HuangMeiZhi township(英文介绍安徽)(精品文档)

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HuangMeiZhi township: anhui is drama of the township, kept a "living fossil" said the "drama NuoXi" and ancient "mu lian play"; HuiJu originating in anhui province is one of the predecessor of the Peking Opera. Huangmei opera has become the national big. Anhui folk dances are rich and colorful, among them with the huai river shore popular flower-drum lanterns, known as the "most famous Oriental ballet". The border of anhui huangmei opera hubei mountain folk popular tea plucking tunes, YanFengYing, WangShaoFang performance by artist TianXianPei ", "the horse" movie female attached dramas, 1950s

&1960s has wide influence in the country. In the 1980s and 1990s entering new generation artist by the creation, and widely trip to Europe and America, southeast Asia, and huangmei opera has become popular big operas.


Anhui history and culture

Civilization source: anhui in six years (A.D. kangxi reign in 1667) built provinces, province take anqing mansion and huizhou mansion name first word for anhui. The AnHuiYin history within the territory of anhui countries and anhui mountain, anhui river and referred to as the "anhui". Anhui province is an important birthplace of Chinese prehistoric civilization. FanChangXian person handwriting hole found in dating from about 250 million years ago human activities sites. In three counties and longtan hole excavated, 400,000 years ago paleolithic "and counties that ape" sites, ancient human existing breeds in anhui this land. Baekho state in the shang dynasty had for into soup, GuShouChun (now part ShouXian) in the spring and autumn and warring states for chu has capital. 安徽历史文化



Anhui cuisine

Anhui flavors including south anhui and along the river, huai land its characteristics. Southern anhui flavor is famous for main representative, with good at cooking is famous for its hog, many dishes are access charcoal fire small youdun, heat and become, through flavour heavy lubricious strong. Anhui famous flavor menu items are: inaction dried duck, maofeng tea ShiYu, from set operators smoked chicken, stone ear chicken stew, etc.


安徽文学:东汉末年由曹操、曹丕、曹植父子创立的建安文学,以其现实主义手法和清新的风格,形成建安学派,并对后世五言诗、七言诗产生深远影响。清初桐城人方苞、刘大槐、姚鼐主张散文应宣扬儒家思想,倡导唐宋古文传统,形成桐城文派,在清代文坛产生重大影响。Anhui literature: eastern han dynasty last years by cao cao, cao PI cao zhi's father and son, created the fabrication literature, with its realism and pure and fresh style, form, and the fabrication school later poem of wuyan poem, which manifests, far-reaching influence. LiuDaHuai qing FangBao, tongcheng claim should be trumpeting his prose, tang and song Confucianism, and advocate, forming tongcheng traditional ancient prose in qing dynasty literary bianconeri, a significant impact.
