bibliography formats 各论文格式






如下:Notes1 卫志强.当代跨学科语言学.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:2.2陈侠,黄希庭,白纲.关于网络成瘾的心理学研究.心里科学进展,2003,(11):331.1)中文机构文件机构名.文件名.出版年代:页码.1中国国家教育部.关于加强高等院校德育教师队伍建设的决定.1998:2.2)中文著作,一个作者:作者名.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.1卫志强.当代跨学科语言学.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:2.3)中文著作:两个或者三个作者:作者名(用逗号隔开).书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.2陈侠,黄希庭,白纲.当代跨学科语言学.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:2.4)中文著作:三个以上作者:作者名(用空格隔开)等.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.3陈侠等.当代跨学科语言学.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:2.5)中文期刊文章:(作者多人以上参照中文著作方式给作者名)作者名.文章名.期刊名,出版年代,(期数):页码.4陈侠,黄希庭,白纲.关于网络成瘾的心理学研究.心里科学进展,2003,(11):331.6)中文文集文章:作者名.文章名.文集主编名.文集名.文集出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.5陈侠.关于网络成瘾的心理学研究.卫志强编.当代跨学科语言学.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:331.7)中文译著:作者名.书名.译者名译.出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.6威廉•莎士比亚.罗密欧与朱丽叶.卫志强译.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:15.8)中文工具书:主编名(责任人名)编.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代:页码.7简清国,林茂竹编.英汉多功能词典.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994:1134.9)英文专著,一个作者:作者名.书名.(出版地:出版社,出版年代)页码.8Wang Cunmei.The Investigation of Language Performance about Popular Language of Network.(Wuhan:Wuhan University Press, 2004) 6-7.10)英文专著,两个或者三个作者:作者名(用and连接).书名.(出版地:出版社,出版年代)页码.9C. A. Dwyer and Zhou Ruanyan.The Investigation of Language Performance about Popular Language of Network.(Wuhan:Wuhan University Press, 2004) 6-7.11)英文专著,三个以上作者:作者名et al.书名.(出版地:出版社,出版年代)页码.10Wang Cunmei et al.The Investigation of Language Performance about Popular Language of Network.(Wuhan:Wuhan University Press, 2004) 6-7.12)英文期刊文章:(作者多人以上参照英文著作方式给作者名)作者名.文章名.期刊名,出版年代,(期数):页码.11C. A. Dwyer.Assessment and Classroom Learning: Theory and Practice.Assessment in Education, 1998, (1):111.13)英文文集文章:(包括TCLC, NCLC等大型文献性文集)作者名.文章名.文集主编名, Ed.文集名.(文集出版地:出版社,出版年代) 页码.12Qin Hui.On Localization of the Communicative Approach.Liu Shoulan and Qin Hui, Ed.Teaching English as a Foreign Language—Current Issues.V ol 2.(Kunming: Yunnan University Press, 2002) 9.14)英文工具书:主编名(责任人名)编.书名.(出版地:出版社,出版年代)页码.13Jian Qingguo.A Multifunction English-Chinese Dictionary.(Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1994) 1109.15)网络资源:作者名.文章名.网站名称.(网址).14卫广新.新课程与角色的转换.香港大学图书馆.(*只能接受以.pdf, .html, .htm, .php, .asp为结尾的网址。

英语毕业论文格式规范 (1)

英语毕业论文格式规范 (1)

湖 南 涉 外 经 济 学 院本科毕业论文(设计)(页面设置:论文页边距:上30mm ,下25mm ,左25mm ,右25mm ,页眉20 mm 、页脚15 mm )题目作者学院专业学号指导教师 二〇一六年五月三日论文诚信声明示例(打印时删除蓝色字)湖南涉外经济学院本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立开展工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或创作过的作品成果。



本科毕业论文(设计)作者签名:(手写)二○一六年五月三日(打印)The thesis mainly analyzes the roots of the tragic fate of the heroine—Margaret. At the beginning of the thesis, the author introduces the background of Alexandre Dumas Fills and his masterpiece –Camellias, which is a love tragedy on the basis of his life experiences, making great influence on many a people. And then, the author introduces the typical tragic character, Margret’s miserable fortune and the roots. To make the theme outstanding, the author illustrates the painful sufferings of Margret in society, culture, characteristics, love and religious persecution in detail. Finally, let’s come to the conclusion that female should improve the conscious of self—awareness, have the control of our own fates, be brave to fightKeywords: Margret; tragic fate; reasons本文主要分析了女主人公玛格丽特的悲剧命运及其根源。



英语论文格式与引用注释规范英语论文格式与引用注释规范(试用)一、论文格式(一)论文构成1.封面2.题目、作者等信息页3.致谢(英文,一级标题,字体三号)4.摘要(英文)(一般不超过300-500单词,关键词3—5个)5.摘要(中文)(与英文摘要对应)6.目录(3、4、5、6项以小罗马数字标页码,目录内容字体小四号)7.正文(introduction,body,conclusion)8.参考文献(bibliography)9.附录(有则提供)1.字体:英语用timesnewroman;汉语用宋体.2.字号:标题一律用粗体(boldface);章的标题居中,与正文空两行,每章要开新页;其余标题靠左顶格,上下各空一行间距.一级标题(章标题):三号字体;二级标题:小三号字体;三级标题:四号字体;四级标题:小四号字体.正文字体大小:小四号字体.3.标题序号:文章总标题(小二号字体)chapterone……引文:少于四行的直接引文置于双引号内;超过四行(包括四行)的引文要与正文隔开,上下各空一行,左边缩进10个字母;如所引原文第一行有缩进,则该行在论文中再缩进三个字母的间距,即引文第一行缩进13个字符;字体小1号使用(即五号字体);行距为1.5.图表:图表应有与内容相符的明确标题;图的标记以第二章图一为例则为:figure2—1,依此类推;表的标记以第二章表一为例则为:table2—1,依此类推.6.行距:除四行及以上引文行距为1外,全文为1.25倍或18磅.二、引文注释规范1.注释或引用分为文内注和文末参考文献两种形式.文内注置于圆括号内,紧跟在引用内容之后;应标出作者姓(名)和页码,之间不用标点,如(bhabha120),若同一作者有多部著作引用,则应在作者姓后分别注出该著作出版年份,如,(weiss1998:76)、(weiss2002:104),等.若在文内已提供被引用者姓名,则只要将引文页码置于圆括号内.若引文文献著者有同姓者,应提供其名的首字母.若著者为多位,可在第一位著者姓之后用“等等”(etal.),也可提供所有著者姓,之间用逗号分隔.若著者为汉语姓氏,提供汉字全名,以免混淆.若引文页码有起止范围,在起止页码之间用单横线连接;若页码有两个及以上,中间用逗号分隔.若引用为间接来源,则应第一引用者姓(名)前注出“转引自”(字样.文内注示例:briantavessuggestssomeinterestingconclusionsregardingthe philosophyandpoliticsoftheadventurefilm(153-54,171).georgemayberry,writinginthenewrepublic,referredto itasa“deeplyandtragicallyhuman”story(108);andedwinj.lukas,inthea nnalsoftheamericanacademyofpoliticalandsocialscience,hailed itasessentialreadingforprofessionalsconcernedwiththecrimina lpersonality(216).theauthorsofwomen’swaysofknowingmakeadistinctionbetween “separateknowing”and“connectedknowing”(belenkyetal.100-30).(多位作者也可以注出所有著者姓,中间用逗号分隔.)。



外国语学院英语专业毕业论文格式一、论文基本构件及装订顺序1.汉语封皮2.英语封皮3.谢辞4.英、中文论文摘要和英、中文关键词5.正文,包括introduction,body, notes, conclusion,bibliography 五部分。

6.如有附录,放在参考文献之后.二、基本要求1.长度约6000字左右(只计算正文长度,页码从论文正文即Introduction标起,一律标在正下方).2.打印及纸张:毕业论文统一在word 2003格式下排版打印文本.使用A4规格的纸张,上下左右边距为A4纸标准边距,论文正文为双倍行距,小四号字,Times New Roman 字体,文中小标题与正文字号和字体一致, 并加粗.3.论文经指导老师同意后方可定稿.论文打印1式5份,提交答辩小组。

答辩后,向学院提交修改稿(纸制和电子文档)存档.三、具体要求1.封皮英、汉语封皮均可复制,但应认真填写及更改相关内容, 如中、英文题目及你的姓名等。


英语封皮上所有内容全部为Times New Roman字体,三号字,所有字母一律大写,但书名要斜体。







广西师范学院师园学院英语专业学生学位论文参考文献的格式要求Format of Notes and Bibliography for Students of English英语专业学生学位论文中的英文参考文献和中文参考文献分别归类排列,英文的排在前面,中文的排在后。



(文学方向使用MLA格式,文学之外的所有论文使用APA格式)以下为MLA格式:一些常用的文献类别标号:专著[M]、论文集[C]、期刊文章[J]、字典百科全书[Z]、论文集里的文章[A] 报纸文章[N]。

1.专著类格式:作者.书名(英文的用斜体)[M].出版地: 出版社,出版年: 参考的具体页码。

(1) 独立作者Carroll, D. W. Psychology of Language [M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000:30- 40.何兆熊. 新编语用学概要[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000: 56.(2) 同一作者两本以上的参考书(按照书名第一个字母的顺序排列)Hirsch, David. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know [M]. Boston: Houghton, 1987: 45.Hirsch, David. The Philosophy of Composition[M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977: 23.黄国文.语篇分析概要[M].长沙: 湖南教育出版社,1988: 34,56.黄国文.英语语言问题研究[M].广州: 中山大学出版社,1999: 45.(3) 同一作者两本以上同年出版的参考书(按照书名第一个字母的顺序排列)Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation[M]. London: Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1988a: 45.Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation[M]. London: Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1988b: 4.周兆祥.翻译初阶[M].香港: 商务印书馆,1996a: 2.周兆祥.翻译与人生[M].香港: 商务印书馆,1996b:40.(4) 一本书有两、三位作者Halliday, M. A. K. & R. Hasan. Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-semiotic Perspective [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989: 6. (第一个作者姓+名,后面的作者名+姓)Berry, J., J. Foose & T. Jones. Up From the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans Music Since World WarⅡ[M]. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1986: 5.金圣华、黄国彬.因难见巧——名家翻译经验谈[M].香港: 三联书店有限公司,1996: 34.(5) 同一本书由有四位或更多的作者Edens, Walter. et al. Teaching Shakespeare [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977: 45, 78.张三、李四等.语言杂谈[M].香港:三联书店有限公司,2002: 33.(6) 无作者署名的书Encyclopedia of Photography [Z]. New York: Crown, 1984: 90.现代汉语词典[Z]. 北京: 商务印书馆,1992: 2345.2.文章类格式:著者.题名[J].期刊名称.出版年,卷号(期号).文章的起止页码(1)期刊文章Goodman, K.S. Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing gam e [J]. Journal of the Reading Specialists,1967(6):126—135.华惠芳.阅读理解中的知识提取和信息加工[J].外语与外语教学, 2000(1):45-47.(2)论文集的文章Peter V oller. Does the teacher have a role in autonomous language learning? [A]. In Phil Benson & K. Johnson (eds.). Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning[C]. London: Longman, 1997: 101-203.张美芳.关系繁多的综合性学科 [A].梅德明、黄国文主编.语文研究群言集[C].广州: 中山大学出版社, 1997: 32.3.互联网资料格式:作者,文章题目,网上上传时间,网址(加下划线)。













一、论文的基本结构不同学科、不同研究方向以及不同类型的学术论文在基本结构上存在差异,但本科毕业论文一般应有以下部分:Introduction,(Literature Review)and Discussions (与APA不一致), Conclusion 等等。


北京第二外国语学院教务处对各章布局作如下规定,Introduction、Chapter 1、Chapter 2…Conclusion。





本章末尾一般对全篇论文的章节主要内容作简单介绍(An overview of the thesis)。



Bibliography FormatsA bibliography should cite all the sources used in preparing a speech — including Internet documents, personal interviews, and television programs, as well as print materials such asbooks,newspaper and magazine articles,reference works,government documents,and the like.There are a number of bibliographical formats,and you should check with your instructor to see which she or he wants you to follow. Examples of the two major formats—from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association(MLA) —are provided below.Book: Single AuthorMLA Ramos, Jorge.Dying to Cross: The Worst Immigrant Tragedy in American History. New York: Harper, 2005.APARamos, J. (2005).Dying to cross: The worst immigrant tragedy in American history. New York: HarperCollins.Book: Two or More AuthorsMLA Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner.Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: Morrow-Harper, 2005.APA Levitt, S. D., & Dubner, S. J. (2005).Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York: William Morrow.Book: Second or Later EditionMLAFishman, Stephen.The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More. 2nd ed. Berkeley: Nolo, 2004.APA Fishman, S. (2004).The public domain: How to find & use copyright-free writings, music, art, & more(2nd ed.). Berkeley: Nolo.Book: Corporate AuthorMLA Mayo Clinic Health Information.Mayo Clinic Guide to Women's Cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information, 2005.APA Mayo Clinic Health Information. (2005).Mayo clinic guide to women's cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information.Book: Anthology or CompilationMLA Sloane, Thomas O., ed.Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. APA Sloane, T. O. (Ed.). (2001).Encyclopedia of rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter in Anthology or CompilationMLA Lucas, Stephen E. "Public Speaking."Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Ed. Thomas O. Sloane. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 640-47.APA Lucas, S. E. (2001). Public Speaking. In T. O. Sloane (Ed.),Encyclopedia of rhetoric (pp. 640-647). New York: Oxford University Press.Signed Magazine ArticleMLA Johnson, Steven. "Your Brain on Video Games: Could They Actually be Good for You?"Discover July 2005: 38-43.APAJohnson, S. (2005, July). Your brain on video games: Could they actually be good for you?Discover, 26, 38-43.Unsigned Magazine ArticleMLA"Banking for Native Americans: On the Trail."Economist19 Feb. 2005: 70.APA Banking for native Americans: On the trail. (2005, February 19).Economist, 374, 70. Journal Article, Continuous PaginationMolinsky, Andrew L., Mary Anne Krabbenhoft, Nalini Ambady, and Y. Susan Choi. "Cracking theMLA Nonverbal Code: Intercultural Competence and Gesture Recognition Across Cultures."Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology36 (2005): 380-395.Molinsky, A. L., Krabbenhoft, M. A., Ambady, N., & Choi, Y. S. (2005). Cracking the nonverbalAPA code: Intercultural competence and gesture recognition across cultures.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 380-395.Journal Article, Noncontinuous PaginationMLA Gómez, Christina. "Latino Diversity and Political Representation."Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies 1.2 (2004): 19-32.APA Gómez, C. (2004). Latino diversity and political representation.Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies, 1(2), 19-32.Signed Newspaper ArticleMLA Elliot, Andrea. "In a Now-Suspicious America, Muslim Converts Face Discrimination."New York Times30 Apr. 2005, natl. ed.: A13.APAElliot, A. (2005, April 30). In a now-suspicious America, Muslim converts face discrimination.New York Times, p. 13A.Unsigned Newspaper ArticleMLA "Fatal Error: Seat-Belt Use Less in Pickups."Chicago Tribune16 May 2005, Midwest ed., sec.1: 6.APA Fatal error: Seat-belt use less in pickups. (2005, May 16).Chicago Tribune, section 1, p. 6. Signed Newspaper EditorialMLA Reyes, Raul A. "Cinco de Mayo and Social Security." A Today 6 May 2005, final ed.: 13A.APA Reyes, R. A. (2005, May 6). Cinco de Mayo and social security [Editorial].USA Today , p. 13A. Unsigned Newspaper EditorialMLA"Sesame Street's Private Road." Editorial.Christian Science Monitor12 May 2005: 8.APA Sesame street's private road [Editorial]. (2005, May 12).Christian Science Monitor, p. 8. Government PublicationMLA United States. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.Indicators of Equal Employment Opportunity—Status and Trends. Washington: GPO, 2004.APAU.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004).Indicators of equal employment opportunity—Status and trends. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Signed Article in Reference WorkMLA Alvarez-Smith, Alma. "Pantoja, Antonia."Encyclopedia of Latino Popular Culture. Ed. Cordelia Ch vezáCandelaria. 2 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004.APA Alvarez-Smith, A. (2004). Pantoja, Antonia. In C. C. Candelaria (Ed.),Encyclopedia of Latino popular culture(Vol. 2, pp. 613-614). Westport, CT: Greenwood.Unsigned Article in Reference WorkMLA "Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart."African-American Political Leaders. Ed. Charles W. Carey, Jr. New York: Facts on File, 2004.APA Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart. (2004). In C. W. Carey, Jr. (Ed.),African-American political leaders(pp. 212-215). New York: Facts on File.Personal InterviewMLA Velasquez, Andrew. Personal interview. 12 July 2005.APA A. Velasquez (personal communication, July 12, 2005)Letter or E-Mail CommunicationMLA Ahmed, Mohammed. E-mail interview. 11 Feb. 2005.APA M. Ahmed (personal communication, February 11, 2005)Speech or LectureHuang, Wensha. Lecture on water pollution. Geography 212: Environmental Science. University MLAof Florida. 25 Feb. 2005.Huang, W. (2005, February 25). Water pollution [Lecture]. In Geography 212: Environmental APAscience. University of Florida.Television ProgramMLA"Medical Tourists." Narr. Bob Simon. I. CBS. WCBS, New York. 24 Apr. 2005.APA Olian, C. (Producer). (2005, April 24). Medical tourists [Television broadcast]. In Sixty minutes .New York: Columbia Broadcasting System.FilmMLA The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till. Dir. Keith A. Beauchamp. SJL Management, 2004.Beauchamp, K. A. (Director). (2004).The untold story of Emmett Louis Till[Motion picture]. APA United States. (Available from SJL Management, 400 East 58th Street, Suite 7G, New York,NY 10022)Article in Scholarly Journal Reprinted OnlineFrith, Katherine, Ping Shaw, and Hong Cheng. "The Construction of Beauty: A Cross-CulturalMLA Analysis of Women's Magazine Advertising."Journal of Communication55.1 (2005): 56-70.27 Apr. 2005 </cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdf>.Frith, K., Shaw, P., & Cheng, H. (2005). The construction of beauty: A cross-cultural analysis ofAPA women's magazine advertising.Journal of Communication, 55, 56-70. Retrieved April 27, 2005, from /cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdfArticle in Online Scholarly JournalKelsey, Kathleen D., and Alan D'souza. "Student Motivation for Learning at a Distance: DoesMLAOnline Journal of Distance Learning Administration7.2 (2004): 13 pp.Interaction Matter?"30 Apr. 2005 </%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.html>.Kelsey, K. D., & D'souza, A. (2004). Student motivation for learning at a distance: DoesAPA interaction matter? Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration , 7(2). Retrieved April 30, 2005, from /%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.htmlOnline Government PublicationUnited States. Dept. of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Office of Integrated AnalysisMLA and Forecasting.Annual Energy Outlook 2005 With Projections to 2025. Feb. 2005. 13 May 2005 </oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdf>.United States Department of Energy, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting. (2005,APA February).Annual energy outlook 2005 with projections to 2025. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from /oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdfOnline Newspaper ArticleWulfhorst, Ellen. "Study: Blogs Haven't Displaced Media."Washington Post16 May 2005. 17 May MLA2005 </wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/16/AR2005051600884.html>.APAWulfhorst, E. (2005, May 16). Study: Blogs haven't displaced media.Washington Post. Retrieved May 17, 2005, from Online EditorialKinsley, Michael. "Remember: You Can't Swat a Fly with a Computer." Editorial.Los AngelesMLA Times 8 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-ed>.Kinsley, M. (2005, May 8). Remember: You can't swat a fly with a computer [Editorial].Los APA Angeles Times. Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-edOnline Magazine ArticleMLAHerper, Matthew. "Race-Based Medicine Arrives." 10 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.html>.APA Herper, M. (2005, May 10). Race-based medicine . Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.htmlDocument Accessed from Online ServiceMcCartney, Anthony. "Online Thieves Are Fishing For Suckers."Tampa Tribune9 Feb. 2005: 9. MLA Academic Universe: News. Lexis-Nexis. Memorial Library, Madison, WI. 4 June 2005</universe/>.APA McCartney, A. (2005, February 9). Online thieves are fishing for suckers.Tampa Tribune .Retrieved April 29, 2005, from Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe database.Online Document from BroadcastMLA "Paleontologist Disputes Altering Discovery.". 2005. Cable News Network. 13 May 2005 </2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap/index.html>.Paleontologist disputes altering discovery. (2005, May 13).Cable News Network. Retrieved MayAPA13, 2005, from /2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap /index.html。



[1]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[2]作者. 书名[M]. 出版社,出版年份.
[3]原著作者. 书名[M]. 译者,译.出版社,出版年份.
[4]作者. 篇名[N]. 报纸名,出版日期(版次).
[5]作者. 篇名[D]. 保存者,出版年份.
[6]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[7]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[8]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[9]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[10]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
[11]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
期刊类格式:[序号]作者. 篇名[J]. 刊名,出版年份.
专著类格式:[序号]作者. 书名[M]. 出版社,出版年份.
译著类格式:[序号]原著作者. 书名[M]. 译者,译. 出版社,出版年份.
报纸类格式:[序号]作者. 篇名[N]. 报纸名,出版日期(版次).
学位论文格式:[序号]作者. 篇名[D]. 保存者,出版年份.
[1]Raymond Leslie Williams. Mario Vargas Llosa: A Life of Writing[M]. New York: Farra. Straus and Giroux, 2014.
[5]李小雪. 马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨小说中女性形象研究[D]. 山西师范大学,2014.
[6]斯坦利·佩恩. 西班牙内战[M]. 胡萌琦,译. 中信出版集团,2016.。






下面是一些常见的Bibliography格式:1. MLA格式:这是一种非常常见的学术论文引用格式。


2. APA格式:这种格式经常用于心理学和社会科学领域的论文和研究。


3. Chicago格式:这是一种比较详细的书目格式,通常会列出对于每个书目信息的详细描述。



下面是一些常见的Bibliography分类:1. 主题Bibliography:这种Bibliography主要针对某个特定主题或领域进行整理分类。


2. 作者Bibliography:这种Bibliography列出一个作者的所有书籍和文章,帮助研究者全面了解该作者的研究成果。

3. 期刊Bibliography:这种Bibliography列出某个期刊上发表的所有文章,帮助读者了解该期刊上的最新研究成果。





Bibliography FormatsA bibliography should cite all the sources used in preparing a speech—including Internet documents, personal interviews, and television programs, as well as print materials such as books, newspaper and magazine articles, reference works, government documents, and the like. There are a number of bibliographical formats, and you should check with your instructor to see which she or he wants you to follow. Examples of the two major formats—from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA)—are provided below.Book: Single AuthorMLA Ramos, Jorge. Dying to Cross: The Worst Immigrant Tragedy in American History. New York: Harper, 2005.APA Ramos, J. (2005). Dying to cross: The worst immigrant tragedy in American history. New York: HarperCollins.Book: Two or More AuthorsMLA Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: Morrow-Harper, 2005.APA Levitt, S. D., & Dubner, S. J. (2005). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York: William Morrow.Book: Second or Later EditionMLA Fishman, Stephen. The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More. 2nd ed. Berkeley: Nolo, 2004.APA Fishman, S. (2004). The public domain: How to find & use copyright-free writings, music, art, & more (2nd ed.). Berkeley: Nolo.Book: Corporate AuthorMLA Mayo Clinic Health Information. Mayo Clinic Guide to Women's Cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information, 2005.APA Mayo Clinic Health Information. (2005). Mayo clinic guide to women's cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information.Book: Anthology or CompilationMLA Sloane, Thomas O., ed. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. APA Sloane, T. O. (Ed.). (2001). Encyclopedia of rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter in Anthology or CompilationMLA Lucas, Stephen E. "Public Speaking." Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Ed. Thomas O. Sloane. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 640-47.APA Lucas, S. E. (2001). Public Speaking. In T. O. Sloane (Ed.), Encyclopedia of rhetoric (pp. 640-647). New York: Oxford University Press.Signed Magazine ArticleMLA Johnson, Steven. "Your Brain on Video Games: Could They Actually be Good for You?" Discover July 2005: 38-43.APA Johnson, S. (2005, July). Your brain on video games: Could they actually be good for you?Discover, 26, 38-43.Unsigned Magazine ArticleMLA "Banking for Native Americans: On the Trail." Economist 19 Feb. 2005: 70.APA Banking for native Americans: On the trail. (2005, February 19). Economist, 374, 70. Journal Article, Continuous PaginationMLA Molinsky, Andrew L., Mary Anne Krabbenhoft, Nalini Ambady, and Y. Susan Choi. "Cracking the Nonverbal Code: Intercultural Competence and Gesture Recognition Across Cultures."Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 36 (2005): 380-395.APA Molinsky, A. L., Krabbenhoft, M. A., Ambady, N., & Choi, Y. S. (2005). Cracking the nonverbal code: Intercultural competence and gesture recognition across cultures. Journal ofCross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 380-395.Journal Article, Noncontinuous PaginationMLA Gómez, Christina. "Latino Diversity and Political Representation." Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies 1.2 (2004): 19-32.APA Gómez, C. (2004). Latino diversity and political representation. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies, 1(2), 19-32.Signed Newspaper ArticleMLA Elliot, Andrea. "In a Now-Suspicious America, Muslim Converts Face Discrimination." New York Times 30 Apr. 2005, natl. ed.: A13.APA Elliot, A. (2005, April 30). In a now-suspicious America, Muslim converts face discrimination. New York Times, p. 13A.Unsigned Newspaper ArticleMLA "Fatal Error: Seat-Belt Use Less in Pickups." Chicago Tribune 16 May 2005, Midwest ed., sec.1: 6.APA Fatal error: Seat-belt use less in pickups. (2005, May 16). Chicago Tribune, section 1, p. 6. Signed Newspaper EditorialMLA Reyes, Raul A. "Cinco de Mayo and Social Security." Editorial. USA Today 6 May 2005, final ed.: 13A.APA Reyes, R. A. (2005, May 6). Cinco de Mayo and social security [Editorial]. USA Today, p. 13A. Unsigned Newspaper EditorialMLA "Sesame Street's Private Road." Editorial. Christian Science Monitor 12 May 2005: 8.APA Sesame street's private road [Editorial]. (2005, May 12). Christian Science Monitor, p. 8. Government PublicationMLA United States. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Indicators of Equal Employment Opportunity—Status and Trends. Washington: GPO, 2004.APA U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004). Indicators of equal employment opportunity—Status and trends. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Signed Article in Reference WorkMLA Alvarez-Smith, Alma. "Pantoja, Antonia." Encyclopedia of Latino Popular Culture. Ed. Cordelia Chávez Candelaria. 2 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004.APA Alvarez-Smith, A. (2004). Pantoja, Antonia. In C. C. Candelaria (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Latino popular culture (Vol. 2, pp. 613-614). Westport, CT: Greenwood.Unsigned Article in Reference WorkMLA "Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart." African-American Political Leaders. Ed. Charles W. Carey, Jr. New York: Facts on File, 2004.APA Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart. (2004). In C. W. Carey, Jr. (Ed.), African-American political leaders (pp. 212-215). New York: Facts on File.Personal InterviewMLA Velasquez, Andrew. Personal interview. 12 July 2005. APA A. Velasquez (personal communication, July 12, 2005) Letter or E-Mail CommunicationMLA Ahmed, Mohammed. E-mail interview. 11 Feb. 2005. APA M. Ahmed (personal communication, February 11, 2005) Speech or LectureMLA Huang, Wensha. Lecture on water pollution. Geography 212: Environmental Science. University of Florida. 25 Feb. 2005.APA Huang, W. (2005, February 25). Water pollution [Lecture]. In Geography 212: Environmental science. University of Florida.Television ProgramMLA "Medical Tourists." Narr. Bob Simon. I. CBS. WCBS, New York. 24 Apr. 2005.APA Olian, C. (Producer). (2005, April 24). Medical tourists [Television broadcast]. In Sixty minutes. New York: Columbia Broadcasting System.FilmMLA The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till. Dir. Keith A. Beauchamp. SJL Management, 2004.APA Beauchamp, K. A. (Director). (2004). The untold story of Emmett Louis Till [Motion picture].United States. (Available from SJL Management, 400 East 58th Street, Suite 7G, New York, NY 10022)Article in Scholarly Journal Reprinted OnlineMLA Frith, Katherine, Ping Shaw, and Hong Cheng. "The Construction of Beauty: A Cross-CulturalAnalysis of Women's Magazine Advertising." Journal of Communication 55.1 (2005): 56-70.27 Apr. 2005 </cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdf>.APA Frith, K., Shaw, P., & Cheng, H. (2005). The construction of beauty: A cross-cultural analysis of women's magazine advertising. Journal of Communication, 55, 56-70. Retrieved April 27, 2005, from /cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdfArticle in Online Scholarly JournalMLA Kelsey, Kathleen D., and Alan D'souza. "Student Motivation for Learning at a Distance: DoesInteraction Matter?" Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 7.2 (2004): 13 pp.30 Apr. 2005 </%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.html>.APA Kelsey, K. D., & D'souza, A. (2004). Student motivation for learning at a distance: Doesinteraction matter? Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 7(2). Retrieved April 30, 2005, from /%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.htmlOnline Government PublicationMLA United States. Dept. of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting. Annual Energy Outlook 2005 With Projections to 2025. Feb. 2005. 13 May 2005 </oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdf>.APA United States Department of Energy, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting. (2005,February). Annual energy outlook 2005 with projections to 2025. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from /oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdfOnline Newspaper ArticleMLA Wulfhorst, Ellen. "Study: Blogs Haven't Displaced Media." Washington Post 16 May 2005. 17 May 2005 </wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/16/AR2005051600884.html>.APA Wulfhorst, E. (2005, May 16). Study: Blogs haven't displaced media. Washington Post. Retrieved May 17, 2005, from Online EditorialMLA Kinsley, Michael. "Remember: You Can't Swat a Fly with a Computer." Editorial. Los Angeles Times 8 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-ed>.APA Kinsley, M. (2005, May 8). Remember: You can't swat a fly with a computer [Editorial]. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-edOnline Magazine ArticleMLA Herper, Matthew. "Race-Based Medicine Arrives." 10 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.html>.APA Herper, M. (2005, May 10). Race-based medicine arrives. . Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.htmlDocument Accessed from Online ServiceMLA McCartney, Anthony. "Online Thieves Are Fishing For Suckers." Tampa Tribune 9 Feb. 2005: 9. Academic Universe: News. Lexis-Nexis. Memorial Library, Madison, WI. 4 June 2005</universe/>.APA McCartney, A. (2005, February 9). Online thieves are fishing for suckers. Tampa Tribune. Retrieved April 29, 2005, from Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe database.Online Document from BroadcastMLA "Paleontologist Disputes Altering Discovery." . 2005. Cable News Network. 13 May 2005 </2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap/index.html>.APA Paleontologist disputes altering discovery. (2005, May 13). Cable News Network. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from /2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap /index.html。



英语本科毕业论文撰写要求格式:1. 论文全篇除一级标题外,字体一律小四号,1.5倍行距。

英文用Times New Roman字体,中文用宋体。

2. 所有英文标题实词首字母大写,英文书名斜体;中文书名用书名号。

3. 英文段落首行空4格英文字符,中文空2个中文字符。


4. 正文(从Introduction开始到Conclusion结束)不少于4200词。


内容及顺序:1.Title page (论文首页,具体要求见所附样稿,后同。

)2.诚信申明3.Contents (目录)4.Acknowledgements(鸣谢)5.内容提要(中文摘要)6.Abstract(英文摘要)7.(正文包括以下内容)-- Introduction(简介:长度不超过2页)-- Chapter One…(论文不少于3章,各章须分小节,多极标题格式见目录页;每章不少于4页)-- Chapter Two…-- Chapter Three…-- Conclusion(结论:长度为1 -2页)8. Bibliography(参考书目,至少5本,不包括网址。

参考书可均为英文书,也可中英文均有,但不可均为中文书)样稿(论文首页)Dream Shattered-- A Tentative Analysis of Martin Eden(论文题目,小二号字,该页其余部分四号字。

加粗,居中,实词首字母大写)A Paper Presented toCollege of Continuing EducationShanghai International Studies UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy WANG Meiyuan(自己姓名,姓大写,名首字母大写)Under the Supervision ofMr.(或)Ms. Xxx(导师姓名,姓大写,名首字母大写)(空1行)December, 2011(论文定稿完成年月)Contents(所有大标题居中,小三号字,加粗,与下文之间空1行)(论文大小标题以名词或分词短语构成,须提纲挈领。



1 总要求(General Requirements)1、用英文撰写、字数要求学士论文长度为 4000 字,以能清楚、充分地论证某一论题或描写、解释某一发现为最低限度。


2、格式要求论文一般由以下部分组成,并按此顺序排列:1. 英文标题页(English title page)2. 学位论文原创性声明(答辩时另发)3. 英文提要(Abstract)4. 中文提要(Chinese abstract)5. 目录(Contents)6. 正文(Text)7. 注释(Notes 非必须)8.参引文献(References,见附录)9. 致谢(Acknowledgements)(2)字体和字号:正文中大标题采用Times New Roman 小四号加粗(Introduction和Conclusion两词四号加粗,次标题以下采用 Times New Roman 小四号加粗,正文采用 Times New Roman 小四号字。


(3)行距:一律 1.5 行距。





封面(空两行;页边距为2cm)(Please write the English title of your thesis here)(Arial 一号加粗居中)(Please write the Chinese title of your thesis here)(宋体一号加粗居中)(空两行)Submitted by (Please write your name here) (Arial 三号加粗居中)Student number ( Please write your ID here ) (Arial 三号加粗居中)Supervised by (Please write the name of your tutor here) (Arial 三号加粗居中)(空两行)Foreign Languages College(Arial 小三号加粗居中)Jiangxi Normal University(Arial 小三号加粗居中)(Insert Month here) (Insert Year here) (Arial 小三号加粗居中)Title of the thesis(Times New Roman 三号粗体居中)(空一行)Abstract(Times New Roman 小四号加粗):正文(Times New Roman 小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)Key words(Times New Roman 小四号加粗):正文(Times New Roman 小四号)…………………………………………………………………………………………摘要之后另起一行,给出论文的关键词3-5个(关键词要用分号“;” 分隔,结束不用句号,关键词不能超过5个)中文题目(宋体三号粗体居中)(空一行)摘要(宋体小四号加粗):正文(宋体小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)关键词(宋体小四号加粗):正文(宋体小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………(用分号“;”分隔,结束不用句号,)(空一行)提要格式要求:1、中文、英文摘要分页打印2、A4纸打印3、页边距:2cm4、行距:1.5倍行距Contents (Times New Roman 三号粗体居中)(空两行)Abstract (i)摘要 (ii)Introduction (1)1. ……………………………………………………………………………………1.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………1.2 …………………………………………………………………………………..2. ……………………………………………………………………………………..2.1 …………………………………………………………………………………..2.2 …………………………………………………………………………………..2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………3. …………………………………………………………………………………….…Notes………………………………………………………………………………………….. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………. Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………目录格式要求:目录要自动生成!!所有标题都设为一级标题并顶格排列1、字体要求:Times New Roman 小四号粗体2、A4纸打印3、页边距:2cm4、行距:1.5倍行距5、论文内容排序:封面—声明—Abstract—摘要—Contents—正文—尾注—参考文献—致谢(空一行)Introduction (Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)(空一行)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)1 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)4 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)…Conclusion(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(另起一页)Notes(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)正文(Times New Roman 小四号)[1]作者,书名(英文书名格式为Times New Roman小四号斜体;中文书名格式为《宋体小四号》),出版社,出版时间:页码.(有一实心点作为句号)[2]如出处同上一个注释,则标为ibid(空一格)(页码).[3]……(另起一页)Bibliography(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)英文参考书目(按首写字母顺序排列)网络参考资料中文参考书目(按汉语拼音顺序排列)参考文献写作规范1.说明(1)文献目录应另页书写,外文文献排前,中文文献排后。


论文作者. “论文名.”斜体期刊名卷号(期号) (发行年月日),起止页码.
Powell, Welter W.. “The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine.”New EnglandJournal of Medicine307(15 July 1982),201-223.
例如:Shatzkin,Leonard.In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis.Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1982.
SichuanInternationalStudiesUniversity.In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis.Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1982.



MLA論文引用格式一、參考文獻格式1、Works Cited/Bibliography置於全文末尾,需另起一頁,續前頁頁碼。


Works Cited和Bibliography二者只選擇其一,不能同時在論文中出現。





例如: Descartes, RenéDe Sica, Vittorio如果合著的參考文獻中幾本書的第一作者是同一個人,而從第二作者開始有不同,則按第二作者的姓來排列先後。

(注意:由於第二作者的名字是英語姓名的正常書寫格式,因此要注意不要誤用第二作者的名來排列)例如:Scholes, Robert, and Robert Ke lloggScholes, Robert, Carl H. Kl aus, and Michael SilvermanScholes, Robert, and Eric S. R abkin如果作者的姓名是未知的,則用文獻名稱的標題的首字母進行排序,但是標題中A, An, The這三個詞不參與排序。

4、文獻格式:4.1 單一作者所著的一本書:作者姓, 名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.(注意:此處的標點是英文格式的標點,英文文獻裡所有的例子都是使用英文標點,後不做特別說明。

書名需要斜體或者加底線)如:Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, 1984.Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.(請注意這兩個例子的不同之處:書名後句號不用斜體,但是感嘆號、問號則要斜體,如果是底線,句號不用放在底線內,問號感嘆號需要一起劃進底線)作者姓名需要與出現在所引文獻中的一致,若原來是縮寫,則不要補全;原來是全名,則不要縮寫。








7.8.9..作者姓氏,例如:, ... : . : , ., ., , . :如:廖七一多个作者:桂诗春、宁春岩《》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,。



. 若著者为公司或机构时,直接将公司或机构作为作者:英文文献:. : . : , .中文文献:中国对外翻译出版公司《诗词翻译的艺术》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,。

三、英文参考文献的格式1.专著作者. 斜体书名. 出版社所在城市名: 出版社名称, 出版年份.如:, . : . : , .2.编著、论文集编著或论文集作者, . 斜体书名. 出版社所在城市名: 出版社名称, 出版年份. 如:, . . : , .如果编著或论文集有多个编者,.改为.。

如:, , , . . : , .3.论文作者. “, 出版年份.如:, . “ .”, . “ .”.4.期刊论文论文作者. “1.专著作者2.主编3.编著、论文集中的论文论文作者“论文名”,(编者)编《书名》,出版社所在城市名:出版社名,出版年份,起止页码。




bibliography formats 各论文格式

bibliography formats   各论文格式

Bibliography FormatsA bibliography should cite all the sources used in preparing a speech—including Internet documents, personal interviews, and television programs, as well as print materials such as books, newspaper and magazine articles, reference works, government documents, and the like. There are a number of bibliographical formats, and you should check with your instructor to see which she or he wants you to follow. Examples of the two major formats—from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA)—are provided below.Book: Single AuthorMLA Ramos, Jorge. Dying to Cross: The Worst Immigrant Tragedy in American History. New York:Harper, 2005. 姓名一个全拼,一个只有开头字母(目的是为了防止性别歧视)。


APA Ramos, J. (2005). Dying to cross: The worst immigrant tragedy in American history. New York: HarperCollins. 书名一个用title case,一个sentence case,均用斜体(相当于中文书名号)。









在文中引用时,APA格式使用的是作者-出版年制,即在引用的地方将作者姓氏和出版年放在括号中,如(Smith,2002),如果引用的是直接引语,则同时包括页码,如(Smith,2002,p. 43)。


如果作者超过五个,则只列出第一位作者的姓氏,然后加上“et al.”,如(Smith et al.,2008)。
































XXXX(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)XX学院 XX级学号XX XXX 指导老师:XXX(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)2.摘要摘要是论文的高度概括,是长篇论文不可缺少的组成部分。



【Abstract】XXXX……(英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。



【Key Words】 XX; XX;XX;XX(英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。



英语论文格式与引用注释规范英语论文格式与引用注释规范(试用)一、论文格式(一)论文构成1.封面2.题目、作者等信息页3.致谢(英文,一级标题,字体三号)4.摘要(英文)(一般不超过300-500单词,关键词3—5个)5.摘要(中文)(与英文摘要对应)6.目录(3、4、5、6项以小罗马数字标页码,目录内容字体小四号)7.正文(introduction,body,conclusion)8.参考文献(bibliography)9.附录(有则提供)1.字体:英语用timesnewroman;汉语用宋体.2.字号:标题一律用粗体(boldface);章的标题居中,与正文空两行,每章要开新页;其余标题靠左顶格,上下各空一行间距.一级标题(章标题):三号字体;二级标题:小三号字体;三级标题:四号字体;四级标题:小四号字体.正文字体大小:小四号字体.3.标题序号:文章总标题(小二号字体)chapterone……引文:少于四行的直接引文置于双引号内;超过四行(包括四行)的引文要与正文隔开,上下各空一行,左边缩进10个字母;如所引原文第一行有缩进,则该行在论文中再缩进三个字母的间距,即引文第一行缩进13个字符;字体小1号使用(即五号字体);行距为1.5.图表:图表应有与内容相符的明确标题;图的标记以第二章图一为例则为:figure2—1,依此类推;表的标记以第二章表一为例则为:table2—1,依此类推.6.行距:除四行及以上引文行距为1外,全文为1.25倍或18磅.二、引文注释规范1.注释或引用分为文内注和文末参考文献两种形式.文内注置于圆括号内,紧跟在引用内容之后;应标出作者姓(名)和页码,之间不用标点,如(bhabha120),若同一作者有多部著作引用,则应在作者姓后分别注出该著作出版年份,如,(weiss1998:76)、(weiss2002:104),等.若在文内已提供被引用者姓名,则只要将引文页码置于圆括号内.若引文文献著者有同姓者,应提供其名的首字母.若著者为多位,可在第一位著者姓之后用“等等”(etal.),也可提供所有著者姓,之间用逗号分隔.若著者为汉语姓氏,提供汉字全名,以免混淆.若引文页码有起止范围,在起止页码之间用单横线连接;若页码有两个及以上,中间用逗号分隔.若引用为间接来源,则应第一引用者姓(名)前注出“转引自”(字样.文内注示例:briantavessuggestssomeinterestingconclusionsregardingthe philosophyandpoliticsoftheadventurefilm(153-54,171).georgemayberry,writinginthenewrepublic,referredto itasa“deeplyandtragicallyhuman”story(108);andedwinj.lukas,inthea nnalsoftheamericanacademyofpoliticalandsocialscience,hailed itasessentialreadingforprofessionalsconcernedwiththecrimina lpersonality(216).theauthorsofwomen’swaysofknowingmakeadistinctionbetween “separateknowing”and“connectedknowing”(belenkyetal.100-30).(多位作者也可以注出所有著者姓,中间用逗号分隔.)。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Bibliography FormatsA bibliography should cite all the sources used in preparing a speech—including Internet documents, personal interviews, and television programs, as well as print materials such as books, newspaper and magazine articles, reference works, government documents, and the like. There are a number of bibliographical formats, and you should check with your instructor to see which she or he wants you to follow. Examples of the two major formats—from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA)—are provided below.Book: Single AuthorMLA Ramos, Jorge. Dying to Cross: The Worst Immigrant Tragedy in American History. New York:Harper, 2005. 姓名一个全拼,一个只有开头字母(目的是为了防止性别歧视)。


APA Ramos, J. (2005). Dying to cross: The worst immigrant tragedy in American history. New York: HarperCollins. 书名一个用title case,一个sentence case,均用斜体(相当于中文书名号)。

Book: Two or More AuthorsMLA Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores theHidden Side of Everything. New York: Morrow-Harper, 2005. 注意第一作者和第二作者的姓名顺序不一样。

APA Levitt, S. D., & Dubner, S. J. (2005). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York: William Morrow. 出版社地址若有重复的,如Columbus一般还要有州。

Book: Second or Later EditionMLA Fishman, Stephen. The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More. 2nd ed. Berkeley: Nolo, 2004.APA Fishman, S. (2004). The public domain: How to find & use copyright-free writings, music, art, & more (2nd ed.). Berkeley: Nolo. 注意版本号在括号里。

Book: Corporate AuthorMLA Mayo Clinic Health Information. Mayo Clinic Guide to Women's Cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information, 2005.包括州的地名。

APA Mayo Clinic Health Information. (2005). Mayo clinic guide to women's cancers. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic Health Information.Book: Anthology or CompilationMLA Sloane, Thomas O., ed. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.APA Sloane, T. O. (Ed.). (2001). Encyclopedia of rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press. 注意Ed.是大写的,且带点。

Chapter in Anthology or CompilationMLA Lucas, Stephen E. "Public Speaking." Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Ed. Thomas O. Sloane. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 640-47.APA Lucas, S. E. (2001). Public Speaking. In T. O. Sloane (Ed.), Encyclopedia of rhetoric(pp. 640-647). New York: Oxford University Press. 单页时用p. 67Signed Magazine Article APA杂志和学术期刊格式出杂志有月份外同,MLA有区别MLA Johnson, Steven. "Your Brain on Video Games: Could They Actually be Good for You?" Discover July 2005: 38-43.APA Johnson, S. (2005, July). Your brain on video games: Could they actually be good for you?Discover, 26, 38-43.还要有总期数,注意书的页码和杂志的不一样。

杂志不用 (pp. 66-77) 格式。

Unsigned Magazine ArticleMLA "Banking for Native Americans: On the Trail." Economist19 Feb. 2005: 70. 注意年月日顺序不同APA Banking for native Americans: On the trail. (2005, February 19). Economist, 374, 70. 有总期数Journal Article, Continuous PaginationMLA Molinsky, Andrew L., Mary Anne Krabbenhoft, Nalini Ambady, and Y. Susan Choi特殊姓名. "Cracking the Nonverbal Code: Intercultural Competence and Gesture Recognition Across Cultures." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 36 (2005): 380-395.APA Molinsky, A. L., Krabbenhoft, M. A., Ambady, N., & Choi, Y. S. (2005). Cracking the nonverbal code: Intercultural competence and gesture recognition across cultures. Journal ofCross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 380-395.Journal Article, Noncontinuous PaginationMLA Gómez, Christina. "Latino Diversity and Political Representation." Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies 1.2 (2004): 19-32.APA Gómez, C. (2004). Latino diversity and political representation. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies, 1(2), 19-32.Signed Newspaper ArticleMLA Elliot, Andrea. "In a Now-Suspicious America, Muslim Converts Face Discrimination." New York Times 30 Apr. 2005, natl. ed.: A13.APA Elliot, A. (2005, April 30). In a now-suspicious America, Muslim converts face discrimination. New York Times, p. 13A.Unsigned Newspaper ArticleMLA "Fatal Error: Seat-Belt Use Less in Pickups." Chicago Tribune 16 May 2005, Midwest ed., sec.1: 6.APA Fatal error: Seat-belt use less in pickups. (2005, May 16). Chicago Tribune, section 1, p. 6. Signed Newspaper EditorialMLA Reyes, Raul A. "Cinco de Mayo and Social Security." Editorial. USA Today 6 May 2005, final ed.: 13A.APA Reyes, R. A. (2005, May 6). Cinco de Mayo and social security [Editorial].USA Today, p. 13A. Unsigned Newspaper EditorialMLA "Sesame Street's Private Road." Editorial. Christian Science Monitor 12 May 2005: 8.APA Sesame street's private road [Editorial]. (2005, May 12). Christian Science Monitor, p. 8. Government PublicationMLA United States. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Indicators of Equal Employment Opportunity—Status and Trends. Washington: GPO, 2004.APA U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004). Indicators of equal employment opportunity—Status and trends. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Signed Article in Reference WorkMLA Alvarez-Smith, Alma. "Pantoja, Antonia." Encyclopedia of Latino Popular Culture. Ed. Cordelia Chávez Candelaria. 2 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004.APA Alvarez-Smith, A. (2004). Pantoja, Antonia. In C. C. Candelaria (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Latino popular culture (Vol. 2, pp. 613-614). Westport, CT: Greenwood.Unsigned Article in Reference WorkMLA "Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart." African-American Political Leaders. Ed. Charles W. Carey, Jr. New York: Facts on File, 2004.APA Pinchback, Pinckney Benton Stewart. (2004). In C. W. Carey, Jr. (Ed.), African-American political leaders (pp. 212-215). New York: Facts on File.Personal InterviewMLA Velasquez, Andrew. Personal interview. 12 July 2005.APA A. Velasquez (personal communication, July 12, 2005)Letter or E-Mail CommunicationMLA Ahmed, Mohammed. E-mail interview. 11 Feb. 2005.APA M. Ahmed (personal communication, February 11, 2005) 注意APA格式的不同日期形式Speech or LectureMLA Huang, Wensha. Lecture on water pollution. Geography 212: Environmental Science. University of Florida. 25 Feb. 2005.APA Huang, W. (2005, February 25). Water pollution [Lecture]. In Geography 212: Environmental science. University of Florida.Television ProgramMLA "Medical Tourists." Narr. Bob Simon. I. CBS. WCBS, New York. 24 Apr. 2005.APA Olian, C. (Producer). (2005, April 24). Medical tourists [Television broadcast]. In Sixty minutes. New York: Columbia Broadcasting System.FilmMLA The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till. Dir. Keith A. Beauchamp. SJL Management, 2004.APA Beauchamp, K. A. (Director). (2004). The untold story of Emmett Louis Till [Motion picture].United States. (Available from SJL Management, 400 East 58th Street, Suite 7G, New York, NY 10022)Article in Scholarly Journal Reprinted OnlineMLA Frith, Katherine, Ping Shaw, and Hong Cheng. "The Construction of Beauty: A Cross-CulturalAnalysis of Women's Magazine Advertising." Journal of Communication 55.1 (2005): 56-70.27 Apr. 2005 </cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdf>.APA Frith, K., Shaw, P., & Cheng, H. (2005). The construction of beauty: A cross-cultural analysis of women's magazine advertising. Journal of Communication, 55, 56-70. Retrieved April 27, 2005, from /cgi/reprint/55/1/56.pdfArticle in Online Scholarly JournalMLA Kelsey, Kathleen D., and Alan D'souza. "Student Motivation for Learning at a Distance: DoesInteraction Matter?" Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 7.2 (2004): 13 pp.30 Apr. 2005 </%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.html>.APA Kelsey, K. D., & D'souza, A. (2004). Student motivation for learning at a distance: Doesinteraction matter? Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 7(2). Retrieved April 30, 2005, from /%7Edistance/ojdla/summer72/kelsey72.htmlOnline Government PublicationMLA United States. Dept. of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting. Annual Energy Outlook 2005 With Projections to 2025. Feb. 2005. 13 May 2005 </oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdf>.APA United States Department of Energy, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting. (2005,February). Annual energy outlook 2005 with projections to 2025. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from /oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2005).pdfOnline Newspaper ArticleMLA Wulfhorst, Ellen. "Study: Blogs Haven't Displaced Media." Washington Post 16 May 2005. 17 May 2005 </wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/16/AR2005051600884.html>.APA Wulfhorst, E. (2005, May 16). Study: Blogs haven't displaced media. Washington Post. Retrieved May 17, 2005, from Online EditorialMLA Kinsley, Michael. "Remember: You Can't Swat a Fly with a Computer." Editorial. Los Angeles Times 8 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-ed>.APA Kinsley, M. (2005, May 8). Remember: You can't swat a fly with a computer [Editorial]. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /news/opinion/la-oe-kinsley8may08,1,7723084.column?coll=la-util-op-edOnline Magazine ArticleMLA Herper, Matthew. "Race-Based Medicine Arrives." 10 May 2005. 11 May 2005 </business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.html>.APA Herper, M. (2005, May 10). Race-based medicine arrives. . Retrieved May 11, 2005, from /business/2005/05/10/cx_mh_0509racemedicine.htmlDocument Accessed from Online ServiceMLA McCartney, Anthony. "Online Thieves Are Fishing For Suckers." Tampa Tribune 9 Feb. 2005: 9. Academic Universe: News. Lexis-Nexis. Memorial Library, Madison, WI. 4 June 2005</universe/>.APA McCartney, A. (2005, February 9). Online thieves are fishing for suckers. Tampa Tribune. Retrieved April 29, 2005, from Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe database.Online Document from BroadcastMLA "Paleontologist Disputes Altering Discovery." . 2005. Cable News Network. 13 May 2005 </2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap/index.html>.APA Paleontologist disputes altering discovery. (2005, May 13). Cable News Network. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from /2005/TECH/science/05/13/paleontologist.movies.ap/index.html参考文献文献一般英文在前,中文在后,按英文字母和汉语拼音排序。
