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1. The film____ already ____ (see) . I ___ (see) it last week.

2. ___ his work ____(finish) today ? Not yet .

3. ___ you ____(be) to Hong Kong ? Yes, I _____(be) there twice .

4. His homework_______ just ______ (finish)

5. _______ the young woman ever ______(travel) to England?

6. _____ each of you ___(read) “Gone with the wind” yet?

7. Have any new CDs? _______(get) by you?

8. My family have never _______ (be) to Sanya.

9. In English class, English words ____(study) every day.Yesterday the word "exam" ____(study)by us.the word "exam"______(study) already,and now we can use it!

10 I_____(tell) the story by my mother before.

11 We _____(teach) a lot about social studies by Mrs.Brown since September.

12 Three bopks ______(write) by the young man in the past two years.All of them arevery popular. the first one _______(write)by him in 2001.

13.Pictures ______(paint) by her for ten years.

14.( ) Mr. Dong _______ actually _______ in Sunshine Town since he was very young.

A. have …lived

B. has…lived

C. have…live

D. has …living

15.( )----Do you know Yao Ming very well?

----Of course !. a lot of news about him _________on TV so far.

A. has been read

B. am reading

C. have read

D. reads

16.( )---No w Nanjing is so beautiful that I can’t recognize it when I came back.

---Yes. Great changes _______________ in the past ten years.

A. has taken place

B. have taken place

C. took place

D. take place

17.( )--Where is my English book ? --I __________it here but I can’t find it now.

A. putted

B. have just put

C. was putting

D. am putting

18.( )It’s 7:30. I can’t believe you _______ cooking dinner yet, Sandy.

A. didn’t start

B. haven’t started

C. don’t start

D. won’t sta rt

19.( ) Mother ____me a new coat yesterday. I _______ it on. It fits me well.

A. had made…have tried

B. made…have tried

C. has made…tried

D. made…tried

20.( ) “H orses ____to draw already”. “When ______ he learn?” “Last year”

A.learned...has B. learned...did C. ha ve been learned...did D. has learned (i)

21.( ) Tom _____up into the tree. Look, he ____ high up there !

A. has get…is

B. has climbed…was

C. got …was

D. climbed…is

22.( ) ____ the text _____ by you _____ ? Yes, we ____ it two hours ago.


B. Have…copied…already…have

C. Has…been copied…yet…did

D. Did …copy…ever…had

23.( ) ---Have you got the plan ready ______? ---No,_________.

A. already , not yet

B. yet , not yet

C. already , I ha ven’t

D. ever , not yet

24. What ____ Jane ____ by the time he was sever?

A. did, do

B. has, done C did, did. D. had, done
