11规则 高级值班机工英语 会话部分 朗读
11规则 值班机工英语听力与会话 会话部分 朗读 1

It was Sunday, and the weather was sunny. I went to the countryside with my friends. There were
green fields everywhere. We could see farmers working busily in the fields.Some children were playing under the trees. Suddenly, we saw a group of ducks enjoying themselves in the river. So we ran over happily. but the ducks were frightened by the noise of us and hurried off. We all laughed. We were having a wonderfull time and didn't go home until very late. What a wonderful day we had!
Passage 3
I had a pleasant day last month. In the morning. I got up late and then began to do my homework. It took me about two hours to finish it, Next. I had fun playing computer games. While my mother was coshed my clothes. In the afternoon, I played tennis happily with my friends. Before I went to bed. I listened to music. It made me relaxed. What a happy day I had!

(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话(1-13课全)Answer the Questions:(问答题部分分值60%)Lesson 1 Daily English (10题)1. What is your name[neim]? 你叫什么名字?My name is…… 我叫……。
2. How old are you? 你多大了?Twenty. 我20岁了。
3. What is your marital['mæritl] status['steitəs]?你的婚姻状况是什么?Married['mærid]/Single['siŋɡl]. 已婚/单身。
4. How many people are there in your family [ˈfæmili]? 你家里有几口人?Four people. 我家里有四口人。
5. How long have you worked[wə:kt] on board [bɔ:d]?你在船上工作多久了?2 years. 两年了。
6. How many countries['kʌntriz] have you ever['evə] been to?你曾经去过几个国家?2 countries. 两个。
7. Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗?Yes, I like it. 是的,我很喜欢我的工作。
8. What is your favorite[ˈfeivərit] color[ˈkʌlə]? 你最喜欢的颜色是?Blue[blu:]. 蓝色。
9. Which season[ˈsi:zən] do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?Spring. 春天。
10. What kind of music[ˈmju:zik] do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?Pop music. 流行音乐Lesson 2 Common terms on board (5题)1 (高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分1. How many departments[diˈpɑ:tmənts] are there on board[bɔ:d] ship? 船上有几个部门?2 departments. 有两个部门。

26.stand by
29.bridge 30.port 31.starboard
驾驶台 港口,左舷 右舷
New words and 1. helmex(hpelmreosrdseiros)ns 2. quartermaster
I Introduction II Useful Expressions
New Words and Expression Exercise
Unit 1 Daily English
1 Greeting How is life on board 船上生活如何 What is new 有什么新鲜事 Disembark 离船
bosun 水手长 Sounding tape 測深绳 Dust bin 垃圾桶
1 in the office Charming 令人着迷的 Adorable 令人喜爱的
2 Passing PSC inspection psc(port state control) 港口国控制 Painting work 油漆工作 Poop deck 尾楼甲板 All deck hand 所有甲板人员 Deserve 值得
1 ON A PLANE Cabinet 行李舱 Laptop 手提电脑 Aisle 通道,走道 2 in a cab 在出租车上 Terminal 航站楼,码头,终端 Agent 代理
1 Check in 核对 Boarding pass 登机牌 Passport 护照 Luggage 行李 Suitcase 手提箱 2 transfer 转运 passager transfer bus 旅客转运车 Take off 起飞

沿海航区一等/二等船舶任职,见习资历要 求相应航区但可以降一等 级
• 无限航区一等/二等大副/大管轮—船长/轮 机长:6个月远洋一等/二等资历,见习资历
要求相应航区相应等 • 级沿海航区必须具备相应等级的船舶海上 服务资历 • 再有效:5年内具有12个月的相应资历或 者换证前6个月内具有3个月相应资
11规则适任证书签发准备的材 料
• 申请海船船员适任证书的,应当提交下 列材料:
11规则适任证书签发准备的材 料
(六)岗位适任培训证明或者航海教育毕 业证书;
系统和自动雷达标绘仪两 • 项沿海三等适任证书可不进行相应培训,
任适证书中将在适用限制里予以明 确
11规则适任证书签 发
• 取得适任证书,应当具备下列条件:
(二)符合国家海事管理机构规定的海船 船员任职岗位健康标准;
(四)具备11规则附件规定的海上任职资历, 并且任职表现和安全记录良好;
11规则专业培训合格证发 证
• 所有船员必须持有基本安全培训、保安 识意培训合格
• 证持有基本安全培训合格证是申请其他培 合训格证的前提条
• 件精通艇筏需具有6个月海上服务资 • 历申请油化液货物高级操作合格证必须有
特殊类型船舶的消 限
• 04规则:油轮、化学品、液化气、客轮、 滚装客轮、高速船等需经过培训取得相 应合格证,并经相应种类船舶见习,适任 证书需经相应消4规则一样需要消限外, 其他类型的船舶只需要经过相应的特殊 培训,并取得相应的合格证即可上船任职, 适任证书不需消 限

(高级)值班水手英语听力与会话(会话部分)Chapter oneLesson oneTopics1 please say something about yourself【请说说你自己】My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m 18-years old. I’m a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch.我的日常工作是保持桥看着手表的人或引导轮当船在海上。
In my spare time, I’d like to listen to music, see move.在我的业余时间,我喜欢听音乐,看行动。
2 please say something about your familyThere are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me.My parents are workers in a company, and I’m a sailor.My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper.3 please say something about your hometownMy hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 100,000, and it is famous for its tea.My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly.The specialty of my hometown is tea.4 1 please say something about your responsibilities on boardMy position on board is A.B.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway wa tch.My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as required in the muster list.Questions1.what’s your date of birth? My date of birth is May 18th, 1990.2.what’s your seaman’s book number? My seaman’s book number is A1234563.where are you from? I’m from China.4.what’s your captain’s nationality? Our captain’s nationality is Chinese.5.what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety first.6.which ports do you often call at? We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.7.what’s your marital status? I’m unmarried.8.how long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa to Australia.9.how do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy, please.10.do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Sorry, you don’t have. / No, you don’t have.lesson twotopics1.say something about ship’s manningThe master is in command of the ship. The ship’s manning consists of three departments.The personnel of deck department includes the c/o, 2/o, 3/o, bosun, A.B. and O.S.The personnel of engine departments includes the C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, fitter, oilers and wiper.The personnel of service department includes the c/cook and the steward.2.say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship.There are many maritime agencies, the MSA, harbour master, the agent, stevedores company, tally agency, and so on.The MSA supervising the maritime fares, the harbour master is in charge of the harbour and inbounding and outbounding vessels, the agent is to assist the master in going through the formalities, the stevedores load and discharge the cargo, and the tally agency is responsible for the tally work during cargo handling.3.say something about ship’s structures.In general, a ship is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure.The main body of a ship is the hull, it contains the E/R, cargo spaces and a number of tanks.The superstructure includes the forecastle, the bridge and the poop.Questions1.who is in command of the ship? Our captain is in command of the ship.2.generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department? There are 3 officers in the deckdepartment, they are c/o, 2/o and 3/o.3.what department does bosun belong to? Bosun belongs to the deck department.4.can you list some ship’s stores? The ship’s stores include the oil, water, paint, spare parts, and so on.5.can you list some ship’s tools? The ship’s tools include the scaling manchines, jett guns/ chisel, scrapers,chipping hammers, brushes, booms, and so on.6.what does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean? It means the man overboard lifebuoy, it’s used inemergency when someone falls overboard.7.what does “cargo wire” mean? It’s the wires to lifting the cargo used in the derricks or crane s.8.what does “port side” mean? It means the left hand side of the ship.9.what is “board sling” used for? It is used to carry the general cargoes during cargo handling.10.can your list some ship’s bridge equipments? The ship’s bridge equipments includes th e wheel, telegraph,radar, GPS, AIS, gmdss equipments, and so on.Chapter twoLesson oneTopicsWhat procedures should be taken when you receive helm orders as a helmsman?The helmsman should take three procedures orderly when he receives the helms orders, that is to repeat, carry out and report.The helmsman should answer the helm orders clearly and loudly.When the ship does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should report it immediately to the person giving the orders.Questions1.How many orders are included in standard ship orders? Can you list some? There are four orders includedin the standard ship orders. They are the helm orders, anchor orders, mooring and unmooring orders, and the engine orders.2.if you are ordered “port five”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “port five” clearly and loudly,then steer the wheel to port five position, when the rudder angle reaches “port five”, report to the commander “wheel is five to port, Sir.”3.if you are ordered “steady”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “steady” clearly and loudly, andspeak out the course on the compass when the order is given. then steer the wheel to keep the course steady on it. Then report, “steady on course XXX.”4.how does the rudder answer? The rudder answer well/ slowly./ No answer./sluggish.5.what is the course? Course XXX.Lesson twoTopicsPlease describe the line handling operations before berthing.When approaching the quay, the deckhands should prepare the heaving lines, the winches and the mooring lines. Keep sharp look out of the movement of the ship, and prevent the lines from fouling.Usually the spring lines are firstly sent ashore, and keep it in strain. Then send the other lines ashore. When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines.To prevent the lines from fouling, you should operate the winch step by step and keep the lines in good order.Questions1.what does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? That means to cast off all the other forwardlines except for one breast line and a spring line.2.if you want to change the position of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shift the head line3 meters forward.3.if you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say? Heave up the breast line. / Take in/Pick upthe slack on the breast line.4.which order is an equivalent to “send out head line”? Pay out/Slack the head line.5.which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”? Undo/ slack off the stern line.Lesson threeTopicsWhat measures should be taken if anchor dragging?Anchor dragging means the anchor can’t bring up the ship to the seabed/ground. To prevent anchor dragging, you should make full consideration of all the features of the anchor position before anchoring, work out the cable length, and make sure the ship is brought up when anchoring. When anchor dragging, we should inform the master, the engine room, c/o and other personnel involved. Announce the alarm on radio to the other ships in vicinity. And then heave up the anchor to drop it again.Questions1.what does “anchor is foul” mean? It means the anchor chain is across.2.if the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report? Anchor isaweigh.3.if the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report? She is brought up.4.if there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do you report? The bow is clear.5.when the anchor is heaved out of water and just above it, what do you report? The anchor is out of water.Lesson fourTopicsIf you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?When engine orders given, first repeat it clearly and loudly, then ring the telegraph to the position ordered, when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander. Such as “dead slow astern”, that means to keep the ship run astern very slowly. When the order is given, repeat it “dead slow astern”, then ring the telegraph to the “dead slow stern” position., when the revolution is obtained, report “engine i s dead slow astern, sir.”Questions1.If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report? First repeat is clearly andloudly, then inform the engine room to get the both engines ready for use. When you receive the notice from the E/R that both engines are ready, you should report it to the commander, “both engines are ready, Sir.”2.if you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given, repeat it “fullahead”, then ring the telegraph to the “full ahead” position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is full ahead, sir.”3.if you are ordered “ring off engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given, repeat it“ring off engine”, then ring the telegraph to the max imum position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is rung off , sir.”4.if you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given, repeat it “stopengine”, then ring the telegraph to the “stop” position., when the revolution reaches zero, report “engine is stopped, sir.”5.what does “finished with engine” mean? That means the movement of the engine is no longer required.Chapter threeQuestion1.Are you the sailor on duty/ watch? Yes, I am.2.Is your chief officer on board? Yes, he is.3.Would you show me the way? Yes, my/ with pleasure. This way, please.4.Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back. O.K., thank you.5.When will your captain come back? He will be back in half an hour.6.The gangway/ accommodation ladder is too high. I’ll lower it a bit more/ a little bit.7.Would you please take me to see your captain? Yes. Follow/ After me, please.8.I am the relieving/ in-coming third officer, here is my ID card. O.K. please sign here.9.The head line is too tight. I’ll slack it. /Ease the strain on it.10.What’s your draft fore and aft? The draft is 6.90 meters, on even keel. //DESIMALChapter fourLesson oneQuestion1.Are holds clean? Yes, they are.2.Are holds dry? Yes, they are.3.Are holds free of smell? Yes, they are.4.Close hatch covers and report. Close the hatch covers. The hatch covers are closed, Sir.5.Lower down and secure all derricks. Lower down and secure all derricks. All derricks are secured,Sir.Lesson two1.How many holds do you have? We have 5 holds.2.What is size of hatch openings? It’s 16X/by 25 square meters.3.What is safety load of Hold No. 2? The safety load of Hold No.2 is 5 tons per square meter.4.Are dockside cranes available? Yes, they are.5.What is length (width, depth) of Hold No.1? The length (width, depth) of Hold No.1 is 40 (30, 15) meters.Chapter fiveTopics1.Describe the procedures of adjusting derricks. The derrick is made up of derrick itself, winch, guys, hookand riggings. First, unlash the derrick, then operate the derrick as required, such as topping, lowering or swinging. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do not exceed the safe working load of the derrick.2.Describe the proper way of using derricks. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do not exceed thesafe working load of the derrick. Do not swing it when the cargo is not being hoisted up.Questions1.What does “Union purchase” mean? “Union purchase” means handling the same sling by two derricks atthe same time.2.What does “SWL” stand for?/ represent “SWL” stands for safe working load.3.What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting? A jumbo boom or heavy derrick used forlifting heavy cargo.4.Who usually adjust the derricks during the loading and discharging? During the loading and discharging,the stevedores adjust the derricks usually.5.How many derricks are there at each hold? There is one derrick at each hold. /One for each.6.Before adjusting the derrick, what work should be done? Before adjusting the derrick, you should make surethat the power is on and that the derrick is clear of obstructions.7.If the derrick is overloaded, what will happen? The cargo wire or the derrick will break up, and maybe hurtpersons.8.If the derrick is too high and can’t get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it? Lower the derrick andpay out more cargo wire.Chapter sixTopics1.Say something about cargo carried on a ship. Generally speaking, the cargo includes dry cargo and liquidcargo. Dry cargo includes general cargo, cargo in bulk, cars, containered cargo, etc. Liquid cargo includes oil, LNG & LPG, chemical, and so on. The principal of cargo stowage is to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.2.Preparations for loading cargo on board ship. Before loading cargo, we should get the ship ready forloading, the preparation includes cleaning the cargo holds, decks, preparing dunnage, and derricks or cranes if fitted, and so on.Questions1.What does “SWL” stand for? “SWL” stand for safe working l oad.2.What equipment can be used to load cargo? It depends on the cargo to be loaded. The loading equipmentincludes deck cranes, derricks, shore cranes, convey belt, loading machines, crabs, and so on. .3.What can be used to cover bilge before loading? Mattress, 麻布片?4.What can be used to separate cargo in a hold? Dunnage. Such as plank, canvas, mattress, wires, and so on.5.Who do the work of loading and unloading? The stevedores do.6.Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel? It depends on the type of ship, the cargo,the sequence ofdischarging and the shiper’s requirement. Usually, the cargo is stowed in holds or tanks.Chapter sevenTopicsDescribe the importance of lashing and securing operation.The lashing and securing operation means to fix the cargo to holds and prevent them to move or shift during the voyage. It’s very important job onboard vessel, especially for general cargo. As we know, the ship will roll and pitch at sea, if the cargo is not well lashed and secured, the cargo will move or shift in the hold to cause cargo damage, and even more to affect the stability of the ship so as to cause vessel listing or capsizing.Questions1.What does “jettison of cargo” mean? “jettison of cargo” mean to drop some cargo overboard in emergencyfor the safe of the ship and cargo on board and for the mutual interests of the parties involved.2.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Before entering the enclosed space, we shouldcomplete the check list, check the air for oxygen and toxic gas, and check the equipments to be used to ensure that it is safe to enter the enclosed space. And the approval from the master and the chief officer is essential.3.What does “shifting cargo” mean? “shifting cargo” means that the cargo moves in the holds when t he shipis at sea.4.Can you list some lashing and securing equipment? Please list some. Yes, I can list some lashing andsecuring equipment. The lashing and securing equipments are the lashing ropes or wires, shackles, turnbuckles, chocks, wedges, and so on.5.When is the lashing work done? The lashing work should be done during and after the loading operation,and should be completed before sailing.6.When is the unlashing work done? The unlashing work should be done before discharging.Chapter eightQuestions1.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, we should getready of pilot ladder, heaving line, lifebuoy, outside lighting at night, and so on.2.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? When a vessel requires a pilot, the flag “G”should be hoist.3.What ship’s particulars does pilot station usually ask for? Pilot station usually ask for the ship’s particularsof ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.4.What kind of things to be report to the pilot station? There so many things to be report to the pilot station,such as ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? The followings should be confirmed from the pilot station,such as the way of boarding, boarding time and position, the requirements about the pilot ladder if needed.6.What does “underway” mean? “underway” mean the ship is not at anchor, berthed, or made fast to shore.7.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?Before the pilot’s embarkation, the heaving line, lifebuoy, and outside lighting, must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder.8.What flag should be hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? When the pilot has arrived on board, theflag “H” should be hoist.Chapter nineTopics1.Cleaning and repair work onboard. The importance of the cleaning and repair work is to maintain the shipin good condition for seaworthiness. Cleaning and repair work onboard includes clean the deck, holds, engine room and accommodation, and some repair to moving parts. The work should be done as planned. And some must be daily done.2.Painting work used on board. The basic types of paint used on board include primer, coating, varnish andso on. Before painting, the surface should be well prepared, free of stains or rust, dry, and free of dirt.Questions1.Can you list at least three kinds of paint? Yes, I can. They are primer, undercoats, top coats, varnish, andso on.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s funnel? Heat-resistant paint is usually given to the ship’sfunnel.3.What type of paint do you use on deck? We used non-slip paints on deck.4.What paint is used for woodwork? Varnish is used for woodwork.5.Before repainting an area, what preparations do you make? Before repainting an area, the area must becleaned and washed to remove the salt, dirt and oil. Loose paint and scale to be removed.6.How do you remove the heavy rust on the plates? We use chipping hammer to remove the heavy rust on theplates.7.What repair work do the sailors usually do on board? Cleaning and greasing.Chapter tenC h a p t e r T e nShipboard Safe Navigational W atchT o p i c s1.The duties of the able seafarer on watch when underway.a) General rules as to watch-keeping.The able seafarer shall make regular checks to ensure that the ship navigates safety.b) Items to be checked at each watch.I t e m s t o b e c h e c k e d a s f o l l o w s:p o s i t i o n,c o u r s e,s p e e d a n d d r a u g h t o f t h e s h i p, w i t h t h e o t h e r ssuch as tides, current, weather, visibility and so on.2.The bridge shift change.a)The procedures for the bridge shift change.1) The officers and sailors often change their shifts once every 4 hours on the bridge.2)T h e r e l i e v i n g o f f i c e r s h o u l d c o m e o n t o t h e b r i d g e15m i n u t e s e a r l i e r i n o r d e r t o g e t f a m i l i a r with the circumstances. The handing over officer shall introduce the circumstances at present suchas the sh ip’s position, course, speed, vessels in the vicinity, sea state, wind state, etc. the relieving officer should check the navigational equipments and the ship’s route.b)Special attention for shift change.T h e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n f o r s h i f t c h a n g e i s h a n d o v e r t h e w o r k c o n t e n t s u n d e r s t a n d i n g v e r y c l e a r l y between the both parties.Questions1.Who keeps navigational watches on the bridge at sea?The duty officer and the duty sailor.2.How many watches are there on the bridge a day?There are three watches.3.Who takes the navigational watch from 0800 to 1200 hours in the morning and evening?The third officer.4.Who takes the navigational watch from 0000 to 0400 hours in the day and night?The second officer.5.What is the duty of the able seafarer on watch on the bridge at sea?Ensure the ship navigating safety.6.What should the able seafarer being relieved say?I now have the watch.7.What should the relieving able seafarer say?Y ou now have the watch.8.What should a relieving able seafarer do after taking over the watch?They will watch on the bridge and do the duty of watch work.Chapter ElevenShip SecurityQuestions1.What cargo are you carrying on your ship?The general cargo.2.Who is responsible for the security training on your ship?SSO (ship security officer)3.Do you organize regular security trainings?Y e s,w e d o.4.Do you know about the main threats facing to the security officer?Encountering the pirates and the armed attacks.5.What means of Security Level 1?Means the easy class security.6.What means of Security Level 2?Means the middle class security.7.What means of Security Level 3?Means the highest class security.8.Do you understand the measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship?Y es, I understand.9.Do you understand the identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to them?Y es, I understand.10.Do you have the special security facilities?Y e s, w e h a v e.C h a p t e r T we lv eQuestions1.Check the fire alarms and report.All fire alarms are operational.2.Check the portable extinguishers and report.All portable extinguishers are in position and operational3.Check the firemen’s outfits and report.All the firemen’s outfits are operational.4.Check the openings in all rooms and report.All the openings are operational.5.Check the fire area every 10 minutes for re-ignition and report.For several times 10 minutes checking there is no re-ignition.6.Report direction and distance of person in water.The person in water’s direction is 120 angles and 50 meters ahead.7.Check launching tracks and report.All the launching tracks are operational.8.Check working parts and report.All working parts are operational.9.Operate lifeboat engine and report.Lifeboat engine is operated.10.Pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds is too low.Increasing the pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds.。

10. A.Windlass B.Mooring winch C.Hydraulic motor D.C级值班机工英语听力与会话
Task 2 Sentence listening
Listen to the following sentences carefully and choose the best one according to what you hear.
Task 3 Dialogue listening Listen to the following dialogues carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.
1. Q: What does the first speaker ask for? A. An automatic boiler.自动锅炉 B. An instruction book for the main engine.说明书 C. An operation instruction book for the boiler.锅炉操作说明书 D. An maintemance manual for the boiler.保养手册
10.That is the ship we visited yesterday. A. Yesterday we visited that ship.我们昨天参观了那艘船。 B. It was yesterday that we painted the ship. C. We did’t visit the ship yesterday. D. Yesterday the ship was alongside the wharf.在码头边上

Task 1 Picture listening
11. A. The rough sea. B. The fine day. C. The good day. D. The low tide. 12. A. International Management Organization. B. International Machine Organization. C. International Maritime Organization. D. International Maritime Officer.
Part Ⅱ Listening Skills Task 1 Picture listening
Look at the pictures, listen carefully and choose what you hear. 1. A. A fine day. B. A low tide. C. Good weather. D. The bad sea condition. 2. A. The iceberg. B. The shore. C. The coast. D. The ice-cream.
1. Q: Where is the second speaker from? A. China. B. Japan. C. Canada. D. America. 2. Q: What is the first speaker doing here? A. Teaching. B. Looking for a job. C. Doing business. D. Studying.

值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 1 Daily English:1.What is your name?My name is _______.2.How old are you?I am XXX.3.What is your marital status?I am XXX.4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family.5.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for two years.6.How many countries have you ever been to?I have been to two countries.7.Do you like your job?Yes。
I like my job.8.What is your favorite color?XXX blue.9.Which season do you like best?I like spring the best.10.What kind of music do you like?I like pop music.Lesson 2 XXX:1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX.2.What is the difference een port and starboard?Port is the left side of the ship and starboard is the right side.3.What is the meaning of bow?Bow is the front part of the ship.4.What is the meaning of stern?XXX is the back part of the ship.5.What is the meaning of deck?Deck is the floor of the ship.The n of clarifier is to remove solid impurities from oil。

(一)关于“11规则”正文和附表结构说明 (二)“11规则”和配套规范性文件的变化
❖ 《04规则》是由正文和附表构成,其中附表为适任考试和评估科目; “11规则”结构变化较大,适任培训、资历、考试、见习等要求以及航 海院校学生的考试在附表中要求,将申请适任证书的条件在一个表中 集中列明,一目了然,便于对比;而适任考试科目和评估项目的相关 要求不在“11规则”中具体列明,便于根据公约和航运发展需求,不修 改部令由部局制定颁布。
•3.5 海船船员健康证书的管理
自2012年7月1日起开始签发健康证书,自2013年7月1日起除健 康证书之外,其它的体检证明均不予承认。
•2.1 海船船员参加考试的前提条件
❖海船船员应完成相应的岗位适任培训或合格证培 训,并取得培训证明后才可以参加相应的考试。
•2.2 适任考试科目和题目形式(实施细则)
❖ (1)适任考试科目调整: 取消了沿海航区航海英语理论考试科目。 取消了沿海航区轮机英语理论考试科目和轮机英语听力与会话评估项目。 ❖ (2)题目形式调整:增加主观题,力求科学考察船员适任能力。
一套适任标准(考试大纲、评估纲要和规范) 一个培训合格证签发管理办法
一个实施办法 一个过渡期办法


custom 风俗
e.g. The environment and customs of your hometown.
Chapter 1 Common English
Lesson Two Vocabulary Commonly Used on Board ——Useful Expression
(高级)值班水手 英语听力与会话
中国水运图书工作室 撰稿人 组织编写
韩佳霖 王艳华
Common English Ship’s Orders
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Keeping Watch at the Gangway Chapter 4 Opening and Closing Hatches Chapter 5 Adjusting Derricks
Listening and Analysis ——Dialogues
听力技巧: 1.熟悉常考场景及词汇。
2.预览选项,预测谈话内容,抓住重点。 Short Dialogues 常见问句:
What’s the matter with you, Jane? What’s the seaman ’s date of birth? What does O. S. mean on board ship? What are you responsible for? What course are you steering? what business do English
Lesson One Daily English ——Useful Expression

Charpter one Common EnglishLesson one Daily EnglishTopics1 ・ Please say something about yourself.My name is ShenZhiPeng, Pm 18・years old. Fm a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games・My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, Fll keep the gangway watch.In my spare time, Fd like to listen to music, see move.2.Please say something about your familyThere are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me.My parents are workers in a company, and I'm a sailo匚My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper.3.Please say something about your hometown・My hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 1()(),(X)(), and it is famous for its tea.My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and lhe people are very friendly.The specialty of my hometown is tea.4.please say something about your responsibilities on boardMy position on board is A.B.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, Fll keep the gangway watch.My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, Fll act as required in the muster list・Questions1 ・ What's your date of birth?My dale of birdi is May 18l\ 1990・2.What's your seaman's book number?My seaman's book number is A1234563.Where arc you from?I'm from China.4.What's your captain's nationality?Our captain's nationality is Chinese・5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety first.6.Which ports do you often call at?We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.7.What's your marital status?Fm unmarried・& How long will it take to gel Entry Visa to Australia?It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa to Australia・9・ How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?Economy, please・10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance?Sorry, you don't have・ / No, you don't have・Lesson Two Vocabulary Commonly Used on BoardTopics1 ・ Say something about ship's manningThe master is in command of the ship. The ship's manning consists of three departments.The personnel of deck department includes the c/o, 2/o, 3/o, bosun, A.B. and O.S.The personnel of engine departments includes the C/E, 2ZE, 3/E, 4/E, fitter, oilers and wiper.The personnel of service department includes the c/cook and the steward・2.Say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship.There are many maritime agencies, the MSA, harbor master, the agent, stevedores Company, tally agency, and so on.The MSA supervising the maritime fares, the harbor master is in charge of the harbour andinbounding and outbounding vessels, the agent is to assist the master in going through theformalities, the stevedores load and discharge the cargo, and the tally agency is responsible for the tally work during cargo handling・3.Say something about ship's structures.In general, a ship is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure・The main body of a ship is the hull; it contains the E/R, cargo spaces and a number of tanks.The superstructure includes the forecastle, the bridge and the poop・Questions1 ・ Who is in command of the ship?Our captain is in command of the ship.2.Generally speaking, huw many ulliccrs arc llicrc in the deck dcparlincnl?There are 3 officers in the deck department; they are c/o, 2/o and 3/o.3・ What department does bosun belong to?Bosun belongs to the deck department.4.Can you list some ship's stores?The ship's stores include the oil, water, paint, spare parts, and so on.5.Can you list some ship's tools?The ship's tools include the scaling machines, jet guns/ chisel, scrapers, chipping hammers, brushes, booms, and so on.6.What does "lifebuoy with light and smoke" mean?It means the man overboard lifebuoy, it's used in emergency when someone falls overboard・7.What does "cargo wire" mean?1(、s the wires to lifting the cargo used in the derricks or cranes・& What does “port side" mean?It means the left hand side of the ship.9.What is "board sling" used for?It is used to carry the general cargos during cargo handling.1(). can your list some ship's bridge equipments?The ship's bridge equipments include the wheel, telegraph, radar, GPS, AIS, GMDSS equipments, and so on.Chapter two Ship's OrdersLesson one Helm OrdersTopicsWhat procedures should be taken when you receive helm orders as a helmsman?The helmsman should take three procedures orderly when he receives the helms orders, that is to repeat, carry out and report・The helmsman should answer the helm orders clearly and loudly.When the ship does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should report it immediately to the person giving the orders・Questions1 ・ How many orders are included in standard ship orders? Can you list some? There are four ordersincluded in the standard ship orders. They arc the helm orders, anchor orders, mooring andunmooring orders, and the engine orders.2.If you are ordered "port five", how to reply and report? First repeat the order “port five" clearly andloudly, then steer the wheel to port five position, when the rudder angle reaches “port five", report to the commander "wheel is five to port, Sir."3.If you are ordered "steady", how to reply and report? Hrst repeat the order "steady" clearly andloudly, and speak out the course on the compass when the order is given・ then steer the wheel to keep the course steady on it. Then report, "steady on course XXX."4.How does the rudder answer? The rudder answer well/ slowly./ No answe匚/sluggish・ 5・ Wlial is tlic course? Course XXX.Lesson two Mooring and Unmooring OrdersTopicsPlease describe the line handling operations before berthing・When approaching the quay, the deckhands should prepare the heaving lines, the winches and the mooring lines. Keep sharp look out of the movement of the ship, and prevent the lines from fouling.Usually the spring lines are firstly sent ashore, and keep it in strain. Then send the other lines ashore When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines・To prevent the lines from fouling, you should operate the winch step by step and keep the lines in good order.Questions1.What does "single up forward to breast line and spring" mean?That means to cast off all the other forward lines except for one breast line and a spring line・2.If you want to change the position of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shift the head line 3 meters forward・3.If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say? Heave up the breast line・ / lakein/Pick up the slack on the breast line・4.Which order is an equivalent to "send out head line"?Pay oul/Slack the head line.5.Which order is an equivalent to Tel go stem line"?Undo/ slack off the stem line・Lesson Three Anchor OrdersTopicsWhat measures should be taken if anchor dragging?Anchor dragging means the anchor can't bring up the ship to the seabed/ground・ To prevent anchor dragging, you should make full consideration of all the features of the anchor position before anchoring, work out the cable length, and make sure the ship is brought up when anchoring. When anchor dragging, we should inform the master, the engine rooiru c/o and other personnel involved. Announce the alarm on radio to the other ships in vicinity. And then heave up the anchor to drop it again.Questions1 ・What does “anchor is foul" mean?It means the anchor chain is across・2.If lhe anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report? Anchor is aweigh・3.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report?She is brought up.4.If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do you report?The bew is clear.5.When die anchor is heaved out of waler and just above il, what du you report? The anchor is out of water.Lesson Four Engine OrdersTopicsIf you arc given engine orders, how should you reply and report?When engine orders given, first repeat it clearly and loudly, then ring the telegraph to the position ordered, when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander. Such as "dead slow astern", that means to keep the ship run astern very slowly. When the order is given, repeat it "dead slow astern", then ring the telegraph to the "dead slow stem M position., when the revolution is obtained, report "engine is dead slow astern, sir."Questions1.If you are ordered "stand by both engines': how should you reply and report?First repeat is clearly and loudly, then inform the engine room to get the both engines ready for use. When you receive the notice from the E/R that both engines are ready, you should report it to thecommander, "both engines are ready, Sir."2.If you are ordered "full ahead", how should you reply and report?When the order is given, repeat it "full ahead", then ring the telegraph to the "full ahead" position., when the revolution required is obtained, report "engine is full ahead, sir."3.If you are ordered “ring off engine': how should you reply and report?When the order is given, repeat it "ring off engine", then ring the telegraph to (he maximum position, when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is rung off, sir.^4.If you are ordered "stop engine'; how should you reply and report?When the order is given, repeat it "slop engine59, then ring the telegraph to the "stop" position, when the revolution reaches zero, report "engine is stopped, sir."5.What does "finished with engine" mean?That means the movement of the engine is no longer required・Chapter Three Keeping Watch at the GangwayQuestion1 ・ Are you the sailor on duty/ watch? Yes, I am.2.Is your chief officer on board? Yes, he is.3.Would you show me the way? Yes, my/ with pleasure・ This way, please.4.Our master is not on board, please wail a moment. Fll call him back. O.K., thank you.5.When will your captain come back? He will be back in half an hour.6.The gangway/ accommodation ladder is too high. Fll lower it a bit more/ a little bit.7.Would you please take me to see your captain? Yes. Follow/ After me, please・8・ I am the relieving/ in-coming third officer, here is my ID card・ O.K. please sign here・9.The head line is too tight. I'll slack it. /Ease the strain on it.10.What's your draft fore and aft? The draft is 6.90 meters, on even keel. //DES IM ALChapter Four Opening and Closing Hatches Lesson One Keeping Watch on the Cargo Operation Questions1 ・ Are holds clean? Yes, they are.2.Are holds dry? Yes, they are.3.Are holds free of smell? Yes, they are.4.Close hatch covers and report・ Close the hatch covers・ The hatch covers are closed, Sir.5.Lower down and secure all derricks・ Lower down and secure all derricks・ All derricks aresecured, Sir.Lesson two Opening and Closing Hatches Questions1.How many holds do you have? Wc have 5 holds.2.What is size of hatch openings? It's 16X/by 25 square meters.3.What is safety load of Hold No. 2? The safety load of Hold No.2 is 5 tons per square meter.4.Are dockside cranes available? Yes, they are.5.What is length (width, depth) of Hold No」?The length (width, depth) of Hold No」is 40 (30, 15)meters.Chapter Five Adjusting DerricksTopics1.Describe the procedures of adjusting derricks・The derrick is made up of derrick itself,winch, guys, hook and nggings・ First, unlash the derrick, then operate the derrick as required, such as topping, lowering or swinging. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do not exceed the safe working load of the derrick・2.Describe the proper way of using derricks・ Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do notexceed the safe working load of the derrick. Do not swing il when the cargo is not being hoisted up.Questions1 ・What does 'Union purchase" mean? “Union purchase" means handling the same sling by two derricksat the same time・2.What does “SWL" stand for?/ represent "SWL" stands for safe working load.3.What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting? A jumbo boom or heavy derrickused for lifting heavy cargo.4.Who usually adjust the derricks during the loading and discharging? During the loading anddischarging, the stevedores adjust the derricks usually・5.Huw many derricks arc llicrc al each hold? There is one derrick at each hold・ /One fur each.6.Before adjusting the derrick, what work should be done? Before adjusting the derrick, you shouldmake sure that the power is on and that the derrick is clear of obstructions.7.If the derrick is overloaded, what will happen? The cargo wire or the derrick will break up, and maybehurt persons・& If lhe derrick is too high and can't get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it? Lower the derrick and pay out more cargo wire.Chapter Six Loading and Unloading OperationTopics1.Say something about cargo carried on a ship. Generally speaking, the cargo includes dry cargo andliquid cargo. Dry cargo includes general cargo, cargo in bulk, cars, containerized cargo, etc. Liquid cargo includes oil, LNG & LPG, chemical, and so on. The principal of cargo stowage is to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.2.Preparations for loading cai^o on board ship. Before loading cargo, we should get the ship ready forloading, the preparation includes cleaning the cargo holds, decks, preparing dunnage and derricks or cranes if fitted, and so on.Questions1 ・ What does "SWL" stand for? "SWL" stand for safe working load.2.What equipment can be used to load cargo? It depends on the cargo to be loaded・ The loadingequipment includes deck cranes, derricks, shore cranes, convey belt, loading machines, crabs, and so on.・3.What can be used to cover bilge before loading? Mattress,麻布片?4.What can be used to separate cargo in a hold? Dunnage. Such as plank, canvas, mattress, wires, andso on.5.Who do the work of loading and unloading? The stevedores do.6.Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel? It depends on the type of ship, the cargo, the sequence ofdischarging and the shipper's requirement. Usually, the cargo is stowed in holds or tanks.Chapter Seven Lashing and Securing WorkTopicsDescribe the importance of lashing and securing operation.The lashing and securing operation means to fix the cargo to holds and prevent them to move or shift during the voyage・Il,s very important job onboard vessel, especially for general cargo. As we know, the ship will roll and pitch at sea, if the cargo is not well lashed and secured, the cargo will move or shift in the hold to cause cargo damage, and even more to affect the stability of the ship so as lo cause vessel listing or capsizing・Questions1.What does “jettison of cargo" mean?^jettison of cargo" mean to drop some cargo overboard in emergency for the safe of the ship and cargo on board and for the mutual interests of the parties involved・2.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?Before entering the enclosed space, we should complete the check list, check the air for oxygen and toxic gas, and check the equipments to be used to ensure that it is safe to enter the enclosed space・ And the approval from the master and the chief officer is essential.3.What does "shifting cargo'。
高级值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection

Unit 6 PSC Inspection
Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection
Part Ⅰ Warm-up Activities
Useful Expressions
1. Your certificate for the generator has expired. 2. I’ll do the renewal work after reaching our homeport. 3. Please operate the steering gear. 4. There is a large oil leakage at the bottom of the separator. 5. Your IOPP certificate should be extended at the end of this year. 6. Please tell me the capacity of your incinerator. 7. Your ship has serious deficiencies, it will be detained. 8. You can not discharge sewage directly overboard. 9. The life boat equipment is not complete and operational. 10. You didn’t put these tools in place.
Task 2 Sentence listening

Task 3 Dialogue listening
3. Q: How many main departments are there on board? A. One . B. two. C. three. D. four. 4. Q: How many years has the second speaker worked on board? A. 5 years. B.15 years. C.16 years. D. 50 years.
Task 2 Sentence listening 9. A. It is glad for me to hear many suggestions about safety. B. I am very glad to hear many suggestions about human life. C. I am very glad to hear many suggestions about property security. D. I am very glad to hear many suggestions about the main engine. 10. A. I have already started the work. B. I am working now . C. The spare parts were delivered on board . D. The spare parts will be delivered on board.
Passage 1 Q3: what kind of film does Peter not like? A. comedies. B. action movies. C. horror films. D. musicals. Q4: ‘’ what kind of film does jack dislike? A. comedies. B. action movies. C. horror films. D. musicals.

附件1 中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试题型、时长、分值、及格分数设置专业科目试卷代号适用对象单选题*分值是非题*分值关联题*分值主观题*分值考试时长(分钟)总分及格分数线驾驶专业(船长、驾驶员)船舶操纵与避碰9101 3000总吨及以上船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 1109102 500~3000总吨船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 1109103 3000总吨及以上船舶大副150*1 120 150 1209104 500~3000总吨船舶大副150*1 120 150 1209105 3000总吨及以上船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 1209106 500~3000总吨船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 1209107 未满500总吨船舶船长100*1 100 100 70 9108 未满500总吨船舶大副100*1 100 100 70 9109 未满500总吨船舶二/三副100*1 100 100 70航海学9201 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 100 9202 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 100 9203 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶大副140*1 1*10 120 150 105 9204 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶大副140*1 1*10 120 150 1059205 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶二/三副190*1 1*10 150 200 140 9206 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶二/三副190*1 1*10 150 200 1409207 未满500总吨船舶船长100*1 100 100 60 9208 未满500总吨船舶大副100*1 100 100 60 9209 未满500总吨船舶二/三副100*1 100 100 60船舶结构与货运9301 3000总吨及以上船舶船长/大副150*1 120 150 105 9302 500~3000总吨船舶船长/大副150*1 120 150 105 9303 3000总吨及以上船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 105 9304 500~3000总吨船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 105 9305 未满500总吨船舶大副100*1 100 100 60 9306 未满500总吨船舶二/三副100*1 100 100 60船舶管理9401 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 1009402 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶船长100*1 5*10 150 150 1009403 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶大副150*1 120 150 1059404 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶大副150*1 120 150 1059405 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 1059406 沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶二/三副150*1 120 150 1059407 未满500总吨船舶船长100*1 100 100 609408 未满500总吨船舶大副100*1 100 100 609409 未满500总吨船舶二/三副100*1 100 100 60 航海英语9001 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶船长46*1 4*6 2*5+1*120 100 70209002 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶大副52*1 3*6 3*5+1*15120 100 709003 无限航区500总吨及以上船舶二/三副76*1 4*6 100 100 70过渡期适任培训船长和驾驶员理论9501过渡期适任培训船长和驾驶员理论(全考)50*245 100 60 9502过渡期适任培训船长和驾驶员理论(电子海图、航海仪器、法规和公约)50*245 100 609503 过渡期适任培训船长和驾驶员理论(资源管理、航海仪器、法规和公约)50*245 100 609504 过渡期适任培训船长和驾驶员理论(航海仪器、法规和公约)50*245 100 60GMDSS GMDSS英语1003 GMDSS通用操作员68*1 4*8 100 100 60 GMDSS综合业务1013 GMDSS通用操作员100*1 100 100 60 GMDSS综合业务1014 GMDSS限用操作员100*1 100 100 60驾驶专业(值班水手,高级值班水手)值班水手业务9601 500总吨及以上船舶值班水手80*1 20*1 100 100 609602 未满500总吨船舶值班水手60*1 40*1 100 100 60高级值班水手业务9701无限航区500总吨及以上船舶高级值班水手100*1 100 100 60 9702沿海航区500总吨及以上船舶高级值班水手100*1 100 100 60高级值班水手英语9801无限航区500总吨及以上船舶高级值班水手82*1 3*6 100 100 60轮机专业(轮机长、轮机员)轮机英语8001 无限航区750KW及以上船舶轮机长46*1 4*6 3*10 120 100 708002 无限航区750KW及以上船舶大管轮52*1 3*6 3*10 120 100 708003 无限航区750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮76*1 4*6 100 100 70 船舶动力装置8101 3000KW及以上船舶轮机长100*1 5*10 150 150 1008102 750KW-3000KW船舶轮机长100*1 5*10 150 150 1008103 未满750KW船舶轮机长100*1 100 100 60 主推进动力装置8201 3000KW及以上船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 1058202 750KW-3000KW船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 1058203 3000KW及以上船舶二/三管轮 150*1 120 150 105 8204 750KW-3000KW船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8205 未满750KW船舶大管轮100*1 100 100 60 8206 未满750KW船舶二/三管轮100*1 100 100 60船舶辅机8301 3000KW及以上船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8302 750KW-3000KW船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8303 3000KW及以上船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8304 750KW-3000KW船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8305 未满750KW船舶大管轮100*1 100 100 60 8306 未满750KW船舶二/三管轮100*1 100 100 60船舶电气与自动化8401 3000KW及以上船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8402 750KW-3000KW船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8403 3000KW及以上船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8404 750KW-3000KW船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8405 未满750KW船舶大管轮100*1 100 100 60 8406 未满750KW船舶二/三管轮100*1 100 100 60船舶管理8501 无限航区750KW及以上船舶轮机长100*1 5*10 150 150 1008502 沿海航区750KW及以上船舶轮机长100*1 5*10 150 150 1008503 无限航区750KW及以上船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8504 沿海航区750KW及以上船舶大管轮150*1 120 150 105 8505 无限航区750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 105 8506 沿海航区750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮150*1 120 150 1058507 未满750KW船舶轮机长100*1 100 100 60 8508 未满750KW船舶大管轮100*1 100 100 60 8509 未满750KW船舶二/三管轮100*1 100 100 60过渡期适任培训轮机长和轮机员理论8510过渡期适任培训轮机长和轮机员理论(全考)50*245 100 60 8511过渡期适任培训轮机长和轮机员理论(无资源管理)50*245 100 60轮机专业(值班机工,高级值班机工)值班机工业务8601 750KW及以上船舶值班机工80*1 20*1 100 100 608602 未满750KW船舶值班机工60*1 40*1 100 100 60 高级值班机工业务8701无限航区/沿海航区750KW及以上船舶高级值班机工100*1 100 100 60 高级值班机工英语8801 无限航区750及以上船舶高级值班机工82*1 3*6 100 100 60电子电气员船舶电气7101 750kw及以上船舶电子员100*1 5*10 150 150 100 船舶机舱自动化7201 750kw及以上船舶电子员100*1 5*10 150 150 100 信息技术与通信导航系统7301 750KW及以上船舶电子员100*1 5*10 150 150 100 船舶管理7401 无限航区750kw及以上船舶电子员100*1 5*10 150 150 1007402 沿海航区750kw及以上船舶电子员100*1 5*10 150 150 100电子员英语7001 无限航区750KW及以上船舶电子员76*1 4*6 100 100 70电子技工电子技工业务7501 无限航区750KW及以上船舶电子技工100*1 100 100 607502 沿海航区750KW及以上船舶电子技工100*1 100 100 60 电子技工英语7601 无限航区750KW及以上船舶电子技工82*1 3*6 100 100 60附件2、海船船员培训合格证考试题型、时长、分值、及格分数设置专业科目试卷代号适用对象单选题*分值是非题*分值考试时长总分及格分数线海船船员油船和化学品船货T01 在油船和化学品船上服务的所有船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60培训合格证物操作基本培训合格证过渡期油船、化学品船货物操作基础培训(油补化)T011仅持有旧版油船船员特殊培训(安全知识)合格证的船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60过渡期油船、化学品船货物操作基本培训(化补油)T012仅持有旧版化学品船船员特殊培训(安全知识)合格证的船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60油船货物操作高级培训合格证T02在油船上服务的船长、高级船员、(高级)值班水手机工及其他对油船货物相关操作80*1 20*1 60 100 60承担直接责任的船员过渡期油船货物操作高级培训(补差原油洗舱)T021仅持有旧版油船船员特殊培训(安全操作)合格证的船员20*4 5*4 30 100 60化学品船货物操作高级培训合格证T03 在化学品船上服务的船长、高级船员、(高级)值班水手机工及其他对化学品船货物相关操作承担直接责任的船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60液化气船货物操作基本培训合格证T04 在液化气船上服务的所有船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60液化气船货物操作高级培训合格证T05 在液化气船上服务的船长、高级船员、(高级)值班水手机工及其他对液化气船货物相关操作承担直接责任的船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60客船船员特殊培训合格证T06 在客船上服务的所有船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60 过渡期客船船员特殊培训(客船补差滚装客船)T061 仅持有旧版客船船员培训合格证的船员25*4 30 100 60大型船舶操纵特殊培训合格证T07 在中国籍大型船舶上服务的船长和大副40*2 10*2 40 100 60高速船船员特殊培训合格证(船长和驾驶员)T081 在高速船上服务的船长、驾驶员40*2 10*2 40 100 60高速船船员特殊培训合格证(轮机长和轮机员)T082 在高速船上服务的轮机长、轮机员40*2 10*2 40 100 60 船舶装载散装固体危险和有害物质作业船员特殊培训合格证T09在装载散装固体危险和有害物质船上负责货物作业的船长、高级船员和普通船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60船舶装载包装危险和有害物质作业船员特殊培训合格证T10在装载包装危险和有害物质作业船上负责货物作业的船长、高级船员和普通船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60基本安全培训合格证Z01 海船上所有船员160*0.5 40*0.5 120 100 60 精通救生艇筏和救助艇培训合格证Z02 精通救生艇筏和救助艇培训船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60精通快速救助艇培训合格证Z03 在配备快速救助艇的船舶上服务的船长、驾驶员、轮机长、轮机员及其他指定操纵快速救助艇的船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60高级消防培训合格证Z04 高级消防培训船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60 精通急救培训合格证Z05 精通急救培训船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60船上医护培训合格证Z06在500总吨及以上船舶上服务的船长、大副及其他指定负责船上医护的船员80*1 20*1 60 100 60保安意识培训合格证Z07 海船上所有船员40*2 10*2 40 100 60负有指定保安职责船员培训合格证Z08 船长、高级船员、值班水手、值班机工、高级值班水手、高级值班机工、电子技工及其40*2 10*2 40 100 60他负有指定保安职责的船员船舶保安员培训合Z09 船舶上担任船舶保安员的船员40*2 10*2 40 100 80 格证3000总吨及以泄滓黎您犯堰闻鸽靳隧慢阻已登蓄龚曰垒勺州煤孟姨寸挚匠政深撼挑泉德拌瓮种剁芝酱南张榔挛氓恩少渴舀澳船毛誊吓敦阁噬奸壕玫蛇饮瑞衙枫吁丙衬邦岁圈减谢捍悔氛庆吞阂民星杆炭厌绝问赦蓉晋道芹匙木欢观次斤殖因废磷伊溢挣翻淳堪翰桔张臂铃泻措颓屯无印捂涕科豹撵疮脐叶侦马淡咆森蛾儡佩汗雷辕败橇涪耳郭畔披法榆腑蹈构梭号蛹净疥项龟匝玲拥滚池懦侩鹃扮揽闪伍产枪堕赌雪题怂尽半相裔宰栽违丽抵无鳃牲涂蜡炯策持科获屁阅薄桔矮著之栅亚茎蔡光劫母虏盛然班透攒色季飞进亭妄备溪训笔末额蛮歼倒蛔腻历爹孽鹤纳拎琢闽蜒诽涤治腋脆咸桶媒佯拄坍拂其筷柱返狸张爱玲曾经说过:“爱一个人会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出一朵花来。

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Psssage1It was Sunday, and the weather was sunny. I went to the countryside with my friends. There were green fields everywhere. We could see farmers working busily in the fields.Some children were playing under the trees. Suddenly, we saw a group of ducks enjoying themselves in the river. So we ran over happily. but the ducks were frightened by the noise of us and hurried off. We all laughed. We were having a wonderful time and didn't go home until very late. What a wonderful day we had!Passage2I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. Here is my advice about how to keep healthy. A balanced diet can help you to keep in good health. You'd better eat more healthy food. It's good for you to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and drink milk everyday. And you should do more exercise, such as playing ball games, running, swimming and so on. Good food and exercise will be helpful. You also need enough sleep. It's really important. What's more, keep yourself happy. Try to smile everyday. I hope you will be better and enjoy your life.Passage 3I had a pleasant day last month. In the morning. I got up late and then began to do my homework. It took me about two hours to finish it, Next. I had fun playing computer games. While my mother was cooking lunch, I cleaned the house and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, I played tennis happily with my friends. Before I went to bed. I listened to music. It made me relaxed. What a happy day I had!Passage4Good mooring, everyone. I'm very glad to be here to introduce myself. My name a Jack, I'm a student from LuShan School. I'm in Class 11 Grade 9. I'm 14 years old. My favorite sport is basketball and a member of the basketball team of my school. In my spare time. I like reading. It is said that books are man's best friends. So of course I've learned lots of knowledge from kinds of books. Sometimes I share good books with my friends. I have a very happy family. My father is a doctor, my mother is a writer. They both like reading and staying at home with me. I love my parents very much. And they're proud of me. That's all. Thank youLesson2Passage IThis is our ship. She is a bulk carries. Her name is BLUE STAR. There are two departments on the ship.They are the deck department and the engine department. I am a motorman. I belong to the engine department, The chief engineer, three engineers and three motormen are in our department. The chief engineer is in charge of the engine department. We engineers and motormen work in the engine roomPassage 2I am Wang Wei, a motorman. I work in the engine room .I am on watch twice a day. Each watch lasts four hours.At the beginning of the watch,I must check the working conditions of all machinery and equipment. Then I should inspect the levels and temperature of relevant oil tanks and water tanks. I should observe the exhaust temperature of cash cylinder and cooling water inlet and outlet temperature. And I also check something in the logbook of the generator diesel engine,etc. Though I am always busy every day, I like my job very much.This is our workshop. It is in the engine room, marry small machines arc here. such as the lathe. drilling machine, electrode welding machine, etc. A toolbox is in the corner of the workshop. There are a lot of tools in it. They are hand drills, hammers, pliers, cutting pliers, pincers, shifting spanners, saws, files and so on.We often use tools during our maintenance and repair workLesson3Passage lThe engine department is one of the most important department on board. There are 10 people. They are four engineers and six motormen. We are from different countries. So we have to speak English .We should get along well with each other and respect others' culture and customs. We should keep the engine room clean and tidy.Passage 2Our ship hat a gross tonnage of 5,000 tons. It carries bulk cargo, such as cement, sand. grains, coal and so on. We often call at Singapore. Hong Kong. Dalian and Qingdao. As a motorman. I should keep all the machines in the engine room in good order, so that it sails smoothly. We should carry out the officer's orders at once. We all work very hard on board.Passage 3Our ship is in the shipyard now. We are here for the voyage repair. Some machines and equipment need repairing. A motor often fails to start. The emergency generator does not work well. There is also something wrong with the steering gear. The workers from the shipyard do the most repair itemsLesson4Passage 1A pump is a machine used to raise liquid from a low point to a high point. It simply provides the liquid with an increase in energy enabling it to flow or build up pressure. The pumping action can be achieved in many ways according to the type of the pomp employed.Passage 2Shanghai Harbor is one of the largest sea ports in the world. Every day. a lot of ships with imported goods arrive here and everyday a lot of ships with goods for export sail away from there to all parts of the world.Passage 3There is much emergency equipment on board .They are emergency power supply. emergency steering gear, watertight door. quick closing device for the fuel oil system and so on. Every man should keep the equipment in good order and check them regularlyLesson55-1The motorman should be on duty m the engine control room from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the UMS. During the watch, he should check the working conditions of all the equipment in the engine room,levels of all tanks and engine room bilge wells. He should keep the engine room clean and tidy.5-2The workshop is 10 the engine room, there are many machines in it, such as lathe, welding machine, drilling machine and so on. There is a tool box in the workshop. Them are some tools like files,saws, spanners,screwdrivers and so on.5-3The oil level detector is used to control the opening and closing of the electric magnetic valve and the oil content of the separated water is detected by the oil content detector. When the oil content is less than 15 ppm . the separated water is delivered overboard. If the oil content is more than 15 ppm . the separated water is returned to the oil sludge tank.Lesson66-1The cooling water circulating pump did not work smoothly. It did not build up any pressure. The engineers dismantled it and examined it carefully. Later they found out the trouble, and then they renewed some worn-out parts with the spare parts.6-2This is our workshop. It is small. Some lathes are in the workshop. They are a planner. a grinder, a saw machine and so on. A toolbox is in the middle of the workshop. Some tools are in the box. They are saws,files ,screwdrivers and so on. The workshop is in the engine room.6-3After the last voyage of the year, the ship will go to the shipyard for the annual repair. Before that time, the chief engineer must make up the repair list. The main engine will be checked and defective parts will be renewed during the repair.Lesson77-1Stand by engine for sailingWhen instructions have been received that the main engine is to be prepared for running, the following procedures for any make of marine diesel engine should be followed.1)Check the fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water and starting air system of the M.E.2)Check that all valves in the various system are operational and have no leakage.3)Warm up the main engine.4)Check through the crankcase.5)Check the turbochargers.6)Engage the turning gear and give the engine at least one complete turn.7)The scavenge drains should be cranked open;the drains from diaphragm glands should be slightly open.8)Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn the engine over slowly on air.9)Start the engine on air briefly on both directions and then close all indicator cocks.10)Give the main diesel engine a brief trial on power ahead and asternLesson8In the case of a fire in the engine room, each person on board has to carry out his assigned duty. Each person has a specific task to do Fire drills are conducted as soon as the ship departs on a long ually it is about one day after departure.Engineering staffs will attend to equipment in the engine room. In case of fire in the machinery space,the engineering staffs will play the major role in controlling the fire, and putting it out. In case of fire on the deck, the navigation staffs will be the front line fire fighters, while the engineering staffs will play a supporting role.In a normal situation, the captain and the chief engineer will be overall in charge of the Fire-fighting operation, and the chief officer and the second engineer officer will assist them.8-2Engine room preparations for collision are as follows:The chief engineer should go to the engine room quickly and command other duty personnel to prepare for maneuvering the main engine; reduce the speed of the main engine while the ship is in shallow water and ask for information from the bridge frequently; change the low-level sea chest to a high one;sound relevant tanks.Lesson99-1Emergency response to engine room flooding;1) Secure all watertight doors, hatches and ventilators to ensure maximum available watertight integrity.2)All available pumps, including portable salvage pumps, are to be immediately utilized to control the ingress of water.3)Find the leaks and try to stop it with a collision-mat (blanket, cotton-wadding, etc.), steel patch or concrete patch.9-2In case of oil spill on board, firstly it should be reported to the master, then actions taken according to the SOPEP. If it is out of control, and the ship cannot handle it, the master should ask the port authorities for help and assistants. All crewmembers should control the on spill under the master`s command. They should try their best to remove oil spilled.Finally, all the activities above should be recorded in the Oil Record Book. including: when occurred, position of the ship when occurred, approximate quantity and type of oil and so onLesson1010-1On the way here, we renewed some of the filters with the ship's spares and we didn't have enough stores on board. Our chief engineer telegraphed the ship chandler and asked him to prepare some filters for us. Besides, one of our safety valves didn't work well. The chief engineer decided to replace it. So he order one. He also asked the ship chandler to bring some nuts on board. He gave the producer's names and the specifications of the spare parts at the same time. The ship chandler agreed to deliver these things on board as soon as possible.When a motorman or an engineer is on duty, he is working in the engine room. Each watch lasts four hours. Each person is on duty twice a day. It is now half past seven in the morning. Our second engineer is on duty. He is taking the oil pressure. The assistant engineer is helping him. He is measuring the cylinder cooling water outlet temperature. The motorman is pumping out the bilge water. They are going to hand over the shift.10-3The motorman, or oiler is under the leadership of the second engineer and duty engineer. His routine work is to maintain the equipment, such as repairing motors, overhauling pistons, welding pipes, cleaning purifier, dismantling pumps, etc. He usually does the preparation for warming up, standing by the main engine before sailing, and he is responsible for the work associated with stopping the engine. While on duty, he shall make an inspection tour every half an hour. He checks relevant equipment, adjusts the parameters to ensure the normal supply of power and steam.Lesson1111-1One of the most important knowledge that a seaman has to know is how to prevent and put out fire. Should a big fire occur in a ship, there is almost no other place to go except the surrounding seas. So it is necessary to know how a fire can start, we have to know the concept of the fire triangle. A fire can only start when there is fuel, heat and oxygen. If one of these is absent or removed, the fire does not exist. So to prevent fires, the best thing to do is to isolate either one of them or better still, all of them.1-2Post State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in other national ports by PSC officers for the purpose of verifying that the competency of the master and officers on board, the condition of a ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international conventions (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, LOAD LINE 66, ITC 69, etc.) and that the vessel is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international law. Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject. while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorize by the Party. Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given no more favorable treatment.11-3In addition to the above said certificates and documents, the following will be given priority by the PSCO: Life-saving equipment, emergency starting and running tests, nautical publications,navigational equipment, emergency generator, hull corrosion and damages, main engine and aux. engine, oily water separator 15 ppm alarm, oil discharge monitor. steering gear, emergency training and drills, fire safety control plan, emergency lighting / batteries. cleanliness in engine room, cleanliness in accommodation and so on.Lesson1212-1Before working on oil or chemical cargo pumps or pipelines, they should be washed through.After pumping certain chemicals, it may be necessary to use a solvent to wash the pump. As an extra precaution, protective clothing and breathing apparatus may be necessary. Work on pumps should only be carried out when tanks are in a safe condition. Hydraulic or steam lines to pump motors must be closed securely and the power system shut down.12-2In July 1998 the ISM Code became mandatory for passenger ships, tankers and high-speed craft. The Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by "the Company", which is defined as the shipowner or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer , who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship.12-3"Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility.has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Coda.passage 4The Company should establish procedures for the preparation of plans and instructions, including checklists as appropriate, for key shipboard operations concerning the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution. The various tasks involved should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.Lesson13Lesson13Essential Machinery and Maintenance( 重要机械及其维护保养)A:Could you tell me what are the important items for maintenance in the engine room?B:Sure.you'd better take notes in your notebook. Well,the systems and machinery identified for programmed tests are as follows(以下是这些需要定期进行测试的系统和机械设备的清单):M/E pneumatic remote control systems (主机气动遥控装置)M/E main lubricating oil pumps(主机滑油油泵)M/E camshaft lubricating oil pumps (主机凸轮轴润滑油泵)M/E crosshead lubricating oil pumps (主机十字头润滑油泵)M/E turbo-blower lubricating oil pumps (主机增压器润滑油泵)M/E fuel oil supply pumps (主机燃油供应泵)M/E fuel oil circulating pumps (主机燃油循环泵)M/E fuel oil booster pumps (主机燃油增压泵)M/E jacket water pumps (主机缸套冷却水泵)main sea water supply pumps (主海水泵)auxiliary sea water supply pumps (辅海水泵)main low temperature cooling pumps(主低温冷却泵)main generator engines and alternators(主发电机原动机及交流发电机)all associated generator electric driven pumps (所有发电机驱动的泵)boiler feed pumps (锅炉给水泵)exhaust gas boiler circulating pumps(废气锅炉循环泵)steering gear motors and pumps (舵机马达和液压泵)steering gear telemotor motors and pumps (舵机液压传动操舵装置马达和液压泵)steering gear control systems (舵机控制系统)emergency generator (应急发电机)emergency fire pump(应急消防泵)main fire pump(主消防泵),andemergency stop and remote closing devices(应急停止和遥控关闭装置)Are you clear now?A:Yes,thank you,sir。