;宾语order n.定货,定货单,订购;次序,顺序;命令v.订购;命令P(12)park n.公园vt.停放(汽车)party n.聚会,晚会;党派passage n.(文章等的)一节,一段;通道;走廊patient n.病人 a.耐心的people n.人,人们;人民;民族picture n.图片,画片,照片;状况,形势;描绘post n.邮政,邮寄,邮件;岗位v.投寄;邮寄practice n.练习;实践;惯例present a.出现的,出席的,眼下的n.礼物,赠品vt.给;赠;交出;提出;介绍;提供president n.总统;主席;董事长;大学校长produce vt.产品,(尤指)农产品promise n.& vi.答应,允诺;有希望,有指望Q(2)quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟;一个季节;25美分question vt.询问;提问;质问;拷问n.问题R(10)race n.种族,民族;赛跑,竞赛v.(速度)竞赛,比赛reach v.到达;伸手触及;与……取得联系read v.读,朗读;了解;理解,领会;写着reason vi. 评理;劝说n. 理由,原因right n.权利;右边a.对,正确的;右,右边的ad.正确地,恰恰,完全地v.纠正rise vi.上升,上涨;起床;起立rock n.岩石,大石头vt.摇,摇晃room n.房间,室;空间;地方row n.(一)排,(一)行v.划船run vi.跑,奔跑;经营;(颜色)褪色;竞选S(20)save vt.救,挽救;节省;存盘seat n.座位,座v.供给…座位;使坐下;容纳separate v.使分开,使分离 a.单独的,分开的serious a.严肃的,严重的;认真的shape n.形状,外形v.使成型,制造,塑造;规范;影响(程度高)sharp a.锋利的,尖的;猛烈的,剧烈的;(指时刻)整,准shoot n.嫩枝;苗;芽;射击,发射vt.射击,射中,发射;发芽;投篮;起跑sign n. 迹象;符号;记号;手势v. 签署;签名;示意some a.一些,若干;有些;某一pron.若干,一些;大约somebody pro n.某人;有人;有名气的人spare a.空闲的,多余的,剩余的v.留出,抽出,腾出(时间、位置)speed n.速度v.(使)加速spring n.春天,春季;泉水,泉;弹簧stand n.站;立;停止;立场;台;摊v.站;立;起立;坐落;经受;持久state n.状态;情形;国家,(美国)州;表述,陈述stick vi.粘住,钉住;坚持;冒出n.木棒(棍),枝条still a.不动的,平静的ad.仍然,还study v.学习;研究n.书房subject n.题目;主题;学科;主语;主体support vt.& n.支持,赞助;支撑;赡养,抚养T(11)table n.桌子,表格tape n.磁带,录音带;胶带tear n.眼泪v.扯破, 撕开tell vt.告诉,讲述;叫;判断,区分;预言term n.学期;任期;术语;条款;项thick a.厚的;壮的;稠的;粗的;(眼镜)深度的;茂密的thin a.薄的;瘦的;稀的ticket n.票,卷;入场券;罚款单touch vt.触摸,接触;感动treasure n.金银财宝;财富v.珍惜turn v.旋转,翻转,转变,转弯n.轮流,(轮流的)顺序U(2)unit n.单元,单位used a.用过的;旧的;二手的;[ju:st]惯常的,习惯于……的V(1)voice n.说话声;语态vt.发表意见W(10)walk vi.&n.走,步行;陪(某人),遛(动物);行业want vt.要,想要;需要wear v.穿,佩戴;蓄,留(发、须等);面带,呈现(某种神态)well n.井;泉水;深坑ad. 很好地,适当地 a. 健康的,良好的,适宜的int. (表示惊讶、默许、同意、规劝、无可奈何等的感叹词)咳!好吧!喂!while conj.当……的时候;(对比)而;只要;虽然n. 一会儿;一段时间wild a.野的,野生的;天然的;荒凉的,荒芜的;缺乏管教的,无法无天的,放荡的will modal v.将,会,愿n. 意愿,意志;遗嘱wind n. 风v.卷绕;缠绕wonder n.惊异,惊奇;奇迹vt.想知道work v.&n.工作;运转;起作用(三)中考音形易混单词汇总结1. abroad 到国外go abroad board 板on board2. across 介词,表面穿过walk across the roadcross 动词cross the roadthrough 介词,空间穿过go through the windowpast 介词,经过walk past the post officepass 动词pass the test3. alive 活着的I am still alive.live 名词现场直播动词居住live in the citylively 活泼的make his class lively and interestingliving make a living/ a living room4. lonely孤独feel lonely 孤零零a lonely housealone独自live alone along沿着walk along the street5. asleep 睡着的fall asleep sleepy困倦的feel sleepy6. fall 落下,倒fall downfell: fall的过去式(fall—fell---fallen)feel 觉得feel sleepy/tired---过去式felt7. badly—worseJim acted badly, but Tom did worse.well—betterHe plays football well and his father does better.8. boring, interesting, exciting, tiring…修饰物an interesting storybored, interested, excited, tired…修饰人feel bored9. borrow 借进(以句子主语为参照物)May I borrow your pen?lend 借出(以句子主语为参照物)Could you lend me some money?keep 借一段时间How long can I keep the magazine?10. both两者都Both of his parents are workers.all 三者以上都All of my classmates are from China.neither 两者都不Neither of my hands is clean.none没有一个(三者及以上)None of the four apples is/are red.nothing什么都没有There’s nothing in the fridge.11. care:take care ofcareful 形,仔细的be careful with firecarefully 副,仔细地listen carefullycareless 形,粗心的a careless studentcarelessly 副,粗心地drive carelesslycarelessness名,粗心Your carelessness led to the mistake.12. take 带走(以说话者为中心)remember to take a raincoatbring 带来(以说话者为中心)bring your book herecarry 拿,无方向Could you help me carry the books?13. close 动词,关闭close the door形,亲密的my closest friend closed 形,关着的keep the door closed 14. closely 副,密切地work closely with us15. brave 形,勇敢的He is brave enough to save the old man.courage 名,勇气have the courage to tell him the bad newsbravely 副,勇敢地face the difficulties bravely16. dead 形,死的have been deaddie 动,死亡die of hungerdeath 名,死亡the death of his pet makes him so sad.17. especially副,尤其He is good at all subjects, especially maths.specially 副,专门The pen is specially designed for the boy.special形,特殊的a special day18. except 除了All the students except Tom will go for a school trip.expect 期待You are expected to bring it back when you return.19. excited形,激动的,修饰人feel excitedexciting形,激动人心的,修饰物an exciting filmexcitedly 副,修饰人shouted excitedlyexcitement名shout with excitement20.a little一些,修饰不可数名词 a little moneya few一些,修饰可数名词a few treeslittle几乎没有,修饰不可数名词There’s little water in the glass, is it?few几乎没有,修饰可数名词so few students21.form 形成form a good reading habitfrom 从……22. France 法国/ French 法语German 德国的/ Germany 德国23. hard 努力work hard hardly 几乎不The boy hardly does his homework.24. healthy 健康的keep healthyhealth 健康it’s good for your healthhealthily 健康地eat healthily25. if 如果主将从现If he comes, I’ll call you.是否I don’t know if he will come here.whether 是否(如与or连用,则用)I wonder whether he’ll come or not.weather 天气What will the weather be like tomorrow?26. include 动词包括The list includes the names of many famous writers.including 介词They have many pets, including three cats.27. invent 动词发明Edison invented a lot of things.invention 名词发明The invention made much difference to humans.inventor 名词发明者Edison was a great inventor.28. last 上一个的last year;最后的make her last apperance动词,持续The meeting will last one and a half hours.lasting 形,持久的a lasting value29. lie 名词,谎言tell a lie动词,说谎He is always lying to us.动词,位于Japan lies to the east of China.动词,躺,平放He likes lying on the grass.躺,平放;位于:lie—lay---lain说谎:lie-lied-lied30.luck 名,运气good lucklucky 形,幸运的a lucky numberluckily 副,幸运的是Luckily, we got better marks.unlucky/unluckily31. noise名,噪音Don’t make any noise.noisy 形,吵闹的much too noisynoisily 副,吵闹地talk noisily32. noise 噪音sound 声音We sat listening to the sound of the waves听起来The music sounds beautiful.voice 嗓音The singer has a sweet voice.33. provide 提供provide a chance for the boy=provide the boy with a chanceoffer: offer a chance to the boy=offer the boy a chance34. other别的,加名词other studentsanother另一个I don’t like the pair of shoes, would you like to show me another pair?the other 两个中的另一个,常用one…the other Here is a shoe, where’s the other one?others= other+名词35. over/ under 年龄的上下above/ below温度,楼层的上下36. peace名词,和平love peacepeaceful形,宁静的a peaceful villagepeacefully 副,和平地we hope to solve the problem peacefully.37. pleasure名,乐意。

初中英语词汇表注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册 1----8331 what [hwɔt] pron 什么2 is [iz] v 是3 what's [hwɔts] what is 的缩写形式4 your [juə] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neim] n 名字6 my [mai] pron 我的7 I [ai] pron 我8 am[æm] v 是9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上)11 row [rəu] n (一)排,(一)行12 one [wʌn] num 一13 number ['nʌmbə] n 数字,号码14 two [tu:] num 二15 too [tu:] adv 也16 three [θri:] num 三17 are [ɑ:] v 是18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们19 yes [jes] adv 是20 four [fɔ:] num 四21 five [faiv] num 五22 no [nəu] adv & adj 不,不是23 not [nɔt] adv 不24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意)25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级26 grade [greid] n 年级27 six [siks] num 六28 seven ['sevn] num 七29 eight [eit] num 八30 nine [nain] num 九31 ten [ten] num 十32 zero ['ziərəu] num & n 零33 plus [plʌs] prep 加,加上34 it [it] pron 它35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样37 old [əuld] adj ...岁的,老的38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一39 twelve [twelv] num 十二40 minus ['mainəs] prep减,减去41 thirteen ['θə:ti:n]num 十三42 fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n]num 十四43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五44 hello [hə'ləu] int喂(问候或唤起注意)45 please [pli:z] int 请46 can [kæn] v.aux 能,可以,会47 spell [spel] v 拼写48 that [ðæt] pron 那,那个49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密50 this[ðis] pron 这,这个51 in [in] prep 用...(表达)52 English ['iŋgliʃ] n & adj 英语,英国人53 in English [in'iŋgliʃ] phr.用英语(表达)54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...)55 clock [klɔk] n 钟56 and [ænd] conj 和,又,而57 pencil-box['penslbɔks] n 铅笔盒58 an [æn] art 一(个;件.)59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔60 ruler ['ru:lə] n 尺子61 pen [pen] n 钢笔62 sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə]n 卷笔刀63 eraser [i'reisə] n 橡皮擦64 room [ru:m] n 房间65 book [buk] n 书66 map[mæp] n 地图67 desk [desk] n 书桌- 1 -68 cup [kʌp] n 杯子69 bag[bæg] n 书包70 compute r[kəm'pju:tə]n电脑,电子计算机71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标72 bed [bed] n 床73 keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n 键盘74 isn't ['iznt] is not 的缩写形式75 pear [pɛə] n 梨76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕77 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉78 apple['æpl] n 苹果79 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] n 橙子,橘子80 egg [eg] n 蛋81 bike [baik] n 自行车82 bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车84 jeep [dʒi:p] n 吉普车85 Chinese['tʃai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n 中国人,汉语n 中国人,汉语86 Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z]adj日本的,日本人n日本人,日语87 look [luk] v 瞧,看88 who [hu:] pron 谁89 she [ʃi:] pron 她90 he [hi:] pron 他91 bird [bə:d] n 鸟92 Its [its] pron 它的93 do[du:]v.aux(构成否定句,疑问句的助动词)94 don't [dəunt] do not 的缩写形式95 know [nəu] v 知道,懂得96 think [θiŋk] v 想,认为97 Mr=mister ['mistə] n 先生(用于姓名前)98 very ['veri] adv 很,非常99 picture ['piktʃə] n 图画,照片100 Mrs ['mɪsɪz] n 夫人101 boy [bɔi] n 男孩102 girl [gə:l] n 女孩103 woman ['wumən] n 妇女,女人104 man [mæn] n 男人,人105 cat [kæt] n 猫106 his [hiz] pron 他的107 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n 教师108 her [hə:] pron 她的109 everyone['evriwʌn]pron 每人,人人110 here [hiə] adv 这里,这儿111 today [tə'dei] adv & n 今天112 at [æt] prep 在113 school [sku:l] n 学校114 at school phr. 在学校115 sorry['sɔri]adj 对不起,抱歉的116 where [hwɛə] adv 在哪里117 home [həum] n 家118 at home phr. 在家119 How are you?你(身体)好吗? 120 fine [fain] adj (身体)好的121 thanks[θæŋks]n 谢谢(只用复数)122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以123 thank [θæŋk] v 谢谢124 goodbye [,gud'bai] int 再见,再会125 bye [bai] int 再见126 parrot ['pærət] n 鹦鹉127 sister ['sistə] n 姐,妹128 father ['fɑ:ðə] n 父亲129 mother ['mʌðə] n 母亲130 box [bɔks] n 盒子,箱子131 excuse [iks'kju:z] v 原谅132 me [mi:] pron 我133 Here you are 给你- 2 -134 but [bʌt] conj 但是135 these [ði:z] pron 这些136 they [ðei] pron 他(她,它)们137 good [gud] adj 好的138 those[ðəuz] pron 那些139 boat [bəut] n 船140 hill [hil] n 小山141 tree [tri:] n 树142 their[ðɛə] pron 他们(她们,它们)的143 much [mʌtʃ] adv 多,很,非常144 very much phr. 很,非常145 all [ɔ:l] adv 都,完全146 right [rait] adv & adj 对的,正确的147 all right phr. 好,行,不错148 mum [mʌm] n (口语)妈妈149 friend [frend] n 朋友150 brother ['brʌðə] n 兄,弟151 nice [nais] adj 令人愉快的152 to [tu:] prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号153 meet[mi:t] v 见面,会面,遇见154 child [tʃaild] n 小孩155 children ['tʃildrən] n child 的复数形式156 welcome ['welkəm] v 欢迎157 our ['auə] pron 我们的158 come [kʌm] v 来159 come in phr. 进来,进入160 morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n 早晨,上午161 class [klɑ:s] n 同一个班的学生162 on [ɔn] prep 在,在...上163 duty ['dju:ti] n 职责,责任164 on duty phr. 值日165 we [wi:] pron 我们166 aren't [ɑ:nt] are not 的缩写形式167 have[hæv] v 有168 new [nju:] adj 新的169 student ['stju:dənt] n 学生170 twin [twin] n 双胞胎之一171 look [luk] v 看上去,显得172 the[ðə] art 这(那)个,这(那)些173 same [seim]adj 同样的,同一的174 look the same phr. 看起来很像175 America [ə'merikən]n & adj美国人(的)176 sit [sit] v 坐177 down [daun] adv 向下178 sit down phr. 坐下179 over ['əuvə] adv 在那边,在另一边180 there [ðɛə] adv 那里,那儿181 over there phr. 在那边182 after['ɑ:ftə]prep 在...以后,在...后面183 look after phr. 照顾,照看184 Miss [mis]n女士,小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼)185 way [wei] n 路,道路186 This way,please. 请走这边187 put [put] v 放188 coat [kəut] n 外套,上衣189 them[ðem] pron 他(她,它)们190 washroom ['wɔʃrum] n 盥洗室,厕所191 let [let] v 让192 us [ʌs] pron 我们193 let's [lets] let us 的缩写形式194 go [gəu] v 去195 Let's go 我们一起去196 classmate ['klɑ:smeit]n 同班同学197 nice [nais] adj 好的,漂亮的198 love [lʌv] v 爱,喜爱- 3 -199 No ['nʌmbə] n number 的缩写形式200 middle ['midl] adj 中间的,中级的201 middle school n 中学202 well [wel] int 喔,那么,好吧203 fax [fæks] n 传真204 phone [fəun] n 电话,电话机205 ID n 身份征206 policeman [pə'li:smən] n 警察207 ask [ɑ:sk] v 问208 sir [sə:] n (用于尊称)先生,阁下209 yes [jes]adv(用于疑问,征询等)什么,是吗210 licence ['laisəns] n 执照,许可证211 look at phr. 看,观看212 dear [diə] int (表示惊讶等)哎呀213 see [si:] v 看见,看到214 I'll [ail] I will 的缩写形式215 will [wil] v.aux 将,会,要216 take [teik] v 拿到,带到217 address [ə'dres] n 地址218 age [eidʒ] n 年龄219 glad[glæd]adj 高兴的,乐意的220 why[hwai]int(表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等) 嗨221 forgot[fə'gɔt] v (forget 的过去时)忘记222 now [nau] adv 现在223 China ['tʃainə] n 中国224 or [ɔ:] conj 或者,还是225 work [wə:k] v & n 工作226 goes [gəuz] go的单数第三人称现在时227 family['fæmili] n 家,家庭228 family tree n 家谱229 grandmother['grænd,mʌðə] n (外)祖母230 grandma['grændmɑ:]n (口语)奶奶,外婆231 grandfather ['grænd,fɑ:ðə] n (外)祖父232 grandpa['grændpɑ:] n (口语)爷爷,外公233 dad [dæd] n (口语)爸爸,爹爹234 wife [waif] n 妻子235 husband ['hʌzbənd] n 丈夫236 daughter ['dɔ:tə] n 女儿237 son [sʌn] n 儿子238 parent ['pɛərənt] n 父(母)亲239 parents ['pɛərənts] n 父母亲,双亲240 big [big] adj 大的241 England ['iŋglənd] n 英格兰242 aunt [ɑ:nt]n 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母243 uncle ['ʌŋkl] n 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父244 afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n 下午,午后245 do [du:] v 做,干,行动246 How do you do ? 你好!247 seat [si:t] n 座位248 have a seat 坐下,就坐249 like [laik] prep 像,跟...一样250 look like phr. 看起来像251 hat[hæt]n 帽子(一般指有边的帽子)252 doctor ['dɔktə] n 医生253 worker ['wə:kə] n 工人254 guess [ges] v 猜255 behind [bi'haind] prep 在...后面256 chair[tʃɛə] n 椅子257 ball [bɔ:l] n 球258 under ['ʌndə] prep 在...下面- 4 -259 floor [flɔ:] n (室内)地,地板260 can't [kænt] can not 的缩写形式261 photo ['fəutəu] n 照片262 wall [wɔ:l] n 墙263 shoe [ʃu:] n 鞋264 near [niə] prep 在...附近265 door [dɔ:] n 门266 of [ɔv] prep ...的267 classroom ['klɑ:srum] n 教室268 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v 回答269 blackboard['blækbɔ:d]n 黑板270 some [sʌm] pron 一些,若干271 schoolbag ['sku:l,bæg]n 书包272 flower ['flauə] n 花273 find [faind] v 找到,发现274 broom [bru:m] n 扫帚275 window ['windəu] n 窗276 raincoat ['reinkəut] n 雨衣277 cap[kæp] n 便帽,军帽278 football ['futbɔ:l] n 足球279 table ['teibl] n 桌子280 Hong Kong [ 'hɔŋ'kɔŋ ]n 香港281 Macao [mə'kau] n 澳门282 SAR n 特别行政区283 there [ðɛə]表示存在,有..,作引导词284 there's[ðɛəz] there is 的缩写形式285 lock [lɔk] v& n 锁286 many ['meni] adj 许多的,多的287 thing [θiŋ] n 东西,事情288 must [mʌst] v.aux 必须,应当289 open ['əupən] v 打开290 get [get] v 得到,获得291 help [help] v 帮助292 purse [pə:s] n 钱包293 money ['mʌni] n 钱,货币294 worry ['wʌri] v (使)担忧295 Let me see 让我想想296 fifty ['fifti] num 五十297 colour ['kʌlə] n 颜色298 black [blæk] adj 黑色的299 house [haus] n 房子300 small [smɔ:l] adj 小的301 playhouse ['pleihaus] n 儿童游戏房302 like [laik] v 喜欢303 play [plei] v 玩,打(球)304 up [ʌp] adv 在上面,在高处,向上,起来305 with [wið] prep 和306 great [greit] adv (口语)好极了,很好307 look [luk] n 瞧,看308 have a look phr. 看一看309 ping-pong [' piŋpɔŋ] n 乒乓球310 how many phr. 多少311 kite [kait] n 风筝312 young [jʌŋ] adj 年轻的,幼小的313 pioneer [,paiə'niə] n 先锋314 Young Pioneer n 少先队员315 men [men] n man的缩写形式316 women ['wimin] n woman的复数形式317 only ['əunli] adv 仅仅,只318 work [wə:k] n 工作319 at work phr. 在工作320 sky [skai] n 天空321 count [kaunt] v 数,点数322 river ['rivə] n 江,河323 dog [dɔg] n 狗324 light [lait] n 灯325 any ['eni]adj(用于否定句,疑问句等)什么,任何326 animal['æniməl] n 动物327 people ['pi:pl] n 人,人们328 little ['litl]adj & adv 小的,一点儿,稍许329 sheep [ʃi:p] n 绵羊- 5 -330 come on ['kʌm ɔn]phr. 来吧,跟着来,赶快331 red [red] adj & n 红色(的) 332 colour ['kʌlə]n颜色;v 给...着色333 yellow ['jeləu] adj & n 黄色(的)334 blue [blu:] adj & n 蓝色(的) 335 white [hwait]adj & n 白色(的) 336 green [gri:n]adj & n 绿色(的) 337 purple ['pə:pl] adj & n 紫色(的)338 brown [braun] adj&n棕色(的),褐色(的)339 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] adj & n 橙色(的)340 grey [grei] adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的)341 sweater ['swetə] n 毛衣,厚运动衫342 light [lait] adj 淡(浅)色的,轻的343 want [wɔnt] v 要,想要344 which [hwitʃ] pron & adj 哪一个,哪些345 one [wʌn] pron 用来代替单数的人或物346 clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服347 line [lain] n 线,绳索348 whose [hu:z] pron 谁的349 blouse [blauz] n 女衬衫350 dress [dres] n 女服,(统称)衣服351 shirt [ʃə:t] n (男式)衬衫352 trousers ['trauzəz] n 裤子353 skirt [skə:t] n 女裙354 dark [dɑ:k] adj 深(浓)色的,黑暗的355 yours [juəz]pron 你的,你们的356 mine [main] pron 我的357 hers [hə:z] pron 她的358 put on phr.穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等)359 theirs [ðɛəz] pron他们(她们,它们)的360 ours ['auəz] pron 我们的361 glove [glʌv] n 手套362 about [ə'baut] prep 关于,对于363 What about...? phr. (询问消息,征求意见)…怎么样?364 beside [bi'said] prep 在...旁边365 watch [wɔtʃ] n & v 手表、观看,注视366 give [giv] v 给367 time [taim] n 时间368 about [ə'baut] adv 大约369 thirty ['θə:ti] num 三十370 get up ['get ʌp] phr. 起床371 late[leit]adj & adv 迟的(地),晚的(地)372 o'clock [ə'klɔk]…点钟373 midnight ['midnait] n 午夜374 noon [nu:n] n 中午,正午375 past [pɑ:st] prep (超)过,经过376 half [hɑ:f] n 半,一半377 quarter ['kwɔ:tə] n 一刻钟,四分之一378 for [fɔ:] prep 为,给379 break [breik] n (课间)休息,中断380 lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐381 breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐382 clean [kli:n]v 把...弄干净,擦干净383 supper ['sʌpə] n 晚餐384 have supper phr. 吃晚餐385 TV n 电视,电视机- 6 -386 watch TV phr. 看电视387 game [geim] n 游戏,运动388 go home phr. 回家389 p.m. 下午,午后390 London ['lʌndən] n 伦敦391 Tokyo ['təukiəu] n 东京392 Sydney ['sidni] n 悉尼393 hour [auə] n 小时394 a.m. 午前,上午395 hundred ['hʌndrəd] num 百396 yourself [juə'self] pron 你自己397 bedroom ['bedrum] n 卧室398 doll [dɔl] n 玩具娃娃399 else [els] adv & adj 别(的),其他(的)400 sure [ʃuə]adv&adj的确,一定确信的,肯定的401 between [bi'twi:n] prep在(两者)之间402 tall [tɔ:l] adj 高的403 funny ['fʌni] adj 滑稽的,有趣的404 favourite ['feivərit] adj 特别喜爱的405 e-mail [i:'meil] n 电子邮件406 speak [spi:k] v 讲,说407 next ['nekst] adj 下一个408 term [tə:m] n 学期409 could [kud] v.aux (口语,表示许可或请求)可以,行410 minute['minit]n 分钟,一会儿411 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n 星期二412 February ['februəri] n 二月413 eighteenth ['ei'ti:nθ] num 第十八414 listen ['lisn] v 听415 careful ['kɛəfəl] adj 小心的;仔细的416 carefully ['kɛəfəli] adv 小心地;仔细地417 draw [drɔ:] v 画;绘制418 has[hæz]v(动词have的单数第三人称)有419 face [feis] n 脸;面孔420 eye [ai] n 眼睛421 ear [iə] n 耳朵422 leg [leg] n 腿423 hand[hænd] n 手424 long [lɔŋ] adj 长的425 short [ʃɔ:t] adj 短的;矮的426 mouth [mauθ] n 嘴427 say [sei] v 说;讲428 tick [tik] n (钟表等滴嗒的)声音429 heavy ['hevi] adj 重的430 empty ['empti] adj 空的431 certainly ['sə:tənli] adv 当然432 full [ful] adj 满的433 be full (of) phr. 充满....的434 carry ['kæri] v 携带;搬运;运送435 too [tu:] adv 太436 so [səu] adv 这么;那么437 listen to phr. 听438 tape [teip] n 磁带439 there [ðɛə] int 好啦(表示安慰)440 all [ɔ:l] adj 整个;所有的441 basket ['bɑ:skit] n 篮子442 bottle ['bɔtl] n 瓶443 a bottle of phr. 一瓶... 444 juice [dʒu:s] n (水果;蔬菜;肉等的)汁;水汁445 head [hed] n 头;头部446 nose [nəuz] n 鼻子447 hair [hɛə] n 头发448 arm [ɑ:m] n 手臂;胳膊- 7 -449 foot [fut] n 脚(pl.feet) 450 wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] n 衣柜451 day [dei] n 日;天452 from [frɔm] prep 从.....起453 America [ə'merikən] n 美国454 zoo [zu:] n 动物园455 away [ə'wei] adv 离开456 put away phr. 把.....什么收起来(放好)457 out [aut] adv 在外458 come out phr. 出来459 sock [sɔk] n 短袜460 other ['ʌðə] adj 别的;其他的461 wrong [rɔ:ŋ] adj 不正确的;错误的462 broken ['brəukən] adj 弄坏了的463 so [səu] pron 这样;如此464 catch [kætʃ] v 捉;抓住465 get down phr. 下来;落下466 him [him] pron 他(宾格)467 right [rait] adv 正好;恰好;正确468 goodness ['gudnis] n 善良;美德469 plane [plein] n 飞机470 with [wið] prep 对....;关于471 mend [mend] v 修补;修理472 knife [naif] n (pl.knives) 小刀473 robot ['rəubɔt] n 机器人474 body ['bɔdi] n 身体475 broke[brəuk]v(动词break[breik]的过去时)折断;打破476 lost [lɔst] adj 丢失的;丢去的477 tell [tel] v 告诉;讲述478 round [raund] adj 球形的 ;圆的479 mummy ['mʌmi] n (口语)妈妈480 pleasure ['pleʒə] n 愉快;高兴481 food [fu:d] n 食物482 drink[driŋk] n & v 饮料喝483 hungry ['hʌŋgri] adj 饥饿的484 thirsty['θə:sti] adj 口渴的485 water ['wɔ:tə] n & v 水;浇水486 eat [i:t] v 吃487 rice [rais] n 米饭;大米488 bread [bred] n 面包489 meat [mi:t] n 肉490 tea [ti:] n 茶491 milk [milk] n 牛奶492 glass [glɑ:s] n 玻璃杯493 a glass of phr. 一(玻璃)杯494 would like phr.想要(语气婉转地表示请求等)495 something ['sʌmθiŋ]pro某事(物)某东西496 porridge ['pɔridʒ] n 粥;稀饭497 fish [fiʃ] n 鱼498 dumpling ['dʌmpliŋ] n 饺子499 fruit [fru:t] n 水果500 piece [pi:s] n 一张(片;张)501 a piece of phr. 一片(一张、块)502 hamburger['hæmbə:gə] n 汉堡包503 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条504 potato [pə'teitəu]n pl.potatoes 马铃薯;土豆505 chips [tʃip] n (口语)炸士豆儿条506 coke [kəuk] n (口语)可口可乐507 coffee ['kɔfi] n 咖啡508 madam['mædəm] n 夫人;女士509 dear [diə] adj 亲爱的;可爱的510 ice [ais] n 冰511 cream [kri:m] n 奶油;乳脂512 ice cream n 冰淇淋513 USA n 美国- 8 -514 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的515 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜516 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时517 sport [spɔ:t] n 运动518 come on phr. 来;过来519 ouch [autʃ] int (突然感到病痛时发出的声音)啊呀520 be good at phr. 在...方面(学得,做得)好; 善于521 basketball ['bæskitbɔ:l] n 蓝球522 easy ['i:zi] adj 容易的523 pass [pɑ:s] v 传递524 try [trai] v 试(做);设法;努力525 yo-yo ['jəujəu] n 溜溜球 (一种玩具)526 go [gəu] n 尝试(做某事)527 throw [θrəu] v 投,掷528 hard [hɑ:d] adj 困难的529 ride [raid] v 骑(自行车,马等)530 swim [swim] v 游泳531 skate [skeit] v 滑冰,溜冰532 fly [flai] v 放(风筝,飞机模型等)533 card [kɑ:d] n 纸牌,卡片534 volleyball ['vɔli,bɔ:l] n 排球535 jump [dʒʌmp] v 跳536 sing [siŋ] v 唱,唱歌537 run [rʌn] v 跑538 high [hai] adj & adv 高的(地) 539 then [ðen] adv 那么,然后540 question ['kwestʃən] n 问题541 postal ['pəustəl] adj 邮政的542 code [kəud] n 密码,符号543 ski [ski:] v 滑雪544 tennis ['tenis] n 网球(运动) 545 table tennis n 乒乓球546 roller-skating['rəuləskeitiŋ] n 滑旱冰547 chess [tʃes] n 国际象棋548 fan [fæn] n (口语,电影,运动等的)迷549 player ['pleiə]n 比赛者,选手550 team [ti:m] n 队,组551 every['evri]adj 每一,每个的552 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五553 make [meik] v 做,制作554 make the bed phr. 整理床铺555 homework ['həumwə:k] n 家庭作业556 do homework phr. 做作业557 read [ri:d] n 读,阅读558 write [rait] v 写559 sleep [sli:p] v 睡,睡觉560 look for ['luk fər] phr. 寻找561 cook[kuk] v & n 烹调,煮,烧炊事员,厨师562 talk [tɔ:k] v 说话,谈话563 talk with['tɔ:k wið]phr. 和....交谈564 open ['əupən] n 打开565 close [kləuz] v 关;闭566 take photos phr. 照象567 wear [wɛə] v 穿568 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日569 park [pɑ:k] n 公园570 toy [tɔi] n 玩具;玩物571 lake [leik] n 湖572 clear [kliə] adj清晰的;清楚的;明亮的573 shop [ʃɔp] n 商店574 closed [kləuzd] adj 关着的575 day [dei] n 日,一天576 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五577 early ['ə:li] adj & adv 早的- 9 -(地)初期578 supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit] n 超级市场579 Wednesday ['wenzdi] n 星期三580 may [mei] v.aux 可以;可能;也许581 borrow ['bɔrəu] v 借582 from [frɔm] prep 从;从....起583 Thursday ['θə:zdi] n 星期四584 week [wi:k] n 周;星期585 Monday ['mʌndei] n 星期一586 Saturday ['sætədi] n 星期六587 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日588 hey[hei]int嘿;喂(唤起注意.表示惊讶或询问)589 dictionary ['dikʃəneri] n 字典;词典590 back[bæk] adv 回(原处) ;向后591 tomorrow [tə'mɔ:rəu]n&adv 明天;在明天592 CD n 激光唱片(缩写词)593 lot [lɔt] n 许多594 a lot phr. 非常595 give...a hand phr. 给予.....帮助596 evening['i:vniŋ] n 傍晚;晚上597 from…to…phr. …从…到…598 after class phr. 课后599 help...with phr. 帮助(某人)做(某事)600 model ['mɔdl] n 模型;模范 ;样式601 park [pɑ:k] n 公园602 rest [rest] n 休息603 have a (good) rest phr. 休息604 maths [mæθs] n (英式拼法)数学605 math [mæθ] n (美式拼法)数学606 all [ɔ:l] adv 全体;全部607 hard [hɑ:d] adv 努力608 fun [fʌn] adj 有趣的;愉快的609 yeah [jɛə] adv (口语)是的;嗯610 take [teik] v 花费(时间) 611 straight [streit] adj 直的612 use [ju:z] v 用;使用;应用613 wheel [hwi:l] n 轮;机轮614 into ['intu:] prep 到.....里;向内615 music ['mju:zik] n 音乐;乐曲616 boat [bəut] v 划船617 lake [leik] n 湖618 into ['intu:] prep 到...里,向内619 worried ['wʌrid] adj 担心的,烦恼的620 save [seiv] v 救,挽救,节省621 ticket ['tikit] n 票,券622 New York ['nju:leid] n 纽约623 learn [lə:n] v 学,学习624 learn...from phr. 向...学习625 meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n 会,会议626 bring [briŋ] v 带来,拿来627 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的628 difference ['difərəns]n 不同,差异629 each [i:tʃ] adv & pron 各自,各个630 each other pron 互相631 talk about phr. 谈论,交谈632 USA n 美国633 Australia [ɔ:s'treiljə] n 澳大利亚634 Canada ['kænədə] n 加拿大635 UK n 联合王国636 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n 日本637 America [ə'merikə] n 美国638 a little phr. 一点,少量639 French [frentʃ] n 法语- 10 -640 great [greit]adj 伟大的,很大的,重要的641 the Great Wall n 长城642 hotel [həu'tel] n 旅馆,饭馆643 building ['bildiŋ] n 建筑物644 follow ['fɔləu] v 跟随645 call [kɔ:l] v&n 称呼,叫喊,打电话给电话,通话646 family name n 姓647 first [fə:st] num & adv 第一,首先,最初648 postcard ['pəust,kɑ:d]n 明信片649 teach [ti:tʃ] v 教,教书650 dinner ['dinə] n 正餐,晚餐651 soon [su:n] adv 不久,一会儿652 stay [stei] v 停留(在某处) 653 high school n 中学654 Toronto [tə'rɔntəu] n 多伦多(加拿大港市)655 schoolboy ['sku:lbɔi] n (中小学的)男学生656 country ['kʌntri] n 国家657 make friends phr. 交朋友658 France [frɑ:ns] n 法国659 textbook ['tekstbuk] n 课本660 Englishman ['iŋgliʃmən]n(pl.Englishmen)英国(男)人661 Australian [ɔ:s'treiljən]adj 澳大利亚人662 Canadian [kə'neidiən] n 加拿大人663 city ['siti] n 城市664 foreigner ['fɔ:rinə] n 外国人665 visit ['vizit] v 访问,参观,拜访666 word [wə:d] n 词,单词667 well [wel] adv 好668 why [hwai] adv 为什么669 English-speaking adj 说英语的670 letter ['letə] n 信671 hot [hɔt] adj 热的,辣的672 hot dog n 热狗(红肠面包) 673 not...at all phr. 一点也不674 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的675 kind [kaind] n 种,类676 a kind of phr. 一种,一类677 every ['evri] adj 每一的,每个的678 meal [mi:l] n 一餐,一顿饭679 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条680 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜681 restaurant ['restərɔnt] n 饭馆682 often ['ɔ:fən] adv 常常683 potato [pə'teitəu] n 马铃薯,土豆684 well [wel]adj & adv 好,(身体)健康685 why [hwai] adv 为什么686 because [bi'kɔ:z] conj 因为687 housework ['hauswə:k] n 家务劳动688 machine [mə'ʃi:n] n 机器689 again [ə'gen] adv 又,再690 make phone calls phr. 打电话691 wash [wɔʃ] v 洗,漱洗692 dish [diʃ] n 一道菜,盘,碟693 electronic [ilek'trɔnik] adj 电子的694 mail [meil] n 邮政,邮递695 smoke [sməuk] v&n 吸烟,烟696 fog [fɔg] n 雾697 smog[smɔg]n 烟雾698 dance [dɑ:ns] v 跳舞699 living room n 起居室700 dining room n 餐厅701 driver ['draivə] n 司机,驾驶员702 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n 农民703 soldier ['səuldʒə] n 士兵,战士704 businessman ['biznismæn] n 商人705 assistant [ə'sistənt] n 助手,助理706 a shop assistant phr. 售货员,店员707 nurse [nə:s] n 护士708 postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员709 factory ['fæktəri] n 工厂710 station ['steiʃən] n 车站,所,站711 bus station n 公共汽车站712 hospital ['hɔspitl] n 医院713 farm [fɑ:m] n 农场714 post[pəust] n 邮政,邮寄,邮件715 office ['ɔ:fis] n 办公室716 post office n 邮局717 study ['stʌdi] v 学习,研究718 party ['pɑ:ti] n 聚会719 friendly ['frendli] adj 友好的720 also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv 也721 medicine ['medisin] n 内服药,医学722 in the day phr. 在白天723 at night phr. 在晚上,在夜里724 make money phr. 赚钱725 weekend ['wi:k'end] n 周末726 job [dʒɔb] n 工作727 writer ['raitə] n 作家,作者728 cleaner ['kli:nə] n 清洁工729 turn [tə:n] n (依次轮流的)顺序,轮流730 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长731 baker ['beikə] n 面包师732 artist ['ɑ:tist] n 画家,艺术家733 hobby ['hɔbi] n 业余爱好734 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为735 place [pleis] n 地点,地方736 weekday ['wi:kdei] n 工作日,平日(除星期六,日以外)737 when[hwen]adv 什么时候,何时738 leave [li:v] v 离去,出发739 begin [bi'gin] v 开始,着手740 have sports phr. 进行体育活动741 go to bed phr. 睡觉742 usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv 通常743 right now phr. 立刻,马上744 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时745 take off phr. 脱衣服746 after school phr. 放学后,下课后747 get to phr. 到达748 exercise ['eksəsaiz]n锻炼,做操,练习749 do morning exercises phr. 做早操750 shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n 买东西751 go shopping phr. (去)买东西752 garden ['gɑ:dn] n 花(果,菜)园753 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为754 over ['əuvə] adv 结束,完了755 do (some) reading phr. 朗读,阅读756 living-room n 起居室757 playground ['pleigraund]n(学校的)操场758 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步759 news [nju:z] n 新闻,消息760 match [mætʃ] n 比赛,竞赛761 quickly ['kwikli] adv 迅速762 sun [sʌn] n 太阳763 moon [mu:n] n 月亮764 bridge [bridʒ] n 桥765 train [trein] n 火车766 ship [ʃip] n 船,轮船767 on foot phr. 走路,步行768 holiday ['hɔlədi] n 假日,假期769 year [jiə] n 年770 by [bai] prep 乘车(船等) 771 by plane phr. 乘飞机772 by ship phr. 乘船773 air [ɛə] n 天空,空气774 by air phr. 乘飞机775 sea [si:] n 海,海洋776 by sea phr. 乘船777 take time phr. 花费(时间) 778 how long phr. 多久779 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步780 clean [kli:n] adj 干净的,清洁的781 story ['stɔ:ri] n 故事782 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远783 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题784 earlier['ə:liə] adj & adv ( early的比较级)更早的(地)785 ill [il] adj 病的,不健康的786 tear [tɛə] n (常用复数)眼泪,泪珠787 chicken ['tʃikin] n 鸡,鸡肉788 tofu ['təufu:] n 豆腐789 fridge [fridʒ] n 电冰箱790 list [list] n 清单,一览表,名单,目录791 shopping list phr. 购物清单792 buy [bai] v 买793 kilo ['ki:ləu] n 千克,公斤794 sell [sel] v 卖,售795 how much phr. 多少,多少钱796 cheap [tʃi:p] adj 便宜的797 expensive [iks'pensiv] adj 昂贵的798 tomato[tə'meitəu]n(pl.tomatoes)西红柿,蕃茄799 onion ['ʌnjən] n 洋葱800 carrot ['kærət] n 胡萝卜801 pork [pɔ:k] n 猪肉802 all day phr. 一整天,一天到晚803 a lot of phr. 许多,很多804 open ['əupən] adj 开着的805 market ['mɑ:kit] n 市场,集市806 dollar['dɔlə]n元(美,加拿大等国的货币单位)807 cent [sent] n (货币)分808 pound [paund] n 镑(重量单位) 809 health [helθ] n 健康,卫生810 fast [fɑ:st] adj & adv 快的(地),迅速的(地)811 of course phr. 当然,自然的事812 travel['trævl] v & n 旅行813 safe [seif]adj 安全的,平安的814 minibus ['mini,bʌs] n 小型公共汽车815 and so on phr. 等等816 price [prais] n 价格,价钱817 example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样818 for example phr. 例如819 stand[stænd] v 站,立820 field [fi:ld] n 地,田地821 one day phr.(过去或将来)有一天,某一天822 job [dʒɔb] n 工作823 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,灿烂的824 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的825 sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:siz] n 太阳镜826 each [i:tʃ] pron 各自,各个827 language['læŋgwidʒ] n 语言828 helpful['helpfəl]adj 有帮助的,有益的829 get on (a bus) phr. 上车830 business ['biznis] n 商业,生意,事物831 company ['kʌmpəni] n 公司832 manager['mænidʒə] n 经理,负责人833 century ['sentʃuri] n 世纪,百年第二册 834----1644834 lesson ['lesn] n 课,功课835 fun [fʌn] n 有趣836 when [hwen] conj 当......时837 traffic ['træfik] n 交通838 bad[bæd] adj 坏的839 matter ['mætə]v(否定句,疑问句)要紧,有关系840 on time phr. 准时841 September [sep'tembə] n 九月842 happy ['hæpi]adj 快乐的,幸福的843 best [best] adj &adv 最好的(地)844 wish [wiʃ] n &v 祝愿,希望,想要845 second ['sekənd] num &adj 第二(的)846 idea [ai'diə] n 主意,想法,意见847 last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的,刚过去的848 given name phr. 名字849 mean [mi:n]v 表示...的意思,意味着850 meaning ['mi:niŋ] n 意思,意义,含义851 important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj重要的,重大的852 use [ju:z] v 用,使用,运用853 Ms [mɪz]n女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名)854 before [bi'fɔ:] prep &adv 在..之前,以前855 never ['nevə] adv 从来,决不856 just [dʒʌst] adv 刚刚,方才857 third [θə:d] num &adj 第三的858 afraid [ə'freid] adj 害怕的859 live [liv] v 居住860 sound [saund] n & v 声音,听起来861 have to phr. 不得不,必须862 time [taim] n 次数863 more [mɔ:] adv 更,更加864 not...any more phr. 不再865 laugh [lɑ:f] v & n 笑,大笑,笑声866 waste [weist] n & v 浪费,废弃物867 a waste of time phr. 浪费(白费)时间868 fifth [fifθ] num & adj 第五(的)869 trip [trip] n & v 旅游,旅行870 field trip phr. 野外旅游871 hometown ['hom'taun] n 故乡,家乡872 discuss [di'skʌs] v 讨论,议论873 fish [fiʃ] v 钓鱼874 fishing ['fiʃiŋ] n 钓鱼875 go fishing phr. 去钓鱼876 east [i:st] n & adj 东方(的),东部(的)877 agree [ə'gri:] v 同意,赞成878 boating ['bəutiŋ] n 划船879 go boating phr. 去划船880 maybe ['meibi] adv 也许,大概881 mountain ['mauntin] n 山,高山882 hike [haik] n & v 远足,徒步旅行883 hiking [haikin] n 徒步旅行884 go hiking phr. 去徒步旅行885 picnic ['piknik] n 野餐886 the day after tomorrow phr. 后天887 top [tɔp] n 顶部888 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题889 quick [kwik] adj 快的,迅速的890 quickly ['kwikli] adv 快地,迅速地891 start [stɑ:t] v 开始,着手892 trip [trip]over phr. (被...)绊倒893 tired ['taiəd] adj 累,疲乏894 hurry ['hʌri] v 赶快,慌忙895 hurry up phr. 赶快896 tie [tai] v 捆,(系,栓)紧897 die [dai] v 死亡898 city ['siti] n 城市899 take [teik] v 花费(时间),消耗900 eighth [eitθ] num 第八901 salesgirl ['seilzgə:l] n 女售货员902 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远的(地) 903 beautiful ['bju:təfəl] adj 美丽的,漂亮的904 together [tə'geðə] adv 一起905 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n 秋天,秋季906 festival ['festəvəl] n & adj 节日(的),喜庆(的)907 ninth [nainθ] num &adj 第九(的)908 free [fri:] adj 自由的,空闲的909 mid-autumn n 中秋910 mooncake n 月饼911 nut [nʌt] n 坚果,坚果核912 sweet[swi:t]adj 甜的,可爱的913 inside[,in'said] prep 在...里面914 store ['in'said] n (美)商店,大百货公司915 come over phr. 过来,顺便来访916 thanksgiving [,θæŋks'giviŋ] n 感谢,感恩917 Thanksgiving=Thanksgiving Day phr. 感恩节918 get together phr. 相聚919 October [ɔk'təubə] n. 十月920 taste [teist] v 品尝,有...味道921 pie [pai] n (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼922 outside['aut'said]prep & adv 在...外923 in the open air phr.在户外,在野外924 harvest ['hɑ:vist] n 收获925 than[ðæn]conj 比....,比较....926 another[ə'nʌðə]adj&conj另一个(的),又一个(的)927 delicious [di'liʃəs]adj 美味的,可口的928 better['betə]adj(goo或well的比较级)更好的929 pumpkin ['pʌmpkin] n 南瓜930 twelfth [twelfθ] num &adj 第十二(的)931 turkey ['tə:ki] n 火鸡。

中考1500高频核心词汇Aairplane [ˈɛəplein]飞机airport [ˈɛəpɔ:t]飞机场album [ˈælbəm]相册all [ɔ:l] 全体;全部allow [əˈlau] 允许;承认almost [ˈɔ:lməust]几乎;差不多alone [əˈləun]单独地;独自地along [əˈlɔŋ]沿着;顺着aloud [əˈlaud]出声地;高声地already [ɔ:lˈredi] 早已;先前also [ˈɔ:lsəu] 也;亦;并且although [ɔ:lˈðəu] 虽然;即使纵然always [ˈɔ:lweiz]总是;始终America [əˈmerɪkə] 美国American [əˈmerɪkən] 美国的;美洲的among [əˈmʌŋ] 在……中间and [ænd, ənd 和;又;而且angry [ˈæŋɡri] 愤怒的;生气的animal [ˈæniməl]动物another [əˈnʌðə又一的;再一的answer [ˈɑ:nsə] 回答;答复;答案ant [ænt] 蚂蚁any [ˈeni]任何一个(或一些)事物anybody [ˈeniˌbɔdi] 任何人anyone [ˈeniwʌn]任何人anything [ˈeniθiŋ]任何事无论何事anyway [ˈeniwei] 不管怎样;无论何种方式anywhere [ˈenihwɛə]任何地方appear [əˈpiə] 出现;露出;(公开演出)apple [ˈæpl]苹果April [ˈeiprəl] 四月area [ˈɛəriə]面积;地区;地域arm [ɑ:m]臂;胳膊around [əˈraund]大约arrive [ə'raiv] 到达;抵达某地art [ɑ:t] 艺术;美术;艺术品article [ˈɑ:tikl]文章;冠词as [æz, əz作为Asia [ˈeɪʃə] 亚洲Asian [ˈeɪʒən, ˈeɪʃən]亚洲人ask [ɑ:sk]询问;问asleep [əˈsli:p]睡着的at 在(里面或附近);在(时刻)Atlantic [ætˈlæntɪk, ətˈlæntik] ocean[ ˈəuʃən] 大西洋August [ˈɔ:ɡəst]八月aunt [ɑ:nt]姨/舅/姑/婶母Australia [ɔ:ˈstreɪljə] 澳大利亚;澳洲autumn [ˈɔ:təm]秋天available [əˈveiləbl]可用的;可到达的avoid [əˈvɔid]避免;躲开awake [əˈweik]醒着的away [əˈwei] 向远处;离开;向另一方向Bbaby [ˈbeibi婴儿;宝贝back [bæk]回原处;往回去background [ˈbækɡraund]背景bad [bæd]坏的;劣质的badly [ˈbædli]严重地;恶劣地bag [bæɡ]书包;提包;口袋ball [bɔ:l]球balloon[bəˈlu:n]气球bamboo [bæmˈbu:] 竹子banana [bəˈnɑ:nə]香蕉bank [bæŋk]银行baseball [ˈbeisbɔ:l]棒球basic [ˈbeisik]基本的;基础的basket [ˈbɑ:skit]篮;筐basketball 篮球bathroom [ˈbɑ:θrum]浴室;盥洗室be(is , arm, are) 是(表存在、状态等)beach [bi:tʃ]海滩bear [bɛə] 熊beat [bi:t](beat, beaten)打败;战胜超过beautiful [ˈbju:təful] 美丽的;漂亮的because [biˈkɔz] 因为become [biˈkʌm](became, become)成为;变成bed [bed]床bedroom [ˈbedˌru:m, -ˌrʊm] 卧室;寝室bee 蜜蜂beef [bi:f]牛肉before [biˈfɔ:, bɪˈfɔː(r)] (指时间)在……之前;(指位置)在……前面begin [biˈɡin](began, begun)开始beginning [biˈɡiniŋ]开始behind [biˈhaind]在……后面believe [biˈli:v] 相信;认为bell [bel]钟;铃;门铃below [biˈləu] 在……下面;低于…beside biˈsaid] 在……旁边;在附近besides [biˈsaidz] 而且除之外(还)between [biˈtwi:n] 介于(两者)中间beyond [biˈjɔnd]在那边;在以外big 大的;广大的;重大的bike [baik] 自行车;脚踏车bill帐单;清单;纸币bird [bə:d, bɜːd 鸟birth [bə:θ]出生;出世;诞生birthday [ˈbə:θdei] 生日biscuit [ˈbiskit]饼干bit [bit] 一点儿;一片;少许bitter [ˈbitə]苦的black [blæk] 黑色的blackboard [ˈblækbɔ:d]黑板blind [blaind]盲的blood [blʌd] 血;血液blow [bləu](blew, blown)吹blue [blu:] 兰色的board [bɔ:d]甲板boat [bəut]小船body [ˈbɔdi, ˈbɒdi]身体;躯体book [buk] 书bookshop [ˈbukʃɔp]书店boring [ˈbɔ:riŋ]无聊的;另人生厌的born [bɔ:n] 出生borrow['bɔrəu] 借用(入)boss [bɔs]老板;上司both [bəuθ]两个(都);两者(都)bottle [ˈbɔtl] 瓶子bowl [bəul]碗box 方格;方块;盒子boy 男孩brain [brein] 脑子brave [breiv] 勇敢的;无畏的bread [bred] 面包break [breik] 课间休息;中断breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] 早餐breathe [bri:ð] 呼吸bridge [bridʒ]桥梁bright [brait]明亮的;发光的bring [briŋ]拿来;取来;带来brother [ˈbrʌðə] 兄弟brown [braun]棕色的brush[brʌʃ]刷build [bild]构筑;建造;建筑building 建筑物;房屋burn [bə:n, bɜːn]烧伤;烧坏bus 公共汽车business [ˈbiznis] 商业;买卖;交易busy [ˈbizi]忙的;繁忙的but 但是butter [ˈbʌtə]黄油butterfly [ˈbʌtəflai] 蝴蝶buy [bai] (bought, bought) 买by表示交通、传递等的方式;由;被bye-bye (口语)再见;回头见Ccabbage [ˈkæbidʒ]卷心菜;洋白菜cake [keik] 蛋糕call [kɔ:l] 把……叫做;称呼;为……取名camel ˈkæməl] 骆驼camera [ˈkæmərə]照相机camp [kæmp] 野营;营地can [kæn, kən] 能;可以;会Canada [ˈkænədə] 加拿大candle [ˈkændl] 蜡烛candy [ˈkændi]糖果cap [kæp](无帽檐)的帽子capital [ˈkæpitl] 首都;省会captain [ˈkæptin]队长;首领car [kɑ:] 轿车card [kɑ:d] 纸牌;卡片care [kɛə] 对…在意;对…计较careful [ˈkɛəful] 小心的;仔细的careless [ˈkɛəlis] 粗心的;大意的carry ˈkæri] 搬运;携带cat [kæt] 猫catch [kætʃ] 抓住;捕获(caught, caught)cause [kɔ:z] 引起;造成;使发生CD 激光唱片ceiling [ˈsi:liŋ] 天花板celebrate [ˈselibreit] 庆祝cent [sent] 分centre [ˈsentə] 中央;中心century [ˈsentʃuri] 世纪;百年certain [ˈsə:tn] 确实;无疑的certainly [ˈsə:tnli, ˈsɜːtnli] 当然chair [tʃɛə, tʃeə(r)] 椅子chairman [ˈtʃɛəmən]男主席chairwoman [ˈtʃeəˌwʊmən] 女主席chalk [tʃɔ:k] 粉笔chance [tʃɑ:ns] 机会;机遇change [tʃeindʒ] 改变;变化chant [tʃɑ:nt] 唱的或喊叫的词语cheap [tʃi:p] 便宜的;廉价的cheat [tʃi:t] 欺骗;作弊check [tʃek] 核对;检查cheer [tʃɪə(r),tʃɪr]欢呼;cheese [tʃi:z] 干酪;乳酪chemistry [ˈkemistri]化学chess [tʃes] 国际象棋chest [tʃest] 胸部chick [tʃɪk] 小鸡chicken [ˈtʃikin] 鸡肉;鸡child [tʃaild]小孩;儿女Chin [ˈtʃaɪnə] a 中国Chinese [tʃaɪˈni:z]中国人, 汉语;中国的chocolate ˈtʃɔkəlit] 巧克力choice [tʃɔis] 选择choose [tʃu:z]选择chopsticks [ˈtʃɔpstɪks 筷子Christmas [ˈkrisməs]圣诞节;圣诞节期church [tʃə:tʃ] 教堂;教会cinema [ˈsinəmə]电影院;电影circle [ˈsə:kl] 圆;(有共同兴趣的)圈子阶层city [ˈsiti] 城市clap [klæp] 掌声class [klɑ:s] 班级;一节课classmate [ˈklɑ:smeit] 同班同学classroom[ˈklɑ:sru:m]教室clean [kli:n]打扫;清除clear [kliə] 清楚的;明亮的clearly [ˈklɪəlɪ] 明朗的;明显的clever [ˈklevə] 聪明的;机灵的climb [klaim] 攀登;爬clock [klɔk] 时钟clone [kləun] 克隆close [kləuz] 关闭clothes [kləuðz] 衣服cloud [klaud] 云cloudy [ˈklaudi] 多云的;阴天的club [klʌb] 俱乐部;社团coach [kəutʃ] 教练coal [kəul] 煤;煤炭coast [kəust] 海岸;海滨coat [kəut]外套;上衣coffee 咖啡coin [kɔin] 硬币;钱币coke [kəʊk] 焦,焦炭, 炼成焦炭cold [kəuld] 寒冷的;伤风;感冒collect [kəˈlekt] 收集;搜集college [ˈkɔlidʒ] 大学;学院colour [ˈkʌlə]颜色come [kʌm] 来;来到comfortable [ˈkʌmfətəbl] 舒适的;舒服的common [ˈkɔmən] 共同的;公共的communication [kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən] 交流;交往company [ˈkʌmpəni]公司compare [kəmˈpɛə] 比较competition [ˌkɔmpiˈtiʃən]竞争;竞赛;比赛computer [kəmˈpju:tə] 电脑;计算机concert ˈkɔnsət] 音乐会condition [kənˈdiʃn]条件;状况conference ˈkɔnfərəns] 会议connect [kəˈnekt] * 连接;相连;联系consider [kənˈsidə] 思考;考虑;认为contex [ˈkɔntekst]t* 上下文continue [kənˈtinju] (使)继续;(使)连续contract [kənˈtrækt] * 合同control [kənˈtrəul]控制;支配conversation [ˌkɔnvəˈseiʃən] 交谈;谈话cook [kuk] 烹调cooker [ˈkukə] * 炊具cool [ku:l] 凉爽的;酷的;另类的copy [ˈkɔpi] 复制;抄袭corner [ˈkɔ:nə] 角落;街角;墙角correct [kəˈrekt] 对的;正确的;准确的cost [kɔst] 价值;花(多少钱)cotton [ˈkɔtən](棉花)cough [kɔf]咳嗽could [kud, kəd] can的过去式count [kaunt] 计;值country [ˈkʌntri] 国家countryside [ˈkʌntrisaid] 乡下;农村;乡村couple [ˈkʌpl] 双;对;夫妇courage [ˈkʌridʒ] 勇气;胆量cousin [ˈkʌzn] 堂/表兄弟/姐妹cover [ˈkʌvə] 覆盖;遮掩cow kau] 母牛;乳牛crayon 蜡笔;蜡笔画crazy 疯狂的;狂热的create 创造;创作;创建cross 越过;穿过;横过cruel 残忍的;残酷的*cry 流泪;哭泣culture 文化cup 小茶杯;一杯的容量cut 切;割;削DDad (daddy) (非正式用语)爸爸daily 每日的dance 跳舞;舞蹈danger 危险dangerous危险的dare 敢于;敢dark 黄昏;黑暗date 日期daughter 女儿day 天;白天;一日Dead 死的deaf 聋的deal (dealt, dealt)处理;应付dear 表示惊奇、苦恼、懊悔等)呵;哎呀;亲爱的;可爱的;贵的death 死;死亡December 十二月decide 决定;下决心decision 决定;决心deep 深的degree* 程度delicious 美味的dentist 牙医depend 依靠;依赖describe 描述;形容desk 书桌;课桌develop 发展;壮大;完善development* 开发;发展dialogue* 对话diary* 日记dictionary 字典;词典die 死(亡)difference 不同;差异;区别different 差异的;不同的difficult 苦难的;难的difficulty* 困难dig* (dug, dug)挖: 掘dinner 正餐;晚餐direct* 直接的;指导;导演direction 方向;director 主管;主任dirty 肮脏的discover 发现;发觉discuss 讨论;议论discussion*disease* 疾病;dish 盘子;碟子disturb * 妨碍;打扰divide 分开;划分do 做;干;行动;助动词doctor 医生dog 狗doll* 玩具娃娃dollar 美圆door 门double* 两倍的doubt* 怀疑down 向下downstairs 顺楼梯而下dozen* 一打;十二个draw (drew, drawn)drawer 抽屉drawing* 素描;图dream 梦;梦想;幻想dress 穿衣drink 饮料drive 驾驶;驱车旅行driver 司机;驾驶员drop 扔;丢;落下;掉下drum* 古dry 干燥的;干旱的duck 鸭子during 在……期间duty 责任;义务;值日DVD* 光碟Eeach 每个;各自;每ear 耳朵early 早;提早earth 地球easily 容易地;简单地east 东方的;东部的;东方;东部easy 容易的;不费力气的;安逸的;自在的eat 吃edge 边缘;边education 教育;教育程度effort* 努力;尽力egg 蛋;鸡蛋eight 八either 任一的;(两方中的)每一方的;否定句中的也elder (家庭成员中)年纪较长的electric 电的;导电的elephant 大象eleven 十一else 别的;其它的(后置定语)e-mail 电子邮件empty 空的;空闲的enable* 使……能做……encourage 鼓励end 末端;终点;结束enemy 敌人energy 活力;力量;能量engineer 工程师England 英格兰English 英语;英国人enjoy 喜欢;享受乐趣ensure* 保证;确保enter 参加;进入eraser 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦especially 特别;尤其Europe 欧洲European 欧洲的;欧洲人的even 甚至evening 傍晚;黄昏;晚上ever 曾;曾经every 每一;每个everybody 每人;人人;个人everyday 每日的;日常的;普通的everyone 每个人everywhere 各处;到处exactly 正;恰恰exam 考试;检查examine* 检查example 例子;实例excellent 卓越的;极好的except 除;把……除外excite* 使激动;使兴奋excited 激动的;兴奋的exciting 令人激动的;令人兴奋的excuse 原谅;宽恕exercise 锻炼;运动;练习;锻炼expect 预计;预料expensive 昂贵的;高价的experience 经历;体验experiment 试验;实验explain 解释;说明explanation* 解释;说明express 表示;表达eye 眼睛Fface 脸;面孔fact 事实;客观事实factor 因素;因子factory 工厂fail 失败;不及格 fair 公平的;公道的fall (fell, fallen)落下;跌落;变为family 家;家庭famous 著名的;出名的fan 迷;狂热者;爱好者;扇子fantastic 极好的farm 农场far (farther/ further, farthest/furthest 远的的;遥远的farmer 农夫;农场主fast 快的;迅速的fat 胖的;肥的father 爸爸;父亲favourite 最喜爱的(无比较和最高级)fear 害怕;担心February 二月feed 喂, 饲养feel 觉得;感到feeling 感觉;知觉;触觉festival 节日;喜庆日fetch 取来;接来fever 发烧;发热few表示否定的)很少的;几乎没有的(可数)field* 地;田地;领域fifth 第五fifty 五十fight (fought, fought)打架;打仗fill* 装满;填充film 影片;电影final 最后的;最终的finally 最后地;最终地find (found, found)寻找;查找;找到fine* 好的finger 手指finish 结束;完毕;完成fire * 火;火炉first 第一fish 鱼;鱼肉fisherman 鱼夫;渔民fit 强健的;健康的five 五fix 修理;安装flag 旗;国旗flat 公寓floor 地板;地面flower 花flu* 流行性感冒fly (flew, flown)飞;飞行follow 跟随;追捕following 下列的;下述的food 食物foot (pl, feet)football 足球for 为;给;对于;因为force* 强迫;迫使;强制foreign 外国的;在外国的;对外的foreigner 外国人forest 森林forget (forgot, forgotten)忘记;忘却fork 叉;餐叉form 构成;组成forward(s)* 向前;前进four 四fox 狐狸free 空闲的;有空的;自由的freeze (froze, frozen)结冰;凝固fresh 新鲜的, 生的;无经验的Friday 星期五fridge * 电冰箱friend 朋友friendly 友好的frog* 青蛙from 从;从……起front 前面;前边fruit 水果full 饱的;吃胀了的;满的fun 有趣的;令人愉快的funny 有趣的;好玩的future 将来;未来Ggame 游戏;运动garden (菜、花)园gate* 大门general 一般的;概括的;全面的geography 地理gesture* 姿势;手势get 变得;得到gift 礼物;赠品giraffe 长颈鹿girl 女孩give 给;授予glad (只做表语)高兴的;乐意的glass 玻璃杯;玻璃;pl 眼镜glove 手套go (went, gone)去goat* 山羊god* 上帝;神gold 金的;黄金的;金色;黄金golden* 金色的good 好的;令人满意的goodbye 再见;再会goose (geese)鹅government 政府grade 分数;年级;等级grammar 语法grandchild* 孙子granddaughter孙女grandfather grandpa祖父;外祖父grandmother 祖母;外祖母grandma grandparent 祖父母;外祖父母grandson 孙子;外孙granny* 奶奶;老太太;老奶奶grass 草grape* 葡萄great 美妙的;伟大的green 绿色的;绿色greet* 问候;向(人)打招呼ground* 地面;土地group 团体;组grow(grew, grown)生长;发育;种植guard*防护装置;警戒guess* 猜guest* 客人;宾客guitar 吉他gun* 枪;炮gym 体育馆;健身房Hhabit 习惯;习性hair (统称)头发;毛发half* 半;一半hall 大厅;礼堂;过道;会堂ham* 火腿hamburger 汉堡包hand 手handbag 女用手提包;旅行用手提包handsome 英俊的;好看的(男性)handwriting 书法hang (hung, hung)逗留;徘徊;悬挂happen 发生happy 愉快的;高兴的;满意的;幸福的hard 坚硬的;坚固的;困难的;艰苦的hardly 几乎不;几乎没有hat (有沿的)帽子hate 憎恨;憎恶have (had, had)有;吃;饮;得(病)he 他head 头;头部headache 头痛health 健康;健康状况healthy 健康的;强健的hear (heard, heard)听见;听说heart 心;内心heat 热;热度heaven 天堂;天国heavy 中的height 高度hello(hi)喂(表示问候或引起注意help 帮助;援助helpful 有帮助的;有用的hen 母鸡her 她的;她(宾格)here 这;这里hero 英雄herself (反身代词)她自己/本人hide* 躲藏high 高的hill 小山;丘陵him 他(宾格)himself (反身代词)他自己/本人his 他的history 历史hit 打;击中;撞;轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等)hobby 业余爱好;喜爱的话题hold (held, held) 举行;召集;主持;拿hole 孔;洞;坑holiday 假日;假期;节日home 家homesick* 想家的homework 家庭作业;课外作业honest 诚实的;真诚的honour* 荣誉;光荣hope 希望;盼望;期待horse 马hospital 医院hot 热;热度hotel 旅馆hour 小时house 房子;住宅how (只程度)多少;何等;怎样however 可是;然而huge 巨大的;庞大的hundred 百hungry 饥饿的hurry 匆忙;赶快hurt(hurt, hurt)是使受伤;受伤害husband 丈夫II 我(主格)ice 冰ice cream 冰激凌idea 主意;想法if (表示条件)如果;是否ill 生病的;不健康的illness 疾病;生病imagine* 想象;设想immediately 立即important 重要的;重大的impossible 不可能的;不会发生的improve 改进;提高in在……里(内;上)用(表示方法;媒介;工具等)inch 英寸include 包含;包括increase 增加;增大indeed 的确;真正地India * 印度industry 工业influence 影响information 信息;资料ink 墨水inside 里面;内部insist* 坚持;声称instead 代替;而不是instructions 命令;指示;使用说明intend* 想要;打算interest 兴趣;趣味interested (人)对……感性趣的interesting 有趣的;令人感性趣的international 国际的;世界的internet 网络;互联网interview 面试;面谈;采访into 到……里;进入到……之内introduce* 介绍;引见invent 发明;创造invite 邀请;恳请iron* 铁;熨斗island 岛;岛屿it 它its 它的itself 它自己;它本身Jjacket 茄克衫January 一月Japan 日本Japanese 日语;日本人;日本的;日本人的jeans 牛仔裤job 工作;零工;任务;职位join 参加;加入(组织或固定团体组织)joke 笑话;玩笑joy 欢乐;高兴juice 果汁;果汁饮料July 七月jump 跳跃June 六月just 刚刚;方才;仅仅Kkeep (kept, kept)保持;使保持某种状态;饲养key 钥匙keyboard 键盘kick 踢kid 小孩;年轻人;欺骗;戏弄kill 杀死;致死kilogram* 公斤;千克kilometer 公里;千米kind 种类king 君主;国王kiss 亲吻kitchen 厨房kite 风筝knee 膝盖;膝knife (pl, knives)(有柄的)刀nock 敲;击;敲打;碰撞know (knew, known)知道;了解knowledge* 知识;学问Llab(laboratory)实验室labour 劳动lady 女士;贵夫人;淑女lake 湖;湖泊lamb 羔羊;羔羊肉lamp 灯;火把land 国家;国土;陆地language 语言large 大的;宽广的last 最后的;上一个的late 晚;晚的;迟到的later 后来;以后laugh 笑;发笑law* 法律;法令lay (laid, laid)产卵;下蛋lazy 懒惰的;懒散的lead 主角;领导leader 领导者;指挥者leaf (leaves)树叶;叶learn (learnt, learnt)学习;学会least 最小;最少leave (left, left)离去;出发;留下left 左边leg 腿;腿部lemonade 柠檬汽水lend (lent, lent )借给(出)less(little的比较级)较小的;较少的lesson 课;课程let (let, let)允许;让letter 信level* 水平;标准librarian* 图书管理员library 图书馆lie (lied, lied)说谎;谎言;假话life 生命(C)生活(U)lift 举起;抬起;提升light 轻的like 喜欢line 排;对;列lion 狮子list 列出;举例;列表listen 听little 少许的;少量的litter 垃圾;乱扔live 居住lively 活泼的;活跃的lock 锁;锁上London 伦敦lonely 孤独的;寂寞的long 长的look 看;看起来;注视lose (lost, lost )失去;丧失;丢失lot 许多;很多loud 大声的;响亮的love 爱;喜欢lovely 令人愉快的;美好的;可爱的low 低的luck* 运气luckily 幸运地lucky 幸运的lunch 午餐Mmachine 机器mad 疯狂的;狂热的madam 女士;夫人magazine 杂志;期刊magic 魔术;戏法mail 邮件main 主要的;首要的make (made, made)做;制作man 男人;人;人类(无冠词)manage 管理;经营;照看manager 经理;负责人many 大量的map 地图March 三月mark 记号;痕迹market 市场;集市may 可能;可以May 五月maybe 或许;大概me 我(宾格)meal 膳食;一餐mean(meant, meant)表示…的意思;做的解释meaning 意思;含义meat (食用)肉;肉类medical 医学的;医疗的medicine 药;药物;药剂meet(met, met)遇见;相逢meeting 会议;集会melon 瓜member 成员;会员memory* 记忆力mend* 修补;修理mention* 提到的事物;提及message 消息;信息metal 金属method 方法;办法metre 米;公尺middle 中等的;中间的might可能;也许;(may 的过去式)mile 英里mild 牛奶mind 介意;留心;注意mine 我的(所有物)minute 分钟mirror 镜子Miss 女士;小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼)miss 思念;想念mistake 错误;过失;误解model 模型modern 现代的;现代化的mom/mum (非正式用语)妈妈moment 瞬间;片刻Monday 星期一money 钱;金钱;货币monitor 班长monkey 猴子month 月;月份moon 月亮;月球more 更多的;更大的morning 早晨;上午most 大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的mother 妈妈;母亲motorcycle 摩托车mountain 山;山脉mouse (mice)老鼠;鼠标mouth 嘴;口move 移动;搬动movement* 运动;活动movie 电影Mr./mister* 先生(用于姓名前)Mrs./mistress.夫人.太.M.女士(用于婚姻状况不名的女子姓名前.much 十分;非常murder 谋杀;凶杀museum 博物馆music 音乐must 必须;一定(表推测)my 我的myself 我自己;我本人Nname 名字national 国家的;全国的;民族的natural 自然的;自然界的nature* 大自然;自然界near 近的;靠近的;接近的nearly 几乎necessary 必要的;必须的neck 脖子;颈部need 需要neighbor 邻人;邻居neither (两者)都不nervous 神经紧张的;不安的never 决不;从来不new 新的news 新闻;消息newspaper 报纸next 紧临的;贴近的;接下去的nice 好的;令人愉快的night 夜;夜间nine 九ninety 九十no (表示否定)不;不是;没有的;全无的nobody 没有人nod 点头noise 噪声;喧闹声;嘈杂声none* 一个人也没有;没有任何东西noodle 面条(常用复数)noon 中午;正午nor* 也不normal 正常的;正规的north 北方;北部朝北的;northern 北方的nose 鼻子not 不是note 注释;说明;笔记notebook* 笔记本nothing 没什么;一个都没有notice 注意到;看到;留心November 十一月now 现在;此时number 数字;号码nurse 护士OOK 好的;不错的object* 物体;目标ocean 海洋October 十月of (属于)……的offer (主动)提供office 办公室;事物所officer* 官员;公务员often 时常;常常oil (各种)油类;油old 年岁的;年老的;年长的on 在……上;通过……;以……的方式;指在物体的表面上, 两物接触once 一次;曾经one (数词)一oneself* (反身代词)自己;自身(用于加强语气)亲自only 只;仅仅open 开着的;营业中的;operation* 手术;操作opportunity 机会;时机or 或者orange橘子;柑子order 订购;点(菜、歌)other 另外的;其他的our 我们的ourselves 我们自己out 在外;向外outside 在……外over 从一边至另一边own 自己的owner 所有者;业主PP. C* (personal computer)个人电脑P.E (physical education)Pacific Ocean 太平洋package 包裹page* 页paint 画画pair 一对;一双palace 宫殿pale * 苍白的;灰白的pancake 薄煎饼;烙饼panda 熊猫paper 纸;报纸pardon* 原谅;宽恕parent 父母亲park 公园part 地区;区域party 晚会pass 通过;传递passage* 文章passenger 乘客;旅客passport 护照past* 过去;path 路线;去路;小径patient 有耐性的;忍耐的pay (paid, paid)付款peace 和平pear 梨pen 钢笔pence* 便士penny的复数pencil 铅笔penny* 便士people 人;人民;人们percent* 百分之perfect 完美的;理想的perhaps 或许;大概period* 时期;时代person 人物;人personal 私人的;个人的pet 宠物phone 电话;电话机photo 照片;相片physics 物理;物理学piano 钢琴pick 摘下;拾起;挑选picnic 野餐picture 照片;图画pie 馅饼piece 片;块;段pig 猪pilot 飞行员Ping-Pong 乒乓球pink 粉红色的pioneer* 先锋pity 可惜;遗憾;可惜的事place 地点;顺序plain* 清楚的;明白的plan 计划;规划;方案plane 飞机planet* 行星plant 植物plastic 塑料制的plate 盘子;碟子play 玩;打球player 比赛者;运动员playground 运动场;操场pleasant 舒适的;令人愉快的please 使同意;使高兴;使愉快pleasure 愉快;快乐;高兴plenty 很多的;足够的pocket* 衣袋poem 诗;韵文point 指;指向police 警察;警方policeman 警察policy* 政策polite 有礼貌的;客气的pond 池塘pool 水池;水塘poor 贫穷的;可怜的pop* 砰的一声popular 受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的population 人口pork*猪肉position 位置possible 可能的post 邮件;邮递postcard 明信片postman 邮递员potato 土豆;马铃薯pound 磅practice 练习;实践practise 实践;练习praise 表扬prepare* 准备present 礼物;赠品president 总统pretty 相当;很;颇prevent* 防止;阻止price 价格pride 自豪;骄傲primary8初级的;小学的principle* 原则;原理print 印刷;打印prison* 监狱prisoner* 囚犯private 私人的prize 奖赏;奖金;奖品probably 大概;也许problem 问题produce 生产;制造;产生programme 节目;表演;程序progress进步;前进promise* 诺言pronounce 发音pronunciation 发音;发音法proper 合适的;适宜的;恰当的protect* 保护proud 自豪的;骄傲的prove* 证明provide* 提供: 供应;供给public 公众的pull 拉;拖;拔punish* 惩罚pupil 小学生;学生purpose 目的;意图purse 钱包;皮包push* 推;挤put 放;摆;装Qquarter* 一刻钟;四分之一queen 女王;王后question 问题;难题;询问;疑问quick 快的;迅速的quickly 快地;迅速地quiet 宁静的quite 相当;十分Rrabbit 兔子;家兔race 赛跑radio 收音机;无线电railway* 铁路rain 雨水;雨天;降雨raincoat 雨衣rainy 下雨的;多雨的raise 筹集(款)rapid 快的;迅速的rat 老鼠;大家鼠rather 相当reach 到达read (read, read)读;阅读ready* 准备好的;乐意的real* 真正的;真实的realize 认识到;了解到really 事实上;无疑地;真正地reason 原因;理由receive 收到;接受recently 最近recite 背诵;叙述record 记录;最高记录recorder 录音机red 红色的;红色refuse 拒绝;回绝regard 将……视为regret* 遗憾;后悔relation* 联系;关系relax 放松;休息remain 保持;剩余;残余remember 牢记;记住repair 修理;修补repeat* 重复reply 回答;答复report 报告;汇报require* 需要;要求research 调查;研究rest 休息;restaurant 餐馆;饭店result 结果;成果retell* (retold, retold )重复;复述return 归还;返回review 复习;回顾rice 米;稻;米饭rich 富有的;富裕的;ride(rode, ridden)骑;乘车riddle 谜语right 右边ring 环(状物);戒指(rung, rung动词)rise (rose, risen)升高;上升;上涨risk 危险river 河;江road* 路;公路robot 机器人rock 摇滚乐role* 角色;作用room;房间rope* 绳子rose 玫瑰花round 圆形的;球形的;围着(介)row (横)排;行rubber 橡皮rubbish 垃圾;废物rule 规则ruler 尺;直尺run (ran, run)rush 冲;奔Russia 俄国;俄罗斯Russian 俄罗斯的;俄语;Ssad 悲哀的;悲伤的sadly* 难过地;悲哀地safe 安全的;保险的safety 安全;平安sail 航行;驾驶salad 沙拉sale 出售;联销salt 盐;食盐same 相同的;同样的sand* 沙子sandwich 三明治satisfy* 满足;使满意Saturday 星期六save 储存;储蓄;救say (said, said)说;讲scarf 围巾school 学校schoolbag 书包science 科学;理科scientist 科学家score (比赛)得分;分数;二十screen 屏幕;荧光屏sea 海;海洋search* 搜查;搜索season 季节seat 座位second 第二;秒secret 秘密;诀窍secretary 秘书;文书see (saw, seen)看见seem 像是;似乎seldom 很少;难得;罕见sell (sold, sold)卖;售;销send(sent, sent)发送;寄;派;sense* 感觉;知觉sentence 句子separate* (使)分开;分离September 九月serious 严肃的;庄重的servant* 仆人;佣人serve 服务;招待service 服务;服务性工作set* (set, set )使开始;安置seven (数)七several 几个的;数个的shake 摇;一种混合饮料shall* (我们, 我)将;会shame 羞愧;羞耻shape 形状;外形share 分摊;分享she 她sheep(pl, sheep)绵羊;羊shelf (pl, shelves)阁架(书架)shine (shone, shined)照亮;发亮)ship* 轮船;船shirt 男衬衣;衬衫shoe 鞋shop 商店short 短的;矮的shorts 短裤should (情态动词)应该shoulder* 肩膀;肩shout 呼喊;呼叫show 演出;展览shut (shut, shut)关上(门, 窗等)shy 害羞的;怕羞的sick 不适的;患病的side 主菜以外附加的sight* 视觉;视力;情景silence 寂静;沉默silent* 寂静的;沉默的silk 蚕丝;绸silly 愚蠢的;傻的silver 银牌similar 相似的;相仿的simple 简单的;简易的simply* 简单地;朴素地;仅仅since 自从;从…以来sing(sang, sung)唱;唱歌single 单个的;单打比赛sir 先生;阁下sister 姐妹sit (sat, sat)坐下situation 情景;形势six 六sixty六十size 大小;尺寸skate 滑冰skill 技能;技巧skirt 裙子sky 天空;天sleep(slept, slept)睡觉;睡sleepy 困倦的;不活跃的slide 活动;滑行slow 慢的;缓慢的small 小的;小号的smell 气味;嗅觉(smelt, smelt 动词)shower 淋浴smile* 微笑;露出笑容smoke 抽烟;吸烟smooth* 光滑的;平稳的snake 蛇snow 雪;下雪snowy 多雪的;降雪的so 如此;所以;这样soap* 肥皂social 社会的;社交的society 社会;社团sock 短袜sofa 沙发soft 软的;柔软的soldier 军人;士兵solid* 固体;立体;实心的;坚固的solve 解决;解答(难题等)some 若干;一些somebody* 某人;有人someone 某人;有人something 某物;某东西sometimes 不时;有时somewhere 在某处;到某处son 儿子song 歌;歌曲soon 不久sorry 抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的sort* 群;型;种类sound 听起来soup 汤;羹sour 酸的;south* 南方;南部southern 南方的;在南方的space 空间;太空spare 多余的;空闲的speak (spoke, spoken)说(语言)发言special 特别的;特殊的;专门的speech 演说;讲演speed* 速度spell (spelt, spelt)拼写spend (spent, spent )度过时间;过spirit* 精神spoon 匙;调羹sport 运动;游戏spread* (spread, spread )伸展;传播spring 春天square* (方型)广场stairs 楼梯stamp 邮票;邮戳stand (stood, stood)忍受;站立standard* 标准;水准star 星星;明星start 开始;出发state* 州;国家station 车站;政府机关的署;局stay 停留;留下steal* (stole, stolen)偷;窃取steel 钢step 步骤;措施;脚步;踏入;踩stick 刺;戳still 还是;仍然stomach 胃;胃部stomachache 胃痛;腹痛;肚子疼stone 石头;石块store 商店storm 暴风雨story 故事;事迹;小说strange 奇怪的;陌生的stranger* 陌生人strawberry 草莓stream* 小河;小溪street 街;街道strike* 罢工(市、课等)strong* 强壮的;坚强的student 学生study 学stupid* 笨的;愚蠢的subject 学科;科目succeed 成功;到达;完成success 成功successful 成功的such 这样的;这种sudden* 突然的;意外的suddenly 突然地;突然suffer* 受苦;遭受sugar 糖;蔗糖suggest (动)建议;提议suggestion(名)建议;提议summer 夏天;夏季sun 太阳Sunday 星期日;星期天sunny 阳光充足的supermarket 超级市场supper* 晚餐supply* 供给;供应suppose 假定;认为;期望sure 当然;的确surface* 表面;水面surprise 使惊奇;使意外sweater 毛衣sweep (swept, swept )扫除;清扫;清除sweet 甜的;味甘的swim (swam, swum)swimming* 游泳swing* 摇摆;摆动symbol 象征;标志Ttable 桌子table tennis* 乒乓球tail* 尾巴;尾部take (took, taken)拿走;带到tale* 传说;故事talk 谈话;谈论tall 高的tape 录音带;带子task 任务;作用taste 品尝;尝起来taxi 出租车;tea 茶叶;茶teach (taught, taught)教;讲授teacher 教师team 队;组technology* 技术;工艺学telephone 电话TV(television)电视(机)tell (told, told)告诉;讲述temperature 温度ten 十tennis 网球tent* 帐篷term 术语;学期terrible 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的test 考试;测验text 课文than 比thank 感谢that 那;那个the (冠)表示特指的人、物等theatre 剧院;戏院their* (他们;她们)的them (they的宾格)他(她、它)们themselves 他们自己(反身代词)then 那时;然后there 在那里these 这些they 他(她、它)们thick* 厚的;浓密的thin 瘦的;稀薄的thing 事物;事情think (thought, thought)认为;想;思考third 第三thirsty 渴的;口渴的thirteen 十三thirty 三十this 这个;这those 那些though 虽然;即使;纵然thought 思想;思索;思维thousand 一千thread* 线three 三through 穿过;通过throw (threw, thrown)投;掷Thursday 星期四ticket 票;入场券tidy* 整洁的;整齐的tie 领带tiger 老虎;虎till直到……才;在……之前time 时间tiny 极小的;微小的tired 疲倦的;累的to 动词不定式符号;朝;向;至today 今天;如今together 在一起toilet* 厕所tomato (pl, tomatoes)西红柿tomorrow 明天;明日ton* 吨tongue* 舌头tonight 今晚;今夜too 也;太;又tool* 工具tooth(pl, teeth)牙齿toothache 牙痛toothbrush 牙刷toothpaste* 牙膏top 顶;上部total* 总的touch 触摸;接触tour 旅行;游历tourist 旅行者;游客towards 向;往;朝着……方向towel 毛巾;手巾tower 塔town 镇;城镇toy 玩具trade* 商业;贸易traditional 传统的;惯例的traffic 交通train 火车training 训练;锻炼translate 翻译;解释travel 旅行traveler* 旅行者treasure* 财富;珍宝treat 对待tree 树木trip 旅途;观光旅行(短程)trouble 困难;苦恼;忧虑trousers* 裤子truck*卡车true* 真的;真实的trust* 信任;信赖truth 真实;真相;真理;try 试图;想要;设法;努力T-shirt T恤衫Tuesday 星期二turn (依次轮流到每个人)一次机会twelfth 第十二twelve 十二twentieth 第二十twenty 二十twice 两次;两倍two 二Uugly 丑陋的;难看的umbrella 雨伞;伞uncle 叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑父under 在之下underground 地下的understand 懂得;理解unhappy 不快乐的;不愉快的unit 单元university 大学unless 如果不;除非until 到为止;直到之时;在之前up 分开;成碎片upon 在上upstairs 在楼上;往楼上us 我们(宾格)use 用;使用;利用used 用过的;半旧的useful 有用的;有益的usual 通用的;平常的usually 同常Vvacation 假期;休假value 价值;重要性various 不同的;各种各样的VCD(=VideoCompact Disc)影碟;光盘vegetable 蔬菜very 很;非常;颇victory 胜利;战胜video录象的;录影的village 乡村violin 小提琴visit 拜访;访问;参观visitor 访问者;参观者;游客voice 声音volleyball 排球Wwait 等候;等待wake (使)醒来walk 走;步行;散步wall 墙;墙壁want 需要;想要war 战争warm 温暖的;暖和的wash 洗;洗澡waste 浪费;滥用watch 手表water 水;灌水;浇水watermelon 西瓜way 路;道路;方法;手段;方式;样式we 我们weak (身体)虚弱的;无力的wealth 财富;财产wear 穿;戴weather 天气;天候;Wednesday 星期三week 星期;周weekday 非周末休息日;工作日weekend 周末weigh 称;称……的重量weight*重量;分量welcome [ˈwelkəm]不必表示感谢的well [wel] 好;(身体)健康;好west [west]西方的;西部的;西;西方wet [wet] 湿的;潮的whale [hweil] 鲸what [wɔt]什么;什么;多么whatever [hwɔtˈevə]任何(事物);每样(事物);无论怎么样;不管怎么样wheel [hwi:l]轮子when [hwen]什么时候;何时whenever [hwenˈevə]无论何时where [hwɛə, weə(r)]在那里whether [ˈhweðə]是否which [hwitʃ, wɪtʃ]哪个;哪几个while [hwail] 当……的时候;一会儿white [hwait]白色的;白色who [hu:, hu] 谁whole [həul] 整个的;全部的;完整的whom;[hu:m, hum]谁;什么人(who)的宾格wheat [hwi:t] 小麦whose [hu:z]谁的why [hwai]为什么;(表惊讶、不耐烦)嗨wide [waid] 完的wife [waif]妻子will [wil, l, wəl, əl] [情态动词]将;会;要win [win](won [wʌn, wəʊn], won)赢;获胜wind [wind]风window [ˈwindəu] 窗户;窗windy [ˈwɪndi:] 有风的;多风的wine [wain] 葡萄酒;酒wing [wiŋ] 翼;翅winner [ˈwɪnə] 胜利者winter [ˈwintə] 冬季wise [waiz] 有智慧的;聪明的work [wə:k]工作worker [ˈwə:kə] 工人world [wə:ld] 世界worm [wə:m] 虫;蠕虫worry [ˈwʌri] 担心;担忧;焦虑;烦恼;忧虑worth [wə:θ] 值得……的would [wud, wəd, ] [情态动词]想要wound [wu:nd] 伤口;伤害;使受伤write [rait] 书写;写writing [ˈraitiŋ] 书写;写作;文字;文件wrong [rɔŋ] 错误的;有毛病的;不合适的Xx-ray [ˈeksrei] x射线;x光Yyard [jɑ:d] 院子;庭院year [jə:] 年yellow [ˈjeləu] 黄色的;黄色yes (表示肯定)是yesterday 昨天;昨日yet 到此时;至今you 你;你们young [jʌŋ] 年轻的;年纪小的your 你的;你们的yourself 你自己(反身代词)yourselves 你们自己(反身代词)Zzebra [ˈzi:brə, ˈzebrə] ;[ˈzibrə]斑马zero [ˈziərəu] 零zoo [zu:] 动物园。

2018江苏各地中考单英语词拼写汇编汉语提示类(2018南京) 1. Simon, (推) hard when I tell you to.2.—What's the (日期) today, Millie---It's 17 June. Oh, tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival.3. Students can ask for help (无论何时) they need it at school.4. Lin Tao was___ (勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.5. Look, our library is ___ (东)of the classroom building. It looks modern. (2018无锡)6. Hey! What are you listening to It’s a __________ (私人的)conversation.7. When you have the __________ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.8. It’s a tradition of this school to __________ (命名)its buildings after great people.9. Frank hasn’t got any hobbies- __________ (除非)you call watching TV a hobby. (2018常州) much time do you need to carry on with the project-Another (四)days.you know what the exact (人口) of China is, we managed to hand out all the 1,000posters (凭借) other's help.Gao can always come up with (幽默的) ideas to make her classes lively. (2018苏州) 14. Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few (步)further.15. How (幸运的)they are to have such a good teacher !16. Mr Sigmund Friend is used to (处理)with all kinds of problems.17. Confidence is an important (条件)if you want to achieve success.18. A long time ago it was (广泛地)believed that there was life on Mars.19. With all her efforts, the children finally (接受)her as one of the family.talking to British people, we should (避免)subjects like age, weight or money.(2018南通) Western culture,“Black (星期五)”sometimes represents an unlucky day.calm and brave the command (飞行员)was to fly the plane back safely in such a dangerous situation!(2018连云港)was a little fat in the past. But now she is much (瘦的)than before.has found a new job and is (考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.25.—Do you like watching these TED (演说) online—Yes, I’ve learned a lot from them.foreigners living in our city will be _______ (邀请) to share their life experiences with us.27.—Have you ever used Meitu—Of course. It’s one of the most (广泛地) used free photo editing apps in the world.(2018盐城) 28. You should be enough to face your life. (勇敢的)is the 200th anniversary of the of Karl Marx this year. (生日)30. Give every day a to become the most beautiful of your life. (机会)31. The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in . (五月)2022 Beijing Olympic Games the public to pay attention to winter sports. (鼓励)(2018扬州)to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite of dishes at Yechun Tea House.(当地的)33. Ge Garden with an area of12,000 meters houses over 60 types of bamboo.(平方的)34. Some valuable jewellery in that shop was last week.(偷)35. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group of who created their own style.(艺术家)36. China has changed our country and impressed the world. (速度)(2018镇江)(邮寄) a special present to her father last Father's Day.are quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the (树叶)from trees. 39.﹣Don't tell the secret to a third person. Just keep it to (我们自己).﹣Trust me, please.depend on nature to live, so it is necessary for us to protect it (明智地,充满智慧地).41.﹣Would you mind (分享) your ideas ﹣Certainly not.(2018·泰州)42.Shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without____ ____(污染).43. Last weekend, at the welcome party, the host ________(介绍) the history andculture ofTaizhou to the guests.44. People all over the country feel proud that all China’s spacecraft have________(成功地) returned to the earth.45. The driver _______(后悔) his carelessness in driving and went to the hospitalto say sorry to his passengers.46. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as one of the “seven wondersof the ________(现代的) world”.(2018宿迁) she is in her (八十), Tu Youyou still keeps on doing researchon medicine.48. Zhu Zhiwen won a talent show called The Sound because of his excellent _____(嗓音)and wonderful acting skills.49. Before travelling, my mother often __ __(准备)everything well.50. Neil’s coach gave him several suggestions to __________(避免)getting lost.51. Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them _ __(明智地).to a survey, the average number of __ ___(日常的)steps of people across theworld is 4,961.53. It was __ ___(粗心的)of my little brother to leave the door open when hewent to the cinema last night.给词填空类(2018南京) 54. ---It’s raining again!---Yeah, this is the___ (four) rainy day in the week!55. You watch TV all the time. You should ___ ( go) out and relax!56. We are going to Paris next week. It's a good chance to try some___ (France) dishes.57. Shi Yuqi, a badminton ___ (play) from Jiangsu, helped China win the 2018 Thomas Cup58. Thanks for all the ___ ( member) hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now.(2018无锡) 59. —I really hate myself for what I said to Mum the other day.—I know the __________ (feel). It’s awful, isn’t it60. How can I trust you You’ve __________ (lie) to me again and again.61. It’s __________ (high) possible that humans have to move to Mars in the future.62. The tourists had waited at the airport for two hours. They were getting __________ (patient).(2018徐州)63 .My cousin is good at (dance).house is just like our house, but (we) has a bigger balcony. Longping is one of the (great) people that have ever lived, I think.65 .I bought the computer (simple) because it was cheap.66 .I need (silent) when I am studying.(2018常州) this your umbrella-No, it's another (visit).much should I pay----18 yuan in all, (include)the pen you picked out just now.is limited. You'd better make a (decide)right now.is (possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts. (2018盐城) 71. It is to speak loudly in public. (polite)of us should look straight ahead and keep . (run)'s poems are very popular with even today. (read)world is changing , and we should keep up with the pace of change. (rapid) 75. Modem Chinese Art needs new works to keep it alive and moving forward. (it)(2018扬州)76. Cells are the and most basic units of living matter. (small) 77. There is a place in my heart where all nations will live some day. (peace)78. Tom is thinking about going as a cowboy for the year at Halloween. (five)79. Dad them to our house and Mum soon had a lunch ready for them.(bring)80. The librarian was at me and seemed friendly. (smile)(2018镇江) 81.﹣You always look unhappy !What (worry) you﹣I really can't balance my study and hobbies.82.﹣Who gets up the (early) in your family﹣My mum. She cooks breakfast for Dad and me.83.﹣Can you tell me the (pronounce) of the word "agriculture"﹣Sorry, I don't know, either.letter "x" often represents a(n) (known) number in some Math exercises.85..In order to attract more people, a growing number of ([mjuzi:əmz])are free for the public.(2018·泰州)86. As China continues developing quickly, the Chinese language becomes ________(popular) than before.87. Stephen Hawking _______ (die) for over 3 months, but his spirit still liveson.88. My uncle often listens to soft music to relax ________ (he) after a busy day.89. Taizhou and Changzhou ________ (separate) by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future.90. All the family members are busy getting ready for my father’s ________ (forty) birthday party.(2018宿迁) I help you, sir --A box of ___ __(tomato), please.92. I __________(not finish) my homework yet. I am afraid I can’t go to the park with you.93. Our earth is becoming more and more ____(pollute) because of the rapid increasein population.94. Qian Xuesen ___________(consider) as “Father of Missile(导弹)in China”.95. Look! Your room is really ___ __(tidy). You should learn to be organized.96. Miss White often has us __ __(tell) interesting stories in her English class.97. Deep in his heart, Nelson Mandela wanted to help the black people to live __ _(free).98. At present there are many online courses and we can choose some to study by___ _(we).99. Squirrels always like saving some food before winter comes. But they forgetwhere_ _(find) it from time to time.100. Besides is beautiful forests and sunny beaches, Hainan Province has a lot more for you to explore. It is well worth ____(visit).语义或释义填词类(2018苏州) we put another bed in this room---Sure. It is big for a third one.this your English book. ---No, it isn't. is in my schoolbag.your hair away from fire, Lucy. ---I see, mum. Hair fire easily. (2018南通)don’t (be not sure if something is true)the greatachievements China has made in the past 40 years.Chens have moved into a new flat, leaving their old house (having nobody inside).Web’s success proves that one can hardly realize his dream hard work.首字母类(2018宿迁)107. As a wonderful volleyball p__ ___, Zhu Ting is known to people all over the world.108. It’s _______(not important) for me to stay at home all d ay long.109. ---Why are you in such a hurry, Cathy---My dad and mum don’t ______(let someone do something) me to stay out late.动词填空(2018无锡)110. I’d like to give my thanks to Alice for __________ (share) her exciting experiences in Africa.111. You __________ (promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don’t let him down again.112. The survey shows that few people believe robots __________ (control) our planet one day.113. —You look absent-minded. __________you __________ (expect) someone —Yes. My e-friend is coming over. We’ve never seen each other before. 114. “How am I supposed __________ (live) without you” Jane said to Dad, tears in eyes.115. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you __________ (not find) it yet, keep looking.116. —Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. It’s not working at all.—Well, it __________ (happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later. 117. Stephen Hawking __________ (consider) to be ‘the greatest scientist in history’, al ong with Isaac.(2018常州) do you buy so many flowers, Justin- (celebrate) my mother's birthday.luck! My watch doesn't work well.-Take it easy. It just needs (repair).are you still waiting here-Doctor Yu promised to attend the party, but he (not appear).Ting, one of the best volleyball Players of China, says she will return whenevershe(need).you want to go to the talk on recycling-Great! I (look) for some information for my article on the topic. (2018淮安) (rain) days, the traffic is heavier than usual.can′t live(with) air or water.on, Sam. Believe in (you).You can work out the problem on your own. look very tired. Why not (take) a restCrusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记)) by Daniel Defoe is (wide) read by teenagers in our city.two (president) wives also took part in the charity show.tried all the ways he could think of (protect) himself against all possible dangers.选词填空类129 .If you are lucky enough, you will get a concert ticket .130 .Mary, I shall our pleasant talks when you leave.131 .As an old saying goes, "He who has been to the Great Wall is not a true man."Tom was running after the dog, he lost his and fell over.133 .You can eat you like, my dear.(2018南通) B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
初中英语 浙江省杭州市中考单词拼写 含答案

初中英语浙江省杭州市中考单词拼写含答案1.One advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is fresher than in the city.2.I checked my answers with the teacher's and found that I made a mistake.3.Practice is essential to English learning。
The more you use it。
the better your English will be.4.The weather is a common topic of XXX.5.Sightseeing is the activity of visiting XXX.6.It is a pity that the XXX.7.There are thirty students in our class。
including XXX.8.The salesman has introduced several new products to the XXX.9.She dreamed of traveling around the world one day when she was young.10."Do you know the woman Miss Li is talking to?" "She is our new head XXX."11.XXX to have a heart-to-heart talk with their son.12."What do you imagine r high school life will be like?" "I am looking forward to your response."13.Recently。

22 in
23 English
in English
25 map
26 cup
27 ruler
28 pen
29 orange
30 jacket
31 key
32 quilt
121 daughter
122 here
123 photo
124 of
125 next
126 picture
127 girl
128 dog
138 hers
139 excuse
140 me
excuse me
142 thank
143 teacher
144 about
What about…?
146 yours
62 his
63 and
64 her
65 yes
中考英语词汇集训营之单词拼写 (含答案)

中考英语词汇集训营之单词拼写1.Drivers will be punished if they don’t stop to let the pedestrian (行人) go first because it’s _______ ( 违反) the traffic law2.Madame Curie always worked extra hours to (发现) radiumlie (like something better) Chinese food to Western food in the past4.Mrli (achieve sth that you have been trying to do) in breaking the world record of men’s -metre hurdles5.If you keep trying your best, I’m sure you will make some in your study6.When we chat on the Internet, we should be careful with our __________ (个人的) information7.He has no (勇气) to face the failure8.Jim dreamed to be a _____________ (音乐家) in the future9.I don’t know how to _____________ (发音) these new words10.Those _________(德国人)mustn’t carry bottles of water into the airport11.During her_______________ (一生), she never gives up her dream12.I like watching _______________(西部电影) very much13.The sports meeting was ________________ (取消) because of the bad weather last week14.This conclusion_______________(标志) the end of this event15.He always__________________(坚持)what he thought was true.16.Michael Jackson’s death was a great __________________ (lose) to the music industry17.The twins look nearly the same, so they’re often __________________(误以为)for each other18.My grandma passed away ______________ (安宁地) in her sleep19.Where is Tom?--He is practising____________(停车) his new car over there20.In fact, they’re quite _________________ (愚蠢)21.Children’s action can be ____________ (影响) by their parents’behaviour22.Let’s plan a surprising party for Mum’s _____________(四十)birthday23.You will _____________(无疑地)come first as long as you work together24.Some actions have been taken _____________(对抗)unsuitable use of shared bikes25.The father took out a pair of __________ (剪刀) and cut her hair26.Nobody __________(believe in) Jack because he always tells lies27.We should hope for the best and prepare for the __________ (最坏)28.As soon as I sat down, the waiter __________ (provide) me a cup of tea29.Jack made a living by selling __________ (气球) in the past30.Paula is a of making mistakes in grammar31.The students’ p isn’t good, but it’s improving32.You can take a shower in the b_______________33.You should never ask any_____(私人的) questions when you talk to a foreigner34.Alice is getting used to eating with_______________(筷子)in China35.Taizhou is now a(现代的) city along the Yangtz River36.We all have the same Chinese (梦想)。

一、元音字母的拼写规则1. 单音节词尾的拼写规则(1)当词尾是一个辅音字母加y时,改y为i,再加-es。
如:carry → carries(2)当词尾是一个元音字母加y时,直接加-s。
如:play → plays (3)当词尾是一个辅音字母加f或fe时,改f或fe为v,再加-es。
如:wife → wives2. 双音节及多音节词的拼写规则(1)当词尾是一个辅音字母加y时,改y为i,再加-es。
如:supply → supplies(2)当词尾是一个元音字母加y时,直接加-s。
如:buy → buys(3)当词尾是一个辅音字母加s、x、sh、ch时,直接加-es。
如:box → boxes(4)当词尾是一个元音字母加o时,直接加-s。
如:radio → radios二、辅音字母的拼写规则1. 相邻辅音字母的拼写规则(1)当相邻的两个辅音字母中第二个字母是f、l、s、z时,只保留第一个辅音字母,并加-eful或-lessly。
如:hopeful、careless (2)当相邻的两个辅音字母中第二个字母是r时,只保留第一个辅音字母。
如:enter → enter2. 辅音字母c和g的拼写规则(1)c和g在a、o、u前时,分别发/k/和/g/的音。
如:cent、gym三、其他常见的拼写规则1. 词首连读元音字母的拼写规则(1)连读元音字母a、e、o和词首的h时,元音字母的发音保持不变。
如:him2. 单词中的重读音节的拼写规则(1)闭音节中的辅音字母要双写。

中考英语单词拼写易错词名词:1.news, music, advice information, weather,2.space/room(place ), website, science, diary,3.hamburger, sandwich, fish,4.instruction, trouble,5.Chinese, Japanese, Germans,6.minute,children,peom,life,match,watch, difficulty, college, chance, edge. animal, physics, chocolate, bottom, exercise, foreigner, difference, surprise, pleasure, peace, police ,people, person, century, country, centre ,clock,7.audience, climate, customer, experiment, form,听取信息必备词汇 星期Sunday;Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday;月份January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December普通人名姓Mary; John; Tom; George; Susan; David; James; Jack; Jane; Smith; Brown; Taylor; Johnson; White; Williams; Black;常见国家,人民,语言America; American ;American; Australia;Australian;Australian; Canada;Canadian;Canadian; Egypt ;Egyptian ;EgyptianFrance ;Frenchman; Frenchwoman; French; Germany; German; German ; Britain; British;British;Greece;Greek;Greek; France-French-Frenchman,Italy;Italian;Italian;Korea;Korean;Korean;Russia; Russian; Russian;常见城市London; New York; Athens(雅典); Boston(波斯顿); Chicago; Hong Kong; Macao; Seattle; Tokyo; Soul(首尔); Toronto(多伦多); Washington; Paris; Berlin(柏林); Moscow Sydney七大洲四大洋Asia; Europe; Africa; North America; South America;科目名称Physics; Chemistry ;Biology Politics; History; Geography ; Math; Chinese天气情况常用词weather report; wet; warm; cloudy; grey(阴天); sunny; snowy; dark; rainy; icy; foggy; storm; windy; fine; sunshine; snow; heavy rain; strong wind; cold ; cool; hot; spring; summer; autumn;fall; winter;旅馆、餐厅常用词tip; soup; menu; pay the bill; beef; dumpling; soft drink; main dish(主菜); waiter; waitress; wine; salad; order; fast food shop;; restaurant; a single room ;a double room; check in; check out;商场、超市常用词do some shopping;salesman; saleswoman; price tag(价格标签); fashion; men’s suit; department store; supermarket; on sale(减价出售); check-out counter(付帐台); size; color; T-shirt; sweater; shoes; trousers; jacket; shop assistant; try on; style;银行、邮局常用词bank; money; check(检查,支票); stamp; cash; post office;学校、家庭常用词:homework; exam; test; mid-term; final examination; marks; text book(课本); playground; term;dining-hall; swimming-pool; foreign language; gym(体育馆); housewife; bed-room; kitchen; waiting-room; dining-room; sofa; chair; table;机场、车站等交通常用词:airline; airport; passport; check); railway or train station; sleeping car(卧车);take off;land;; Gate 1; flight number; arrival time(到达时间); conductor(列车员); ticket office; plane; passenger; road sign;; one-way(单程的); round-trip(双程的);图书馆、阅览室常用词:library; reading-room; bookshelf; novel; story-book; picture-book(连环画); newspaper; magazine;人与人关系的常用词:father; mother; son; daughter; brother; sister; grandfather; grandmother; grandchildren; grandson; uncle; aunt; teacher; student; friend; husband; wife; neighbor; girlfriend; boyfriend; classmate; boss; relative, ralation,职业常用词:student; teacher; worker; engineer; doctor; nurse; professor; actor; actress; waiter; waitress; player; film-maker; director; tailor; cleaner; writer; singer; dancer; conductor(市内有轨电车或公共汽车)售票员; salesman; saleswoman; sailor; dentist;医院常用词:pain; cough; fever; headache; stomachache; temperature; heart; lung; blood pressure; take medicine; pills; toothache;冠词( a---a book/useful /university / an --- excuse,hour /umbrella, hour/ honestThe --- The rich/second /the others ,in the 1970 )代词(few-a few/ little-a little, some-any, all-none(of),both-neither(of ), each (of )-every(+ n./every day/everyday + n.)-either/ one-the other, other, others, some-the others ,the whole-the rest( of )反身代词(self/selves)数词(0-20的基数和序数词,8.zero,ninth, eleven, twelve, twelfth, fourteen, fifteen,9.twenty-one(first ) forty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million ,1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Jan, Feb, Mar, half , century (100年)11.a quarter(s) , past, to (差。

a / an [ə; eɪ] / [æn; ən]/ə; eɪ/(a);/æn; ən/(an)art.一(个、件……)ability [əˈbɪləti]/əˈbɪləti/n.能力;才能。
able [ˈeɪbl]/ˈeɪbl/adj.能够;有能力的。
about [əˈbaʊt]/əˈbaʊt/prep. & adv.关于;大约;到处;四处。
above [əˈbʌv]/əˈbʌv/prep. & adv.在……上面;高于;超过;在上面。
abroad [əˈbrɔːd]/əˈbrɔːd/adv.到(在)国外。
absence [ˈæbsəns]/ˈæbsəns/n.不在;缺席。
absent [ˈæbsənt]/ˈæbsənt/adj.缺席;不在。
accent [ˈæksent]/ˈæksent/n.口音;音调。
accept [əkˈsept]/əkˈsept/v.接受。
accident [ˈæksɪdənt]/ˈæksɪdənt/n.事故;意外的事。
according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː]/əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː/prep.根据;按照。
ache [eɪk]/eɪk/v. & n.痛;疼痛。
achieve [əˈtʃiːv]/əˈtʃiːv/v.达到;取得。
across [əˈkrɒs]/əˈkrɒs/prep. & adv.横过;穿过;在对面。
act [ækt]/ækt/v. & n.行动;表演;扮演(角色);法令;条例。
action [ˈækʃn]/ˈækʃn/n.行动;行为;活动。
active [ˈæktɪv]/ˈæktɪv/adj.积极的;主动的。

中考所有英语知识点归纳一、单词拼写1. 名词复数形式的构成规则,如box—boxes2. 形容词比较级与最高级的构成规则,如big—bigger—biggest3. 动词的过去式与过去分词的构成规则,如go—went—gone4. 动词第三人称单数形式的构成规则,如watch—watches5. 动词-ing形式的构成规则,如swim—swimming6. 词根词缀法拼写单词,如telephone, impossible二、时态1. 一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、一般将来时、现在完成时的构成和用法2. 过去将来时、过去完成时的用法三、名词1. 可数与不可数名词2. 计量名词的用法3. 名词所有格的构成规则,如Tom的书4. 名词的单复数变化规则四、代词1. 人称代词的主格和宾格形式2. 物主代词的形式和用法,如mine, yours3. 反身代词的形式和用法,如myself, yourself4. 不定代词的形式和用法,如some, any, every, each, both, either, neither五、形容词和副词1. 形容词的位置和用法,如a big house, a nice girl2. 比较级和最高级的构成和用法,如taller, the tallest3. 副词的用法,如slowly, fast六、动词1. 不规则动词的变化规则,如go—went—gone2. 动词的短语形式,如look after, take off3. 动词不定式的形式和用法,如to go, go shopping4. 动词的时态和语态变化,如is going to do, was done5. 动名词的构成和用法,如swimming, enjoy swimming七、时态和语态1. 一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时的构成和用法2. 被动语态的构成和用法,如The book is written by Tom.3. 完成时态与被动语态的综合运用八、介词1. 常用介词的用法,如in, on, at2. 特殊介词的用法,如into, through, between九、连词1. 并列连词的用法,如and, but, or2. 引导从句的连词,如when, if, because十、冠词1. 定冠词和不定冠词的用法,如a book, an apple, the sun2. 特指某人某物的用法,如the girl, the car3. 不用冠词的情况,如go to school, at home十一、句式1. 肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的基本结构和用法2. 直接引语和间接引语的转换,如He said, "I am happy." → He said that he was happy.3. 各种句式在实际交际中的综合运用以上是中考英语知识点的一个大致归纳,希望对你有所帮助。

中考英语单词拼写专练单词拼写练习(一)1.I was a to talk with foreigners because I am so shy.2.I’m buying it as a birthday p, so please wrap it up nicely.3.Shall I write my name on, above or b?4.I think it n for the teenagers to sleep eight hours a night.5.If we can't d with these problems on time, they will feel upset.6.Her child had a bad cough and it rather w her.7.What would you do if you cut yourself by a.8.They have a big house of t own.9.If you can not solve your problems, you will e become unhappy.10.I think it is a great challenge for me to swim a the river.11.Mike often makes mistakes in spelling, so his teacher often helps h.12.The students in our class get used to r used paper.13.The cake smells awful, you'd better t it away.14.What is the c way to travel? I don't want to spend too much money?15.My shoes are worn out. I need a new p.16. A is the fourth month of the year.17.He h his leg and couldn't move for several days.18.Do you know any differences b British English and American English?19.Chinese is s by the largest number of people in the world.20.Don't go out!It's good to be s at home on a night like this.21.I thoughtI f my test but I just found out I passed.22.Would youmind getting out of the b? I need to take a shower.23.My mom wants me to stay at home every night but I don't agree with her. Yesterday I awith her about it again.24.You go first and I'll f you soon.25.Everyone in my class can be running fast e me.26.Go straight on u you come to the post office and then turn left.27.Would you mind not d litter here? --------------------------------- sorry, I won't do it again.28.Have you finished r today's newspaper? --------------------------------------- Not yet.29.Without any warning or signs, hundreds of students e up being buried (被埋) during the earthquake.30.The earthquake on May 12 k more than 60,000 people and destroyed a lot of buildings.31.He said he j the army after graduation.32.It is important to know the native l when you study in another country.33.My friend Chen Dan works very hard, and he a thinks more carefully than anyone else.34.The students should be a to practice their hobbies as much as they want.35.I got home late last night. ----------------------- O h. It's brave of you to go tthe forest alone.36.What a p that you can't go sightseeing with us!37.Could you tell me which may s best among the books on sale?38.The question is simple, but n can answer it.39.December is the t month of the year.40.Tea wasn't brought to the Western world u 1610.单词拼写练习(二)1.Beijing is the c of china.2.This shirt is too big. Could you give a s one?3.Would you mind not p basketball here?4.Jay likes music and he likes singing English s.5.I have heard of Bondi beach, but have never b there before.6.December is the t month of the year.7.France has many fantastic sights, i the Eiffel Tower and Notre DameCathedral.8.Today computers are w used in many ways.9.Never mind, b come here a little earlier next time.10.Ted has a camera. I often borrow it from h.11.I’m going to b a basketball player in the future.12.I often r my bike to school. What about you ?13.We have to be very c when we cross the roads.14.His father takes exercises every day, so he is very h.15.Although they are twins, there are some differences between t.16.I didn't go to bed u 12 o'clock last night.17.Singing English songs makes me more i in learning English .18.The girl hurt by a traffic a on the way to school this morning.19.I had a w time on Saturday night, we sang and danced all night.20.There are sixty s in a minute.21.Li Yundi is talented on music. He is a f Chinese pianist.22.The boy got lost in the forest for a month. When people found him, he was still a.23.Deng Yaping is an outstanding ping-pong player, and she got many m in her sports life.24.Eat a balanced diet to s healthy.25.This box is h than that one.26.I have a toothache. I have to see a d.27.I was fourteen last year. But today is my f birthday.28.What are you doing for v?----- I'm going visiting the Great Wall during this summer.29.Mother always does much housework on Saturdays. Now she's c the livingroom.30.This movie theatre has the most c seats. All seats are sofa.31.My computer doesn't work. Could you help m repair it?32.May is the f month of the year.33.I’m going to be a basketball p in the future.34.It was raining when the plane l in London.35.Did Li Ming jump f than any other boy in the sports meeting? 单词拼写练习(三)1.Take this m three times a day, and you'll be OK in three days.2. A it was raining hard, the football match still went on.3.Marc has had a bad c. He isn't at school.4.He wants to be a scientist in the f.5.Her mother gave her one h yuan for the Spring Festival and advised her to store it.6.The 29th Olympic Games will be h in Beijing this year.7.There are three p of paper over there. You can use it.8.I can't go to the movies this S _______________________ . I have to have my piano lesson.9.We are 1 for Beijing for vacation next week.10.Maria e every day, so she is in good health.11.Your father seems to be more s than I thought. I'm a little afraid of him.12.Yesterday our team w the school football match. So we were all happy.13.We g many flowers around our house last year, so it looked very nice.14.Harbin is in n China. It's very cold in winter.15.What did Tom do on his day o? —He went to the beachwith his friends.16.Mr King likes music. He sometimes goes to the c.17.Mary is t. Please give her some water.18.He became a f singer when he was twenty-one. He hada lot of fans.19.There are sixty m in an hour.20.She often d her father's car to go shopping.21.Could I b some eggs from you? I will buy some tomorrow.22.Look at your hair. It's too long. You must ask someone to c it.23.Hector h out in the street with his family last Sunday.24.He hopes to be an a, and he goes to have acting lessons every Friday afternoon.25.— Is your headache getting b? — No, it's worse.26.Mary forgot to f the dog. So it was very hungry.27.You'd better take your u with you. The weather report says that it's going to rain.28.You must not take a book away w my permission.29.Many people are k in traffic accidents every year.30.Nobody taught him how to swim; he taught h.31.He′s t about how to answer this question. It's a little difficult.32.Don't 1 heart. If you work hard, your dream will come true.33.This math exam is very difficult; so many of us make some m.34.We have finished the fourth unit. Now let's go on with the f one.35.一 When is your birthday? 一 March 8th. And it's also W Day.36.Which sport do you like b, basketball, football or volleyball?37.March is the t month of the year.38.You'd better b your homework here tomorrow. 单词拼写练习(四)1.Students are not allowed to c others' homework, they should do iall byt.2.After the show ended, the theater became e quickly.3.Every teacher e the students to study hard to make progress.4.With the t help, he f worked out the maths problem.5.Nobody is q sure how many bicycles there are in Hangzhou.6.I don't remember w I have left my keys at home or in the car.7.The children are always h when they get home from school.8.Jimmy likes eating junk food so much that he grows h than before.9.I’ll show you my answers if you show me y.10.September is then month of the year and December is thet one.11.She returned those bags to their o. So they were very happy.12.People in America like playing j on each other on April Fool's Day.13.What a clever machine! You just start it and it can stop by i.14.T it is raining heavily outside, he still went out.15.The teachers told us not to draw on p walls. It will destroy the beauty of city.16.Mrs. Jones smiled h when she received a present from her son on Mother'sDay.17.My h are reading, singing and swimming.18.Don't be afraid of m mistakes because nobody will be right all the time.19.Some singers can't sing the words c, so we can't hear the lyrics.20.Hearing her words, a warm feeling came to fill his h.21.The air smelt f after the rain.22.Most children need eight h sleep each night.23.She works hard and always gets good g.24.The fruit in that shop is c and fresh, so there are usually many customersin it.25.The flowers in the garden need w because it's too dry.26.China is a great country with a long h.27.I like French food while my brother p Italian food.28.I don't like eating sugar. The taste is too s.29.The child b itself finger while playing with matches.30.Working hard, or you can't pass the Chinese exam s.31.When we see dark c in the sky, we know that rain may come soon.32.I don't know i she will come here this afternoon.33.The weather report says the temperature will stay a zero tomorrow.34.Help y to some fruit, children.35.Zhang Yimou has m some great movies over the years.36.David felt scared because he heard some strange n outside his windows last night.37.Fred is afraid of flying. He feels w before he gets on the plane.38.One f cannot lift a small stone.39.Don't let yesterday t up too much of today.40.I think he should stop w that silly earring.41.Practicing conversations with friends can i your speaking skills.42.Mary can't g the pronunciation right, so she is really anxious aboutthat.43.Taking exercise every day makes us f.44.I w why she looks unhappy, have you got any ideas? 单词拼写练习(五)1.What's your f sport? “Volleyball.”2.Please be q! The baby is asleep.3.In my family, Mum gets up e, and she is also the busiest.4.Eating too many sweets is bad for your t.5.He called u all his friends and told them about the problems.6.At times an ad can lead you to buy s you don't need at all.7.It's p to say “Thank you” when someone helps you.8.T comes after Wednesday. It's the fifth day of a week.9.An earthquake (地震)hit Wenchuan, Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. All Chinese peoplehave been trying our best to help people w are in danger.10.Miss Li has very good e at teaching English. She teaches very well.11.Edison is one of the most famous i in the world.12.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people r.13.The shortest month of the year is F.14.When she reached the school, she found the gate大门)c. Oh, it was Sunday.15.D too much wine is bad for your health.16.Today more and more Chinese go to study in f countries, such as America,Australia and so on.17.He won't leave here u his father returns.18.Mum, today is mother's day. I w you a happy mother's day.19.- Shall we go to a movie today? - Sorry, I'm free every day e today.Maybe next time.20.In China, National Day is on O 1st.21.In w countries, the most important holiday is Christmas Day.22.It is almost ten years since Hong Kong r to China in 1997.23.To be honest, reading a helps me a lot in improving my Englishpronunciation.24.Tony p country music to pop music when he was young.25.If I know his a, I can write to him.26.A q is another way of saying 15 minutes.27.We human beings can't live w air or water.28.The knife is used for c things. Don't play with it.29.He often surfs the Internet for a long time and his mother is w abouthis health and study.30.Would you mind t on the lights? It's dark inside.31.When summer comes, day becomes longer and n becomes shorter.32.It's our duty to help b people because they aren't able to see.33.P are my favorite animals and they live only in China.34.Hurry up, or we won't c the early bus.35.Beijing Olympic Games were held on A 8th, 2008 in Beijing.36.In the north of China, autumn is the best s of a year.37.Lisa is such a shy girl that it's hard for her to sing in p.38.Teenagers should be allowed to make decisions by t.39.T of visitors will come to Beijing to attend(参力口)the Olympics.40.In order to get a prize in the speech contest, Vera has s 2 weeks improving her spokenlanguage.41.He doesn't like to talk with others. He is a man of f words.42.Help y to some bananas and pears, boys and girls.43.Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. He always makes his classes i.44.Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give Dad a c to tell himthe good news.45.It's quite warm today. You needn't w your jacket, David.46.Look! How d your hands are! Go and wash them right now.47.Be q, Peter, or we'll miss the last bus to our school.48.Monday is the s day of the week.49.Mr. Smith has two children, a son and a d.50.Yao Ming is a famous basketball p in China. 单词拼写练习(六)1.Don′t w about him, he is a brave boy.2.The headmaster will be free tomorrow afternoon, you can come here b 1:00 and 4:00.3.Billy is a bit blue, let's c him up.4.When you meet some new words, you can use English-Chinese d.5.Don't be nervous. Read something about e culture before you go to England.6.May is the f month of the year.7.My son is only 4, but he can dress h.8.We m a plan for the clean-up campaign last week, and it worked well.9.Mother is ill. She was taken to h last night.10.Sending and receiving m on the mobile phone is an easy way to communicate.11.He always feels a of English.In fact,it is easier to leran English than Chinese.12.Yang Liwei s in circling the Earth 14 times by spaceship ---------------------- Shenzhou513.Don't take anything by m .14.It is i for us to learn English well.15.Mrs Lin took her class i because Mrs Gao was ill.16.We can't catch the first bus u we get up early.17.I think Liu Yu should be allowed to make a decisoin for h.18.We must do our homework _c ___________ .19.This book is w by Bill Gates.20.I’mvery t, and I want to have a good rest.21.Mother is ill. She was taken to h last night22.As we know, Thursday is the f day in a week.23.Traveling by train isn't the fastest but the l dangerous.24.Jimmy is good at all of the subjects, e English.25.Thomas Edison was one of the greatest i in the world..26.She spoke too q and I can't follow her.27.W so long time really made him angry.28.Tom won't go to Hainan. Larry will go, ist month, we had a talent show which was a great s.30.I like T, the day before Friday best.31.Take your coat, there will be w _____________ tomorrow.32.My brother doesn't feel scared when he is left a __________________ .33.Do you know who i the computer first?34.I like pop music because it makes me r _____________ .35.At the b of the class, all the students are noisy.36.After his father′s d , his life became much harder.37.My mother was born in 1970; so she is f years old now.38.Great news! Wang Meng w three gold medals at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.39.- Is your headache getting better? -No, it's w.40.Believe in y, Sam. And you're sure to win the game!41.I've a seen the movie Avatar , so I'd rather see another one.42.Math is one of my favorite s. Do you like it?43.Some students think that w English language videos is a good way to learnEnglish.44.Hangzhou is the c city of Zhejiang Province.45.The MP5 was g by my uncle on my 15th birthday.46.We are all s at the news thatthe Chinese football team beatSouth Koreaby 3-0 in the East Asian Men's Football Championship in Tokyo.47.I don't think he is an h boy. He always tells a lie.48.W you do, don't miss the West Lake Expo. It's so wonderful.49.What about reading a to practice your pronunciation?50.She's afraid of the English class because he has t making completesentences.51.Our teacher is very p to the students who are not good at English.52.There used to be many books on their s _______________ , though there are few now.53.The cats haven't been c .They have escaped.54.You'd better take n if you can't remember what the teacher says.55.He l himself in the beautiful music when he heard it.56.Mary d her ring when she got out of the car.单词拼写练习(七)57.I have p 1000yuan for this beautiful dress.58.How many m do people have each day? Three: breakfast, lunch and dinner.59.When we see dark c in the sky, we know that rain may come soon.60.W TV too much isn't good for your eyes.61.My hobby is collecting stamps. What about y?62.Look, they are busy w the young trees in the heat.63.My brother does the l work in my family, He's lazy.64.The thief was caught but refused to tell the t __________________ .65.The weather report says the temperature will stay a _______________ zero tomorrow.66.I do not know i she will come here this afternoon.67.My parents often tell me not to eat much j food. It is bad for our health.68.It's very dangerous here. There are many traffic a every year.69.How long can I keep the science book w ____________ by Edison?70.You can not catch up with your classmates u _________________ you work harder.71.I am very busy these days. So I have l free time than Millie.72.My h are reading, singing and dancing.73.My father has t _________ in this school for 20 years. He is a teacher of English.74.I was sleeping at that time. I don't know what was h.75.Have you ever seen or h of such strange or surprising thing?76.Sorry. I can't hear you c. Please speak loudly.77.At the very b, he did not like playing the piano at all. But now he can play very well.78.What are you cooking in the k? It smells nice.79.Peter can e swim across that big river.80.Every teacher should e the students to study hard to make progress.81.The car doesn't work. We′ve r ___________________ out of petrol.82.Travelling b bike is very interesting. It's cheaper than taking a bus.83.It is said that the population of the world may be seven b by the year 2010.84.Where is Jim? I am afraid he has l his keys in my house.85.Mike e himself very much at the party. He was very happy.86.The population in China is l than that in India.87.Keep speaking English every day, your s English will be better.88.We can get a lot of i from the Internet.89.--Would you like to go f with me in that lake tomorrow? —-es. I'd love to.90.Science is one of my favorite s.What about you?91.Taking exercise every day makes us f.92.The teacher asked the children to c _____________ the words down in their notebooks.93.I have been to Australia t, but I still want to go there for a third time.94.When I meet with difficulties, the teacher often encourages me to work them out by m95.When the t lights are red, it's dangerous to cross the street.96.My brother likes football very much. He is a football f.97.He said that he worked from s to five .He must work ten hours each day.98.Because of the bad weather, we can only play i games.99.Li Lei fell off his bike this morning. Fortunately, he was not hurt b.100.She was so busy r a story that she forgot to look at the time.101.Yue Fei is a national h in China.102.To our s, the factory is still pouring waste water into the West Lake.103.Don,t forget to r my book .I will use it this afternoon.104.In spring trees t green and flowers come out.105.I think this English-Chinese dictionary is very h to my study.106.You can come w you like, I'm at home all day.单词拼写练习(八)1.What are you going to be when you g up?2.Many v from foreign countries visit the Great Wall every year.3.Don′t f the animals when you are at the zoo. It' not good for the m.4.U, it was raining all day. We had to stay at home.5.We should never l at other's mistakes.6.On the other h, it will be bad for our home environment.7.I'd r walk than take a bus because walking is good for my health.8.There are sixty m in an hour.9.Not all the girls like to get their ears p.10.What do you think “want to go” means? I'm not sure. It m mean “have a try”.11.There is coffee or cola. Which would you p?12.I asked them w she would be back by 11:30 or 11:45, and they said yes.13.Do you want to see the film with me? No, I have a __________________ seen it.14.We never study grammar because it's too b.15.She is too s to speak in front of people.16.China is great country with a long h.17.I like French food, while my brother prefers I food.18.I do not like chocolate because it tastes too s _________________ .19.When you are driving, be careful. There are more and more traffic a these years.20.He is busy now. He is b his little sister because their mother is out.21.My mum often goes to the m to do some shopping at 8 every morning.22.My grandparents got m when they were 18 years old.23.We don't have much money to buy a house, so we decide to r __________________ one.24.K are the animal that only live in Australia.25.Most children take part in after-school activities i sports, language learning and musicclasses.26.It is d to play with fire.27.They spent so much m ________ buying a new flat that they did not have any leftover for a holiday.28.It is very i not to wait in line. You should do something polite.29.He hasn't got a ticket and n have I.30.The children are always h when they get home from school .They want something to eat.31.Nobody is q sure how many bikes there are in Hangzhou.32.The operation(手术)is a success and now the patient is out of d.33.Lily has k the library book for over two weeks.34.Which city has the s population, Shanghai or Nanjing?35.More and more f will come to China for holidays.36.With the t help, he can work out the math problem.37.In Lily's paper there are f mistakes than those in Jack's.38.She s up reading until midnight. So she is very tired today.39.Mr Hu didn't his driver's l yesterday, so he is very upset today.40.-I think he is a quiet boy.-I d. I think he is outgoing.41.T aren't allowed to come back home late. They are too young, and theyshould go home early.42.This summer, I want to be a v to help the disabled people..43.Polly, can you tell me the r why you stole Mrs Green's wallet?44.We are very s in spring and always tired in class.45.When I reached for some money, I r I had left my wallet in the bank.46.What he has done i me a lot. I am moved in the tears47.Hawking(霍金)is r as the most outstanding scientist in the world.48.When we have dinner in a foreign family, we must pay attention to their table m49.Jackie Chen is a f movie star. We all know him.50.When the prices are l, you can go to the store with the lowest prices. 单词拼写练习(九)1.Hotels usually cut their p in winter. About 200 yuan a night isenough.2.He r out to carry the boy to the safety when he saw a car come nearthe boy.3.There are four o on the earth. 75% of the earth is covered by water.4.As a v in the globe village, we must take care of the earth.5.He asked me to marry him but I r. Because I don't love him.6.I was so sorry to t the oldneighbor on such a cold night.But shedidn't mind.7.There were only a few passengers on the bus, it was u..8.It's really r to make noise when you are eating in the USA.9.He likes doing e when he studies science.10.He is too f to eat anything more.11.Have you been to thenewly built bookstore? It sells all k of books.12.My father was mad at me when he got my r _____________ card.13.It's getting warm. We must change our clothes with the s.14.I think maths is l interesting than PE. I like PE best. It's my favorite.15.Please ask her to r me back at four this afternoon. I've something importantto tell her.16.I think if I work hard on my lesson, my d will come true one day.17.It's a good h to go for a walk after a meal.18.In M, the third month of the year, it is always very cold in my hometown.19.I can't s the idea that old people can't be beautiful.20.It is s that the population may be seven billion by the year 2010.21.She is a pop singer and she is very p with the young students.22.Though she was only seven, she could look after h when her parents werebusy.23.--You've left the lights on. --Oh, so I have. How c I was!24.Look! Can you see some kites f high up in the sky?25.After school, the students said g to each other and then went back home.26.Tom is s enough to carry the heavy stone alone.27.It is going to rain. Why not take a raincoat and an u with you?28.English is the most u and important language. It is widely used all overthe world.29.He is really h with his study, so he always gets the best results.30.--Another man was k in the traffic accident. -I'm sorry to hear that.31.Something is wrong with the MP4 player. I will have it r.32.The jacket is much too large. Do you have a s one of the same colour?33.The meat s terrible. Throw it away.34.He was first past the f line. So he won the 100-metre race .35.Mrs. smith runs every morning. Sheis in good h now.36.His teacher was angry because he b the school rules.37.We are working to r money for the homeless.38.一When and where were you b? -1976 in China.39.I'm s out because I have so much work to do.40.I didn't w up until I heard the alarm clock.41.The movie theater is super. It has the b screens and the best seats.42.Jason's is the w of the three shops. It has really bad service.43.I like to c with my family and we always talk very happily.44.Ican't go to the movies with you. Maybe a _______________________ time.45.一What's the m with you? 一I have a bad cold.46.--Could you make your bed and f you clothes? --Yes, I will.47.Dresses may be popular one year and out of s 「 the next.48.My aunt took us out to dinner at a r ____________________ , but the food was not good atall.49.Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. So he is an i.50.I heard it was an e film, so I must go to see it.51.My hobby is reading comic books. What about y?52.The old man got on the wrong train by m __________________ .puters are used widely in the 21st c.54.I don't like eating chocolate. It t too sweet.55.The autumn is coming. The l on the trees turn yellow.56.They want to go to a place where the can do lots of outdoor a57.The plants need to be w __________________ every day.单词拼写练习(一)1-5 afraid; present; below; necessary; do 6-10 worried; accident; their; easily; across 11-15 him; recycling; throw; cheapest; pair 16-20 April; hurt; between; spoken; safe 21-25 failed; bathroom; argued; follow; except 26-30 until; dropping; reading;ended ; killed31-35 joined ; language ; always ; allowed ; through 36-40 pity ; sell ; nobody ; twelfth ; until单词拼写练习(二)1-5 capital ; smaller ; playing ; songs ; been better ; him 11-15 be ; ride ; careful ; healthy ; them ;accident ; wonderful ; seconds 21-25 famous ; alive ; medals ; stay ; heaviervacation ; cleaning ; comfortable31-35 me ; fifth ; player ; landed ; farther单词拼写练习(三)1-5 medicine ; Although ; cold ; future ; hundred Saturday/Sunday ; leaving ; exercises 11-15 serious ; won ; grew ; northern ; offminutes ; drives21-25 borrow ; cut ; hung ; actor ; betterkilled ; himself31-35 thinking ; lose ; mistakes ; fifth ; Women's 单词拼写练习(四) 1-5 copy ; themselves ; empty ; expects ; teacher,s ; finally ; quite 6-10 whether ; hungry ; heavier ; yours ; ninth ; twelfth11-15 owners ; jokes ; itself ; Though ; public16-20 happily ; hobbies ; making ; clearly ; heart21-25 fresher ; hours,; grades ; cheap ; watering ;26-30 history ; prefers ; sweet ; burnt ; successfully31-35 clouds ; if ; above ; yourselves ; made ;36-40 noise ; worried ; finger ; take ; wearing41-44 improve ; get ; fit ; wonder单词拼写练习(五)1-10 favorite ; quiet ; earliest ; teeth ; up ; something ; polite ; Thursday ; who ; experience ;11-20inventors ; relaxed ; February ; closed ; Drinking ; foreign ; until ; wish ; except ; October ; 21-30western ; returned ; aloud ; preferred ; address ;quarter ; without ; cutting ; worried ; turning31-40turning ; night ; blind ; Pandas ; catch ; August ; season ; public ;themselves 41-50 few ; yourselves ; interesting ; call ; wear ; dirty ; quick ; second ; daughter ; player ;单词拼写练习(六)1-10 worry, between ; cheer ; dictionaries ; eastern ; fifth ; himself ; made ; hospital ;messages11-20 afraid ; succeeded ; mistake ; important ; instead ; unless ; himself ; carefully ; written ; tired6-10 twelfth ; including ;widely ;16-20 until ; interested ; 6-10 held ;pieces; 16-20 concert ; thirsty ; famous ; 36-38 best ; third ; bring ;。

1. The policeman told that man to give a __________(描述) of the accident.2. W_____________ is the third day of a week.3. We are often told not to be __________(紧张) in the examinations.4. The weather in South China is d_________ from that in North China.5. That book is well ____________ (值得) reading. You’d better read it.【答案】 1. description 2. Wednesday 3. nervous 4. different 5. worth2.(2010·广州)用所给的单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整通顺,每条横线限填一个单词。
1. What a hot day! Look! Maria is s in the river. 1.2. It t me 25 minutes to go to school every day. 2.3. We should brush out t twice a day. 3.4. The Yangtze Rover is the l river in China. 4.5. He is i in English. He wants to be an English teacher. 5.【答案】1. swimming 2. took 3. teeth 4. longest 5. interested4.(2010·湖北武汉)五、阅读理解填词(本题共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)先阅读短文,然后在短文后81-90小题空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。

2018江苏各地中考单英语词拼写汇编汉语提示类(2018南京) 1. Simon, (推) hard when I tell you to.2.—What's the (日期) today, Millie?---It's 17 June. Oh, tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival.3. Students can ask for help (无论何时) they need it at school.4. Lin Tao was___ (勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.5. Look, our library is ___ (东)of the classroom building. It looks modern.(2018无锡)6. Hey! What are you listening to? It’s a __________ (私人的)conversation.7. When you have the __________ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.8. It’s a tradition of this school to __________ (命名)its buildings after great people.9. Frank hasn’t got any hobbies- __________ (除非)you call watching TV a hobby.(2018常州) 10.-How much time do you need to carry on with the project?-Another (四)days.11.Do you know what the exact (人口) of China is?12.Finally, we managed to hand out all the 1,000posters (凭借) other's help.13.Miss Gao can always come up with (幽默的) ideas to make her classes lively. (2018苏州) 14. Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few (步)further.15. How (幸运的)they are to have such a good teacher !16. Mr Sigmund Friend is used to (处理)with all kinds of problems.17. Confidence is an important (条件)if you want to achieve success.18. A long time ago it was (广泛地)believed that there was life on Mars.19. With all her efforts, the children finally (接受)her as one of the family.20.When talking to British people, we should (避免)subjects like age, weight or money.(2018南通) 21.In Western culture,“Black(星期五)”sometimes represents an unlucky day.22.How calm and brave the command (飞行员)was to fly the plane back safely in such a dangerous situation!(2018连云港)23.Diana was a little fat in the past. But now she is much (瘦的)than before.24.Paul has found a new job and is (考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.25.—Do you like watching these TED (演说) online?—Yes, I’ve learned a lot from them.26.Some foreigners living in our city will be _______ (邀请) to share their life experiences with us.27.—Have you ever used Meitu?— Of course. It’s one of the most (广泛地) used free photo editing apps in the world. (2018盐城) 28. You should be enough to face your life. (勇敢的)29.It is the 200th anniversary of the of Karl Marx this year. (生日)30. Give every day a to become the most beautiful of your life. (机会)31. The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in . (五月)32.The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games the public to pay attention to winter sports. (鼓励)(2018扬州)33.Visitors to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite of dishes at Yechun Tea House.(当地的)33. Ge Garden with an area of12,000 meters houses over 60 types of bamboo.(平方的)34. Some valuable jewellery in that shop was last week.(偷)35. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group of who created their own style.(艺术家)36. China has changed our country and impressed the world. (速度)(2018镇江)37.Kitty(邮寄) a special present to her father last Father's Day.38.Giraffes are quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the(树叶)from trees.39.﹣Don't tell the secret to a third person. Just keep it to(我们自己).﹣Trust me, please.40.We depend on nature to live, so it is necessary for us to protect it(明智地,充满智慧地).41.﹣Would you mind(分享) your ideas? ﹣Certainly not.(2018·泰州)42.Shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without ____ ____(污染).43. Last weekend, at the welcome party, the host ________(介绍) the history and culture of Taizhou to the guests.44. People all over the country feel proud that all China’s spacecraft have ________(成功地) returned to the earth.45. The driver _______(后悔) his carelessness in driving and went to the hospital to say sorry to his passengers.46. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as one of the “seven wonders of the ________(现代的) world”.(2018宿迁)47.Although she is in her (八十), Tu Youyou still keeps on doing research onmedicine.48. Zhu Zhiwen won a talent show called The Sound because of his excellent ___ __(嗓音)and wonderful acting skills.49. Before travelling, my mother often __ __(准备)everything well.50. Neil’s coach gave him several suggestions to __________(避免)getting lost.51. Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them _ __(明智地).52.According to a survey, the average number of __ ___(日常的)steps of people across the world is 4,961.53. It was __ ___(粗心的)of my little brother to leave the door open when he went to the cinema last night.给词填空类(2018南京) 54. ---It’s raining again!---Yeah, this is the___ (four) rainy day in the week!55. You watch TV all the time. You should ___ ( go) out and relax!56. We are going to Paris next week. It's a good chance to try some___ (France) dishes.57. Shi Yuqi, a badminton ___ (play) from Jiangsu, helped China win the 2018 Thomas Cup58. Thanks for all the ___ ( member) hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now.(2018无锡) 59. —I really hate myself for what I said to Mum the other day.—I know the __________ (feel). It’s awful, isn’t it?60. How can I trust you? You’ve __________ (lie) to me again and again.61. It’s __________ (high) possible that humans have to move to Mars in the future.62. The tourists had waited at the airport for two hours. They were getting __________ (patient). (2018徐州)63 .My cousin is good at (dance).64.Their house is just like our house, but (we) has a bigger balcony. 50.Yuan Longping is one of the (great) people that have ever lived, I think.65 .I bought the computer (simple) because it was cheap.66 .I need (silent) when I am studying.(2018常州)67.-Is this your umbrella?-No, it's another (visit).68.----How much should I pay?----18 yuan in all, (include)the pen you picked out just now.69.Time is limited. You'd better make a (decide)right now.70.Nothing is (possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts.(2018盐城) 71. It is to speak loudly in public. (polite)72.All of us should look straight ahead and keep . (run)73.Dickinson's poems are very popular with even today. (read)74.The world is changing , and we should keep up with the pace of change. (rapid)75. Modem Chinese Art needs new works to keep it alive and moving forward. (it) (2018扬州)76. Cells are the and most basic units of living matter. (small)77. There is a place in my heart where all nations will live some day. (peace)78. Tom is thinking about going as a cowboy for the year at Halloween. (five)79. Dad them to our house and Mum soon had a lunch ready for them.(bring)80. The librarian was at me and seemed friendly. (smile)(2018镇江) 81.﹣You always look unhappy !What(worry) you?﹣I really can't balance my study and hobbies.82.﹣Who gets up the(early) in your family?﹣My mum. She cooks breakfast for Dad and me.83.﹣Can you tell me the(pronounce) of the word "agriculture"?﹣Sorry, I don't know, either.84.The letter "x" often represents a(n)(known) number in some Math exercises.85..In order to attract more people, a growing number of([mjuzi:əmz]) are free for the public.(2018·泰州)86. As China continues developing quickly, the Chinese language becomes ________(popular) than before.87. Stephen Hawking _______ (die) for over 3 months, but his spirit still lives on.88. My uncle often listens to soft music to relax ________ (he) after a busy day.89. Taizhou and Changzhou ________ (separate) by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future.90. All the family members are busy getting ready for my father’s ________ (forty) birthday party.(2018宿迁)91.----Can I help you, sir? --A box of ___ __(tomato), please.92. I __________(not finish) my homework yet. I am afraid I can’t go to the park with you.93. Our earth is becoming more and more ____(pollute) because of the rapid increase in population.94. Qian Xuesen ___________(consider) as “Father of Missile(导弹)in China”.95. Look! Your room is really ___ __(tidy). You should learn to be organized.96. Miss White often has us __ __(tell) interesting stories in her English class.97. Deep in his heart, Nelson Mandela wanted to help the black people to live __ _(free).98. At present there are many online courses and we can choose some to study by ___ _(we).99. Squirrels always like saving some food before winter comes. But they forget where_ _(find) it from time to time.100. Besides is beautiful forests and sunny beaches, Hainan Province has a lot more for you to explore. It is well worth ____(visit).语义或释义填词类(2018苏州) 101.---Can we put another bed in this room?---Sure. It is big for a third one.102.---Is this your English book. ---No, it isn't. is in my schoolbag.103.---Keep your hair away from fire, Lucy. ---I see, mum. Hair fire easily. (2018南通)104.We don’t (be not sure if something is true)the great achievements China has made in the past 40 years.105.The Chens have moved into a new flat, leaving their old house (having nobody inside).106.Spud Web’s success proves that one can hardly realize his dream hard work.首字母类(2018宿迁) 107. As a wonderful volleyball p__ ___, Zhu Ting is known to people all over the world.108. It’s _______(not important) for me to stay at home all day long.109. ---Why are you in such a hurry, Cathy?---My dad and mum don’t ______(let someone do something) me to stay out late.动词填空(2018无锡)110. I’d like to give my thanks to Alice for __________ (share) her exciting experiences in Africa.111. You __________ (promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don’t let him down again.112. The survey shows that few people believe robots __________ (control) our planet one day. 113. —You look absent-minded. __________you __________ (expect) someone?—Yes. My e-friend is coming over. We’ve never seen each other before.114. “How am I supposed __________ (live) without you?” Jane said to Dad, tears in eyes. 115. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you __________ (not find) it yet, keep looking.116. —Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. It’s not working at all.—Well, it __________ (happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later.117. Stephen Hawking __________ (consider) to be ‘the greatest scientist in history’, al ong with Isaac.(2018常州)118.-Why do you buy so many flowers, Justin?- (celebrate) my mother's birthday.118.-Bad luck! My watch doesn't work well.-Take it easy. It just needs (repair).119.-Why are you still waiting here?-Doctor Yu promised to attend the party, but he (not appear).120.Zhu Ting, one of the best volleyball Players of China, says she will return whenever she (need).121.-Do you want to go to the talk on recycling?-Great! I (look) for some information for my article on the topic.(2018淮安) 122.On (rain) days, the traffic is heavier than usual.123.Man can′t live (with) air or water.e on, Sam. Believe in (you).You can work out the problem on your own. 125.You look very tired. Why not (take) a rest?126.Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记)) by Daniel Defoe is (wide) read by teenagers in our city.127.The two (president) wives also took part in the charity show.128.He tried all the ways he could think of (protect) himself against all possible dangers.选词填空类129 .If you are lucky enough, you will get a concert ticket .130 .Mary, I shall our pleasant talks when you leave.131 .As an old saying goes, "He who has been to the Great Wall is not a true man." 132.When Tom was running after the dog, he lost his and fell over.133 .You can eatyou like, my dear.(2018南通) B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

2023年安徽省中考英语专题总复习:单词拼写学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________根据首字母提示填空1.China is a beautiful A________(亚洲的) country.2.He will be the youngest runner in the r________ (比赛).3.Jim likes taking photos, so he wants to get a c________ as his birthday gift.4.E________ fast food very often is not good for your health. You should stop now.5.There are many p______ (病人) in hospital because of the cold weather.6.Lily was a________ (缺席) from school because she didn’t feel very well.7.The couple always talked about their son with great p________(骄傲).8.He l________ (离开) his hometown to go to college when he was eighteen years old. 9.There are eighty w________ (女性) teachers in our school.10.Jack likes to collect different kinds of fallen l________ (叶子)in autumn.11.Although I was good at d______(绘画), I wasn’t the best in my art class.12.His stomach was e________ (空的), so he felt very hungry.13.Binhu Wetland Park is a n_________(自然的)oxygen bar.14.Her grandpa has been d_________(死的)for two years. She misses him very much. 15.Could you please bring me something to drink? I’m so t________ (口渴的).16.If I am late for school again, I will be p______ (惩罚) by Mr. Zhang.17.After his father told the news to him, he kept s______ (沉默).18.An up-to-date report includes the l________ (最新的)information.19.Red and white are a good m________. (搭配)20.The great dancer has been d________ (聋) since she was two years old.21.He e________ (喜欢) collecting different kinds of coins.22.The h________ you work, the more progress you’ll make.23.Jenny p________(许诺)to come to the party, but she didn’t appear.24.As long as you work hard, you must make r________(快速的)progress in English. 25.We are p________ of our great country because it’s getting stronger and stronger.26.I’ve been really busy r________so I haven’t been out too much.27.I know my parents love me and they’re always p________ of me.29.Lucy always takes an a________(积极的) part in after school activities.30.Our math teacher treats us with kindness and w_____(温暖), spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. 31.There is something wrong with my iPad. I have to have it r________ at once.32.What a f________ (傻瓜) you were to believe what the stranger said.33.The word “sheep” has a d_________(成对的)“e” in the middle.34.The little boy is helpful and is always p________ (表扬) for his kindness.35.I will plant different kinds of flowers in my g____(花园).36.The player was quite c_________ (粗心), so he lost the match.37.I asked her what her name was but she made no r________(答复).38.As a birthday gift, I bought a b________ (鲜艳的) dress for my mother.39.The p________ (诗歌)called A Spring Morning by Meng Haoran is popular with children.40.While traveling abroad, do we have to know something about the l________(当地的)culture? 41.The doctor w________ (告诫)him to take more exercise to keep healthy when he was young. 42.Your words make s________(道理). I believe what you say.43.John has a good m________ (记忆) for the things in his childhood.44.Tomorrow will be sunny and warm. What about going out for a p________ (野餐)?45.The number of foreign players in CBA has greatly i________these years.46.The teachers in our school are intellect and their teaching m________ are changeable and useful. 47.When I was a little boy, I s_____(很少)caused any problems.48.The zipper is often used in our d______(日常的)lives49.He had a s________ (感觉) of pride when he is ready to help other.50.Since he is an honest man, I think he’s telling the t________.(真相)参考答案:1.Asian【详解】句意:中国是一个美丽的亚洲国家。
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单词拼写(一)66. I don’t catch what you said. Could you s_______ more slowly, please?67. Ben’s parents sent him a model plane as his birthday gift. Look, how h______ he is!68. I will s_______ at home and do some reading if it is rainy tomorrow.69. I lost my k_______ in the room. Can you help me to open the door?70. Mum, I’m very h_______. May I have something to eat?(二)66. Look, your shoes are broken. You’d better go and buy a new p ________.67. The new words are helpful to you. Try to know all of them by h __________.68. I often w _______ to school instead of taking a bus because it’s quite near my home.69. I’ve lost my watch. I can’t f _________ it anywhere.70. --- Are you free to come here tomorrow afternoon?--- Sorry, I’ll be very b _________ at that moment.(三)66. I missed the bus, so I had to w__________ to school.67. John failed the exam again. He is not stupid, just l___________.68. The p___________ MH370 disappeared suddenly. What happened during the flight?69. Don’t eat too much meat, you will get f___________ easily.70. Can I use your cell phone, Dad? I want to c__________ mum and tell her I miss her.(四)66. Put on your coat, my boy. It’s c__________ outside.67. My sister often goes to school on foot, but I r__________ a bike instead.68. This question is quite e__________. All of my classmates can find the answer to it.69. Marry went to Hong Kong for a t________ last month. She had a good time there and bought many things.70. I’m thirsty. I want something to d_________.(五)66. I heard the shout when I walked p_______ the coffee shop this morning.67. When I am in trouble, I never give up and always try to find ways to d_______ with the problems.68. House p_______ is getting higher in our country, so many people cannot buy any house.69. You shouldn’t speak loudly in p_______ places, such as hospital and cinema.70. Betty wants to join the Chinese club to i_______ her Chinese.(六)66. Miss Wang often gives us some a_______ on how to learn English well.67. I hope we can w______ the football match this afternoon.68. You’d better go over what you have learned well before the e_______.69. Such cold w________ at this season in this area is really unusual. 70. Doing exercises daily can make us keep h________.真光中学一模201466. You should r______ the books you borrowed to the library on time, or you will be fined.67. Spring Festival is the most popular h__________ in China.68. The food smells so good. It must be very d____________.69. Some boys are good at maths, but w______ in English.70. You don’t need to pay for the ticket because it’s f_________ for the teenagers.从化一模201466. After walking a long way in the sun, they felt t________ and tired.67. My father said to me “You’d better get there early.” I took my father’s a________ and went to the station early.68. That paint hasn’t been dry yet. Don’t t________ the door.69. We could h________ hear her at the back of the classroom. She spoke in such a low voice.70. It’s important to p________ your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.黄埔一模201466. Mr. White got very a______ when he found one of his new car’s windows had been broken.67. It’s rude to play a j_____ on students who are in trouble.68. We must be careful a nd don’t m______ the same mistake in the exams.69. Without your help, it won’t be e________ for us to finish the job.70. What do you p_______ to do in the coming summer holiday?海珠一模201466. Excuse me, may I b________ your ruler? Mine is left at home.67. It is very h________ today. How about going swimming this afternoon?68. Don’t forget to bring everything with you. Let’s meet at the school g________ at 9:00 tomorrow.69. You can trust him. He never tells a l________.70. The bedroom is very dirty. You should c________ it at once.荔湾十校联考201466. The f________ in the restaurant is very delicious. I like it very much.67. It's polite to k__________ at the door before entering a room.68. David’s teacher was a__________ with him because he was late for school again.69. ---- Jimmy, would you like to help me wash the dishes?---- Sorry, Mum. I’m b________ doing my homework now.70.You needn’t p__________ for the newspaper, it’s free for students.华附一模201366. ---Where were you at 7 p.m. yesterday? I made a phone to your home but nobody answered.--- Well, I was having d_________ with my friends in a restaurant.67. The teacher asked the students to c________ their homework before handing it in.68. The boy fell off his bike on his way to school. L____, he was not seriously hurt.69. We could judge from his eyes that he was not telling the t________.70. Pan is a new comer in the school, he sometimes feels l .海珠一模201366. Our school has built a new hall recently. It is big enough to h______ 500 people.67. You don’t need to pay for the book. You can get it for f______.68. If you don’t work hard, how can you pass your final e______?69. Children are not allowed to swim in this river because it is not s______.70. Have you seen the new film? I am d______ moved by it.花都一模201366. Hey, Sally! I left my book at home .Can you l_________ me yours ?67. We’re home now. Take your k________ out and open the door.68. I have some old photos, let me s_____ them to you.69. Don’t make any n______. The baby is sleeping.70. There isn’t any water in the bottle. It’s e_________.从化一模201366. She loves taking photos and always takes her c________ with her wherever she goes.67. The old man is d_________. He can hardly hear anything.68. — Could you l________ me your dictionary?— Sorry. I am using it at the moment.69. Don’t run so f________! I can’t catch up with you.70. Please don’t w________ about Jim. He can take good care of himself.越秀一模201366. Annie is going to m______ a doctor. Will you go to her wedding party?67. He spoke in such a low voice that I could h______ hear what he said.68. It is a w______ of time talking about this problem. Shall we go on with the second one?69. Some boys are good at maths, but w______ in English.70. The baby is sleeping. You had better do it q________.番禺一模201366. It’s very n _____________ of you to help us. Thank you.67. I want to see a f _____________ at the new cinema instead of watching TV tonight.68. Stay by me. Don’t go around. I don’t want you to l ________________ the way.69. Would you like something to d ______________, sir? We have tea, coffee and coke.70. It’s too n ________________ in the room. Let’s go to a quiet place.黄埔一模201366. The new t____________ usually begins in September and ends in February.67. Mike is really a happy man. T hough he lives alone, he doesn't feel l________ at all.68. I will i__________ all my good friends to my birthday party.69. I often correct him, but he always makes this stupid m__________!70. She is very polite. She'll s__________ to everyone she meets.萝岗一模201366. Sorry to t_________ you again, for I still have some questions to ask you..67. Smoking is h_______ to your health. Give it up!68. Remember to bring your u________ with you. It is raining these days.69. Please don’t make any n________. The baby is sleeping.70. Thank you for h________ with my English. I did much better than before.增城一模201366. I’m a big f _______ of NBA. I never miss watching the matches on TV.67. Spring is coming. The leaves on the trees turn g _______ .68. If you don’t know the meaning of the word. You can l _______ it up in your dictionary.69. You are late again, Jim. Can you tell me the r _______?70. I want to s _______an e-mail to our English teacher. Do you know her e-mail address?。