
英语潮人词汇computerate(计算机素养)bandwidth(带宽)digital divide(数字鸿沟)T-shaped people(T型人才)netizen(网络公民)newbie(网络菜鸟)nerdistan(讷第斯坦、计算机精英领地)knowbie(网络大虾)mouse potato(鼠标土豆)computer widow(电脑寡妇)password fatigue(密码疲劳)e-mentor(电子导师)phishing(网络钓鱼)data shadow(数据影子)flame(网络怒火)Email hygiene(电邮卫生)songlifting(非法下载歌曲)cybersquatting(域名抢注)egosurf(搜索自己)celeblog(名人博客)dooced(因博客惹祸)flog(假博客)emoticon(表情符号)online oxygen(网络氧气)plugged-in compulsion(强迫上网症)informania(信息瘾、资讯癖)data fast(数据斋戒)information environmentalism(信息环保)anticipointment(大失所望)novelty degree(造假文凭)Mc job(麦克工作)NEET(啃老族)boomerang(回巢一族)bouncebackability(反败为胜力、东山再起的能力)career coach(职场教练)carrer-change opportunity(换工作的机会)hedgehog concept(刺猬原则)deferred success(迟到的成功)cube farm(隔间农场、办公农庄)hot desking(轮流办公)prairie dogging(土拨鼠效应)office creeper(办公室窃贼)presenteeism(人在心不在的人)cyberslack(网络开小差、网络偷懒)Day 2 project(明日项目)phone neck(电话脖子病)salmon day(大马哈鱼日)Sandwich generation(三明治一代)cash cow(现金母牛)dilbert(呆伯特)clockless worker(过劳模)c-gull(海鸥管理)blamestorming(大恼风暴)freeter(飞特一族)golden handshake(黄金握手)golden goodbye(黄金告别),golden hello(黄金问候)sunlighting(白天兼职)sheeple(墙头草、羊人)people person(人见人爱的人)TGIF(Thank God It's Friday!终于星期五了)Body nazi(身体纳粹)sleep hygiene(睡眠卫生)sleep camel(睡眠骆驼)leisure sickness(休闲病)agritainment(农家乐)oxygen bar(氧吧)slow travel(纯玩慢游)voluntourism(公益旅行)set-jetting(专题旅游)tombstoning(墓碑运动)only child/O—open/N—normal/L—lost/Y—yield(独生子女) helicopter parent(直升机父母)spoilt brat(被溺爱坏了的小家伙)ABSO(anti-social behaviour order,反社会行为)askable parant(有问必答的父母、不怕提问的父母)condom fatigue(避孕套疲劳)celebutard(豪门浪女)locationship(地利感情)fleshmeet(网友约会)speeding dating(速配约会)intellidating(智慧约会)flash marriage(闪婚)shotgun marriage(奉子成婚)marriage lite(同居生活)competitive wedding syndrome(完美婚姻综合征)bride-to-be(准新娘))bridezilla(怪兽新娘)sponsored wedding(赞助结婚)gaydar(同志雷达)brokeback marriage(断背婚姻)living apart together(分开同居)office spouse(办公室配偶)barefoot luxury(赤脚的奢华)familymoon(家庭蜜月)wasband(前夫)mother-in-law(岳母、婆婆)mother-out law(昔日岳母、昔日婆婆)unwedding ceremony(离婚仪式)IPad(袖珍公寓)cutensil(蔻靓器皿)floordrobe(以地为橱)speed scratch(快速烹饪)fridge googling(冰箱谷歌化)frankenfood(恶魔食品)orthorexia(健康食品症)Meet tooth(肉食一族)dentophobia(看牙恐惧症)dental SPA(舒压看牙)push present(被逼礼物)kitchen pass(厨房通行证)baby hunger(盼子狂)woman terror(妇女恐怖)family balance(家庭平衡)birth tourism(生子旅游)anchor baby(抛锚婴儿、锚孩儿)milk brian(奶水思惟)srollerobics(遛婴儿车有氧运动)parachute kids(小留学生)astronaut parents(宇航员父母)trophy child(奖杯小孩)Act your age.(这么大了,还这么不懂事)Your behaviour is not age appropriate.(你的行为跟年龄不相称)age appropriate(在合适的年龄穿合适的衣服、说合适的话、做合适的事) metrosexual(花样美男)retrosexual(本色男人)makeunder(素面朝天)ubersexual(极品男人)Stepford(百依百顺)Do-it-herselfer(自己动手的女性)alpha earner(养家太太)shutter man(百叶窗男人)saty-at-home Dad(家庭妇男、住家男人)glass ceiling(玻璃天花板)glass cliff(玻璃悬崖)trailing spouse(随迁配偶)bimbo(花瓶, 有胸无脑的女人)himbo(肤浅帅哥, 有型无脑的男人)andropause(男性更年期)ADAM(Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males,老年男子荷尔蒙缺损;“亚当”)imagined ugliness(幻丑症)perma-youth(青春永驻)surgiholic(整形上瘾)voice lift(嗓音提升)quarterlife crisis(青年危机)parkour(跑酷)elder orphan(孤寡老人)Peter Pan Housing(彼得潘房子)grey nomad(灰色游牧者)SKI(Spending the Kids' Inheritance,花掉遗产)silver industry(银色产业)christmas creep(圣诞潜移)bogof(Buy one, Get one free,买一送一)spave(花钱即存钱)shopping boyfriend(购物男友)trolleyology(手推车学)mousechristmas(点击圣诞)cyber Monday(网络星期一)deshopping(购物诈骗)houseblinging(为圣诞打扮房子)tofurkey(豆腐火鸡)regift(二次送礼)bio break(生理休息,即上厕所)bowling alone(独自玩保龄球)Destinesia(目的健忘)eggcorn(鸡蛋玉米)Me time(大小姐时间)LOHAS(乐活族)time famine(时间饥荒)mouse race(小鼠赛跑)downshifter(回游者)protirement(提前退休)carcooning(以车为家)road diet(道路瘦身)walking bus(健走校车)road rage(公路发怒)hypermiler(省油驾车族)car-panning(拦车乞讨)car cloning(汽车克隆、汽车套牌)Twoc(偷车事件)car-schooling(车内教育),casual carpooling(临时拼车)DWI( driving while impaired酒后驾车)alcolock(酒精锁)DWY(driving while yakking,边开车边打手机)donorcycle(捐献摩托)text(短信传情)textual harassment(短信骚扰)Butt call(无意电话)ringxiety(手机幻听症)phonesia(电话健忘症)cell yell(手机叫嚷)iPodsolation(iPod的无处不在)ICE number(紧急号码)cereal test(玉米片测试)climate porn(气候煽情)fugly(以丑为美)chaterati(嘴皮子精英)warmedy(温馨情感喜剧)weapon of mass destruction(大规模消遣武器)paperazzi(狗仔)citizen journalism(公民新闻)copyleft(版权所无)Potterhead(哈密瓜、哈利波特迷)book crossing(图书漂流)fantic(同人小说)snowclone(雪克隆)barbecue stopper(热门话题)carbon neutral(碳中和)climate refugee(气候难民),ecosexual(环保性趋向)food mile(食物运输里程)locavore(土食主义者)newater(薪水,处理过的污水)p-book(纸质书籍)PAYT(Pay As You Throw,【扔垃圾】按量收费)upcycling(变废为宝)freecycling(免费回收)freeganism(不消费主义)tree-hugger(【抱树运动的】极端环保主义者)green GDP(绿色GDP)greenprint(宏伟绿图)political correct(政治正确)democrazy(民主疯狂)PowerPointlessness(废话连篇)Coca-colanization(可口可乐化)globophobe(反全球化)one-finger peace sign(一指和平手势)eater-tainment(寓食于乐)glocalization(全球本土化)mystery shopper(神秘顾客)BRICs(金砖四国)Chimerica(中美共同体)Chirussia(中俄共同体)Chindia(龙象之舞)panda-hugger(亲华派)Burn rate(烧钱速度)Latte factor(拿铁因素)two commas(百万富翁)staging(包装二手房)hand-me-up(代代往上传)hand-me-down(代代往下传,即“新老大,旧老二,缝缝补补是老三”)spending fast(消费斋戒)。

关键词智能手机;手机依赖;大学生;量表编制分类号B841.7DOI: 10.16842/ki.issn2095-5588.2016.04.0081引言中国互联网协会发布《2015中国互联网产业综述与2016发展趋势报告》显示,2015年11月,中国手机上网用户数已超过905亿,月户均移动互联网接入流量突破3665兆。
Thomée, Hrenstam 和Hagberg(2011)的研究显示,年轻人过度使用手机造成了压力增加、睡眠障碍等问题。
师建国(2009)认为手机依赖症(mobile phone addiction)又称手机综合征、手机焦虑症、手机成瘾,是指个体因为使用手机行为失控,导致生理、心理和社会功能明显受损的一种痴迷状态。
mobile phone disease

What is "mobile phone disease"?
From the pictures above,we can see: "mobile phone disease" is a kind of psychological disease. It's main symptom is relying on mobile phone too much.
1.Playing mobile phone in the subway has become a habit of life.
some examples:
2.There has been a new kind of people:mobile phone party(手机党).
They are used to playing mobile phone or skimming micro-blog(微博) or talking by wechat(微信). now and then . They usually sleep late and get up late.
Thank you !
Learn to use mobile phone healthily
1.Keep a certain distance from your phone when using ,try not to play mobile phone especially in the dark.
2.Please keep at least a meter away from the screen when sleeping,this can weaking cell phone radiation effectively.The best practice is to turn off your phone before sleeping .

英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,又名网络快车.APEC英文Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经济合作组织。
AQ英文Adversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATM英文Automatic Teller Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
BBS英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSS英文Base Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信中的空中接口部分.CARM英文Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会.CATV英文Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBD英文Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCEL英文China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD—ROM英文Compact Disk-Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEO英文Chief Executive Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CET英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语测试。
CFO英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管.CGFNS英文Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nuring Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。

英语作文低头玩手机## Smartphones: A Digital Addiction Leading to Physical and Mental Health Issues.Smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. They provide us with a wide range of conveniences and have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and stay entertained. However, excessive smartphone use, particularly the habit of hunching over our devices to engage in activities such as texting, scrolling through social media, or playing games, has emerged as a significant public health concern. This behavior, commonly referred to as "text neck" or "smartphone hunch," has been linked to a variety of physical and mental health issues.Physical Consequences of Smartphone Hunching.1. Musculoskeletal Pain:Text neck can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, andback. Prolonged hunching puts excessive strain on the muscles and ligaments in these areas, causing tension and stiffness. This can eventually result in chronic pain and discomfort.2. Headaches:The forward head posture associated with smartphone hunching can put pressure on the nerves in the neck, leading to headaches. These headaches can range from mild to severe and can be a significant hindrance to daily life.3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:Constant texting and typing on a smartphone can increase the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, leading to pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers.4. Eye Strain:Staring at a smartphone screen for extended periods can cause eye strain. The blue light emitted by these devices can damage the retina and lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, and even macular degeneration in severe cases.Mental Health Consequences of Smartphone Hunching.1. Anxiety and Depression:Excessive smartphone use has been linked to an increased risk of developing anxiety and depression. The constant stream of information and notifications from our devices can lead to feelings of overwhelm and stress. Additionally, social media can contribute to a sense of inadequacy and envy, which can further exacerbate mental health issues.2. Sleep Disturbances:Exposure to blue light from smartphones in the hours leading up to bedtime can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep. This canmake it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to fatigue and impaired cognitive function.3. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):Some studies have suggested that excessive smartphone use, particularly among children and adolescents, may be associated with an increased risk of developing ADHD. The constant stimulation and distraction from smartphones can interfere with attention and focus, making it difficult to concentrate and complete tasks.中文回答:低头玩手机对生理和心理健康的影响。

英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,又名网络快车.APEC英文Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经济合作组织。
AQ英文Adversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATM英文Automatic Teller Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
BBS英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSS英文Base Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信中的空中接口部分.CARM英文Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会.CATV英文Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBD英文Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCEL英文China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD—ROM英文Compact Disk-Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEO英文Chief Executive Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CET英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语测试。
CFO英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管.CGFNS英文Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nuring Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。
时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第一季

boils(疖),burns(灼伤),chafing(擦伤),cuts(切割伤),cracked skin(皮肤龟裂),nappy rash(尿布疹)和insect bites(虫类叮咬)“World Athletics Championships”就是“世界田径锦标赛”的意思。
不加s的athletic,是形容词,义为“运动的”、“体育的”或“健壮的”,如an athletic coach 运动员教练。
世界田径锦标赛由国际田径联合会(IAAF,International Association of Athletics Federations)组织,自1991年起每2年举办一次。
For more than a decade, shark fin soup has been served in any meal intending to highlight the host's wealth, resulting in the consumption of hundreds of millions of shark fins.Up to 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins.One third of the world's nearly 500 shark species are facing extinction.However, the shark fin market has been hit by a drastic market downturn recently. Precise figures are difficult to come by, but industry estimates the market has shrunk by between 50 and 70 percent.“shark fin”是鲨鱼翅的意思,即为人们常说的“鱼翅”,其中fin意为“鳍,鱼翅”,人类割掉鱼鳍之后将鲨鱼扔回海里,鲨鱼会因为溺水或者流血过多而死。

手机的坏处作文英语加翻译The Disadvantages of Mobile Phones。
Nowadays, mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and socialize. However, despite their many benefits, mobile phones also have their downsides.Firstly, mobile phones can be a major distraction. With the constant notifications, messages, and calls, it can be difficult to focus on important tasks. This can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress. Moreover, the addiction to constantly checking our phones can have negative effects on our mental health.Secondly, mobile phones can have a negative impact on our physical health. The radiation emitted by mobile phones has been linked to various health issues, including headaches, sleep disturbances, and even cancer. Additionally, the overuse of mobile phones can lead to poorposture and repetitive strain injuries, such as "text neck" and carpal tunnel syndrome.Furthermore, mobile phones can also have a detrimental effect on our social lives. With the rise of social media and messaging apps, many people have become more reliant on their phones for communication, leading to a decline in face-to-face interactions. This can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation.In addition, mobile phones can pose a threat to our privacy and security. With the increasing use of mobile banking, online shopping, and social media, our personal information is more vulnerable to hacking and identity theft. Moreover, the constant tracking of our location through GPS can raise concerns about surveillance and invasion of privacy.Lastly, the overuse of mobile phones can have a negative impact on the environment. The production and disposal of mobile phones contribute to electronic waste, which can pollute the environment and harm wildlife.Additionally, the energy consumption of mobile phone usage contributes to carbon emissions and climate change.In conclusion, while mobile phones have undoubtedly improved our lives in many ways, it is important to be aware of their disadvantages. It is crucial to use mobile phones responsibly and in moderation to minimize their negative impact on our health, relationships, privacy, and the environment.手机的坏处。

关于手机控的英语作文英文回答:Mobile phone addiction has become a widespread issue affecting individuals of all ages, particularly in recent years. The constant use of smartphones, with their endless stream of social media updates, instant messaging, and addictive games, has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions, physical activity, and overall well-being.There are numerous negative consequences associated with mobile phone addiction. One of the most significant is the impact on physical health. Excessive smartphone use can lead to sleep deprivation, eye strain, and repetitivestrain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Furthermore, research has shown that mobile phone addiction can contribute to weight gain and other health problems.Another major concern is the impact on mental health. Excessive use of mobile phones can increase feelings ofanxiety, depression, and social isolation. The constant stream of notifications and social media updates can create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out), leading individuals to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Additionally, the addictive nature of mobile phone games can lead to significant psychological distress.In terms of social relationships, mobile phones can have both positive and negative effects. While they can help people stay connected with friends and family who live far away, they can also lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. Individuals may spend more time on their phones than engaging with the people around them, which can damage relationships and create feelings of isolation.It is important to note that mobile phone addiction is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Some individuals may be more susceptible to addiction due to genetic or psychological factors, while others may develop an addiction as a coping mechanism for stress or other underlying issues.Addressing the issue of mobile phone addiction requires a multifaceted approach. Public awareness campaigns are essential to educate individuals about the potential risks of excessive smartphone use. Parents and educators can play a vital role in setting limits on screen time and promoting healthy habits for children and adolescents.Technology companies also have a responsibility to address mobile phone addiction. They can design features that encourage responsible use, such as screen time limits and parental control tools. Additionally, they can investin research to better understand the impact of mobile phone addiction on individuals and society as a whole.中文回答:手机成瘾的负面后果。

1引言1.1概念手机依赖(mobile phone dependence, MPD)症又称手机成瘾,目前全世界都没有统一的定义和诊断标准。
韩登亮,齐志斐.大学生手机成瘾症的心理学探析[J].当代青年研究,2005(12). 徐华,吴玄娜、韩登亮、齐志斐等人将手机成瘾症界定为由于某种原因过度地滥用手机而导致手机使用者出现生理或心理上的不适应的一种病症。
徐华,吴玄娜,兰彦婷,陈英和.大学生手机依赖量表的编制[J].中国临床心理学杂志,2008(1):26—27一些学者将手机成瘾与近来行为学家提出的“行为成瘾( Behavioral Addiction)”相联系,认为手机成瘾在一定程度上也是一种行为成瘾。

智能手机成瘾的影响英语作文150英文回答:Smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. They offer a plethora of benefits, from staying connected with friends and family to accessing information and entertainment. However, the downside of smartphone usage is becoming increasingly apparent: smartphone addiction.Smartphone addiction is a growing problem, especially among young people. It can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including:Reduced academic performance.Sleep deprivation.Social isolation.Mental health problems.Physical health problems.Reduced academic performance is one of the most common consequences of smartphone addiction. When students are constantly on their phones, they are less likely to pay attention in class and complete their homework. This can lead to lower grades and a decreased ability to succeed in school.Sleep deprivation is another common problem associated with smartphone addiction. The blue light emitted from smartphones can interfere with sleep, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. This can lead to daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability.Social isolation is another consequence of smartphone addiction. When people are constantly on their phones, they are less likely to interact with others in person. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.Mental health problems are also associated with smartphone addiction. Studies have shown that people who are addicted to their smartphones are more likely to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.Physical health problems can also result from smartphone addiction. For example, people who are constantly on their phones may experience neck pain, eye strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be addicted to their smartphone, there are a number of things you can do to help. First, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of smartphone addiction. These include:Spending excessive amounts of time on your smartphone.Feeling anxious or restless when you are not on your smartphone.Using your smartphone to avoid other activities.Neglecting your responsibilities in order to use your smartphone.Continuing to use your smartphone even when it is causing you problems.If you recognize any of these signs and symptoms in yourself or someone you know, it is important to seek help. There are a number of resources available to help people overcome smartphone addiction. These resources include:Therapy.Support groups.Smartphone addiction apps.中文回答:智能手机成瘾的影响。

手机上瘾的英文作文英文回答:Smartphone addiction has become a pervasive problem in today's society, particularly among adolescents and young adults. Excessive use of smartphones can lead to a myriad of adverse consequences, both physical and mental.Behavioral Impacts:Smartphone addiction can disrupt daily routines and social interactions. Individuals may prioritize screen time over essential activities such as sleep, schoolwork, and face-to-face communication. This can lead to impaired academic performance, strained personal relationships, and diminished social skills.Mental Health Effects:Prolonged smartphone use has been associated withincreased anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. The constant stream of information and notifications can overwhelm users, leading to feelings of stress and inadequacy. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media platforms can promote unhealthy comparisons, cyberbullying, and FOMO (fear of missing out).Physical Consequences:Excessive smartphone use can have a range of physical impacts. It can cause musculoskeletal problems such as neck pain, eye strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, the blue light emitted from smartphone screens can disrupt melatonin production, leading to insomnia and circadian rhythm disturbances.Cognitive Impacts:Smartphone addiction can impair cognitive function. Constant interruptions from notifications and the stimulation of interactive content can reduce attention span, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Over time,this can hinder academic success, career advancement, and overall well-being.Prevention and Treatment:Addressing smartphone addiction requires a multifaceted approach. Preventive measures include promoting digital literacy, setting realistic screen time limits, and encouraging alternative activities. Treatment options may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, support groups, and medication in severe cases.Conclusion:Smartphone addiction is a serious issue that can have detrimental effects on individuals' lives. It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of this addiction and take proactive steps to prevent or manage its negative consequences. By promoting digital health and encouraging balanced use of technology, we can mitigate the risks associated with smartphone addiction and enhance overall well-being.中文回答:手机成瘾。

英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,又名网络快车。
APEC英文Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经济合作组织。
AQ英文Adversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATM英文Automatic Teller Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
BBS英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSS英文Base Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信中的空中接口部分。
CARM英文Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会。
CATV英文Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBD英文Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCEL英文China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD-ROM英文Compact Disk-Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEO英文Chief Executive Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CET英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语测试。
CFO英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管。
CGFNS英文Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nuring Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。

关于手机的危害英语作文的名句英文回答:The detrimental effects of mobile phones on various aspects of our lives have sparked significant concern. These devices, while offering convenience and connectivity, also pose potential threats to our physical and mentalwell-being.Impact on Physical Health:Mobile phones emit radiofrequency radiation, which has been linked to several health issues. Prolonged exposure to this radiation has been associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, including brain tumors. Furthermore, excessive phone usage can lead to musculoskeletal disorders such as neck pain, eye strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.Impact on Mental Health:Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, leading to a constant state of distraction and reduced attention spans. Social media platforms, in particular, can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, the excessive use of mobile phonescan disrupt sleep patterns, affecting both physical and mental health.Addiction and Dependency:The addictive nature of mobile phones is a growing concern. The constant notifications and the ease of accessto entertainment can lead to compulsive use, affecting relationships, work performance, and overall well-being. This addiction can result in a decrease in physicalactivity, social interaction, and quality sleep.Impact on Relationships:Mobile phones can have a negative impact oninterpersonal relationships by reducing face-to-facecommunication and increasing feelings of isolation. Spending excessive time on personal devices can lead to neglect of family and friends, as well as a decrease in empathy and emotional connection.Impact on Children and Adolescents:Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of mobile phone use. Overexposure to radiation, excessive screen time, and the addictive nature of these devices can have severe consequences for their physical, mental, and social development.Social and Ethical Concerns:Aside from health risks, mobile phones raise social and ethical concerns. The constant collection of personal data by these devices and the potential for surveillance have sparked concerns about privacy violations. Moreover, the excessive production and disposal of mobile phones contribute to environmental issues.中文回答:手机的危害。

过度使用手机的坏处英语作文英文回答:The Detrimental Effects of Excessive Smartphone Use.Advancements in technology have brought about numerous conveniences, and smartphones have emerged as ubiquitous devices that accompany us almost everywhere we go. While they offer a wealth of benefits, such as instant communication, information accessibility, and entertainment, excessive smartphone usage can have a profound impact onour physical, mental, and social well-being.Physical Consequences.1. Musculoskeletal Disorders: Overuse of smartphonescan lead to various musculoskeletal issues, including neck pain, shoulder pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Prolonged use with poor posture can strain muscles and tendons, resulting in discomfort and pain.2. Eye Strain: Spending excessive time staring at smartphone screens can cause eye strain, fatigue, and dryness. The blue light emitted by devices can disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, potentially leading to insomnia.3. Obesity: Sedentary behavior associated with excessive smartphone use can contribute to weight gain and obesity. By diverting attention away from physical activities and reducing opportunities for exercise, smartphones can hinder overall fitness goals.Mental Health Impacts.1. Anxiety and Depression: Studies suggest that heavy smartphone use may increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Constant notifications, social media comparisons, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can create a sense of stress and overwhelmingness.2. Reduced Attention Span: Excessive smartphone usagehas been linked to a diminished attention span anddifficulty focusing. Rapidly scrolling through content and multitasking can disrupt the brain's ability to sustain concentration on a single task.3. Sleep Disturbances: The blue light emitted by smartphones suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Using smartphones before bedtime can delay sleep onset and disrupt sleep patterns, affecting overall sleep quality.Social Effects.1. Diminished Face-to-Face Interactions: Excessive smartphone use can interfere with real-life social interactions. It can lead to individuals spending less time engaging with others in person, potentially weakening relationships and fostering social isolation.2. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: Smartphones facilitate communication but can also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, online harassment, and hate speech. Thiscan have severe emotional consequences, including anxiety, depression, and reduced self-esteem.3. Distraction During Social Situations: Smartphone use in social settings can be disruptive and disrespectful. It can prevent individuals from being fully present and attentive to those around them, hindering meaningful interactions and social development.Mitigating the Negative Effects.To mitigate the detrimental effects of excessive smartphone use, it is crucial to implement strategies that promote responsible usage. These include:Setting screen time limits and adhering to them.Taking regular breaks from smartphone use.Prioritizing face-to-face interactions.Engaging in physical activities and hobbies.Seeking professional help if necessary.By striking a balance between smartphone usage andother aspects of life, individuals can harness the benefits of these devices while safeguarding their physical, mental, and social well-being.中文回答:过度使用智能手机的危害。

玩手机的坏处英语作文英文回答:The widespread use of smartphones has become anintegral part of modern life, but it is essential to be aware of the potential negative consequences that excessive smartphone use can have on our physical and mental well-being.1. Physical Health Problems:Prolonged smartphone use can lead to several physical health problems, including:Neck pain and headaches: Staring down at your phonefor extended periods can strain your neck muscles, leading to pain and discomfort.Eye strain and dry eyes: The blue light emitted from smartphones can cause eye strain, dryness, and irritation.Carpal tunnel syndrome: Repetitive use of your thumbs to type or swipe on your phone can put pressure on the nerves in your wrists, leading to pain, numbness, and tingling.Sleep disturbances: The blue light emitted from smartphones can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep. Using your phone before bed can make it harder to fall asleep and reduce sleep quality.2. Mental Health Concerns:In addition to physical health problems, excessive smartphone use can also have a negative impact on our mental health, such as:Anxiety and depression: Studies have linked excessive smartphone use to increased feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as a higher risk of developing these conditions.Addiction: Smartphones can be highly addictive, and spending excessive time on them can lead to neglect of other important areas of life, such as relationships, work, or school.Fear of missing out (FOMO): The constant stream of updates and notifications on social media can create a sense of FOMO, making individuals feel anxious or stressed if they are not constantly connected.Social isolation: While smartphones can facilitate communication, they can also lead to social isolation, as individuals spend more time interacting with their devices than with real-life relationships.3. Impact on Attention and Concentration:Excessive smartphone use can also have a negative impact on our attention and concentration. The constant interruptions and notifications from our phones can make it difficult to focus on tasks for extended periods. This canaffect our productivity, academic performance, and overall cognitive function.4. Electromagnetic Radiation Concerns:Smartphones emit electromagnetic radiation, which has raised concerns about its potential health effects. While the levels of radiation emitted by smartphones are generally considered safe, some studies have suggested that long-term exposure to high levels of radiation may be linked to certain health problems, such as cancer and reproductive disorders.中文回答:玩手机的坏处。
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力模糊) 长时间盯着手机屏幕容易 导致视力模糊和干眼症。 ck of sense of security (缺乏安全感) 发现自己的手机不在身边 的,就会不自觉的焦虑起 来,并且感觉没有它都不 知道该做什么,该往哪里 去,生活都没了色彩。
3.headache(头痛) 长时间使用手机会引起头痛、疲劳乏力,甚至会导致“老 痴”(短时记忆丧失等)。
任何事情都有两面性。高科技给我们的 生活带来了极大的便利,然而,我们越来 越依赖智能手机。我们称之为手机疾病。
there has been a new kind of people: mobile phone party(手机党).
some typical symptoms of mobile phone disease (手机综合症的10个典型表现)
8.Thumb disease拇指病. 长时间使用手机上网或 发短信等,手指源自会痉 挛疼痛,医学上称为拇 指腱鞘炎。
9.Always hear the sound of phone vibrations. (总听见手机振动声) 手机明明静音,有时甚 至压根没带手机,却感 觉它仿佛在响或振动, 这就说明你已经因沉迷 于手机而产生幻觉了。
• mobile phone disease • (手机综合症)
the disadvantage of mobile phone
Every thing has two sides.High technology brings great convience to our life,yet,we have become more and more dependent on smart phones.that's what we call mobile phone disease.
6.enjoy taking photos for sharing before having meals.(拍照晒美食) 吃饭之前,必须先拍照上网与好友 共享美食图片。
7.play phone while walking(走 路也在玩手机) 边玩手机边开车、工作或者走 路等,容易忽视身边事物, 导致意外,甚至会丧命。
10.与亲朋聚会减少 与亲朋3个月没聊天,只 是通过社交网站了解对方 一切情况。
世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死 而是我们坐在一起,你却在低头玩手机 now though science and technology develops rapidly,however,The distance between people has become increasingly distant. 现在科技发展迅速,然而,人 们之间的距离越来越遥远。
thank you !
4.put mobile phone beside
the apillow(手机放枕边)
通过相关的研究还发现,经常性 把自己的手机放在离自己的身体 很近的地方,是非常的容易让人 入睡困难的,这样就会影响您的 睡眠质量,从而影响工作质量。
5.always go to the toilet with mobile phone (上厕所带着手机,手机24小时不离身。)