



firsheye lens
10 VLOS(visual line of sight) drone
11 quadcoper
12 airspace diversity
13 airspace around airports,etc.
14 aerial photography drone
15 military drone
aircraft ID
aircraft weight
aircraft status indicator
aircraft registration
base station
bridge inspection
惯性传感器 危险品运输 飞行器 ID 飞行器重量 飞行器状态指示灯 飞行器登记 通讯基站 桥梁检测
16 path correction
17 extinction filter
18 high resolution data
19 aerial photography
20 high frequency vibration
21 altitude hold
22 altitude sensor
23 high power zoom
31 image receiver 32 image transmitter 33 Aileron 34 elevator 35 remote control 36 octocopter 37 optical flow sensor 38 carbon 39 resolution 40 rotor 41 maximum aperture 42 volcano observation 43 overcharge 44 image transfer 45 acceleration sensor 46 pixel count 47 over-discharge 48 downward vision system 50 camera 51 camera angle 52 camera stabilizer 53 environment survey



信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 计算机网络 Computer Network2. 互联网 Internet3. 局域网 Local Area Network (LAN)4. 带宽 Bandwidth5. 路由器 Router6. 交换机 Switch7. 防火墙 Firewall8. 病毒 Virus9. 木马 Trojan10. 黑客 Hacker11. 中央处理器 Central Processing Unit (CPU)12. 内存 Random Access Memory (RAM)13. 硬盘 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)14. 固态硬盘 Solid State Drive (SSD)15. 显卡 Graphics Card16. 主板 Motherboard17. BIOS Basic Input/Output System18. 操作系统 Operating System19. 应用程序 Application20. 编程语言 Programming Language21. 数据库 Database22. 服务器 Server23. 客户端 Client24. 云计算 Cloud Computing25. 大数据 Big Data27. 机器学习 Machine Learning28. 深度学习 Deep Learning29. 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (VR)30. 增强现实 Augmented Reality (AR)31. 网络安全 Network Security32. 数据加密 Data Encryption33. 数字签名 Digital Signature34. 身份验证 Authentication35. 访问控制 Access Control36. 数据备份 Data Backup37. 数据恢复 Data Recovery38. 系统升级 System Upgrade39. 系统优化 System Optimization40. 技术支持 Technical Support当然,让我们继续丰富这个信息技术常用术语的中英文对照表:41. 网络协议 Network Protocol42. IP地址 Internet Protocol Address43. 域名系统 Domain Name System (DNS)44. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol45. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure46. FTP File Transfer Protocol47. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol48. POP3 Post Office Protocol 349. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol50. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol51. 无线局域网 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)52. 蓝牙 Bluetooth53. 无线保真 WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)54. 4G Fourth Generation55. 5G Fifth Generation56. 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)57. 云服务 Cloud Service58. 网络存储 Network Attached Storage (NAS)59. 分布式文件系统 Distributed File System60. 数据中心 Data Center61. 系统分析 Systems Analysis62. 系统设计 Systems Design63. 软件开发 Software Development64. 系统集成 Systems Integration65. 软件测试 Software Testing66. 质量保证 Quality Assurance67. 项目管理 Project Management68. 技术文档 Technical Documentation69. 用户手册 User Manual70. 知识库 Knowledge Base71. 网络拓扑 Network Topology72. 星型网络 Star Network73. 环形网络 Ring Network74. 总线型网络 Bus Network75. 树形网络 Tree Network76. 点对点网络 PeertoPeer Network77. 宽带接入 Broadband Access78. DSL Digital Subscriber Line79. 光纤到户 Fiber To The Home (FTTH)80. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol通过这份对照表,希望您能更加轻松地理解和应用信息技术领域的专业术语。

第一章 无人机发展历史(无人机专业英语)

第一章 无人机发展历史(无人机专业英语)
Part2 — Terminology
v The term unmanned aircraft system (UAS) was adopted by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States Federal Aviation Administration in 2005 according to their Unmanned Aircraft System Roadmap 2005–2030.The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the British Civil Aviation Authority adopted this term, also used in the European Union's Single-EuropeanSky (SES) Air-Traffic-Management (ATM) Research (SESAR Joint Undertaking) roadmap for 2020.This term emphasizes the importance of elements other than the aircraft.
autopilot artificial intelligence (AI), and ceases to be 理局定义任何无人驾驶飞行器作为无人机而不论大小。无线遥控飞机变 成了a无d人ro驾n驶e 飞w机he的n自th动e驾A驶I仪is人r工em智o能v(eAdI).,而不再是无人驾驶飞机当 AI移除。
2020路线图。这一术语强调了除飞机外其它元素的重要性。它包括如地 面控制站、数据链和其它支持设备等元素。一个相似的术语是无人飞机 系统、远程操控的飞行载具、远程操控飞机系统。许多相似的术语都在 使用。



世界无人机名称美国无人机大全1.美军无人机的发展2.RQ/MQ-1“掠食者”3.RQ-2“先锋”(Pioneer)4.RQ-3“暗星”(Dark Star)/“臭鼬”(Polecat)/RQ-170“哨兵”(Sentinel)5.RQ-4“全球鹰”(GlobalHawk)/“欧洲鹰”(Euro Hawk)6.RQ-5“猎手”(Hunter)/EX-BQM-155/MQ-5B7.RQ-6A“警卫”(OutRider)8.RQ-7“阴影”(Shadow)9.RQ-8/MQ-8“火力侦察兵”(Fire Scout)/XM-15710.MQ-9“收割者”(Reaper)11.CQ-10“雪雁”(Snow Goose)12.RQ-11B“大鸦”13.RQ-14“龙眼”(Dragon Eye)/“雨燕”(Swift)/Sea ALL/X-6314.RQ-15“海王星”(Neptune)15.RQ-16“狼蛛一鹰”(Ta rantula-Hawk)/XM-156 Class16.XMQ-17A“间谍鹰”(Spy Hawk)/T-2017.XMQ-18A[A-160T“蜂雀”(Hummingbird)]18.X-47B UCAS-D19.MQ-X20.AD-15021.“航空探测”(AeroSonde)Mk422.MQM-171“宽剑”(Broad Sword)23.“破坏者”(Buster)/“黑光”(Black Lig ht)24.“鸬鹚”(Cormorant)/“变形”(Morphing)UAV25.DP-5X“黄蜂”(Wasp)26.DP-7“蝙蝠”(Bat)/DP-10X“飞镖”(Boomerang)/DP-11“刺刀”(Bayonet)27.“达科他”(Dakota)28.“沙漠鹰”(Desert Hawk)29.“鹰眼”(Eagle Eye)30.“亚瑟王神剑”(Excalibur)31.BQM-147“可消耗无人机”(Exdrone)32.“发现者”(Finder)33.GO-1“全球观察者”(Global Observer)34.“金眼”(Golden Eye)80/5035.“高升限飞艇”(HAA)36.“杀手蜜蜂”(Killer Bee)/“蝙蝠”(Bat)37.“翠鸟”(Kingfisher)38.“合成者”(Integrator)39.L15高空监视飞艇40.长航时多情报收集飞行器(LEMV)41.“灰鲭鲨”(Mako)/XPV-242.“幼畜”(Maverick)43.“走狗”(Minion)44.“奥德赛”(Odysseus)45.“猎户座HALL”(Orion HALL)46.**(目标)获取武器系统(PAWS)47.“幻影射线”(Phantom Ray)48.“指示器”(Pointer)/FQM-151 A/PUMA49.“扫描鹰”(Scan Eagle)/“洞察力”(Insight)/“夜鹰”(Night Eagle)50.“圣甲虫”(Scarab)/324型51.“哨兵”(Sentry)52.“寂静眼”(Slient Eye)53.“银狐”(Silver Fox)/“蝠鲼”(Manta)54.“天空”系列(SkySeries)55.“天空之眼”(Sky Eye)56.“空中山猫”(Sky Lynx lI)57.SL-UAV[“丛林狼”(Coyote)/“探秘者”(Voyeur)]58.“追捕者”(Stalker)59.“魔爪”轻型攻击和监视直升飞行器(Talon Lash)60.“燕鸥”【Tern)/XPV-161.“虎鲨”(Tiger Shark)/“狐车”(FoxCar)62.“警戒者”(Vigilante 502)63.“海盗400”(Viking)64.“黄蜂”(Wasp)/BATMAV65.WBBL-UAV“猫头鹰”(Owl)/“图瑞斯”(Turais)顶级飞机手册:顶级无人机图典CQ-10A“雪雁” SnowGoose“红隼” Crecerelle“食雀鹰”A Sperwer A“卢纳” LUNA“克泽奥” KZO“梭鱼” Barracuda“雕”/“雪鸮” Eagle/Harfang“神经元” NeuronRQ-2“先锋” PioneerRQ-5A/MQ-5B“猎人” Hunter“云雀”Ⅰ/ⅣSkylark Ⅰ/Ⅳ“赫尔墨斯”450/“火花” Hermes 450/Zik“搜索者”/“浮鸥”/“鹧鸪” Searcher/Meyromit/Hugla “苍鹭”TP/“稳固” Heron TP/Eitan“隼” Falco“队列””/“蜜蜂” Stroy-Polk/Pchela“搜寻者” Seeker“阿皮德”55/60 APID 55/60“曼提斯” MANTIS“雷神” Taranis“守望者” WatchkeeperRQ-7“影子”200 Shadow 200“全球观测者” Global ObserverRQ-11“大乌鸦” Raven“扫描鹰” ScanEagleXX-45/“鬼怪鳐鱼” Phantom RayMQ-1L“捕食者”(Predator)/MQ-9“死神” MQ-1L Predator/MQ-9 ReaperMQ-1C“天空勇士” Sky WarriorRQ-4“全球鹰” Global HawkRRQ-8A/MQ-8B“火力侦察兵” FireScout。


• 无人驾驶航空器(UA——Unmanned Aircraft), 是一架由遥控站管理(包括远程操作或自主飞行) 的航空器,也称作遥控驾驶航空器(RPA—— Remotrly Piloted Aircraft),以下简称无人机。
• 无人驾系统(UAS——Unmanned Aircraft System),也称成无人驾驶航空器系统(RPAS— —Remotely Piloted Aircraft System),是指一 家,相关的遥控站,所需的指令与控制数据链路 以及批准的型号设计规定的任何其他部件组成的 系统。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 无人机系统驾驶员,是指由运营任职排队无人机 的运行负有必不可少职责并在飞行期间适时操纵 飞行的人。无人机系统的机长,是指在系统运行 时间内负责整个无人机系统运行和安全的驾驶员。



无人机基本关键术语机架: 是指无人机的承载平台,所有设备都是用机架承载起来飞上天上的。

电调:电调的作用是控制电机转速的调速器、KV值: 电机在空载情况下每分钟的转速、电压每提高1V,空载转速提高的幅度。

螺旋桨: 就是翅膀!折叠桨:就是可以折叠的翅膀!螺距:是桨与水平面的倾斜角度形成的角度。



GCU:Ground Control Unit 地面控制设备。

BEC:battey elimination circuit 中文翻译成免电池电路在电调里设置了一个电路模块,将12V电池输出的电压转换到5V-6V给接收机和舵机等电子设备使用(当然电机还是用12V供电的)这样就省去了那个5V电池这就是BEC(免电池电路)名称的由来.BEC大多采用线性稳压方式,线性稳压方式的优点是线路简单,体积小,只要一个稳压管就可以了,但缺点是转换效率不高,稳压的时候能量损耗大(线性稳压效率一般只有65%-70%),所以在工作过程中稳压管会很烫(电调发烫的主要热量来自这个稳压管,真正控制电机的MOS开关管其实发热量不大的)由于其效率不高,自然输出电流不可能很大,一般最大也就1A左右。








轨迹飞行 无人机 无人机管制系统 无人机拦截系统
开源无人机航空 操作系统 无人机制造商联 盟 无人机出租车 无人机第三者责 任险 无人机黑客 无人机竞赛 钕磁铁
电池电量耗尽 反扭矩 非 GNSS 飞行日志 非接触式充电 俯仰 视频编码器 空速管
水平原地旋转 固件
扭矩是使物体发生转动的一种特殊的力矩。发动机的扭矩就是 指发动机从曲轴端输出的力矩。在功率固定的条件下它与发动 机转速成反比关系,转速越快扭矩越小,反之越大
image receiver
image transmitter
Aileron [ˈeɪ lərɒn] / 副翼
airspace diversity
path correction
extinction filter
aerial photography
high frequency vibration 高频振荡
Ready to Fly(RTF)
virtual reality
VR 眼镜
Active Track / Smart



无人机基本知识原理Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, have gained immense popularity in recent years. 无人机(UAVs),通常被称为无人机,近年来已经获得了巨大的 popularity. These aircraft operate without a human pilot on board and are controlled remotely or autonomously. 这些飞行器在没有人类飞行员的情况下运行,并且被远程或自主控制.One of the key principles behind the operation of UAVs is their ability to navigate and perform tasks without human intervention. 无人机运作背后的一个重要原理是它们能够在没有人类干预的情况下导航和执行任务. This is made possible through advanced technology such as GPS, inertial navigation systems, and obstacle avoidance sensors. 这是通过先进的技术实现的,例如GPS,惯性导航系统和障碍物避障传感器. These systems allow UAVs to fly safely and accurately, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. 这些系统使得无人机能够安全准确地飞行,使它们适用于广泛的应用领域.Another fundamental principle of UAVs is their aerodynamic design, which enables them to fly efficiently and maneuver effectively. 无人机的另一个基本原理是它们的空气动力学设计,这使得它们能够高效飞行,并有效操纵. The aerodynamic properties of a UAV are carefully engineered to ensure stability, control, and performance during flight. 无人机的空气动力学特性是经过精心设计的,以确保在飞行过程中的稳定性,控制性和性能. These designs often involve a combination of wings, propellers, and control surfaces to achieve the desired flying characteristics. 这些设计通常涉及翼,螺旋桨和控制表面的组合,以实现所需的飞行特性.In addition to their technical principles, UAVs also raise important ethical and societal considerations. 除了技术原理外,无人机还引发了重要的伦理和社会考虑. One of the most pressing issues is privacy, as UAVs equipped with cameras have the potential to invade personal space and capture sensitive information. 最紧迫的问题之一是隐私问题,因为配备摄像头的无人机有可能侵犯个人空间并捕捉敏感信息. There have been numerous debates and regulations surrounding the use of UAVs in private and public spaces to address these concerns. 围绕在私人和公共空间使用无人机的诸多辩论和规定就是为了解决这些问题. Moreover, the use of UAVs in military operations has sparked global discussions on the ethical implications of autonomous weaponssystems. 此外,无人机在军事行动中的使用已经引发了关于自主武器系统伦理影响的全球讨论.Despite these challenges, the potential applications of UAVs continue to expand, with industries such as agriculture, construction, and logistics embracing the technology for improved efficiency and productivity. 尽管存在这些挑战,无人机的潜在应用领域仍在不断扩大,如农业,建筑和物流等行业正在积极应用这项技术以提高效率和生产力. Furthermore, UAVs have proven invaluable in disaster management and search and rescue operations, where their ability to access remote or hazardous areas is unmatched by traditional aircraft. 此外,无人机在灾难管理和搜索救援行动中已被证明是无价的,在这些领域它们能够进入传统飞行器无法及的偏远或危险地区. The development and integration of UAVs into everyday life present both opportunitiesand challenges, thereby necessitating ongoing dialogue and regulation to ensure their safe and responsible use. 无人机在日常生活中的发展和整合都呈现出机遇和挑战,因此需要不断的对话和监管来确保它们的安全和负责任使用。



UAVAn unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV),commonly known as an aircraft without a human pilot aboard.Its flight is controlled either autonomously by onboard computers or by the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle.The typical launch and recovery method of an unmanned aircraft is by the function of an automatic system or an operator on the ground.Historically,UAVs were simple remotely piloted aircraft,but autonomous controls increasingly being employed.The UAV first appeared in 1920s, was used as the training target. Is a term used by many countries to describe the latest generation of unmanned aircrafts.UAV low-altitude photogrammetry technology,in other words,UAV with portable camera carry out large-scale aerial photography,which achieves high resolution image acquisition, compensate for a satellite remote sensing often influenced by cloud shield does not get to the drawback of the image. such as the photogrametry of “Shooting at the China University of Mining and Technology in the air in 2015”UAV acts rapidly and takes off only needs 7 minutes,which has completed the1 00000 square kilometers of aerial and it is of extraordinary significance to race against the disaster relief work. In addition, the UAV can guarantee safety of the rescue work and avoid the collapse danger zone that may exist for rational allocation of rescue forces through aerial form, determine the key relief areas, rescue routes and disaster reconstruction site to provide valuable reference. What’s more, the UAV can real-time monitor the situation in the affected areas, in order to prevent secondary disasters.On April 20, 2013, 7 earthquake occurred in Ya'an, UAV was first putinto relief team ,according to relevant department,the aircraft flew over 100 minutes,real-time survey and return ground disater situation,to grasp and accurately judge the disater providing scientific basis.UAV will greatly change the urban and rural lifeToday, urban and rural areas has changed a lot as the appearance of the UAV, if living in rural areas, you will marvel对…感到惊异in unmanned aerial vehicle outstanding performance in improving the transport capacity of the remote area and the efficiency of agricultural production; if as a member in the city, you will be pleasantly surprised to see UAV’extraordinary function in solving turtle speed logistics、planning urban construction and management. In the era of technique engulfing the world . The UAV is like the air to get in by every opening infiltrated into people's daily lives, in the crowded city, and the other end of the rural.From the countryside to modern smart city, where need air solutions, where will have a space for UAV. UAVs will be used in a wider field.。



无人机相关单词Skywalker Pilotage System (SPS)天行领航控制系统Aircraft 飞行器Diagonal Wheelbase 对称电机轴距Dimensions 外形尺寸Package Dimensions 外包装箱尺寸Weight 重量Max Takeoff Weight Recommended 推荐最大起飞重量Hovering Accuracy 悬停精度Max Angular Velocity 最大旋转角速度}Max Pitch Angle 最大俯仰角度Max Wind Resistance 最大可承受风速Max Ascent Speed 最大上升速度Max Descent Speed 最大下降速度Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level 最大飞行海拔高度Max Speed 最大速度Hovering Time 悬停时间Gimbal 云台Controllable Range 可控转动范围Controllable Pitch Range 可控俯仰范围&Controllable Row Range 可控偏航范围Controllable Accuracy 控制角度精度Radiator散热器Stabilization 稳定系统Velocity Range 速度测试范围Altitude Range 高度测试Operating Range 精确悬停范围Operating Temperature 工作环境温度Operating Frequency工作频率Max Transmission Distance 最大通信距离。

Transmitter Power 等效全向辐射功率Video Output Port 视频输出接口Battery 内置电池Capacity 容量Voltage电压Energy能量Max Charging Power 最大充电功率Rated Power 额定功率Single Battery Port Output Power 单个电池接口输出功率Net Weight 整体重量*Battery Type 电池类型GPS Mode 卫星定位模块Obstacle Sensory Range 障碍物感知范围Operating Environment 工作环境Lens 镜头Sensor影像传感器ISO Range ISO范围Shutter Speed 电子快门速度Video Recording Modes 照片最大分辨率Max Video Bitrate 视频存储最大码流。





1. 汽车行业:- 含义:汽车底盘或车架,通常由金属构成,用于支撑和保护车辆的主要组件。

- 例句:The chassis of this car is made of lightweight aluminum.(这辆车的底盘由轻质铝制成。

)2. 电子设备:- 含义:电子设备的机箱或框架,用于容纳和支持内部电路和元件。

- 例句:The computer's chassis is designed to allow easy installation of additional components.(计算机的机箱设计方便安装额外的组件。

)3. 工业机械:- 含义:用于支撑和保护机械设备的框架或底座。

- 例句:The chassis of the industrial machine is made of heavy-duty steel for maximum durability.(工业机械的底座采用重型钢材制成,以确保最大的耐用性。

)4. 无人机和机器人:- 含义:无人机或机器人的主体部分,用于容纳电子和机械组件,以及提供结构支撑。

- 例句:The drone's chassis is made of carbon fiber to ensure both strength and lightness.(无人机的机身采用碳纤维材料制成,以保证强度和轻巧性。





无人机作者:魏星来源:《中国科技术语》2017年第04期无人机(UAV)是无人驾驶飞行器(unmanned aerial vehicle)的简称。








● 无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV)是一种机上无人驾驶的航空器,其具有动力装置和导航模块,在一定范围内靠无线电遥控设备或计算机预编程序自主控制飞行。



——《无人机遥感系统的研究进展与应用前景》(《武汉大学学报·信息科学版》,2014年5月)● 7月14日下午,我国量产型彩虹五无人机在河北某机场完成首次试飞。




无人机最专业的中英文词汇注2.4千兆赫频段2.4千兆赫频段2400-2468千兆赫三维测绘三维地图建筑物4K分辨率4千分辨率4096 x 2160像素约8.8米像素6轴传感器6轴传感器连接的电荷耦合器件摄像机另一种常用的电荷耦合器件摄像机是互补金属氧化物半导体摄像机全球导航卫星系统全球导航卫星系统全球定位系统全球定位系统全球定位系统飞行记录器全球定位系统飞行记录器全球定位系统模块全球定位系统模块包括一个全球定位系统模块和一个罗盘模块,用于精确确定飞机的方向、经度和纬度对于自动返回失控保护,实现精确定位和悬停等功能非常重要,如准备飞行(rtf)直接飞行(RTF)虚拟现实(vr)护目镜vr眼镜主动跟踪/智能跟踪智能跟随压力计/仪表压力计业余无线电业余无线电联邦航空管理局(FaaLamper)第一人称视角(FaaLamper First Person View)(FPV)第一人称视角飞越事件活动有助于促进飞行智能电池预热空中飞行表演飞行性能图像接收器图像发射器图像发射器副翼[埃尔恩/副翼副翼升降舵升降舵控制飞机的“控制面”。



(见传统老式无人机)光流量传感器碳电极碳电极转子转子最大孔径[pt (r)]最大孔径加速度传感器加速度是速度的变化率,我们常用的单位是(m/s/s),如果加速度为负,则表示减速。





Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)无人驾驶飞机An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot onboard. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a navigator, or pilot (in military UAVs called a Combat Systems Officer on UCAVs) on the ground or in another vehicle.无人驾驶飞机,俗称无人机,即无需驾驶员在机内驾驶的飞机。

其飞行时接受的并不是机内电脑的自动控制,也不是导航员的远程控制,更不是来自地面或另一飞机上无人作战机指挥官的控制.There are a wide variety of drone shapes, sizes, configurations, and characteristics. Historically, UAVs were simple remotely piloted aircraft, but autonomous control is increasingly being employed.无人机种类繁多,在外形、大小、结构和性能上各有千秋。


Their largest use is within military applications. UAVs are also used in a small but growing number of civil applications, such as firefighting or nonmilitary security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. UAVs are often preferred for missions that are too "dull, dirty, or dangerous" for manned aircraft.无人机最广泛地运用于军事领域,在民用领域,如消防事业或管道监控这样的非军事保障工作中也占有小额比重,并有所增长。



英文无人机简介UAVAn unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV),commonly known as an aircraft without a human pilot aboard.Its flight is controlled either autonomously by onboard computers or by the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle.The typical launch and recovery method of an unmanned aircraft is by the function of an automatic system or an operator on the ground.Historically,UAVs were simple remotely piloted aircraft,but autonomous controls increasingly being employed.The UAV first appeared in 1920s, was used as the training target. Is a term used by many countries to describe the latest generation of unmanned aircrafts.UAV low-altitude photogrammetry technology,in other words,UAV with portable camera carry out large-scale aerial photography,which achieves high resolution image acquisition, compensate for a satellite remote sensing often influenced by cloud shield does not get to the drawback of the image. such as the ph otogrametry of “Shooting at the China University of Mining and Technology in the air in 2015”UAV acts rapidly and takes off only needs 7 minutes,which has completed the1 00000 square kilometers of aerial and it is of extraordinary significance to race against the disaster relief work. In addition, the UAV can guarantee safety of the rescue work and avoid the collapse danger zone that may exist for rational allocation of rescue forces through aerial form, determine the key relief areas, rescue routes and disaster reconstruction site to provide valuablereference. What’s more, the UAV can real-time monitor the situation in the affected areas, in order to prevent secondary disasters.On April 20, 2013, 7 earthquake occurred in Ya'an, UAV was first putinto relief team ,according to relevant department,the aircraft flew over 100 minutes,real-time survey and return ground disater situation,to grasp and accurately judge the disater providing scientific basis.UAV will greatly change the urban and rural lifeToday, urban and rural areas has changed a lot as the appearance of the UAV, if living in rural areas, you will marvel对…感到惊异in unmanned aerial vehicle outstanding performance in improving the transport capacity of the remote area and the efficiency of agricultural production; if as a member in the city, you will be pleasantly surprised to see UAV’extraordinary function in solving turtle speed logistics、planning urban construction and management. In the era of technique engulfing the world . The UAV is like the air to get in by every opening infiltrated into people's daily lives, in the crowded city, and the other end of the rural.From the countryside to modern smart city, where need air solutions, where will have a space for UAV. UAVs will be used in a wider field.。

英文 无人机简介

英文 无人机简介

UA VAn unmanned aerial vehicle(UA V),commonly known as an aircraft without a human pilot aboard.Its flight is controlled either autonomously by onboard computers or by the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle.The typical launch and recovery method of an unmanned aircraft is by the function of an automatic system or an operator on the ground.Historically,UA Vs were simple remotely piloted aircraft,but autonomous controls increasingly being employed.The UA V first appeared in 1920s, was used as the training target. Is a term used by many countries to describe the latest generation of unmanned aircrafts.UA V low-altitude photogrammetry technology,in other words,UA V with portable camera carry out large-scale aerial photography,which achieves high resolution image acquisition, compensate for a satellite remote sensing often influenced by cloud shield does not get to the drawback of the image. such as the photogrametry of “Shooting at the China University of Mining and Technology in the air in 2015”UA V acts rapidly and takes off only needs 7 minutes,which has completed the1 00000 square kilometers of aerial and it is of extraordinary significance to race against the disaster relief work. In addition, the UA V can guarantee safety of the rescue work and avoid the collapse danger zone that may exist for rational allocation of rescue forces through aerial form, determine the key relief areas, rescue routes and disaster reconstruction site to provide valuable reference. What’s more, the UA V can real-time monitor the situation in the affected areas, in order to prevent secondary disasters.On April 20, 2013, 7 earthquake occurred in Ya'an, UA V was first put into relief team ,according to relevant department,the aircraft flew over 100 minutes,real-time survey and return ground disater situation,to grasp and accurately judge the disater providing scientific basis.UA V will greatly change the urban and rural lifeToday, urban and rural areas has changed a lot as the appearance of the UA V, if living in rural areas, you will marvel对…感到惊异in unmanned aerial vehicle outstanding performance in improving the transport capacity of the remote area and the efficiency of agricultural production; if as a member in the city, you will be pleasantly surprised to s ee UA V’extraordinary function in solving turtle speed logistics、planning urban construction and management. In the era of technique engulfing the world . The UA V is like the air to get in by every opening infiltrated into people's daily lives, in the crowded city, and the other end of the rural.From the countryside to modern smart city, where need air solutions, where will have a space for UA V. UA Vs will be used in a wider field.。



电机 电调
桨叶 飞行控制系统
IMU Inertial measurement 惯性测量单元 unit
Main/Master Control Unit 主控单元
IOC, Intelligent Orientation 智能方向控制 Control
POI,Point of Interest
GPS 姿态模式
多屏共享 一键返航
Visual Positioning System tripod mode crop-dusting vision sensors shock absorber Gimbal horizontal movement skid square pattern
视觉定位系统 三脚架模式 农药喷洒 视觉传感器 减震器 云台 水平移动 滑行,侧滑 矩形航线飞行
8 字航线飞行 无线电信号干涉 无线电信号接收 器 信号覆盖范围 信号未覆盖范围
信号干扰 同步控制 统筹航运管理系 统
trimming torque
位置调整 扭矩
draw drone drone control system drone interceptor system drone code
Ready to Fly(RTF) virtual reality (VR)goggles Active Track / Smart Track Pressure gauge/meter Amateur Radio Federal Aviation Administration Amplifier First Person View (FPV) Flying over events intelligent battery warming up Air Fly Show image receiver image transmitter Aileron [ˈeɪlərɒn] / Flap Elevator
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)无人驾驶飞机An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot onboard. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a navigator, or pilot (in military UAVs called a Combat Systems Officer on UCAVs) on the ground or in another vehicle.无人驾驶飞机,俗称无人机,即无需驾驶员在机内驾驶的飞机。

其飞行时接受的并不是机内电脑的自动控制,也不是导航员的远程控制,更不是来自地面或另一飞机上无人作战机指挥官的控制.There are a wide variety of drone shapes, sizes, configurations, and characteristics. Historically, UAVs were simple remotely piloted aircraft, but autonomous control is increasingly being employed.无人机种类繁多,在外形、大小、结构和性能上各有千秋。


Their largest use is within military applications. UAVs are also used in a small but growing number of civil applications, such as firefighting or nonmilitary security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. UAVs are often preferred for missions that are too "dull, dirty, or dangerous" for manned aircraft.无人机最广泛地运用于军事领域,在民用领域,如消防事业或管道监控这样的非军事保障工作中也占有小额比重,并有所增长。


HistoryThe earliest attempt at a powered unmanned aerial vehicle was A. M. Low's "Aerial Target" of 1916. Nikola Tesla described a fleet of unmanned aerial combat vehicles in 1915. A number of remote-controlled airplane advances followed, including the Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane, during and after World War I, including the first scale RPV (Remote Piloted Vehicle), developed by the film star and model airplane enthusiast Reginald Denny in 1935. More were made in the technology rush during World War II; these were used both to train antiaircraft gunners and to fly attack missions. Jet engines were applied after World War II, in such types as the Teledyne Ryan Firebee I of 1951, while companies like Beechcraft also got in the game with their Model 1001 for the United States Navy in 1955. Nevertheless, they were little more than remote-controlled airplanes until the Vietnam Era.机动无人驾驶飞机最早的开发在1916年 A.M 罗的“空中目标”里。





The birth of U.S. UAVs (called RPVs at the time) began in 1959 when United States Air Force (USAF) officers, concerned about losing pilots over hostile territory, began planning for the use of unmanned flights. This plan became intensified when Francis Gary Powers and his "secret" U-2 were shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960. Within days, the highly classified UAV program was launched under the code name of "Red Wagon." The August 2 and August 4, 1964, clash in the Tonkin Gulf between naval units of the U.S. and North Vietnamese Navy initiated America's highly classified UAVs into their first combat missions of the Vietnam War. When the "Red Chinese" showed photographs of downed U.S. UAVs via Wide World Photos, the official U.S. response was, "no comment."美国无人机(当时称为远程控制飞机)的诞生始于1959,这是由于美国空军指挥官在考虑到反恐行动中的飞行员损伤后,决心使用无人飞行机。

1960年在弗兰西斯加里鲍尔斯的U-2 隐形战机苏联击落事件后,这一计划的开展得以加速。




Only on February 26, 1973, during testimony before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, did the U.S. military officially confirm that they had been utilizing UAVs in Southeast Asia (Vietnam). While over 5,000 U.S. airmen had been killed and over 1,000 more were either missing in action (MIA), or captured (prisoners of war/POW); the USAF 100th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing had flown approximately 3,435 UAV missions during the war, at a cost of about 554 UAVs lost to all causes. In the words of USAF General George S. Brown, Commander, Air Force Systems Command in 1972, "The only reason we need (UAVs) is that we don't want to needlessly expend the man in the cockpit." Later that same year, General John C. Meyer, Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command, stated, "we let the drone do the high-risk flying ... the loss rate is high, but we are willing to risk more of them ... they save lives!"直到1973年2月26日,美国军方才在美国国会拨款宣言中正式承认对东南亚(越南)使用无人机。

