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题型有:1. What is the man’s attitude towards James’future?


A.He wants to be a competent graduate.

B.He wants to become a college teacher.

C.He wants to study in Oxford University.

D.He wants to change his life by studying.


解析:选项均以He wants to开头表明,本题考查He的计划或打算。男士说Malcolm总是很勤奋,最近几个月每天晚上都与书本为伴,他想明年去牛津大学读书,由此可知,答案为[C]。知识模块:听力


A.He is too young to catch up with others.

B.He is not intelligent enough.

C.He pays too little attention to his study.

D.He can not finish his homework independently.


解析:选项中的He,too young to catch up,not intelligent,pays…little attention 等表明,本题可能与He成绩不理想的原因有关。男士说老师认为James有能力,但总是不能坚持,换句话说就是,他如果努力学习,成绩不会这么糟,但他就是很懒惰。而对于考试,James也很无所谓,每天用十分钟写完作业后就跑去打网球了,由此可知,James在学习上投入的精力太少,故答案为[C]。知识模块:听力


A.He wants James to be a good lawyer.

B.He won’t force James to study what he isn’t good at.

C.He wants James to follow his footsteps.

D.He will make efforts to stop James playing tennis.


解析:选项中的He wants,James,follow his footsteps,stop...playing tennis 等表明,本题可能考查男士对James的将来的打算。男士说他的妻子想让James 放弃网球,学习法律,但他不认同强行让孩子尝试他本不擅长的行业,由此可推断出,男士不会强迫James去学习他不擅长的东西,故答案为[B]。知识模块:听力

听力原文:M: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. W: What can I do for

you?M: Well, I’m working on a term paper about the influence of television on American presidential elections. W: Have you ever been to the main library?M: Yes, I’ve found a few useful books there, but the librarian at the main library suggested that the library here at the graduate school has more specialized materials. W: Okay. It depends on what you want. We do subscribe to a large number of journals. Since you’re working on such a broad topic you’ll probably have to do a lot of digging. M: Do you think I can get something relevant here?W: It may take some time, but you’ll be able to find many articles relevant to your topic. We also have quite a few newspapers on microfilm. M: I think I’ve come to the right place. How can I find out which journals you have?W: There’s a list of all of them. But if you want to search by author or by subject you can use one of the computers over there. Everything we have is in there. M: What if I run across a reference to a research study that isn’t available here?W: You can request any outside materials just by typing your request into the computer. M: You mean I can get materials from other universities?W: Not only from other universities, but from virtually any public or private library in the United States. The only limitation is that outside materials cannot be checked out. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. What is the topic of the man’s term paper?23. Why did the man come to the graduate school library? 24. What does the librarian say about the topic of the man’s term paper? 25. How can the man refer to materials from other libraries?


A.American presidents’ intervention in television programs.

B.American presidents’ favorite television programs.

C.Television development with American presidents.

D.Television’s effect on American presidential elections.


解析:选项中重复出现的American presidents,television表明,本题与美国总统和电视有关。对话开头男士提到自己正在写一篇关于the influence of television on American presidential elections的term paper,由此可知,答案为[D],其中的effect与influence对应。知识模块:听力


A.He wants to study in a graduate school.

B.There are more specialized materials.

C.He has some acquaintances there.

D.There is a larger volume of books.


解析:选项中的He wants to,There,more...materials,larger volume of books 等表明,本题可能与男士去There的原因有关。女士问男士是否已经去过主图书馆,男士说他在那里找到了一些有用的书,但那里的图书管理员建议说,研究生院的图书馆有更专业的资料,由此可知,男士来研究生院图书馆是为了查找more specialized materials,故答案为[B]。知识模块:听力
