



1. What kind of job is an ideal one in your mind? 2. What personal qualities are necessary for getting and doing the job? 3. What advantages does the job as a blue-collar worker have? 4. Do blue-collar workers need to speak good English?
4. A. Blue-collar workers are not well paid in China. B. Blue-collar workers are fewer than necessary in China.
C. Blue-collar workers are not skilled enough.
even have their (6) own ___ club. In Beijing, the Green Collar Club is for people who want to “be happy, healthy and helpful”. They not only (7) succeed _______ in their careers, but also like to enjoy life. They have a lot of
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
go something like this: turn off the mobile phone after

(word完整版)综合教程 第二册 Unit1

(word完整版)综合教程 第二册 Unit1
1.Someband-4 words and phrases
2.Some sentencestructuresto understand
3.Writing techniques
.Teaching Methodsand Means
municative Approach
Learner-centered Teaching
(attacBiblioteka A to B; B be attached to A)
E.g. A price tag was attached to each article in the supermarket.
E.g.Do youattach much importance to(十分重视) what he says?
2. Appreciate the diffierent ways to compare and contrast;
3. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;
4. Understand the cultural background related to the content;
assist (Para.4)
v. (formal) help, support
(n. assistance, assistant)
Pattern: assist sb to do sth;
assist sb with sth;
assist sb in (doing) sth.
E.g. assist sb to fill in the forms
1 Group presentation (Group 1) (5 minutes)

实用听说教程(第二版)2 Unit1_教案

实用听说教程(第二版)2 Unit1_教案

(五)Pronunciationand Intonation
Sound discrimination
1.A. hardB. really
2. A. veryB. guarded
3. A. lockB. seasons
4. A. along the wayB. white horse
2.复述:当别人告诉你行走的方向后,如果一时仍不十分明了,可用复述的方法,即重复对方告诉你的关键方向词语,以使对方确信你明白了他的意思。如:“So I just go straight along this street, and when I come to the first traffic lights, I should make a left (or right) turn. And then go for another block, and I should see (or find) ... Right?”有时一下子记不全,则可先复述一半,再请对方重复。如:“So I just go straight along this street, and when I come to the first traffic lights, I should make a left (or right) turn. And then what?”
Read two dialogues in Section A and Section B (explain the expressions for asking for directions and giving directions)



Lesson PlanUnit 1Week 1 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: cent/centi; claim/clam; firmProcedure:1. Reading skills :( 35 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: cent/centi; claim/clam; firm2. Details of the text (55 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. When they read in English, many students read word by word. They say that it helps to improve their comprehension. Do you agree?b. Some people like to listen to music or eat snacks while reading. Do you have these habits? Are such activities good for reading?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B3. HMWText II Reading Tastes and HabitsUnit 2Week 2 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: pos (e); tract Procedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Reading Tastes and Habits2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: pos (e); tract3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Music is quite popular with students. What do you usually look for when you listen to music?b. Young people today know great deal about pop music and pop singer, but relatively they know less about classical music, Chinese or Western. How do you account for this?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Listening to Music of Reading Course Book by Wang ShourenUnit 3Week 3 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: duce, duct; ject; mit, miss; pelProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Listening to Music2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: duce, duct; ject; mit, miss; pel3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Do you think the kind of disagreement between two generations in both texts about career choice is universal? What is the situation between your parents and you on this issue?b. Is there a generation gap in china? If there is one, what are the causes?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Bricklayer’s BoyUnit 4Week 4 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: vid/vis; tain/tent Procedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Bricklayer’s Boy2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: vid/vis; tain/tent3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Discuss the climate and weather conditions of your hometown.b. How does climate influence people’s way of life?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWA. Text II Type of ClimateUnit 5Week 5 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: press; cede, ceed; sist Procedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Type of Climate2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: press; cede, ceed; sist3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Why do people work, apart from earning a loving?b. What do you think are the qualifications a successful man must have in today’s society?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Who Makes It to the TopUnit 6Week 6 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, voluProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Who Makes It to the Top of Reading Course Book by Wang Shouren2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, volu3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. What are the causes of racial discrimination?b. How much do you know about the roles played by African-American in American society?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. Cloze4. HMWText II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in LiteratureUnit 7Week 7 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, voluProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in Literature2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, volu3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Greek mythology has a lasting fascination for both children and adults. Could you explain why?b. Greek mythology reveals some truth about human nature and social life. Do you agree?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II The Return of OdysseusUnit 8Week 8 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: terr; scrib/scripProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II The Return of Odysseus2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn & Stems: terr; scrib/scrip3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Why is it important to have a positive attitude towards life?b. Do you think you are an optimist or a pessimist?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. Cloze4. HMWText II Dare Mighty ThingsUnit 9Week 9 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: sol/sul; ser pet/peatProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Dare Mighty Things2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn & Stems: sol/sul; ser pet/peat3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever learnt anything about first-aid before?b. Do you think it is important and necessary for everyone to acquaint himself with first-aid rules and procedures in society so advanced in medicine?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How to Deal with Common EmergenciesUnit 10Week 10 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: aster; brief; fusProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How to Deal with Common Emergencies2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: aster; brief; fus3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Do you agree that the couple in text I had a happy life?b. In what way does a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony resemble of differ from a Western wedding ceremony?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Wedding Customs in the WestUnit 11Week 11 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stem: clos; corProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Wedding Customs in the West2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: clos; cor3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever had experiences similar to those described in Text I?b. Can you think of ways other than those described in Text II to enhance creativity?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How to Get a Great IdeaUnit 12Week 12 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: dic; fragProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How to Get a Great Idea2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: dic; frag3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Where are you going for your summer vacation this year?b. Imagine that you are guide for tourist group. What problems do you think you might encounter as a guide for the tourist group?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II TourismUnit 13Week 13 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: broad; cap/ceiv/cupProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):A. Text II Tourism2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: broad; cap/ceiv/cup3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. How do you prepare for your examinations?b. Have there been any cases of notorious cheating at your college? If so, do you think these incidents are representative of the moral academic atmosphere? If not, do you suspect that there is cheating going on but that nobody is doing anything about it?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Cheating: Alive and FlourishingUnit 14Week 14 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cred; dens; fendProcedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Cheating: Alive and Flourishing2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: cred; dens; fend3. Details of the text (50 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. What is the social purpose of the copyright system?b. What are the differences between copyrights and patent rights?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingF. Fast reading: Section BG. Text II general psychology: the Study of Behavior4. HMWText II PatentsUnit 15Week 15 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: rupt; pendProcedure:Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Patents2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: rupt; pend3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever been present in a court trial or seen one on TV or in movies? Share your knowledge with your classmates.b. Is cybercrime becoming a increasingly serious problem in our society? Are there any effective ways of combating itB. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II CourtsUnit 16Week 16 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: spec/spic; spirProcedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Courts2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: spec/spic; spir3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. What were the major causes of World War II?b. What were the attitudes of France, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union toward the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy and Japan?B. Text-learningD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How Did World War II StartUnit 17Week 17 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: sens/sent; stru/struct Procedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How Did World War II Start2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: sens/sent; stru/struct3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Discuss the caused for housing shortage.b. in your opinion, what special adjustments, if any, are necessary when different generations of a family live together?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Mobile HomesUnit 18Week 18 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cycle; ped; pod; gram, graph; chron Procedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Mobile Homes2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: cycle; ped; pod; gram, graph; chron3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A. Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever watched a play?b. What do you think are the main differences between tragedy and comedy? Which one do you prefer? Why?B. Text-learningD. Vocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section BG. Text II A Question of Ethics。

实用综合教程1 电子教案 2013版 王守仁

实用综合教程1  电子教案   2013版   王守仁
1. What is the Internet? The Internet is a _______ that connects millions of network computers worldwide.
Unit 1 The Information Age
2. What can we do with the Internet? The Internet helps many people communicate, work, learn, and have fun . _______ 3. How do people view websites? People view websites using ________________ computer programs called Internet browsers. 4. What makes using of the Internet quicker and easier? Advances in _________ make using the Internet technology quicker and easier.
Unit 1 The Information Age
Background Information
3. Mobile Internet and Mobile Devices The Mobile Internet refers to access to the Internet from a handheld mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet computer, through a mobile network or wireless network. A mobile device is also known as a handheld device, handheld computer or simply handheld. It is a small, hand-held computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input.

实用英语2教案(第2册) unit1-uni6

实用英语2教案(第2册) unit1-uni6

教案课程名称:实用英语(2)课程类型:□理论课∨理论、实践课□实践课学时: 64 学分: 4授课教师:周廷蜜授课班级: 16级汽车维修、16新能源汽车技术授课学期:2016至2017学年第 2 学期教材名称:《新时代高职英语综合教程2》参考资料:1.《新时代高职英语-教师用书》2.《高等学校英语应用能力A、B级考试指南》3. 《秦苏珊托业桥考试全真模拟试题集》4.《实用英语语法》2017年 3 月1日附:教案首页格式(背面)教案编制说明一、教师上课前必须写出所授课程的教案,不能无教案或借他人教案进行授课;授课教案应根据专业技术领域发展、教学要求变化、学生实际水平,以及教师以往教学的课后小结、批注等进行补充、修改或重写,以保持教学内容的先进性和适用性,不得使用未经任何补充、修改的陈旧教案进行授课。








实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(1) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(1) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案实用英语(2) 课程教案。

综合教程 2 Unit 1 教案

综合教程 2  Unit 1  教案

Unit 1I . Vocabulary Analysis1. Phrase practice1. in flames burning 着火,失火2. a matter of sth. a situation or circumstance relating to sth. 事关……的问题3. off and on in an intermittent manner 不时地,断断续续地4. give sb. a hand help sb. 帮助2. Word derivationFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. Chris became more and more panicky (panic), as the day of the examination drew near.2. The spacecraft descends / descended (descent) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3. Good teachers try to make their lessons more enjoyable (enjoy) by using varied activities.4. For years they were living with their suitcases packed in constant expectation (expect) of being given permission to leave the country.5. There was a lot of public debate about the morality (moral) of the invasion.6. I managed to get him to lend me the money, but I had to use all my powers of persuasion (persuade).7. His desire to make his son a pianist was so strong (strength) that he spent nearly all his savings to buy him a piano.8. After a break you should feel energetic (energy) and confident enough to tackle another assignment.3. Synonym / AntonymGive a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Others faced the ultimate moral dilemma: Save yourself, or save another.Antonym: amoral, nonmoral2. But as hard as she tried, as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.Synonym: disappear3. The drawstrings on his window shades would appear to sway slightly, but it was an illusion. Antonym: wildly4. He ripped his T-shirt into pieces, soaked the pieces in water and gave them to colleagues to cover their faces.Antonym: uncover, disclose, reveal5. Hong and Ramos tried to persuade him to continue.Antonym: dissuade6. “I left,” Hong says sorrowfully.Antonym: happily, joyfully, joyously7. Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into extraordinary purgatory that morning. Antonym: ordinary, common8. On the 53rd floor, he came across a heavyset man whose legs just wouldn’t move any more. Antonym: small, thin, slender4. SuffixWrite in each space the adjective form for each given word.1. help helpful / helpless2. child childish / childlike / childless3. act active4. persistence persistent5. revolution revolutionary6. success successful7. woman womanly8. lady ladylikeII Grammar Exercises1. would v.s. used to; used to v.s. be used toKey:1. would2. used to3. would4. used to5. would6. used toFill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing).1. This time, although she _______________ (not, receive) presents, she accepted his offergratefully.2. I ______________ (think) that tea was bad for you.3. He seems _______________ (live) in hot countries.4. There _____________ (be) a cinema in the town but now there isn’t.5. Hans has lived in England for over a year so he _____________ (drive) on the left now.6. I _______________ (live) on my own. I’ve done it for quite a long time.Key:1. was not used to receiving2. used to think3. used to living4. used to be5. is used to driving6. am used to livingPractice:Complete the following sentences using would, should, could or might.1. I don’t know, I __________ choose to spen d a year in Paris — or perhaps I ___________ go toKenya.2. You _____________ try the Cajun Catfish —or perhaps the Gumbo. They’re both delicious.3. Sure, _________ you like a salad with that?4. We __________ return the video before the video rental store closes.5. __________ I suggest a stroll after lunch?6. He ___________ go in spite of our warnings.Key:1. might, might2. could3. would4. should5. Might6. wouldPractice:Complete the following sentences with needn’t have done or didn’t nee d to do.1. You _________________ (carry) it home. If you had asked, the shop would have delivered it for you.2. We _________________ (hurry). There was plenty of time.3. You _________________ (wash) the dishes. I would’ve put them in the dishwasher.4. You __________________ (write) such a long essay.The teacher only asked for 300 words,and you have written 600.5. I _________________ (translate) it for him for he understands Dutch.6. I _________________ (cut) the grass myself.My brother did it.Key:1. needn’t have carried2. didn’t need to hurry3. needn’t have washed4. needn’t have written5. didn’t need to translate6. didn’t need to cutIII. Translation exercises1. 在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存下来。



Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
I. Listening A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.
1. A. They must be knowledgeable. B. They must be hard-working. C. They must be talented. D. They must be skilled.
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
go something like this: turn off the mobile phone after
healthy food, meet friends every work, eat only (5) ______ weekend, and like to help poor people. Green collars
White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction( [,ɪntə'rækʃən]客户/消费者互动), entertainment sales([entə'teɪnmənt] 娱 乐 营 销 )or other serviceoriented (['ɔːrɪentɪd] adj.导/定向/以…为方向的)work.



实用英语综合教程第二册教案第一篇:实用英语综合教程第二册教案An Integrated Skills Course 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5ContentsBlue-Collar workers......................................................2 Our Living Environment.............................................20 Fast Food.....................................................................38 Daily Shopping............................................................58 Modern Communication. (861)Unit 1 Blue-Collar WorkersI.Teaching materialAn Integrated Skills CourseⅡ published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education PressⅡ Teaching periodsⅢObjectives: In this unit, you will1.Read an article about the demand for blue-collar workers;2.Enlarge your vocabulary relating to personal qualities;3.Get some tips about modal verbs in English;4.Learn how to read and write a thank-you letterⅣ Teaching Methods:1.Practice speaking and listening2.Discussion3.Presentation and role play4.ExercisesⅤ Teaching Procedures: The first period 1.Teaching content: study of words and expressions, vocabulary check 2.Teaching steps:Step 1---study of words and expressions in text A;Warm-up Discussion and Speaking(10 minutes): Do you like blue-collarjobs? What is your favorite blue-collar job and why?Hints: I like blue-collar jobs because(1)the demand is huge;(2)you can get professional training and technical knowledge;(3)the salary is goodMy favorite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because(1)I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air;and(2)I can keep fit and get good pay(The students will probably have trouble with English expressions relating to blue-collar jobs.The teacher may allow the students to answer this question in Chinese, and then give the students key terms in English and ask them to express their ideas again in English.)Background Information(5 minutes)Blue-collar workers(TB P2)Different categories of jobs(blue-collar/golden-collar/pink-collar/grey-collar/white-collar)Introduce new words on board:(20 minutes)heartland resident workforcereplacementreplaceshortage manufacturermanufacture remarkable recoveryannualearnings earnpoint togap high-end decline expand certificateprograminvestmentinvest find a way upStep 2—Practice: Vocabulary Check and Oral English(10 minutes)Give students 5 minutes to finish exercises A in Page 9Everyday English 1.If you want to stop someone and ask him/her for directions, what do you usually say to him/her first?(Excuse me.)2.If you don’t quite understand what the person has told you about the directions, what can you do?(Although one can always say “I beg you pardon?” or “Could you say it again?” try not to make the person repeat more than twice.Instead, you may repeat what you’ve already understood and let the person tell you the test.)3.While traveling in a foreign country, what would you bring along to make your travel easier?(A road map.)The second period 1.Teaching content: Discussion and Comprehensive of Text A 2.Teaching steps:Step 1---Warm up(10 minutes)(invite some students to explain the meaning of the difficult sentences of the text A in English or in Chinese, teacher may give them some hints.) Step2---Language Points(25 minutes)1)To many… offer its residen ts: For many people, America’s industrial heartland can’t provide enough work to its residents.too little: not too much, not enough 太少Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。



新编实用英语综合教程2unit-1-教案Unit OneInvitation EtiquetteTeaching ObjectiveIn "Talking Face to Face", learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.In "Being All Ears", students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out.In "Maintaining a Sharp Eye",students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept.In "Trying Your Hand", get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.Teaching ProceduresSection I Talking Face to Face1.Warm- up:Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations:I’d like to invi te you to dinner.我想请你吃晚饭。

Why don’t you come and join us for disco?你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科?It’s very kind of you to invite me.谢谢你邀请我。

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation EtiquetteUnit GoalsWhat you should learn to doMake an oral invitation to:Invite people to join daily activitiesInvite people to formal occasionsMake a written invitation(write an invitation card or a letter) for:Personal invitationOfficial occasionsGive a reply to:An oral invitationA written invitationWhat you should know aboutInvitation culture: western and ChineseWord order in a subordinate clauseRequirements:After learning this unit, students should grasp:1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations4.The customs of inviting people in different countries5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passageIn our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation.Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying toinvitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer is immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening” or some such words.By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.Section I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageWhether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important obligations. Here’s a quick guide to keep you on the guest list.1. R.S.V.PFrom the French “Répondez, s’il vous plait”, it means “Please reply.”Thislittle code has been around for a long time and it’s definitely telling you that your hosts want to know if you are attending. Reply promptly, within a day or two of receiving an invitation.2. How do I respond? Reply in the manner indicated on the invitation.R.S.V.P and no response card: a handwritten response to the host at the return address on the envelope.Response Card: fill in and reply by the date indicated and return in the enclosed envelope.R.S.V.P with phone number: telephone and make sure to speak in person —answering machines can be unreliable.R.S.V.P with e-mail: you may accept or decline electronically.Regrets only: reply only if you cannot attend. If your host doesn’t hear from you, he is expecting you!No reply requested? Unusual, but it is always polite to let someone know your intentions. A phone call would be sufficient.3. Is that your final answer?Changing a “yes”to a “no”is only acceptable on account of: illness or injury, a death in the family or an unavoidable professional or business conflict. Call your hosts immediately.Canceling because you have a “better”offer is a surefire way to get dropped from ALL the guest lists.Being a “no show”is unacceptable.Changing a “no”to a “yes”is OK only if it will not upset the hosts’arrangements.4. “May I bring …?”Don’t even ask! An invitation is extended to the people the hosts want to invite —and no one else.…a date. Some invitations indicate that you may invite a guest or date (Mr. JohnEvans and Guest) and when you reply, you should indicate whether you are bringing someone, and convey their name.…my children. If they were invited, the invitation would have said so.…my houseguest. It’s best to decline the invitation, stating the reason. This gives your host the option to extend the invitation to your guests, or not.5. Say “Thank You.”Make sure to thank your hosts before you leave, and then again by phoneor note the next day.Text Business InvitationA case of mistaken identity!Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that this mystery will besolved in time for ourHoliday Office PartyWe’re leaving the investigation to those who do it best.Let’s get away from all those computers, papers and mess and cometo our office party in your best suit or dress.Come join us and Toast the SeasonThursday, December 9th 2010 5:00 P.M.The Columbia House –Penthouse Floor 485 Jefferson PlazaLeonard, Barley, Travis, Bailey and SmithRegrets only to Dianne 248-8522It would be a crime to miss our party or not be on time485 Jefferson PlazaBusiness invitations can be informal or formal. Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.Invitation TimingFor most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks inadvance. If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering. Here are a few guidelines for your information:●Six to eight months before an important seminar to which out-of-town executives are invited.●Four weeks before an evening reception.●Two to four weeks before a cocktail party.Invitation FormatFormal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white high-quality paper. A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image.With preprinted invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Responding to an InvitationEither use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent with the invitation. If a “Please reply by”a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date. If the words “Regrets only”are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend. If your host does not hear from you, you are expected to attend.Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.”Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites. Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1) Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informalinvitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like”and should be followed by nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation EtiquetteUnit GoalsWhat you should learn to doMake an oral invitation to:Invite people to join daily activitiesInvite people to formal occasionsMake a written invitation(write an invitation card or a letter) for:Personal invitationOfficial occasionsGive a reply to:An oral invitationA written invitationWhat you should know aboutInvitation culture: western and ChineseWord order in a subordinate clauseRequirements:After learning this unit, students should grasp:1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations4.The customs of inviting people in different countries5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passageIn our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation.Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying toinvitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer is immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening” or s ome such words.By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.Section I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageWhether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important obligations. Here’s a quick guide to keep you on the guest list.1. R.S.V.PFrom the French “Répondez, s’il vous plait”, it means “Please reply.”Thislittle code has been around for a long time and it’s definitely telling you that your hosts want to know if you are attending. Reply promptly, within a day or two of receiving an invitation.2. How do I respond? Reply in the manner indicated on the invitation.R.S.V.P and no response card: a handwritten response to the host at the return address on the envelope.Response Card: fill in and reply by the date indicated and return in the enclosed envelope.R.S.V.P with phone number: telephone and make sure to speak in person —answering machines can be unreliable.R.S.V.P with e-mail: you may accept or decline electronically.Regrets only: reply only if you cannot attend. If your host doesn’t hear from you, he is expecting you!No reply requested? Unusual, but it is always polite to let someone know your intentions. A phone call would be sufficient.3. Is that your final answer?Changing a “yes”to a “no”is only acceptable on account of: illness or injury, a death in the family or an unavoidable professional or business conflict. Call your hosts immediately.Canceling because you have a “better”offer is a surefire way to get dropped from ALL the guest lists.Being a “no show”is unacceptable.Changing a “no”to a “yes”is OK only if it will not upset the hosts’arrangements.4. “May I bring …?”Don’t even ask! An invitation is extended to the people the hosts want to invite —and no one else.…a date. Some invitations indicate that you may invite a guest or date (Mr. JohnEvans and Guest) and when you reply, you should indicate whether you are bringing someone, and convey their name.…my children. If they were invited, the invitation would have said so.…my houseguest. It’s best to decline the invitation, stating the reason. This gives your host the option to extend the invitation to your guests, or not.5. Say “Thank You.”Make sure to thank your hosts before you leave, and then again by phoneor note the next day.Text Business InvitationA case of mistaken identity!Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that this mystery will besolved in time for ourHoliday Office PartyWe’re leaving the investigation to those who do it best.Let’s get away from all those computers, papers and mess and cometo our office party in your best suit or dress.Come join us and Toast the SeasonThursday, December 9th 2010 5:00 P.M.The Columbia House –Penthouse Floor 485 Jefferson PlazaLeonard, Barley, Travis, Bailey and SmithRegrets only to Dianne 248-8522It would be a crime to miss our party or not be on time485 Jefferson PlazaBusiness invitations can be informal or formal. Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.Invitation TimingFor most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks inadvance. If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering. Here are a few guidelines for your information:●Six to eight months before an important seminar to which out-of-town executives are invited.●Four weeks before an evening reception.●Two to four weeks before a cocktail party.Invitation FormatFormal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white high-quality paper. A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image.With preprinted invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Responding to an InvitationEither use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent with the invitation. If a “Please reply by”a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date. If the words “Regrets only”are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend. If your host does not hear from you, you are expected to attend.Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.”Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites. Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1) Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informalinvitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like”and should be followed by nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。



Unit 1 New FashionsSection One Speaking and ListeningStep 1 Greetings and T eaching ObjectivesIn this unit, you will1.read about how to take nice selfies;2.enlarge your vocabulary relating to personality;e to know the craze among youngsters for plastic surgery;4.get some tips about the use of English modal verbs;5.learn how to read and write notes of apology.Step 2 Introduction of Background InformationA seifie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the hand social networking services such as facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They are usually flattering and made to appear casual. Most selfies are taken with a camera held at arm's length or pointed at a mirror, rather than by using a self-timer.The term"selfie"was discussed by photographer Jim Krause in 2005, although photos in the selfie genre predate the widespread use of the term. In the early 2000s, before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-taken photographs were particularly common on MySpace. However, writer Kate Losse recounts that between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace), the"MySpacepic"(typically"an amateurish, flash-blinded self-portrait,often taken in front of a bathroom mirror") became anindication of bad taste for users of the newer Facebook social network. Early Facebook portraits, in contrast, were usually well-focused and more formal, taken by others from distance. In 2009 in the image hosting and video hosting website Flickr, Flickr users used"selfies"to describe seemingly entdless self-portraits posted by teenage girls. According toLosse,improvements in design-especially the front-facing camera of the iphone 4 (2010), mobile photo apps such as Instagram and Snapchat led to the resurgence of selfies in the early 2010s.Initially popular with young people, selfies gained wider popularity over time. By the end of 2012,Time magazine considered selfie one of the"top 10 buzzwords"of that year, although selfies had existed long before, it was in 2012 that the term"really big time".According to a 2013 survey,two-thirds of Australian women aged 18-35 take selfies- the most common purpose for which is posting on Facebook.A poll commissioned by smartphone and camera maker Samsung found that selfies make up 30% of the photostaken by people aged 18-24.By 2013,the word"selfie"had become commonplace enough to be monitored for inclusion in the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary.In November 2013,the word"selfie"wasannounced as being the"word of the year”by the0xford English Dictionary,which gave the word itself an Australian origin.Discuss the following questions:Question: Do you like selfies? Why or why not?Ilike selfies because (1) it is a good form of self-expression; (2) it is a way to show our u nique personality. I dislike selfies because (1) it is a matter of privacy; (2)it may cause injuries while taking photos.In July 2014,afourteen-year-old girl in the Philippines fell to her deathafter losing her balance while taking a selfie of herselfand a friend near the staircase landing of their school insuburban Pasig City.1.Oral T ask-----Ask students to make a dialogue in pairs.T opic: T alk something about “ take- selfies” with the classmatesStep 3 Listening Practice1.Play the recording of Practice A-Making proper responses, students try tochoose the best answer to the questions they hear.Pay attention to the key words of every sentenceKey: B D D B C2.Play the recording of Practice B—Short conversation, students try to choose thebest answer according to what they have heard.Key: D A B C B3.Play the recording to Practice C—Dictation, students try to fill in the blanks inthe passage according to what they have heard.Have you heard of the Apple Watch? Or are you (11)thing.wearing it? People who have seen it know that it is a very small and( 12 ) personal thing .It is designed to be part of nearly every moment of your day.It knows when you’re wearing It.Y ou can play it.Y ou can talk to it.(13)Every so often,the Apple Watch thinks about your heartbeat.But the Apple Watch is also a big thing.It 's the first completely new Apple product in five years,and the first Apple product( 14)developed after the death of Steve Jobs.It 's full of new hardware,new software,and new ideas about how the worlds of fashion and technology should( 15 )work together.It just has to answer one question: would you actually use the Apple Watch instead of your phone?Pay attention to the listening skill: firstly, before listening, students should get familiar with the material to get better performance, and then ,when listening, students should take down the lost words in shorthand.Step 4 Assignment: Preview T ext A, Unit 1.Unit 1 New FashionsSection Two Text A SelfieStep 1 Greeting and Warm-up DiscussionWe can ask students to read the Text A in 10 minutes. After reading, try to do the Ex.A &Ex.B(P6), and then we can get the main ideas of the passage.Step 2 OrganizationStep 3 Detailed Explanation of the passageLanguage Points1.selfieselfie has become a good form of self-expression among young people.自拍照已经成为年轻人表达自我的好方式。

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation EtiquetteUnit GoalsWhat you should learn to doMake an oral invitation to:Invite people to join daily activitiesInvite people to formal occasionsMake a written invitation(write an invitation card or a letter) for:Personal invitationOfficial occasionsGive a reply to:An oral invitationA written invitationWhat you should know aboutInvitation culture: western and ChineseWord order in a subordinate clauseRequirements:After learning this unit, students should grasp:1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations4.The customs of inviting people in different countries5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passageIn our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation.Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying toinvitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer is immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening” or some such words.By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.Section I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageWhether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important obligations. Here’s a quick guide to keep you on the guest list.1. R.S.V.PFrom the French “Répondez, s’il vous plait”, it means “Please reply.”Thislittle code has been around for a long time and it’s definitely telling you that your hosts want to know if you are attending. Reply promptly, within a day or two of receiving an invitation.2. How do I respond? Reply in the manner indicated on the invitation.R.S.V.P and no response card: a handwritten response to the host at the return address on the envelope.Response Card: fill in and reply by the date indicated and return in the enclosed envelope.R.S.V.P with phone number: telephone and make sure to speak in person —answering machines can be unreliable.R.S.V.P with e-mail: you may accept or decline electronically.Regrets only: reply only if you cannot attend. If your host doesn’t hear from you, he is expecting you!No reply requested? Unusual, but it is always polite to let someone know your intentions. A phone call would be sufficient.3. Is that your final answer?Changing a “yes”to a “no”is only acceptable on account of: illness or injury, a death in the family or an unavoidable professional or business conflict. Call your hosts immediately.Canceling because you have a “better”offer is a surefire way to get dropped from ALL the guest lists.Being a “no show”is unacceptable.Changing a “no”to a “yes”is OK only if it will not upset the hosts’arrangements.4. “May I bring …?”Don’t even ask! An invitation is extended to the people the hosts want to invite —and no one else.…a date. Some invitations indicate that you may invite a guest or date (Mr. JohnEvans and Guest) and when you reply, you should indicate whether you are bringing someone, and convey their name.…my children. If they were invited, the invitation would have said so.…my houseguest. It’s best to decline the invitation, stating the reason. This gives your host the option to extend the invitation to your guests, or not.5. Say “Thank You.”Make sure to thank your hosts before you leave, and then again by phoneor note the next day.Text Business InvitationA case of mistaken identity!Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that this mystery will besolved in time for ourHoliday Office PartyWe’re leaving the investigation to those who do it best.Let’s get away from all those computers, papers and mess and cometo our office party in your best suit or dress.Come join us and Toast the SeasonThursday, December 9th 2010 5:00 P.M.The Columbia House –Penthouse Floor 485 Jefferson PlazaLeonard, Barley, Travis, Bailey and SmithRegrets only to Dianne 248-8522It would be a crime to miss our party or not be on time485 Jefferson PlazaBusiness invitations can be informal or formal. Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.Invitation TimingFor most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks inadvance. If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering. Here are a few guidelines for your information:●Six to eight months before an important seminar to which out-of-town executives are invited.●Four weeks before an evening reception.●Two to four weeks before a cocktail party.Invitation FormatFormal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white high-quality paper. A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image.With preprinted invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Responding to an InvitationEither use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent with the invitation. If a “Please reply by”a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date. If the words “Regrets only”are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend. If your host does not hear from you, you are expected to attend.Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.”Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites. Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1) Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informalinvitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like”and should be followed by nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。



王守仁主编-⼤学英语⾼职⾼专实⽤综合教程unit1-6教案⼤学英语实⽤综合教程教案13电商 13物流适⽤基础课部朱伊帆《实⽤综合教程2》ContentsUnit 1 Good Manners (3)Unit 2 Living Environment (10)Unit 3 Fast Food (16)Unit 4 Daily Shopping (22)Unit 5 Modern .munication (29)Unit 6 Health Care (35)Unit 1 Good MannersObjectives:1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary relating to social behavior;2. Let students have some idea of what makes good manners;3. Make students know how to write a note of thanks.4. Learn different expression to ask for directions and give directionsFocuses:1.Vocabulary: (omitted)2.Speaking: Good manners and ways to express thanks3.Grammar: Modal verb in English4.Practical writing: How to write a note of thanksOutline:Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text APeriod 2: Discussion of Text APeriod 3: .prehensive ExercisesPeriod 4: Grammar Tips; Active Words and Vocabulary CheckPeriod 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up .prehensionPeriod 6: Practical WritingPeriod 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Methods:(1)Practice speaking and listening(2)Discussion(3)Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching ProceduresPeriod 1:Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)Ask the students to talk about manners and why good manners are important in our life.Question:Do you think good manners are important in our life? Why?Hint: Good manners are important because (1) they help us make friends; (2) they show that we are well-educated; (3) they help to get things done.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)Tell something about Cultural differences between Chinese and Americans.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. old-fashioned adj.过时的,⽼式的,守旧的Phrase: (1) out of fashion 过时(2) in fashion 时尚的,流⾏的e.g. Is it the fashion to wear short skirts? Yes, short skirts are in fashion.2. courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭;许可courteous 有礼貌的,谦恭的e.g. It was courteous of him to offer to help the old lady cross the street. Antonym: discourtesySynonym: politeness3. historically adv.在历史上,从历史⾓度看historical 历史上的,有关历史的 historical lessons 历史教训historic 有历史意义的,历史上有名的 a historic meeting 历史性会议historian 历史学家,从事历史研究的⼈4. respect n.尊敬,敬佩;⽅⾯ vt.尊敬respectful adj.恭敬的,尊敬的,有礼貌的respectable adj.可敬的,值得尊敬的respective adj.分别的,各⾃的5. concern vt.涉及,牵涉;使担⼼n.关⼼,担⼼;关⼼的事Phrase: (1) as / so far as…is concerned 就……⽽⾔(2) (be) concerned about 关⼼,操⼼(3) (be) concerned with 有关,涉及concerning prep.关于,涉及e.g. There was a heated discussion concerning the value of the book. concerned adj.关切的,焦虑的;相关的,牵涉到的e.g. Everyone was concerned about your health.6. sense n. 感觉,官能Phrase: (1) .e to one’s sense 恢复理智;醒悟过来;苏醒过来(2) in a sense 从某种意义上说(3) make sense 讲得通,有意义(4) make sense of 理解,弄懂7. tough adj.凶悍的,粗暴的;艰苦的;坚韧的e.g. (1) a tough winter⼀个严冬(2) the toughest questions最困难的问题toughness n.韧性,坚韧;凶悍,粗暴8. mercy n.怜悯,宽恕,仁慈merciful adj. 仁慈的,慈悲的merciless adj. 毫⽆同情⼼的,冷酷⽆情的Phrase: at the mercy of 任由……摆布,完全受……⽀配e.g. They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather.9. be supposed to 应该e.g. We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.10. .e up 发⽣e.g. The question never came up.Step 4. Vocabulary Check B &C (10 minutes)Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B and C). Then check the answers.Period 2:Step 1. Language Points in Text A (30 minutes)Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in Text A and try to make Ss understand.1. One of the good things for men in women’s liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies: One way that men benefit from women’s liberation is that they no longer need to be polite to women in the old ways, since the old rules of politeness are no longer popular.pay sb. courtesy: be polite to sb.2. According to an article on the changes on manners, a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a modal: Based on an article about changes in manners, a fully able woman does not have to behave in public as she were unable to take care of herself.as if / as though: introducing a subjunctive clausee.g. (1) He behaved as if nothing had happened(2) It seemed as though the meeting would never end.3. A man should walk where he wants to. So should a woman: A man should walk where he wants to walk; and a woman should also walk where she wants to walk.So:When it is put at the beginning of the sentence, the sentence should be inverted. So cannot be used with negation. We use neither.e.g. (1) Time have changed and so have we.(2) He prefers the first version. So do I..parison:So: used to agree that sth. is true, especially when you are surprised.e.g. There’s yet another doll inside. —So there is.4. Over the years, out of sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies: I think I have been consciously avoiding treating women with old-fashioned courtesies all these years, simply because I respect them.I imagine: This is a parenthetical remark (插⼊语), often inserted in the middle or at the end of the sentence. Other similar expressions include “I think (suppose, hope, guess, believe, wonder)”, “I tell you”, “I’m afraid”, “I’m sure”, “you see”, “you know”, “that is”, etc.trouble… with: This structure is often used in polite requests.e.g. I don’t want to trouble the doctor with such a small problem.5. It is usually easier to follow rules of social behavior than to depend on one’s own taste: Just following rules of social behavior is often easier than acting according to one’s own preference.follow a rule: keep or observe a rulee.g. How can the US government force others to follow rules while it doesn’t always follow then itself?6. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect: As a man, I always believe that men should treat women with this kind of politeness, because this shows love and respect for them.the stronger sex:This refers to men. For women, some people used to call them “the weaker sex”, “the fairer sex”, or “the soft sex”, which are now outdated.7. In times like these, there might be tough attackers hidden about.“Hidden about”is a past participle phrase used as an attribute to modify “attackers”. We can also say “attackers who were hidden about”.Step 2. .prehension of Text A (15 minutes)Give students 5 minutes to go through the text, ask them to finish the exercise then check the answers.Period 3:Step 1. .prehensive Exercises (45 minutes)Ask the students to finish the exercise then check the answers.Period 4:Step 1. Active words (20 minutes)Ask the students to pay more attention to the function of the active words and then finish the relative exercises.Step 2. Grammar Tips情态动词( Modal Verbs) (20 minutes)First, ask Ss to preview the explanation and then give further study of the grammar tip. Do the exercises to check out whether Ss know the grammar well.情态动词的定义情态动词有⼀定的词义,表⽰说话⼈的情绪、态度或语⽓,不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。



Lesson PlanUnit 1Week 1 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: cent/centi; claim/clam; firmProcedure:1. Reading skills :( 35 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: cent/centi; claim/clam; firm2. Details of the text (55 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. When they read in English, many students read word by word. They say that it helps to improve their comprehension. Do you agree?b. Some people like to listen to music or eat snacks while reading. Do you have these habits? Are such activities good for reading?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B3. HMWText II Reading Tastes and HabitsUnit 2Week 2 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: pos (e); tractProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Reading Tastes and Habits2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: pos (e); tract3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Music is quite popular with students. What do you usually look for when youlisten to music?b. Young people today know great deal about pop music and pop singer, butrelatively they know less about classical music, Chinese or Western. How do you account for this?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Listening to Music of Reading Course Book by Wang ShourenUnit 3Week 3 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: duce, duct; ject; mit, miss; pelProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Listening to Music2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: duce, duct; ject; mit, miss; pel3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Do you think the kind of disagreement between two generations in both textsabout career choice is universal? What is the situation between your parents and you on this issue?b. Is there a generation gap in china? If there is one, what are the causes?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Bricklayer’s BoyUnit 4Week 4 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: vid/vis; tain/tentProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Bricklayer’s Boy2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: vid/vis; tain/tent3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Discuss the climate and weather conditions of your hometown.b. How does climate influence people’s way of life?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWA. Text II Type of ClimateUnit 5Week 5 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: press; cede, ceed; sistProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Type of Climate2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main IdeaB. to learn Stems: press; cede, ceed; sist3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Why do people work, apart from earning a loving?b. What do you think are the qualifications a successful man must have intoday’s society?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Who Makes It to the TopUnit 6Week 6 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, voluProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Who Makes It to the Top of Reading Course Book by Wang Shouren2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, volu3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. What are the causes of racial discrimination?b. How much do you know about the roles played by African-American inAmerican society?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in LiteratureUnit 7Week 7 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, voluProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in Literature2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: migr; port; scend; volv, volu3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Greek mythology has a lasting fascination for both children and adults. Couldyou explain why?b. Greek mythology reveals some truth about human nature and social life. Doyou agree?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II The Return of OdysseusUnit 8Week 8 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: terr; scrib/scripProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II The Return of Odysseus2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn & Stems: terr; scrib/scrip3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Why is it important to have a positive attitude towards life?b. Do you think you are an optimist or a pessimist?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Dare Mighty ThingsUnit 9Week 9 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: sol/sul; ser pet/peatProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Dare Mighty Things2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn & Stems: sol/sul; ser pet/peat3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever learnt anything about first-aid before?b. Do you think it is important and necessary for everyone to acquaint himselfwith first-aid rules and procedures in society so advanced in medicine?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How to Deal with Common EmergenciesUnit 10Week 10 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: aster; brief; fusProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How to Deal with Common Emergencies2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of detailsB. to learn Stems: aster; brief; fus3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Do you agree that the couple in text I had a happy life?b. In what way does a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony resemble of differfrom a Western wedding ceremony?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Wedding Customs in the WestUnit 11Week 11 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stem: clos; cor Procedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Wedding Customs in the West2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: clos; cor3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever had experiences similar to those described in Text I?b. Can you think of ways other than those described in Text II to enhancecreativity?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How to Get a Great IdeaUnit 12Week 12 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: dic; frag Procedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How to Get a Great Idea2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: dic; frag3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Where are you going for your summer vacation this year?b. Imagine that you are guide for tourist group. What problems do you thinkyou might encounter as a guide for the tourist group?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II TourismUnit 13Week 13 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: broad; cap/ceiv/cupProcedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):A. Text II Tourism2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: broad; cap/ceiv/cup3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. How do you prepare for your examinations?b. Have there been any cases of notorious cheating at your college? If so, doyou think these incidents are representative of the moral academic atmosphere? If not, do you suspect that there is cheating going on but that nobody is doing anything about it?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Cheating: Alive and FlourishingUnit 14Week 14 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cred; dens; fendProcedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Cheating: Alive and Flourishing2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: cred; dens; fend3. Details of the text (50 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. What is the social purpose of the copyright system?b. What are the differences between copyrights and patent rights?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section BG. Text II general psychology: the Study of Behavior4. HMWText II PatentsUnit 15Week 15 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: rupt; pend Procedure:1.Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Patents2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: rupt; pend3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever been present in a court trial or seen one on TV or in movies?Share your knowledge with your classmates.b. Is cybercrime becoming a increasingly serious problem in our society? Arethere any effective ways of combating itB. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II CourtsUnit 16Week 16 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: spec/spic; spir Procedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Courts2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: spec/spic; spir3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. What were the major causes of World War II?b. What were the attitudes of France, Britain, the United States, and the SovietUnion toward the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy and Japan?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II How Did World War II StartUnit 17Week 17 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: sens/sent; stru/structProcedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II How Did World War II Start2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: sens/sent; stru/struct3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Discuss the caused for housing shortage.b. in your opinion, what special adjustments, if any, are necessary whendifferent generations of a family live together?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section B4. HMWText II Mobile HomesUnit 18Week 18 (2 periods)Lesson Goals:To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cycle; ped; pod; gram, graph; chronProcedure:1. Homework checking (15 minutes):Text II Mobile Homes2. Reading skills learning (30 minutes)A. to learn the reading skill: OutliningB. to learn Stems: cycle; ped; pod; gram, graph; chron3. Details of the text (45 minutes):A.Warm-up questionsa. Have you ever watched a play?b. What do you think are the main differences between tragedy and comedy?Which one do you prefer? Why?B. Text-learningC. Reading comprehensionD. V ocabulary buildingE. ClozeF. Fast reading: Section BG. Text II A Question of Ethics。

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Unit 1 Blue-Collar WorkersObjectives:1.read an article about the demand for blue-collar workers;2.enlarge your vocabulary relating to personal qualities;3.gain some ideas of what the top 9 blue-collar jobs are;4.get some tips about modal verbs in English;5.learn how to read and write a thank-you letter.Focuses:1.Vocabulary: (omitted)2.Speaking: Talk about the ideas of an ideal job based on the following questions.3.Grammar: Modal verb in English4.Practical writing: How to write a thank-you letter.Outline:Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text APeriod 2: Discussion of Text APeriod 3: Comprehensive ExercisesPeriod 4: Grammar Tips; Active Words and Vocabulary CheckPeriod 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up Comprehension Period 6: Practical WritingPeriod 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Methods:(1)Practice speaking and listening(2)Discussion(3)Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching ProceduresPeriod 1:Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)Questions:1. Do you like blue-collar jobsHint: I like blue-collar jobs because: the demand is huge; we can get professional training and technical knowledge; and the salary is good.2. What will be your favorite blue-collar job and whyHint: My favorite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air; and I can keep fit and get good pay.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)Tell something about different types of WorkersA blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. heartland n.the area or region where a particular set of activities or beliefs is most significant 中心地区,心脏地带Jack had a six-day bus tour around the industrial heartland of America杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴旅游了六天Even the attack on Pearl Harbour was remote from the country’s heartland. 即使是珍珠港事件的发生地也远离美国的心腹地带。

2.resident n. people who live in a place 居民,住户They are going to build more low-cost homes for local residents. 他们将为当地居民建造更多低成本的住宅Phrases:(1) permanent resident 永久居民(2) resident physician 住院医生reside v. 居住Margaret resides with her mother in a London suburb玛格丽特3. corporation n. company multinational corporations4.workforce n.劳动力,劳动队伍In the country, half the workforce is unemployedan employer of a very large workforce5.Replacement sth. or sb. that takes the place of sth. or sb. else 代替物,代替者Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement6. shortage n. without enough of sth. 缺乏,缺少Vietnam is suffering from food shortage越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。

7. manufacturer n. a business or company which makes goods in large quantities to sell 生产商the world’s largest doll manufacturer全球最大的玩偶生产商8. annual adj. once a year, every year 年度的,每年的annual meeting / annual report9.earnings n.(pl.) money received in return for one’s work (复)收入,工资,挣得的钱net earningearning rateearn v.挣钱Jack earns a lot of money every month. 杰克每个月挣很多钱。

10. point to 显示,表明;指向When Japanese people refer to themselves, they point to their nose, not their heart. 当日本人表示自己时,他们会指向自己的鼻子,而不是心口。

11. gap n. big difference; space between two things or a hole in the middle of sth. solid 差距;空隙the gap between rich and poor贫富差距He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap. 他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙12. plumb v.put the pipes in buildings for carrying water; examine closely or deeply 装水管;探寻,探究She learned to wire and plumb the house herself. 她学会了自己给房子接电线、装水管。

Magda had plumbed her own heart for answers. 玛格达在自己心中搜寻答案。

13. program n.a series of actions or events that are planned to be done; a small book or sheet of paper that gives information about the play or concert; a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task 方案,计划;节目单;程序the nation’s largest training and education program for adults 该国最大的成人培训与教育计划14. find a way up 找到进步或晋升的途径“You’ve got to find a way to break up conventional thinking,” he says. 他说:“你必须找出打破常规思维的方法。
