
可可·香奈尓——有关设计本人的介绍可可·香奈尔(Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel,1883年8月19日-1971年1月10日)是法国先锋时装设计师,香奈尔(Chanel)品牌的创始人。
可可·香奈儿原名「Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel」,孤儿出身的她是20世纪时尚界最重要的人物,她以先锋的理念改变了上个世纪女性的衣著。
香奈尔 Coco Chanel 自己描述的童年也有很多个版本。
香奈尔当时还是一个夜总会的歌手,表演了一首名为「Qui qu'a vu Coco」的歌曲,之后大家就以可可称呼她。
也有资料说那首歌的名字叫「Ko Ko Ri Ko」。

La muerte de Coco
Murió el 10 de enero de 1971, a los 88 años de edad. Se dice que ella estaba aún diseñando y trabajando hasta el momento de su fallecimiento. La dirección de la empresa quedó en manos de los nietos del hombre que tiempo atrás le habí a arrebatado a Coco su empresa. La compañí a siguió teniendo un éxito regular.
El regreso de Coco
Chanel volvió a Parí s en 1953. Allíse dio cuenta que su popularidad habí a disminuido debido al diseñador Christian Dior. Ella pidió consejo al dueño de su propia marca que anteriormente se la habí a arrebatado y fue ayudada económicamente. A cambio, él obtuvo los derechos completos de todos los productos que llevaran el nombre "Chanel“.
COCO CHANEL (1883-1971)
Coco, de la rebeldí a a la leyenda de Chanel.

加布里埃·香奈儿Chanel品牌的创办人Coco Chanel,原名“Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ”,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,1883年出生于法国的Saumur。
自此,她由她的姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校(Convent School),并在那儿学得一手针线技巧。
在她二十二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖啡厅歌手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名“Coco”,在不同的歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱维生。
个人影响帽子1910年,Coco在巴黎开设了一家女装帽子店(millinery shop),凭着非凡的针线技巧,缝制出一顶又一顶款式简洁且耐看的帽子。
短短一年内,生意节节上升,Coco把她的店搬到气质更时尚的Rue Cambon,那至今仍是Chanel的总部。
但是做帽子绝不能满足Coco对时装事业的雄心,所以她准备进军高级订制服(Haute Couture)的领域。
时装步入二十年代,Chanel设计了不少创新的款式,例如:针织水手裙(tricot sailor dress) 、黑色迷你裙(little black dress)、樽领套衣配上长串珍珠项链。
例如,将西装褛(Blazer) 加入女装系列中,又推出女装裤子。
香奈儿生平 (1)

中文名:香奈儿英文名:CHANEL国家:法国巴黎创建年代:1910年创建人:可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)现任设计师:卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld)在 Coco Chanel 1971年去世后,德国名设计师卡尔•拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 成为 Chanel 品牌的灵魂人物香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活。
她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店。
12岁时,因母亲去世、父亲离家出走,Gabriella Chanel被送到孤儿院,在这里却磨炼出一种紧坚韧的个性,并学会了缝纫。
1909年,她从一间小小的帽子店起家,并在商人Pierre Wertheimer先生的资助下,于1914年开创了Chanel 时装屋,总部位于巴黎31 Rue Cambon,并延续至今。
她留下名言,“Less is More”(约就是美),改造黑色“丧服”(也有说是“女佣服”)为只需变化首饰就成了适合日穿夜穿的“经典小黑裙”Little Black Dress。
她的Chanel Suit(花呢套装),以女性化为诉求,集美观、时髦、舒适、端庄、考究为一体,在树立女性职场自信平等的同时,不具侵略性地保留了女性大赋魅力……这一切的简约美、精致美、叛逆美都贯穿在日后的Chanel化妆品中。

可可·香奈儿香奈儿在1883年出生于法国南部的一个小镇;她的童年清贫凄苦;母亲做了一辈子的洗碗工,父亲只是一个流动商贩;12岁的时候母亲去世,父亲则丢下她和4个兄弟姐妹离开;之后香奈儿在修女院寄宿学校学习,寄宿学校的生活束缚而艰苦;从学校毕业后开始在裁缝店里打工学的一手针线技巧;二十二岁那年晚上在酒吧唱歌,并起了艺名“CoCo”;在歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱期间结识纯血马养殖大户,并跟随他去了巴黎;香奈儿开始接触上层社会;分手后养殖大户将可可介绍给了“Boy”——阿杜·卡佩尔——银行家的私生子;香奈儿在Boy面前大胆发挥自己的个人魅力;那些不舒服的鞋,奇怪耸肩的风衣她通通抛开;她的想法是:让女人走路更舒服穿着更自然;在香奈儿的影响下,出现了一种新的穿衣风格;Boy送给了香奈儿第一家服装店,当她为这家店满腔心血,兴致勃勃的投入心血市,男孩结婚了;新娘不是香奈儿;香奈儿成为了男孩的情妇;可能是弥补吧,男孩资助香奈儿开了第二家时装店;香奈儿的事业如日中天,但是感情却一天天冷淡;男孩一年陪在香奈儿身边的时间很少;1919年的圣诞节,男孩在奔赴香奈儿的约会中车祸丧生;香奈儿疯狂投入工作;但是身边的男人却不会缺少;知道后来认识了俄罗斯大公迪米特里;香奈儿成为了真正的名人;迪米特里大公介绍了一个香水师给香奈儿——厄内斯特·薄;著名的香奈儿五号就由他制造;香奈儿的名言“没有香水的女人是没有未来的”;香奈儿极其喜欢这款香水,并且想推向“大众”;香奈儿的闺蜜是波兰美女米希亚·赛特;她的闺蜜活跃于上流社会并且帮助香奈儿在进入上层社会的台阶上爬了几步;更多名人成为香奈儿的朋友:作家、诗人、画家等等;香奈儿的各种经历让她学会很多生活知识和社交礼仪,以帮助她应付巴黎上流社会生活;上流社会的各种首饰她都看在眼里,记在心里;她让自己得不到的东西“落伍”,以自己创造的首饰来象征时尚最前沿;在征服了俄罗斯大公后“金潘德”也拜倒在香奈儿的石榴裙下;金潘德是威斯敏斯特公爵,他富可敌国,从不思考工作;他的身边是一个小型社会,他就是这个社会的国王;金潘德让香奈儿的名气越来越大,几乎整个巴黎都认识了香奈儿;与此同时她的服装店也在扩大,她对于时尚的追求和前卫的思想都与她的“摧毁能力”同样出名;对于她不喜欢的东西总能设法去“摧毁”;香奈儿能够创造时尚,左右名利;关于爱情,她最终于金潘德分手;因为金潘德拥有太多头衔,永远都不会取香奈儿做妻子;香奈儿遇到了另外一个男人——皮埃尔·维特美;维特美靠着自己的努力在与香奈儿认识两年后正式签订了合同,成立了香奈儿香水公司;值得注意的是香奈儿允诺维特美持有90%的香奈儿香水的所属权;有关香奈儿香水的业务都有香奈儿负责,包括研发、生产、销售、广告宣传;在1924年到1931年间香奈儿将香奈儿五号推向了全球,经济危机都没能影响到香奈儿五号的发行;当香水肆虐全球时维特美和香奈儿的关系却发生了变化;香奈儿认为自己的利益收到了损害,并且组织了一个有律师和财务专家组成的团队来保护她的财产利益;维特美没有想太多,他不希望两人有什么利益冲突,尽量保持绅士风度;同时香奈儿遇到了生命中另一个男人,保罗;保罗是多面手天才,有着无限创意;自结束了与男孩的关系,这是香奈儿第一次没有把主动权握到自己手里;保罗主导着香奈儿的日日夜夜,他们度过了一段丰富难忘时光;香奈儿并没有放松她的事业,她的时装发布会也没有停歇,每年都会在巴黎开展一场发布会;香奈儿出现了很多的竞争者并且做出了一些成绩蚕食了她的市场;其实竞争者很有才华,但对于香奈儿来说就是“那些模仿我的品牌”和“那些产品乱七八糟的品牌”;香奈儿完全不重视这些竞争者,她开始涉足珠宝首饰界,并且创造了轰动;她的设计才华又一次得到原貌体现;这个时候香奈儿的事业是蒸蒸日上的,但是她1935年确实她黑色的一年;保罗心脏病突发去世;这对于香奈儿是一记沉重的打击;她对闺蜜说:“我确定,这是我今生最后一个男人了”香奈儿为保罗付出了感情和金钱,之前扮演者金潘德扮演的角色,她甚至想过和他组织一个家庭,不过这一切都随着保罗的突然去世化为了泡影;保罗的死让香奈儿一直萎靡不振,1936年工人大罢工国际局势动荡不安,经济和政治大环境恶化,香奈儿不再像以前那样风光;报刊头条取而代之的是她的竞争对手;香奈儿不理会对手如何争抢她的客户,对未来和生活都无所适从;时装发布会也无力承担,此时她已经56岁,过着孤单的日子;她觉得生活没有意义,终于她突然决定“停止一切”:时装设计室,工厂,专卖店……当然她并没有通知她的合作者维特美;1940年,巴黎沦陷;德国纳粹占领巴黎,有钱人纷纷逃离,香奈儿没有离开,对于她来说巴黎就是她的全部;香奈儿认识了一位德国军官,并且对他敞开心扉成为了她的情妇;德国军官保证帮助香奈儿夺回被窃取的财富——她坚持认为维特美窃取了她的股份;可惜的是维特美早已做好了防御准备,他以一法郎的象征价格将香奈儿90%的股份卖给了他的好朋友;维特美是犹太人,他的朋友不是,没有法律规定可以没收这些财产;香奈儿又酝酿说服德国与英国首相丘吉尔签订单方面和平条约;当然没有成功;维特美这边却过得逍遥自在,他以一个男人的稳重,没有对香奈儿这些疯狂举动做出反击;他深刻的理解到把香奈儿推进泥潭,香奈儿这个品牌也会遭殃; 1945年德国宣布无条件投降,情人逃走,香奈儿被捕几乎性命难保;最后是金潘德救了香奈儿,她以之前是为了说服英国和德国签订和平条约为借口推脱和德国军官有来往的罪名;香奈儿被金潘德送到了瑞士,并且度过了九年平淡惬意的时光;在她隐退的这九年里维特美却在着手忙碌着事业,战争一结束,美容化妆品行业就又开始了发展;维特美找到了香奈儿希望与她继续合作;此时的香奈儿已近七十岁,没有人帮助她出主意;1953年的时候金潘德已经去世了;以香奈儿的性格她一定是签署了合约;此后她全身心的投入继续她的时装设计,并且再次以实力成为了巴黎时尚界的女王;维特美借助香奈儿时装的名气将香奈儿五号香水的地位推到了巅峰;1965年皮埃尔·维特美去世,他的儿子接手香奈儿集团;他的儿子是花花公子不喜欢商业,最终被当做炮灰踢出了香奈儿集团;最后由皮埃尔·维特美的两个孙子掌管;1971年香奈儿夜离开人世;香奈儿去世后香奈儿集团费尽心思花了十二年的时间找到了继承人“卡尔·拉格菲尔德”来继承香奈儿的衣钵;在他的带领下香奈儿成为了全球最赚钱的服饰品牌;皮埃尔·维特美的两个孙子将香奈儿集团发展到现在的霸主地位,经营领域涉及服装、香水、珠宝、钟表、葡萄酒和化妆品等;甚至和米其林美食指南的11颗星名厨有合作;香奈儿集团从未上市,外界很难找到有价值的关于香奈儿财务的信息;不用担心外在的限制和干扰;集团管理层的人员变动也很微小;香奈儿的核心事业一直掌握在家族人的手中,并且不让任何事任何人干涉家族事务;维特美家族的坚持、低调和谨慎才能够是这个家族长盛不衰,牢牢控制着香奈儿这个最伟大的奢侈品王国;。
coco chanel英文演讲稿

chanel女士 coco chanel女士 如果要问二十年代的时装女王是谁,那么答案只有一个Coco Chanel,她 超越生命极限的设计和崇尚自由随意搭配的风格,把女性从笨拙的扭曲 体型的束缚中解放出来,强调优雅简洁而容易穿着,成为现代女性衣着 的革命先锋。 她曾说过:“要把妇女从头到脚摆脱矫饰”。她要“创造一 个年轻的形象”夏奈尔的服装坦率、自由,裙子为齐膝短裙,上衣为宽 松直线型外套,不再强调胸部和臀部的曲线。她的毛呢无腰四分之三长 外套,去掉花哨的装饰,简朴得像男装一样。她反对过去的高级时装像 “鸽子那样挺胸凸臀”。“烦躁、杂乱”,她壮涨造型县简洁、朴实、 舒适自如,色彩单纯、素雅,她喜欢黑、白两色。夏奈尔改变了时装的 概念,是服装艺术真正迈入20世纪。
In 1920, she was introduced by ballet empresario Sergei Diaghilev to world famous composer Igor Stravinsky (Rite of Spring), to whom she extended an offer for him and his family to reside with her. During this temporary sojourn it was rumoured that they had an affair. Chanel never married.
可可·夏奈尔(Coco Chanel 1883一1971) 原名布里埃尔·邦思·夏奈尔(Gabrielle Chanel) ,生 于法国索米尔1883年8月19日,卒于法国巴黎1971 年6月10日。
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (August 19, 1883 – January 10, 1971) was a pioneering French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy, menswear-inspired fashions, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important figure in 20th-century fashion. Her influence on haute couture was such that she was the only person in the field to be named on TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

1921年,香奈尔发明了香奈尔 五(Chanel No.5)香水,这款香 水面向全球销售,笔直的瓶身和同 时代其它的香水瓶设计有很大不同。 1924年,皮埃尔· 沃特海姆在香 水业务上成为她的合伙人。沃特海 姆拥有百分之七十的股份,香奈尔 得到了百分之十的股份,另外百分 之二十的股份由她朋友巴德拥有。 今天沃特海姆家族继续控制了香水 公司。玛丽莲.梦露在1950年代宣 布香奈尔五号是她最爱的香水。据 统计,每30秒钟就有一瓶香奈尔 五号售出。
她在25岁认识了法国面料商 艾亭奈· 巴桑,成为他的情妇。 巴桑在事业上帮助香奈尔起步。 之后她又结识了英国工业家阿 瑟· 卡伯,卡伯全力支持夏奈尔 的事业。
商店: 香奈尔的第一家商店于1910年在巴黎康朋街 开张,接着于1913年在多维尔开了一家流行女装商店, 于1915年开了一家女式时装屋。 婚姻:她一生未婚,私生活多姿多彩。 在爱汀讷· 巴尔森之后,她又相继和艺术家保 罗· 艾里伯,威斯敏斯特公爵,流亡法国的俄国狄米拉公 爵,英国运动员博伊· 卡佩尔传出恋情。她有30多年时间 以巴黎的巴黎里兹酒店为家。在那段时期,她与德国官 员斯· 冈瑟· 冯丁克拉格交往密切,汉斯安排她继续留在旅 店里。她在康朋街拥有一套公寓,在罗克布伦小镇有一 套别墅。 去世:1971年1月10日,她在巴黎里兹酒店的客房中去 世,她的墓碑上雕刻着五个石头狮子的头。
பைடு நூலகம்缪丹
介 生 平
中文名:可可· 香奈儿 外文名:Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel 籍贯:法国索米尔 性别:女 民族:高卢 时间:1883年8月19日---1971年1月10日 现代职业:服装设计师 香水设计师 成就:1921年,香奈尔发明了香奈尔五号(Chanel No.5)香水 名言:时尚不仅仅指服装而已,时尚存在于天空中、街道上,它

香奈儿创始人CocoChanel 经典英语名言(中英对照)Chanel品牌的创办人Coco Chanel,原名“Gabrie lle Bonheu r Chanel”,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulo us.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。
In orderto be irrepl aceab le, one must always be differ ent.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。
Fashio n passes, style. remain s.时尚会过去,但风格永存The best colour in the wholeworld, is the one that looksgood, on you!最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。
Look for the womanin the dress. It thereis no woman, thereis no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。
Luxury must be comfor table, otherw ise it is not luxury.奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。
I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richne ss and ornate nessbut in the absenc e ofvulgar ity. Vulgar ity is the uglies t word in our langua ge. I stay in the game to fightit.我爱奢侈。

Old Name:Gabrielle Bonheur ChanelBorn:19 August 1883(1883-08-19),Saumur, FranceDied:10 January 1971(1971-01-10) (aged 87) ,Paris, France Nationality:FrenchEducation:Catholic Monastery in AubazineOccupation:Fashion designerAwards:Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, 1957•Childhood:Unhappy & Poverty.•She believes:If you work hard, success will be yours.•Inspiration: Menswear .•Style:Simple yet highly expensive designs .•CC Monogram:Meaning Coco Chanel, using it since the 1920s.•Opened The 20th Century Fashion Trend.Chanel revolutionized haute couture fashion by replacing the traditional corseted silhouette with the comfort of simple suits and long, lean dresses.She introduced to the world her signature cardigan jacket in 1925. CHANEL, founded by Gabrielle CHANEL in 1913 in Paris, France, is ahundred years old.•Bring up the Chanel, classic camellia flower, 5 number perfume, twill soft material suit, lingg grain gold chain leather bag, black head two color shoes, artificial jewelry and so on clearly reflected in the mind.•It is not only the most important brand of fashion, butChanelStyle has become a symbol of coco chanel's elegant and stylish taste. Founder Gabriella "Coco" Chanel the rise of a lifetime, fame, achievement, encounter all with the man have an unquenchable edge, menswear also broughther infinite creation inspiration.Fashion Simple Comfortable Gracefulbrand is its practical magnificence.the male perspective.Karl LargerfeldLocale:Cheng Du,China Scene:Greek Temple点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明。

Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly .my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa • Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre • 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。
Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。

可可·香奈儿生平中英文介绍(总4页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hopeI can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly?.my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。
Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。

Chanel品牌的创办人Coco Chanel,原名“Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ”,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。
Fashion passes, style. remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存The best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。
Look for the woman in the dress. It there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。
Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。
I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。

介绍香奈儿的英语作文{z}Title: Introduction to ChanelChanel is a renowned fashion house that was founded by the visionary designer, Coco Chanel, in the early 20th century.The brand is synonymous with luxury, elegance, and timeless style.Chanel revolutionized the fashion industry with her unique designs and has since become one of the most influential fashion houses in the world.Coco Chanel was born in 1893 in France.She started her career as a seamstress and later opened her own fashion house in 1909.Chanel"s designs were characterized by simplicity, comfort, and practicality, which stood in stark contrast to the elaborate and restrictive clothing of the time.She is credited with introducing the "little black dress," which has since become a staple in women"s wardrobes worldwide.One of the key aspects that set Chanel apart from her contemporaries was her focus on quality and craftsmanship.She believed in using only the finest materials and employing the most skilled artisans for her collections.This commitment to excellence has been a hallmark of the Chanel brand throughout its history.In addition to her groundbreaking fashion designs, Chanel is also renowned for her fragrances.The iconic "Chanel No.5," which was introduced in 1921, is still one of the most popular perfumes in the world.Chanel"s perfumes are known for their unique blends of scents andtheir long-lasting fragrances.Chanel"s influence extends beyond fashion and fragrances.She was also a trendsetter in terms of lifestyle and beauty.She popularized the use of sunscreen and introduced the world to the "Chanel Look," which included her signature suits, little black dresses, and quilted handbags.Today, the Chanel brand is helmed by designer Karl Lagerfeld, who has carried on the legacy of Coco Chanel while infusing his own unique vision into the collections.Chanel continues to be a symbol of sophistication and luxury, with stores around the world and a dedicated following of fashion enthusiasts.In conclusion, Chanel is a fashion house that has left an indelible mark on the world of fashion.Its founder, Coco Chanel, was a visionary who revolutionized the industry with her innovative designs and commitment to quality.The brand"s influence extends beyond fashion, fragrances, and beauty, making Chanel a truly iconic symbol of luxury and elegance.。

更多广州sat培训资料请进入:查看香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel之 SAT写作例子下面为大家整理的是关于香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel生平的SAT写作例子,这篇SAT写作例子中详细的介绍了她的生平以及所创立的品牌对世界女性时装行业的影响等内容。
Coco Chanel, 1920Born:Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel19 August 1883(1883-08-19)Saumur, FranceDied:10 January 1971(1971-01-10) (aged 87)Paris, FranceNationality:FrenchEducation:Catholic Monastery in AubazineOccupation:Fashion designerAwards:Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, 1957Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was an influential French fashion designer, founder of the famous brand Chanel, whose modernist thought, practical design, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important and influential figure in20th-century fashion. She was the only fashion designer to be named on Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century.Early lifeChanel was born to an unwed mother, Jeanne Devolle, a laundrywoman, in a facility for the indigent in Saumur, France. This was Devolle's second daughter. The father, Albert Chanel was an itinerant street peddler who with horse and cart lived a nomadic life, traveling to and from market towns, the family residing in rundown lodgings. He married Jeanne Devolle several years after Chanel was born. At birth Chanel’s name was ent ered into the official registry as “Chasnel.” It is speculated that this spelling was a clerical error or an ancientspelling of the family name. The couple eventually had five other children: Julia-Berthe, (1882–1913), Antoinette (born 1887) and three brothers, Alphonse (born 1885), Lucien (born 1889) and Augustin (born and died 1891).In 1895, when she was twelve years old, Chanel’s mother died of tuberculosis. Her father sent her two brothers out as farm laborers andthe three daughters to a bleak area of central France, the Corrèze, into the hands of a convent for orphans, Aubazine. It was a stark, frugallife demanding strict discipline but raised with the charity of the Catholic faith. At age eighteen, Chanel, now too old to remain at Aubazine, went to live in a boarding house set aside for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins.Having learned the sewing arts during her six years at Aubazine, Chanel was able to find employment as a seamstress. When not plying her trade with a needle, she sang in a cabaret frequented by cavalry officers. It was at this time that Gabrielle acquired the name “Coco,”a name possibly derived from a popular song she sang, or an allusion to the French word for kept woman: cocotte.Later in life, she concocted an elaborate, fabricated history to cover up her humble beginnings with a more compelling light. Of the various stories told about Coco Chanel, a great number were of her own invention. These legends were to be the undoing of the earliest of her biographies. These were ghosted memoirs commissioned by Chanel herself, but never published, always aborted before fruition, as she realizedthat the facts exposed a personage less laudatory than the mythic Chanel she had self-invented. Chanel would steadfastly claim that when her mother died, her father sailed for America to seek his fortune and she was sent to live with two cold-hearted spinster aunts. She even claimed to have been born in 1893 as opposed to 1883, and that her mother had died when Coco was six instead of twelve.Personal life and early careerIt was at Moulins that Chanel met a young, French, ex-cavalry officer, and wealthy textile heir étienne Balsan. At age twenty-three, Chanel became Balsan’s mistress and for the next three years lived with him in his cha teau Royallieu near Compiègne, an area known for its wooded equestrian paths and the hunting life. It was a life style ofself-indulgence, Balsan’s wealth and leisure allowing the cultivationof a social set who reveled in partying and the gratification of human appetites with all the implied accompanying decadence. Balsan lavished Chanel with the beauties of "the rich life"— diamonds, dresses, and pearls. It was while living with Balsan that Chanel began designing hats, initially as a diversion that evolved into a commercial enterprise. Biographer Justine Picardie, in her 2010 study Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (Harper Collins), suggests that the fashion designer's nephew, André Palasse, supposedly the only child of her sister Julia- Berthe who had committed suicide, actually was Chanel's child by Balsan.Caricature by Sem of Chanel dancing with Boy Capel, 1913.In 1908 Chanel began an affair with one of Balsan's friends, Captain Arthur Edward 'Boy' Capel. In later years Chanel reminisced of thi s time in her life: “…two gentlemen were outbidding for my hotlittle body.” Capel, a wealthy member of the English upper-class, installed Chanel in an apartment in Paris and financed Chanel's first shops. It is said Capel's own sartorial style influenced the conception of the Chanel look. The bottle design for Chanel No. 5 had two probable origins, both attributable to the sophisticated design sensibilities of Capel.Chanel became a licensed modiste (hat maker) in 1910 and opened a boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris named Chanel Modes. Chanel's modiste career bloomed once theatre actress Gabrielle Dorziat modelled her hats in the F Noziere's play Bel Ami in 1912 (Subsequently, Dorziat modelled her hats again in Les Modes). In 1913, she established a boutique in Deauville, where she introduced luxe casual clothes that were suitable for leisure and sport. Chanel launched her career as fashion designer when she opened her next boutique, titled Chanel-Biarritz, in 1915, catering to the wealthy Spanish clientele who holidayed in Biarritz and were less affected by the war. Fashionable like Deauville, Chanel created loose casual clothes made out of jersey, a material typically used for men's underwear. By 1919, Chanel was registered as a couturiere and established her maison de couture at 31 rue Cambon.继续阅读。
coco 英文介绍

她从未结婚 可可·香奈儿可能与许多男人约会过并与他们有过风流韵事,但她却从未结过 婚。 也许,她认为婚姻会阻碍她对时尚界的贡献。
•Her fashion became known in 1915 throughout France .she then opened her first couture house in Biarritz ,France in 1921.to introduce her other fashion lines.
开创了“美黑” 如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想! 1923 年,可 可· 香奈 儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦!
5. 5 was her favorite number Maybe there was something special in the number 5 – enough to have Coco Chanel superstitious and in awe of it. Chanel No. 5 was introduced on 5th May 1921! No coincidence this
.5 是她最喜欢的数字,也许数字5 有些特别之处而足以让可可·香奈儿迷信并敬畏它。 “香 奈儿5 号”香水于1921 年5 月5 日推出!绝非巧合!
6. She never got married Coco Chanel might have dated and had affairs with plenty of men but she never got married. Maybe she thought it would take away from her dedication to the fashion world. .
Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士及其品牌背后的故事 英语介绍

C’s world
Coco and her Chanel
menswear-inspired fashions
“Coco” Chanel 1883.8.9 –1971.1.10
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。 Fashion passes, style remains. 时尚会过去,但风格永存。 Innovation! One cannot be forever innovation. I want to create classics. 创造!人不能永远创造,我想做的是制作经典。 A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future. 不用香水的女人没有未来。
Is a style.
For all ladies!
Carole Bouquet (1990s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), 卡洛· 波桂
Now Chanel is one of the most well known and instantly recognisable brands in the world.
She says:
exhibition of jewelry in ‘Comet’(彗星) and ‘Fountain’ (喷泉)
the quilted bag with the shoulder strap(肩带)---2.55 bag first perfume for men ---- Pour Monsieur(绅士).

英语作文-香奈儿人物传记《ChanelDream》(精选5篇)第一篇:英语作文-香奈儿人物传记《Chanel Dream》Chanel Dream Every girl has a dream of Chanel.Chanel is not only a fashion brand of women,but also a symbol of self-confidence and independence.The founder of Chanel——Gabrielle Channel has a legendary life.When Gabrielle Channel was a girl, she lived in a French orphanage.Although living a poor and boring life,she had a strong desire of changing.Finally,Gabrielle met a young earl who opened the door of the upper class society to her.While Chanel was a thoughtful woman, instead of indulging in the luxury life,she used her distinctive taste in clothes to light a new era.At that time,in the upper class society, women's gaudy dress was so dazzling.So when people saw the young lady ——Gabrielle Channel,wearing knee length black dress and succinct cloche made by herself surrounded by tawdry women, everyone's eyes were shining.In 1912, She opened a little millinery shop in France.The elegant concise clothing style quickly swept the whole Paris.The “concise” concept she advocated liberated women from the complicated attire.Then ladies have the free style today.Chanelhad become the important origin of feminism enlightenment at that time.She devoted herself to Chanel style designing day by day.Subsequently ,Chanel products includeevery aspect of life: clothing, accessories ,bags, shoes, cosmetics ,perfume, couture ,high-level jewelry ,watches and so on.Furthermore,Chanel Classic Suit, Two-tone Shoes and Diamond Quilted Handbags became her signature design.Her unique idea of aesthetics deeply influenced the whole world.It can be said that, she was the end of an era,and she openedfashion revolution of twentieth Century.In 1971, Kerry Beryl Chanel diedin Ritz Hotel Suites.Her legendary lifeended,but the spirit of Chanel become every girl’s dream and lived long.Just as what she said,“I was the one who changed, it wasn't fashion.I was the one who was in fashion.”第二篇:香奈儿目录毛伟金融1班1110409059 一,品牌简介:1.品牌中英文名 (3)2.创始人 (3)3.现任设计师 (3)4.发源地 (3)5.产品系列 (3)6.品牌档次 (3)7.适应年龄群 (3)8.市场 (3)9.价位 (3)10.设计理念 (3)11.品牌风格……………………………第3-5页二,产品历史……………………………………………第5-6页三,相关产品举例:1.香奈儿小黑裙……………………第6-7页※CHANEL 的时装特色…………第7-8页2.香奈儿眼镜 (8)3.香水系列: …………………………第8-12页NO.5五号香水...........................第8-9页邂逅香水 (9)Chanel机遇香水………………………第9-10页NO.19十九号香水…………………第10-11页 CHANELAllure Sport魅力运动男士香水 (11)Bule De Chanel蔚蓝男士淡香水………第11-12页山茶花———chanel香水的象征 (12)4.CHANEL2.55...........................第12-13页 5.香奈儿腕表 (13)四,成功的因素 (14)品牌中英文名:香奈尔Chanel 创始人:可可〃香奈尔(Gabrielle Chanel)现任设计师:Karl Largerfeld(卡尔.拉格菲尔德)发源地:法国巴黎产品系列:高级定制服、高级女装成衣、香水、彩妆、护肤品、鞋履、手袋、眼镜、腕表、珠宝配饰、包包品牌档次:奢侈品牌适应年龄层:25-38 市场:国际市场大部分为独立旗舰店,部分高端酒店,商场一线品价位:Chanel 这个国际知名大品牌,其订价策略,完全以它的高品质、高素质的形象为依归,采取的也是高价策略,在服装部份,高级订制服的价格比一般服装来得贵,其他部分其价格策略大致如下:时尚精品中高价位眼镜中高价位腕表与高级珠宝高价位香水与化妆品中价位设计理念:高雅,简洁,精美,崇尚自由改变女性服装原来以男性对于女性的期望为基础的设计方向,改为以女性自己的方便和舒适为中心服装设计的核心是高水平的质量,舒适,通过剪裁和比例使身材的-第三篇:法语 - 香奈儿Avec un décor d'immenses flacons de N°5 dressés au centre du Grand Palais, Karl Lagerfeld réaffirme la suprématie de la vénérable maison Chanel en repoussant toujours un peu plus loin les limites de son style.Dans le défilé, les vestes du fameux tailleur de Mademoiselle offrent une nouvelle coupe avec un dos 2 fentes, terminé par un pan plus long que le devant.Une ligne queKarl Lagerfeld déclinera aussi sur des redingotes tombant jusqu'aux chevilles.Longueur caractéristique de plusieurs modèles dans le défilé, autant que cette silhouette filiforme chère au créateur depuis plusieurs saisons.Loin d'être austère, le couturier décline les propositions de couleurs et les fantaisies.Ici un taille ur flash fuchsia, là une doublure léopard ou encore des collants de dentelles à fleurs pour un tweed ponctué de féminité.D'étonnants chapeaux cloche coiffent les filles, tantôt en dentelle, tantôt rehaussés de paillettes, ils revisitent l'esprit des années20 avec brio.Des robes coupes “wrap” se terminent en pointe tandis que des rosaces de cristaux étincelant viennent inonder le bas ou les épaules d'une robe.Des traînes de tulle laissent entrevoir des chaussures Richelieu.Plus couture que jamais, elles son t vernies ou rehaussées de sequins dorés.Des robes mauves aux drapés à l'antique laissent briller des bodys de tulle rebrodés, tandis que des robes à plis, noires et fatales, tempèrent l'ardeur des scintillements de cristaux avant que n'exultent les modèle s du soir tout en mousseline, perles et paillettes à l'unisson.Au final, un couple de mariés juvéniles s'échappe d'un flacon de N°5.Elle, aussi innocente qu'un camélia, porte une robe courte et romantique à souhait.Les amoureux échangent un baiser langoure ux alors que Karl Lagerfeld termine son salut royal sur le podium.今年秋冬高级定制服秀,以CHANEL 最为隽永的香氛N°5经典瓶身为本次巨型舞台装置。
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Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly .my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa • Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre • 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。
Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。
Named as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20thcentury, legendary designer Coco Chanel was a pioneer in the world of fashion. Her kind of fashion was inspired by menswear and she believed in simple yet highly expensive designs. Not only did she make “black” the black it is today, but she also created the wardrobe staple that none of us can live without –the little black dress! Here are some little-known facts about her:可可·香奈儿被誉为20世纪最具影响力的百位名人之一,这位颇具传奇色彩的设计师是时尚界的先锋。
她不仅使“黑色”拥有了今天的地位,还创造出我们衣橱中不可缺少的服饰——小黑裙!可可·香奈儿鲜为人知的七件事:1. She loved pocketsCoco Chanel was so enchanted with pockets that this would prove to be the main focus of her designs in handbags for women!1. 她钟爱口袋可可·香奈儿非常喜欢口袋,她的女包设计的重点就是口袋!2. It started as a hobbyChanel started her career by designing hats which later be came a bit hit with aristocratic Parisians. It was her innovative and fancy hat designs that got her attention。
2. 一切源于爱好香奈儿的设计事业是从设计帽子开始的,她所设计的帽子后来成为巴黎贵族的挚爱。
3. Hosiery to high fashionDid you know that before she became a fashion legend, Coco Chanel used to work as a clerk in a small hosiery shop? Legends do start small! From humble beginnings tograndeur!3. 从卖袜子到卖高级时装你知道可可·香奈儿在成为时尚传奇人物之前,曾在一家小袜子店里做过店员吗?传奇人物总是从小人物开始的!从渺小的开始走向伟大!4. Sun tan was started by herIf you thought tanning became fashionable by accident, think again! It was Coco Chanel who made it seem fashionable when she got burnt by sun rays way back in 1923 on a cruise towards Cannes!4. 她开创了“美黑”如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想! 1923年,可可·香奈儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦!5. Hotel Ritz was her homeFor more than 30 years Coco Chanel made the mighty hotel Ritz in Paris her home! It was rumored that German officer Dincklage (with whom she was having an affair)made arrangements for her to stay in the hotel!5. 里茨酒店是她的家可可·香奈儿在巴黎著名的里茨酒店居住了30 多年!据传是德国军官丁克拉格( 与可可·香奈儿有暧昧关系)安排她住在这个酒店!6. 5 was her favorite numberMaybe there was something special in the number 5 – enough to have Coco Chanel superstitious and in awe of it. Chanel No. 5 was introduced on 5th May 1921! No coincidence this!6. 5 是她最喜欢的数字也许数字5 有些特别之处而足以让可可·香奈儿迷信并敬畏它。
“香奈儿5 号”香水于1921 年5 月5日推出!绝非巧合!7. She never got marriedCoco Chanel might have dated and had affair swith plenty of men but she never got married. Maybe she thought it would take away from her dedication to the fashion world。