外企面试最常见的23个英文问题(附答案)精选全文 (2)

你的爱好是否只维持了短短一段时间,或者你的兴趣每年都不同?你的兴趣与你所申请的工作是否一致?它们是否在某方面对公司有利呢?Q:Other than work, tell me about an activity you've remained interested in over several years.A:I’ve been involved in Cancer Society fundraising ever since my grandmother died from the disease. In the back of my mind I guess I’m hoping that the research can lead to findings in time to save the life of someone else in my family.问:你在业余的时间里会做些什么?答:我实在很喜欢外出——我经常去露营和远足,因此我对不同种类的布料有一定的认识,了解到不同的布料适合于不同的气候环境,这也是为什么我对你们纺织公司如此感兴趣的原因。
Q:What do you do in your spare time?A:I really enjoy getting outside—I often go camping and hiking. I've learned a lot about different fabrics that are good for various weather conditions. That's why I'm so interested in your textile operations.问:你的生活方式健康吗?答:我每周两次挤出时间休息。

外企常见英文面试问题1. Can you tell me about yourself?2. Why are you interested in working for our company?3. What skills and qualifications do you bring to this role?4. How do you handle working in a multicultural team?5. Can you describe a time when you faced a challenge at work and how you overcame it?6. How do you prioritize your tasks and manage your time?7. How would you handle a difficult colleague or client?8. What is your long-term career goal and how does this role fitinto it?9. How do you handle stress or tight deadlines?10. Can you provide examples of situations where you demonstrated leadership or took initiative?11. How do you adapt to changes in the work environment or company policies?12. How do you stay updated on industry trends and developments?13. Are you willing to travel or relocate for work if required?14. Can you describe a situation where you had to work under pressure and how you handled it?15. What do you know about our company and our competitors?16. How do you handle feedback and criticism?17. Can you provide examples of projects or accomplishments that you are proud of?18. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in the workplace?19. What do you believe are the most important qualities for success in this role?20. Do you have any questions for us?。


外企应聘面试常见英语问答A:With my qualifications and e*perience, I feel I am hardworking, responsibleand diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefitfrom my analytical and interpersonal skills.Q:Give me a summary of your current job description. A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific,I do systemanalysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.Q:Why did you leave your last job?A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks,I will take it.A:I feel I have reached the glass ceiling in my current job./ I feel there is no opportunityfor advancement.Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.A:With my teaching e*perience, I am confident that I can relate to studentsvery well.Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my e*perienceto this position.Q:What do you think you are worth to us?A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify mefor this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?or Do you work well under stress orpressure?A:Yes, I think so.A:The trait is needed in my current (or previous) position and I know Ican handle it well.Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?A:Helpfulness and caring.A:Adaptability and sense of humor.A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you? A:(pause a few seconds) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking andresponsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.Q:What personality traits do you admire?A:(I admire a person who is)honest, fle*ible and easy-going.A:(I like) people who possess the can do spirit. Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as ateam will be the major goal of my leadership.A:I have refined my management style by using anopen-door policy.Q:How do you normally handle criticism?A:Silence is golden. Just don‘t say anything; otherwise the situation couldbecome worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism.A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later.Q:What do you find frustrating in a work situation? A:Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas.Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner inorder to get my points across.Q:How do you handle your failure?A:None of us was born perfect. I am sure I will be given a second chanceto correct my mistake.Q:What provide you with a sense of accomplishment. A:Doing my best job for your company.A:Finishing a project to the best of my ability. Q:If you had a lot of money to donate, where would you donate it to?Why?A:I would donate it to the medical research because I want to do somethingto help others.A:I prefer to donate it to educational institutions. Q:What is most important in your life right now? A:To get a job in my field is most important to me. A:To secure employment hopefully with your company. Q:What current issues concern you the most?A:The general state of our economy and the impact of China‘ entry to WTOon our industry.Q:How long would you like to stay with this company? A:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field.Q:Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now?A:As I have some administrative e*perience in my last job, I may use myorganizational and planning skills in the future.A:I hope to demonstrate my ability and talents in my field adequately.A:Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be e*citing.假如不愿正面回答,也可以说:It would be premature for me to predict this.甚至还可以打趣的说:Hypothetically speaking, I might be able to do your current job as a director。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版外企面试中外籍面试官最常问问题(Interview Lesson )a)Tell-Me-About-Yourself QuestionsQuestion:Can you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.(你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)Suggested Answer:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsibleand diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit frommy analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。
)b)Your Personality QuestionsQuestion:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)Suggested Answer:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。
);Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。
);Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。
).c)Salary QuestionsQuestion:How much do you wish to be paid?(你的期望薪资是多少?)Suggested Answer:Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is whatinterests me the most. (薪水固然重要,但这工作伴随而来的责任更吸引我。

外企面试英文问题实用3篇外企面试英文问题 11、What kind of personality do you work best with and why?You will deal with many personalities in any job. If the interviewers know the people you’ll be working with, they might have a personality in mind! It’s hard for you to know this however so stick to a safe answer. You might say:“I find I work wel l with almost everyone but who I work best with might depend on the activity. If it’s a project, I prefer to work with someone who’s practical and organized because this is important. If it’s leading a discussion, working with someone who’s a good facilita tor helps.”2、How would you go about establishing your credibility quickly within the team?Gaining credibility quickly is important. Make sure you listen, learn, question, understand. You might say: “That’s a good question and I realize it’s impor tant to gain credibility quickly. I believe the best way is to show your colleagues that you respect their experience and want to learn from them as well as about them. You need to listen, ask the right questions and make sure you understand. If they can s ee you’ll fit in early on, ithelps”.3、Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.This is a behavioural interview question. If you can’t think of an example, it’s ok to say so. If that’s the case, either say how you would deal with it, or use an example where someone you know dealt with conflict well.Most interviewers would look for:-Getting both sides of the argument-Suggesting and agreeing promise-Showing tactfulness-Showing empathy4、What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it?Personal conflict is inevitable in the workplace Try not to say that A or B irritates you. Instead, talk about the characteristics which you find hard, not the people. You might say:“I find I get on with most people so it’s not normally a problem. It’s rather disappointing when people don’t pull their weight I suppose and this has happened. In that instance I spoke to the person in private, explained that they were letting the team down and asked them to make more of an effort. They did.”外企面试英文问题 21、How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?2、Please describe the ideal job for you following graduation.My ideal job is one that incorporates both my education and practical work skills to be the best I can be. Namely bining my education in finance with my working knowledge of customer service operations, entrepreneurial abilities, puter skills, and administrative skills. I want to utilize my __ytical expertise to help people meet their financial goals. This is exactly why I am convinced that I would be a very valuable member of the Merrill Lynch team.3、What influenced you to choose this career?My past experiences have shown me that I enjoy facing and ing the challenge of making a sale. Without a doubt, once I have practiced my presentation and prepared myself for objections, I feel very confident approaching people I don’t know and convincing them that they need my product. Lastly, I like sales because my potential for success is limited only by how much of myself I dedicate toward my goal. If any profession is founded on self-determinism, it surely must be sales.4、At what point did you choose this career?I knew that I wanted to pursue information systems technology about my sophomore year in college. It was then that I realized that my hobbywas taking up most of my time. My favorite courses were IT courses. I also realized that I was doing puter-oriented work-study that I enjoyed so much I would have done it for free.5、What specific goals have you established for your career?My goals include ing a Certified Financial Advisor so I can obtain a better working knowledge of financial research __ysis, which would allow me contribute to my client base as a better financial consultant since I would have that extra insight into the panies they are seeking to invest in. Also this is the foundation block to advancing my career to portfolio manager or even branch office manager.6、What will it take to attain your goals, and what steps have you taken toward attaining them?I’ve already done some research on other workers at Merrill Lynch to see how they achieved similar goals. I know that Merrill Lynch encourages the pursuit and will reimburse for tuition of a graduate degree. I plan on pursuing a MBA to give me an even more extensive knowledge of business and financial __ysis.外企面试英文问题 31、How would you approach a typical project?If you’re applying for a project based job, such as a project manager, you will be asked this job interview question. Don’t give a long winded answer, but try to demonstrate that you would take into account the mainponents of effective project planning such as:– Planning the schedule backwards from pletion– Working out what you need to get the job done effectively and on time– Budgeting — costs, time and resources– Allowing a contingency2、How would you get the best from people?If you are applying for any management role, it is highly likely you’ll be asked this job interview question. The kind of skills that we’d be looking for in a good applicant are:– Good munication– Teamwork skills– Recognizing what each person can bring– Setting a good example– Praising good performances3、Give us an example of how you have resolved conflict.As this is a behavioural interview question, you need to find an example of conflict that you have resolved. The sort of skills you need to demonstrate in your interview answer are:– Fairness– Discussing problems with individuals in private– Making sure you get to the root of the problem– Finding a solution that everyone will accept4、What did you look for when you hired people in the past?This is a general question. Don’t think about specific skills of the job you are applying for. Think generally about the key attributes everyone looks for in a good applicant. Among others, these include:– Aptitude– Skills– Initiative– Flexibility– Commitment5、Do you work best by yourself or as part of a team?Most jobs require both, to varying degrees.As with all answers to job interview questions, think about the position you are applying for. Are the interviewers looking for a team worker? Did they mention this in the advert or is it implicit in the job description? If a team player is required, tell the interviewers that you work well in a team. Give an example if you can. You might say:“I prefer to work in teams. I find that better decisions are reached when people work together and share ideas. Of course I’m happy to work alone when required too.”If the job is mostly done alone, you might say:“I work very well by myself because I’m self motivat ed, organized andconscientious. I’m fortable working in teams though and recognize that this is better in some situations”.。

外企面试英语常见问题外企面试英语常见问题1. so, tell me a little about yourself.you don’t need to explain everything from birth to present day. relevant facts about education, your career and your current life situation are fine.2. why are you looking (or why did you leave you last job)?this should be a straightforward question to answer, but it can trip you up. presumably you are looking for a new job (or any job) because you want to advance your career and get a position that allows you to grow as a person and an employee. it’s not a good idea to mention money here, it can make you sound mercenary. and if you are in the unfortunate situation of having been downsized, stay positive and be a***rief as pos***le about it. if you were fired, you’ll need a good explanation. but once again, stay positive.3. tell me what you know about this company.do your homework before you go to any interview. whether it’***eing the vp of marketing or the mailroom cl erk, you should know about the company or business you’re going to work for. has this company been in the news lately? who are the people in the company you should know about? do the background work, it will make you stand out as someone who comes prepared, and is genuinely interested in the company and the job.4. why do you want to work at x company?this should be directly related to the last question. any research you’ve done on the company should have led you to the conclusion that you’d want to work there. after all, you’re at the interview, right? put some thought into this answer beforeyou have your interview, mention your career goals and highlight forward-thinking goals and career plans.5. what relevant experience do you have?hopefully if you’re applying for this position you have bags of related experience, and if that’s the case you should mention it all. but if you’re switching careers or trying something a little different, your experience may initially not look like it’s matching up. that’s when you need a little honest creativity to match the experiences required with the ones you have. people skills are people skills after all, you just need to show how customer service skills can apply to internal management positions, and so on.6. if your previous co-workers were here, what would they say about you?ok, this is not the time for full disclosure. if some people from your past are going to say you’re a boring a-hole, you don’t need to bring that up. stay positive, always, and maybe have a fe w specific quotes in mind. “they’d say i was a hard worker” or even better “john doe has always said i was the most reliable, creative problem-solver he’d ever met.”外企英语的常见问题2015-11-11 14:13 | #2楼tell us about yourself.这是一个有关你个性、背景、学习以及工作经历的非常宽泛的问题。

外企english interview最常见的问题外企english interview最常见的问题Here are good answers to some of the tougher questions asked in job interviews. If you can smoothly supply answers like these during the interview, you are bound to make a good impression.1. What is important to you in a job?Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.2. Why do you want to work for this organization?Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization.3. Why should we employ you?Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team.4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities."5. Can we offer you a career path?Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me about it?"The answer may be revealing.6. What are your greatest strengths?Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it", "I''m wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently."7. What are you greatest weakness?Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself toohard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I''m critical if it isn''t." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.8. What didn''t you like about previous jobs you''ve held?Discuss the things you didn''t like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers.9. How do you spend your leisure time?Mention a cross section of interests-active and quiet, social and solitary -- rather just one.10. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?Take stock of your weaknesses before the interview. Practice discussing them in a positive light. You''ll find that they are minor when discussed along with all the positive things you have to offer.。

外企-招聘面试常见的问题interview-EnglishAppendix1 Interview Englishand skillsPart 1 frequently used English and Skills1. frequently asked questions such as:How would you d escribe yourself?What is your greatest weakness?What are your most important accomplishments?How would you d escribe your ideal job?How do you like to work with others?2. Do you have any questions like:What are the major responsibilities of this position?How does this position fit into the corporate structure?Are there any training or educational opportunities for empl oyees?Is there anything else I shoul d know about this company?3 Illegal questions:Are you married?Will you be leaving the firm to raise children when you get married?Do you expecting a chil d?Are you active in church?4. How to answer the difficult questions?●What is important to you in a job?Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.●Why d o you want to work for this organization?Its reputation, the opportunity it offers, and the working atmosphere of the firm.●Why shoul d we empl oy you?My acad emic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.●If we hire you, how long w ill you stay with us?As l ong as my position here all ows me to l earn and to advance a t a pace consistent with my abilities.●What are your greatest strengths?I can see what needs to be done and do it.I’m willing to make d ecisions.I work well with others.I can organize my time efficiently.●What are your greatest weakness?I tend to drive myself too hard.I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.I like to see a job done quickly.5 other useful sentencesI’d like to see the personnel manag er, please.I’m interested in teaching English.Do you have any part-time job here?Have you got any vacancy right now?I’ve got a degree in business.I used to work as a secretary.Actually I was trained as an electronic engineer.Do you like your present job?Have you done anything like that before?What sort of experience have you got?I was in charge of a sales department.Why are you leaving your present place of empl oyment?What ‘s your expected salary?I’m satisfied with your qualifications.Please fill in this form. And if anything turns up, I’ll contact you.?I wonder if you’d mind startin g work tomorrow.I’m sorry. There’s no vacancy at the moment.Part2 skills for a successful interview1. conversational style●Don’t recite. It should be a give-and-take, two-way process.●Avoid the simpl e “ yes” and “no” answer.●Don’t ramble or “spill”.●Don’t take yourself too seriously.●Don’t badmouth your current employer.●Don’t use “honestly” and “candidly.”●Don’t use “maybe”, “kind of,” “I guess”.●Don’t interrupt or argue.●Don’t sound despair or beg.2. foll ow-up and job offer negotiationsThank-you letterTelephone foll ow-upLearn to negotiate job offers.Part3 mistakes in interviewHas a poor personal appearance.Is unabl e to express self clearly; has poor voice, diction, grammar. ?Lacks knowledge or experience.Is not prepared for interview.Has no real interest in job.Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals.Lacks enthusiasm; passive and indifferent.Lacks confid ence and poise; is nervous and ill at ease.Shows insufficient evidence of achievement.Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollaroffer. ?Has poor scholastic record; just go by.Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much soon.Makes excuses.Lacks tact.Lacks maturity.Lacks courtesy; ill mannered.Cond emns past empl oyers.Lacks social skills.Shows marked dislike for schoolwork.Lacks vitality.Fails to look interviewer in the eye.Has limp, weak hand shake.111111111Principles of Good Communication(1) Consideration(2) Courtesy(3) Clarity(4) Conciseness(5) Concreteness(6) Correctness(7) Completenesseg:Fish d ealer / sign board/ criticalFRESH FISH FORSALE HERE TODAYPolicy---insurance policyDocument---bill of lading/certificate of weigh Securities---bonds/shares/stocksSemi-monthlySemi-finished goodsMonol ogueMonopolismUnitransferUnicycleBicycleBilateral tradeTricycleTriangle tradeTrioQuarterQuadruplicateQuintuplicate ?SextuplicateSexennialSeptenaryOctetOctavoEnneahedronDecade DecimalIn duplicatein four copies---- sIn five foldTownship enterprises ?State-owned ~ ?Private-owned~ ?Collective-owned~ ?Multi-national Corporation ?Company/firm/silver houseBanking ?Engineering ?Marketing ?Shipping industry ?Manufacturing industry Tertiary industryLandingHousingClothingthe havethe have-notThe richPoorwound edsickThe exportsimports ?manufactures The breakabl e-----s Sizabl eMarketableSal eable perishableAxe reduceBan prohibitionBid endeavor attemptCut reduction curtailmentDeal negotiation TransactionDrive campaign MovementEnvoy ambassad or Delegate Representative MediatorEmissaryMinisterEye observewatchFlop failureGap discrepancyJob taskEmploymentProfessionachievement meet conferencemeetingconventionpact agreementtreatyprobe investigationenquiryrow conflictdisagreementsetbackarrest of progressswap exchangetrad etalk conversationdiscussionnegotiationvoice expresswoo seek to win222222222221. At Brink of Trad e War----Japan Backs Away2. The Seven Sisters still Rule3 King cotton Fights Back4. Is OPEC Finally Losing Its Grip?5. Chances of Economic Recovery Improving6. Financial Minister to Meet in London7. Trade Talk Resumed between US & EU8. Japan Urged to Act on Trade SurplusTo be1.Trad e Ministers Busy in Geneva2.Multilateral Talks at a Deadl ock3.Tariff Bill in Danger4.More Unempl oyed Than Any Christmas since the Great Depression1.Insurance: Up, Up and Away2.The World Sl ows Down3.Base metals: l ow and going l ower4.Ex-im Bank Announces Reorganization5.Putting Life into GATT1. A Tal e of Two BrothersMr Cube Takes Beeting.Beating.2. Reaganomics:Turbul ent Take Off3. Toronto:the Buildingest City in the World……………………1.In return for their work, empl oyees receive compensation,a combination of payments,benefits, and employer’s service.2.Bonuses are payments in ad dition to the regular wages or salaries, including annual bonus,attendance bonus, quality bonus, and profit- sharing bonus.3.Most American companies provide their empl oyees with such fringe benefits as pensionplans, life and health insurance, and unempl oyment benefit.4.The families of soldiers killed or disabled are entitled to receive a considerable sum ofpension.5.Every purchaser of a pound of coffee will receive a box of cookies as a bonus.6.His parents give him an all owance of $20 a month.7.The company offered the selling agent a commission of 8% on the total sale.8.Under the price- support program, the farmer is given a subsidy to encourage him toproduce surplus.9.Without export subsidies, these goods would immediately lose their competitiveness onthe international market.10.These programs are to help the poor, whether they are actually on welfare or they aretrying to support the family on the wages earned.11.D/P document against payment12.D/A document against acceptance13.P.S.postscript14.S/C sales contract/ confirmation15.M/T metric ton16.S/T short17.L/T long18.S.S.steamship19.FOB free on board20.CIF cost,insurance and freight21.CFR cost and freight22.L/C letter of credit23.B/L bill of lading24.FAS free alongside ship25.IPO=initial public offering26.GDP27.GNP28.PNTR=permanent normal trad e relations29.CEO=chief executive officers30.Know-how31.Hi-tech32.Anything but=never33.Nothing =only34.all = almost35.cannot but admire36.cannot help admiring his courage.Competitive/reasonabl e/moderate/attractive/best/l owest pricerise/ soar/increase incollapse/drop/fall inPrices skyrocket/hit the bottomThe price is on the high(l ow) sid e.价格偏高(低)。

Job Interview QuestionsExtract from The 250 Job Interview Questions by Peter Veruki. 1999.Passion for the Business●Why do you want to work in this industry?●I’ve always wanted to work in an industry that …. One of my hobbies is …, so I’vecollected … ma nufactured by your company. I could be a … anywhere, but I’d rather work for a company whose products I trust.●How do you stay current?●I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fundnewsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts.●Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul?●The technology in the industry is changing so rapidly that I see lots of room for jobenhancement regardless of promotions. I’m particularl y interested in the many applications for … as ….●Where do you want to be in five years?●I’d like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office. I also hope todevelop my management skills, perhaps by managing a small staff.●Describe your ideal career.●I’d like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens. I was too interested inbusiness to work at a university, but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood. I’ve been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients. Now I took forward to training the new hires.●If you had unlimited time and financial resources, how would you spend them?●I’d like love to be able to take several executives seminars on financial management thataren’t geared toward financial experts. I’d also love to be able to shut down my department long enough to send everyone through an Outward Bound—type program. Finally, I’d probably travel and look at foreign competitors, and enjoy the food along the way. What would you do?Motivation and Purpose●Tell me something about yourself and I didn’t know from reading your resume.●You wouldn’t know that I’ve managed … since I …, but I believe that it’s important for youto understand my interest in investment sales. I’ve … over the … ye ars.●What have you learned about our company from customers, employees or others?●I actually called several of the key accounts mentioned in your brochure. Two of thecustomers I spoke with explained why they continued to buy from you year after year. Your distribution is phenomenal. Are there any service improvements you think could still be made?●Why do you want to work here?●I lost a bid several years ago to your company. I realized then that products in the computerindustry are becoming increasingly si milar. They’re so similar now, and retail prices are socompetitive, that service is the best way for a company to distinguish itself from the competition. This company has the best service record of all its competitors, and I believe it will dominate the business in the long run.●What’s your favorite product made by our company?●I’ve used … for years. In fact, my initial contact with the company was … and he/sheencouraged me to apply for … position here.●Tell me what you think our distinctive advantage is within the industry.●With your low-cost-producer status and headquarters operation in a low cost area of thecountry, you seem in a better position to be able to spend aggressively on R&D, even in a down year, compared to your closest rival.●Where do you think we’re the most vulnerable as a business?●Your cash position and strong product presence make you an attractive target for a takeover.That’s my only major concern. I’ve already worked for one organization that merged with another, but I also know I can weather the storm.●What would you do differently if you ran the company?●I might investigate whether to sell off the light—manufacturing business and start anaggressive supplier—relations program.●Do you believe you’re overqualified for this position?●Not at all. My experience and qualification make me do my job only better, and in myopinion, my good design skills help to sell more books. My business experience helps me run the art department in a cost-efficient manner, thus saving the company money. Finally, I think I’m able to attract better freelance talent because of all my industry contacts. My qualifications are better for the company, too, since you’ll be getting a better return for your investment. Again, I’m interested in establishing a long-term relationship with my employer, and if I did well, I would expect expanded responsibilities that could make use of even other skills.●Describe our competition as you see it.●Most of your competitors have tried to do too many things. As a result most have haddifficulty expanding and maintaining consistent quality.●What do you want out of your next job?●I’m really interested in taking over a territory where we aren’t very well positioned. My salessuccesses to date have been in areas where we already had a decent market share. I also wanta very aggressive commission structure if I’m able to turn around a problem territory.●What’s your dream job?●My dream job would include all of the responsibilities and duties in this position you’retrying to fill. I also thrive in a fast-changing environment where there’s business growth.Your plans call for expanding internationally during the next year, and this would satisfy one of my ultimate goals of being involved in an international corporation.●What salary would you expect for this job?●Based on your job description, which mentions that you prefer someone with a master’sdegree in …, I hope you consider the fact that my skills meet your highest standards.Therefore, I’d expect a salary at the high end of your pa y range for the position classification.Can you give me some indication of your range?Skills and Experience●What are your key skills?●After working … years as a …, I’ve developed a number of key skills, including businessmodeling, process re-engineering, software-package evaluation, and excellent programming skills in UNIX and C environments. I was very pleased to discover that these are the skills you’re seeking. Do you want to hear about specific examples of my work?●What sets you apart from the crowd?●Once I’m committed to a job or a project, I tackle it with tremendous intensity. I want to learneverything I can, and my goal is to achieve results beyond the expectation of my supervisor. I guess you might say I’m very competitive and like to excel at everything I do.●What are your strengths?●My strengths are interpersonal skills, and I can usually win people over to my point of view.Also, I have good judgment about people and an intuitive sense of their talents and their ability to contribute to a given problem. These skills seem to me directly related to the job. I notice that you require … years’ experience for this job. Although my resume shows that I’ve only … years’ experience, it doesn’t show that I took … related to my field and have been active in one of the professional societies. I also try to gain knowledge and skill level is the equivalent of that of other people who actually do have … years’ work experience. I’m also currently enrolled in a time—management course; I can already see the effects of his course at work on my present job.●b The ability to evaluate all of the regulatory and competitive requirements for your newproduct are critical. I’ve had considerable experience in this area as a strategic—marketing and regulatory—policy analyst in my most recent job, and also my most recent job, and also in my first job.●What skills would you like to develop in this job?●I’d like to develop my negotiating skills. I’ve had considerable experience interpreting andimplementing large contracts, but I’ve been limited in negotiating the actual conditions, costs, and standards for a major contract. I believe this job will offer me the opportunity to be a member of a negotiating team and thereby to begin acquiring the skills necessary to lead the team.●How do you explain your job success?●I never assume our customers are satisfied with our products, so I do my best to follow upwith every customer. This feedback has provided valuable insight into the quality and characteristics of our products. The customers, as well, always appreciates this follow-up, especially when something hasn’t gone right and you still have the opportunity to correct it on a timely basis. In addition, I’m able to pass on information to our design and production units to help improve both process and product.●Compared to others with a similar background in your field, how would you rateyourself?●I’ve been consistently ranked in the top 10 percent nationally for all salespeople in my field. Isell advertising space for a national news publication. My clients are primarily large and agencies that represents corporate America. I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of selling to advertising—agency executives because they always set high standards and really know ourproducts well. This brings out the very best in my competitive nature, and I am consistently at the top, both within my publishing company and within the industry.Diligence and Professionalism●Would your current boss describe you as the kind of employee who goes the extra mile?●Absolutely. In fact, on my annual evaluations he/she writes that I am the most dependableand flexible person on his/her staff. I think this is mostly because of my ability to juggle and prioritize. Would you like an example?●Employees tend to be either concept oriented or task oriented. How do you describeyourself?●It is important for me to have clear direction on each project. That is why I am good insupport roles, with managers who have very specific ideas. I am thorough at carrying out the tasks.●What would your colleagues tell me about your attention to detail?●My coworkers always count on me to help them think through what might have beenoverlooked, so they would probably tell you that I think through process from A to Z.●How do you manage stress in your daily work?●I try to get out for lunch at least once during the week to clear my head. I also have a personalrule that stops me from reacting to any problem until I feel calm about it. I think, then act—but I have learned to do that over time.●How do you regroup when things have n’t gone as planned?●I start by trying to imagine the worst possible outcome; then I back up and identifyprecautions I can take to avoid that scenario. In this way I usually end up with a result close to the original goal. The training example I described earlier is proof of that skill.●How have you prioritized or juggled your workload in your current job?●I juggled by working only on my two major accounts early in the day. That way, ifinterruptions occur, my most critical customers are taken care of.●Why is service such an important issue?●Service is a major contributor to customer satisfaction. Just as important as, or maybe evenmore important than, cost. If a customer is not receiving a level of service that meets or exceeds his or her expectations, that customer won’t be a customer for very long. In addition, that customer’s experience with your company may affect how potential customers in the marketplace view your company. People do talk and share information. This may affect not only profits but future sales as well. In many instances service may be the one thing that distinguishes a company from the competition. A bad reputation for service may compromisea company’s position in the marketplace.●Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer. How did you handlethe situation?●My customer service position at the …company involved dealing occasionally with iratecustomers. When that happened, I would try to talk in a calm, even voice, in order to get the person to respond in a businesslike manner and focus on trying to resolve the situation. Most times I was able to rectify the problem and pacify the customer, but I remember one incident in particular in which the caller became verbally abusive. I tried to remain calm andprofessional and not to let my personal feelings enter into the situation. I did not respond to the abuse, I just made a note of it and continued to help the customer as best I could. When the abuse persisted, however, I politely asked him to call back and ask for my manager, because at that point I knew I could not resolve the problem.●How do you manage your work week and make realistic deadlines?●I always reserve two hours of dead time every day to handle any unanticipated problems thatmay occur. I used to plan for eight or nine hours of project time, but now I find that I am able to manage my own projects, as well as whatever my boss and staff need from me.●What personal skill or work habit have you struggled to improve?●I had to learn to say no. I used to be helpful to the point that other staff abused my goodwill.Now I offer to help by countering with something I would like help in return. On balance I believe the trade—off is more equitable, and cooperation in our office has improved over time.Creativity and Leadership●What color is your brain?●My brain is red because I am always hot. I am always on fire with new plans and ideas.●If you got on an elevator where everyone was facing the back, what would you do?●I think I would face the front anyway and say aloud, “It is really much more comfortablefacing forward, you know.〞●Consider the following scenario: You’re working late one evening and are the lastperson in the office. You answer an urgent telephone call to your supervisor from a sales rep who’s currently meeting with a potential client. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale. Tomorrow will be too late. You have the expertise to answer the question, but it is beyond your normal level of authority. How would you respond?●I would get all the pertinent information, taking well-documented notes. I’d then answer thequestion based on my knowledge and the information provided. I’d leave my supervisor a note and fill him or her in on the details the next morning. I’d be sure to explain my decision, as well as the thought process behind it.●Why do you think that some companies with good products fail?●Employees who are involved in the design and/or manufacture of a product must totallyunderstand and believe in the product and use it on a regular basis. Only in this way can they continually modify and improve it to the customer’s satisfaction. Any product must be constantly fine-tuned to meet the changing needs and demands of the customer. Only by getting the employees involved with the product and excited about it can this improvement occur.●How resourceful are you?●At one time, for all of our new product launches, our chief engineer would release a pressstatement about its virtues. But when I was given responsibility for a new launch, I decided to get three of our largest customers to videotape an endorsement for use in our marketing campaign. The result was a far higher level of credibility, and we exceeded our six-month sales quota. We now use personal endorsements routinely when we launch our products.●How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style?●My colleague would probably say that my leadership style is the strong, silent type. I do notmake a big deal about being in charge or making decisions. I try to involve everyone around me in the decision—making process and in carrying out a plan of action. My colleagues truly believe that I bring a lot of positive energy to our group and that I help motivate others.●Do you believe that your job appraisals have adequately portrayed your leadershipabilities?●Although I had limited opportunity to demonstrate my leadership abilities in my previous job,I am certain my appraisals would mention that I am extremely thorough and dependable withmy assignments. I take the time to make sure that all those around me clearly understand what our objectives are. This quality has enabled me to gain the confidence and respect of my coworkers and has been mentioned by my supervisor during performance appraisals.●Describe the situation in which you are most comfortable as a leader.●One of my talents is to take complex issues or problems and break them down into thesimplest parts. I am also good at teaching other people. As a result, whenever I am faced witha complex problem, other people tend to let me find a solution and instruct them on how toproceed. As a result, I have found that I am an effective leader in this kind of situation. I am not a particularly effective leader, though, in a highly charged political environment. My preference is to deal with facts and data. When there are other issues like political or emotional factors to consider, I often prefer that someone else take the lead, and I simply resolve to be a good team player. In all other situations I normally surface as a leader.Compatibility with the job●Describe your ideal job?●My ideal job would combine a sales territory that I managed and additional responsibility forsales training, so I could use my teaching background.●What aspects of this job do you feel most confident about?●I believe that I can engage an audience really effectively. When I get up in front of a room topresent a new idea, I can usually get people on my side rather quickly.●How would you enrich your current (or most recent) job?●If I decide to stay with my current job, I am going to volunteer to be on the communicationstask force, which is trying to get all of our offices linked to the Internet and other resources.●Would you be able to travel as necessary to perform the job?●If I have adequate notice, I can arrange to be available for travel at almost any time of theyear. As it is, I usually travel about once a month for my current job.●What is your most productive or ideal work setting?●I like having at least one hour of uninterrupted time in the early morning to plan my day. Iusually start around 1 A.M. Otherwise, I enjoy an office with open doors, constant feedback, and lots of energy and activity. It helps me work more productively when I sense how busy everyone else is, too.●Do you prefer continually in structure or frequent change in your daily work?●I enjoy change and challenge, which is why I frequently ask for the tough assignments. Thelast projects we discussed were ones that I asked for. I do not allow myself to get bored.Personality and Cultural Compatibility●Describe your working relationship with your colleagues.●They would probably tell you that nothing ever shocks me or sets me back too much, and thatI am really an asset as an adviser when they suffer a roadblock, as in the case we discussedabout the contractor. I am constant and dependable.●Describe your personality beneath the professional image.●I laugh a lot at my own shortcomings. I see irony in most things and I am outspoken, but Ibring a sense of humor to any office. I think it provides a nice balance of warmth in a work setting.●What environments allow you to be especially effective?●Although I can work effectively in most environments, I prefer environments where peopleare their own bosses, within reason. I like to have a goal but be able to draw my own map to get there. To accomplish goals, I rely on asking questions and finding people receptive, so cooperation and access are important to me in a work group.●Describe an environment that is ineffective for you.●I do not do terribly well when someone has an exact idea of how one of my goals should beaccomplished. That does not allow me any latitude to make adjustments to suit my own style.I do well when I can draw my own map.●How will you complement this department?●I enjoy an environment in which people bounce ideas off each other and have the flexibilityto ask for help when they need it. I am usually a great troublesome for PC problems in my office, and I am often going to ask for help proofreading important memos. I believe in give-and-take.●Tell me what you learned from a recent book.●I enjoy reading biographies, especially of people who lived in a different era. I recently readChurchill’s biography, which taught me a lot about the value of leadership and good PR under times of stress.●Are you most productive working alone or in a group?●I need some private time for planning, but otherwise I like the activity and noise of peoplearound me and the ability to share ideas. I think most writers need reinforcement, because we all get writer’s block occasionally.Management Style and Interpersonal Skills●Tell me about an effective manager, supervisor, or other person in a leading role youhave known.●The best professor I ever had always reviewed me most important points from our last classbefore he moved on to new material. He also watched our faces carefully and repeated information whenever he saw a blank stare. Sometimes he would just ask for feedback by saying, “What are you having difficulty with?〞He never assumed too much or made us feel dumb for not grasping a concept quickly.●What type of management style do you think is effective?●I have always learned well from people who act as coaches rather than experts. Whensomeone comes to me with a problem, I try to act as if I am reasoning through the problem with the person, learning as I go. I never just give an answer. I want employees to developconfidence in creating answers for themselves.●What type of people do you work with most effectively?●I tend to work well with people who are confident and straightforward. It is more difficult forme to be around timid people, because I move quickly and am decisive.●How do you organize and plan for major projects?●I love to brainstorm a best, worst, and most likely scenario. Then I set a timetable that isrealistic. What I usually find is that some combination of my best and worst cases evolves; I can adjust my schedule easily as these things unfold because I have already visualized what could happen and how I would react.●How do you manage your time on a typical day?●I have always given priority to work with established clients, because they offer a betterrisk/return value. The last thing I do is general correspondence, especially internal correspondence, which I take care of at the end of the day or week.●What aspect of your management style would you like to change?●I have been working on holding back the urge to tell people the answers when they ask foradvice. I think it is more important to teach people how to solve their own problems. I have gotten better at coaching and presenting questions and feedback without telling people what to do.●What personal characteristics add to your effectiveness?●I always stay in touch with my network. If I see an article that might be of interest tosomeone I know, I clip it and send it to that person. Then, when I need help and make a phone call to that person, the phone gets returned promptly.Problem-Solving Ability●How do your technical skills, combined with other skills, add to your effectiveness onthe job?●My strong economics background, along with my computer-sales experience, provides abalanced set of skills to perform financial research on the computer industry. Most of my contacts and hobbies are also related to high tech, so I offer a natural curiosity that helps me stay abreast of changes in the industry.●How do you usually go about solving a problem?●When I need to solve a problem, I generally start by writing down as many ideas as I canthink of about possible causes. Next I look for relationships among causes so I can group together symptoms of bigger problems. Usually, after I study these groups of problems, the real cause becomes readily apparent.●How do you balance your reliance on facts with your reliance on intuition?●Facts are important but often neglect point-in-time influences, especially with marketresearch. One survey that I was uncomfortable with involved pricing data that was collected just after a major presidential election. The timing caused me to doubt that consumers would really spend as much as the survey indicated they would for new cars. So we ended up holding on to the last quarter’s pricing structure. We sold more cars while, as interest rates climbed, some of our competitors had expensive inventor carryover.Career Aspiration●Where do you hope that your career will have progressed to in the next few years?●Over the next few years I would like to have progressed to the point where I …, and I amalso in charge of …. I believe this job will go a long way to helping me meet my career goals.●Since this will be your first job, how do you know you will like the career path?●Although it is true that I have never worked a job in your industry, I have talked to manyfriends and alums at my school who have been successful in your company. I always ask them the questions, “What is the most frustrating thing about your job?〞and “What is the most rewarding thing about your job?〞From the information I have gained, I am confident that I will be able to adapt quickly to your culture and will find the next few years rewarding, based on my goals and values.●Why is this job right for you at this time in your career?●This job would build on my extensive technical background both as … and … in … companywhere I have worked. I believe I am now ready to assume broader responsibilities as a project manager. I have demonstrated my ability to handle the responsibility for….●How long do you think you would continue to grow in this job?●My own personal measure of growth in a job is acquiring new skills, new knowledge, andnew insights into the industry. As long as I can measure this type of growth, I consider myself successful. I am a believer in stretching a job by reaching out to learn more about other areas that are peripheral to the job I am in.●What do you reasonably expect to earn within five years?●My experience for the next five years is that my contributions will be recognized andappropriately rewarded. I realize that salary levels are based on a number of factors, including the company’s profitability and the general business cycle that affects our industry, but I expect to take on greater responsibility each year and to be appropriately compensated for my efforts and contributions.Personal Interests and Hobbies●Do you have a balanced lifestyle?●I make an effort to get out of the office at a reasonable hour twice a week. I go home andwalk my dog. That is one of the most relaxing things I do, but it often helps me think of solutions for problems at work, even though I am not consciously trying to solve those problems.●What outside activities complement your work interests?●I have always enjoyed tennis. In many ways it is a game of strategy and pacing. Whensomething isn’t working in the first set, you have to change your strategy for the second set.You also have to pace your energy in case you go to a third set, and constantly watch and read your opponent’s reactions. I am a gusty tennis player—I go for the big points sometimes—but I am careful with timing. That is the way I am at work, too.●If you found yourself getting burned out, what would you do to revitalize your energy?●I do not allow myself to get involved in a routine to the point that I get burned out. I havealways been the type of person who asks for new assignments so that I stay motivated and interested.Tough Interview Questions。

外企面试常见提问 (中英文对照)

外企面试常见提问(中英文对照)1. Have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today?If yes,describe how you pact the expositions to be the same?你过去从事过与你今天应聘的工作岗位相似的工作吗?如果是,谈一谈你的预计他们哪些共同之处?2. What is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you will bring to this job?你从以前的工作经历中学到哪些最重要的东西可以带到这项工作中来?3. If there were two things you could change in your last (or present ) job,what would they be and how would you change them?如果在你的前一份(或现在的)工作中,你可以改变两件事,这两件事会是什么?你如何改变它们?4. Please describe your last (or present ) supervisor’s management style。
5. If you could make one constructive suggestion to your last (or present) CEO,what would it be ?如果你有机会向你的前任(或现任)公司总裁提一个建设性的建议,你会提什么?6. Can you give a ratio for the amount of time you worked alone to the amount of time you worked with others?在工作中,你独自工作的时间和你与其他人共同工作的时间各占多大比例?7. How do you feel about present workload ?你对自己目前的工作负荷感觉如何?8. Describe the most significant report or presentation you had to prepare.描述一下你所准备的一次最重要的报告或演讲。

1.Tell me about yourself.这是一个面试问题中的经典开题。
比如这个公司是属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答:“Drivingis my hobby.I really love the feeling of driving on the road.Carsare my best friends..” 总之就是要找到自己跟这个公司的一个切合点,让面试官了解你充分适合这个环境。
2.What are your three greatest strengths?回答这个问题的时候不可以含混不清,不可以只是简单回答“I'm really organized, punctual and getalong well with others.” 简洁、精炼,找到这个公司所看重的特长,是回答这个问题的关键。
比如要应聘金融行业,可是说“I think my three biggest strengths are details-oriental, patientand cautious.” 但是如果应聘者是一个销售精英,可以说:“I think my biggest strengths arethat I am aggressive, hard working andcommunicative.”总之,需要考虑到应聘公司及职务的需要来选择表现自己的优势。

外企面试常见问题114例(中英文对照)1、Have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today?If yes,describe how you pact the expositions to be the same?你过去从事过与你今天应聘的岗位相似的工作吗?如果是,谈一谈你的预计他们哪些共同之处?2、What is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you will bring to this job?你从以前的工作经历中学到哪些最重要的东西可以带到这项工作中来?3、If there were two things you could change in your last (or present ) ob,what would they be and how would you change them?如果在你的前一份(或现在的)工作中,你可以改变两件事,这两件事会是什么?你如何改变它们?4、Please describe your last (or present ) supervisor’s management style。
5、If you could make one constructive suggestion to your last (or present) CEO,what would it be ?如果你有机会向你的前任(或现任)公司总裁提一个建设性的建议,你会提什么?6、Can you give a ratio for the amount of time you worked alone to the amount of timeyou worked with others?在工作中,你独自工作的时间和你与其他人共同工作的时间各占多大比例?7、How do you feel about present workload ?你对自己目前的工作负荷感觉如何?8、Describe the most significant report or presentation you had to prepare.描述一下你所准备的一次最重要的报告或演讲。

外企面试常见英文问题及答案大全外企面试常见英文问题及答案1. tell me something about yourself.give me a general introduction about yourself.give me a brief introduction about your education and working experience.please introduce yourself first.2. whats your goal for future?what will you be in 5 years?what do you think your position will be in 5 years?whats your blueprint for your future?3. whats your advantage / disadvantage for this job?what makes you feel confident for this job?why do you like this kind of job?4. tell me your present job description.describe your daily responsibilities.what do you do everyday in your office?5. what kind of person are you?what do you think your colleagues might describe you?what do you think your boss might describe you?what do you think your friends might describe you?6. do you prefer to work with others or by yourself?what kind of people rub you the wrong way?what do you look for in a supervisor?if you were the boss, list the 3 most important persons for you in your business.describe one of your colleagues whom you like best.7. what can you do for us?how does your education relate to this job?describe a goal once you achieved and how you got there.suppose you have a chance to design/evaluate/manage a job, which way do you prefer to do it.what have you learned from previous jobs you have held?8. whats your expectative salary?whats your present salary?what do you expect to earn?what if we cant offer you as you expect?9. How are you when you’re working under pressure?Once again, there are a few ways to answer thi______ut they should all be positive. You may work well under pressure, you may thrive under pressure, and you may actually PREFER working under pressure. If you say you crumble like aged blue cheese, this is not going to help you get your foot in the door.10. What motivates you to do a good job?The answer to this one is not money, even if it is. You should be motivated by life’s noble pursuits. You want recognition for a job well done. You want to become better at your job. You want to help others or be a leader in your field.11. What’s your greatest strength?This is your chance to shine. You’re being asked to explain why you are a great employee, so don’t hold back and stay do stay positive. You could be someone who thrives under pressure, a great motivator, an amazing problem solver or someone with extraordinary attention to detail. If your greatest strength, however, is to drink anyone under the table or get a top score on Mario Kart, keep it to yourself. The interviewer is looking for work-related strengths.12. What’s your biggest weakness?If you’re completely honest, you may be kicking yourself in the butt. If you say you don’t have one, you’re obviously lying. This is a horrible question and one that politicians have become masters at answering. They say things like “I’m perhaps too committed to my work and don’t spend enough time with my family.” Oh, there’s a fireable offense. I’ve even heard “I think I’m too good at my job, it can often make people jealous.”Please, let’s keep our feet on the ground. If you’re asked this question, give a small, work-related flaw that you’re working hard to improve. Example: “I’ve been told I occasionally focus on details and miss the bigger picture, so I’ve been spending time laying out the complete project every day to see my overall progress.”外企面试问题及回答技巧中文1.请介绍一下你自己。

外企英文面试常见问题及回答外企英文面试常见问题及回答一1、What are your strengths/weaknesses?IMPORTANT — this common job interview question can be asked in many different ways, such as “What qualities do you admire in others that you would like to develop in yourself?”Strengths should be easy enough to think about (keep the position in mind).Talking about weaknesses can be harder but good interview answers are still possible. Many people choose to mention something which they’ve recognized as being a weakness but have overcome.“I’d like to be more organized, like one of my colleagues. She doesn’t have to try. But because I don’t find it as easy as her, I use to-do lists and a diary to help me successfully manage my work”.On a final note, it’s much safer to highlight your lack of experience or knowledge as a weakness than a fault in your personality. Employers can always give you experience but few want to help you overcome shortcomings in your personality! So avoid telling interviewers that you “get bored” or “too involved” or “frustrated”!2、Why did you think you are suited to this job?What they are really asking is “You know what we are looking for so can you tell us what you have done or what you have, that is relevant.”3、Why should we give the job to you above other applicants?This is often our closing question. We want to know, in a nutshell, why you are the best candidate for the job. This is a chance to list your best attributes as they relate to the vacancy. Don’t be cocky, but don’t be shy.4、How well do you work under pressure?“I know that all jobs involve some sort of pressure at some time.I can work as well under pressure as I do at any other time but when I am busy, I prioritize activities so that my workload is manageable.”If the interviewers focus on other pressure, such as pressure to meet targets, dealing with difficult customers etc, give an appropriate reply, mentioning past situations where you have coped under such pressure.5、What sort of people do you find it difficult to work with?“I am an easy going person who seems to get on with everyone. If I have to pick a type of person that bothers me, it’s the one who doesn’t pull their weight or isn’t worried about the standard of their work because it reflects badly on the rest of the team.”6、Sell me this pen!In interviews for sales job, you may hear this, believe us! In fact, one of us had a non-sales interview and was asked this, unexpectedly. The object you are asked to sell could in fact be anything. Some interviewers like to see whether you focus on the benefits of the object or its features. The features of the pen might be that it’s blue, with a roller ball andplastic coating. The benefits might be that it’s reliable, easy to hold and leak proof.外企英文面试常见问题及回答二1、What key skills do you think you need to be successful in this role?You got this far because your job application form or resume or CV matched the interviewers’ criteria as specified in the job advert. Just expand on this in your job interview answers. List the skills you think are required, giving a little explanation as to why each is needed.You might then be asked to give examples where you’ve used one or more of these skills. These are behavioural interview questions.2、Where do you see yourself in five years time?This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you’ve not thought beyond getting this job! When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you’re only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.3、How does this job fit into your career plans?This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you’re going for a middle-management position:“My ambition is to lead a department and be involved in strategic decision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I’m applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I’m ready for a senior role in a few years time”.4、Where did you think you’d be at this stage in your life?Avoid saying further than you are now! It’s better to show you’ve met or exceeded your ambitions than fallen short of them. Tell the interviewers that you are happy with your life and career, but are looking for more challenge as you like to stretch yourself to achieve more.5、If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?You’re on sticky ground if you start trying to think of hypothetical career changes that might have served you better in the past. Your answers to interview questions will suggest you’re not happy with the way things are and no-one wants to hire an unhappy person.“I wouldn’t change anything. I am happy with my career as it is now but want fresh challenges.”“I’m not the kind of person who looks back with regrets. I prefer to invest my energy looking forward”.外企英文面试常见问题及回答三1、What can you tell me about XYZ Company?If you need to, start by saying “Is it ok if I refer to my notes?”. When you get the nod, off you go.A good interview answer should include short factual statements covering such things as the Company’s history, its products, staff numbers, turnover and future business objectives. Something like this is fine: “I believe the Company began in 1967, with just one outlet, but now has 25. From what I’ve read, you sell A,B andC products across Europe and the States and have a turnover in excess of $5 million. You employ 125 staff. I beleive you hope to enter the Asian market by ″. “I’ve done some research and can tell you more if you like”.You will likely hear “No, that’s fine. Thank you.”Your interviewers will be impressed that you prepared and made notes and you’re off to a good start.2、What do you think XYZ Company can offer you?There are two bits to this interview question, the role and the Company. Mention both. You might say:“I’m told the Company has a firm commitment to individual training and development. This is great news for me because I’m keen to learn and advance in the Company. The role itself appears challenging and rewarding which I’ll find very motivating”.3、If you’re successful, what do you think you’ll be doing day-to-day?You might start by saying “I understand that I’ll be…”. Then you could talk about the main role, any other activities and any targets you expect to be given.。

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Appendix1 Interview Englishand skills❖Part 1 frequently used English and Skills1. frequently asked questions such as:➢How would you d escribe yourself?➢What is your greatest weakness?➢What are your most important accomplishments?➢How would you d escribe your ideal job?➢How do you like to work with others?❖2. Do you have any questions like:➢What are the major responsibilities of this position?➢How does this position fit into the corporate structure?➢Are there any training or educational opportunities for empl oyees?➢Is there anything else I shoul d know about this company?❖3 Illegal questions:➢Are you married?➢Will you be leaving the firm to raise children when you get married?➢Do you expecting a chil d?➢Are you active in church?❖4. How to answer the difficult questions?●What is important to you in a job?Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.●Why d o you want to work for this organization?Its reputation, the opportunity it offers, and the working atmosphere of the firm.●Why shoul d we empl oy you?My acad emic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.●If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?As l ong as my position here all ows me to l earn and to advance a t a pace consistent with my abilities.●What are your greatest strengths?I can see what needs to be done and do it.I’m willing to make d ecisions.I work well with others.I can organize my time efficiently.●What are your greatest weakness?I tend to drive myself too hard.I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.I like to see a job done quickly.❖5 other useful sentences➢I’d like to see the personnel manager, please.➢I’m interested in teaching English.➢Do you have any part-time job here?➢Have you got any vacancy right now?➢I’ve got a degree in business.➢I used to work as a secretary.➢Actually I was trained as an electronic engineer.➢Do you like your present job?➢Have you done anything like that before?➢What sort of experience have you got?➢I was in charge of a sales department.➢Why are you leaving your present place of empl oyment?➢What ‘s your expected salary?➢I’m satisfied with your qualifications.➢Please fill in this form. And if anything turns up, I’ll contact you.➢I wonder if you’d mind startin g work tomorrow.➢I’m sorry. There’s no vacancy at the moment.Part2 skills for a successful interview❖1. conversational style●Don’t recite. It should be a give-and-take, two-way process.●Avoid the simpl e “ yes” and “no” answer.●Don’t ramble or “spill”.●Don’t take yourself too seriously.●Don’t badmouth your current employer.●Don’t use “honestly” and “candidly.”●Don’t use “maybe”, “kind of,” “I guess”.●Don’t interrupt or argue.●Don’t sound despair or beg.2. foll ow-up and job offer negotiations➢Thank-you letter➢Telephone foll ow-up➢Learn to negotiate job offers.Part3 mistakes in interview➢Has a poor personal appearance.➢Is unabl e to express self clearly; has poor voice, diction, grammar. ➢Lacks knowledge or experience.➢Is not prepared for interview.➢Has no real interest in job.➢Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals.➢Lacks enthusiasm; passive and indifferent.➢Lacks confid ence and poise; is nervous and ill at ease.➢Shows insufficient evidence of achievement.➢Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer. ➢Has poor scholastic record; just go by.➢Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much soon.➢Makes excuses.➢Lacks tact.➢Lacks maturity.➢Lacks courtesy; ill mannered.➢Cond emns past empl oyers.➢Lacks social skills.➢Shows marked dislike for schoolwork.➢Lacks vitality.➢Fails to look interviewer in the eye.➢Has limp, weak hand shake.111111111Principles of Good Communication•(1) Consideration•(2) Courtesy•(3) Clarity•(4) Conciseness•(5) Concreteness•(6) Correctness•(7) Completenesseg:•Fish d ealer / sign board/ criticalFRESH FISH FORSALE HERE TODAYPolicy---insurance policyDocument---bill of lading/certificate of weigh Securities---bonds/shares/stocksSemi-monthlySemi-finished goodsMonol ogueMonopolismUnitransferUnicycle•Bicycle•Bilateral trade•TricycleTriangle tradeTrioQuarterQuadruplicateQuintuplicate •SextuplicateSexennialSeptenaryOctetOctavoEnneahedronDecade Decimal•In duplicate•in four copies---- s•In five fold•Township enterprises •State-owned ~ •Private-owned~ •Collective-owned~ •Multi-national Corporation •Company/firm/silver house•Banking •Engineering •Marketing •Shipping industry •Manufacturing industry Tertiary industry•Landing•Housing•Clothing•the have•the have-not•The rich•Poor•wound ed•sick•The exports•imports •manufactures•The breakabl e-----s•Sizabl e•Marketable•Sal eable•perishableAxe reduceBan prohibitionBid endeavorattemptCut reductioncurtailmentDeal negotiationTransactionDrive campaignMovementEnvoy ambassad orDelegateRepresentativeMediatorEmissaryMinisterEye observewatchFlop failureGap discrepancyJob taskEmploymentProfessionachievement meet conferencemeetingconventionpact agreementtreatyprobe investigationenquiryrow conflictdisagreementsetbackarrest of progressswap exchangetrad etalk conversationdiscussionnegotiationvoice expresswoo seek to win222222222221. At Brink of Trad e War----Japan Backs Away2. The Seven Sisters still Rule3 King cotton Fights Back4. Is OPEC Finally Losing Its Grip?5. Chances of Economic Recovery Improving6. Financial Minister to Meet in London7. Trade Talk Resumed between US & EU8. Japan Urged to Act on Trade SurplusTo be1.Trad e Ministers Busy in Geneva2.Multilateral Talks at a Deadl ock3.Tariff Bill in Danger4.More Unempl oyed Than Any Christmas since the Great Depression1.Insurance: Up, Up and Away2.The World Sl ows Down3.Base metals: l ow and going l ower4.Ex-im Bank Announces Reorganization5.Putting Life into GATT1. A Tal e of Two BrothersMr Cube Takes Beeting.Beating.2. Reaganomics:Turbul ent Take Off3. Toronto:the Buildingest City in the World……………………1.In return for their work, empl oyees receive compensation, a combination of payments,benefits, and employer’s service.2.Bonuses are payments in ad dition to the regular wages or salaries, including annual bonus,attendance bonus, quality bonus, and profit- sharing bonus.3.Most American companies provide their empl oyees with such fringe benefits as pensionplans, life and health insurance, and unempl oyment benefit.4.The families of soldiers killed or disabled are entitled to receive a considerable sum ofpension.5.Every purchaser of a pound of coffee will receive a box of cookies as a bonus.6.His parents give him an all owance of $20 a month.7.The company offered the selling agent a commission of 8% on the total sale.8.Under the price- support program, the farmer is given a subsidy to encourage him toproduce surplus.9.Without export subsidies, these goods would immediately lose their competitiveness onthe international market.10.These programs are to help the poor, whether they are actually on welfare or they aretrying to support the family on the wages earned.11.D/P document against payment12.D/A document against acceptance13.P.S.postscript14.S/C sales contract/ confirmation15.M/T metric ton16.S/T short17.L/T long18.S.S.steamship19.FOB free on board20.CIF cost,insurance and freight21.CFR cost and freight22.L/C letter of credit23.B/L bill of lading24.FAS free alongside ship25.IPO=initial public offering26.GDP27.GNP28.PNTR=permanent normal trad e relations29.CEO=chief executive officers30.Know-how31.Hi-tech32.Anything but=never33.Nothing =only34.all = almost35.cannot but admire36.cannot help admiring his courage.•Competitive/reasonabl e/moderate/attractive/best/l owest price•rise/ soar/increase in•collapse/drop/fall in•Prices skyrocket/hit the bottomThe price is on the high(l ow) sid e.价格偏高(低)。