
fighting在英语里表示:打架,搏斗(尤指战争中的)例:heavy fighting 激烈的打斗
此外,虽然牛津词典收录了中式英语add oil,但大部分老外是听不懂的,这再解释多麻烦,还不如学点地道表达。
Come on!加油!
例:I want to go bungee jumping.
But I'm a little afraid.
Come on
Hang in there!

加油的英文高级表达1、Come on 加油,加把劲,来吧Come on,you are the best!加油,你是最棒的。
Come on, Tom.汤姆,加油!2、Cheer up 振作起来cheer的英文解释为:to shout loudly, to show support or praise for sb, or to give them encouragement,它有加油的意思。
The boys cheered their football team.男孩子们向他的足球队高呼加油。
You always know how to cheer me up.你总是知道怎么为我加油打气。
3、encourage 鼓励它的英文解释:to give sb support, courage or hope.We encourage all students to work at their own pace.我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。
4、go,go,go 快,快,快有时候,我们可以含go,go,go来表示加油,比如在跑步或者足球比赛中。
当然,你也可以含队名来表示加油!5、keep going 继续前进有时候,喊继续前进来表示加油!比如:I was shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!'我喊着:“坚持,坚持!”6、speed up 加快通过含加快来表示加油!7、good luck 好运通过说祝你好运,来间接给他进行加油!8、fighting 战斗,干在需要鼓动气氛,鼓舞大家的时候,可以说fighting,间接表示加油,努力,好好干!这些就是加油的英文怎么说的所有内容啦,大家一起学起来。

加油英语口语单词1. 加油英语口语单词,就像给你的嘴巴装上超级引擎!比如说“awesome”,这个词可太酷了。
当你看到一场超棒的篮球比赛,你就可以大喊:“That basketball game was awesome!” 它能瞬间让你的表达充满活力,就像给平淡的话语撒上一把闪亮的星星。
2. 嘿,加油英语口语单词呀!这就好比给你的语言宝库添金加银。
想象你吃了一块超级美味的蛋糕,你可以说:“This cake is terrific!” 它能让你的感受精准地传达出去,就像一把打开欢乐之门的钥匙。
3. 加油英语口语单词,这是让你在交流海洋里畅游的浮板呢。
如果你的朋友想出了一个绝妙的主意,你马上说:“Your idea is brilliant!” 就好像给朋友的智慧点亮了一盏灯,这个词能让你的赞扬更加给力。
4. 哟,英语口语单词得加油积累啊!它们就像一个个魔法小药丸。
你去了一个超美的地方旅游,你就能说:“The scenery here is fantastic!” 这个词一说出口,就像给景色披上了一层梦幻的纱巾。
5. 加油英语口语单词啦,它们如同给你社交翅膀上的彩色羽毛。
比如你的同学考了个好成绩,你可以笑着说:“Your grade is excellent!” 就像给同学的努力送上一束鲜花。
6. 哇哦,英语口语单词要加油搞起来啊!这像是给你的表达列车加足马力。
要是你看了一场惊人的魔术表演,你大喊:“The magic show is marvelous!” 这个词让你的惊叹更加浓烈,就像给表演加了一个惊叹号。
7. 加油英语口语单词,这简直是让你在英语世界里变身超级英雄的秘密武器。
就像“wonderful”这个词,当你度过了美好的一天,你可以跟朋友说:“I had a wonderful day today.” 这就像打开了分享快乐的宝箱。

1、Come on!想鼓励一个人,或者想催促一个人快点时,可以使用这个表达。
例:Come on! Lets dance! 我们一块跳舞吧!
2、 Way to go! "Way to go" 是"That’s the way to go" 的缩写,是用来告诉一个人他做得很好,请继续保持。
例:Nice job, guys! Way to go! 非常棒,伙计们,加油!
3、 go! go! go!在足球等比较激烈的比赛上,可以直接喊go go go! 当然,如果想给中国队加油,也可以直接喊"Chi-na! Chi-na! Chi-na! "就行了。
4、to refuel.在英语中,给汽车或者飞机“加油”最常用的`说法是"to refuel"和"to fill up",另外,“加油站”的说法在英美两国是不一样的,在英国,加油站说"petrol station",在美国,加油站说"gas station"。
例:The plane was refuelled in Dubai. 飞机在迪拜加过油。
5、keep going. 继续、不停止、不放弃。
例:They were shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!' 他们喊着:“坚持,坚持!”。

"Go for it!"(加油!)
"Keep it up!"(坚持下去!)
"You can do it!"(你能行!)
"Don't give up!"(别放弃!)
"Stay strong!"(保持坚强!)
"Believe in yourself!"(相信自己!)
"Never say never!"(永不言败!)
"Keep pushing!"(继续努力!)
"You've got this!"(你能胜任这个!)
"Success is yours!"(成功属于你!)
"Persevere and succeed!"(坚持就会成功!)
"Strive for excellence!"(追求卓越!)
"You're stronger than you think!"(你比想象中更强大!)
"Go the extra mile!"(再加把劲!)
"You're on the right track!"(你正在走对的道路!)

You waved the full force of arms, looking at the solid ball into a beautiful arc, I really feel admire you, you threw out their own best level.英语运动会加油词篇二这是意志的拼搏,这是速度的挑战,胜利在向你们招手,胜利在向你们呼唤!This will be fighting, which is a speed challenge, victory beckons you to your call, victory!英语运动会加油词篇三踏上跑道,是一种选择。
On the runway, is a choice. From the beginning, is a form of courage. Riding arena, is a victory.英语运动会加油词篇四是体育场上游走的火焰,是来去不息的脚步,是风中飞舞的树叶折射的金色光芒,藉此,可以诠释运动员兴奋的脸庞。
Is the stadium walk upstream flame is always in the footsteps of come and go, is the wind leaves, golden glow of refraction, thereby, can interpret athletes excited face. The lightsome pace is like the wings of the birds, the ringing of gunfire rang out, andit rises beaming the vigor and the desire to start, acceleration, beyond, the sprint, step by step to the victory of the dawn. That is the force of competition, the quality of the contest, is the pomegranate tree, heart moving.英语运动会加油词篇五有多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因为始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利。

Kick it up a notch
1 在⽐赛⾥为他⼈加油的时候,⼀般就会说:Come on!
2 有时候为了表明⾃⼰决⼼,告诉别⼈「我会加油的」!就可以⽤我们不久之前学过的表
达:“加油”还在⽤ fighting?⽼外根本听不懂! 点击复习
Time to kick it up a notch!
这个句⼦的结构其实是省略了前⾯的 It is,完整的应该是 It is time to kick it up a notch!
kick 是”踢“这个动作,kick up 是往上提,那在这个短语⾥⾯,它就是指把什么东西⽹上提⼀
提,增⼤,增加⼀些,就是 increase 的意思。
notch 这个词作名词,是“等级,档位”的意思。
kick it up a notch 就是 increase a little,增加⼀
kick it up 中间的这个 it,指代的是什么呢?这就要看你说话的上下⽂了。
最后,这个句⼦⾥的连读是,kick, it, up 这三个词都可以连读。
「 Time to kick it up a notch」啦!。

小学英语口语100句:加油的三十种表达1. 所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。
All aircraft must fuel before flight.2. 如果你不给机器好好加油的话,它就不会正常运转。
The machine won't function properly if you don't oil it well.3. 他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。
They cheered loudly for their football team.4. 二十英里之外有一个加油站。
There is a gas station twenty miles away.5. 我们最后驶近一加油站。
We finally drove up to a gas station.6. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行.All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.7. 他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油.His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.8. 大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜.The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing herto win.9. 祝你面试好运!我会为你加油的。
Good luck with your interview. I'll be rooting for you!10. 也该随时说给自己加油打气的话。
We should also be quick to give ourselves verbal pats on the back .11. 哈达铺是红军长征的“加油站”。
Hadapu is the“gas station”of the Red Army's Long March.12. 在芝加哥加油需要停留多长时间?How big is the layover at Chicago?13. 他们说吃快餐就象汽车加油一样。

- Go and knock them dead! - 加油,你一定可以成功!
good luck
good luck 意思是 “祝你好运” , 平常口语中经常会说。在某些场合下也可以理解为“加油”。 比如朋友要去参加演讲比赛,你对他说 good luck,意思就是 “加油”。 good luck = best of luck 。 Come on , you can do it! come on 在有些情况下并不是表示“加油”。 比如,同伴一起结伴去登山,但是对方却因为恐高不敢攀爬,这时一句 come on , 意思就 是:不是吧...你这么菜啊! 会有一种嘲讽的含义。 但是如果后面加一句 “ You can do it ” 那么就很正能量了。妥妥的就是在给对方加油打luck with the show. Break a leg! - 祝你演出成功,加油!
knock them dead
这个短语直译为 “一拳打死他们”,但是千万不要直译去理解哦。否则就太暴力了。可以理解 为 “很容易就征服了某物”,所以,如果你对别人说 knock them dead,就可以表示 “去吧,加 油,你一定可以”这样的含义啦~
加油只知道 “comeon”?来,教你 n种其他说法!
Go for it 另外,除了 go for it, 再给大家介绍几个老外“加油”的地道常用表达。
break a leg
break a leg ≠ 断条腿 break a leg = 祝好运 ✔ 这个短语的来源已无从考证,据说是以前的人比较迷信,认为祝福对方好运往往会给他们带 来坏运气。所以,按照这个逻辑,祝对方坏运气,其实就是在给对方加油,希望成功的意思 了。

运动会英文加油口号实用1篇运动会英文加油口号 11. See my eye! we can fly! Let me smile!can we fight!2. Higher,faster, stronger3. One.Two.three.go.go.go4. HIGHER,FASTER,__R.5. Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward.6. step on a long journey.7. The winner is you !8. We are proud of you!9. You are the best!10. You are the bravest!Rush!11. You can do it!12. we will,we will,rock you.13. Friendship first, petition second, race out of style, match the level.14. unity and hard work, striving for success, leap dream, beyond the Liu Xiang.15.he 3challenge themselves, to break through the limit, hard work, the courage to open up.16. 4show themselves, striving to be high, the Olympic spirit, always in my heart.17. nine class A, die another day, across the field, for I rule the roost.18.class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine.19. The movement of infinite strength, contribute, track and field, take one's ease.20. hard work ahead, always progress, bloom of youth, beyond the dream.21. physical fitness, determined to e a useful person, tenacious struggle, beyond the limit.22. The wave of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited.23.the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break through the limit.24. 8hard work, the courage to open up, disciplined, solidarity and mutual respect.25. 9out of style, stepped out of the youth, class nine, march forward courageously.26. the ultimate nine class, the extraordinary momentum,horse saddle gold, Yong crown land.27. Friendship first!Competition second!28. Challenge your own Fly your dream To be No.1!29. Go for it! Your are the best30. We are the best!31. We are the champion!32. run run run.33. No retreat!No surrender!34. I came I saw I conquered!35. Do what i can do.36. class one class one.37. never scared of anyone.38. on today's sport day.39. we will be the NO.1.40. We are the best We are the wonder .41. Stand out ,Now !42. catch up with me if you can.43. For every body of today and tomorrow.44. pursue the best , inspire a class.45. inspire a generation.。

你会⽤英语说加油吗?中国队加油!GoTeamChina!最近⼤家都忙着看⾥约奥运会,学英语的时间感觉少了很多有没有?没关系!今天我们来学习怎样⽤英⽂加油,看⽐赛的时候顺便练练英语,学会了还可以在⽇常⽣活中帮⼈打打⽓加加油,哇噻,那是多么的⼀举数得啊!给运动员加油,很多⼈会说成是:cheer up sb.,但其实这⾥⽤cheer up并不合适,应该⽤cheersb. on,这个短语的意思才是:To shout words of encouragement to your favorite team orplayer,即“在⽐赛中以喝彩声⿎励、为你喜欢的队伍或运动员加油”。
如果是⽐赛结束取得了好成绩,就可以⽤cheer (sb.),意为“(为某⼈)欢呼”。
举个例⼦:I'll be there to cheer you on when the race starts.⽐赛开始时我会去给你加油的。
想给某个运动员加油,最常⽤的说法是:Come on! 加油啊!后⾯可加运动员名字:Come on, Fu Yuanhui!加油啊,傅园慧!还可以在后⾯加上:You can do it!你⼀定⾏!You are the best!你是最好的!Come on, Sun Yang! you can do it! You’re the best!加油,孙杨!你能⾏!你是最好的!如果是给某⽀队伍加油,可以说:Let’s go! 加油!后⾯常加队伍名字:Let’s go, Team China! Let’s go!加油!中国队加油!其他常⽤的“加油”⽤语:Go! Go! Go!加油!Go for it!加油!如果你⽀持的运动员或队伍⾯临失败难以保持⼠⽓,可以说:Don’t give up!别放弃!Keep going!继续!美国啦啦队很喜欢⽤的⼀个加油⽅式是这样的:Two, four, six, eight – Who do we appreciate?2、4、6、8,我们喜爱谁?后⾯接要加油的运动员或队伍。

英文版运动会加油词5篇范文第一篇:英文版运动会加油词英文版运动会加油词(一)The winner is you.We do many things for you!Now you do many things for us.We are proud of you!You are the best, because you believe yourself, you are the bravest, because you have power.You are the cutest, too.Because you tell us you are able to do that!You can open the prologue of win the score.You also give sportsman cheer.Go!Rush!We can do it!You are a monument, you are also a flag.Just do it!You are the winner.Because we believe you!(二)Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone.You do not know when it would play, when will it drop;sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay.Athletes, when you ride in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its own.In this highly competitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also lovely.We have seen hope inSan Fan middle school.We see hope, hope to see tomorrow! 第二篇:英文运动会加油稿Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone.You do not know when it would play, when will it drop;sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay,In this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching.Your life will be sweet brilliant!Athletes, when you ride in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its own.Station no longer that hardbefore the starting line, that is, the moment of success you dream of.Yes, there is a lot of far-fetched dreams, but dreams can come true.Has broken Krylov said: “At this side of reality, the ideal at the other side, across the middle of the river rapids.Efforts to frame action is on a bridge in Sichuan.” From the reality on this side and reach the other side of the ideal, focusing on efforts to focus on confidence., and that more should be the spirit of our athletes.Eagle belong to the blue sky, white water belong to the sea, while our athletes are belong to the grass.It is hoped that the place up, it will be come a stage win.Sports athletes are confident that when you fight for the dream, in order to win time and sweat, but also for the glory of our liuyang eight.Undoubtedly, in this highly competitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also lovely.Same winds will favor, in fact, everyone wants to glory, but someone afraid of magma emitted burn themselves, select run, on the successful selection, they chose the injured;select high jump, on the win at select when they select a fall.When the mussels force by pregnancy after suffering a dazzling crystal pearl, when the athletes are going through a painful after the creation of an astonishing score.Clare said: “The people are some kind of faith in order to live.” Hearts there is hope thatOnly the hearts of the road, has the hearts of the road will be down at the foot.Athletes, when you with the ideal and the sweat, through the painful Ze Chao will find a bright road.Will become exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life will become humble and the great tragic.Sport athletes.We have seen, through the sweat of your crystal, we have seen in eight liuyang hope that you crossed the Pentium pace, we see hope, hope tosee tomorrow.Travel, life does not return this stadium.Wild.NOT back to life in this stadium.T ouched, your spirit of sport.courage.运动如歌,但却没有永恒的调子。

英语中为比赛加油的句子在英语中为比赛加油的句子有很多,下面是我列出的十个:1. Go for it! (加油!)这是比赛中最常用的加油话,通常在观众团体中大喊,以鼓舞选手的士气。
2. You can do it! (你可以做到的!)这一句话给选手们带来了信心和勇气,让他们相信自己有能力去战胜对手。
3. Believe in yourself! (相信自己!)在比赛中,选手们一定会遇到种种困难和挑战,这时候我们要鼓励他们相信自己的实力和能力,坚定取胜的信心。
4. Keep pushing! (继续努力!)在比赛中,有时候选手们可能会陷入低谷,这时候我们要通过这样的话语,让他们保持前进的动力,继续拼搏。
5. Get in the zone! (状态上来了!)这个句子通常用来鼓励选手们进入最佳状态,让他们发挥出自己的最大实力。
6. Take it to the next level! (再接再厉!)当选手们成功完成一个任务时,我们要鼓励他们继续前进,进一步提高自己的水平,争取更高的成就。
7. Leave it all on the field! (全力以赴!)这句话的意思是我们希望选手们能够尽全力去拼搏,无论输赢,都无愧于心。
8. Never give up! (永不放弃!)在比赛中,选手们可能会遇到重重困难,但我们要告诉他们永不气馁,永不放弃,只有坚持到底才有可能成功。
9. Keep your eye on the prize! (专注于目标!)这个句子告诉选手们,在比赛中要紧扣胜利的目标,保持专注,全力以赴。
10. Good luck! (祝好运!)这个句子虽然简单,但是从心底祝福选手们的好运,也是非常重要的一句话。

欢迎阅读⽆忧考为⼤家精⼼整理的“英语⼝语中加油该怎么表达”!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考! 1、Hang in there. 意思是忍耐⼀下、坚持下去、有困难也不要放弃。
例句:Hang in there. Things will look up soon. 忍耐⼀下。
2、Come on (表⽰⿎励)来吧,应该是⽤的最多的⼀个词语。
例句:Come on! Let’s dance! (当然,撩骚还是⿎励全凭语⽓~) 3、go for it. 意思是:放⼿向前,努⼒争取、我看好你等。
例句:Most of the time you just have to go for it! ⼤多数时候,你不得去争取。
4、cheer up.(使)⾼兴起来, (使)振作起来、打起精神。
Ceer up, better times may be ahead. 打起精神来,好⽇⼦也许还在后头呢 5、keep going. 继续、不停⽌、不放弃。
They were shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!' 他们喊着:“坚持,坚持!” 6、to refeul /to fill up 给车⼦加油的意思拓展阅读:加油有关的例句 拓展阅读:加油有关的例句 (1)She forced herself to keep going . 她强迫⾃⼰继续下去 (2)Do I have to fill up when I check in? 我检查的时候要加满油吗? (3)You can waste time playing it safe or you can go for it. 你可以浪费时间来安全地玩,你也可以放⼿⼀搏。
(4)nobody can help you, you need to cheer up! 没⼈帮的了你,你必须振作起来。

加油的口语英文“加油”常见的英语口语表达有:“Come on”“Go for it”“Keep itup”“Hang in there”“Cheer up”等。
一、翻译与分析1. Come on- 翻译:加油;快点;得了吧(有多种含义,根据语境而定)。
- 英语解释:It is used to encourage someone to do something, or to urge someone to hurry up. For example, in a running race, you can say “Come on!” to your friend to encourage him/her to run faster.2. Go for it- 翻译:加油;努力争取。
- 英语解释:It means to make an effort to achieve something. If someone is hesitant about trying a new thing like applying for a difficult job, you can say “Go for it” to encourage them to take the chance.3. Keep it up- 翻译:加油;坚持下去。
- 英语解释:This phrase is used to encourage someone to continue what they are doing well. For example, if a student has been getting good grades in recent exams, you can sa y “Keep it up” to encourage them to maintain their good performance.4. Hang in there- 翻译:加油;坚持住。

“加油”的6个英语说法come on:“加油”的6个英语说法中文里的“加油”能翻译成很多英文单词或短语,选用哪个比较合适要依上下文和对话双方而决定,不同的语境选用不同的说法。
为了避免犯错,angry editor在此罗列6个关于“加油”的英语说法。
1. “中国加油”,“英格兰加油”怎么说?(为比赛呐喊助威)这个比较容易,可以说成:come on china! come on england!2. “中国加油,中国加油,中国加油”(连续呐喊助)如果连续喊“come on china! come on china!”听起来会很别扭。
所以建议喊成:chi-na! chi-na! chi-na!3. “为……加油”用英语怎么说?(看比赛之类)此时用cheer sb. on比较常见。
例如:we cheered the players on(我们为运动员加油)4. “加油”(对方有需要克服的困难,并且己经在崩溃边缘的情况下)在这种情况下,跟汉语不同,英语没有一个方便且通用的说法。
angry editor个人可能会说good luck,或者用其他的词语来安慰对方。
例如:a: i still hove 3,000 words to write of my essay.(我的论文还利下三千字要写。
)b: good luck.(加油!)或者a: i am going to have to work until midnight everyday this week.(我这周每天都要加班到12点)b: don't worry it'll all be over soon.(加油!只有一个礼拜就结束了。

Hi guys! 新的一天就要能量满满的开始呀!每天早晨起来对着镜子给自己加加油,今天一天肯定元气爆棚哦~所以呀,今天我们就来聊一聊这个“加油”要怎么加呢?
1. come on 加油
Come on Jack! 加油杰克!
2. cheer up 加油
He encouraged the family to cheer up. 他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。
3. keep it up 继续加油
Keep it up. You’re doing a great job!继续加油,你做的很棒!
4. hang in there 撑下去
Hang in there. We’ll get through this.坚持下去,我们会熬过去的。
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1. 看比赛时的“加油”怎么说?
这个大家小时候就学过的,用“Come on China!”,“Come on England”就可以了。
2. 看球连续喊“加油”
连续喊着“Come on China! Come on China!”听起来是不是有点别扭?所以喊:“Chi-na! Chi-na! Chi-na!”,有气势多了吧?
3. “为……加油”英语怎么说?
“Cheer somebody on”比较常用。
例句:We cheered the players on.(我们为运动员加油。
“root for”也可以表示为……加油,例句:Our friends were all rooting for us.(我们的朋友都在为我们加油。
4. 鼓励快要崩溃的朋友怎么说“加油”
1)A: I still have 3,000 words to write of my essay.
B: Good luck.
2)A: I am going to have to work until midnight everyday this week.
B: Don't worry, it'll all be over soon.
5. 加油做某事
1)Up to now, everything is all right. More power to your elbow!
2)I'll have to push on with my work.
6. 为汽车“加油”怎么说呢?
“To refuel”或者“to fill up”最常用,而且这个不分英式美式英语。
顺带提一下,“加油站”在英国是“petrol station”,在美国是“gas station”。
例句:I need to find a petrol station to fill up the car.(我要找加油站,汽车该加油了。