化工设备泵p u m p 轴流泵a x i a l f l o w p u m p 真空泵v a c u u m p u m p 屏蔽泵c a n n e d p u m p 柱塞泵p l u n g e r p u m p 涡轮泵t u r b i n e p u m p 涡流泵v o r t e x p u m p 离心泵c e n t r i f u g a l p u m p 喷射泵j e t p u m p 转子泵r o t a r y p u m p 管道泵i n l i n e p u m p 双作用往复泵d o u b l e a c t i o n r e c i p r o c a t i n g p u m p 计量泵m e t e r i n g p u m p 深井泵d e e p w e l l p u m p 齿轮泵g e a r p u m p手摇泵h a n d(w o b b l e)p u m p 螺杆泵s c r e w(s p i r a l)p u m p 潜水泵s u b m e r s i b l e p u m p 斜转子泵i n c l i n e d r o t o r p u m p 封闭式电磁泵h e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d m a g n e t i c d r i v e p u m p 气升泵a i r-l i f t-p u m p 轴承b e a r i n g 叶轮i m p e l l e r 虹吸管s i p h o n 高压容器h i g h p r e s s u r e v e s s e l 焚化炉i n c i n e r a t o r 火焰清除器f l a m e a r r e s t e r 工业炉f u r n a c e 烧嘴b u r n e r 锅炉b o i l e r 回转窑r o t a r y k i l n加热器h e a t e r 电加热器e l e c t r i c h e a t e r 冷却器c o o l e r 冷凝器c o n d e n s e r 换热器h e a t e x c h a n g e r 反应器r e a c t o r 蒸馏釜s t i l l 搅拌器a g i t a t o r 混合器m i x e r 静态混合器s t a t i c m i x e r s 管道混合器l i n e m i x e r s 混合槽m i x i n g t a n k s 破碎机c r u s h e r 磨碎机g r i n d e r 研磨机p u l v e r i z e r 球磨机b a l l m i l l过滤器f i l t e r 分离器s e p a r a t o r 干燥器d r i e r 翅片f i n s 烟囱s t a c k 火炬f l a r e 筛子s c r e e n 煅烧窑c a l c i n e r 倾析器d e c a n t e r 蒸发器e v a p o r a t o r 再沸器r e b o i l e r 萃取器e x t r a c t o r 离心机c e n t r i f u g e r 吸附(收)器a d s o r b e r 结晶器c r y s t a l l i z e r 电解槽e l e c t r o l y z e r电除尘器e l e c t r i c p r e c i p i t a t o r 洗涤器s c r u b b e r 消石灰器s l a k e r 料仓b i n 料斗h o p p e r 加料器f e e d e r 增稠器t h i c k e n e r 澄清器c l a r i f i e r 分级器c l a s s i f i e r 浮洗器f l o c c u l a t o r 废液池s u m p 喷射器e j e c t o r 喷头s p r a y e r 成套设备p a c k a g e u n i t 仪器设备a p p a r a t u s 附属设备a c c e s s o r y旋转式压缩机r o t a r y c o m p r e s s o r 往复式压缩机r e c i p r o c a t i n g c o m p r e s s o r 水环式压缩机n a s h c o m p r e s s o r 螺杆式压缩机h e l i c a l s c r e w c o m p r e s s o r 离心式压缩机c e n t r i f u g a l c o m p r e s s o r 多级压缩机m u t i p l e s t a g e s c o m p r e s s o r 固定床反应器f i x e d b e d r e a c t o r 流化床反应器f l u i d i z e d b e d r e a c t o r 管式反应器t u b u l a r r e a c t o r 列管式换热器t u b u l a r h e a t e x c h a n g e r 螺旋板式换热器s p i r a l p l a t e h e a t e x c h a n g e r 萃取塔e x t r a c t i o n c o l u m n 板式塔p l a t e c o l u m n 填料塔p a c k e d c o l u m n 洗涤塔s c r u b b e r 吸收塔a b s o r b e r冷却塔c o o l i n g t o w e r 精馏塔f r a c t i o n a t i n g t o w e r 汽提塔s t r i p p e r 再生塔r e g e n e r a t o r 造粒塔p r i l l t o w e r 塔附件t o w e r a c c e s s o r i e s 液体分配(布)器l i q u i d d i s t r i b u t o r 填料支持板s u p p o r t p l a t e 定距管s p a c e r 降液管d o w n c o m e r 升气管c h i m n e y 顶(底)层塔盘t o p(b o t t o m)t r a y 挡板b a f f l e 抽出口d r a w n o z z l e 溢流堰w e i r 泡罩b u b b l e c a p筛板s i e v e p l a t e 浮阀f l o a t v a l v e 除沫器d e m i s t e r p a d 塔裙座s k i r t 椭圆封头e l l i p t i c a l h e a d 高位槽h e a d t a n k 中间槽i n t e r m e d i a t e t a n k 加料槽f e e d t a n k 补给槽m a k e-u p t a n k 计量槽m e a s u r i n g t a n k 电解槽c e l l 溜槽c h u t e 收集槽c o l l e c t i n g t a n k 液滴分离器k n o c k o u t d r u m 稀释罐t h i n n i n g t a n k 缓冲罐s u r g e d r u m回流罐r e f l u x d r u m 闪蒸罐f l a s h d r u m 浮顶罐f l o a t i n g r o o f t a n k 内浮顶罐c o v e r e d f l o a t i n g r o o f t a n k 球罐s p h e r o i d 气柜g a s h o l d e r 湿式气柜w e t g a s-h o l d e r 干式气柜d r y g a s-h o l d e r 螺旋式气柜h e l i c a l g a s-h o l d e r 星型放料器,旋转阀r o t a r y v a l v e 抽滤器m u t c h e f i l t e r 压滤器f i l t e r p r e s s 压滤机p r e s s u r e f i l t e r 板框压滤器p l a t e-a n d-f r a m f i l t e r p r e s s 转鼓过滤器r o t a r y d r u m f i l t e r 带式过滤器b e l t f i l t e r翻盘式过滤器袋滤器b a g f i l t e r 旋风分离器c y c l o n e s e p a r a t o r 盘式干燥箱c o m p a r t m e n t t r a y d r i e r 真空干燥器v a c u u m d r i e r 隧道式干燥器t u n n e l d r i e r 回转干燥器r o t a r y d r i e r 穿流循环干燥器t h r o u g h c i r c u l a t i o n d r i e r 喷雾干燥器s p r a y d r i e r 气流干燥器p n e u m a t i c c o n v e y o r d r i e r 圆盘式加料器d i s h f e e d e r 螺旋式加料器s c r e w f e e d e r 颚式破碎机j a w c r u s h e r 回转破碎机g y r a t o r y c r u s h e r 滚洞破碎机r o l l c r u s h e r 锤式破碎机h a m m e r c r u s h e r冲击破碎机r o t o r i m p a c t b r e a k e r 气流喷射粉碎机j e t p u l v e r i z e r 棍磨机r o d m i l l 雷蒙机r a y m o n d m i l l 锤磨机h a m m e r m i l l 辊磨机r o l l e r m i l l 振动筛v i b r a t i n g s c r e e n 回转筛r o t a r y s c r e e n 风机f a n 罗茨鼓风机r o o t's b l o w e r 起重机c r a n e 桥式起重机b r i d g e c r a n e 电动葫芦m o t o r h o i s t 发电机g e n e r a t o r 电动机m o t o r 汽轮机s t e a m t u r b i n e。
化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的A vail A vailable 有效的、可用的A vg A verage 平均A W Arc welding 电弧焊A W Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规A WS(A WI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly V alve 碟阀BW Brine V ater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCA W Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full V acuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General A verage 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMA W Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV V ickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean V alue 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NA T Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head A vailable 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PV A Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SA W Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMA W Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限V ac V acuum 真空V ap V apor 蒸汽V ar V ariable 变化、变量V el V elocity 速度V ert V ertical 垂直V ol V olume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind V elocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Y ard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年。
A阿[a]阿登生圈Adamson ring阿登生式炉胆Adamson furnace; Adamson type furnace埃[ai]anstrom unit (A)安[an]安定化shake-down安定到弹性行为shakedown to elastic action安定状态shake-down安培计分流器ammeter shunt压力容器安全技术监督规程supervision regulation on safety technology for pressure vessels安全阀safety valve安全阀回座压力blow-down for safety valve安全阀接口connections to safety valve安全阀壳casing of safety valve安全阀排放量discharge capacity of safety valve安全阀排汽管discharge pipe from safety valve安全阀容量换算capacity conversion for safety valve 安全阀整定压力safety valve setting]安全规则rules of safety安全壳containment vessel安全排放地点safe discharge point安全-破坏空间safety-failure space安全释放地点safe point of discharge安全水平safe level安全停堆safe shutdown安全温度范围safe temperature limits安全限度safe limits安全泄压阀safety relief valve安全系数safety factor安全应力范围safe range of stress安全运行寿命safe operation life安全装置safety appliance安全装置失灵circumventing of safety device安匝ampere turns安装mounting安装队伍erection staff安装方法assembly method安装静载荷erection dead load安装者的钢印assembler’s stamp氨[an]氨合成塔ammonia converter鞍[an]鞍式支座saddle support 鞍式支座卧式容器horizontal vessel on saddle support 鞍型接管saddle type nozzle鞍座saddle鞍座包角contact angle of saddle support鞍座边角horn of saddle鞍座反力reaction of saddle鞍座宽度width of saddle support鞍座数目number of saddle support鞍座位置location of saddle support鞍座型连接件saddle type fittings按[an]按规范检验code inspection按规范建造的过程code construction process暗[an]暗带dark band暗盒cassette暗红色dull red凹[ao]凹槽recess; groove凹角焊缝concave fillet weld凹口接头rabbet joint凹面concave side凹凸面法兰male and female (facing )flange凹凸密封面male-female seal face凹形concave; dishing凹形爆破片reverse buckling rupture disk凹陷sag奥[ao]奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel奥氏体钢austenitic steel奥氏体铬镍不锈钢austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel奥氏体晶界austenite grain boundaries奥氏体抗蠕变速器钢austenitic creep-resistant steelAA-No.成分阶段A-number analysisA-型扫描A-scanANSI钢制管法兰和附件标准ANSI standard pipe flanges and fittingsASME标志ASME symbolsASME规范技术内容technical aspects of the ASME code.ASME指定人员ASME designeeASTM代号ASTM designationAWS型号AWS classificationB八[ba]八角垫octagonal ring八字型开裂chevron cracking巴[ba]巴氏裂纹扩展公式Paris crack growth equation钯[ba]钯屏检漏仪palladium barrier leak detector靶[ba]靶板target靶板/底铁界面target/anvil interface靶板厚度target thickness白[bai]白点fish-eye白光white light百百分误差percent error百万电子伏Mev=million electron volts摆[bai]摆动焊weave bead welding; welding with weaving 摆动焊道weave bead摆幅oscillation displacement扳[ban]扳边的板flanged sheet扳边开孔flued opening扳紧螺纹用的面wrenching surfaces扳手spanner; wrench扳手面wrenching surfaces扳弯试验deflection bend test班[ban]班数number of shift颁[ban]颁发issuance搬[ban]搬运handling; carry; transport板[ban]板边plate edge; edges of plates板边偏移plate edge offset板边缺陷edge imperfections板波plate wave板材的确认plate material validation板材的验收plate material receipt板材识别号plate identification number板翅式换热器plate-fin exchanger板的串动和变形plate shifting and warpage板的底角处bottom corner of plate板的两端both ends of the plate板的位置plate position板和壳plate and shell 板厚中部mid-thickness板壳理论plate and shell theory板坯slab板式换热器plate heat exchanger(PHE)板条lath板条覆盖strip covering板条状马氏体lath martensite板头预弯pre-setting of the ends板桩sheet piling半[ban]半顶角half apex-angle半焊道half-bead半焊道法half bead technique半价层厚度half-value thickness (HVT)(半)径比radius ratio半精加工semi-finished半经验基础semi empirical basis半靠背half coupling半波电流half-wave current (HW)半波整流电流half-wave rectified current半烟煤semibituminous coal半圆形顶板semicircle top sheet半圆形火箱顶板semicircular crown sheet半自动焊semi-automatic welding半自动弧焊semiautomatic arc welding半自动弧焊机semiautomatic arc welding machine半自动钎焊semiautomatic brazing]半镇静钢semi-killed steel半镇静状态semi-killed state半值层厚度half-value thickness (HVT)瓣[ban]瓣片petal-shaped pieces; petals;curved plate segments棒[bang]棒材bar; bar stock material棒钢steel bar棒料bar stock包[bao]包复板上的开孔opening in wrapper sheet包角contact angle包晶反应peritectic reaction包括在内inclusive包内真空除气法ladle degassing包札式容器wrapped vessel包装packaging包装标记package marking薄[bao]薄板sheet薄板坯sheet bar薄壁容器thin-walled vessel薄壁套管thin-walled sleeve薄壁柱壳thin-wall cylindrical shell薄壳membrane shell薄壳理论membrane shell theory薄壳微体thin-shell elements薄膜力membrane force薄膜应力membrane stress薄膜应力的合力membrane stress resultant薄膜应力分析membrane stress analysis薄膜应力强度membrane stress intensity薄膜应力概念membrane stress concept薄片thin sheet薄片弯曲slice bend薄片状的lamellar薄弱环节weak link薄药皮焊条lightly coated electrode饱[bao]饱和电平saturation level饱和温度saturation level饱和蒸汽安全阀saturated-steam safety valve饱和蒸汽温度saturated steam temperature饱和状态的疏水器saturated drain保[bao]保持泵holding pump保持块retainer保护层buffer保护连锁装置protective interlocks保护膜protective film保护气体shroud gas; shrouding gas; protective atmosphere; cover gas保护涂层protective coating保护装置secured by guide; guard arrangement保留不予修理left unrepaired保留垫板permanent backing保留在原处left in place保守的conservative保守观点conservatism保守主义conservatism保单费用warranty cost保温insulation;lagging保温阶段holding period保温期间holding period保温时间soak time; time at soak temperature; holding times at temperature; time at temperature保温视镜thermo-protective sight glass 保温温度soak temperature保险公司insurance company保险式fail-safe manner保险单Insurance policy报[bao]报废率rejection rate报废原因cause for rejection报价tender保审设计designs for approval暴[bao]暴露表面exposed surfaces鲍[bao]鲍辛格效应Bauschinger effect爆[bao]爆轰产物detonation products爆轰膨胀产物expanding detonation products爆轰速度detonation velocity爆破片bursting disk; rupture disk爆破片爆破试验bursting test of rupture disk爆破片箔材foil of rupture disk爆破片额定泄放流量rated discharge capacity of rupture disk爆破片公称直径norminal diameter of rupture disk爆破片夹盘rupture disk holder爆破片坯片blank of rupture disk爆破片起拱工艺和爆破试验technological doming and bursting test of rupture disk爆破试验burst test; bursting test爆破片试验泄放流量test discharge capacity of rupture disk爆破片泄放直径discharge diameter of rupture disk爆破片泄压面积relief area of rupture disk爆破片装置rupture disk device爆破片最大泄放流量maximum discharge capacity of rupture disk爆破片最小泄放面积minimum net flow area of rupture disk爆破片温度允差tolerance of bursting temperature爆破压力bursting pressure爆破压力允差tolerance of bursting pressure爆破元件rupture element爆炸成形explosive forming爆炸复合板explosively clad plate爆炸复合法explosive cladding爆炸复合连接件explosive clad connections爆炸过渡explosive transfer爆炸焊explosive welding爆炸焊技术explosive welding technique爆炸焊塞子explosively welded plug爆炸焊修理技术explosive welding repair technique爆炸气浪blast爆炸塞焊技术explosive plugging爆炸消除应力explosive stress relieving爆炸胀接explosive expansion爆炸滴喷射过渡explosive droplet spray transfer爆破允差bursting tolerance爆破片装置额定泄放系数rated relieving coefficient of bursting disc device爆破片试样爆破试验burst testing of sample bursting disc爆破片装置额定泄放量rated relieving capacity of bursting disc device爆破片装置实际泄放量actual relieving capacity of bursting device爆破片装置理论泄放量theoretical relieving capacity of bursting disc device爆破片装置泄放面积relief area of bursting disc device 爆破片装置公称直径nominal diameter of bursting disc device爆破片装置泄放直径relief diameter of bursting disc device爆破片夹持器bursting disc holder爆破片组件bursting disc assembly杯[bei]杯-锥状断裂面cup-and-cone form fracture surface贝[bei]贝氏体bainite贝氏体钢bainite steel贝氏体相变bainitic transformation贝氏体-针状铁素体钢bainitic-acicular ferrite steels贝氏体转变bainite transformation贝壳状条纹oyster shell markings背[bei]背部连接件back connections背反射back reflection背风侧leeward side背加压试验back pressurizing testing背面back face; root surface背面侧side evading the wind背面缝隙back crevice背面焊缝back-face weld背面焊接back-face welding背面余高root reinforcement背压back pressure 背压托架back pressure support被[bei]被捕集的射流trapped jet被紧密装配在一起的表面closely fitted surfaces被录用的焊工approved welders被强烈氧化的表面drossed surface被摄物衬度subject contrast被摄物对比度subject contrast被授权的代表authorized representative被水湿润的锅炉受压元件water wetted boiler pressure parts被正式授权的官员duly authorized officer倍[bei]倍尺长度multiple lengths本[ben]本底background本底信号background signal本体试块test lug本底荧光background fluorescence本影umbra本票promissory泵[beng]泵壳casing of pump迸[beng]迸裂点pop-in point迸裂现象phenomenon of pop-in比[bi]比较测量comparative measurements比较读数comparative reader比较试块comparative test block比较线圈comparator coils比较系统comparative system比例极限limit of proportionality; proportional limit比例探头proportioning probe笔[bi]笔试written examination必[bi]必须达到的一致性mandatory conformance必要的质量requisite quality闭[bi]闭环操作closed loop operation闭环控制closed loop control闭环再现closed loop playback闭路电视closed circuit television(CCTV)闭锁lock壁[bi]壁厚wall thickness壁厚变薄wall thinning壁厚中部裂纹midthickness crack壁孔opening in the wall壁温变化changes in metal temperature边[bian]边角料scrap边界层boundary layer边界条件boundary conditions边线borderline边排管bounding row of tubes边缘穿透裂纹through edge crack边缘反力boundary reaction边缘滑移型edge sliding mode边缘力矩edge moment边缘区boundary region; boundary zone边缘缺陷edge defects; edge imperfections边缘效应edge effect边缘应力boundary stress边缘质量marginal quality编[bian]编码标志coded marking扁[bian]扁材flat扁坯slab扁平钢带错绕式容器crossly wound vessel by flat ribbon扁平区flatted spot扁塌现象collapse phenomenon变[bian]变动应力fluctuating stress变动载荷variable loading变坏degradation变截面壳体non-uniform sectional变径段reducer变量variable变色discoloration变形distortion; deformation变性材料modified material变形测定器tensometer变形层deformed layer变性能理论distortion energy theory变形速度velocity of deformation标[biao]标定爆破压力stamped bursting pressure标定过的流量计calibrated flow meter标定压力stamped pressure标记铅笔marking pencil 标距gage length标签tagging标书tender标志mark; denotation标志移植transfer of markings; transfer of marks; mark shift(MS)标准standard; specification; criterion标准参考照片standard reference photographs标准尺寸的容器vessels of standard dimensions标准穿透深度standard depth of penetration标准大气压normal atmosphere标准化的补充要求standardized supplementary requirements标准受压元件standard pressure parts标准测漏孔standard leak标准压力表master gage标准硬度块hardness standard block标准正文body of specification标准重力式压力表检验仪standard deadweight tester 标准编制组织standard preparing organization标准草案draft standard表[biao]表面标定缺口surface calibration notch表面不平整surface irregularities表面层surface coat表面层下缺陷subsurface defects表面铲伤chipping mark表面粗糙surface asperity表面粗糙度surface roughness表面粗糙度检查仪surface roughness tester表面镀层surface coating表面堆焊层surface weld metal buildup表面钝化surface passivation表面多孔性surface porosity表面发暗surface staining表面分层surface lamellation表面割炬gouging blowpipe表面鼓包surface bulging表面光洁度surface roughness; surface finish; surface smoothness表面光洁度检查仪surface finish indicator表面火焰清理surface scarfing表面积surface area表面检查surface examination表面精整surface dressing; surface finish表面孔隙度surface porosity表面亮度surface brightness表面裂纹surface crack表面面积surface area表面敏感性surface sensitivity表面膜surface film表面磨伤grinding mark表面能surface energy表面排污surface blow off表面疲劳破坏surface fatigue failure表面波surface wave表面气孔surface pore; surface blowhole表面气泡surface blowhole表面清洁度surface cleanliness表面氢化surface hydriding表面清理surface dressing; surface cleaning表面缺陷surface defects; surface imperfections; 表面热电偶surface thermocouple表面伤痕surface flaws表面烧剥surface scarfing表面失去光泽surface staining表面撕裂torn surface表面损伤作用surface damage effect表面缩孔surface pipe表面淬硬金属hard surfaced metal表面填加face feed表面涂层surface coating表面弯曲试验face bend test表面位错surface dislocation表面温度surface temperature表面温度计surface thermometer表面污染surface staining表面修整surface conditioning表面压印surface indentation表面椭圆形裂纹elliptical surface crack表面硬度surface hardness表面硬化金属hard surfaced metal表面化应力surface stress表面自由能surface free energy表面张力surface tension表面折叠surface folding表面针孔surface pinholes表面枝晶组织surface dendritic structure表面状况surface condition; surface appearance 表面准备surface preparation表旋塞gage cock表压力gage pressure表值tabular value表格form 表观surface appearance表列屈服强度值tabulated yield strength表层surface layer表面凹凸不平surface asperity; surface irregularities 表达明晰clarity of presentation表面分析surface analysis表面热处理surface heat treatment表面凹凸量unevenness of surface表面粗糙度surface roughness并[bing]并联开孔补强reinforcement of multi-opening并排的焊缝in-line welds泊[bo]泊桑比poisson’s ratio泊萧流poiseuille flow波[bo]波动wave motion; fluctuation波幅wave amplitude波高wave height波根外径root diameter of bellows wave波弧外半径radius of outer corrugation波距wave distance波列wave train波利克尼质谱仪bleakney MS波数number of lobes波束扩散beam spread波纹ripple; waviness; corrugation波纹管bellows波纹壳体corrugated shell波形waveform; waveshape; corrugation; rippled波形垫corrugated gasket波形顶部top corrugation波形焊接界面rippled weld interface波形界面rippled interface波形金属带crinkled metal ribbon波形炉胆corrugated furnace波形图oscillogram波阵面wave front波状界面wavy interface玻[bo]玻璃glass玻璃板glass plate玻璃板液位计glass plate liquid level gauge玻璃管glass tube玻璃管液位计glass tube liquid level gauge玻璃棉glass wool玻璃水位表water glass; water gage glass玻璃水位表连接法gage glass connection玻璃水位表影象的传递transmission of gage glass image玻璃状vitreous玻璃状熔渣vitreous slag剥[bo]剥离peeling off; stripping剥离强度peel resistance剥离试验peel test补[bi]补偿compensation补充addendum; supplement补充材料试验报告supplementary material test report 补充规程supplement rules补充规定additional regulations补充规则supplement rules补充设计规则addition design principles补充试验supplementary test补充说明additional remarks补充要求supplementary requirements补充页supplementary sheet补强reinforcement; reinforcing补强板reinforcing pad补强板-接管连接pad-to-nozzle attachment补强不足under-reinforcement补强的开孔reinforcement opening补强范围reinforcement range补强件强度strength of reinforcement补强截面积gross sectional area of reinforcement补强面积area of reinforcement补强面积要求area requirement for reinforcement补强圈补强pad reinforcement补强设计reinforcement design补加钢印supplementary stamping补胀re-expansion捕[bu]捕集的射流量amount of trapped jet捕获capture, trap不[bu]不按本规范设计的受压室non-code chambers不扳边的管板unflanged tubesheet不扳边的人孔圈unflanged manhole ring不包括腐蚀裕量exclusive of corrosion allowance不包括衬里厚度thickness exclusive of lining不包括复层厚度thickness exclusive of cladding不包括在内exclusive of不重合mismatch; non-overlapping 不等焊脚unequal leg不等焊脚角焊缝unequal leg fillet weld不断提供新的服务update service不对称asymmetry; unsymmetry不对称的asymmetrical; unsymmetrical不对称X形坡口asymmetric double V groove不对称载荷unsymmetrical loading不对中misalignment不对准misalignment不符合设计形状departure from design shape不合格的显示rejectable indications不合理要求illogical requirement不充分的支持insufficient support不加强的圆筒unstiffened cylinder不均匀non-uniform; ununiform; uneven不均匀沉淀ununiform precipitation不均匀加热uneven heating不均匀冷却uneven cooling不均匀塑性应变differential plastic strain不均匀析出ununiform precipitation不均匀应变differential strains不可得到not available(N/A)不可分式省煤器integral economizer不可焊unweldable不可回变形nonrecoverable deformation不可靠unreliability不可靠系数factor of uncertainty不可逆non-reciprocal不可逆变形nonrecoverable deformation不扩展non-propagating不扩展裂纹non-propagating crack不连续discontinuity不连续处discontinuity不连续处局部应力discontinuity stress不连续的裂纹群group of disconnected不连续性discontinuity不裂断准则no-break criterion不另行补强的最大开孔maximum opening diameter of needless reinforcement不另作补强的开孔unreinforced opening不能确定的化学成分uncertain chemical composition 不平度irregularities; out-of-flatness不平衡unbalance不平整的表面uneven surface不匹配mismatch; misfit; incompatible不匹配的材料incompatible materials不清晰unsharp不清晰度unsharpness不清晰图象unsharp image不起皮non-scaling不起皮合金non-scaling alloy不确定uncertain不确定区area of uncertainty不确定性uncertainty不确知uncertainty不确知系数factor of uncertainty不熔化nonconsumable; non-melt不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode不允许的角接接头non-permissible corner joint不受压部件nonpressure parts不受这些限制departure from these limits不水平度out of level不同材料的组合combination of different materials不同的压力等级different pressure levels不同焊缝金属dissimilar weld metal不同看法controversial opinion不稳定unstable不稳定奥氏体unstable austenite不稳定电弧unstable arc不稳定流动instability of flow不稳定区region of instability不稳定燃烧unstable combustion不稳定性instability不稳定性能unstable properties不稳定型破裂instability type of bursting不稳定运转unsteady running不稳定状态non-steady state不稳定组织unstable structure不相干的irrelevant不相关显示nonrelevant indication不向外供气no extraction of steam不锈stainless不锈钢stainless steel不宣布的随时复查random unannounced reassessment 不一致nonconformity不一致项nonconformities不一致性nonconformity不圆度out of roundness不着火non-inflammable不正常unusual; abnormal不正常操作条件unusual operating conditions不正确incorrect不正确支承incorrect support不证自明的原理first principles 不重要unimportant; trivial不重要缺陷trivial faults不作射线照相检验no radiography不足shortfall布[bu]布管区最外侧outer-tube-limit (OTL)布朗式炉胆brown furnace布氏硬度试验brinel hardness test步[bu]步进step; step by step步进电机stepper motor步进马达stepper motor部[bu]部分part; component部分夹套partial jackets部分射线探伤的对接焊缝partially radiographed butt welds部分射线探伤的焊接接头partially radiographed joints 部分射线照相检查partial radiography部分射线探伤partial radiography部分支承板partial support band部件part部件整体钎焊block brazing部位locationB-型扫描B-scanB-A型电离计bayard-alpert lonization gageB-J型质谱仪Bainbridge Jordan MS材[cai]材料material材料标志marking on material材料标准material specification材料标准号material specification number材料不稳定instability of material材料采购和验收procurement and receipt of material 材料采购科material procurement section材料参数material parameters材料常数material constant材料成本cost of material材料成分material composition材料尺寸scantling材料冲击试验impact tests of material材料发放release of material材料刚度material stiffness材料加工特点fabricating characteristics material材料鉴定identification of material材料检验inspection of material材料断裂韧性material fracture toughness材料管理material control材料技术条件material specification材料技术条件号material specification number材料力学mechanics of materials材料明细表material list材料缺陷修补repair of defects in materials材料入库验收receipt of material材料识别标记material identification材料识别标记的可追踪性traceability of material identification材料试验报告material test report材料试验合格证material test certificate材料性能material behavior材料性能下降degradation of material properties材料形状form of material材料选择material selection材料样品material sample材料验收acceptance of material;材料制造厂material manufacturer材料组合materials in combination采[cai]采购purchase采购标准purchasing specifications采购科procurement department采购指南procurement guideline采暖蒸汽锅炉steam heating boiler采样sampling彩[cai]彩页colored-sheet彩页增补colored-sheet addenda参[can]参考consult; reference参考标准reference standard参考点reference point参考断面reference section参考面reference surface参考试块reference block参考水平reference level参考文献referenced documents参考线reference line参考线圈reference coil参量parameter参数parameter参照consult; refer to残[can]残留residual; vestige残留焊剂flux residue 残留试验液体traces of testing liquid残留压缩应力residual compressive stress残留杂质residual impurity残品damaged article; Defective goods残液traces of liquid残余residue; Residual残余奥氏体retained austenite残余变形residual deformation permanent set 残余硅residual silicon残余剪应力residual shear stress残余拉应力tensile residual stress残余内应力场residual internal stress field 残余扭矩residual torsion残余氢residual hydrogen残余伸长residual elongation残余弹性应变场residual elastic strain field 残余压应力compressive residual stress残余应变residual strain残余应力residual stress; remaining stress残余应力分布residual stress distribution残余应力模式residual stress pattern残余应力模型residual stress pattern残余应力谱residual stress pattern残余元素含量residual element content残渣residue仓[cāng] storehouse; warehouse仓库storehouse; warehouse; depository仓库管理员storekeeper; storeman操[cao]操纵control操纵台control console; control desk操作operating; manipulation操作层operating floor操作工艺process procedure操作机构operating mechanism操作经验operating experience操作静载荷operating dead load操作平台operating platform; firing floor操作人human operator操作人员operating personnel操作手册operation manual操作说明书operating instruction操作台operating floor操作特性能performance characteristics操作温度operating temperature操作循环operational cycle操作须知operating instruction操作压力循环operating pressure cycles操作员operator操作责任控制responsible operational control操作者可达性operator access操作指南operation manual槽[cao]槽底bottom of slot槽钢U-bar; channel; U-iron; channel iron槽焊slot welding槽孔slotted hole槽液bath册[ce]册子book; volume; booklet; pamphlet侧[ce]侧板side plate; side sheet侧壁side wall侧壁熔合sidewall fusion侧壁熔深sidewall penetration侧锻side forging侧面side surface; lateral face; flank; sideface侧面长度lateral length侧面角焊缝side fillet weld; fillet weld in parallel shear 侧面收缩side contraction侧倾角side rake侧视图lateral plan; lateral view; end view侧弯side-bend侧弯试验side-bend test侧向sideway; lateral侧向冲击lateral impact侧向力lateral force; sideway force侧压side pressure; lateral pressure; side thrust侧压力lateral pressure侧振动lateral vibrations测[ce]测定determination; measurement测量measurement; survey;测氢试验hydrogen test测试testing; measuring测试方法test method测试接管instrument connection测试线圈test coil测试质量水平test quality level测温笔colour pencil; thermal crayon; temperature chalk测温漆thermal liquor测温球thermal pellet层[ceng]层板侧layer side层板端layer side层板和接管颈部间环隙annulus between layers and nozzle neck层板厚度layer thickness层板界面layer interface层板浸润layer wash层板浸润显示indication of layer wash层板试件layer test coupon层板通气孔layer vent层间layer-to-layer; between layers; interpass;层间贴合度contact between layer层间透焊layer wash层间温度interpass temperature层间温度控制interpass temperature control层间咬边interpass undercut; inter-run undercut层流laminar flow; lamellar flow层流边界层laminar boundary layer层流层laminar flow layer层流传热laminar heat transfer层压lamination层压材料laminated material层状laminar; lamellar层状断口laminar fracture; lamellar fracture层状断裂laminar fracture; laminated fracture层状裂纹laminar crack层状马氏体lamellar martensite层状缺陷laminar-type; discontinuities层状撕裂lamellar tearing层状珠光体lamellar pearlite层状组织lamellar structure差[cha]差别difference差动differential; differential action; differential motion 差动测量differential measurement差动读数differential readout差动式检漏仪differential leak detector差动式皮拉尼计differential pirani gage差动线圈differential coil差动信号differential signal差动系统differential system差距difference差拍beat差压differential pressure差胀differential expansion插[cha]插口socket; jack插口焊接socket welding插入insert; interpolation; plug in; break-in; in lay 插入焊接式拉撑螺栓welded-in stay bolts插入式接管set-in nozzle插入式连接set-in connections插入式线圈inserted coil插座socket; plug socket插座焊接塞头socket-welded plug插座焊接型socket welding type插座式接头socket type joint查[cha]查错校核searching check查对check; verify查询inquiry; query查询地址inquire address查询系统inquiry system岔[cha]岔口crotch缠[chan]缠绕twine; bind; to wind缠绕式垫片spiral wound gasket产[chan]产量production volume产品product; produce产品阀门production valve产品焊缝production joint; production weld产品焊缝试验production weld test产品焊缝试验次数number of production weld tests 产品炉号控制control of product by heat number产品取证product certification产品取证体系system of product certification产品取证制度system of product certification产品质量检查product quality audits产生produce; generate; emerge产生气孔倾向tendency to porosity产生压力buildup of pressure产值output value; value of output颤[chan]颤动wobble; flutter; chatter; vibrate; quiver颤振flutter长[chang]长度length长短轴比值major to minor axis ratio长弧long arc长空穴elongated cavity长拉杆through-stay; through rod 长期long term; long range长期规划long-range planning长时间估计值long-term predictions长寿命long life; long live长寿命同位素long-lived-isotope长圆孔slot长圆筒long cylinder长圆形obround长圆形截面容器vessel of obround cross section长圆形开孔obround opening长渣long slag长轴long axis; major axis长轴长度long span长轴距long span常[chang]常规convention, common; practice; rule; routine常规检验normal inspection常规试验routine test常规弹簧式安全阀conventional spring safety valve 常化normalize常化钢normalized steel常化氧化皮normalizing scale常数constant常态normal state; normality常温normal atmospheric temperature常温时效natural ageing常压normal pressure;常压储罐atmospheric tank常压塔atmospheric tower常用in common use常用对数common logarithm厂[chang]厂房factory building; workshop厂家标准m anufacturer’s standard厂址site of factory; location of a factory场[chang]场强field strength; field intensity场强计field strength meter敞[chang]敞开open wide; openness敞口open-end; open-top敞口钢锭模open-top mold超[chao]超差out-of-tolerance超尺寸补强oversized reinforcement超纯ultrapure超导super conduction超低碳钢ultra-low-carbon steel超低温ultra low temperature超高强度ultra-high strength超高强可焊铝合金ultra-high strength weldable aluminums alloy超高温ultra-high temperature超高压容器ultra-high pressure vessel超高真空ultra-high vacuum; ultrahard vacuum超过屈服强度的应力stress beyond yield strength超临界区supercritical region超声ultrasonic sound超声波ultrasonic wave; supersonic wave超声波反射强度strength of ultrasonic reflections超声测厚仪ultrasonic thickness meter; ultrasonic thickness gauge超声成像技术ultrasonic image超声传感器ultrasonic sensor超声焊接ultrasonic bounding; ultrasonic welding超声厚度计ultrasonic thickness gauge超声换能器ultrasonic transducer超声检测ultrasonic testing超声检漏仪ultrasonic leak detector超声检验灵敏度ultrasonic test response超声脉冲ultrasonic pulse超声全息术ultrasonoholography超声全息术(学)ultrasonic holography超声速supersonic velocity超声速爆轰炸药supersonically detonating explosive 超声探伤仪ultrasonic flaw detector; ultrasonic reflect scope超声显像ultrasonoscopy; ultrasonic visualization超声显象技术ultrasonic image technique超声学ultrasonics超声液浸式探伤ultrasonic immersion testing超声硬度测量ultrasonic hardness measurement超声应力测量仪ultrasonic stress analyzer超声应力仪ultrasonic stress meter (USM)超塑性super plasticity超塑性变形super plastic deformation超塑性蠕变super plastic creep超弹性super elasticity超压overpressure超压保护装置overpressure protection devices超压防护protection against overpressure超压脱扣机构overpressure-trip-actuating mechanism 超压泄放装置overpressure relief device超越压力overpressure车[che]车床lathe车间shop; workshop车间焊接shop welding车间经理shop manager车间检验师shop inspector车间平面布置shop layout车间现场shop floor车间现场控制体系shop floor control system车间作业workshop operation车螺纹threading车螺纹用润滑剂threading lubricant车削turning车制试样turned specimen扯[che]扯裂tearing彻[che]彻底断裂terminal fracture彻底清理thorough cleaning撤[che]撤除remove; dismantle撤消revocation; cancel; revoke沉[chen]沉淀precipitation; deposit; depression沉淀裂纹precipitation induced crack沉淀热处理precipitation heat treatment沉淀物sediment; precipitate沉淀硬化precipitation hardening沉积sedimentation; deposition沉积和生长的机理mechanism of deposit and growth 沉积结垢sedimentation fouling沉积物deposit沉降subside; settle衬[chen]衬垫backing衬垫焊welding with backing衬里lining; applied lining衬里板liner sheet衬里材料lining material衬里的紧密性tightness of applied lining衬里焊缝liner welder衬里结构applied-lining construction衬里容器lined vessel衬里施工attachment of applied lining衬铅lead lining衬铅容器lead-lined vessel衬套(套管)bushing。
化工机械专业英语对照筒体shell垫板pad接管Nozzle夹套封头jacket head封头head夹套jacket shell椭圆封头ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD管箱CHANNEL管板TUBESHEET螺母NUT法兰FLANGE法兰盖BLIND FLANGE垫片gasket垫圈washer搅拌装置agitator device视镜sight glass排气管vent pipe进气管gas inlet pipe接管NOZZLE换热管TUBE拉杆TIE RO定距管SPACER旁路档板SEALING STRIP挡管DUMMY TBUE双头螺柱STUD BOLT螺柱STUD BOLT螺栓MACHINE BOLT六角头螺母HEX NUT顶丝JACK BOLT接地板EARTH LUG吊耳LIFTING LUG耳座SUPPORT LUG膨胀节EXPANSION JOINT隔板PASS PARTITION PLATE凸缘PAD FLANGE补强圈REINFORCEMENT PLATE折流板BAFFLE防冲板IMPINGMENT PLATE防涡流挡板VORTEX BREAKER塔顶吊柱TOP DA VIT排气孔VENT HOLE泪孔TEAR HOLE检漏孔TELL-TALE HOLE垫板PAD PLATE腹板WEB筋板RIB底板BASE PLATE填料箱GLAND BOX保温螺母INSULATION NUTS保温支撑INSULATION SUPPORT铭牌NAME PLATE铭牌座NAME PLATE SUPPORT带颈视镜SIGHT GLASS法兰盖BLIND FLANGE导流板BAFFLE夹套封口环JACKET CLOSURE螺塞PLUG堵头PLUG视镜SIGHT GLASS镀锌galvanization组合件COMPONENT衬板LINING PLATE衬环LINING RING管嘴SPRAY弯头ELLBOW束节SOCKET管台SOCKET镀锌galvanization待定HOLD跨中均布STRADDLE EQUI-SPACED拉筋RIB筋板RIB撑筋RIB人孔MAN HOLEASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test 弯曲试验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fbrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头) Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (se e Data Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in Section Ⅱ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体)through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1 球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理V olume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定义。
化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的A vail A vailable 有效的、可用的A vg A verage 平均A W Arc welding 电弧焊A W Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规A WS(A WI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly V alve 碟阀BW Brine V ater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCA W Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full V acuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General A verage 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMA W Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV V ickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean V alue 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NA T Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head A vailable 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PV A Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SA W Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMA W Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限V ac V acuum 真空V ap V apor 蒸汽V ar V ariable 变化、变量V el V elocity 速度V ert V ertical 垂直V ol V olume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind V elocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Y ard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年。
常用机械专业英语对照Cutting: 切割socket weld承插焊接fillet weld角焊,填角焊branch connection分支接续fabrication tolerance.制造容差local heat treatment 局部热处理threaded pipe螺纹管seal welding.密封焊接flange joint 凸缘接头undercut 底切feeder馈电线conduit outlet电线引出口seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件Screw thread lubricant螺纹润滑剂Seal: 绝缘层weld reinforcement 焊缝补强lock washer 锁紧[止动, 防松]垫圈electrical panel.配电板,配电盘nipple螺纹接头zinc plated.镀锌的ring joint 环接, 围缘接合bolt 螺栓control: 控制器National Electrical Code 全国电气规程master schedule 主要图表, 综合图表, 设计任务书, 主要作业表torque wrench 转矩扳手job site 施工现场flange connection.凸缘联接Hard hat:安全帽Goggles:护目镜stockpile贮存packing list装箱单crate: 柳条箱purchased material list原材料进货单back-feed反馈wire coil线盘,线卷,NPT thread. 美国标准锥管螺纹cable gland 电缆衬垫terminal block线弧, 接头排接线盒, 接线板, 线夹power drill机械钻connector. 接线器insulated sleeve绝缘套管wire connector接线器wire terminal电线接头control wiring控制线路motor lead电动机引出线power wiring电力布线tender document.提供证件orifice plate.挡板nut 螺母flange gasket 法兰垫片dimensional inspection 尺寸检验burn through 烧蚀piping system.管道系统reinforcement of weld加强焊缝fabrication.制造dye penetrant examination染料渗透试验法magnetic particle examination 磁粉检验girth weld环形焊缝cement lined piping 水泥衬里weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头spool drawing 管路图, 管路详图spot test 抽查, 当场测试butt weld 对接焊缝Random Radiography随机射线照相检查radiographic examination 射线照相检查assembly.装配erection 架设examination试验cable tray.电缆盘rigid steel conduit 钢制电线管power control 功率控制arc welding 电弧焊control cable控制电缆操纵索normal bend 法向[法线]弯管cable glands: 电缆衬垫exfoliation剥落power receptacle 电力插座grounding conductor 接地导体lighting fixture照明器材junction box 分线箱race way 电缆管道terminal box接线盒distribution board配电盘, 配电屏receptacle 插座tumble switch.翻转开关,拨动式开关cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统Circuit breaker断路开关amplifier panel 放大器盘control console 控制台electrical material电气材料convenience receptacle.电源插座cable gland 电缆衬垫TIG:Tungsten-arc Inert-Gas welding 钨极电弧惰性气体保护焊filler rod焊条tensile strength 抗张强度shield gas 保护气体shield jig保护夹具high frequency generator.高频发电机welding rod 焊条filler metal 焊料, 焊丝shop fabrication 车间制造field installation 现场安装welding bead 焊道both sides welding.双面焊接residual stress 残余应力electrode 电焊条condensation 冷凝longitudinal.纵向的horizontal line 水平线circumferential joint 周圈接缝nondestructive examination.非破坏性检验, qualification: 合格性construction work施工工程welded joint焊接缝焊接节点gas cutting.气割arc cutting电弧切割grind off 磨掉metallic luster 金属光泽Screwed Piping Joints螺丝状的管接头gouging .刨削槽Bending: 挠曲witness test订货人在场的试验Welding: 焊接Threading: 车缧纹Leveling:校平color identification 彩色识别Alignment:对准,定位调整check against 检查, 核对Fixing:固定Console:控制台cubicle室,箱audit 审计material certificate.材料合格证vertical panel竖直面板power distribution panel 配电盘gauge board仪表板beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜边local panel 现场配电盘grouting 灌浆fabrication 加工,制造instrument rack 计测器支架tank gauge 液面计flushing 冲洗,填缝analyzer分析器piping管道敷设tubing敷设管道cable fitting电缆配件elbow.弯管接头main pipe 主管道bend.弯管弯头solvent 溶剂postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理jig.夹具arc gouging 电弧刨削chipping修琢machining 机械加工bridges.管式桥clamp.夹钳压力容器基本词汇安全阀 safety valve安装 Installation鞍式支座 saddle support凹面 concave半球形封头 Hemispherical heads棒 bars保温支撑 insulation support [wiki]爆炸[/wiki]性 explosive泵 pump变径段 reducers标记 stamping标志 marking标志的移植 Transferring marking波纹板 Corrugating Paper补强管 reinforcing nozzle补强圈 reinforcing ring不锈钢 stainless steel不圆度out-of-roundness材料materials材料证明书Certification of material 超声检验Ultrasonic Examination衬里Linings成型Forming成型封头Formed heads尺寸Dimensions翅片管finned tubes冲击试验impact test储罐storage tank传热面积heat transfer surface磁粉检验Magnetic Particle Examination次要应力secondary stress粗糙度roughness淬火Quenching带折边的锥形toriconical弹簧springs弹簧垫圈spring washer弹性模量 modulus of Elasticity挡板baffle plate低合金钢容器low alloy steel vessels低温容器Low-temperature vessels地震烈度seismic intensity垫板Backing strip垫片gasket垫圈washer碟形封头Dished heads顶丝jackscrew定距管spacer定位销pin dowel定义Definitions毒性toxicity镀锌容器Galvanized vessels锻件Forgings对焊[wiki]法兰[/wiki] welding neck flange耳座lug[wiki]阀门[/wiki] valves法兰flanges法兰接触面Flange contact facings防冲板impingement baffle防[wiki]腐蚀[/wiki]衬里Corrosion resistant linings防火fire protection防涡流挡板vortex breaker非受压件nonpressure parts非圆形容器Noncircular vessels分析analysis峰值应力peak stress腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance附加载荷supplementary loading附件attachments复合板Clad plate覆层容器clad vessels盖板Cover plates杆rods and bars刚性Stiffness高合金容器high-alloy vessels工作温度operation/service temperature 工作压力operation pressure固定的fixed管板tube sheet管壳式换热器shell and tube heat exchanger 管口材料表sheet of material for nozzle管口方位nozzle orientation管箱channel管子pipes nozzle tube管嘴nipple罐桶槽tank过渡段transition in过渡圆角Knuckles焊后热处理after post weld heat treating焊接工艺welding procedure specification焊接接头welding joints焊接系数welding coefficient厚度thickness滑动的sliding环向应力hoop stress回火 tempering基本地震加速度basic seismic acceleration基本分压basic wind pressure计算厚度calculated thickness技术条件form of Specification加强圈stiffening rings夹套容器Jacketed vessels检查孔Inspection openings检验inspection角焊Fillet welds接地板earth lug截止阀Stop valves介质特性fluid property金属温度Metal temperature筋板rib plate径向应力radial stress静(压力)水头static head局部areas局部local局部焊后热处理Local postweld heat treatment矩形设计rectangular design卡箍clamp开孔补强reinforcement for openings快开盖Quick-actuating closures拉杆tie rod裂缝Cracking流体(介质)fluid螺孔holes for screw螺母nut螺塞plug螺栓bolt螺纹threaded螺柱studs名义厚度nominal thickness铭牌Nameplates内部构件Internal structures内衬筒internal shell盘管coil tube配件fittings膨胀节expansion joint平封头Flat heads评定Qualification气孔Porosity气压试验Pneumatic test钎焊brazing强度strength of球形封头spherically dished曲率 curvature屈服yielding全容积total volume缺陷defects群座skirt support热处理thermal treatment热处理heat treatmen热应力thermal stress人孔 manholes韧性ductility容积volume容器vessel容器净重empty weight容器类别vessel classification塞焊Plug welds设计压力design pressure射线超声检验Radiographic Examination渗透检验Penetrant Examination石墨graphite试样Test coupons适用范围Scope手孔handholes水压试验hydrostatic test/hydraulic test/hydrotest碳钢carbon steel搪玻璃容器enameled vessels梯子、平台ladders, platforms填充金属filler metal筒体shell 凸面convex凸缘socket椭圆封头Ellipsoidal heads外压容器vessels subjected to external pressure未注尺寸公差tolerance grade not noted无支撑unstayed系数factor现场安装Field assembly校核checking of泄放Discharge泄压装置Pressure relieving devices性能properties许用工作压力allowable working pressure许用应力allowable stress易然的flammable应力腐蚀stress corrosion应力集中stress concentration预热Preheating圆度roundness圆角和倒角corners and fillets载荷Loadings胀接expanded connections折流板baffle plate蒸发器Evaporators直边长度length of skirt直径Diameter制造fabrication制造厂fabricator制造方法methods of fabrication制造工艺fabrication technology周长Girth主应力primary stress柱状壳体Cylindrical shells铸铁容器cast iron vessels转角半径knuckle radius装配assembling锥度tapered锥壳conical shell锥形封头Conical heads资格qualification纵向接头 Longitudinal joints组对fitting uppipe closure管塞end closure 端盖orifice plate 挡板exial spacing 轴向间距manufacture tolerance 制造公差acid passivation 酸洗钝化part drawing 零件图stud bolts 双头螺柱化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PV A Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直V ol V olume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年external/outide diameter 外径grease 油污。
groove face 槽面
ring joint face环连接面
flat face; full face (FF) 全平面;满平面
smooth raised face (SRF) 光滑突面
facing finish 法兰面加工
roughness 粗糙度
smooth 光滑的
Expansion joint 膨胀节
Capped and 封头
Multistage compressor 多级泵
carbon steel pipe碳钢管
alloy steel pipe合金钢管
stainless steel pipe 不锈钢
austenitic stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管
快开阀 quick opening valve
快闭阀 quick closing valve
隔断阀 isolating valve
三通阀 three way valve
夹套阔 jacketed valve
非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve
排污阀 blowdown valve
集液排放阀 drip valve
Impeller 叶轮
Sealing ring 密封环
Centrifuge 离心机
Distillation 蒸馏
Cracking 裂解
Surge 喘振
Cavitations 汽蚀
Buffer 缓冲器
Relief value 安全阀
Cylinder 汽缸
Inertia force 惯性力
Bearing 轴承
serrated 齿形
垫片 :
1 转动机械轴 shaft轴承 bearing轴承箱 bearing housing联轴节 shaft coupling滑轮 pulleyV 形皮带(三角皮带 V-belt 转动设备 turning equipment 润滑 lubricating润滑油 (1 lubricating oil (2 lube oil密封 seal轴封 shaft seal填料 packing填料箱 stuffing box油膜密封 oil film seal油封 seal oil机械密封 mechanical seal 齿轮 gear曲轴 crankshaft连杆 connecting rod十字头 crosshead气缸 cylinder缸套 cylinder liner汽缸阀 cylinder valve活塞 piston金属填料 metallic packing 予埋板 soleplate基座 baseplate柱塞 plunger箱体(壳体 casing转子 rotor平衡活塞 balance piston 迷宫密封 labyrinth叶轮 impeller轴套 sleeve耐磨环 wearing ring灯笼环 (1 lantern ring(2 seal cage.2 转动机械性能轴动力 (1 shaft power(2 brake horsepower额定制动马力 rated brake horsepower齿轮传动损失 gear loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械损失 mechanical loss额定转数 rated speed最大连续转数 maximum continuous speed 旋转油膜 oil whirl 临界速度 critical speed顺时针 clockwise转矩 torque起动转矩 starting torque性能 performance特性 characteristics压头 head液压功率 hydraulic horsepower活塞位移 piston displacement体积效率 volumetric efficiency显示图 indicator diagram压力脉冲率 pressure pulsation ratio.3 泵泵 pump泵效率 pump effiency气蚀 cavitation气蚀系数 cavitation净正吸入压头 net positive suction head 离心泵 centrifugal pump混流泵(斜流泵 mixed-flow pump轴流泵 axial pump容量泵 displacement type pump往复泵(活塞泵 reciprocating pump 旋转泵 rotary pump再生泵 regenerative pump底阀 foot valve.4 压缩机,风机等压缩机 compressor压缩机效率 compressor efficiency往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 间隙容积 clearance volume隙囊 clearance pocket减压器 unloader离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor 轴面压缩机 axial compressor 涡轮压缩机 turbocompressor鼓风机 blower风机 fan涡轮式鼓风机 turboblower涡轮风机 turbofan多叶片风机 multi-blade fan旋浆式风机 propeller fan罗茨鼓风机 (1 roots blower(2 two-lobe blowe螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor 湍振 curging中间冷却器 intercooler后冷却器(二次冷却器 aftercooler 缓冲器 snubber5 透平透平 turbine冲动式透平 impulse turbine反作用式透平 reaction turbine凝气式透平 condensing turbine 抽气式透平 extraction turbine背压式透平 back pressure turbine 透平效率 turbine efficiency调速器 governor速度范围 speed range速度调节阀 speed governing valve 应急调速器 emergency governor 跳闸速度(应急速度限 trip speed 应急阀 trip valve操纵阀 sentinel valve6 冷冻机冷冻机 refrigerator11. 其它机器11.1 搬运起重运输设备 material handling 输送机 conveyor带式输送机 belt conveyor链式输送机 chain conveyor平盘输送机 pan conveyor粉体输送机 continuous flow conveyor 气力输送机 pneumatic conveyor 混合比weight ratio of solid to gas 螺旋输送机 screw conveyor振动输送机 vibrating conveyor滚轴输送机 roller conveyor斗式提升机 bucket elevator平台给料机 table feeder定量给料机 (1 constant feeder(2 constant feed weighter 地平 scale 包装机 packing machine缝袋机 sewing machine热封口机 heat sealer卷扬机 hoist倒链、葫芦 chain block天车 overhead crane悬臂起重机 jib crane龙门起重机 gantry crane倾倒卸货机 car dumper手推车 hand cart贮存场装载输送机 recluimer铲式装料机 shovel loader起运载重机 ship loader起运卸货机 ship unloader堆积机 stacker码垛机 palletizer卸垛机 fork lift trunk叉车 fork lift trunk鹤管 loading arm11.2 粉碎粉碎 crushing粉碎机 crusher碾磨机 mill破碎机 disintegrator比粉碎能力 specific crushing capacity 粉碎比 crushing ratio 粉碎性 grindability筛网 screen切裁尺寸 cut size丝网 mesh集尘器 dust collector空气过滤器 (1 air cleaner(2 air filter旋风分离器 cyclone多管式旋风分离器 multiclone集尘效率 dust collecting efficiency 再飞散 re-entrainment 11.3 化学机械离心分离机 centrifuge澄清器 decanter过滤器 filter过滤介质 filter medium滤饼 filter cake板框式压滤机 filter press叶滤机 leaf filter转鼓过滤机 drum filter带式过滤机 belt filter盘式过滤机 pan filter预涂助滤剂的过滤机 precoat filter干燥器 dryer转盘式干燥器 rotary dryer流化床干燥器 fluidized bed dryer气流干燥器 pneumatic conveying dryer带式干燥器 band dryer喷雾干燥器 spray dryer平衡含水率 equilibrium moisture content临界含水率 critical moisture content体积传热系数 volumetric heat transfer coefficient 热效率 thermal efficiency 回转炉 rotary kiln刨片机 flaker包裹筒 coating drum混料机 blender混合器 mixer圆筒式混合器 drum mixer捏和搅拌机 kneading mill搅拌机 (1 agitator(2 stirrer造粒机 pastillator挤压机 extruder成型机 molding machine燃烧装置 flaring equipent火炬烟囱 elevated flare stack地面燃烧 ground flare分子筛密封 molecular seal12. 公用工程12.1 锅炉、蒸汽及给水系统锅炉 boiler水管锅炉 water tube boiler废热锅炉 waste heat boiler排气锅炉 exhaust gas boiler混合燃料锅炉 multi-fuel fired boiler过热器 superheater减温器 desuperheater再热器 reheater省煤器 economizer空气预热器 air preheater煤粉燃烧装置 pulverized coal firing equipment 燃料油燃烧装置 fuel oil firing equipment助燃烧嘴(长明灯 stabilizing burner点火器 (1 pilot torch(2 igniter(3 lighter起动用轻油烧嘴 (1 warm-up light oil burner(2 start-up light oil burner一次空气 primary air烟道气再循环风机 gas recirculating fan回火 (1 back fire(2 blowback(3 puff不连续燃烧 discontinuous combustion脉动燃烧 pulsating combustion负荷调整范围 (1 turn-down ratio(2 load ratio(3 load range低过量空气操作 low excess air operation加压燃烧 pressurized combustion吹灰器 soot blower锅炉自动控制系统 automatic boiler control system (ABC 气体置换联锁系统purge interlock燃料油添加剂 fuel oil additives灰处理装置 ash handling equipment灰沉淀池 ash settling pond锅炉效率 boiler efficiency循环比 circulation ratio安全阀起跳试验 safety valve operation test 负荷试验 load test排污 blowdown排污罐 blowdown tank蒸汽转化器 steam accumulator锅炉给水泵 steam converter开车给水泵 start-up feed water pump给水加热器 feed water heater锅炉给水处理 boiler feed water treatment 锅炉内水处理 internal treatment发泡 foaming汽水并发 priming过量夹带、沸腾延迟 carryover化学清洗 chemical cleaning碱洗 alkali cleaning酸洗 acid cleaning12.2 蒸汽轮机额定输出 rated output节流调速 throttle governing喷嘴增减调速 load limiter负荷限制器 speed governing operation调速操作 speed governing operation自动负载调节器 automatic load regulation稳态转速变化率 steady state speed regulation最大转速变化率 maximum momentary speed variation 调速器试验 (1 governor test(2 dump test机体温度匹配 metal matching手动停车优先 master trip锅炉随动控制 boiler following control透平随动控制 turbine following control锅炉、透平平行控制 boiler turbine parallel control 油净化器 oil purifier事故用柴油发电机 emergency diesel generator12.3 燃气轮机燃气轮机 gas turbine开式燃气轮机 open cycle gas turbine闭式燃气轮机 closed cycle gas turbine单轴燃气轮机 single-shaft gas turbine平行双轴式燃气轮机 straight compound gas turbine 交叉双轴式燃气轮机 cross-compound gas turbine 气体发生器 gas generator燃烧室 (1 combustor(2 combustion chamber压缩机清洗设备 compressor washing equipment 标准额定输出 standard rated output峰值输出 peak output燃烧负荷 combustion load自运转 self-sustaining12.4 电厂热电厂 thermal power plant负荷系数 load factor内耗率 auxiliary power ratio利用率 utilization factor有效率 availability可靠性 reliability基本负荷 base load峰值负荷 peak load中间负荷 middle load短周期负荷 fringe load长周期负荷 sustained load自起动 black start最小负荷操作 minimum load operation 冷却塔 cooling tower温差 approach夹带损失 drift loss蒸发损失 evaporation loss12.5 水处理自然沉淀 sedimentation凝聚 coagulation沉淀 settling絮凝器 flocculator浓缩器 thickener沉淀池 clarifier砂滤器 sand filter旁路过滤器 side stream filter浓缩比 concentration ratio饱和指数 saturation index防腐剂 corrosion inhibitor分散剂 dispersant化学药品注入 chemical dosing软化装置 softener脱盐装置 demineralizer离子交换树脂 ion exchanger resin处理能力 breakthrough capacity树脂交换能力 resin exchange capacity 再生效率 regenerative efficiency再生能力 regenerative level2床 3塔 two beds three towers纯水器 polisher反渗透 reverse osmosis电渗析 electrodialysis活性污泥 activated sludge曝气 aeration返送污泥 return sludge剩余污泥 excess sludge污泥消化 sludge digestion滴滤池 trickling filter浮法 floatation甲烷发酵 methane fermentation硝化 nitrification脱氮 denitrification混合液中挥发性悬浮物质 mixed liquor volatile suspend solids 絮凝体 floc浮渣 scumBOD 负荷 BOD loading污泥膨胀 bulking12.6 水质水质 quality of water碱性 alkalinity硬度 hardness暂时硬度 temporary hardness永久硬度 permanent hardness硬水 hard water软水 soft water电导率 electric conductivity残留氯 residual chlorine溶解固体 dissolved solids灼烧损失 ignition loss水垢量 evaporation residue灼烧残渣 ignition residue浊度 turbidityBOD (生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demandCOD (化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand高锰酸钾消耗量 permanganate consumption溶解氧 dissolved oxygen (DO大肠杆菌数 most probable number of coliform group (MPN 13. 化工操作及工厂装置名称13.1 反应化学反应 chemical reaction反映器 reactor聚合釜 polymerizer裂解 cracking重整 reforming重整炉 reformer歧化 disproportionation烷基化 alkylation脱烷基化 dealkylation烷基转移 transalkylation氢化(加氢 hydrogenation脱氢 dehydrogenation加氢脱硫 hydrodesulfurization 加氢处理 hydrotreating氢化裂解 hydrocracking脱沥青 deasphalting焦碳罐 coke drum(CO 转换器 shift converter甲烷转化器 methanator分解器 decomposer再生塔 regenerator13.2 吸收,吸附,分离吸收塔 absorber洗涤塔 scrubber脱 CO2塔 decarbonator吸附塔 absorber脱气器 degasifier干燥器 dryer空气干燥器 air dryer减湿装置 dehumidifier汽提塔 stripper萃取塔 extractor净化器 purifier深冷分离 low temperature separation 蒸馏塔 (1 distillatior (2 fractionator精馏塔 rectifier常压蒸馏 topping常压蒸馏塔 topper稳定器 stabilizer浓缩器 concentrator结晶器 crystallizer闪蒸罐 flash drum分离器 separator湿气分离器 mist separator缓冲罐 knock-out drumAPI 分离器 API separator油分离器 oil separator油水分离器 decanter沉淀器 settler13.3 热交换换热器 heat exchanger在线换热器 transfer heat exchanger 加热炉 furnace预热器 preheater再热器 reheater冷却塔 cooler深冷器 chiller再沸器 reboiler热缸吸再沸器 thermosiphon reboiler 蒸发器 evaporator 汽化器 vaporizer冷凝器 condenser尾气冷凝器 vent condenser省煤器 economizer融解槽 melter浸没燃烧 submerged combustion 废热锅炉 waste heat boiler 辅助锅炉 auxiliary boiler13.4 其它接受器 receiver贮槽 (1 reservior(2 holder集气罐 accumulator缓冲器 buffer脉冲衰减装置 pulsation damper 计量罐 (1 measuring tank (2 metering tank急冷塔 quencher喷射器 ejector升压器 booster循环器 recirculator加料器 feeder焚化炉 incinerator火炬(烟囱 flare stack惰性气体发生器 inert gas generator 空分装置 air separation appratus 流体床操作fluid-bed operation 造粒塔 prilling tower海水淡化装置 desalination plant 14. 流体名称及流体的性质14.1 流体名传热介质 heat transfer media 载热体(热媒 heating medium 冷却介质(冷媒cooling medium 盐水 brine催化剂 catalyst聚合引发剂 polymerization initiator 促聚剂 polymerization promoter 活化剂activator聚合调整剂 polymerization modifier 阻聚剂 polymerization inhibitor 防腐剂corrosion inhibitor抑制剂 inhibitor稳定剂 stabilizer单体 monomer聚合物 polyer均聚物 homopolymer共聚物 copolymer母料 master power溶液 solution乳浊液 emulsion悬浊液 suspension胶乳 latex淤浆 slurry母液 mother liquor石脑油 naphtha重油 heavy oil芳香烃 BTXP-P 馏分 P-P fractionC3馏分 C3 fractionB-B 馏分 B-B fraction常压残渣 atomospheric residue 久沸残渣 long residuum减压残渣 vacuum residue蒸馏残渣 short residuum轻馏分 light-end重尾馏分 heavy end溶剂 solvent贫溶剂 lean solvent富溶剂 rich solvent萃取 extract提余液 raffinate重整产品 reformate液化天然气 LNG (liquefied natural gas 液化石油气 LPG (liquefied petroleum gas 干气 dry gas酸性气 sour gas无硫气 sweet gas氮氧化物 NOX硫氧化物 SOX合成气 synthesis gas转换气 converted gas分子筛 molecular sieve活性铝(氧化铝 (1 activated alumina (2 active alumina14.2 流体的性质蒸汽压 vapor pressure临界温度 critical temperature临界点 critical point临界压力 critical pressure比热 specific heat潜热 latent heat湿度 humidity密度 density比重 specific gravityAPI 重度 API gravity粘度 viscosity动力粘度 kinetic viscosity 粘度指数 viscosity index 比粘度 specific viscosity 倾点 pour point云点 cloud point凝固点 freezing point融点 melting point浓度 (1 concentration(2 content颜色 (1 hue(2 color气味 (1 ordore(2 smell闪点 flash point引火点 ignition point热值 heating value辛烷值 (1 octane number(2 O-value(3 O-rating特性系数 characterization factorPONA 分析 PONA analysis博士法试验 doctor test碘值 (1 iodine number(2 i-value溴值 bromine number焦碳残渣 carbon residue铜板腐蚀试验 copper corrosion test 蒸馏曲线 distillation curve 14.3 粉体特性安息角 angle of repose壁面摩擦系数 coefficient of wall friction 颗粒密度 particle density 粉体密度 powder density粘度分布 particle size distribution 末端速度 terminal velocity15. 操作15.1 操作,维护操作说明书 operating instruction标准操作程序 standard operating procedure 开车 start-up 试车 running-in在操作中(在运转中 on stream装载 load up装罐(产品 run-down停车 shut-down预防修理(小修 turn-around正常停车 normal shutdown运转周期 run length冲洗 flushing喷射清洗 jet cleaning化学清洗 chemical cleaning大修 overhaul盘车 barring研磨 lapping干燥 dry out电干燥 electric drying运转中检查(在线检查 on-stream inspection 在线维修 on-stream maintenance 生产保全 productive maintenance间歇操作 batch operation半间歇操作 semi-batch operation连续操作 continuous operation制备 preparation补充 make-up回收 recovery再生 regeneration循环 recycle再循环 recycle除焦 decoking放空 vent蒸汽吹扫 steaming out吹扫 purge抽真空 evacuation吹出 blow-off排污 blowdown息火 blow-out事故排放 emergency vent安全放空 conservation vent阻火器 flame arrester防爆膜(爆破片 rupture disc安全泄气阀 safety valve事故切断阀 emergency valve过流防止阀 excess flow valve排放阀 discharge valve破真空 vacuum breaker大气腿 barometric leg锁开 locked open锁关 locked close铅封开(未经允许不得关闭 car sealed open 旁路 by-pass 操作管线 on-stream line备用 stand-by15.2 操作状态污染 containation波动 fluctuation操作稳定性 operating stability 溢流、液泛 flooding沟流 channeling停留时间 (1 residence time (2 retention time滞留量 hold up界面 interface飞沫 priming物沫夹带 entrainment漏液 weeping发泡 foaming回火 back-fire净正吸入压头 NPSH回流 reflux转化率 conversion进料 feed输入 intake冷凝液 condensate放净 drain塔顶流出物 overhead釜液 bottoms饱和蒸汽 saturated steam过热蒸汽 superheated steam直接蒸汽 live steam窒息蒸汽 smothering steam鼻烟蒸汽 snuffing steam雾化蒸汽 atomizing steam16. 防火和环保16.1 消防设备水龙带 fire hose水管接口 water nozzle消防栓 hydrant供水口 siamese connection泡沫灭火剂 foam空气泡沫发生器 air foam chamber 上升管过滤器 riser strainer消防软管接口 fire hose connection 泡沫接口 foam nozzle水枪 monitor喷头 head喷头、喷嘴 spray水喷淋(罐顶 deluge水喷淋(罐壁 drencher洒水器 sprinkler雾化 fog水喷淋 wateringCO2 灭火系统 CO2extinguishing system 灭火器 fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器 dry chemical powder消防水泵 fire pump稳压泵 jockey pump消防车 fire fighting trunk急救车、救护车 ambulance car16.2 火灾报警设备自动火灾报警系统 automatic fire alarm system 监视器 detector 发送器、变送器 transmitter接收器 receiver转送器 (1 translater(2 repeater火灾监视区 fire watching zone火灾检测区 fire sensing zone漏电报警器 leak alarm device16.3 其它防火设备阻火器 flame arrester紧急切断阀 emergency isolation valve安全(泄气阀 safety valve爆破片(膜 rupture disc联锁 interlock防护堤 dike防爆墙 explosion proofing wall避雷器 lightning arrester避难指示灯 emergency directional light避难路标 emergency directional indication 航空标识灯 (1 aircraft warning light(2 aircraft obstruction light静电保护 protection of static electricity线桥 bonding地耳 earth lug气体检测器 gas detector噪音累积器 noise exposure meter16.4 电气防爆防爆结构 explosion-protected construction增安型 increased safety type隔爆型 flameproof type本质安全型 (1 intrinsically safe type(2 intrinsic safety type正压通风型 pressurized type浸油型 oil-immersed type特殊型 special type允许温升时间 permissible locked-rotor time本安回路 intrisically safe circuit本安连接回路 associated circuit of intrinsically safe system 非本安回路 non-intrinsically-safe circuit本安电器设备 intrincally safe appratus安全栅 barrier正压通风室 pressurized room密封 sealing防爆容器 enclosure vessel16.5 危险场所、火灾、爆炸危险区 (1 hazardous area(2 hazardous location爆炸气体环境危险区 hazardous areas for explosive gas at6mosphere 粉尘危险区hazardous area for dust爆炸气体 explosive gas粉尘 dust危险源 source of hazard爆炸等级 explosion class引燃温度组别 ignition group引燃点 (1 ignition point(2 fire point闪点 flash point爆炸极限 (1 limit of explosion(2 explosive limits蒸汽密度 vapor density点火源 ignition source静电 static electrification爆炸 explosion气体爆炸 gas explosion粉尘爆炸 dust explosion蒸汽爆炸 vapor explosion最小点火能 minimum ignition energy 自燃 spontaneous ignition燃烧热 heat of combustion燃烧波 combustion wave火球 fire ball一次灾害 primary disaster二次灾害 secondary disaster16.6 化学设备、危险物、有害物允许浓度 acceptable concentrations 缺氧 want of oxygen听力下降 hearing loss16.7 安全安全工程 safety engineering人类工程学 human engineering人机系统 man-machine system定期维修 preventive maintenance维修率 maintainability利用率 avaiability可靠性 reliability持续性 redundancy故障率 failure rate故障分类 failure mode故障间隔平均时间 mean time between failures故障分类及影响分析 failure mode and effect analysis故障树分析 fault tree analysis安全性 fault tree analysis减灾对策 fail-safe 防止误差操作 fool-proof 安全评价 safety assessment 工业事故industrial accident 工业 ndustrial safety 安全管理 safety management 生产事故 labor accident 人身伤害 personal injury 事故统计 ent statistics 事故费 accident cost 伤害原因 injury source 人生防护用具 personal protective equipment 急 st aid 劳动环境 labor environment 16.8 公害环境评估 environmental assessment环境标准 environmental standard大气污染 air pollution水污染 water pollution噪音 noise土壤污染 (1 soil containment(2 soil pollution地基下沉 land subsidence18 电气(含通信18.1 图面电气用图例符号 graphical symbol for electircal appratus室内配线用符号 graphical symbol of interior wiring digram for architectural plans 单线图 single line diagram电力分布图 power distribution map总接线图 overall connection diagram顺序接线图,原理图 (1 sequence diagram(2 schematic diagram盘后接线图 panel-back connection diagram装置内部接线图 device-inside connection diagram联锁框图 interlock block diagram继电器整定一览表 relay setting schedule电机一览表 motor schedule危险区域图 hazardous area plan防爆设备一览表 list of explosion-protection for electrical equipment in hazardous areas 电气设备布置图 electrical equipment layout电气设备一览表 electrical equipment schedule单元配置图 unit arrangement电动机控制中心柜表 control center cubicle unit schedule主电缆走向图 main cable route plan配线布置图 wiring layout电缆布置详图 detail drawing for cable arrangement电缆支架布置图 cable rack layout电缆一览表 cable schedule接地线布图 (1 grounding layout(2 earthing layout照明电路一览表 lighting panelboard circuit schedule照明灯具一览表 lighting fixture schedule通信系统布置图 communication system layout火警系统布置图 fire alarm system layout电气工程典型详图 typical detail drawing for electrical work外形尺寸图 outline dimension drawing端子箱详图 terminal box detail drawing电气材料一览表 list of construction material for electrical work18.2 电气一般直流 direct curent (d-c交流 alternating current (a-c脉动电流 pulsating current电功率 electric power有效功率 (1 active power(2 effective power频率 frequency市电频率 (1 power frequency(2 commerical frequency高次谐波 higher harmonics有效值,均方根值 (1 effective value (2 root-mean-square value 最大值 maximum value峰值 (1 crest value(2 peak value平均值 mean value波形系数 wave-form factor失真率 distosion factor相位 phase相序 (1 phase sequence(2 order of phase rotation效率 efficiency损失 loss功率因素 power factor功率因素补偿 power factor improvement 接线方式 connection 中性点 neutral point中性线 (1 neutral line(2 neutral condutor配电线路方式 distribution line system 电压 voltage低压 low voltage高压 high voltage特别高压 extra-high voltage超电压 ultra-high voltage标准电压 standard voltage公称电压 nominal voltage最高电压 maximum voltage额定电压 rated voltage线电压 (1 line-to-line voltage(2 line voltage相电压 phase voltage外加电压 (1 applied voltage(2 impressed voltage对地电压 (1 line-to-ground voltage (2 voltage to ground终端电压 terminal voltage剩余电压 residual voltage反常电压 abnormal veoltage冲击电压 impulse voltage电涌电压 surge voltage开闭异常电压 switching abnormal voltage 接触电压 touch voltage阶跃电压 step voltage绝缘强度 dielectric strength漏电距离 creepage distance绝缘距离 insulation clearance 电压调节,稳压 voltage regulation 电压降 voltage drop瞬间电压降 voltage dip电流 current额定电流 rated current许用电流 allowable current起动电流 starting current冲流,涌流 (1 rush current(2 inrush current短路电流 short-circuit current 接地电流 (1 ground-fault current (2 earth-fault current 激磁电流 exciting current充电电流 charging current放电电流 discharging current 短时电流 short-time current断路电流 (1 interrupting current (2 breaking current断路时间 (1 interrupting time (2 breaking time接通时间 (1 making time(2 closing time操作时间,工作时间 operating time 起动时间 starting time阻抗电压 impedance voltage 负荷 burden导体 conductor半导体 semiconductor绝缘体 (1 insulator(2 insulating material电阻 resistance电阻率 (1 resistivity(2 specific resistance内阻 internal resistance电抗 reactance阻抗 impedance磁感应 magnetic induction电磁力 electromagnetic force 电磁感应 electormagnetic induction 电感 inductance 静电 static electrcity静电力 electrostatic force静电感应 electrostatic induction电容 (1 electrostalic capacity(2 capacitance感应干扰 electrical interference effect 气体放电 gaseous discharge无照电流 dark current火花放电 spark discharge电晕放电 corona dischage电弧放电 arc discharge辉光放电 glow discharge集肤效应 skin effect电蚀 electrohytic corrosion电防蚀,阴极保护 cathodic protection 触电 electric shock漏电 leak18.3 电源和配电电源 power source市电电源 (1 commercial power(2 purchased power自备电源 (1 generated power(2 in plant generated power 正常电源 normal power supply备用电源 stand-by power supply应急电源 emergency power supply 不停电电源 uninterruptible power supply 发电power generation发电厂 (1 power station(2 power plant受电站 receiving station变电所 substation配电室 switch room配电所 switch yard功率通量 power flow输电 power transmission输电线 transmission line输电系统 transmission system 输电端 sending end输电电压 transimission voltage 输电端电压 sending end voltage 交叉换位 transposition受电 (1 power receiving(2 power reception接受端 receving end受电电压 receving voltage配电 power distribution配电线 distribution line干线 (1 main line(2 trunk line支线 branch line电源线 power line配电系统 distribution system配电电压 distribution voltage模拟母线 mimic bus母线 (1 bus(2 busbar接地母线 (1 grounding bus(2 earthing bus责任分界点 responsibility transfer point 用电户 electric power consumer 最大需用电力 maximum demand 最大电负荷 (1 maximum load(2 maxuimum power电消耗 power consumption安装负荷 installed load需用率 demand factor负荷率 load factor盐腐 salt contamination停电 (1 power failure(2 service interruption接地故障 (1 ground fault(2 earth fault断线 breaking of wire短路 short-circuit过载电流 overcurrent过载电压 overvoltage欠压 undervoltage带电电线 hot-line18.4电气设备电气设备 electrical equipment直流发电机 d-c generator交流发电机 (1 a-c generator(2 alternator同步发电机 synchronous generator 感应发电机 induction generator发电机 generator set发电机电动机 generator-motor直流电动机 d-c motor同步电动机 synchronous motor感应电动机 induction motor鼠笼式感应电动机 squirrel-cage induction motor 绕线感应电动机 wound-rotor induction motor 交流整流式电动机 a-c commutator motor。
Explosion Proof防爆
Center of Pressure压力中心
Chloroprene Rubber氯丁橡胶
Carbon Steel碳钢
Center Section中心截面
Cooling Water冷却水
Continuous Welding连续焊
Detail Engineering Design Data详细工程设计数据
American Wire Gauge美国线规
American Welding Society(Institute)美国焊接学会
Babbitt Metal巴氏合金
化工机械专业英语对照筒体shell垫板pad接管Nozzle夹套封头jacket head封头head夹套jacket shell椭圆封头ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD管箱CHANNEL管板TUBESHEET螺母NUT法兰FLANGE法兰盖BLIND FLANGE垫片gasket垫圈washer搅拌装置agitator device视镜sight glass排气管vent pipe进气管gas inlet pipe接管NOZZLE换热管TUBE拉杆TIE RO定距管SPACER旁路档板SEALING STRIP挡管DUMMY TBUE双头螺柱STUD BOLT螺柱STUD BOLT螺栓MACHINE BOLT六角头螺母HEX NUT顶丝JACK BOLT接地板EARTH LUG吊耳LIFTING LUG耳座SUPPORT LUG膨胀节EXPANSION JOINT隔板PASS PARTITION PLATE凸缘PAD FLANGE补强圈REINFORCEMENT PLATE折流板BAFFLE防冲板IMPINGMENT PLATE防涡流挡板VORTEX BREAKER塔顶吊柱TOP DAVIT排气孔VENT HOLE泪孔TEAR HOLE检漏孔TELL-TALE HOLE垫板PAD PLATE腹板WEB筋板RIB底板BASE PLATE填料箱GLAND BOX保温螺母INSULATION NUTS保温支撑INSULATION SUPPORT铭牌NAME PLATE铭牌座NAME PLATE SUPPORT带颈视镜SIGHT GLASS法兰盖BLIND FLANGE导流板BAFFLE夹套封口环JACKET CLOSURE螺塞PLUG堵头PLUG视镜SIGHT GLASS镀锌galvanization组合件COMPONENT衬板LINING PLATE衬环LINING RING管嘴SPRAY弯头ELLBOW束节SOCKET管台SOCKET镀锌galvanization待定HOLD跨中均布STRADDLE EQUI-SPACED拉筋RIB筋板RIB撑筋RIB人孔MAN HOLEASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test 弯曲试验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fbrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头) Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 识别of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备qualification 资格reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Data Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in Section Ⅱ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体) through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢 cast iron 铸铁 ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚 high-alloy steel高合金钢 nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计 pressure vessels 压力容器 temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束 types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型 vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面 maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数 minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数 molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量 of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢 cast iron 铸铁 cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁 ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢 high-alloy steel 高合金钢 nonferrous metals 非铁金属 welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管 of values factor K系数K值 factor M 系数M factor 系数 postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1 球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理Volume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定义。
常用化工机械专业英语对照control wiring控制线路常用机械专业英语对照motor lead电动机引出线Cutting: 切割 power wiring电力布线 socket weld承插焊接 tenderdocument(提供证件 fillet weld角焊,填角焊 orifice plate.挡板 branch connection分支接续 nut 螺母 fabrication tolerance.制造容差 flange gasket 法兰垫片 local heat treatment 局部热处理 dimensional inspection 尺寸检验 threaded pipe螺纹管 burn through 烧蚀 seal welding.密封焊接piping system.管道系统 flange joint 凸缘接头 reinforcement of weld加强焊缝 undercut 底切 fabrication.制造 feeder馈电线 dye penetrant examination染料渗透试验法 conduit outlet电线引出口 magnetic particle examination 磁粉检验 seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件 girth weld环形焊缝Screw thread lubricant螺纹润滑剂 cement lined piping 水泥衬里 Seal: 绝缘层 weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头 weld reinforcement 焊缝补强 spool drawing 管路图, 管路详图 lock washer 锁紧[止动, 防松]垫圈 spot test 抽查, 当场测试 electrical panel.配电板,配电盘 butt weld 对接焊缝 nipple螺纹接头Random Radiography随机射线照相检查 zinc plated.镀锌的 radiographic examination 射线照相检查 ring joint 环接, 围缘接合 assembly.装配 bolt 螺栓 erection 架设 control: 控制器 examination试验 National Electrical Code 全国电气规程 cable tray.电缆盘 master schedule 主要图表, 综合图表, 设计rigid steel conduit 钢制电线管任务书, 主要作业表 power control 功率控制 torque wrench 转矩扳手 arc welding 电弧焊 job site 施工现场control cable控制电缆操纵索 flange connection.凸缘联接 normal bend 法向[法线]弯管 Hard hat: 安全帽 cable glands: 电缆衬垫 Goggles:护目镜exfoliation剥落 stockpile贮存 power receptacle 电力插座 packing list装箱单 grounding conductor 接地导体 crate: 柳条箱 lighting fixture照明器材 purchased material list原材料进货单 junction box 分线箱 back-feed反馈 race way 电缆管道 wire coil线盘,线卷, terminal box接线盒 NPT thread. 美国标准锥管螺纹 distribution board配电盘, 配电屏 cable gland 电缆衬垫 receptacle 插座 terminal block线弧, 接头排接线盒, 接线板, tumble switch.翻转开关,拨动式开关线夹 cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统 power drill机械钻 Circuit breaker断路开关 connector. 接线器amplifier panel 放大器盘 insulated sleeve绝缘套管 control console 控制台 wire connector接线器 electrical material电气材料 wire terminal电线接头 convenience receptacle.电源插座cable gland 电缆衬垫 grouting 灌浆TIG: Tungsten-arc Inert-Gas welding 钨极电fabrication 加工,制造弧惰性气体保护焊 instrument rack 计测器支架filler rod焊条 tank gauge 液面计tensile strength 抗张强度 flushing 冲洗,填缝shield gas 保护气体 analyzer分析器shield jig保护夹具 piping管道敷设high frequency generator.高频发电机 tubing敷设管道welding rod 焊条 cable fitting电缆配件filler metal 焊料, 焊丝 elbow.弯管接头shop fabrication 车间制造 main pipe 主管道field installation 现场安装 bend.弯管弯头welding bead 焊道 solvent 溶剂both sides welding.双面焊接 postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理residual stress 残余应力 jig.夹具electrode 电焊条 arc gouging 电弧刨削condensation 冷凝 chipping修琢longitudinal.纵向的 machining 机械加工horizontal line 水平线 bridges.管式桥circumferential joint 周圈接缝 clamp.夹钳 nondestructive examination.非破坏性检验, 压力容器基本词汇qualification: 合格性安全阀 safety valve construction work施工工程安装 Installation welded joint焊接缝焊接节点鞍式支座 saddle support gas cutting.气割凹面 concavearc cutting电弧切割半球形封头 Hemispherical heads grind off 磨掉棒barsmetallic luster 金属光泽保温支撑 insulation support Screwed Piping Joints螺丝状的管接头 [wiki]爆炸[/wiki]性 explosive gouging .刨削槽泵pumpBending: 挠曲变径段 reducers witness test订货人在场的试验标记stampingWelding: 焊接标志 markingThreading: 车缧纹标志的移植 Transferring marking Leveling:校平波纹板 Corrugating Paper color identification 彩色识别补强管 reinforcing nozzle Alignment:对准,定位调整补强圈 reinforcing ring check against 检查, 核对不锈钢 stainless steel Fixing:固定不圆度 out-of-roundness Console:控制台材料 materialscubicle室,箱材料证明书 Certification of materialaudit 审计超声检验 Ultrasonic Examination material certificate.材料合格证衬里 Liningsvertical panel竖直面板成型 Forming成型封头 Formed heads power distribution panel 配电盘gauge board仪表板尺寸 Dimensions beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜边翅片管finned tubes local panel 现场配电盘冲击试验 impact test 储罐 storage tank 工作温度 operation/service temperature 传热面积heat transfer surface 工作压力 operation pressure 磁粉检验 Magnetic Particle Examination 固定的 fixed次要应力 secondary stress 管板 tube sheet粗糙度 roughness 管壳式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger 淬火Quenching 管口材料表 sheet of material for nozzle 带折边的锥形toriconical 管口方位 nozzle orientation 弹簧 springs 管箱 channel 弹簧垫圈 spring washer 管子 pipes nozzle tube 弹性模量 modulus of Elasticity 管嘴 nipple挡板 baffle plate 罐桶槽 tank低合金钢容器 low alloy steel vessels 过渡段 transition in低温容器 Low-temperature vessels 过渡圆角 Knuckles地震烈度 seismic intensity 焊后热处理 after post weld heat treating 垫板 Backing strip 焊接工艺 welding procedure specification 垫片 gasket 焊接接头 welding joints 垫圈 washer 焊接系数 welding coefficient 碟形封头 Dished heads 厚度 thickness顶丝 jackscrew 滑动的 sliding定距管 spacer 环向应力 hoop stress定位销 pin dowel 回火 tempering定义 Definitions 基本地震加速度 basic seismic acceleration 毒性toxicity 基本分压 basic wind pressure 镀锌容器 Galvanized vessels 计算厚度 calculated thickness 锻件 Forgings 技术条件 form of Specification 对焊[wiki]法兰[/wiki] welding neck flange 加强圈 stiffening rings 耳座 lug 夹套容器 Jacketed vessels [wiki]阀门[/wiki] valves 检查孔 Inspection openings 法兰 flanges 检验 inspection法兰接触面 Flange contact facings 角焊 Fillet welds防冲板 impingement baffle 接地板 earth lug防[wiki]腐蚀[/wiki]衬里 Corrosion resistant 截止阀 Stop valveslinings 介质特性 fluid property 防火 fire protection 金属温度 Metal temperature 防涡流挡板 vortex breaker 筋板 rib plate非受压件 nonpressure parts 径向应力 radial stress非圆形容器 Noncircular vessels 静(压力)水头 static head分析 analysis 局部 areas峰值应力 peak stress 局部 local腐蚀裕量 corrosion allowance 局部焊后热处理 Local postweld heat 附加载荷 supplementary loading treatment附件 attachments 矩形设计 rectangular design 复合板 Clad plate 卡箍clamp覆层容器 clad vessels 开孔补强 reinforcement for openings 盖板 Cover plates 快开盖 Quick-actuating closures 杆 rods and bars 拉杆 tie rod 刚性 Stiffness 裂缝 Cracking高合金容器 high-alloy vessels 流体(介质) fluid螺孔 holes for screw 筒体 shell螺母 nut 凸面 convex螺塞 plug 凸缘 socket螺栓 bolt 椭圆封头 Ellipsoidal heads 螺纹 threaded 外压容器 vessels subjected to external螺柱 studs pressure名义厚度 nominal thickness 未注尺寸公差 tolerance grade not noted 铭牌 Nameplates 无支撑 unstayed内部构件 Internal structures 系数 factor内衬筒 internal shell 现场安装 Field assembly 盘管 coil tube 校核checking of配件 fittings 泄放 Discharge膨胀节 expansion joint 泄压装置 Pressure relieving devices 平封头Flat heads 性能 properties评定 Qualification 许用工作压力 allowable working pressure 气孔Porosity 许用应力 allowable stress 气压试验 Pneumatic test 易然的flammable钎焊 brazing 应力腐蚀 stress corrosion 强度 strength of 应力集中stress concentration 球形封头 spherically dished 预热 Preheating 曲率 curvature 圆度 roundness屈服 yielding 圆角和倒角 corners and fillets 全容积 total volume 载荷 Loadings缺陷 defects 胀接 expanded connections 群座 skirt support 折流板baffle plate 热处理 thermal treatment 蒸发器 Evaporators 热处理 heat treatmen 直边长度 length of skirt 热应力 thermal stress 直径 Diameter人孔 manholes 制造 fabrication韧性 ductility 制造厂 fabricator容积 volume 制造方法 methods of fabrication 容器 vessel 制造工艺fabrication technology 容器净重 empty weight 周长 Girth容器类别 vessel classification 主应力 primary stress 塞焊 Plug welds 柱状壳体 Cylindrical shells 设计压力 design pressure 铸铁容器 cast iron vessels 射线超声检验 Radiographic Examination 转角半径 knuckle radius 渗透检验 Penetrant Examination 装配 assembling石墨 graphite 锥度 tapered试样 Test coupons 锥壳 conical shell 适用范围 Scope 锥形封头 Conical heads 手孔 handholes 资格 qualification 水压试验 hydrostatictest/hydraulic 纵向接头 Longitudinal joints test/hydrotest 组对 fitting uppipe closure管塞碳钢 carbon steel搪玻璃容器 enameled vessels end closure 端盖梯子、平台 ladders, platforms orifice plate 挡板填充金属 filler metal exial spacing 轴向间距manufacture tolerance 制造公差 Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的 acid passivation 酸洗钝化part drawing 零件图 Approx Approximate 大约、近似 stud bolts 双头螺柱化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度缩写/ 英文 /中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓 ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会 Abs Absolute 绝对的 ASME American Society of MechanicalAbs Abstract 文摘、摘要 Engineers 美国机械工程师学会 A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电 Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing andAdd Addendum 补充、补遗、附录 Materials 美国材料试验学会ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标Atm Atmosphere 大气准 atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压 Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头Auto Automatic 自动 AE Absolute Error 绝对误差 Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射Avail Available 有效的、可用的检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction Avg Average 平均美国钢结构学会 AW Arc welding 电弧焊 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢AW Automatic Welding 自动焊铁学会AL Aluminium 铝 A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规 Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的AWS(AWI) American Welding ALM Alarm 报警 Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会 Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的 BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金 Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的 Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板 ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会 BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会 BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗 BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析 BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据 CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口 Calc Calculate 计算 BF Back face 背面、反面 Cap Capacity 能力、容量 BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰) CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值 Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本 BL Battery Limit 界区 BL Battery Line 界区线C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距 B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本 Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色 cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米 Blk Blank 空白CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向 BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩 CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表 CE Covered Electrode 焊条Bot Bottom 底 Cent Centrifugal 离心的 BP Back Pressure 背压 CF Centrifugal Force 离心力BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求 CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝BRG Bearing 轴承 CG Center of Gravity 重心 BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜 CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化 BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准 Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面 BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐 Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢 BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位Chk Check 检查 BV Back View 后视图 CI Cast Iron 铸铁 BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀 CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格 BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊 Circ Circumference 圆周、环向 BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规CL Class 等级、类别 BWRA. British Welding Research Association CL Center Line 中心线英国焊接研究协会 CL Clearance 间隙 CCentigrade(degree) 摄氏度数 CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢Dbl Double 二倍、双CM Center of Mass 质量中心 DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据 Cnds Condensate 冷凝液 Def Definition 定义 CO Clean Out 清除 Deg Degree 度、等级 Co Company 公司 Dept Department 部门 Coef Coefficient 系数 Des Design 设计 Col Column 柱、塔 Det Detail 详细 Comb Combination 组合 Detn Determination 确定、决定 Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的 Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置 Compn Composition 组分 DF Design Formula 设计公式Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度 Df Deflection 偏斜 Cond Conductor 导体 Dia Diameter 直径 Cond Condition 条件 Diag Diagram 图 Conn Connection 联接、接口 Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向 Const Constant 常数、恒定的 Disch Discharge 排出、出口Const Construction 结构 Distr Distribution 分布 Cont Control 控制Div Division 部分、区分 Cont Contain 包含 DL Dead load 静载荷、自重 Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司 Doc Document 文件、资料Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊 DP Design Pressure 设计压力 CP Center of Pressure 压力中心DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压 Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节 Dr Drill 钻孔 CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶 Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面 DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件 Dwg Drawing 图E East 东 Ctr Center 中心 EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数 CW Cooling Water 冷却水Ecc Eccentric 偏心 CW Continuous Welding 连续焊 EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率 Cy Cycle 循环 eg exempli gratia 例如 CylCylinder 气缸、圆筒 EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率D Density 密度 EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节Fig Figure 图EL Elevation 标高 Fin Finish 加工、完成 Elb Elbow 弯头 FL Full Load 满载 Elec Electric 电的 Flex Flexible 挠性 Elem Element 元素、元件 Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格 Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的FOC Free Of Charge 免费 Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急 ForgForging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数 Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭FREQ Frequency 频率 Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计 FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺 EP Explosion Proof 防爆 Ftg Fitting 管件、装配 Eq Equipment 设备 F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空 Eq Equation 公式、方程式 FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接 Eq Equivalent 当量 FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝 ES Electrostatic 静电 GA General Average 平均值 EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊 Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的 ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验 Genr Generator 发电机、发生器etc et cetera (and so on) 等等 GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃 Evap Evaporate 蒸发 GL Ground Level 地面标高 Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过 GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金Exam Examination 检验属极电弧焊 Exh Exhaust 废气、排气 Gnd Ground 接地、地面Exp Expansion 膨胀 Govt Government 政府 Exptl Experimental 实验的 GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Ext External 外部 Gr Grade 等级 Ext Extreme 极端的 Gr Gravity 重力FAO Finish All Over 全部加工 Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类 FAX Facsimile 传真 Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础 HC Hydrocarbon 烃类 FDW Feed Water 给水 HC High Capacity 大容量 FF Flat Face 平面 HD Head 压头 F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造 Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式 LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢hp Horsepower 马力 lb pound 磅 HP High Pressure 高压 LC Level Control 液位控制器 HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Leng Length 长度 HR(hr) Hour 小时 LF Female Face 凹面 HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度 Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计 HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽 LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的 HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度 Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接 HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝LJ Lapped Joint 松套液 LM Male Face 凸面 HT High Temperature 高温 LMTD Logarithmic Mean TemperatureDifference 对数平均温差 HT Heat Treatment 热处理 LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位 HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验Lng Lining 衬里 HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度 LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的 Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低 HW Hot Water 热水 LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水LOC Location 位置 ID Inside Diameter 内径 Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为IF Interface 交接面底) Illus Illustration 说明、图解Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压 IN Inlet 进口 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括 LT Low Temperature 低温 Ind Indicate 指示 LT Leak Testing 气密试验 Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验 Ltd Limited 有限 Instl Installation 安装 Ltr Letter 字母、信 Int Internal 内部的 Lub Lubricate 润滑 Int Intermediate 中间的 LW Lap Welding 搭接焊 Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的 LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈I/O Input/Output 输入/输出 LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝Jt Joint 连接、接头 M(m) Meter 米、公尺 KG Kilogram 公斤 Mach Machine 机器 KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦 Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料 NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的 MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗最大允许工作压力牙螺纹 Max Maximum 最大 NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验 MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度 Neg Negative 负 Mech Mechanical 机械的 NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙Mfd Manufactured 制造的螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节 Mfr Manufacturer 制造商Nom Nominal 名义 MG(mg) Milligram 毫克 MH Manhole 人孔 Nor Normal 正常 MI Melt Index 熔融指数 NOZ Nozzle 接管 MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 性气体保护焊美国标准直管螺纹 Min Minimum 最小 NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head AvailableMIN(min) Minute 分钟有效汽蚀裕量 MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片 NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required要求汽蚀裕量 Mk Mark 标志 NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美ml Milliliter 毫升国标准锥管螺纹 mm Millimeter 毫米 NT Net Tonnage 净吨数 MP Medium Pressure 中压 NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力 MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最NTS Not To Scale 不按比例大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽 Num Number 数、编号、号码MS Medium Steel 中碳钢 Obj Object 目标、对象 MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面 OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测 OD Outside Diameter 外径MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差 OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作 Mtd Mounted 安装、装配 Opp Opposite 对面、相反MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告 OR Outside Radius 外半径MU Measurement Unit 测量单位 OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位 MV Mean Value 平均值 Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的 MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉Oxyg Oxygen 氧 N North 北 P Page 页 NA Not Applicable 不适用的 P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段 Qual Quality 质量Pc Piece 件 R Radius 半径 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯 Rad Radial 径向 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图 RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Perform Performance 性能 Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环 PF Power Factor 功率因素 Recom Recommended 建议、推荐PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪Ref Reference 参照、基准表流程图Refract Refractory 耐火材料 Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动Reg Regulator 调节器 PO Purchase Order 订货单 Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Port Portable 便携式、轻便 Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对 Posit Positive 正 Rep Report 报告 Posit Position位置 Rep Repeat 重复 ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几 Reqd Required 要求、需要的ppm Parts per million 百万分之几 REV Revision 修改、版次Prod Product 产品 Rev Review 评论、检查 Proj Project 项目、工程 Rev Revolution 旋转、转数PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺 RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度 psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸RH Right Hand 右手 PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透RMS Root Mean Square 均方根检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯 ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分 PVA Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯rps revolutions per second 转/秒 PVAL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验 PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯S South 北 PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理 SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊QA Quality Assurance 质量保证 Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)QC Quality Control 质量控制SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度 Qty Quantity 数量Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段 SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统 Seg Segment 节、段 T Ton 吨 Sep Separator 分离器 TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨 Seq Sequence 次序、顺序Tech Technique 技术 SG Specific Gravity 比重 TEMA Tubular Exchanger ManufacturersSHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力 Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国) SI Standard International 国际单位制 Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头 Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体 Thk Thickness 厚度 SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊 TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊 Smls Seamless 无缝的 TL Tangent line 切线 SO Slip on 平焊(法兰) Tol Tolerance 公差 Sol Solution 溶液 Tot Total 总 SP Spare parts 备件 Trans Transfer 输送器 Sp Special 特殊的、专门的 TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊 SP Static pressure 静压力 Typ Typical 典型、标准 Spec Specification 说明、规定 UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹 SpGr Specific Gravity 比重 UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹 Sq Square 方形、平方 US Undersize 尺寸过小 SR Stress Relief 消除应力 UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢 UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准 Vac Vacuum 真空 STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量 Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量 STL Steel 钢 Vel Velocity 速度 STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准Vert Vertical 垂直温度和压力 Vol Volume 体积 Suc Suction 吸入 VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查 Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接 W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线 SW Spot Weld 点焊 WL Water Line 水线 SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰) WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程 SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力 WP Working Pressure 工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志 WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国) WS Water Supply 供水 WT Weight 重量 W/V Wind Velocity 风速 XR X-Ray X射线 Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点 Yr Year 年external/outide diameter 外径grease 油污。
机械专业中英文对照大全 机械工程师必备
![机械专业中英文对照大全 机械工程师必备](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c2297b2fcec789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79a7e.png)
机械专业英语词汇陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical—spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank 摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical—electrical integration气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire —cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip—flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheelAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet 栈板barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs。
化工设备泵pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump手摇泵hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵screw (spiral) pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵air-lift-pump轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器static mixers管道混合器line mixers混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收)器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布)器liquid distributor填料支持板support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底)层塔盘top (bottom) tray挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make-up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter带式过滤器belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器cyclone separator盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier真空干燥器vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机jaw crusher回转破碎机gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机roll crusher锤式破碎机hammer crusher冲击破碎机rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine。
化工机械专业英语筒体shell垫板pad接管Nozzle夹套封头jacket head封头head夹套jacket shell椭圆封头ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD管箱CHANNEL管板TUBESHEET螺母NUT法兰FLANGE法兰盖BLIND FLANGE垫片gasket垫圈washer搅拌装置agitator device视镜sight glass排气管vent pipe进气管gas inlet pipe接管NOZZLE换热管TUBE拉杆TIE RO定距管SPACER旁路档板SEALING STRIP挡管DUMMY TBUE双头螺柱STUD BOLT螺柱STUD BOLT螺栓MACHINE BOLT六角头螺母HEX NUT顶丝JACK BOLT接地板EARTH LUG吊耳LIFTING LUG耳座SUPPORT LUG膨胀节EXPANSION JOINT隔板PASS PARTITION PLATE凸缘PAD FLANGE补强圈REINFORCEMENT PLATE折流板BAFFLE防冲板IMPINGMENT PLATE防涡流挡板VORTEX BREAKER塔顶吊柱TOP DAVIT排气孔VENT HOLE泪孔TEAR HOLE检漏孔TELL-TALE HOLE垫板PAD PLATE腹板WEB筋板RIB底板BASE PLATE填料箱GLAND BOX保温螺母INSULATION NUTS保温支撑INSULATION SUPPORT铭牌NAME PLATE铭牌座NAME PLATE SUPPORT带颈视镜SIGHT GLASS法兰盖BLIND FLANGE导流板BAFFLE夹套封口环JACKET CLOSURE螺塞PLUG堵头PLUG视镜SIGHT GLASS镀锌galvanization组合件COMPONENT衬板LINING PLATE衬环LINING RING管嘴SPRAY弯头ELLBOW束节SOCKET管台SOCKET镀锌galvanization待定HOLD跨中均布STRADDLE EQUI-SPACED拉筋RIB筋板RIB撑筋RIB人孔MAN HOLEASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test 弯曲试验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fbrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头) Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 识别of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备qualification 资格reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Da ta Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in Section Ⅱ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体) through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1 球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理Volume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定义。
化工机械专业英语ASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐化裕量腐蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的赞成Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接收pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接收颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 曲折应力,焊接接头Bend test 曲折实验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 慎密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支撑和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接收的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高应用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的别处清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐化裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用资估中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界线service restrictions 应用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺点impact test 冲击实验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压实验nozzles and fittings 接收和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界线Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标记的承认证书Certification of material 材料证实书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损考查人员证实书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉考查Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗入渗出考查Radiographic Examination 射线超声考查Ultrasonic Examination 超声考查Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标记Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 遭受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊别处清理of welded surfaces 焊接别处Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊别处间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不合伙料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水实验运算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安稳阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐化裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐化衬里Corrugated shells 波浪形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波浪板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐化裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 预备数据申报的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 补缀焊接容器中的缺点Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的宽贷豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安稳阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不合金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大年夜变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安稳阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤实验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏爱度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,围绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 腐蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 腐蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 考查材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的考查of welded joints 焊接接头的考查Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的宽贷豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体钢容器,设计fbrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证实验marking 标记materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直截了当火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 辨认Ultrasonic Examination 超声考查Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据申报格局partial report 零部件数据申报Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温操纵Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头)Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 卵形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 经由过程或接近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经由热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证实验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指导孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证实验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压实验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压实验混淆的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 辨认of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 辨认标记,射线拍照Impact test 冲击实验certification 证实properties 机能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造时代ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经由热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量治理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面考查spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 裸露的别处和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印治理duties 职责facilities 设备qualification 资格reports 申报Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装配pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在遭受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压感化下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的律例Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐化Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗入渗出考查Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 遭受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击实验要求impact test, when not required 冲击实验,当不要求时marking 标记materials 材料testing of materials 材料实验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Data R eport) 制造厂数据申报(见数据申报)Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标记,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标记受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标记,板材切割今后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的赞成approval of repairs 修补的赞成brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合伙料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴其余use of over thickness listed in Section Ⅱ采取跨过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确信control of 操纵Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差操纵Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度操纵Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件操纵Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个雷同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安稳阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性实验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接收开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 遭受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接收,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的误差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接收(见接收开孔) shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体)through welded joints 经由过程焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,运算not requiring additional reinforcement 不须要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 须要附加补强shapes permissible 许用情势unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装配Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据申报,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各类各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标记impact test 冲击实验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标记,在切割今后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺点补缀specifications 标准structural carbon steel 构造碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压实验pressure 压力yielding 屈从Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接收和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范畴welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的预备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用) Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装配discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技巧前提Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证实验,水压(见水压实验)Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量包管体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线拍照系数Radiographing 射线拍照examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 从新实验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线拍照,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准法度榜样的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范畴head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大年夜开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接收开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,运算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装配(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装配,安稳阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安稳阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 补缀,资估中缺点的承认defective Brazing 出缺点的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺点defects in welds 焊缝中的缺点Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的储存Radiographs 射线拍照Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据申报Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安稳性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安稳泄放和泄压阀,可调剂的泄放,排放量证实capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 构造discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标记minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调剂stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 实验protective devices 防护装配for unfired steam boiler 对非直截了当火蒸气锅炉Scope 有用范畴sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的腐蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 应用限制Shapes, special 外形,专门Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔运算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 专门构造Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安稳阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印地位multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安稳阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不该覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安稳阀时,阻碍,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑别处Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得别处周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 地位pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直截了当火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标记Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大年夜容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安稳和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐化裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确信的差不多carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补偿设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受束缚types of steel permissible for 许可的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 遭受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊别处Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大年夜许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的起码螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后进步抗拉机能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 举荐的热处理温度范畴spherical radius factor K1 球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指导孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确信free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受束缚heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,操纵operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不合区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界线点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 实验外表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击实验production 临盆Tests, hydrostatic proof 实验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压实验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不克不及由运算求得强度的容器calculated 不克不及由运算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标记Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标记的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声考查UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直截了当火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识其余材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安稳和泄压装配Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标记Verification tests, heat treatment 验证实验,热处理Volume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击实验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线拍照检查,全部的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,腐蚀实验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,围绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声考查Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接收开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 实验Welders and welding operators 焊工和主动焊工identifying stamps 辨认标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定实验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件别处清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不合的材料of attachment around openings 开孔四周的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 实验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线拍照时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 辨认plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺点的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,幸免在焊缝边上structural 构造tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声考查Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑别处by proof test 验证性实验definition of 定义。
化工设备泵pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump 计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump手摇泵hand(wobble pump螺杆泵screw (spiral pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵air—lift-pump 轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器static mixers 管道混合器line mixers 混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator 洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布器liquid distributor 填料支持板support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底层塔盘top (bottom tray 挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make—up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank 球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas—holder干式气柜dry gas—holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter 带式过滤器belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器cyclone separator盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier真空干燥器vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机jaw crusher回转破碎机gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机roll crusher锤式破碎机hammer crusher冲击破碎机rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer 棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine。
英文资料1.Box-type low-melting glass melting furnace closureBox-type low-melting glass melting furnace closures, mainly for the electronics industry, the low-melting glass melting closure. Mold can also be used for various mechanical parts tempering;Alloy Die Casting-melting aging; PM powder drying temperature.Microcomputer automatic temperature controls procedures used to achieve drying process automation curve.2.Box organic membrane Pui Pui burning furnace.Box-pui organic membrane Roaster, mainly for the electronics industry, the low-melting glass melting closure.3.Swing Austempered Xiaoyan furnaceS wing by the workpiece Austempered durable manufacturing of energy-efficient industrial-type furnace. Workpiece heating molten liquid medium, such as Xiaoyan category, bases, oils,and low melting point metal and alloy, Xiaoyan workpiece heating furnace, heating faster, lighter oxidation decarbonization, facilitate local quenching,and a variety of Austempered Chemical heat treatment. Particularly applicable to railway locomotives,ball mill liners, Ball, crusher hammer Austria -PayPal of abrasion-resistant material,such as temperature quenching.Swing Austempered Xiaoyan from the furnace stove, stainless steel Crucibles, electric reciprocating swing rack, stainless steel cold-speed, electric components and automatic temperature control cabinet composed of different solvents can be used for spare parts quenching and tempering heated, Austempered cooling, such as liquid chemical heat treatment process from furnace steel and steel welded together, the use of furnace-δ = 14 mm plate made Xiaoyan lining ultra-light high-intensity 0.6 g/cm3 beads firebrick, dissecting Purchase silicate fibers, and the furnace lining shell filledwith insulation between the expansion powder insulation, the entire structure of the standard-saving lining, Xiaoyan furnace heating elements used coarse diameter 0Cr25Al5 high temperature resistance wire spiral in accordance with the temperature around 10% Busi, rehoused in the silk lining of the dormant brick, built brick by wire in front of the Bending Upwards of 20 °brick-swap silk, silk difficult to swap out resistance. Crucibles use of heat-resistant stainless steel welding materials, and the X- ray detection factory. As Austempered salt furnace used in the layout Crucibles made of heat-resistant stainless steel cold-speed packet four in the furnace and install electrical reciprocating Swing Rack, the workpiece on the rack, in the medium Xiaoyan reciprocating movement to temperature,isothermal quenching effect. Another stainless steel with compressed air into the trachea, in the bottom of the porous Crucibles jet pipeline, Xiaoyan of rapid cycling tossed to any point in Qiaoyan of uniform temperature, the furnace through Xiaoyan automatic temperature control, Cabinet with use, the workpiece can quenching in a very short time, such as rapid cooling to the temperature quenching process required by any automatic temperature thermostat.4.Three submerged electrode bath heatersDM series of three submerged electrodes of the furnace bath national standards for energy-saving cycle electrode bath furnace for melting the salt in the liquid or mixed metal salt solution in the mechanical heating, for various heat treatment, such as: quenching annealing, tempering,normalizing,no oxidation, such as heating and carburizing use. This series is divided into low-temperature furnace electrodes bath,the temperature and heat three, the temperature was 150-550 ℃,550-1000 ℃,1000-1350 ℃.DM Three-phase embedded electrodes of the furnace bath rectangular structure, the cover of the angle and a plate welding, putting plate made of interior, the interior is the standard by vertical slabs and slabs of salt slot, interior is used mainly toprevent infiltration of the insulation layer and molten salt tank, the tank when the salt damage to facilitate hanging out repairs. Electrode bath heaters and interior build a furnace insulation between the shell and fill insulation brick powder, salt from the electrode is inserted into the side slot at the bottom,a contact Bath Salt, and the remaining three face buried in the firebrick in the above structure to extend the life of electrodes. The electrodes 50 mm from the bottom, this can be avoided due to slag deposition short circuit caused the two electrodes, in the interior of the outside have cooled electrode sets, molten salt field along the electrode outflow, the water-cooled package that met solidification, this can be avoided Leakage salt.Three submerged electrode bath salts furnace used for heating agent, according to a variety of temperature, the choice of different ingredients mixed salt or salt, the surface of the molten salt is not conductive ago, bath heaters must be used when using a Fixed electrode melting, due to the current through the conductive heat continuously dissolved salt, it dissolves state can be maintained,because of electrodes in the role of the electromagnetic force, through natural convection and electromagnetic stirring constantly cycle molten salt,it can be rapid and uniform heating workpiece.Oven side with the exhaust hood, and the workshop of the exhaust pipe connected electrode bath furnace excluded from the harmful gases. Furnace electrode bath with matching supply with electric control cabinet to control electrode bath furnace temperature, temperature control cabinet with instructions by the measurement of temperature control, and the compensation wire submerged salt bath thermocouples connected, instructions can be recorded and automatically adjust temperature.5.Crucibles bath heatersCrucibles bath in this series primarily for spare parts furnace metal parts quenching,cyanide,such as annealing and tempering heat treatment,especially in fasteners,heat treatmeat standard parts.RYG2 series of energy-saving stoves from the crucible furnace shell bath, lining, crucible, the crucible lid on the heating element and hood components.Furnace shellfrom a welding steel and steel cylindrical furnace from 0.6 g/cm3 super energy-saving light beads piled firebrick, uniform wall surrounding the installation heating elements, Crucibles bath furnace hearth furnace and inter-filled silicone shell Acid mat aluminum powder insulation and expansion of insulation materials,heat-resistant steel furnace built release Crucible, used to hold salt solution, Crucible covered by the two semicircular composition, rotation can be flexible, covered with two holes for hanging the support shaft workpiece.Crucibles bath heaters equipped with circular upper furnace shell on the hood, the top exhaust port will be able to ventilation systems to remove harmful gases, on the lower part of a two enclosures can be rotated Zhaomen and observation hole. In the furnace shell in front of a drainage hole, in order to remove the furnace, regular milk, as a result of corrosion due to leaky crucible of the salt solution, which I can also outflow Crucibles bath heaters, and to protect the heating element will not be lining damaged.Work, in the drainage extraoral insert point silicate fiber cotton, and to prevent cold air from entering the furnace temperature and impact.6.Crucibles bath laboratory furnaceCrucibles bath main laboratory for laboratory furnace metal parts for various quenching,cyanide,such as annealing and tempering heat treatment, especially in fasteners,heat treatment standard parts.The laboratory Crucibles bath furnace structure, the furnace shell made of welded steel plate and steel,aluminum furnace from high energy-saving refractory made furnace used in the furnace shell of silicate fiber insulation, resistance wire heating elements used 0 Cr25Al5 , made around the furnace in the spiral arrangement of the string around the wire hole. Crucibles placed in the furnace of stainless steel, used to hold salt solution. Lid using manual clamshell.7.Quench tankZC Series quenching tank,mainly for electric Well,the electric car,box-type furnace,molten salt,and other electric furnace heated hardening of the workpiece use.Quench tank using steel structure, square, rectangular, circular, quenching tank, the installation of a heating pipe, tank, installed pump, stainless steel plate heat exchanger, automatic temperature control thermostat oil counters, the working principle: When frequent workpiece quench tank into the quenching oil temperature rise caused when pump started working, the temperature quenching tank pumping oil into the stainless steel plate heat exchanger,and then automatically connected to cooling water circulating through the multi-plate heat exchanger plate stainless steel shafts a heat exchanger,the cooling return to the quenching oil quenching tank, so reciprocating cycle to quench tank cooling purposes. When the temperature is low, the electric heater automatically connected heating oil quenching,after cold automatic temperature control, temperature quenching oil temperature in the process of quenching temperature.中文译文1.箱式低熔点玻璃熔封炉箱式低熔点玻璃熔封炉主要用于电子工业、低熔点玻璃熔封。
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weld 加强焊缝fabrication.制造dye penetrant examination染料渗透试验法 magnetic particle examination 磁粉检验 girth weld 环形焊缝cement lined piping 水泥衬里weld joint 焊缝 , 焊接接头 spool drawing 管路图 , 管路详图 spottest 抽查 , 当场测试butt weld 对接焊缝Random Radiography随机射线照相检查radiographic examination 射线照相检查assembly装.配erection 架设examination 试验cable tray.电缆盘rigid steel conduit 钢制电线管power control 功率控制arc welding 电弧焊control cable 控制电缆操纵索normal bend 法向 [ 法线 ]弯管cable glands: 电缆衬垫exfoliation 剥落power receptacle 电力插座grounding conductor 接地导体lighting fixture 照明器材junction box 分线箱 race way电缆管道terminal box 接线盒distribution board 配电盘 , 配电屏receptacle 插座tumble switch.翻转开关 ,拨动式开关cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统 Circuit breaker 断路开关amplifier panel 放大器盘 control console 控制台 electricalmaterial 电气材料 convenience receptacle电.源插座 cableTIG : Tungsten-arc Inert-Gas welding 钨极电弧惰性气体保护焊filler rod 焊条tensile strength 抗张强度shield gas 保护气体shield jig 保护夹具high frequency generator高.频发电机 welding rod 焊条filler metal 焊料 , 焊丝shop fabrication 车间制造field installation 现场安装welding bead 焊道both sides welding.双面焊接residual stress 残余应力electrode 电焊条condensation 冷凝longitudinal. 纵向的horizontal line 水平线circumferential joint 周圈接缝nondestructive examination非.破坏性检验 , qualification: 合格性construction work 施工工程welded joint 焊接缝焊接节点gas cutting.气割arc cutting 电弧切割grind off 磨掉metallic luster 金属光泽Screwed Piping Joints螺丝状的管接头gouging .刨削槽Bending: 挠曲witness test订货人在场的试验 Welding: 焊接Threading: 车缧纹Leveling:校平color identification 彩色识别Alignment :对准 ,定位调整check against 检查 , 核对Fixing :固定Console:控制台cubicle 室,箱audit 审计material certificate.材料合格证vertical panel 竖直面板power distribution panel 配电盘gauge board仪表板beveling 磨斜棱 ,磨斜边local panel 现场配电盘fabrication 加工 ,制造instrument rack 计测器支架tank gauge 液面计 flushing冲洗,填缝 analyzer 分析器piping 管道敷设tubing 敷设管道cable fitting 电缆配件elbow.弯管接头main pipe 主管道bend.弯管弯头solvent 溶剂postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理 jig. 夹具arc gouging 电弧刨削chipping 修琢machining 机械加工bridges.管式桥clamp.夹钳压力容器基本词汇安全阀safety valve安装 Installation鞍式支座saddle support凹面 concave半球形封头Hemispherical heads 棒bars保温支撑 insulation support [wiki] 爆炸 [/wiki] 性 explosive泵pump变径段 reducers标记 stamping标志 marking标志的移植 Transferring marking 波纹板 Corrugating Paper补强管reinforcing nozzle补强圈reinforcing ring不锈钢stainless steel不圆度out-of-roundness材料 materials材料证明书 Certification of material 超声检验 Ultrasonic Examination 衬里 Linings成型 Forming成型封头Formed heads尺寸 Dimensions翅片管finned tubes冲击试验impact test传热面积heat transfer surface磁粉检验Magnetic Particle Examination次要应力secondary stress粗糙度 roughness淬火 Quenching带折边的锥形toriconical弹簧 springs弹簧垫圈spring washer弹性模量modulus of Elasticity挡板 baffle plate低合金钢容器low alloy steel vessels低温容器Low-temperature vessels地震烈度seismic intensity垫板 Backing strip垫片 gasket垫圈 washer碟形封头Dished heads顶丝 jackscrew定距管 spacer定位销 pin dowel定义 Definitions毒性 toxicity镀锌容器Galvanized vessels锻件 Forgings对焊 [wiki] 法兰 [/wiki] welding neck flange耳座 lug[wiki] 阀门 [/wiki] valves法兰 flanges法兰接触面Flange contact facings防冲板 impingement baffle防 [wiki] 腐蚀 [/wiki] 衬里Corrosion resistant linings防火 fire protection防涡流挡板vortex breaker非受压件nonpressure parts非圆形容器Noncircular vessels分析 analysis峰值应力peak stress腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance附加载荷supplementary loading附件 attachments复合板 Clad plate覆层容器clad vessels盖板 Cover plates杆 rods and bars刚性 Stiffness高合金容器high-alloy vessels 工作压力operation pressure固定的fixed管板 tube sheet管壳式换热器shell and tube heat exchanger 管口材料表sheet of material for nozzle管口方位nozzle orientation管箱 channel管子 pipes nozzle tube管嘴 nipple罐桶槽 tank过渡段transition in过渡圆角Knuckles焊后热处理after post weld heat treating焊接工艺welding procedure specification焊接接头welding joints焊接系数welding coefficient厚度 thickness滑动的sliding环向应力hoop stress回火 tempering基本地震加速度basic seismic acceleration 基本分压basic wind pressure计算厚度calculated thickness技术条件form of Specification加强圈stiffening rings夹套容器Jacketed vessels检查孔Inspection openings检验 inspection角焊 Fillet welds接地板earth lug截止阀Stop valves介质特性fluid property金属温度Metal temperature筋板 rib plate径向应力radial stress静(压力 )水头 static head局部 areas局部 local局部焊后热处理Local postweld heat treatment矩形设计rectangular design卡箍 clamp开孔补强reinforcement for openings快开盖Quick-actuating closures拉杆 tie rod裂缝 Cracking流体(介质)fluid螺母 nut螺塞 plug螺栓 bolt螺纹 threaded螺柱 studs名义厚度 nominal thickness铭牌 Nameplates内部构件 Internal structures内衬筒 internal shell盘管 coil tube配件 fittings膨胀节 expansion joint平封头 Flat heads评定 Qualification气孔 Porosity气压试验Pneumatic test钎焊 brazing强度 strength of球形封头 spherically dished曲率 curvature屈服 yielding全容积 total volume缺陷 defects群座 skirt support热处理 thermal treatment热处理 heat treatmen热应力 thermal stress人孔 manholes韧性 ductility容积 volume容器 vessel容器净重empty weight容器类别 vessel classification塞焊 Plug welds设计压力design pressure射线超声检验 Radiographic Examination 渗透检验 Penetrant Examination 石墨graphite试样 Test coupons适用范围Scope手孔 handholes水压试验 hydrostatic test/hydraulic test/hydrotest碳钢 carbon steel搪玻璃容器enameled vessels梯子、平台ladders, platforms填充金属 filler metal 凸面 convex凸缘 socket椭圆封头Ellipsoidal heads外压容器 vessels subjected to external pressure未注尺寸公差tolerance grade not noted 无支撑unstayed系数 factor现场安装Field assembly校核 checking of泄放 Discharge泄压装置 Pressure relieving devices性能 properties许用工作压力 allowable working pressure 许用应力 allowable stress 易然的flammable应力腐蚀stress corrosion应力集中 stress concentration预热 Preheating圆度 roundness圆角和倒角 corners and fillets载荷 Loadings胀接 expanded connections折流板 baffle plate蒸发器Evaporators直边长度length of skirt直径 Diameter制造 fabrication制造厂fabricator制造方法methods of fabrication制造工艺fabrication technology周长 Girth主应力primary stress柱状壳体 Cylindrical shells铸铁容器 cast iron vessels转角半径 knuckle radius 装配 assembling 锥度tapered锥壳 conical shell锥形封头Conical heads资格 qualification纵向接头 Longitudinal joints组对 fitting uppipe closure 管塞 end closure端盖 orifice plate 挡板 exialspacing 轴向间距 manufacturetolerance 制造公差acid passivation 酸洗钝化part drawing 零件图stud bolts 双头螺柱化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写 / 英文 /中文AB Anchor Bolt地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure大气压 Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American WeldingSociety(Institute) 美国焊接学会 BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距 BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求 BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本 cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化 Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure压力中心 Cpl Coupling 管箍 CplgCoupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分 DLDoc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图 E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal椭球的、椭圆的Emer、 Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on)等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器 GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose一般用途、通用 Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HRC Rockwell C Hardness C 级洛氏硬度 HS High Pressure Steam高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入 /输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid液体Lj Lap joint搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差 LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal正常液位Lng Lining衬里Lo Lubrication oil润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以 10 为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝 M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat ’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum最小MIN(min) Minute分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark标志ml Milliliter毫升mm Millimeter毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽 MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧 P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph节、段PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便 Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet磅/平方英尺 psi Pounds per square inch磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PVA Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PVAL Polyvinyl Alcohol聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator再生器、再生塔 Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根 ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊 Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段 SepSeparator 分离器 SeqSequence次序、顺序 SGSpecific Gravity 比重 SHPShaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel不锈钢 Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure安全工作压SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨 Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直Vol Volume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity风速XR X-Ray X 射线Yd Yard 码Yr Year 年external/outide diameter 外径grease 油污。